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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 22 1/12/2019

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 1:48 pm
by keepsmiling7
It's good that Ava is keeping things in check.
The bonding between Max and Liz is really strong.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 23 1/16/2019

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:50 pm
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Twenty-Three
<Alien Club Meeting – Friday Evening>
Serena had located a window near Michael’s living room where she could hear everything. She would only go in if she needed to.

“Okay, Maria everyone that needs to be here is here. Tell everyone what this is all about.” Michael turned the meeting over to Maria.

“Well, I have seen with my very eyes doubles of Liz, Michael and Isabel. The Liz double was outside the Crashdown just staring down Max and Liz as they were talking. I didn’t see her again. Later that evening Liz calls saying she is getting out of town with Max. Today in US. Government class, I swear I saw a shimmery version of Max, Liz and the other Liz.

Alex just saw the Michael and Isabel doppelgangers himself just before we left his house. The Michael guy, I think the Isabel one called him Wrath, was hitting on me. He had a Mohawk, leather pants, pieced lip, and pieced eyebrow. Who knows what else he had pieced. His tattoos were of the alien symbols in cave. The Isabel one, I think Lonnie was her name, was similarly dressed this morning. Her hair was darker than Isabel’s. This morning I saw them kissing in the library before school started. She had tongue down Wrath’s throat. Even when Tess gave Michael and Isabel those dreams, they never acted on them.”

“It wasn’t me I was on the student government trip. I would never have my tongue down Michael’s throat. I think of him as a brother. Lonnie could be short Vilondra. Both Congresswoman Whitaker and Nicholas said I was named Vilondra in my past life. They said I betrayed my brother on Antar.” Isabel added.

“Isabel, you can’t believe the word of people trying to kill the four of you. I wouldn’t call them the most reliable source of information. Besides all of you are different people now. I think everyone in this room trusts you with their life,” the sheriff assured her.

“Carver told me there were eight pods. So maybe the other four were duplicates of us,” Michael informed them.

“But it doesn’t explain were the Max duplicate is or why there is a double of Liz in town,” Isabel added.

“Max and you recognized me when I started school in fifth grade. Max has always said that he felt drawn to Liz from first time he saw her in third grade. It would explain a lot if Max was always meant to be with Liz.”

“Then there that rumor going around school today that Liz and Kyle slept together last month. Tommy Flanagan told me in the locker room. He said that Pam heard it from Tess. The word is that Max caught them in bed together. It gets worse with Kyle’s and Liz’s absences today they were out of town to take care of the unwanted pregnancy,” Alex told the group.

Serena couldn’t believe what she was hearing about her mother. What happened to her? Cal always spoke so positively about her. The New York Zan was deeply in love with his Ava. She could understand why the this Zan was in love with someone else.

“Kyle, you are being very quiet. Why have you not objected to anything that has said about you and Liz? Did it happen? Why would Liz break Max’s heart like that? I’m his sister. Kyle, I need some answers and I need them now.” Isabel was ready to blast Kyle if he didn’t start answering her questions.

<Evans Cabin>

He finally made it. She was finally in his reach. She was sleeping so peacefully in the bed. He couldn’t disturb her and wake her. He took off his clothes and shoes and lifted the covers to join her in bed. He held her body close to him. She looked different, but he was not yet 100 percent recovered from his ordeal. He finally let himself drift off to sleep.

Liz was having another fantastic dream about her former life. Ava and Zan had been so happy. She was recalling the night she shared the news of her pregnancy with Zan. Liz soon found herself remembering the feelings Ava experienced and vocalizing her pleasure. He was exhausted, but he soon found himself responding. He pulled her closer to him. He soon found himself kissing down her neck. He quickly flipped her on her back. He wanted her badly.

Downstairs, Max and Ava were blocking mind rapes. Ava wanted Max prepared for the next run in with Nicholas. Ava touched Max and got a flash. “Max, we need to get to Liz now.” Max quickly scaled the stairs to the bedroom Liz was sleeping in.

Max reached the room and couldn’t believe his eyes. It was almost in unison “who the hell are you,” rang out from three startled individuals: Liz, Max and the stranger.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 23 1/16/2019

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:52 pm
by L-J-L 76
Oh boy Kyle better have some answers for Isabel. Maria needs to just tell everyone what she knows before Isabel, Micheal do something. Wow Max, Ava found a stranger in bed with Liz. Hopefully Max, Liz and Ava will find out who the person is and why is he in bed with Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 23 1/16/2019

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 11:16 am
by keepsmiling7
Who is the stranger???

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 23 1/16/2019

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 2:50 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Yes who is the stranger?

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 24 1/17/2019

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:38 pm
by RoswellFan68
Since I will be out of town with limited internet service I thought I would provide an update tonight.

Chapter Twenty-Four

<Michael’s Apartment>

“Son, I think we need answers. I would like to think we can trust Tess. She lives in our home but if she is spreading untruths about you and Liz meant to hurt Max we need to know.”

“Okay, yes Max saw Liz and I in bed together and it looked something happened between us. For some reason Liz wanted me to pretend to sleep with her. She didn’t share her reasoning with me, but she was devastated after Max left. It was almost as if someone was forcing her to do it. I swear I could hear her talking to someone in her bathroom. He sounded like Max.”

“And your just now telling us about it! You are lucky that Max didn’t blast you to the next county. Everyone understands what Liz means to Max. The easiest way to hurt Max to take Liz from him. You were off at football camp this summer, but Max was miserable without Liz this summer.” Michael was upset.

Serena knew this was her que. The room was in chaos she could provide them the missing pieces.

“Okay, I think everyone needs to calm down a little. We know for sure that there are doubles of Michael and Isabel in town. Isabel was out of town. The question is whether there is doubles of Liz and Max. We don’t know why Max, Liz and Tess are unaccounted for.”

“Liz seemed to be cautious but optimistic. If I didn’t know any better, I would think they were going to elope.”

“I know my brother Maria, he would never take another woman with him on a honeymoon with Liz. I don’t think we have to worry about them eloping. Besides, Liz doesn’t seem like the type that would be happy with a wedding at the Elvis Chapel in Vegas.”

She knocked on the apartment door. Everyone quieted down. Michael checked the peep hole.

“It’s not Tess. I think it is the new girl in that Maria waited on this evening.”

“I think we should let her in. For some reason, I trust her.” Maria told the group.

“Who the hell are you?” Michael questioned the stranger at the door.

“Serena Langley”

<Evans Cabin>

Max quickly put a shield between Ava, Liz and the stranger. Ava was the first speak. “Zan, it is really you? I was positive that Lonnie and Rath killed you in New York.” Ava was the about to run up to Zan but being cautious she had learned to be over the years, she stopped herself. “I need to know it is really you Zan. What did you give me for my fifteenth birthday?

“I got you DNA Science: A First Course First Edition. It was also our first anniversary and the traditional gift for the first anniversary is paper.”

Ava then ran up to her mate. She had never been happier to see him. It didn’t take long before she in his arms. The first kiss produced the first flashes. Ava witnessed Zan form his shield the moment the truck was about to hit him. He instinctively knew this was accident. He could feel Lonnie’s and Rath’s power. He made the decision at that point he would not let them know he survived. He took himself to another tunnel that he and Ava had used from time to time. He was injured but nothing time would not heal. He watched as Ava rode off with Lonnie and Rath. He was worried but her safety but knew he was not strong enough yet to face the pair again. He heard Lonnie speak of Roswell but did not know why she wanted to go to Roswell other than it would get her closer to her goal of reuniting with Kivar. Ava experienced his excitement to see her once again. He was tired from the trip and thought his mind was playing tricks on him. She felt different. He was thrilled to be with his mate. She witnessed him responding to Liz. She felt his confusion when he kissed Liz by mistake.

Zan experienced Ava’s utter pain after his apparent lost. He witnessed her frustration of only having Rath and Lonnie. He felt her renewed hope in learning of this double. He witnessed premonitions of Max. He witnessed her meeting Max and later Liz for the first time. He witnessed the boding ceremony that Ava performed for Max and Liz. He witnessed her renewed sense of hope discovering her pregnancy. He witnessed her teaching Max and Liz about their powers. He felt her shock to discover him in bed with Liz. He felt her total joy in discovering he was alive and well. He had returned to her.

Finally, the two had to come up for air and stopped their kiss. “Zan I missed you so much. This the happiest day of my life.”

“I know angel, I can’t believe my journey is over and we can be together again. I love you Ava, only you. I can’t believe you are having our baby.”

“I know Zan.”

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 24 1/17/2019

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:34 am
by keepsmiling7
good to see a reunion between Zan and Ava!
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 24 1/17/2019

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:16 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow that was a hell of a reunion for Zan and Ava. So glad Zan is finally with Ava. Oh boy everything is going crazy at Michael's apartment. Finally Serena is going to talk to them and tell them something they didn't know about. Wonder how Micheal and others will handle what Serena tells them.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 24 1/17/2019

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:47 am
by Roswelllostcause
Well that is good Zan is alive. But I got the feeling all hell is about to break lose at Michael's.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 25 1/22/2019

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 8:14 pm
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Twenty-Five
<Evans Cabin>

Meanwhile Max and Liz were having their own private conversion, as Ava and Zan were having their reunion. “I think I know how everyone else feels when Maria says we are in our own Max and Liz world,” Liz told Max.

“I think you are right. Are you feeling okay? Did you get enough rest,” a concerned Max asked.

“I’m fine Max. It’s not the way I wanted to wake up. I was remembering the night on Antar when I told you I was pregnant. I was remembering in vivid detail how we celebrated. I didn’t think I would wake up kissing another man. You must believe me Max. I thought I was kissing you. It didn’t mean anything. It never would have gone any farther.”

“It’s just seeing you in bed with my double just took be back to that night, the worst night of my life. I’m still getting over the shock it will take some time to get that image out of my head.”

“Max, you believe me, don’t you? You don’t honestly believe I would have let anything happen?”

“In my heart, I believe you, but my mind now has two pictures of you in bed with someone that is not me. With Kyle at least he wasn’t touching you, but Zan had his hands all over you. His body was on top of yours. We will work through my insecurities. I love you and I won’t let you go.”

“Excuse us but I think you are on our bed,” Liz informed the other couple.

“So sorry. Zan, meet Max Evans and Liz Parker Evans. They grew up in Roswell. Max is the true king and Liz is his true mate that he just found out about yesterday. Liz came out of her pod early and was raised as a human.

Lonnie and Rath somehow knew about the Roswell group. They came here so they could bring Max to the summit. Lonnie and Rath are both determined to go to that summit. I only tagged along because I thought I could at least prevent your double from making the same mistake of underestimating Lonnie and Rath. When I finally tracked Max down, we realized that someone else had been posing as his mate.”

“If Tess was willing to pose as my mate for the last six months, I didn’t think that Liz or Ava would be safe in town if she knew Ava was here. We got Liz and came to my parent’s cabin. That way Ava could tell us her story.”

“I realized that Max and Liz were not bonded and Liz had yet to unlock her abilities. I performed their bonding ceremony last night. We have been training most of the day. The joint shield took too much out of Liz. She was up her resting.”

“She was resting until you tried to assault her.” Max wanted to blast his double for touching his mate.

“Max, Zan didn’t know I wasn’t his Ava. Give him a break.”

“Liz is right Max. For us to face our enemies we need to have complete trust in each other. I know it meant nothing to Zan. I felt it through our connection. I think Max needs to experience it for himself. He needs to kiss me.”

<Michael’s Apartment>
“My name is Serena Langley, I’m a hybrid like Michael and Isabel. I have the essence of the Zan and Ava’s child from Antar and biologically I’m daughter of Zan’s and Ava’s human donors. I’m the backup plan in case something happened to either set of pods. Only Zan, Vilondra or I could take the throne on Antar. You are correct there were two sets of pods. The other set was sent to New York City as a backup. Rath and Lonnie from that set are in Roswell. According to my guardian they are dangerous. He didn’t think that the Ava and Zan would survive living with the pair.

I received a letter from Max. It is not the Max that you know. He was from fourteen years in the future. He asked me to come to Roswell to protect Liz. He had asked Liz to make the current Max fall out of love with her. This sounds like Kyle was describing. He said Tess left because Max and Liz got together, and Tess would accept nothing short of being queen. Future Max hoped to delay getting together with Liz to give Max time to build a strong friendship with Tess. The one thing I can’t understand is Tess sounds nothing like the Ava in New York but both Max and Zan sound alike. Cal indicated that the New York Zan and Ava loved each as much or more than Zan and Ava on Antar. He said it was evident from the time they came out of the pods.

“Sounds like Liz and Max. Liz must be, the real Ava from this group. You said you were biologically the child of the human donors to Ava and Zan. You look like the perfect mixture of Max and Liz.” Maria concluded.

“I would have to agree. Your eyes are the same color as my brother’s, but they are shaped more like Liz. The hair is same color as Liz’s. Unfortunately, you got my brother’s ears as well.”

“Let’ focus everyone. There is another Michael, Isabel and possibly Liz and Max out in Roswell. The alien symbols guarantee they are alien, most likely with similar abilities to you. Tess went AWOL after starting the rumor about Liz and Kyle. The question what are we going to do now.” Alex wanted the group to focus.

“Alex, you are right. We need to find Max and Liz and make sure they are okay. Isabel, you have any idea where your brother would take off if he needed to get away?” Michael asked.

“Tess would know about the pod chamber and the cave. Our parents have a cabin about one hour north of here.”

“I think Isabel, Serena and I should go and see if Max, Liz and Ava are at the cabin.” Michael wasn’t about to leave an alien alone with Maria and the other humans.”

“One-minute Space boy, Liz has been my friend longer than she has known you three. I think Alex and I should go as well. We are just as involved in this as you and Isabel. We definitely know them better than the new chick. Besides, I don’t think any of us should be alone when Wrath and Lonnie are running around Roswell.”

“Michael, she has a point. We don’t know if this Wrath or Lonnie are friend or foe. Kyle, Alex and Maria can stay with me. I will get them out of there if there are any problems.”

“Isabel, Serena and I will take the Jetta, everyone else rides with the Sheriff. Let’s get on the road.” Michael was taking charge.