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Character Of The Month?

Poll ended at Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:32 pm

Max as POM
Max as POM
Michael as Madroswellfan
Kyle as POM
Total votes: 7

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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


He seems moderately satisfied with my responce although he looks as if he's trying to decipher weither I'm telling the truth or not. Why would I lie? It's not that interesting. Just my life. Rather boring and bland minus my kooky mother of course who is anything ,but those two things. "Restraining orders?" He restates rather amused at my implication. "Come on...the girls here are begging me to get close to them." Oh Please! That concieted smile lights up his face and for a second he appears slightly less withdrawn.

"So whats so bad with Roswell?" He questions and it doesn't tak a rocket scientist to figure out that he doesn't like talking about himself. Which is rather funny considering he's probably the most arrogant man I've ever laid eyes on. Alright buddy, you wannna play? I'm game. "It just so small. Almost claustrophobia inducing. It's like at home when I needed a change I'd throw some excitement back into the mix." Running my hand absent mindedly through my hair I think about the good times I've had.

"My friends and I would buy clothes that we could normally never wear. We'd put on vibrant costume jewelry and extravagent wigs and go clubbing at a place we'd never been before. We'd use fake names and for that one night we could escape our lives ,and just be... someone else for a while. It's really freeing and liberating. You can just get lost in the crowd." Finishing my lil story I pick my glass back up and take a swig. "You can't do that here. My Mom and I moved in three days ago and everyone here already knows me as 'the new girl'. I can't esacpe here."

"I know this is gonna sound weird me asking you 'the most over confident man alive, but don't you just ever want to live someone else's life for a day?" I ask interested in his answer. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


“Not here…Liz please” Max pleases me. I didn’t understand why he couldn’t tell me right now but I understood if it was important enough to tell me later then I have to respect that.

“Your alive…” he said grabbing my hand into his. I smile a little as I felt some spark was turn on but suddenly he pulls away and go back to the corner as my parents came rushing in.

“Oh my God Liz! Are you ok?” my mother asks worried to death. I just sat there watching them for a moment. “Yes fine. I was just upset. I didn’t know what I was doing…I’m sorry” I said truthfully.

“Well were just happy your alive” my father said and I just not.

“Come on honey lets go check in with the doctor and fill out the paper work” my father said to my mother. My mother took one look at me and kisses my cheek and leaves the room. My father looked at me and kissed the top of my head. “I’m so happy you’re alive.” He said and follows my mother.

I turn my attention back to Max, “Thank you for staying with me. You know with all this. It really means a lot to me.”

Post by POM »


Once inside the car, I noticed that I didn't answer her--her slience is unbarable, I feel somewhat responisble for this--but Liz anger would've come eventually come to something. I was glad that she was okay.

I pulled up to the hospital, and went around to get Tess--"I'm not sure..Tess of anything anymore, but I don't take back anything I said or did tonight. I just want you to know that." with that I took her hand and we made our way into the building, it wasn't that long before we found her room.


Looking at her more closly now, I went back to her side after her parents left to find the doctor and I returned to her side.

"No, thank you Liz--I-I would do anything for you. Anything." I whispered to her and was about to say something else when a noise at the door stopped me.


"Well how quant this is...oh, please don't let me inturrupt--go ahead Max, tell her what you were going to say. What are doing here anyways with my ex?" I squeezed Tess's hand to let her know that I'm still here for her, and I didn't forget about the situation that I'm in.

"What I tell Liz is none of your concern." I picked up the word Ex and wondered why that was the cause of all this...was that the reason why Liz got in the accident, because he broke up with her.

My eyes focused on Kyle and how he held onto Tess--he broke up with the perfect Liz Parker to be with her best friend--what kind of a jerk does that? oh, yeah...Kyle does. and I smirked.


"Let's have it Evans...what's so funny? C'mon I'm a big boy tell me...or are you scared that I might do somthing to you?"


"You've got to be kidding me.." I shrugged off this time letting go of Liz's hand and standing closer to him so we were face to face.

"I'm not scared Valenti...I think you're the one scared of me."


"I want to talk to Liz...get out of my way."

"I'm not in your way, and if I were--you'd know it, I'm just warning you--if you hurt Liz anymore than you already have, you're going to be sorry. And you can count on that." I motioned to walk out of the room when his voice stopped me.


"Oh, look who's acting all supieror now--Liz's night and shinning knight, come to save the day."


I stood back around and looked at him, and walked closer to where he stood and stared him down.

"I was there...I'm the one that held Liz in my arms...where were you, were was the dependable boyfriend that everyone is prasing you to be?" He didn't answer, I couldn've backed down but I didn't.

"Too busy with other things I suppose." I told him and looked over at Tess and then back at him.

"I'm not ashamed if that's what you want to title me...but like I said at the party...you don't deserve to be in the likes of Liz Parker."


"Oh, and you do?"

I looked back at him..." I only hope I am." I looked at Liz and smiled--"I'm gonna be outside." with a slight nod from Liz that were I went without another word.


I cannot believe him, he always knew the right buttons to push and the right words to say to get under my skin. I looked down at Liz in the hospital bed.

"Aren't you looking cozy with the punk rebel...are you sure you were in an accicdent or were you just acting?" I wanted to know the truth, and cut past the bullshit.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


“No, thank you Liz--I-I would do anything for you. Anything.” Max was cut off by Kyle and Tess.

“"Well how quant this is...oh, please don't let me inturrupt--go ahead Max, tell her what you were going to say. What are doing here anyways with my ex?" Kyle said.

Ex? Oh now I’m his ex, I thought this would be ‘Hey I’m sorry can we work things out?’ but I guess not. And I can deal with it. I just have to keep telling myself that.

“What I tell Liz is none of your concern.” Max tells Kyle and I watch fight that just about to happen.

“Let's have it Evans...what's so funny? C'mon I'm a big boy tell me...or are you scared that I might do something to you?” Kyle said to Max.

“You've got to be kidding me…” Max said letting go of my hand and step up in front of Kyle “I'm not scared Valenti...I think you're the one scared of me." Max was getting angrier.

"I want to talk to Liz...get out of my way." Kyle said. Why the hell does he want to talk to me? I have nothing to say to him. Nothing at all.

“I'm not in your way, and if I were--you'd know it, I'm just warning you--if you hurt Liz anymore than you already have, you're going to be sorry. And you can count on that.” Max said getting ready to walk out of the room.

“Oh, look who's acting all superior now--Liz's night and shinning knight come to save the day.” Kyle said. What the hell did I ever seen in him? He such a jerk.

"I was there...I'm the one that held Liz in my arms...where were you, were was the dependable boyfriend that everyone is praising you to be?" Max said stopping in is tracks and turning his attention back to Kyle, “Too busy with other things I suppose.” He said noticing Tess and how tight their hands link together.

"I'm not ashamed if that's what you want to title me...but like I said at the party...you don't deserve to be in the likes of Liz Parker." Max said, and my heart light up. Why haven’t I notice how wonderful Max is before? Why was I so blind? Oh yea I was too busy being little Miss Popular.

"Oh, and you do?" Kyle shot back.

"I only hope I am” he looks at me and smiles "I'm gonna be outside." I nod as he walks out.

"Aren't you looking cozy with the punk rebel...are you sure you were in an accident or were you just acting?" Kyle said to me.

“Why that any of your concern if I was? What right do you have being here? Or did you come to jerk me around?” I said coldly.

I looked at Tess felt really heart broken, “Kyle leave. I don’t want to see you ever again. Your big headed jerk that I perfectly waste my good time on and you weren’t worth any of that.” I said. “Nurse? Nurse?” I called out so she could kick out Kyle not Tess. Tess I want to work things out.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Kyle doesn't answer me .but drives speedily to the hospital. Tears burn my cheeks as they flow freely. How could I have hurt my best friend like that? This is all my fault. I should have talked to her. Told her the truth. Yeah, there's a lot of should of, would have, could have's going through my mind right now. I just wish that I knew everything was gonna be okay. All this not knowing is breaking my heart. Will she ever forgive me? Can I forgive myself?

We reach our destination and Kyle hops out and runs over to my door to let me out. There is a look of resolve displayed across his proud features and It makes me wonder how he can be so calm?"I'm not sure..Tess of anything anymore, but I don't take back anything I said or did tonight. I just want you to know that." Well, if he can be strong so can I. Taking my hand in his he leads me into the building
where we find Liz almost immediately.

What's Max doing here? Kyle speaks up before I get the chance, "Well how quant this is...oh, please don't let me inturrupt--go ahead Max, tell her what you were going to say. What are doing here anyways with my ex?" Kyle squeeses my hand offering me a little comfort before digging back into the man seating on my best friend's bed. I stand idly while they have a miniature pissing contest. Geez we don't have time for this shit. I'm brought back into the conversation when Max spits out,

"I was there...I'm the one that held Liz in my arms...where were you, were was the dependable boyfriend that everyone is prasing you to be?" Kyle doesn't answer ,but turns to me awkwardly. Yep, that just makes me feel real good."Too busy with other things I suppose." Max glares at me with disgust, and the hits just keep coming. What does everyone think I'm a whore?! Max finishes his little speech and leaves the room. Kyle glances down at Liz and states not even trying to hide the bitterness in his tone,

"Aren't you looking cozy with the punk rebel...are you sure you were in an accicdent or were you just acting?" I do not even like how he's been acting. In fact it kind of pisses me off. What right does he have talking to Max like that and why would he care who Liz hangs out with. Unless... he's still in love with her. Immediately I let go of his hand and my eyes never meet his as I sit down on the bed next to my bestest friend in the whole world.

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" The look she shoots me tells the whole story. "Oh Lizzie.." The tears well up once more. "I'm soo sorry. I never meant to hurt you. You have to believe that."
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" Tess said to me. Well I feel like my life turn upside down.. "Oh Lizzie” she start crying making my heart go out for her. I could never stay made at Tess for long, after all she is my best friend.. "I'm soo sorry. I never meant to hurt you. You have to believe that." Tess said to me.

I hugged her tight trying to comfort her, “I know you didn’t, I just wish you told me sooner, before any of this happened.” I said pulling away and looking at her.

The nurse came in looking at us. “Ms. Parker is there anything you need?” she asks me, “Yes I would like escort this gentleman out of my room” I ask her. She nods.

“Come on lets go” Focusing Kyle out of the room. I turn back to Tess after Kyle and the nurse left. “I don’t hate you, I could never hate you. You’re my best friend we may go through good times and bad, but all we have to do is stick together no matter what.” I said.

“I really hope he can make you happy even at the moment is being a jerk.” I said to her. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


She pulls me close and relieves my fears with a tight hug. Instantly I feel much better. “I know you didn’t, I just wish you told me sooner, before any of this happened.” She states and I nod in agreement. I wish I would have too. I don't know why I was so scared to tell her. i gues I was afraid of losing her ,and she means so much to me. Course I almost lost her anyway dut to my screwy logic. I'm just thankful to whatever God may be above that she's alright. I honestly don't think i could handle it if she weren't.

The nurse comes in and gives Kyle and me a sceptical look. I hopr Liz is allowed to have vistors because I'm staying by her side as long as she needs me. “Ms. Parker is there anything you need?” she questions, “Yes I would like escort this gentleman out of my room” she replies refering to Kyle who looks both angered, disappointed, and hurt. The nurse nods and does indeed show him to the door. I can't look at him as he leaves. It hurts too much. I do love him, but I'm not sure I really meant anything to him. Not after watching him react to Max and Liz.

After he's gone, Liz turns to me and I have expect her to slap me. I deserve it. Instead she does quite the opposite. She forgives me, and all at once I remember exactly why we've been close for so long.
“I don’t hate you, I could never hate you. You’re my best friend we may go through good times and bad, but all we have to do is stick together no matter what.” I smile at her reassuring words so happy that she doesn't loathe me. Liz is the only person who I've always trusted completely. She is such a big part of me.

“I really hope he can make you happy even at the moment is being a jerk.” She takes my hand in hers and gives it a gentle squeeze. "Liz, I really do love him... I didn't want to tell you ,because you were so happy, and I didn't want to ruin everything." Letting out a defeated sigh I continue, "Looks like I did anyway." Forcing a smile I go on, "What was that I saw between you and Max Evans. You two were looking pretty close." I giggle wanting things to be as normal as possible. "Should I run to the Cafeteria and get the ice cream or are you gonna tell me what that was all about?"
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


"Liz, I really do love him... I didn't want to tell you ,because you were so happy, and I didn't want to ruin everything." Tess said as she continue, "Looks like I did anyway."
She said. No you didn’t, what ever happy to me was faith. It was meant to be. If it would happen at the party or not I would still be in that car accident.

"What was that I saw between you and Max Evans. You two were looking pretty close." She said smiling at me as I begin to smile as well "Should I run to the Cafeteria and get the ice cream or are you gonna tell me what that was all about?" she ask.

“I’ll tell you. I don’t know what really happened. All I remember is after being hit by that truck. I heard a voice. This sweetest voice I ever heard. He told me he wasn’t going to leave me and he hasn’t left my side. The funny thing was the doctor I was really it bad shape and that I had some complication after the surgery that my heart stopped. But when I woke up after the doctor woke me, the first person I saw was him. Max Evans.” I said with a smile.

“I ask him what happened to me but he wouldn’t explain, all I know is I hand print on my stomach that I don’t think I show the doctors and nurses here.” I said to her, maybe Max Evans is this special I never knew about that happens to be in my life. Maybe things aren’t what they really seem and were all have secrets to hide.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"He probably already heard, and chances are he's past frantic. Isabel says trying to lighten the mood a little

I smile at her,"Well I hope she's okay." I say before pausing for a moment.This news has pretty much killed my mood to party,not that I was really in party mode tonight to begin with.

"May be we should call it a night Isabel." I suggest gently "Max might want to talk to you once you get home...if he's heard of the accident."

Luckily I came in my mother's car so I don't need a ride "I'll see you tomorrow then." Without really thinking I lean in and give her a kiss on her left cheek before saying "Goodnight...and sweet dreams."

Isabel is looking a little surprised herself...not as much as I am though,I bet.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"It just so small. Almost claustrophobia inducing. It's like at home when I needed a change I'd throw some excitement back into the mix. My friends and I would buy clothes that we could normally never wear. We'd put on vibrant costume jewelry and extravagent wigs and go clubbing at a place we'd never been before. We'd use fake names and for that one night we could escape our lives ,and just be... someone else for a while. It's really freeing and liberating. You can just get lost in the crowd. You can't do that here. My Mom and I moved in three days ago and everyone here already knows me as 'the new girl'. I can't esacpe here. I know this is gonna sound weird me asking you 'the most over confident man alive, but don't you just ever want to live someone else's life for a day?"

I swallow. Every day is the answer. I wish I was back home or a human who knew nothing of the other planet. But I cant tell her that. I have a rep to protect.
"Sometimes" I say shrugging off the question. What did I go and say that for? I mean I could have said hell no...but now Ive admitted I wish I was someone else... God idiot or what!

"And by the way Im not the most over confident. If you want that guy go talk to the jocks" I said pointing at them. "I told you Im tall, dark, handsome and mysterious" I say.