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Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 11:30 am
by KatnotKath
Emz80m - Thanks for reading, glad you're enjoying the story
begonia9508 - No, it's not fair, but Liz is a mother, and she'll do, or say anything if it means keeping her baby safe.
L-J-L 76 - Thanks for the feedback, glad to hear you're enjoying the story. As for your questions, I promise they'll all be be answered eventually, but not today...
Flamehair - thanks for the good luck wishes and glad you're still enjoying the story
Lazza - Sorrry...
Erina - lol Well thanks for taking the time to read up to date, glad you like it. As for exams, I sympathise, good luck with yours.

Thanks for the feedback, and a hello to any lurkers out there, hope you're all enjoying the story.

Sorry not to have come back sooner, my project has been taking up all my time, and I had an oral exam this afternoon. With that over though, I felt a need to wind down a little though, so here I am.

I know some people might not have liked Liz lying as she did last chapter, but she did think about it, and didn't do it lightly. If her parents were alive, then could come the question of why she wasn't at home, or even a possibility that Serina might try and find out where they're living and contact them... Things are too complicated, and dangerous, with the FBI, and Emily etc, to allow that to happen, so she did what she felt was best - the most important thing in her mind is keeping Emily safe, and if that includes lying, well she doesn't like it, but she'll do it...

Anyway, here's the new chapter, hope you enjoy it, love to hear what you think.


Chapter 34

“Max…?” Maria pushed open the door hesitantly, unsure whether to go in. He had said he just wanted to be left alone, but somehow, the way he had said it reminded her so much of that summer so long ago after Liz went to Florida. The last thing he needed was to be alone, that much she was certain of… The question remained was whether he would let her in though…

Max continued staring at the wall without blinking and made no response.

She moved further into the room, crossing to the bed he was laid on and taking a seat on the edge. “Max…please, don’t do this to yourself…” She reached out to touch his shoulder.

“Do what…?” His voice was distant, as though he wasn’t even really there…

Maria bit her lip, feeling tears welling up in her eyes. She knew how he felt, she understood… She felt some of the same pain she was sure, Liz having been such a huge part of her life, but the young woman in question wouldn’t have wanted this… She shook her head, blinking back her tears. “Shutting yourself out Max… You’re shutting yourself out, and that’s not what she would have wanted…” She swallowed. “Look at you, you won’t even look at me…am I that bad…?”

Her words caused him to turn his head, revealing the red eyes he had been hiding. “I’m sorry Maria…I just…I-“ He broke off, closing his eyes in an attempt to keep from crying in front of her.

“It’s okay to hurt you know…” She told him softly. “It’s okay to cry girlfriend…” She offered him a weak smile as she reached for his hand. “I miss her too, we all do…but you have to see that she wouldn’t want you to give up because of her… She loved life, she loved you, and she would want you to be happy again…”

Max looked at her, shaking his head at this last. “How can I be happy again Maria…? She was my soul mate – I loved her…”

“I know…”

“Sometimes you know, I dream about this all having been one big mistake, or a nightmare…I think that I’m going to wake up, and it’s all going to be how it was before…” He admitted softly. He never spoke about this, not to his sister, nor to the other boys, but his friendship with Maria was special in a way he couldn’t explain…

The young woman in front of him nodded understandingly. “I know; I do too…” She told him. “I dream of Alex too, and my mom…” She saw him look up and held up a hand. “I know she’s not dead Max, but I likely won’t ever see her again, and I miss her…I do…”

Max sighed. He knew that she had given up so much, they all had… “Maybe you shouldn’t have come with us Maria…I mean you didn’t have to, you could have had a-“

“A what? A normal life…without you guys, without Michael…?” Maria gave a wry smile. “It wouldn’t have been what I wanted…not really…” She sighed and shook her head, dropping down onto her front and resting her head against the mattress. “I might sound as though I’m complaining sometimes, but really it’s just talk… None of us would change what we did you know Max… Liz, Alex, me, even Kyle I think… We made a decision, each and every one of us, and we wouldn’t have changed that…” Struggling over the last bit as she mentioned Alex, she trailed off, breathing heavily and taking a moment to collect herself before continuing. “Liz loved you, and nothing will change that, not ever… You can’t give up though, you owe her more than that… She deserves to know you are trying to live your life, not just sitting around and waiting for it to end…”

Max was silent for now, making no response, and Maria took that as an indication to continue. “Talk to us Max, cry with us…grieve with us…but most importantly live with us…” She sat up again, having said her piece. “I’m always here if you want to talk you know…just…think about it…okay…?” She offered him another smile as she got up off the bed and left him alone once more.


“Live with us…”

Max sat there for a long time as Maria’s words ran through his mind.

“Live with us…”

He looked down at the strip of pictures he held in his hand. It was one of those strips from the instant picture machines… They had been taken last Christmas, in a small kiosk they had found at the service station they had stopped at… $8.99 ‘all you can eat’ turkey dinner complete with cracker and Christmas pudding – that had been their Christmas meal… They had been travelling most of the day, judging that picking up work at short notice around Christmas could be difficult, and deciding it was best to keep moving.

Presents were supposed to be minimal to non-existent, but more than one of them had broken that at least partially… He had bought his wife a new diary, knowing that she missed writing - it was soft rich leather, brown with a golden coloured lock. It hadn’t been cheap, but it was worth it to see the look on her face. So happy…

Despite everything, they had been happy… Even considering the unusual circumstances and the way it had been spent, it had been a good day and they had enjoyed themselves… While driving, there had been a multitude of driving games played, and Isabel had ensured they were well stocked up with festive treats like mince pies and Christmas cake.

It hadn’t exactly been a romantic way to spend their first Christmas as a married couple, but they had been surrounded by their friends, and that had made it special in itself…

When they had stopped at the service station, after eating, Max had stolen Liz away for a few minutes though, saying there was something that he had to do…

“Max, where are we going…what do you mean there’s something you have to do…?” Liz pressed her husband as he led her away from the dinning area.

“Ah, it wouldn’t be a surprise then… You’ll see when we get there…” He responded, dipping his head to capture her lips in his before taking her hand again, leading her down one of the small turn offs.

Most of the shops were closed of course, it already being late in the evening, and some shops having never opened that day.

Max had seen what he wanted on the way in though, and he knew exactly where he was going. “Not much further…” He assured his wife, stopping at the next corner. Reaching behind him, he brought her round in front of him now.

Liz looked around, unable to see what had been so important. “What…?”

Her husband gave a small smile. “Well…I figure that we really should have some pictures of our first Christmas together, and since one of our group so kindly left the camera at the last stop, I figure this is better than nothing…” He led her towards the small booth.

“It’s not on though…” Liz pointed out softly, smiling all the while at the sweet idea anyway.

“It will be soon…” Max pressed looked around, checking there was no one in sight before pressing his hand to the machine and making it light up. He produced some coins from his pocket, and then motioned to his wife as he held the curtain back. “After you…”

Thos pictures spoke of so much hope and expectation. When they were waiting for them to be developed, they had promised to make sure they got a least one every year – thinking that there would be many more Christmases together…

There hadn’t been though had there…? Max sighed. Sometimes he felt like just giving up completely, but as Maria had so rightly said – ‘she’ wouldn’t want that…

“It’s okay to cry…I miss her too…”

Rolling onto his back, he continued to lie on the bed, looking up at the ceiling as silent tears crept down his cheeks. It was Christmas next week…it would be his first Christmas alone…



I still miss you so much it hurts… I know that it had to be this way, there was no other choice, but it doesn’t make it any easier… I listen to Emily crying out for you, and I feel as though my heart is breaking as I know I have to tell her you’re gone…

It’s Christmas day on Tuesday you know… Christmas day 2003… It’ll be Emily’s third Christmas, and it’ll be the first without you…

It wasn’t supposed to be like this! We were supposed to be a real family by now! We were supposed to be married, living together… Emily was supposed to have Mommy and Daddy right there, just as we dreamt of when she was younger… Just like when you told me you wanted to be there for so much more, but we both knew it wasn’t possible…

We had so many dreams, and I know they’re never going to come true… I promise you I’m going to do my best to bring up Emily well, to be the best mom I can, even without you… It won’t be the same of course, but at least I’ll have the memories we made together to look back on…

Like the day we realised how we felt about one another, our first date, our first kiss…

Or like Emily’s first Christmas, when I was dressing the tree and you turned up… Mom had invited you, and for a little while, everything seemed perfect…

Things were different, but they had to be… Our lives had changed… I remember thinking that when mom held out the angel to me, and I refused it… I’d always put it on the top of tree since I was born because I was the youngest, and that wasn’t true anymore…

I told my parents that it wasn’t my job anymore, saying, by doing so, that I knew things had changed…

I had a daughter now, a child of my own…I had to grow up…

I think that day was a real turning point… In some ways it was the end of an era, but it was the beginning of something else, and I remember seeing something which made me feel so happy…

I remember seeing dad looking at me, and seeing, despite everything, a look of pride on his face… He hadn’t said anything nasty since Emily was born of course, but I had known from the way he looked when he watched me with her that he wasn’t happy… I’m not going to say he was pleased I’d had her even then, but for the first time in a long while, I felt as though he was still proud of me in a way… Things might not have turned out as he would have liked, I might not have been following his plan, but I was his daughter, he loved me, and he was proud of the way I was coping…

That, and seeing you, were the two things which made that day for me… It was so special…

Christmas day that year is another which holds some wonderful memories for me…

I remember that you came back on Christmas Eve on an invitation from my mom after you surprised us all by turning up at the service… The plan had been that you’d go home that night, and come back again the next morning, but my dad stepped in, making an offer which seemed incredible…

He asked you if you wanted to stay over, in order that you were there in the morning when Emily and I woke, and of course you agreed…

It was quite something to wake up with you there like that… Not in bed of course, that would come in later years – or so I had thought… But seriously, waking up to find you there was something which felt right in a way I can’t really explain though… It was as though I was home…

You gave me my locket on the eve of the last day of that year – something I will always carry close to my heart containing that picture of the three of us…showing what we were…a family…

Setting down her pen for a moment, Liz reached up to touch the spot where, under her top, that locket still rested… She sat there like that for a moment, still and silent, and then, taking a deep breath, she picked up her pen and began to write again.

Unless it was it was to clean it, I haven’t taken it off since the day you gave it… I think in some ways I used to look on it a little like something we both knew you weren’t allowed to give – a promise ring… I understand why my parents told us not to make that commitment, I do…and we both agreed to abide by what they said…believing that we would have many more years ahead…but when I’m sat here alone like this, knowing we didn’t have the time we thought I still wish that we had been allowed the few years we would have had…

Regardless of that though, I would never regret a moment I spent with you… I don’t think I would have got through the last few years without you… I love you Max, I always will… You’re the father of my child, my first and only love, and there’ll never be another you…

Yours Always


As she signed her name, a wet, salty drop fell onto the page from her cheek, smudging the ink. Liz sniffed, reaching up and wiping away more tears with the back of her hand. How she missed him…

She had thought by writing this letter to Max that maybe it would help a little, to be able to get some of the things she was thinking onto paper…

If she was honest, it did help too, to be reminded of the good times they had… How she wished the future held the promise of more times together though…how she wished she could see him again, for however short a time…

Trailing her hand along the surface of the paper for a moment, she closed her eyes, bringing it to her lips and kissing it, allowing herself to imagine for a moment, that she was kissing the man she loved. Remembering what it had been like to be held by him, what it had been like to be kissed and loved…

Swallowing, she bit her lip, silent tears running down her cheeks as she deliberately began to fold the paper over and over before tearing it into little pieces to make sure it would never be read again.

Looking down, she watched her daughter for a moment as she continued to sleep peacefully. She was so beautiful… Liz smiled, leaning over to kiss the top of her head and smoothing her hair before standing up. She dumped the shreds of her note into the bin, and left the room, stopping at the doorway, her hand hovering over the handle, to look back again.


As she heard Serina call from the other room, the young brunette took a breath, wiping her eyes and waving a hand over her face quickly before turning the handle of the door and stepping out into the main lounge area. “Are you needing me for something?” She asked brightly.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 7:22 pm
by KatnotKath
Thanks for all the wonderful feedback!

Begonia9508 - Not so different in feelings no, but in experiences...
Flamehair - :oops: Thanks...I think... I seem to be good at the heartbreaking at the moment :?
As for my test, my lecturer (who was doing the cross examination) said I liked hedging... Not too sure whether that's good or bad though :?:
kittens - Yes they're the same in some ways, but very different in others... To think of them as the same person could be somewhat dangerous, and is probably one of the things that Liz is worried might happen if she were with the others. She is who she is, not their Liz... If that makes any sense...
Emz80m - Thanks thanks for sticking with me, glad you liked the new part.
L-J-L 76 - Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you're enjoying the story, all your questions will be answered eventually I promise, but it's going to take time. I hope you'll stick with the story :)
Ellie - Glad to hear it's all better now lol. Thanks for reading.
Lazza - Sad? - well you know me, I seem to do sad well at the moment.
Erina - Could they be happy together at the moment though? I'm not sure they could... Thanks for reading, glad to see you're enjoying the story.
IzzyEvans2201_PuertoRico - Aww, I'm sorry hun... Does it make it better that I was in tears while I was writing it?
Arianneleigh - Thanks
Timelord31 - Thanks for reading
Alien614 - Welcome back :) Thanks for reading
roswell3053 - At least you're caught up now :)

Thanks for sticking with me. I've been doing some writing when I take a break from revision, and finally I've got a new part for you. Sorry for the delay. Thanks to everyone reading, I hope you're all enjoying the story even if it is sad. I think this chapter might be a little better...


Chapter 35


"Emily Diane Parker you be careful and slow down or you're going to fall!" Liz cried out as she tried unsuccessfully to stop her daughter. She couldn't blame the little girl of course, all children loved Christmas, and half alien or not in ancestry, Emily was no exception. Besides, after the tears of the last few days it was so nice to see her baby smiling that she wasn't in truth going to object anyway.

"Beth have you seen the ta-" Serina emerged from her bedroom and broke off sharply as she jumped out of the way just in time to avoid another collision with the little girl who had been racing around the apartment, shouting loudly all day it seemed. “She really does never stop does she…?” She commented with amusement as she watched her friend trying to catch Emily.

At that moment, the door to the apartment opened. Julie walked through the door to be greeted by her flatmate's yells to close the door. She looked around and raised her eyebrow. "Okay...welcome home Ju..." She muttered to herself and shook her head. "You know what, I am so glad I'm going to be out of this madhouse tomorrow...with every day closer we get to Christmas, I'm sure everything gets that little bit more crazy!"

Liz laughed and then suddenly ducked down, straightening back up a moment later with a wriggling two-year-old in her arms. She looked back at her friend with a somewhat weary smile as she attempted to sit her daughter on her hip. "Didn't you know Julie, it's a well proved trick...round about Christmas, even the most angelic kids turn into the worst devils..."

Serina nodded as she came to join them, closing her bedroom door firmly behind her. "That's right...of course there's one word which can make them into the most darling angels again too..."

Julie gave a blank look as she watched the two mothers exchange knowing looks.

"Haven't you learnt anything from living with Thomas for three years now...?" Serina asked in amazement.

Julie shrugged. "I'm not really around at Christmas... I go home, and before I have exams and I’m pretty much dead to the world when I’m not revising so..."

The other two women laughed and Liz nodded. "Okay then, watch and learn..." She turned back to her daughter who was still struggling. "Emmy...look at me baby...calm down! I know you're excited, but if you don't calm down, you know who I'm going to have to tell you've been a bad girl..." She paused a moment for effect. "Santa..."

The effect was every bit amazing as had been claimed, the once struggling child transforming into a beaming angel in the space of a second. “No, no bad, me good!” Emily insisted as she looked round and smiled at her ‘aunts’.

Julie laughed. "Oh that's a nice trick..." She looked over to Serina. "Where's Thomas..?" She asked, suddenly realising that they were short one child, even if the one remaining had been making enough noise for the both of them....

"Playing with friends...I needed to wrap his presents, and there was no way he was going to let me alone long enough, so I told him he could go over to Carl's..." She checked the time and pulled a face. "Is that really the time...?"

Her friend smiled and shook her head. "How about I go collect him and take Emmy here for a bit of a walk, while you two ladies go and get dressed for are working tonight I'm assuming...?"

The two mothers nodded. “Yeah, it’s normal shift tonight, and then tomorrow we’re covering the day-shift, after which we have the rest of the week off.” Serina responded. She wished she could have longer to spend with Thomas, and was sure that her younger friend felt the same way too. Ideal would have been to be able to not have to work at all of course over the holiday period, but while Zack was a good boss, he couldn’t do miracles and he was giving them as much time off as he could afford. It wasn’t great, but it could be worse, and both had determined to make the most of the time they had.

“Okay, well you’d better go get dressed, otherwise we’re not going to have time to eat…” Julie held out her hand towards Emily. “Come on sweetie, you going to come with me to go get Thomas and let your mommy get ready for work…?” She asked the little girl as Liz set her down on the floor.

Emily looked back to her mother, who smiled and nodded as she knelt down. “It’s okay baby…I’ll be here when you get back, and then we can eat and get you ready for bed yeah…?”

“Okay mommy…”


“I can’t believe it’s Christmas Eve tomorrow…” Serina commented as the two of them began to pack up for the evening. The diner was due to close in ten minutes, and they only had a few customers left.

“Don’t you mean today…?” Her friend pointed out, struggling to stifle a yawn as she set down some plates in order to cover her mouth. Rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, she glanced at the clock. “Ooooh… I can’t believe we have to be back here in less than seven hours…whose idea was it to do the Christmas Eve day shift…?”

The older of the two shrugged. “Well, it was either we did the day shift, or the usual graveyard shift, and considering that we wouldn’t be finishing then until after two, and the kids will probably be up before six on Christmas day…”

Liz chuckled and nodded as she trailed off. “Yeah, I guess get the point…” She conceded with a wry smile. Besides, it would be nice to be able to spend actual Christmas Eve with her daughter properly…

“Okay, time’s up…” Serina announced as she saw the minute hand just leave the hour. “Let’s get these tables cleared and go back and get a bit of sleep to keep us going…”

“Sure thing…you want to take the customers…?” Liz suggested, not trying to duck out of it, but knowing that Serina had been the one serving those tables all night and not wanting to step on her toes.

Working quickly, together the girls cleared the diner and closed up. Most of the tables had already been wiped down as they were vacated, and the last few took only a few minutes by Serina while Liz swept the floor and then went to collect Emily from the backroom where she was sleeping as always.

Julie had offered to look after her back at the apartment plenty of times of course, but Liz had continued to refuse. Her friends assumed she was simply being overprotective in wanting to be there if her daughter woke, and had told her as much, but Liz knew the truth… She was listening that little voice in her head which said to keep Emily close in case something happened and they needed to leave, and as far as she was concerned, that was simply being prudent… Serina and Julie could say what they liked, but nothing would change her mind, and despite repeated offers and attempts to persuade her to do otherwise, she still brought the little girl to work with her every evening.

Tonight had been no different, even though she knew that it would make sense to leave her with Julie. It would make it easier to get back quickly, and get the maximum sleep possible, but her own reasoning for having Emily close still applied as much as on any other night, and she had insisted that no change in routine was necessary…

Easing the door open quietly, she even gave the hinges a little shot of power to keep them from making a noise as she stepped into the dark room, making her way over to the small figure who was lying on the sofa under a blanket.

“MMmamma” Emily wimpered softly, half opening her eyes as her mother lifted her up.

“Hush baby…I’m here…go back to sleep…” The young mother urged her daughter, smiling as she saw her head drop back onto her chest clearly still exhausted. Laying her back against the sofa for a moment, Liz lowered the blanket and carefully worked her arm through the sleeve of her jacket, lingering a moment as she remembered how said jacket had been ‘modified’.

She watched as he placed his hand on the jacket and caused the material to shift, thickening and stiffening into more of a wool until he held out a duffel coat, looking over to the little girl. "How's want to try it on Emily?"

It had been a sweet thing to do… She smiled a moment, thinking about him and his group…


She turned round as Serina’s whisper tore her away from her thoughts. “W-what…oh…sorry Serina, I’m almost done…”

The other woman nodded, watching her for a moment. When she had first come in, it had been just as though she was frozen…she wondered what she was thinking about… “Okay…I’ll just go sit at the counter then…”


“Sweetheart I know you don’t want to go, but I’m afraid there’s no choice… I have to work, Julie’s gone home, and I can’t leave you here on your own can I…?” Serina pointed out to Thomas as he continued to object.

“But mom it’s boring!” The little boy complained as he continued to sit on the sofa.

“Maybe so, but boring or not, I’ve got to work, so that’s that…come on!” She held out her hand to him, calling out to Liz to see if she was ready yet.

The younger of the two women emerged a few minutes later from the bedroom carrying a small, brightly coloured backpack, with Emily trailing along behind. “My bag!” She called out, reaching up although she didn’t get even close.

Liz laughed and nodded. “Yes, I know it’s yours honey, but we don’t have time for you to be carrying it…” She explained, knowing they were already running late. Both children were getting excited, understandably of course, and had been anything but helpful with getting them ready that morning.

“My bag, me carry!”

“Mom why can’t I just go to Craig’s house…?” Thomas’s voice, obviously unhappy, joined Emily’s.

Serina shot him a warning look. “Thomas Adam Walker, I said No! This is not up for discussion… Craig’s parents will be busy enough today without you hanging round…now go and get your coat and bag please?”

As he trudged back into the other room, making his feelings on the plans for the day abundantly clear, Serina sighed and shook her head.

“He’ll cheer up Rina I’m sure…” Liz told her friend as she slipped the bag she was holding over the handles of the stroller in front of her.

“I know, and I know it’s not the best way for him to spend to spend the day of Christmas Eve, I wish I could give him more I jus-“

“Stop it! What did you tell me, it’s not important what you can give him, as long as you’re there and you love him…” She reminded her of a pep talk she had been on the receiving end of from the older woman not too long ago.

Her friend laughed and nodded, holding up a hand in defeat. “Thanks…” She glanced at the clock again before calling to her son as she noted he hadn’t returned as yet. “THOMAS, what are you doing in there?” She demanded, her tone now showing clear signs of exasperation.

The young boy emerged a few minutes later, with his bag, but minus the coat he had been sent to get. “I can’t find it…” He told his mother, clearly determined to waste as much time as possible.

She shook her head and walked past him, retrieving the ‘missing’ coat from the back of the wardrobe where she was pretty certain he had just hidden it. “Look what I found…” She commented as she walked out carrying it and holding it out to Thomas.

He took it sullenly, taking his time, but when he was done he didn’t have any more reason to stall. Already running at least five minutes late, Liz and Serina hurried the kids out of the apartment, the former of the two choosing to allow Emily to walk for the moment simply to save an argument as they headed out of the building and onto the street.


“How much longer mom…?”

Pausing in clearing the table she was stood at, Serina sighed and turned back to look at her son who stood a little way behind. “Just a bit sweetie, we’re almost done…”

“And then we can go home…?” He didn’t exactly look enthusiastic about the idea.

His mother grinned, expecting as much. “Well, actually I was thinking we might make a stop off on the way…” She responded, clearly teasing now by not giving the full details.

That certainly got his attention. “Where?”

“Well you’ll have to wait and see won’t you…?” She ruffled his hair playfully. “Go on hun, go sit back with Emily for now, and I’ll bring you another drink when I’m done here…”

“Okay…” He dragged his feet slowly across the floor, looking longingly towards the door as he climbed up into the booth and looked over at Emily who was colouring on the other side of the booth. “Hey Emmy…” He smiled and shuffled along the seat until he was opposite before reaching for one of the colours that were scattered around. “Need some help…?”

“Help…” The little girl almost seemed to think over the word carefully, before clapping her hands happily and giggling. “Toms…Toms help…”

“What, like tomatoes, toms…?” Liz asked with amusement as she passed the booth, pausing a moment to look over at the kids.

“No Aunty Beth, she’s trying to say my name!” Thomas explained, shaking his head ever so seriously.

The small brunette laughed clapping and looking over. “Mommy, Tommy, Tommy tomato…” She gave a toothy grin, giggling at her joke and smiling sweetly like an angel.

“No, I’m not a tomato!” Thomas clearly didn’t find it funny.

Liz looked over at him. “Don’t worry Thomas, she’s probably already forgotten about it you know…” She assured the little boy.

“Tommy tomato!” Emily chanted again, clearly wanting to show that she hadn’t.

Her mother winced. “Or maybe she hasn’t…” She sighed and shook her head, shooting an apologetic look in Thomas’ direction. “I’m sorry sweetie, I didn’t mean to give her ideas…” Taking a breath, she turned to her daughter, sliding into the booth for a moment and reaching for her hands to stop her clapping as she repeated her new ‘joke’. “Emmy, look at mommy… Emmy…?”

The little girl giggled some more, but as her mother continued to hold Emily’s hands together, she soon fell silent and Liz looked at her seriously. “Tommy tomato – no more…” She stated firmly, shaking her head.

The words used were simple, but her meaning was clear it seemed as the little girl pouted. “Joke!”

“But it’s not if others don’t find it funny…” Liz sighed as she tried to explain, struggling to think of a way to make her words simple enough for her daughter. “No, not a joke…not a joke Emmy…”

The little girl’s lip began to tremble, a sure sign that she was about to cry, and Liz swallowed. It was her ‘scolding’ that had caused this she knew, and it had been necessary of course, but that didn’t mean she liked it… Before a sound could come from Emily’s mouth however, Thomas stepped in, drawing her attention. “What about this Emmy…Oscar Orange…?” He pushed forward her colouring book and pointed to an area where he had tried to draw an orange – basically a big vaguely circular orange ball with eyes and a mouth.

It wasn’t much, but rough and basic as the drawing was, it seemed to do the trick and tears were averted on this occasion. In fact, as Serena arrived with some juice and Liz left, the little girl could be heard chattering on happily about Oscar Orange as the two children continued to colour together.

“You know I have never seen him so happy just to colour…not even when he was small…” Serina commented as she rejoined her friend at the counter a few moments later, sitting down on a stool at the counter for a moment.

Liz smiled. “Yeah, they really seem to have taken to one another don’t they…?” She commented softly with a small smile. It was quite amazing the way the little boy had taken to Emily so quickly, accepting and treating her almost as though she were his little sister. He looked out for her and played with her with little fuss which, while it hadn’t necessarily been expected, had certainly made sharing the apartment a whole lot easier.

“Well, what’s not to like…they’re sweeties, both of them…just like their moms right…?” Serina winked and laughed as she stood up, grabbing the pot off coffee before going to see if anyone wanted a refill.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:34 pm
by KatnotKath
Sorry for the delay guys, exams are done, but this week hasn't exactly been the quiet writing time I had been hoping for...

Lazza - :D:D well I had to have a couple of happy moments in there you know...
As for a reunion *whistles* wouldn't that be telling?
roswell3053 - Thanks for reading, sorry for the delay
Timelord31 - The pod squad? - I think they might just feature in this one...
begonia9508 - thanks Eve, glad you enjoyed it
L-J-L 76 - Your questions will all be answered evenually, I promise, but for now how about we stick taking a look at Christmas day?
Emz80m - Sorry... Hope this one isn't going to be a disappointment then...
Flamehair - Thanks, glad to hear I didn't make you cry last time :) I was beginning to think I might have lost my touch with happy scenes - angst just seems to pull you in sometimes :oops: As for what's going on with Max and his group - this chapter might just be what you're wanting then, hope you enjoy it.

I know it's ages since I updated, but as I've posted on other threads at various times, I've been in the middle of my final exams, and have had next to no time on the computer over the last month or so. I finished last week, so it's getting better, but now I have to find a job for over the summer, sort out what I'm doing next year and deal with stuff I have kept putting off before.

If there's spelling mistakes or the like on this, I apologise, I have looked over it as usual and checked through, but I'm going away for a week from Sunday, and wanted to post this before I go so might not have taken quite as much care as usual.

Thanks to everyone who's leaving feedback, and also to anyone else who might be reading, I only hope you're all enjoying the story.

And with that, here's the new chapter.


Chapter 36

The door from the bedroom opened slowly as a small brunette emerged, grinning, and ran over to the sleeping form which lay on the roll-out sofa in the middle of the living room. “MEWWY KISMAS!” She announced, as she climbed up onto the sofa and proceeded to bounce around.

“OOOhh…” Liz got something of a rude awakening as her daughter began bouncing on her stomach and her eyes opened quickly, reacting almost instantly to grab the little girls legs and bring her down, albeit carefully, so that she was lying next to her where she pressed her lips to the her head and held her close. “What were you saying honey, Merry Kissmas…?” She asked grinning at Emily’s mispronunciation as she managed to shake off her tiredness and began to tickle her daughter, who started to giggle and tried to wriggle away.

“LET GO MOMMY!” She cried out laughing and grinning as she curled up to try and get away from the nimble fingers of her mother.

“You want me to let go, you do…?” Her fingers came to a stop as she sat up and lifted Emily onto her knee. “Merry Christmas my Emmy sweet…” She whispered in her ear before peppering her face, neck and hands with kisses.

Again Emily began to squeal with delight, and it was at this time that Serina emerged from her bedroom, preceeded by Thomas who had ended up sleeping in her room the previous evening. “Hey, sounds like someone’s awake…” She commented, having to break off a moment to cover her mouth as she tried to smother a yawn.

Liz looked up apologetically. “Oh sorry, did we wake you…?”

Her friend shook her head with amusement. “Are you kidding… This guy has been up since about two in the morning I’m sure…” She commented, thumbing at her son who had abandoned her now in favour of the pile of presents which could be seen under the small tree which stood in the corner of the room. “I was actually worried he might have woken you…”

The brunette shook her head. “Not at all…” She smiled with amusement as Emily suddenly climbed down from her lap to go over and join Thomas in his rummage. “I think that’s a hint if ever I saw one…” She commented with a wry smile as she saw the little girl grabbing at one of the brightly wrapped parcels and shaking it.

“You know what, I think you’re right…” Serina chuckled and shook her head. “How about we get the stockings down for them to open first, and then Thomas usually waits until after the service to open the actual presents…” She trailed off awkwardly as she realised something. “Oh, sorry, I forgot to say, I usually take him to a Christmas service at the Church down the road…I know I don’t usually go to church, but at Christmas it’s nice…” She looked at her friend, jumping to add quickly, “You don’t have to go of course, it’s not compulsory…”. She didn’t want Liz to think that she was trying to force her beliefs on others…it wasn’t even as though she was particularly religious during the year, but Christmas, and Easter, it was just…well, something she did…

Her friend shook her head quickly, grinning. “No, actually I used to do the same thing…only we all went Christmas Eve… I’d like to go, I really would…” She fell silent a moment as memories ran through her mind but she forced them back, telling herself that tonight she would remember, but for today she would enjoy the present… Managing a weak smile at first, it soon grew into a much wider one as Serina retrieved the stockings from the mantel and they watched the two kids open the contents.

There was nothing major in the stockings of course, a satsuma each, with a small teddy and a bracelet for Emily, and a toy car and some stickers for Thomas, not forgetting of course the final item, a shiny new nickel. The contents didn’t really seem to matter to the kids though, having slipped into automatic Christmas mode, seemingly having double their usual energy despite the early hour, as they tore open the packages eagerly.

“I think they’re enjoying themselves…” Liz commented to her friend as the two mothers sat together on the sofa watching, each with a cup of tea in their hand.

“I think the answer to that’s a definite yes…” Serina laughed and looked over at the young girl. “What about you…?” She asked softly, knowing this might be hard for her.

She smiled and nodded. “Yeah, it’s Christmas, of course I’m enjoying myself!”


“Why not one more before we go?” Thomas asked, looking at his mother with pleading eyes as she held out his coat.

Serina shook her head. “Same reason as always and you know it! If we say one more, it’ll turn into two, and then three, and we’ll never get out…” She dangled his coat. “Come on, sooner we get out, sooner we get back…” That wasn’t strictly true of course, knowing that the service would only start when it started, regardless of when they arrived, and would last as long as it lasted – it was worth a small white lie to get Thomas out of the house though…


She looked round just in time to find that Emily was running towards her with arms wide open. She caught the little girl laughing. “You’re certainly full of bounce today aren’t you…?”

“Like my dress?”

Serina had struggled at first to understand how a two year old could have such a good handle on her vocabulary, but over the last few weeks had become more used to it and now it hardly bothered her as she smiled and nodded, taking in the smart green party dress she had persuaded Liz to buy only a week previous. The other girl had been nervous about cost and having occasion to wear, but she hadn’t denied that her daughter would no doubt love it, and it had taken little urging on Serina’s part to make her take the plunge. “Ohhh, yes…don’t you look pretty!”

“That’s my girl, my pretty princess aren’t you?” Liz grinned as she walked up behind and lifted up the little girl, a huge smile dancing on her face as she played with her daughter.

“She is at that… And you know you look pretty nice too…” Serina smiled again as she noted her friend’s attire. In the whole time she had known her, she had seen Liz wear only either a jeans and a sweatshirt, or alternatively the uniform for work. Instead of either of these now though, the younger girl was wearing a lovely brown cord skirt which fell to just below her knee, paired with a camel coloured polo-neck jumper and her usual brown wool coat. On her feet she wore a pair of long brown boots which reached almost to the top of her skirt, and her hair she wore down, falling to at least half way down her back and shining as though she had given each strand a hundred strokes with a brush and then polished it some. The style was simple yet effective, and she thought she looked lovely.

The compliment caused the younger of the two to look down, shifting awkwardly. Serina wouldn’t know it of course, but her whole outfit was in fact from the second hand shop, given a new lease of life using her powers while her friend was out of the apartment one day. Perhaps she had gone too far though …? “Thanks, I probably shouldn’t have spent so much but…”

Serina shook her head and held up her hand. “Sweetie don’t even think that! - you deserve a treat, and you look fabulous!” She glanced at the clock before announcing that they needed to go.

Liz quickly helped Emily on with her jacket, and when she was done the small group left the apartment complex quickly, Thomas running on ahead as they emerged onto the street.

“Careful!” Serina called to her son, running after him to try and catch up. She had already told him to slow down, and calm down twice, but it seemed it was doing no good and she just hoped they weren’t going to end up that day in the hospital.

Emily on the other hand walked at a more sedate pace next to Liz, and after about two blocks decided even that was too much as she demanded to be picked up.

Mentally berating herself for the fact she hadn’t had the foresight to bring the stroller with her, Liz sighed and gave in, allowing her daughter to get her way in favour of avoiding tantrums which would spoil the day. “Come on then, up you come…” She told her as she swung the little girl up onto her hip and then hurried over, moving as quickly as she could, to rejoin Serina who had finally managed to catch Thomas.


“Michael I know you’re not happy that we’re still here right now, but I promise you if you so much as say a word to Max about it today I am going to kill you!” Isabel hissed, grabbing his arm and pulling him into a corner away from the others the instant he came into the room. She had always loved Christmas, and was well aware of what the others thought of her fascination with the holiday, but even if she wasn’t able to do her usual volunteering, she did intend to have a good time, and Michael wasn’t going to spoil it!

“Whatever…” Michael shrugged and pulled his arm out of her grasp, walking over to where the others had gathered and greeting his girlfriend with a kiss.

Isabel decided to take his limited response as an answer in the affirmative and fixed a bright smile on her face as she too rejoined the group. “So, what are we going to do today?”

Her brother shrugged. “Whatever we usually do…” He sighed and looked at her apologetically. “Sorry Izzy, I don’t mean to spoil it just…”

“It’s hard…?” Maria finished his sentence as he trailed off and nodded. “We know Max, it’s hard for us too…”

Rocking his head back, Max pulled a hand through his short hair. “It just doesn’t seem right, celebrating without her… I keep thinking that I’m going to wake up and this is all going to have been a nightmare…I mean I know it’s been two months now, and in some ways it already seems like a lifetime, and then in others, it seems like yesterday…” He looked at the group. “Does that make any sense…?”

His sister offered him a weak smile, reaching out to squeeze his arm. “Yes, it does…” She assured him softly. She had known this would be a difficult day for him, and although she wasn’t exactly pleased to have the happy tone brought down, she couldn’t be angry at her brother…not really… He was hurting, and he was doing the best he could…

“How about we start by going to get some food, and then we can see where we go from there?” This was Kyle now who tried to save the situation. “We can have some breakfast, take a walk maybe and get some air…” He looked around a moment. “Unless of course anyone’s got any gifts they’d like to give now…to me for example?”

Everyone laughed at this and Kyle grinned as he realised he had been successful in his attempt, even if only for a few minutes.

“You wish! I have better things to spend my money on Valenti!” Michael responded, wondering silently what Maria would think of his present that year… It wasn’t economic, and nor was it useful, but he hoped she would like it…

“Well I hope better things include me…?” Maria teased as she looked up at him, leaning her head back against his arm.

Kyle pretended to pout. “You mean you didn’t get me anything…? Cos you know I could have sworn you were supposed to be my secret santa…”

Maria’s eyes widened in astonishment. “How did you know that?” She demanded. “It’s supposed to be a secret, hence the name ‘secret santa’…”

Isabel couldn’t help laughing as she watched the two of them. “Well…you know the ideas I gave you…I kinda got them from him…” She admitted after a moment.


Even Max was laughing now as the conversation degenerated into banter back and forth between the rest of the group. He looked around and held up a hand. “Look, how about we just give the ‘secret santa’ presents…? Then anything else people might have can wait until later unless anyone particularly wants to do it now…” He suggested, deciding to try and play peacemaker for once.

Everyone seemed to be in favour of this suggestion, and a few minutes later they were all spread between the two beds in the girl’s room.

“Alright, who’s first…?” Isabel asked as she looked down at the box she held and pulled out a thin parcel. “Michael…” She handed it over to him.

Wasting no time, he tore the paper off quickly, revealing a DVD - Braveheart. He grinned. “Nice…thanks Maxwell…”

“Michael…you’re not supposed to know who got you it!” Maria scolded as she swatted his arm.

“Yeah whatever, who else would buy me this…?”

Max shrugged. “Oh I don’t know, how about anyone if I suggested it…?” He pointed out, declining to admit that Michael had in fact been right.

“Fine!…Thanks whoever got it then…”

Moving on before Michael decided to say anything else, Isabel now pulled out another present, finding from the label that this one was for her bother. “Max…”

He took it from her with a small smile, taking his time as he opened the parcel making a general statement of thanks as he uncovered a box of smellies.

The other gifts given and received included a CD for Kyle along with a pad of music paper for Maria and finally a box of chocolates for Isabel, which when she took a bite she found had been laced with tobasco sauce.

Everyone seemed relatively happy with the gifts, basic as they were, and by the time everyone had received a parcel, the earlier conflict had been forgotten it seemed as the group headed out together to get something to eat.


“I think we did okay in the end don’t you…?” Liz commented to Serina as the two of them sat back on the sofa in the apartment, watching the kids playing with their presents. Certainly neither child seemed to have any objections to the contents of their parcels, their cries of delight and pleasure matching those of any children that day she was sure.

“I think we did just fine…” Serina agreed with a smile as she looked over to her friend, drawing her gaze away from her son who was pushing his new toy truck up and down and making loud ‘engine-like’ noises. Maybe they couldn’t afford to give huge expensive gifts as some parents would be able to, but she doubted Thomas would have appeared much happier had he unwrapped something more expensive, and that was what mattered to her. The look on his face was what made everything worth it, and she was sure it was the same for Liz.

“Mommy…” Emily looked round and stood up, toddling over to the sofa with her new doll in her hand. “Chocolate?”

Liz laughed but shook her head. “No honey, it’s nearly time for dinner!” She told the little girl, reaching down and pulling her up onto her knee. “We’re going to have turkey, and potato, and veg…” She rocked back and forth as she spoke to her daughter. “And…if you’re good and eat up, there’s a pie for after…”

Emily’s face lit up at this piece of information, grinning. “YAY, pie!”

“What sort?”

Serina laughed as her son turned round, the word ‘pie’ apparently having caught his ear. “Well, I think it might just be lemon…” She walked over and dropped down next to him, ruffling his hair and picking up his second new toy car which she turned upside down absentmindedly spinning the wheels with her fingers.

“Mom…don’t do that!” Her son pulled away from her as she ruffled his hair, pulling a face.

“Sorry sweety…” She sighed and dropped her hand, setting the car down now and pushing it back and forth along the floor. “So, what’re you playing…? Can I join in…?”

The little boy grinned. “Yes, but you can’t drive my best one, try this…” He picked up a more basic, older model which he had got out of his toy box and handed it to her.

Laughing and shaking her head, Serina simply nodded, pushing the older car back and forth as she chatted with her son.

“Um…Sam …” Emily answered as her mother asked what her new dolly was called.

Liz smiled with amusement. “Sam…?” It was a bit of a strange name for a female doll, but who was she to question her daughter’s imagination.

Emily nodded and grinned, looking up at her expectantly. “Mommy hi!”

Her mother nodded, apparently understanding what was expected as she reached towards the doll and, using her forefinger and thumb to shake the small hand of it very properly. “Hello Sam…”


“I…uh…know that we said not to spend much on each other, but I guess you could say I made an exception…” Michael told Maria as they sat on the bed together. Isabel, Max and Kyle were all in the other room, providing him with the perfect opportunity to present his gift. He wasn’t trying to hide it from them, only somehow he had felt it was better to do this in private, between the two of them… Slowly, he withdrew the small box which he had been carrying around all day from his pocket and placed it in front of her. “So…Merry Christmas…”

“Michael…” His girlfriend eyed the small box, not really knowing what to say. It looked like…

“It’s not a ring or anything like that, but I saw it and I thought about you…”

Although she felt slightly disappointed at first, having allowed herself to hope at least for a moment, Maria nodded slightly, trying not to let it show. “Okay…” She swallowed and clenched her fist at her side for a moment as she realised her hand was shaking. After a few moments, when she felt a little steadier, she uncurled her fingers and reached for the box eventually.

Throughout all this Michael waited silently, wondering whether she would like it, and hoping desperately that she wouldn’t hate it… He swallowed as she took the box into her hand, springing open the lid so that finally the contents could be viewed.

“Michael…” She looked at him a moment before throwing herself into his arms. “It’s beautiful…” Maybe it hadn’t been the ring she had been hoping for, but it meant almost as much… The delicate pendant shaped like a music note was lovely, although his earlier words were what made the present. When he had seen it, he had thought about her…

While hoping that she would like it, Michael certainly hadn’t expected such a response and as he drew her further into his arms, dipping his head to capture her lip, he stopped a moment to speak. “I love you…you know that don’t you Maria…? It might not seem like that sometimes, but I do…”

She blinked, the words taking her a little by surprise considering she had been expecting a kiss, but nodding quickly once she had got over that. “Yeah…I know… I love you too…” She smiled and then took the initiative, closing the distance between the two of them and pressing her lips against his.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:39 pm
by KatnotKath
Hey guys, I'm back :D

Thanks for all the great feedback

roswell3053 - Thanks for sticking with me, and glad to know you enjoyed the chapter.
Timelord31 - Thanks for reading
Emz80m - Glad you enjoyed the chapter. I think a few happy moments were needed, by everyone, by this point.
Begonia9508 - Yup, what can I say, the Christmas spirit is hard to loose completely lol
ladyshal - Welcome to the story and thanks for reading. Sorry to keep dragging it out, but that's the way this story goes I'm afriad.
Maya - Thanks :D:D I am so relieved the Maria/Michael worked out... You might have guessed by now they're not my best couple to write and I'm glad you liked it.
Ellie - Thanks for reading
Flamehair - Michael sweet - well, I guess maybe he was yeah... As always pleased to see that you're enjoying the story.

Thanks to anyone else reading, hope you're enjoying the story.

I know this is taking a long time to get where you all want it, but I hope you'll be able to understand why I don't want to rush it... Thanks for sticking with me... Unfrotunately after the comments you've all made about the last chapter, I'm not so sure you're going to like this one, but I thought it served a purpose so here goes...

It tried something new on this one, so it's rather more disjointed than usual, but I hope it works...


CREDIT: two lines from the episode 'graduation' from series three have been used in this chapter.

Chapter 37

“So, now that we’ve got the kids to bed, how about we watch a movie or something…?” Serina suggested to Liz as she came to sit with her on the sofa, sinking down into the cushions. Emily had gone down a couple of hours ago, and she had finally sorted Thomas, which left the girls finally with some time to themselves…

“W-what…oh, yeah, sounds fine…” The younger of the two answered, clearly having been deep in thought when the other came back into the room. In fact, she had been remembering…

All day she had concentrated on having a good time, on making sure that her daughter enjoyed the day, but now, with Emily in bed and finally alone, she had found it impossible to push away the memories which came flooding back.

Playing around the tree with her friends, opening presents with her mother and father… Her daughter, surrounded by masses of wrapping paper and presents…

Serina didn’t miss the somewhat sad smile on her face. “Beth are you okay…? I mean if you don’t want to watch something, or you just want to talk, it’s all good you know…” She told her friend sensitively, trying to provide the support she thought maybe she needed…

Liz swallowed and shook her head. “I’m fine…” She blinked and chewed on her lip. “W-would you mind if I just went out for a bit…Emily’s asleep, and I won’t be long, only I think I need some air…” She tried to explain, feeling that she just needed to get out of there. She knew Serina meant well, but she couldn’t talk about this, she just couldn’t… It was too hard, too painful… She missed him so much…

Her friend nodded slowly, her brow creasing in concern. “Sure…if that’s what you want…” She paused a moment and looked at the younger girl. “If you ever want to talk about it though, I’ve been told I’m a pretty good listener…” She was only repeating an offer she had made many times before she knew, but she felt it necessary to reinforce, in the hopes that Liz might actually take her up on it… She was always so determined to cope with things on her own it seemed, and Serina couldn’t help thinking that maybe, sometimes, that wasn’t the best thing…

The brunette nodded slightly, acknowledging her friend’s words. “Thanks…” She didn’t take her up on the offer though, instead standing and walking over to where her coat hung, slipping her arms through the sleeves and turning back to Serina as she prepared to leave the apartment. “I won’t be long…”


Ten minutes later found the young brunette walking in the park where she had first entered this reality. She hadn’t intended to come here, just…well…drifted… After leaving the apartment, she had just walked, not really taking any notice of the direction, and she had ended up here…

“I miss you…” She breathed softly as she walked along the path, kicking a stone in front of her.


“If only we had moved on sooner…” Max sighed as he walked through the gates which led into the park. Over the last few weeks he had been in Asbury, he had come to like this place as somewhere to come and think…

Or somewhere to brood…? He knew that was what his sister and friends felt he was doing… When Maria had found out where he went on these walks, she had asked him why he would want to go somewhere he would constantly be met by scenes that would remind him of what he had lost… Granted late at night there weren’t that many people around, which cut down the possibility rather, but it still existed, and it was a good question…

Unfortunately, it was also a question to which he didn’t have an answer… He just liked coming here…somehow…he couldn’t explain it, but it made him feel closer to Liz it seemed…


What would have happened that night had we not gone to the cave that night…? Would you still be alive, would we still be together, would we have got our happy ending…? She couldn’t help wondering these things as she walked along even though she knew playing ‘what if?’ was pointless. Much as she might like, she couldn’t change what had happened, she couldn’t turn back time…

In some ways it seemed like so long ago, and yet in others it was like yesterday…

Standing for a moment, she closed her eyes, remembering, and it was almost as though she was back in his arms… I’ll always love you… She promised silently.


“I don’t know if I’m ever going to get over you Liz…” Max spoke softly, in little more than a whisper as he looked up at the stars.

There had been a time he had longed to know what was up there…longed to know where he came from and why he was here… There had been a time when he believed that he would have to leave Liz behind, to face unwanted responsibilities and deal with the consequences of his actions…

He would never have been truly happy though… He would never have loved Tess as he loved her… It’ll always be you…


Liz froze as she reached one particular spot. She remembered how within a matter of moments the familiar surroundings of the pod chamber had been replaced by a number of trees, the granolith apparently judging that they provided sufficient cover to hide their sudden appearance and depositing them safely as it completed the programming which Max had set. Stepping forward, she touched one of the tree trunks, pressing her hand against it and closing her eyes as she allowed her other senses to take over. She could still feel some traces of the power which had been used.


She would have liked it here… Max smiled sadly as he remembered the dreams they had shared. He imagined sitting with her in a park much like this one, relaxing on the grass while watching two children, a boy and a girl – their children – with Liz’s beautiful brown hair, playing.

Biting his lip, he leaned back against the trunk of the big tree whose branches hung overhead. They had known it wasn’t going to be instant, this was no kind of life for one child never mind two, but they had believed they had time…

Closing his eyes, Max stayed there, trying to imagine what it would be like to have her back there with him, and slowly a small smile spread over his face as he remembered… It was so clear, felt so real…he could almost imagine she was really there…


"Remember me...?"

“Always…I’ll always remember, I could never forget…”

Liz squeezed her eyes more tightly shut as she remembered that night in the cave. The night she lost a part of herself… More than once she had thought about how easy it would be to just give up… If she was alone, she was certain that she would have done…

She wasn’t alone though was she…?

"Please Liz, you have to go, you have to keep her safe..."

Max had said it all… Emily was the most important thing in their lives…she was the reason she was still here, she was the reason she forced herself to try and stay positive and look to the future… She was the reason she had a future, their daughter was her reason for living…

An image of the little girl sleeping back at the apartment appeared in her mind and Liz knew it was time to go back. She had been out over an hour she guessed, and now all she wanted now was to return to her daughter…


“Forever may only be twelve days...”

“Then we'll take those twelve days... and we'll live twelve life times.“

Max remembered how he had held the diamond up to her just like it was yesterday. It was so clear, just as though she were standing there in front of him right then… He had meant what he had said… They hadn’t known how long they would have, but he would never regret having spent the time they did have together… He would never regret taking her as his wife…

He would remember the time they did have for the rest of his life, and he would treasure every single memory of it… He would always love her… I’ll always remember, I’ll never forget…I promise… He thought silently to himself as he walked back the way he had come, knowing it was time to go back and return to his family and friends…


Walking slowly, each deep in thought, two lone figures, a young man and a young woman, retraced the paths they had taken, walking back around the park and exiting through the gate. Both had dark brown hair, and a sad yet thoughtful expression on their face as they continued to remember happier times past and those they had lost. They barely missed seeing one another by more than a few minutes, but it was enough, and stepping onto the same street less than five minutes apart, each turned in the opposite direction to the other, walking away along the street, neither knew how close they had been to one another that night…

ETA: I finally got round to finishing the banner I made for this so that's been added to the first page if anyone wants to take a look.

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 5:27 pm
by KatnotKath
Thanks for the feedback,

fallenstar - Thanks, glad you're enjoying it.
lazza - I know, I know, it was sad - I had wet eyes myself when writing it I think. You're right about fate though, and I honestly don't think that would have been the right time for them to meet again. Glad you like the banner.
Timelord31 - Thanks. As for the FBI, guess the group have done a good job of putting them off their trail recently
roswell3053 - Glad you enjoyed it. Unfrotunately, however close they might have been, doesn't do any good unless they actually see one another does it.
Emz80m - We're on the final leg, I promise you, nearly there...
begonia9508 - I don't torture, I just tease :wink:. Seriously though, I toyed with the idea of them meeting on Christmas but decided that it wasn't quite right. Sorry I didn't give you what you were expecting, but hope that I don't disappoint in the end.
Ellie - Thanks for sticking with this, glad you're still enjoying it.
L-J-L 76 - Lots of great questions, and I promise to try and answer them as the story continues to progress.
Arianneleigh - Thanks for being patient, I'm glad you think I'm doing a good job and that you're enjoying the story.
Flamehair - I promise you that Liz's background will be explained to an extent as this continues, but more so in the prequel I'm currently writing.
IzzyEvans2201_PuertoRico - I'm sorry, I know it's sad, but I promise it does get better...

I know the last chapter was really sad, and I'm sorry guys, I know you all want me to get to the reunion, but there are certain scenes, including the last chapters, which I couldn't ignore as the idea occured to me. I promise you things will get better, but you've got to bear with me just a little longer, hope you can do that. Thanks for all the patience you've been showing, and she support you've given in the feedback you've left, I'm delighted to see you're enjoying this, because I know that I'm enjoying writing it.

Thanks to anyone reading, I only hope you're enjoying it.

Here's the new chapter, hope it doesn't disappoint you.


Chapter 38

"That's not fair!" Serina responded after listening to what Zack was saying on the phone. "We're supposed to be having the whole of the week off, you know said you'd got cover!" As he began to speak again, she fell silent once more, her objections trailing off as he continued and she realised that it wasn’t really his fault. "Yeah, I know....just do me a favour next time, and make sure that the people you hire are actually reliable and are going to turn up...."

Obviously something was said in response to that, causing her to laugh and shake her head. "You'd miss us too much, and you know it!" Serina listened for a few more minutes to him, before wishing the diner owner a good night and then hanging up.

Just as she was putting down the phone, the door opened and Liz walked in pushing a stroller which was laden down with bags of food shopping. "Hey Rina..." She greeted her friend with a smile as she closed the door behind her and set the brake on the wheels before moving round to the front to release Emily since she had been making a fuss since leaving the store.

"Me big girl!" She had insisted, kicking her legs in an attempt to get out of the stroller.

Unfortunately, laden down with bags as she was, there was no way that Liz would have been able to hold her hand as necessary, and so she had been forced to remain fastened in, much to her disgust.

The moment the straps were released, she bounded out of the seat, almost tripping over as she ran towards the room she shared with Thomas.

"CAREFUL.-" Her mother's warnings died away as she disappeared into the room, aware that she wouldn't be listening anyway...

Serina smiled in amusement as she watched the whole scene, before moving towards Liz to help unload the bags and tell her about the phone call she had just taken. "Guess who just phoned...?" She asked the other girl, taking two bags in her hands and carrying them over to the table where she began to unpack them as Liz brought the other two over and did similar.

The young brunette shrugged. "No idea...although I'm guessing from your face it wasn't someone saying you'd won a week in Florida or something like that..."

Her friend sighed and shook her head. "No, unfortunately it wasn't...something like that would have been rather nice, but this was a bit more mundane..."

Liz thought for a moment and nodded. "How many guesses do I get then, or are you just going to tell me...?"

"Three guesses..." Serina grinned. Even if the news wasn't the best, at least they could get a bit of fun out of it this way...

"Okay..." Chewing her lip thoughtfully as she pulled out a number of cans and carried them over to the cupboard, Liz thought a moment, going through the people that she knew. The list was really quite small considering she had only been in this reality for a month so it shouldn't be too difficult to guess... "Julie...?"

"No, although she did call while you were out too, she's going to be getting back in early on Friday..." Serina passed on the information quickly. She said maybe we could all do something together, the five of us on Saturday since she doesn’t go back to college for another week or so...?"

"Sounds good to me!" Liz agreed quickly. She liked the other girl, even if she didn't get to spend much time with her, and would welcome a chance to maybe get to know her a little better... Switching her mind back to the original focus though, she thought over again. "So, if it's not Julie, who could it have been...?"

Serina opened the fridge while she was thinking about it, asking for the margarine and milk.

Passing over the requested items, Liz followed them up with some yoghurts and cheese, plus a bit of cold meat, all the while thinking over the possibilities. "Well you said it wasn't exactly good, so I'm guessing not Steve or Gus either..."

"Nope, and I’ll take them together as one, so you’ve got one more guess left..." Serina winked at her friend. "I'll give you as clue, we haven't seen him for a few days..."

This comment left Liz in no doubt as to who she was on about of course. "Zack..."

The older of the two women nodded. "Got it in three...well four really maybe…" She laughed and stood up, closing the fridge and switching on the kettle to make a cup of tea.

"Not that I don't like the guy, but what did he want...?" Liz didn't really want to know, having a feeling that whatever it was would probably spoil the very good mood she was in, but it was the logical next question she knew...

Serina sighed and shrugged. "Apparently the kids he hired to do some holiday work and cover for us aren’t really working out... They didn't turn in yesterday or the day before... He says he can't deal with them anymore, and can we please come back to work on Monday instead of Thursday..."

"I'm guessing it wasn't really a request though...?"

She gave a wry smile. "Actually, you're right; it was more of a begging tone..." She laughed softly. "Sounds like he didn't make a good selection and judgement, unlike when he chose you... He’s been having a really bad time with them and sounds completely fed up..." She paused a moment. "Do you know I almost felt sorry enough to volunteer to turn in today, apparently most night's he's been having to close because he just doesn't have the staff."

"Yeah, well I'm not going to say I'm not sorry for him, but I'm glad you didn't...if we're going to have our vacation cut short, the least we can do is make the most of our last few days and let the kids have something to enjoy..."

Her friend grinned and nodded. "Oh definitely... So, are we all set for this afternoon anyway...?"


"Mommy, come look!" Emily ran back towards her mother who was walking along, talking with Serina, a little way behind the kids.

Liz laughed and beamed as she saw the look of excitement on the little girl's face. She bobbed down, holding out her arms and swinging her up in the air as Emily came barrelling into them. "What?" She asked, twirling round amidst squeals of delight from her daughter before setting her down on her feet once more and taking her hand. "What? Is there something that you want to show me honey?"

The little girl nodded eagerly, tugging on her arm as she moved down the path impatiently. "Mommy come!" She shouted out gleefully, giggling all the while.

Serina laughed as she watched the pair. It really was something to see Liz with Emily. It didn't matter how old or young she was, she was a wonderful mother, and in all the time she had known Liz, she had to say she had never seen the young brunette happier than she was when she was spending time with her daughter. Of course she could understand that completely, feeling exactly the same way about Thomas who she adored... She hated the fact that she couldn't spend that much time with him and that she had to ask Julie to look after him so much, she wished that she could be there to spend the evening with him and put him to bed. She wished that she could give him more, but there was just her, and she did her best...


Hearing her own son calling now, Serina focused on the present, running to catch up with the others who were now a significant distance in front and smiling as she bobbed down, resting her chin on Thomas’s shoulder for a moment as she joined him in watching the bears through the bars. "Having a good time...?"

"Bears..." The small brunette pointed and spoke hesitantly, looking up at her mother as though seeking confirmation that she was right.

Liz nodded with a smile, reaching down to ruffle her hair playfully. "That's right my precious Emmy Sweet... Aren't you clever..." She bobbed down next to her for a moment. "Can you tell me what colour they are too?"

"Brown!" This answer was a little more definite, and there was no doubt that if asked, no one would ever guess she was only a little over two year old. Some things weren't as noticeable, but her speech was a whole lot clearer than most and, more than that, it was highly unusual she would say anything that didn't make sense.

Of course it made sense if you thought about it... Whether it was because he was an alien, or not, Max had clearly been intelligent, and Liz was no different. Even after having Emily when she did, she had managed to maintain a decent grade average, and it had been highly likely that both would be able to get at least a part scholarship to help with fees in order to go to college. They had planned it all out, including where they wanted to study and what courses they wanted to take, and had been well on track to obtain the grades needed... So, even without the alien gene input, with two parents who clearly had higher than average intelligence, perhaps it was no wonder that the little girl was developing quickly too.

Grinning and clapping her hands together gently, Liz nodded, dropping a kiss onto the head of the little girl. "That's right my angel, brown bears..."

Emily giggled and clapped a little, turning around to hug her mother, before deciding, in a definite child-like manner, that there was something more interesting over the other side of the path and running away to take a look.

Following after her, Liz stayed close as the little girl went from one thing to another, before finally picking her up as it became obvious she was beginning to flag. "Alright, I think someone is going to sleep most of the way home..." She smiled and looked over to Serina who was stood nearby with Thomas who was still apparently fascinated with the fishes which were swimming in the water. "Do you mind if I just go sit on that bench over there and wait for you to finish...?"

The older of the two women looked round, noting the sleepy looking toddler in her arms and nodded. "Go ahead, we'll join you in a few minutes and then we can go get something to eat if that meets everyone's approval..."

The second young mother nodded, adjusting her hold on Emily to a more secure one as she felt her daughter's arms slip, indicating she was falling asleep fast. "Sounds good to me, see you in a little bit then..." She told her friend with a smile, wandering over to the bench she had indicated and taking a seat, settling Emily in her lap and enjoying the opportunity to take the weight off her feet.


A couple of burgers and sodas later, the small group was ready to head off home. Emily had slept for the last two hours or so, and Liz hadn't woken her. The day had been a full one for the little girl and if she was that tired, there seemed to be little point in waking her... Although the idea had been to eat while they were out, that wasn't necessary, and it would be easy enough to fix her something back at the apartment later her mother knew. Certainly waking her at that sort of time would likely have caused nothing but grief in the long run, and having had a good day out, Liz didn't see any point in spoiling it when in truth there really was no reason why the little girl couldn't be allowed to continue sleeping...

It hadn't been ideal of course, trying to eat with a two year old child on her lap, but it wasn’t really anything too difficult, and it was nothing Liz hadn’t done before or anything that she couldn't handle...certainly it didn't give just cause to wake Emily.

Really, she supposed, this was another occasion on which she should have brought the stroller with her, having learnt from experience that she was unlikely to last the whole afternoon as yet... That was of course with hindsight though, and although not ideal, carrying Emily wasn't impossible. Liz was basically just delighted to see the smile on her face now as she slept...without a doubt, that was the most important thing after the distress and tears which had been there the week before.....

The meal had passed without any major incident, and the day had been enjoyed by all parties it seemed. In fact, Serina had to say she would class it as an unqualified sucess... She smiled as she looked down at Thomas next to her. “Alright then, I think next stop is home, bath and bed for you young man..." She announced, receiving by way of the lack of objections, confirmation that he too was getting tired.

Liz smiled as she too picked up on the significance of the silence. Sounds like a plan to me...I wouldn't be surprised if this one..." She indicated the sleeping child in her lap, "…sleeps through until morning now...she's hard and fast, that much is for sure." She commented softly, lifting her daughter carefully in her arms as she stood up, and then walking along with Serina and Thomas as they made their way back towards the exit and headed back to the bus station.


“Not much further, come on luv…” Serina urged Thomas as he kept dragging his feet and dawdling… He had fallen asleep on the bus back, and had he been younger she probably wouldn’t have woken him but he was getting a bit big for carrying around unfortunately.

“But I’m tired mom…” He hugged her waist and closed his eyes.

His mother sighed and nodded. “I know sweetheart, it’s been a long day…lets get you home and to bed yeah…?” She offered him a small smile, and held out her hand towards him. “Come on Thomas, it’s not too much further, just another block I promise…” She tried to coax him.

“Carry me…?” He pouted and looked at her pleadingly, holding out his arms. “Please…?”

“I can’t honey, you’re getting too big…” Serina responded softly. She had tried a few moments before, but she just couldn’t carry his weight anymore - she was slim built, didn’t have much strength in her arms, and a five year old little boy who wasn’t exactly slight was simply too much.

“But I’m TIRED….”

“You look like you’re having some trouble…”

Looking up quickly, Serina could honestly say she had never been happier to see Gus. “Yeah, he’s really tired and doesn’t want to walk…unfortunately he’s getting a little big for me to carry…”

He smiled and nodded to Liz in greeting before bobbing down next to the older of the two women and looking to the little boy. “Alright Thomas, you’re tired are you…? You must have had a busy day…”

Liz watched with a smile as she saw their friend, without even asking Serina, pick up Thomas easily in his arms, talking all the time and then beginning to walk back towards the apartment with them as he asked what they’d been doing in his usual friendly manner. The other guys teased him about his friendship with Serina she knew, but from what she had seen, Gus was just a genuine good friend…

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:00 pm
by KatnotKath
Hey guys, thanks for the feedback :)

Sorry I didn't post this sooner, I had planned to try last friday, but my results finally came in :D:D and after finding them out I just couldn't concentrate on writing it seemed.

lazza - so I can do fun as well as sad then :wink:
Ellie - glad to hear you're sticking with me.
roswell3053 - Thanks for reading, glad you're enjoying the story
Flamehair - Here's more, hope you enjoy
begonia9508 - Glad you enjoyed the chapter
Timelord31 - Thanks
Emz80m - We're getting closer, I promise
isabelle - :D:D Glad you liked Gus - even if there's not been anything romantic, I have a feeling he's been a very good friend to Serina over the years. As for Liz I think you're probably right and however happy she might look on the outside, there's always going to be that feeling of loss inside I imagine. She's got to stay strong for Emily though, and even after everything they've been through and she's lost, if anything can make her smile I'm sure it's that lovely little girl's smile. And Max - well - no, I don't imagine he's having as good a time, although I do think the others are probably trying their best...
sonii - Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed the chapter.
Alien614 - welcome back to the story- glad you found it again :D.
kiwigirl - Welcome to the story :D thanks for reading, and glad you're enjoying the story. I'm glad you've kept reading, I know some people will have stopped but that's their choice, just as it was my choice to write the story as I have. It just seemed right somehow - and whether you believe it or not, I am a HUGE Max and Liz fan, so it's not that I love writing them apart. Just as I wrote, they seemed to need the time apart to me, and I only hope that no one will be dissapointed in the end.
ultimatepickupline - welcome to the story, and glad you're enjoying it. On the one hand I want to answer your questions, on the other I want to say most, if not all, will be answered in the rest of the story... For the moment, I have no intention of bringing in Xan, but that's not set in stone and the coupling I'm still deciding on too. I will say one thing though - Alex is dead - Serina said she hasn't heard from him in over a year - it's actually more than two, just she's lost track of time to some extent as we all do sometimes. I'm sorry to disappoint you if you were hoping he would be alive, but I'm following cannon on this.
L-J-L 76 - Glad to hear you're still enjoying the story. Hope you like the new chapter.

Thanks to anyone taking the time to read this story, I hope you're enjoying it and will continue to do so.


Chapter 39

“Okay, so tell me again why we’re doing this…?” Serina looked at Zack expectantly as she sat on a stool on the other side of the counter.

“Because I’m paying you double time and I let you take a week of during a very busy period… I think you owe me…!” Her boss explained with a grin.

“Whatever…” She rolled her eyes and looked round. “What happened in this place last night?”

“New Year’s Eve, you know, party, celebration, some giddy kids and such…” Zack shrugged, turning to chuck an apron at Liz who was just emerging from the back room.

Catching it with a laugh, Liz shook her head, pretending to puzzle as she tied it around her waist. “New Year, was it really…? I think I was in bed for ten…”

“Yeah right! You were up till midnight with Julie and I, so don’t play little miss innocent!” Serina stuck out her tongue playfully as she tied an apron around her own waist and moved to begin clearing some of the rubbish away.

“Only because I sleep on the sofa, and you two were still up and therefore sat on said sofa…” Her friend joked back easily as she began to collect the condiments from the table behind her, adding it to the tray in her arms.

“Whatever…you know you enjoyed it just as much as we did…”

“I’d give it up if I were you…” Zack told the younger of the girls with a wink as he too moved to join in the clear up. “She won’t give up until you say what she wants…”

“Oh believe me, I live with her so I know that only too well…” The deceptively delicate looking brunette grinned and shook her head before looking back at her friend. “Yeah, I had a good time…” She responded softly.

In truth, she had been surprised at just how good actually… Some of the guys had turned up, including Gus, Steve, and Julie’s boyfriend Tom. After putting the kids to bed they had spent the rest of the night watching videos, chatting, and generally enjoying themselves…

Of course the night still had a bittersweet edge for her… It was the first New Year she had spent away from the Crashdown in years, and it was her first without Max… Much as she tried to keep her mind occupied with other things, she still couldn’t forget that fact, and she wasn’t sure she would ever truly get used to being alone…

“I’m glad you did…” Serina had noticed how quiet she had gone at certain times in the night and she was sure that she had been thinking about the jerk who had left her. On one occasion, she had gone up to her, telling her friend that he was the one losing out by being a b*stard but she hadn’t been surprised to find her friend speaking up in ‘his’ defense.

It was something she had begun to realise as time went on – Liz never blamed her ex for abandoning her and Emily, she never spoke a bad word about him… And it puzzled her no end…

Still, if she had enjoyed the evening, that was the important thing… She smiled, dumping the bag she had in her hand near the door and grabbing another as she continued to clear the remains of food from the plates.


“We’ll leave tomorrow okay!” Max threw back over his shoulder as he walked towards the door of the room, needing to get away from Michael for a little while. He knew that his friend was right of course, they did need to be leaving, but did he really have to press on New Years day…?

“Where are you going now?” Michael stood up, reaching out to stop him.

“OUT!” Pulling his hand out of Michael’s grasp, Max opened the door and walked out without another word, leaving the rest of the group sat in silence.

For a few moments, no one spoke, but then Maria looked over at Isabel and Kyle. They had run out of time, and they were no nearer to finding Liz than they had been initially it seemed…

“I think Max probably has the right idea, I’m gonna go take a walk, anyone want to come with me…?” Kyle asked, looking especially to the two girls. They had one more day, why waste it…?

Picking up instantly on his intentions, Isabel jumped up, agreeing enthusiastically to the plan. “How about you two, Maria, Michael…?”

With a look which showed exactly what he thought about that idea, Michael dropped back down onto the bed, kicking off his shoes as he laid back.

“Well I think a walk sounds like a great idea!” Maria spoke up in favour of the plan as she ignored her boyfriend’s obvious lack of interest. She understood exactly what the first two had in mind, and while she was wasn’t convinced they were going to get anywhere more than they had on numerous other occasions, she didn’t intend to duck out of the last ditch effort.

“A great idea…?” Michael sat up and looked towards the window. “Am I the only one here who can see it’s snowing…the temperature is probably below freezing in case you haven’t noticed!”

“Actually I think the fact it’s snow, rather than hail, indicates it’s above zero…” Kyle pointed out with a smirk which soon disappeared as he saw Michael glaring at him.

“I just fancy a bit of fresh air Michael…you know I like this time of year, and it’s not like we’ve grown up with a lot of snow is it…?” Isabel pointed out with a grin as she picked up her coat from the chair where she had left it.

“Right, it’s something different…and it’s a nice enough place…I’d just like to have a last look around since we’re going to be moving on tomorrow…” Maria nodded in agreement as she grabbed her own coat, pulling it on and retrieving her scarf quickly.

“Oh fine, do whatever…” Michael shrugged, turning onto his side, facing away from them and apparently intending to go to sleep. Before the group got to the door however, he did look back round, adding a rather gruff, ‘be careful’, as he looked again to his girlfriend.

“Don’t worry, I’ll look after them!” Kyle told his friend with a nod, looking back briefly as the girls exited first. He might not have any powers like Michael, but he hoped that he knew that he’d protect the girls with his life if necessary…

Michael didn’t say anything, simply turning over on the bed again. When he heard the door shut though, indicating Kyle was gone, he nodded silently, making an unseen response. “Thanks…”


What had he been doing here…? Max kicked his foot against the pavement, causing a cascade of wet sludge to fly out in front of him. The actual snow had stopped falling a little while ago, and what had been crisp and white was fast turning grey and slushy. How long he had been walking he didn’t know, but he didn’t want to go back to the hotel…

He had done what he had to that morning, in saying they’d move on tomorrow… He was protecting his group, leading them as they expected him to…so why did he feel like this…?

They should have left weeks back, the others had hinted at it, and Michael had come out and voiced it no holes barred… They had been here for a month, and that was too long… So why was it so hard to leave…?

It wasn’t as though Asbury Park had anymore going for it than any other place they’d been… In fact, it was one of the smaller places they had stayed… There was one thing that had made it special though wasn’t there…?

He shook his head. Liz… Not their Liz, but still…Liz… She was out there somewhere, and they were leaving her behind…

When she had first left, he had truly thought she was better off away from them, but now it came to truly leaving her alone, even if he didn’t know where she was now, he found himself hesitating…

Maybe he should have let the girls try and find her, maybe he should have tried himself… He shouldn’t have treated her like he did, he…

Stopping a moment, he stood, looking round at the people walking along the streets, going about their normal business.

Tomorrow they’d leave this place behind, pack up and move on, people here would continue, probably completely unaffected by their stay, and he and his group would just continue on the same as always…

It was the same thing they had done time and time again over the last year…it was their routine…what they did - so why did it feel so wrong this time…?


“So how do you want to play this, we’ve got about five more hours and then that’s it…” Kyle pointed out as he stood with Maria and Isabel a short distance from the hotel.

“Same as always…we use the pictures, ask in diners, shops, anywhere you can think of…” Isabel responded tightly, clenching her fist as she thought about the time that was slowly ticking down. In over three weeks, they had been unable to find anything…would today really be that different… She swallowed and bit her lip, shaking her head and refusing to admit defeat. “We have to find them! We have to!” She muttered to herself desperately.

Kyle sighed and nodded slightly. “Okay then, let’s get going…” He took one of the pictures from her, arranging that the girls would take one side of the road together, and he’d take the other…they’d meet at the end unless they found something…


“Excuse me…?” Isabel knocked slightly on the open door of a diner, unsure, from the lack of lights, whether it was actually open or not. She stepped inside hesitantly, followed directly by Maria. “Hello…?”

“Hi, sorry about the mess, we’re still tidying up after last night…I can sort you a table if you’re wanting a drink or something to eat though…” A medium woman with light brown, long curly hair, dressed in what looked to be a waitress’ uniform emerged through a door to greet her.

Isabel smiled, thanking her but explaining that she wasn’t actually wanting something to eat. “Actually, I’m looking for a friend, I was wondering if you might have seen her around…?” She told the woman, stepping forward and holding out her photograph. “Her name’s Liz…” She added softly.

Serina nodded slightly, taking the picture and looking down at it. The image looking back at her was unmistakably the Liz she knew, although she couldn’t help thinking that she looked older than she did now in the photo, which seemed a little strange…

Maria blinked, certain that she had seen a glimmer of recognition in her eyes. “H-have you seen her…?” She asked softly, almost scared to hope.

“I…don’t know… I guess I might have, but there’s a lot of people come in here every day…” Serina responded vaguely, not wanting to out and out lie, but yet unwilling to just come out and say yes… There was something strange about all of this – first Liz was friends with Alex, and now some other older girls…? Something about this all just didn’t quite pan out, and until she was convinced her friend was happy for her to do so, she didn’t intend to give her away…

Focusing on the two young women, she studied them a moment in silence.

“Could you maybe take another look…she’d probably have a lot longer hair, and might have had a child with her, a little girl, about two years old…?” Isabel pressed slightly, hoping beyond hope that she might say yes.

“You say she’s a friend…what happened, did she run away from home or something…?” Serina tried to keep her tone casual as she attempted to get a little more information about exactly what was going on.

“I guess you could say something like that…” Sighing, Isabel looked at the woman. “Please, if you could give us any information, we’d be so grateful… We just want to talk to her…” She paused a moment. “C-could we maybe give you a number of contact us on anyway, in case she does come in…?”

It was probably somewhat pointless, given that by the following evening it would be invalid, but it was the best they could do she supposed… If only they could afford to give their mobile number…

“Here, this is my mobile! Please ask her to call us if you see her… We just want to know she’s okay, to talk…please…” Maria threw caution out of the window, taking a major risk as she wrote down her cell number. She knew that she shouldn’t do it, that it was incredibly dangerous, but there was something about the way the woman had looked when she saw the picture, something about the way she was acting… She had a feeling she knew a whole lot more than she claimed, and she just hoped she was right…

Noting a look of what seemed like panic which flashed over the red-haired young woman’s face as the other gave her the paper, Serina nodded slowly, still not sure what was going on. “I guess I can do that yeah…” She responded evenly, not trusting herself enough to say anything more.

“Thanks, that’s great!” Maria smiled and nodded before leaving with Isabel after thanking the woman again for her help.


”Please tell me you are joking!” Kyle requested warily as he listened to the girls. “What do you mean you gave someone your cell number, we’re not supposed to give them out to anyone, you know that!” It was one of the first steps they took after leaving Roswell, to dump existing phones and buy new ones. They were used exclusively for contacting other members of the group, and the numbers were kept strictly private. If an employer wanted a mobile number, they bought a new SIM-card for the duration of the stay, which was then dumped before leaving. They couldn’t afford to leave anyone with a way to contact them, it just wasn’t safe…

“I know we’re not Kyle, but I think she knows Liz, I think she knows where she is…” Maria explained desperately. “The way she looked, she recognised her, I’m sure of it!”

“Okay…” He nodded, thinking about it quickly. “Give it a few days, and then after that change your number…it gives her some time to contact if she does know her, but we really can’t risk longer, you know that… You’ll have to tell Michael that you’ve been getting a lot of wrong numbers of something, you know how he tends to think they’re a conspiracy…” He looked at Maria. “Promise me you’ll get rid of it then though…?”

Biting her lip, she nodded silently. “I promise…”

“Good!” He squared his shoulders, blowing on his hands a little as he looked round. It was dropping colder, fast…snow was beginning to fall again, and it was coming up to lunch time… “Well, assuming we’re continuing even if you do think that girl knows her, how about we pick somewhere to grab some lunch first…I for one am getting rather hungry, and getting inside for a while to let my icicle-like feet thaw out sounds like a great idea…”

The girls laughed at his comments and nodded, quickly agreeing that some food sounded like a good idea and the three of them headed across the road together.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 6:10 pm
by KatnotKath
Hey guys, I'm back :) sorry for the delay and thanks for all the feedback :D:D

ultimatepickupline - no, they just spoke to Serina who works in the same place as Liz, so safe to say they won't be eating there...sorry...
begonia - I don't know Eve, I guess it depends on who you are as to the importance of a phone number. For a group who are basically trying to stay off the radar, maybe it is more important... If someone got hold of that number, they could trace the phone and locate them after all.
roswell3053 - Thanks for reading, here's more :wink:
Timelord31 - Glad you liked the part, read on to find what happens.
Ellie - I don't know what to say so as not to spoil it, so I guess better just to suggest you read the new chapter and see? Hope you enjoy. As for my results, thanks for the congratulations, you take right - in fact they were even better than I could ever have imagined :D:D. My graduation brought a few surprises too (of the nice variety).
Emz80m - one new part delivered as promised :wink: hope you enjoy it.
isabelle - No, they haven't found guess it's just a case of seeing what happens next. I think maybe the stake-out might have been more likely if Maria, Kyle and Isabel weren't basically on their last day of searching, but could they really afford to just hang around on the off chance, as opposed to maybe going somewhere else to ask and having the possibility of finding her...
Alien614 - I think she just might...
Flamehair - Awww, BAD e-mail :( Glad you found the part though, and delighted to know that you've enjoyed it.
L-J-L 76 - Thanks for reading, glad you're enjoying the story.

Okay guys, so sorry for the delay, I honestly didn't mean to keep you hanging like that but I've been suffering from a bit of block lately and the writing hasn't exactly been flowing unfortunately. I am back now though, and I only hope this new part won't disappoint you all. Thanks for all your patience, and for sticking with the story.


Chapter 40

Shivering as the snow began to fall more heavily now, Max looked around, picking the first open café he saw and heading over. Pushing open the door, he stepped inside and walked up to the counter, ordering a coffee and burger from the guy stood there, and then taking a seat at one of the free tables.

His coffee was brought over in a few minutes by a young woman with light brown hair. She was quite pretty really, if you liked that sort of thing, and he absently noted how she chatted to a number of guys who were sat just behind him as she worked. Nodding his thanks, he looked down once more, and his mind began to wander away from the cafe and back to his earlier thoughts.

Michael had been hinting for a couple of weeks now that they should be splitting... They had done well here, and the money they were earning was good, but he had referred to what happened in Bridgeport, reminding Max that nowhere was going to be safe forever, and pointing out that it was already way past the time to leave...

Max had yelled at him on these occasions, but deep down he knew his friend was right of course...which was why they were leaving tomorrow…

A month or more was a long time for their group to spend anywhere, and it was time to leave… Well, in truth it had been time to leave long ago, just as Michael had noted, but somehow every time the subject had been brought up Max had found himself changing the subject... He didn't know wasn't as though this place had any more going for it than any of the other places they had stayed did it...?

Deep down of course, if he was honest he knew though... Michael had been right that day when he confronted him, when he told him what he thought, no holes barred… Oh yes, he knew, he just wouldn’t admit it…

The thoughts which had been going round in his head all day came back to him again now as he sat there and for the first time admitted the truth to himself. Liz was here still...of that he was certain... And even though she wasn't 'his' Liz, he still cared about her, and wanted to make sure that she was safe... The more he thought about it, the more the idea of leaving her here, with no protection grated with him, and he wished that he could just speak to her once more, to convince himself that she was happy and safe...

Suddenly an image of Emily sprang to mind, but he closed it off quickly, reminding himself not for the first time that she didn't have anything to do with him...

The little girl was so sweet beautiful... A perfect mix of Liz and himsel-no, not himself! A mix of that Liz and her Max... He swallowed she shook his head, looking down at the ring which still sat on his wedding finger. It wasn't his Liz... His wife was dead, and wherever this image of her was, all he wanted to know was that she was more, no less…he-

"Burger and fries...?"

He looked up, torn out of his thoughts by the familiar voice of the woman he had just been thinking of. It was just his had to be...didn't it...? "Liz..." He breathed as he took in her unmistakable features.

Having been somewhat distracted, half listening to the conversation that Serina and Gus were having, Liz hadn’t actually taken much notice of the appearance of the man at the table. His head was bowed, and she couldn’t see his face. Now though, the young waitress froze as she found herself facing the very person she had run from well over two weeks ago now. "M-Max..." She stammered awkwardly, unable to believe this was happening. He couldn't be here... She set down the plate, and made as though to leave.

He reached out his hand, closing it over her arm to stop her though, a pain lancing through him at the thought of losing her again... Losing... He blinked, and dropped his hand, releasing her, startled by the thought... Losing could he lose what he never had....? Confused by his thoughts, he nevertheless looked up at her. "Please...don't go...not yet..." He asked of her, his chest tight, and his voice laden with emotion.

Liz looked down at him. For a moment, he looked so young, so forlorn... Her heart cried out, insisting that this was 'him', even though her mind knew it was untrue... She shook her head mentally, torn about what to do or say. She remembered the way her daughter had been crying herself to sleep some nights crying for her late father, and how she herself had done similar; mourning the loss of the man she knew, despite their ages, she had loved… This wasn't her Max, and she shouldn’t pretend...but.... She swallowed, her hands playing with the notebook in the front of her apron. "I-I have to...I'm working..." Came her response finally in a small voice as she broke her silence. She hesitated a moment, obviously thinking something over, before speaking again. "I could come over when I take my break though...if you want...?"

Max nodded silently, accepting this. "Okay...I'll be waiting..." He told her with a tight smile before watching as she turned and headed back down to the counter.

The little exchange had not gone un-noticed by Serina, who grabbed Liz as soon as she reached the front. "Well you two obviously know each other..." She commented lightly, having a feeling she might know how, but realising that her friend might not want to talk about it so not pushing too much...

The younger girl nodded awkwardly. "I guess...sort of..." She began to chew on the inside of her lip nervously as she moved around behind the counter, busying herself with putting some of the now-clean glasses back on the shelves. "It's complicated..." She added softly. How could she tell Serina that this Max wasn’t the one who had got her pregnant, that he looked like the guy, but that she was from a different reality? – her friend would think she needed to be put in the crazy house if she did that… She shook her head mentally – it just wasn’t possible…

Nodding as she watched the younger girl for a moment, Serina indicated for Liz to stay where she was as someone from one of the tables called and she went to go serve them. There was a two-fold reason for that, firstly she thought her friend could probably do with a break, and secondly, it would give her a chance to get a good look at this guy… Walking down the length of the diner, she couldn’t help thinking back to the conversation she had with Liz after those women had left earlier…

“They said they’d really like to hear from you, they sounded worried…” She told her friend softly as she held out the piece of paper which had a number scribbled on it.

Liz swallowed and chewed her lip, running a hand through her hair as she sat down on the buffet. “I can’t Rina, I just can’t… It’s better that they just forget about me…”

“They don’t seem to have done that though…” She looked at the young brunette. “Liz, I’ve tried not to press you about what happened, but I really am beginning to wonder… These women obviously cared about you, they haven’t forgotten, they’ve been spending time looking for you… Even if you’re not going to go back home, can’t you at least give them a call and let them know you’re alright…?”

“No…I don’t want them to know where I am…please Rina, try and understand…”

She nodded silently, hearing the signs of desperation in her tone and reluctantly let the subject drop, simply placing the paper on the top of the counter and leaving it there in front of her saying it was there if she wanted it…

The paper had been gone the next time she had come by the counter, and it wasn’t in the bin… Had she called them…? Was that why ‘he’ was here…?


For the next two hours, Max sat at his table, following Liz with his gaze as she went about her work. He watched as she spoke to the other waitress, and found he had a strange tight feeling in his chest as he saw her smiling and laughing at something one of the male students who had come in a little while ago said. Obviously she knew them, and he wasn't oblivious to the way that one in particular was looking at her. Liz of course was hardly encouraging him, but then there wasn't any reason why she shouldn't...

He was part way through his third, and he promised himself last, coffee when he heard someone call Liz's name. The brunette, who had been in the middle of tidying a recently vacated table while talking to the guys, turned round and gave a nod as she left what she was doing to head down to the front at a trot.

At first Max wondered what was wrong as he noted the urgency with which she seemed to move, but when she bobbed down on reaching the side, standing up a moment later with Emily held in her arms, it all made sense.

Although he had only seen her a few times before, Max couldn't help smiling as the little girl came into view. He hadn't realised until that moment just how attached he had grown to her in the little time they had spent together. It was nice to see her again…

To her relief, as Liz hurried down to where her daughter stood, she found that she didn’t look upset, just wide awake… Lifting the little girl up, the young mother whispered something in her ear, before carrying her down to where Steve and the other guys were sat, being careful at all times to shield Max from view. This wasn’t something that he should have to deal with, it was true when she left, and it was true now… If this Max was anything like her boyfriend had been, seeing the little girl upset, as she knew she would be if she saw him, would cause him to feel obligated do something, and she couldn’t let that happen… Moreover, she also couldn’t do that to her daughter, allowing that glimpse of the person she wanted the most, and yet still telling her she couldn’t have him…

Over the last two weeks, it had become a regular occurrence that Emily woke up at some point. Depending on how much sleep she had earlier in the day, she would either go back to sleep easily, or refuse blatantly. Last night she hadn’t slept well, but she had made up for it that day and from the look in her eyes, her mother could see that this was going to be one of the latter. So, since Steve had watched her daughter a couple of times before, assuring Liz that he didn't mind, she decided to ask again.

Max watched carefully as she walked over to the group she had been talking to earlier. He saw her say something to one of the guys who was sat with his back to him, the one who obviously liked her, who immediately then nodded, holding out his hands and taking the little girl who he sat on his lap and began to talk to her. He looked comfortable with her, and she with him…almost like a father with his daughter… The sight made Max feel strange... Emily wasn't his child he knew, but somehow, it almost see someone else taking 'his' place...

Watching her daughter in silence for a moment, Liz then stepped back, thanking Steve, and telling Emily to be good as she left the little girl with him and went to go get an order from one of the couples that had just walked in.


Another hour went past, and it seemed like an age to Max. Liz continued to work, although every so often she would take a few minutes to pop over and talk to group of students, and particularly with the guy looking after her daughter. He noticed how they seemed at ease with one another, how they talked without any apparent problems, and of course how the guy seemed to be really good with Emily.

He should be happy for her, he knew, he thought as he heard Liz laugh at something that had been said. After everything she had been through, of which he knew very little, she deserved someone who cared about her. He had told himself that he just wanted to know she was happy...and from what he had seen, obviously she was... Somehow now that he had seen her though, that just wasn't enough... He wanted to talk to her, to ask how she was, to see her smile in response to something he had said in the same way he had seen her do with her friends...

" you still want to talk...?"

Max looked up as a voice invaded his thoughts to find Liz standing at the edge of the table. She looked at little nervous, perhaps understandably; and almost gave the impression of preparing to bolt any second... The sight of her made his chest hurt. "What...oh sure...sit down won't you...?" He responded softly, motioning to the other side of the table. He would have liked to ask her to sit next to him...but he knew that would be too much...

Liz swallowed, the butterflies in her stomach going into overdrive now as she nodded and sat down on one of the seats as requested. She chewed her lip nervously, looking up at Max through her lashes. "S-so..."

Max watched her carefully, wishing there was some way to make it better. "You're looking well..." He finally broke his silence, speaking in an even tone.

"T-thanks...y-you too..." She responded awkwardly, struggling over what to say.

They sat in silence again, each not really knowing what to say to the other. It was such a strange situation... They felt as though they should know each other intimately...and yet in truth, they were still little more than strangers...

"So I see you found a job then..." Max commented, realising as he did so how stupid he must sound.

Liz gave an awkward smile. "Y-yeah...eventually..." She swallowed nervously. "It took a while, but it's an okay place... Zacks good, and Serina's great..."

Max nodded. "Yeah...he seems good with Emily too..."

Liz looked up, surprised not by his assumption, although it was of course incorrect, but by the strange edge she heard in his voice. She would have said it was almost jealousy...except it couldn't be... Max was no more interested in her than she was in him... Each might have been involved with their own version of the other in their reality, but here they were two individuals, virtual strangers...completely uninvolved...

She swallowed and shook her head, taken by surprise at the desire she felt to rebuff this suggestion. "Oh no...that's not Zack..." She told him, feeling an unexplained want to reassure him...although reassure him about what...?

His brow creased in confusion. Not Zack...? Then who...?

"Zack's my boss...that's Steve..." Liz supplied helpfully, apparently reading the questions in his eyes.

"Steve..." Max tested the name in his mouth, nodding.

The young brunette sitting opposite chewed on the inside of her lip nervously. She didn't know why she should feel like this... There wasn't anything between Steve and herself... He was a friend sure, but he wasn't anything more...she wasn't ready for that...didn't know if she ever would be... Not that there was any reason she should feel awkward if there was... And yet despite knowing all that, it didn't make her feel any better... And here she was turning into Maria… Swallowing she looked back at Max after a moment. "H-he's just a friend..."


She nodded softly. "Yeah..."


“Serina, who’s that guy…?” Steve flagged down the other waitress as he turned slightly in his seat to watch the young brunette who was sat talking to an older guy that she obviously knew.

Stopping a moment, Serina turned slightly to look down at him. “You really want to know…?” She asked softly, having a feeling that he wasn’t going to like the answer she was going to give. It was no secret that Steve liked Liz, all the guys knew it, and both girls did really. Liz had made it perfectly clear she wasn’t ready for anything more than a friendship, and he had agreed not to push her, but Serina knew that Steve had been harbouring hopes that, if he gave her time, she might change her mind…

“Yes, I do…” He nodded firmly. “Who is he…?”

She sighed, her gaze drifting to the little girl who sat, asleep now on his lap. “Emily’s father…” She shook her head. “I don’t know his name, Liz has never told me, but you only need to look at her to know it’s him…”

“That’s the jerk that left her?” Gus looked up and turned his head to watch a moment.

“She says he didn’t leave her…in fact I got some visitors today who said she had run away…” Serina told him softly. There really was something about this whole thing that just didn’t make sense…it was as though she was missing something big…

“Ran away…? Why would she do that…?”

She bit her lip. That was exactly the same question which had been preying on her mind all day… The look which had flashed over Liz’s face when she tried to give her the number, the way that guy had grabbed her arm earlier…the nervous look on her face as she returned to the counter…

“Did he hit her…?” Steve asked plainly. He couldn’t think of any other reason why she would have run away, but if he had, he promised himself that guy wouldn’t get near enough to hurt her again…

Serina blinked, taken aback by the direct question. Was that the answer…was that what all this was about…? It just didn’t seem… She shook her head. “I don’t think so…she’s always said he was good to her, she said he couldn’t be there, it just wasn’t possible…”

“And you believe her…? Serina do you know how many battered women refuse to admit it…? They say it’s their fault, that their husbands or boyfriends are the most wonderful thing since sliced bread…” Gus shook his head as he turned to her now. “My sister still says that Carl was wonderful… She left him, but she doesn’t want to admit what she let him do for so long…” His expression hardened as he looked over to where Liz was sat with the guy again. “Talk to her Rina…’kay…? I mean if he was so good to her, why did she bring Emily over to me, and not him…?”

His question hung in the air for a few moments and Serina stood there without saying anything. As someone called to her however she was obliged to return to her work, although not before she promised the guys that she would do as they had asked… She would get to the bottom of this, and if it was as they feared, Liz wouldn’t get hurt again…

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:19 am
by KatnotKath
*peeks out from behind the computer waves and ducks back behind, worried about flying objects*

Hey guys... :oops:

Okay, so I know I have big apologies to make regarding how long this has taken, so I'm SORRY, SO SO SO SORRY!

Some of you know that I graduated from uni this year, well I've been job hunting. Other than that though, I've been doing hardly anything, which you would think would be good for writing, but I've found not so much... I became really fed up with what I was writing, I think I was doing too much Roswell and not enough of anything else, and my muse compeltely left me for a loong while.

I do finally have a new chapter though :D:D, and I want to thank you for all the wonderful feedback.

ultimatepickupline - I think that Serina and the guys are coming to the conclusions that a lot of people would with the information given. It's not good to jump to conclusions no, and it's not really fair on Max, but I think it is understandable. Glad you liked that I chose for it to be Max though, I had to think long and hard about that, but it just seemed right...
Alien614 - Well it's not soon, but here's more, hope you enjoy it.
Araxie HRH - I'm sorry, yes, I did leave it there, but I didn't realise how long I would be leaving you hanging so I'm sorry... As for Liz not being safer alone, I'm not sure that I agree... Theoretically, anyone searching for the group won't be looking for her, but they will be looking for Max and the others...if she stays with them, she puts herself 'back' on the radar... I'm sorry if you think that she comes across as a scared rabit, but I think she's to an extent nervous of letting him get to close I guess...
Ellie - But what can she say to set them straight without giving them information that she can't reveal - I mean they're going to have questions anyway relating to the apparent age difference aren't they?
roswell3053 - Glad you enjoyed the meeting, as for getting over the awkwardness, that could take a while...unfortunately they don't have that long do they?
begonia9508 - Oh yes, lots of problems - but I did warn you at the beginning of this fic, it was going to be angsty :wink: As for Liz and what she knew about her Max, she does know about him having been an alien. Also Emily already has some powers, and Liz had some too, so she's not clueless about these things, although of course to be around others who know too would be better...
Flamehair - Thanks, glad you liked it and thought it made sense. As for Serina, I don't see her being violent or anything, but hostile towards's a possibility...
Timelord31 - Well, guess you'll have to read and see, thanks for sticking with the story and glad you're still enjoying it.
isabelle - yes, the long awaited contact, I hope it didn't disappoint you...
Complicated is certainly one way to describe everything and I'm sure that Liz might say difficult too. If it were just her and Max it would be one thing, but Emily makes a huge difference and guess we just have to see how it goes...
L-J-L 76 - Thanks, glad you're enjoying the story.
behrluv32 - Well I'm glad you came back to the story, but I'm sorry if it's disappointing you. I just think that they both have a lot to work through, and I'm sorry if you think it's taking too long, but it's just the way this fic needed to be written to my mind. As for dreamer insured...yes...sort of, kinda depends on what you mean by that though...I don't want to spoil things for anyone reading so don't want to say more, but if you personally want me to explain what I mean - or anyone else does, feel free to send me a PM about it and I'll do that... I will tell you that Liz and Max won't be paired with anyone other than one another...
Emz80m - thanks for the bumps :D:D
Dreamweaver - Well, here's the new chapter, why don't you read and find out :wink:

Okay guys, so I'm going to offer a warning right here and now that I DON'T know when I'll next be able to update. I'm currently trying to arrange moving down to a new area, because guess what? - I got a job :D:D. Unfortunately, I don't know what my situation when it comes to phone line, and therefore internet, will be when I first get there. I do hope if I don't have internet access, to really push forward with this story and some others, assuming my muse cooperates, so hopefully when I do get back online there will be an update ready, but I just don't know when that will be.

Please don't hate me guys, I'm not leaving you hanging on purpose, and if I get some unexpected free time next week before I go, you never know what I might be able to do, but I'm not going to make promises I won't be able to keep.

So, that's about it from me anyway, thanks again for all the feedback and hope you enjoy the new chapter.


Chapter 41

Liz’s break seemed to last all too short a time to Max. It seemed as soon as they actually began talking properly, it was time for her to get back to work. She said she’d see him later, and Max knew that he should correct her, tell her they were leaving tomorrow and wish her goodbye… And yet he didn’t…

Goodbye, this was it… He had told himself he wanted to see that she was happy, and she was – as much as possible he supposed… Obviously she had friends who cared about her, was holding down a job and had a place to stay. She was doing all right for herself…which was…good…

Deep down, as much as he hated to admit it, he supposed he had been hoping that she wouldn’t be… That way he’d have an excuse to ask her if she wanted to go with them…

There was still the argument of safety of course, but then he supposed you could argue she was actually going to be in more danger with them, in a group who were being actively pursued, rather than just living and staying here alone… It wasn’t as though she was stupid; she knew to stay off state registers, to avoid giving her full name, to lay low. Being careful, she would probably have far less chance of accidental recognition here, and if she was recognised, who was to say they wouldn’t assume she was someone else – the two year old little girl with him didn’t exactly fit into ‘Liz Parker’s records; surely that would at least make them look twice.…

Yes, despite his sister’s feelings, he knew that she could be quite safe alone, and this was what she wanted – right…? At least this way Emily wasn’t constantly being moved from pillar to post… A life on the run was no life for a child, it just wouldn’t work… Not to mention the complications caused by ‘who’ they were…

He was Max and she was Liz, but they weren’t together… They were virtual strangers and yet he felt as though he should know her as well as he knew his sister or Michael… He had been with ‘her’ intimately in one way, and yet in another they had barely touched… And it wasn’t just them to consider either was it…

Biting his lip as he thought of the little girl, he looked over to where ‘Steve’ sat, a minature Liz sat on his lap still. Emily…

She wasn’t his really, he knew that, and yet he couldn’t help thinking about what it would be like if she was… Time and time again since Liz had left, he had found himself thinking about the little girl and picturing her in his mind, imagining what if…


He looked up, surprised as a voice broke through his thoughts and smiling as he met those beautiful warm brown eyes. “Hey…”

Liz offered him a weak, but apologetic smile in return, shifting her weight awkwardly. “I’m really sorry, but we have to be closing up now…”

So soon? It seemed like only a few minutes since they had been talking… Max looked down at his watch, noting with a sense of despair that another day had passed and it was indeed time to go… They’d be leaving the city in about five hours…this really was it now, no putting it off any longer – it was goodbye…

Blinking, he swallowed and nodded slowly. “Oh…yeah…right…of course…” He responded awkwardly, but then reached out, grabbing her arm as she went to turn away again. “L-liz…are you…I mean ca-“ He broke off, shaking his head at his sudden inability to form a coherent sentence. He just wasn’t ready…

“What is it…?”

Her probing voice was so soft and gentle, so sweet… He bit his lip. “Could I come back with you…to your apartment I mean…? I won’t stay long, but I just need to talk to you for a little longer…?” Max’s eyes watched for any sign of a reaction as he finished making his request. He just needed a little more time…

“Oh…” She was clearly surprised. “M-Max, I…” Liz swallowed nervously. “I-I don’t know if that’s such a great idea… I m-mean it’s not even my apartment, not really…and it’s kinda late…or rather early…” She looked over to where Serina was clearing one of the tables and wiping it down. What would her friend think if she agreed, how many further questions might it raise, and more importantly perhaps how would she answer them… “M-maybe I could meet you sometime…or you could pop in here another night…if you’re not working…?”

Max made no response, but his expression was enough to tell Liz what she needed to know. She drew in a breath, looking away from him now and breaking from his gaze. “You’re leaving…”

Silently, he nodded, slowly and deliberately.


The question was so simple, but the answer was such that he couldn’t bring himself to look at her. “Today…” He whispered, his whole body protesting that it was too soon – he had just found her again, he had j--. He stopped himself mid thought, shaking his head mentally.

“Oh…” The young brunette started at the realisation of such an imminent departure. She had known it would be soon of course, and might even have expected them already to have gone, but to meet Max again and now to say today… Liz bit her lip, trying to keep it from trembling as she took in the information. “W-well I guess this is goodbye then…” She struggled over the words, a part of her not wanting to admit it.

The young man in front of her nodded again slowly. “I guess so…” He was silent for a moment, and then, on impulse, reached out to touch her arm. “Liz…”

She looked up at him questioningly.

“I…uh…hope things work out for you…”

Liz swallowed and nodded. “Yeah, you too…goodbye Max…”



Both Liz and Max looked over as Emily cried out, struggling with Steve who was trying to keep her back. She had obviously woken up and sensed, heard or even just seen Max as she did so. Whatever the explanation though, she had seen him and that was enough… Steve looked at Liz apologetically as he attempted to keep her held in his lap despite Emily’s attempts to get down. “Sorry Beth, she jus-“

Liz shook her head, walking over to take the little girl from him now. “It’s fine Steve…thanks for looking after her tonight…” She assured him softly as she lifted her daughter up onto her hip.

He grinned and shook his head. “Not a problem, honest…” He looked at Liz. “Do you want me to come back over with you, give some moral support…?” Usually he would have left a couple of hours previous, but after hearing what Serina had to say about Max, he had determined to stay until he left, to make sure nothing happened to either of the two young women who were, first and foremost, good friends….

She shook her head again. “No, it’s fine…you’ve done enough tonight, thanks…I’m sure you’ll want to be getting home…” The brunette responded, struggling a little with her daughter who was continuing to struggle, reaching out and calling to Max over and over again. “Shush…it’s okay my Emmy, it’s okay…come on sweetheart…” Liz looked down, speaking softly to her daughter all to no avil.

“It’s really no trouble, I don’t mind…” Steve looked at her, taking in the look of distress in her eyes and wanting more than anything to save her from this. “I’ll even walk you and Rina home when you’re done if you like…?”

Looking up from dealing with her daughter who continued to cry out, Liz shifted uncomfortably and shook her head, blinking back tears now. It was a kind offer, and one that he would insist was simply him being a friend, but she didn’t know… It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate it either, but she didn’t know if she could deal with having an audience for this next bit; not to mention the fact this last conversation might include mention of certain things which should not be said in public... “Oh…no, thanks, but that won’t be necessary… I’ll see you later…” Making it clear the conversation was over, Liz turned now and headed back over to where Max was.

“DADDY!” Emily cried out once more and reached towards Max eagerly as they neared him, making no secret of what she wanted.

Liz bit her lip, looking up at Max awkwardly. “I-I’m sorry Max, I was trying not to let her see you, I knew this would happen…” She explained, trying to keep a hold on the squirming child. To say it was just before two in the morning she was certainly lively enough, she noted wryly, attempting to mask her true feelings of distress before looking down at her daughter sternly. “EMILY NO!”

“It’s okay Liz…I don’t mind…you want me to take her for a few minutes…?” Max offered gently, trying to reassure the young mother. In all honestly he had to admit he quite liked the idea, and if he could do anything to help her anyway…

Liz however declined the offer. “No…I don’t think that would be a very good idea…” The bruentte shook her head and sighed, looking down at her daughter and then back at Max as she attempted to explain. “I’m not trying to get to you Max, but you’re leaving today…and she’s not your responsibility… Thanks, but no thanks…”

As she spoke of him leaving Max looked down, knowing Liz was right. It wasn’t fair…not on her, and not on Emily… He had been selfish, first not telling her they were leaving as soon as he found her, and then not leaving after they had spoken… He had hung on, and hung on, and now look where that had got them… “I’m sorry…I should have left earlier…” He apologised softly, biting down on his lips as Emily continued to scream and cry.


Positioning herself so that she was looking down the diner as she cleared and cleaned the table she was working on, Serina watched the two figures stood towards the back of the diner talking. Steve had left, albeit reluctantly a few minutes ago, but not before telling her to keep an eye on them, and that was exactly what she intended to do. If she got even a hint that this guy was going to hurt her friend, she would be on him…

Of course a part of her knew it was already too late really… She knew that Liz was hurting, and so was Emily… Even from this distance, she could see the little girl struggling, reaching out to her father desperately… The sight was enough to make you want to cry, never mind the tearful wails which accompanied it and she was pretty certain, that if she could see Liz’s face right now, the other young mother would indeed be close to tears.

In her mind, the fact that Liz hadn’t handed over the child spoke an awful lot about the young man who was stood talking to her of course… Liz would do practically anything for her daughter to make her smile… If she was refusing her this, something which the little girl wanted so much, there had to be good reason, and simple case of not getting on with an ex wouldn’t be a satisfactory explanation…

Continuing to watch them discretely, she sighed and finished wiping the table, checking around the diner for anything else which needed doing, before walking towards the back to ask if Liz was ready to go. “Beth, you done…?”

Max, who had been talking to Liz, frowned as he heard it again. The first time he had thought might have been cause of mishearing, but apparently not… ‘Beth’… That seemed so strange, so…wrong… She was Liz…

“Yeah, just a minute…” Liz called back, turning briefly to address her friend before then looking back at Max and swallowing nervously. “We really have to be going…”

He nodded awkwardly. “O-oh yeah…of course… sorry…”

“Goodbye Max…good luck with everything…” She told him, forcing a weak smile as he moved to leave.

Max turned back and nodded again. “You too… You look after yourself…” He broke off, his gaze falling to Emily before looking back up into her eyes and adding, “…and her…” Pausing a moment, he stood silently before raising a hand in some sense of a wave. “Bye Liz…” With that, he took a deep breath, and headed for the door, pushing it open and walking out onto the street all without looking back once however much he wanted to.

She had her life, and he had his…it was time to leave…however hard that might be…

“DAAAADDDDYYYY!” Emily screamed, fighting against her mother, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson red while tears streamed down her face as she watched his figure disappear through the door. “DADDDDDY, NOOOOOOOO!!” She bashed her little fists against her mother’s chest desperately in an attempt to get her to let go.

Liz closed her eyes, swallowing in an attempt to keep from breaking down as she set to trying to calm the little girl, drawing her close and holding her tight against her body as she continued to try and fight. “I’m sorry sweetheart, I’m sorry…I know, I know…mommy’s here though, mommy’s here…” She sank down into one of the seats and began to rock her back and forth against her chest, continuing to whisper and stroking her daughter’s hair gently in a soothing manner. “I’m not going anywhere princess, I’m here…I’m here…”


I know, you're probably hating me right now :cry: , but please bear with it, it 'improves' from here on out I promise :wink:

See you later guys, I'll try and post an AN on my author's thread (linked below) when I know what's going on.

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:07 am
by KatnotKath
So having found somewhere to live, sorted out internet and settled somewhat in work, what happened but a huge case of writer's block, I've hardly written anything over the past month or more, ANYTHING...and it's been driving me nuts!

It meant a lot to me to see your best wishes and such though, even before I got my internet sorted, I was checking on the threads occassionally, and it really helped, especially when I was stuck in a hotel, the boost to moral was great, so thank you!

I'm so sorry for the delay in updating this, I just hope it's worth the wait. I really hope this isn't going to be an anticlimax, there's a part of me that isn't sure about this chapter, but I hope that it works...

As stated above, I do now have somewhere, and I've fixed up phoneline, and internet, so hopefully I should be able to update more regularly from now on, assuming that my muse cooperates. Thanks for your patience.

begonia9508 - *nods* it's hard, but it could be harder to have that contact and then 'lose' him again for such a little girl as you say, thanks for reading, sorry it was so sad but needs must...
polar vixen - Painful yes - I seem to have grown fond of angst :oops: lol. Sorry you didn't get that other chapter before I left, but here's a new one now, hope you enjoy it.
IzzyEvans2201_PuertoRico - I know it was sad, but I'm glad you think that she did the right thing. As for 'improving', I'm workin on it :wink:
roswell3053 - Is Max willing to do that? - I don't know... Would it be the right thing? - that's also something I'm uncertain about. I can see your view, but I can also see how there's a plain simple fact - Max isn't her father, and that's only the first of the complications. Liz is trying to do what's best, in her mind, honest...
behrluv32 - I know it's vague, sorry about that, but if you want more details pm me, I don't want to spoil it on here though and you know anyone would think you don't trust me lol. Thanks for continuing to read anyway...
Alien614 - maybe, maybe not, want to read and see?
Emz80m - Thanks Em, glad you enjoyed it, although whether enjoy is the right word it seems... You trust me to make it right though, don't you?
Flamehair - You're right, it's too much for a little girl to understand I'm sure, but I'm not going to say I therefore think that Max should automatically be her 'father'... It's too complicated for such a thing I think... I'm so glad those thoughts came off, I was a little nervous, wondering if it was too much, but guess not :). Thanks for sticking with me.
Ellie - I'm sorry, should I have put a warning at the top :wink:
Lazza - still not having a good time with your writing hun? Well my muse made a reappearance earlier this week, so I'm feeling a little more positive, I think maybe it's been lounging in the sun for a while though, so I could ask it if it's seen yours hehe. Again, sorry for the sadness of the chapter, but it had to be like that to work the way I wanted it, I just hope now I'm not about to ruin it with the next... As for not having seen me around, I know :( I miss you lots, and it's my fault too I know *sigh* sorry...miss you...
ultimatepickupline - Thank you :) that means a lot. I'm sorry it had to be so sad, but it's great to hear you thought I handled it well. Before I started this fic, I had never really approached angst, but I'm glad I took it on...
L-J-L 76 - well, it's not soon, but here's more.
Dream Weaver - hope it doesn't disappoint.
83 AlienAngel - thanks for reading, sorry for the delay, hope you enjoy the new part.
isabelle - this is Max and Liz we're talking about here - stubborn much do you think? lol. As for holding Emily, I do see your thinking, it might have helped for a short while, but then assuming he's still leaving, and Liz is staying, Emily is just going to have to go through loosing him again, and I guess Liz is trying to save her from that. For the rest of your questions, read on :wink: and thanks for the wonderful feedback :D:D

Okay, so again, a big big thankyou for all the wonderful feedback and encouragement you guys have left me while I was away, it's much appreciated, and I only hope you enjoy the new chapter. Here goes :)


Chapter 42

“How can you say that though Liz…he just walked out on you – again…” Serina threw her hands up in the air as her friend tried to defend her ex-boyfriend as they walked along the road some time later when Emily’s cries had finally waned… She had grown used to her friend defending him usually of course, but this…well…she just didn’t see what defense there could be…

Liz shook her head. “It wasn’t like that Serina, I told you, it’s complicated, and you don’t understand…”

“You’re dead right I don’t understand… You sat with him at your break, you stood talking to him, and he didn’t hold Emily for even a minute… What happened tonight, what did he say…?” She looked at her friend, desperately searching for the answers.

The younger of the two mothers shook her head as she continued to push the stroller in front of her, glancing down briefly to look down at her daughter, confirming that she was still sleeping, before turning back to her friend. “Rina please, can’t you just accept you don’t understand it… Max didn’t leave me, and tonight was…well…tonight was goodbye…” She bit down hard on her lip, blinking as tears welled up in her eyes.

“Goodbye…? Sweetie, if he’s around, he should at least be helping you, why are you letting him get off so easy…why are you letting him walk away…?” Liz was right, the older of the two girls just didn’t understand… From everything that she had learnt about the brunette, this just didn’t seem right…there had to be something…

“Because I don’t have a choice!” Liz spat out angrily, immediately knowing she was wrong for doing so and looking over at her friend. “I’m sorry Rina, I’m just tired…I shouldn’t have said that I--“

“It’s okay...” Serina interrupted her, reaching out to touch her hand. “It’s okay Beth, you don’t have to tell me…just…if you ever do want to talk, I’m here…okay…?”

She younger of the two offered a weak smile and nod. “Y-yeah…thanks…” She sniffed swallowed, focusing her gaze on the pavement in front of her as she continued walking along. Unfortunately, she couldn’t talk about it…to anyone…

The rest of the walk back to the apartment passed in relative silence, neither woman saying anything. They crossed over the road, entered their building and travelled up in the elevator, moving quickly and quietly along the landing and stopping outside their door. Serina pulled out her key since Liz still had the stroller, and opened the door, stepping inside and holding it open for the younger girl to follow…

Reaching to switch on the light, both woman were surprised to find Julie sitting on the sofa rubbing her eyes as though she had just woken up from dozing…

“Okay…like to tell me why you’ve been sat on the sofa dozing in the dark…?” Serina asked curiously as she moved to take off her coat and go put the kettle on. If the TV was on, she would just assume she had been watching a film or something and fallen asleep, but given it was off, somehow that didn’t seem likely… “Do either of you want a cup of tea…?”

Liz shook her head silently. Suddenly her stomach felt as though it was doing summersaults…something was very wrong about this…

“No thanks Serina…”

Their friend nodded, proceeding to fill the kettle for herself and then coming back to join them. “So, want to tell us what’s going on…?”

Julie gave a small nod. “Yeah… Look, I don’t know what it’s about, or who they are, but I had some kinda strange visitors tonight while you were at work…”

“What do you mean strange…?” Serina’s brow furrowed in confusion.

Julie shook her head. “Honestly, I don’t know, they just…” She shivered. “They looked really official, and were asking all sorts of questions… There was something about them…”

“Okay…” Her friend accepted the explanation, bague as it was. “…so what did they want…?”

“Me…” Liz breathed before the other woman had time to answer, her eyes widening as the her friends turned to her and she realised that not only had she had actually said it, which was bad enough in itself, but worse still, that they had heard…

“How did you know…?” Julie looked at her questioningly, nodding slightly. “T-they showed me a group picture, asked if I’d seen any of those in the picture before…you were one of them…”

“Beth…what’s going on…?” Serina questioned expectantly.

Liz swallowed and shook her head. “I can’t explain… Did you tell them I lived here…?”

Julie shook her head. “No…I played dumb, figured it might have something to do with your ex…or at least that was what I thought anyway…” She shrugged. “They were just a bit weird, and I thought you’d want to know…”

The youngest of the three nodded. “Yeah, thanks Julie…”

Serina watched her carefully. Max had only just left them, and he hadn’t known where she was from what Liz had said…so it didn’t make sense, not to mention the fact that she had never seen the younger girl look so terrified in all the time she had known her - there had to be something else going on here…and it was something major… “Beth, are you okay…?” She stepped forward to touch her arm and was shocked to find her friend pull back. “Liz…?”

Her mind racing as she thought over what she should do next, Liz looked at Serina, “Look, I’m sorry…I…I have to get out of here…can you tell Zack I’m sorry, I wouldn’t do this if I had a choice…” Reaching into her pocket, she felt around, pulling out a small piece of paper she had stuck in there earlier.

“What do you mean you have to get out of here, Liz, what’s going on?” Serina demanded, her confusion being further compounded as she recognised the number she had passed onto her friend earlier from the girls earlier in the day.

“I can’t…I’m sorry Serina…” Grabbing the phone from its stand, she dialled the number with one hand as she walked back towards the stroller. “Thanks for everything guys, you’ve been fantastic…and I’m sorry…” Still holding the phone in her hand as she waited to see if anyone would pick up, she began gathering some things for Emily and grabbing a change of clothes for herself since she was still wearing her waitressing uniform at the moment.

Julie looked at Serina completely stunned by the turn of events. Surely she couldn’t think she was going to leave now…it was three in the morning…this was crazy… And why did she need to leave so suddenly anyway…?


The younger girl didn’t answer, her focus wholly focused on the phone now as the line on the other end picked up. “Maria…?” She didn’t wait for confirmation. “It’s Liz…”


“Maria, we have to go!”

Looking round quickly to check she hadn’t missed anything, Maria nodded as she looked round at her boyfriend who stood in the doorway. “I know, I’m coming…” Satisfied that she had got everything, she grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder and hurrying out of the room in front of him.

“Go catch up with the others, I’ll check us out!” Michael urged his girlfriend as he locked the door and pulled some notes out of his back pocket. He looked at her as she failed to move, motioning now. “GO!”

In the space of a few minutes, the call from Liz had completely changed the sense of urgency their leaving had… What had been an over-due, but relaxed exit, had suddenly become a scramble to prevent capture, and they all knew every minute counted now that it seemed the FBI had arrived in the area. They had been so many places on this occasion after all how long would it be until the FBI came up with a lead…? – not long enough! They had to put as much distance between them and this place as possible…

“Alright, but be careful…?” She looked at him, her eyes full of fear and concern.

He nodded before heading off down the corridor and disappearing around the corner.

Left alone now, Maria took to her heels and fled down to the parking lot where the others were waiting, passing up her bag as she reached the van and then climbing up beside Isabel who, along with Max and Kyle, was already seated.

“Where’s Michael…?”

She looked forward to Max who was sat in the front. “Gone to check out, he said he’d be out in a minute…”

He nodded, and Maria sat back on the edge of her seat tensely, remembering the call she had taken not an hour before.

She blinked, waking up to the sound of a phone ringing. “Humm…W-hat…” She struggled to sit up and tried to stifle a yawn before leaning over and grabbing her cell. Glancing at the caller ID, she realised it wasn’t a number she recognised, and after thinking a moment, she decided to take the chance of answering it…

“Maria….it’s Liz…”

Her eyes widened as the familiar voice came over the line. It was really her…? She had phoned… Initially, she felt like jumping for joy…but then the worry set in… Her tone was strange, to say nothing about the early hour… She could just be getting back from work of course, and assuming that they would be too, but somehow she doubted that, and the next word she heard caused her stomach to drop.

“I know you’re leaving today anyway, but you need to go NOW, and I want to come with you…”

For a moment she had thought she was hearing things, but as Liz had gone on to explain what had happened, it soon became clear this was very serious and she had acted accordingly.

“Alright, let’s get going!”

Maria looked over, drawn out of her thoughts by the sound of his voice as her boyfriend climbed up into the van and closed the door. Within moments they were out on the road again, travelling through the city.

“Which way from here…?” Kyle looked back as he stopped at some traffic lights, checking with Maria who was of course the one who had spoken to Liz.


“Rina please, listen to me, you, Julie and Thomas need to find somewhere else to stay…” Liz practically begged her friend as she finshed shoving a few items into her bag. The FBI might not have been looking for her specifically, but if she was on the picture they were flashing around, it probably wouldn’t be long until they found out that there was someone matching that description about, and that was a risk she couldn’t take. She wasn’t at all sure that it had been a coincidence they had called in on Julie, and even if they didn’t know that she was there then, when she really thought about it, if those men poked around enough, they’d certainly be able to find out she had indeed been staying there, and that put both Julie and Serina in danger… Silently she cursed herself, knowing that she shouldn’t have accepted their offer in the first place. She should have known better than to involve innocent bystanders into this… And all because of her selfishness…

“What do you mean Liz, what’s going on?” What is it about these guys who called…?” Serina continued to press the younger girl as she watched her packing the bag.

The younger girl shook her head again. “Please Rina, just believe me when I say I have to go…and it’s better that you don’t know any more… Promise me that you’ll get out of here though… Go ask to crash at Gus’ for a while, or another friend…but just don’t be here…?” Her tone was desperate now as she waited for some sign of agreement. How was she supposed to make them realise this was serious, without telling them everything…? It was difficult, but she couldn’t explain, she couldn’t drag them into this and then just leave…

Serina opened her mouth, about to object further, but as she looked into her eyes, and saw the fear there again, she fell silent, giving the slightest of nods she tried to work out what was going on.

Liz swallowed and looked between the two of them before fastening her bag and setting it down on the floor next to the stroller. “I’m sorry…but thanks for everything…” Chewing her lip, she glanced over at the phone, waiting for the call which would tell her it was time to go…

After standing for a moment in silence, Serina nodded again and reached out towards the young mother. “I guess this is goodbye then…take care of yourself, and her okay…?” She motioned towards Emily and reached over to hug the other girl.

Julie, who stood dumbly, not really knowing what to make of all of this… It was just....

Liz nodded as she hugged her back. “I will…” Her gaze fell to her daughter, sleeping in the stroller for a moment before she looked back to her friend. “Give Thomas a hug from me…?”

The oldest of the three women nodded softly. “Of course…”


Less than ten minutes later, Liz left the apartment, refusing to look back as she hurried out and looked round, searching for a van which matched the description she had been given. She had done everything that she could, now all she could hope was that it had been enough – that Serena and Julie wouldn’t be hurt because of her…

“LIZ!” A voice shouted as a door opened and a hand waved from inside, beckoning her closer. She hurried down the street towards them.

Maria climbed out, taking her bag and passing it to one of the others inside before offering to take Emily from her. This last was perhaps a little premature though, since they had in essence really only known each other about a day, and Liz shook her head, lifting her daughter carefully and somehow managing to close up the stroller too.

After placing it in the back, Maria helped her climb up, making sure they were both safe and settled, before climbing back into the van, pulling the door back and making sure it locked before she retook her own seat.

“Everyone ready to go…?” Kyle called back, waiting for confirmation before restarting the engine and preparing to pull back into the road.

No sooner had they started to move though, than they came to a sudden halt. “WHAT THE H--“ Michael glared at Kyle as he got thrown forward into the seat in front.

Before he had a chance to answer, there came a frantic banging on the side of the van, followed by a female voice. “Liz, Liz it’s Serina, please, open up and let me in…!”

Maria blinked at the name, but managed to collect herself quickly, hoping that no one would have noticed and looked over at Liz questioningly.

The young girl seemed tense, but nodded slightly to show it was safe. “S-she’s a friend…” She whispered softly as one of the other moved to open the door.

Holding her breath as it slid across, Maria’s eyes widened as the figure of the woman she had given her cell number to was revealed, standing with a little boy who looked like he had just been woken up.

Liz looked over at her friend, shaking her head. “Serina, what are you doing…? I told you, I have to go…”

The older of the mother’s looked back at her friend. “Liz, what’s going on?”

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:51 pm
by KatnotKath
Hey guys, waiting's over, I'm back!

begonia9508 - well they showed a group picture...were they actually looking for Liz, or was it just a coincidence they happened on where she was actually staying...?
L-J-L 76 - Here's the answer to one of your questions, and answers at least some of the others are coming I promise. Glad to see you're still enjoying the story, thanks for reading.
roswell3053 - Hope I haven't disappointed you too much...I just figured it would all be too quick without a 'push'...
Dream Weaver - Glad you think so, I hope you think the same this time, here's another for you.
Emz80m - Glad you approved, and yes, I'm somewhat more settled now thanks :). As for what Serena plans on doing, well, not sure she knows yet, but this chapter might answer the question anyway...
IzzyEvans2201_PuertoRico - Thanks for sticking with the story. Maria - well maybe the fact of everything that happened made it more important in her mind to keep quiet - she didn't want to make Max blame himself even more, already he was doing so for what happened, without having the whole disaster of their last two years of school brought back up...
Ellie - Serina has no way of knowing that it's dangerous though, and she's just concerned for her friend. Remember that in the diner she was thinking that Max might have been abusive towards her, not to mention the fact that Liz has now told her and Julie not to stay in the apartment, if she's going to uproot herself like that, shouldn't she be entitled to some answers too...?
Alien614 - Glad you enjoyed the new chapter, here's another.
Flamehair - Liz did tell them to leave - maybe Serina wanted to get out of there with Thomas straight away...or maybe she suspects something... Or maybe she wasn't even thinking straight, people do strange things sometimes when they're worried you know. Glad you enjoyed the chapter though, hope this next won't dissapoint.
Lazza - lol maybe you're right, maybe not...have to wait and see you know.
Timelord31 - well as long as you found them now and enjoyed them. Glad to know you're still reading, thanks for sticking with the story.

Yes, I know it sounds like a broken record by now likely, but I'm sorry for not getting back here sooner, the chapter has been ready for a couple of weeks actually, but Christmas was a busy time for me, and New Year too, I'm just getting settled back to normal now though so getting around to posting it finally, I only hope you'll think it's worth the wait. I'm getting to a part of the story I'm not too sure about now I must admit though, and I'm just hoping desperately it will work. Needless to say, any feedback will be gratefully received as always. Thanks to everyone that's been reading the story and I hope you enjoy this new part.


Chapter 43

“You cannot seriously think they can come with us!” Michael hissed at Max, shooting a glance over to where Serina sat at a table with Liz and the others. She had refused to let Liz go without answers, and answers had been less than forthcoming, so here she was… In Asbury Park he had accepted that they just needed to get away quickly, but now they had put a little distance between them and the town, he was all in favour of dumping their unexpected additional passengers…

Unfortunately, his plan of literally ‘dumping’ them, and just leaving them here, wasn’t exactly going down well Max who refused to even consider it.

Max shook his head again, giving an exasperated sigh. “Of course I’m not thinking they can come with us, but you can’t just leave them out here…” He looked at his friend. “Think about it, if she wasn’t already asking questions, that would make her, and how long do you think it would be before she managed to contact someone and put them right back on our trail…?”

“Fine, so we leave her out in the middle of nowhere…buy ourselves some time…” Michael shrugged, obviously not in the least phased by the prospect of doing that to a young mother and her five year old son.

Max on the other hand was. “NO!” He couldn’t believe he was actually serious about that suggestion. Didn’t he realise that was really NOT going to help… “Michael, I’ll say this once and once only, it’s NOT going to happen…” His tone left no room for misunderstanding. He didn’t know what they were going to do about her, but no way was he going to drop a five year old kid out in the middle of nowhere, to say nothing of the fact his mother had clearly been a good friend to Liz and was probably pretty scared about this whole thing anyway. She didn’t deserve that sort of treatment…

“Well we’re going to have to sort something… Having her with us is like a major mistake Maxwell…I know that Liz likes her, and she’s friends with her an’ all, but we really need to lose her fast!” Michael again insisted as he tapped his foot impatiently.

The other guy nodded. “Yes, I know this and we’ll sort it, just not the way that you were suggesting, and not right now…” He looked at his friend. “Now, if you’re wanting to eat, I suggest you go order now and then we can get moving again as soon as possible…

“Yeah right… I’ll be right back…”

Nodding, Max watched him head over to the counter, speaking to the man stood behind it for a moment before heading back over to rejoin the rest of the group.


Standing and picking up Emily as they finished eating, Liz looked around the table. “I’m going to have to take this little one to the bathroom to clean her up…be right back guys…” She excused herself quickly, closely followed by Serina who hurried after her as she made off towards the restroom.

“Liz!” Since they left Asbury Park, she had made no attempt to call her ‘Beth’ and the brunette had made no complaint… Afterall, much as she had tried to hide from it, there was really no denying who she was – Liz Parker, not Elizabeth, not Beth…

She turned sharply, surprised. “Serina, hey…look, I’m sorry, I know you want answers, but I just can’t give you them…you need to leave, now though… Go back…” She tried to convince her friend, shaking her head all the while. It was so unfair to have dragged her into this…

“Go back to what?” Serina questioned sharply in response. “I can’t go back to the apartment can I…? - You told us that…” She looked at the other girl, her tone beginning to soften as she continued. “Besides, I’m not going to leave you before I know you’re going to be okay…” She sighed and pushed open the door for the other woman, ushering the little boy with her in front of her as they headed into the small room and locked the door behind them.

Swallowing she shook her head. “I’m sorry Serina…” She paused a moment before continuing. “Look, I can’t explain it, but I can promise I’ll be fine… Max won’t hurt me, he wouldn’t even think of it… It’s complicated, but I just…can’t stay around the same place, and I guess even thought I told myself I didn’t, I need to stay with them…” Liz tried desperately to explain how she felt as she lifted Emily up onto the work-top at the side of the sink and sat her there to wipe the remains of her breakfast from the little girl’s face. Usually she would just use a wave of her hand in private, but they had some unexpected company now which made that unsuitable so she wet a tissue and set to work to do it the human way.

Unfortunately, Serina wasn’t about to be brushed off, she had gone too long backing down, it was time for some answers… “Liz, what’s going on?” She again shook her head as she addressed the younger girl. “You tell me to leave the apartment, yet you don’t give me details, Liz surely you can see why I need more…”

“I do, yes, but I’m sorry, I just can’t Rina…” She shook her head. “Please, trust me…” Liz was getting desperate now, fully aware of the view of the others, and far from oblivious to the fact that just by being here with them, her friend had been put in far more danger than previously. If there was even a hint she had travelled with them for any length of time, Serina would be classed as so much more involved than if she had simply been staying at the apartment with her… The second was risky certainly, but the first was highly perilous…

The older of the two woman sighed and shook her head, reaching out to touch her arm. “Oh honey, don’t you get it, it’s not you I don’t trust…it’s these people who…” She trailed off, searching for words to explain. “I’m worried about you sweetie, I’m worried that you’re getting into something that you’re really not prepared for…”

Not prepared for… Her words made Liz bit her lip. If only Serina knew… She might not have gone through what the others here had done, but from the moment that she found out about Max and the others back home, although they continued to keep up an act, everyone knew that if the wrong people found out, they’d have to leave…

The other woman wasn’t oblivious to her reaction now and continued to look at her questioningly. In all the time she had known Liz, more and more questions had been posed and few had been answered. Even of those that had, many didn’t seem to hang right, and she just didn’t understand it - what could this sweet young woman be hiding…? Time and time again, she had told herself that she wouldn’t push of course, but now she really didn’t know what else she could do. She needed answers… “Liz, what’s going on?” She looked around. “Are they blackmailing you or something, forcing you to do this…?”

The younger of the two shook her head. “No, nothing like that I promise… I’m going with them because it’s something I need to do, I’m sorry Rina, but you really need to go back, or start again yourself… The next town we stop at, we can drop you off with some money and you can use it as you wish, go back to Asbury Park, or stay where we drop you, Whichever you choose though, you have to forget about us, please…”

“No!” Serina’s response was clear and concise. She had seen the look in her eyes, andshe had made her decision - she wasn’t going anywhere…

Liz’s eyes widened. “What about Thomas…?

“What about him…?”

Liz swallowed. She wanted to say it was too dangerous, but that would then raise more questions – questions which she couldn’t’ answer… “He’s at pre-school…” She finally responded weakly.

“And…?” Her friend looked far from impressed. “He’s not due back for another week, and after that, well, we’ll see…” She shrugged slightly. “I’ll work something out, but I’m telling you now, I’m not leaving you to deal with whatever this is alone… You can tell me about it, or not, but I’m going to be here okay…?”

Her tone suggested this was not a joke, and as Liz looked over at her friend, she couldn’t help put note the determination in her eyes. Serina wasn’t backing down on this one… The brunette shook her head. “Thanks…it means a lot that you would do that for me, but you can’t, really, and you know the others will never agree to it…”

“Who asked them?” The other girl responded in a tone which lacked any sign of humour… She was worried about her friend, and had made up her mind - nothing was going to change it.

“No, mommy no!” Emily called the attention of the two women back to her as she tried to push away the tissue. “Finished, all done, Emmy need no more!”

Serina smiled as she watched the little girl. “You know she really is advanced for her age…”

Liz simply smiled. “Yeah, well maybe in some ways, but in plenty of others she’s a typical toddler with her love of a particular word…” She gave a wry knowing smile and shook her head, holding her daughter’s hands down with one hand, and then using the other to finish the task of cleaning her up. “There, all done now sweetie” She lifted her down onto the ground, and the two mothers couldn’t help but smile as Thomas immediately took Emily’s hand. “I’ve got her!” He announced with a grin.

On this occasion, the little girl in question seemed less than happy with the arrangement however, and tried to pull away. “LET GO!”

“What’s wrong Emmy…?” Thomas looked confused as he tried to keep hold of her hand despite her struggling.


“OW!” The little boy jumped back slightly as something like an electric shock seemed to strike his hand. He waved it about and looked up at his mother questioningly, as though trying to work out what had happened.

Liz however, was sure she knew exactly what had happened and her eyes were wide with shock and horror. To date, Emily had never shown the slightest sign of blasting powers, but considering her mood, this was all too neat to be a coincidence. Thanking her lucky stars that it hadn’t been harder however, she moved quickly to grab the little girl’s hand and then turned her attention to Serina who was busy with Thomas. “Is he okay…?”

Her friend nodded, clearly perplexed by what had just happened. “Uh…yeah, I assume it was just static…” She shook her head and looked over at Emily in concern. “Are you okay sweetie?”

Liz nodded quickly, replying for her daughter. “Yes, she’s fine…” She assured Serina quickly, before looking up at the clock as though just noticing the time. “Oh look, we should really be moving… I’m going to just finish up with this little one and I’ll meet you back at the table if that’s okay…”

Serina nodded, accepting this, and after she and Thomas exited the restroom, Liz waved her hand over the handle quickly and turned back to her daughter. “Emmy, what did you just do?” She asked, her tone a mixture of soft, but serious as she knelt down in front of her.

“Tommy let go!” The little girl giggled a little.

Her mother nodded. “Yes, I know he let go, but why…?” She studied her daughter carefully, more than a little worried about this development. Her own powers were a relatively recent development, and her blasting even now wasn’t exactly precise. It was hard enough for her to control, never mind a two year old if this was as she suspected.

“Me big girl!” For once, the little girl’s advanced vocabulary seemed to have disappeared, and this only went further to reinforce the young mother’s suspicions that her daughter had something to do with that shock and knew full well that she did.

“Emmy…this isn’t a game!” Her tone became slightly more firm as reached for her hand. “Emily, show mommy what you did okay…?” She knelt down so that she was level with her daughter, looking straight into her eyes face. “Emily…?”

The little girl looked uncertain, and then looked down at the hand her mother held. After a moment, she shook her head. “Can’t…”

Liz bit her lip as she received the confirmation she had been fearing – her daughter had been responsible for the shock, but worse still, if Emily didn’t even know how it had happened, how could she stop it happening again? It was everything she had feared, and even more… Swallowing, she looked down at the little girl, nodding slightly. “Okay, now Emmy, listen to mommy – No powers!” She spoke slowly and watched for a sign of recognition.

Emily nodded slowly.

“Promise me?” Her mother wasn’t going to leave this to chance.

“I promise mommy…”

The young mother finally smiled and nodded, reaching out to pull the little girl into a hug. “Alright, come on then sweet, time to go…” She pulled back and held out a hand towards her daughter as the two of them walked out of the room.