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Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:03 am
by Applebylicious
10/12/05 -

Starting a new tradition. This week's awesomest, most totally cool piece of feedback goes to TRUELOVEPOOH. This, gentle readers, is what we call "kissing zee ass".
truelovepooh wrote:First I have to say I'm so happy you finished this, well maybe HAPPY isn't the word here...when I checked my e-mail I was so in shock I had to do this:

After staring at this for several hours and realizing it wasn't a joke or a cruel trick, I finally clicked and came to read it. Of course I had to go back and start over from the begining, being as I could hardly remember what this wonderful story was about, I'm now basking in the glory that is you.

"I am not worthy of basking in the glory of your immeasurable work. Please, allow me to feast from the decadence of your skills and do not throw me to the wayside"

It's bootiful and I'm loving it, now you can tell EVERYONE how much crap and begging I had to go thru to get you to finish it :wink:

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:09 pm
by Applebylicious
11/05/05 -

Hey guys.

This is an extremely difficult note to post, because it sort of signifies the end of an era for me. I hope all of you will understand and support my decision, and not hold it against me for any reason.

As of now, I am officially resigning from writing fanfic for Roswell. This is something that has been on its way for a while now, and the only reason I've been putting it off is because of the wonderful support you all have given me. But I'm afraid my time has come to an end. I've hit my stride, and there's no point in trying to deny it to myself any longer.

I'll always treasure the time I've spent getting to know all of you, and hopefully I've succeeded in entertaining you all as well. That's all I've ever wanted to achieve.

I won't lie and say that this moment doesn't bring me a sense of great relief - as much as I love this fandom, there are things that I hate about it, as well. Those are the things I won't miss. However, the negative pales in comparison to the positive and that's what I plan on taking with me. :)

I've been writing for Roswell since the first season, and never in my wildest imagination did I dream that it would turn out this way. The way you all have taken to my stories means more to me than you'll ever know. I'd like to thank everyone who ever took the time to give me a chance, who left me feedback, who nominated me for an award, who recommended me to a friend. It's because of you that I am where I am today. And you are what has made this journey so incredible for me.

I'd like to take this time to report that just because I won't be WRITING anymore stories for Roswell, doesn't mean I won't be around. I will be - chatting, reading, keeping the Roslove alive.

I will also still be writing, for those of you interested. From now on, I'm actively writing in the Veronica Mars fandom, and you can read any further works by me at The Pink Spy Pen or at My Journal. So if you're a fan of VM, I'd love to hear from you!

And please don't be afraid to drop me a line, anyway - either via PM here, or via my email at

Last but not least, I will finish posting 4th and Inches and probably The Jade Tower, but other than that, I'm afraid I will be leaving some fics unfinished. I'm sorry for that, but I hope you can all understand my circumstances and the fact that Roswell no longer inspires me in that way. Once again, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I'll try to answer the best I know how.

It's truly been a pleasure, everyone.

Much love,

Lindsay (Applebylicious)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 1:06 am
by Applebylicious
*steps out from behind curtain*

Er, yeah, so....I'm a bit late on these. *blinks innocently* Thanks so much to everyone for nominating me; it was especially nice to find out about this even after I'm no longer an "active writer" for the fandom. You all rock, so hard!


Favorite Lead Portrayal of Liz Parker (Six Days to Sunday)
Favorite Lead Portrayal of Max Evans (Denial Ain't Just a River)
Favorite Lead Portrayal of Maria Deluca (Out With the Old...)
Favorite Supporting Portrayal of Maria Deluca (Denial Ain't Just a River)
Favorite Supporting Portrayal of Kyle Valenti (Denial Ain't Just a River)
Favorite Lead Portrayal of Tess Harding (Alone)
Best Villain (Liz in Gravity of the Situation)

*Smooches* to all, and to all a goodnight! (PS, if you don't vote for me, I promise to still appreciate you as a human being. ;) )

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 10:52 pm
by Applebylicious
Squee! Pretties, my lovelies! Lookie what I got! :)

Round 8 Parts 1-2

My Life as a Teenaged Superhero

Denial Ain't Just a River

Six Days to Sunday

Six Days to Sunday

Denial Ain't Just a River

Denial Ain't Just a River - Best Lead Portrayal of Max
Denial Ain't Just a River - Best Supporting Portrayal of Kyle
Liz in Gravity of the Situation - Best Villain
Denial Ain't Just a River - Most Memorable Scene

You like me! You really like me! life is now complete, guys. My stories love you. My characters love you. I love you.



Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:22 pm
by Applebylicious
Thanks, Selena and Ellie. :) And yes, I plan on getting around to those soon as Logan releases me from his clutches. Heh.

Have I mentioned how you guys rock? Well, you do, and here's the proof:

Round 8

Best Dreamer Fanfiction (Six Days to Sunday)

Best AU Without Aliens (Denial Ain't Just a River)

Best Fluff Fanfiction (Six Days to Sunday)

Funniest Fanfiction (Six Days to Sunday)

Favorite First Chapter (Six Days to Sunday)

Fic You Can Read Over and Over (My Life as a Teenaged Superhero)

Favorite Twist in a Fanfiction (Denial Ain't Just a River)

Best Lead Portrayal of Liz Parker (Six Days to Sunday)

Best Supporting Portrayal of Maria DeLuca (Denial Ain't Just a River)

Best Holiday Fanfiction (Black Magic Woman)
Best Fanfiction Series (To-Hell-You-Ride Series)
Best Short Story (The Earth Stopped Cold At Dawn)
Most Memorable Scene (Denial Ain't Just A River)
Best Lead Portrayal of Max Evans (Denial Ain't Just A River)
Best Villain (Liz in Gravity of the Situation)

Happy New Year everyone!

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:19 pm
by Applebylicious
01/07/06 -

Hi everyone!

Just a quick little note to let you all know that I've agreed to do an author's chat over at DAS on Tuesday, Jan. 10th starting at 10PM EST.

Consider this your chance to plead for me to finish ______ fic, although I can't promise it will happen. Or just come to hang out and have a good time! As further bribery, I'll be sending out the thorough outline to Everything's Not Lost to everyone who shows up and wants a copy.

Click on my sig to visit DAS and hope to see some of you there on Tuesday!

hugs, Lindsay

PS: I know that this time interferes with the new chat schedule at LOD, however I'll be popping into THAT chat after mine is over, or sooner if no one shows up lol.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:01 pm
by Applebylicious

Posted the outline to the remaining chapters of Everything's Not Lost today. Enjoy!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:52 pm
by Applebylicious
Hi guys. I've gotten several PM's from people in the last week or so that I haven't replied to. I just wanted to leave a gen. post letting all of you know that if you messaged me, I'm just running behind and I WILL get back to you. No need to send out the guarda. :)

out of this world yes, I'm planning to finish 4th...I'm just taking way too long LOL.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 6:49 pm
by Applebylicious

How exciting! Thanks to the people who alerted me to the fact that I'm up for a few awards over at
Memories! I'm stoked, and nervous because of the stiff competition. :)


Best Portrayal of Michael Guerin (Devil Woman)
Best Portrayal of Maria DeLuca (Devil Woman)
Best Candy Fanfiction (Devil Woman)
Best Series (Not So Little Series)

Go here to vote for your favorites!

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 8:48 pm
by Applebylicious
02/12/06 -

Fulfilled my obligation for the bet I lost to Truelovepooh and posted new fic today.

Blooming Like Winter

Try not to faint, y'all.