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Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/5/16

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:28 am
by Natalie36
oh man this is no joke :shock:

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/5/16

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:56 am
by Roswelllostcause
This very big!

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/5/16

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:17 am
by keepsmiling7
Just when I think I've heard everything........this pops up!
Please hurry back,

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:37 am
by Lillmonster
* * * * *

“Well, my roommate was there with me at the ER and am I glad for that... If he hadn't been there I think I would have gone mad. I was really sick and he helped me with sipping water and trying to talk to me only to keep me/us from thinking to much. And when the doctor came back with the results I could see that is was serious just by taking one look at him. He asked if he could talk to me by myself but I refused and thankfully my roommate agreed to stay now as well.
The doctor told me that I had been drugged and that I was having a bad reaction to it, that's what got me so sick, and then he asked me if I knew if I had had sex during last night. I told him that I honestly couldn't remember but that I was naked when I woke up with a girl. I asked him why and he told me that the drugs that I had in my system was not only rohypnol but also viagra! The doctor asked me if I knew who would have done this and I could only shake my head. I mean. Who would do this to me and why? He then asked me if I wanted to report this to the authority but I declined. First I didn't know who done it and second I was ashamed. Here I was, a guy, 20 years old, hard working student. Everyone would find out and I didn't want the whole dorm to know about it. My roommate agreed to keep my secret. He knew how I felt but he told me that at the same time he couldn't understand. But as he said, it wasn't done to him so it was hard for him to put himself in my shoes so to speak.
A couple of weeks went by with me almost isolating myself in my room. I went to class and I talked a lot with Liz about this” Max turns to Liz and smiles “Without her I think I would have gone mad”

“Why didn't you tell me?” asks Isabel with tears in her eyes “I'm you sister, your twin. I would have helped you”

“I know that, but honestly I think that talking to you would have made me feel even more guilty for what happened. You are my sister and I want to protect you from stuff like this” says Max “With Liz I knew that she would be direct with me. You all know her, right? I mean when I fell into my self-pitying modes she would straight out tell me to cut it out. That I didn't do anything wrong. That I couldn't have done anything different no matter how much I thought about it. That if anything I should seek help to talk about this with someone. She told me that there was no difference with me being a guy from a girl that had the same experience. And eventually I went to a psychologist and it helped me.”

You could hear Michael clear his throat and then “Did you find out who it was that did this?”

“Yes” says Max “After some sessions at the psych I started to remember some small things. I remembered who got me the last bear I drank and I confronted the person. I wanted answers. No, I needed answers to put this behind me. I can tell you that not to remember things must be the worst feeling. I have never felt so helpless as I did then. Your brain is making up horrible stories and you can't know if that you're thinking is true or not.”

“So, who was it” asks Michael

“It was Bambi” sighs Max

“BAMBI” almost everyone shouts the name

“Yup, little miss innocent herself” says Max “When I confronted her I got the whole story. Somewhere she had gotten her wires mixed and thought that I was the one for her. That I was her destiny. That was her words. And seeing that I was her destiny she thought she had to do everything in her power to make me see things the same way she did. That's why she called me all those times and when that didn't work she said she wanted to be my friend. She thought that if she was with me all the time I would realize that we were meant to be...” Max shakes his head “And when that didn't work she came up with the idea to drug me, have sex with me and to become pregnant. That way I had to marry her”

“You can't be serious” shouts Tess “She must have been nuts. I mean, come on.... Destiny! What kind of crap is that?”

“I agree with you” says Max “But it's all true. She said that when she had given me the drugs in my bear she had taken me upstairs. I had passed out there but she undressed me and you all know what happens when a guy takes viagra... Luckily she came to her senses and didn't have sex with me. She undressed to let me think that we had but when she didn't hear from me after she regretted it. Not that she gave me the drugs but that she didn't have sex with me. I more or less forced her to get a medical examination. I remembered her words on saving her self so I wanted to know if she still was a virgin and she was. I can't remember a time when I was that happy as when I found out that. I called Liz straight away and screamed in the phone”

Liz laughs “Yeah, I can guarantee that you screamed. You almost blowed out my eardrum. But that was ok since it was good news for you”

“And what happened to Bambi” asks Isabel with a sarcastic voice “I mean poor little Bambi that couldn't get a guy without drugging him”

Max looks at Isabel “And that is part of why I didn't tell you about it. I knew that you would react this way and I really didn't need that at that time. But to answer your question. Bambi had told the people at the medical center about what she had done and why she had to have this examination done. She had said that she had to prove to me that she still was pure and untouched so I could love her. She even told them that I was her destiny... What can I say... The doctor who talked to her got a nurse to call a psychologist and after talking to her they decided to admit her to the hospital. After that I don't know what happened to her. All I know is that it has been 18 months since this happened and I have put it behind me. I'm really glad that nothing happened but now I know how easy it is to be drugged.”
He takes a deep breath and then tries to lighten the mood “And that was secret number four. Still counting Kyle?

Kyle looks at him like he's crazy “How can you say that after that? This is heavy stuff man...” Kyle shakes his head and then understands what Max is trying to do “But yeah... That was secret number four guys” he holds up his hand with four fingers showing “Come on man... You got one secret left. Lets make it a juicy one” He winks at Max to show him he understand

Max laughs at him and feels grateful that Kyle caught on. The rest is looking at them like they have lost it. Isabel is really upset and now this “What the fuck. How can you act like that after hearing a thing like that” she shouts at Kyle “Are you stupid?”

“Isabel!” says Liz with a stern voice “Could I talk to you outside for a minute?” she pins Isabel with her stare and slowly Isabel agrees and they walk outside.

“Wow” says Alex “I don't think I have seen or heard Liz acting like that towards Isabel before”

Maria laughs “Sure she has. Several times too. When it comes to Isabel we all know she can be full of herself and needs to be put down a peg or two. Liz is the perfect person to do that. We all” she motions to the other girls “have all tried but we aren't as successful as Liz”

“Wow” says Alex again “I'm impressed”

Outside Liz has Isabel almost up against the wall. “What the hell do you think you're doing” she asks “Couldn't you see that Max needed to move on? That is was really hard for him to tell you this? Kyle got that but you.... You....” Liz shakes her head and sighs “You just have to act the same way all the time. You put yourself up on your high horses and is becoming upset when Max or someone else for that matter don't tell you everything. I have told you before and I will continue to tell you until you maybe start to realize that you are not and I couldn't say it better, you are not the center of the universe when it comes to this gang. We all are having secrets from you. We have no obligation to tell you everything even if you think that we do. So step down or your fall will be really hard because one day you will go to far and what will you do then? When some or all of us has had it with you and just stops caring about you? What will you do then?”

Isabel is hearing Liz words but she is still angry “Liz. He's my brother and he didn't tell me! But you... he could tell you all about it. I'm his sister. He should tell me!”

“Are you hearing yourself?” Liz takes a step back “I can't believe you. What are you most upset about? Are you upset for Max and what he's gone through or are you angry that he talked to me? Or wait... Are you angry at Max for not telling you but he talked to me?” Isabel turns down her head and bites her lip “That's it! You are angry at Max for not telling you. You are angry at him for telling me. I can truly say that this is your low point. How ego can you get? I can understand if you had been angry for Max but not angry at him.” She shakes her head once again and turns to walk inside then she thinks about it and turns around to face Isabel again “If you can't see the difference between the small words for and at here I feel sorry for you” then she walks inside and leaves Isabel to herself.

“What happened” asks Max when Liz sits down next to him again.

“It's fine. Your sister just need to get her priority straight” says Liz and turns to the rest “So who is ready to hear Max last secret”

“Oh I am” says Kyle “And I still hopes it's something juicy”

“I'll see what I can do” smiles Max and looks up when he sees Isabel walk into the circle and sit down. “Are you ok?” he asks.

Isabel nods her head “Yeah, I'm sorry I freaked out” she then looks at Liz “Thanks for being my friend and to keep me in line. You gave me some things to think about and I promise I will work on it”

“That's fine. No biggie” says Liz and waves her hand “I'm here if you want to talk. You know that”

“Yeah, I might take you up on that one day” sighs Isabel and then she claps her hands together “So where were we? Time for another secret?”

Everyone can see that Isabel is really trying and agrees.

“Right” says Max “This will be my last secret and I know what to tell you. The problem is that this one isn't just about me” and he looks over at Liz and smiles

Liz starts to shake her head no. Max nods his head yes and she shakes her head even harder. “No, no, no, no” she mumbles “Please don't”

Max smiles really wide and at the same time he nods his head and says “Yes!”

“Nononononono” whines Liz “Why? You know what will happen”

“Alright now you got me interested” says Pam and gets some murmured agreement from the rest “What is it about? From how you two are interacting I can tell that it involves both of you. But you already told a secret with you and Liz”

“I know but since we have been best friends since we were little I can tell you we have a lot of secrets together” smiles Max

“Oh, please... Do tell” says Kyle and wiggles his eyebrows

“Kyle” yells Liz “Keep your mind out of the gutter. Max said since we were little as in young, small, under-aged”

“I know” says Kyle “But we all know what happened when you were not-so-little anymore”

Max laughs “He got us there”

Liz glares at Max and stands up “Can I talk to you in private? Outside? Like now?!” she says and walks out.

Max shrugs his shoulders “I guess I better do as she says” and he follows her but before he leaves the room he yells after her “Oh honey. Wait up” and he laughs when he walks out.

Michael rolls his eyes “Oh my... He's so whipped”

Alex, Tommy and Paulie laughs out loud “Couldn't agree with you more”

“What's your problem” asks Serena “Liz wanted to talk to Max and he agreed to do that. So I don't get it. What's so funny?”

“The funny part was that Liz didn't even ask him” says Alex

“But she did that” says Serena “She asked to talk to him outside” She looks at the rest and they are all smiling.

“No, it just sounded like a question but I think we all could tell that it wasn't. It was an direct order” says Paulie

“I don't get it” says Serena

“Alright. If we put it like this. A question would have sounded more like this: Could I talk to you outside and an order sounds like what Liz said Talk. Outside. Now” says Tommy and tries to explain. He looks at the other girls. “Come on. Help me out here”

Maria leans forward and takes Serenas hand “It's like this sweetie. If you want to give the guy a choice you ask a question. And when a guy gets a choice you can bet that he wont talk to you. Right?” she looks at the guys and they all nod there heads slightly “But if you mask it as a question, like Liz did, they now that they don't have a choice. Liz asked to talk to him but then she told him to go outside and to do it now. Do you get it?”

Serena thinks about it and nods “I think I do. I haven't thought about it like that before. Let me see if I got it. If I want to talk to a guy I start with a question to make him think he has a choice and then I tell him what to do meaning that he has no choice and never had it to begin with?”

Maria smiles “Right! You got it” She hugs Serena “I'm so proud. First I learned you some serious moves and you kept going and now I teach you this... You are my best student” she smiles and pretend to wipe away a tear from her eye.

Serena laughs and slaps her on the arm “You are crazy. I missed you”

“Me too” says Maria “Me too”

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/6/16

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:38 am
by Roswelllostcause
Max is going to be in the doghouse with Max! He really should know better then to tell any secrets about him and Liz!

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:01 am
by Lillmonster
Roswelllostcause: Max knows Liz very well so I don't think it will be that bad. :)

* * * * *

“What did you want to talk about” asks Max when he walks out to Liz who is sitting on the stairs.

“I just wanted to know what you intend to tell them. I hope it's not the secret I'm thinking it is” says Liz

“And what would that be?” smiles Max as he sits down next to her

“You know...” Liz is buffing at Max with her shoulder

Max laughs “What? Enlighten me. We have a whole lot of secrets you know”

“I know” sighs Liz “Sometimes I wonder why we decided to keep it a secret from them in the beginning”

Max looks at her “You know why we did that. We agreed that we didn't want to listen to my dear sister and then it was the rest of them. You know how at least Paulie and Kyle would have sounded.”

“I know, I know... But it makes it harder now when they know some stuff”

“Liz. What they know is only a small part of the bigger picture. You know it. I know it. And we agreed on this. Do you regret it?”

Liz turns toward Max “Regret what?”

Max looks down on his hands “Yeah, regret what we decided. Regret us”

Liz takes Max hand in his and force him to look at her “Max, I could never regret us. Why should I do that? You are the best thing that has happened to me. The best thing in my life. I can't even imagine my life without you. So why should I regret that?”

“I just thought... Well, you reacted a bit weird in there”

“Weird? Oh Max, I only want to know what secret you will tell them. I mean Isabel has really been on top this evening. I mean what's her problem?” Liz shakes her head “We have shared so much more then them in there can imagine. Can't you understand why I want to know?”

“Yeah, I guess” sighs Max “And I really don't know what Isabels problem is. I love her to death, she's my sister but I can't understand her. Was she really this bad when we were younger?”

Liz nods her head “Yep, it's just that when we were younger we didn't have any reason to have secrets but when we got older. I think it started there. What I can't figure out is why she thinks she has the right to know everything about us but wont tell us something about her”

“I really don't know. Maybe she should had this dare instead of me” smiles Max “Can you see her? I think she would run if she had gotten it”

Liz laughs “Sure. That would have been fun but back to the topic. What are you going to tell them? Or should I ask what you intended to tell them”

“Well, Kyle wanted something juicy and I had two secrets to choose from. One was to tell them about that time when we all went to the lake and had some fun in the sun”

Liz wrinkles her nose “What's so special about that? We went swimming all the time” and then she sees the smile on Max and realizes... She shakes her head “Nonono. Naha. No way! You are not telling them that”

Max continues to smile “Ok, the other secret would be that we have spent, what should I call it? Quality time with each other every summer since graduation”

Liz is sputtering at this moment “You can't be serious? Do you know how they will react? You saw how they all went crazy with the little part we told them. Can't you choose something else? I'm begging you” And she puts her hands together and pouts with her lip “Pleeeease”

Max strokes her cheek “Nope, but you look so cute when you're pouting. What do you say? Number one or number two?”

Liz turns away from him and mumbles “nu—er”

“Sorry. What did you say? Aha. You want me to tell them number two” laughs Max

Liz stands up and glares at him “NO! I didn't say that. If you must choose from those two I guess it has to be one. But I can't understand why you choose between these two when we have so many things to choose from”

“I know but they wanted something juicy you know that” laughs Max. “Come on. Lets go inside and tell them my last secret so we can go on with the game”

Liz is still sulking when they walk back in. “Oh oh. I don't think that talk went well” whispers Maria to Michael “Do you have a clue what it could be about?”

“Me?” whispers Michael “Come on. I knew about one of the secrets so far. Liz was with him on one and I bet that she already knew about the other”

Maria nods her head and turns to Liz “Hey why the long face?”

“I couldn't talk him out of it” mutters Liz and crosses her arms before her and looks down.

“So only one secret left” says Kyle and waves his hand high in the air “Come on. We have waited long enough and I don't think it's fair to give Maria more time to learn Serena stuff that is damaging for us guys”

“What?” asks Max “What happened in here?”

Maria looks over to Serena and shakes her head “Here? Nothing much. What happened out there?” she asks

Max looks from Maria to Serena to Kyle and back to Maria. “Nothing much... Ok... Well, we just had to make a decision about what secret I should tell you”

“Like I had a choice” mutters Liz

Max smiles at her and says “Well, as you can see we couldn't really agree on this but she got to choose between two secrets. I just wanted you all to know that so you don't think that I will tell something without the others knowledge”

“Bullshit” shouts Michael

“Come on, buddy. We were young kids. What's the big deal” asks Max

Michael shrugs his shoulders “You didn't give me a heads up”

“That could be because Liz is more vicious then you.” smiles Max

“Come on. Tell us so we can go on with the game. Remember my dare is still in there” says Vicki “I want to see who gets it” and she rubs her hands together

“When you look like that I must say I'm grateful that I didn't get it” says Max

“Oh, but I haven't told anyone if it's for only one person or more” laughs Vicki and suddenly everyone seems a bit scared of the idea to get Vickis dare.

“And on that note I think it's time to tell my last secret. Well it's not only my secret” he pulls one of Liz hands free and grabs a hold of it “It's more our secret. But most of my secrets involve other persons as well.” He takes a deep breath to steel himself “Do you remember the heat wave our senior year?”

Everyone nods their heads.

“And do you remember that we spent almost all our time out by the lake instead of the pool?”

Several heads nods to this as well. “That's because all the kids were in the pool” says Sean

“Right” says Max “Well as you all know we all like to swim and have fun in the water but this particular day you all went up to sunbath and play football or what you were doing. Liz and I was the only ones left in the water”

“What's so special about that” asks Tess “If I remember right you two were always the last one up”

“Well this day we could have had another reason to stay in the water longer then you” says Max and holds on to Liz hand harder when he feel that she is trying to pull away from him. “You see this particular day we had a... hmmm.... How should I put it? A little delicate problem to take care of”

“And what problem would that be?” asks Tommy “Come on. I think all of us guys had to take some trips down in that cold water from time to time. No biggie”

“That was only a small part of the problem” laughs Max and feels how Liz is trying to hide her face behind him. “As you all know by know Liz and I had sex from time to time at this point”

They all nod “Yeah, you told us about that” says Pam “So what?”

Max smile is widening and at this point he's looking like the cat that ate the canary. Liz is pounding her other hand against his back and is mumbling “Stupid, stupid, stupid” like a mantra.

Suddenly Alex shouts “No way!” he shakes his head “No way you did that. Did you?”

Max just laughs and nods slightly.

“I can't believe it. I simply can't believe it. You two are just unbelievable you know that” Alex is on a roll now “I can't believe noone noticed. I must agree with Liz there. We are stupid” He laughs so hard that he can't sit up any longer “Wow, talk about a juicy secret”

The rest of them are looking between Max and Alex “What” shouts Kyle.

“Remember how we earlier was told that if we had had our eyes open and paid a little more attention we would have known about Max and Liz” asks Alex

“Yeah. So?” asks Kyle

“My god. I must really agree with Liz know. Stupid, stupid stupid” laughs Alex “What do we know about Max and Liz? What did he just tell us? Something that they both have confessed earlier.” Alex is smiling “And think about that together with a delicate problem that made them both. I say it again – both of them to stay in the water”

“Aha” shouts Michael and points one finger at Max “You dog! That I really wouldn't have expected from you two. Kyle sure, Paulie maybe but you two... I must agree with Alex. No way!”

“Yes way” is Max only response since he is trying to grab Liz other hand “Ouch, if you keep doing that I will have get a bruise”

Kyle is looking at Alex and Michael “I still don't get it” As he says that Sean and Tommy starts to snicker. He looks at the girls and sees that Maria looks chocked and Isabel is almost green. “Could someone please tell us that isn't as great at puzzles that you seem to be”

“Alright. Alex tried the more subtle way to tell you but that's not me. To quote Max: How should I put it? Well how about inside Liz. They were fucking in the water” laughs Michael

“Wait a minute” says Kyle “Is this true? Did you two fuck each other out there in the water? When all of us was there?”

Max shrugs his shoulders “What can I say. We got horny.”

“Oh my god. I'm gonna be sick” whined Isabel

“Way to go” Vicki claps her hand. “I didn't think you had it in you but what do you know. You continue to surprise me”

“Liz? Are you alright?” asks Tess “You look a bit red over there”

Liz sits up and stares at the them. “Like you haven't gotten horny and acted on it”

“Sure we have” says Maria with a smile “The difference is that it wasn't one of us that was out there in the lake having sex with the rest of us up on the beach”

“Oh shut up!” shouts Liz. She turns to Max “This is all your fault”

Max leans forward so he can whisper in her ear “Would you had me tell them about our summers?”

“No” shouts Liz

“Didn't Max say that you had a choice” asks Serena “If this is the secret you choose to tell I wonder what the other one was”

“Yeah, I really want to know that one as well” says Tommy “Wouldn't you?” he asks the rest.

Pam turns to Max “Please, tell us the other one as well”

Liz quickly puts her hand over Max mouth and yells “No more secrets! He had to tell you five and you got five. No more!”

Max mumbles something behind her hand. Liz looks at him “I will take away my hand if you promise to never tell another secret” Max nods his head so Liz removes her hand “What were you saying?” she asks.

“I just said that I think it's Marias turn now” smiles Max

“Oh, in that case. Be my guest Maria” says Liz “We all know, as do you, that you took truth the last time so it dare time” Liz is rubbing her hands together and laughs.

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/7/16

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:49 am
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter!!!! Wow Max's secrets were good. But love the secrets that involve Liz. Wow it took everyone awhile to figure out the lake secret. But glad they finally did. Oh no Maria has to pick a dare. Wonder if Maria is going to get Vicki's dare???? Wonder if Max and Liz will tell the others that they are dating????

L-J-L 76

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/7/16

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:58 am
by Roswelllostcause
Liz really isn't happy with Max right now! But all will be forgiven in time.

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist (M/L, CC, AuWoA, Mature/Adult) 11/7/16

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:26 am
by keepsmiling7
Good thing Bambi was committed.....
Isabel knows all now.....
Liz has always known......and much more!
Lesson to's easy to be drugged.

Re: Truth Or Dare - With a Twist

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:13 am
by Lillmonster
L-J-L: Maria has to pick. What will she get? Is Max and Liz really dating or are they just friends with benefits?

Roswelllostcause: Liz isn't too happy but I think it will pass soon.

Carolyn: I guess there is a lot left that Isabel doesn't know. It's too easy to get drugged so I tell my kids all the time to never accept a drink from someone else and never leave their glass. Better drink out of a can/bottle and hold on to it all the time.

* * * * *

Maria is eying the bowl with suspicion. “Come on. Do I have to? I mean Vicki's is still in there”

Vicki looks around the circle “You can't be serious? Is all of you scared of my dare? I'm the only one who has said that I have a really fun one in there and that it could be a juicy one, if I should choose Kyle's word for it. But what about the rest of you? We all wrote down two each. Has anyone had both dares picked?”

“I do” says Pam “But I won't tell you which two it was so don't even ask”

“Then I can confess that both of mine is still in there” says Vicki “And with that point. If you think you should be afraid of one of mine you are sadly mistaken. I got another and I know that there are a bunch of other twisted stuff in there. I mean... I know you” she laughs “So Maria. Pick one”

Maria is eying everyone suspiciously “Vickis got a point... Hmm... What could you have written down?”

“MARIA” shouts Sean with his hand up in the air “We will never know if you don't pick one. What are you waiting for?”

“Alright! Alright! Hold your horses. I will pick one” She takes the bowl and ruffles the notes around a bit before she holds one up in front of the others. “This one. I pick this one”

Alex takes the bowl from her before she changes her mind. “And what does it say? You know we can see through the note”

“Wait” Maria is silently reading and everyone is watching her. They are all anxious to see what the dare is about. “YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS” screams Maria.

“What? What does it say?” asks Tess

“My god. I must say that there a some really perverted minds here tonight” Maria shakes her head and then looks at Liz with puppy eyes “Do I have to do this? Can't I pick another”

'Oh boy, this must be one juicy one if Maria reacts like this' thinks Liz and shakes her head and says “No! You know the rules, Maria. Hell you even knew some things before the rest so don't come complaining about it now just because it won't suit you. I mean, look at what the rest of us has done.”

“Ok, I know... Like Michael would have read that book if it wasn't for this game” smiles Maria

“Shut up” says Michael “I don't want to hear another word about it”

“So what does it say” asks Tess again

Maria smiles and wiggles her eyebrows “Wouldn't you like to know?” she turns to Liz “I'm gonna need one special thing for this one. Do you still have the thing I got for your birthday last year?”

Liz eyes gets very big and she laughs “Sure. It's in a shoebox in the closet”

“Is it what I think it is” asks Max and Liz nods her head “Oh wow, this will be fun” he rubs his hand together and laughs.

“Should have know that you would know what this all is about” says Isabel sarcastic and immediately gets a stern eye from Liz who shakes her head as to say – don't go there again.

“Are you doing this dare alone?” asks Paulie

“No, and I think that is the only fun part in this for me” says Maria and reaches for the name-bowl “Three of you will have the honor to do this one with me”

Everyone is looking a bit scared now. “Vicki! Do you know what this is about?” asks Sean

“Me? How the hell should I know. She hasn't said what it's about so I can't tell if it's mine or not”

Maria is ruffling the name-notes “Hmm, who would it be must fun to do this with? Maybe... Nah... Or...”

“Just pick the names” yells Alex

“Impatient much” mumbles Maria and takes three notes out of the bowl. “Right! Here goes. The first lucky winner is.... drum roll please” Kyle starts to sound like a drum and Maria looks at him “Thank you Kyle. I can always count on you. But alright, the first winner was it..... It's....” she opens the note and laughs out loud “I like this dare more and more.... Isabel... Your my first lucky winner”

Isabel straightens up even more and glares with ice-cold eyes at Max and Liz who is lying on the floor laughing so hard that they have tears rolling down their face. “What the hell is so funny about this” she yells.

Max holds his stomach “Ouch, it hurts.... You should see your face... And I get to see it again when Maria is telling you what the dare is about.... Ouch”

“And the lucky number two.... “ says Maria “is.... Michael”

“Me? Again? I have already done a dare” says Michael

“Sorry” laughs Liz “but the rules are that you have to do it if your name is picked”

“Alright” mumbles Michael

“And the lucky number three...” she opens the note and laughs hard. She shakes her head and then “Tommy”

“I feel sorry for you man” laughs Max “I thought you would have had enough this evening”

Liz tries to stand up “I'm just gonna... (laugh) go and get... (snicker) the thing....”

Tommy, Isabel and Michael are all looking at Maria “So now we know who has to do this with you. Can you please tell us what it is about?” says Michael

“Or I can show you” laughs Liz when she enters the room. She is holding something behind her back and nods at Max and Maria.

Maria smiles and says “Well, I don't know who came up with this dare but in a way I hope that it was one of you that I picked so you could taste your own medicine. We have to sit in here and watch a porno for 10 minutes. It says here that it has to be 10 minutes, not a single minute less. And that noone can leave the room. We all have to watch it together.”

“What about the rest of us? Were will we go?” asks Sean

“We, will sit out in the kitchen and wait” says Liz

“Can't you wait outside. I think it will be more room for you there” says Tommy

“Naha, no way” smiles Liz “We will be here to see that noone of you sneaks away. From the kitchen we will see if any of you leaves”

Everyone stands up and starts to leave the room. Isabel is still sitting on the floor and is shaking her head “No, no, no. I will not do this! I refuse!”

Max walks up to her “Sorry, sis. You can't refuse. You agreed to the rules just like the rest of us. We have all been forced to do dares even if we didn't want to”

“Like you cared” says Isabel snotty “You got to be stuck with Liiiiiiz.... That was really hard work for you. Wasn't it?”

“Fine, it wasn't to hard to be stuck to Liz but think about the others. Do you think they have been to happy about some things? No, I don't think so. You just have to suck it up and do this. Get of your high horses. I don't know what has gotten in to you lately? This is the first time in four years that we all are in the same place at the same time and you seems to think that you are better then everyone. Sorry to tell you sis. You're not!” and Max walks away feeling really annoyed

Isabel is stunned. Max has never talked to her like that before. Why is everyone behaving so different she asks herself. She shakes Max words off her and stands up. She eyes Michael and Tommy. “I just have to say that I'm doing this even if I don't want to”

“Like I want it” says Maria and rolls her eyes “We are all in the same boat her, Is. You are no different from the rest of us. It's a dare and we have to do it even if I had much rather be doing something completely different”

“Is. Just sit down and shut up” sighs Michael “The faster you accept this and we can start the damn movie. The sooner it will be over and we can move on with the game”

“I don't think I want to play any more” mumbles Isabel

“Why?” asks Tommy “Because the self-appointed princess has to do something that is beneath her?”

Isabel looks up with big eyes “That's so not it. I have never though that about myself”

“Could have fooled me” says Michael and shrugs his shoulders “Maria, start the damn movie. I for one want to continue the game”

In the pretty crowded kitchen it's completely silent, everyone is listening to what is being said in the other room. They all nods their head when Tommy makes the princess comment. Max looks at the others and sighs. “I'm just gonna....” he points to the door “yeah... I'll be right back” and then he leaves.

Serena whispers to Liz “Is he gonna be ok?”

“I think so” says Liz “I really don't know what it is with Is tonight. She could be a hand full in high school but never like this and I think that is the hardest part for Max” she looks over her shoulder to the door “I'm gonna see if he wants to talk”

“Oh my... Come on. Why does she have to sound like that?” asks Maria “It even sound fake. Not one real person can sound like that”

“Don't be so sure about that” laughs Michael “Maybe you haven't met the right one. You know the one that makes you so hot that you just have so scream”

“Shut up!” shouts Tommy “Isn't it bad enough to see this and then I have to listen to you trying to make her hot too....” he squirms on the sofa and tries to readjust himself discreetly.

Michael takes one look at Tommy and laughs “I feel sorry for you. Maybe you should take a visit to the bathroom after this” then he narrows his eyes “or maybe you should ask Serena to help you out”

Tommy turns red and glance towards the kitchen “Shut up!”

In the kitchen Tess and Kyle is smiling at Serena who has turned a couple of shades red herself. “I knew it” whispers Kyle in her ear.

“Knew what?” Serena whispers back

“I knew that he got the hots for you back in high school and it doesn't look like it's change”

Serena stares at him with big eyes “He's what?” she says loud. Vicki hushes them. “Sorry” whispers Serena “You were saying?” she turns to Kyle

“Yeah, but he was to chicken then. Maybe it will be different now. If not I think you will have to make the first move”

“But he never said anything. He always talked about other girls”

“Well, I think he was trying to make you jealous since it's never been that many girls” snickers Kyle

“Oh” says Serena and looks thoughtful

“Could you shut up” hisses Vicki “I want to hear what it happening in there”

“This isn't happening, It's awful” mumbles Isabel behind a pillow. The others agreed that she didn't have to see it but she has to listen. “Has it been ten minutes yet?”

Maria looks at her watch where she has set the timer “Nope, six minutes left” She looks at the tv and laughs “That's impossible. That chick must have a really big mouth.”

“Why?” asks Michael

Maria looks at him like he's crazy “No one can take both balls in the mouth. I would totally gag”

Michael laughs “To me it's not that important if a girl can put my balls in her mouth..”

Isabel looks up from the pillow “What are you talking about?” she asks Michael

Michael looks at Maria and winks “Well, Is... To me it's more important that a girl can give good head. The best part is it she can swallow it all”

Isabel screams “You're disgusting”

Maria highfives Michael “That was a good one” she laughs

“Please” moans Tommy “Tell me it's over”

“Oh hunny. Is this to hard for you?” Maria pats his shoulder and snickers.

“You have no idea” says Tommy and makes everyone laugh, even the ones in the kitchen. “Oh, shit” he mumbles.

At the same time the timer sounds Tommy is up and off to the bathroom while everyone is laughing.

“Poor guy. Twice in one night” smiles Kyle “Serena... Maybe you should go see if he's alright. Or even better... See if he needs some help”

Serena slaps his arm “You are so stupid” but she walks over to the bathroomdoor and knocks “Tommy. Are you alright?” She can hear water running and then a muffled “Yeah, I will be out soon” She turns to the others and shrugs her shoulders “I guess he's fine”