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Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:27 pm
by LittleBit
Lillie wrote:Spoiler Alert!

I'm disappointed that Kasey turned out to NOT be Kara's baby. I mean, yes it does go with everything that Sharon and the Cylons believed about having babies and the love angle. But I was hoping for some happiness for Kara, which I think she might find in a child. Kara is an intensly lost woman.

As for her husband, I think that he doesn't quite know what to say to her. And he didn't know the whole story about Kasey. But yes it does not seem all that good for their marriage.

The only thing that really bothered me was where was Sharon and Helo? Damn, I love those two, and they were barely there.
I too was very disappointed. I want Kara to be happy but I also thought it would be interesting to see how they played her having a half cyclon baby. I mean, yes we have seen how they have accepted Sharon, well some of them, but I think part of that was due to the history they have with her. Casey, while a part of Kara, was completely different. And if they had to have her be half human, they should have drug it out a bit more. It seemed too rushed to me, I think that's part of why you don't see Sam by her side.

Over on the boards at Scifi, I saw somebody ask why Kara so easily believed that Casey was hers. Several people said it was because her instincts to protect took over when Casey was hurt, and I believe that coudl be true. After all, we know that Starbuck's mom was horrible but I think that there is something just as deep too.

After she was rescued from the farm, Kara knew that the Cyclons had had access to her ovaries. She knew what they had planned for her and didn't know how far they got. So for the two years since that happened, there had to be a part of her that feared the unknown. She knew that meeting a child like Casey could be possible so it wasn't completely out of the blue.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:55 pm
by Zendorox
tonight's episode was good.


I REALLY wish someone would take out Col. Tigh. I can't stand that sanctimonious old windbag.

There are rumors floating around that one of the top 10 characters will get killed this season. Here's hoping.


Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:27 pm
by Ellie
I'm still hoping it's Dee or Roslin that kicks the bucket.


Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:45 pm
by LittleBit
I go for either Dee or Saul. I just wanted to smack Saul. I understand that he feels like since Ellen had to die, all of the collaborators should die but with Gaeta, what would they expect him to do? I mean he worked for Baltar and saw the documents so do they expect him to argue with the Cyclons? Like they would listen to him.

I was upset with the lack of Starbuck/Apollo, Sharon/Helo. I know that the first pair are estranged but I expected something. And then Sharon didn't make any appearance at all.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:13 am
by Zendorox
Ellie wrote:I'm still hoping it's Dee or Roslin that kicks the bucket.
Roslin?!?! Out of morbid curiousity, what do you have against her?

LittleBit wrote:I just wanted to smack Saul. I understand that he feels like since Ellen had to die, all of the collaborators should die, but with Gaeta, what would they expect him to do? I mean he worked for Baltar and saw the documents so do they expect him to argue with the Cyclons? Like they would listen to him.
Saul has always been extremely short-sighted as far as I'm concerned. He's quick to judge and usually wrong. If he'd crawl out of that bottle a little more often, he might be able to see a little better.

Gaeta did exactly what he should have done in a time of war. He was in the best position to obtain critical, classified information and feed it to the resistance. I got a great deal of satisfaction out of the stunned look on Saul's face when the truth came out that Gaeta had been THE SOURCE.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:55 pm
by LittleBit
Zendorox wrote:
Ellie wrote:I'm still hoping it's Dee or Roslin that kicks the bucket.
Roslin?!?! Out of morbid curiousity, what do you have against her?
Yeah, I'm curious too. I like Roslin. Always have.

LittleBit wrote:I just wanted to smack Saul. I understand that he feels like since Ellen had to die, all of the collaborators should die, but with Gaeta, what would they expect him to do? I mean he worked for Baltar and saw the documents so do they expect him to argue with the Cyclons? Like they would listen to him.
Saul has always been extremely short-sighted as far as I'm concerned. He's quick to judge and usually wrong. If he'd crawl out of that bottle a little more often, he might be able to see a little better.

Gaeta did exactly what he should have done in a time of war. He was in the best position to obtain critical, classified information and feed it to the resistance. I got a great deal of satisfaction out of the stunned look on Saul's face when the truth came out that Gaeta had been THE SOURCE.
I completely agree. As a matter of fact, I don't see any of the humans that colaborated with the Cylons as traitors but people who would do anything to survive. Well except Baltar but that's just because I don't like him.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:56 pm
by Ellie
Hey Zen, well let's see how do I dislike Roslin, let me count the ways...she's undequalified for the job of Presidency. I know she and others were simply trying to establish order in the wake of unimaginable chaos but I felt she tried to take the reins to quickly. She doesn't seem to respect the job the military has to do.

She gets on my nerves with her bleeding heart compassion on the one hand and her trying to be a hard ass on the other. I didn't like her solution for the collaborators. I would have respected her more if she'd chosen one of the other two alternatives. People should not have to live side by side with those that wantonly took power by siding with the enemy and brutally abusing their neighbors.

Arrests were probably the least of the injustices that happened down there. And at least with the Circle there was some resolution happening, her way is saying we all have to get along. That's a recipe for more vigilatism IMO. I'd be more interested in her if she got her hands dirty a little more.

I like Baltar for exactly that reason, watching him slide down the slippery road to Hell. Will he save himself? Is it possible to be redeemed at this point and how would you do that?

That's just me though.:D


Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:56 pm
by Lillie
I wasn't too keen on this past episode. I can't believe that they actually killed off Jammer. Damn, that just sucks. I've got to hand it to Anders for leaving the group when he did. Seemed like he was the only sane one in the bunch. So when Kara came in, she fit perfectly with the other crazies. I mean, sure, they had their reasons. But it was more about revenge rather than about justice.

So Roslin is back as President? Interesting. Now, lets see whats going to happen now? I miss seeing our guys interacting with each other. Other than Lee and Adama, there wasn't too much. I want to see Helo/Sharon. Roslin/Adama. Lee/Kara. Tigh/Adama.

Adama still had another classic line, though. "Keeping jumping." LOL. I'd love my dad to be like him. Not one to baby his child. :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:55 pm
by LittleBit
Lillie wrote:
So Roslin is back as President? Interesting. Now, lets see whats going to happen now? I miss seeing our guys interacting with each other. Other than Lee and Adama, there wasn't too much. I want to see Helo/Sharon. Roslin/Adama. Lee/Kara. Tigh/Adama.
I've been reading a lot of Battlestar fic lately and it has pointed out to me the lack of interaction of the main characters. There's been none of the couples Lillie listed but also no Helo/Kara, Kara/Adama, Lee/Roslin, etc. (And I mean those couplings in a purely platonic way.)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:50 pm
by LittleBit
Okay, I got the interactions that I wanted but not the way that I wanted. Lee and Helo were great as friends but I hated that they were against Kara. Granted, she was acting like a b*tch, but I still don't like seeing them like that.

Yey! The hair is gone!