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Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 9:53 pm
by Kath7
I'd say the wedding, mainly because I'm still annoyed that we didn't get our cementing scene. Hmph. But I liked both.

And, just because we know he could be cheesy, and we love him anyway...Best cornball Max moment:

The shampoo gift in Crazy or the serenade in EOTW. (lord, I still blush in horror thinking of the latter. Yikes!)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 3:54 am
by youre my dreamgirl
I love cornball Max and I would have to say the serenade! I wish I had someone who would do that for me (without the threat of world destruction of course :wink:).

How about the best dreamer date : the Balance (the one with the pool and the dancing) or the miniature golf from WDAMYK?

(P.S. Is is just me, or is it sad that I can only remember about three actual Max and Liz dates from the show :?)

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 10:44 am
by dreambehr
First date definitely! Though the golf date was really cute. :) Especially when she whacked him on the head. Aww.

Max coming to Liz for advice in Independence Day or ARCC?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:19 am
by Kruemelmonster
I think in ARCC Max really needed Liz' help. She was supporting him a lot.

What was worse:
Max looking through Liz window to find her in bed with Kyle or
Max telling Liz he had slept with Tess and got her pregnant?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:30 am
by Kath7
They were both horrible, but I think the pregnancy one because it turned out to be real. Although I think Max was more devastated in EOTW, then Liz was in Departure. I think Liz wasn't that shocked. She just looked resigned, like "Well, I guess this is what was supposed to happen." Of course that would have been more effective if she'd bloody well TOLD Max about FM, but I digress. Max, in EOTW, just looked plain devastated.

Okay, I've got one...Favorite wedding kiss. The one in Graduation or the one Max sees in the vision in VLV?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 3:48 pm
by youre my dreamgirl
I think the kiss in VLV. I don't know, the kiss in Graduation just seemed ... like they weren't really trying. Just going through the motions. Although it was sweet that they finally got married :D . Also in VLV, seeing the kiss made Max go back to Liz and she was so close to telling him :x ...

How about best Max and Liz making out in the kitchen: Sexual Healing or Micheal, the Guys and the Great Snapple Caper? :)

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 10:07 am
by m14
Sexual Healing. Still one of my favorite episodes. :) It was just plain steamy!

OKay, the speech in Graduation that Max made : Thank you for... for letting me live among you. Thank you for giving me a family... Thank you for giving me a home...
or Liz's final journal entry: So that's the end. Our life in Roswell. What a long strange trip it's been. Will we ever go back? ...I don't know... Even I can't see everything in the future. All I know... is that I'm Liz Parker... and I'm happy.

:shock: I know this is a tough choice for me.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:45 am
by Zora
Oh thats easy for me (^_^)
I must say Liz's final journal entry, I loved this line "All I know... is that I'm Liz Parker... and I'm happy"

Which was more hurtfull, Max seeing Liz in bed with Kyle (EOTW) or Liz seeing Max kissing Tess (HOM) ?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 1:04 pm
by hipznlipz
Liz seeing Max kissing Tess

Their wedding in Viva Las Vegas
Their wedding in Graduation.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 1:33 am
by Beyond Anything Else
The wedding in VLV, simply because the wedding in Graduation sort of seemed rushed in the episode. Like they wanted to get the point out as quick as possible, then end it.

Which move by Max is cuter?

"I prefer the term 'not of this earth.'"


Leaning down to "tie his shoe" just so he can catch Liz checking for a third eye...
