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Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:40 pm
by Luvya
OOC- Alex's eyes are orignially yellow. At the moment he has hazel contacts in.


I'm guess I'm shocked a little because I'm looking between Max, Liz and Kyle in shock. Both Liz and Kyle are here? How? Why?

“We should go Alex…” I had muted almost the whole conversation out while I was thinking this over. However Kyle manages to bring be back to reality.

I open my mouth to speak when the same guy as before- Max I think his name moves forward. I raise an eyebrow.

"You're not leaving, yet," He speaks with a firmness I didn't actually think he had.

"Do you think you're threatening us?" I finally question him with a small laugh, "I hope you realize that the three of us could have you and that guy down on the ground in about..." I turn my head towards Kyle, "What was our fastest time?"

Suddenly a blonde comes in extreemly panicked. I bite my lip for a couple of seconds unsure as to where the last coments came from and briefly wonder if I had channeled Maria.

"What is going on?" The blonde questions and I hesitently answer her. The best bet would be to downplay it. At Least I hope so.

"Nothing... we where just meeting the local's we'ren't we Kyle?"

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:30 pm
by isabelle

Alex starts to laugh. "Do you think you're threatening us? I hope you realize that the three of us could have you and that guy down on the ground in about... What was our fastest time?" he asks Kyle as he finishes.

I do know exactly what he can do but he's not getting to me. I have abilities, too. I clench my teeth together, jutting out my jaw, ready to act in an instant. 'Can you do it faster than thought?' are the words that come to mind but before I can speak them, Isabel suddenly comes in. As much as I'm glad to see her, her entrance reminds me that we're still far too exposed here. Anyone could see. Just the same, I'm not letting them out of my sight yet. I was startled at first but we worked too hard to let them take this away from us again. I'm not going to let that happen.

Alex says something lame about meeting the locals but I'm not amused. Turning, I tell my sister, "They're from Manticore. The super-soldiers I told you about. They're going to tell the rest of the FBI where we are." 'super-soldiers' sounds so lame but it's the only way to describe them.

I lower my voice before I go on. "I don't think they're human."

I've explained that before although I don't know that Michael or Isabel really understood. Maybe they thought it was hallucinations from the drugs or that I was just exaggerating. But those abilities, those eyes. I think they're aliens, too, just different than us. The FBI's own tame aliens. It's probably what they wanted to do with us.


Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:55 pm
by Luvya

I nearly laugh as Max says we're going to hand them over to the FBI. They know too much about us to let them over to the FBI. I raise an eyebrow.

"Um yeah... actually I was thinking more along the lines of the crazy house." I responed. I joke when I'm nervous as well as biting my lip. Bad habit that I really need to stop. I quickly glance at Liz and then at Kyle.

"Look... I really don't want to go to the FBI either so how about we just let by gones be by gones?" I try keeping my fear hidden about going back to manticore.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:28 pm
by Athenea

Why did I help them. That’s the question isn’t it. Why? But luckily before I can even begin to respond another girl comes in and the room gets very crowded. I need to get out of here, we need to get out of here. If these people are also like the prisoner then Alex and Kyle don’t know how much danger they are in or what there up against.

While they are talking I subtly get Kyle and Alex’s attention and put a image inside therre minds of a map and the abandoned warehouse were I’ve been staying. I know they will know I mean it’s time for a tactical retreat. We’ve done this hundreds of times in field practice all we need now is a distraction. I still feel responsible for them so I will do it giving them a chance to run and separate.

I pick the cook as my victim. I enter his mind forcefully enough to make him cry out loud in pain and when that gets the others attention I then I turn around and run out the back door as fast as I can into the alley way…

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:35 pm
by Luvya

A picture of a map comes into my mind and I know it's Liz showing us a tactical retreat. An escape route. As Liz creates a distraction I know it's time to bolt. I don't know what's going to happen at the warehouse that Liz showed us because if I know any better I have a feeling there might be a show down. Or Kyle might just go somewhere else.

As the cook yelps in pain, I take one glance back sending a apologetic look that I hope nobody actually saw. I then follow Liz out the back door trying to double my speed from before. Once Liz had placed the map in my mind I had managed to figure out a sensible route.

I slow down to a jog as I come up to an abandoned warehouse. Admittedly it's a little nicer than the abandoned caravan that I had been staying at. I then sigh and head in.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:37 pm
by Loxyanissa14

Something’s not right, I can feel it. We are now evenly matched when a blonde haired beauty enters the small back room that we occupy. I’m just about to kill them when I get the message from Liz.

I wait for the moment to make my move. Liz’s distraction is quick and precise. I feel it coming before I see it and at the moment she enters his mind I’m gone. Through the back door I spotted early. I’m half way down the alley when I hear his sounds of pain.

I wish I could have been the distraction. I would have at least made one of them bleed. With out another thought I’m heading to the abandon warehouse Liz had given me the coordinates to.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 9:44 pm
by isabelle

Before I get the answers I want, Michael cries out, falling to his knees. I turn back reaching for him just as I realize that the Manticore soldiers are leaving.

"NO!" I shout. "You're not leaving until I have answers!" But they're already halfway out the door. Too late to use my shield to stop them. Someone outside will see. And Michael --

For a moment I'm torn, I throw an apologetic look at Michael and then I run outside after them. They're too damn fast. I spot Liz at the end of the alley but she's gone before I can think of chasing her. "DAMN IT!" I shout. I don't usually swear, or at least, I didn't before they grabbed me but a lot of things have changed since then. I can't believe they got away! It's all my fault.

I turn and head back inside to see Michael raising his eyes to mine. I see the accusations there. "Are you okay?" I ask, coming close and putting out my hand to touch him. Michael bats it away.

"A little late for that, Maxwell," he says darkly as he gets to his feet. "I'm fine."


Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:56 am
by Athenea

The abandoned warehouse that I have been calling home is not even a mile away from the Crashdown so in no time I am there. I didn’t look back the whole run over here but I wanted to and that nagging feeling that I didn’t do the right thing is bothering me but I push it out of my mind. I got him out of Manticore after all. Right? That should have more that made up for any wrongs, right?

He was there for a week and I was there for 16 years. I should be able to live a normal life, it’s my right afterall and he just ruined any chance I had for working at the café. Oh well it wasn’t like I liked the work or the money was good. The parkers were nice people though…

I push those thoughts out of my head. I have part of my family back. All I have to do now is convince them to forgive me. Alex will be busy, he was always the peacemaker of the group and never wanted us to fight amongst ourselves. Kyle…he’ll be a little harder to convince. Maybe we can track down the others…I really miss Maria’s smile. I hope she’s okay.

I enter the building and spot Alex and Kyle. Well time to start apologizing, I really hate admitting I was wrong but in the case of my family I would do anything for them.

“Listen guys, I know I screwed up. I should have planned our escape before instead of letting them brainwash me into believing it was for the best. What they did to us was inconceivable and I should have fought them harder but you have to understand they were using you guys against me. They made me believe if I wasn’t the their perfect little soldier then you guys would suffer for it. I should have known they were lying but I couldn’t really afford to risk your lives.”

“And when the prisoner’s friends came I saw an opportunity for us to be free and took it. Granted I didn’t think of the consequences at the time but I wasn’t thinking clearly. I just saw our ticket o freedom and didn’t think about the price we would pay for it. You don’t have to forgive me anytime soon but I think we should stick together for now. We’re better as a team than apart.” I say finishing by holding my breath hoping they’ll agree to at least stick together for awhile. I’ve missed them so much and I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want to be with my own kind.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:27 am
by Luvya

I close my eyes as Liz starts to apologize. I know that I'm going to forgive her as I hate arguments and confrontation. Hense why I tried to stop Max before.

I understand her explination and I can semi understand as to why she'd let her self be brainwashed so easily. They had threatened to harm them a couple of times if I didn't hack into the FBI or the CIA.

I never told them that though.

I open my eyes and once again I find myself looking between Kyle and Liz, wondering what Maria would say to break the tenchion. Suddenly I feel myself missing Maria and I wonder what she would do.

"They played us on each other." I finally say turning to Liz, "they knew what our main strength was the same thing as our main weakness and that was ourselves. I can't blame you for the things they did. Otherwise I'd be entirly hypocritcal and blaming myself." I then turn to Kyle.

"Liz is right. We are stronger as a team than we are on our own. It's up to you two to decide but personally I think our first main consern is Max and our second would be finding Ria," I give Liz a small squeeze on her shoulder and move over to a wiring box to see if I could get some electricity running through it.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:14 am
by StormWolfstone

One of the strangers makes a lame explanation before my brother actually informs me that they are from the place that Max was held. I feel my anger rising and if not for the fact that Tess isn't exactly here to mind warp the people in the cafe' I'd have released some of the energy I'd been building.

Before I can respond, I hear Michael cry out in pain and quickly move to his side even though my gaze remains on these three. As he leaves, I catch the slight apologetic look and can't help but narrow my eyes as my brother hesitates a moment and runs out after the strangers. Sure I'm pissed they got away, but Michael comes before any of them. And, what was with that look from that one guy?

Tess comes in a moment later, after Michael says he's okay and asks what's going on. I turn to her, "First, can you mind warp the customers and staff in the cafe, make them forget the last half hour or so. They saw something that could be a bit strange and cause for suspicion." I give my brother a look that explains what I'm thinking of how Agnes told me where he was.

"Then, we need to figure out some sort of plan... I mean... if they turn us in... we're toast. I can't believe they are here... I thought they'd be gone... maybe all dead from the fire..." I can't stand the tone in my voice as I begin imagining what could happen.