Page 10 of 12

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:35 pm
by littleroswell

My jaw drops at Isabel's orders and I start to tell her just what she can do with herself and that matchmaker when it hits me where I've seen that girl before. She's the famous singer! OMG! I'm going to go out with a celebrity! I always knew computers were smart. She was beautiful and I love her music, not that I'd admit that to her. I don't want to come across as another crazed fan.

Wait a minute! Since when did I decide to go? Then I go upstairs to my room and start packing. Thinking hard about the whole thing I realize that maybe this girl is more like me than I'd first thought. Maybe she isn't really looking for a "match" but someone to have some fun with. I could do that. I can spend a couple of days in Roswell and, when I get tired of it all, I could take the next flight for wherever I wanted. Besides, I've heard the desert was beautiful and maybe I could paint a little before I left. I smirk. This way, Isabel gets her way, I get a little fun and when it's over I get my vacation. Not a bad deal all around.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:29 pm
by KarenEvans
This should not be on page 3.
At the risk of pissing players off I am asking this anyway...Storm can we like skip to the next day now?After everyone finishes their present nights conversations,of course.When they all meet.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:57 am
by StormWolfstone
If everyone agrees to skipping I have no problem with it... however before we do I am working on a post for Nadya that is going to show the interview Isabel did to Alex. So, he'll have a heads up a bit on what the woman he's meeting is like lol

If our Kyle wants to figure that one was done for him as well, then Liz could see that...

however, I'm doubting that Michael would have agreed to an interview since he didn't want to do any of it in the first place.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:02 am
by StormWolfstone

"Yeah,I wouldn't mind." Alex replies and I smile as I turn and reach for the disk I’d recording Isabel’s interview on. I can tell he seems a bit nervous and I’m hoping by watching Miss Evans, he’ll learn to relax just a bit and maybe find that he has something in common with her.

After he says he’s good to the offer of a drink, he then adds, "Since tomorrow is Saturday I am free the whole day so call me anytime and I'd rather meet her alone...I mean...well I think it would be uncomfortable with her brother and best friend breathing down my neck. I haven't dated...well...since my wife died. So I am kinda rusty when it comes to meeting a woman for the first time. I'd rather just make a fool of myself in front of her than in front of her friends as well as mine."

“Honestly, I don’t think Isabel will mind at all just meeting you one on one. She’s going to call me when they arrive so as soon as I know what she thinks, I’ll call you on a conference call, then just hang myself up so the two of you can talk. This also opens it for neither of you needing to feel concerned about the other having a phone number until you both decide whether you want more then the first date.” I tell Alex and lead him into the back section where my televisions are and the respective DVD players.

“Because my clients are asking for respect to their privacy, and Isabel specifically instructed that if I found her a match they would be the only ones to view and hear her interview, I’m going to have to ask that you put the headphones on and listen. Your friends will need to remain up front until you are finished. I’ll be back when it’s over; I do know how long it is. However, should you decide to rewind some, I’ll give you a bit of extra time.”


As it starts, Isabel is seen wearing a red peasant style top with a collar about it that seemed to swirl in a never ending circle, it wasn’t completely closed as if it was designed for the circle to trail around the neck, leading to a zig zag cut just above the best line, with a netting underneath to keep from having bare flesh showing. Yet, the design also gave full light to her ample exterior.

N: Why don’t you start by stating your name and occupation for me?

I: Isabel Evans, I’m a runway model and clothing designer. I own my own label, Destiny. In fact, the shirt I have on is from my personal line. I don’t sell this design.

N: Well, Miss Evans. What are you looking for by coming in here?

I: Honestly, I don’t know. As a model I’m often sought after by every possible male that I come across, but it’s not me that they see. It’s the body and the money I make. It has nothing to do with getting to know what’s inside this nearly six foot, blonde frame. I guess what I’m looking for is someone that can be a friend first, who looks on the inside. Someone who will realize that… well I can be an Ice Queen. Distance has always been something I’ve lived by. Other then my brothers, I don’t let myself trust because I don’t want to risk letting someone close enough to really hurt me.

God, why am I telling you this?

N: It’s easier to talk, Isabel. Now, what’s the first thing you notice about a guy?

I: (little laughter as she looks in the camera) Most would expect me, being a model, to say muscles… but its eyes. How a guy’s eyes look into mine. God, if my brothers ever heard this I’d never live it down.

N: Don’t worry, they won’t. Not unless you want a copy to take home with you. What sort of things do you like to do on dates?

I: Dinner, walks, movies, beach, stargaze. And when it comes to dinners, I don’t need something expensive. I’m good with something nice and greasy.

N: What’s your favorite food?

I: Pizza

N: Movies?

I: James Bond movies are fantastic.

N: Okay, here’s the part where you pretend you are talking to your perspective date. Tell him things you like, things that you might not tell face to face, be yourself and say whatever is on your mind.

I: (frowning at first and looking contemplative) Nadia, you sure aren’t making this easy. It’s funny, I’m used to cameras because after all I’m a model just as I had always said I’d be when I was a teen, but this just isn’t right. (She laughs) What would I say… well that’s hard. I guess I’d have to say…

Hi, there are a few things that if you don’t see this recording you will probably never hear from me… or if you do it would be months away. I was adopted when I was young, that was the most important day of my life and the happiest. My brother and I don’t know who we really are or where we were originally born. Our friend Michael was with us when we were found but ran so he didn’t get adopted by the same family. The three of us are close, very close and its almost as though both of them are my brothers. Yet… there is still something missing in my life and I’m still searching for it.

To some, this might sound like poetry, but I guess my biggest reason for liking the stars is because I feel as though they connect me to wherever it is I’m supposed to be.

This had better not be shown to anyone, Nadia…

N: We can toss it now, or we can keep it for only your match’s eyes to see. It’s entirely up to you.

I: If your database comes up with someone that would be considered a hundred percent compatible, you can offer to show it to them… even ninety-five percent… but no lower.

N: (laughing from off screen.) Deal.

The interview screen goes blank. The disc popping out of the player immediately.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 3:56 am
by KarenEvans

Great so looks like I won't be getting much sleep tonight in anticipation of tomorrow's phone call from Nadia and then having to break the ice with this Isabel Evans.I am so not a good telephone conversationalist.

I settle down on to the comfortable chair in front of the screen and put the head phones on.Nadia exits the room as the screen flickers to life and a vision of beauty lights up the screen.I can't help but stare.The colour of her top suits her so well and that hair,like spun gold.

Okay dude...stop drooling!

I begin to concentrate on what she's saying-
Isabel Evans, I’m a runway model and clothing designer. I own my own label, Destiny. In fact, the shirt I have on is from my personal line. I don’t sell this design.
What will a computer programmer and a runway model/clothing designer have in common I wonder?

I hear Nadia questioning her again and her response-
What’s the first thing you notice about a guy?

Most would expect me, being a model, to say muscles… but its eyes. How a guy’s eyes look into mine. God, if my brothers ever heard this I’d never live it down.

Must keep that in mind...maintain eye contact at all times if possible.

Upon hearing her idea of a perfect date I smile,Dinner, walks, movies, beach, stargaze. And when it comes to dinners, I don’t need something expensive. I’m good with something nice and greasy.
Well well well,we might just have something in common after all.

Finally she spoke to me,her date-to-be in an honest manner that had me warming to her, Hi, there are a few things that if you don’t see this recording you will probably never hear from me… or if you do it would be months away. I was adopted when I was young, that was the most important day of my life and the happiest. My brother and I don’t know who we really are or where we were originally born. Our friend Michael was with us when we were found but ran so he didn’t get adopted by the same family. The three of us are close, very close and its almost as though both of them are my brothers. Yet… there is still something missing in my life and I’m still searching for it.
To some, this might sound like poetry, but I guess my biggest reason for liking the stars is because I feel as though they connect me to wherever it is I’m supposed to be.

Very interesting and mysterious young woman.I am beginning to think that this wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Taking the headphones off I head back out in to the main office,"I'm done Nadia.You girls through with your business?" I ask them jovially

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:16 pm
by littleroswell
Occ: OMG. I'm so sorry, guys! I totally forgot that I was supposed to play Kyle too! Man, I've gotta get a better system for keeping up with all this. Help! How do I fix this? Where do I start?

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:32 pm
by littleroswell
Occ: I hope this is ok. I'm trying to catch up on a lot. Again, I'm so sorry. For some reason, I had it in my head that I was only playing Michael. I liked the idea of Isabel's video. I think it would be in character for Kyle to have made one but I'll leave that up to Storm.


I just can't believe that after all this time, Nadia has finally called with a match. I signed up with her agency on a whim. I had tried letting my friends fix me up with blind dates, I'd gone out with girls who were dying to date a famous football player, and I had even tried a couple of internet sites. None of them ever amounted to much and definitely didn't meet what I was looking for. However, I think that I had to go through all that to realize just what it was I was looking for.

I, Kyle Valenti, quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, am lonely. For all of my life, it's been me and my mom and that used to be enough. Lately, though, I've been wanting something I never really had...a family. Like I said, I've been out with a lot of girls and a lot of them were really nice or sweet and most were absolutely gorgeous but I just haven't met...the one yet.

So when I saw Nadia's sign while I was visiting my mother and her latest boyfriend in Waco, I decided, what have I got to lose? She promises a full refund. So I went in and I signed up. As time went on and she kept saying she was looking but had no luck, I was beginning to wonder if my soulmate and I had mixed our times up or something. Then yesterday, I got the call I had given up on ever getting. She has found my match. She promised to fax over a picture of her and when I got it, I was surprised. She looked like the sweet, down-to-earth girl I was hoping for. She was beautiful with waves and waves of dark brown hair and eyes that matched. Her smile was a little forced, like she didn't know how to smile for the camera, but it didn't hide that she could light up like a Christmas tree if given half a chance.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:36 pm
by littleroswell

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:44 am
by StormWolfstone
I am making this note on many boards. Those I am members of because I'm not certain that some of the creators have had the chance to be on and see this as well as my own games. There has been a new ruling made. If you are in a Mature or Adult rated game, you have to check in ... 04&start=0

Only 17 years of age or older are by ruling allowed to be in games with those two ratings. For my games, I will be checking this thread regularly and if I don't see a name on that list within two weeks of a player in my game, characters will be reassigned. If for some reason you have not been on the boards within that matter of time but you do get added to the list, you can PM me to let me know. However, as of right now in my games which will be listed below, a person can not post until they are on that list and if they post without being on the list, it will be reported to Mods. Players in my games have until July 8th to either have checked in on that thread and be posting, or to inform me that you are under 17 and will need to give up your characters.

My games are as follows: Pirate's Bounty, Masquerade, Future's Visitation, Preternatural Curses, Choosing Grounds, Sons and Daughters, Roswell Magick Legacy, Matches Made In Heaven, Crossing Distances, Roswell Next Generation (used to be Anna-Liisa's), Dormroom Diaries (used to be Lizzie_Parker_17's), , Shadowed Dawn.

I co-run the following: The Fifth, Darkened Doorways, World Of Change

Games I'm In: Destined Mates, Soul Mates by Madroswellfan, Three's a Party by Madroswellfan, A new day...every day by Madroswellfan, Land of Hope, by Anna-Liisa, Change of Heart by Anna-Liisa, Happily Ever After by Buffsteraddict, Where the Stars Don't Shine by Isabelle, A Baby Story by Isabelle, The Missing Piece by katnotkath, Fleeing Roswell by AlexEvans, Sacrifice by Anna-Liisa, Deny My Heart and Dangerous Intensions by Zanssoulmate08, Age of Ulyssa by isabelle (formerly by emmylala), Deceptive Appearances by Katnotkath, Second Generation by Zanssoulmate08,

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:45 pm
by madroswellfan
(ooc: Okay this is REALLY lousy but I have currently lost my muse! So sorry!)

Spiky he was a right moody guy though. You can tell because he wouldn't even damn smile for the picture! If he tries to give me any lip why I'll....

"I'm done Nadia.You girls through with your business?"

I blink and look up at Alex. "Huh...oh yeh I guess...."
I turn to Nadia. "So he will be here tommorow then? I guess I could somehow get through a date with this guy...just..."
Hmmm...maybe. As long as hes hot I guess I can force myself to...
Bet hes a real devil in bed...