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Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:53 am
by KarenEvans

Through the haze of lust that surrounds me I hear Alex ask for my permission,"Are you sure Madame?"
I feel like laughing at that moment.I mean here we are,about to share our bodies in the most intimate embrace possible between a man and a woman and he's calling me 'Madame'.

"Yes...absolutely sure." I respond in a husky voice and then add,"And Alex,please call me Isabel."
My hands slide down his back and reach his firm butt which I squeeze,pushing him forward,not letting him have any doubts as to what I really want.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 5:37 am
by Zansgirl

I stand there as Master Michael and Maria are in conversation. God, what if I was speechless and no words could have escaped my mouth? What if I had just fainted? Then surely I would be kicked out of the household. Thank god, I was taught to act swiftly when answering one of the Masters.

Coming out of my thoughts I hear, "Just make sure no more books fall out of the shelves." "Yes sir." Maria answers. I nod my head and also reply with a, "Yes, sir."

Maria starts to clean the shelves. And I see her glance at the Master as he makes his leave. The look in her eyes has me smile slightly and I shake my head as the smile widens. I walk over to her and lay a hand on her shoulder, "Another day saved by Lady Liz." I say laughing.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:15 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Once the Master had exited I breath a sigh of relief. Liz takes this oppertunity to boast of her brillance. "Another day saved by Lady Liz." I giggle good naturedly. "Nice save. I was intimidated by his deep voice and defensive attitude." I admit with a gentle smile. "Next time we lock the door before we go through the owner of the houses personal things." I reveal with a light heartedly wave of the hand. "That is... If there is a next time." :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:17 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Looking into her deep brown eyes I notice they sparkle in laughter at my question. Good. She doesn't think I'm trying to take advantage of her. Many men in my postion would attempt to seduce the Master of the House in an attempt to obtain more wages, better treatment ,and in some advanced cases a title. I would never treat Miss Isabel that way. I never dreamed I would be allowd to hold her, touch her, kiss her pilloly lips. That in itself is all the compensation I will ever need. I only hope she enjoys this as much as I do.

"Yes...absolutely sure." She answers with a gentle smile. I can't help but notice her voice is filled with lust as she adds seductively, "And Alex,please call me Isabel." Her delicate hands slide down my bare back and cup my butt drawing me closer to her. All reservations clear from my mind at that one gesture. I couldn't stop now if I wanted to. My body would probably shut down and refuse to live if she refused me now.

Drawing my lips to the sensitve part of her neck I suck hungerily over the pulse of her throat until I am sure I have left a small purple bruise. Marking what is mine. Even if we shall never meet again like this I'll always know that for a little while seh wore my brand. It's too dark for me to admire my handy work ,but just knowing that it's there gives me great comfort. Using my hands to lift pu her hips I place myself just outside her entrance. Meeting her eyes I never waiver as I enter her in one swift motion.

The feel of her tight and clenched around me almost sends me over the edge. I bite back the hitch in my throat and mumble her name as if it was a prayer upon my lips. "Oh Isabel."

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:57 am
by Fehr'sBear

Once I leave the maids to go back to their cleaning, I hurry towards Max's quarters. He needs to know about this. If they are going to take anything in that book to heart, they may start to suspect....and that never ends well.

I reach his room quickly, speed being one of my talents, even though it never looks as if I'm walking fast, I knock on the door. "Maxwell, we need to talk."

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 1:30 am
by Zansgirl
We need Max.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:14 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:19 am
by KarenEvans
OOC-Welcome back Faith!


Feverishly I plant light feathery kisses along his shoulder and back up his neck,revelling in feeling his skin against mine.Who knows if another moment of madness like this one ever seize us again?My brothers will surely kill him if they were to find out.I have kept all men at bay for years unless I had to feed so there is no way in hell I am going to give up with long awaited moment of passion.

Drawing away him his shoulder I look in to his kind and gentle eyes which at the moment are dark with lust and desire.The moon having arisen high in the sky throws long shadows all around us and it's as if we are the only two people in the world.Instinctively my legs wrap themselves around his hips as he makes us one with one swift stroke.

"Aleeexxx!" a whispered moan escapes from my lips at the same moment he says my name.My fingers wrap themselves around his skull and I draw his head down,kissing him deeply,moving to the rhythm he has set for us.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:39 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"Aleeexxx!" He sweet voice whispers my name as if I am saving her very existance. It feels good to be needed and yearned for in such a way that mere words are meaningless. Her fingers wrap around my head drawing me down so that our lips meet. Our tongues move sensually with the rhythum to which I take her passionately on this hollow ground. Pounding myself harder into her warm flesh she takes all that I have and gives back ten fold. I have never been with a woman who was so vigorous and confident.

Her individuality and uniqueness shine through and I thank my lucky stars that shine brightly tonight that I am with the angel I have adored from a far. Running my fingertips across her smooth bare skin tentaively I wait until she is at the brink before I whisper gently, "Let yourself go, Isabel. Give yourself to me completely." Her absolute surrender will drive me over the edge. :wink:

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:14 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
bump :D