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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:19 pm
by Athenea

"Come along, Xadalyn, Don't be afraid. Your vacation from planetary obligations is about to begin." Max says and I give him a small smile. I’m glad to going to Earth. I want to see what its like without having to worry about every little thing I do. I can spend some time with my family without any government drama.

I turn to Larek one last time before giving him a hug. “You’ll contact me if there are any problems.” I ask and he nods before making a shooing motion towards the portal opening. “I’ll take care of everything, without you or your cousin here it should be quite peaceful.”

I smile at his joke. Nicolas had left about a week ago still in a huff, but I’m not going to worry about him. It’s vacation time. “Don’t let Adayla get to comfortable on the throne.”
I say before stepping through the portal.

Everyone is there waiting and I realize we seem to be out in the middle of the desert. I look around trying to see if this is the place I came through last time but everything looks the same…sand and more sand.

Welcome to Earth. Things should get interesting.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:52 am
by nickimlow

As Dad made a call to my grandfather, I stepped a little closer to my sisters. It was funny how using the word in the plural form seemed so natural even though it was still so new. I stuck my hands in my pockets and gazed casually around the desert.

I was hoping to be able to spend more time with the sister I'd lost more than a decade ago, get to know her and make up for lost time, with her duties and obligations out of the way. But I was also hoping to be able to get Xadalyn and Sarah to bond a little, because they were, in fact, half-sisters, which made their relationship the same as mine and Sarah's.

The past two weeks had been crazy and it had definitely affected Sarah. She had mellowed down a little, hadn't been as bubbly as she'd always been on Earth. I wondered if the changes were permanent, or if she would revert back to her old self as soon as we got home.

"What an experience, eh Sarah?" I said before turning to Xadalyn with a smile. "Time to relax, let go a little."

I wanted her to enjoy herself during her stay with us. She really deserved the break.

It still amazed how Xadalyn seemed so much older than she was; her wisdom and maturity was astounding. I couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if the roles had been reversed; what if our mother had raised me on Antar and given Xadalyn to our father? Would I have acted the same way as she had all those years?

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:08 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

“What an experience, eh Sarah?” Xan said stepping towards Xadalyn and me. “Yes it was. It sure going to last a lifetime” I reply to him before he look at Xadalyn and speaking to her. It looks like my brother and my new half-sister is going to spend a lot of time together. They really deserve it, and I am sure Xan would be very happy to finally feel complete.

I step to the side so Xan and Xadalyn could talk more. I didn’t want to be in the way. I smile at him, I telepath him, * “I’m sorry”* I hope he knows what I mean. I wasn’t the best sister on Antar and right now I want to change that.

My parents are here, and everyone finally together.

It is really hard to believe we are back on Earth, it seems like we were gone more than two weeks. It really felt like 2 years. I look around our surrounding to see where the warm hole brought us to. ‘Welcome to Roswell’, I read the side. It look to me that we were right outside of Roswell.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:35 am
by nickimlow
Dreamer_Dreaming wrote:I look at the warm hole, waiting for my parents to arrive.
Hey Nadine, Max and Liz were already out of the wormhole when Xan spoke. :D

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:27 am
by Dreamer_Dreaming
OCC: Ok edited it. Sorry everyone! BIC:

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:48 am
by nickimlow
Uh, I thought Justin returned to Earth earlier than everyone else?

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:34 am
by Dreamer_Dreaming
nickimlow wrote:Uh, I thought Justin returned to Earth earlier than everyone else?
Did he? I don't remember.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:47 pm
by isabelle
Yup. Justin had been sent back early -- the same day that the suggestion was made that Xadalyn would come to Earth. He was sent back immediately so his dad wouldn't freak. The others stayed for the two or three weeks that it took for Xadalyn (and Max) to sort out arrangements with Larak and Adayla for her absence.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:48 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
isabelle wrote:Yup. Justin had been sent back early -- the same day that the suggestion was made that Xadalyn would come to Earth. He was sent back immediately so his dad wouldn't freak. The others stayed for the two or three weeks that it took for Xadalyn (and Max) to sort out arrangements with Larak and Adayla for her absence.
Okay I'll edited it. Thanks guys.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:53 pm
by isabelle

Finishing up my quick call with my dad, I close up my phone and look around at my family -- a family that's quite a bit different than it was a month ago.

"Okay. Your Grandfather is on his way. Kyle and Justin are coming to meet us, too," I say with a sidewise grin. We are a big group and two cars are definately needed. I know Justin was angry about 'missing out' on the extra time on Antar. Hopefully, he'll be a bit happier now that everyone is back.

I turn to Xadalyn, trying to read her expression. She's still so tense and ... regal. I can see she's still trying to hide her emotions. I hope she takes her brother's suggestion and relaxes a little although I know it won't be easy for her. "Your aunt and the boys will be at the house waiting for us."

I wonder what the boys will be like around Xadalyn. They're usually so boisterous it's scary, but Isabel indicates that they've been kinda spooked about the idea of meeting a 'real live alien queen.' It seems strange, concidering that their own mother is a 'real live alien princess,' but I do understand the difference in their mind. Xadalyn actually ruled the system for ten years. -- I think they're also a bit jealous that Justin got to see Antar and they didn't.