In The Course Of A Lifetime (CC, AU, Adult) COMPLETE 3/10/13

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
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Re: In The Course Of A Lifetime (CC, AU, Adult) Part 50-10/24/10

Post by Double Trouble »

keepsmiling7: Yeah, that’s not a situation any teenager would want to be in.

begonia9508: Lol, yeah, but we’re pretty sure she’ll eventually get used to it.

We’ll see how fast these two move things along.

Earth2Mama: Wow, well, hopefully Sam won’t go homicidal on us, lol. We’ll be keeping a close eye on her.

One just never knows what’ll provide good blackmail material later one…

Natalie36: Yeah, too bad Sam doesn’t think it’s that funny!

mary mary: At least Sam and the others are on the right track.

killjoy: It would be embarrassing, lol. We’ll see how Sam handles that as things continue to move forward between Alex and Isabel.

No, not never again. :) Just, not for a few parts… and well, his birthday is coming up. Who knows, maybe he’ll get lucky again.

Alien_Friend: Sam could do a lot worse. Unfortunately, that’s not the angle she’s looking at it from right now.

Alex and Isabel are great together.

Oh, and he’s gonna find out eventually. We’ll see how he deals with it then.

sarammlover: They are kinda cute, huh? :)

Part 51

Michael was reading through a file, verifying information and making notes when someone knocked on his open door. He glanced up, eyebrows lifting in interest when he saw Andy standing in the doorway. “What’s up, bud?”

Andy shrugged one shoulder. “How come you’re workin’?”

“Just finishin’ up a few things so I don’t have to take any work home with me when I leave,” he answered.

“You take work home?” the teenager asked as he picked at the metal plate in the doorframe.

“Sometimes. You wanna come in and sit down?”

“Nah, I’m fine.” Andy motioned to the fast food sack sitting on one end of the desk. “You didn’t eat lunch?”

“Just haven’t had time to get around to it yet.” Michael watched the way the boy was fidgeting and he wondered what he wanted to talk about. School had been let out after only half a day and most of the kids had hurried to escape the confines of the building, ready to begin their weekend. “I’ve been meanin’ to talk to you,” he said after a few minutes of silence.

“Am I in trouble for somethin’?”

“Have you done somethin’?” Michael countered.

Andy just shrugged and stared at the floor. “So, what’d ya wanna talk to me about?”

“Your counseling sessions.”

The teenager’s head shot up at that. “You said I was doin’ better and I didn’t have to come in twice a week anymore,” he said in a rush.

Michael shook his head. “Actually, we’re gonna suspend your sessions for a while to see how you do with that.”

“What, like, I don’t have to come talk to you anymore?” he asked carefully.

“No, not unless you’ve got somethin’ on your mind.”

“Okay, well… can I talk to you like a counselor before you release me or whatever?”

“Sure. You wanna come in an’ have a seat?”

Andy hesitated for a second before he stepped inside and shut the door behind him. He sat down in his usual chair and his right leg started bouncing nervously right away and his thumb tapped against the arm of the chair. “You ever done somethin’ really stupid with your friends and they all got caught and got in trouble but you didn’t and so you felt really bad about it?”

Michael nodded. “Yeah, I think most of us have probably been in that situation at one time or another.” He closed the folder he had been working on, stacked his notebook on top of it and set them aside. He stretched his right arm across the desk to grab his lunch and leaned back in his chair as he opened it up. “You’re feelin’ pretty guilty about it, huh?” he asked as he pulled a couple of tacos out. He held one up, offering it to the boy and he bit back a smile when the kid accepted it and tore the wrapper open like he hadn’t eaten in days.

“Yeah, they all got grounded,” he mumbled around a mouthful of food. “Sam got grounded for two weeks and her dad made her go on his date with him last night…” He glanced at Michael when the man choked on the bite he had just swallowed.

Michael grabbed his cup and took a drink of long-cold coffee and then cleared his throat. “Sorry,” he rasped. “Go on.” Oh, he couldn’t wait to talk to Isabel and get the scoop on that date!

“Well, Nick an’ Justin, they’re grounded for… well, who knows? Aunt Liz was seriously ticked off and she even said no football. She went and talked to the coach this mornin’ before school. Nick said they’ll go to the games but they won’t be playin’; they’re gonna be benched until she cools off.” He rolled his eyes. “That could be a while,” he confided.

“And what would your mom have done if she knew what you did?”

Andy slouched down in his chair and picked at the lettuce sticking up out of the taco shell as he shrugged his shoulders. “She’d be worried and disappointed and mad ‘cause it was stupid and I could’ve gotten hurt.”

“And how is it she doesn’t know?”

“Me an’ Nick didn’t get caught… Justin an’ Sam, well… they got caught and the guy that caught ‘em made ‘em call their parents.” He rolled his eyes and snagged another taco when Michael pushed it across the desk. “Of course their parents knew as soon as they got that call that Nick had been there too, so they grounded him along with Justin.”

“Ah, I see. You feel guilty ‘cause they’re all covering up your involvement.”

“Yeah, I guess. I mean, I don’t wanna get in trouble or anything and believe me, if Mom knew I’d be grounded for the rest of my life. Believe me, Mom doesn’t play around with stuff like that.”

“So it wouldn’t bother you if you’d done this and none of you had been caught?”

Andy shrugged as he bit into the taco. “No, not really,” he answered honestly. “I just feel bad ‘cause they’re all in trouble. I mean, I don’t want Mom to know or anything ‘cause that’d just mean more problems.”

“How so?” Michael pulled a couple bottles of cold water from the small refrigerator and handed one to Andy. “Beyond you getting in trouble, I mean.”

“Oh, well… Sam’s dad already thinks I’m just a troublemaker an’ if he found out I was there he’d never let her see me. Right now we’re only supposed to see each other if there’s an adult around so if he found out… huh-uh, no way. He’d totally think it was my fault and I’d never even heard of train hopping until yesterday.”

“Train…” Michael frowned. “That’s what you were doin’?”

“Yeah, so?”

“So? Do you have any idea how easily you could’ve gotten hurt, Andy? Do you even have a clue how many people lose body parts or their lives doin’ that every year?” Okay, even he had no idea what the number was, but that wasn’t the point. “Can you imagine what it’d do to your mom if somethin’ happened to you?”

Andy slouched down even further when Michael raised his voice just enough to drive his point home. “Nothin’ happened, ya know.”

“No, and you were damn lucky it didn’t. You deserve to be grounded for that little stunt. Promise me you’re not gonna do that again.” He shook his head at the boy. “And don’t make a promise you can’t keep. You make a promise you’re givin’ your word and a man should always be as good as his word.”

“I won’t do it again,” he promised. “I don’t know what all the excitement was about anyway – “

“Don’t promise because it wasn’t all that exciting, Andy. Make the promise because train hopping is a stupid and dangerous thing to do. We all do crazy things when we’re teenagers and yeah, some of it’s stupid and dangerous… most of the time we live to tell the tale with nothin’ more than a scar that makes us remember it every now and then. It may not be fair, but you’ve got a responsibility that not all teenagers have.”

“My mom, right?”

“Right. Whenever you start to do somethin’ that could potentially be dangerous you’re gonna have to ask yourself if it’s worth causin’ her pain if somethin’ goes wrong. It’s one thing if it’s somethin’ out of your control, but when you make the decision and you get hurt you’re gonna carry the weight of her pain around with you, bud, and it’s not worth it.”

Andy ran his thumbnail over the ridges in the cap on his water bottle as he thought about that for a few minutes. “I won’t do it again,” he repeated after a while.

Michael nodded. “Alright then.” He finished his taco and wiped his hands as he leaned back. “What else you got on your mind?”

“I really don’t have to have anymore counseling sessions?”

“No, as long as your progress doesn’t start sliding you’ll be finished with counseling. Principal Russell may request a follow-up evaluation after a month or so just to make sure you’re doin’ okay and that would likely be with a different counselor, but as long as she feels you’re doin’ fine without counseling you’re free of me, kid.”

Andy was quiet as he stared at his hands. “But I can still help you with the basketball team?”


“So, when I walk outta here you won’t be my counselor anymore.”

“No,” he answered, shaking his head.

“What if I wanted to talk to you about somethin’? Ya know, kinda like when we talk here?”

“Any time you wanna talk to me I’m here for you, Andy. No matter what.”

The boy nodded. “Wanna come over and help us move in?”

Michael paused. He hadn’t been expecting that. “Excuse me?”

“Well, Mom said she’d be over at the new house getting organized.” He made a face. “That means the movers will be there and she’ll be orderin’ ‘em around. I know Uncle Kyle and Aunt Tess are s’posed to be there, but you could come over and help too.”

He glanced at his watch. “Well, I could probably give y’all a hand for a little while.”

“Oh,” Andy said, sounding disappointed. “So, you’ve got plans tonight?”

“That kinda depends on you.”

“Me? Why?”

“I’ve got tickets for the college game in Albuquerque tonight at 7pm. I’ve already talked to your mom and she said if you wanted to go to the game and hang out with me it’d be okay.”

Andy smiled slowly. He had been planning to watch the game with Grandpa since Sam and the twins were all grounded and he couldn’t go out. “Really?”

“Yeah, just a couple guys hangin’ out, takin’ in a game.”

“This isn’t some kinda secret shrink thing is it?” Andy asked suspiciously.

“Uh, ‘secret shrink thing’?” Michael echoed.

“Like you’re really still my counselor and just sayin’ you’re not so I’ll like, relax or drop my guard and talk to you.”

“You watch too much TV,” he said with a smile. “No, that’s not what this is. Yeah, if there’s anything I can do to help you I’d still like to do that, but this isn’t a way to get you to talk to me. If you wanna talk about somethin’, cool. We’ll talk about it. You’ve still got a few issues that need to be resolved and from time to time when we’re hangin’ out I might bring somethin’ up to see if you wanna talk about it and if not, tell me to back off, and I’ll drop it.”

Andy regarded him thoughtfully for several minutes. “Really… well, that’s cool. So, what time do we need to leave for the game tonight?”

“About 4:30pm. That gives us time to get there, load up on munchies, and find out seats before tipoff at 7pm.”

“Awesome. Can you leave now or do you got more work to do?”

Michael shrugged and started packing his things up. “Looks like I’ll have homework this weekend after all, huh?”

Andy laughed and shrugged. “I got homework too. Gotta stop by my locker an’ get my backpack.”

“Bet mine waits until Sunday. What about yours?”

The boy nodded and grinned. “At least!”

“You want a ride over to your place?” Michael asked as he reached for his laptop.

“Yeah. It’s a little bit further from school than Grandma an’ Grandpa’s house and we don’t wanna waste any time today.”

“Alright. You know where the faculty parking lot is?”

“Back behind the school, right?”

“Yeah, meet me there and we’ll head over to your place.”

“Cool, see ya in five,” Andy called as he pulled the door open and hurried out of the office.

Michael smiled to himself. Things were going well and he’d even gotten an unexpected invitation to help move. He was still grinning when he slapped the light switch on the wall and locked up on his way out.


Maria placed the heavy box in the soon to be living room and brushed her sweaty hair back out of her face. It was shortly after 3 pm and she had been at the new house all day. The company that had brought their stuff from Florida had arrived early in the morning and now the whole place was filled with stuff, no matter which room you looked in. There were tons of boxes, pieces of furniture and cartons wherever you looked.

“Didn’t I tell you to wait with the heavy stuff until I get here?” Kyle demanded, shaking his head when he saw his sister attempting to move one of the heavy moving cartons.

Maria snorted. “Yeah, and when did you say you’d be here?” She glanced at her watch meaningfully.

“Yeah well...”

“We got distracted,” Tess said as she walked into the room and gave the other woman a quick hug.

“Distracted...” Maria said, amused.

“With important stuff,” Kyle insisted.

“Yeah, I bet.”

“Very important stuff.” Kyle just shrugged and shot a glance at Tess before focusing on the boxes surrounding them. “So… I’m guessin’ you’re tryin’ to make sense of this mess since the movers couldn’t have possibly left it like this. Where ya want us to start?”

Maria sighed. “I think all those boxes from here,” she pointed on her left, “belong to Andy, so maybe you can start with getting them upstairs. There’s a large hallway where you can put them since his room needs to be painted first.”

“Where’s that little knucklehead anyway?” he asked as he shook his head at the sheer number of boxes that belonged to his nephew. Considering how many boxes he was going to have to haul upstairs the kid should be there to help out.

Tess came in from one of the other rooms she had been investigating. “Yeah,” Tess said, “I thought the kids only had half a day of school today?”

“So, what’s he doin’ tonight? I stopped by to see my brother at lunchtime and he told me the twins had been grounded and so had that girl they hang around with… Sam, right? Apparently they all got into trouble yesterday.”

“Really?” Maria frowned. “What’d they do? Michael wanted to ask him to go to a basketball game tonight out of town and I told him it would be okay if Andy wants to go.”

“Somethin’ so stupid,” Tess snorted and shook her head. “They jumped on a movin’ train and rode it out to Elida where they jumped off of it and then they somehow missed it comin’ back. They got caught by one of the rail workers and he made them call their parents. From what Max was tellin’ me Liz had a major fit over it and she even told the boys they weren’t playin’ football until… well, there was no time frame on it,” she laughed.

“Well, no wonder he turned me down when I asked if he was goin’ out with us tonight,” Kyle mused as he pushed a couple of the boxes around, trying to see which ones were the heaviest. He glanced at Maria. “Still doesn’t excuse you from not goin’ out with us. It’ll be fun,” he promised.

Tess placed her hands on her hips as she turned around to glare at him. “Kyle, I was talkin’.”

He shrugged. “Was I stoppin’ you? Just figured I’d get my comment in before it was no longer relevant.”

Maria shook her head at the bantering between the couple. “I’m not goin’ out with you two lovebirds, thank you!”

“Oh, c’mon, Maria,” Tess said, forgetting about the conversation they had been in the middle of. “We’re goin’ out for Kyle’s birthday and it’s adults only... no kids. It’ll be fun,” she said, unconsciously repeating what he had just said.

“Who’s coming besides you two?”

“Who’s NOT comin’ would be a better question,” Kyle snorted. “It’s gonna be us, Jack an’ Shayna, Max an’ Liz, Isabel an’ her date...” he glanced at Tess. “Am I missin’ anyone?”

“Great, a bunch of couples,” Maria muttered before Tess could say anything.

“Oh, didn’t ya say a few of your college friends were gonna be in town?”

“There’re a couple guys who might stop by. They’re on their way to Phoenix for business so they said if they’ve got time they’re gonna detour an’ stop by.”

“Anyone who could be a potential date for Maria?” Tess teased, earning a warning glare from the woman in question.

“Well, now that you mention it,” Kyle said with a grin. “One of ‘em is single.”

“And is he good lookin’?” Tess asked further.

He shrugged. “The girls seem to think so.”

“Could you please stop that? I’m not dating anyone, okay?”

Tess just rolled her eyes. “So, there’s no one you might even be slightly interested in?”

“I’ve got other priorities right now,” she said, avoiding answering the question.

“Uh-huh,” Tess said, not completely convinced. “At some point you’re not gonna be able to hide behind that.” Her hands shot up to stop Maria from speaking. “And that’s all I’m gonna say. Now, give me somethin’ to do.”

“Well, how about you start cleaning the kitchen?”

“Cleaning the kitchen,” she muttered. “Well, I suppose that’s better than bein’ sent to clean the bathrooms.”

“Uh-huh, don’t make me.”

Tess snorted. “I’m gone.”

Kyle laughed under his breath and glanced at Maria as he sobered. “She’s right, ya know. The time’s gonna come when you’re gonna have to get back out there.” He reached out to nudge her chin up with his fingertips. “You deserve that kinda happiness, Sis.”

She avoided his gaze. “Talk to me again when you’ve got a teenager who’s lost a parent. It’s not that simple.”

“Not sayin’ it’s simple, just sayin’ that you can’t put your life on hold indefinitely because you’ve got Andy. I understand not jumpin’ into somethin’ blindly, but holdin’ back isn’t gonna be any better. No, he probably won’t like it, at least not at first, but he’ll eventually get past that when he sees that you're happy. I don’t think I need to be a parent to know that.”

“I just said that dating isn’t my fist priority right now, Kyle. Not that I want to live alone the rest of my life.”

“Got any prospects in mind?” He grinned and nodded as he turned to point at the boxes behind him that she had indicated earlier. “So, I’ll just start haulin’ these upstairs.”

“You best idea today.”

“No, it’s not!” Tess yelled from the kitchen.

His grin just got bigger and he didn’t bother trying to hide it. He picked up a couple of boxes and headed for the stairs.

Maria made a face. “Why don’t you both just shut up for now.” She looked towards the hall when the front door shut and a moment later she heard her son speaking.

“That just means Uncle Kyle’s aggravating her,” Andy said, sharing his wisdom with whoever he had brought home with him.

The warm, very masculine laugh that responded to her son’s comment sent shivers down her spine.

“Well, your uncle’s very good at aggravating people,” Michael said knowingly.

“Sounds like Andy brought a friend,” Kyle said as he heard them at the front door first and shot a knowing glance at Maria.

“Take those boxes upstairs,” she hissed.

“Hey, Mom?” Andy yelled and then grinned when he stepped into the room and saw Mom standing there. “Hey, Michael’s gonna help us, okay?”

“Hey,” Maria greeted them, trying to sound casual. “Oh, that’s really nice of him.”

Kyle glanced between them and called his nephew. He bit back a grin when he noticed the way his sister was trying to check her appearance without being obvious about it. She’d probably have a fit when she realized she had a big smudge of dirt or something on the left side of her face. “Why don’t you gimme a hand with all this crap that belongs to you?”

Andy nodded. “Okay. Mom’ll put you to work, Michael. Is that cool?” He made a face. “I mean, it’s not cool, but...”

Michael nodded and motioned for Andy to go on and help Kyle. “It’s cool, bud. She can have me for a couple of hours and then we've got a game to go to.”

Maria waited until Kyle and Andy where out of sight, before she glanced at Michael. “Did you talk to him?”

“Yeah, I just told him that his sessions had been temporarily suspended to see how he handles things on his own.” He shrugged and glanced around. “It wasn’t a complete lie, but...” he sighed. “It wasn’t the truth either.”

She nodded. “Just give it some time.”

“I’ve got time,” he said with a smile. He moved closer to her and slowly reached up to brush his thumb over her cheek. “Got a little bit of dirt or somethin’ there,” he said gruffly and let his hand unfold to gently cradle her face.

Tess bit her lip when she saw the tiny gesture of Michael through the slightly open kitchen door. “Oh, my God,” she breathed quietly to herself.

Michael held her gaze for several moments, seeing the emotions warring within her. He gave her a smile as he lowered his hand and took a step back to give her some space. “So, I’m yours for the next couple of hours.” For the rest of my life if you'll have me, he thought. “Put me to work, Maria.”

She took a shaky breath. “I’ve got a big walk-in closet in the master bedroom but I need a couple of shelves in there. Think you can build them up?”

“Sure, just show me where it’s at and I’ll have ‘em up in no time.”

“Follow me then,” she turned to walk in direction of her bedroom and a shiver ran down her spine as she felt his eyes on her backside.

Michael glanced into the rooms they passed, trying to distract himself from staring at her. “You picked out a nice place,” he said.

Maria chuckled. “Not that there are many empty houses in Roswell. We just had luck.”

“Yeah, tell me about it. When I first moved here I stayed with a friend for about a month before I found a nice place. Four weeks in hell, let me tell you.” He loved Isabel to death but she was not roommate material.

“I guess it’s not as bad as living with your parents,” she teased. Honestly, it had been good to be with her Mom and Jim for a while. She had needed the support, but it was time to move out again, before everyone got too used to their current situation.

He smiled faintly. “No, I guess not.”

Maria wondered about his anything but amused smile. “Here we are,” she said as they entered the master bedroom.

He shook off the thoughts of his parents that had accompanied her comment and he looked around at the bedroom. He glanced at the shelving stacked against one wall and then crossed the floor to the closet and looked inside.

“I want the big one at the other end,” she stood next to him and pointed on the wall they faced. “And the smaller ones here and here.”

“Okay,” he said as he shrugged out of his jacket and hung it on the doorknob. “Do I need any tools to assemble the shelves?”

She shrugged. “I have no clue. You are the man, aren’t you?”

Michael grinned and nodded. “Alright, I’ll figure it out. Go on now, go do whatever you’ve gotta do cause if ya stand in here and watch me we’re not gonna get much done.”

She lifted her eyebrow. “Ya think?”

“Nope... I know. There’s a difference.”

“I’d better go,” she said. Before this conversation could get any more awkward.

He chuckled when she hurried out of the room and he walked over to the large boxes. He pulled his pocketknife out he knelt down to cut the straps binding the first box closed. Might as well knock out the biggest one first, he thought. He opened the box up and reached for the instructions, glancing over them for a couple of minutes before he tossed them aside. “Useless,” he muttered.


Our next profile for TIC TAC is out. It is ALEX this time. You can read about this character on our Author's page (link in the siggie).
Trailer for Alex =
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 52

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: It’s doubtful. Not anytime soon at least.

Think Andy’s gonna be witness to that first kiss, huh? We’ll see.

mary mary: Perhaps not, but guys seem to have an aversion to instructions, lol. We’ll find out how Andy reacts before too long.

Alien_Friend: Unexpected, but definitely welcomed.

Andy’s finally reached a place where he sees Michael as more than just the counselor he was being forced to talk to. Michael most likely won’t mention is since Andy told him in confidence as his counselor.

Yeah, by the time they get to the game, watch the game and head back it’d be too late. But, the night should be interesting.

Instructions? Who needs those? Lol. Moving is a pain and good help is always appreciated.

sarammlover: Oh, eventually there’s gonna be a setback, you’re right about that. But, the foundation of their relationship is getting stronger and hopefully that’ll be enough to keep them from going all the way back to step one. Yeah, Tess will narrow her sights down now, lol.

begonia9508: Chances are that someday Maria will find out about that little stunt. Michael is filling up some of that space left behind by Andrew’s absence.

killjoy: Lol, well, that was the point behind him telling Michael while he was still his counselor. He was careful to make sure he spilled that little story before their counseling sessions ended and not after.

We’ll find out how bad things get. Hopefully we won’t lose everything that’s been gained during their sessions.

Hmm… needin’ some happy moments, huh? Preferably with Kyle and Tess? Well, let’s see what we can do about that.

Part 52

Liz slumped back in the passengers’ seat and rubbed her forehead while the boys and Kara carried on a heated argument in the backseat. They had been at it for several minutes and she had already told them more than once to cut it out. The argument had started and stopped three times now and she was just about at the end of her patience.

“Alright, that’s it,” she yelled to be heard above the shouting. “The two of you are already grounded. Do you really want to lose any other privileges?” She wished Max would hurry up and come back out so they could go home. He had decided to stop for gas on the way home since they were going out after getting the kids settled for the evening.

“Nick started it,” Justin muttered.

“I didn’t – “

“I don’t care who started it,” she interrupted. “I want it ended right this minute!” She turned in her seat to look at them. “Do the three of you understand me?”

“I din’t do nothin’!” Kara mumbled and kicked the seat in front of her.

Liz bit her bottom lip, ready to scream. The kids were slowly driving her out of her mind and if Max didn’t get back here soon she was going to need a one-way ticket to the funny farm. She shook her head when she heard the argument starting up again, Nick and Justin whispering back and forth loudly.

The drivers’ side door opened and Max slid in behind the steering wheel, glancing over his shoulder when he heard the argument that was building once more. “You three are pushin’ it tonight,” he said, his tone one of warning. “If either of us has to tell you one more time you can forget about goin’ to that birthday party tomorrow. I don’t care whose birthday it is. One more word out of any of you and it’s off for all of you. Do I make myself clear?”

He shook his head and started the engine, reaching over to take his wife’s hand as they pulled back out onto the street. It only took a few minutes to get home and he glanced at her when the kids piled out and ran up to the house, doing everything they could to ignore each other. “Long night, huh?” he asked as he raised his hand to her neck and rubbed at the tension he could feel there.

“Yeah. They’re really driving me insane today.”

Max smiled sympathetically. “There’s somethin’ to be said for turnin’ ‘em loose on the football field, darlin’,” he said teasingly. “No outlet, so they’re pickin’ fights with each other.”

“Oh, I have plenty of things in mind for them to use as an outlet. The house needs cleaning.”

Max snorted. “Whatever works. Hand out their chores for the night and then go get ready so we can go out... without our kids for a few hours.”

“Yeah, okay.” Actually she felt tired and would be happy to stay at home and in bed for the night, but she had talked to Maria earlier and promised to be there since Maria was only going if she went.

He frowned at her less than enthusiastic response. “Would you rather stay home?” he asked, wondering if she wasn’t feeling well.

“No, I’m just a bit tired because ya know... the kids. I’ll get over it.”

“Alright. We’d better get in there and make sure they’ve all gone to neutral corners.”

“If not, you’re handling it, Max.”

“’Cause they’re bein’ little pains in the ass tonight so they’re mine to deal with?” he asked as they got out and started to walk up to the house.


He just nodded and winced when the sound of something breaking caught his attention. A quick glance at his wife told him that she was on the verge of losing it so he paused with his hand on the doorknob. “You just go upstairs an’ do whatever you’ve gotta do to get ready... I’ll handle the kids.”

She nodded, glad that her husband was here with her now. “Thanks.”

“I’ve got it,” he assured her when Kara started going off on Justin and warning him that he was in big trouble now. “Straight upstairs to our room... don’t stop for anything on the way.”

“Okay,” she promised and waited until Max opened the door. “Oh my God, Grandma’s vase!!!”

“Upstairs... upstairs... upstairs,” he chanted, hoping and praying she’d just go and let him handle it. This was all they needed to set her off and ruin the entire night.

Liz didn’t listen as she walked into the house and knelt down next to the pieces of the vase.

Max knelt down beside her and started picking up the larger pieces and setting them back on the small table it had been sitting on. He glanced over his shoulder when he heard shuffled footsteps behind him and he shook his head at the kids when he saw all of them standing there. “Den... now.”

Liz got up from the floor, leaving Max to clean up the mess. She turned around to look at the kids and shook her head. “I’m disappointed in the three of you,” she said calmly before going upstairs.

“Are you still standin’ there?” Max asked, glaring at them. “I wasn’t makin’ a suggestion.”

The kids hung their heads as they did what he had told them to do.

He sighed as he picked up the last of the broken vase and went to get a broom and dustpan to get the tiny pieces bits and pieces and trash them. Then he got a handful of paper towels and dampened them before kneeling on the floor and going over the area to make sure he got any tiny pieces that he might have missed with the broom. He shook his head and went to toss out the paper towels before going down the hall to the den. He stepped inside and shut the door, letting his gaze rest on each of his children before he started to speak. “What is wrong with you tonight?”

They all avoided looking at Dad, pretending to be busy brushing something off of their clothes or staring at their nails.

“Your mom’s got enough goin’ on without havin’ to put up with this kinda behavior from the three of you. You’ve been fightin’ all day long. Yeah, I know all about it,” he said when they glanced at each other. He waited for several minutes to see if one of them would speak up. “You do know that vase you broke belonged to your mom’s grandmother, don’t you? You can’t replace somethin’ like that.”

“We’re sorry,” Justin mumbled quietly.

“You’re sorry. That’s nice, Justin, but it won’t replace that vase.” He ran his right hand over his face. “Your mom and I are goin’ out... and you three are gonna make sure this place is spotless, do I make myself clear? That includes the pig sties you call bedrooms.”

“My room’s not no pig thing,” Kara protested.

Max looked at his daughter and his expression remained stern. “Good, then you can focus on somethin’ else.”

“Where’re you goin’?” Nick asked.

“Out. If you need us you can call us. But if you call for anything that doesn’t qualify as an emergency we’ll be having another talk.”

“Sure,” Nick muttered. Great, a night alone in the house watching his sister.

“Make yourselves scarce... and tomorrow I’ll be expecting apologies for your mom from all three of you. Not tonight,” he warned, shaking his head.

They stumbled out of the room without another word and Justin picked Kara up halfway up the stairs. “Bath time for you.”

Max hid a smile when he heard the kids going upstairs without a single argumentative word or whisper between them. He left the room and went up behind them, going to his own bedroom and closing the door. “Liz?”

“In here,” she called from the bathroom. She glanced up when Max walked in and smiled a little. “I know we’re short on time, but I really needed a bath to calm down first.”

He shook his head. “It’s okay,” he assured her. “How’re you feelin’?”


“Good.” He leaned over to brush her hair aside and press a kiss to her neck as he rubbed her back. “They’re under orders to clean up while we’re out tonight.”

“Good, I hope they don’t break anything else.”

“I don’t think we have to worry about that... not for tonight at least.”

“How much time do we have?”

“Depends on what you’ve got in mind.”

“Depends on whether or not ya want to join me in here,” she wiggled her eyebrows teasingly.

“Lemme think about that for about two seconds,” he growled. “How many times have I turned down that offer in the past... what, almost 20 years?”

A soft knock on the door made them look up. “Mommy?”

Max reached up to scratch his right ear. “You want me to get her?”

“We can’t leave her out in the hallway, can we?” Liz asked, smiling.

“Oh, we could.”

“But we won’t.”

“No, of course not,” he agreed with a smile and went out to open the door for Kara. He crouched down in front of her and met her serious gaze. “What d’you need Mommy for?”

“I wanna ‘pologize,” she said as a tear ran down her cheek and she pressed the tiny vase from her own room against her body.

Max didn’t have the heart to send her back to her room so he shifted to the side and motioned for her to enter their room. “Go ahead then.”

Liz looked at her little girl and her heart sank in her chest when she saw Kara’s face. “C’mere,” she said softly and sat up in the tub.

Kara glanced back at Daddy before running across the room. “’m sorry, Mommy,” she said, her breathing ragged as she tried not to cry. “We din’t mean to break your special vase from Gramma.”

“Okay,” Liz said gently and ran her hand over her daughter’s hair.

“I bringed you mine,” she whispered and held it out to Mommy.

“Thank you,” she chuckled and placed it on the floor next to the tub. “Ya wanna bathe with Mommy?”

Kara bit her bottom lip and shook her head. “I gotta go help clean up ‘cause Daddy said so. We gots a lot to do ‘cause the boys is messy,” she whispered.

“Okay, go ahead then, sweetheart. And watch the boys tonight, will ya?”

The little girl nodded seriously. “’kay.” She wiped her forearm across her eyes. “I love you, Mommy.”

“I love you too, baby girl.”

Max stood outside the bathroom and smiled as he listened to their conversation. He looked down when Kara suddenly appeared beside him and she tugged on his jeans to get his attention. “What’s up?” he asked quietly as he crouched down and looked at his youngest.

“’m sorry we was bad, Daddy,” she said, her lower lip trembling.

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay?”

She lowered her head. “’kay, Daddy.”

He kissed her forehead. “Be a good girl tonight.”

She ran out of the room and hurried back to her own bedroom. Max chuckled and got up to close the door once again, walking back over to the bathroom and stripping his shirt off. “What’s that you were sayin’ about a bath?”

She laughed and pulled her legs towards her. “Get in here, darlin’.”

Max finished undressing and climbed into the tub, sliding down into the water. “Damn, I hadn’t realized how tense my muscles were,” he said.

“You work too much.”

“Look who’s talkin’,” he said with a smile.

She leaned forward to rest her hands on his knees. “You know, I was thinking about Christmas... You think you could take some vacation time between then and New Years?”

“Yeah, I think I can arrange that. Missy’s doin’ a good job handlin’ the office... give it another month and I’ll be able to leave her in charge of things. Why?”

She shrugged. “Just thought we could take the kids and get away from everything for a few days. Kara hasn’t seen real snow yet.”

“Wanna get outta town over Christmas? Or between Christmas and New Years?”

“Depends on our parents, I guess. Most of the time they demand to see their grandchildren for the holidays.”

He snorted. “I don’t know about mine now that they’re retired and traveling around the country. That’s one bad thing about them being retired and mobile... you never know when they’re just gonna drop in on you unannounced.”

“Oh, please, Max, shhhhh! Don’t even mention that.”

Laughter rumbled in his chest. He knew she loved his parents, but was quite content if their visits were short. “Okay, I take it back.” His fingers trailed over her arms as he got lost in his thoughts for a moment. “What about your parents?”

“Gosh, I feel bad. I haven’t called them in the last two weeks.”

“You’ve been busy. They understand that.” He made a face. “I’m sure with the holidays comin’ up our parents will be contactin’ us soon enough.” He shrugged. “So, we’ll just make our plans now and they’ll have to deal with it.”

She smiled. “Okay, that’ll be something to look forward to.”

“Did you have someplace in mind you’d like to go?”

“No, just outta here for a while.”

“Someplace with snow, huh?” He smiled. “I’m sure we can do that.”

She used her hands on the edge of the tub to pull her forwards. “Thanks, it’ll be great.” Her lips brushed over his arm where it rested next to her hand.

“Think that’s enough conversation about snow,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her and shifted so he could pull her up against his body. “I love you so much,” he murmured, brushing his lips against hers as he looked into her eyes.

She linked her hands at the back of his neck and stared up at him dreamily. “I love you too.”

His right hand moved over her body as he kissed her slowly, letting his touches remain teasingly light.

“Don’t start something we can’t finish,” she whispered against his lips.

He chuckled and pulled back to glare at her playfully. “Can’t finish?”

“Well, Kara could walk in again.”

“She knows to knock on the door,” he growled.

A cold shiver ran down her spine when his deep voice made the water vibrate. “Think we’d still in the mood to go out afterwards?”

“We get up and go to work in the mornings, don’t we?” He rolled his eyes when she gave him a look. “Okay, so maybe we wouldn’t after today,” he agreed.

“So I guess we just have to hold back now and save it for when we get home tonight, what ya think?” she asked, taking his lips in a short kiss.

He growled. “You drive a hard bargain, Mrs. Evans.”

“You won’t be disappointed tonight,” she promised.

He groaned when his body reacted to her throaty voice and the promise her words held. “Okay, if we don’t get outta here soon we’ll be forfeiting our night out on the town.”

She chuckled and lifted herself up. “Clean up and get dressed, Max.”

“Alright. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes. I might just wanna get you out on the dance floor,” he said with a smile.


Kyle dug through his bag and pulled several shirts out, throwing them on the bed and rooting around for a clean pair of socks. He had stopped by his parents’ house a couple of days before to grab some clothes but he hadn’t really unpacked anything. He was just kind of living out of his bag for now.

Maria had finally chased him and Tess out of the house after their flirting had gotten to the point where they were basically just taking up space without being productive. By that time Andy and Michael had already left and she had insisted that if they got out of her hair and let her work in peace for a few hours she’d meet them later on.

He was pretty sure that her agreement had more to do with a phone call he had overheard between her and Liz. Not that he cared. All that mattered was getting her out with other adults for an evening. He’d be even happier if Michael had agreed to go, but he couldn’t really try to talk the guy out of hanging out with Andy. Especially since the teenager seemed to be warming up to him.

Tess checked her reflection in the mirror, turning her head back and forth to see if her hair met her satisfaction. “You look good,” she said with a wink at her image.

“What’s that, babe?” Kyle hollered from the bedroom.

She rolled her eyes and walked into the other room, sitting on the foot of the bed and watching him as he pulled another pair of pants out of his bag and tossed them on top of the growing pile next to him. “What’re you doin’?”

He glanced at her and did a double take. “Damn, Tess, you look great!”

She flipped her hair back over her shoulder and smiled at him as she braced her weight on her left hand. “Thank you.” She waved at him. “You’re not ready yet.” He was wearing a pair of jeans and nothing else.

“I’m lookin’ for a pair of socks.”

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Check the top right-hand drawer on the dresser. I did a load of laundry last night while you were out.”

His eyebrows lifted in surprise. “You did my laundry?” He let his grin overtake his face as he reached for her and tugged her to her feet. “You know it’s pretty serious when ya start doin’ a guys laundry, right?”

She smiled and let her fingertips dance over his chest. “One thing at a time, Valenti.”

“I’m sooo about to mess up your makeup,” he warned, his eyes gleaming with intent.

“Oh, no, you’re not.” She gave him a gentle shove. “You finish getting ready. We’re not gonna be late for a get-together that you set up.”

“Aww, Tess… but it’s my birthday,” he whined.

“Your birthday’s tomorrow.” She smiled at his disgruntled expression. “I promise your birthday will start in a very memorable way. Now finish getting ready.”

Kyle just rolled his eyes at her and grabbed the first shirt he could reach. He frowned at her when she grabbed an end of it and shook her head at him. “What’s wrong with it?”

“You’re not wearin’ that rag out in public,” she said, giving it another tug when he didn’t release it.

“There’s absolutely nothin’ wrong with this shirt.” He pulled on it. “Tess, this shirt has seen a lotta good days.”

“This shirt has seen too many good days,” she argued. “We bought several perfectly nice shirts the other day when we went out.”

He snorted. “This one’s broken in.”

“This one has a hole in the armpit and it is unacceptable for a night out.”

“What? It’s not a big hole. Matter of fact, it’s hardly noticeable.”

Tess gave a hard yank on her end of the shirt and she saw Kyle’s frown deepen when they heard the sound of fabric ripping.

“Look what you just did!” he grumbled. “Now you’ve ruined it!”

“You can’t possibly ruin a rag!” she insisted.

Kyle suddenly released his end of the shirt and Tess stumbled backwards, landing on the bed. He followed her down, bracing his weight on his forearms and grinning at her. “You know… I really liked that shirt, Tess,” he growled low in his throat.

“Yeah, we’ll discuss your bad taste in clothes later,” she teased.

“Bad taste?” he snorted. “There’s nothin’ wrong with my style.”

She shrugged. “I prefer you naked.”

“See? Stylish and fits in with my spending preferences.”

She smiled up at him. “Ya still need to get ready though!”

“I don’t see why we can’t be late... I don’t mind showin’ up late,” he said with a grin.

“See and I hate to be late, so get it rollin’, Valenti.”

He growled and rolled his eyes as he got up again. “Okay... but you know what you’re missin’,” he said and winked at her.

“Oh, yeah, and I know that I’ll get it in a short amount of time,” she said with a cheeky grin.

“Yeah... well...” His grin reappeared. “Let’s get this evenin’ rollin’ then.”

“Did Maria agree to go?”

“Yeah, finally. Jeez, I didn’t think she was ever gonna agree.” He motioned to the closet when he reached for another shirt from the pile and she gave him a warning look. He started putting his belt on while she went to the closet to pick through the shirts ‘they’ had bought a couple of days before. “I know she says she hasn’t just shut herself off to the idea of findin’ someone but... I don’t know. What d’you think? You think she’s ever gonna be able to move on?”

“Well, I think she’s willing to move on, but she’s hesitating because of Andy,” she said while her head was stuck in the closet.

“I just worry she’s gonna have an opportunity and miss it because she’s so worried about his reaction. I mean... I know that’s gotta be considered, but... hell, it’s another two or three years before he’ll be out of the house and goin’ to college.”

“Yeah, that’s true. It’s a tough situation, but I guess I can understand her doubts. You know how Andy was acting a while back and I’m not sure how he’d react to a new man in their lives right now. She can’t put her own needs on the back burner too long, but on the other hand...” she shrugged, “ya might have to when kids are involved, ya know?”

“Guess it’s easier when kids aren’t involved.” He nodded and accepted the shirt she handed him, shrugging into it and buttoning it up. “You think Andy’s gonna react badly when she does take that step?”

“Hard to say. From what she’s told me he’s had a hard time accepting her decision to get a job. Boy’s afraid he’s gonna lose his mom. A new man...”

“True. Did you get a chance to see him with Michael this afternoon? He really seems to be opening up with him.”

She leaned at the closed closet and watched him. “Yeah, he’s really gotten through to him, I guess. But ya know I saw something else this afternoon that was even more interesting.”

“Yeah?” Kyle frowned at the buttons when he realized he had been paying more attention to Tess than the shirt and the buttons were matched up to the wrong buttonholes. “What’s that?” he asked as he started fixing it.

“Let me help you.” She walked over to him and brushed his hands away as she continued to button his shirt up the right way. “It was a moment between Maria and Michael in the living room after Andy and you had gone upstairs.”

“A moment between... what’d you see?”

“I don’t know exactly what it was, but they were talking about something and Maria had a little dirt on her cheek. He brushed it off with his hand. But it was more than that.”

“So, it was like what, an intimate moment?”

She shrugged. “His hand rested on her cheek longer than necessary.”

“Damn, why’d he have to pick tonight of all nights to take Andy to a basketball game?”

“You think there might be something between them?”

“I don’t know, but... Tess, he’d be perfect for her and I already know he likes her. But, if she’s kinda opening herself up to the possibility of somethin’ with him... hell, this couldn’t be any more perfect!”

“He’s a good man?”

“The best.” He grinned. “And the kid likes him.”

“That’s true. Has he ever had a lasting relationship?”

He shrugged. “He’s never really found anyone he wanted to be with long-term. But, I know he’s lookin’ for somethin’ serious now.”

“Maybe they’ll find their way,” Tess said.

He nodded. “I think they’d be good for each other. And for Andy too.”

“Boy just has to see that first.”

Kyle grinned. “You know this night just got even better, right?”


“My best friend and my sister? Hell, Tess, if he’s interested and she’s not chasin’ him off... that’s good news.”

“Patience, boy,” she said gently. “We’re not there, yet.”

“Bein’ patient,” he said with a nod as his gaze moved over her. “You about ready?”

She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him quickly. “I am,” she said happily. Her life had changed so much since she had come back to Roswell. There was still a lot to work out between her and Kyle, but she was positive that this time, they could do it.


The next character for TIC TAC is ready, meet TESS GUERIN at our Author's page (link in the siggie).

Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 53

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: Hey, she’s killin’ us, too! We’ll let you know just as soon as she lets us know. Tess will do her best to be helpful. :) Yup, there are still things that need to be dealt with. Your assessment of Maria is on target.

Well, they’re normally they’re so well-behaved, but even they have their ‘off’ days. Kara’s a sweetheart. Ya just gotta love ‘er.

keepsmiling7: Kids can certainly drive you crazy, lol. Max did very well in that situation. We’ll find out here pretty quickly whether they’re able to get away or not.

Natalie36: Scary, huh? :)

mary mary: We’re pretty sure Liz would’ve saved herself the headache if she’d been able to. But for whatever reason she didn’t do that.

Alien_Friend: Thank you! The two of them are a good match. Chances are good that we’ll see future help from our ‘fun’ couple.

Max and Liz do so well when they’re together, don’t they? Kara felt so bad about them breaking Great-Grandma’s vase. Max knows when his wife needs a break, and he knew she was reaching the end of her rope.


begonia9508: Yes, at that point it wouldn’t have taken much to push Liz over the edge. The fact that it was Great-Grandma’s vase was just the final straw.

You are so right and Kyle has no idea what’s coming, lol.

sarammlover: Lol, even the best of kids have their ‘off’ days. They’ll straighten their acts up. :) We’ll be seeing more of Kyle and Tess.

Part 53

Maria glanced at her reflection in the mirror. It had been a while since she had gone out for anything at night. Well, okay, she had been out with the girls a while back, but this was something else... somehow. Why the hell had she agreed to go anyway? Kyle and Tess, Max and Liz, Jack and Shayna... all couples and then there was her. Alone. Okay, Kyle had said that a couple of his college buddies might stop by... but they were strangers to her.

Would it make a difference if Michael was there? she wondered and automatically shivered at the thought. She couldn’t lie to herself. Yes, it would make a difference. She knew he liked her and he would be good company. And there was also the little fact, that she was attracted to him. It was exciting to feel those sparks again, like she had felt back in high school when things between her and Andrew had just been starting.

A look at her watch told her that she had still time. She wasn’t planning to be there on time since the evening would go until well after midnight anyway. Again, she checked herself in the mirror. Was this too causal? She had chosen a pair of tight black jeans and a long green shirt with a broad belt right under her breasts. No, it was okay, she decided. They weren’t going to a fancy restaurant or anything.

Her cell phone rang making her wince. She had forgotten to turn the ringer down after the afternoon in the new house. “Hello?” She answered the call without checking the caller ID.

“Girl, where have you been hidin’?” the woman on the other end asked without bothering with a greeting.

“Sue,” Maria said excitedly and dropped down to sit on her bed. “Sorry, I know I’ve been a horrible friend lately.”

The woman chuckled. “No, no, I know you’ve been busy. How’s it goin’ in small town, America?”

“Yeah, it’s been a little crazy the last few days, but otherwise it’s going good. What about you?”

“Things here are pretty much the same. I do miss us hanging out though.”

“Yeah, me too,” Maria admitted. Sue was a friend she was used to telling everything to. Okay, she had Liz and Tess here, but they were still on their way to getting back together like they used to be.

“How’s that boy of yours doing? Is he adapting to small town life?”

“Oh, I think he’s adapting pretty well here, yeah. He misses his friends but he’s made some new ones here and his cousins are a good distraction too.”

“Anything new and interesting?” she asked, hoping to hear something was going on.

“Andy and I are about to move into our new house here. We just have to finish painting and stuff. And I’m gonna be opening up a beauty shop with my sister-in-law.”

“Wow, you’ve been busy, girl!” Sue bit her bottom lip and shook her head at her husband when he opened his mouth to ask a question. She waved him out of the room and leaned back against the kitchen counter. “So... Maria... tell me about any interesting guys.” She knew how reluctant her friend had been when they had talked before about her moving on after her husband’s death.

“Sue...” Maria complained.

“Ah-ha!” she shouted triumphantly. “That wasn’t a denial in any way, shape or form. Spill it, Maria.”

“Alright! There is someone... interesting.”

“How interesting?” She covered the mouthpiece when her husband came in again. “Jared, I swear, what does it take to get some privacy in this house? I will be there in a few minutes!” she hissed before turning her attention back to her call. “Sexy interesting?” she asked with a smile.

Maria chuckled at her friend’s behavior towards her husband. “Don’t be so rude to Jared, he’s such a good husband to you.”

“He’s also being a royal pain in the ass tonight,” Sue muttered. “And you didn’t answer my question.”

“He’s sexy, yes.”

Her eyebrows lifted in surprise at her friend’s admission. “Really? Has he met Andy?” Andy was a good kid but he hadn’t handled his father’s death any better than Maria had and it had hurt their relationship. She knew they were slowly getting things back on track but she wondered if Maria was worrying about getting involved with another man because of that. As a mother she could understand that but she hoped her friend would be able to get past it and allow herself to experience love again.

“He’s out with him right now.”

“How’d that happen? I know you’re not seein’ someone and you haven’t said a word to me about him.”

“It’s all pretty complicated, girl, and I’m not seeing him as in dating.”

Sue frowned. “Then how are you seeing him?”

“He’s Andy’s counselor. Oh, well, his ex-counselor.”

“So, it’s no longer a professional relationship but Andy’s spending time with him of his own free will?” She covered the mouthpiece again when her teenage daughters ran into the kitchen, arguing about what movie they were going to see. “Do you two see that I’m on the phone?”

“Mom,” Brittany complained, “would you tell Rose that just because she can drive doesn’t mean that she gets to pick the movie too?”

“Hello... phone,” Sue said, waving the handset in front of the girls.

Rose rolled her eyes and grabbed a drink from the refrigerator. “We’re not goin’ to that stupid movie you wanna see.”

“You two settle this yourselves. And I expect you home by midnight!” she called as they hugged her and ran out of the house, nothing resolved and still bickering. “Sorry ‘bout that, Maria.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve got a teenager myself, remember?”

“Alright, back to Andy... he’s hanging out with this guy of his own free will?”

“Yeah, they went out to a basketball game.”

“So... you have to trust him to let Andy take off with him. Is he interested in you?” She waited for a few moments when Maria was silent. “Um-hmm, tell me the truth.”

“Yeah, he is. Pretty much told me that at our first meeting.”

Sue smiled and nodded to herself. “And you’re interested in the sexy counselor,” she mused. “Has he asked you out yet?”

“He invited me for coffee and he said he intends to ask me out for dinner sometime in the future.” Maria drew circles on her jeans with her left index finger as she went over her past meetings with Michael.

“How’re you feelin’ about that?” Sue asked seriously. “Do you feel like you’re ready to start dating?”

“I’m more worried about Andy than about myself, ya know?”

“I can understand that,” she said quietly. “Hell, Maria, he’ll probably be a little pain in the ass when you start dating. Especially if the guy’s someone you think you might be really interested in long-term. God, you remember how Rose reacted when I started dating again. And I swear, when Jared asked me to marry him she went ballistic... it took time but now you’d never know there was a time when she told anyone who would listen how much she hated him.” She shrugged one shoulder. “But, if that guy’s the right one, he’ll be able to deal with Andy. And when Andy sees that this guy makes you happy... that boy adores you, Maria... he’ll fall in line.”

“You’re probably right,” she sighed and wiped her free hand over her face, before she remembered she had already put makeup on. “Shit! Sorry, I’m just worried that ya know... we’ll be taking a few steps backwards again. I don’t wanna turn his life upside down in such a short amount of time.”

“You take it at your own pace, Maria. Just trust your instincts, girl. You’ll know when the time’s right.”

“I hope you’re right,” Maria said and glanced at her watch. “Sorry, girl, but I’m gonna have to hang up. I just ruined my makeup and I’m supposed to leave pretty soon.”

Sue grinned at that. She wasn’t going out with Mr. Sexy Counselor tonight but at least she was going out. “Alright. Before you go though... what’s his name?”


Michael glanced over at Andy, watching for a few moments as the teenager fiddled around with the CD album he had found in the backseat. “See anything ya like?” he asked.

Andy snorted and flipped another page over. “Your music is totally old school.”

“What? Kid, what planet are you from? Metallica is not old school.” He reached over and slid one of the CD’s out of the plastic sleeve and inserted it into the slot above the tuner. “You haven’t experienced music until you’ve listened to them. Have you ever given them a listen?”


“Alright, so give ‘em a chance. If you don’t like it we can switch it out for somethin’ else.” He nodded at the iPod the boy had brought with him. “I’m a fair guy. If you don’t care for my music we’ll hook up your iPod and I’ll give your music a listen. How’s that?”

“Really? Mom hates my music.”

Michael grinned. He had a feeling Maria hated the boy’s music for a reason. Music today just wasn’t the same, he thought with an internal laugh. “Hey, I didn’t say I’d like it, but I’ll give it a chance.”

They debated back and forth over music for the next hour and as they were switching between the iPod and one of Michael’s CDs the sportscaster on the station the radio was tuned to caught their attention.

“If you were lookin’ forward to tonight’s big college game in Albuquerque you’re outta luck, folks. The game has been cancelled due to…”

“That’s the game we’re supposed to go to, huh?” Andy asked.

“We’re about to find out,” Michael said as he pulled his phone out of the clip on his belt and made a call. After a few minutes he ended the call and glanced at his young companion. “Looks like the game’s out, kid.”

“Oh,” he said, disappointed. “That sucks.”

“The tickets will still be good when the game gets rescheduled. But since we can’t catch a game tonight what would you say about getting dinner?”

Andy shifted in his seat to look at Michael. “Really? You wanna hang out even though we can’t go to the game?”

“Yeah. Just ‘cause your music sucks is no reason to not hang out with you.”

The teenager laughed. “My music sucks? Man, those guys you like are old!”

Michael laughed and shook his head. “Somehow I think we’re just gonna have to agree to disagree when it comes to music.”

“Well, okay, a couple of the songs were alright but those guys are seriously old.” He made a face. “They’re probably even older than you.”

“Yeah, well, there might’ve been a couple of songs of yours that didn’t totally suck too.” He glanced at the signs on the side of the road. “What sounds good for dinner?”

“Um, I don’t know…”

“Let’s call it an early birthday present. You pick the place and that’s where we’ll go.”

Andy chewed on his bottom lip and considered his options. “I know ya probably saw this one comin’, but what about McDonalds? Mom NEVER agrees to that.”

Michael snorted. “That’s ‘cause she’s your mom, kid. She doesn’t want you to eat too much junk food’s all. But, we’re out for the evening so McDonalds it is.” He had already been warned that Andy would ask for the fast food restaurant when they stopped to eat and with a little cajoling he had managed to get Maria to allow him to take the boy there if they decided to eat before or after the game.

“Yeah? Cool, so you’re not one of those adults who think a little bit fast food now and then is gonna kill you?” The boy rolled his eyes. “Mom... she probably thinks it’s gonna make her fat or somethin’.”

The man just chuckled. “It’s a Mom thing, Andy. But, no, in moderation I don’t think fast food’s gonna kill ya.”

“We should hang out more often,” the boy said, grinning.

“Anytime, bud.”

They stayed silent while Michael watched out for the next McDonalds on their way. Andy had to admit that he liked to hang out with his counselor. How uncool was he now? Well, technically he was no longer his counselor, but no one knew that yet and if someone from school saw them together, rumors would spread in no time. Thank God they were far away from Roswell right now.

“So, how’re you feelin’ about your birthday?” Michael asked after a while.

“Haven’t thought much about it,” Andy said, trying to avoid the subject. He knew he couldn’t run from it, but he didn’t want to think about the fact that this would be his first birthday without his father. Even if Dad had been in the hospital the year before, struggling for life, he had still been on the planet.

“Feel like talkin’ about it?”

The boy shrugged. “What should I say?”

“Anything... everything. Even though we’re not talkin’ in an official capacity, you can still talk to me about anything that’s on your mind.”

“I still don’t feel like celebrating,” Andy admitted, “but I’m gonna try. I know it’ll make Mom happy so I’m gonna... ya know, play along and try to not think about my Dad for a while.”

Michael nodded, familiar with feeling like putting your own feelings on the back burner to make someone else feel better. “We’ll keep it low-key, Andy.”


“Have you thought much about your Uncle Max bein’ there? Or how you’ll deal with him?”

“Just try to avoid him, I guess. How hard can that be, there’ll be a lot of people there.”

Michael chuckled. “True enough I suppose.” He changed topics to give the boy a break. “So, your room at the new house is nice.”

“Yeah,” Andy said, relieved, “and it’s HUGE.”

“Are you guys stayin’ over there this weekend?”

“No, not yet. Mom wants to stay at Grandma’s house until we’re finished with all the painting.”

“Probably a good idea. You already got help to paint?”

“I had asked the twins and Sam, but they’re grounded now so I’m not sure.”

“Well, lemme know... I’m pretty handy with a paintbrush.”

“Yeah?” Andy asked, surprised. “That’d be cool. I think Mom could use some help too. Ya know Uncle Kyle; he’s not very helpful when Aunt Tess is around.”

Michael snorted. “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me. Your mom was tellin’ me that you might need some help repairing the fence in the backyard... I can give ya a hand with that too. Maybe bring Mojo over one afternoon if the two of you get along okay tomorrow.”

“Sounds like a plan. Guess I should ask Mom first, though.”

“Yeah, never hurts to do that.” He smiled and pointed at the exit coming up. “Dinnertime.”


“So, you two’re officially back together for good?” Max asked Kyle after the other guy had shared some information about the latest happenings.

Kyle grinned and wrapped his arms around Tess from behind. “We are.”

Tess glanced at her boyfriend happily and brushed a soft kiss against his cheek. “It took us a while, but we’re positive we’re gonna make it work now.”

“That’s good. I’m glad ya found someone, Sis.” Max winked at his younger sister and wrapped his arm around his wife, bringing her closer.

Maria glanced at the people around the table and wondered once more why she had agreed to come. It was just like she had imagined it. The couples were enjoying themselves and even though they tried to involve her in their conversations, she felt left out most of the time. She couldn’t blame Kyle or Tess for showing everyone that they were happy to have each other back.

And Max and Liz, they seemed like they had finally found a way to solve their problems or at least pushed them into the background, since they were touching each other at every possible opportunity. Jack and Shayna, well they were nice and all, but she didn’t know them very well and most of the time they were talking about things she had no knowledge of.

She glanced at her watch. It was only 9:30pm. How was she going to survive more than two hours before it was finally midnight and she could say goodbye and go home?

“Hey, Josh, Daniel!” Kyle suddenly got up from his seat and waved at a couple of guys who had just entered the bar. They didn’t look familiar so they had to be the guys he knew from college.

“Valenti,” one of them hollered and made his way over.

“Valenti, you dog!” Daniel Roberts said when as he gave his old friend a guy hug. He nodded at the little blonde who was sitting next to him. “This gorgeous creature’s gotta be the girl you went on an’ on about,” he said, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “Daniel Roberts,” he introduced himself with a wink.

Tess grinned. “Tess Evans, nice to meet you.”

“Hey, one of you guys could introduce me,” Josh complained as he shouldered his way between the guys.

“No need to give you an intro, J-Man,” Daniel said, elbowing him. “No one’s interested in the old married guy... especially not a pretty girl like Ms. Evans.”

“She’s not interested in any man but me,” Kyle corrected and turned to the others. “Guys, let me introduce you to the rest of the gang. This’s my FBI partner Jack and his girlfriend Shayna, my brother-in-law Max and his wife Liz, and my sister Maria.”

“Your sister,” Daniel said with a grin as he leaned over the table to shake her hand. “I don’t recall you ever sayin’ how pretty she is.” He winked at Maria. “Probably ‘cause he’s got enough good sense that he wouldn’t wanna turn an old dog like me loose around you.”

“He’s just braggin’,” Kyle told Maria with a roll of his eyes. “Honestly, he’s a total softie.”

Josh laughed out loud and slapped his friend on the back when Daniel turned to glare at Kyle.

“Why don’t y’all take a seat and we’ll order another round?” Tess suggested.

Kyle took his cue and motioned for their waitress, nodding when she raised her hand to let him know she’d be with them in just a minute. He sat back down and stretched his arm along the back of Tess’ chair.

“So, where’re you two from?” Maria asked.

“We work in Chicago,” Daniel answered. “We had a layover in Dallas and found out this guy was down here so we made a detour.”

“Really? You made a detour just to see my brother’s ugly ass?” she asked and grinned at Kyle sweetly.

Josh snickered and high-fived Maria. “I like you already.”

“Yeah, you never said she was funny, Valenti,” Daniel added. “We don’t get much of a chance to catch up these days with work and stuff. We played baseball together in college, that’s how the three of us met.”

Josh glanced at Kyle. “Hey, speakin’ of college, I thought you said Guerin was gonna be here?”

Maria felt a slightly weird feeling in her stomach at the mention of Michael.

“Yeah, well, he had other plans for the night, so if ya wanna see him you’re gonna have to wait until tomorrow I guess. He went to Albuquerque to watch a basketball game.”

“Damn, wish we could.” Daniel shook his head. “If we miss that meetin’ tomorrow the boss’s gonna have our heads.”

Kyle shrugged. “We can call him later and see if he’s still in the mood to show, but it’s gonna be late before he gets back.”

“It’d be nice to see him. Haven’t had a chance to catch up with him in about six years.” Josh shrugged. “He was in the city for a weekend and he stopped by to have dinner with the family. My kids just loved him... guy couldn’t have gotten into a better career field.”

“He works as a guidance counselor at the high school,” Kyle said, nodding in agreement.

“Hey, what about Isabel?” Daniel asked.

“She’s runnin’ fashionably late,” Kyle said with a grin.

“Uh-huh, bet that means she’s got a date,” Josh said.

“You’d be guessing right,” someone said from behind them.

“Russell,” Daniel said, amused as he got out of his seat again to hug her. “Still the beauty ya were in college.”

Isabel grinned as she hugged the guys. “Last time I talked to Kyle he wasn’t sure if you two were gonna make it.” She grabbed Alex’ hand and tugged him forward. “This’s my date, Alex Whitman.”

Daniel covered his heart with his right hand and dropped back down in his chair. “Aww, you’re killin’ the last of the hope I was holdin’ out for us, Russell.”

Josh kicked his friend as he shook Alex’ hand. “You can just pretend he isn’t here. It’s what the rest of us do most of the time. He tried to get Isabel to go out on a date with him all through college and she just never would say yes.”

Maria glanced at the newly arrived couple and tried to hide her shock. Was that Sam’s dad? Great!

Alex greeted everyone around the table and he paused when he got to Andy Evans’ mother. “Mrs. Evans,” he said evenly. “How’re things with Andy?”

“Things are just fine, thanks,” she told him in the same tone.

Isabel nudged Alex toward a chair and smiled at the other woman as she sat down next to him. “How have you been, Mrs. Evans?”

God, was this all she would get tonight? How have you been? How is Andy? Everyone wanted her to go on and yet they treated her like she would burst into tears at any possible moment when her past was mentioned. “I’m very good, thank you,” she answered politely.

“C’mon, Maria,” Daniel said as he stood up and offered her his hand. “Why don’t you do me the honor of hittin’ the dance floor with me and showin’ these local yokels how it's done.”

“Yeah, why not,” she took his hand, glad that someone had saved her for a while.

Daniel grinned and led her out onto the dance floor, leaving the others behind. He didn’t know the story, but he could see that she just needed to get away from all of the questions that felt too personal or prying at the moment.


A new TIC TAC character is waiting for ya at our Author's page (link in siggie). Meet Max Evans.

Trailer: MAX VID
Last edited by Double Trouble on Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
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Part 54

Post by Double Trouble »

mary mary: Daniel’s definitely observant. Yup, we think you’re right. Knowing how to deal with someone you don’t really know in this situation would be difficult. Hmm… what could Michael do…

Countdown’s over for another update!

Alien_Friend: Group scenes are fun, huh? We enjoy them too! Hmm, you just never know… but we’re pretty sure that’ll be answered in this next part. ;)

Andy is opening up to Michael and is connecting with him outside of the counseling environment. He’s also trying to fill that empty place in his life that was occupied by his dad.

keepsmiling7: Thanks for reading!

Earth2Mama: Yeah, there’s just no way to be comfortable in that situation.

Daniel’s a good guy. Yup, she can’t just let life pass her by, she’s gotta get back out there.

As soon as Liz lets us know… we’ll let you know. ;)

begonia9508: Thanks!

Andy is still angry with Max because he hasn’t dealt with his feelings towards his uncle in relation to the accident. He hasn’t yet accepted that Max did everything he could do to save Andrew. That understanding and acceptance is necessary for him to heal and he hasn’t made it that far yet.

sarammlover: Lol, we’ll see if Daniel got your message. Yeah, bringing Andy to the bar would probably be the wrong move. ;) And don’t worry, we’re Candies at heart… we’ll get Michael and Maria together.

rosyrosy2882: Thanks!

We’re Candies, so it’s definitely a “when” and not an “if”. Andy is likely to take a few steps backwards when his mom and Michael start seeing each other, but that’s to be expected and we think he’ll get through it.

Maria’s other half… well, we’ll find out in this next update. Oh, it’s definitely what a parent does.

There’s more to come!

Part 54

Kyle watched Maria and Daniel as they walked out onto the dance floor before turning back to the others. “So Principal Russell, why didn’t ya tell us about your date?” he asked, grinning.

“Why? Did I need to ask your permission, Dad?” she asked with a grin.

“No, but I would’ve reserved a bigger table.”

She rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. “You knew Alex was coming and you knew I was coming... you just didn’t know we were coming together.”

Josh snorted with laughter and looked away when Isabel pinned him with a stare. “No offense,” he lifted his hands in defeat and leaned over to Alex. “She’s very picky, so you must’ve done somethin’ right, man.”

Alex just smiled and nodded. “I kinda got that impression.”

“Don’t listen to these guys,” Isabel said, “they never grew up after college,” she added, amused.

“Hey, I think my wife might disagree with that,” he disagreed.

“Still married?” she teased.

“Wanna see pictures of her and my kids?” He shook his head. “I think Guerin’s the only one who’s met all of them... had dinner with them too.”

“He told me to say hi to both of you.”

“Yeah, what’s up with him not bein’ here? You got him buried under a mountain of homework, Principal Russell?”

“Ha ha. No, he took her son to the basketball game in Albuquerque.” She pointed to the dance floor.

“Wait... the woman Daniel’s dancin’ with? He’s out with her kid?”


“Damn, I’m gonna have to give him a call.”

“Hey, City,” Jack hollered from the end of the table. “I thought you said this bar had decent music?”

“This is decent,” Kyle shook his head. “You just have no taste, man.”

“You can’t dance to this crap,” the cowboy complained. “You’d think in a small town you’d have music to dance to.”

“They’re dancin’, aren’t they?” Kyle pointed to his sister and Daniel, smiling when he saw Maria laugh at something Daniel had said.

Shayna just smiled and shook her head at Kyle, silently telling him to just drop the subject. Jack was a die-hard country music fan and anything else was unacceptable.

“Hey,” Max leaned closer to his wife. “Wanna dance, beautiful?”

Liz smiled and nodded. “Love to.”

Jack just snorted and shook his head.

Michael glanced around the bar to locate his friends. Since the game had been cancelled he made it back to Roswell a few hours earlier than expected and after dropping Andy off at his grandparents’ home he had decided to stop by at the bar where he knew Kyle was celebrating his birthday.

It only took him a few seconds to find them and he tried to ignore his disappointment when he realized that Maria had obviously decided to stay at home. He made his way through the crowd of people packing the bar on a Friday night. “So ya finally found your way to Roswell huh? After six years,” he greeted Josh.

“Hey, it’s not like your ass has been down here for six years,” Josh said as he shook his old friend’s hand. “Can I help it if you moved across the country?”

Michael smirked. “Good to see you again, man.”

“Sounds like things are getting interesting down here,” he commented.

“Yeah?” The other man lifted his eyebrows in surprise.

“Um-hmm... takin’ your lady friend’s kid out to a basketball game?”

“My... my what?”

Josh just raised a confused eyebrow but inside he was laughing like a hyena. “Oh, maybe I misunderstood. The lady that Daniel’s dancin’ with... Kyle’s sister... you weren’t takin’ her kid to a game tonight?”

Michael’s head shot to the side quickly, his eyes roaming over the dance floor until he saw his old college friend with... Maria. She was here. “Oh, no no, that’s right. I’m counseling her boy and he’s interested in basketball.” He tried to sound as calm as possible.

“Uh-huh,” he said slowly.

“What is with you city boys?” Jack muttered. He glanced at his girlfriend. “These boys just don’t know a thing about women.” He rapped his knuckles on the table to get Michael’s attention. “You don’t just stand there with your jaw on the floor when your woman’s dancin’ with another man.”

“His woman?!” Liz asked, confused as she came back to the table for a sip of her water.

Jack rolled his eyes and pushed his hat back. “He’s takin’ her kid out, he’s over at her new place helpin’ her get it together, an’ now he’s gapin’ at her like a starvin’ man at a buffet.”

Shayna pushed his hand down when he was finished counting off his points on his fingers. “Why don’t you and I go dance, Jack?” she suggested in that way that told him it was anything but a suggestion.

“I wish it was as easy as that,” Michael muttered under his breath as he greeted the others at the table.

“Thought you were in Albuquerque,” Kyle said.

“Game got cancelled.”

Isabel reached for her glass and took a drink as she glanced at Michael. “Did you and Andy enjoy yourselves?”

“Yeah, we had dinner and hung out for a while before drivin’ back.”

“How’s he doin’?” Max asked, genuinely interested in his nephew’s progress.

“He’s makin’ good progress,” Michael said as he took the seat next to Alex and Josh. As much as he wanted to just go and tell Roberts to back off, how weird would that be? He had no right to do that.

“That’s good.”

“So, how long’re you guys in town for again?” Michael asked, casting another glance at his friend and Maria. He tried to push away the jealousy when she laughed again.

“Gotta leave early in the morning for a meeting.”

“Oh, well, that’s a shame.” Maybe not where Roberts was concerned, he thought. “So, how’s the family?”

“Good, good, Tamara’s starting to become a real teenager though,” he rolled his eyes.

Michael snorted. “Getting to be a handful, huh? How old is she now?”

“Just turned 13 last month, but I tell you she wants to be treated like an adult.”

Alex shook his head at that. “Tell me about it. I’ve got a 15-year-old that thinks she’s ready to be an adult.”

Michael glanced at the other man, amused. He wondered how much he knew about Sam and Andy.

“Yeah,” Josh laughed. “Think twice about what you get yourself into,” he advised Kyle.

Kyle just grinned. “Hey, I want a couple kids runnin’ around the house.”

“Uh-huh,” Tess said. “A couple? Like two? Or more?”

“Two’s good... if it’s more than that, well, I’ll be happy about that too.”

“What about you?” Michael asked, looking at Isabel. “Two? Three?”

Alex controlled his expression as he waited for her answer. Did he want more kids? He had spent the past 16 years raising his daughter... was he ready for the possibility of starting all over again?

Isabel shrugged coolly. “We’ll see what happens.”

Kyle shook his head. “Are you kiddin’? You were tellin’ me the other day at lunch that you wanted – ow!” he yelped when his shin was nearly impaled by a high heel. He glared at Tess. “What was that for?” he asked as he leaned over to rub his leg.

“She obviously doesn’t want to tell her boyfriend about future plans in public, dumbass,” she hissed.

“So you kicked the shit outta me?”

“Obviously ya only listen that way,” she said sweetly.

Josh laughed out loud at the look on Kyle’s face. “They’re not subtle creatures, are they?” he asked, tipping the neck of his beer in Tess’ direction.

“Gosh, I don’t remember the last time I danced so much,” Maria said, laughing as her and Daniel made it back to the table.

“Guerin,” the man said in surprise, “you’re here.”

Michael nodded and shook the other man’s hand. “Uh-huh. See you’ve been busy,” he said, tightening his grip in warning.

“Just dancin’, man,” Daniel said, easily reading the jealousy in Michael’s eyes.

“Good.” He released Daniel’s hand and waved him back to his seat. He decided to speak to his friend first and then ease into a conversation with Maria. “So, how’s business?” he asked, glancing at Maria once more.

What, now I don’t even get a hello? she thought, surprised and a little hurt. “Where’s Andy?” she asked without bothering to greet him either.

“He’s at your parents’ house,” he answered with a smile. “The game got cancelled so we ended up goin’ out to eat and just hangin’ out. You were not kiddin’ about how much food that boy can put away,” he teased her.

“Just when fast food is on the menu,” she said before she walked back to her own seat.

“We had an interesting debate over music after he insulted my preferences.”

“I wouldn’t say anything he listens to counts as music.”

“That makes two of us. There were a couple I could tolerate but for the most part...” he shook his head. “Screamin’ with a beat.”

“Yeah, I guess that describes it pretty well.”

He chuckled. “Kids and music today.”

Alex snorted in agreement. “Sam listens to groups that drive me crazy.”

“She probably gets the CDs from our troublemakers,” Max said as Liz and he joined the others again.

He nodded. “That’s quite possible. Although there are some of them that I don’t think the boys would ever admit to listening to, much less owning.”

“Oh, believe me, you should be glad if it’s not the same stuff Justin and Nick are listening to, because it can’t get any worse,” Liz said as she took a seat next to Maria this time.

“I’m not sure havin’ today’s equivalent of Britney Spears blaring out of her radio is any better than the stuff she listens to when she’s with the boys.” He grimaced.

“Hey,” Maria greeted her friend. “You look tired. Exhausting week?”

“Yeah. And I’ve spent the entire day refereeing the kids. I swear some days I think grounding them is more punishment for us than it is for them,” Liz sighed.

“Yeah, I know where you’re coming from.”

“God, ever since they got home the three of them have been at each other’s throats.” She shook her head. “This weekend isn’t gonna be very restful either... I can’t even tell you what I’d give to just have a few days off with nothing going on.”

“If ya need a break, then let me help you, Liz. The boys are old enough to distract themselves, but I can watch Kara if ya want. Ya know I love her.”

“You know Max and I haven’t made any plans for Sunday, so maybe in the afternoon? I’ll talk to Max and see what he thinks.”

“Yeah, sure, just let me know.”

Michael participated in the conversation between his friends while listening to the two women making tentative plans. “So, Iz, what time’re you plannin’ to come over an’ take over the place tomorrow?”

“Hmm, I thought maybe around 10am, maybe a little bit earlier.”

He nodded. “I lost the list you gave me,” he said, knowing it would annoy her. He shrugged and grinned at her. “But, the house is clean so I’m sure I covered most everything on it.”

Isabel shook her head. “You’re a lost cause, Guerin. I’ll bet you didn’t even cover half of it and ya know why? Because you suck at things like that.” She leaned closer to him. “Ya need a woman,” she added quietly with a wink.

He smiled and glanced at her. “I’m workin’ on it,” he said just as quietly.

She smiled back at him, hoping that her friend would get what he wanted.

Michael turned to look at Tess. “What time will the birthday boy be getting up tomorrow?” he asked. He glanced at Kyle. “College games start at 11am.”

“Then I’ll be there around 10:30,” Kyle answered and glanced at Tess to see if she was okay with that.

“What?” Isabel asked. “No, you’re not gonna spend the entire day watching football.”

“But it’s his birthday,” Michael protested.

“We did not spend weeks planning this so the two of you could huddle up in the den and watch football... you have all day Sunday for that.”

“I could give you a hand with something,” Maria offered. Well, technically she wouldn’t have much time, but...

Michael opened his mouth to speak but Isabel beat him to the punch.

“How are you at decorating?” she asked. “Because Michael is all thumbs and he isn’t great at decorating. He’s supposed to get the backyard ready but at this rate nothing will be ready on time.”

Maria shrugged. “I think I can squeeze in some time in the morning. I even might have some decorations, if I can find them in that mess of boxes over at the new house.”

“Mmm,” Isabel mumbled around her drink, “don’t worry about that. I had the foresight to pick the decorations up several weeks ago. If I left it up to either of them tomorrow would be burgers on the grill and football all day.” She rolled her eyes. “There are some things you just can’t leave up to men.”

Maria chuckled. “True. So what if I come by around 10:30?”

“That’d be great. Maybe you can help me keep Michael focused on his tasks instead of the game on TV.” She shook her head at her friend. “If he gets as far as turning the game on it’s all over... there’s like some switch that flips in their brains and they shut everything else out.”

Maria glanced at Michael. “Well, I can at least try, I guess.”

“Good luck with that,” Liz said with a quiet chuckle. “Max is the same way.”

Michael held eye contact with Maria and a soft smirk tugged at his lips. Hell, if she was be in his house, football would have to wait.

Maria couldn’t stop the smile in response to his smirk and she momentarily lost track of the conversation going on around them.

“What’re the chances that most of the guys there tomorrow will be wearin’ the jersey for their favorite team?” Shayna asked.

“Right?” Tess chimed in. “The weekend comes around and out comes the jerseys, the baseball hats, and anything else that has their teams’ logo on it.” She shook her head. “They’ll bitch about how much room you take up in the bedroom closet but don’t say a word about all the sports crap that’s everywhere in the house!”

“Right now I’ve just got a small bag at her house,” Kyle hissed to the guys. “Just for the record.”

Tess snorted and glanced around the table at the girls. “You would not believe the rag he tried to wear to go out tonight.”

“Kyle has never had any sense of style,” Maria teased. Now that the couples had split up a bit and Michael was here, the night didn’t seem to be all that bad anymore. Maybe it had been a good decision to go out tonight.

“That’s true, Valenti,” Michael agreed. “This isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone make that comment.”

“Shut up,” Kyle muttered.

“Uh-huh,” Tess said, alarmed, “and who made that comment?”

“I’ve been tellin’ him that for years,” Isabel said as she kicked Michael under the table.

“Ouch! Hey, Russell, no reason to get violent.”

“No reason to stick your foot in your mouth either, Guerin,” she shot back at him.

“Relax,” Liz leaned forward and laid one hand over Tess’.

Tess smiled and nodded. Put the green-eyed monster away, Evans. He’s with you now, no one else matters.

Max took a sip of his beer before he got up again and walked over to stand next to his sister. “Got a dance left for your big brother?” he asked with a smirk.

“I don’t know, old man,” she teased as she stood up.

“I’m a pretty good dancer compared to Valenti,” he teased.

She snorted. “Kyle has moves that you know nothin’ about,” she said as she leaned over Kyle’s shoulder to give him a quick kiss.

Kyle grinned at her and then turned to look at Liz. “What about you? If your husband’s takin’ my girlfriend...”

Liz smiled and nodded. “Why not?”

He stood up and took her hand. “Let’s go then.”

Michael glanced around the table when the other couples followed suit and before long he was left at the table with Maria, Daniel, and Josh. It was the first time in his life he wished he had any kind of ability on a dance floor.

“Maria, can I interest you in another dance?” Daniel asked.

She shot a quick glance at Michael, disappointed that he hadn’t asked her, but maybe it was just too awkward with all their friends around. “Yeah, sure,” she agreed.

Michael mentally kicked himself when she accepted Daniel’s offer and he glared at Josh when he chuckled. “What the hell is so damn funny?”

“You, you moronic dumbass... you don’t let another guy dance with the girl you’re in love with. Even if he is your friend.”

“And what would you suggest I do?”

“Um, I don’t know. Maybe dance with her? Or at least get her a drink and sit next to her?”

“I can’t dance,” he muttered as he turned his head to watch Daniel guide Maria around the floor with ease.

“You can’t dance?” Josh asked, surprised. “Why’s that?”

“I don’t know why, Josh. I’ve been declared unteachable.”

“No wonder you are still single, Guerin.”

“Okay, fine, ya know what? I’ll go ask her,” he said and pushed back away from the table to get up. He ignored the sound of Josh laughing as he made his way around the outer edge of the dance floor. He just knew he was about to feel like 15 different kinds of a fool.

He stepped out on the floor, coming up behind Daniel and tapping him on the shoulder. “Can I cut in?” he asked, hoping his voice didn’t betray the nerves causing his stomach to flip-flop.

Daniel grinned. He had wondered what was taking him so long. He glanced at Maria. “Can he?”

Michael didn’t realize he was holding his breath until she bit her bottom lip, smiling shyly at him and nodding.

“Alright,” Daniel let go of her and stepped aside to make space from Michael.

Michael took Daniel’s place but while his arms were in the proper places, he couldn’t seem to make his feet move.

Maria lifted one eyebrow as she realized what was going on. “Can’t dance, huh?”

“Um...” He could feel heat in his face. “No, not at all.”

“Why’d you ask then?” she asked, amused.

He shuffled his feet and smiled sheepishly as he met her laughing eyes. “Didn’t want anyone else dancin’ with you.” He grimaced. “That sounds pretty selfish when I say it out loud.”

“I like it though,” she admitted without thinking.


New profile is up for TIC TAC: Isabel Guerin - as usually you can find it at our Author's page here! ;)

Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Re: In The Course Of A Lifetime (CC, AU, Adult) Part 54-11/21/10

Post by Double Trouble »

Eva: :)

Ya just gotta love a jealous Michael, right?

Earth2Mama: Hard to help just fallin’ for Michael even more.

Lol, when he has noticed it’s been brushed off. Their connection’s been disrupted and it’s causing lots of things to be overlooked.

Luckily the monster was put away fairly easily.

mary mary: Earphones would be a good idea, lol.

Alien_Friend: That’s so true, lol. Yup, lots more time together coming soon.

Ya know how guys are… you just can’t turn ‘em loose without making sure they’re not gonna embarrass themselves… or you. ;)

Natalie36: And the evening’s not over yet…

keepsmiling7: That is coming up, soon.

That realization is going to be a while in coming. He still isn’t ready to deal with that but it’s something that is going to be necessary for him and Max both to finally start to let that day go.

sarammlover: They’re fun, huh? They’ve done all of that, and the evening isn’t over yet… did anyone order some Candy?

Part 55

Michael smiled at her comment. “So maybe I could buy you a drink instead?”


He nodded and wrapped his hand around hers to lead her off of the dance floor. “What’s your pleasure?” he asked as they neared the bar.

“I think I’ll have a glass of white wine.”

He ordered a wine for her and a beer for himself. “I hope you didn’t spend too much longer workin’ on the house this afternoon,” he said as he sat on one of the stools beside her.

“Just a bit,” she told him.

He smirked and shook his head. “Why do I have a feelin’ you spend more than just a bit over there?”

“I’ve got nothing better to do anyway.”

“Nothin’ at all?” He smiled and shook his head.

She shrugged. “Andy was gone with you and my parents weren’t home.”

“Who’d you miss more?” he teased. “Andy or me?”

“Hmm... Andy,” she said.

“Really?” he said, pretending to be surprised. “You sure?”

“No doubt,” she told him.

“Can’t win ‘em all, I guess.” He looked up when the bartender placed their drinks in front of them and he nodded when the man asked if he wanted them on his tab. “Are you ready for his birthday?”

“Yeah,” she sighed. “I hope so. Things have been pretty good lately. I just hope his birthday doesn’t, ya know, make him take a step backwards.”

“We talked a little bit about it this evening. I think he’ll be okay.”

“I got him the new phone he said he wanted. There were several of them so I hope I picked out the right one.”

He smiled. “I’m sure he’ll love it. Ya know, he’s a good kid, Maria. You’ve done a great job with him.” He snorted. “Even if that boy of yours doesn’t have any taste in music and accused me of listenin’ to a bunch of old guys.”

“I know he’s a good boy. He just lost his way for a while.”

“He’s findin’ his way back.” He shook his head. “It’s not that hard to lose your way after a tragedy. Especially when you’re his age.”

“Tell me somethin’ about you Michael. I mean, we always talk about Andy and it’s the weekend, right? You’re not a counselor right now.”

“No, I’m not,” he said with a small smile. “I don’t talk about myself very often.” He chuckled and shrugged one shoulder. “I got into counseling because I really wanted to help kids, but the truth is... it was the counselor that helped me after my parents died that inspired me to get into this field.”

“How did your parents....” she trailed off, not sure if it was too personal for a talk in a bar.

He shook his head. “Car accident.”

“I’m sorry,” she told him quietly.

He took a drink of his beer and nodded. “I went through a really bad time after that.” He forced a smile. “One day I’ll tell ya more about that. I guess I could’ve started with somethin’ a little less dramatic.”

She forced a smile. “Probably.”

“Sorry, it’s not a fun topic but it’s usually easier to just get it outta the way.”

“Tell me about your college life then.”

“College? College was crazy and busy and where I met my two best friends. Kyle and Isabel got me out and involved in things... I wasn’t terribly social back then,” he admitted.

“You know, now that I think about it, I remember Kyle talking about a guy named Michael back when he was in college. I didn’t make the connection to you until now though.”

He smiled. “Yeah, he was always tryin’ to get me to come home with him over holidays and stuff but... now I’m glad I didn’t.”

“Why?” she teased.

He just shook his head. “Because when he was tryin’ to get me to come home with him you weren’t available.” He smiled and took a drink of his beer. “Would’ve just broken my heart.”

She snorted. “I wasn’t with my family very often back then, so ya probably wouldn’t have even met me.”

“Don’t think I would’ve wanted to take the risk. Usually ended up getting dragged to Isabel’s grandparents’ house for the holidays. Isabel is not an easy woman to say no to.”

“I bet,” Maria said and sipped her wine.

“We’ve gotten over on her a few times. He laughed. “Y’know, she had a bad breakup a couple years back so me an’ Kyle got her these two kittens... she gave us a lecture about pets as gifts.”

“Maybe Sam’s dad can calm her down a little,” Maria said.

Michael snickered. “He already is, believe me. She usually cooks food that’s about as tasty as chewin’ on a piece of cardboard but she went all out last night. She doesn’t do that for just anyone, believe me. I never get the pot roast dinner... ever.”

“What a shame. Men need real meat, right?”

“Yeah, but try tellin’ that to Iz. I’ve tried before and it hasn’t helped me at all. She sees this guy once or twice and suddenly she’s pullin’ out Grandma’s recipes.”

“Well, in case I make dinner for us one day, you’ll get something... fitting for a man,” she said without realizing what she’d just said.

“I’d like that,” he said, bracing his elbow on the bar and resting his chin in his hand.

She smiled slightly and glanced down at her hands, wrapped around the glass of wine.

“You should smile more often,” he said softly as he reached out to brush his fingers over her cheek.

“I’m getting back to it.”

“You’re a very attractive woman, but when you smile...” he whistled under his breath. “You are absolutely gorgeous.”

“Stop that,” she told him gently.

He chuckled and shook his head. “It’s the truth.”

“I doubt there’s much special about me but I won’t complain if you think there is.”

“Oh, you have no idea just how wrong you are.” How could she possibly doubt just how special she was? he wondered. “Your turn,” he said with a smile.

“My turn?” she asked, surprised. “To do what?”

“Tell me somethin’ about Maria the woman, not the mom.”

“Hmm...” she rotated the glass in her hand and watched the way the lights glistened on her wine as she considered what to say. “I haven’t been Maria the woman for a while now, ya know?”

He smiled. “Maybe it’s time for her to make an appearance.”

“Yeah,” she whispered, “you’re probably right about that.” One of her hands let go of the glass and she ran it through her hair.

His eyes followed the movement. “I’m right,” he said with a gentle smirk. “Trust me on this.”

Her eyes slipped over to their friends for a brief moment. They were all still dancing or otherwise occupied. She forced her eyes back to Michael, catching his when he looked at her intensely. “I’m not really sure how to do that.”

“One step at a time, Maria. When you’re ready for that next step I think you’ll know.”

“Sometimes I think I’ve hidden myself for too long, ya know?” she admitted.

“It’s a way of protecting yourself,” he said knowingly. “But when you decide you’re ready to take that step I really hope you’ll let me be a part of it.”

She took a deep breath as she reached out to lay one hand over his. “In case it’s slipped your notice, Michael, you’re already a part of it.”

He felt his heart do that crazy flip-flop in his chest and he smiled as he turned his hand over under hers. “Don’t wanna make any assumptions here.”

Her eyes locked on their hands as their fingers slowly intertwined. She enjoyed his touch much more that she should. It scared her, but it also felt so good.

“You don’t mind comin’ over tomorrow and helpin’ set up? Isabel’s the best but she’s very picky about how she wants things done.”

“I’m good,” she said. “Can’t stay too long though; gotta pick someone up.”

His eyebrows lifted. “Anyone I should be worried about?”

She smiled teasingly and ignored his question. “Can I bring someone else to the party?”

“Uh, well, yeah, sure... I guess.” He looked at her when she squeezed his hand. “A friend of yours?” A woman, he thought hopefully.

“You’ll see tomorrow.”

“Gonna make me wait like that, huh? You know that’s just cruel, don’t you?”

She shook her head. “You think we’d be sitting her like this if it was someone you should be worried about?”

He chuckled at her tone. “No, I have no doubt that you would’ve already chased me off.”

“Probably, yeah.”

He snorted. “No, you would’ve, I have no doubt about that. I take it as a very good sign that we’ve made it this far,” he said, lifting their hands slightly.

“If there wasn’t… ya know… anyone else in my life that I need to take care of...” She left the rest unsaid.

He nodded. “Hey, I understand,” he assured her. “I know that Andy’s needs are important and he has to come first... just don’t let this pass by, okay?” He smiled. “I don’t mind takin’ things slow and I know it’ll take time for Andy to accept that you’ll eventually move on. I’m okay with that.”

“Thanks.” If only there wasn’t a part of her that longed for his touch, a part that she had tried to suppress lately.

He nodded. “But in the meantime, I’m here if ya wanna just talk.” He smiled. “Go for coffee… take a walk in the park... whatever,” he said with a wink.

“Maybe ya wanna help around the house,” she said. “Ya know, now that Andy’s brought you home first I don’t think it’d be as weird for him as I thought it would be at first.”

“I can do that.” He glanced at their linked hands. “Can’t promise that I won’t attempt to distract you,” he teased.

She smiled. “Well, first we’ve got a birthday party.”

“That should prove to be interesting. We’ve got quite a mix of people who’re gonna be there.”

“Oh, yeah, your backyard’s gonna be crowded.” Tomorrow I’ll see his house, she realized and wondered what it would be like.

“Just be glad it’s not a birthday party for a little kid,” he muttered. “I can guarantee Isabel would’ve had at least one pony in my backyard.”

Maria snorted. “Thank God Andy’s past that age then. Although I’m not sure Kyle is.”

“He’s not, but she spared some poor pony that burden.”

“Ouch, yeah, poor pony.”

He laughed and took another drink of his beer. “You know, we went to a carnival in college, the three of us, and we’d had a few drinks... well, more than a few to be honest, and I dared Kyle to ride the kiddie go carts... dumbass got stuck in the thing. He ever tell you about that?”

Maria choked on her wine. “Seriously? Of course he left that out.”

“Oh, yeah,” he laughed, reaching out to pat her back. “It took a couple hours to get him out... they ended up havin’ to take it apart while he sat there and told them how to do it.” He rubbed her back gently once she was breathing normally again. “They threatened to tape his mouth shut ‘cause he wouldn’t shut up.”

Maria didn’t know whether to concentrate on her breathing or his hand that was touching her back now. “Thanks.” She wiped her mouth with a napkin. “I’m pretty sure that was a lot fun to watch.”

“Yep. He got me back for it though. He always does, but somehow I haven’t learned my lesson. Last year of college we were out and he dared me to water ski naked... had a hundred bucks ridin’ on that bet and after enough beer it really seemed like a good idea.” He rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t.”

She laughed, delighted, and had to hold onto his shoulder to keep from slipping from her chair. “Tell me more about it.”

“More? It’s not a pretty story,” he warned with a grin. “I hit one of the ramps and lost my grip on the rope.” He shook his head. “Of course I was up in the air when I lost my grip so I came back down and busted my leg on the ramp and bruised things that should never be bruised.” He winced. “Then I had to be fished out of the water and Isabel’s tryin’ to get my shorts back on over a broken leg and other body parts that were just not supposed to ever be treated like that.” He chuckled. “Not one of my best moments.”

Maria laughed even harder and struggled for air. “Sorry,” she gasped as a small tear from all the laughing ran down her cheek.

“Think that’s funny?” he growled.

“Uh-huh,” she pressed out, trying to get herself back together as she tried to wipe her wet eyes without ruining her makeup.

“You know your brother was NOT helpful at all. The entire time he’s just sitting on the side of the boat, laughing like a brainless fool.”

“Sorry, that must’ve hurt badly,” she said sympathetically.

“Hell, yeah, it hurt,” he snorted.

“At least you were drunk.”

“Yeah, that helped for a little while, but boy after I sobered up... girl, let me tell you... whew, that was pain like I never wanna experience again.”

“You’ve had some time to recover since then,” she said, winking at him. It felt good to actually just hang out with someone who could make her heart beat faster with just a look. It had been a while since she had felt that. To be honest she had felt it only once in her life and those times where long over.

He smiled. “Yeah, thankfully that pain’s long in the past.”

“At least it seemed like you had some fun in college with the two of them.”

“There were good times,” he said with a smile.

There wasn’t really a time she could look back at like he could. Her college life had been busy with studying, convincing her parents that Andrew was right for her, and raising a newborn.

Michael bit his lip as he stared at his beer bottle. There were so many things he wanted to tell her. “You know, there were some fun times in college, but not all of it was good.”

“Hey, are you two gonna join the party anytime soon?” Kyle asked, resting an arm on each of their shoulders.

Maria straightened up when her stepbrother joined them. “Is it already midnight?”

“Does it matter? This’s s’posed to be a party,” he said with the slightest hint of a slur.

“We were just about to come back,” Maria told him and slipped from her seat. “Right?” She glanced at Michael with just a slight eye roll that Kyle couldn’t see.

“Yeah,” he said, standing up and grabbing Kyle’s arm to keep him in place. “You want another glass of wine, Maria?”

She glanced at her watch. “Yeah, sure, we’re still here for a while.”

As soon as she headed back to their table he thumped Kyle in the ribs with his fist. “Man, what the hell is wrong with you?” he hissed.

“Ouch,” Kyle held his side. “What’s wrong with me? Question is what’s wrong with you?”

Michael made a sound of disgust as he glared at his best friend. “She was talkin’ to me, shit-for-brains!”

Kyle pulled himself up to his full height and tried to pull his face into an offended expression. “I don’t think you should be callin’ me names on my birthday.”

“I’m about to do more than just call you names,” Michael said as he signaled the bartender for refills.

“Uh-huh and what would that be, Guerin?”

He sighed. “Are you over here to tell me to take it slow? Or have you seriously had enough to drink that you did not see that we were in the middle of a conversation?”

“What?” Kyle glanced between Michael and Maria at their table. “I’m not here to tell ya to take it slow, I think Maria can decide that on her own... but well,” he shrugged, “ya might not wanna start this so publicly, ya know? People are watchin’ and talkin’.”

“And for once she’s not lettin’ that dictate what she does.” He sighed and accepted the drinks from the man behind the counter with a nod of thanks.

“I’m just sayin’ that Andy shouldn’t hear this from someone other than you two.”

This was getting beyond complicated, Michael thought. “I hear what you’re sayin’, Kyle.” He and Maria were going to have to make a decision about what to tell Andy and soon.

“Alright, now let’s get back, okay?” He laid a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Hey, if I could choose any man for her you’d be my first choice, you know that, right?”

“Thanks. Now if that was just the way your nephew felt,” he said with a tight smile. He had a feeling the situation with Andy wasn’t going to be easy. The boy had worshipped his father and anyone that he felt was trying to take Andrew’s place was going to be in for a fight.

“I don’t have much hope that Andy will just accept it, ya know? But I’m sure he’ll come around. Better tell him sooner rather than later though.” Kyle shrugged. “But you’re the man with experience, right? So you probably know better than I do about when to tell the boy.”

Michael snorted. “Maria and I are both agreed that he’s not ready yet. I don’t like it, but that’s the way it is right now.”

Kyle nodded. “Then the two of you should try to hold back until he is ready.”

“We were just talkin’, Valenti, that’s it.”

“Just sayin’.” Kyle lifted his hands in defeat. It was pretty obvious that it was more than talking and he was sure everyone could see that.

Michael debated whether to sit next to Maria or simply take the seat he’d had most of the evening as he rounded the table to set the glass of wine on the table. He crouched down next to her and rested his right arm on the back of her chair. “Maria?”

She turned her gaze away from Liz and looked down at him, her heart already starting to beat faster in his presence.

“Do you mind if I sit over here next to you? I wasn’t thinkin’ earlier about people talkin’ and I don’t wanna put you in an awkward position, so...”

She smiled. “No it’s okay, just sit down, Michael.”

Why had he listened to Kyle? he wondered as he smiled and took the chair next to her. He glanced up when Max came back to the table, sitting down next to him. He realized that Maria must’ve taken the man’s chair when he had gotten up.

“Kids are fine,” Max assured his wife. He looked at the man next to him. “I’ve heard good things about your work with the kids at the school.”

Michael nodded. “I heard your boys were benched for a while.”

Max grinned. “Yeah, the wife pulled rank on that one.”

Michael smirked. “Kids,” he said, shaking his head.

“You’re still comin’ to the party tomorrow, right?” Maria asked.

“We’ll be there,” Liz assured her. “For a while there I wasn’t so sure, but the kids just barely skated by without losing that privilege.”

“Okay,” she nodded. “Andy wasn’t involved in that, was he?”

“I would’ve called you right away if he’d had any involvement in that insanity.”

“Yeah, I know. I was just wondering, ya know, since all of his friends seem to be involved.”

Alex shook his head. “We didn’t exactly get off on the right foot, Mrs. Evans, but I asked Sam directly and she said that Andy wasn’t there.”

She smiled slightly. “Thanks.”

He nodded. “Sam’s grounded for the next two weeks but I’m sure after half of that time with her sulking and sighing like I’ve heaped unfair punishment on her young shoulders I’ll be wishin’ I’d only made it for a week.”

Maria laughed. “Will she be at the party tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I started to say no, but...” he shrugged. “I know you guys haven’t been here that long and she said Andy hasn’t made a lot of friends, so there’s no reason to punish him for her mistake.”

“Andy will be happy that she’s allowed to come.”

He smiled. “Is he turning 15 or 16?” he asked, not sure if Sam had ever said.


“God, where does the time go?” Liz asked. “Do you know how close we all are to our kids leaving home and going to college?”

Maria chuckled and bumped her friend’s shoulder. “Your house is gonna be really quiet without the twins, huh?”

“I won’t know what to do with all that peace and quiet. Granted, I’ll still have Kara and Lucky underfoot.” She lowered her voice as she bumped her shoulder against Maria’s and grinned. “And God knows Max can make enough noise when he’s workin’ around the house, but it won’t be the same.”

“I’m sure you’re gonna find a different distraction then. You still have your job and all.”

She glanced up when Max and Daniel switched places and her husband settled down next to her. “True. What about you? It’s gonna be quiet when Andy’s out of the house too.”

“Yeah that’s true,” Maria said sadly. Would she be all alone in the house then? She glanced at Michael quickly. Hopefully not. She had always wanted more children but it hadn’t happened.

Michael caught her fleeting glance and he smiled to himself. “Hey, I was thinkin’ we should get a football game goin’ tomorrow since I’ve got a feelin’ someone,” he glared at Isabel, “is gonna find a way to make sure we’re not watchin’ football.”

Liz snorted. “Our boys will love it, no doubt.”

“Not gonna make ‘em sit on the sidelines?” Kyle teased.

“Not when they have the chance to tackle Uncle Kyle, no,” she said, grinning back at him.

“Oh, okay, I see how you are. I think I should be exempt from that beating considering what your daughter said to me, in public no less, last time we were out.”

“Kara is full of surprises, isn’t she?” Max laughed.

Kyle snorted. “Yeah, that was a good one. Although it was even better when she let it be known that Liz gives you a hand with bath time.”

Max smirked and wrapped an arm around his wife’s shoulders. “And I have no problem admitting it.”

Maria laughed quietly as she watched the two of them. It was good to see them getting back to the way they had been... before.

Michael saw her happy expression slip and he reached over to cover her hands where they were knotted together in her lap. He leaned in closer and asked quietly, “You okay?”

Right now she wished he wasn’t so close. Did she like his touch? Definitely! But it was so hard to tell her mind to stay back from him for now. She really wanted to have someone in her life again, especially when she was around all her friends who had someone. She nodded slightly. “All good.”

He nodded and leaned back, retracting his hand when he saw the uncertainty in her eyes.

“I think I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” Liz said, glancing meaningfully at Maria.

Maria internally rolled her eyes. The inquisition was coming. She nodded and smiled at the other woman. “Why don’t I go with you?”

“Oh, good idea,” Tess said when she realized what was going on.


New profile for TIC TAC: Kyle Valenti is waiting for you at our Author's page!

Trailer: KYLE
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 56

Post by Double Trouble »

Eva: He did have to, yes. Lol, it’s quite possible.

Yup, it’s baby steps for now, but once Andy gets on-board we’ll see what happens.

And the night’s not even over yet. :)

Alien_Friend: Yup, you’re right. There are things that have to be dealt with, but for now that’s not coming between them.

Michael’s definitely the right guy and it looks like she’s starting to see that for herself.

Since Andy told him that in confidence we don’t think that’ll ever get out. Yeah, Sam and the twins have his back.

A good evening out for Max and Liz – they needed it too, huh?

mary mary: Lol, be glad they’re nosy… this way we get to look in and see what her thoughts are. ;)

Earth2Mama: Conversation without the guys around, of course. Yeah, we know, why don’t they just wander off somewhere else… the bathroom’s probably the quietest place in the bar, lol.

begonia9508: Thanks!

Yeah, that’s just not a good feeling. Michael’s not leaving any doubts in her mind that he’s interested!

Natalie36: You just never know…

sarammlover: One inquisition coming up… More Candy will be coming soon.

Part 56

The guys got to their feet when the women stood to leave the table, sitting down again when they had been left alone. “What d’you suppose they’re gonna go talk about?” Josh asked, knowing full well that women traveled in packs to talk.

Kyle snorted. “Michael.”

“What?” Michael asked.

“No, you’re what they’re goin’ to talk about.”

He shook his head. “Whatever.”

Liz opened the door to the women’s restroom and waited until the other two had followed her inside. She leaned her back against the counter, hands propped on the edge. “Alright, Maria, what’s going on with you and Michael?”

“Well, that was direct, wasn’t it?” Maria snorted.

“Liz has three kids,” Tess said, grinning. “Direct is now her middle name.”

“Yeah, look who’s talking,” Liz winked at Tess sweetly before she focused on Maria again. “So?”

Maria bit her bottom lip, stopping the smile that was trying to surface. “I don’t know,” she hedged. “He’s interested.”

“Uh-huh, everyone can see that, but what about you?” Tess asked.

Maria rolled her eyes at them. “Maybe...”

“Maybe,” Liz said, sounding disappointed.

“Do you guys have any idea how difficult this is?” she asked, sighing heavily. “There’s so much to consider about getting involved with someone else.”

“But, you want him, right? The feelings aren’t one-sided.”

“No, it’s not one-sided,” she admitted.

“But you’re worried about Andy’s reaction,” Tess said matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, that’s part of it. I don’t know… maybe I should sit down with him and talk to him about this.” She glanced at them before focusing on Liz. “What would you do?”

“I don’t know... but if ya have feelings for him then I’d say better to tell Andy than hide it.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been thinking. I just don’t know if he’s ready. What if he can’t deal with me getting involved with someone else?”

“Do you think he’ll be more ready in,” Tess shrugged. “I don’t know, like two months or something?”

“Honestly, I don’t know if he’ll ever be ready for me to move on. I know he likes Michael and he trusts him... God, what if this destroys the relationship they’ve built?”

“I don’t think it’ll destroy it,” Tess said. “It might set him back, make him act up... we know that. But you’re not alone here. You have all of us, Maria, it’s not like it was back in Florida.”

Maria nodded. “I’m gonna have to talk to him. But, what if it’s too soon?”

“Like you just said, he’ll probably never really be ready for it. Talk to him, Maria. Maybe not this weekend, but soon.”

“Yeah. Michael’s not very comfortable with Andy not knowing the truth... we’re both just concerned that he’s not ready for it.”

“We really can’t give you an answer about when it’d be best to tell him,” Liz said.

“I think it’s gonna be an uphill battle once he knows,” she said quietly.

“Hey,” Liz laid one hand of her shoulder. “You’re not alone.”

“I know, Liz.” She glanced at both of them. “You guys have been so supportive... and God knows I don’t want to spend the rest of my life alone, but... what if he can’t deal with it?”

“Maria, Andy’s gonna have to deal with this sooner or later.”

“He’s made so much progress since we’ve been here and I’m just scared that this will cause all of that hard work to just go down the drain.”

“If you’re that worried about him...” Tess shrugged, “then you HAVE to tell him, Maria. Don’t do anything with Michael as long as he doesn’t know. Tell Andy and if he’s not good with it then you can always decide to stay away from Michael.”

And there was the problem, she thought. She didn’t want to stay away from him. He was awakening feelings and desires that she had pretty much never expected to feel again and it made her feel so alive. “Yeah, I know... and soon.”

Liz chewed on her lip. Maria’s situation was a tough one. What could she tell her friend that would make her feel better?

Maria smiled. “He enjoys spending time with Michael, ya know? He’s opened up with him and he trusts him. I mean, he even brought him home this afternoon to help with the new house.”

“And once he gets used to the thought of you and Michael together he’ll come along,” Tess said.

“I should probably stop obsessing about it and just deal with it,” she said with a quiet snort.

“You should start with Andy and the truth and then you’ll know where to go from there.”

“I will,” she promised.

“You’ve really got it bad for him, huh?”

“I... uh... I mean...” Maria’s expression was comical as she tried to come up with a suitable answer.

“Uh-huh,” Tess nodded knowingly.

“It’s been a while, okay?” Damn, she could feel her cheeks heating up. She was a grown woman for God’s sake!

Liz frowned. “How long exactly?”

Maria thought back for a moment. They had been together the morning before that last trip, but how long had it been before that? She shook her head. “It was getting to the place where we were hardly ever together anymore. For the last few months before the trip,” she swallowed hard, “being together just... it didn’t happen very often.”

“God, Maria,” Liz hugged her friend, “I had no clue it was that bad.”

Maria squeezed her eyes shut as she hugged Liz tightly. “Neither of us knew what to do to fix it... something had just, I don’t know... disappeared. We talked about marriage counseling and Andrew finally agreed, but he only did it for me. You know how he was... getting help for our problems from an outsider just wasn’t somethin’ he accepted or believed was worth his time. He was a good man and a wonderful father, but even with counseling I don’t know if we would still be together today if... if he hadn’t died.”

“Does Andy know?”

“Andy knows something wasn’t right.” She looked at Liz. “Remember that conversation we had a while back about hiding it from your kids when something was wrong between you and Max?” She nodded. “He may not have understood, but he knew something wasn’t right.”

“Hey, you an’ Max seem to be getting along better,” Tess said to take the spotlight off of Maria.

“He has been very attentive tonight,” Maria said with a teasing smile. “Things between the two of you must be getting better.”

“Yeah,” Liz couldn’t hide the grin, “it does seem to be getting better.”

“I’m glad.” Maria glanced at Tess. “And you and Kyle seem to be getting along rather well too.”

“Um-hmm, yeah, I think we’re ready for a second chance.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, please, the way the two of you were at the house today...” She turned to look at Liz. “I finally had to send them home because all they were doing was flirting and I swear they were minutes away from havin’ sex in my kitchen.”

“Ungh, Tess,” Liz made a face.

“What?” she demanded. “Can I help it if he makes it very,” she giggled, “hard to resist him?”

“Okay, can we please not talk about your perfect man anymore?”

“Hey, I’m all about bein’ fair. We can talk about...” she made a face. “Okay, we can talk about Maria’s sex life too. We can’t talk about yours because Max is my brother and that’d just be... sooo wrong.”

Liz smirked and looked at Maria. “Fine. Let’s go back to talkin’ about your perfect man.”

“Mine?” Maria snorted and rested her hand on the edge of the sink while she stared into the mirror. She wanted Michael to call hers but they were far away from that. How was she gonna do this?

“Oh, please... all it’d take would be a word from you.”

“I know,” Maria whispered. “That’s what scares me the most.”

Liz reached out to rest her hand on Maria’s arm. “Is it just Andy or... is it more than that?”

“No, it’s pretty much just Andy.”

“Then why does it scare you so much, sweetie? He’s a good man, he’s great with Andy and you’re interested in him.”

“Because I don’t wanna lose Andy’s trust over this.”

“Just talk to him and explain that you can’t be alone for the rest of your life. He’ll be going to college soon enough and he won’t want you to be alone. Yes, he’s probably gonna be hurt and angry at first, but you’ve got your whole family here to help you with him.”

Maria sighed. “We’re running in circles here, girls, let’s just get back out there. It’s almost midnight.”

“Alright, as long as you know that we’re all here for you, Maria. Andy will survive this,” Liz assured her as she opened the door and stepped outside.


Sam was lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling when her phone started to buzz and she leaned over to grab it. She flipped it open and checked the new messages, smiling when she saw that it was from Andy. A quick glance at the clock showed that it was nearly 11pm and apparently he couldn’t sleep either. She sent a reply back and then waited for his answer.

After dinner Dad had gone out with Isabel for his date and she had been left in her grandparents’ care. She didn’t mind about that so much because she enjoyed spending time with them, but her mind kept wandering to her dad and the principal. She just knew that them going out publicly was going to be all over the school on Monday morning.

She lifted the phone up once more when a new text came in and she smiled at the message. Andy wanted to know if she could get away for a little while and she bit her bottom lip as she got up and moved over to the door, opening it up and sticking her head out into the hall. The only sound that could be heard was Grandma’s snoring. They’d never hear her sneak out over that racket, she thought with a grin.

She thumbed another response and sent it, asking Andy what he had in mind. Less than a minute passed before he replied and asked if she wanted to meet at the elementary school playground since it was about halfway between them. She composed her answer and sent it, tossing her phone on the bed and hurrying to get dressed.


Andy shoved his hands in the pocket of his jacket as he used his feet to push him back in the swing. He inhaled the crisp, cold night air as he looked around at the playground equipment and wondered what was taking Sam so long. He forgot all about that when she suddenly appeared at the end of the fence.

“Your grandparents wake up or somethin’?” he asked.

“No, but I couldn’t get away without bringin’ Landry with me,” she said, motioning to the dog following her at a slow pace.

Andy frowned. What the hell kinda dog was that? He had never seen anything so… massive. “Are you sure that’s a dog?”

Sam just grinned and sat down in the swing next to him. “Landry’s a sweetheart. He’s a Bullmastiff that my grandpa brought home from a trip out of town a couple of years ago. He thinks Landry’s his dog, but,” she shook her head. “Landry’s Grandma’s baby.”

“Uh-huh, big baby, don’t ya think?”

Sam laughed and called Landry over, lifting her eyebrows when Andy inched back away from the dog. “You’re not afraid of dogs, are you? I mean, you’ve got a German Shepherd.”

“Well, I’m not afraid of OUR dog,” he said.

“Landry doesn’t bite,” she said, stroking the dog’s head. “He’s just too sweet for that, aren’t you, baby?” she asked.

Andy rolled his eyes when she resorted to baby talk with the four-legged monster.

“I had to bring him though. Soon as he realized I was going out he started following me... if I’d left him he would’ve started barkin’ and he would’ve woke my grandparents up.”

He snorted. “Yeah, he might’ve woken open more than just your grandparents.”

Landry looked up at the new person when he made a strange noise and he barked, the sound deep and loud.

“See,” Andy pointed at the dog.

“Landry, go play,” Sam hissed and made a face at the dog when he grabbed a stick from the ground and brought it over to her.

Andy laughed when she took the slimy stick out of the dog’s mouth.

“He does have a tendency to slobber a lot,” she muttered as she drew her arm back and threw the stick for Landry to fetch.

“So, your Dad’s out with the principal again, huh?” Andy teased when the dog ran off.

“Ungh, yes!” She rolled her eyes. “It took him forever to get ready to go over to my grandparents’ house. He even bought new cologne... he’s worn the same kinda cologne my whole life, but he actually went out and bought a different kind. Can you believe that?”

“Seems like he wants to make an impression, huh?”

“But with the principal?”

“I know.” Andy made a face.

“Why couldn’t he like... I don’t know... someone normal?” She shook her head and threw the stick for Landry again when he brought it back to her. “There have to be some normal women around here.”

His mom came to mind, but he immediately pushed that thought aside. His mom and her dad? Yeah, thanks, but no.

“I don’t know, Andy... I don’t wanna like her but she makes him happy. Ungh, it’s just so, so... yuck!” She kicked a rock across the ground. “You know what’s even worse? She’s nice!”

“She’s not bad I guess,” he admitted. He only had met her briefly, but what he had seen had been okay.

“Well, she’s not gonna go anywhere if she’s nice! My dad’s gone out on dates, ya know? I mean, he’s not like a monk or anything, but it’s always been somethin’ that didn’t really affect me ‘cause he never brought them around... he’s already totally into Principal Russell.”

“So are ya plannin’ to play it cool or make it hard for him?”

“What would you do? I mean, ya know... if your mom started datin’ someone seriously?”

“That’s not the same,” Andy denied.

“No, I guess not.” She dragged her feet through the sand as she stared at the ground. “I don’t know... I mean, maybe I shouldn’t be a little pain in the ass about it. Just be cool and see what happens.”

“I guess ya don’t really have a choice anyway, right? I mean, he won’t stop seeing her just because ya don’t like it, would he?”

Sam thought about that for a few minutes. “Dad’s always put me first, so if I act up and refuse to accept her... yeah, he’d eventually stop seeing her.”

“But that wouldn’t make any of you happy in the end, huh?”

She shook her head. “No. Well, I’d be happy about it for a while and he wouldn’t do anything to make me feel bad, but he wouldn’t be happy,” she admitted.

“Maybe you should just take the time at the party tomorrow and watch them interact.”

“I got to see plenty of that the other night,” she muttered. “But you’re probably right.”

“Maybe the twins can help ya better than I can,” he told her.

“How so?”

“They are not as... influenced as I am right now, ya know?”

“Yeah, but their parents are still together.” She smiled to herself as she thought about her boys. “They’ll just tell me to chill out and wait to see what happens.”

He glanced at her and shrugged. “That might be a good advice then, huh?”

“Hurtin’ my dad’s the last thing I’d ever wanna do, Andy. Sometimes I do stupid stuff and get in trouble and he gets mad or scared... or disappointed. And I know sometimes I hurt him unintentionally, but I never wanna do it on purpose, ya know?”

“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

She snorted and turned to face him. “I’m gonna have to give her a fair chance, huh?”

“Maybe you can get some advantages outta this as well,” he told her with a smirk.

“You’re as bad as Justin,” she said and swung closer to bump her shoulder against his.

He snorted and took the chance to hug one arm around her shoulders. “Total guy thing.”

Sam smiled and leaned into his side. “I’m gonna get so much crap at school for this.”

“Welcome to my world.”

She laughed quietly and rested her head on his shoulder. “Ya know, I just don’t get that. I mean, okay, I’d understand if I went around treatin’ other people like that ‘cause then I’d deserve it, but when you don’t really bother anybody... it just doesn’t seem very fair.”

“That’s high school, Sam, and I doubt it’ll change in college!”

“God, don’t say that! I don’t wanna think about getting outta high school and havin’ four more years of this to look forward to,” she chuckled.

“Guess we don’t have to worry about that just yet.”

“No, there’s enough in the present to deal with. You ready for tomorrow?”

He shrugged. “As ready as I can be I guess.”

“Are you lookin’ forward to it at all?”

“I can’t really decide, ya know?”

“Why not?”

“On the one hand it’s cool. Mom’s happy they we’re gonna celebrate my birthday, you guys will be there and I bet I get my new cell. On the other hand it’ll be my first birthday without Dad in this world and without Scrappy.”

“Your dad’s accident happened before your last birthday, huh?” she asked quietly.

“Yeah, he was already in the hospital this time last year.”

She nodded. She couldn’t imagine how tough this was for him. “I hope you have a good day tomorrow, Andy.”

“You’re invited to help me with that,” he told her with a wink.

She giggled and shook her head at him. “Tomorrow should be interesting.”


Tess lifted her hand where it rested on Kyle’s shoulder to glance at her watch and she smiled when she saw it was just a few minutes until midnight. The night had been fun and they had enjoyed hanging out with family and friends. They had been out on the dance floor for a little while now and she was supposed to get him back over to the table by midnight. She made a short, slicing motion with her hand when she noticed Daniel waving to get their attention.

“What’re you up to?” Kyle growled against her ear.

“Who, me?” she asked innocently.

“Um-hmm, what’s with all the waving and motions behind my back?”

“What, d’you have eyes in the back of your head?”

“Highly trained FBI agent, Tess.” He just grinned when she tipped her head back to look at him. “You gonna tell me what’s goin’ on?”

“I think old age must be messin’ with your brain,” she said dismissively. “Maybe we should go sit down before your knees go next.”

He chuckled warmly and let her lead him off of the dance floor as the song ended and another one began.

“Wow, time’s passing by quickly huh?” Maria said when she noticed that it was almost time.

Michael took a drink of his beer and checked his watch. Not that it was necessary since every woman at the table seemed to be watching the clock and Daniel had easily been roped into being the one to flag Tess down and get her attention to remind her of the time. He had a feeling that Tess didn’t need the reminder though.

The waitress stopped by in time to place a tray full of champagne-filled glasses on the table. Tess had ordered them earlier while Kyle was being distracted by the others.

Kyle glanced around the table when Tess released his hand and started handing out the glasses. “What’s all this?” he asked when Isabel pushed him down into his chair.

“What’s it look like?” Michael teased.

He kicked his friend under the table. “Looks like you guys are about to start singin’ ‘Happy Birthday’ in the middle of the bar so you can embarrass me.”

“Nah, WE won’t sing,” Maria told him with a wink.

“Uh-huh... you won’t, huh?” He glanced around the table uncertainly.

“You know I can’t sing,” Jack said, laughing.

Kyle’s suspicions were confirmed two minutes later when the waitresses from the bar approached the table, standing in a semi-circle around his chair and clapping their hands as they sang the dreaded ‘Happy Birthday’ song.

Tess giggled when she saw the heat rising in her boyfriend’s cheeks. Michael bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing out loud and Maria couldn’t help but sing along in the end.

He slid down in his chair when the song came to an end and the entire bar erupted in loud applause and shouts of “Happy Birthday!” from every direction. “Just wait, Tess,” he warned, “you’ll eventually have a birthday too.”

As soon as the waitresses had sung their song and thrown confetti over him they left and Tess straddled his lap, laughing before crashing her lips on his. “Happy birthday.”

Michael rested his arm along the back of Maria’s chair and shook his head at the other couple. “You’re just getting the basic ‘happy birthday’ from the rest of us, pal.”

Kyle made a face. “No interest in kissing you either, Guerin.”

Isabel rolled her eyes at them. “You see?” she asked no one in particular. “This’s what I have to put up with from these two all the time.”

“And yet you love us,” Kyle told her and shoved her gently.

She snorted and shoved him back. “Happy birthday, ya big dummy,” she said affectionately.

Maria got up and walked over to give her brother a hug. “Happy birthday, Kyle, and thanks... ya know, for everything.”

Kyle hugged her back and gave her a smile. “Anytime, Maria. Anytime.”

The others around the table followed with their congratulations before they all got up and took their glasses. “Happy birthday,” Tess said again and raised her glass.

“To both of you,” Maria said, winking at the new couple.

Kyle nodded. “To a new and happier year,” he said meaningfully before they all drank.


The last character of TIC TAC is posted. Maria DeLuca is waiting for ya at our Author's page.

Trailer: MARIA

Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 57

Post by Double Trouble »

keepsmiling7: Yup, it’s gonna be important for Maria to talk to him before someone else does.

begonia9508: You’re exactly right and that talk’s coming.

Why do guys do most of the things they do? LOL

Earth2Mama: Yup, if Andy finds out from anyone else or on his own things are gonna get ugly.

Sam and Andy are good for each other and with both of them having single parents who are in different stages of involvement with new people they’re gonna need each other.

Nope, still no word. That’d be an interesting time for her to decide to tell us what’s going on, lol.

Eva: Yep, it won’t be pretty if Andy finds out from someone else.

Sam and Andy are dealing with the same thing, just from different perspectives. That’s gonna be invaluable.

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!

mary mary: We think you’re right.

True, and finding out from someone else is a recipe for disaster.

7 days… again. ;)

Alien_Friend: We’re seeing some definite progress.

Yup, Sam’s gonna mellow out a bit where her dad and Isabel are concerned. Hopefully some of that will rub off on Andy. We’re hoping that Andy doesn’t regress too far.

Next installment, comin’ right up.

sarammlover: Very true. We’ll see if his desire to see his mom happy overrides his dislike of the thought of his dad being replaced.

Part 57

Liz quickly reacted when Josh, who had definitely had a few drinks too many, wobbled against their table and a few glasses fell over. The different liquids ran over the table and dripped down over the edge. She managed to get away, but a few drops still landed on her bare legs.

“Idiot,” Michael muttered, amused.

“Everything okay?” Maria asked her friend.

“Yeah, just a few drops. I’m gonna go to the bathroom to wash it off.” Liz got up and started to walk across the room in the direction of the restrooms. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Max and Alex in the hallway, talking privately.

“Max, I just need to know whether or not to tell them you’ll be there for the meeting on Tuesday morning. If you don’t wanna go, then I’ll tell them that, but I’ve gotta know one way or the other. I told them I’d give them a call back before 10am tomorrow.”

Max sighed and ran a hand over his face. “Things have been goin’ so good at home and I really don’t wanna screw it up.”

“What’d Liz say about you takin’ another trip?” Alex asked, knowing that it was a subject that was causing problems between the couple. He shook his head when Max shifted uncomfortably. “You haven’t told her?”

Alex sighed. “Alright, Max, I’m not tryin’ to force you here to do anything, okay? But you know the business isn’t gonna running itself. We’re still ahead on most of the contracts. You know I’d help you out with the trips, but I’ve got a teenage daughter at home and no wife at home.”

“Seems like you might be lookin’ to change that,” Max teased.

A small smile slipped over Alex’ lips. “Yeah, maybe, but that’s not the point, Max. Get things straight in your mind and let me know if I should tell them you’ll be there on Tuesday or not.”

“I’ll go,” Max said.

“Huh?” Alex looked at him, puzzled.

“Like you said, we’re already runnin’ behind, so what’s the point in waitin’ any longer? It won’t be solved by itself.”

“I know this’s puttin’ strain on your marriage, but I’m sure if you just talked to Liz about it she’d understand.” He gave Max a friendly shove. “Especially if you’d bring someone in to handle this end of the business.”

The men started to walk back to join the others and Liz straightened up as if she had just walked around the corner and forced a smile.

Max forced a smile of his own and reached out to touch his wife’s arm. “You about ready to head home?”

“Yeah, sure, I just need to go to the restroom first.”

He nodded. “Alright, I’ll just wait for you with the others.”

She nodded and walked past him.

Max sighed as he caught up with Alex. He knew he needed to turn that part of the business over to someone else but he just wasn’t ready to let it go yet. He was also realizing that it was a lot bigger than he was personally interested in and his feelings were conflicted where that was concerned.

Daniel and Josh were about to leave when the other men got back to the table. “He’s had enough,” Daniel said with a grin.

“I’ll help you get him out,” Michael said.

“You need to get him outta the house more often,” Kyle told Daniel.

“Like that would matter,” Isabel snorted. “You know he’s never been able to hold his liquor.”

“It was nice to hang out with you guys again,” Daniel said as he got into his jacket.

“Yeah, we shouldn’t let so much time go between visits next time,” Michael said.

“G’bye,” Josh waved, grinning goofily.

“Bye bye,” Kyle said, his voice softly mocking.

“I’ll be right back,” Michael told Maria though he wasn’t sure why.

She nodded and gave him a small smile. The evening was winding down and to be honest she was going to be a little sad to see it end.

“Don’t look at him with that sad puppy dog look,” Tess whispered when she noticed the looks between Michael and her friend.

“What? I am not looking at him like that,” Maria protested.

“Uh-huh,” Tess rolled her eyes.

She shook her head at her sister-in-law and started to say something else when Liz joined them once more. “Hey, everything okay?” she asked quietly when she noticed the distant expression on her face.

“Yeah, I’m just tired I guess, not used to being out so late anymore.”

She caught Liz’s hand when she reached for her things. She didn’t believe the explanation Liz had given. “Hey, call me if you need to, okay?”

“Everything’s okay, really,” Liz said, forcing herself to smile at her friend.

“Alright.” She nodded and watched the couple as they got ready to leave. Something seemed off but she wasn’t sure what it was.

Max held the door open for Liz as they stepped out into the night to walk around to the parking lot. “It was fun to hang out,” he said as he reached for her hand.

“It was nice,” she said quietly as they walked to the truck.

Max unlocked the door and held it open for her. He met her gaze as she slid onto the bench seat and he started to say something but bit back the words at the last second. The night had been nice and he didn’t want it to end in an argument.

Liz fastened her seatbelt and looked straight ahead through the window while Max climbed into the drivers’ side to start the engine.

Max glanced at her as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the quiet street. “Everything okay, Liz?” he asked after a couple of minutes of silence.

She bit her lip to keep her from asking when the hell he had planned to tell her about the trip next week. Their anniversary was next Friday. Would he even be back in time? “Yeah, I’m just tired,” she said, giving him another chance to tell her on his own.

“Are you sure you’re feelin’ alright?” he asked, concerned. “You’ve been feelin’ tired a lot here lately.”

“Max, it’s way after midnight, okay? It’s okay to be tired after a long day.”

He held his right hand up. “Fine, sorry I asked.”

“What’d Alex want?” she asked since it didn’t seem like he was going to go there on his own.

Max shifted uncomfortably and reached up to scratch his eyebrow. He really didn’t want to get into this tonight. “Nothin’ we need to talk about tonight. It’ll keep.”

“It’ll keep,” she muttered and snorted.

“Look, like you just pointed out, it’s late and there’s no need to get into anything that’s just gonna lead to an argument anyway.”

“Max, I already know what it’s about, okay?”

His hand clenched on the steering wheel as he shot a quick glance at her. Her expression was stony as she met his gaze and then looked away. “Liz...”

“When did you plan to tell me?” she asked quietly. “On Tuesday morning maybe?”

He cleared his throat and shook his head. “No.” He winced. “The meeting’s on Tuesday mornin’. I was gonna wait until after the party tomorrow.”

“You can’t hide things like this from me, Max,” she told him angrily.

“I wasn’t hidin’ it, Liz! I just... I just wanted to wait until we could sit down and talk about it without the kids around because I knew you weren’t gonna like it.”

“Don’t tell me Alex just brought this up tonight! You knew about this trip before tonight.”

“Yeah, I knew about it earlier today but... Liz, do we have to argue about this? I don’t have to leave until Monday, so why fight about it all weekend?”

“Oh, really? Not until Monday? Well, that’s great, Max. Thank God we have two days before it’s just me and the kids again.”

“What d’you want me to do, Liz? I’ve got a business to run... do you want me to just let it fall apart?”

“No, but I don’t want our family to fall apart either.”

“It’s just a trip to Oklahoma for a couple of days and then I’ll be back.”

“Yeah, and next week it’ll be another city, Max.”

“Liz, this isn’t somethin’ that’s gonna be long-term. I’ve just gotta get things with the business back on track first. Tell me you understand that.”

“God knows how long that’s gonna take,” she muttered.

“I’ll be back by Friday.”

Question was, could she really enjoy their anniversary after all this, she thought and stared out of the window as the streetlights passed by.

“Liz, this isn’t gonna be the way we live from now on. It’s just... I’ve gotta do this. We’ve got three kids to put through college, a mortgage on the house, and...” he shook his head. “I’m not gonna jeopardize everything we have by just lettin’ the business fall apart.” He reached over to take her hand, wincing when he felt the tension in her clenched fist. “We’re not gonna fall apart either,” he promised.

“I really hope you’re right,” she told him, her tone colder than she had intended.

“You could be a little more supportive,” he said, throwing more fuel on the fire that was just waiting to ignite.

“Me?” she exploded. “I’ve been pretty damn supportive the entire time, Max.”

“Liz, I don’t go out of town on these damn trips because I enjoy it!” he yelled.

“It’s been over a year now that Andrew’s been out of the business and now you’ve suddenly decided to try to solve things all alone. Get someone to help!”

“These things take time! I can’t just bring someone in and hand the reins over. And just for the record, Liz, I don’t need a reminder of just how long my brother’s been out of the picture!” he snarled as he turned onto their street.

“Yeah, as you said, Max, these things take time, but that brings us to the next question: If it’s gonna take time to get someone trained for this then why the hell haven’t you already started by now?” she screamed, and was glad Max pulled into the driveway so she could jump out of the car and breathe in some cold air.

Max slammed the heel of his hand against the steering wheel as he cursed in frustration. He knew he needed to bring someone in but the thought of turning someone else loose to handle Andrew’s old job just suffocated him.

Liz walked into the house, not intending to wait for her husband, but at least she left the front door open for him. Max followed her after a few minutes, setting the alarm and checking the first floor before going upstairs behind her. He paused in the doorframe of the master bedroom when he came face to face with Liz, frowning when she shoved a pillow and a blanket in his hands. “Welcome to the guestroom, Max.”

He sighed and shook his head. “Liz, don’t do this.”

“I’m not doin’ anything, Max. I’ve tried to be supportive, I’ve tried to be patient and understanding, and it’s not getting us anywhere.”

“And which one of those categories does kickin’ my ass outta the bedroom fall under?” he snapped.

“It falls under the category of I am sick of being supportive if all I get is a husband who falls back on the same old habits after making an effort on his own.”

“Damn it, Liz, would you just listen to me for a minute? You want me to call Alex in the mornin’ and tell him to just tell the clients to forget it? I’ll just blow off the meeting.” He held his hands up as well as he could with the blankets and pillow she had shoved into his arms. “Is that what you want? Tell me and I’ll do it!”

“I want you to find a solution for this, Max. Putting the meeting off just delays it, it resolves nothing.” She walked past him in the hallway and turned to look at him, sighing deeply. “I’m gonna check on the kids now and then I just wanna sleep, Max. I’m tired.”

He sighed as he turned to go to the guestroom. She had said what she had to say and trying to keep arguing with her was only going to cause things to get more heated and the last thing he wanted to do was wake the kids up to the sound of yelling.


The bar was beginning to thin out as last call was announced and closing time neared. In the last hour their group had dwindled down as the couples started to call it a night and now only Kyle and Tess and Michael and Maria were left sitting around the table.

“I think I’d better get the birthday boy home while he can still walk,” Tess said, nudging Kyle.

He looked up from his perusal of the shot glasses lined up in front of him. He and Jack had gotten into a drinking contest and had finally called it a draw when neither of them showed any sign of winning or losing.

Michael chuckled as he waved their waitress over and asked for his bill. He nodded when she asked if he wanted his date’s tab as well. Maria had excused herself to go to the ladies’ room and he had agreed to watch her things while she was gone. “Think you can get him home by yourself?”

Tess glanced at Kyle and nodded confidently. “Yeah, I can do that.”

“She’s got my present waitin’ at home,” Kyle announced with a big grin.

Maria rolled her eyes when she came back. “TMI, Kyle.”

“What?” he complained. “I didn’t say what it is. She won’t tell me.”

Maria glanced at the other woman at the table and grinned. “Knowing Tess, I don’t wanna hear anything about it.”

“I’m sure you’re right about that,” Michael said as he signed the credit card slip and slid his card back into his wallet. “I think it’ll be okay if you don’t share... now or later.” He turned to look at Maria. “Did you drive?”

“No, I took a walk.”

“Maybe I could walk you home then?”

She bit her lip. Was that a good idea? “Okay,” she said, following what her heart told her.

He smiled as he pushed his chair back and stood. He held his hand out to her and waited to see if she would take it.

Maria glanced at his larger hand in front of her for several long moments before she placed hers in it softly.

Kyle nudged Tess and nodded at the other couple when Maria accepted Michael’s offer and allowed him to pull her to her feet. “Looks promising,” he whispered.

Tess nodded with a smile. “Yeah, a lot!”

Michael held Maria’s jacket up so she could slip her arms into the sleeves before shrugging into his own. “I think we’re outta here,” he said with a glance at Kyle and Tess. “You two be safe goin’ home an’ I’ll see you in the mornin’, Kyle.”

The other man nodded. “Remember what I told ya earlier.”

“Goodnight, Kyle,” he said with a nod to let his friend know he had heard him.

Tess frowned. “What’d you tell him earlier?”

“Wanna tell me what my present is?” he asked, hoping to sidetrack her.

“Don’t try to change the subject, Mister.”

“It was nothin’,” he denied.

She rolled her eyes but let it go for now. She knew he was totally fine with the idea of Maria and Michael so whatever he had said couldn’t be that bad.

“C’mon, Tess, take your birthday boy home and put him to bed,” he said when she let him off the hook.

“Alright,” she hooked one arm through his. “Let’s go.”
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 58

Post by Double Trouble »

Eva: Don’t give up on them, they’re just going through another rough patch. They just have to reach a point where they’re both on the same page and they can really talk.

Oh, we’ll find out soon enough how this night ends.

begonia9508: Yep, Max just isn’t ready to hand the reins over to someone else yet.

No, you’re right about that. Liz has concerns about Max taking these trips but fighting about it isn’t solving anything.

Earth2Mama: Nope, nothing’s been resolved yet. But it will be in time.

Will Andy catch them? We’ll find out in this next part.

Natalie36: They get a few steps forward but because the real issue hasn’t been resolved they keep falling back.

mary mary: Liz knows that Andrew had trained someone to handled the business trips so she doesn’t understand why Max isn’t letting that person handle things instead of taking on the added burden of out-of-town trips.

Ah, Liz may not be going about things in the right way, but she’s not necessarily thinking so much as reacting emotionally. Lol, from the outside looking in, that would be a sensible course of action… but you know how that goes. ;)

Alien_Friend: Max is trying and Liz… let’s just say she doesn’t have all the facts.

We didn’t want it to end either, lol.

keepsmiling7: Yup, until these things are faced and dealt with head on nothing is gonna be really resolved and they’ll continue in this never ending cycle of one-step-forward-two-steps-back until it’s dealt with.

sarammlover: Liz is reaching the end of her rope and definitely does seem as if she isn’t understanding at the moment. The thing is, traveling was never part of Max’s job and she knows that Andrew was training someone before the accident. What she doesn’t understand is why Max hasn’t utilized this person to handle the traveling instead of adding that burden onto his own shoulders.

We’re getting closer to Michael and Maria getting together.

Cardinal: That’s a good policy. However, Max just wasn’t in the mood to argue about it.

Remember, Maria told Liz a while back that Andrew had been training someone for that very thing. She doesn’t understand why Max hasn’t allowed this person to take on the business trips. But a big part of it is that Max just hasn’t been able to let go, even in that area.

It’s possible. And things on that front will not be smooth sailing. We’re definitely looking at a few bumps in the road ahead for them too.

You’re right… all we can say is… in time.

Author’s Note: Hey folks, just a quick note to let ya know we’ll be taking a short break over the Christmas weekend but we’ll be back on New Year’s Day… possibly with a slightly longer update to make up for missing an update. ;) MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE!!!

Part 58

Michael looked around at the quiet street they were walking along. “Did you enjoy yourself tonight, Maria?”

“Yeah, I’m glad I decided to go.”

“Me too.” He bit his lower lip as he glanced at her. “Would it be alright if I held your hand?” He motioned around them. “Think the gossips are all bedded down for the night.”

Maria tried to not feel nervous like a teenager on her first date, but somehow it was just the way she felt right now. “Um... I think so.”

He smiled at the slightly nervous wobble in her voice as he reached down and took her hand. Their fingers interlocked and he gently closed his hand around hers. “You know, in a big city it doesn’t matter how late it gets you never get this kinda quiet.”

“Tell me about it,” she told him with a laugh.

“I used to enjoy the way a big city feels so alive all the time.” He shook his head. “It loses somethin’ after a while though.”

“It has its pros and cons I guess.”

“True enough. There are advantages to both. Disadvantages too,” he said quietly.

“Yeah, gossip is definitely one of the disadvantages of smaller towns.”

“Better opportunity to reach kids in a small town. That’s a major advantage for me.” He shook his head and sighed. “In large cities the schools are too crowded and there isn’t enough staff to adequately handle things.”

“Yeah, that’s definitely true.” She remembered Andy’s school in Miami all too well.

“I can see where kids growing up in this type of environment would be good for them, ya know? Everyone knows everyone and that makes it harder for kids to get away with too much. Bigger cities, people are a lot more reluctant to get involved in things.”

“I wonder sometimes if I waited too long to move back here after my husband died, ya know? Maybe Andy wouldn’t have gotten so out of control if we’d been here earlier.”

“That could’ve gone either way, Maria. Andy might’ve responded better if he’d had more family around, but on the other hand he might’ve rebelled even more because he had more people trying to keep him in line. So, don’t spend too much time worryin’ about the what-ifs.”

“Tryin’,” she told him with a small smile.

“When you moved back here your timing was perfect.” He shook his head before she could speak. “It doesn’t matter why you moved at that time. The only thing that matters is you came home when you did. He was reaching a critical point and he’s turned that corner. Sure, he’s still gonna have days where he’s angry or depressed, but that’s not unusual. He’s getting better and he startin’ to work through things and he’s getting closer to accepting that his father isn’t comin’ back. I’m interested to see how he deals with his uncle tomorrow because in my opinion... until he honestly talks to his uncle and lays everything on the line about that day he’s not gonna be able to accept what happened or let it go.”

“I guess the same counts for Max as well,” Maria thought out loud.

He nodded. “I’ve seen him around town with his family but I don’t really know him. Seems like a nice enough guy, but if rumors are to be believed in any capacity Andrew’s death has affected him to the point where it’s causing problems in his marriage. If he an’ Andy could reach a place where they could face each other it would help both of them. It wouldn’t be easy for either of them and it’d be emotionally charged to say the least, but it would be a big step in their recovery.” He smiled and shook his head. “Sorry, can’t seem to shut the counselor up sometimes.”

“U-huh,” she teased, “and counselor Guerin, what would your advice for me be?”

Give me a chance, he thought and barely caught the words before they were out. “Well, if you’re askin’ the counselor, probably the same,” he answered, knowing it might piss her off. “My guess would be you’ve never faced off with your brother-in-law about that day. Knowing that he held your husband’s life in his hands and it resulted in his death has probably left some unresolved feelings.” He shrugged and stared up ahead of them when someone’s dog started barking. “Even if rationally you know he did everything he could... there’s likely a part of you that’s angry with him.”

“I’ve tried to talk to him,” she told him. “Max was with us a lot in Florida when Andrew was in the hospital, but he was never ready to say anything about that day. I didn’t get anything out of him, but I can’t be mad at him either. I can only imagine how it was for him to not be able,” she swallowed, “to rescue his brother.”

“He’s trying to shoulder everything on his own.” He shook his head. “That’s a very dangerous habit to get into. I worked with his boys over the summer, sports and other activities.” He grinned. “Another advantage of small towns. I get to know so many of the kids and their families. It helps to be familiar with them to some degree if they need your help later on.”

“Can we please not talk about my family disaster right now? Tonight’s been a lot of fun and I don’t wanna think about this just now.”

“Sorry ‘bout that,” he said with a grimace. “That wasn’t the first answer that came to mind when you asked what my advice would be for you, but... I’m not sure you’re ready for my real answer and I don’t wanna put any unnecessary pressure on you.”

God, why did it all have to be so complicated? she wondered. “Pressure is my middle name lately,” she said.

He chuckled quietly. “Then you don’t need me addin’ to it.”

She didn’t respond to that and walked silently next to him, trying to imagine how they would go on from here.

They turned onto her street and he knew their time was running out. “Any chance you’ll come by earlier in the mornin’?” he asked with a smile. “I could make breakfast.”

“Tempting, but I think I should probably have breakfast with the birthday boy, huh?”

He snapped his fingers. “Forgot about that for a minute,” he admitted sheepishly.

“You’d better not forget tomorrow,” she said and bumped his side slightly.

“Be kinda hard to forget tomorrow... I’m gonna have a house full of people and kids runnin’ around. Might not be all that hard though since you’ll be there too.” He squeezed her hand lightly. “You’re quite a distraction, Maria.”

“Remember that Andy’s around tomorrow, will ya? So,” she lifted their locked hands and glanced at him meaningfully.

He bit the inside of his cheek to remind him to take it easy. “I feel like I’m lyin’ to him... maybe not outright, but I’m not tellin’ him the whole truth either.” He sighed as he looked down at their hands. “I’m too old to be sneakin’ around, Maria.”

“We both are.” She shook her head. “I don’t wanna ruin his birthday though, but we won’t wait too long after tomorrow.”

He nodded, feeling relieved. His stomach had been tied up in knots, worried that she would tell him they couldn’t see each other. “Alright, I can live with that.”

“That won’t be easy.”

“No... I guess it wouldn’t make things any easier if I was with you when you talked to him?”

“I don’t know Michael. I should probably tell him alone first.”

“Thought so, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to offer.” He was quiet for a few moments. “You know he probably won’t take this news very well.”

“I’m expecting that.”

He nodded. “I expect a setback to come afterwards and he may resort to his past behavior for a while.”

She sighed. “I’m really not looking forward to this.”

“Well, the good news is he’ll work past it. I know at first it might not seem like it, but he will. And if he’s still talkin’ to me once he knows I’ll do whatever I can to help him.”

“I guess we’ll just have to see what he says when I tell him the truth. I just hope he’ll try to understand.”

“I’ve never been in that position, but I know at his age I wouldn’t have been receptive to another man in my mom’s life. As much as I loved her I know I would’ve made her life hell.”

“Thanks for the words of encouragement,” she told him.

He laughed and shook his head at her. “I would’ve been a pain in the ass, Maria, but in time I would’ve also realized what I was doin’ to her. Like I’ve said before, there’re a lot of similarities between me an’ Andy. I can’t predict what he’ll do but I know how much that boy loves you. The question is whether or not he’ll be able to see past what he’s gonna feel is a betrayal of his dad at first.”

Maria brushed a strand of hair out of her face with her free hand. “We should probably prepare for the worst.”

He nodded. “Hope for the best and expect the worst. Good policy.” He glanced up and realized they were just a couple of houses away from her parents’ house. “Looks like I’m gonna have to let you go.”

“Yeah,” she said, a little sadly. Maybe for more than just for tonight.

“But, we’ll see each other tomorrow. I’ll watch myself,” he said when she glanced at him. “No hand holding or trying to maneuver you someplace quiet so I can kiss you,” he said with a teasing wink. “I’ll behave myself. I won’t want to, but I will.”

Just the thought of being kissed by him made her stomach make an upside down twist. “Alright,” she nodded as they stopped at the fence in front of her parents’ house.

“Guess a goodnight kiss is outta the question for now, huh?” He knew before she spoke that her answer would be a confirmation.

She smiled slightly. “You know it isn’t because I don’t want to.”

That was so much more than he had dared to hope for. “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.”

“The storm is yet to come,” she told him quietly.

“I think we’ll be okay, Maria. We can handle it together.”

“Yeah,” she shrugged. “Just wonder what we’re gonna do if Andy can’t deal with this.”

“That’s a possibility,” he admitted. Not one he liked to think about, but he knew that it could happen. “I think time and the willingness to be open and honest with him will go a long way though.”

“I should get in there,” she said, starting to say goodnight. “Tomorrow will be a long day.”

“Yeah, I know.” He was reluctant to let her go, but he knew he had to. He smiled and lifted their joined hands to press a kiss to her knuckles. “You’d better go before we forget that things need to be handled a certain way for Andy’s sake,” he growled quietly.

“Goodnight, Michael,” she said as he slowly let go of her hand.

“G’night, Maria,” he murmured, waiting at the gate until she was safely inside.


Nick opened one eye to glance at the window and rolled over to burrow back under the blankets when he saw that the sun was just barely up. He sighed happily and was on his way back to sleep when his mattress suddenly bounced and within moments Lucky was wiggling around and doing his best to push the boy off of the bed.

“Cut it out, Lucky,” he complained. He sat up and gave the dog a push, pausing when he noticed Kara coming inside and quietly closing the door. “Hey, what’re you doin’ up?” he asked, only to be shushed.

“Wha’s goin’ on?” Justin mumbled.

“Mommy an’ Daddy’s mad again,” the little girl said sadly.

The boys exchanged a look as Justin sat up and motioned for her to come closer. He smirked slightly at the expression on Ari’s face as she carried the cat across the room, his lower body dangling and his tail snapping back and forth. The cat ran under his bed as soon as she released him to crawl up next to Justin and he knew it wouldn’t be long before the cat joined her. Stupid thing couldn’t make its mind up.

“What makes you think Mom an’ Dad are fightin’?” Nick asked as he lay back down and rolled onto his side to face them.

“Daddy sleeped in the other room.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Justin said with a frown. “They were getting along so well last night.” He lay down and ran a hand through his hair.

“Well, if they’re sleepin’ in separate rooms somethin’ happened.”

“Is it ‘cause we was bad last night an’ broked the vase?”

“Hey, no, no, no,” Nick assured her as he climbed out of bed and crouched down in front of her. “Whatever’s goin’ on, it’s not about us, baby girl.”

“How come they’re mad a lot?”

“They’re just…” He sighed. He didn’t know how to explain this to his little sister.

“Mom an’ Dad are just havin’ a hard time right now, baby girl,” Justin spoke up.

“But they’re gonna be happy again?”

The boys looked at each other. Were their parents ever going to be happy again? Anymore it seemed like they were happy for a while and then they just went right back to being mad at each other. Yeah, Dad was having a difficult time with Uncle Andrew’s death, but it just felt like there was something more going on.

“Hey, ya know what we should do?” Nick asked.

“Make brefkast?”

“I don’t know, Nick,” Justin said doubtfully. “We didn’t do such a great job with that last time.”

“Well, you do pretty good with scrambled eggs and I can microwave the bacon.”

“What ‘bout me?”

“Toast,” the boys said at the same time.

She smiled. “Otay.”


Max reached up to rub his hands over his face when he heard the noise coming from the kitchen. It was too noisy to be Liz, which meant the kids had decided to get up and cook. He got up and hurried to make the bed, intending to run down to the master bedroom and grab a quick shower while Liz was still sleeping. Unfortunately she was already up when he walked into their room, dressed in a towel and standing in front of the closet.

He leaned back against the door and watched her for several minutes. He knew she was aware of his presence but she hadn’t looked at him once, which meant she was ignoring him. “The kids are makin’ breakfast,” he said finally.

“I’m aware of that.”

Perfect, he thought. She was already in a mood. “We’ve got an entire afternoon with the family, Liz. Maybe we could at least act like things are okay.”

“Yes, Max, let’s continue with this farce,” she snapped. “It’s worked so well for us this far.”

“I’m gonna take a shower.” He stalked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

“Fine, Max, walk away from it. You’ve gotten so good at that!” she yelled to be heard over the running water. She sighed and brushed the tears away, hating the situation they were in. She selected comfortable clothes for the day and set about getting ready.


Downstairs Kara paused with a slice of bread poised over the toaster as she glanced at the doorway. “Told you they was mad.”

“I’m not really all that hungry,” Justin said as he stared at the eggs he was stirring.

“Yeah, me either.” Nick poked at the bacon on the paper towel. “What if we just leave this for Mom an’ Dad an’ we’ll go to the café? I’ll run upstairs and tell Mom… Whaddaya say?”

Justin nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

“Me too,” Kara agreed.

“Okay, you guys get ready an’ I’ll tell Mom.”

Justin put the food on two plates and covered them before setting them on the table. He hurried to clean up and sent Kara to let Lucky out so they could go and get ready.

Nick knocked on his parents’ bedroom door, turning the doorknob when he heard Mom call out for him to enter. He stepped inside and chewed on his bottom lip as he glanced around. He could hear the shower running and he assumed that meant Dad was taking his time this morning.

“What’s going on, Nicky?” she asked when she saw his hesitation.

“We made breakfast for you guys. We kinda wanted to go over to the café for breakfast if that’s okay?”

Liz swallowed hard. She knew why the kids wanted to leave the house and have breakfast at the café. Obviously they had overheard her and Max arguing. “Nick, it won’t stay like this.”

“I know, Mom.” He sat down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “What time do you want us home?”

She kissed his cheek and patted his leg. “Just come home after you’ve had breakfast, sweetie.”

“Thanks, Mom.” He glanced over his shoulder when the bathroom door opened and he nodded at Dad. “We made breakfast for you guys, Dad. It’s on the table.” He gave Mom a quick hug and hurried out of their room.

“Congratulations, Max. The kids don’t even want to have breakfast with us now.” She held a hand up when he started to speak. “Don’t, okay? Just… I’m not in the mood for it today.”

Max bit the inside of his cheek to keep from responding when he heard the kids getting ready to leave. He finished getting dressed, waiting until the front door slammed shut to let him know they were out of the house. He slammed his fist down on the dresser as he turned to look at the woman he loved more than anything else in the world. The woman could piss him off like no one else even though that tended to be a rarity.

You’re not in the mood for it?” he exploded. “I’ve got a newsflash for you, Liz, I’m not particularly enjoying this combative thing we’ve got goin’ on here lately either. And there’s no reason for it! Okay, fine, you don’t like that I’m takin’ these trips. Do you think I’m havin’ a lot of fun out there? I hate goin’ outta town, I hate the business meetings, and I hate tryin’ to determine if a shop’s makin’ enough of a profit to justify keepin’ it up and runnin’! I have a family of my own, Liz; I don’t wanna be the one to look at another husband and father and tell him I’ve gotta shut him down because he’s just not bringin’ in enough money! I hate all of it! Andrew had a head for that end of business and if you’ll recall he preferred that I stay outta that part of it because he said I had too much heart to make the necessary cuts.”

“Then why the hell won’t you just turn the trips over to Matthew Connor and let him handle things at that end of the business?” Liz asked, feeling herself calming down as he actually talked to her. Well, in some form, but at least he was getting things out.

He frowned. “How do you even know about Connor?”

“Maria mentioned him a while back. The only reason she even knew that much about him was because he travelled with Andrew and he invited Connor over for dinner a few times.”

“Andrew let Connor go a few weeks before…” he swallowed hard. “It was the only business decision he ever made that had nothin’ to do with business.” He shrugged at Liz’ confused expression. “They were on a business trip, unwinding over drinks at the bar in their hotel and Connor had one too many. He made an inappropriate comment about Maria that I won’t repeat and Andrew fired him on the spot.” He smiled faintly. “After knockin’ his lights out of course.”

“And you said this happened weeks before the accident.” Liz shook her head. “That’s exactly what I’m talking about, Max.”

Now he was confused. “Huh?”

“Andrew never talked to Maria about what was going on with the business. As far as she knows he still works for the company. Don’t you think something like firing Connor should’ve at least been mentioned?”

“Liz, he never wanted to bother her with the business.”

“And maybe she wanted to be bothered!” she yelled.

“Why’re you yellin’ at me? That was his decision, not mine.”

“You don’t talk to me anymore, Max. About anything. Do you think I enjoy fighting with you? That I’m getting the slightest bit of enjoyment out of this? Because I can assure you I’m not. I hate this, hate that it’s coming between us, and I hate that our kids are suffering because of it.”

“Then stop treating me like the villain here, Liz!”

“Stop shutting me out!”

“You’re the one who keeps kickin’ my ass outta the bedroom. I haven’t been sendin’ myself to the guestroom. You wanna bitch about the distance between us? I’m not the only one puttin’ it out there. We’re both slammin’ doors in each other’s faces so don’t put it all on me. I’ve been kicked outta the bedroom more in the past couple of months than I have in all the years we’ve been married.” He shook his head and picked his shirt up off of the bed to pull it on over his head. “The only reason I even go along with you kickin’ me outta bed is because I don’t wanna fight about it… I’m sick of getting into arguments over somethin’ that I have no control over right now. One of these days I’m not gonna go along with it.”

“Hire someone, Max,” she insisted, not wanting to get into that argument.

“Why does me travelling bother you so badly?” he asked, letting the heat fall from his voice. “I’ve told you it won’t be long-term, it’s just until I get things sorted out.”

She shook her head. “Because we’re not in a good place right now, Max. It just feels like every trip puts more distance between us. You know what it did to your brother and Maria’s marriage.”

“No, I don’t know that,” he argued. “What I know is that Andrew was torn between his responsibilities as a husband and the realization that they wanted different things and they were growing farther apart! You know I didn’t agree with him using the trips as an excuse to stay away from home but that was his choice, Liz! Don’t be pissed at me because of what he did. I’m not my brother and while things might not exactly be perfect between us right now I don’t want out of our marriage.”

They stared at each other from opposite sides of the bed, angry and hurting. They both had valid points but neither of them knew what to say or do to fix things at that moment.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 59

Post by Double Trouble »

dreambeliever: Max and Liz are trapped in the old ‘one step forward and two steps back’ routine because they have yet to actually deal with the root of their problems. Look forward to more from Michael and Maria.

Cardinal: You’re right on both counts. And we’re likely to see movement on both fronts soon.

killjoy: Welcome back and… sorry.

Pretty sure if Michael breaks that particular bit of news it’ll cause problems between him and Maria. But you’re right about Andy… stumbling on them wouldn’t be something he’d handle well.

Earth2Mama: You’re so right! And this type of arguing and fighting is something the kids don’t need to be around. It’s damaging and it only creates more problems. While it did help Max and Liz to get a thing or two out in the open, it pushed their children farther away.

Michael and Maria… liked that, huh? ;)

mary mary: Getting some things out in the open was good for them. Unfortunately it wasn’t good for their kids. Michael and Maria are heading in the right direction but they’ve got their own obstacles to overcome.

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!

keepsmiling7: Oh, yeah, hard to hide things like that. Even the little ones like Kara.

We’ll see how they handle their problems.

Alien_Friend: Thanks! Max and Liz are still deeply in love with each other and neither of them wants to see their marriage fall apart. Fear can be crippling, especially when someone holds it in and doesn’t face it head-on. The argument allowed them to get some things out in the open that hadn’t been aired before.

The kids are great… and we’ve got another scene coming up with them.

Probably a good idea. Michael and Maria would both benefit from a good relationship, and consequently, so would Andy. Now we just have to wait and see what happens when he finds out what’s going on.

Max and Andy talking would be huge, you’re right about that. And all we can say is that at some point… you will see that happen.

We’re glad you’ve enjoyed ITCOAL so much! It’s been a lot of fun to write.

Longer part coming right up. :)

begonia9508: It’s true, and unfortunately they’ve both made mistakes here. But they’re working their way to handling things better.

sarammlover: Ain’t it the truth? :) They’re getting there… slowly, but surely. Lol, well, we do have a bit of Michael and Maria in this next update.

Part 59

Tess stepped into her apartment and leaned back against the door, turning the lock with her elbow and listening to see if Kyle was moving around yet. She snorted and shook her head when she heard nothing but silence. She carried the takeout sacks over to the kitchen and set them on the counter, pulling a couple of plates down from the cabinet before lifting the lids on the Styrofoam containers.

She had thought about trying to make breakfast for him on his birthday but considering her skills in the kitchen she had quickly vetoed that idea. She transferred the food to the plates and set them on the rack in the oven, turning it on to keep them warm. She took the last container out and set it aside and then smiled to herself as she made her way down to the bedroom.

“Time to get up, birthday boy,” she called as she stepped into the room. She was surprised to see that Kyle had been up long enough to shower but he had apparently downed a couple of aspirin and gone right back to bed. She pulled the sheet off of him, her blue eyes following it as it slithered over his deliciously naked body. “Well, I see part of you’s already up,” she said with a grin. Her eyebrows lifted when she heard his gravelly chuckle.

“All of me’s up, just thought I’d wait out the headache before facin’ the day,” he murmured as he opened his eyes and shifted to shove another pillow under his head. “Kinda thought maybe I’d be getting some birthday sex but you weren’t here when I woke up.”

“Aww, were you disappointed?” She laughed as she stripped and climbed up over him, trapping his erection between them. She met his lazy gaze as she gave him a kiss in greeting. “I went to get somethin’ for breakfast. I know you’ll force down whatever I make but it is your birthday, and while I appreciate your support while I’m figuring out this whole cookin’ thing, I saw no reason for you to suffer on your birthday.”

Kyle grinned and shook his head. “Your cookin’ is not that bad,” he denied. “And it’s a learnin’ process for both of us.”

“You’re such a liar but I love you anyway.” Neither of them was very handy in the kitchen but they had decided to give it their best shot and try to learn together. They had both survived on takeout and frozen dinners since getting out on their own, never bothering learning how to cook beyond what it took to survive. She propped her elbow on his chest and ran her fingers over his brow. “How’s your head?”

He grinned wickedly and lifted his hips. “Hopin’ for some birthday action.”

“You are so bad,” she said, laughing and shaking her head at him. “Not the head I was referring to, but I suppose there’s truth in your answer.”

“It’s true, I swear.”

“Guess we’d better do somethin’ about that then, huh?” she whispered as she started moving down his body, kissing and licking his skin as she got closer to her goal. He shifted, parting his legs and letting her settle between them as she ever so gently rasped her nails along one side of his erection. The sensation sent a jolt of electricity down his spine and he growled when she blew a heated breath over his tip. “Be gentle,” she warned him when his fingers slid into her hair.

Kyle’s breath started to come in pants when she swirled her tongue around his shaft, licking and nibbling the hard column of flesh before wrapping her lips around the head and sucking. She would release him to tease his balls before taking him in her mouth again and letting him go deeper. She felt his hands clenching in her hair and she pinched his thigh in warning, humming as she slid down on him again.

He tried very hard to keep from thrusting up when he came even though he knew she would move back slightly just to be on the safe side. He cursed his way through his orgasm, slumping back against the pillows when she finally released him. “I think my eyes are permanently crossed,” he rasped breathlessly.

“Hmm, must’ve done it right then,” she mused as she settled against his side.

“Girl, if you’d done it any righter I’d never make it to my own birthday party.”

“Well, we can’t have that.” She smiled and shook her head. “I like your friends, but I have a feelin’ that if you’re a no-show for your own party Isabel would never let us hear the end of it.”

He grinned. “She’d never let you hear the end of it,” he corrected. “It’s my birthday so trust me when I tell you that she’ll let me get away with just about anything today.”

“Ungh, you are sooo spoiled,” she complained as she shifted to sit up and pulled him with her.

“Hey, where’re we goin’?”


Kyle glanced down at himself. “You wanna eat breakfast in the buff?”

She rolled her eyes at him and tugged him out of the bedroom. “It’s our apartment, do you care?”

“Not really,” he said with a grin. Our apartment. Yup, she definitely said it, he thought.

He pulled one of the kitchen chairs out and sat down, smiling as his eyes followed her every move. Her hair gently lifted from the heat of the oven when she opened the door to pull the plates out. She slid them onto the cloth placemats and grabbed a couple of glasses, filling them with juice and carrying them over to the table. He felt himself hardening again as he watched her walking around the kitchen, naked and not the slightest bit self-conscious about it.

He leaned to the side when she went to the counter once more after placing the silverware on the table. She was opening a takeout container and she had positioned herself so that he couldn’t see what she was doing. He shot a glance at breakfast, smiling when he saw all of his favorites carefully arranged on the plates.

“Okay, I didn’t get a cake because we’ll have cake at your party, but I thought you should have a little something special this morning.”

“You’ve already taken care of that, babe.”

She smiled and turned around carrying a small plate. A frosted cupcake was placed on it and in the center of the confectionary creation was a single candle. “Ready to make a wish?”

His lips turned up in a smile as his gaze slid over her. “So ready,” he growled. He shoved his chair back a bit when she nudged his ankle with her foot and he leaned back to look up at her when she straddled his thighs. His eyes lowered to the cupcake and the candle burning at its center, and his thoughts momentarily focused on his wish. He nodded to himself after a few moments and he blew the candle out, winking at her as he said, “Birthday wishes have a better chance of comin’ true than any other kinda wish.”

“Is that so?” she asked as she plucked the candle out and set it on the plate.

Kyle took the plate from her and set it on the table before lifting the cupcake up and dipping one finger into the thick, fluffy chocolate icing. He used the chocolate to paint little hearts on her breasts. “Absolutely.” He winked at her. “I’ve got a good feelin’ about this year’s wish.”

“Um-hmm, I’ll just bet you do.” She lifted herself up, lining his erection up and taking him inside as she settled back into his lap.

He grinned and shook his head as he pulled her closer so he could lick the icing from her luscious flesh. “Uh-oh, we’re all outta icing,” he said with a glance at the cupcake that had been stripped of its frosting.

“Well, it’s your birthday so you can eat it however you want.”

Kyle set the cupcake aside when she reached for one of the plates, cutting into the pancakes and holding the fork out for him to take a bite. “Mmm, you got the blueberry,” he mumbled. A moan escaped his throat when she lifted her hips and lowered them again. “Y’know, you’ve spoiled me… every year from now on we’re gonna have to start the my birthday like this.”

“Like that do ya?” she asked with a big smile.

His hands settled on her hips, trying to encourage her to pick up the pace. He accepted another bite of pancake and chewed slowly while she continued to ride him, taking her own sweet time.

Tess set the fork on the empty plate and slid it back out of the way. “You know where we haven’t had sex?” she asked with a wink.

Kyle snorted. “I know where we’re about to have sex,” he growled as he surged to his feet and lay her on the table. He grasped her thighs as her legs hooked over his hips and he groaned when she pulled his mouth to hers for a kiss filled with passion as he thrust hard and fast. All of the buildup throughout breakfast had them both so close to the edge that they knew it wouldn’t take very long.

Neither of them paid any attention to the dishes clattering to the floor as the table jerked with their movements, too caught up in the moment and each other. Tess moaned into his mouth as her orgasm washed over her and she held him even closer when he came, savoring the feeling of his body covering her.

“Happy Birthday,” she whispered. “I love you.”

Kyle smiled at her declaration and he raised his head to meet her lazy gaze. His legs felt like jell-o and he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to stand up right then if his life depended on it. “Love you – “

An ominous creaking sound was the only warning the table gave as two of the legs went out and he braced his hands flat on the surface in an effort to keep from crushing Tess beneath him. He burst out laughing when he realized that Tess had wrapped her arms and legs around him in a death grip and she wasn’t letting go.

“We’ll want to get a sturdier table,” she laughed against his shoulder.

“Well, it was just a temporary until we found one we both liked,” he teased as he carefully shifted around and leaned his back against the table, still holding her against him. His eyes were laughing as he looked at her and he cradled her face in his hands as he kissed her. “God, I love you.”

Tess threaded her fingers through his hair. “Maybe we should take this back to the bedroom before one of us gets hurt.”

“Have I told you lately that I love the way your mind works?” He grinned at her. “Love the way the rest of you works too.”

Her right eyebrow lifted when she felt him hardening inside her. “Again?” She laughed at his expression. “Not that I’m complainin’. On the contrary, I’m impressed. Don’t let anyone call you old today.”

He chuckled. “I don’t think I’ll ever feel old with you,” he said. “But I do think we’ll just wait a few minutes before I attempt to use my legs if that’s alright with you.”

She leaned in to kiss him again. “Whatever you want, birthday boy.”


Grocery shopping wasn’t the highlight of Sam’s week but it was something she and Dad had always done together. There should be a law against it being done so early on a Saturday morning though, she thought as she followed him through the store. She was leaning on the cart, eyes closed while she waited for him to tell old Mr. Proctor what meat selections he wanted. She couldn’t remember anyone else ever being behind the meat counter and she rolled her eyes when the men started discussing the weather.

Old Mr. Proctor had never married and the only thing waiting at home for him was the old bloodhound that he’d had for years. He was in his sixties and didn’t have any family so he would talk at great length to anyone who would engage him in conversation. A lot of times when he wasn’t working he’d be hanging out over at the barber shop with his checkerboard and the same twelve jokes he’d been telling for years. She knew if Dad didn’t have anything else going on he’d stop in at the barber shop for a haircut and then he’d play a few games of checkers with the old man.

Dad preferred chess but checkers was old Mr. Proctor’s game and she suspected he just did it because the other man didn’t have anyone and he was lonely. It was why he was standing there discussing the weather when they had an entire list of things to pick up. She busied herself with reading the back of a cereal box while she waited for Dad to finish up and her ears perked up when the conversation shifted to a new topic.

“Heard you’ve been seein’ that pretty high school principal,” Mr. Proctor said. “She as smart as she is pretty?”

Ungh, there was no escaping it!

“Smarter,” Alex said with a smile.

“Hope she knows how to cook.” He snorted as he marked down the younger man’s order. “All the good looks and smarts in the world don’t amount to a hill of beans if she can’t make a decent meal.” He grinned widely and pointed at Alex as he leaned on the glass-covered meat case. “Bet that roast she picked up the other day was cooked for you, huh?” He nodded. “Yeah, had to be. She normally picks up fish or chicken, but very little red meat.”

Sam was reading the cereal box for the fourth time when Dad finally told old Mr. Proctor he needed to get going. It was when he said he didn’t know if he’d be stopping by the barber shop later that afternoon that things started to click.

“Don’t you worry ‘bout that, boy. It’ll do you good to get out and spend some time with folks your own age.” He winked as he straightened up again. “I’ll have your order ready by the time you’re finished with the rest of your shoppin’.”

Alex nodded and reached out to nudge his daughter. “C’mon, Sam, let’s get this list knocked out so we can have breakfast before we run the rest of our errands.”

“Okay, Dad.” She had only had a bowl of cereal before they had left the house, not interested in eating anything else that early. She watched him as they filled their cart, her mind going over the past.

They were getting into the car after loading the groceries in the trunk when Alex glanced at his daughter, wondering about the speculative expression on her face. “Somethin’ on your mind, sweetie?”

“Are you lonely, Dad?” she blurted out.


“Are you lonely? I was thinkin’ before about how you spend time over at the barber shop playin’ checkers with old Mr. Proctor ‘cause he’s lonely, but… it’s ‘cause you’re lonely too, isn’t it?” She nodded when his hand dropped from the keys dangling from the ignition. “Is it ‘cause of me?”

“No, it’s not because of you.”

“Would you an’ my mother have broken up if she hadn’t gotten pregnant with me?”

“Sam, hey, look at me,” he said gently as he reached out to cup her cheek. “That’s not even worth thinkin’ about. I would never trade that relationship or any other for you. You’re the most important person in my life.”

“But you could’ve been with someone and had kids – “

“Your old man isn’t all that old, Sam,” he said with a chuckle. “I don’t know if I’ll have more kids, but if I don’t it won’t be because I’m just too old. And before you start thinkin’ that havin’ you kept me from findin’ someone you can let that thought go.”

“But it would’ve been easier, right? People don’t want someone else’s kid.”

“Where are you getting your information from?” He shook his head when she just shrugged. “Honey, my not dating much was a choice I made. You’ve been my priority since the moment I knew you were comin’ and that’s never changed. It’s true that there’re some people who aren’t interested in raisin’ someone else’s kid and that’s fine; I’ve never wasted my time with them.”

“Then how come you’re still alone?”

“Because I’ve just never found anyone who interested me enough to pursue a relationship.”

“You’re kinda old-fashioned, Dad.”

“I know.” He grinned at her as he started the car. “Does that totally embarrass you?”

“Sometimes,” she admitted with a small smile. “But I love you anyway.” She slouched down in her seat and chewed on her thumbnail for a couple of minutes. “So you really like Principal Russell, huh?”

“Yeah, I do.”

She nodded. “So, when’re you guys gonna go out on a real date?”


“Well, you’ve seen each other what, three times now? A couple times at her place while you were hangin’ wallpaper and then last night when you guys were out with all of your friends. Not to mention that second time at her place you had me there.” She made a face. “Which was totally uncool, Dad.”

He made a face back at her. “Train hopping was totally uncool,” he countered. “So, me dating Isabel… Principal Russell, is that weird for you?”

“A little bit. I mean, she’s the principal and everyone’s gonna know that my dad’s the guy she’s dating. I can handle the teasing and if it gets to be too much I’ve got my boys for backup.”

Alex pressed gently on the brake and pointed when he noticed the kids sitting on a bench outside the donut shop. “Speakin’ of your boys…”

“Their stupid parents are fightin’ again,” she said, her tone tinged with annoyance. “I’ve gotta talk to them, Dad.”

Max must’ve finally talked to Liz, he thought as he pulled over and parked. He watched Sam as she jumped out of the car and ran over to them, hugging each of them before picking Kara up and squeezing onto the bench between them and asking what was wrong. The kids always suffered in these situations no matter how much the parents tried to protect them. He glanced at his watch as he got out and walked around the front of the car to stand in front of them.

“Makin’ a donut run?” he asked with a smile.

Justin shrugged. “Kinda just needed to get outta the house.”

“You kids had breakfast yet?”

“No, we were gonna just have donuts,” Nick said as he studied the frayed cuff of his jeans.

“Hmm, donuts, huh?” He crouched down and reached out to zip Kara’s jacket up. “I’ll bet a nice hot breakfast would be a lot better, huh?”

“Mommy an’ Daddy’s mad ‘gain,” Kara said, her lower lip trembling as a tear slipped over her cheek.

“Y’know what would make them feel a little better?” he asked as he gently wiped the tear away.

“A divorce,” Nick muttered, kicking a rock across the ground.

“Don’t say that, Nick!” Justin snapped, shoving him.

“Well, it’s true, isn’t it?” he shouted. “All they do anymore is fight. Maybe they’d be happier if they weren’t together anymore!”

“Okay, you guys need to calm down a little bit,” Alex said, holding Kara close when she slid down off of Sam’s lap and climbed up on his knee. “I know this’s rough on the three of you but you’ve gotta believe that things are gonna get better.”

“Why?” Nick mumbled. “Every time things start feelin’ normal it’s just a matter of days before they’re fightin’ again. I know Uncle Andrew died but how come Dad can’t get past it?”

“Maybe if Mom would quit harpin’ on him it’d – “

“No fighting!” Kara cried as she turned to hug Alex tightly.

“Kara’s right, you guys. Fighting between you isn’t gonna make things any better. Grief affects everyone differently, Nick, and there’s no magic number when it comes to how long it takes to start healing,” he said, looking at the boy before turning to his twin. “And Justin, your mom and dad are tryin’ to do their best but even parents slip every now and then. I know it’s not easy but you kids are just gonna have to continue bein’ patient with them.”

“Aunt Tess is functioning normally,” Nick muttered as he lifted his head to look at Sam’s dad.

“All I can tell you is it’s different for everyone.” Alex wished he could fix this for them. “Regardless of what happens you guys need to remember that your parents love you and what’s goin’ on between them has nothin’ to do with you. It’s somethin’ they’ve gotta work out and all you can do is let them. You guys understand?” He stood up when they nodded miserably. “Okay, I want the three of you to get in the car. Sam and I are takin’ you to our place for breakfast.” He handed Kara over to Nick and patted the boys on their shoulders. “Go on now, get in the car.”

“Thanks, Daddy,” Sam whispered, giving him a quick hug.

Alex took a deep breath while the kids were fighting over seating arrangements and pulled his phone out to make a quick call.


Isabel opened the front door on Saturday morning and smiled when she saw Maria standing on the porch. “Hi, you’re early.” She shook her head when she noticed the other woman’s hesitant expression and she motioned for her to enter. “That’s a good thing,” she assured her. “I’m used to dealing with Kyle and Michael and neither of them is ever on time for anything when they’re not on the clock.” She rolled her eyes. “Not to mention one of them managed to turn the TV on when I was in the other room and now I can’t get either of them motivated.”

Maria laughed quietly. Men and football, she thought. Separating the two was next to impossible. “Pre-season to the Super Bowl,” she mused, shaking her head. “Might as well expect to do everything yourself if there’s a pigskin anywhere on the TV.”

The taller woman snorted. “They’re about to get a rude awakening though,” she said, raising her voice to be heard over the televised game.

“Aww, Iz, it’s my birthday,” Kyle complained. “Besides, what’s the – NO!!!“

“Hell, yeah! That’s the kinda play that’ll take ‘em to the championship!” Michael shouted.

The two women exchanged a look when a scuffling sound could be heard followed by a loud thud and they hurried into the living room. Kyle frowned up at his best friend from his position on the floor. “Ya know, I’m not supposed to be takin’ all this abuse on my birthday.”

“How old are you again?” Michael asked, rolling his eyes when Kyle once more announced that it was his birthday.

“Michael, what’d you do to Kyle?” Isabel demanded as she rushed over to him. “For God’s sake, it’s his birthday!”

Kyle just smirked as she helped him to his feet and was nearly knocked over again when Michael realized that Maria was standing just inside the doorway. “We’ve just lost him to the Maria zone,” he whispered to Isabel.

“Just… sit down and watch the game. It’s downright Pavlovian,” she muttered when his eyes automatically zoned in on the television again. She just pushed him towards the couch and turned to walk over to Michael and Maria. Funny, she thought, their names just sounded so right linked together.

“Okay, the guys have been no help whatsoever since I got over here earlier so there’s still a lot to do. We can start – “

“I’ve got this, Iz,” Michael interrupted, pulling a crumpled-up sheet of paper out of his front pocket. “See, got the list right here.” He un-crumpled it and held it against his chest to smooth it out as he grinned at her. “We’ll get right to work on the list, have it done in a jiffy.”

“Did you seriously just use the word ‘jiffy’?” She shook her head at him and started mumbling as she made her way back to the kitchen.

“Don’t worry ‘bout her,” Michael said as he took Maria’s hand to pull her further into the room. “She’s got this thing about things bein’ perfect for parties… ya just kinda gotta let ‘er work it out of her system.”

“Uh-huh,” Maria said slowly, distracted by the feel of his skin against hers. “And does that ever happen?”

“Well, no, not really. I was kinda hopin’ her boyfriend would be comin’ by early to distract her from organizin’ things, but he’s not scheduled to be here until later on. She doesn’t want the cake here until the last minute.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

“Because the last time we celebrated my birthday the cake arrived early and Michael’s dog got into it and ate most of it.”

He shook his head. “She’s still a little bit pissed about it ‘cause Mojo kinda got sick after that.”

“Kinda got sick?” Isabel repeated in disbelief. “That animal threw up all over my Jimmy Choos, Michael!”

Maria winced. “Yeah, there’s no ‘kinda’ involved when you’re talking about a pair of Jimmy Choos,” she agreed.

“I’m aware of that now… $700? For one pair of shoes? That’d probably pay for my shoes for the rest of my life.”

“That’s because you suffer from a lack of fashion and style.”

“I suffer from good common sense,” he countered. “And, hey, you should be proud of Mojo. It’s the only bad thing he’s ever done.”

Maria relaxed as they bantered back and forth, eventually pulling Kyle into their playful argument… on a commercial of course.

“Hey, I’m with Michael on this one. Why would anyone in their right mind spend that much money on a pair of shoes?”

“You spent nearly $1000 for a sweat-stained hockey jersey just because some player autographed it,” she said.

“Yes, but it will increase in value,” he argued. “Your shoes cost almost that much and they’ll eventually be worn out and have to be replaced. My expenditure was an investment while yours was just thrown away.”

“What?” Michael teased when she stared at Kyle with her mouth opening and closing. “No argument for that one?” He turned to high-five the other man before Kyle made his escape back to the safety of the couch with a Texas-sized grin on his face. Isabel, on the other hand, looked like she was about to implode.

Maria could almost see the meltdown coming and she spoke up to hopefully draw the other woman’s attention away from an argument she wasn’t going to win. “So, Isabel… you had some decorations for us to hang?”

“What? Oh, yes, I’ll just grab them and be right back.”

She shook her head at Michael when he grinned unrepentantly at Isabel’s retreating back. “You guys are terrible.”

“Can you argue that he has a valid point? No.”

“Well, fashion is rarely logical,” she admitted slowly.

Michael groaned. “Don’t tell me you own a pair of them too?”

“I might have a pair… or three.” She smiled and gave him a little push before tugging the list out of his hand. “C’mon, let’s get to work. I only have about an hour and a half before I need to drive out to the airport. Oh, and my parents are bringing Andy over… all he knows is I have to run an errand.”

He nodded. “Okay.” He was pushed back another step when Isabel shoved a box into his arms. “So, we’re gonna get started on decorating now,” he said with a teasing grin. “Aww, c’mon, Iz, we’re sorry for pickin’ on your shoes, an’ Mojo promises to behave this year. No birthday cake for him… hey, you think that was a good time for him? Poor guy was sick all night after that.”

“I think you should go take care of the last four items on the list,” Maria said before he could dig himself any deeper.

“What?” Michael frowned, shifting to look over her shoulder at the piece of paper. “Those things are all out in the backyard.”

She laughed when Isabel high-fived her on her way out of the room. “Um-hmm, and if we’re gonna knock this list out, we should tackle it from both ends.”

“Well, yeah, but…”

“Bet you’re wishin’ you’d finished the backyard list earlier in the week when I came by and told you it wasn’t ready,” Isabel sang from the kitchen.

“Hey, you guys mind?” Kyle called without turning away from the television. “I can’t hear the game!”

“Go on,” Maria said, waving her hand at Michael. “As tempting as you are, we’re not gonna get this done with you in here and you know it.”

He grinned at her choice of words. “So I’m tempting, huh?” He nodded. “Okay, I’ll let it go for now. I’ll have that backyard finished in record time too.”

Maria laughed at him and set about following Isabel’s list to the letter. She had a feeling the other woman would have a fit if things weren’t done according to her wishes.


Max dropped down in the chair behind his desk, inhaling deeply as he leaned back and ran his hands over his face. He hadn’t been able to stomach the thought of breakfast and they weren’t supposed to be at the party until noon or a little after so he had left the house so he wouldn’t have to deal with the uncomfortable silence. He looked down when Lucky flopped on his right foot and he reached down to unsnap the leash from the dog’s collar. He hadn’t intended to walk all the way to the shop, but it was a nice morning for a walk and he had gotten so lost in his thoughts that he hadn’t paid much attention to where his feet were taking him.

Liz had made it clear from the beginning that she didn’t like him taking the business trips but he hadn’t realized until her outburst this morning that there were fears behind it. He had never intended to handle the trips himself for very long but he just hadn’t sorted things out enough or gotten to a place where he felt he could turn someone else loose with that end of the business. He had been honest about not enjoying the trips. He hated being taken away from his family to deal with business and he had always been perfectly happy that Andrew had been so willing to handle things on that end.

He leaned back in his chair, hands linked behind his head as he looked around the office. There wasn’t a loose paper in sight now that he had hired someone to manage things and he almost didn’t even recognize his own office. His gaze landed on the pictures that hung on one of the walls and his eyes locked on one of him and Andrew, knee-deep in a river and decked out in their fishing gear. They were both grinning ear to ear as they held up their catch of the day. He could still remember the last afternoon they had spent fishing and he sighed as he let his thoughts wander back to their conversation that night.

The boys had already bunked down for the night, worn out after a day of hiking and fishing. It had been exhausting but they had enjoyed it even more than their fathers had. Max had unrolled his sleeping bag and was stretched out on it, his upper back braced against a fallen tree as he stared up at the stars.

“Liz would love the sky out here,” he had said with a smile.

Andrew had laughed as he dug around in his pack and pulled his flask out. He had uncapped it and taken a drink before tossing it to his brother. “I knew you couldn’t go a single night without bringin’ the wife up.”

Max had grinned and taken a drink as he shrugged. “Not makin’ any apologies for it either.”

“No, you never do.” Andrew had sighed and rested his head against the boulder he was leaning back on. “How have you held onto it?” he asked without looking at his brother.

He paused as he screwed the cap back onto the flask. “What d’you mean?”

Andrew had glanced at the tent where the boys were sleeping and he had lowered his voice. “I think Maria and I have gotten to a place where we’ve outgrown each other.”

“What? No way, Drew. You guys are just goin’ through a low place right now, that’s all.”

“I don’t think so. I mean, yeah, we still care about each other and you know I’d trade my life for hers if it ever came to that, but…” he had shaken his head. “That fire’s gone, Max. Y’know, the way you look at each other and it’s like a fuckin’ lightenin’ bolt in your gut… it’s just… it’s just not there anymore. I mean, it’s not like we’re sleepin’ in separate rooms or anything, we’re still together like that and we’re good there, but…”

“So, what, you’re thinkin’ about callin’ it quits?” he had asked quietly.

“I don’t know, man. She wants us to go see a marriage counselor.”

“Maybe that’s a good thing,” Max had said. He knew how much Andrew would hate that idea, but if it could help save his marriage surely he’d be willing to try. “You gonna do it?”

He had shrugged. “If she really wants to do it I guess I’ll go. I just think we’re tryin’ to hold onto somethin’ that’s just not there anymore.”

“You think bein’ away from home so much is part of the reason?”

“It probably hasn’t helped,” he had admitted. “But, she knows how much I enjoy the job.” He had sighed as he uncapped the flask his brother had tossed back to him. “If we go ahead with the expansion further north it’s gonna require more travel.”

“Hell, Drew, you’re already away from home more often than not. We don’t really need to expand things. We’re doin’ great with things the way they are and the business has gotten bigger than we ever anticipated. We’re both set financially, our wives and kids are provided for, and business is good. Put the expansion plans on hold and focus on your family for a while… it might help things between you an’ Maria.”

“It’s not that simple, little brother. It’s not just me. Maria feels it too.” He had taken a drink from the flask. “We’re holdin’ it together for Andy, but,” he had shaken his head, “we’ve talked about a trial separation, Max. That’s how serious it is.”

“Whatcha doin’ here on a Saturday, boss?” Jamie asked as he poked his head into the office.

“Just out takin’ the dog for a walk and ended up here.”

“We were just about to open the shop. It’s Rick’s weekend to make a donut run. Want me to call him an’ tell him to bring an extra coffee?”

Max glanced at the clock. “No, but thanks, Jamie. I’ve gotta be headin’ home here pretty soon.”

“Alright, well, if ya change your mind, lemme know.” He waved as he headed back out to the garage.

Max sighed and leaned back again as Lucky sat up and rested his head on his thigh. How was he going to fix things with Liz? he wondered as he scratched behind the dog’s ears. He didn’t want things between them to ever reach a point where separating seemed to be their only option. He never wanted a separation to be an option at all. “Guess the first thing we’d better do is not be late for that party,” he said finally. He hooked the leash to the dog’s collar and stood up once again. “C’mon, you old rascal, we’d better get goin’.”

Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Double Trouble
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 925
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:47 am

Part 60

Post by Double Trouble »

Earth2Mama: Tess is pretty proud of that one. LOL, well, looks like snippy and snarky have taken a vacation.

Yup, Sam has definitely had a great example to follow. No way they were leaving the Evans’ kids all by themselves.

Nope, Isabel doesn’t see Sam as something to be tolerated to have a relationship with Alex. We think we’re gonna see some interesting developments on these fronts soon.

Don’t worry… Max doesn’t even want to think of the word separation. And just a heads up, we’re gonna be seeing a change there coming very soon.

Natalie36: Thanks! They certainly are, lol. Sam’s realized that Dad needs someone in her life besides her and she wants him to be happy. Max and Liz, they’re gonna work it out. Look for something to change with them soon.

keepsmiling7: Thanks! :) Christmas was great!

Think Alex should take the two of them aside and have some words with them?

Max doesn’t want to lose Liz (or their children) over their problems. He just has to get to a place where he can finally deal with what happened and how it’d affected him, and by extension, his family.

begonia9508: We agree, and Max and Liz aren’t letting their marriage go. They’re going through a very rough patch, but neither of them are going to just walk away.

Maria definitely wanted Andrew to agree to see a marriage counselor… whether or not he would’ve gone through with it, we’ll never know.

Alien_Friend: Glad ya enjoyed it!

It’s definitely a big realization for Sam, but one that thankfully she hasn’t been too resistant to.

Alex is a sweetheart. It’s easy to see where Sam gets it from. :)

Yup, we think you’re right about that.

Max definitely doesn’t want to lose his wife or kids over this or anything else. Look for a change to come soon for them.

killjoy: Well, that’s true. And of course, neither of them is exclusively at fault, they both bear some of that blame.

Alex is protective and while part of him wishes Sam could never grow up, he knows reality won’t allow for that option. But, he’s not perfect either and he’ll make mistakes from time to time. But we’re pretty sure he’s not the type of guy who’s gonna be too overprotective and push her into doing something bad.

Glad ya enjoyed K/T.

Um, we mentioned your request and Kyle nearly came unglued. But ya just never know what might happen on a birthday. ;)

Eva: Thanks!

Yep, we think so too, lol.

Absolutely, and Sam’s at a place where she’s really seeing that her dad needs someone besides her in his life.

She’s definitely had a good example to follow as she’s grown up. Keep an eye out for a change for Max and Liz… we promise, it’s coming soon.

mary mary: We all find ways to get into trouble of some sort, lol.

sarammlover: We do too! Well, if they get much hotter the screens on our computers are gonna start melting. Max and Liz… will be pulling their shit together soon. Hold onto that hope ‘cause they’re gonna get there. And it’ll be soon.

Part 60

Andy slouched down in one of the chairs at one end of the back deck, arms crossed over his chest and a sullen expression on his face. They had been at the party for a couple of hours when Mom had told him that she needed to run out for something and she’d be back soon. That had been more than an hour ago. In all fairness, he knew whatever it was she had expected to do it earlier but she had gotten a phone call postponing the errand. He didn’t even bother looking up when Sam came over to drop down in the chair to his right.

“What’s up, Andy?”

“Nothin’,” he muttered.

“Your mom’s not back yet?”

“Do you see her?”

Sam shoved him when he snapped at her. “I didn’t come over here so you could take your mood out on me. I’m sure whatever your mom had to leave for was important.”

“So important it had to be done today?” He snorted at that and slouched down a little further. He was feeling left out and it was his birthday!

“Ya know, I’m not gonna sit over here an’ fight with you about this. Today isn’t just your birthday, it’s your uncle’s birthday too, and you’re actin’ like a spoiled brat.” She got up and looked down at him. “Come find me when you decide to act your age, Andy.”

Michael didn’t bother hiding his smirk when he overheard Sam’s parting words and he ambled over to drop down in the chair she’d vacated. “That one doesn’t mince words, does she?”

“Neither do you,” Andy told him.

“You’re actin’ like your mom ran out on you or somethin’, Andy. I’m sure it was important for her to set up an errand on your birthday.”

The boy almost snorted. What could be that important? It wasn’t like she could bring Dad back, so why the hell would she take off during his birthday?

“Ya know, you’re sittin’ over here sulking and putting on the ‘poor little me’ act for no reason. You know your mom better than to think she’d just leave you by yourself. What d’you think she did? Brought you over here and dumped you off with the rest of us so she wouldn’t have to deal with you today?”

“No,” he muttered and looked down at his hands in his lap.

“Then why don’t you get out there and horse around with the rest of the kids?” He grinned. “Rumor has it that the twins have been hangin’ out over by the water hose ‘cause they’re stockpiling water balloons and getting ready for a battle.”

“I’m sure all the adults here will be happy about that.”

Michael snorted. “I’m about to let you in on a very advantageous secret, kid.” He covertly motioned to Isabel where she was sitting on the railing talking to Sam’s dad. “In college, Isabel had a very deadly and accurate arm... and she has her own stockpile.”


He nudged the teenager with his elbow. “Where d’you think they got the water balloons? Isabel’s just waiting for the right time to launch the attack on Kyle... although, it’s your birthday too, so I’ll warn you right now, you’re gonna be fair game.” He chuckled. “You only know her as Principal Russell, but believe me she’ll turn into a big kid at parties with her friends.”

Andy made a face. “Are you tellin’ me we can throw water balloons at our principal today without consequences?”

“Kid, everyone’s fair game today. We’re not at school, we’re just hangin’ out and havin’ a good time.” He grinned when he caught the speculative glance Andy shot between Sam and Isabel.

“It’s still weird to have a party with your principal.”

Michael grinned and shrugged. “Hey, once you peg her with that first water balloon you’ll realize that she’s human like the rest of us mere mortals.”

Andy glanced up when Kara ran across the garden, announcing the arrival of her parents. He straightened up. The last thing he wanted was a hug from his uncle.

Michael leaned back in his chair and watched as the couple was greeted by their daughter, shaking his head slightly when he saw the way the twins hung back.

Kara latched onto her daddy’s hand and pulled him across the yard and up onto the porch, pushing him to sit on the top step and then motioning for him to wait for her.

Michael tried not to laugh when she crouched down to coax Mojo out from under the table he had been hiding under. It took several minutes but she finally convinced the big dog to come out so she could introduce him to Daddy.

“You dog’s lazy,” Andy told him. “And fat.”

“I’ll give you lazy,” he agreed. “But that dog is solid muscle.” He snorted. “Fat... whatever.”

Andy smiled when his aunt came up to them with a present in her hand. She looked tired and... kinda weird.

“Happy birthday, Andy,” Liz said and waited for the boy to get up so she could hug him.

“You didn’t have to get me anything, Aunt Liz,” he mumbled as he hugged her with one arm while shaking the present with his other hand.

She laughed slightly. “Don’t be ridiculous, Andy. Birthday boys get presents no matter how old they are.”

He snorted. “Guess that means Uncle Kyle got somethin’ too, huh? ‘Cause he’s like... ancient now.”

“I heard that,” Kyle informed him.

“Jeez, if you’re ancient, what does that make me?” Jim asked as he joined them.

Amy laughed. “We’d better not ask, darling.”

Kyle slowly eased Liz away from the group to give them some privacy. “Hey, everything okay? You guys look pretty stressed out.”

“It was just a stressful morning. Don’t worry.” She waved him off. Today was not the time to go over her problems again.

“Okay.” He let it go and grinned boyishly. “So, I know ya brought me a present... you can give it to me now. If Isabel sees it she won’t let me open it until later... you don’t wanna be like everyone else and have your gift sitting on the present table, do you?”

She chuckled. “Max has your present.”

“Max, huh?” He leaned to the side and frowned when Isabel caught him and hurried over to confiscate the gift and add it to the pile on the table she had designated for presents. “Damn it.”

“Sorry,” Liz placed a hand on Kyle’s shoulder sympathetically.

“I just knew she was gonna get there first,” he growled. He grinned when he saw the twins nudging each other, neither of them prepared to fire the first water balloon at the principal. “Oh, gotta go, Liz... word of advice? Get ready to duck.”

“Huh?” She looked at him, puzzled.

“The battle’s about to begin,” he whispered as he backed away. He jumped down off of the back deck and grabbed one of the water balloons from Nick and pulled his arm back, aiming for Isabel’s back and letting it fly.

Isabel stopped in her tracks, pretending to be shocked. She turned around slowly, but instead of the expected yelling, she fired one back directly at Kyle.

Michael ducked past the next water balloon that one of the boys threw and snatched up one from Isabel’s stash, hitting Kyle with perfect accuracy.

He laughed out loud when Kyle was hit from several directions at once and while trying to dodge the multiple hits, Kyle tossed his own balloon up in the air and as gravity dictated it came right back down... and landed on his head.

Tess snorted loudly and then started to giggle uncontrollably. “Nice move, baby.”

Before he could answer the next wave of water missiles came his way.

Max laughed at the look on Kyle’s face when he realized everyone had ganged up on him. He looked down when Kara tugged on his wrist. “We gotta help Untel Tyle, Daddy.”

“Yeah, I think he could use some, huh?”

She nodded seriously and then broke out into a smile when Daddy retrieved several water balloons and handed her two as he hefted her up onto his shoulders and they charged out to give Kyle a hand.

Nick nudged Justin when he saw Andy hiding on the porch. “He looks too dry for my taste.”

“Oh, hell yeah,” Justin agreed. “It looks like Uncle Kyle’s covered... there’s another birthday target and it’s up to us to take him out.”

“Alright, I’ll go left, you take the right.”

“Gotcha.” They advanced on their target, knowing he was too busy watching the attack on Uncle Kyle that he would never see them coming.

As soon as they were in range they pelted him with several water balloons each, soaking him in seconds.

“What the – ?!” Andy turned around in circles.

“I think you might need to arm yourself,” Liz said, laughing as she motioned to the bucket full of water balloons sitting next to a large potted plant by the steps.

“Right,” he went to get some balloons, using his shoulder to wipe off the water running over his face.

She had thought she was safe hanging back in the open doorway but a well-aimed water balloon hit her chest, making her grateful she had chosen a dark top. She looked up to find the culprit and shook her head when she realized it was Alex who had taken the shot.

“Sorry,” he said with a grin. “Believe it or not, I was aiming lower.”

“Uh-huh,” she said and made a quick move to grab a balloon, throwing it right at him. He ducked at the last second though and the balloon hit the person right behind him... her husband.

Max shook his head, momentarily stunned as he reached up to wipe away the water clinging to his goatee. He was tired of the arguing and the fighting and he just wanted to let it go. “Think Mommy wants to play, baby girl. Whatcha say?”

“I’m gonna help Mommy,” Kara shouted and ran towards her mother.

“Traitor,” he muttered under his breath, his tone affectionate. He was reaching for another balloon when someone hit him from behind and Sam laughed as she ran past him to join the other girls.

“Girls rule and boys drool, Mr. Evans!”

“That was the wrong thing to say,” Andy said as he came up behind her from out of nowhere.

“Watch it, birthday boy,” Shayna called as she threw a balloon at him, distracting him long enough for Sam to get away.

“Looks like you’re on the wrong side of the fight, bud,” Kyle called. He made a face at Shayna to get her attention while Jack fired off two shots at her.

“Get outta the girls’ territory, kid!” Jack yelled.

Andy reacted quickly and ran across the yard to join Kyle and Jack. “Whew, thanks.”

“Anytime, kid.” Jack grinned. “Better arm yourself. I know that woman of mine... she’ll be settin’ up an attack before you know it.”

Tess glanced at Shayna and motioned to the bucket. “I think I’m the only one out here who hasn’t been hit yet. Gimme a couple of those ‘cause I know it’s only a matter of time before Kyle realizes it and comes after me.”


Maria opened the gate to Michael’s backyard slowly, frowning at the yelling and shouting coming from the back of the house. “What’s goin’ on?”

“Looks like they’re havin’ fun,” her companion said, amused when he saw everyone running around, dripping wet and armed with water balloons.

“I wonder if this was Kyle’s idea. He’s such a big kid,” Maria shook his head. “Ungh, I’m not looking forward to getting wet.”

Andy’s right arm was raised, ready to fire off another shot when he caught sight of his mother. His eyes widened when he saw who was with her but before he could get a word out someone hit him in the back of the head with a water balloon. He turned to look at Sam’s dad, frowning when the man shrugged.

He shook it off, turning to throw his own balloon at Sam’s dad before running over to the guy who was standing next to Mom. “Scrappy, what’re you doin’ here, man?”

Michael paused, taking fire from two sides before he held his hands up for a timeout. He watched Andy run across the yard to greet his friend. Scrappy was a tall kid, his lanky frame starting to fill out, and his blue eyes laughing behind his glasses as he took in his best friend’s soaked state.

“Your mom just picked me up from the airport,” he said, and gave his friend a one-armed hug. “I was s’posed to be here earlier but the flight was delayed.”

“That’s freakin’ awesome! Dude, you just missed a hellacious water balloon fight. We totally beat the girls, man.” He looked over at Mom and felt bad for thinking she’d deserted him on his birthday. “Thanks, Mom,” he said as he hugged her.

She smiled. “Happy birthday, Andy.”

He grabbed Scrappy’s arm. “C’mon, man, lemme introduce you to everyone.”

Scrappy grinned at the girl leaning out over the railing and he raised a hand to wave. “That must be the girl you’ve been goin’ on about.” He nodded in approval. “She’s cute.”

“Don’t tell her that,” Andy hissed.

“Don’t tell her she’s cute?”

“No, that I told you about her,” Andy rolled his eyes. “Or she’ll totally give me shit about it later.”

“Really?” he asked, drawing the word out. He shoved his friend when he saw the look on Andy’s face. “Man, I’m not gonna bust ya like that.”

“Sam this’s my best friend from Florida,” Andy introduced them when they finally reached her. “Scrappy, this’s Sam.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Scrappy said with a big grin. He could practically hear Andy behind him trying not to swallow his tongue. “Yeah, Mrs. Evans had some nice things to say ‘bout ya.”

“Really?” Sam said with a grin. “Andy told me a bit about you too, so it’s nice to meet you.”

“Cool. Looks like I missed out on some fun.”

“Hey, Scrappy,” the twins approached them.

“Hey, how’s it goin’, guys?”

Sam rolled her eyes when the four of them started shoving each other.

“Don’t wait for that to change,” Isabel said with a wink.

“Guys,” Sam complained with another roll of her eyes.

“It’s one of those things they never outgrow,” Shayna said as she joined them, wringing the ends of her shirt out.

“Nice surprise,” Michael said as she came up next to Maria.

She watched her son. He was smiling and just enjoying being with his friends and family. “He’s happy,” she said with a smile of her own.

“He’s definitely in a much better place than he was a while back.”

She nodded and gnawed on one side of her bottom lip. How much would that change when she told him about Michael? she wondered. About her and Michael. She sighed as she considered the many ways Andy might misconstrue her actions.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah. I’m just looking at things from Andy’s point of view and worrying that when I tell him about us he’ll see things like this as...” she shook her head.

Michael swallowed. “Hey, let’s not worry about that today, okay?”

“I’m trying not to... it’s just not easy. Guess that means you’d better distract me, huh?” Her lips turned up in a teasing grin.

He smiled at her. “I’d love to.”

She reached up and pressed one finger against his chest. “No sneaking off someplace quiet though.” But God help her, she wanted to!

“Don’t put those thoughts in my head,” he warned her.

“Like they’re not already there,” she said with a smirk.

“Know me so well, huh?”

“Working on it.”

He took a deep breath and shook his head. “You know you’re killin’ me.”

She just chuckled and shook her head. “Then we’d better join the party before you fall over at my feet. That just wouldn’t look right.”

He snorted as they started to walk over to the others. Damn, it got harder and harder to keep his hands away from her with every day that passed.

Kyle was grinning at something Max had just said as he sat on the steps drying Kara off with a borrowed towel when they joined the others. “Hey, the kid looks happy,” he said, giving Maria a hug.

“Yeah, thanks to Scrappy.”

Tess snorted. “Whose idea was it to fly him out here?”

“Not the point,” she told her sister-in-law.

“Who’s him?” Kara asked, pointing at the newcomer.

“He’s a friend of Andy’s, sweetie,” Liz said.

“Huh-uh, I never seened him.” She frowned and leaned back against Daddy’s chest to look up at him. “Have I, Daddy?”

“You’ve seen him once or twice, but you probably just don’t remember.”

“’Kay,” she said agreeably.

“So, do we have to prepare any food or anything?” Maria wanted to know.

“Nah, we’re just grillin’ and that’s one thing Iz will leave to me,” Michael answered.

“Uh-huh,” she grinned. “And we’ll just be eating meat and... nothing else?”

“Couldn’t get that lucky, no. Iz made sure there’s salad and some weird dips... then there’s chips and stuff.”

“Shut up,” Isabel said. “You can’t just serve meat.”

“Well, you can,” Kyle said, shaking his head. “You just won’t.”

“That would be pretty unhealthy,” Liz said. “You guys would know if you had kids.”

“The voice of wisdom speaks,” Maria said, high-fiving her sister-in-law.

“Ouch,” Michael said.

“Okay, but it’s my birthday... and I don’t want any salad,” Kyle muttered.

“Then don’t eat it,” Tess said, smacking the back of his head.

“Are you kiddin’? Then I’d have to listen to Iz goin’ on about how she slaved over the cutting board to make this salad just for my birthday.”

Isabel shot a look at him before glancing at Alex. “I’m not as bad as he’s making it sound.”

“Yeah, you are,” Michael said and lifted his hands when she glared at him. “Hey, he deserves to know the truth.”

Alex chuckled. “Looks like you’re used to arguing with them about eating their vegetables... you’re gonna be disappointed in me then ‘cause I always eat my veggies.”

“Just because ya know I wouldn’t eat them if you didn’t,” Sam said as the kids approached the adults.

“Quite possibly true, but it works, doesn’t it?” he asked as he collared her and pulled her up against his side.

Max laughed. “Michael and Kyle will learn to eat their veggies when they have kids of their own.”

Kyle shrugged one shoulder agreeably. “Okay, can’t argue that point. I suppose ya gotta do what ya gotta do.”

Maria glanced at Michael. It was obvious that he wanted kids. She could see it in his face.

“We’ll see if he has that same attitude when he’s forced to eat ‘something good for him’ when the kids are all stuck with somethin’ they don’t wanna eat and he’s gotta show ‘em how good it is,” Max said as he watched his daughter trying to coax Mojo out from under his table again.

Liz groaned. “That can really be painful.”

Max hooked his thumb over his shoulder to indicate his wife. “They all say that but they’re the ones tellin’ the kids, ‘now watch Daddy... see how much he likes it?’”

“I like that,” Tess decided.

“Most women do.” He rolled his eyes at his sister. “I suppose you won’t be any different.”

“Uh-huh, but who’s the one who gets all the complaining when the kids are sick?”

“Max actually gets a pass on that one,” Liz said with a soft smile. “He’s always been right there to pitch in especially when the kids are sick.”

Alex held his hands up. “Don’t look at me. Single father... when she complains I get all of it.”

“Don’t even open your mouth, Jack.” Shayna poked him in the ribs. “Crime scenes he doesn’t blink an eye but just put him around someone sick and the next thing you know he’s MIA.”

“I guess I’ll get started with the grill,” Michael said, not knowing what to say. He hadn’t had an opportunity to really talk about his family or anything very personal with Maria and he didn’t want to start in a group setting.

Isabel watched him, seeing the look on his face and after a minute she followed him inside. “So, Michael...” she leaned against one of the counters and watched him pulling the marinating steaks out of the refrigerator.

“So, Isabel....”

“You didn’t say anything outside to add to that conversation.” She started uncovering the steaks while he went after the hamburgers and hot dogs. “You haven’t told her about Chris yet?”

“What’s Chris got to do with anything?”

She snorted at that. “Michael, Chris has been a big part of your life... still is. I just kinda thought you might’ve brought that up on your own.”

“Haven’t had the chance yet.”

“Um-hmm, well, I suppose that makes sense. It’s not exactly a short story.”

He sighed. “Yeah.”

She reached out to touch his arm. “Hey, if she’s not already at least a little bit in love with you she will be after you tell her about the situation. I can’t believe Kyle’s never mentioned Chris.”

He shrugged. It’s probably never come up before and it’s my place to tell her anyway.” He sighed. “It’s not really my background story that worries me though, ya know?”

“You’re worried about Andy?”

He ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, the whole mess just...”

“I hope everything works out, Michael.”

He looked at her and nodded dumbly. He hoped so too, but what if Andy told Maria that he wasn’t okay with it?

“Give it time, Michael. I wasn’t so sure allowing him into school was the right decision, but you were right about him. It might take him some time to adjust to the idea, but he might just surprise you.”

Michael braced his hands on the counter while he stared out the window. “I know I can’t be selfish, but I’m just so tired of waiting.”

“I know.” And she could see just how much it took for him to admit that. “Just be patient a little longer, Michael. Do you know when she’s gonna talk to him?”

“Soon I think.”

She nodded. “Just try to stay positive, Michael.”

“Hey, what’s the hold up on the food?” Kyle asked as he stuck his head inside. “The grill’s gonna start getting cold if you – “

“Did you touch my grill?” Michael growled.

Isabel rolled her eyes and ducked back out onto the deck, not the least bit interested in hearing the lecture that was coming. What was it about men and their barbeque grills? She had a feeling she was never going to understand that one.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas