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Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 5:58 pm
by cardinalgirl
Stargazer's Delight wrote:Please note that generally i dislike Isabel ( why you ask well if you have seen that horrible situation called season 3 i think you will have your answer as to why)
See, this is the thing about Gazers that always makes me sad... It's a pair of people, after all. Obviously Jesse was a (BIG) mistake, and Isabel wasn't perfect, but I don't think it's fair to dislike her altogether outside of her relationship with Alex. She's a person after all. Well, she's a character. LOL But my point is, she was more than just the other half of Alex and Isabel. Just like Alex was.

I don't know. All I'm saying is I loved Isabel long before she hooked up with Alex, and I still love her, despite her flaws.

~Lisa, the original Isabel Apologist.

P.S. Where's Pooh to back me up here? :lol:

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 4:06 am
by destinysucks
But my point is, she was more than just the other half of Alex and Isabel. Just like Alex was.
I fully aggree Isabel did have her flaws but so does everyone just because she was in a word cold alot of the time is noreason to dislike her , Jesse mistake or no.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 4:38 am
by cardinalgirl
I think there were reasons for her coldness. Her fear of being discovered as an alien, her fear of repeating Vilandra's mistakes... her basic fear that everything she loves is destroyed... Confusion over the destiny dreams. I mean, even if she didn't want to be with Michael, those looked like dang powerful dreams to me. But you know. Lots of reasons. Anyhoo. Shutting up now.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:50 am
by KaraGail
cardinalgirl wrote:I think there were reasons for her coldness. Her fear of being discovered as an alien, her fear of repeating Vilandra's mistakes... her basic fear that everything she loves is destroyed... Confusion over the destiny dreams. I mean, even if she didn't want to be with Michael, those looked like dang powerful dreams to me. But you know. Lots of reasons. Anyhoo. Shutting up now.
Well let me say that I agree with you also. IMO Isabel is, besides Alex, the best character on the show because of her flaws that make her more real. As a writer Isabel is the best Character for me because I am able to dissect her motives and show that she isn't really the person she appears to be :roll:

For me...I love Isabel because of her flaws ... I love Alex because of his courage and loyalty. Together they make an awesome pair! :lol: :lol: rambling is complete and probably makes no sense to anyone but myself (what can I say...It's almost 9:00 in the morning and I am running on very little sleep :twisted: :shock: )


Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 6:14 pm
by truelovepooh
cardinalgirl wrote:
Stargazer's Delight wrote:Please note that generally i dislike Isabel ( why you ask well if you have seen that horrible situation called season 3 i think you will have your answer as to why)
See, this is the thing about Gazers that always makes me sad... It's a pair of people, after all. Obviously Jesse was a (BIG) mistake, and Isabel wasn't perfect, but I don't think it's fair to dislike her altogether outside of her relationship with Alex. She's a person after all. Well, she's a character. LOL But my point is, she was more than just the other half of Alex and Isabel. Just like Alex was.

I don't know. All I'm saying is I loved Isabel long before she hooked up with Alex, and I still love her, despite her flaws.

~Lisa, the original Isabel Apologist.

P.S. Where's Pooh to back me up here? :lol:
Pooh has been busy with real life but I'm here now, and WE are the orginal Isabel :wink: . That being said I know I get tired of this 'reason' for people not liking Isabel. As Lisa so nicely put, stargazer is a COUPLE, if you only like Alex they have a word for that. Isabel is misunderstood...partly because of the writing on Roswell and us not really knowing her character and partly because...and this is just IMO she was the character that alot of people wanted to be in high school, we looked at people like her with envy. Did she have flaws? TONS! did they all have flaws? YES! Did it suck that she got married in season 3 just months after Alex died? HELL YES! is this her fault? umm NO! although the writers totally sucked at explaining this I beleive there was a reason for this...the only thing they told us was she wanted normal. I for don't think that's good enough. I was persoanlly destroyed and screaming at the TV when she told Alex that Jesse was the first person she ever felt anything for :shock: We as Gazers know this was bullshit, but the writers had to give reason why Isabel of all people would suddenly decide to get married. Keep in mind Jesse did not leave with her at the end of season 3, if they had the "love" that defines them, he would have left with her. Just to note I also feel like Jesse was misunderstood...not that I really 'feel' for him but look at it from his POV ( Ok and Adam is hot) As much as I love Alex, he wasn't perfect and he was able to be there as a friend for ALL of them because he knew they weren't perfect either.

rant over...for now :twisted:

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 6:16 pm
by truelovepooh
also to add there was alot more to Isabel then Flaws and coldness....

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:58 pm
by Stargazer's Delight
I was persoanlly destroyed and screaming at the TV when she told Alex that Jesse was the first person she ever felt anything for :shock: We as Gazers know this was bullshit,
Pooh, Your above quote was probably what made me most upset with Isabel, to tell Alex ok (Alex's ghost/memory) that Jesse was the first person she ever felt anything for was just sickening, because it makes me think back to the episode in which Alex died and her dream in which she finally admitted to herself that she was in love with Alex.

Another reason for why i am upset is that she did not put Jesse through the same ammount of crap that she put Alex through while he was persuing her heart.
She's a person after all. Well, she's a character. LOL
Good point Cardinalgirl, all i can say in my defence is that my feeble little mind does not often allow me to tell the difference between Fiction/Fantasy & Reality :lol:

Now if my original post as to why i am a stargazer upset anyone, all i can say is that was not meant to be the case if it did then i appoligise.

Lets just drop the subject and move on shall we.....

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:25 pm
by Sternbetrachter
... how does someone become an "Isabel Apologist"? :lol:

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 2:39 pm
by cardinalgirl
Practice, Trude, lots of practice. :lol: And a firm belief that it's the writers of the show who are morons, not the characters we love. :wink:

How does one become a Trude? :lol:

...And Adam is hot. Hee. There you go... you can revoke my Gazer club card now if you must. :lol:

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:00 am
by Sternbetrachter
I will do that! :lol: no, nothing against Adam, only problems are with the character - I am just not into Latino's ... not even Antonio Banderas :shock: