A Love Worth Dying For(Adult/CC) *Starting*

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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"Well...I don't think the sort of life I lead would suit marriage.WHomever I marry would have to be ready to accept my way of life,whihc as you know is,sleep by day and work by night.Also since that is the routine I follow I dont' get to meet many of the young men of our county." I've never met a woman who wasn't anxious to marry. Isabel is quite and Independent and self sufficant woman. That only makes her more attractive to me. I listen as she rambles reasons as to why it would be difficult for her to settle down.

."Besides,I don't think I could ever leave Balmoral.I grew up on this property.Any man who wants to marry me will have to come live here and since that is my condition it's hardly likely I will find a man.I'm sure you haven't heard of any men who go and live on their wives plantations,that too ones they share with their brothers." In all honesty I haven't. Most men want to live on their family land and would make no exception. "You'll find the right suitor, Isabel."

I assure her with a kind smile. "If he loves you enough he would never force you to leave your home." I reveal hoping I don't come off as to nosy. It's not a common practice for the lady of the house to mingle with the help. I wouldn't want to tarnish her reputation. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by KarenEvans »


If he loves you enough he would never force you to leave your home.",he says and I smile at him,"You're very kind."

If only he knew.Most men would be scared of me if they knew what they were dealing with.

Although he has lived on our property for a few years I have never really spoken to him for any real length of time so I decide ask him about his family,"Where is your family Alexander?I mean I know you have worked for us for about three years now,if I am not mistaken and not once have to asked for leave to go see them."
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"You're very kind." she compliments causing me to grin sheepishly. It's a good thing she's not really looking otherwise she'd seen the blush that has crept up acorss my cheeks. Then out of the blue she asks, "Where is your family Alexander?I mean I know you have worked for us for about three years now,if I am not mistaken and not once have to asked for leave to go see them." I frown at the painful memory and look out into the field while answering,

"There's a good explaination for that 'Ma'am." I admonish reluctantly. "I don't have a family. I was an orphan." Not wanting her to feel unwanted pity toward me I add, "Marianna and Elizabeth are all the family I need." Not wanting to be misjudged I finish, "They are like sisters to me. I feel protective over them." Clearling my throat I steer the conversation back to her, "As I'm sure your brothers are of you. Could they be one of the reasons you haven't had suitors to drop by."

Master Maxwell and Master Michael are quite intimidating when it comes right down to it. I can see why a man would be reluctant to face them. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by KarenEvans »


My heart fills with sympathy and compassion for him when I hear that he is an orphan.How lonely he must have been before he met Elizabeth and Marianna.It's good that he has them.He has done very well for himself all things considered.He very well could have ended up being a rascal,or a thief coming up an orphan.

He is quick to point out that he sees the two young maids just as sisters and I look at him,that's the second time he's told me that in fifteen minutes.Either he thinks I have a rotten memory or he doesn't want me to think that he is interested in them in a romantic way.

"I feel protective over them....As I'm sure your brothers are of you. Could they be one of the reasons you haven't had suitors to drop by.",he inquires politely and I can't help but laugh

"Oh no...they might be a tad over-protective but they are well meaning.If a man shows up who is genuinely interested in me and not my wealth,who loves and respects me and whom I love in return they will not stand in the way.Yes,they might try and rag him a bit but that'll all be in good fun." I tell him

At that very moment our horses stepped closer to one another and our legs brushed against each other.I can't stop the blush that rises in my cheeks.It's been years since a man has touched me and even that simple contact jolted me,made me remember how much I miss having that skin-on-skin contact with a man,have him take me passionately.I must look away before he thinks I am strange.But I can't not look at him.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


She chuckles light heartedly at my words and assures me, "Oh no...they might be a tad over-protective but they are well meaning.If a man shows up who is genuinely interested in me and not my wealth,who loves and respects me and whom I love in return they will not stand in the way.Yes,they might try and rag him a bit but that'll all be in good fun." Her revelation puts me at great ease. Our horses begin to stride together and her leg accidently brushes up against mine and I can't begin to describe the feelings that overtake my body.

I attempt in vain to ease this ache within me ,but it is a thirst that shall not be quenched. I need her. I yearn to feel her beneath me withering in pleasure that only I can bestow upon her. Before I know what I am doing I have to took her horse by the bit and stopped movement from both creatures. I jump down of the animal and make my way to her side. She looks down at me questionally but says not a word as I help her down. Thouhgt stum rampart but I do my best to cease them.

Leading her to to the magnificant weeping willow tree I guide her into the safe haven and once we are hid away from the prying nights eyes I place a single finger across her lips. Her eyes darken with passion and that gives me all the insintive to believe that she wants this as badly as I do. "Let's not spoil this with frivialous words." I state vefore capturing her lips for a scorching kiss. Our bodies instinctively come together and I break my own rule my uttering her name during the momnt of pure extacy, "Isabel."
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by KarenEvans »


Our eyes meet and the look of lust and desire in his eyes are surely mirrored in mine because he stops both the horses from moving another inch forward and jumps down from his stead and makes his way quickly to my side.Everything seems to be happening in slow motion,I watch mesmerised as he comes to me,if I had a pulse it would be racing right now.

As he lifts me off Starlight I can't help but look in ot his eyes which are shining,I could drown in their depths.Where did this overwhelming desire suddenly come from,which is threatening to devour the both of us?

He leads me to the Weeping Willow,until we standing near the gigantic trunk and he places his index fingers across my lips,"Let's not spoil this with frivialous words.",I hear his words and watch as his lips hover above mine before they finally meet.Oh sweet sweet lust...it runs through my body,lighting up parts of me I thought I had buried long ago.This man can still make me feel alive by a simple kiss.

I kiss him back,tasting his lips,nibbling at them.My arms move up as though by themselves and entwine behind his neck."Isabel.",he whispers and I open my eyes."Yes Alex?" I ask in a husky voice,not caring that right now I am breaking all protocol,we vampires do not live by rules.We are a mockery of the rules that govern life and death,afterall.
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Post by KarenEvans »

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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


The faired haired Goddess opens her eyes and looks at me with lust written across her beautiful features. I can't help but feel some sense of pride in the fact that made her look that way. Seeing her so affected by my kisses leaves me even more aroused then I thought possible. "Yes Alex?" She questions while tightening her embrace. Her glorious arms are wrapped around my neck in the most delicious of postions and I grin against her lips. "Tell me this is not a dream." She seems throughly amused by my request.

"Please. Tell me I will not awaken alone in my chambers with a undeniable ache in my manhood ,and only your name on my lips." My fingertips come up to caress her cheek gently. I need to prove to myself that she is indeed real ,and not my fantasy come to life.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by KarenEvans »


There's a look of disbelife etched across his handsome features,"Tell me this is not a dream.",he says and I can't help but smile at him
"This is not a dream,we're both here,in the flesh." I whisper in to his ear

"Please. Tell me I will not awaken alone in my chambers with a undeniable ache in my manhood ,and only your name on my lips."
So he has been dreaming and fantasising about me.Well tonight's his lucky night because his fantasy is about to come true.
"You'll feel only pleasure tonight...if that is what you want." I say and turn my head slighty to kiss his fingertips as they caress my cheek
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


She assures me that she is in fact real and whispers into my palm as she kisses my fingertips gently. "You'll feel only pleasure tonight...if that is what you want." Now that is the kind of promise a man likes to hear. “More than I have ever wanted anything else.” I declare while capturing her lips once more. She leans on me for balance and I use this to my advantage. Breaking the kiss abruptly I surprise her by scooping her up in my arms and then lying her down in the soft lush grass.

Taking off my jacket I place it under her so that she mustn’t touch the ground and then I look down upon her with all the love and admiration I have kept stored up for the past three years. “You are truly the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes upon.” I inform her with a sensuous and honest smile. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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