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Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 4:01 pm
by madroswellfan
lol oops lol
Ta :)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:58 am
by littleroswell
Ok, had another idea. Anyone interested?

Destiny and Fate are twin sisters who, as they were growing up, often got into mischief when playing with their powers with mortal humans. Humans knew of them but not that they were real people and that there were two of them and often blamed one for the other's actions. Often they were just trying to help and many times they did but other times, they created problems and chaos. As they get older Destiny understood that sometimes she should leave well enough alone and let humans decide for themselves but Fate decided she liked playing with the humans, not yet realizing that her fun had dire consequences sometimes.

Therefore, Destiny challenges her sister. She claims that humans would do better without their interference except occasionally...that if left alone, humans would choose their own path no matter what they thought destiny or fate had in store for them. Fate laughs at her pointing out that there are entire cultures and groups that practically worship them, waiting on their help for everything. She accepts her sister's challenge and then sets the stakes. Knowing that Destiny has had her eye on a particular human, she tells her that if she can make him fall in love with her and choose her over the woman that Fate picks out for him, then she will concede the point and only interfere when Destiny agrees it's ok. But if he chooses the woman he picks out for him, then Destiny has to agree to leave her to her fun and also to occasionally join her as they used to as children.

Destiny agrees and joins the world as Liz Parker, the woman who falls in love with Max Evans at first sight. Not about to lose out on all her fun and wanting to be close to her sister as she used to, Fate finds a loophole in their agreement and also joins the human world as Tess Harding, Max's "fated" wife. When Destiny finds out that Fate has cheated, she is mad at first but then decides to give her sister a taste of her own medicine and introduces the man of her choice for her sister when she finds out that Kyle Valenti is attracted to Tess. Encouraging Kyle to woo her sister, Tess/Fate is torn between trying to win the bet and following her heart which is pulling her towards Kyle. When Kyle finds out who Liz really is, he begs for her help to win Tess’ heart with just a little bit of her power. Liz realizes that Kyle is a descendant of the misrepresented human known as Valentine who understood love like no other, and has his own power in his genes to win her heart…at least she hopes so. When she sees the determination in her sister, she is tempted to do what she was trying to convince her sister wasn’t needed…to interfere with her powers.

Eventually, the sisters come to an understanding and settle their differences, coming to a compromise, and becoming close once again in the meantime.

What do you think? Would anyone be willing to play along? LOL!

Edited to add: Ok, the twins' parents? Why they are Mother Nature and Father Time of course. Also, Liz and Tess come to understand each other's views when they watch Alex and Isabel and Maria and Michael. These are two couples that would be perfect for each other. Just when Tess/Fate is about to step in to help Maria and Michael get together, they end up together without her help, even though it looks like it would never happen without her interference. Liz/Destiny realizes that even though Alex and Isabel would be perfect together, they don't run in the same circles and are never around each other except in classes. (I decided to set it in college) If she (Liz/Destiny) doesn't do something, they will graduate soon and never get together and be miserable for the rest of their lives, never finding true love again.

So now, do I hear anyone's opinion of this idea?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:40 am
by FaithfulAngel24
Awesome Idea!!!

I'd love to play! :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:35 am
by madroswellfan
I have a vague idea that I wanted to ask if anyone would be intrested before I develop it...

Would anyone be intrested in a Dawson's Creek Crossover?
Couplewise Im currently thinking
(Chris Wolfe?)/Isabel

I was also thinking of some sort of multi crossover with a few characters from each show. (Eg, Smallville, Dawson's Creek, Supernatural and any other anyone else suggests/wants)
Any interest?

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:41 pm
by Anna-Liisa
Aww, Jack/Kyle sounds like a cute pairing (I've actually read a fic about those two). I'd definitely read the rpg if you make it ^^

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:46 am
by madroswellfan
Title: Things Change
Rate: Adult
Couples: CC but Kyle/Isabel

Set after S3. Whilst on the road the FBI catch up with them. They capture Liz and take her away. They completely change her appearance, including her DNA and body in the hopes that this will mean the aliens can't find her.

Max, with Isabels help connected to Liz and tries to find out where she is. The FBI have new technology to detect this and immediately blasted Liz with huge amounts of electricty. Max found out where she is though and goes to her rescue to find that Liz can now control electricity. She insisted he leaves whilst she released the power inside of her to destroy the compoud as well as herself.

Max goes back with the others and used the healing stones to revive her.

They believe the FBI are gone and return to Roswell, only to find that the FBI have killed Liz's parents. The Evans have bought the Crashdown, but kept it closed and gives it back to Liz. Maria's mom and Valenti are now an item and sharing a house. Isabel goes to live back with the Evans.

Liz doesn't handle things well, and as her DNA is different, acts differently too.

Maria finds it hard to ajust to her new best friend and is haveing problems with Michael. Michael is convinced that the FBI are still after them.

Isabel misses Jesse like crazy, but is finding some comfort in Kyle. Kyle is helping her all he can.

I have the further basic plot line in my head, as this was originally going to be a fanfiction, but I don't have time to write it. Just wanted to put this out there to see what people think.

Liz: MadRoswellFan
The Evans:

And later

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:50 am
by madroswellfan
Ok i developed those two ideas and came up with

Idea 1 POSTED as Mystique
Title: (Don't know :? any help with this would be appreciated!)
Crossover with: Dawson's Creek, Smallville, Supernatural, Buffy
Couples: Intirely depends on the players so CC/UC (probably more likely to be UC)

The Roswell gang are not chased out of Roswell by the FBI. Everything is the same up to the last episode. The gang graduated and all go to Boston to go to college. Jesse left Isabel because he couldn't handle Isabel's secret, but promised never to reveal it.
In Boston there are two colleges, Worthington and Boston Bay. (like in DC)

Characters are either in one of these two colleges or out working, but are in Boston

Characters (Please note we won't have ALL of these characters (probably) but these are what I suggest as ideas for whoever wants):
Max - Boston Bay (after missing so much of his final year didn't get the grades to go to Worthington), lives in a rented house with Michael, Maria, Kyle and Isabel
Liz - Worthington, lives on campus, shares room with Lana
Maria - Boston Bay, lives in a rented house with Michael, Max, Kyle and Isabel
Michael - Works at resteraunt, lives in a rented house with Maria, Max, Kyle and Isabel
Kyle - Boston Bay, lives in a rented house with Michael, Max, Maria and Isabel (NB, the character can be played gay(ie possible hook up for Jack) or straight)
Isabel - Working (up to player where) lives in a rented house with Michael, Max, Kyle and Maria
Dawson (DC) - Boston Bay, lives at Grams
Joey (DC) - Worthington on campus (with Willow)
Pacey (DC) - Works at a resteraunt (same one as Michael!) lives on a boat
Jack (DC) - Boston, lives at frat house
Clark (SV) - Boston Bay, lives at frat house
Lana (SV) - Worthington lives on campus, shares room with Liz
Chloe (SV) - Works as a reporter, currently staying at hotel
Dean (SN) - Works to rid the world of evil, staying at hotel
Sam (SN) - Worthington, on Campus (needs male roommate if someone wants to add!)
Buffy (BtVS) - Boston Bay shares a small flat with Zander and Angel.
Willow (BtVS) - Worthington, lives with Joey on campus (is witch)
Xander (BtVS) - Works as builder (flat with Angel and Buffy)
Angel (BtVS/A) - Good Vampire (flat with Angel and Buffy)

Dean has come to Boston because he believes a mighty powers is building. This power is Kivar, who is going to destroy the royal four once and for all. The Council have also felt this power and therefore sends Buffy, who brings the gang with her. At first Buffy and Dean think each other are the enemy.
Clark's dad is actually Kivar, "Jor-el" being a nickname. He doesn't know this yet. Kivar is determined to get Clark to turn evil (whether he does or not is down to player)

Current Couples:

When the characters are settled in there will be a huge frat party which all characters will attend (not all for the reason to drink and have fun!)

Cast (Essentials): (Anyothers can be taken from the list above too but these are the ones we definitely need!)
Max: MadRoswellFan
Liz: StormWolfstone *awaiting sample post*
Buffy: FaithfulAngel *awaiting sample post*
Kivar: MadRoswellFan
Joey: MadRoswellFan

Willow: StormWolfstone *awaiting sample post*
Pacey: StormWolfstone *awaiting sample post*

Idea 2:
Title: Roswell Creek
Crossover with DC, no aliens
Rating: ADULT
Couples: Max/Joey
Chris Wolfe/Isabel

Roswell is Capeside (still called Roswell). Max and Isabel are still brother and sister.
Currently there are 3 friendship groups.
Dawson, Joey, Jack and Pacey.
Maria, Max, Alex, Isabel
Michael, Andie, Kyle, Chris Wolfe

Current relationships:
Andie/Chris Wolf
(Note: Dawson loves Joey, Isabel loves Alex, Michael likes andie)

Jen and Liz are sisters and move to town to live with there grams after there Mom couldn't handle there partying ways.

Characters can be played however you wish, but try and make them a bit different from the shows.

When characters are settled in, the highschool will have a dance and everyone will attend:

Liz: StormWolfstone *awaiting sample post*
Maria: FaithfulAngel *awaiting sample post*
Joey: MadRoswellFan
Pacey: StormWolfstone *awaiting sample post*
Chris Wolfe

Rules (applies to both rpgs):
1) Long posts (at least two paragraphs) with expression. I know I always say that and never inforce but I really would like to see it in this one
2) I'd like sample posts and bios (Pics are only necessary if you play a non-Roswell role).
3) No rushing! No drastic changes to the story line unless you've contacted me and other players involved.
4) If you aren't going to be a round for a while, please say so I can arrange a temp. If we don't here for you for a while and you don't tell me I will recast.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:42 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
Wow, Mad I am really impressed!!!!

I want to be Buffy in Idea 1

I want to be Maria in Idea 2

Please!!! :wink:

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:49 pm
by madroswellfan
Lol! So glad to see you like Faith!
Will need audition posts but will put awaiting sample posts :)

Guys slight change to idea one, only characters ive said can be included!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:23 am
by madroswellfan

I know I know, its me again.... but this one wont leave my head, so I want to hear what you guys think :)

Title: The Clinic
Rate: ADULT (no aliens)
Disclaimer: I don't own a thing :( My bad!
Couples: M/L M/M A/I K/T Jesse/Serena

Summary: The Clinic - The Rehab that has had some big names and some people with serious problems come through there doors.
Rules of The Clinic:
1) No painkillers
2) No smoking
3) No caffinated coffee
4) ABSOLUTELY no relationships (except Jesse and Isabel, because well...he's the boss, and he makes the rules!)

Max - Serious Alcholic
Liz - Doctor
Maria - Drug Abuser
Michael - Body Guard ( To keep people out and in!)
Alex - Shrink
Isabel - Front Desk, and general assistant
Kyle - International Footballer, who on his first time of using drugs got caught and shipped here
Tess - Alcholic - 3rd re-amittance
Jesse - The boss of The Clinic
Serena - Needles abusers, self halms

Starts off Jesse/Isabel, but things start to evolve between people and rules get broken....

Max: MadRoswellFan
Liz: Buffsteraddict *pending bio*
Isabel: KarenEvans *pending bio*

1) Long posts (at least two paragraphs) with expression.
2) I'd like bios
3) No rushing! No drastic changes to the story line unless you've contacted me and other players involved.
4) If you aren't going to be a round for a while, please say so I can arrange a temp. If we don't here for you for a while and you don't tell me I will recast