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Re: LOST Season 6

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:33 pm
by Roswellian117
I am not irrate. I was simply saying that there is no use getting upset over something you can't change.

If I am NOT allowed to state my own opinion and debate then that is not cool. I think McDreamy and McSteamy are lame nics too.

I have nothing against sawyer and kate or jack and kate or any other couple. There's no use crying oved spilled milk. If you didn't like the SF say your piece, vent, then get over it b/c you cannot change it.

I wish we could've gotten answers but don't attack me b/c I said get over it. It was a general get over it.

You know Ellie you do know me b/c u have commented on my stories and those stories are into my soul. If you don't like me personally b/c I said get over it and move on. I'm sorry but the finale was what it was. It didn't answer my questions either but I won't sit here and say it was an entire piece of shit b/c a couple didn't look at each other. Maybe they did. They probably got together or the plane at the end was their plane and they all died. Use your own imaginations.

Sawyer and Kate lived a happy life together off the island.

Remember the ending of Titanic. When Rose died she didn't meet up with her husband. She met up with Jack.

As for Sayid and Shannon I am still like WTF on that. LOL.

It was NOT my intention to hate. I apologize for getting passionate.

Re: LOST Season 6

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:43 am
by April
I think I've probably been the most disrespectful person here, calling people delusional and all that. Which I don't mean to be. It's just . . . I hated the finale so much and it's impossible for me to come up with my own ending because this show is all about the canon to me. (The fact that it's all about the canon and that Kate and Sawyer were consistently shown to be more canon than any other couple is probably why I'm so damn upset.)

Anyway, I'm over the show. I started to not care during the 5th and 6th seasons. The writers claimed to have everything planned for a long time, but it's clear that they started making up stuff as they went along around season 4. And unfortunately, they caved in at the end and didn't let the show write itself.

Re: LOST Season 6

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:40 pm
by Roswellian117
LOL!! April... you... you... :)

Re: LOST Season 6

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:41 pm
by Jason's Lover
This is the thread for discussing Lost, right? So I don't appreciate being told to 'get over it and move on.' I have the choice of ranting and posting my thoughts on what I thought about the finale. If that upsets or annoys you, you also have the choice of ignoring my posts altogether. Simple as that.

Also, I thought the ENTIRE finale as a whole was shit. I was a huge Skater, but also a huge fan of the show in general. I wasn't only watching to see how my couple would fair in the end. I've watched and invested in this show for 6 damn years. It meant a lot to me and it sucked to be disappointed on every level. If you weren't, that's peachy. Great for you. But I'd like the respect to say what I want and not be reprimanded for not loving how OMG!AWESOME!SPIRITUAL the finale was.

Re: LOST Season 6

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:32 pm
by Roswellian117

Re: LOST Season 6

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:05 pm
by Roswellian117
Jason's Lover wrote:This is the thread for discussing Lost, right? So I don't appreciate being told to 'get over it and move on.' I have the choice of ranting and posting my thoughts on what I thought about the finale. If that upsets or annoys you, you also have the choice of ignoring my posts altogether. Simple as that.

Also, I thought the ENTIRE finale as a whole was shit. I was a huge Skater, but also a huge fan of the show in general. I wasn't only watching to see how my couple would fair in the end. I've watched and invested in this show for 6 damn years. It meant a lot to me and it sucked to be disappointed on every level. If you weren't, that's peachy. Great for you. But I'd like the respect to say what I want and not be reprimanded for not loving how OMG!AWESOME!SPIRITUAL the finale was.
As I said it is a general get over it. I'm sorry if you think that I was attacking you. I'm sorry that you were not satisfied but hey... Everyone dies sometime and so does every show. I wasn't happy with the way certain things left me wanting more like the series finale of Roswell. As much as I love that show for me it ended not very well and I still had 500 million billion questions.

Jason's Lover it was nothing against you personally, I was a bitch that day, plain and simple. I am not usually a bitch but somethings just set people off and you would be upset too if people were constantly writing HORRIBLE things about your favorite person. Honestly, I am sorry if Kate and James didn't get their moment. Sorry that they choose to put him with Juliette. I am sorry for every little thing that was wrong with the show.

Either you love Max and Liz together or you love Max with Tess. There are always people who won't agree.

Re: LOST Season 6

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:39 pm
by Jason's Lover
Roswellian117 wrote:As I said it is a general get over it. I'm sorry if you think that I was attacking you. I'm sorry that you were not satisfied but hey... Everyone dies sometime and so does every show. I wasn't happy with the way certain things left me wanting more like the series finale of Roswell. As much as I love that show for me it ended not very well and I still had 500 million billion questions.

Jason's Lover it was nothing against you personally, I was a bitch that day, plain and simple. I am not usually a bitch but somethings just set people off and you would be upset too if people were constantly writing HORRIBLE things about your favorite person. Honestly, I am sorry if Kate and James didn't get their moment. Sorry that they choose to put him with Juliette. I am sorry for every little thing that was wrong with the show.

Either you love Max and Liz together or you love Max with Tess. There are always people who won't agree.
You don't need to be sorry for my disappointments in the finale. You weren't writing the show. And I don't know who your favorite character is, but I don't recall saying horrible things about any one person.

Re: LOST Season 6

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:54 pm
by Roswellian117
JL: No you didn't write anything about anyone that I liked on the show. Again I am very sorry for how I came off. I shouldn't have done that. I wish I was a writer on that show because I would've written a WAY better ending that would've left everyone satisfied. :mrgreen:

Re: LOST Season 6

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:00 pm
by Cocogurl
I really liked the Lost Finale. And I loved the flashback moments and the fact that all of my fav couples got together in the end like I hoped they would: Kate/Jack, Shannon/Sayid, Claire/Charlie, Saywer/Juliet, Sun/Jin. I cried throughout the entire episode. The very last few moments were a little weird to me, but was still enjoyable.

Re: LOST Season 6

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:02 pm
by killjoy
Okay I found this very funny....the acting is very very very bad but some of the facts they brought up about LOST was funny :lol:

PS....just so you'll get the line...the guy who played Locke on Lost a decade before played a part on the tv show Star Trek The Next Generation. ... re=related