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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 13 - 11/28/2020

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:02 am
by totallizfan
Really enjoying this and thanks for the prompt updates.

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 13 - 11/28/2020

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 9:07 pm
by Superman86
Nice update, I'm thinking Zack Mason is in fact baby Zan Oliviaso half brother :D . So buckle up Isabel your about to meet your nephew. As for Liz Im glad she choosing to listen to her heart, even after all these years she's following Grandma Claudia advice ....Follow your your Heart

The Story of My Life - Chapter 14 - 11/30/2020

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:05 am
by Parker1947
“Thanks Grandma” Olivia smiled as she walked down the street once she left Glitter. She did not have the mind for helping with the inventory as her mood and mind was elsewhere. She was still trying to grasp the complexities of her parent’s doomed romance. It did not make sense to how two people who loved each other so much could not be together. And they created her, and she had not been able to have the two people she wanted the most to be together. She held the package that Maria had wanted her to take home and wondered what it was in the box.

She had not found anything for her own present for her mother, but knew she had time. Maybe once she had decided, she could focus on something else, like finding the best present to give the mother who had given her everything. She did not know if she had it in her to follow in her mother’s footsteps so soon and yet she did not think she could do that ultimate step.

In giving away her kid, one who might be special. Could she do it? Dad did but he had some reason to believe that her brother was human

She still doubted how anyone coming from the gene pool she did could be completely human when her mother was human and was instilled with special gifts that her fellow humans did not have. So, how could she know her child would be safe somewhere out there in the world if they had power deep in their core that could every well come years from when they were born

She once was powerless, now she was not. So were Alex and Amelia, and they did not know how powerful her cousins were, but Maxine especially was radiating powers. Kate was still a little too young, but still… Olivia supposed there were degrees to how powerful you could be, depending on your genes but still she came from a powerful family, and could she do that to her kid, knowing that it could be a whole ballgame in say sixteen years when her child was a teenager, and dealing with his/her life?

So, her mind was full, and she was needing a distraction. She had just hung up with her Grandma Evans about going over there for dinner that evening. Once Diane found out that Liz was not going to be home until later in the evening due to a commute, although not knowing where her daughter in-law truly would be, she had put the invitation out there for her granddaughter to join her grandparents.

Olivia did not know if they knew she had met her father, their son. But she did want to see her grandparents, despite the stress that came from having put on an act and playing the model granddaughter when she was anything but.

She felt like a fraud. For so long she had lived the perfect life of a child who was smart, and had everything on her fingertips, and now she had changed her destiny. But she did not know what she wanted to do with her future, as everything seemed to be in flux.

Maybe having a night with her grandparents might do some good she asked herself. Maybe I can get some insight on their son. So, she made plans to cancel her date with Alex for that night. Maybe we should take a step back? her mind blurted out.

She was meeting Amelia for lunch at her other grandparent’s establishment. A place that apparently had played a starring role in her parent’s romance. She entered and smiled at her grandfather.

Jeff Parker was thrilled to see his granddaughter. While he knew something was distracting both his daughter and granddaughter. Still, it felt good to be able to love his granddaughter. She was so much like his Lizzie. “Hi Grandpa”

“You’re just the person I wanted to see,” Jeff smiled as she showed. “How are you doing?”

“I am doing great,” Olivia lied.

“Are you meeting Alex?” Jeff asked as he passed a menu to his granddaughter. “Or your mother?”

“Mom had something to do,” Olivia sighed as she thought of the drive her mother had taken. She knew she had surprised her aunt and her mother when she had begged off a visit to see her father, and she had wanted to go and see the man who was her father with the added knowledge of information but she knew for the first time, at least, maybe her parents needed to see each other solo. Tomorrow is another day “I am meeting Amelia?”

Jeff nodded as he could sense that his granddaughter was preoccupied, and he didn’t like that feeling because he had gone through to much of it when his daughter was the same age, and now to face his grandchild at the same age, it was terrifying. “Are you okay, you look like something is on your mind?”

“I am fine Grandpa,” Olivia lied. “Maybe there is something, but I can deal with whatever it is, on my own” she muttered because she did not want to have her grandparents look at her differently or her mother for that matter. She knew her mother had upended her parent’s plans for her, and got where she was today by doing it the hard way, and her grandparents weren’t always happy with the choices their daughter had made, and Olivia didn’t want her grandparents to look at her with the same disappointed eyes.

“If you’re sure, you know you can come to your grandmother or me, don’t you?” Jeff asked. “We won’t judge.”

“I know that,” Olivia sighed because she knew differently but you will judge me, and maybe you will even judge Mom when it isn’t her fault as she took out her tablet out of her purse and waited for Amelia to show up. She did not know how long she would have to wait for her friend. Still, she could not help but investigate the past as she put on some headphones and glanced into the past…

Her phone pinged and she saw a text pop up on her screen that Amelia was running late because she had gotten caught up with some friends. But she would be coming. So, Olivia took the time to continue to do her search and muttering to herself at the damning media and how they had reported on her father, as she was startled by a glance out of the corner of her eyes and it made her look up when she saw a blond hair boy looking at her like she interested him. He was a stranger to her, but he was looking at her like they knew each other. She did not like how he was looking at her, “What” she demanded.

“You were looking intense there,” said the blonde hair man. “Are you waiting for someone?”

“Yes,” Olivia acknowledged. “She’s going to be late?”

“Oh,” the blonde hair boy said. “Can I join you?”

“I don’t know you,” Olivia mumbled because she did not like how he was looking at her, like she was a target. “Plus, I have a boyfriend?”

“I am not looking at you in that way,” the boy said softly as he knew he should have waited, and not done this type of approach, but he rushed it, and would now live with the results. Olivia could swear he seemed familiar, but she could not place him except he looked like the one that she and Amelia had seen the other day. “I have a girlfriend too…”

“Oh,” Olivia muttered as she did not need this, and she rather stay deep in her computer, and forget the reality that existed. “Look, I am not friendly company today. My mind is clearly elsewhere” she sighed. “I have to make a lot of decisions, and I rather be alone to be able to make them”

“What’s troubling you?” the boy asked.

“It’s personal,” Olivia said taking a sip of the milkshake that her grandfather had given her. “Delicious.”

“You know this place well?” the boy asked.

“You can say that, as my grandparents are the owners. Jeff and Nancy…” Olivia smiled. “So, I am always here.”

“Did they raise you?” the boy asked. “You share the same name?”

“No, their daughter is my mother” Olivia sighed. “Mom gave me the name Parker to keep some distance from my Evans family,” she sighed as she wondered just how her life would have been different if she had been able to claim the Evans name and been able to live with the man the name belonged to “Hey, how did you know my name is Parker. I have never met you before?”

“I know you…” the boy said.

Fuck who is this idiot who was staring at me so intently like I am someone who he needs “That doesn’t answer my question,” Olivia demanded as anger was starting to creep into her voice. “Who the hell are you?” Olivia said as her other problems vanished for a moment as she concentrated on this one staring in her face. “Wait, I saw you yesterday, around town,” You were following me, weren’t you?” Now, he is here, chatting me up? “I don’t know you. So, who are you, and what is your name?”

“Zack Mason,” the blonde hair boy muttered because he had rushed this introduction and he was paying the consequences as was being forced to prove to her that he wasn’t some stalker “I know you because I looked you up. You see, we share the same father…” he muttered as Olivia’s eyes went wild. “So, yeah, Max Evans is my father. So, your father is mine”

“Holy hell” Olivia muttered softly. “You’re Tess’s son?” she said as saw the blonde hair, and then remembered the pictures she saw from her mother’s yearbook from the year Tess was registered at West Roswell High.

“We are family…” Zack sighed.

‘Why are you here?” Olivia mumbled as her food was instantly forgotten. “Why do you even care about me?” she asked. “Dad isn’t even present in my life…”

“Which is because of me?” Zack mentioned.

“Excuse me?” Olivia asked. “I was told Dad put you up for adoption?” she sighed as she thought of the idea of half brother.

“He did…” Zack mentioned. “But nothing changes the fact I was the baby in that spaceship that led our biological to in prison for crimes…” he muttered before stopping as if he didn’t want to say the rest but Olivia did not care, because she needed answers.

“How did you even know that you were in that thing?” Olivia asked.

“It might sound funny, but I remember” Zack muttered.


“You remember,” Olivia asked twenty minutes later as they stood in her house as the standoff was proceeding. Neither knew each other or had a sense of the other period, and both were put on the defensive. In the immediate aftermath of the revelation, she knew she had to get home and away from the public who might overhear their talk. She took the takeout and texted Amelia she was headed home and to come over when she was finished whatever she was doing. “How was that possible, you were like months old by the time of the explosion at the army base?”

“I just do…” Zack mentioned as he looked around the house as he knew he had been gifted with a long memory and that had led to a lot of interesting moments as he grew up, and while he might not remember everything that had gone on in his life but still he had the sense that he had seen and experienced a lot before he was put up for adoption as a little baby. Months old, and not a newborn, that many parents adopted and that had gotten him curious as it why would he suddenly be put up for adoption. “You and your mother live here long?” he commented as he came back to reality, and glanced around the home that he was in.

“Yes,” Olivia muttered but did not expand. “I thought you went up for adoption?”

“I was. I was raised by Tony and Jennie Mason” Zack smiled. “In New York. I love them but they did not know how to handle me when I got old enough to wonder where I came from, and I had questions, and they were not able to answer them. So, when last year, I ran away…” he sighed. “You shouldn’t feel sorry for me because they know where I am, and that I am alive”

“I don’t feel sorry?” Olivia asked as if the concept was foreign to her. “You had two parents, and they were good to you, and you say you love them, but you ran away?”

“Sometimes that happens,” Zack said as he saw her class pictures on the wall. “I know you got a raw deal. Only your mother?” he muttered as he had done research when he arrived in town, because he was curious about his birth father’s wife, and daughter, and knew she had been raised without him because of being in prison for some heinous crimes. Whether he is guilty, that is the question, I guess, and he knew he had reason to have doubts.

“Well Dad was in prison, and he was convicted” Olivia muttered. “So, it was pretty impossible to have two parents, when you can’t see one of them and it’s not like Mom ever wanted to move on as she and Dad were married at the time of his arrest and conviction.”

“Who stays married to someone who is in prison for life?” Zack asked.

“Someone who has only one love,” Olivia muttered. She might be questioning the whole notion of soulmates, and the idea there is only one for you in your lifetime, but she was willing to defend her mother, and her weird family. “No one is asking why you ran out on a great family?”

“You do,” Zack asked.

“That is me,” Olivia muttered as she felt weirded out by this stranger in her house, looking around like everything was interesting to him, when none of this made sense. “Look, I don’t know even if who you say is true. The kid in question was a tiny baby. So, it is not like I can go back and look to see who you are…’”

“Phillip Evans handled my adoption?” Zack muttered as he a copy of his adoption records back in his motel room.

“So, what my grandfather a lawyer and he I am sure has handled his share of adoptions in his time before he semi retired” she sighed as if that told her anything as she was aware her grandfather had a long and distinguished career despite the guilt of what had gone wrong, once upon a time that had reduced his enthusiasm for the practice of law. “Same with my aunt?”

“Isabel Evans Ramirez Valenti” Zack murmured.

“You could have researched that,” Olivia asked. Which I am sure you did because no one has instant recall of it all “She doesn’t go by Ramirez anymore. They are long divorced.”

“I know,” Zack muttered. “They divorced back in 2002. I think we both know that when you give someone up for adoption. You sign papers you know and fill out a whole history, up to a point, at least and that is why I know my birth father is Max Evans of Roswell, New Mexico. My birth mother was Tess Harding who by that point was deceased…”

“If you’re blaming my father for putting up for adoption?” Olivia asked. “Don’t, because it was the only decision he could have made at the time.”

“Is it?” Zack asked as he glanced around and then back at a clearly irritated Olivia and it was evident to Zack that he had gotten her on the wrong day or wrong year for that matter. “And look I am not trying to get into a pissing contest over who has the hardest done by life. I know you probably would win on that regard because I did have a family. A family they write stories about when you only had your mother?”

“Yeah, I did…” Olivia muttered and a whole extended family she conceded to herself that she knew that not everyone was that lucky, but still she had not had two parents who loved each other and were together.

“Who apparently was our birth father’s girlfriend at the time of my birth. Seems he might have stepped out on her?”

“Hey, watch it,” Olivia said with a deadly glare “You don’t know the situation so you can’t judge what my father may have done. That option is given to me because I was here, and a direct response from that time. Regardless, he was a teenager, just like you are now, and probably close the same age. You think you can handle that kind of situation?” she asked as she knew her own situation. “Given his situation. He made a pretty brave decision in giving you a better life.”

“All I am saying is I know the situation. I know Max Evans picked your mother over mine…”

“My mother lost him because of your mother” Olivia muttered as she knew they were in a pissing contest over their parents. “My whole life would have been different if she hadn’t allowed our father to go off with your mother” she asked. “And then your biological mother is the one who took them all down, along with the army base here in town. So, yeah, I lost my father because of her…”

“Who also nearly killed his soon to be wife…” Zack muttered and ultimately my mother by committing the army base explosion. “I do research…”

“You must,” Olivia muttered.

“So, we can admit that our mutual biological father might not be the saint you think he is…”

“If you think I think our father as some saint than you don’t know me,” Olivia mutter. “Oh right, you don’t know me, and don’t know the life I have lived with my mother. You seem to want to make judgements of decisions he made when you were a baby. When he chose to give you a better life. You got lucky. You had a chance at two parents. Two parents who love you. Something I have been denied because of actions of our parents.”

“Look I didn’t come here to upset you,” Zack motioned as he knew now that it had been a questionable move to approach her, on this day, at least. “I couldn’t resist when I saw you, and only wanted to say I know who you are, and I am only here in this town because I wanted to know more about my biological family and that includes our father. I wanted to know the family who clearly our father wanted more than my mother…”

“Your mother is a killer.” Olivia glared.

“So is our father…” Zack snapped back. “There is no proof or any conviction against my birth mother, but it is with our father”

“Get out,” Olivia said as stopped in her tracks and faced him with a fury that was unknown to her until this point as she had pretty much been even keel and now, she was triggered. “Why don’t you go back to your golden life, with two parents who love you. Pretend you never came to his town, and that you do not know me. You obviously don’t care about getting to know the man our father was or is…” she shouted as she was one to talk because she didn’t know the man their father was, and she was going on media accounts or even her mother’s stories. But she trusted her mother and her family to know the man who had helped give her life. While it only seemed that Zack wanted to think that their father was a monster despite being on a quest to know more. “All you want to do is make judgments?”

“Look I didn’t want to upset you,” Zack said not knowing that he had stepped on all her buttons about what she had been missing in her life.

“Well you have. You will never know how much I wanted him in my life. It was just my mother and I for the last sixteen years. I love my mother and I will forever be grateful for the life she’s given me but it’s different knowing I have a father in prison whose life I can’t be part of, and he can’t be part of my life. I would give anything to have two parents, and you did have it and you gave that up” she cried. “You don’t know what it’s like to know why he in jail or that I will never have my fantasies of having him come home come true. I will never be able to have a father be part of my life. You did, and you gave that up…”

“All I want is to know why?” Zack muttered. “I didn’t give it up. I can go home anytime I want”

“Why, what?” Olivia asked. “You ran out on the life I wanted, and you haven’t gone home yet?”

“Now whose making judgments of a situation you don’t even know” Zack muttered as Olivia only glared. “That is right. You do not know me. I don’t know you, or the life you’ve led with your mother and your whole family, which makes you lucky you do have someone to love you.” he sighed. “I need to know why he was the man he was…” he asked “You wanted your father in your life. I want to know why I always felt different. The only memory of that time is one he gave me,” he said softly as the image that always echoed in his mind “Of someone who loved me but gave me up to a different life. You grew up knowing your father was in prison because everyone thought he was a killer but imagine how it is to grow up to find out your biological mother, who gave you life, is suspected of being a mass killer?” he muttered of the rumors he had picked up on in regards to his birth mother.

“And who took down my father…” Olivia said. “You found out that about your biological mother, which is true by the way when all of it can be traced to one person, and that was your mother. Well, I had to live down the fact my father was convicted of that crime because of your mother. She was trying to martyr herself, and in the process, she took down my whole family.”

“She didn’t make him confess,” Zack spat. “So, he must have been guilty of something…” he asked. “And that something was abuse against his wife of all things. The woman apparently, he loved more than anyone including me, and my mother, so, maybe my biological mother had the right idea when obviously our father was some loser?”

“That is, it, I’ve had it with you,” Olivia stormed as she pointed to the door “You’re being idiotic and therefore get out and don’t come back”

“Fine with me, you don’t have to ask me twice” Zack muttered as he walked to the door as he wanted to get as far away as possible from this house but when he heard a yelp and looked back, he saw that Olivia had collapsed onto the floor. “Oh god, Olivia!” he yelled as he rushed to his fallen half sister and was startled to see green energy coming from the girl’s finger steps, signalling she was under great deal of stress. And Zack was beginning to understand that his half sister and he might just share more than issues regarding their mutual biological father as his hands started to glow, and he held her hand while reaching for his phone and calling 911 as the green energy started to fade but she remained unconscious.


Liz waited. She had been told that someone was in with Max and she would have to wait. She wore a badge that ignored who she truly was. She used her maiden name and made it seem that she was a Sheriff department PR person checking in on how Max was being treated after so many years of incarceration. No one knew she was married to the prisoner, and she was debating with herself as to whether she should just walk out. But they had her keys, and her phone, and she knew she was in this now.

She was nervous. Why was it easier to deal with her teenage daughter’s teenage pregnancy than seeing her imprisoned husband for the first time in sixteen years? She did not know why that was, but it was.

Maybe it was because she hated to see Max in pain. Or in any situation where he could not get out of. She had made all the sacrifices she had in their relationship for him, and because she did not want to see the pain in his eyes.

His gorgeous eyes…

Her daydreaming of her husband ended when she heard a familiar voice. “Liz,” said Michael as he walked out of the last gate that kept the prison population inside the cement walls. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see him” was all she said as she stood up and faced her good friend in Michael. “What are you doing here Michael?”

“Same thing,” Michael answered as he glanced around warily and then back at Max’s wife “Are you sure you want to do this, because nothing can prepare for the first time Liz.”

“I know,” Liz admitted.

“Ms. Parker, you’re allowed in now” came the guard through the gate. “This way…”

“Sure,” Liz said. “I’ll talk to you later” she said softly to Michael who nodded as he watched as she followed the guard.


“Why aren’t I allowed to leave this room?” Max wondered as she banged on the door and asked to be let out but no, the door was opening, and he was stuck. He was sick of this room and wanted to go back to his cell and pine for his wife, and daydream. “Come on let me out…”

“One more guest,” came the guard. “Sit down?”

“Why?” Max mumbled. “I want back to my cell, now?”

“Sit down,” came the guard and Max was going to do more than do a little protesting but then he looked at the sudden figure entering the room and he stopped in place, frozen, and not sure he could ever move again. The vision he was seeing couldn’t possibility be there, right?”

“No, please, sixteen years in this rat hole has made me insane” he asked to himself as he stood in frozen terror as he wondered if he was finally hallucinating after suffering through sixteen year of hell in this prison, and now he was glancing at his salvation, someone who was telling it was time to go towards the white light. “This can’t be real?”

“Max…” came the first words, and Max was taken into another world as sixteen years magically vanished in briefest of seconds as he came to realization that this was now reality that he was staring into and not a dream.

“Liz…” Max breathlessly voiced a name he had not uttered except his sister and best friend, who was more like a brother to him. “Liz” he whispered.

“Max…” Liz murmured as she set her eyes on her husband for the first time in nearly seventeen years.

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 14 - 11/30/2020

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:48 pm
by keepsmiling7
You make my day when I see a new part posted. But a cliff hanger..........

Olivia was to meet Amelia at her grandparents place, when up comes this strange young man.
No surprise.......she knew all about Tess.
Zack said he remembered the AF base disaster, how can this be???
They had quite a conversation.......each one jealous of the others part in life.

Hurry back with the Liz and Max first meeting in 17 years!

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 14 - 11/30/2020

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 1:17 am
by Superman86
Nooooo! You stopped there, cliffhanger. I can't wait for more. I hope Olivia be alright. Zack better get the facts right about Max. Max and Liz finally seeing each after so long, what's to come...

The Story of My Life - Chapter 15 - 12/02/2020

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:00 pm
by Parker1947
She’s breathtaking Max whispered to only himself as he stood in a frozen stare-down it seemed with the love of his life. A woman that was perfection in his eyes. And whose love which had existed within him for sixteen years had not vanished as he was coming to realize as if he ever truly gave up on her. She had existed in his brain as the fifteen-year-old who had given him a chance. His dream girl. The girl he had been pining for since third grade when he first set his eyes on the little girl in a cupcake dress made by her mother.

Seeing her now, he did not know he had gotten through these years, without the ability to truly see her…

As he stood staring…

She also stood staring at him too as she now realized if she ever thought she was over her husband; she had been sadly been mistaken. He was her one and only. There was no other one who could capture everything she felt in a glance.

Staring at him now, scarily thin, and so unlike the gorgeous man she had married nearly seventeen years before. It made her instantly worry about what kind of life he was forced to lead here in this horror show.

She instantly saw their daughter in his eyes.

“Max, she murmured softly as she was the first to break from the trance as she looked around at the sterile room, divided by glass. To think they could hear each other, still they stood like they were the only two in the room.

They were, but they were also within a different world. One without windows and on that had glass separating them. Only a simple phone wired to achieve the ability to talk to each other. But he stood there, perfect as if the seventeen years that they were apart never had happened.

And yet she knew it did because she had his sixteen-year-old daughter waiting for her at home. With her phone bundled up in a bag, and unable to get to, and therefore she was unknowing that there was a phone call being placed to that phone as she stood there. Taking in the man who had brought her into a new world when he saved it when she was only fifteen years old.

“Liz” he whispered as finally he found his voice and forced himself to take a step forward. Staring at the space where she was supposed to sit. Reality struck her because it was so sterile, and so unlike what she would want to be able to use to see or talk to her husband.

Yet sitting down, she took the phone and he the cue to sit down as she did, as they stared each other, and she found her hand being placed on the glass as if she wanted to find out it was a dream, and the glass was just fake, and she could put her hand through and touch him, but she couldn’t.

The glass was real. And it was a barrier. A barrier that kept them from truly touching, but in their world, they were…

But he at the same time laid his hands as they traced each other’s hands as if it were a touch, and real, and she felt a wave of coldness but heat as she did it. She put down her hand, and reached for the phone, and picked it up. “Max,” she whispered this time in a way that could be understood by the only one she had ever loved. “You’re really here?” she asked as she finally found her voice for the phone in her hand.

She now knew what Jim had meant. Seeing him meant it was real. He truly was in this prison. It was not some daydream coma he was in, in some hospital miles away. Something like her own daughter grew up wanting to believe. He was here, separated by glass, and they were unable to touch. A true prison with bars, and glass that kept him from interacting with the real world and was not just a prison of his mind that he had kept his true self in. This one was real, and it was scary to see the man she did love.

He found the words to speak. “Shouldn’t I be saying that?”

“We can say it together,” Liz said softly as they both took each other in one more time “It’s real?”

“Yeah,” Max murmured as if he was in a dream. It was a dream come true. “I can hardly believe it. I wanted it more than you would think possible, but I never allowed myself to dream that this could happen.”

“We could have had this chance, but you kept me away?” Liz asked as she knew once more that nothing could keep her from Max. Seventeen years vanished in a split second. “As I would have been here?”

Many regrets formed in Max’s mind as he constantly played a game what if, but reality popped each of their balloons and he knew the true, he had wanted to disappoint the love of his life. “I didn’t want to see the pain on your face. I couldn’t do that to you because we both would knowing that I couldn’t come home, and I couldn’t break out of here”

“Why didn’t you, you know, break out of here?” Liz asked as if it were a possibility and it was because they both knew he could have called in the cavalry and Michael and Isabel would have helped. She would have helped in whatever form that they needed her, but adult in her knew that it would have been no life, and it was foolish to wonder why he did not attempt it. “Why couldn’t you come home to me some way?”

“Because we are both too sane to know it would not have solved anything,” Max muttered. “But of course, I didn’t know half of what I had at home did I?”

“I would have told you if you had given me a chance to be here, and to see you…” Liz whispered. “I would never have kept that from if you if I had the choice,” she murmured. “I would not have done that to you, or to you. But you kept me away, so how could I tell you?” she asked. “She looks just like you?”

“She looks like you?” Max said. “She’s just like you were at her age. Sixteen Liz…”

“Sixteen, yeah, she is” Liz confirmed. “When she was a baby and then when she was a growing child. I saw you, and I still do” she asked. “You should have been with us. Max, I would have done anything to have you at home with us. I would have gone on the run again if I had you with us?”

“They would have come after us,” Max murmured. “Your parents wouldn’t have understood. Especially once they knew about Vermont. They would have hated me even more than they already did if I took you from them. I knew you needed them, and I didn’t want that kind of life for you, and especially wouldn’t have wanted it for Olivia”

“But we would have been together. You would have been able to see your daughter grow up and she would have been able to know her father?”

“But with the fear that at any moment there could be a knock on the door?” Max asked. “I didn’t want that for you. We already had experienced that when we fled Roswell after graduation before they caught up to us. We had experienced it already once, and that been a lot of stress, and to it with even more authorities after us. It would have been no life to lead”

“But I would have been with you,” Liz sighed and knew Max was talking reality and common sense and yet her heart didn’t speak in those voices and all she could think about was what they had missed out, and what Max had missed out at not being part of their daughter’s life. And maybe Olivia would not have made some of those choices. Who am I kidding? Olivia is our daughter, and if we could not have resisted than well, she would not have stood a chance. “I would have been with you?”

“That is the only thing I ever wanted. From third grade to when you did give me a chance to love you. But it was no life…”

“It was my life and would have been my choice” Liz murmured. “But you are right.”

“You had already given more than your life for me,” Max muttered. “I guess Olivia now knows what I did to you?” he asked. “Does she hate me?”

“She’s sixteen. She does not understand. She has never seen us together Max. She only hears from stories, and because we’re in the age we are, everything can be accessed on the internet, so she saw the footage…”

“Misleading footage,” Max muttered.

“But it’s still a hell of a piece of footage,” Liz allowed. “So, all she can see is what happened. She cannot seem to grasp the complexities, and who would. No one, but those who lived it could really get what happened to us during those years and especially not a teenager who lives a life that is of today and who doesn’t understand how it was twenty years ago”

“It still torments me,” Max murmured as he thought of the nightmares that would come to him, and how he had tried to eliminate them and now the past was so present. “You ended up saving life after I almost took yours…”

“You were a different person Max,” Liz asked. “Literally, and I married you because I loved you, and never thought it was your intention to hurt me in that kind of way, and you would never have done if that man hadn’t had control over you…” she sighed. “I never would have stayed if I believed you were in any way that kind of person.”

“Still I did it,” Max muttered. “I will forever regret it”

“Olivia doesn’t see that,” Liz agreed. “But one day she will…”

“I can only hope,” Max sighed as he thought that they were two vastly different people today than they were as teenagers. “You are a doctor?”

“Yeah,” Liz smiled. “I made it.”

“I am glad” Max said as they could only look at each other. “I knew of the two of us, you were going places. I ever only wanted you, and if I couldn’t have you, then I wanted you to have the world…”

“I only wanted you” Liz whispered. “What I became was meaningless to loving you”


“Where is she?” Maria said whisking into the emergency room with Amelia and Alex quickly following. She was frantic when she got the call from the hospital looking for Liz, but unable to get in contact with her, and so Maria came running because she had a invested interest in her goddaughter’s condition for more reason than her fondness for the girl. So, she came rushing to the hospital after placing a call to Isabel who was Olivia’s next of kin if her mother was not around. “Is she okay?”

“She’s being monitored by a doctor,” a blonde hair boy answered as he came into the situation.

“Who are you?” Maria asked warily at the boy. “You look new, and I don’t know you” she asked as Alex looked at the boy with a suspicious glare.
“Who is this?” she asked of her kids who did not look at this boy as it was a stranger.

“You again,” Amelia said as she recognized the individual as Alex shrugged off his mother’s question because he had not met this kid before, but it was clear to everyone that Amelia was quite different. “So, we meet again?”

“You know him?” Maria asked of her daughter. “Who is he?”

“I don’t know his name, but he’s been around town…” Amelia conceded as she turned to confront the stranger in their midst who did not like that, he was now center of attention. “What are you doing here with my best friend?”

“Have you been stalking my daughter and her friends?” Maria demanded of the mystery boy as the kid gave off a familiar aura to him and she didn’t know what that meant for their families and while she knew they didn’t know everyone their kids had interacted with but she couldn’t help but have the feeling that Olivia wasn’t one to keep this kid’s company. .

“Boy you people are way too suspicious,” Zack muttered and yet he knew he had to give up his name at least. “The name is Zack Mason. I am new to town. I was talking to Olivia when she collapsed” he admitted because he didn’t want to admit how his half sister had pushed his buttons or that he had said stuff he only said in his dreams, and never dared out loud, and now he worried for his newly found sister. A sister who didn’t know him, nor did he know her, and yet he now knew this situation was a hell of a lot more complicated than being adopted and finding family he didn’t know he had until he went searching.

He was not callous, and he did care for Olivia’s well being, and it did not matter if she could not stand him.

Who is this jerk? Maria muttered to herself. “When you suddenly show up in my town and no one has ever seen you before except my daughter apparently, yeah, it will lead me to ask questions.” as the door swung open and in ran both Isabel and Michael. “Thank god you both are here than we might get some answers” she muttered. “This fellow here was with Olivia when she collapsed.”

“What did you do to her?” Michael asked through gritted teeth. “I don’t know you?”

“That seems to be the common sentiment around here,” Zack muttered. “Again, I am not nameless. I am Zack Mason, and I am new to this town.”

“Zack Mason. You have an appointment with me tomorrow” Isabel said softly as she connected the name but before she could get an answer, the door opened, and a doctor came out. “I am looking for Olivia Parker’s mother?”

“She’s on the way,” Maria muttered. “She was out of town for the afternoon.”

“Who is next of kin?” the doctor asked. “Is her father on the way too?”

“I am,” Isabel murmured. “I am her aunt, father’s side. Unfortunately, Olivia’s father is not in the picture…”

“Oh, I see,” the doctor muttered. “Then I will need to talk to her mother as soon as she can get here, because we’re trying to treat her daughter the best we can.”

“We know about the baby doctor,” Isabel sighed as everyone who knew looked away as it was a very dicey and complication conversation that no one had wanted to have. The one person who did not know. The news rocked him, and as a result Zack could not help but look surprised and feel slightly guilty because of anger he had spoke to her in. Sure, she had given it right back, but still it was on him for how aggressive of a tact he had taken and of course he hadn’t suspected this of the half sister he only recently came to know he had, so the news gave him a jolt.

“How is the baby?” Isabel murmured as she looked at Maria who had a frantic look on her face. Both knew neither Olivia nor Alex were ready for this stage of life, but days like today made it real

“At the moment we’re monitoring both the baby and it’s mother,” the doctor said. “Both are stable. Is someone here the father of the baby?”

“I am,” Alex muttered as he stepped forward. “Can I see her?”

“In a minute,” the doctor muttered. “But I have to say for right now until we can get her situation assessed that we will have to keep her visitors to only immediate family. Ms. Parker’s blood pressure is dangerously high, and we are worried for a baby. And quite possibility Olivia as well because the blood pressure is sky high. As soon as we can arrange it, we will arrange for an ultrasound to check on the status of the baby” the doctor sighed. “So, as soon as her mother can get here, the better…”

Isabel nodded as the doctor led Alex back to see Olivia.

“I am calling Liz…” Michael sighed because he knew if she were still in with Max than she would not be able to hear, but he needed to let her know. “I’ll be right back.”

Maria nodded.

“What did you say to my niece to get her so upset?” Isabel asked as she knew it did not have to be Zack’s conversation because her niece was already on the edge of an explosion and it was only a matter of time. “You had to say something?”

“We just had a talk…” Zack muttered as he tried to stall.

“About what?” Maria asked as she was immediately wary of this newcomer and on guard to how made it into their story and of course as she had sensed before, he had the aura of familiarity and yet he was different, and someone who she was not familiar with. “As you can see Olivia has a lot on her plate, and she didn’t need anyone coming and messing with her?”

“I didn’t know. She didn’t tell me” Zack sighed. “I wouldn’t have laid into her if I had known because I do have standards you know…”

“Obviously,” Maria grumbled. “What did you tell her to get her so upset?”

“It was nothing important,” Zack muttered because he was not ready to announce who he was, just yet. But he knew he did not have a choice.

“Should we call the police?” Isabel asked. “Because we would just love to because he’s a personal friend and family, so he’s not going to take the matter lightly.”

“Don’t do that…” Zack muttered because he was not happy to be ganged up by two women. “I was only curious about her, that is all. Sure, we both said things we probably wished we did not, but I did not go there with any malicious intent. I was simply curious about her”

“Why?” Maria demanded.

“I guess I have to tell you, so fine,” Zack muttered because while he did not want to have to reveal what he had to reveal but he did not have much choice. They were going to get it out of him anyways and it beat having to explain to the authorities. “It’s because she’s my half sister…” Zack revealed to a shocked Maria and Isabel as they put two and two together. “So, yeah, you can say she’s pretty important to me. I figure either of you knew me back in the day as Zan” he asked. “as it was the name on my birth certificate given to my parents when they adopted me. Once everything was official, they elected to change it, as it is now Zack. Zack Mason,” he murmured. “You can pretty much guess that at birth my parents were Max Evans and Tess Harding?

“Fuck!” Isabel muttered. Are you kidding me?

“What a nice greeting their Aunt Isabel” Zack muttered. “It is nice to meet you too…”


Back at the prison. Neither wanted to end this reunion. But both knew time was ticking down. This had been an incredible opportunity for the two to get, and neither wanted it to end despite the absurdity of it. The idea she was here visiting her husband in a prison, and they were acting like love cross teenagers. When she had an impressionable teenager at home who was capable of mistakes and made a fair of them already. “You make it impossible to stay mad at you,” she remarked. “I should hate you for keeping me away. For forcing me raise our daughter without her father when it could have been so different?”

“You know that I have never wanted you to be hurt,” Max murmured as her beauty still captivated him and allowed him to dream. “Gosh, it’s been almost twenty years hasn’t it?” Max asked as he was coming to realize the passage of time. It stunned him to think of how that kind of time had passed them by, as it made no sense, and here she was looking at him like it was yesterday, and it was the girl in biology class who was his partner, and was forced to only talk to him when they had assignment, and to think of all that transpired since those days, and since the day she came into his life, and made it real.

Most of what had transpired between did not make sense, and yet here they were trying to comprehend it anyways. “Back in the beginning. I did not even want us to start because I feared it going badly. I didn’t want you to be hurt…” he murmured. “Especially not by me, and that is what I ended up doing, hurting you…”

“Life happens Max. Whether we are prepared for it or not. One thing I have learned as a parent is you cannot prevent pain, because life has its own way of happening whether you are ready or not. I just wish you had been able to have a chance to be with us, and to experience the high and the lows, and the joys from these past years.”

“I would do anything to go back in time and prevent it from happening…” Max sighed. “If only all that had not happened, as I would have given anything to have been there with you and Olivia. The government and the law had other plans for us…”

“What would you have done?” Liz asked If only we could go back in time and prevent so much of this.

“What do you think. I would go back in time and prevent Tess was screwing with our lives…” Max murmured. “So much could have been prevented if only…”

If only takes you so far…” Liz sighed. “We both made choices. As I tell our daughter that she cannot go back and fix what went wrong. What happened in the past happened, and we only hope we do not repeat the mistakes that can be fixed. My actions gave Tess the chance to claim you, as it’s not all on you…”

“I am the one responsible for Vermont,” Max said grief slipping into his tone.

“It wasn’t you. It was Clayton Wheeler. You tried to prevent it. You fought through and you saved my life at the expense of your own” Liz asked.
“You saved my life once more?”

“And you saved me?” Max sighed.

“So, we saved each other…” Liz smiled. “The outside world may have a false impression of our relationship. Only you and I know the complexities, and nothing can take away those memories”

“Our daughter,” Max sighed.

“Yeah, we created something perfect. Nothing will take that away from us. You could be here for the rest of your life, and we’ll still share that” Liz sighed. “As much as I would love to go back and fix the past before it had a chance to get us. Still, I would not have given up Olivia for anything. I don’t know if I could live in a life that didn’t have her in it” she murmured. “Going back an eliminating the pain only brings other opportunities to encounter the pain and angst that life was destined to bring us, and I wouldn’t have had Olivia” she sighed. “There are no guarantees to life Max. Going back to the past wouldn’t guarantee anything”

“I want to be out of here, and with both of you” Max asked. “Michael tells me that Olivia has her challenges, and she needed me. If only I could have been there…’

“We want you out of here too,” Liz sighed as she bristled at the though of what Max did not know of their daughter’s current challenges. “I did the best I could, but unfortunately having substitute father figures is not the same thing as having the real thing, and knowing you were in here, and not the average missing father, that has taken a toll on her…”

“I know what it means to be missing a piece of yourself,” Max muttered. “Isabel and I might have had a great life with our parents but still there were sides of us we didn’t know, and when we did go looking, well, we opened a hornet’s nest of pain that ultimately led me here…”

“Growing up today isn’t as easy as it was for us,” Liz muttered.

“It was easy for us?” Max smiled a tiny bit.

Liz laughed. “Okay it was a simpler time for us. We had our challenges, but we did not have to worry about camera’s picking up every little detail of our lives. Kids today grow up way to fast, and they rush into life…”

“I wish I could have been there to help you” Max murmured. “I will give anything for her to not hate me…”

“She doesn’t hate you Max. She’ll eventually come around,” Liz promised. “Unfortunately, she doesn’t understand. But she’ll see what kind of man you are…” she sighed. “She has her own challenges to get through over the next few months” she sighed as she did not relish Max finding out what was happening with their daughter. It made her feel like a bad mother in that she could not help their daughter have a carefree existence for a few more years before she went off to university.

“I know our time is drawing to a close” he murmured as Max saw a door open. “I want to see you again?”

“I will try to come with Olivia next time,” Liz said softly.

“I wish it was next time already” Max asked. “I miss you already…”

“Ms. Parker,” the guard said. “There is a phone call for you…” the guard muttered. “They were being annoying with all the calls, and text messages, so I finally answered for you. They say it is important and it cannot wait until you become available. Apparently, it’s about your daughter?”

“Oh god,” Liz muttered What could she up to now? “Can I take it here?”

“If you make it quick,” the guard muttered as he handled her the phone she had been forced to relinquish as he left the room moments later. Liz instantly connected. “Hello Michael” she sighed as Max looked surprised since he knew that Michael was aware that Liz was here with him. “Yes, I am still with him, so what is it?” she asked. “Can’t this wait?” she sighed and then paused, and she went pale. “Oh god, is she okay?” she mumbled.

“Okay, I’ll be there as soon as possible. Yeah, you can tell them she has no allergies to anything needed” she sighed as she looked at the confusion in her husband’s eyes. “I am coming right away” she said as she hung up and faced her husband. “We were ending anyways. But now I really have to go”

“Is it Olivia?” Max asked. “What’s wrong?”

“She’s been rushed to the hospital,” Liz said frantically as fears started to pop in her mind as Michael might have told it was not life threatening but knowing her daughter’s condition, she knew she had to worry about two beings right now. “She collapsed. So, I have to go…”

“What happened?” Max whispered as he could see the fear on her face. “Is she alright?”

“No,” Liz shook her head. “She’s not alright and therefore I need to get there right away… I wish this prison were closer to Roswell,” she sighed because she didn’t need a long drive with her mind the way it was. “I’ll be back when I can?”

“Liz, what has happened? Do you know something more about Olivia?” Max murmured because he was getting vibes that this was something different and did not like to see his wife so frantic over their daughter. “Hey, you need to calm down because you will be useless for our daughter if you try to drive when you are this overwhelmed and when you’re in this kind of state.”

“I didn’t want to tell you like this,” Liz muttered as she knew that Max needed to know… “You’re probably going to think of me as a terrible mother?”

“I could never think that” Max asked. “What is it, tell me?”

“Max, Olivia’s pregnant” Liz whispered as Max’s jaw dropped. “Yeah, she’s sixteen and pregnant. Alex is the father. Which is another whole battle for Michael, Maria, and I to deal with and we have not really dealt with it yet, so I must go. You can understand that I don’t know what it means yet for Olivia” she murmured. “She was still trying to decide what to do about it, and now this happened, so I have to go”

“Go,” Max assured. “Tell Olivia I love her…”

“You don’t even know her” Liz mumbled as she grabbed her wallet which was the only thing, they had allowed her to bring in with her…

“Liz, she’s ours. I will never stop loving anything that comes from you, and I” Max whispered. “Go, be with our daughter” he sighed. “Support her…” he sighed. “I know what it means to have to make that kind of decision.”

“Yeah I know you do,” Liz muttered as she hated to remember back to that time, but the memories were fresh because of her talk with her daughter. Instead she simply nodded as she quickly left the room, and departed the prison soon after and sped back towards Roswell with record speed while Max was led back to his jail cell, and moments later heard the door slammed shut, and saw the clipping of the wedding on the bed, and saw his little girl as small child, and knowing she couldn’t be with her, made him ache even more…

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 15 - 12/02/2020

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 3:58 pm
by keepsmiling7
Seeing Max was finally believing.
The meeting was full of regrets.
LOL.....Zack said those people were way too suspicious.
If he only knew!
I'm glad Zack could explain to the family the bomb shell.
Hurry Liz, you need to get back to Roswell.

The Story of My Life - Chapter 16 - 12/04/2020

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:20 pm
by Parker1947
The drive back to Roswell was endless Liz felt as she drove as safely as possible but with speed to get back to the town where her daughter was as soon as possible. She did not know what made her daughter collapse and knew it spelled bad news and wanted answers as soon as possible as she could not help but reflect on how she had just left her husband. Max was like a mirror into the past. They might be both older, as forty was coming at them with alarming speed even if they had a few years still. Both were not as young as they were when they last saw each other. And yet she felt like a teenager and her heart stopped when she saw him.

It was like the world was bright, and welcoming when she knew it was anything but and the fact, he sat in a prison cell with no hope of her husband coming home to her, or their daughter. It made life feel not fair.

And knowing her daughter might be facing a fight. She felt like a failure of a mother. Yet she knew her daughter was just like her in many ways, and yet was facing a dilemma that was faced by her father at one time. At least this time, she could stand the father of her daughter’s baby. Their grandchild. She never would want to push her daughter into a decision. Hell, I have no idea what I would have done if it had been earlier in my relationship with Max than it was… or if it had been with someone else. Max had been with someone else and was forced to confront that question.

As she told her daughter. She knew Max had wanted to be a father to that baby and had planned to spend his life with someone he did not love because he wanted it for the baby. Growing up how he did. He had a lot of questions. Yet when it came time to decide, he had chosen adoption because they believed the baby was human. That was a whole new ballgame she mused as she drove and thought of how she had resented that baby.

She had dreams that had Max in them. And they did not include being a teenage mother to a baby her true love had with some else. Especially a murderous traitor So, she was let off the hook when Max chose what he did. And truthfully putting her feelings on the matter aside, both knew it had been the right choice. While she had goals, she wanted to reach for once the graduated. Max was directionless. He did not seem to have a map planned for him. So much of their senior year had been geared towards finding that baby that Tess took off with. They had not talked about what it meant if the baby was found and came back to Max. We only wanted to be together. We did not talk about the complicated matters she mused.We never talked. We just wanted to be together, and to reveled in each other because we had spent so much time apart, and now we had that chance.

Still those months were hard to get through as Max’s search took over and their relationship and basically her came backburner as they also dealt with their parent’s opposition to them. Of course, they had not helped matters by doing their Bonnie and Clyde impersonations and charging right into life changing consequences. Fortunately, they managed to get out of them, just barely and it was right back to looking. She had helped it along…

Because she knew there was a chance the baby could come back. But she figured that Antar was not like Europe, and it was kind of hard to come back from that…

She figured wrong…

Because Tess and the baby had. It was instantly was a reminder of the past that she had tried to forget as she tried to concentrate on her relationship with Max as graduation approached. Only Tess took that quest out of her hands, and forced a final decision on both her and Max.
Tess had forced them into that with her choice to go out in a blaze of glory. And it had ultimately took them down, and separated her from the man she loved, and the father of her daughter. She had achieved the one goal that seemed unattainable in the beginning. Being with Max and being his wife. But that was cut short. Sure, she was married to him, but her husband had been in prison for nearly seventeen years.

Kind of hard to have a marriage when he is behind bars and will not see you? she mused as she took the exit that took her into town limits, and she sought out the hospital. She was reminded that she had one last memory of him laying in a hospital, waiting for her to return to town from a visit to her father. Max had made the brave choice once, but she did not know what the choice would be today. Would it be taken out of their hands?

As she parked and rushed into the hospital. “Where is she, where is my daughter. Olivia Parker” she asked reminding once more that that she probably hurt her husband when he realized that their daughter had her mother’s name, not his And yet she was an Evans in every way that matter down to her special abilities, and her strength. “I need to see my daughter?” she demanded of the hospital front desk. “I am Olivia’s mother?”

“Mrs. Parker,” the nurse said immediately as the others saw Liz rush in and came running.

“It’s just Ms. Parker,” Liz muttered. “She wished she could claim her rightful title as Mrs. Evans” but that would put too much pressure on her and Olivia as the media would make mincemeat of them as they had done all those years before when they posed as judge and executioner with their opinion on her relationship with Max. Wondering what kind of woman stays with a man who nearly killed her, and would have gone on to marry him after such a incident. She put down her head and gave Olivia her maiden name when she was born, and the limelight did start to fade.

Except on every anniversary of the explosion when the press and other media outlets would post Where are they now pieces in relation to the base explosion. They never came to her and ask for her opinion, nor did they go to her daughter and ask why she did not have her father’s name. But they knew the rumors existed as they often wondered why she stayed married to a man she did not see. Because of the prison logs tended to get printed every couple of years and they knew she had not visited.

Both the prison and the media would probably figure out the truth about her visit in due time. But now she just worried about her daughter. “How is she?” she asked of the nurse. “I need to see her.”

“She wants to see you…” the nurse said. “She’s been asking for you?” she nodded. “Come this way”

Liz followed and the walk felt endless. “A doctor will be in shortly” the nurse said as she left the room. Liz looked around the room and saw Alex in the corner as her daughter slept. “What happened?”

“She’s sleeping…” Alex said softly as he did not want to deal with it.

“Obviously,” Liz muttered as she continued to look around. “How is she?”

“She’s doing better,” Alex said. “The doctor’s say her blood pressure is really high and are keeping visitors to a minimum” he muttered. “I have been sitting here thinking it’s all my fault…”

“It’s on both of you,” Liz muttered because fault is always shared in this kind of situation. “Have they said anything about the baby?” she asked of the dreaded question and Alex only shook his head. “I think it’s stable, but they won’t tell me anything because I am not family…”

“You’re about to be family.” Liz mumbled. “Whether you two are ready for it or not… “

“I am sorry Liz,” Alex muttered. “If only…”

Liz mumbled If only, right she mused. “We can all say we’re sorry all we want but the question is what you two are going to do about it, now”

Alex nodded as the doctor came in. “Ms. Parker?” she asked. “I am Dr. Grant, and I have been caring for your daughter since she arrived. “I understand you’re a doctor as well?”

“Yes,” Liz muttered. “Dr. Parker,” she acknowledged as she knew she gotten her degree under her maiden name to stop the questions and the stares. I wish I could claim my married name she muttered to herself again. “My daughter?”

“Olivia is resting…”

“What’s wrong?” Liz asked.

“We think her blood pressure spiked to such a level and she collapsed. Otherwise her overall condition is stable, and nothing else seems to be an issue…” Dr. Grant murmured. “Your daughter seems to be a bundle of pressures?”

“Yeah, she’s very overwhelmed about a lot of things in her life,” Liz acknowledge as she looked at Alex who nodded and left the room. “The baby?”

“Right now, stable, but I am told your daughter hasn’t seen a doctor since being informed of her pregnancy?” Dr. Grant asked. “She got a second opinion from the Planned Parenthood office here in town after a home pregnancy test?”

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Liz muttered. “She will admit and I will too that we have been in kind of a denial since she found out, until the last few days where she’s been trying to figure out what she wants to do as she also deals with other personal family matters at the same time.”

“Then it could be why she’s so stressed out” Dr. Grant asked.

Liz nodded.

“I’ll schedule a ultrasound so we can make sure all is stable, and I would like to keep her in the hospital overnight so that she can relax, if she can, and then she should stay home for a week until her stress levels are lower…”

Liz nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Grant”

“I’ll let you visit with your daughter. We’ll move her to a room in a little while after we schedule the ultrasound,” Dr. Grant nodded and left the room.

Sighing Liz glanced at her sleeping daughter who was starting to fidget. She could see Max in her as she slept. She could only pray that they could come through this in one piece as eyes opened, and she saw Olivia glance at her. “Mom?” she whispered.

“You’re going to be fine…” Liz sighed as she assured her daughter because she knew it would be awhile until the knew for certain if they were going to be fine.

“Dad?” Olivia asked.

“He sends his love,” Liz said simply. “He wishes he were here, but we know why he can’t be, but just like him, you are your father’s daughter, and you’ll get through this. We both will get through this together. Okay. I love you. No matter what happens from now one. You do not have to worry about disappointing me. All you need is to take care of yourself because this was a bad scare Olivia.

Olivia nodded.

“Rest okay rest…”

Olivia nodded as her eyes closed, and then moments later quickly opened. “Mom, you should be warned because Zan is here…”

Zan Liz’s eyes popped open. “What are you talking about?”

“Zan… Dad’s son Zan is here…” Olivia murmured as her eyes closed and she fell off the sleep, as Liz was forced to look around the room in incredulous fashion. What the hell?


Liz was reeling when she walked of the room. She did not know what to make of her daughter’s final words before falling back asleep. It makes no sense but the moment she came out of the room and found the crowd and she spotted the one intruder who did not fit in her small circle. It was like a worst example of Where’s Waldo because she knew where Max’s son was. Standing right in front of them.

The exact copy of both his biological mother and father but fortunately for him, he had more of Max’s essence to him despite his blonde hair which is all Tess, unfortunately she mumbled to herself.

“How’s Olivia?” Isabel asked softly. “They wouldn’t tell me anything once you got here…”

“She’s going to be fine. She’s stressed out and needs to spend the night in the hospital as a precaution” Liz muttered as her eyes drifted over to the newcomer in the room. “Otherwise she should be fine.”

“The baby?” Maria asked.

“They want to do one more test, but all indications are that it is okay” Liz sighed. “Thank you for to all of you for being here when I couldn’t…”

“I am glad she’s going to be alright,” Isabel murmured. “I’ll go and call Kyle as he stayed home with the kids.”
Liz nodded. “Alex, you can go back in and see Olivia if you want?” she sighed as the teenager walked back to the room, he a short time vacated.

“How was it with Max?” Maria asked softly.

“It went better than I expected,” Liz admitted but before we get into it. “Before we go into that, I want to know about what’s going on here?” she asked of the newcomer in their midst. “Olivia seemed to think you are…”

“Your husband’s son that he gave up for adoption?” Zack muttered as he faced his birth father’s wife. “Yeah I am. But my name is now Zack Mason” he sighed as he watched as Liz’s face became pale. “You can stop your worrying because I am not here to cause trouble…”

“Whatever you said to Olivia caused her to collapse,” Maria muttered as anger started to appear on Liz’s face.

“What are you talking about?” Liz asked as she turned to the newcomer in the room. A carbon copy of part of her past that I would love to forget
“Did you get in my daughter’s face?”

“We both said things we wish we hadn’t,” Zack muttered. “I am sorry for that. It was not my intention as I was only curious as I was getting the lay of the land. I did not mean to stir up anything. I wasn’t aware of what your daughter was going through, and I am sorry…”

“We saw you around town” Amelia muttered. “You were laying in wait for the perfect time, weren’t you?” she asked because she now could see it that Zack was just waiting for the perfect time to approach her friend and upset her world. She did not care how hot the guy was, she did not like his methods.

“Heck no,” Zack muttered. “All I was, was curious…” he admitted. “My plan wasn’t to introduce myself, but when I saw Olivia at her grandfather’s place, and she was intensely looking at something, so I got curious, and so I thought why not introduce myself, but she saw through it pretty quick and of course she wanted answers,” he sighed. “She must get it from all of you?”

“She does,” Liz muttered at her daughter’s tendency to fight back. “Well whatever you said to her sent her here to the hospital,” Liz muttered.
“Which is something she doesn’t need given all the stress in her life. So, maybe you can take your curiosity and leave,” Liz muttered. “Olivia right now only needs rest, and not more confusion.”

“Fine by me,” Zack muttered as he walked away without giving any protest. Amelia watched him walk away as she could not believe she wanted to know more about this mystery guy.


“Maybe we should take a break,” Olivia said as she laid up on the bed back in the room she was being observed in as she visited with Alex. She knew her mother was giving her privacy. She has been a saint Which she appreciated but it only led to more questions and feelings, and she needed to sort her own life out. She was out of sorts on all kinds of fronts, She knew she needed time and while she did feel less stressed, yet she knew because she had landed in the hospital, spinning out of control and trying to ignore was not something she could keep on continuing and she needed to figure out where she was in her life. She was too young to be facing all this and yet she was, and she did not want to hurt Alex, but the overwhelming feeling that came over her that she needed to step back at least for awhile. “I need time.”

“What do you mean?” Alex asked although he knew what she meant. “If this is about everything?” he asked. “I hope you don’t think I am pressuring you into anything because I only want the best for you…”

“I know you’re not. That is the one thing I love about you is that you do not pressure me. Whatever we have done together has usually been me not you, but still it doesn’t change the fact life has changed and I haven’t able to keep up,” Olivia sighed because she had known she was the instigator about how serious she and Alex had gotten lately. “I don’t want to hurt you either, but I can’t stop the feeling that this is telling me that I have to slow down.”

“We can slow down if you want?” Alex murmured “It’s not like I want to do anything that you’re not ready for?” he asked. “You are too important to me?”

“What we have already done has changed everything, and I think I need to step back and figure out what is going on and what I want,” Olivia asked. “And I do not want to force you to wait if I do not know what I will want tomorrow, or six months from now…”

“What did that guy say to you?” Alex muttered because he had to wonder if this change had something to do with whatever her mystery brother had told her.

“It was nothing important,” Olivia sighed. “He made a lot of assumptions, and so did I. Neither of us know our birth father. While I was left with just Mom. He got a loving family. He made me see that a lot of my issues stems from the fact I do not know my father. We wondered into something together, and I wanted it to mean something, and maybe it does, but there is a lot about myself that I still do not know. I have not even begun to come to terms with it and I need to start. I should not have let him push my buttons, but I did, and I suffered as a result. Coupled with the baby, and everything with us so I need time…” she murmured. “Can you give me this time?”

“If you want time, I can do that” Alex sighed but knew she was right. It was something he had been thinking in recent day. Neither were ready for what the future will hold, and they needed to understand more before they tried, if they tried again. “I hope you know that I will still support you, no matter what you decide to do” she sighed. “I will want to be involved?”

“Yeah,” Olivia sighed. “Time is ticking down,” Olivia muttered. “I know I am not ready, but this scare has made me worry not just about me, but you know, the baby” she asked of herself. “It makes me know I have to make the right decision.”

Alex nodded. “It will get easier…”

“Will it though? As I learn more about my parents, and I understand more of their crazy adventures with each other. I do not know if I want to be that invested in anyone right now. They loved each other so much and they lost each other. I know we work. I do not know why we do. But we are so young. Maybe we need to figure out how to make us work outside our relationship.” Olivia asked. “Maybe Mom is right, and I need to understand my father’s side of the story. To be okay with my life, no matter where it goes…”

“Our parents will be pleased” Alex asked as he was not pressuring her to change her mind because he knew what they were facing was big league and he was not sure if they were ready for that stage. “We can’t expect to have what our parents have” Alex asked as he also had the same questions whether a love like his own parents was attainable? Because he had more than once seen how much his parents loved each other. And knowing even a small fraction of things they had gone through together, it made him wonder what he would want from his life.

“Yeah,” Olivia sighed Our parents screwed us up about the nature of expectations of love she mused to herself. “I hope you understand?”

“I understand and maybe one day we can make it work again,” Alex murmured. “I do love you” he asked. “We had fun together.”

“I do too…” Olivia sighed. “And yeah, we did have fun…”

“About that other thing, let me know what you decide?” Alex asked.

“I will,” Olivia nodded as she watched as she watched him walk away. Sighing she knew she was doing the mature thing, but it hurt like hell as she felt a pain in her heart as he watched her walk away and knew she had wanted it. Why could not growing up be easier? Love sucks “You can come in Mom; I know you heard all that…”

“I am sorry,” Liz mumbled as he had come close to the room only moments before and heard the final words, and didn’t like knowing that trying to obtain what their parents might have had was affecting her daughter on many fronts “I know what it means to make the mature decision?”

“I hurt,” Olivia acknowledged. “Why does it have to hurt so bad?”

“Because you love him, and that doesn’t instantly go away. Maybe you two will make it work, but you will be stronger when you do, whenever that does happen…”

“Was that the way it was with you and Dad?” Olivia asked. “Were you stronger?”

“No doubt about it,” Liz murmured. “If we had been untested and who we were before everything happened, I don’t know if we could have made it. I know I said we were always destined to make it work, and to marry, and maybe I should not have listened the future version of your father. If I had, then we might have been happy.” Liz asked. “But there is no question, going through what we did, and all the hell, in the end we were stronger for what we went through. Our love was stronger. We were tested, and we knew we could make it together” she sighed. “I don’t know if that couple of the first timeline would have been as strong as we were in the end…”

“And yet you couldn’t…” Olivia asked. “Will that be me and Alex?” she asked.

“You won’t know until you get to the other side…” Liz murmured. “And yet you do share something together, that I didn’t until we were at the end…”

“Yeah,” Olivia murmured Will I also be alone with a baby in the end? “I wished I had clarity?”

“We all want clarity” Liz assured her daughter. “One day you might get it” she sighed. “All you can is do what is best for you today” she assured her daughter. “Tomorrow is always another day…”

“Are we ready?” came Dr. Grant as she walked into the observer room. “I know you haven’t decided what you want to do Olivia. You have options?”

“I know,” Olivia sighed. “All I want is to make a decision I won’t regret.”

“As I told your mother. We want to do an ultrasound to make sure the baby is okay. Are you okay with that?” Dr. Grant asked. “Or would you wish we didn’t?”

“Go ahead,” Olivia muttered as she knew she was getting closer to a decision about path her life was going to take.

“Okay” Dr. Grant as she set up the machine and Olivia held her mother’s hand as she sought support. As they both knew by doing this, it was going to be hard to make any other decision once it occurs…


“I am getting some fresh air,” she said out loud to her mother who sat in the waiting room and waited for Liz to return. Michael had gone off to do something work related with Isabel who was going home to her family but Maria wanted to wait, and Amelia was waiting but she needed some fresh air as she felt cooped up in the hospital as he had seen Alex go off, and from the tense look on his face, she knew his talk with Olivia hadn’t gone well. And with Liz in with her daughter, he had not wanted to stick around as she understood her friend was going through an ultrasound, and so she wanted to also wait to see how it all went. Alex just wanted to go off and sulk Walking out of the hospital entrance, she spotted her mystery man. Zack had not left as he had been asked to do by Liz, and it made her curious why he would want to stick around when there was still a lot of tension. “What do you think you’re going to accomplish by sticking around?” she asked bluntly as she approached the fellow teenager. “No one wants you here…”

“And yet here you are?” Zack asked as he turned and focused on the blonde. “No one can tell me what to do because this is a public place. None of you have authority to kick me out, so, since you are out here, something tells me Olivia is going to be okay?”

“Nothing has changed on that front, except being forced to make some decisions she would rather not have to make” Amelia said realistically as she didn’t relish the choices her friend or her brother might have to make one of these days. She did not know what she would do if given the same set of circumstances.

“So, your brother would be the father, huh?” Zack asked.

“Yeah,” Amelia confirmed. “Not exactly the most welcoming news in the family, either of them but nonetheless it’s happening assuming they make that decision” she sighed. “They don’t want history repeating itself, but it is, so I am trying to be more careful. But one can’t be careful all the time?”

“No, you can’t” Zack muttered as he suspected Amelia could cause a lot of trouble given the chance. Because obviously she had that kind of spark to her. “Olivia seems to have a caring mother?” she sighed as he could tell how Liz had been frantic with worry, and it did seem his half sister did have at least a parent who cared. “She’s lucky.”

“Aunt Liz is the best,” Amelia smiled. “She does love her daughter and does support her through anything” she sighed. “I only wish her father could be involved with her life…”

“You think she’s missed out on something?” Zack asked as he thought of his loud discussion with his half sister. “Not everyone needs two parents…” he muttered as Amelia looked at him with half amusement.

“He’s her father, so, of course she missed out on something” Amelia sighed. “Sure, some might not need two parents if it only leads to disappointment and especially if there is abuse or something going on, but for Olivia, from all I have heard, yeah she should have had the opportunity to have her father in her life, and because she didn’t, she has been deprived of something fundamental because of a set of unfair circumstances…” she muttered. “It’s not a life she or her mother should have gotten, but then I am not one to judge and neither are you before you know the situation”

“You don’t always need a father to succeed at life,” Zack asked, “Maybe he’s in prison for a reason,” Zack asked. “Maybe that reason is that he’s guilty?”

“Then why are you here?” Amelia asked. “We all know that the legal system is a joke…”

“You really think so?” Zack asked as he ignored her question on why he was here because He didn’t know why he here he mused to himself. Ever since he left home, he’s been on this journey to this town, and he didn’t even know why, except now to know that maybe his sister was someone like him and that maybe he didn’t have to be different alone. Because being different in this world and alone sucks.

“I won’t even say I know the situation as Aunt Liz has been filling in Olivia on more of her history in recent days but still when it comes to her husband, we all now Max shouldn’t be in prison. That he is innocent” she declared as she sighed “Growing up the way I did in my family. The fact that Max was given a raw deal is something that was pretty obvious from day one, and you won’t be defending the cops even if I do have a grandfather as my town Sheriff.”

Maybe you’re gullible he mused to himself because to say it out loud would immediately get a punch in the face because Amelia looked to be that type of girl “Oh, come off it, he confessed,” Zack muttered “You are incredibly naïve if you think of him as some poor victim,” he murmured and got a death glare from Amelia as a response and it did not take a genius to know that he was walking a thin line because of his already conflicted feelings on the matter. On one hand the more he read on the case, he wondered he could not help but wonder if he was innocent when he knew what he held back in his motel room, and wondered if his biological father had gotten a raw deal but of course, the media reports, and the footage that had leaked out was pretty incriminating. So, to make any conclusions was going to be complicated and confusing, and he was walking a blurred line as he continued to concentrate on Amelia. “What he confessed to was pretty heinous. Why would he confess if he weren’t guilty?”

“Because he had more to protect than we will ever know,” Amelia sighed as she had heard her father’s confession about some ugly actions he committed. “Maybe it served him better to be in prison where he could protect those he loved as opposed to what he stood to lose if he was free…” she sighed. “Still we can’t judge.”

Man, you are truly gullible he mused “You can’t but I sure can,” Zack asked. “There is video of his attack on his soon to be wife” Zack asked. “How anyone could think he was innocent after such an attack?”

“I admit it doesn’t look very good,” Amelia bristled. “But you cannot judge because you do not know what it was like to be around here back then, and neither do I. But I do know what it is like to live the life we lead today and because I do than I know that we should be fortunate that we were not here in those days. I can understand that you’re not exactly someone without a vested interest in this and you have a right to wonder about the circumstances back in those days, and even today, but all I know is he wouldn’t have done it, confessed, unless he had a good reason to…”

“Maybe he had a good reason to, because he was actually guilty?” Zack muttered. “And that isn’t the only thing he was convicted of you know. He’s in jail because he nearly killed the woman who later would become his wife…”

“That was a misunderstanding,” Amelia muttered.

“Oh, come off,” Zack asked. “Have you seen the footage?” he wondered. “How can that be a misunderstanding. She almost died, because of him…”

“You don’t know what happened that day…” Amelia muttered.

“And you do?” Zack asked.

“Of course not, and I don’t claim to” Amelia sighed as she had researched the subject after hearing from her brother, and from Olivia what happened and she knew it didn’t look good To a moron, they could understand how bad it looked for Uncle Max. “My mother was part of the story.”

“And you still believe he’s innocent. I know the rumors say it was your mother who was one of his victims?”

“She doesn’t hold it against him,” Amelia tried.

“This is a bizarre little cult you guys have here,” Zack muttered. “Maybe I should leave before you guys pull me in…”

“You came without any invitation from any of us,” Amelia muttered. “We didn’t ask you to come into this story,” she gritted. “You are part of this whether you like it or not, and you’re right to your opinions if you know the facts surrounding the situation and before you say it, but no, I am not trying to excuse anything, and neither should you unless you do know more about the story. I don’t so I am not making judgements of facts I don’t know…”

“He sent a woman out of window, down to her certain death and attacked yet another one. It is a downright miracle neither died, and you say neither woman hold it against it against him. One of them was choked nearly to death, because camera’s show your mother leaving the area with bruises on her neck?” Zack asked. “She denied it, but it was obvious…”

“Yeah she denied it,” Amelia muttered

“And then the other one, the one who went crashing through a window later married him” Zack asked. “So, are you telling me this is not some cult, and some brainwashing going on here…”

“I am not saying it’s not complex,” Amelia sighed. “But you don’t know what is going on, and why even come here if you are going to think badly of the situation before you even know any of the facts?”

“Because I wanted to know why, how someone could get it so wrong” Zack asked.

“All you have to know is he’s innocent,” Amelia sighed because she did know that she was in a losing battle. Zack was going to believe what he was going to believe, and she knew to anyone, it looked bad Because it was bad. “Being in prison was not something he would have wanted to do but it was because it was that, or risked something worse…”

“What would he have risked?” Zack muttered.

“Total calamity,” came a voice and they turned and found Maria. She could only shake her head because she had watched her daughter try to battle when she did not know half the story, and she admired her daughter for trying. “All because of your birth mother,” she gritted through her teeth. “Otherwise he might have been able to spend these last sixteen years raising his daughter, but instead he’s sitting in a jail cell. And it is because of one woman, and that is your mother”

“If you’re going to blame my birth mother, you can turn around and head back into that hospital” Zack sighed as it hadn’t been easy to find out when he was old enough to know, that his biological died when he was a baby, and led to the circumstances of his adoption. “She’s dead.”

“I know,” Maria muttered. “Otherwise if she was alive, she might be in prison herself instead of Max. In fact, she should have been in jail a long time before you were even born, but she wasn’t and she was on the loose causing havoc but you are right, she did die, and with her death, she ruined countless lives” she muttered with lethal hatred for a woman who took such a dear friend from her. “If you want me to say she’s a saint than you came to the wrong person because she was anything but a saint. A saint has morals. Tess Harding had none…”

“I am out of here because I am not going to listen to you blame it on someone who can’t defend herself,” Zack sighed.

“No, you wait,” Maria sighed. “You want to know the truth. You came here obviously thinking badly of the man who gave you a better life than the one he could have given you himself at that age. You got a chance to live, and at a life full of love, and now you are blaming him for giving you a chance at a good life. When you see an example of how it could have gone for you if he had kept you, and still had ended up in jail when you look at Olivia’s life.”

“I didn’t ask to be born” Zack muttered. “You can’t know how it would have ended up…”

“None of you did,” Maria muttered as she glared at the reason for so much hurt and pain in her best friend’s life for so long before she and Max managed to make it through before their ultimate end and then also her own daughter, who didn’t know what to think and Maria hated how they were forcing the newest generation to live with what they had done before they were even a thought in their mind. “Your mother went down to save herself, and in the end left a trail that led to your father to make the only choice he could. Sure, a lot could have been different if only certain factors had been changed, but they weren’t, and here we are…”

“And you blame my birth mother?” Zack asked.

“Yes,” Maria murmured.

“Why?” Zack asked.

“Because she killed Alex and changed everything for everyone and made it instantly harder…” Maria glared at Zack. “It’s time you knew the truth. Your birth mother isn’t only the one who committed the army base massacre, but she also took someone else from us, and we’ll never forget that no matter how long we do live…” she said softly. “She took Alex from us…”

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 16 - 12/04/2020

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:10 pm
by keepsmiling7
Great part, so many emotions.....
Liz thinks she's
a failure as a mother......and resented to baby Max had with Tess.
I agree with Liz when she encountered Zan......"what the hell?"
I also agree, Olivia needs to hear her dad's side of the story.
Zan call these folks a "bizarre cult".
It's time for Zack to know the full truth about his father, and especially Tess.

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 16 - 12/04/2020

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:10 pm
by keepsmiling7
oops.....double post!