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Choosing Grounds (AU/UC/XO/ADULT) Xander and Maria needed

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 4:47 pm
by StormWolfstone

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Choosing Grounds (Adult)

Disclaimer: I in no way own any aspect of Roswell, Tribe, 2030 CE or Buffy/Angel. I simply enjoy using my imagination and seeing how things can turn out with others creativity :D


(Will be changed if Original Characters are brought in that seem to fit more points or other characters from these shows.)


Katnotkath helped me to tweak this idea even futher.

Medina is a Goddess that learned a way to not only destroy other Gods but gain their powers in the process. Having done just this to her father and mother, who had been the creators and destroyers of life, she has grown bored of the life as a Goddess and decided to try and find some sort of entertainment. Able to grant mortals gifts of any type she chooses, she travels through different realities and begins observing several groups. Finally, after watching specific ones, she has made her decision as to just what she is going to do.

Creating a magick Isle, she names it the Choosing Grounds. Setting it up with places that will possibly seem as though they are a comfort to those she's chosen, she survey's her work and nods. She had decided that she was going to pit many different people against each other and make them live as she so chose. She would create for them a new life, one where only dangers she chose would come into play. These dangers could be strange or they could be easy to face. She also decided that she would up the stakes whenever she chose.

Entering the first of her chosen realities, she appears to a single boy about 17 years old and a strange girl who's gifts would prove interesting. Granting unto the boy immortality along with the ability to read minds and project his will upon them, she takes him and the already gifted girl to the Choosing Grounds first, placing them both into a deep sleep to wait until all her pawns were in place.

In the next reality, she chooses out two girls and a guy from a world where adults had died leaving the children to fend for themselves. Again, they were left in a deep sleep while she went to another reality.

As she did this, she pulled several people from different realities, aging them so that they were all between the ages of 18 and 25. She even had plans of placing them in situations that could lead to intimacy, but she also planned on letting them know that they only had one chance of returning home safely. To go through her games and tests, or if they failed they would never go home, but be forced to spend their immortality without any hope of getting home.

Once she gathers everyone together, she will have them all awaken in different areas of the Choosing Ground and they will all see her in the sky as she speaks to them. She will inform them of her complete purpose and what she wishes of them at that time.

You can create your own characters based off of either show but I ask that rather then post them on this thread, that you send them to me through a PM where I will then go over them. If they are accepted, I'll make an announcement on the thread and also create a thread for them to be placed on my forum so we save space here.

Now, the list below is the characters and with the names will be their new ages and powers.

Also, some of the couples have been decided upon as I began creating this, however, I am open to some discussion or if I see certain character chemistry it could change. :D Characters are taken from Roswell, The Tribe, Buffy, Angel, and 2030 CE. If anyone has an idea of a grouping from another show that might fit as well, feel free to PM me.

Character Info:

Max (23) & Tess (22): Both come from the cannon reality... however where these two basically start, Alex has just died, no one has revealed the mindwarp because Tess and Max haven't slept together yet.

Maria (23) & Kyle (25): In the reality they come from, Kyle hasn't been healed by Max, he and Tess were engaged until he learned that she was responsible for Alex's death. Kyle is an empath from having been healed. Maria was healed instead of Liz in her reality and from this the secrets came out, but she also gained the ability to levitate and manipulate molecules.

Isabel (24) & Liz: (23) In this reality, Alex did not die. Liz and Max were married but he died. Liz has become the leader, with her bond to Max she has gained many of his powers and Michael has become her second. With the death of Tess in their realm, Isabel has gained Tess' mindwarp power.

Michael (24) & Alex (23): Max died, leaving Michael to be leader of the group. In this reality, Alex and Isabel were married and expecting a child until she grew ill and lost the baby. Alex was healed by Max in this reality and gained the ability to use pyrokinetics along with basic levitation. Michael and Maria were engaged to be married when Tess caused Maria's death.

Willow (24): The realm/reality from which Willow comes has been nearly destroyed. Buffy has vanished, no one knowing where she's gone and Tara has been murdered. Willow has turned toward the art of magic even further then ever before. When Medina pulls her from her reality, the Goddess gifts her with the ability to shapeshift and become chameleon in likeness.

Xander (25): In love with Buffy, in his reality he is engaged to Buffy when she dies and Willow, who has already died somehow has come back to life with dark powers emenating from her. Just as Medina draws him from his reality, Willow was about to attack him. He is given the gift of control over the element of fire.

Pride (22): As always, nature boy or Tree Hugger as some have called him, has always been unable to lose his lust for the forests and when he's given the chance visits his Tribe as often as he can. However, unlike in the show, he has not been involved with anyone other then Tai-San whom he married in his reality. When he is drawn from his reality he is distraught because his wife has come up missing. Medina gifts him with the ability to control the element of earth.

Tai-San (23): Tai has been married to Lex with very little incident until after nearly 3 years she finds him with another woman. Broken-hearted, she leaves the city and makes her way out into the open where she meets up with the Eco's. She knows that this way only a handful of people from the city could find her. Medina gives her the ability to control the element of air.

Salene (24): Her marriage to Ryan is a pure one in her reality, however she is distraught when he is killed outright and the child she carries within her ends up being miscarried due to the strength of her grief. She closes herself off from everyone and becomes an alcoholic in an attempt to douse the pain. Medina gifts her with the control over the element of water.

Moon (23): She was only a small figure in Tribe, but Medina found her innocence and kindness appealing, especially since the Goddess placed a few obsticles into her path in order to harden the girl up. Now, gifted with the ability to fly without the need of wings and the ability to create music and illusions, Moon has very little reason to use these gifts for positive reasons. This, in itself is what Medina wishes to use as a challenge to some of those she's chosen.

Zeus (24): Gifted with his hands, he was often found tinkering with some sort of electrical device or mechanical item of some sort. For this reason, Medina gifted him with the ability to craft any item of the purest quality from something as simply as grains of sand. All he would need to do is concentrate on exactly what he wanted to make, the specifications and it would come to be. Zeus is also known as a bad boy in leather.

Bray (23): Always the peacekeeper, he leads his tribe well, however there are times when things go awry and without the help of the woman he loved, he has troubles. After having been taken by the Techno's, Bray believed Amber was gone. She'd been bleeding so badly and her birthing was rough on her. He prayed daily that she would be well. Then Medina appeared, showing him what Amber was doing while he was imprisoned. Breaking his heart, she gave him what she called the hand of blood.

Lex (24): Ever the bad boy, Lex is single and looking. He is a rake and rascal, but he also has a heart that wants to be filled with love. After the loss of his first wife, Zandra, he never let himself get close to another woman. (He is from a different realm then Tai-San in this). He's just begun to party again when Medina takes him from his realm and gives him the power of calling storms.

Angel (300): With a soul, Angel became a defender of humanity more so while working alongside Buffy and the others. However, losing his soul after experiencing true happiness seemed to be a turning point. He did manage to regain his soul and yet again lost it due to a temporary time of magic incensed insanity which was placed upon him accidently by Willow. Medina saw him as a fine ideal for her fun and as she took him from his realm, she gave him the gift of a permanent soul. Along with this however, she also gave him another gift. This gift would allow him to share anything he was feeling with anyone he touched. Thus, pain or pleasure could be shared with but a simple thought.

Myko- (25) In her reality, she has been a musician that enjoys being on stage, however there came a time when two brothers had come to mean a great deal to her and she loved them both, but she finally came to a point where she realized that she loved one more then the other and wanted to have a future with him. They had practically grown up together, worked on music together and the passion he had for music had been their strongest bond. However, tragedy struck, taking him away from her and she slowly sought his brother for solice. When Medina takes her, she is gifted with a voice that's song could control the elements.

Rance - (24) Myko.. that name says everything to his beating heart. He had loved her for years, desired to spend every moment with her, but he'd also come to see that she seemed to have feelings for his brother. However, as time passed, he learned that she had been seeing both him and his brother on seperate occassions and then one day.. she just took off, never returning. When Medina comes, he is given the gift of using his music which can cause emotional stimuli for however he's working the emotions. If he desires it enough when playing, it can also cause harm.
His music can also effect the nature around them.

Slade - (23) A wanderer, Slade is not known to many but when he meets Ram he seems to have his own agenda. Slade is a mystery, one that finds Ebony to be entrancing and interesting. When he meets her, he is determined to win her. During the rebellion against Mega, he does get Ebony.. but not without a price. He's barely been with her long when Java and Ebony have a showdown. Siva rushes out, taking a hit and dying... Ebony and Java fire at each other. All three sisters died that day. Slade, feeling broken forced himself to continue the fight against Mega... it is before he manages to defeat him that Medina arrives and takes him. Giving him the gift of weapons crafting. If combined with Alex's gift it's much more.

Alejandria - (25) Her past is unknown to her, but she knows enough to recall the torture she'd faced in the camps when she had met 'him'. She remembered being wounded in order to keep 'him' from being injured. She also remembered being an Agent, forcing herself to remain distant when her mother was killed for breaking the law. She was in the midst of a raid when she was suddenly drawn from her world by Medina and gifted with the ability to enchant items.


*Liz: Katnotkath:D
*Isabel: Storm
*Max: Isabelle :D
*Michael: Storm
*Tai-San: Storm
*Willow: Storm
*Kyle: Anna :D
*Alex: OnDragonflyWings
*Zeus: Isabelle :D
*Pride: NightshadeIsis
*Quixote: Isabelle :D
*Tess: OnDragonflyWings
*Moon: Storm
*Lex: NightshadeIsis
Bray: NightshadeIsis
Slade: NightshadeIsis
Alejandria: Stormwolfstone

Anyone taking a character will be required to send in a bio for the character so that I can be certain that the new aspects of the character are understood and I am more then willing to work with people on this.

I'll be creating a thread for the bio's on my forum so please post them there. ... 988&start=

NOTE: Liz/Isabel have a slight telepathic bond. Which as time goes by might surround the others as well.

ALSO- Please Post Full Paragraphs and more then one. The More you post, the more others have to work with.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 5:04 pm
by emmylala
I was just about to post on the idea's thread, when I saw that the RPG was up. I love the concept, very original. I'd love to play Michael.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 2:26 am
by Anna-Liisa
Squue, I can't resist your rp's Storm, damn ..... Can I have Kyle?
Even if I'm in so many rp's I want to join >_<

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:13 am
by StormWolfstone
emmylala Normally I would have no problem with you having Michael, however I had already placed myself down for him because he and the other few characters I've taken are going to have certain things happen that I have already begun working with to make certain that when this rp get's started, it will remain active. Is there anyone else you would like?

Anna Of course you can have Kyle :D I look forward to seeing how things go :D

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 5:22 am
by Anna-Liisa
I'm curious to see how this rp goes too ^^ Max/Kyle ^^ Squee.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 6:12 am
by emmylala
How about Maria, then?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 12:09 pm
by KatnotKath
Anna-Liisa wrote:Squue, I can't resist your rp's Storm, damn ..... Can I have Kyle?
Even if I'm in so many rp's I want to join >_<
I know what you mean Anna. I keep telling myself I won't take on any others, and yet any time you put one up storm, I just can't resist ;).

hehe - and look at me ;) - I've actually signed up for a non-dreamer coupling

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 12:59 pm
by POM
Can I have Max :)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:07 pm
by StormWolfstone
emmylala Maria is yours :D

Pomonagurl_Dreamermaxliz Max is yours, please put together a profile.

And an off note...... to cut back on endless movement of posts, I am requesting that when you write for your characters that it's more then a couple of paragraphs, even if it means using a bit of backposts. I have seen in so many other RP's whether on this forum or others that threads build but they are all with very short posts. I can understand from time to time, but not massively, please.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:15 pm
by POM
will post profile a bit later on :D

~POM :)