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Sexual innocence M/L adult 1/1 17/10/05

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:42 am
by kerri240879
Title: Sexual innocence.
Author: Kerri
Category: CC M/L
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: I don’t own so don’t sue. I’ve borrowed some lines, but the rest is mine.
Summary: Ever wondered what would have happened between Max and Liz if Maria hadn’t interrupted? This will only be a one parter, and I’m taking it up from when Liz and Max are…alone….
Feed back: Yes please.
Dedication: Abby babe…. this one’s for you…. happy birthday sweetie.

Candlelight filled the room, the warm glow seductive as it threw shadows around them. At the back of his mind, he knew this was wrong. She wasn’t comfortable. It was too clinical. Too set up. But god he wanted her all the same. She had just finished telling him that her mother would kill her. That’s if…he didn’t.

But her head had fallen back slightly, and the silent invitation was too much. He had kissed that delicate throat, his teeth nibbling a burning path down the smooth skin. He was meant to say something here…but for the life of him, he couldn’t remember what. The scent of her skin, and her soft gasp of desire flamed his scences, and all he could do was feel.

“I can’t stop…”

Desire flamed ten fold, Max cradling Liz’s head in his hands as he finally kissed her. Kissed her the way he had been wanting too all day. It was more than a need to see where the clues would lead. It was more than a way to see into her soul. He wanted her. Plain and simple. He wanted to brand her with his kisses. He might be alien, but even aliens want what most human teenagers want…

Max started walking Liz backwards, his arms sweeping around her body and lowering her to the couch as he sucked her lower lip into his mouth. He felt Liz gasp as he sucked her lower lip, the sound flaming him all over again. Joining her on the couch, Max settled his weight over her gently, Liz drawing her knees up slightly to give him more room.

The flashes started immediately…showing him the past through someone else’s eyes…



Burying an object.

It would be safe for now…until the time came for it to be found…

The flashes slowed, and gradually stopped. Max came back to himself slowly. Became aware of his surroundings. Who he was with. And what they were doing. Max looked down into Liz’s gaze, his eyes hooded with burning desire. Her lips were swollen; her hair mussed slightly where he had one hand tangled in it. His other hand…. Max swallowed, feeling lace against his palm.

Liz’s shirt was open. Max couldn’t remember opening it, but open it was, baring her lace-clad breasts to his gaze. He shifted his hand, laying it over her heart. Max licked his suddenly dry lips, staring at Liz who was blushing slightly. Yet desire was still burning in her gaze, and Max was drowning in them. Max groaned softly, and simply lowered his head again, reclaiming her mouth with his.

No flashes this time…just the feel of her legs wrapped around his, her hands trailing down over his arms, and her heart beating against his palm. Max could feel the edge of the lacy bra she wore against his wrist, his fingertips moving over her collarbones gently. Their kisses were different this time too. Softer. Slower. Deeper.

Max traced Liz’s lower lip with the tip of his tongue, needing to taste her again. He felt her satin soft lips part under his, and he groaned low in his throat as her velvety tongue slid against his. His whole body throbbed with desire, his brain refusing to comply as his body took over. Liz shifted under his weight, both of them moaning softy into each other’s mouths when the hard length of his erection pressed straight against her core.

Max froze, panting softly into her mouth as his lips lifted slightly from hers. Liz lifted her gaze, loosing herself in the depth of motions that ran straight across Max’s face and through his eyes. Love. Desire. Need. And the darker flicker of something primal…something alien. He was holding himself in check, to scared to make the next move.

Liz bit her lip and lifted her head from the cushions. Pressing her lips against Max’s, she nipped his lower lip gently, his soft growl in sync with the light pressing of his groin to hers. Liz couldn’t help it…she lifted her hips against his, while threading her fingers through his hair. She saw he dark flash of his alien side again, before his lips closed over her own, and she was drowning in need again.

It was pure instinct that had Max tracing the swell of her breast with his fingers. Pure desire that had him trace the lace covered breast with his hand. And pure male need that had him using a little hockus pockus to undo the clasp at the back. Kneeling up, Max traced her stomach with his fingers, love shinning in his gaze as he stared down at Liz.

Liz sat up slowly, her gaze open with desire, need and love as she let Max slip her shirt down her arms. He let it slip from his hands onto the floor, Liz swallowing as he reached for her again. He simply held her in his arms, his hands running up and down her bare back as she rested her head against his chest. Liz jumped slightly when cool air hit he bare chest, white lace so pale against his tanned hands as he dropped her bra with her shirt. Liz blushed, moving to cross her arms over her chest as Max stared at her in fascination.

“Don’t…I wanna see you” he whispered softly, lowering her arms for her. Liz blushed again Max running his hands down over her shoulders and across her collarbones again. Looks of wonder crossed his face as he slid his thumb down across the side of her breast. He could feel her heart thumping, a flush covering her from head to toe, and turning her skin rosy before his eyes.

“You are so beautiful,” he breathed, leaning forward to catch her lips with his again. Even as his lips danced skilfully across hers, his hands were hesitant as they traced her breast again, before finally cupping her in his warm palm. Liz cried out softly against his lips, Max’s iron clad control slipping slightly as he pushed her back down onto the couch.

This was further than they’d ever been before, Max rocking his hips gently against hers as his hands learnt her slight curves. He could feel Liz running her hands down over his shoulders; her head tilting back as he broke their kiss with a gasp. Even as he ran his lips down her throat, his body screamed for more.

Nudging his shoes off with his toes, Max wrapped one arm around her waist, tilting her hips up slightly as he continued to move against her. Liz cried out, the sound echoing in Max’s ears as her hands ran down over his abdomen to his pants. She fumbled with his belt and the buttons on his jeans, Max just as clumsy as he sat up and helped her.

The undoing of his jeans gave him breathing room, Max’s gaze caught by the sight of breast at eye level. Pure instinct had him latching onto the rosy peek before him, Liz crying out louder than before as he drew her nipple into his mouth, rolling the rigid flesh with his tongue. Her hands dove into his hair, keeping his close as he explored her flesh, Max’s hands moving with a mind of their own. One hand shaped her breast; the other undid the button of her pants. Even as Max switched breasts and hands, he was undoing her zip.

“Oh god” Liz whimpered, a tightening low in her belly startling her. Max pulled back slightly, his lips damp, his eyes dark. They stared at each other silently, before Liz took his hand and guided them to the waistband of her pants. Still Max stared at her, until she lifted her hips slightly.

Max hissed, drawing her pants down her smooth thighs, leaving her naked and laid out to his greedy gaze. He could see the rapid thumping of her heart against her chest, her breathing unsteady as he ran his hands down her thighs. The innocence in her gaze, and the way she drew her lower lip into her mouth gave him pause, his hands trembling as he laid his palms flat against her thighs.

“Liz?” he whispered, watching as she stared up at him through dark, nervous eyes. She swallowed, and then reached for him. Max lost himself in her arms, in her kisses. He was vaguely aware of her pushing his pants down ove his thighs, and he wiggled out of them, kicking them to the floor.

Rolling slightly, Max froze again, his throbbing erection coming into contact with her wet core. He swallowed hard, lifting his head as he once more stared down at her. Liz nodded slightly, her glazed eyes turning darker as he ran his hand down over her stomach. Down over her thigh. Her eye slid shut when he tested her gently, slick flesh slipping between his fingers, and coating him with her desire.

“We can stop” he murmered helplessly, his groan guttural as her small hand closed around his straining flesh.

“I know…but I don’t want to Max…this is me…and I want this…. I want you…” Liz whispered in his ear.

Max hissed at her admission, and he rolled back onto her pliant body. They rocked together gently, unsure of what to do now that they had stepped over the line. Max reached for his pants, fumbled in his wallet, and pulled back enough to look into her eyes.

“You sure?” he whispered again.

Liz nodded, the only noise remaining being their harsh gasps, and the tearing of foil. Max glanced back down at Liz as he covered her body with his. Her eyes were closed, her breathing shallow as he halted…poised at the brink of taking her. Making her his. Claiming his love.

“Liz?” he whispered. She opened her eyes. “I love you…you know that right? This isn’t about finding answers for me…I just want you…I always have” he whispered.

Later on in the future, Max would know it was his words, combined with the truth in his gaze that let Liz finally relax. Let her let him in. Max guided himself to her, and edged his way inside. Liz gasped softly, a single tear sliding down her face as Max grunted softly. He thrust shallowly, inching his way into her tight passage.

Liz cried out softly, Max poised at her innocence…he glanced down at her, and lowered his head. His kiss was deep…wet…powerful…and as Liz lost herself, he pushed through strongly, swallowing the small cry of pain that spilt from her lips. Pain…that turned to pure desire so quickly, that Liz lost her breath as Max continued to thrust inside of her.

That tightening in her belly was back again. Deep. Powerful. Like Max’s body. Like the feeling of his body joined with hers. She could feel his sweat soaked flesh sliding under he hands, his deep gasps of lust as he thrust harder, riding her towards the goal he so desperately sought. She could tell he wanted her with him. His hand slipped under her ass, tilting her hips up slightly as his body pushed hers harder… faster… and then the world exploded into stars.

Liz went limp…Max went mad. Hooking her leg over one arm, he opened her as wide as he could, and pounded into her so hard, that his eyes crossed. His hoarse cry echoed with her soft keen, his body throbbing as he emptied himself, both body and soul, into her body. He slumped heavily onto her shaking form, his breathing harsh as he panted into her neck.

They lay there silently, Max able of mind enough to drag the blanket from the back of the couch down over them. He could feel Liz relaxing towards sleep under him as he lowered his head to her shoulder. Neither of them heard the door open, but it was Maria’s voice that made them both open their eyes in shock.

“Oh my god!”

The end.