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Re: Buffy?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:22 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Jezebel Jinx wrote:Drusilla is the other, she was childlike and while strong wasn't someone that you'd give much credit too, in terms of being able to take care of herself and being able destroy a person. But she had mental gifts, putting someone in a thrall like with Kendra, and being able to see into the future in a way and while confusing to other people she seems to understand what she's seeing. In a lot of ways I saw her as a vampire that you didn't expect to be a threat.
Now that you mention her I can see her as a great bad guy. When you pointed out the mental aspect of what she does it really got me thinking and I could not help but think of the season 2 ending where she used her power on Giles and made him see Jenny to information. Great points for Dru I never really saw her as a big bad before.

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:56 pm
by ashleyt
Jezebel Jinx wrote:
Ansleyrocks wrote:Who is your favorite bad guy?
That one's tough.

It's a toss up, one is Angelus because he was so wicked and mentally cruel, he knew how to get at an issue that was painful for a person to be brought up. For example playing with Buffy's insecurities of being new at sex and not knowing what she was doing and saying she wasn't good. Or with Xander during the episode 'Killed by Death' when Angelus taunted him that Buffy had been with a vampire and he got there first. And I enjoyed that aspect, plus he was sarcastic as hell.

Drusilla is the other, she was childlike and while strong wasn't someone that you'd give much credit too, in terms of being able to take care of herself and being able destroy a person. But she had mental gifts, putting someone in a thrall like with Kendra, and being able to see into the future in a way and while confusing to other people she seems to understand what she's seeing. In a lot of ways I saw her as a vampire that you didn't expect to be a threat.

Those would have to be my two favorite. Spike and Glory come in close third and fourth though.
I agree about Drusilla. We didn't really get a taste of how unassuming she was until after WMLA when she was healed. Plus anyone watch her on Angel when she turned Darla? That was freaking awesome.

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:26 pm
by April
Ooh, Drusilla was amazing on both Buffy and Angel. She added something special to every scene she was in. I really believe she was one of the most well-crafted and intriguing characters on the entire show.

Guess what, you guys? I might be able to write a paper about Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the class I'm taking right now. Might being the key word. I'll find out tomorrow. I really hope I can, though. It'd be so fun!


Re: Buffy?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:29 pm
by ashleyt
That's so cool April! Tell us the topic if you get to write it.

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:32 pm
by Vael
April wrote:Ooh, Drusilla was amazing on both Buffy and Angel. She added something special to every scene she was in. I really believe she was one of the most well-crafted and intriguing characters on the entire show.
I agree, pity they never made her more of a threat ..she should've posed a lot bigger problem than she did. But no we had to have our time wasted with Angel & Spike & Darla :roll:
Ok Spike was funny when was evil, but pretty much Dru would've been better.

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:11 pm
by Ansleyrocks
You bring up a great point, Dru was not used too much. Maybe it is because there was usually someone there to control her. She had this childlike state and usually Spike, Darla, or Angel were there to control her. Even when she came back to Sunnydale to cause problems, Spike was there even in his none killer days to keep her in line.

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:22 pm
by killjoy
Season two will always be the best.

Mostly because they brought in both Spike and favorite two vamps.Plus I loved Xander/Cordy...actually their couple time was the ONLY time I liked Xander.Willow/Oz cuteness was in full bloom....the Oz werewolf episode is one of my all time fav's.

I loved how the show in season two would play that wild piano music in major right after Buffy sent Angel to Hell she put her hands over her mouth and than you hear that music....or when Buffy was rushing back to the school after Dru killed Kendra and you have Whistler giving that life speech while she's running.I missed little things like that in the other seasons.

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:14 am
by Hunter
I used to watch this when I was around ten years old. I loved it. I always wanted Buffy and Spike to get together thought and I felt so sad when Buffy killed herself. But my fav eppy was when she came back. Loved that one.

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:07 pm
by killjoy
My most fav bad guy was always The Master from the first season with Angelous being a close second.I have a soft spot for Dru though.She was a total bad ass who killed a Slayer on her own but when you watch her she looked like a lost child...maybe that's what made her so dangerous.You underestimate her.

The worst bad guy will aways be Adam :roll:

The Mayor and Mr Trick hold the record for making me laugh :lol:

Characters I came to hate...or hated from the start

!.Kennedy...hate her with a burning passion that's fueled by the pits of Hell :twisted:

2.Xander...was a total jerk who got away with stuff Spike got bashed for...A.He stalked Buffy with his hopeless love all through season one.B.He tried to rape Buffy in season one but that's totally left out when everyone hates Spike for the same thing.C.He turned into an ass in the last few seasons of the show....the ONLY time I liked him was when he was dating Cordy.

3.Season six Willow....Mind raping Tara,Magic junkie who breaks Dawn's arm.What a waste of such a sweet smart girl I adored in the first three seasons.

4.Riley...bigoted,dumb,ran a camp where beings were locked up and left to die and a 'I was just following orders' type of guy...who does that remind you of :roll:

5.Angel...or Peaches as Spike likes to call him....gets a get out of jail free card for anything he did thanks to Buffy.All is forgiven from Season Two because he has he soul again.But when Spike came back with his in Season Seven Buffy treated him like dirt.

Yes I am a Spike fan but have no love for Buffy herself some times

Re: Buffy?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:06 am
by April
I didn't know you were a Spike fan, killjoy! Me, too!

You're right about Adam. Worst bad guy of the entire series. For most people, anyway. There was just something about him that was a little . . . boring.

I wish we'd gotten to see more of The Master. At least they kept bringing him back in episodes like "The Wish" and several episodes of Angel. ;) Now THAT was a bad guy!
