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Re: Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.31 12/31/08

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:09 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers! Happy New Year to Everyone! Party Hearty!
No update on January first – Enjoy your day!


Now this is getting even more interesting. I was wondering when we were going to get an update on what's happening on earth. So he now knows where the dupes are and soon will find the real Royal Four.

I can't wait to see his reaction to that.

As always Paper you've produced another amazing chapter ... can't wait for more!!! JAN :D
Thanks Jan! We have a couple more things to cover before he locates our beloved pod squad. It’s been a long hard road and our Emperor is definitely in need of a little down time.

He’s going on a little vacation outing to unwind over the holiday. When he returns, there will be major fireworks!

31 - A Clever Camouflage

Khivar mulls over the boondoggle hanging over his head.

It has been some 50 odd Terran solar cycles since they first set up camp so the Bhrillig husks are showing major signs of wear and will require replacement as soon as the new pods have reached maturity. Both General Nicholas and Major Twas Greer feel this should be done before the campaign to retake the Granolith resumes.

Khivar gloats in satisfaction when he remembers that he had Nicholas’s husk fashioned in the façade of a young boy.

He thought it was a clever prank.

He told the eager suck-up that it was done so that he could easily infiltrate the unsuspecting defenses of whoever was safeguarding the Granolith. But he’s extremely happy now, that he’s had the foresight to do so. It fits the young upstart’s personality to a “t”. And Khivar is well aware that Nicholas secretly lusted after Vilandra. The shrewd Emperor makes it his business to know everything about his underlings.

SHE would never give him a second look in his present form.

He made sure that the replacement husks would be identical. It never hurts to be too careful. The arrogant Nicholas always got things done in the end but his methods were often suspect. Hold them for close inspection and they wither under the light.

It gives Khivar supreme satisfaction to know that the “little boy” look helps keep his hubris in check.

Khivar NEVER expected this little task to wear on interminably or to generate this much inconvenience. The incompetent fool still has no clue as to the whereabouts of the Granolith! Now the bumbling half-wit has even more to do, locating the second set of clones!

He has ordered Nicholas to supply him with regularly scheduled updates now that there has been a modicum of progress.
He doesn’t need this kind of stress hampering his concentration when he is about to launch a major offensive here in the Whirligig Galaxy.

Re: Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.31 12/31/08

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:13 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers!
Janetfl wrote:Hi Paper :D ,
He doesn’t need this kind of stress hampering his concentration when he is about to launch a major offensive here in the Whirligig Galaxy.
Oh that does not sound good!!! :? :? :?
He told the eager suck-up, young upstart’s personality to a “t”, Now the bumbling half-wit has even more to do
Okay so now everytime I watch Roswell I'm not going to be able to get those descriptions of Nicholas out of my head. I was laughing my head off!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seeing Khivars point of view on Nicholas just makes him less scary for some reason. But when I watching the show and saw he was a child I LMAO!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are constantly changing my opinions of character from the show!!! I LOVE IT. It's perfect Paper.

Thanks, JAN :D
Hi Jan! I’m glad I could influence your world view of Nicholas! I like to give the background on each character to make everything more personal to the reader.
I hope you had a great New Years Eve! Hubby and I went out with 7 other couples for dinner then we danced all night. Good thing I had the whole day to recover! I needed it!
I must thank you for enlightening me on the concept of “psi”. I hope I got it right in this part!
Thank you so much for your constant feedback! I always look forward to hearing your opinion on each part. You are my rock! I hope you like this one. I made it a little longer, just for you.

Welcome noble readers. Did everyone miss Khivar yesterday? I imagine we are all salivating for more right about now.
Today, we are going on a jaunt to the Wabe and then, when Khivar returns to Capital City, there will be REAL fireworks!

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll

32 - It’s Always Greener on the Other Side

He goes about his day in a mad whirlwind of activity.

He convened Court much earlier today and there was a great deal to irritate him with each new case brought before him. Most of the participants seemed like they were just there to curry his favor and blow their own horns. He is starting to feel like he has the entire weight of the planet on his shoulders!

It’s lonely at the top.

When Court business finally concluded, he met with his advisors to go over the new “Misinformation Campaign”. Now that he’s done with the daily grind, he wants to have some REAL fun. He needs to cut loose and do something enjoyable to get his mind off of his problems.

He decides to partake of some delicious exotic fare, then he’ll visit The Wabe Nature Preserve with Tove and another one of his Generals and do some spear hunting.

Tove had been bending his ear, lately, about General Slithe. He is one of the more influential Generals at the top echelon of his elite forces. The man is a real enigma. His loyalty is unquestioned but his following has been growing in leaps and bounds. It never hurts to keep on top of these kinds of possible conflicts-of-interest.

So at Tove’s request, he was invited to join the outing.

The Wabe was one of the first things he’d had regenerated after the war had finally wound down. Serena kept going on and on about how the vegetation would improve the groundwater and help to regulate temperature and filter toxins out of the atmosphere. Yada, yada, yadda ad infinitum! Throw a few animals into the mix and voila! He had something he could have fun with.

The frumious Gauth Tigres were the most vicious breed of fhelines found in the galaxy and there were other lesser dangers inhabiting the Preserve that one would have to give a wide berth. There was even a beautiful lake but one wouldn’t want to go in the water! It would be hazardous to one’s health!

It really helped to keep him sharp and quicken his reflexes to play there. He was feeling infinitely better, just thinking about the camaraderie and friendly competition that the overnight camping trip it would entail.

+ + + + +

Clothing was sorted and provisions were packed by his competent staff while he viewed a plethora of news broadcasts on the large monitor before him. The war coverage was sparse today but the economic meltdown was up front and disheartening.

Could his citizens do nothing for themselves?

Many of the locals did not enjoy the broad spectrum of powers that Khivar could wield, but they had brute strength and strong characters.

He expected more from them.

Perhaps he should dispose of his current staff of Economic Advisors (‘kill’) and get some new blood with fresh ideas. There must be something that can be done to pull the markets out of the doldrums they are in.

He wishes he had the ability of the few lucky Bhrillig who were able to flit back and forth through the time stream from one period to another. Just think of all the things he could have done differently if he had been able to predict that Vilandra would perish or that the war would drag on forever.

Time-dodgers, as they are called, can jump from one consciousness to the next as they sense the weak-walled areas in the time stream and slip through to a previous or future event. Time flows along like a river, ebbing and swirling as it meanders on its way; even turning back upon itself in places to form a small whirl, thus flowing contrary to the main current. It is at these eddies that the opportunistic Time-dodgers can breach the walls that separate the temporal streams.

They haven’t really left their original existence. Only their psi, which is part of their unconscious mind, travels the muted openings that lead from one position to another in the stream. Their physical being remains trapped in its previous station. They sense the opening on an extra-sensory level. It is in the stronger turns of the meandering streams that the greatest advantage lies. As they jump backward, they retain the knowledge of future events.

One never really leaves their own dimension. They simply flit back and forth, traveling the plains of their own existence, even their own timeline. Insight is gathered as the traveler navigates the waters.

It’s not an exact science. No one can predict where the time pockets will form. One can push their psi thru to another time and gather information on events, then take the next exit to leap back to the former reality. But what if another opening doesn’t come along in time to do you any good? Your conscious self keeps on keepin’ on. Sometimes there is a great benefit.

Sometimes it is a supreme waste of effort and energy!

The Bhrillig also used to possess a device that could be used to dilate the time stream. Their bodies can adjust to the rapidly moving stream, whereas, other life forms cannot. The device allows them to move faster than their actual reality, as it sped up the inevitable flow of time for them and did not affect their fellow travelers. Unfortunately, the device was lost in the war.

Kavar shakes his head at where his thoughts have led. He doesn’t have this ability and the few Bhrillig that did, were killed unceremoniously during the early years of his reign. It wouldn’t do to let someone get the drop on him or have an unfair advantage!

Now that he had supped and refreshed himself, he was ready to board his Imperial Transport for the trip across continent to the exotic jungles in the South.

His guards gave the traditional three-fingered salute as he passes them. (It’s done with the palm facing away from the Emperor and the thumb and little finger are touching. The remaining three fingers are held erect to honor the recipient of the gesture. The arm is extended out and upward with a slight jerky motion to complete the movement as the hand reaches apex in the air. The elbow remains slightly bent. This stance allows the guard to remain at-the-ready and since the palm is facing the protector, there is no danger of an energy beam being released accidentally to harm their liege.) The guards hold the pose until the Emperor has passed completely.

He met General Tove and General Slithe at the Docking Entrance and they made small talk as they boarded. There would be no females to accompany them on this journey to The Wabe, so Khivar had taken his dessert earlier in his bedchamber. Now, the men laughed and joked as only well-known companions can as they flew over and ignored the devastated war-torn countryside below.

Emaciated villagers looked up at the rumble of the sleek transport overhead and prayed to the Granolith Keepers to bring them hope for a new age.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.33 1/03/09

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:34 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers!
Janetfl wrote:Hi Paper :D ,
I must thank you for enlightening me on the concept of “psi”. I hope I got it right in this part!
I think your take on 'psi' matches what Khivar would think of it and I have to say that I'm honoured that I could enlighten you on the concept!!! But I have to say that you have also helped me get an insight to Khivar. So when the group meet him ... well lets just say it's going to be one hell of a final battle... So I have to say thank you to you as well!!!!
I made it a little longer, just for you.
Ahh thank you so much ... you know I love the insight you give to Khivar!!!!!
Paper this chapter is just amazing and I liked the way you got rid of the problem about people with 'psi'!!! You never scease to amaze me with your decriptions and insight to Khivar.
Thank you so much ... Oh and have I aready told you how much I love this fic ...? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You are a genius!!!
Janetfl - As always, you are far too kind! I told my hubby he is living with a genius now and he said: “Where?” :cry:
He looked around but couldn’t find one! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am so thrilled that you still like Khivar! I hope you will enjoy our little jaunt to the Wabe. It’s really a lovely place. Filled with all kinds of mysterious and scintillating plants. I’ve always been a “plant person”. :mrgreen:
These sections on the Wabe were the first things I wrote for this story. They practically sprung forth from the Jabberwock Poem fully formed. Odd how that works out. :shock:

:shock: :shock: :shock: One final warning to all my wonderful readers. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Please do not attempt that 3-fingered salute mentioned in the previous section in public. It could be hazardous to your well-being. 8) :lol:

33 - Playland

When the fully tricked-out transport arrived at the docking station, the Pilot and Commander unloaded the luggage and supplies. Porters took over from there, as the transport returned to its normal station. The Porters assisted the servants in setting up camp and readying the supplies inside the gated campground while the elite guests walked leisurely about to stretch their limbs and view the renowned botanical displays which highlight the central hub. The warm tropical breeze caressed any exposed skin, while swaying the lush foliage surrounding them, as it dances to its unending chorus.

The Wabe’s extraordinary collection of rare and endangered tropical fhlowers and plants surround the Recreation Building in the center of the campgrounds, where they are safe from marauding scavengers which live just outside the fenced enclosure. There were more than l,000 varieties packed into the small display gardens which have convenient paths so the visitor can get up-close and personal with each exhibit. The well-irrigated gardens also contain small fountains with various gurgling waterfalls, and rustic Antarian statuary. It appeals not just to botanists with green thumbs but to all who love Antar’s great outdoors.

As the men walked up to the exotic garden filled with huge colorful flowers enticing them forward, they were suddenly overcome by the heady tropical fragrance filling the air with a scent so amazing that it rivaled the beauty of the magnificent display before them. The men all immediately inhaled deeply and felt a deep relaxation flow through them, putting them in a calm and tranquil frame of mind.

One should always take time to stop and smell the fhlowers.

You may even be lucky enough to be able to spot an endangered green gheckzo darting amongst the multi-pigmented rocks that accent the beautiful space.

After enjoying the gardens, the men step inside to use the facilities. The walls are filled with various displays enumerating the many programs and exhibitions the staff offer, covering Antar’s ecology, climatology and geology. Warnings are conspicuously posted describing trail conditions and other hazards. The rustic lodge has a large open floor plan to offer guests of The Wabe shelter from the storm during inclement weather. It houses the latrines and there are even a couple of phool tables to while away the hours when campers are stuck inside because of the violent lightning storms that frequent the tropical locale.

After their pleasant stroll through the native plant species and exotic flowers, they made their way to the perimeter and gazed out into a second gated area. To the right, was the vast surging Ocean. The trails led to scenic cliff-side views with waterfalls and steep jagged inclines plummeting to the dark choppy rip currents. Cliff-diving from the slippery unstable plateau that overhangs the surf has now been banned because of the many deaths resulting from the enormous rocky peaks deceptively hidden just below the surface of the churning seas at high tide. Common rock slides have also buried unwary swimmers.

Once was enough for he and Tove.

One harrowing experience they had during their naïve youth educated them to the unique survival challenges one faces when helplessly caught in the grinding abrasion of the huge waves pounding against the hard rock surfaces with such tremendous force. It was a good thing Khivar had healing skills!

Khivar and Tove have enjoyed many pulse-pounding excursions of rock-climbing in the area, though.

To the left, there is a grassy plain dominated by scattered Tumtum trees and bushy plants that provide habitat for a wide range of smaller prey. A large marsh and lake invites your roving gaze to the far end, where they could see a third gated enclosure guarding the entrance to the burgeoning tropical forest.

The men would be roughing it from here on out. There would only be two servants to take care of their needs. One would step and fetch for the Emperor’s every whim and the other would cater to the needs of the two Generals.

The roomy tents and comfortable air-beds had been assembled by the Porters before they departed back to the Ranger Station where they lived during their employ at the Preserve. The Concourse in front of the Ranger Station was always bustling with activity, even though the Park itself was usually relatively quiet. There were small shops selling deli food, souvenirs made by local artisans and the usual camping supplies for those rich enough to afford The Wade entrance fees and the camping surcharge. Or those fortunate enough to garner the connections to come on a Jabber Scholarship to study the exotic flora and fauna that inhabit the protected area.

Since The Wabe Preserve was THE major environmental habitat on the planet, there was always a contingent of fledgling Scientists eager to learn among the rugged Warlords and burly Officials that usually frequented the popular paradise.

However, today the usual hustle and bustle of campers had disappeared as the Emperor and his two guests took up the entire space that can normally accommodates up to 500 tents. Other visitors had to sign a liability waiver when they entered the park, in case they were accidentally injured by any of the perilous life forms inside the wild and untamed environment. They got a map when they paid the price of admittance which included ominous warnings to remain on the path at all times for personal safety and security. Entering the gated jungle area was expressly forbidden without the attendance of a trained guide to protect both visitor and resident. All kinds of dangers lurk within the shadowed expanse of tulgey wood in the vast untamed wilderness. The secluded areas are fraught with danger at every turn and many an unwary soul has found their end in this haven for all manner of species.

But the Emperor and his guests were above that sort of thing. No one told THEM what to do.

The law strictly forbade the killing of any of the protected species living within the Preserve unless you were specifically attacked and had to defend yourself from imminent peril. Unfortunately for the animals endangered today, the Emperor and his guests were above the law.

The men decided to start the hunt immediately to take advantage of the few hours of daylight left to them. They each chose two spears and one servant followed behind to carry more as the other stayed in camp to prepare their savory vittles. They left the gated Savannah and proceeded to look for their fortunes behind gate number three.

A cacophony of birdcalls rose through the air as the Jubjubs were disturbed by the roving hunters. As they left the marsh and entered the tulgey thicket, the pace became much slower and more deliberate. They crept slowly and silently through the thick shrubbery and tall course grasses, making their way through the thick undergrowth to a well-known cave. As they squatted outside in the brush, they could hear low growls of the manxome foe warning them not to proceed.

General Slithe was the first to creep forward with a nod from Khivar.

Then the other two quietly brought up the rear, lagging a few yards behind the unsuspecting bait.

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.

And as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! and through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.34 1/04/09

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:39 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers!
Janetfl wrote:Hi Paper,
Okay now you must be getting sick of me saying this .... but ... again that was another amazing chapter. It's the way you describe everything. I can actually picture everything in my mind but this bit was the best ......
After their pleasant stroll through the native plant species and exotic flowers, they made their way to the perimeter and gazed out into a second gated area. To the right, was the vast surging Ocean. The trails led to scenic cliff-side views with waterfalls and steep jagged inclines plummeting to the dark choppy rip currents. Cliff-diving from the slippery unstable plateau that overhangs the surf has now been banned because of the many deaths resulting from the enormous rocky peaks deceptively hidden just below the surface of the churning seas at high tide. Common rock slides have also buried unwary swimmers.
Once was enough for he and Tove.
One harrowing experience they had during their naïve youth educated them to the unique survival challenges one faces when helplessly caught in the grinding abrasion of the huge waves pounding against the hard rock surfaces with such tremendous force. It was a good thing Khivar had healing skills!
Khivar and Tove have enjoyed many pulse-pounding excursions of rock-climbing in the area, though.
I mean I really did have that picture in my head. The rest of it was brilliant as well but for some reason this bit just jumped at me.
Jan! I never get tired of your thoughtful consideration. Your comments always spur me on and make me work harder to try to shock and astound you! You really are a great motivator! And your stories are so interesting that it is the highest compliment that you are even reading this! Thank you, thank you, thank you! :D
Janetfl wrote:I can't get enough of this ... and yes ... for some creepy reason I'm liking your Khivar. I think because in most fics or even on the show he was portrayed as evil (which he is) but reading your Khivar he doesn't intentionally do things for evil alone ... he does them because he believe's he's right (and do you know what? That's even more scary than just being pure evil!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ). :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I LOVE THIS!!! JAN :D
I hope you still like Khivar after this part. He doesn’t come off as his usual charming self, I’m afraid. 8)

Author’s Note: Gah! I’m in a tizzy!

I forgot to put in the most important thing in the last part! Our sense of smell is very important.
So close your eyes, then go back there in your mind and try to imagine that you are walking up to this FABULOUS exotic garden filled with huge colorful flowers. You’re enjoying the view and the magnificent flowers are enticing you forward when you are suddenly overcome by the heady tropical fragrance filling the air with a scent so amazing that it rivals the beauty of the magnificent display before you.
Take a deep breath and inhale the enticing tropical floral scents. Isn’t that relaxing?
Now that we are all in a calm and tranquil frame of mind, there is just one more little thing.

Be on your guard as you read this. Please don’t leave the path. And don’t fall into any barrels.
They are pretty deep and the piranzha’s teeth are razor sharp!

34 - Snicker - Snack



Sung by QUEEN written by John Deacon

It was fun to practice with the spears even though, in truth, Khivar could have taken out the majestic animal with one swift extension of his arm to let loose a powerful blast of energy and fry the creature from the inside out in mid-air. By taking it out with the spear, the meat would be fresh, tender and delicious. And he would have the head mounted on his trophy wall next to the now-extinct Wocky.

General Slithe threw his spear and missed as the great beast galumphed toward him.

With an ear-piercing scream that was silenced mid-gurgle, the man’s head rolled away as it was gnawed from his body in one smooth clean motion by the great beast’s vorpal incisors.

As Khivar would tell it later tonight, the other two wasted no time in throwing their spears at the fearsome Gauth Tigre and while General Tove’s projectile went wide, Kavar’s spear flew true to the mark. He felled the immense rampaging beast with a single strike mid-chest to still its noble heart mid-beat, before it had the chance to cause anyone else injury.

The two joyous warriors carried the spears back to the base camp while their servant secured the cubs in a makeshift pen, then gutted the Tigre and sliced off a good sized chunk of prime rib for tonight’s camp meal.

Then he prepared the carcass for pick-up by the rangers, who would also make arrangements to take care of the one other minor problem in the cave . . .

After the thrill of the kill, the two men celebrated their victory, ate a large satisfying meal of delicious freshly grilled fheline meat accompanied by root-vegetable stew, and sat around the campfire telling tall tales. Good company and good eats. What more could one want? Then they slept like the dead in the fresh clean air provided by The Wabe’s jungle forest.

As the sun rose on a new day, the victorious hunters now took their bows for one last look around as the servants packed everything up and loaded the transport. The two men spilled their quiver of arrows, taking down anything they could see: birds, prairie canines, zrabbits and even a wise old zowl (who couldn’t have been very bright if he was waiting in THAT tree, now could he?).

The Rangers would shake their heads in despair later, after the men departed, when they cleaned up the fallen arrows and the many priceless carcasses on the endangered species list that were strewn across the formerly pristine landscape. “What a waste of invaluable life forms!” they were then heard to mutter.

When Khivar and General Tove had jovially spent the last of their shafts in the wooded area, they headed back to their waiting Transport and settled into the luxurious chairs in the upper-level viewing ports.

Khivar wanted to fly over and appraise the area’s ground conditions and then they would head home to get ready for the formal Dinner and Celebration Ball tonight at the Palace.

"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.35 1/05/09

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:09 am
by paper
Janetfl wrote:Hi Paper :D ,
General Slithe threw his spear and missed as the great beast galumphed toward him.
With an ear-piercing scream that was silenced mid-gurgle, the man’s head rolled away as it was gnawed from his body in one smooth clean motion by the great beast’s vorpal incisors.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Serves him right!!!!! It was such a shame that it wasn't Khivar :twisted: :twisted: ... oh but wait that would mean no more story and I would have withdrawal symptoms!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I forgot to put in the most important thing in the last part! Our sense of smell is very important.
So close your eyes, then go back there in your mind and try to imagine that you are walking up to this FABULOUS exotic garden filled with huge colorful flowers. You’re enjoying the view and the magnificent flowers are enticing you forward when you are suddenly overcome by the heady tropical fragrance filling the air with a scent so amazing that it rivals the beauty of the magnificent display before you. Take a deep breath and inhale the enticing tropical floral scents. Isn’t that relaxing?
Now that we are all in a calm and tranquil frame of mind, there is just one more little thing.
Okay I was calm until you described the fact that Khivar was killing the endangered species.
zrabbits and even a wise old zowl (who couldn’t have been very bright if he was waiting in THAT tree, now could he?)
I love the way Khivar has created a language of his own!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Typical of the egotistical tyrant!!!!
Paper I just can't get enough of my daily dose of Khivar!!! LOVE IT JAN :D
Thanks, Jan! Khivar will be around for awhile yet. He does have a nice loooooong trip coming up in the near future, but I think he mentioned something about a big shindig before that.
ken_r: I am caught up but i am going to have trouble keeping up with this story. The email notices for me quit new years eve. i do not get any alarm when postings i am reading happen.
Hi Ken! Just come back every day if you’ve a mind to. I’m here all the time. Can’t wait to read your new story!

Dear Readers. Welcome!
Today we will take a little tour of Antar and we will get a closer look at the black ice that graces my original banner.

35 - Black Ice

Kavar and Tove joked about how great it was, to once more, take out the trash together.

Tove had been instrumental in helping Khivar gain a foothold in the world of politics by getting rid of the guy blocking his path to fame and fortune when he first got his feet wet in the affairs of State.

When it looked like King Zander was going to pick one of his competitors for the political slot that Kavar was after, Tove planted an amulet in the guy’s belongings, then tipped off the Palace Guard’s Commander that he saw something shiny when the loser opened his bag. He and Tove had lifted the expensive bauble from a tipsy wife at one of the many balls they’d attended years earlier. There was a big stink about the loss of the important woman’s property back then, but no foul play was ever uncovered. No leads were ever found as to the whereabouts of the missing gem.

The Inspector General took a few guards and searched the man’s quarters while he was occupied in meetings. The rest is history. The scapegoat denied everything of course. But just like dominoes, the man lost his position, his place at Court, his home and finally, his family. ‘That will teach him to get in MY way!’ Kavar was offered the position the very next day and used it as a stepping stone to higher office.

Tove has proven his worth again and again.

The Transport took off into the bright red yonder, leaving The Wabe refuge behind.

The area they were flying over had undergone intense renovation in the form of water detoxification, extensive new native plantings and rehabilitation of local structures. It was truly a gem habitat and was featured prominently in all the advertising and media releases. But soon, the lush plains and valleys which had escaped much of the bombardment ended and the terrain became rocky and barren like most of the planet. The constant bombardment of high-energy beams have rendered much of the planet uninhabitable. Fires caused massive deforestation and large areas have been ravaged by drought because of the loss of ground cover. Streams and rivers have been polluted and the animals that made their homes there are now gone.

His beautiful red planet has now turned black and orange!

Serena coined the term for the blighted area of rock hit by the energy beams as “black ice” because it had crystallized, turned black and became as hard as diamonds with extremely sharp edges. It truly was beautiful in form, with its lovely jagged edges. Beauty which was inherently evil. It was impossible to traverse the craggy areas by foot. Footwear soon shredded after a few steps and falling upon the sharp edges would cut through flesh as easily as a knife through squiggle candy. The only way to get across the treacherous expanse was by air-kroozer.

The black blemishes went on for miles as many areas suffered repeated attacks by off-world financed rebels in their attempt to reclaim the monarchy after Khivar’s Liberation Coup. The fighting went on for many solar cycles. The war was long and bitter.

Peace came at a great price.

The rebels finally ceased bombardment when they realized that Khivar didn’t care how much of the planet was in ruins. He would have simply moved his base of operations to one of the other planets in this system if Antar had fallen beyond repair. As it is, he is still weighing his options. There is so much land mass that will take generations to recover.

Infrastructure is taking much longer to repair and rebuild than expected.

However, progress is being made: Crystal Palace, The Wabe Nature Preserve, Capital City, Kavaria and the many other cities that have been rehabilitated, the farmland that Serena is experimenting on with exciting new hybrid crops.

Still, these black ice fields are worrisome.

They may take eons to disintegrate into useable agricultural land. Too bad Serena hasn’t found some way to use these crystals as a basis for some other application!

The womyn is useless!

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.36 1/06/09

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:02 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers! Please stop in and let me know your opinion if like this! :D
If you don’t, well, . . . sorry! :oops:
ken_r: We have lava flows like that in New Mexico. Eventually they develop their own ecco system. After tens of thousands of years there are plant and animal growths in this area. We call them the "malpais." they would indeed be a blight on the land if caused by war. ken r
Hi Ken! Do your malpais have these lines of demarcation? Can’t you just “see” the straight edge where the energy beam traveled along the ground? I took this picture while on vacation there, but it wasn’t New Mexico! Although I would like to visit Roswell someday! Thanks so much for your wonderful feedback! I wonder if Khivar will wait that long for the planet to self-heal?
Janetfl wrote:OMG Paper I nearly missed my daily dose of Khivar ... what's wrong with me? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Another amazing chapter.
The Inspector General took a few guards and searched the man’s quarters while he was occupied in meetings. The rest is history. The scapegoat denied everything of course. But just like dominoes, the man lost his position, his place at Court, his home and finally, his family. ‘That will teach him to get in MY way!’ Kavar was offered the position the very next day and used it as a stepping stone to higher office.
I bet King Zander (if he ever gets his memories back) would definately regret his decision now!!!! :twisted: :twisted:
The area they were flying over had undergone intense renovation in the form of water detoxification, extensive new native plantings and rehabilitation of local structures. It was truly a gem habitat and was featured prominently in all the advertising and media releases. But soon, the lush plains and valleys which had escaped much of the bombardment ended and the terrain became rocky and barren like most of the planet. The constant bombardment of high-energy beams have rendered much of the planet uninhabitable. Fires caused massive deforestation and large areas have been ravaged by drought because of the loss of ground cover. Streams and rivers have been polluted and the animals that made their homes there are now gone.
Seriously now how do you come up with this stuff? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: You way out do me on the descriptions ... well just about on everything!!! :wink: :lol: :lol:
The rebels finally ceased bombardment when they realized that Khivar didn’t care how much of the planet was in ruins.
Yeah that would definately defeat the whole object of trying to gain control again.
Once again you have managed to astound me with your wonderful writing. Thank you so much!!! JAN :D
Jan, you are infinitely kind! Your sweet feedback always makes my day! I hope the late hour didn’t cause disruption in your reading schedule! Zan’s father Zander originally gave Khivar his post, but when he died, Zan also employed Khivar in a political assignment. I’m sure they both would rue the day, if they were aware of what was to come!

And now, dear readers, I apologize for the tardy post yesterday. I just squeaked by under the wire before the witching hour arrived. And today doesn’t look much better. How about something in Serena’s point of view to make up for it?
Reminder: “talking out loud” vs ‘thinking to one’s self’.

36 – Daily Grind at the Lab

Serena knows that Khivar is touring the planet today, to assess local conditions. If his activities haven’t been flaunted all over the VidScreens the entire morning, she would have found out when they called to cancel her reservation. Serena purses her lips in distaste and clenches her fists.

She mimics the reporters and swings the top of her head from side-to-side as she chatters along, word-for-word in a shrill singsong voice. “The Emperor is enjoying a well-deserved vacation in the tropical sunshine as he and his entourage tour The Wabe Nature Preserve, which is temporarily closed to the public. Emperor Khivar will then do a fact-finding excursion to establish broad-spectrum improvements needed to upgrade the general eco-system.”

It’s only the 6th time she’s heard it in the last two hours! The propaganda being spewed from the VidScreen has almost accumulated above the top of her boots; she angrily imagines that she will have to requisition a shovel to remove the waist-deep excrement before the day is done. As the public service announcement repeats once again on the next channel she selects, it really ticks her off.

“Don’t I know it!”

“I’ve been waiting a complete lunar cycle for a couple of consecutive days off.” Her comprehensive teaching schedule as well as the various experiments and new projects she constantly juggles keep her chained to the facility. “And Kavar gave me a two-day pass to The Wabe for all my hard work on the new drill. Which I was going to use TODAY and tomorrow! Does he even KNOW how hard it is to get a reservation there?” she shouts out in anger. She called her best friend, Joovee, on the ComLink and she thinks that he did this to Serena on purpose, but she is pretty sure her brother would never stoop THAT LOW!

Somewhat sure.

Almost sure.

“I was really looking forward to lying in the sun in my new suit on that silky sandy beach next to the campground and soaking up a few rays,” she rants out loud. They can probably hear her in the next unit! She’d just received the fabulous new maillot swimsuit which was designed and produced by her best friend, Joovee, as a gift she was to initiate on her vacation. It was a shiny two-toned number, gold on top and dark green on the bottom. It looked and felt like real Gauth leather, soft supple and tanned to perfection, but was actually a new synthetic material she had manufactured herself. Serena would never allow an innocent animal to be harmed just to provide apparel or accessories! She abhors the hideous collection of creature parts that her brother keeps in his “trophy” room! All life is sacred to Serena.

That’s why she is so proud of what she and her brother have accomplished at The Wabe.

Well, she designed the entire project and oversaw every phase of the construction and rehabilitation. But Khivar authorized the funding. It took a bit of convincing, but he eventually came around to her point of view. Kavar may think it’s his shiny Crystal Palace, but Serena feels that “The Wabe” is truly “The Jewel of Antar”. It’s crowning glory. A haven for all the precious animals which would have perished without it. It’s a great place to visit even if you aren’t there as a botanist or herbalist.

The beach isn’t bad either! One can stretch out on the pristine orange sand and catch some ruby rays, do some body-boarding on the tall rough waves rolling in, or just enjoy the hot-body watching as all the buff muscular guys walk by in their skimpy suits, toss their fhoot balls and hold splashing contests in the warm clean surf. The beautiful red sunsets give you plenty of incentive to stay all day. You can buy food on the Concourse or bring your own.

There is always some competition going on to show who can build the most elaborate sand-sculpture with the silky orange sand that packs like pliable cement when wet. She also likes to walk along the shore and do some shell collecting, but you are cautioned to stay within the fenced area unless you can protect yourself fully. She was REALLY looking forward to swimming there! Jabber doesn’t have a pool and her selfish brother won’t let her use the one at the Palace.

The fenced beach is the only place one can swim safely at the camp. There is a large lake right next to the campground, but Serena knows better than to set foot in there! If the piranzha and uffish don’t get you first, the other creepy crawlies that inhabit the lake are enough to scare the willeez out of anyone.

Serena stomps into her bed chamber to unpack her camping bag. Since she is the Academic Administrator, her apartment is right on the grounds of the Jabber Complex in a fine old building that has been remodeled into comfortable units. Many of the more tenured Scientists have apartments there. She removes her clothing from her beach bag and throws it in a heap in the large drawer, slamming it shut with her foot when she is done as she continues her diatribe.

“And fact-finding mission? I’ve been petitioning for SIX LUNAR CYCLES to get together with him and go over some of the problems we still need to solve. He could have brought me ALONG on his little jaunt! I would have been HELPFUL!

But, nOOOoooOOOOoooOOO.”

He’d said Tove requested this outing and she knows Military concerns always come before civilian requests. ‘He’s told me THAT often enough!’

She wonders what big Military concern they are going to explore at The Wabe. Her brother HATES anything that smacks of science or nature. The closest he usually comes to nature is when he is trying to shoot it and add to his trophy collection! That ugly thought makes her put her tantrum on pause. ‘He wouldn’t!’

‘Would he?’


He wouldn’t do anything to despoil the “Jewel” of Antar! He has enough trouble on his plate as it is: The endless conflict, his waning resources, the economic doldrums, and the general discontent of his people. She’s surprised he has TIME for a day off. She decides to cut her losses and spend her down-time in the Observatory at the top of the Palace. She is the Dean of Jabber and if that doesn’t get her access, she will tell them her brother requested a new star chart or something. She’s not going to let him ruin her entire rest-break.

She thanks her lucky stars that her ignorant brother doesn’t know a thing about science. She’d be a dead jubjub if her brother had any inkling that she’d developed the armor coating that the rebels and their off-planet neighbors now use to protect the structures he is constantly trying to demolish in this galaxy. The tough layer of Dragonz-kin can withstand up to a 50 megaton energy ray without disintegrating. She was lucky enough to finish it before he came up with the idea to have Seers checking on everything happening under his nose!

Now she also has to worry that he will find out about her newest revelation. If Khivar had any idea that the black ice blights marring the landscape really contained enough recoverable energy to fuel all his ships and weapons for decons, he would wipe out every creature in the solar system with his greed.

This is one secret Serena doesn’t admit to be true, even to herself. Her mind is very strong, but one never knows what a Seer may be able to read from you. She uses a special phrase that she’s practiced every day to control her subconscious mind in a form of self-hypnosis so that she can shield her thoughts and pass Khivar’s random interrogations by the turn-coat Seers that do his bidding. When she is contacted by the resistance, they use a key-word to unlock her mind so that she has access to all the things she regularly has to suppress. It’s very dangerous because the Seers inhabit almost every facet of Kavar’s network of operatives which enforce his law.

She can’t work on any more applications for the rebels, for fear of detection. Her vital position is too precarious. And this latest piece of information is just too important to consider with even a fleeting thought. Sometimes she’ll just repeat lies to herself until they are ingrained into her very being. She doesn’t like to lie, but she is forced to deceive the Seers for the greater good. Her mind is strong and she has no doubt she can hide the truth from the Seers, as well as from herself.

‘The black ice is nothing but a festering sore.’ She repeats today’s fun fact once more, then starts right in on the last stanza of the little ditty she is always singing to herself to reinforce the necessary mental block:

He may not be much, but he’s mine, all mine.
He doesn’t get a lot of pay, yeah?
But I will wait, for my true love’s gait, on a mat of pea-yaaaaaaaaaa.

(Author’s note: “Ouch! She has a terrible singing voice! She couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.”)

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.36 1/06/09

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:19 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers!
Janetfl wrote:Hi Paper :D ,
YAY got another daily dose!!!!
but she is pretty sure her brother would never stoop THAT LOW!
Oh YES he CAN!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
She thanks her lucky stars that her ignorant brother doesn’t know a thing about science. She’d be a dead jubjub if her brother had any inkling that she’d developed the armor coating that the rebels and their off-planet neighbors now use to protect the structures he is constantly trying to demolish in this galaxy. The tough layer of Dragonz-kin can withstand up to a 50 megaton energy ray without disintegrating. She was lucky enough to finish it before he came up with the idea to have Seers checking on everything happening under his nose!
She's playing a very dangerous game here!!! If Khivar finds out she'll be joining the great yonder!!!!
Hi Jan! She’s playing the game of life. She doesn’t set the rules, but she plays the hand she is dealt.
Janetfl wrote:
Now she also has to worry that he will find out about her newest revelation. If Khivar had any idea that the black ice blights marring the landscape really contained enough recoverable energy to fuel all his ships and weapons for decons, he would wipe out every creature in the solar system with his greed.
Ohhh that would not be good if he ever found out!!!
Paper this is amazing. I just love it!!!! JAN :D
One would think that, but you may be very surprised at the outcome. Thanks for your marvelous feedback! Let’s hope that secret’s get revealed at the right time, because they always come into the light sooner or later.
ken_r: Yes, Paper our Malpais has distinct lines. You have semi desert with the brush and scrub trees right up to the edge of a 40 foot cliff of black lava. The ancient people who lived here said the lava flows were the blood flow of an ancient monster.

One fear about a guy like Kivar is they like to despoil beautiful things. They can not make beauty but they can leave their mark by ruin on natural wonders. Much like the gang banger with a can of spray paint.

poor Serena living on the edge of discovery, trying to do something she feels is good but always her brother stands near to discover her. ken r
Hi Ken! Looks like I’m going to have to do a little research on your Malpais! RL has been kickin’ me lately and sucking all my spare time into a big black hole. Maybe next week! Yes, Serena could be in a real pickle. Khivar likes beautiful things. But he doesn’t appreciate nor understand limits and scarcity. Thanks for your wonderful feedback!

This is kind of a transition thing that provides a little background. Tomorrow will be lots more fun!

37 - Head for Home

Once around the planet was plenty for Khivar. He was in a grim mood after viewing all the destruction and the lack of progress still apparent in every quadrant. Even Tove’s joking banter falls flat in the face of these monumental challenges. He wonders how his opponents are faring.

He orders General Tove to send out reconnaissance missions to make sure his enemies are staying in line and to investigate the physical and economic conditions on their neighboring planets. If he can exploit their resources he would have no qualms against doing it. Antar will once more be the “jewel of the galaxy” or he will make his next planet just that. He plays to win. He expects everything he touches to turn to ghold. And he’s always been proficient at selecting his teammates. There have been precious few who enjoyed his admiration.

His number two man is a diamond in-the-rough. Tove was instrumental in narrowing the field of foes when they were boys together in the early years. They got into all sorts of mischief together. They never had to look far for a fall guy to pin their dirty deed upon. Kavar kept a running list of enemies and no one EVER remained in the top 10 for very long.

Except for the two at the top who shall remain unnamed!

Tove also has the uncanny knack of anticipating events. If life were like a game of Chezz, then General Tove would be more like his Knight than his Rook. The guy would leap right over others to get at his enemies. He was on them like white on rhice. His idea to get rid of Slithe by using him as bait worked like a charm, didn’t it?

He absolutely loves his new trophy and it’s always good when you are able to kill two jubjubs with one ztone.

One never knows WHERE Tove will strike next. His surprising maneuvers always keep the rebel factions on their guard.
But he is also very much like a Rook. Maybe he is both. The man is practically indispensable. He plows right in and gets the job DONE. Too bad he didn’t send Tove to retrieve the Granolith. He’d have it by now. And Vilandra, also.

Nicholas is his Bishop. He’s good at cutting corners and squeezing into tight spaces when that kind of thing is called for. It truly wasn’t meant as a sign of disrespect to the Bhrillig, to have their leader disguised in the form of a gangly pimply-faced teen, but he supposed some of the more “sensitive” may unjustly “take offence”. No matter. As long as they do their job!

Nicholas had better find religion soon or there will be hell to pay.

Vilandra would have been his Queen. His other wives just can’t cut the muztard. She was the love of his life. His hope for the future. His shining star in the vast dark chasms of infinite space. He’s never found another to replace her. His love for her is rivaled only by the depths of despair which torment him as he suffers her loss.

He needs to find something to get him out of this funk. Seeing all this destruction has put him in a foul frame of mind. Perhaps a party with his worshipping thralls will be just the thing to get him out of these doldrums. The last day of the solar cycle is a special day, after all, so he orders the driver to make haste for Crystal Palace.

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.38 1/08/09

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:23 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers!
ken_r: The second in command is a good place to be. It is also a very dangerous place. Numero uno wants things done and the secundo accomplishes this. The secundo though as he builds up his ability to serve his master soon surpasses his master. Now that is a dangerous place to be. The master wants a sharp sword but one that cuts both ways is scary. As long as the secundo can convince the master that the secundo still supports the master everything is good. if the master perceives the secundo as maybe getting ideas of grandure whether they be real or imagined, things become tricky. ken r
It’s a good thing for Khivar that he’s always been the mastermind and Tove has always been the henchman who carries out his orders. They have a long history of symbiotic interaction. Khivar is not worried that it will be changing any time soon. He knows that his long-time companion, Tove, doesn’t like the political aspects of power while he delights in the physical gratification it bestows. Thanks so much for your feedback, Ken! It always gives me more to ponder. :D
Janetfl wrote:Hi Paper :D ,
Oh I've fallen of my chair laughing again .......
to have their leader disguised in the form of a gangly pimply-faced teen,
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh God I'm never going to be able to see Nicholas as evil ever again!! :roll:
Vilandra would have been his Queen. His other wives just can’t cut the muztard. She was the love of his life. His hope for the future. His shining star in the vast dark chasms of infinite space. He’s never found another to replace her. His love for her is rivaled only by the depths of despair which torment him as he suffers her loss.
If he loved her that much why did he betray her in the first place then ... or is he now regretting his decision? I love the way you write Khivar Paper!! I didn't think the man could ever have feelings for anyone!! Or is it that he just wants another trophy!!! Love my daily dose! JAN :mrgreen:
Hi Jan! I don’t think Khivar is sorry he tried to betray (her brother) because he never would have done anything to harm Vilandra. He justifies it thinking he can make it up to her when she is Queen of the Realm. Who wouldn’t want that, right?
Thanks so much for your feedback! You are so sweet & kind! :D

So now let’s par-tay!

38 - At the Hop

There's a party going on right here.
A celebration to last throughout the years.
So bring your good times and your laughter, too.
We gonna celebrate your party with you. Come on, now.

Let's all celebrate and have a good time.
We're gonna celebrate and have a good time.

Celebration by Kool and the Gang

The birthday gala is in full swing.

The whole thing started off with fireworks as the partygoers watched from the courtyard and toasted their host with Champaign. Then the party was moved inside to the Grand Ballroom. Guests have been fed from a sumptuous buffet of regional delicacies and now everyone is standing around enjoying polite conversation or dancing to the latest band to hit #1 on the charts.

Khivar is bored to tears. At least he has gifts to look forward to opening later. But what do you get for the man who has everything? Especially when you couldn’t afford it and it isn’t even on THIS planet!

He has been dancing with a good number of his garrulous wives for the last hour, whilst his Governors and Warlords grin their approvals at him. Most of the major players are in attendance: the snooty Larek, the smarmy Sero and even his one-time fling, the haughty cerulean-skinned Kathana. Only the slippery King Hanar sent his regrets.

‘Big surprise.’

‘Big whoop!’

His sister is turning everyone off because she can’t shut up about some star that she just found which can now be seen as a supernova in the Piscean Quadrant, since the light from the spectacular display has finally reached Antar. She jokes that it is a lucky thing our own sun will last at least another 6 billion years. She isn’t funny in the first place, and in the second place, no one is interested!

There was some grumbling earlier about the obvious absence of the revered General Slithe, who was a fierce Warlord with awesome battle skills and maintains a large loyal following among the troops.

But Khivar nipped it in the bud.

He showed heavy remorse as he mournfully explained how the poor schlub never got a chance to raise his arm before the great fhe attacked. He revealed that “It all happened lightning-fast. It was a terrible tragedy.” It was a performance worthy of an Emperor. Then he gave a rousing account of how he saved the day and felled the rampaging beast with one clean throw, to save both himself and Tove. Only a fool would question the Emperor’s word, especially on his birthday!

He warmly invited them to stop by his trophy room to see the latest addition. Finally, he jokingly extolled the virtues in the time-honored axiom of “letting sleeping Gauths lie” (undisturbed).

No one brought it up again.

These social functions have some benefit because they allow the men to interact with the local dignitaries and help to improve morale, but the expected niceties bore him. Perhaps when Court reconvenes tomorrow, he will outlaw dancing altogether. Then his discontented harem can find other trivialities to amuse themselves with, such as their frequent gossip fests and hopefully, finding ways to make their appearance measurably more attractive. The goopy gunk they use to paint their faces and the garments they choose to adorn their hideous features would be better suited to a costume party! While it seemed advisable at the time, now he is lamenting the huge number of marriages he agreed to.

What was he thinking?

But why does any man get married? To cement treaties, invite alliances, pay back favors and garner support where none would otherwise be forthcoming. The wives are nothing but a nuisance. They think their title as “Consort” imbues some special privilege upon them. They twitter about in multitudinous herds drooling for his company. Well usually they can wait until the sun goes supernova before he acknowledges them. He prefers to sleep with his concubines because none of them would ever dare to complain.

In fact, the only time he ever sees the wives would be at these annoying get-togethers.

It wasn’t always this way.

When he first came to power, he indulged himself in the matrimonial beds. He figured he would have huge throngs of children and he also wanted to at least try out every one of his wives once. But some of them were zamn fugly.

And most of them were infertile to top it off. He has no more than a handful of children to boast about. He’s seen the ankle biters in pictures. One of the servants made up an album of them and it’s carted out at special affairs for people to “ooooh and aaaah” over. He’d been near when the first one arrived and the unholy caterwauling caused his ears to ring for days! The nauseating thing looked like a wrinkled prune. The doctor assured him that its appearance would improve when he almost had the womyn killed on the spot. The kid never did look any better and his Mom is just as unattractive. When the little rugrats become old enough to move around, they become insufferable! He wants nothing to do with any of them until they are old enough to work in his administration!

The gods didn’t invent Nannies for nothing!

If one of the wymyn were lucky enough to have more than one child, she would balloon up to immense proportions. How is a man supposed to endure something like that? It is gross! Then, as his fortunes waned, the new brides became uglier still, as he was forced to reinforce his authority.

It was then that the ranks of his Concubines swelled. They were given procedures to make sure they didn’t lose their figures in childbirth. These lovelies were chosen only for their looks and ability to please him.

If the Emperor ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.39 1/09/09

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:27 am
by paper
Welcome Readers!

Janetfl wrote:
If one of the wymyn were lucky enough to have more than one child, she would balloon up to immense proportions. How is a man supposed to endure something like that? It is gross! Then, as his fortunes waned, the new brides became uglier still, as he was forced to reinforce his authority.
It was then that the ranks of his Concubines swelled. They were given procedures to make sure they didn’t lose their figures in childbirth. These lovelies were chosen only for their looks and ability to please him.
If the Emperor ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!
They may be ugly on the outside but not half as much as Khivar is on the inside!!!! Love your updates Paper!!!! JAN :D
Hi Jan! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? :mrgreen:
I thought you liked Khivar? Maybe I’m finally doing my job right! Thanks so much for your inspiring feedback! :D
ken_r: Lowell Thomas was an explorer at the turn of the century. In the early 1900s he made it into Afghannistan. He was one of the first western men since the British had been thrown out. In a book where he describes his adventures, he states situations like you make with Kivar. It was macho to produce children and the men tried to accumulate many wives to do this. Once the children were produced the problem as they grew was they became contentious to their father's position. The men never seemed to connect that they had to instill something in the children to make them have any loyalty. Kivar wants Loyalty, it seems as a divine right. that just aint so. The idea of pledging your loyalty by giving the emperor one of your daughters is old and shows a societies value they place on their children.

In the story, Traitor, this is one of the signs that Earthman sees as the breakdown of Antarian society. The breakdown is far from being seen as the population still uses their children as coinage for favors. Kivar is showing his distain for knowledge as a supernova is a great sight. I was priviledged to see one several years ago. I think it was in Cygnus. Just can't remember. Keep going. ken r
Patriarchal societies often devalue children because the people in power don’t have to do the work of carrying, birthing and raising them. Now that the first man has given birth, he can appreciate the true gift of life. I don’t see it as a trend, though.
Thanks for your always inspiring feedback, Ken! Khivar isn’t deluded enough to think his subjects are loyal. That’s why he has Seers checking on everyone. Power garners loyalty from those who wish to benefit. If they don’t fall in line, he simply has them offed. Fear inspires a kind of loyalty of its own. One will bow down when it is in one’s best interest to do so. Until the tides turn. As they always do.

The Birthday celebration continues as Khivar gets lost once again in his “deep thoughts”.

39 – Dancing Under the Stars

To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under heaven:

A time to weep, and
a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and
a time to dance;

A time to cast away stones, and
a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and
a time to refrain from embracing;

Portions of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Khivar never has to look far when he is in the mood.

Wymyn throw themselves at his feet. He has his pick of every A-list blonde, brunette, redhead, or blue-haired vixen in the galaxy. He remembers that the pompous Zan had told him once, that all the blondes in the vicinity belonged to HIM. What a loser! Kavar always did take special joy in despoiling anything he thought belonged to that weak-willed ninny. That’s how he met the fiery Ava in the first place.

‘I scratched her back. She scratched mine. And she was good in the sack, also.

Ava was never really in the running to be Zan’s Queen. While she did sport the requisite blonde halo, timid Zan’s tastes for meek behavior ran in a different direction from the brash firecracker. North to her South. The lily-livered aristobrat usually surrounded himself with shy, retiring damsels-in-distress so he could feel better about his own shortcomings.'

'The kind, gentle creatures withered under Ava’s heated intrigues.’

‘While she wasn’t his type, she WAS very adept at worming her way into the dolt’s inner circle. That’s when my offer of assistance was gladly accepted. Tit for tat. It didn’t take much to slice away her spineless competition: A whisper here. A demeaning look there. A little charm and persuasion.'

'A little shove when it was necessary.’

Kavar had a lot of fun weeding out her opponents. ‘And Ava would always be there for the rich brat, to offer consolation and a soft shoulder to lean upon. Those were the good old days!’ He would bed Avaria after each little favor performed and her pathetic fiancé was none the wiser.

She kept Kavar occupied while he mooned over the unobtainable Vilandra.

Khivar decides to put the khibosh on this endless dancing. He tells whatever number wife this is, to go take a hike and he moseys over to the food tables to see what sweets look good there. These things always make him feel like he is missing something and food will fill the void as well as anything.

Of course dancing wasn’t always such a chore. He never tired of dancing with the beautiful and vivacious Vilandra, he thought longingly. How he wished that do-nothing Nicholas could finally retrieve her for him. It would bring endless joy back into his lonely life.

He still remembers the very first time they danced together. She had always been an unattainable prize. She had just come of age and the line of suitors extended clear round the dance chamber and out the portico. When his turn to dance with her came, he was so nervous he could hardly speak.

His hands shook and his stomach churned as he took her in his arms.

He twirled her around the floor with a big dorky grin on his face & then someone cut in and it was all over before it began. He always waited excruciatingly long lunar cycles before his turn would come around again.

Because of the Royal heritage of a large number of those clamoring for her attention, his position in line was despairingly close to the rear. He didn’t really get a chance to woo her until just before the big takeover. He knew there were rumors circulating that there may be a power grab.

He and Tove had a number of whispering campaigns in the wind, themselves, to throw off suspicions. No one could pin anything down. Zan’s operatives ran around like a lot of decapitated jubjubs.

So his beautiful Vilandra changed the shape of her face, donned a dowdy disguise, and went undercover for her undeserving brother. She was introduced to Court as the innocent and bland Libra, a mysterious visiting hopeful for the boy King’s hand.

But he saw through her elaborate disguise right away.

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.401/10/09

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:34 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers!
jake17 wrote:Omg how did I miss all of these updates! well im all :oops: :oops:
I have to say they are all wonderfully written paper!!
paper wrote:'The kind, gentle creatures withered under Ava’s heated intrigues.’
‘While she wasn’t his type, she WAS very adept at worming her way into the dolt’s inner circle. That’s when my offer of assistance was gladly accepted. Tit for tat. It didn’t take much to slice away her spineless competition: A whisper here. A demeaning look there. A little charm and persuasion.'
'A little shove when it was necessary.’
You are just so good with words...loved that part!
OH By the way the fb you left me for under the misletoe had me rolling!!! :lol: Thank you sweetie!!
paper wrote:So his beautiful Vilandra changed the shape of her face, donned a dowdy disguise, and went undercover for her undeserving brother. She was introduced to Court as the innocent and bland Libra, a mysterious visiting hopeful for the boy King’s hand.
But he saw through her elaborate disguise right away.
Ok paper get back here qucikly before I have Max throw you out a bus window or something! :lol: :lol:
Thanks Carrie! So glad you liked it! I’m honored that you guys find any time to read this at all. You are very kind! Thank you so much for your feedback!
I mentioned to hubby that one of my readers was going to have someone throw me out a bus window & how funny that was. He thought I was nutz! But I laughed my head off when I saw it.
Janetfl: Hi Paper :D , Now this is getting even more interesting ... can't wait to see your POV on how Khivar got Vilandra to betray her brother.
Come back soon Paper. Fantastic update as usual!!!! I just love this! JAN :D
Hi Jan! You’re in luck because you get to see what happened with Vilandra in this part. I hope it’s everything you wished for. Thanks for your sweet encouragement! Your feedback always makes my day!
ken_r: I do not intend to limit the weaknesses of plural marriages but there are two that make them very foolish. First the necessity of wives always trying to try for the attention of their lord. This creates a terrible politics within the wife group. The wives tend to use their children, especially boy children to win favor with the lord.

The second is the distance the lord places between himself and his children simply through time constraints. He doesn't have enough time for any one child or group of children to ever bond with them. thus the lord always fears those he most terrorizes that in some way they will grow to challenge him. He sees children as support for himself instead of an extension of himself as the one sure path to immortality.

Like a spoiled child Kivar seeks what is difficult to have and if he finally gets it he will soon be board with Vilandra as his mind builds up challenges that Vilandra in the flesh can never hope to fill. A powerful man seeks power for the excitement he receives for himself. A man wanting a dynasty seeks a path that he can raise children to fulfill.

kivar clearly doesn't think that far ahead. keep going ken r
Hi Ken! This is an interesting take on Bigamy. I read that if there is one wife who is considered “in control” she would keep the others in line, but it seems to me that any time you have more than one person going after a limited resource, there is going to be conflict. Marriage is supposed to be a way out of that. Then the couple has children and the conflict of another kind ensues!
You are right when you say Khivar is like a spoiled child. You’ll see what I mean in tomorrow’s post when we get a peek at his childhood. Some old wounds don’t always heal properly. Good thing the guy has a lucky streak a plethron wide! Thanks so much for your incredible feedback!

The dancing continues as Khivar reminisces about past love and quirks of fate:

40 - Gyre and Gimble

He’d thoroughly enjoyed their dance together that entire magic week.

Vilandra’s dreary facade kept away his competition as the undercover princess kept up the pretence of being the innocuous Libra. He was able to monopolize her company while her other clueless suitors shuffled their feet and waited in vain for the sought-after lady to make an appearance.

He kept her busy under the pretense of showing her around to familiarize her with the local customs and interesting places Antar had to offer, all the while pretending that he thought she would need the knowledge to impress her supposed target, Zan. It was almost as if they were steady dates out on the town.

He was able to feed her one fabrication after another to throw her off his trail as he pretended to support her trite brother. The ruse gave him the chance to charm her and bring her under his spell. She fell hopelessly in love with him before his plans had even congealed.

No one had ever treated her as an intelligent “person” before. It was such a change from being an “object of desire” that she fell hard for him. By the end of the week, she had revealed her true identity and told him that she had strong feelings for him.

He acted surprised and overjoyed. Then he admitted that he also felt the same. Had felt that way for a good long time.

But he confessed that he was more than worried about the fact that he and Zan never got along. “I don’t want to lose you, my love!” he cried. He played her like a fine-tuned fhiddle. He convinced her that he would win over his prior opponent’s favor by giving tribute to his new king with an honor guard outside the “Hall of Religions” just after her brother’s rushed wedding ceremony. She even thought that it was HER idea!

It was one of his finest performances.

Zan always tried to do too much, too fast. When Zan’s father died, the eager young upstart thought he had to fix everything at once. But he was thwarted at every turn. The ruling King isn’t given full authority until he’s married. With the terrifying rumors flying, many made-up by Khivar and Tove, Zan felt he was under a tight deadline to gain his full ability to solve the chaotic turmoil the kingdom now endured.

Avaria was able to convince the deluded boy that she would always be there for him and that her love for him knew no bounds. Zan used to say that he would find his dream girl out among the stars and confessed a deep-rooted sense that there was someone else out there waiting for him. Her powerful mindwarps could only nudge his psyche so far, since she couldn’t come on too strong and risk exposure of her treasonous ways. She did finally manage to get him to agree to a partnership, even though he wasn’t quite sure how much he felt for her.

It was simply a marriage of convenience, although you would never get Avaria to admit THAT!

Everything worked like clockwork. Vilandra had swallowed his chicanery hook, line and sinker. She naively gave him the key to let his troops sneak into the gated fortress just as the ceremony was coming to a close. Post haste, they proceeded to wipe out the surprised Royal Guard with little effective resistance. He was able to finish off Zan, Avaria and Rath without delay.

They were sitting jubs.

Unfortunately, the best laid plans of gyre and gimble often go astray. His lovely Vilandra had been killed by mistake. A quirk of fate. These unexpected mishaps often go awry in the heat of battle.


Khivar was so broken up over her death, that he ordered a Queens’s funeral for her body. The others were given over to the Order of Zofya to bury in a pauper’s grave at Womban Monastery. Looking back on his decision now, he wishes he had burned the other three.

When the dust settled on the initial takeover, Khivar made himself at home in the current Palace and set about sorting things out to his liking. He had to work quickly to finish off the existing power bases throughout the government so none would dare to oppose him. Those annoying journalists like to use the word “massacre” but really, he and Tove were just cleaning house. With his domination solidified on the home world, he then went after the rulers of the other planets in the Whirligig Galaxy.

Three steps forward, two steps back. War is also like a dance.

The major battles wiped out much of Antar’s economy and infrastructure. His victory came at great price. Lives, resources, habitat. Dissention and bitter hatred motivate the rebels to assail his authority even today. With these pesky cloning rumors, the murmurs of discontent have increased.

As the Birthday Ball drew to a close, Khivar chose his partner for the night and nodded to his adoring public. ‘Perhaps I will outlaw these balls tomorrow, also’ he thought as he left the party. He was in dire need of some good news and fast.

He hopes tonight’s little surprise will go off without a hitch and that tomorrow will be nothing but more good times.