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Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:29 am
by adi
List how many people got "killed" knowing the secret as opposed to not knowing.

Liz and Kyle DIDN'T know when they "died" but Alex did.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 5:52 am
by Sternbetrachter
Of course all of this is my opinion and probably only makes sense to me.
don't worry Kara, I get it :)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:27 am
by KarenEvans
Well first off I'll start off by saying that I wasn't always a stargazer.I started out being a dreamer,I watched the show for the Max/Liz factor but I always liked Alex.

The gazer-ness grew on me gradually,rather it grew on me after the show got over and I started spending more time on boards like this one.I've personally always wished I had a friend like Alex and now of course a boyfriend like him :lol: He was loyal,steadfast,the rock that Liz,Maria and Isabel leaned on.His sense of humour was great,I think that is one of the best qualities a guy can have.
Isabel wasn't always my favourite person,I used to want to hit her for the way she used to treat Alex,but I liked her with him.I could relate to her being reserved,just because you're popular doesn't mean you don't have insecurities of your own.Those flaws made her human.

Anyway,the reason I liked A/I together is because they go against convention in so many ways.Firstly of course there is the whole 'odd couple' scenario,secondly Alex looked past Isabel's exterior and onto who she really was which is a miracle for most guys his age and thirdly Isabel realised what she had in him albeit too late(but I make up for that reading all the A/I fics),fourthly all their together moments were ones that touched me,brought a smile to my face.Theirs was the kind of romance that warms the heart.Lastly,I like how gentlemanly Alex was,the whole gentle musician thing I dig :lol:

Okay I know I sound corny,so shoot me

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:49 am
by adi
KarenEvans wrote:
Okay I know I sound corny,so shoot me

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 10:59 am
by Sternbetrachter
Anyway,the reason I liked A/I together is because they go against convention in so many ways.Firstly of course there is the whole 'odd couple' scenario,secondly Alex looked past Isabel's exterior and onto who she really was which is a miracle for most guys his age and thirdly Isabel realised what she had in him albeit too late(but I make up for that reading all the A/I fics),fourthly all their together moments were ones that touched me,brought a smile to my face.Theirs was the kind of romance that warms the heart.Lastly,I like how gentlemanly Alex was,the whole gentle musician thing I dig
really very good reasons to like A/I, Karen :)
it's kinda funny but I know quite a few people who started as dreamers or candies and then, when rewatching the show again, turned into stargazer fans :)


Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:48 pm
by cardinalgirl
Sternbetrachter wrote:it's kinda funny but I know quite a few people who started as dreamers or candies and then, when rewatching the show again, turned into stargazer fans :)

I've always thought this, too... it happened with me. I call it The Evolution of a Shipper. lol For me I went from Dreamer to Candy to Stargazer.... That could just be me, though. :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:03 am
by truelovepooh
good topic! *gets the typing fingers ready*

I'm a Isabel shipper, but at first I started to like this couple because I tend to go for the underdog, yes I admit it. In the pilot when Alex walked by and said "nice cones" I was hooked. I just knew they had to be together, I like all the couples, at one point in time I rooted for them all. Alex is the one I can relate with the most as far as my high school life (many moons ago) I hung out with guys, which I surprised myself when I started to understand Isabel. I'm not sure if I was seeing her thru Alex's eyes or what but I felt for her.

One thing I think Isabel doesn't get enough credit for is the love for her family, she did and said alot of things for the love of Max and Michael. She was as close to her mom as she could be without telling her the one thing she really wanted to, and out of everyone I think she was the most insecure. Alex could somehow pick up on all of this, maybe because he was insecure in the "I'm sort of a geek way" or maybe because he watched her he was able to read her. I think Alex was pretty comfortable with himself, his lack of confidence only really showed a few times and it was over something any normal guy would be wary of IMO, they just show it differently. I could ramble on for hours here but I guess I answered the question. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:13 pm
by Sternbetrachter
I could ramble on for hours here but I guess I answered the question.
but ... I love hearing you ramble! ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 2:06 pm
by Applebylicious
Pooh got me liking Isabel, I won't lie. :lol:

She's a brainwasher.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:07 pm
by truelovepooh
Sternbetrachter wrote:
I could ramble on for hours here but I guess I answered the question.
but ... I love hearing you ramble! ;)
Aww thanks! :)
She's a brainwasher
Does this work for everyone? :lol: