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Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:55 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Max’s movements are awkward at best. I feel positively awful but could I have really let it gone farther. We are still in the ‘getting to know you’ process. Still I feel like Max and I have this unspoken connection that I’ve never come close to having with anyone else I have ever been with. The rules of dating are confusing as it is but add in the fact that your honey is an Alien King who needs to get in your pants to help populate the earth is a tad on the weird side.

Now I am starting to sound like Maria. I should call her soon and let her no what’s going on. I just kind of dropped the marriage bomb and bolted. No doubt she’s worried sick. Max gives me a sad smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. I know this because it seems he is now deliberately avoiding my gaze. Great going Parker. Still the gentlemen he assists me with my chair before shuffling to the other side of the table.

"So, uh....what exactly are these?” He questions gesturing toward the steamy food. I inhale deeply taking in the delicious scent. “Mmmm…egg rolls.” I begin dispensing the meal starting with Chow Mein. I follow that with Brown rice and Sesame Seed Chicken. Once I have both his and my plate filled to capacity I begin to eat hoping that some sustenance will ease the nervous flutter in my stomach. Not one to let thing go unsaid I pipe up,

“Um…Max about before?” I trail off searching for the appropriate words to convey such precious meaning. “It’s not that I didn’t want to uh…take the next step in human/alien relations I just… I want it to be special.” Not wanting to convey the wrong meaning I continue, “I just figured we’d wait until we got married to…” What’s the right word? “Consummate everything.” I blush sixteen shades of red. Here I am a grown woman and I am behaving like a naïve school girl.

“I didn’t realize I’d want you so badly. It sort of threw me off. I‘m sorry if I upset you.”

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:12 pm
by madroswellfan
“Mmmm…egg rolls.” She starts to serve us food and I look down trying to find anything I can talk about. Anything at all that will make this silence go away. Anything I can do to stop it. ANYTHING.

“Um…Max about before?”

I half close my eyes as I start to eat the food she has given me. Can't we just forget it... rather than her tell me she doesnt want to kiss me.

“It’s not that I didn’t want to uh…take the next step in human/alien relations I just… I want it to be special.”
Up to the minute that she said special my heart was sinking further and further. But when she said the word special I can't help but slowly look up at her. Special? As in she want to kiss at some point again?

“I just figured we’d wait until we got married to…”
I lower my head slightly, still looking at her so that I can try and understand what she means. She doesnt want to kiss until we're married?

“Consummate everything.”
And then she blushes. Its cute, but Im still too shocked to really process it. I have absolutely no idea. She thinks what I wanted was to...have sex?

“I didn’t realize I’d want you so badly. It sort of threw me off. I‘m sorry if I upset you.”
Upset me??? She wants me??
I swallow as I try to think of a way to put accurately across to her who I am.... what I think.

I take a deep breath before saying, "Liz Im sorry." I can see she didn't expect those three words, so I continue, "Liz... consumating... that was the furthest thing from my mind, and Im sorry if you thought.... if you thought it was." I close my eyes for a moment as I try to work out what I want to say to her. "Liz....we antarians...its generally expected that we don't do that until we're joined up on Antar. Its assumed... especially for me. Liz I haven't.... I havent and I wasnt expecting to. I wasnt even sure that when we were.... were married that you would even want to."

I look down knowing this is sounding rather pathetic so I add, "Liz, I know Im sounding probably really pathetic right now but since you brought it up I want you to know where we stand." I swallow and look up, directly into her beautiful eyes and say, "Liz... we kissed. And if you want to forget that we did thats fine, but if its alright with you Im gonna cherish that in my mind." I breathe slowly before adding, "And I can say that absolutely nothing you have done nor that I can imagine you doing could upset me Liz." I breathe again before finally stating, "And for the record....I've felt kinda off balance since I met you because, I want you badly too."

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 7:17 am
by Sternbetrachter

Glancing over at Isabel, I smile when I see she's still asleep and I feel bad about having to wake her up because we are already landing. Even on time, I must say after looking at my watch.

I briefly allow my eyes to roam all over my co-traveller, once again amazed by how beautiful the Antarian princess is. Too bad that she's against Antarian-Human bondings. Oh well, this trip is work and not pleasure after all.

"Isabel?" I softly shake her shoulders a bit, not wanting to wake her up too harshly, "Isabel, you have to wake up, we'll start landing in a few minutes."[/b]

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:23 am
by FaithfulAngel24

I remain on baited breath for several moments. He seems stunned by my confession. Oh no what have I done? Now he thinks I am a total psycho and must want nothing more to do with me. I can’t believe I blew this. Thousands of women applied and he actually chose me. Me! What did I do? I ruined it all.

"Liz I’m sorry." Huh? Okay, that’s a bit of a shocker. Why is he sorry? Probably because I just made a total and complete idiot of myself. "Liz... consummating... that was the furthest thing from my mind, and I’m sorry if you thought.... if you thought it was." Really? I mean he’s an alien sure but he’s also just a guy. That’s usually the first thing on their agenda.

"Liz....we Antarians...its generally expected that we don't do that until we're joined up on Antar. Its assumed... especially for me. Liz I haven't.... I haven’t and I wasn’t expecting to. I wasn’t even sure that when we were.... were married that you would even want to." Whoa what a minute. He’s never… I mean he couldn’t be a…. The look on his face says it all. Max is still a virgin. I am completely baffled. He didn‘t think I‘d want to have sex when we got married?

"Liz, I know I’m sounding probably really pathetic right now but since you brought it up I want you to know where we stand." Poor Max this is really hard on him. I suddenly have the urge to erase the distance that separate us and place a kiss on his forehead. Clearly worried he swallows harshly before looking up to meet my eyes.

"Liz... we kissed. And if you want to forget that we did that’s fine, but if its alright with you I’m gonna cherish that in my mind." My heart quite literally skips a beat. How is it possible that he can convey such sincere and honest feeling. I‘ve never had a guy be forthcoming with me before. Even if they had I don‘t think it would have been like this. Max is showing me the joy in all sorts of firsts.

"And I can say that absolutely nothing you have done nor that I can imagine you doing could upset me Liz." He is so sweet. Surely there is a catch somewhere. No one can be this perfect. Can they? "And for the record....I've felt kinda off balance since I met you because, I want you badly too." That’s it. I’m done. I’m done fighting all these feelings. For once in my life I am not going to analyze every single detail. I am going to trust my instincts. My gut tells me that Max is the real deal.

“If we are going to do this…I mean really do this I don’t want do it halfway. Max…after the wedding I still want to have a relationship with you. I don’t want to be joined by name only.” My voice quivers do to my nervousness. “I want a marriage. That means that we will not only share a bed but our lives as well. I know this started out as a merger between species but I feel as if things are shifting. That kiss meant something."

All my childish fears are laid to rest when he looks at me. “I want to start this adventure with you.” Reaching out across the table I place my hand on top of his. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:57 am
by madroswellfan
“If we are going to do this…I mean really do this I don’t want do it halfway. Max…after the wedding I still want to have a relationship with you. I don’t want to be joined by name only.”
A relationship... as in....

"I want a marriage. That means that we will not only share a bed but our lives as well. I know this started out as a merger between species but I feel as if things are shifting. That kiss meant something." A slow smile creeps on to my face....

And then she puts her hand on top of mine.
“I want to start this adventure with you.”

Ok, now Im grinning. A full out, 100%, top of the world grin. Quickly I try to make it less... scary and make it to a normal smile. "I couldnt imagine doing it with anyone else Liz..." I say with a smile. I take her hand in mine and gently brush my thumb across her soft skin. "Everything you just said... I want that Liz. I want that with you."

Ok... Im so tempted to get up and kiss her right now but after last time...Im gonna think twice. Im not sure what the drink is so I look up and ask, "Liz...what are we drinking....just curious?" I ask as I take a sip. Immediately the world seems.....different. I watch in amazement as two perfect Lizzie's appear before me. "This is niiiice...." I say with a BIG smile - its probably a manic grin but - heh whatever.....

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:15 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Wow, Max has never looked happier. I watch in amazement as his smile widens and then joy fills is eyes. He’s so open. It’s as if he doesn’t put up a shield to keep people out. It’s that courage that attracts me the most.

"I couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else Liz..."He never ceases to surprise me. His words are both comforting and thrilling. We are really going to do this. I’m getting married! His thumb brushes over the top of my palm in such a delicate fashion that I feel precious and treasured. I’ve never felt more wanted.

"Everything you just said... I want that Liz. I want that with you." I want it too. I can’t wait to start our life together as man and wife. "Liz...what are we drinking....just curious?" I am just about to answer when he takes a swallow. "This is niiiice.” His grin widens and I notice an instant change in him. “It’s red wine. Tastes pretty good doesn’t it?” He seems impressed. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:26 am
by madroswellfan
“It’s red wine. Tastes pretty good doesn’t it?”
Immediately I start chuckling with laughter. "Its gooood. Gooooood!" I say laughing very hard now. So hard that I end up falling off my chair. And it only makes me laugh harder.

"I fell..." I say lamely, as I look up and see Liz's shoes and well....beautiful legs. "Nice legs..." I say with a grin. I force myself to get off the floor, and I upright the chair once more - backwards - and sitting onon it. "Sooo Lizzie... the food is good....but my tongue feels....heavy....!" I say slowing with each word.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:19 am
by Sternbetrachter

"Isabel, you have to wake up, we'll start landing in a few
Alex's soft voice drifted in to my consciousness and I
turned slightly in my seat.

I just wanted to keep sleeping. I had hardly slept, envying that Alex
seemed to go out like a light as soon as he was done watching the
inflight movie. I on the other hand, couldn't get comfy and could
finally only go t sleep three hours before landing.

"Hmm...I'm getting up, just two minutes more please." I mumbled, not
opening my eyes but I heard him cluck disapprovingly so sat up,
immediately moving my hand over my face to freshen up and then putting on my seat-belt.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:29 am
by Sternbetrachter

"Hmm...I'm getting up, just two minutes more please."

I make an annoyed sound at that. I dont mind Isabel being asleep but if something happens during landing and she gets hurt, guess who'll get the blame? Right, me!

Luckily she does get up quickly though and fastens up her seatbelt without me having to bother her again.

"We're lucky it's a clear day, we can see quite a bit of the land during the landing." I comment, looking out the window, not minding that much that Isabel has the window seat - it's her first trip to Africa after all. She should have the front row.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:44 am
by Sternbetrachter

I look out the window, taking in the beautiful landscape of South
Africa, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. "Oh's
breath-taking." I comment and turn to him with a smile "Is someone
coming to receive us?"