Lethal Whispers (ML, MATURE) 10/29/15 COMPLETE

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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 9 3/22/15 p. 5

Post by begonia9508 »

It's more than crazy, it's frightening! :shock:

Because now, I have the feeling that the guy behind Liz, (who f.ck the little alien! is an alien too...

And I just hope that Liz is clever enough to stay away from this sex addict beast... Let him use the other girl (Tess something...:wink:) who seems to like it!

Hopefully, Liz will talk to Isabel!

Waiting for more impatiently and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
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- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 9 3/22/15 p. 5

Post by saori_1902 »

Great part :shock:
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Chapter 10

Post by max and liz believer »

To you, my loyal readers; Thank you for your feedback - it warms me from head to toe :)

Roswelllostcause - Thank you :D
Natalie - Thank you :D
Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - David is one sick cookie :? Thank you for the feedback :D
Eve (begonia9508) - Thank you, Eve :D
saori_1902 - Thank you :D


Tess observed the blonde tall beauty from the adjoining hallway for a couple of minutes before she made her presence known. After all, this meeting was important. If Isabel Evans was connected to Tess’ past, she had to thread carefully to be able to get what she needed out of Isabel.

“Excuse me,” she said softly, interrupting Isabel in her reorganizing tasks of her work station.

Isabel looked up, brushed a tendril of light hair out of her face, and answered breathlessly, “Can I help you?”

Tess extended her hand. “Sorry to disturb you, but my name is Tess and I’m-“

A light flickered on in Isabel’s eyes. “You’re David’s girlfriend.”

“Something like that,” Tess confirmed evasively and Isabel took her hand in greeting, “I’m Isabel.”

“Nice to meet you,” Tess smiled. “It’s not my intention to disturb you, but you… do you have a minute?”

Isabel let her gaze quickly flutter across her working area, as if to make sure that everything would be under control for the next couple of minutes without her. “Sure.”

“It’s just… I’m kinda new to Boston,” which wasn’t really true, but Isabel didn’t know that, “And I’m just holed up in my apartment at the moment, waiting for David to come and visit me.”

Isabel grimaced in compassion. “That sucks.”

“And except for David, I don’t really know anyone here.”

Isabel nodded, seemingly awaiting the punch line.

“It was actually David’s idea,” Tess effectively added an embarrassed laugh, “I don’t want to intrude…”

“I could show you around,” Isabel offered, having picked up on Tess’ intentional unease.

Tess’ face broke out into a smile, breathing in relief. “Could you? Really?”

Isabel waved the gratitude away with her hand. “It’s no problem. Of course you need your personal guide of Boston. I bet it’s torture just sitting around and not having anything to do. We could squeeze in some shopping too if you want. How about this afternoon?”

“Oh,” Tess breathed. “You’re amazing. David told me that you were kind but…”

“For once…” Isabel smiled and gave Tess a conspiratorial wink, “David’s right.”

Tess returned the smile. She was in.

Then Isabel smacked her forehead with the back of her head. “Shit!”

Tess frowned. “What?”

It was Isabel’s turn to look embarrassed. “It’s just, I just realized that I’ve already got plans.”

“That’s okay-“ Tess started.

“I was going to help Michael pick out an anniversary present for his girlfriend. Oh sorry. Michael, that’s my friend.”

Michael. Tess smiled. Michael Guerin. Yes, she knew who he was. His biography had been in the last papers of the yellow Manila folder. But even before she had read out the words, which could’ve been an account of her own life, Tess knew who Michael Guerin was. They had met, on several occasions.

Michael Guerin and Theresa Harding, compared to Maxwell and Isabel Evans, both lacked the detailed account of how they came about walking naked on a deserted road. Michael Guerin had only made it onto the FBI’s list because of his close connections to his friends and the fact that he also was sans parents with a memory originating at an age of four. Michael had, similarly to Tess, been placed at the orphanage in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Michael had been found outside an alien-themed diner in Roswell, eating garbage, clad in mismatched clothes that he had encountered during his dumpster diving.

He hadn’t spoken the language, in fact he had been called a wolf child for the first two months, acting rabid as soon as someone tried to get close to him. According to the FBI-file, it had taken four full-sized men to restrain him and bring him in.

It was at the Christian Children’s Home that the two children had encountered each other briefly in the stops between foster homes. Neither of them were considered angels (one foster parent had accused Michael of being the spawn of the devil) and their visits in different foster homes were usually short-lived. As they got older, the were increasingly difficult to re-home, due to their accumulating years and the accumulating rumors.

Tess had somewhat better success, being a pretty blonde girl, but it usually didn’t take long for the latest foster family to figure out that she was trouble.

Because they were both troublemakers, they had been carefully separated at the orphanage. Consequently, Tess knew of Michael, admiring his work from afar, but had never actually spoken a word to him.

The FBI-file had in its blunt documentation stated that Michael had eventually ended up in a foster home to stay, shortly before he had requested emancipation of minor at the age of seventeen, packed his bags and moved to Boston. The facts were less detailed on the reason behind his move and how he had ended up with the Evans’, but Tess hadn’t been surprised when the familiar face of the troubled boy from her childhood had shown up in a folder together with the Evans siblings.

Now, she looked at Isabel and saw her chance to kill two birds with one stone. Meeting Michael again would be fun. She wondered if he would remember her, if she had made a lasting impression.

“Maybe I could come with?” Tess asked innocently.

“Seriously?” Isabel asked doubtfully. “I don’t know… Michael is not really a people-person.”

“I’m just really starved for human contact,” Tess said, half-begging, and smiled inwardly at her ‘human contact’-reference.

“I don’t know…” Isabel was not convinced.

“I really need to meet some new people. We don’t have to go sightseeing, we could just go shop. Maybe I could help out with some ideas for his girlfriend’s anniversary present.”

Tess could tell that Isabel wasn’t convinced, but the shorter blonde was certainly wearing down the tall one’s resolve.

“It’ll be a blast,” Tess added and pushed hopefulness into her pleading eyes.

That did it.

“Okay, sure,” Isabel sighed. “Michael could use some socializing anyway; it’ll be good for him.”

“Great,” Tess smiled. “Meet up here at…?”

“I get off at 4.30, so around 4.40?”

“It’s a date,” Tess confirmed with a brilliant smile. “Thank you, Isabel.”

“Don’t sweat it,” Isabel said, a twinge of worry in her voice.

Tess’ smile was victorious as she walked down the corridor, the extra spring in her steps making the curls on her head bounce. Isabel had every reason to worry. She was about to let the wolf child out to play with other children.

This had to be one of the worst side effects of being in a relationship. Anniversaries. Well, not anniversaries specifically, rather having to give gifts. Which ultimately meant that he would have to spend a day in agony, going through shops which were filled with humans.

And to top it off, Isabel had asked to meet up outside her office claiming that it was easier. This meant having to hit public transport (even though Maria spent a lot of time nagging him about it, Michael still hadn’t gotten a driver’s license), which had been crowded with smelly humans and screaming infants and had made his mood even fouler. It only served Isabel right that, as a consequence of everything she made him go through to meet her, she would be taking a very grumpy Michael shopping

Why hadn’t she just come and picked him up, like she normally would?

As he got closer to the entrance of the office building, he realized that Isabel wasn’t alone. A petite girl was standing next to her, talking animatedly with her hands. Why did she look familiar?

Isabel spotted him and raised her hand with a “Hey, Michael,” as if she was standing in a crowd and having been made invisible by all those other people. Not standing alone with a woman that barely reached up to Isabel’s chin. Michael rolled his eyes and gave a short sourly wave back. She smiled at the response.

Yes, Isabel, I can see you. Congratulations.

Michael stepped up to the couple, shot a cold look at the girl and asked “Who’s this?” before Isabel had a chance to greet him.

Isabel smacked him over his arm. “Behave.”

Michael was not looking very impressed when he turned his attention back to Isabel. “I thought we were going shopping. So what’s this?”

Isabel turned to the girl, her cheeks blazing with the shame Michael had caused her. Michael didn’t care. She knew how much he hated this and then she still decided to invite someone else. A stranger.

“There are no words,” Isabel said to the girl. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s alright,” the girl answered lightly and offered Michael her hand. He just stared at it. The stranger lowered it again, her smile wavering. But, she didn’t appear intimidated, Michael noted. They usually were. Instead she continued, “I’m Tess. But we’ve already met.”

Michael squinted at her suspiciously.

“You have?” Isabel asked in surprise.

And then it hit him. “Theresa Harding,” he stated, some emotion creeping into his stony voice.

“It’s Tess now,” the girl corrected.

“How do you know each other?” Isabel asked and Michael refrained from rolling his eyes at her, again. Isabel would eat this all up.

“We were at the same orphanage in Albuquerque when we were young,” Tess explained lightly.

Michael narrowed his eyes further. He didn’t trust a girl who were so chipper about that place. Sure, it had been a good enough orphanage, but he had hated it there.

Isabel’s eyes widened. “You were? That’s… a coincidence.”

That’s one way to put it, Michael thought. He was naturally suspicious of most things.

“You’ll have some catching up to do then,” Isabel added, hoping to ease the tension.

Michael snorted. “Yeah, right.”

He didn’t remember much about Theresa Harding, but he remember her being trouble. Much more so than he was at the time. That was saying a lot.

“I think it’s a time we both rather would forget,” Tess mused, looking sympathetic.

Damn, she still has it, Michael thought as he watched Isabel nod emphatically. Theresa, or Tess, had been the queen of manipulations. He was pretty sure she hadn’t changed all that much since he saw her last.

“Is she coming with?” Michael asked cooly. Let’s get this shit over with.

“Is it okay?” Isabel asked.

Now she asks. Michael shrugged and donned his most bored expression. “Whatever.”

“Let’s go then,” Isabel said and turned to Tess in a hushed tone, “He’ll come around.”

But Michael couldn’t help but wonder if Tess had any ulterior motives about being here. He didn’t much believe in coincidences. And this would be a big coincidence.

TBC… (on Sunday :) )
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 10 3/25/15 p.

Post by begonia9508 »

Oh! I am so happy that finally, someone thinks that Tess is a manipulative woman! At least, the fact that Michael was with her, in his childhood, is a plus because Isabel lasst herself be blinded by Tess's fake illusions of being friendly... (a snake is less dangerous! :lol: ) and I am quite sure that Max is the target! No?

Looking for more and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 10 3/25/15 p.

Post by Roswelllostcause »

What is Tess up to? Please tell me that she isn't going to go after Max!
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 10 3/25/15 p.

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Michael had such a sad beginning.......and strange that he and Tess were in the same place in Albuquerque.
It's interesting that he remembered she was trouble.
Beware Michael......and you might share that with Isabel.
I like the way this is all falling together.
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 10 3/25/15 p.

Post by saori_1902 »

Great part :)
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 10 3/25/15 p.

Post by AlysLuv »

Great part. Can't wait for max to met his dreams girls. That was an interesting thought maria had about max being connected to liz.
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Re: Lethal Whispers (ML, some MM, MATURE), Ch 10 3/25/15 p.

Post by dreamon »

Thanks for another great part!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Chapter 11

Post by max and liz believer »

Hi everyone!

I hope you're enjoying your weekend :D Thank you all for the feedback. We're itching closer to a meeting between Max and Liz - finally, but there are two more chapters to go before our dreamer couple will face each other.

Eve (begonia9508) - Your instincts are correct, dear :D Thank you for the feedback!
What is Tess up to? Please tell me that she isn't going to go after Max!
Ahum… weeeell… :roll:

Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - Love your thoughts on the matter :D Thank you for the feedback!
saori_1902 - Thanks!
AlysLuv - Soon… He'll meet them soon… :wink: Thank you for the feedback!
dreamon - Thanks!

And on with the chapter…


He caught a glimpse of her a couple feet ahead. Her chocolate-colored hair was billowing behind her as she ran, her laughter echoing off the walls.

“Wait!” he yelled after her, but her response was even more laughter as she disappeared around a corner.

The walls were moving, like waves, and it was making him dizzy. The floor beneath his feet was moving, making him stumble. But he needed to get to her. He turned the corner and she was gone. “Hello?” If he only knew her name.

“Hello,” a smiling voice said behind him. Turning around, the evasive brunette was standing not five feet away.

“Who are you?” he asked breathlessly, rooted in place, afraid that she would disappear if he moved.

She angled her head inquisitively, “Have you forgotten me?”

“You’re the girl, aren’t you? You’re the girl from the accident.”

She smiled. “Have you forgotten me?”

He shook his head. “No. I haven’t. What’s your name?”

“You know my name,” she replied.

“No,” he breathed. “No, I don’t.”

“You whisper my name,” she continued.


Max turned around at the name whispered across the hallways. When he looked back, the girl was not alone. The blonde girl was standing only a few feet away from the brunette.

“He’s mine,” the blonde whispered darkly.

They were usually not in his dream together, had never co-existed in the same space. Now he could see why. The blonde had turned ugly as she had seen the brunette.

“No,” the brunette objected softly, peacefully. “He never was.”

Max felt like a parrot, repeating himself in a very uncreative manner, but addressing the blonde this time he asked, “Who are you?”

“I’m your wife,” she replied with a hard face.

He frowned. “I’m not married.”

“You were,” the blonde answered. “Until death do us part.”

A shimmer next to the blonde pulled his attention back to the brunette and he watched her start to fade. “No,” he pleaded. “No, don’t go.”

“It’s just me and you now,” the blonde smiled and someone was rustling him.

He came to, a stranger leaning over him. “Mister? Are you okay?”

Self-consciously, Max abruptly straightened up in the plastic chair. He was on the subway and he had fallen asleep. The commuters around him was looking at him strangely and he became worried that he might have been talking in his sleep.

“I’m fine, just a dream,” Max answered the worried passenger and after a final odd look, he left Max alone.

Max was a novelty for approximately ten more seconds before the curious commuters had returned their attention to their iPads, their phones, their newspapers.

“I’m fine,” Max mumbled to himself, rubbing his forehead.


“You look tired.” Her statement was met with a non-committed wordless shrug. “Are you sleeping okay?”

“My dreams are back.”

Isabel was not surprised to hear it. “I know. Maria told me.”

Her brother scratched his eyebrow, his eyes closed as he slumped on her couch. “I got a name.”

“Of the girl? Which one?”

“I think… I think it was the name of the brunette. Aislin.”

“Has the blonde girl returned? Maria said you were mostly dreaming of the brunette.”

“What hasn’t Maria told you?” There was a faint trace of humor in his voice, but Isabel was worried. She used to joke about his dreams, calling them teenage sex fantasies, but Max was starting to look sick. She wondered if he was eating right; the clothes seemed to hang off him like the clothes on a scarecrow. The circles under his eyes were as deep as wells and he looked depressed. As if the world was weighing down on his shoulders.

“She’s just worried about you, Max. We all are.”

Max rubbed his hand down his face. “I’m fine.”

“And when you’re not dreaming, are you sleeping then?”


“What about Maria’s theory? That you might have a connection with that girl you saved? That she’s calling for you or something.”

“I think she might be right,” he sighed. “Which scares the living daylights out of me.”

Isabel sank down on the TV-table, facing Max, and placed a hand on his knee. “Max, listen to me. Maybe you should see a therapist.”

Max opened his eyes and looked at her incredulously. “What?”

“I don’t mean that you’ll go there and tell everything, just so that you can talk to someone. The therapist won’t know all the backstory, but maybe he can help you sort out what your dreams mean. And maybe.. maybe he can prescribe you something. To help you sleep.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Max said, annoyed, and stood up. “I can figure this out.”

Isabel followed his restless pacing with concerned eyes. “You’re not alone in this, Max. You don’t have to do everything on your own. You know that we’ll help you. But maybe you need some professional help too. Maybe this is beyond our capabilities.”

“Then what?” Max asked, a hint of anger in his usually calm voice. “What if I do start on medication and I’m too knocked out for her to contact me? What if it ends the visions, our opportunity to find more things out?”

“Maybe that’s for the best!” Isabel cried, getting to her feet in frustration. “This might kill you! Look at you! Are you even eating?”

“Of course I’m eating,” Max replied tensely.

“I can’t watch my brother waste away because of some answers,” Isabel said, tears breaking her voice. “I can’t lose you, I can’t.”

Max could hear her loneliness, the little abandoned girl she was deep inside, but he couldn’t focus on her right now. His head was hurting. He leaned against the wall, his forehead hitting the white plaster, and felt the anger seep out of his tired body. “What if she needs my help?”

Isabel’s desperation cooled at his words. Her brother’s concern for a stranger was admirable, but it was so typical of him. To help others at the risk of his own life. He had done it before; risking his secret and his quiet existence by healing Maria. “Max, what if she’s not real? Would you let yourself go insane chasing someone that’s not real?”

“She’s real,” Max mumbled against the wall.

“But what if she isn’t?” Isabel persisted.

Max didn’t answer. He had obviously made up his mind. This girl was important enough to him to risk his well-being, his relationship with the real people around him.

“Will you stay here tonight?” Isabel whispered.

He started to shake his head in negative, but Isabel pressed on, “For me? I don’t want to be alone.”

Her brother usually couldn’t resist being there for her, but he had a big aversion to letting her baby him.

She watched him slump in resignation. “Of course. Sure.”

“Thanks,” she whispered. “And tomorrow, will you come with me to the office party?”

He groaned softly and she couldn’t help but laugh quietly.

“I’m not really a social butterfly, Iz,” Max said, telling her the obvious.

“You promised. Do you remember promising to go?”

“You were blackmailing me,” Max mumbled, pushing off the wall and heading back to the couch.

Isabel wouldn’t deny that. “Maybe I was.” But she was positive that she needed to get Max to the party. He needed to meet some real girls. And maybe Elizabeth Parker was just what he needed.

Maybe Isabel would have reasoned differently if she had seen the drawing Maria had made, which was neatly folded up in the back pocket of Max’s jeans. The drawing of Max’s mystery brunette, which bore an uncanny resemblance to that very same Elizabeth Parker.

TBC… On Wednesday <3
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