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Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:10 am
by nickimlow
OOC: Haha, isabelle, this was brilliant.
Where did we come up with that name, I wonder.

I close my eyes as Dominic plants a gentle kiss on my forehead, savouring the warmth of his touch. This is the Dominic I know.

"You may be the only one that feels that way..."

And this is the one I don't.

I don't get it. All of this was partly his idea in the first place. He said it himself, we've come back here to be safe. All of us. Why does he think that we're going to abandon him now? We've always been a group, a family, despite the fact that we don't always get along as well as we should. We've always stuck together, he knows that. Since when has he ever let insecurity stand in the way?

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Uncle Max saying Zan's name. Relief floods over me immediately. Now that they believe us, we can finally make some progress.

Dominic makes an awkward apology, but I think all attention is focused on Zan and Uncle Max, this reunion of father and son. It does look strange though, seeing that they're both about the same age, yet it's pretty obvious that Uncle Max's paternal instinct is kicking in.

I feel a stab of jealousy at the sight of the way Uncle Max looks at Zan and Vega. The look in his eyes confirms that he has already embraced them as his children. I realise that Mom and Dad will take time to accept us, but I still can't help it. At the same time though, I'm happy for my best friend - she finally has her father back. In time, I'm sure Lex and I will too. It's just that right now, Vega's father is the only one who's seen the truth for himself whereas the others are still trying to digest it all.

Then Mom finally speaks up again. It's so good to hear her voice. I guess I can be contented enough with that, just seeing both my parents alive and well again. “Ummm… Just thinking here guys but why don’t you just go back ten days from now before Zan’s given up?”

That would make a lot of sense, wouldn't it? But even shoving aside the fact that we'd have to explain it all to our parents all over again, everything we learned while translating the Destiny Book seems to indicate otherwise - at least that's what I think. There have to be unknown risks involved in forcing the Granolith to power up again so soon, even if it can theoretically be done. Wondering what Vega thinks, I meet her eye just as Uncle Max asks her if it's possible.

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:26 pm
by LyricsToMyLife

I fell a pain when Max looks at Zan and Vega, in his eyes were love and worry. I hated even more how everyone always is asking Vega what to do, I was the leader, not her. But no one seemed to care, not a soul. I felt that familiar felling power within me, the power of being in caharge and I nedded that, I was the leader, and no one else. If Vega din't like that than she could just go back. I smiled at my chance to kick in my power...

"Can you do that?" I hear MAx ask, looking at Vega.

"We could but we really shouldn't. Besides, we would need another power stick (***OOC: what do you call that stick thing that they used to go back to Anton???) and we would need time. It's risky to even go back once, more and it's just dumb. Besides, theres no real way to say EXCALLY when your going to come back to, we were lucky to get here in this time period, let alone try to get back to an exact date." I smiled as I set my power out and sent a look at Vega and smile slyly. I won this one...

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:48 am
by isabelle
OOC -- it's a key and it's reuseable. They don't need another one.


I'm about to answer my dad when Dominick speaks up, his voice like nails on a chalkboard. I roll my eyes at his response and then I look at my dad. "The granolith isn't really made for time-travel. It wouldn't really be safe to power it up again for at least a few weeks. By then, well --"

"By then we should be able to find Zan on our own," Max finishes for me, nodding seriously. Yeah, he gets it. I sure as hell hope it doesn't take as long as a weeks. Zan may have been a bit over the edge when he was raving about revenge and blood, but truthfully, we all want that. If we could destroy the place now, before we were ever captured, that would be the best revenge. It'll take the government ten years or more to rebuild it.


I look at the granolith again, realizing that its return is as big a gift as this warning from the future. We haven't seen it since Tess went back to Antar. I wonder how it ended up back on Earth, and how the kids figured it out. Did they find the book Alex translated? We all decided that our future was here on Earth, not Antar, but I can't help but want to know all that I can about this powerful artifact. "We don't know that much about the Granolith. We'd only just started to figure it out when ..." I stop myself, remembering that Zan is here. I abandon the words that I was about to use. "... when Tess took it off world." I finish.

Of course, all this is still assuming that it is really true. Thoughts of Tess remind me of how she'd tricked me into thinking Zan was in danger. She nearly tricked us all into going to our deaths. If one of these kids is a mind-warper -- did I really see what I thought I saw? It was so real...


I see Lana looking at Mom with visible pain in her eyes. I feel the same thing. Zan seems safe enough. He doesn't seem to need me at the moment so I take the chance to watch her and our dad. Mom seems calm enough now but Dad hasn't said anything in a while. I wonder what he's thinking.

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:41 am
by nickimlow

Dominic's words are fair enough, but the tone that he uses makes me drop his hand immediately. I look at him in disbelief, angered by the way he's trying to show that he's the boss, treating this like some kind of power struggle. Like some kind of game. I love him, and I understand that he's feeling vulnerable, but this attitude is the one thing I simply cannot tolerate. I just can't take this. Especially not now.

I purse my lips and look away. He knows how much I hate it when he acts this way, how much it hurts me. All this is more than enough without him trying to put on that silly I'm-a-big-man act. I notice my brother looking at our parents intently and I edge towards him, unable to deal with Dominic's arrogance at the moment. Thank goodness for Lex, the one solid thing that has never wavered in my entire life.

I lean closer and whisper into his ear, "They look beautiful, don't they? We've just got to make it last this time around." We've just got to... because for the first time in years, it's as if we're finally home. If our plan works, we'll never have to leave home in the first place.

And so the first thing we need to do is rescue Zan.

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:34 pm
by LyricsToMyLife

I fell Lana drop my hand and I don't really care at the moment. I know that I was most likely out of line with the way i said it but so what?! Like she thinks I'm going to be all "mister-nice-guy" all the time, that I'm going to let EVERYONE in? HA! she's lucky i let her in. I look up at her and she the pain in her eyes, the pain that I gave her,the pain that her parents aren't taking her in their arms and embrassing her. I love her but I can't take her sometimes, I have to be so perfect, so open and talkive, so understanding. That's not me, I hate that she always trys to change me, to try to make me open up to everyone. She's always telling me how much i hurt her and you know what?! If i hurt her so much then why dose she even give me the time of day, huh? I know that I should be worried about Zan right now but I don't care about that right now.

I know I'm a horrible person, that I should care more about the others but why should I? I take care of me, It's always been that way, Either me taking care of me or me taking care of me and my mom or me and Zan, it's always the same.....always. Everyone acts like they care, like they what toi help you, takes charge but when times get hard they drop it all on me. Thats what happened with my mom, that's what happened with Zan and I now this "group" isn't any different. They may be each others "family" but the only family i had was me, and that's the way it was. Even Lana would leave me in the end, I know it.

"So," I say, getting everyones attention, "Let's get going, it's now or never." ANd I turn and leave the cave, not careing of anyone followed or not. I knew where we had to go to save Zan, I knew, no one else. I was the leader and that was that...

OOC:um, about Dominic knowing that Zan's mom is a traiter, in the start Dominic was saying that it was amazing that both he and Zan had Ava's eyes so , they MUXT know who Zan's mother is, right?

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:30 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- Sure, they know who Zan's mother is but that doesn't mean that they know what she did. How would they have found out about that with all their parents dead?
LyricsToMyLife wrote: I knew where we had to go to save Zan, I knew, no one else. I was the leader and that was that...
How does he know where to go? They don't know if Zan is at the compound, with the FBI, with a temporary foster family, or at the adoption agency waiting to be picked up. If he's talking about going to see Phillip Evens, well, everybody knows that. Isabel told them. Would the kids even know where the Evans' house is?

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:32 pm
by LyricsToMyLife
OOC: i was thinking that he was going to see his mom, thinking she would know... oartly him being selfish. and i didn't think of that....i can take that part out of it would be easier to understand... :D

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:41 pm
by Loxyanissa14
OOC- I’m terribly sorry for the delay.


I stand up against the wall and watch as the scene before me unfolds. Zan being the coward he is won’t even let his father touch him with out his little pep talk from his fan club. It’s not like I don’t get it. It’s not like we weren’t all in the same the place. We are all damaged. I get that Zan never knew what it feels like to have a family but in some ways I think we had it harder. To know what it feels like to be loved and then it’s just taken from you, a home one day and a cell the next.

Zan eventually gets the guts to let his dad confirm that we are who we say we are. What ever Max does to Zan is enough confirmation because than everyone starts talking about saving Zan. Seriously it’s not like I don’t have better things that I can do with my time than wonder around in a world I shouldn’t really be in and look for a baby. And in the middle of the lets save Zan conversation Dominic decides that now is the perfect time to march out of the cave and start their hunt. And I say their hunt because quite frankly I would rather not catch the eye of the government and sent to live in a cell….again.

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:15 am
by nickimlow
OOC: Wow, Dominic seems to be getting a bit out of character, isn't he? I thought as the oldest he was the one who used to look out for the rest of them, to some extent anyway. Guess he's having a real identity crisis?


Max seems curious about the Granolith, as I am myself, but the kids - funny that I'm calling them that given that we're no older than them - seem to be less interested in talking anymore and more interested in setting off straight away. Well, they have every right to be impatient since it's really their lives that are at stake.

But it's also ours. Our lives. In just a few years, we're all supposed to be dead.

I raise an eyebrow at Dominic's smug behaviour. I guess he's inherited some of his edgy character from Zan and Ava. But he's right about one thing - it is now or never. We've got to talk to Dad, but come to think of it, it would be difficult to discuss these things over the phone. What if we're being bugged? It would probably be best to talk to him in person, but now that they've told us that we're being watched, I can't help but feel incredibly paranoid.

As Dominic walks out, I glance at my watch and then turn to Max. "Maybe you should talk to Dad alone," I suggest to him. "The less Mom and Dad know about this, the safer they'll be. If we're really being monitored that closely, it would probably raise some suspicion if all twelve of us were to congregate at Mom and Dad's place all of a sudden, wouldn't it?"

Re: Future's Promise*STARTING*(FF, NC-17) SPOT OPEN

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:59 am
by LyricsToMyLife
OOC: I'm sorry that he seemes a bit OOC but i have a lot on my mind right friends dad passed away a little while ago and i just got back form "vaction" my family and I are looking at houses to buy and its one huge headache. and my little cus came with us....errrr......i love her, but three days of her is toooo much!!!! I'm lucky i got on to RP. The only time i really got to go on to my Mac was when she was in the shower or bathroom.... I'll try to get him back into Charcter, so sorry..lets see if this works:


I stood outside, sitting on the sand. I couldn't help but want to run away form it all, to just leave and live in this time. But I knew i couldn't, I couldn't just leave the group. I'd miss them all, I'd miss Vega's eye rolling and fighting, and Lex, he's the funny guy, and Lana...I love her to no end. Zan. I'd miss him most. He was like my brother, I was there for him through it all, even though they may think I'm trying to get him worked up, I really just want to help him... He's a nice kid under it all, I knew that. And the rest of the group...we all made a family. We fought, we hated each other...but we were together, we all loved each other. And it was the closest thing to a family I had. I knew i was being selfish, i wanted to find my mom but Zan, he needed to be saved first. The rest of us have a few years, but him..we'll be lucky if he has a day. I look up at the stars, smiling to myself. We would all make it though this, i would make sure of it......I was the protetor of the group.... I knew deep down that Vega was the leader but i would never let her know that. Zan was my brother, which made her my sister, and I cared about her.

I stood up, going back inside. We needed a plan and I knew just the guy that would have one, from what I heard from Vega, and I hope she was right....i hope he will have a plan. Max, he was the guy that we needed, without him we haad no plan and no way of getting Zan. I walked back inside and stood in the middle of everyone.

"We need a plan. And I'm all dry here. So, I say we all throw out what we think. We're a team and right now Zan must be found," I loked Zan in the eye, "So, what now?"