The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 75 - Completed: 04/25/2021

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The Story of My Life - Chapter 21 - 12/16/2020

Post by Parker1947 »

“Who are you people?” Zack was muttering the next day as he sat in a booth at the Crashdown as he tried to come to terms with the newest discovery. Michael had not wanted to answer his many questions and then he was called into work on a case he could not put off, and so they had separated, and he had gone back to his motel room and stared space, and now he was coming out on the daylight and facing what he had seen. Aliens, planets, glowing powers. It did not make sense and yet he now knew who he was.

And how he had always been different. His abilities had gradually snuck up on him and made him defensive, and his parents had been helpless to help because they did not know what had been left off the adoption papers, and medical history forms of the birth family. And so, it was better for all three of them when he had scrapped school and left home and started his road trip. Because he felt sane when he was on his own.

He did not know why.

And now he was looking at someone in this little group that he had not wanted to be part of but was now, and she was only looking like he was some giant amusement to ponder. “It’s really a little cult, isn’t it?” he asked of his partner for lunch in Amelia Guerin.

“Some say a cult classic,” Amelia allowed as she had come to pick up some lunch to take over to Olivia’s because her friend had been in self isolation since she was released from the hospital. Liz wanted her daughter to take it easy, and not to stress herself out. So, she had not been allowed visitors until today, and Amelia was going to take advantage of the relenting of visitors and go visit. Since Alex is staying away Amelia mused. My idiot brother…

She figured her Aunt Liz would be at work trying to catch up on what she had missed these last days. But it did not stop her from stopping into the Crashdown for a bite to eat and she had literally run into Zack who was staring into the space I know the feeling she had told herself. Instead, they joined each other for hamburgers and now Amelia was across from Zack who was still blown away by his recent discoveries. Amelia just laughed and thought it was funny, because it is not like she had not known who she was since practically birth. Growing up in the family like she had, along with her brother and Olivia. The three musketeers, well, they had learned a lot, together. Grown up to embrace a lot.

And she could not forget how her best friend and brother’s lives were now in the process of changing. She could see that Alex was trying to avoid everything and spending most of his time with friends or stuck in his room.

She on the other hand was different from her twin and was doing her own thing.

“You think this is funny?” Zack muttered.

“A hoot,” Amelia sighed. “But I know it is profoundly serious for you, and you are right to treat it seriously. You are looking at us with different eyes. I have lived it. Olivia has too, but because of how she’s led her life, well, it hasn’t stopped her from asking questions.”

“You’re like your, what, aunt?” Zack muttered.

“Aunt Isabel is not my blood aunt, but family” Amelia’s conceded. “She and Dad are like brother and sister, despite the gods from their planets wanting something different for them” which is one of the stories elements that she and her brother did know about her family’s true origins. “They see each other as family, and only like that...”

“And it doesn’t bother you?” Zack asked.

“No because why should it?” Amelia asked. “It is all part of my life and it’s all I have known, so I might as just embrace and try to make the best of it.”

“You are lunatics,” Zack muttered.

“Some would say that yes,” Amelia allowed. “And to most if they knew half of the things that I can do would say we should not exist or go back to where we came… Me, I am an American. Born and bred.”

“But your mother…” Zack asked.

“Is completely herself, American too” Amelia allowed as she glanced around to make sure they were not heard and was relieved to know they were not because they were during a lull in restaurant business, and there was not a soul near them at present time. “Yes, you’re right about it. It comes straight down my father’s side. Unlike Olivia, I do not have two parents who have been inflicted by this”

“What?” Zack asked. “Everything I read said her mother is like your mother” he asked as she knew enough about Amelia’s coded conversation to think they had to be on the down low with their talk.

“She is,” Amelia sighed. “Which makes it strange that your birth mother tried to con them into thinking you were something completely different because Olivia’s mother is one of us, and yet she isn’t at the same time, all because of her husband saving her life…”

“He nearly killed her…” Zack muttered.

“That was later, I am taking about when they met” Amelia smiled. “She would have been dead without him, which is why I never believed what they said about them, or that your father is some dangerous creaton. Because if he was dangerous, why save her life?”

“One thing is not like the other,” Zack offered.

“Everything is about the fact that he saved her life,” Amelia muttered. “None of us would have existed, and my parents would be poorer for not having found each other. Olivia certainly would trade it for a saner life, but still her mother would have been dead at sixteen if it weren’t for her father, and her father would be someone different” she asked. “If he hadn’t been able to love her mother.”

“Maybe he wouldn’t have been in jail?” Zack allowed.

“If he hadn’t been able to save her, for whatever reason” Amelia allowed. “Some could say Olivia’s father might not be a person we would want to know. Yet he loved one person even more than they say his family, and that was Liz. If he had not that chance to love her, who knows what might have happened?”

Zack could only shake his head as if he could not believe what Amelia was telling him, as he sighed. “You seem to be their biggest cheerleader. I do not even think Olivia is like you…” Zack commented. “And they are her parents?”

“Look I know they are not some fairy tale where the Princess meets Prince Charming from another planet and they live happily ever happy, with mini princesses or princes” Amelia asked. “Because that is not then, because while they had their grips on a happy ending, well, it ended very different for them” she muttered. “I am not advocating for them, because I wasn’t there to see them, but my parents were, and they know how it was, and I believe them”

“You are very bizarre,” Zack asked. “How can you like this life you lead?”

“Hey, don’t trash it unless you know it,” Amelia smiled as she took a fry. “You will find that it’s an addicting life, and it’s a life you would not trade for anything.”

“I think I’ll pass on that addiction,” Zack sighed as he mused on the idea of being different. Sure, he knew he was, but it did not mean he liked having to acknowledge it to anyone in the outside world when he knew being different in the world was no easy feat. “Being different in this age is not something to wish on anyone, whether they are gifted or not.”

“Yeah,” Amelia sighed because he did speak the truth. “You’re probably right about that but you also find yourself drawn to your abilities,” Amelia promised. “We are who we are. I personally wouldn’t want any other kind of life and it is kind of a shame that you had to live your kind of life, from the outside.”

“I had a pretty good life,” Zack muttered as if finding out more about his origins was making him accept that his childhood and growing up was not half bad given the alternative of having to live with a hidden side to yourself….

“Then why are you here in Roswell if you don’t care to know what is on the better side of life?” Amelia asked, as Zack could only shake his head because he did not know why he was still here because he had been tempted to run the day before after his little run in with Michael and Amelia’s twin brother. And yet he stayed.

He did not know why he did

“To be honest, I don’t know why I am still here,” Zack muttered as he saw Amelia slyly put her hand over hamburger and started to heat it “Whoa.”

“Don’t make waves okay,” Amelia laughed as she finished up the final touches to her burger and fries. “It’s just I like my burger a little warmer and since it’s been sitting while we talked” she said finishing and slaughtering her fries with ketchup and tabasco. “You can’t tell me you don’t use your abilities to your own advantage…”

“What are you talking about?” Zack asked.

“I think you know,” Amelia sighed as she took a fry as she could not help but burst out laughing at Zack’s obvious confusion. “Delicious.”

“I can’t believe you put that stuff on with the ketchup?” Zack asked.

“It’s a family trait,” Amelia simply said. “We all like, or those who are naturally gifted like my brother, Olivia and I like our food on the spicy or sweet side,” she sighed. “You should try it…” as she offered the bottle to Zack to try it, but he declined.

“I’ll stick to ketchup and mustard,” Zack muttered.

“To each their own,” Amelia laughed. “Look I know this is all new to you and I am the old veteran in all this, and I am not trying to convince you of anything. Because we all need to figure it out on our own. I am just saying how I see things.”

“I am not like you,” Zack said a little defensive. “I am not like any of you…”

“We both know you are,” Amelia sighed. “That is fine if you want to deny it a little longer because you came to this town for a reason Zack. You knew where you birth father was, and you would not find him having the life you were denied. Because obviously you had a good life with your parents. You want to find that missing part of you, and to come to terms with it, and make peace with that and I hope you do, because you should know who you are…” she asked. “You will also find that you are not alone if you do accept what and who you are, and let us help you…”

“I don’t think Olivia, or her mother want me anywhere near here...” Zack asked. “Maybe I should just head on out of this weird little town?”


Speaking of Olivia. She was bored out of her mind. Forced to stay at home by her mother and honoring that request had given her too much time on her hand, and her mind was restless and rebelling from the decisions she had to make. With her mother at the office for the day trying to clean up the mess she had been ignoring or passing to the other doctors for the last few days, Olivia was solo at home.

And due to her recent quest for more alone time, and taking a break from Alex, that meant she could not call him to come over for some spirited recreational time alone in her bedroom. Plus, the doctors had told her to take it easy, and stay home from school for at least week, and not to worry about anything more than she did not need to deal with it.

She had not taken that well, and she had battled with her mother, and finally Liz relented that if she were feeling stronger Tuesday, she could go back to school, but until then, she had to stay home, and relax.

And not to go anywhere, and therefore she was hoping to get a visit from Amelia, but Amelia ended up texting that she had run into a delay, and she would come over after lunch. Olivia wondered what that delay was. With her boyfriend in Europe for the semester, Amelia had a lot of free time.

She did not want to think about the choices she had to make. Mom had been a saint during this Olivia told herself once again as she sat herself down in front of her laptop, and tried to think about homework, but that did not appeal to her either, or she did not have all of it anyways because Amelia was supposed to bring it with her when she did visit.

Alex was not coming, so she was alone with her thoughts as she found herself on the internet, and doing some searching, and found herself checking up on the past that related to the man she did not know, her father

She entered Max Evans into the search engine, and of course she hit on the greatest hits of the nightmare that landed him in prison for what he confessed to and what he was convicted of in relation to her own mother, and her recent discovery had led to her have a lot of doubts about the man, she clearly did not know.

She thought of what her mother had been telling her about her parent’s past. It still did not gel, and it’s not like she could double check if her own mother was telling her the truth because too much of it was mysterious, and behind closed doors, and the media wouldn’t know about some of what they were supposed to have done that had given their small group nightmares.

So, Olivia found herself following up on what she had already known, and none of the media accounts were shy about what her father was accused of, and what he had confessed to, and what he had ultimately been convicted of, as she prayed, she would find just one account that would tell her that her mother was in love with someone who was like everyone was telling her, that he was…

Loving, passionate, and yes, kind and not a monster.

Simply perfect Olivia muttered to herself because she had not gotten her wish, and she had not found anything to tell her to believe her family, and to believe her mother. Suddenly though she found herself finding stories she had not hit on earlier when she had done a similar search, and she leaned for a closer look and she found her father…

Linked to an armed robbery in Salinas, Utah. Maybe it is another Max Evans she pleaded with herself, but then she did a double take when she read the name of his alleged partner in the crime, Elizabeth Parker of Roswell, New Mexico. And the fact the duo was from Roswell, New Mexico

Shit she cursed to herself.


Dated: October 9, 2001 - “Oh god,” she whispered as she read the story and found herself staring in horror as her mother was implicated with her father in an armed robbery, months before their wedding. It said charges were later dropped against Max Evans at the bail hearing because there was no direct proof although he was ordered not to return to the state until after he was 21. But charges against his girlfriend Elizabeth Parker could move forward after her description, as her voice matched what was in the witness statement of the store attendant. She is also said to have held the gun during the commission of the robbery of the convince store, although no gun was found with either arrestee at the time of the arrest. Nothing is said to be taken during the robbery which does confuse both sets of parents, and police who cannot answer the why?

UPDATED: Charges against Elizabeth Parker have been dropped, and both teenagers are returning to their hometown of Roswell, New Mexico, but were told not to come back until they are 21.

“Holy crap,” Olivia muttered. “Mom”

“Yes,” she heard and twisted and saw her mother, as Liz looked solemnly at her daughter as she got a clear glimpse of what her daughter was reading. “You shouldn’t have read that…”

“But I did,” Olivia asked as she looked at the time and it was earlier than when she was expecting her home “What are you doing at home?”

“I finished the paperwork and had no patients this afternoon” Liz allowed. “Seems they kept better track of things in my absence than I thought, so what is this because I called out when I got home, but you seem to be engrossed in what you were reading.”

“Is it true, did you and Dad rob a convenience store?” Olivia asked. “Did you?”

“It’s not what it reads to be,” Liz sighed of a yet another black mark on her track record, and on Max’s even though remarkably not a lot of the media caught up on this little escapade when everything erupted months later, but some day, and that is why obviously her daughter would have had to go searching to hit paydirt. “I told you my hands weren’t clean. Neither was your fathers…”

“Seriously it’s true, did you rob a convenience store?”

“Yes,” Liz admitted.

“Holy Shit” Olivia muttered.

“Language please,” Liz muttered as she sat down on her daughter’s bed. “Technically there was no robbery,” she sighed. “We didn’t take anything, and the one thing we were after was something we couldn’t have gotten out then, and we had to wait…” she sighed. “We didn’t take anything,” she clarified once again. “Okay, maybe a bag or two of chips, but it wasn’t a robbery in the truest sense of the word” she murmured as she grasped onto the finer distinctions of the definition of her crime.

“You used a gun?” Olivia asked.

“Yes,” Liz muttered as she was forced to agree with that sentiment. Not my finest moment I grant you

“What happened to it?” Olivia asked.

“It was kindly disposed of,” was all Liz muttered as she reflected to a time that she was not at all pleased with her behaviour despite the intense passion it stirred up for her, as she was Bonnie to Max’s Clyde. “It was never to be found…” she sighed otherwise I might have been looking at a quite different future. “And to this day no one will…”

Do I even know you?” Olivia asked.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Dec 18, 2020 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 21 - 12/16/2020

Post by totallizfan »

Thanks for the update. I think the time has come for everyone to get together and tell the kids everything.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 21 - 12/16/2020

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Love how this story is progressing!
Zack had a good question......yes there was a cult classic.
He claims he's not like any of them.......
The Bonnie and Clyde experience was really a surprise to Olivia.
Can't wait for the next part.
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 22 - 12/18/2020

Post by Parker1947 »

“No, you don’t know” Liz was reflecting as she sat and glanced at her teenage daughter, who was on the cusp of so many life changing decisions, all because of actions she found herself participating in before she was old enough to understand what it all meant. And even if she was not. Olivia was at an age where the future was very much in play, and it could not help showing her mother the ramifications of her own choices. Some good, others not so good. As she glanced at her daughter and knew how complicated her own daughter’s life was because she wanted to be an adult before she should have been one. Which was very much like her and Max. She and Max might not have slept together until they got engaged, but still, the way they had conducted their courtship was one of the books, and she did not want her own daughter tracing that same path.

But Olivia was, in many ways, even if she will never experience what it was like in those three years before everything blew up. Once Max had saved her life, and changed her future, and how she looked at life. Once that had happened in September 1999, things changed, and the genie was out of the bottle and was not going to able to go back in, because nothing was the same.

And here nearly twenty years later, was a clarifying answer for Liz as she faced her past, and what she had done, because she loved Max, and because while she knew right from wrong still there was a rush in those days when they were breaking rules, and trying to make their relationship work despite the fact his mission was to find the son he had with someone else, and the someone who she had pushed him to be with, and how both now would have to face to results of such actions. The rush of the immediate was intense, and yet you then had to come down from it.

And bursting of the rush hurt.

“Mom?” Olivia asked as she saw that her mother was in the world of her own, and she did not know what her mother could be thinking, on many fronts as it was an intense shock to know what her mother might have done at her age, even knowing that she did become a single mother, albeit married, but still, a single mother at eighteen.

“Sorry honey,” Liz allowed. “Yes, I am your mother, and no, you don’t know the kind of person I was when I was your age. In so many ways as I have said before, I was a lot like you, and I see so much of myself in you, and you today as me in those years before your father saved my life and opened me to a world that I had never could have even imagined in 1999.”

“But you broke laws?” Olivia asked. “I can understand falling for someone different, and unique like Dad must have been for you, but come on, to go to those lengths?” she murmured as she could not comprehend that her mother could have been the person she was apparently along with her father. She lived with the knowledge that her father had spent her life in prison, so obviously he had the ability to stray the lines, but her mother. It did not make sense. To her, Elizabeth Parker was the definition of an upstanding citizen, and honorable mother.

“I told you before that saving my life for your father opened a pandora box and neither of us were prepared for what would come out of that box as we went through the days, months and even years after that day. Every day was a new one, and something was always happening or being discovered. Neither of us were prepared, and yes, I did things that before that day in the Crashdown when I was fifteen years old, I never imagined would be me. As I said, I was on track to get out of this town. Go Ivy League and do something, anything different than being in a small town. And then I nearly died, and your father saved my life, and I fell in love.”

“And you ended up committing armed robbery?” Olivia asked as her eyebrows rose. “How could you have done that, even if you loved Dad, and there was no one else for you?”

“You do things you never imagine. That was me. As I have said before, it was a new world for me, for Maria, and even for your father, aunt, and Michael. They were leading a very different life, and saving my life opened them to revelations they weren’t prepared for, and it forced them to confront truths about their existence that they hadn’t contemplated before, and it woke us all, to new realities. “I loved you father. Because of being in love, you find yourself agreeing to do things you that months earlier, you might not have thought yourself capable of, and I am not proud of many of the things I did.”

“Come on Mom. Agreeing to commit a crime because you love a guy?” Olivia sighed. “I can see pushing a guy away because of a future version of the guy you love tells you too,” she sighed despite how insane it sounded What kind of life am I living that it sounds alright. What am I saying? But to commit armed robbery for a guy and to hold a weapon on someone?”

“We felt it was the only way,” Liz muttered. “Look I know what you’re thinking or even how that sounds.”

“The only way?” Olivia asked. “You raised me to follow the rules, and the laws of this town and even this world. When…”

“When I was being hypocritical, yeah, I know” Liz nodded. “I know how I raised you Olivia, and maybe that is why I told taught you right from wrong and to be careful with what you do, because you don’t know what you will be starting.”

“So, in other words, don’t repeat the sins of the parents?” Olivia asked.

“Yeah,” Liz admitted. Do not repeat our sins “In so many ways we have done things that we don’t want you kids to repeat, and we learned the hard way so that you kids don’t have to go down the same road we did when we were your age” she sighed. “To read it, or to even hear it, I know that it sounds insane, yes, it was wrong of me. I am not defending my actions, nor would you father except it was the only way he felt to get the results he needed, and I agreed to help him because yes, I loved him but because I knew it was an insane world we were in, and he didn’t have any other way to get what he wanted.”

“What could have been so important that he would risk his freedom, and put you in danger?” Olivia muttered. “Given months later, he would go and nearly kill you...” she asked. “Obviously, that wasn’t the first time he put you in danger and screwed with your life.”

“Different situations Olivia,” Liz allowed. Apples and bullets

“Mom,” Olivia cried. “Why would you help Dad?”

“Because he was looking for his son,” Liz muttered as Olivia stopped and waited for more, and “Yes, I know how it sounds but when your father sent off Tess to Antar, and she took the baby with him, it was a split second decision because he was reacting after finding out she killed our friend, Alex.”

“And?” Olivia muttered bitterly “Like that matters?”

“But It does,” Liz sighed. “And before this when she found out she was pregnant. As I told you, she had a deal she was a party to, made by her guardian, and if she got pregnant with your father’s child, then she could return to Antar if she had the Royal heir, and if she actually made it happen.”

“Because you made it seem like you slept with Uncle Kyle, and Dad moved on, and eventually found himself with Tess, and got her pregnant?”

Liz nodded. “Of course, we didn’t any of this at the time it was happening. She had gotten Alex to decode the book that was the answers to every thing, and so she knew she had a way off this planet, and because her foster father had raised her to want to return that Antar was the be all and the end all, above anything, especially her life on Earth, she now had a way off, but she needed to get your father to go with her because there was no way your father would allow her to go off with the baby under any other scenario. So, she lied to him.”

“Lied to him, how?” Olivia asked.

“As I said before, she manipulated the situation to make it seem like the baby couldn’t survive on this earth, that he was sick, and the only way was to leave this planet,” Liz muttered. “So, one thing led to another, they made arrangements to leave otherwise your father wouldn’t have wanted to leave this planet, because it was his home.”

“And because you were here?” Olivia asked. “And maybe in the long run, you might have returned to be with him, and being his something on the side?”

“God, no, we were over by then and I had pushed your father to be with Tess. And if he had stayed and raised the baby with Tess. Chances are I would have left town for university, and we would have left very separate lives” Liz said honestly.

“So, you say now?” Olivia asked. “With the respect of years behind you. But given the depths of what you had already done for the guy, whose is to say if he had come calling, and been in a loveless relationship that you wouldn’t have wanted him?”

“Everything at the end of the day is 20/20 hindsight of course,” Liz muttered. “But I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have wanted to be here and witness your father living a loveless relationship with Tess to raise their son. I couldn’t have done that, so yes, I probably would have taken my acceptance to university and left town,” she sighed. “Of course, the plan in the end wasn’t to stay here, because Tess wasn’t going to stand for it, as it was to leave because Tess had lied to your father about the health of the baby, and so he listened to her…”

“Shouldn’t he have reason to doubt her?” Olivia muttered Dad sounds like he believed a lot of hogwash in those days, and bought a lot of bullshit

“None of us had any reason to think Tess was a traitor or a liar,” Liz muttered. “Okay she gave us reason to question her intentions in the beginning, when she first hit town. And as I have said, I never trusted her, but by then, it did seem like she had grown used to being in Roswell and when her guardian ended up dying. Kyle and his father took her in, and it did seem like she was bonding with them, and growing close to them, and valuing the concept of family.”

“And yet that was all a lie?” Olivia asked. “She fooled you all, and you all bought it?”

“Yes,” Liz admitted. “And it cost us.”

“You lost Dad?”

“We lost Alex,” Liz said as it still hurt deeply to have lost Alex, and it had not been fair, and she felt a lot of burden because it had been her that brought him into their little group. If she had not been so worried about losing his friendship, then maybe she would not have told him to truth, and he might have ended up living. “And yes, in the end, you and I lost your father.”

“So, robbing a convenience store can be blamed on Tess too?” Olivia asked.

“You can say that sure, but we did it ourselves. Our actions are on our hands and we are strictly to blame for them. Given the circumstance we were facing. Your father could not think of any other way to find his son. Because sending him off with Tess seemed good at the time of when it happened, but the doubts immediately set in, as he came to face the reality of what he had done, and so almost immediately, he found himself on a mission to find him, and to make sure he survived.”

“And you ended up going along with this, and he made you rob a convenience store?” Olivia managed.

“Yes,” Liz admitted.

“Why?” Olivia asked.


“Olivia doesn’t want to see me,” Zack muttered as they walked the streets to the Parker home. Amelia had dragged him along despite his misgivings. Neither of them knew Liz was now home, but still, Amelia felt the urge to get brother and sister to communicate and to realize they had more in common than they would think given they each had unresolved feelings about their biological father. A man who had not been involved in either of their lives.

“She has many of the same questions as you do,” Amelia allowed. “You’re not the only one who didn’t have your biological father in your life?”

“She will say that I had a good thing, and I gave it up” Zack muttered. “And as matter of a fact she did say it and ended up in the hospital after a stress induced spell. So, this will be the last place I should be going over.”

“Humor me okay?” Amelia asked.

“Why?” Zack asked.

“Because you both have questions, and maybe you can get some answers,” Amelia sighed. “Together. Whether you stick around this town in the end, you are still blood, and you are family.”

“She doesn’t want me as family…” Zack muttered.

“You are still part of this little fraternity we have going here, and you’re special, and you might as well find out more before you make a decision about what you want your life to be,” Amelia muttered even though she didn’t like that she was feeling smitten over this guy given that she did love Greg, and they had a good thing going, but of course he was in Europe, and she was here, and she will always be who she is, and Greg was normal. Zack was someone completely different, and it was a turn on.

After all, she was fifteen, about to turn sixteen, and she did have eyes.

“Not everyone can have the happy life you and your brother have going,” Zack muttered.

“But you should embrace who you are and know the answers to any unanswered questions” Amelia sighed because she did know how lucky she was and how grateful she was as they continued to walk.


“Why go along with him?” Olivia muttered. “I mean, I get you loved the guy, and you were too young to think straight, but he was asking you to go to lengths that no one in their right mind should take, and you ended up going there with him?” she asked as it was foreign to her that she was talking about her biological father and not some boyfriend of her mothers. She was talking about the insane journey her mother had taken with Max Evans. Olivia’s father. This is too much “Because you loved him?”

“Yes,” Liz admitted. “You should be a shrink one day,” she muttered as she did not like how she was getting a comeuppance of her actions as a teenager as different eyes were now looking at what she did, and the analysis was not exactly positive, and should give anyone in their right mind, pause.

Olivia smiled as she looked at her mother with amusement, and shock as she never would have imagined this would have been the life her mother had dealt with, when she was her age. It made her question; all she had known her life to be. “I know we are talking about Dad, I know, and you loved him of course and we will always do funny things for love. But he was having a kid with someone else, and now he was a mission to find that kid, and he wanted you to help him, so, why do it?”

“You shouldn’t blame your father or think he was pressuring me,” Liz sighed. “Actually, this time it was all me, as I am the one who catapulted myself into the mission to search for his son, and while neither of us, nor certainly not me would have known the lengths we would have gone to, to get answers, still, I had just gone through a year without the boy I loved. We were trying again, and it was important to him to find his son, and I wanted him to be happy.”

“But he was having a kid with someone else?” Olivia asked.

“I knew it, and I didn’t make the decision lightly. Still, I made it, and I rationalized it that if the situations were reversed and if I had stepped out on him, whether it was with Kyle or anyone else, and I had gotten pregnant, and that child was missing. Your father would have done anything to find him or her for me.”

“Would he have?” Olivia asked.

“Yes,” Liz acknowledged. “That was the only thing I never truly doubted was that he loved me, yes, he made questionable choices. I did too, but I knew he loved me, and yes, if the situations were reversed than yes, he would have even done that, because he would have wanted to help me. Whether that meant anything positive for our relationship, I do not know. So, at that point of them when he was trying to find his son, yes, I knew that I needed to help him.”

“That is seriously messed up,” Olivia asked.

“Think about what you would do if you faced the same thing with Alex. You guys are taking a break, but what happens if he were to meet someone tomorrow, or someone from his past for matter did come back, and he was having a kid with you?”

“That is different,” Olivia muttered as she did not like the idea of Alex moving on. I have given him his walking papers, but yeah, what if? “Alex doesn’t have anyone in his past?” she sighed. “We have grown up together, and we both know each other” she muttered. “I know who he had crushes on, and he knows the same about me, so there is no one waiting to come back into our lives. So, we are nothing like you and Dad.”

“I am not sure it’s not too much different,” Liz sighed because she knew her daughter had not come to terms with her relationship with Alex, or what it meant for their baby long-term. “Your father didn’t love Tess,” Liz muttered. “And in relation to you and Alex, well, you cannot know everyone who was in Alex’s past, and neither can he, because you will always cross someone who is different, and they might have made an impression at that moment in time, and yet with your father. I did know that they didn’t love each other, or that it was all about what Max could do for Tess in her mission to get back to Antar and at the end of the day, whatever they felt for each other was very different from what he and I had.”

“But you hadn’t made peace with what it would have meant if Dad had found his kid?” Olivia asked.

“No,” Liz sighed. “We were in the moment, and acting in it, for good and for bad, and we reacted as such.”

“You ended up robbing a store?” Olivia asked.

Among other things Liz mused to herself as she was forced to remember the diamond heist that had let them to help themselves to that diamond like key, and how they had been very fortunate that hadn’t gotten hung on their heads. “We were looking for a spaceship that could take your father back to Antar…”

“How does that mesh?” Olivia asked.

“Tess had used the one way we knew of that would take you back to Antar, and now there was no, readily way to go back. Yet it didn’t stop your father was looking…”

“How does this match with the convenience store?” Olivia asked.

“We were looking for a spaceship because we had a feeling that one existed, and so we undertook actions to find it. We made a list of places where we thought they could hold one, but in secret. We checked out all locations, but nothing hit, until we got to one in Salinas, Utah, but unfortunately?”

“Unfortunately, what?” Olivia asked.

“It wasn’t a convenience store that had a set closing time. This one was actually opened 24 hours a day, and that meant someone would always be on duty otherwise we could have waited until closing, and snuck in, and checked if the spaceship were there…”

“Why would a spaceship be under a convenience store?” Olivia muttered.

“Because no one would look there,” Liz sighed. “It was a pretty clever way to hide it. There was a big bunker type room built underground, and we needed away for your father to get down those steps, and see if the spaceship was there”

“And there wasn’t any other way?”

“If there was, we would have found it” Liz murmured. “Neither of us wanted to do what we were going to do,” she sighed. “If there had been any other way, than we would have found that way.”

“Are you sure?” Olivia muttered. “Why would you use a gun?”

“We needed a long enough diversion,” Liz admitted, and she remembered how she had not been pleased with Max’s decision to use the gun, and for her to be the one to use it, as she made the scene, and allowed Max the time to go down those steps. “Your father needed a way to get down those steps.”

“But Mom, but a gun?” Olivia muttered.

“I hate it Olivia,” Liz sighed as she remembered talking it over with Max. But it had been the only way, and she was human at that point, and did not have powers, and she needed something to make enough time for Max to get down those steps “I hate having to do what I did, but neither of us could think of another way, and we had to live with, and still, we thought we were in the clear.”

“Was the ship there?” Olivia asked.

“Yes,” Liz nodded. “For that moment, it was, and we managed to get out of the store, and we thought we were in the clear?”

“But you got arrested?” Olivia asked.

“Yes, we did” Liz confirmed. “We didn’t know at the time there was someone who was paid to follow us, and to phone in the tip, which would lead us to being arrested.”

“Whoa, who?” Olivia asked.

“Kal Langley” Liz muttered of the watcher of her husband, Isabel and Michael who did not do much to be a watcher, or to help them, or to warn them to be wary of Tess or Nascedo for that matter. Like Michael, she had real questions about Kal but she didn’t know they had reason to be suspicious of the now dead man.

“Dad’s watcher?” Olivia asked. “Shouldn’t he have been helping you guys?”

“You would think, wouldn’t you?” Liz muttered. “Anyways, he’s the reason we got ourselves caught. Fortunately, your father swung the situation favorably that got us out prison, she thought of how Max and his father blackmailed the government into dropping the charges, but it made things tense. Getting arrested will do that to two people. Ultimately the charges were dropped. Our parents started to rebel against our relationship.”

“Grandma and Grandpa mentioned that things between them and Dad got confusing,” Olivia asked.

“Yeah,” Liz sighed. “Your father wasn’t able to be honest with them about who he and your aunt her, and for many years, they lived in oblivious bliss, but things started to change and us getting arrested didn’t help matters, and your grandfather started to have big questions, and ultimately it led your father to move out.”

“Dad left home?” Olivia asked.

“Yes,” Liz nodded. “He moved in with Michael for much of the remainder of our senior year.”

“But they found out the truth?” Olivia asked as this story was insane and yet compelling, and a change from the life she had led with her mother.

“They did,” Liz agreed.

“They said they spied on Aunt Isabel?” Olivia asked.

“Among things,” Liz sighed. “It was an extremely hard time for all involved. We did not give our parents a chance of how they would handle the truth. Your father was very afraid of how your grandparents would react, with reason given this world is not that forgiving. As you have said, and we are talking about when this all started, close to twenty years ago. The dark ages in many ways. When it was a time before technology took over our worlds, and made everything so computerized, and before cellphones started to keeping track of our movements. And add another decade onto that when your father, his sister and Michael came to this planet through their pods. They were afraid of how their parents would react. Because they believed they had to blend in and make no waves, and not to tell anyone.”

“But that all changed when you were shot?” Olivia asked.

“Yes,” Liz admitted. “A very different life started to unfold, and we all had to make choices, and hide from our parents, and they started to get suspicious, even before we realized they were picking up on things” she signed as she thought of the investigation board, she had found in in Phillip Evans office and it was detailed she cursed, and that in the end hurt his son, and Phillip would forever feel guilty about it.

“How could you stand it?” Olivia asked. “Not telling the truth?”

“I wasn’t lying per se,” Liz sighed. “Because it was your father, aunt, and Michael’s truth to tell, and I came into it by accident, and it was not my place to tell my parents as much as I probably wish I could have because I know my conduct was scary, and especially when things started to spin out of control. Still, the truth belonged to your father, and I could not breach it. Because I had already brought in someone, and that ended up being a nightmare for all of us, and most of all your father and me, and we weren’t the same because of it.”

“Why?” Olivia asked.

“Because it cost me a dear friend,” Liz admitted. “I told Alex the truth, and he ended up coming into our group, and helping out, but he ended up paying the greatest price” she sighed. “That was my burden. Next to pushing your father towards Tess, that was one of my greatest regrets because if only I had let Alex walk away, and not come in, with the truth, then maybe he still would be alive.”

“You can’t know that?” Olivia asked. “Doesn’t death have its own timetable?”

“No, sure I don’t but still it’s one of my favorite what ifs’” Liz muttered. Next to what if she and Max had been given more time, or had run for it, when they had gotten made, and been able to raise Olivia away from this town, and even if they had been fugitives all these years.

“You’ve had an insane life you know?” Olivia muttered.

“Don’t I know it,” Liz sighed as there was a doorbell ring, and they both knew the suspended animation of their talk had ended, and now reality was back in force as she nodded and they both walked downstairs, and Liz was the one who opened the door.

And found the past staring at her, along with Amelia.

Oh, god she muttered because despite this not being the first time having seen him, but even more, it was a reminder that the past was back in force, and she would have to make peace with it.

“Hello,” she nodded as she looked directly at Max’s first born, his son

And she was sure she saw Max looking at her…
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 22 - 12/18/2020

Post by totallizfan »

Great update. I hope Liz calls for backup. She shouldn't have to answer all the questions that the kids will want answers to by herself.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 22 - 12/18/2020

Post by Superman86 »

totallizfan wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:18 pm Great update. I hope Liz calls for backup. She shouldn't have to answer all the questions that the kids will want answers to by herself.

I second that, also I hope Liz get to see Max again
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 22 - 12/18/2020

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Olivia continues to learn the truth about the mom and dad.
Zack is a turn on to Amelia......
Yes Olivia, they have lived an insane life.
Surprise at the door.......
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 23 - 12/20/2020

Post by Parker1947 »

It is an insane life Olivia admitted to herself as she and Zack remained in a staring contest minutes later as her mother had surprised her when she had invited her half brother into their house. Although from the look of her mother. It was almost like she was seeing a ghost. And maybe she is. Because from all accounts. Zack looked most like the infamous Tess Harding and not their father, although she could see some essence of Max Evans in her mysterious brother. Still, she felt for her mother.

It was never easy facing the past. And especially when one’s past was the definition of rocky, and it seems like you have made peace with it, and then you have your daughter turn sixteen and the hellmouth opens again, and everything seeps out, intended or unintended and there was no way the genie could be placed back in the bottle.

She had not seen Zack since their showdown before her collapse. Zack had not come back to the hospital before her release, and now it was a reminder for both her and her mother that her father still had a capacity to haunt their lives.

After all, there was someone else in their drama.

Still, it hurt to see her mother act like she seen a ghost. She did not want her mother to be hurt by the past. And the past was staring them both in the face, and she did not like it. She might have as many questions about her father as her half brother did but still it did not do any of them to go back to the past, and to have it haunt.

And she had gotten a good gage on the past with her mother’s recounting of her story with her father, and it was a doozy. “And you came here, because?” she looked over at Amelia who smiled, and she frowned because she knew how to read her best friend. “I should have guessed. You are playing matchmaker, aren’t you?”

“If you don’t want me here, then I can go” Zack sighed and turned. Because he did not want to be here, and yet here he had listened to Amelia and come anyway while Amelia was finding it all hilarious and was showing no signs of wanting to leave the escalating drama.

“No, you’re welcome to stay” Liz said breaking through her trance and knew she could not in good conscious kick Max’s son out of their house. Not for her daughter, and not for her husband who had yet to be informed of the newest developments and she did not relish him finding out. Although we should have known this day would come

“Thank you, Mrs. Evans,” Zack muttered.

“It’s Parker,” both Olivia and Liz said softly and in unison. “I kept my maiden name…”

“Right, I remember reading that and I guess I forgot so I am sorry if I provoke any sad memories for you” Zack murmured because he was not callous and knew his being there in the house was bound to bring up a bunch of unwelcome memories. “Why did not you take your husband’s name if you were married, and from what I read in official records. You’re still married today?”

“That I am,” Liz acknowledged as Max flooded through her brain. “As much as I would have loved to take his name or give it to our daughter. But would you if your spouse were notorious in your town, and you must protect yourself as well as your daughter from any side effects of our last name so that she can grow up with some sanity,” Liz murmured, and I might not have been so lucky to escape that in the end. “So, there was no hope of taking that name.” she murmured as she saw her daughter cringing at the mere intersection of the past and the knowledge of how much could have been different. How I wish it could haven different for my daughter

“Obviously, I am upsetting you, and I can go, and Olivia and I can catch up some other time,” Zack sighed because this had not been his intention but could see simple questions was upsetting both his birthfather’s wife, and their daughter.

“No, you can stay” Liz muttered as she did not like how she was looking into the past. “You are a reality, and my daughter deserves a chance to know you, and both of you can make whatever you make of it, yourselves. I am not going to keep you two apart,” she sighed. “I know your father would have liked to have known you, if he could have had the chance?”

“He gave me away?” Zack bristled.

“He gave you a chance at a better life,” Liz muttered as she both Olivia and Amelia frowned. “And to many, you might have been bound to have a better than the life we had?” she murmured as if it was a cosmic joke that the boy her husband had with someone else struck gold, while she and Olivia were stuck here in Roswell bound by circumstance, and memories.

“Would you say that?” Zack asked.

“Were your parents good to you?” Liz asked because she knew that Max had requested a closed adoption because he did not want to worry about his son and trusted his father to find the right family for his baby, and she guessed that Phillip had done his job.

“Yes,” Zack acknowledged. “They do love me, and I love them” he sighed as he turned and faced Olivia as if to acknowledge her assumptions that he had run away because he did not love his family and did not want to give them a chance to know the real him. “I am not ungrateful you know” he murmured towards his half sister. “I know how much they gave me, and how they were good to me” he asked. “I can’t complain, and I am not complaining. It is only that I had questions they couldn’t answer, and no matter how much information was in my adoption records, still, there were questions I had.”

“I know you are not,” Liz murmured they are the same ones your father, and his sister once had and ones my own daughter is facing as she reflected of how the boy must be in his vision quest, and their need for information such was the way his father did back when he, his sister and Michael were teenagers and didn’t know their history, and walked through a mind field in the wake of her shooting, because there were answers out there, and they didn’t know enough to know what to set off, and what to find a way around If only we had known. “It’s natural to have questions. You can see my own daughter has enough of them” she sighed as she nodded at Olivia and Olivia nodded herself. “But both of you need to know is that your father did love you Zack, and if your father Olivia had known about you before the other day, he would have loved you. But for you Zack, because you came first, and he knew about you, well, you were paramount in his mind. And he risked a lot to try to do best by you, and you got a good chance in the end, while others didn’t get so lucky.”

“He risked you not staying with him?” Zack wondered.


“Where is Amelia?” Michael asked he walked into the kitchen from the backyard as he had been doing something in the garage and saw the car drive into the driveway and saw his wife debarking the car, and approach him “She hasn’t been around?” he muttered. “Should we worry?”

“I am not too worried,” Maria murmured Amelia has not given me enough to worry she sighed to herself now Alex on the other hand as she opened the bag she was carrying and started to unload groceries, and then opened another bag, which she took out some books that she had gotten out of the library on the way home after work. “Unfortunately for us, our son is different than his level-headed twin sister”

“It’s not all bad,” Michael sighed despite agreeing with his wife as he helped put away some of the groceries that were on the counter.

“I am not that far off Michael,” Maria sighed “The waters are pretty high Michael, already” Maria sighed. “Our son doesn’t see them and yet there they are and unfortunately in this case. It is Olivia who is the one who is faced with the burden. Olivia is the one who will be forced to make a way in her life, and future? Our son can go his way and do his thing, and at the end of the day, it will be on Olivia to figure how her life goes on from here?”

“He’s not going to walk away…” Michael sighed as he knew his wife’s worries were well founded but still, he had to believe Alex would be more supportive than that if the situation warranted it and he did know his son did care for Olivia “You might think he is not paying attention, or that supportive, but he is, and we both know what this all means for him, and for Olivia.”

“Has he called her, or talked to her since the hospital?” Maria asked. “He shouldn’t take her needing a time out to stay away” she muttered of her fool of a son. “Yeah, neither of them is prepared, but it shouldn’t all be on her…”

“He has barely been home,” Michael admitted. “Yeah, you are right that it’s a lot for them to deal with, and no, they aren’t going to get everything right or act how we think they should in this or any situation because we sure didn’t when we were their ages, but they will figure it out because they will have to, and you know as well as I do that, we won’t leave it all for Liz and Olivia to deal with.”

“I hope so,” Maria muttered. “I wish this wasn’t the life for our son…”

“Don’t we all,” Michael reflected as he thought back to his past. “Yet we did screw up, and we grew from those challenges we faced, and that will be the same with the kids and we can’t prevent them from heartbreak. To date, they have not faced nearly as many odds as we did, and that is good, and they will continue to do it their own way. So, I think we can trust our son more than you think we are because he will make us proud. He does love her, and they are too young. He cares too much for Olivia not to help her, and therefore they will find their own route, and whatever it means for them personally.”

“I hope so,” Maria sighed. “I just want something to go right for a change.”

“It will,” Michael sighed. “As I said, Alex does care for her and is protective of her in his own way and I found him wanting answers when I found him at Zack’s motel room the other day.”

“Oh god you didn’t tell me that,” Maria muttered. “Why would he want to risk everything on something so stupid?” she muttered. “Don’t tell me,” she sighed as she faced her husband and knew the truth. Just like Amelia had a knack of being very Michael and fighting the good fight. Their son also knew how to create chaos. “After all, he is your son, and you had the same knack of not trusting something on face value.”

“Would you?” Michael asked given all we have seen and lived through during this life we have leading. Trusting does not get you far, “You didn’t want to discuss it, but we did discover more than we knew before, so yeah, our son was kind of on the mark this time.”

“I don’t want our kids sucked into our old messes Michael,” Maria asked. “Those three years, and how we lost Alex and then Max, it cost us big time, and I refuse to allow our son and daughter to get mix up in that kind of life” she demanded. “They have a chance to do things differently, and I want that for them Michael. It cost us too damn much to go through what we did, and I don’t want those costs transferred to them, and I want them to have the kind of carefree life that we were denied.”

“Because you met me?” Michael asked stung at the thought of Maria wanting a different life because he had known how much those three years had changed them all. “Do you really regret it?”

“Of course not, no,” Maria said shaking her head as common sense of her reality came back. “I love you Space boy, and I made my choice to commit to you not because the stick turned blue but because I did love you, and I lived through life without you, and I didn’t want that to be my life, and so I am here because I love you and the kids, and I don’t regret it. But it does not mean I want our kids to go through what we did, or any of the mayhem that the shooting in the Crashdown unleashed. “They deserve happier lives” she asked. “Alex and Olivia have too much on their plates to get pulled into what took away her father.”

“And they will get that” Michael promised.

“Don’t,” Maria muttered crabbily and walked away but turned around and muttered “Because you will never be able to uphold it if you do” she thought as she left the kitchen, and stormed upstairs because she was afraid of what this trek into the past would bring up, and which scabs would have its surfaces scrapped off, bringing all the emotions that were supposed to have been put to bed long ago.


Yeah, I stayed, but there was a risk that I was not going to stay Liz reflected to herself. We gambled with too much on the table in those days “We all made choices during that time that had a lot of consequences to them, and we didn’t see them coming at the time, as some did take time to unfold. “I look back at those times and I wondered why I did what I did, but then I wouldn’t have ended up with the life I have now, or with my daughter if I had walked away. I would not have wanted any other life if it meant I did not have Max, or Olivia she mused. Of course, I did not have Max, except for one memorable night on our wedding night. But I would not have Olivia, and I would be poorer for that. “I know I could have done a lot in my life, but still…”

“Why stay?” Zack muttered. “I mean my father and my birth mother?”

“Because I loved him, and as I tell my daughter, sometimes love will make you put up with things that you wouldn’t have imagine at any other time. Still, I cannot blame Max for all of it because I did push him away, and I should not be mad that he did go to your mother. I can be mad at her for what she did to us as a collective group, but I should not have blamed her for wanting Max anyone would want the boy Max was" she mused. He only had eyes for me, until Tess messed things up “I was young, and I made choices and plus, love has its own feelings attached to them, and we can’t control how we feel” she sighed as we watch certain situations take place “I blame your mother for what she did, but not for her and your father because it wouldn’t have happened without my interference, and at the end, he was free to do as he wanted, and yet it still hurt.”

“Didn’t they have history?” Zack muttered as he did not know what to think of this whole situation because he was here questioning his birth father’s wife, the one who he had wanted instead of his birth mother. “That is what she says?”

“They did,” Liz conceded. “But this is a different place, and they were a different time before they ever did anything on this plane. I had him first, and he and I had something special, and she set out to get him, and yet he resisted, and I think would have resisted even longer if I hadn’t done what I had done.”

“What did you do?” Zack asked.

“It’s a long story, and I don’t feel like getting into it again,” Liz muttered, and Olivia giggled because she had known she had gotten the story out of her mother. “Just know I don’t hold what your mother did against you. Because I know it was not all on her as much as I would like to tell myself it was on her, and only her, but it was not, and it was not all your father either, but because I had some say in the events begun the saga, although I didn’t imagine a scenario where my pushing away might actual succeed in the creation of events that did end up occurring” she sighed. “But I do hold what she did to Alex, and I will never forgive her for that…”

“You wanted to push him away, but you didn’t think he would actually go there?” Zack muttered as he tried to ignore her anger at his birth mother for actions she had undertook on her mission. “I hate when that happens?”

“Something like that, yeah” Liz admitted. “You are their son, and I know it might pain you to hear this, but you’re old enough to understand the truth of it, and yet I am still sorry about it because you were an unintended consequence, although to your mother, you were part of a plan, and you were destined to happen if she were successful.”

“I am not sure whether to like that,” Zack murmured as he did not like the idea of being something that was engineered, or better yet a plan to claw at a guy and uphold a deal. “You seem almost accepting of it?”

“I know you don’t, and you shouldn’t like others engineering events that have a direct consequence,” Liz admitted. “But unfortunately, it is the truth. Just like how your parents came to this land. They did not ask for people higher up to use their expertise to try to engineer their desired results. You should not like it either but you’re here, and Olivia is here, and we all have to make do with it.” We cannot travel back time and change things.

“This is all too bizarre,” Zack muttered as his mind was trying to grasp the complexities of it. “It’s almost a sci fi movie?”

“Yes, it is,” Liz allowed. “But it is also our life, and you will have to figure out how much of a participant you want to be with all this because it’s not an easy life” she sighed. “Fortunately for you, your father allowed you the opportunity for a human life, and you didn’t grow up in this life…”

“But I am not exactly normal?” Zack wondered.

“I know,” Liz sighed. “I know that feeling” she sighed. “Can I ask, how did you know. Because it is not like you live around here, and we could keep guard and let slip any of our abilities?” she sighed as she was still processing what Maria had told her. “Your mother told us that you were completely human?”

“She did,” Zack asked.

“Yes,” Liz admitted. “Your father made the decisions he did because of what she told him about you” she sighed.

“Could it be that she didn’t know?” Zack asked because he did want to give his birth mother the benefit of the doubt despite all he had been hearing of the woman, and how he should be happy to have led a life away from the confusion, and the chaos of Roswell. Still, it was not easy to know you were engineered because of a deal. “About how I know, well, when you are different from any other kids, and you figure it out very early in life, you know something was up, as it seemed just come down on me years ago”

“It’s possible,” Liz admitted as she thought of Tess and what she might have known and had not known. “I didn’t know about my abilities until well after the fact, and I am completely human” she sighed as she did not want to give Tess the benefit of the doubt because that always led to problems even if Tess was long dead, and off this planet and a pile of dust. Yet she did not gain her powers until well after being saved, but then I was not genetically linked to two people with powers. So, you would think it would have been there from the beginning, and not show up later…”

“Wait, I don’t understand. I thought it would have come through Olivia’s father’s line, because with me, it might have been both parents, but why would you have powers?” Zack wondered.

“Again, a long story” Liz admitted. “But it was all because I was saved by your father, otherwise I would have been dead long before now, and I will always be grateful for the fact he saved my life, when he could have walked away because of what it meant for him by saving my life” she sighed. “But that is who your father is. Compassionate, and who has this engrain need to help. And it kills him when he cannot give that help?”

“But what about what happened to you later” Zack asked. “I read the reports. I know what else he was convicted of,” he muttered.

“Olivia asks the same thing” Liz sighed at the remembrance. “But it is the truth, because when he’s in his right mind. When he is simply Max. He takes his powers to heal seriously, and I wasn’t the only one he healed”

“He healed Uncle Kyle?” Olivia asked.

“And your grandfather Amelia,” Liz muttered as talking about those kids he saved earlier did not seem to warrant a mention as Amelia looked surprise to hear that despite hearing a kernel of it before. “Which is how this all started. Otherwise, it would not have happened, and the government wouldn’t have found it and been able to use it.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” Zack asked.

“That is what I say,” Olivia muttered.

“I have told you enough of the journey to that stage,” Liz reminded her daughter. “Nothing is as it seems. Your father’s first choice was not to hurt me, and as I said he was fighting back to sanity, and in the midst of this, well, he was trying to break through and his final choice was to sacrifice himself to give me a shot at life,” she sighed. “Otherwise, we would have been both dead.”

“Because he sent you out that window?” Zack asked.

“I know you girls would not understand it because you are right, it does not make sense,” Liz sighed because she knew now that she had to be the one to tell the kids of this tale. One story she had been delaying, and it might give both kids on a better understanding if they knew and most of all, it might allow her daughter not to be so angry at her father. “And to you Zack, you don’t even know half of what the other kids know. To make an insanely complicated story short. All you need to know is that two people were out for their greed, and to use your father’s powers to bring one back to their former youth. To make this happen. They kidnapped the Sheriff…”

“Grandpa?” Amelia asked in wide eyed wonder.

“Yes,” Liz admitted “Jim was taking a break from his job due to the town’s suspicions on why he was being so helpful to us, and he found himself a job at a security guard at a big company whose employee suddenly was murdered. That employee was a friend of your father Amelia. Michael was needing a job to pay the rent, and he found himself at this big drug company as a security guard.”

“That seems oddly appropriate for Dad?” Amelia asked.

“Yeah, and he found friends in the other guards. One of them died, and your father was suspicious and wanted your grandfather to investigate. One thing led to another, and they realized that it was Max who could heal people with his powers. Maris and Clayton Wheeler. The perfect rich man with a younger trophy wife. Yet she could not handle him getting to the age of dying and wanting to bring him back to health and they were trying to reverse the aging process, and so they got a hold of your father and pressured him to using his healing power to aide them.”

“Would it really have worked?” Amelia asked as Olivia nodded. “What I know of powers and such. You can’t change what is natural, or what is meant to be?”

“Right,” Liz admitted as he faced both her daughter and Max’s son Zack. “And your father warned them of that and told them that he couldn’t change what was meant to be. If it is your time, then you’re destined to die” she sighed. “We can’t change that. Which is why your father was able to save me, Kyle, Jim, and others, we were unable to help Alex. As much as we wanted and many of us could not handle the aftermath, and hated it, well, it was his time, and he could not come back to us and so your father warned them, and warned Maria Wheeler but she either did not believe it or she did not care because she forced him, and pressured with consequences, he did it”

“What happened?” Zack muttered This is all too bizarre he muttered because he still did not think this was real life and not a dream or a movie plot.

“He died?” Olivia asked as it started to come together for her. “Am I right Mom, being forced to do something that is opposite of what is destined to do, can only lead to disaster.”

“In so many ways, you are correct” Liz admitted.

“Are you telling me that he died, but he didn’t because he obliviously lived to be able get arrested weeks later” Zack muttered. “To top it off. He is currently in prison, right. So, how could he had died?”

“You wouldn’t believe it if I told you,” Liz admitted.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 23 - 12/20/2020

Post by keepsmiling7 »

It's never easy facing the past.......poor Liz!
Interesting that Alex went to Zach's hotel.
I can understand this is all hard for Zach to understand.......
Max should have to explain himself to Zach!
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 24 - 12/22/2020

Post by Parker1947 »

Zack did not know what to believe because here he was in his birth fathers wife’s home. A home that his birth father did not even reside in. The one she shared with his half sister. A sister he had not known about until he went looking for information on his birth father, when he turned sixteen and had been stunned to learn the weight of the truth. How his birth mother was dead, and then after he was put up for adoption by his birth father. A birth father who was later accused of an army base massacre that had killed and injured many people, including his birth mother, and they were not the only charges against him. And the other involved his soon to be wife, still his girlfriend at the time of the alleged incident.

And yet she would later marry him. After fleeing town in the aftermath of the massacre. On the road they had married, and then the authorities had caught up to him, and he later confessed, and was sentenced to life in prison. For Zack, learning this back home in New York had been a shock. As he read more into the cases and picking up on the rumors of the alien gifts that were largely waved off, and not believable to the public at large.

But to Zack, they were all too believable.

Because his abilities had already started to manifest and they had started to grow and crystalize, and therefore it all made sense. Why he had felt different? Why he could not explain the gifts? Why his parents could not. Of course, he had known since he was a tiny kid that he had been adopted. Because his parents had been unable to have kids, but they had desperately wanted to have a family, so they adopted him, and then years later because she had been removed from her home and put in foster care, they added a little sister, named, Helena to the family. Helena was light of the family, and she was about to start school come fall. It was not hard to see how he was different from his parents, and from his little sister despite she also being adopted.

Being different started to weigh on him, and he acted out at school and at home, and therefore it caused burdens on his family who did not know how to explain it, and why he was acting up at school, so finally he moved out, and in with a friend, and finished the school year before during the summer previous to this school year, deciding to head off in his search for answers. Summer came and went, and he did not go home, and he continued to follow the trail that ultimately led to Roswell, and he had been blown away to find out what he had in the records, because he had his abilities to hack into the state adoption records because his parents had told him that it had be a closed, private adoption. Therefore, they did not know most of the answers that he sought besides the names of his biological parents, and that he had come from Roswell, New Mexico.
He still called home, but he did not want to go back until he knew the truth. More investigation told him that he had a half sister, a blood relation that had made him wonder if she was like him and made him crave to seek her out. Although finding out that his birth father was in prison and married to someone in Roswell was an eye opener but still it had made him seek them out, and now he was in Roswell, looking for answers.
And instead of answers that made sense to him, he was getting the plot of a cult classic television show, or movie for that matter. “You know none of this make sense?”

“You cannot tell me that this doesn’t sound like it could happen?” Olivia muttered as he wanted to be on the different side from her half brother. She of course had more time to adjusting to the concept of this story, and even to her, it did not make sense. None of it did, but it does not mean I want him to think I agree with him

Liz could not help but feel amused at it. It was obvious to her that both were struggling with it. Amelia was just having a blast hearing a story that had some semblance to her life but did not directly lead to any pain for her because she had two parents who loved each other, and a brother, and a family that was happy. “Unfortunately, it’s the truth.”

“How can he have died and lived…” Zack asked. “Are you sure we’re not in some movie?”

“Unfortunately, no,” Liz admitted. “I don’t know how much you know Zack about the origin story of your father, his sister and Amelia’s father?” she asked. “As I said, long story short is that when you die, you turn into dust, and you disappear. We had seen it with your mother’s guardian months earlier, Ed Harding. When he died, he had turned into dust, and we knew there was no saving him then…” she sighed. “And even if you’re human, you still have alien DNA in you, and there you just disappear if something happens to you, and your time is up…”

“That’s insane.”

“Yes, it is,” Liz admitted. “Anyways, I was not even around at the time. I had started to feel very overwhelmed because of everything that had happened since I started to become involved with your father, and because of a very difficult time in the fall of our senior years, which brought my father into our relationship.”

“A very difficult time, to put it mildly” Olivia quipped.

“Things were starting to get confusing, so I decided to go to boarding school. Simply because I needed time. Time away from Roswell. Time away from the alien chaos as I like to call it. Life was overwhelming me and changing me in more ways than simply growing older. At the same time, I was beginning to manifest what I would learn were my powers, and it was simply too much. And well, earlier that school year. My father had threatened to send me to boarding school in Vermont because of actions I took with your father that seriously threatened my future,” Liz murmured as she looked at her daughter, who nodded. “My parents got scared and wanted to put the breaks on me and your father. Something that did not agree with me and ultimately time lessened that and just when things were starting to be better for your father and me. It all changed, once again. As I said, I was beginning to manifest my gifts for the first time, and naturally I was completely freaked out. So, I started to believe boarding school was the right place for me to get my life under control. I know that the media theorized that I broke things off with your father, your father would not accept the breakup, and was controlling, and came after me to force a reunion, and when I balked, that is why he tried to kill me” Liz muttered as she glanced at her daughter who was affected by the thought of a timeout, since she had just asked for one from Alex. “We were not really broken up at all. We were on a break. I needed time, and your father respected me enough to allow me that time, although he did try to call. But when I asked him to stay away, and not to call, he respected it. He didn’t come after me to get me back…”

“But he ended up in Vermont?” Olivia muttered.

“Yes,” Liz nodded. “But not because he wanted me back, it only because the Wheelers decided I was a threat and I needed to be eliminated”

“And how were you a threat?” Zack asked.

“At Meta Chem. Maris Wheeler was pressuring your father to heal her husband. There was a combustible event that happens as if you force a something to work when you know it can not handle it, and therefore, sparks erupted, and a fire broke out. Your father turned into ash and disappeared before the very eyes of your father and grandfather Amelia. So, your father did die, and this will sound crazy” Liz muttered. “We thought it was the end of it. Max was dead, and there way no chance he was coming back. But it was not the end of the story because as I told Olivia, the events that would take place at my boarding school were someone totally different because he was not in his right mind and would not have hurt me because he was literally a different man,” Liz sighed and could tell the kids were confused. “Somehow a transference had taken place and Max’s essence got put into Clayton’s brain. Clayton and his wife quickly found out the advantages of being young again. And especially Maris understood that being young and handsome has its advantages and they both wanted to keep it that way, but Max was not making it easy for them as he wanted to come back, and he was thinking of me, and other aspects of his prior life, and Clayton believed if they got rid of me than they could successfully bury Max once and for all….”

“Whoa,” Amelia muttered because this was the first time, she had been hearing it, same with Zack who still stood stunned. Olivia having got a form of the story was staring to comprehend that it could be true. She knew her mother was not the type to tell tall tales, and therefore some of it had to be true, didn’t it? Maybe I am going insane if I actually think my mother is telling me the truth, and my father is the reincarnated version of a mad man who had tried to kill her and somehow, he came back to her, and he was not responsible for those actions committed when was literally a different person

“So, this other version of my birth father tried to kill you?” Zack asked.

“Yes,” Liz admitted. “Your father was trying to break through and take control, to stop Clayton, but the madness of the other side had too much power. It was pure evil. But the good side of Max didn’t want to hurt me, and I saw that, and I knew this was the Max I loved, and the boy I was so devastated over when I believed he was dead, and he was fighting to take over Clayton’s body, and I saw that fight, and finally, he was able to fight through for one brief moment, because he only saw one way to end this…”

“What was the way?” Zack asked.

“He told me to hit him, and to kill him.”

“Are you kidding me?” Zack asked. Unbelievable

“Yeah,” Liz admitted. “The other side was so strong, and he was willing to die to prevent Clayton from taking over, and he saw it as the only way. But I could not do it, but he told me it was the only way, and I saw the essence of the guy I loved. He was pleading with me, and since it was either do this or die, I figured I would do what he wanted. Because I had gotten a pipe into my hands, and told me to use it, and hit him with that pipe…” she flinched at the weight of the memories. “I was just about to do it, but then, the other side came through, and took control and forced us both out of the window, and we went flying” she sighed as she wanted to end this story because the memories were so crushing “So, the moral of the story. Your father didn’t intend to hurt me, and if he had been in his right mind, he would not have…”

“But whoever had control of him took you out that window?” Zack asked.

“Yeah,” Liz admitted. “But you cannot see on the footage they released to the public, but your father came through during that fall, and the fear for me, made him invoke a green shield, not for him, to buffer his fall, but to buffer my fall. So, I was protected in my fall. I did not land of the full force of the fall, because if it had, it might have killed me. Instead, the power of the fall lessened, and I was able to survive.”

“And our father?” Zack asked. “There was no green glow or shield on the footage?”

“The government’s legal team edited it out,” Liz muttered. “They said it was a technical glitch and didn’t affect the conclusion of the tape…”

“But it did,” Olivia cried. “It showed that he saved you, at the expense of himself?”

“Yes,” Liz admitted. “But it’s not like we could have told them that. The tale of what actually did happen was truly unbelievable, and we would never have been able to convince people of that and still, your father made the ultimate sacrifice when he took the brunt of weight of the fall, and gave me the shield to buffer my fall, which saved my life, and before I knew it, yes, he was dead, yet again…” she sighed as memories flooded her mind. “I woke up, but he didn’t…”

“Yet he did, because obviously he survived” Amelia asked. “Otherwise, Olivia wouldn’t be alive?”

“Yeah, he did,” Liz smiled as she thought of how she would not have the only positive memory of Max in her life if he had not lived, and they had not gotten another chance, however fleeting it had been. “Because I gave him a reason to come back,” she smiled as the memories flooded her heart, and brain. “I gave him a kiss, which I figured was a good-bye kiss, but he came back. A transformation took place. All of your father came back. Good had won over evil, as he was able to take over Clayton’s body, and from then on, he was a different man.”

“So, you are telling me you were Juliet to Dad’s Romeo?” Olivia asked. “Or Maria to Dad’s Tony in West Side Story?” she wondered.

“They were fairy tales,” Liz commented Girls and their quest for a romance of their lifetime. “We were real. But yeah, I managed to bring him back, so, yeah, he survived and therefore until that point, when he did wake up, he was not in his right mind. We picked each other up, and we headed home, trying to forget the events of that day and unfortunately, the school did not refund back my tuition to my father, and now we know, why. Because they had evidence, which they turned over when the government got wind of my brief introduction to boarding school.”

“And they used it to convict Dad?” Olivia asked.

“Yes,” Liz sighed. “They didn’t have an airtight case even with the leads that they were able to find, and with his confession” she said. “When he chose to the confess, well, we didn’t know they would find out about Vermont, which made it worse for him because they were able to paint a picture.”

“Why did he confess?” Zack asked. “If he was innocent. Why confess…?”

“Because he was protecting everyone, he cared about from what could happen if they got a hold of us, and if we had held out, and tried to fight them. We might have been able to get away once again because we did get away when they came after us during our high school graduation,” Liz muttered. “But if they had gotten us. Because they had it out for your father, Isabel, Michael and me…”

“Why you,” Amelia asked. “If you’re human, okay, but most standards but why would they want you?” she asked. “I understand your husband or Aunt Isabel, and of course my dad, but you…”

“Because being healed by your father, it gave me gifts. Still, I was human, still am, but because I used by gifts to save someone with your father shortly before graduation, and in the wake of the explosion, they pinned me as one of them, and figured I needed to be terminated along with everyone. Which is why we were running. We were being hunted. Max feared what would happen if they got a hold of us.”

“Because Dad had already been taken once before, so he knew?” Olivia asked.

“Yeah,” Liz sighed as she did not like remembering. “I know I have laid a lot on you guys, and especially you Zack and you don’t have to believe me,” she sighed “But maybe one day you will, and you will see that you probably had the better deal because despite whatever abilities you might have inherited, well, you were away from here. You would not have wanted Olivia’s life, and it was not easy living in the shadow of the nightmare we went through back there. But you deserve to know what happened, and make peace it, however you want to as you go forward” she sighed as she thought of all of what she had laid out on the kids. “I am going upstairs, I think I’ll take it easy which is what you should be doing, and I shouldn’t be laying that all on you…”

“I am fine Mom, because it’s better dealing with the past then the present any day of the week” Olivia admitted. “It teaches me what not to do,” she sighed. “And what to look out for…”

“Yeah, it does,” Liz admitted before leaving the room, and leaving Olivia with Zack and Amelia as she climbed the stairs, and headed for her bedroom, and she felt a ghost of the past still with them.

“You probably didn’t expect all that?” Olivia asked downstairs as she took stock of the new circumstances. She figured that Zack would not be able to process it yet, as she was still dealing with it and she had lived in this life a hell of a lot longer than he did, and Amelia was just taking it as a fun story. She did not have to live it.

Olivia did.

“No, I didn’t” Zack muttered. “Do you even believe any of that?”

“I didn’t before, but now…” Olivia could not help but wonder It is way too bizarre to believe, but you never know, huh?

“Now?” Zack asked.

“Now, anything is possible I guess,” Olivia sighed. “I wasn’t alive back then, so I can’t say for sure it couldn’t have happened because I know my mother doesn’t lie, and she wouldn’t want me to think the worse about my father, but she wouldn’t want to give me an elaborate cover story as to the real circumstances. Plus, my aunt and Amelia’s mother has pretty much said similar things.”

“Yeah,” Zack asked as he focused on the pretty blonde in the room.

“Yeah,” Amelia nodded. “I don’t have skin in the game. The two of you do. My parents just lived it and have their road in the middle of the muck,” she sighed. “But something tells me Aunt Liz doesn’t lie” she murmured. “At least not about this…”

“Right,” Zack nodded as he glanced at his half sister. “Your mother is a pretty remarkable woman, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she is, isn’t she?” Olivia admitted. “And you don’t even know half of what she had to deal with in her life,” she sighed as she knew she gives her mother gruff about choices she had made but she did not know if she were in the same shoes, well, she did not know what she would have done in the same circumstances. She could barely handle the circumstances she was in, now, and to think about dealing with life her mother led back before she was born.


Upstairs Liz was a mess of emotions. Entering the portal of the past it seems was bringing memories back into her life of her husband. For years she had told herself that she had figured she had done a good job at putting that at bay because it was out of necessity because how could she live her life if she was always dreaming or simply thinking of the love of her life who had taken yes, another sacrifice for her, and taken one for their team.

She figured she could make it through whatever they would have subjected her to because she was human at the end of the day, and with special gifts, but it was not like she was going to start glowing. Sure, she exhibited green energy, but by the time the law had caught up to them, she had gotten a good sense of how to control her gifts, but mostly she had not been like the others, and therefore she was able to live her life like anyone else. She knew the government would have gotten tired of her because she was not like the others. But the notion scared her, and it had scared Max, and therefore he had done the extreme.

She did have gifts, but they were as intense as the others. Once they had started to manifest, it seemed they had died down and she had been given the power of insight of the future. Which is what got them into trouble in the first place because they had helped save a innocent, and that bit them in the butt when she was pressured into spilling what she knew, and what she knew was that Liz was one of them.

Which made her one of the band of four that needed to be taken out, and to be terminated, and they had almost succeeded if not for the psychic that Maria had dragged Michael to, to get some insight on their future. She had given Michael some non-Maria related advice, and he took, and saved them in the end.

Allowed them to get out of town, and for she and Max to take their vows, and to have a downright perfect wedding night.

Only for the next day to bring the nightmares.

Nightmares that were still with her nearly seventeen years later she shuttered as she looked at the mirror in front of her and touched and felt the alien pendant on her neck and looked down at her engagement ring.

Memories of one special moment.

As she glanced back and he was shaken by the image of Max staring at her, like he had done so many times when things were halfway decent because nothing had been ever easy for them, and yet they had a love like she had not seen or known possible “Max” she murmured as she glanced at him.

Liz, it was you

It was, something he would always tell her. That she was the only one for him. Which made it hard for them when Tess came to town and she realized that maybe they were not special, or she was not special because someone else was meant for him.

But Max had only wanted her, and tried to persuade her of that, and it took a long time for her to really listen and to know what they had was rare, and not to be taken for granted because she saw the other side of it when love was taken for granted. She had certainly done that, and ultimately it hit her in the stomach when she lost Max to the grand sacrifice.

Now she was alone and raising their daughter and now watching her strike out on her own, in ways that would test her, and test them all.

Still, she remembered, and she still saw Max staring at her. A ghost of her husband. A husband who could not be with her, and how she missed him.

Sixteen years of getting used to having no one beside her in bed, and how she missed the chance to have someone. But she only wanted Max.

No one else.

She still remembered the passion of that night. Such a change from the rush of the first time, as they had gotten caught up in the emotion of getting engaged and being on her balcony and not sure how long before they might get caught.

Which was so much of their relationship.

I love you Mrs. Evans gave her a thrill, even today despite officially operating in life and in her medical career as a Parker. Still, she remembered Max carrying her into the hotel room, and how passionate it got that night.

“You’re the only one I want Liz she heard. “I love you too Max” she said and meant it. She knew she made the right decision to say yes, and to say her vows.

They had thought they had the world to be together, and the time, only for the next morning to make that a pipe dream as she remembered how it was to be with Max in bed, and how passionate it had gotten that night.

No such hesitation as with their first time. It was steamy, and she remembered it and still to this day she did not know which day they had conceived Olivia because of course her daughter had been born slightly early.

On Valentine’s Day. A way of getting her to like love again, and she had loved their daughter, and wished Max could have been there on that day as she laid in the hospital with their newborn daughter in her eyes.

Trying to ignore the flashes, she instead went to her phone. “I need you and bring as much alcohol as you can muster” she muttered as she looked back into the mirror, and Max vanished, and it reminded her that she did not really have Max anymore.

That he was a figment of her imagination, and she would never have that chance again.

And she needed to go back to knowing that, despite her heart wanting something she could not have.


Merry Christmas
Thank you for the support over this story, and I hope you will come back after Christmas for what is next... As plenty of twists are coming, As we see a step back in Max's quest and determination to go back home, and many more moments to come...
It had been a unprecedented year in many ways, so enjoy your Christmas...
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