The Big One (M/L,K/T,I/A,ADULT) Complete Part 6 Nov 17 '05

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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The Big One (M/L,K/T,I/A,ADULT) Complete Part 6 Nov 17 '05

Post by Chrisken »

Author name: Chris Kenworthy
Title: The Big One
Series: Kismet Unchained (sequel to 'Not Written Yet' and 'Husk Funeral')
Coupling/Genre: Alex/Isabel Courtney/Michael Kyle/Tess Liz/Max Maria/Other (in approximate alphabetical order.)
Disclaimer: I didn't create 'Roswell', I didn't make it a TV series, I didn't originate these characters or plots -- I'm just adapting them.
Summary: The gang tries to relax and enjoy a formal harvest dance, with the threat of alien retaliation still impending.

Author's note: Third in the Kismet Unchained series, after Not Written Yet and Husk Funeral. I'm diverging more from the original plotline in this one, because 'wipeout' sucked eggs so badly - there will be at least one big similarity, but I've also thrown in a school dance element because... those are ALWAYS fun. :) This is part of my entry in the National Novel Writing Month challenge.

"Anyone, anyone else?? Alex?"

"Ummm..." Alex took a deep breath. "How about the question of doing versus... versus being. As a question of which you derive your identity from."

"Hmmm." Mister Thomli, the fifty-something english teacher with merry little eyes, smiled slightly as he considered that. "I'm intrigued, Mister Whitman. Can you go on?"

"Umm... I'm not quite sure how to put it," Alex admitted, blushing a little. "But... oh, where was that speech." He started to riffle through the pages of the large paperback in front of him. "Do nothing because it is righteous, do nothing because it is noble, do nothing because men will admire you for it, do only that which you HAVE to do, and what you cannot do in any other way..." He finally found the passage, checked it, and shrugged. "I guess it's not so much about self-identity in that part, so much about action. Deciding whether to take action or not."

"The old man felt he had done one stupid thing, and that one action forced him to act again and again, when all he wanted to do was sit around, do nothing, and maybe grow wise," Billy Travis put in. "I'm not sure I see his point... is doing nothing really any wiser? And if he really wanted to be like a rock, what was stopping him? I mean, once he'd cleaned up his mistake."

"Well, by then he'd found half of that ring, which led him into another adventure," someone else interjected.

"Yeah, but he didn't *have* to take up that challenge, he volunteered," Billy insisted. "And what the heck was he doing sailing the dragon's run anyway?? If he hadn't done that, he would never have even found out what the jewel meant. Ehh, I'm with Alder anyway. If nobody acts, we'd all starve, and all of that bit about 'it's easier to act than not to act' doesn't really solve that problem."

"I have a question," Kyle said from across the room. "Well, the speech that Alex vaguely quoted, 'do nothing because it is noble' and so on. Was that meant as advice for anybody, or only specifically for a king? Because to me, it seems way out there for an ordinary person, but only vaguely overstating the case for a king."

"Why should it be different for a king?" Isabel Evans asked him.

"Well, because a king has greater responsibilities and greater power at his disposal. If ordinary people get into rivalries and make their choices, at some level, based too much on self-interest, there aren't too many people that we can hurt. Look at the history of europe from the fall of rome through the russian revolution. When kings get into rivalries and make their choices based too much on self-interest, thousands of people die."

"Okay, that's an interesting point Valenti," the teacher said, "but we'll have to pick it up at that point tomorrow. Remember that your short answers are due in on Friday, and I know that the school will have harvest dance fever by then, so FINISH IT EARLY. That's all, so get going." The students took him at his word and started to pack up their books and leave.

Alex fell into step beside Isabel as she stepped out into the hallway, giving her a brief smile. "Well, I guess you earned some participation marks there," she commented idly.

"You spoke up too," Alex countered.

"Not like you did." But she shrugged. "Umm... don't you have art class next?"

"Yeah, but I got a little time."

"Oh-kay... is there something you want to tell me?"

Alex hesitated, trying to judge if it looked like Isabel would be going past her locker. "Not... not tell you as such, no."

She gave him a searching look at that evasive answer, then continued on. Soon it was clear that they would indeed be passing through the corridor that had Isabel's school locker in it. As she approached it, her brother Max Evans spotted the two of them as he was walking the other way. "How was discussing the wizards book in lit class?" he asked.

"Alex kicked ass," Isabel said offhandedly. "Oh, and Kyle spoke up too -- we may need to have a sit down with that boy. Sounds like he's been thinking about stuff that maybe he shouldn't be speaking of so openly." Alex was puzzled by that statement for a little while, until it fell into place -- the whole bit about the responsibilities of kings, which hit way too close to home with respect to Max and Isabel's secret lately.

Isabel turned to her locker and worked the dial... Alex took a deep breath by reflex -- and the locker door wouldn't open. "Hey, what the heck??" she muttered, then sighed and started working the combination all over again from the beginning. This time it opened...

And something fell open, something that was changing its shape as it moved... growing, becoming something larger than there would have been room for in the locker. Isabel and Max stared at it in confusion, while Alex tried to stifle a snicker.

It was a balloon.

It was a turkey.

It was a balloon of a cartoon-like turkey, carrying a sign. Alex had spent far too much money getting the balloon custom designed, not to mention finding the tiny little gadget that would inflate it automatically. The turkey bobbed there in front of her locker, held by little strings that kept it right way up and prevented it from falling too far.

"'Isabel: go to the dance with me? --Alex.'" Izzy read off the sign. She turned around to face Alex, who was trying not to grin in exactly the same manner that an idiot would. "Oh, boy... I can't quite decide if this is the stupidest thing I've seen all year... or one of the sweetest."

"I'd settle for the stupidest, as long as I get the right answer," Alex quipped.

A number of other high-school kids had gathered around the three of them at about a twelve-foot perimeter. Wild and wacky public spectacles to invite a girl to the harvest ball were semi-traditional, so that wasn't such a surprise. Alex heard someone mutter pretty clearly, "He's such a geek, I mean come on -- with those ears? Doesn't he know that Isabel's out of his league? Sure, she's kind of a snob and she's been acting really weird, like, all year, but --"

He shook his head and opened his mouth to say something, anything, to drown out that anonymous voice, (even though, knowing him, it would probably end up being the *wrong* thing,) But Isabel beat him to it. "How about two for the price of one -- it was very sweet, really," She was untying the strings so as to take the turkey down and get at her books. "And yes, I should be delighted to be your escort to the ball. Have your people call my people, hee hee, and we'll work out the details." She quickly hugged Alex and kissed him on the cheek, and then went back to business. In only a few seconds, the locker door was closed -- and turkey lurkey's strings wer still in Isabel's hand.

"Ummm... I can show you how to deflate him so that he can go back into the locker," Alex said softly, guessing what the answer would be.

"Not until three o'clock at least, babe. He's my token, and for today he shall stay nowhere but at my side."

"Umm... alright, well I really do need to get to art class now I guess... um, see you guys for lunch?"

"Of course." Isabel blew Alex another playful kiss before he dashed off. Max and Isabel both had econ next period, so they walked together to the stairwell and up to West Roswell High's second level. The turkey continued to attract some attention, but she wasn't the only girl carrying an unusual 'token' from the boy who she'd be going to the ball with. "So, any ideas for how to ask Liz yet??"

"Umm... should I even bother protesting that you have no way of knowing that I want to ask Liz to the dance??" Max asked, without much verve to the question in his voice.

"Not really. Frankly it's kind of beyond me why you really expect me to believe that the two of you aren't back together. I mean, well, I have a notion of why the two of you would be trying to maintain the charade... but I know you a little better than that, brother."

"Well, it's complicated," Max muttered tiredly.

Isabel caught the hint at that point. "Sorry... I guess I'll stop giving you a hard time about it now. I guess I'm just in high spirits today."

"Yeah, I kind of noticed," Max said. "Or at least, since you started to read the sign on that turkey."

SHe giggled softly. "Yeah, I guess maybe this has something to do with it. I know that -- well, I wouldn't be too surprised if Alex never wanted to have anything to do with me, ever again. But what does the man do? He puts a baloon turkey in my locker! There's something about that kind of tactic that makes me think everything's going to be alright."

"I'm happy to hear that," Max told her. And then the two of them had to walk into the classroom with frosty Miss Whitehead glaring at them, so it was the end of talking about high school courtship rituals and the start of yet another lively debate about whether the supply curve concept actually made real-world sense.


"Oh, hey Maria, what's up??"

Maria looked up from the great depression history book she was trying to actually read, instead of just stare at. "Oh, hello Kyle. What's up??"

"Not much." Kyle pulled up a chair from another study carroll and sat down close to her. "Just kind of wondering if the new guy had made his..."

"Kyle!!" Maybe she shouldn't have interrupted him, but having established that there didn't seem to be anything critical that Kyle needed to talk to her right this second about, Maria's first instinct was to not let him pick up too much conversational steam. "I've got a lot of work to do, so maybe you could 'wonder' another time??"

"Oh, sure." Kyle got up and wandered off, examining some of the titles on the nearest bookshelf, but he seemed to gravitate back to her, as if what she'd said hadn't quite made enough of an impression in his brain. "It's just a quick question, whether Nicky had asked you to the dance yet."

Maria pushed the book a few inches away, counted silently to three, and sighed softly. "Actually, yes Kyle, he's asked and I said I'd go with him. He didn't make a big deal out of it, which is okay really, just asked me the night before yesterday while we were having dinner at Mario's."


"Pasta actually... I had linguine and he was eating those bow-tie shaped things that I can never remember the name of."

"I think they're just called pasta bow-ties."

"Not at Mario's... they have some funky italian pasta name for them and I don't know what it is. So, I answered your quick question, and one extrea, right??"

"I guess so." Kyle wandered off, but Maria hadn't gotten very far into the foreclosure protests before his head popped into view again. "So, what do you think about fancy dance invites, as a general thing?? I mean, suppose there was somebody who I wanted to ask to the dance... would you say that I should probably go with an elaborate and public ritual, or..."

"I don't know, Kyle!!" Maria burst out, and forced herself to not let her voice get too loud. "Generally... they're nice, they can be very sweet especially if the situation isn't embarassing. However, it really depends on the details of the relationship, or pre-relationship, whether they're a wise move or not. I can't tell you any more than that, and I don't really want to get into it now."

"Okay, all right. I'm going now, bye." This time, when he disappeared, Maria didn't even touch her book, she just sat there and counted off seconds. It was eighteen when Kyle reappeared again. "You seem a little short-tempered today Maria... is it because of the Michael/Courtney thing??"

She took a deep breath and decided to try talking to Kyle language that he would understand. "Valenti, I'm going to count to five, and at that point if I see your face, or for that matter any part of you, before this period is over, I will throw this heavy and relatively hard book at you. That is not appropriate library behavior I know, but it would give me a lot of pleasure for several reasons. So, do I make myself clear??"

Kyle blinked in surprise. "Sheesh, if you really wanted me to leave you alone, you could've just said so." Then, rather than tempt fate, he popped off again.

Maria sighed and returned to her book. But she couldn't concentrate on America's dark history, now, after Kyle had mentioned her own personal angst.

Michael, her stubborn ex-boyfriend. (Stubborn *half-alien* ex-boyfriend, for the record.) And Nicky, her new guy, one of Alex's bandmates. Little fragments of the past few weeks' events swirled through her mind, in no particular order. Meeting Nicky unexpectedly on her front walk. Michael telling her that they brought out the worst in each other and should take a break, maybe see other people. Finding out that Michael, too, had started a new thing in his personal life, with the mysterious blonde Courtney.

The reference to Courtney brought an entirely new swirl of completely chaotic thoughts into her mind.

Groaning, Maria bent down to the book once again and determinedly read each word softly. "Many times the neighbors of a foreclosed family would be able to purchase their furniture for as little as one five-hundredth of the fair price, because protesting crowds frightened other would-be bidders from attending the auctions. These items were often simply handed back to their original owners, but symbolic gestures like this did little to help them out of economic misfortune..."


Tess stepped out of the cafeteria canteen area, looked around, and made her way at a casual pace to on of the furthest tables. Neither she nor the boy sitting alone near the wall made any attempt at eye contact as she took her place not-quite-opposite him, but once Tess was settled she said 'Hi Michael' in a clear enough voice.

"Ummm..." After taking a small sip of snapple through a plain white straw with a small corrugated bend in it, he finally looked up. "What's the deal, Tess?"

"Um, the deal with what? Aren't I allowed to sit here without having a deal? I kinda got a deal on the sausage bun, come to think of it."

"Fine, if that's the way you want to play it, go ahead. Sit, eat your sausage bun... though I'd be careful, were I you." He returned his entire attention to the spicy nachos on the beige styrofoam tray in front of him. There was something brownish that had been drizzled on the chips seperately from the melted cheese - leaning forward just slightly Tess caught a hint of caramel, and the combination of sweet and spicy odors made her stomach growl. Grabbing one, or even asking for it, would not be a good idea though. Because of course, she *did* have a minor mission that brought her here, and Tess was determined not to sidetrack herself, especially not having made it through Michael's opening gambit.

"Okay, I admit I'm a little curious." She drew the words out like a cue, playing cautiously with one of the soggy french fries on her plate, since she wasn't about to touch the sausauge bun yet. "Every day for more than a week now, you've been eating alone. Not that that's completely unusual, but it's a bit of a streak. Usually you break it up somewhat, meeting up with Max and Isabel, or... well, or Maria, though I understand why that hasn't happened lately."

"But you're wondering why I'm avoiding Izzy and Max, or they steering clear of me, is that it?" he asked in a soft growl. "As well as Alex and Liz, though I've never been especially chummy with either of them I guess."

"Yeah, that's pretty much it," Tess agreed. "You can guess, I think, why I'm interested."

"And do you have any guesses of your own?" Michael put in. "What could possibly drive a rift between my two best friends and I?"

Tess laughed by reflex. "Well, the obvious answer would be a girl... or maybe a guy, though I don't think that would be your type. And the obvious candidate would be the mysterious woman who's entered all our lives lately and seems to have a particular interest in you... not to mention that good luck kiss you gave her in Arizona."

Michael shook his head in frustration and took a bite of a very crowded-looking burrito. "Good reasoning so far, but I really don't feel like filling in any of the blanks for your amusement."

"Good, because I doubt it'd be that amusing," Tess cracked back, and then let a more serious and sincere expression take place on her head. "How about talking to me like a friend, then? If whatever this is has you avoiding everybody else... then maybe you could use someone. I don't have that much practice as a friend, I know, but I think I've picked up enough to give it a try without training wheels."

Michael blinked in surprise at the way she phrased it, but then he nodded slightly. "Okay, if you want, I'll unload on your pretty blonde head. But not here I think."

"Now? Or later??"

"Ehhhh..." Michael considered that question. "Any interest in actually eating that advanced-food-substitute on your tray?"

Tess considered that in turn. "Yeah, I didn't grab much for breakfast this morning, and as bad as this crap is, it seems to do okay at fighting off low blood sugar. Doubt there's any critters in it that can outfight our superior immune systems either."

Michael laughed. "Wisely spoken." And he took another few nachos and drank more of the Snapple.

"Mind if I snag a few of those?" Tess asked, now that they had an understanding. "I'll trade you several unfried frenches."

"No thanks on the trade, but go ahead." They each finished off lunches pretty quickly, exchanging meaningless small talk about bad teachers and good band. After an alleged meal was done, Michael led the way out school door with a steel bar that you had to push down on hard to get it to unlock, and the two of them walked out onto a deserted football field. "Okay, let's see," he mumbled once their privacy seemed to be an accomplished fact. "On the morning after we got back from Arizona, I went to Courtney's apartment."

"Yeah," she agreed, "you said you were going to. She would change into that bio-engineered husk that you stole from the alien army, and you wanted to make sure everything went okay." Another thought flashed through Tess' mind, of what she'd been doing that morning, how she'd snuck off with Kyle in the middle of the night to their secret 'love nest' at her old house, which was abandoned now, and having hot sex with him again and again. Kyle's father, sheriff Valenti, had taken Tess into his home after she had unexpectedly found herself orphaned, and she didn't think he'd approve of the way things were progressing between the two teenagers living under his roof, but so far his police skills had come nowhere close to the truth.

But Michael was continuing on, oblivious of the connection that Tess had made. "So yeah, she said that everything was fine, and we talked... about the kiss, among other things, about what it's been like for her, coming to Earth so long ago and living basically inside a pretty girl suit. She said that she never expected to... to be attracted to me, have feelings for me, but she was and she did. And so... well, we've been trying out. A few dates so far, nothing really intense."

"Hmm..." Tess tried to figure out what would be the right response to this. "Umm, how did Maria take it?"

"Not too well," Michael admitted. "And in hindsight, pointing out that she was the first one to get involved with someone else is something that I probably shouldn't have done. Live and learn. Anyway, she knows now, and I think Maria told Liz, Liz told Max, Max told Isabel. I pretty much told Max and Isabel too, but -- well, it was clear that they knew before I had a chance to tell them. And, welll..." Michael shrugged, not finding any more words.

Tess shrugged at that. "Well, to me it kinda sucks if they're shutting you out. Is it really any business of their who you choose to date... well, I mean, it's a little of their business if you're friends and they'll have to spend time socially with Courtney. But that doesn't mean that they get a vote."

Michael smiled obliquely at her. "And is it any business of yours who Max chooses to date?"

The reference stung Tess... probably he'd meant it to. "Umm... honestly I'm not too sure about that at the moment. I still haven't let go of the hope that Max will forget about Liz and fall madly in love with me. That may take a while. But this hidden assumption that he owes me anything, that he's obligated to anybody to relive his old destiny... I admit I've been looking at that and it seems a bit silly. Max should be, ultimately, with whoever makes him happy, but I still think he could be happy with me. Does that make any sense?"

"Yeah, more than a little," Michael admitted. "And maybe, just maybe, you should try looking for someone else besides Max Evans who might make YOU happy." Tess instantly flushes, the suggestion instantly calling to mind her secret affair with Kyle.

"Ummm... okay, okay, umm, by the way, is there anything on alien counterattack watch??" she blurted out in a transparent attempt to change the subject.

Michael rolled with the shift, not commenting on it. "Nah. Courtney showed me how to use this black pentagon thing in tracking mode -- Liz had one that she got from Whittaker's office. It's scanning the entire town and a few miles beyond for alien energy signatures. Nobody here but us chickens."

"Well, that can't last forever," Tess muttered darkly. "We doomed those Copper Summit skins to die, and they seem like the type who are big on payback. They'll come, and if they haven't arrived yet, it just means that they have a little time and are planning carefully. That doesn't make me feel any better."

"Maybe they don't believe that we're really here in Roswell," Michael suggested. "That our signatures, if they're scanning too, are fakes somehow and some kind of trap is waiting here."

"Don't I wish."


"Whatcha thinking about, Liz??"

Liz Parker looked up from her admittedly pensive stare off into the distance, (actually the cafeteria wall, which wasn't that distant,) and smiled at Max when she realized that he was the one who'd asked her a question. "Ohhh.. just, well, Michael and Tess were sitting together and then they walked off. Guess I was just wondering what they might be talking about."

"Could be he's telling her that he's dating the plastic girl," Isabel put in. "Not sure anyone else brought her up to speed on that part."At least I didn't feel like mentioning it."

"Or they could be going over tactical battle plans," Alex put in. All five of them had met for lunch today; he and Isabel, Max and Liz, and Maria. They had most of a table to themselves, so could mention sensitive topics safely as long as they were careful to keep voices low. "I know Michael's been obsessed about it all week, and Tess seems like the kind to be interested in that."

"Maybe we should be taking an interest too," Max mentioned. "After all, if the big counterattack happens, the evil aliens will pretty much be coming after all of us. The four of us get un-grounded tomorrow morning, so we won't have that excuse anymore."

"Well, I don't know about you, but I have dance stuff to worry about," Isabel replied with a grin. "Finding a gown, Figuring out how I want to wear my hair, getting a manicure - all that and more, it all takes time, and it all has to be done right. I'll need some 'get out of drill' cards."

"But I know you, Izzy," Max shot back. "You can make that kind of thing stretch out on and on to fill up all available time - especially when you're trying to avoid Czechoslovakian stuff. I'm not sure that's such a good idea this time. Do what you have to do, yes, have a great time at the dance, but don't dawdle over it. We need your help." Isabel sighed with exasperation.

"What's up?" Alex asked Maria after a short silence. "You've been really quiet... is it Michael angst??"

"Umm, kind of." She sighed. "I know that I don't really have a rational leg to stand on and object to him dating Courtney... but I don't really care a rat's ass about rational and I hate it. And I really hate how we left things between us."

Alex smiled wanly, clearly not knowing what to say to reassure his old friend. "Well, you don't have to spend that much of your emotional energy on Michael," Liz suggested softly. "You're going to the dance with Nicky, right??" Maria nodded. "Maybe the three of us should go dress shopping together. That is -- assuming you wouldn't mind, Isabel?"

The tall blonde girl nodded. "Are you going with anybody, Liz?"

"Nah, I don't think so." Even an astute observer would have been hard pressed to say if her glance flicked to Max for a moment. "But I'll go anyway, show my school spirit or whatever. Always liked autumn and the harvest and that stuff."

"Alright," Maria said with a slightly tired sigh. "Count me in... assuming that finishing this history paper doesn't kill me that is."


Liz was sitting in study hall, working on some discussion questions from her world history class, when the school's public address system switched on with a faint but audible 'click'. A male voice grumbled out, "Boys and babes, we've got another Harvest Ball special request comin' atcha." This was part of the traditional hooplah surrounding the upcoming dance... one of the less creative parts in Liz's own opinion. Guys would sneak into the office to send out these public invitations to the girl they wanted to attend the dance with. Usually very bad unaccompanied singing was involved as well. Liz hoped that Max had caught the hint she was trying to send him at lunch, or at the very least, he'd have the sense not to ask her to the dance in public like this -- much as she'd like to go in public with him.

Something about the voice, disguised as it was, seemed familiar. Stars above, was there a chance it actually WAS Max?? Liz groaned as, after a short pause, the mystery guy continued: "This one's going out to you, Tess Harding." And then, some of the gruffness fell away as, sure enough, he began to sing: slightly off-key and slightly off-tempo, to a guitar rock song that sounded out of place, yet oddly sweet, as an impromptu acapella: "How many times must I tell you, babe? How many bridges I gotta cross? How must I 'splain myself, 'Fore I can talk to the boss?" The singer sounded even more familiar now, a pleasantly untrained rich tenor, but Liz couldn't narrow it down to a name until... "Before I can talk to the boss?"

Until she started thinking about who else might conceivably want to ask Tess to the dance, and then it was obvious. Kyle.

"How many times must I say I love you; 'Fore you finely understand."Yeah, it had to be Kyle. "Won't you be my forever woo -- Aaghh!!"

And he cut off at just that point, which had to have something to do with the fact that Tess was staring intently into the middle distance, with a furious expression on her flawless features. Tess' specialty alien power was the mndwarp - she could make things appear that didn't really exist, by sending her own signals into other people's brains. She could make herself instantly appear in the office to chew Kyle out, or create something even scarier for his benefit. Just around the time Kyle's soft yelp was fading away, the circuit connection went dead.

Tess had to be incredibly upset just at this moment. If Liz had recognized Kyle's voice singing, then Tess must have too, and she would assume that other people who knew Kyle would also know that it was him. Such as Max... and Tess didn't want Max to know that she'd been seeing someone else, because that would step on the sincerity of her 'we're destined to be lovers' spiel.

Liz didn't know exactly what the consequences of Kyle's little stunt would be, but she was willing to bet that they'd be bad.


Courtney was in Michael's apartment when he got home that day after school, sprawled out on his couch, lazily playing on the old video game console he had picked up at a summer yard sale. "Hey honey, how were classes?" she asked casually when she saw him.

"Umm... did I miss the part of the relationship when we start breaking into each other's homes for no particularly good reason?" he asked with a smile. "I mean, I know I've busted into your apartment, but that was on business, pretty much, and that's different."

"I got business," she insisted, clicking buttons on the game controller. "And I'll get to it if you just give me a moment." Michael sat himself down at one end of the loveseat, looked more closely at the screen, and had to fight off an urge to whistle loudly and appreciatively. Courtney was on one of the highest levels of 'Age of Illyria,' with the speed of the action cranked to its highest level, and she was managing the various jumps, shooting sequences, and other difficult maneuvers flawlessly. Michael himself had made it up to this level, and indeed won the game, but at the regular speed setting, and not with nearly as much elegance. He could probably manage to stay alive on the high-speed setting - with about three months' practice at it.

But this was all of a piece with Courtney's story so far. As a full-blooded alien, he knew that she was stronger and a faster runner than Michael himself was, and apparently she had inhuman hand-eye co-ordination and mental processing power as well. Michael's own reaction speed and co-ordination with video games had always been pretty well above the norm, but he'd never stopped to think that it might have to do with his own inhuman DNA.

Courtney's attention didn't stray from the game until she'd defeated a particularly nasty mid-level Boss, and then she calmly switched the system onto pause and faced him. "Something's pooching the tritium resonator's scanning function."

Michael frowned. "Something of hostile origin??"

"Ummm..." She frowned and put the game controller down. "Could be. I think that there might be a way to scramble it or send an interference signal. On the other hand, it could be natural. These things get thrown off every so often by solar flares or storm fronts or whatever the hell." She sighed. "I was never that much on the technical side... unfortunately."

"But the timing is - well, it's fishy," Michael complained. "We'll have to be careful. At least Max and Isabel and the rest of them get off their punishment tomorrow morning. They can help us keep watch." He sighed. "And that, well, doesn't really bring us to the next thing, something I wanted to talk about with you, but I'll make do."

Courtney smiled at his tortured grammar. "What is it?"

"Umm... there's this school dance thing on Friday night. I would understand if you wanted to stay the hell away, especially considering who else is going to be there -- but it could be fun, if we're together."

Courtney considered. "So, this is a 'formal affair'?" She affected a truly atrocious british posh accent for the last two words. "Where we both dress up in completely ridiculous clothes that we'll only ever be able to wear to equally ridiculous shindigs, and you bring be some kind of frail plant life to pin to my dress, and pictures and chaperones and just gag me?"

Michael sighed. "Yeah, that's about the size of it I think."

"Sounds fun - count me in."

It took several seconds for the words to penetrate. "You... you want to go? But why??"

"Ehhh... I've always wanted to see the tragically ludicrous, up close and personal." She shrugged. "Or something like that. Maybe I just think it would be funny to see you get dressed up in a monkey suit. Do you have a problem with that??"

"Umm, no I guess." Michael sighed and decided that he'd probably better quit while he was ahead. "Do you want to let me have a turn and die on that game??"

Courtney smirked at him. "I was wondering about that... guess either your half-human brain can't timeshift, or you never picked up that trick."

"Time-shift?" Michael repeated. "Sounds like something I remember seeing on an old sci-fi tv show -- you concentrate hard enough, and it's like everything you see slows down." Courtney nodded. "That really works?"

"Well, it does for me," Courtney laughed. "Let me see if I can talk you through it."


Sheriff Jim Valenti wandered into the kitchen and noticed that Kyle was at the stove, stirring a skillet of something that steamed and sputtered with a long-handled white plastic spoon. "Hey, is that dinner?"

"Probably, assuming that it doesn't blow up," Kyle admitted. "How was work?"

"Umm... not bad, I guess." Jim sat down at the kitchen table. "What *is* it? That you're cooking, I mean??"

"Well..." Kyle reached out to adjust a control on the stove and withdrew his spoon to consider what he had wrought. "Umm, let's see. It's not quite chili, it's not quite spaghetti sauce. Kind of somewhere in between. Whatcha think??"

"Umm... could be pretty tasty," the sheriff decided with a smile. "What, if anything, should we have with it?"

"Hmmm..." Kyle considered that. "Maybe some steamed rice? Or just crackers??"

"Either sound good," Jim said, and moved on from the subject of food. "Is Tess around?"

"Nah, don't think she came back here when school let out," Kyle said, frowning a little as he stirred the pan again, then went rifling through the fridge for something. "Might have slipped in while I was busy - you could check the bedroom perhaps."

"Perhaps later." A brief pause. "How are the two of you getting along lately, anyway? I mean... well, I know that it was a lot to expect of you to give up your space because Tess shows up out of the blue. And, well, it's been a little while, and though the specific danger has passed, enough people around town have heard the story about how I took her in because her father disappeared that for her to suddenly leave and get her own place would look suspicious, and that's exposing her to another danger. So, erm, how're you holding up, bunking down out there in the living room??"

Kyle thought about this a minute, chopping up some small carrots to toss them into his masterpiece. "It's okay. Comforts of the body merely lull the sleepy spirit into forgetting its quest."

Jim shook his head slightly, obviously filing that quote into a mental 'Buddhist - ignore' file. "And Tess? How're you two getting along?"

Well, let's see, Kyle thought. We've been screwing around secretly for a week and a half now, and I tried to come out in public and ask her to the dance today, but she used her freaky alien powers to get me to stop, because she's obviously still in love with Max Evans and doesn't want him to know about me. "We're, um, we're doing okay I guess. There's always a little, erm, friction, but that's the way life goes, isn't it?"

"Okay. I'm, uh, I'm gonna go play a little minesweeper on the computer before dinner, kay? Keep my investigative brain cells trained."

There was still no sign of Tess when the Valenti men sat down to dinner... tomato-chille casserole with little crackers crumbled up into it, and some storebought salad that had seen better days. After the meal was done and the dishes cleared away, the leftovers safely packed away into the fridge, Jim cleared off the dining room table and started playing an odd old-fashioned kind of solitaire. Kyle would have liked to take advantage of the peace and quiet to try and meditate, but he hadn't been able to get his chemistry questions done in Study hall, because of sneaking into the office for his mis-step with Tess, so he staked off a small space at the end of the table and got to work on temperature/reaction rate equations.

He'd finished seven of them when the sound of a soft tapping disturbed him, and he looked up to see Tess standing about seven feet away. It was the toe of her right shoe that was tapping against the floor. 'Come with me,' she mouthed silently.

Shrugging, Kyle stacked his notebook and text up and followed Tess without a word, out to her car, into the passenger seat when she indicated so, and she drove away. Once Kyle decided that she was heading for her old house, now their 'love nest,' he spoke up. "No, not yet. Tess, we need to talk."

She shot him a wry sidelong glance. "I thought it might be better to worry about that after, but if you're sure, then okay." She hadn't stopped driving towards Harding House yet.

"Umm, yeah, I think I am."

Tess slowed the SUV down, found a parking spot, and turned the ignition off once they had occupied it. "Okay, umm, do you want to go first??"

"Errr, yeah I guess," Kyle mumbled, and the memory flashed in front of his eyes. There in the admin office, knowing that he was singing badly and embarassing himself, (insofar as anyone would recognize his voice, that was,) he had been quite surprised to see Tess appear out of nowhere, surrounded by a glowing nimbus that hurt him to look at, and screaming at him to stop the madness, just stop singing and turn off the announcement switch. After a moment's confusion, Kyle had, and the apparition had disappeared. But Kyle knew that he hadn't imagined any of it... he had heard more than enough about Tess' powers by this point, though he'd never been the target of them before. She'd projected that vision, and the sound of her voice, into his mind.

"I... well, I can understand you being upset, but I'm a little mad too at the moment. I spent quite a bit of time planning a risky surprise for you. Wasn't sure if you'd actually want to go to the dance or not, but I didn't expect that you would freak out like that... as if you were ashamed of me or something like that."

"It... it's not like that," she protested. "I -- well, I just don't want certain people to know that I'm involved with ANY guy right now. Not specifically about you."

"Not 'certain people'... not really," Kyle said with gritted teeth. "It's all about Evans, right?? Max. You'll do just about anything with me to get your rocks off, but Max can't know, because you're supposed to be the pristine bride, waiting patiently for him to throw Liz over and come back to you."

Tess took a moment to reply. "Well, much as I hate to say it, that's pretty much the size of it." She sighed. "You had a pretty good notion that the situation was complicated before we got involved, Kyle. And I never *once* gave you a hint that I'd be alright with going public, did I?? So I don't see where you have a right to complain."

"Maybe you're right," Kyle got out of the car and leaned in through the window. "But I'll walk home, thank you very much. And you can go fuck yourself -- in any sense of the phrase you like." And he headed back the way that they had come.

Last edited by Chrisken on Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:39 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Read my other roswell stories!

"A man does not make his destiny: he accepts it or denies it. If the Rowan tree's roots are shallow, it bears no crown." From 'the farthest shore', Ursula LeGuin.

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Post by Chrisken »

The Big One
Part 2

"Liz?? Are you awake honey??"

Liz hadn't been, probably, (it was a little hard to tell sometimes,) but she managed to crack an eye open and look at the clock. "Dad, it's like not even seven!!" she groaned. "I don't have to be up for like twenty minutes."

Footsteps crossed the apartment outside and there was a soft knock on her bedroom door. "Normally yes, darling, but you have a visitor."

"A... a visitor? Huh??"

"I think you know young Mister Evans... well, at least well enough, though that's neither here nor there at the moment."

Max?? All of a sudden things started to fall into place. This morning was the first time that Max and Liz, (and Isabel and Alex,) were un-grounded for skipping school and not explaining why, all of which related to their last adventure. He had obviously wanted to come over first thing and see her, and Liz had slept in. Also, Max had presumably come and called at the main door to her family's apartment, up the staircase from the cafe's kitchen, rather than climbing up the ladder to the balcony outside her window because he didn't want to risk upsetting her parents any more.

"Umm... I'll be there in a minute or two," she blurted out and leapt out of bed as energetically as possible -- which meant that she tripped over her own feet and nearly fell down headlong. Alright, something to wear... her pajamas were alright as far as they went, really, nothing too embarassing. They were actually kind of cute in a 'girl next door' way, which was never bad when it came to Max. (He didn't actually live next door, though that would have been convenient.) She grabbed a dressing gown to put on over it and considered her bedhead. "This is exactly the sort of situation where a few alien powers would come in handy," she muttered to herself, and just for the heck of it waved a hand and tried to get her hair untangled... with maybe a bit of a kicky wave to it just because. No luck. Sighing, she grabbed a spray bottle with a simple managing solution in it and a brush. It didn't take long to get her dark tresses calm and straight... the kicky wave would have to wait for another time. Face -- yeah, no emerging zits or anything that needed concealer, and she really didn't need to put on makeup just to see Max. That would be crazy. Liz never thought of herself as a raving beauty, but she had an alright face and clear complexion - most of the time, anyway.

By the time she made it out of the bedroom, Max and her mother were apparently chatting about the high school baseball team... the volunteer assistant coach was apparently on of Nancy Parker's old friends, and Max had been covering some of the games as assignments for his journalism class. "Hi, Max. What, erm, what brings you over here quite so early??"

"Umm... I guess I didn't realize it would be so early for you," he mumbled, blushing. "I just... well, I wanted to talk to you about a few things, and thought that I could offer you a ride to school. Was so excited about not being grounded any more that I woke up at the crack of dawn, and just drove right over here as soon as I was cleaned up and clothed. If it's not a good time, I can..."

"Oh, nonsense Max," Liz's dad put in. "Since you haven't eaten yet, we can all have breakfast together, and then I think the two of us can find something to talk about while Liz has her shower and gets dressed for school. Man to man, ya know?" Liz tried to stifle a sigh... was her dad going to have 'the talk' with Max, as in the "you're the guy who wants to sweep my little girl off her feet" talk? (Well, he was a little late for that - Max had swept Liz off her feet nearly a year ago, if not longer, and there was no chance of undoing that now.)

Breakfast was pretty endurable and casual though -- nothing fancy, just various toasted bread products and a little cereal and juice. Liz managed to grab and squeeze Max's hand for just a second before she left to shower, shooting him a silent look of support, and he nodded back, serious and calm. Does he realize what he might be in for, she wondered to herself.

Hot water spray and the rose-cedar scented body lotion that Maria had given her managed to do quite a good job of waking Liz up, and she charged back into her bedroom trying to figure out what to wear. On impulse, she leant against the door for a moment and tried to listen. "...think you can understand why we'd be a little worried. Now, you seem like a great guy, Max; we've never had any real problems with you. Well, aside from..." As much as she'd like to eavesdrop more, Liz forced herself to get back to the question of dressing so that she and Max could leave and maybe have a little time alone before school started.

She was in high spirits, felt a little like celebrating, and found herself reaching for some of the more daring choices in her wardrobe -- maybe a tank top. A thought flashed through her mind, and she couldn't resist grabbing the same red tank that she'd been wearing that warm December night when Max kissed her for the first time. It fit a little differently now -- she'd grown some, but it wasn't quite out of line for school, though she didn't tend to wear something so sexy to classes. (Her parents would probably be surprised to see her wearing it, but that was... well, it wasn't quite the point, but it was pretty much an unavoidable consequence of the point. She wanted to wear something daring, and daring equals freaked parents.)

Top - check. Bottom clothes -- there was a white denim skirt that she bought while she was in Florida for the summer... not quite short enough to qualify as what she generally thought of as a miniskirt, though again, her parents would probably disagree. Check. Those clunky black shoes with the two-half inch heels, quick coat of light pink nail polish, all the basic makeup, gold heart necklace, one Navajo bracelet, two rings, some long dangly earrings... and what the heck?

Just as she had finished putting the dangly earrings on, Liz had noticed her hair in the mirror. It had a kicky wave to it.

Her hair *never* just came out in a kicky wave right after she'd washed and blowdried it. Never ever. For a long, confused moment, she thought of that moment when she'd woken up and tried to use unearthly powers to create just this effect. Was it possible that something of the sort had happened, just when she least expected it? Impossible -- Liz wasn't an alien, no matter how much she had been hanging out with them lately.

Then again -- humans and aliens had the same energy at their disposal... that had been proved enough times. Her human friends had leant their energy to save Michael when he'd fallen into an alien coma. Just the other week Liz had joined her energies with Max to help him fight off the dread warriors of Copper Summit. Was it possible for a human to learn to wield that energy in the same way? Or, after all that she had been through, especially -- well, could Liz be sure that she was completely human still??

No, it was a ludicrous idea! This entire train of thought was more than a little dubious - it was just hair, for creep's sake. Hair was never completely predictable - alright yes, this was pretty weird, especially given the coincidence, but she didn't need to consider a little wavy hair inexplicable.

She grabbed her backpack with her school books in it, rescued Max from 'the talk', and they hurried down the stairs, out the Crashdown back door, and Liz threw herself into Max's arms and kissed him right there and then.

"Ohh, I missed you so much," Max mumbled after kissing her back for about fifteen seconds, which set Liz off giggling for a moment because she had just been about to tell him the same thing.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Seeing each other at school just isn't the same, especially when we can't be alone together." Liz's parents had taken pains to make clear to her that that was part of the terms of her punishment... she could talk to Max in class, or in a group, but there was to be no sneaking off to spend some time in private, even if it was just to talk without any kissing or touching. She had also been forbidden to talk on the phone to any of her friends, though that restriction had been secretly broken the first night, and the two of them had actually had phone sex.

"Oh, absolutely not." Max grinned. "You look amazing, by the way. So how about we get going to school, and maybe see if the eraser room's free?" Liz laughed and got into the passenger seat of the Jeep.

As soon as he had pulled out onto the street Max cleared his throat. "Well, after what happened with Tess in study hall yesterday I have my own worries about this, but here goes: Liz, will you go with me to the harvest ball dance??"

Liz froze for a moment, and let out an impassioned sigh. "Max, you know that I'd really LOVE to, but - well."

"I have to say that I'm finding it a little hard to understand this." He sighed. "You don't want to upset Tess. I don't either, in principle. But you have this... this conviction that any single little clue that we're together would make her... freak out or something."

"Oh, really? Then what *about* yesterday in study hall, Max?" Liz insisted. "Well, first off - just what do you think happened there?"

"Somebody tried to ask Tess out using the whole Harvest Ball Radio gag," Max answered. "Probably Kyle, though I'm not sure. She got mad, and..." He frowned, as if realizing something odd about the situation. "Whoever it was -- stopped. Liz, you don't think she..."

"Used her powers to mindwarp Kyle and TELL him to stop?" Liz finished. "Yes I do." She stopped and let Max draw her own conclusions about that.

"Well, if so -- first off it damn well better have been Kyle, because for her to use her powers like that against some random kid who doesn't know anything about us would be an exposure risk." He sighed. "And, well... I'm not sure exactly why Kyle would have gotten it into his head to ask Tess, but if she's that upset, either she's really mad at him this week, or she doesn't want me to think of her as being involved with anybody else. Which tends to support your notion that she doesn't want me to be involved with anybody else either. As long as both of us are single, she can hold out some hope." Max thought about that for a moment, and looked over at Liz. "I still don't really get why we can't disabuse her of her notions this way. It'll be a bit of a disappointment, yeah, but..."

"Not that easy, Max," Liz insisted. "I... I can't tell you how I know this. Just... Tess is *really* important for some big challenge that you have yet to face, and I'm terribly scared that if she finds out about us at the wrong time and in the wrong way, she would just take off and abandon all of you. Face it, it's not like she really has that much that she'd be sticking around Roswell for, at this point. Mooning over you is still the big-ticket attraction."

Max just stared at her. "I would have thought that you could tell me anything."

Liz froze in thought. Was this her moment?? Alex had told her that she needed to find some way to come clean with Max about this. "It... it's quite a mouthful, or maybe a brainful, to understand," she hedged. "Involved time travel, and that's never simple."

Max's eyes popped out. "You're going to tell me that you've come back from the future, a future where there was a disaster because Tess found out I was dating you and ran away from town, and that you're living your life over to change the mistake I made??"

Liz's lungs did something that was halfway between laughing and choking. "Umm... ergh, not quite. I haven't actually travelled back in time myself... I've lived a completely linear existence when it comes to the space-time continuum, as far as I can tell. Conceptually, it has at times seemed far from linear, but that's another thing. On the other hand... I met a time traveller. Back a few weeks ago, just the few days before we went to the concert in Santa Fe. And before you ask, yes, I'm pretty convinced that he was the real thing, and that what he told me about Tess etcetera is something that we should both be worried about."

Max looked over again, his eyes wide. "That... well, I admit I thought at the time that you were acting oddly, as if you were trying to keep a really weird secret. Was it... was it the future version of someone we know??"

"Umm... very definitely. Max, it was *you* from the future."

Max nearly drove into a parked car, and just about managed to park himself. "Me! Me?"

"Uhhh..." Liz couldn't think of anything to say at this point except: "Yes. I... I don't want to get into all the nitty gritty at this point but yes, you came back in time to meet me and get me to change the course of history. I know more than a little about his timeline... which is why I pushed Michael to find Courtney sooner rather than later... and I kind of knew a lot of the stuff she told us about Copper Summit before she did. I knew that Congresswoman Whittaker's death would be faked on that particular morning, which was why I was watching the news and found it."

"Yeah, I kind of realized that something was weird with you being so on the ball about that kind of stuff," Max said, "but I didn't expect it to be anything like this." He sighed. "Well, I can appreciate if there's a lot of it that you don't want to discuss yet... though I don't think I'm out of line in expecting full disclosure, and relatively soon." Another deep breath. "And, well, I'll follow your lead I guess. Time travel information is a valid warning sign for difficulties that haven't yet happened. If we can't go to the dance together, then we can't. Groan." Max looked over at her again, staring into her eyes. "Can we each go, though, and save one dance for each other? That shouldn't be enough to power-freak Tess, if we don't arrive together or leave together."

Liz thought for about a second. "Sure. Then at least we get a little something to remember."

"Alright." Max went to turn the key and start the engine up again. "This information from future me... did he say anything about Tess and Kyle? Or do you have any idea what led to him asking her out yesterday??"

Liz thought for a second. "No, future you didn't mention it, but the day of the Gomez concert I, well, I kind of caught them in the records room making out. Since then I've been watching, and I think they were screwing around when we went out to Arizona to steal Courtney's husk. Not sure it it's just kissing and a little groping or if they've gone further, but..."

Max thought about that. "And you don't think maybe this shows that she could be nudged into letting her obsession for me go and maybe settling for Kyle?"

"I, well, I guess I hope so, if we can nudge her in exactly the right way and nothing interferes. But obviously she's not quite there yet." Liz sighed. "All of this complicated relationship is giving me a headache, and we need to get to school if we're going to get some eraser room time before first class."

"Point taken." Max gunned the motor and after a second the Jeep screamed out of its parking spot.


"So, how did you spend all that time when you were grounded?" Isabel asked Alex as they started walking one of the last few blocks toward the school.

"Umm... let's see. Did a lot of homework, extra credit assignments and such. Started learning some new computer stuff... like I said when we found out about Brody, if there are internet geek millionaires being made out there, why can't one be me?" Isabel laughed. "And I worked on my music a lot -- after a lot of persuading, my parents agreed that band practice was not one of the restricted activities... as long as you, Max, or Liz wouldn't be there." He sighed.

"Ahh... well, now that the restriction is off, am I invited to your next practice?" she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

"Um... you're always welcome -- I never thought it'd be something you'd be interested in really. As far as that goes - sure, make it a formal invite, why not." He laughed. "And in a slightly awkward transition... you said that we should talk about where our relationship goes from here, and then being grounded neither of us have really had an opportunity to have that discussion, until now. Obviously, inviting you to the dance was my way of taking the initiative... and thanks for saying yes, by the way."

She grinned. "Thanks for asking me, especially in such a great way. Turkey Lurkey is sitting in my bedroom now, by the way." Alex chuckled at that thought.

"But... is there any more that needs to be said at this point? Taking things as they come is a strategy that's kinduv got us in trouble before," he added.

"Hmmm." Isabel pondered that thought as we walk on. "I'd tend to say yes, but let's not go too far with it. We're just getting back together, so we needn't define and specify everything... just kind of a statement of intent from each of us, and then we can continue on from there, getting more specific as things get more intense. Does that sound... in any way intelligent and un-lame??"

"Heheheh, of course, it sounds like an incredibly good idea actually." Alex took a deep breath. "Okay... I'm crazy about you Isabel, I have been for a while now -- ever since, well, since the camping trip at least, when we sat together under the stars." She smiled a little sadly at that thought -- it wasn't a great memory for her. "I... I have some issues with the way things have gone between us, but I'm not holding anything against you, I never will, and I want to make a fresh start and get things right this time. How's that??"

"Umm... well, I'm not quite sure what I was expecting, but it sounds good." Isabel thought a moment longer, wondering if there was something that she should be remembering, and then shrugged. "I... I want to say that I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you, at least half of the time I've really known you if not more. I have strong feelings, crazy strong feelings, for you too... and I think that's what's been messing me up before, because I get scared of being with somebody who's so great and who understands me so well and who I'm attracted to in such a deep way. But I don't want to let it mess me up any more, and I don't intend to. I'm grateful if you want to start off with a blank slate, because it seems like kinda more than I deserve, and I'm really looking forward to the dance and to whatever comes after it. Umm, in the days and weeks after it, I meant to say... though if something comes in the hours of the night after the dance, well, I think I'd look forward to that too." She laughed, and Alex blushed, smiling.

"Alright, sounds good... so we're back together now, right??"

"Yep." Isabel smiled broadly at the thought. "Umm... okay, I'm not sure if this is a good time, but there's something I want to tell you -- both in the sense of full disclosure, and, well -- I haven't told anybody else and I kind of want to talk about it, and I guess you're the one person I know that I'd most trust with it. 'Sabout the night of my birthday party, and that whole thing with Vanessa Whittaker kidnapping Tess and me going after them both. 'Kay??"

Alex thought about all of that. Whittaker, the congresswoman for this part of New Mexico, had turned out to be an enemy alien working under deep cover. The night of Isabel's birthday party had ended up with Whittaker electrocuted and exploded when Isabel had turned a deadly attack back on its source, Tess badly wounded, and Isabel shaken at having had to defend herself at the cost of another person's life. (Using 'person' in the non-human-specific way, of course.) Isabel had gone up to the unearthly Pod chamber in the Mexico desert to be alone, the place that, as far as they could tell, Isabel Max Michael and Tess had been 'born' out of suspended animation pods at an apparent age of six. She'd discovered a second room inside that creepy alien cave, containing the 'Granilith', a cone-shaped alien artifact that nobody seemed to know what to make of, yet. "Okay, go on."

"Well, what I didn't tell anybody is why Whittaker wanted to meet me alone like that -- and what she told me." There was a long pause before Isabel said anything else more, around the end of which she growled deep in her throat. "Aagh, I don't really know how to deal with this, even how to say it. I'm not at all sure I believe it, because Whittaker was one of the enemy, and she had an ulterior motive for getting me to believe it."

"Izzy." Alex swung around so that he could look into Isabel's eyes... she didn't notice and nearly plowed straight into him. but stopped just in time and met his gaze. "Don't worry about it, whatever it is, too much. Just tell me what happened, what Whittaker said, and no matter what it is, we'll deal with it together. That's the point of being a couple, right??"

"Umm... I'm not sure, but I'm happy to accept your help." She leaned against Alex, and he wrapped his arms around her. "Okay, well, let's see. Whittaker said that... that out of the four of us, I would help her... help her side. Because I did before."

"What, when did you..." And then Alex realized what was meant, seeing that they were going out onto thin ice. "She meant that the person you used to be, the alien princess, helped them."

Isabel nodded. "She told me this big huge story about who I was back then, who Vilandra was -- she said that was my name. How I'd had a forbidden love affair with Kivar, and betrayed my brother and my fiancee and everyone else for his sake. I just can't..." She made a yell of frustration that was half strangled by sobs. "Every time I come to terms with this past life stuff, it gets worse. Bad enough that, well, that I was engaged to Michael, who I don't want to be with -- I want to be with you, and I think Michael should be with Maria, even though neither of them wants to admit it just at the moment. But to say that I was... was cheating on him with... with the guy who killed him, and Max, and..."

"And you, right?" Alex said. "Or, well, Vilandra - she died too, right? Why would Kivar's people have killed her if she was in love with him?"

"I don't know," Isabel wailed. "There are a bunch of possibilities I've thought of, though. Maybe Kivar was just using her to get access and didn't love her back. Maybe there was a melee, or she was put to death by overenthusiastic underlings who didn't know that Kivar wanted her alive, and he couldn't get to her in time. The thing is, I don't want to believe in ANY of it!"

"Then *don't,*" Alex urged, tilting his chin up with a gentle finger, then brushing the tears tenderly from her face. "You said it yourself - Whittaker had her own reasons for wanting you to buy into all of that. She wanted you to betray Max and Michael again, right??" Isabel nodded slowly. "Or, I shouldn't say 'again' because I don't believe that Vilandra, whoever she was, was you... you have origins in her, but you can't be exactly the same individual, not with new childhood experiences and new human DNA." Isabel smiled slightly at that though. "And getting back to Whittaker - she wanted you to give her the Granilith, right?"

"How... how did you guess that?"

"Well, I figured it was just about the only explanation for how all of you knew what to call the durn thing, considering that it didn't have a label on it, right??"

"Umm... you're a smart guy, Alex." Keeping one arm wrapped around him, Isabel started walking again. "Wait a second, though. How do *you* know so much about the Granilith?"

"Hey, not everybody keeps me in the dark. Liz told me some, and Max. Maria too, I think, after Michael took her up there and showed it to her, a little while before they broke up."


The school building was starting to come into sight. "Okay, I have one little question," Alex announced. "Probably should know better than to ask, but... whatever happened with that Grant guy? Have you seen him at all lately?"

Isabel chuckled wryly. Grant Sorenson was a mysterious geologist who had come into town in September and gotten mixed up in the alien weirdness almost immediately. Isabel had taken it upon herself to go up to his campsite once and flirt with him to find out some important information... but she hadn't expected to feel an attraction for the ruggedly handsome older man. "Nah, after Max and Mister Valenti broke into his room without a warrant when Tess was missing, he started to avoid me. I kinda think he's left town and gone to do fieldwork somewhere else, actually, though I wouldn't be surprised if he pops up again." Isabel took a deep breath. "And I really do feel like I need to apologize about... about Grant, and the first time we met him, Alex. To... to tell you that I wasn't interested in being with any guy, and then reacting like that, right in front of you, to some random handsome stranger was, well, it was incredibly tactless and I hope that you'll forgive me."

"Hey, it's okay," Alex said softly, and Isabel knew enough to quickly get off the topic. "Umm... err, oh, hi Nicky -- Hi Maria!!"

"Hey guys," Nicky Swaid said. They were now just across the street from West Roswell High school. Maria had been leaning against the wall of Buckner's convenience store while the two of them talked. "How's it going."

"Pretty well, nice to see you guys again," Alex replied with a smile. After a moment of hesitation, Alex took a place beside Maria and Isabel completed a rough square. "What's going on?"

"Not much," Maria told him.

"Hear that you guys are going to the dance together as well," Nicky mentioned. Alex nodded.

"Ohh... did he ask you?" Isabel asked Maria.

"Yeah," Maria agreed. "Nothing big and fancy like Alex's balloon gag, but oh well."

"I, um, I just really couldn't think of anything that cool," Nicky mumbled. "And, well, I guess I was a little afraid of embarassi-"

"It's okay, sweety," Maria reassured him. "Was just teasing you a little... frankly I think I'd rather do without the public spectacle myself."

"So, um, Alex..." Nicky started. "Do you have any idea what you're wearing to the dance?? I was thinking about renting a tux, but I'm not sure."

Alex took a moment. "I hadn't really thought about it... but I do have a *really* nice formal suit that I've never really had a chance to wear." He half turned to Isabel. "Of course, it you have an opinion at this point you're welcome to make it known."

She giggled. "Well, I'm probably going to be getting a new dress, but I think your suit should probably be okay. How about you show me just how handsome you look in it after school?" Isabel was grinning, and Alex smiled back at her.

"Alright, but that doesn't really help me," Nicky put in, also wearing a slightly goofy grin on his face.

"Either rent a tux, or maybe go out and get a formal suit that you can wear again, dear," Maria put in. "Either way, you're kinduv doing better than us girls."

The four of them crossed the street towards the high school campus, chatting about homework assignments and 'The Whits' -- the band that Alex and Nicky were in, (and Maria was a regular guest vocalist for,) had apparently gotten another big chance to open for a major event... partly because of the way things had gone at last winters' valentine's day. They were one of three acts on the short list to play as the opening act for Dido when she came to Roswell later in the month.

After Nicky and Maria said their goodbyes and headed off together, Isabel stayed with Alex as he went to his own locker to grab a few books, (she had toyed with the idea of putting something cute and silly in HIS locker today, but decided against it,) and then she grabbed his hand and silently led him to a familiar, if unobtrusive door in one of the first floor corridors.

The two of them slipped eagerly into the small, dark room, and Alex had his arm around her, one hand stroking through Isabel's beautiful rich golden hair, their lips linked by fire and pleasure before it occured to them that things were not quite as silent as they should be. Nervously, blushing, Isabel turned around, still in mid-kiss, and saw at the other side of the eraser room, her brother and Liz Parker, making a good run up towards second base. Nervously, Alex pulled his face away from her lips in his surprise, and kind of banged the side of his body into one of the old plastic shelves, which created a loud enough sound that Max and Liz realized that they had been interrupted. Max quickly tugged Liz's red tank top down into place, and she hurriedly scanned his face as if checking to see whether she had left obvious lipstick marks.

"Ummm... I, I'm sorry," Isabel blurted out. "Didn't realize this one was in use." She flushed even harder, remembering the time that it had been her and Alex here in the eraser room first, and Michael and Maria had accidentally interrupted them. "Really sorry."

"No, umm... no, actually, I think it's better this way," Liz said, and then looked over at Max. After a long second, he nodded. "Umm, we can, er, we can clear out if you guys want to get back to..."

"Ummm..." Now it was the other couple's turn to exchange a meaningful glance. "Nah, I think the moment is kinduv ruined here too," Isabel said. "Oh well." There was an awkward silence, and after about twenty seconds Isabel turned to Liz. "Hit the washroom before class?"

"Umm, er, uh yeah, alright," Liz mumbled.

"I think I'd... uhhh, I'd better hit the head too," Max added.

"Alright," Alex said. "I'll just, umm, I'll walk it off, and maybe then try to talk to Mister Green before classes start. See yas." They slipped quickly out of the room and went their mostly-seperate ways.

"So, umm, well... looks like you and my dear brother are getting along pretty well," Isabel said, checking her hair in the girls' room mirror while Liz reapplied a little makeup. "Will you guys be joining us at the dance too?"

"I, uhh... I don't think so, at least, not as a pair," Liz said, looking down and sighing for a moment. "Long story, we can go into it later. But I think we're both going to be around... we've promised to save each other a dance."

"Well, that's something to look forward to at least, I guess," Isabel said.

"Yep. I'm glad that you and Alex seem to have your act together, at least." Isabel smiled in reaction to that statement. "I know it's not really any of my business, but you seem so good together when nothing stupid is messing it up."

"It may not be your 'business' as such, but I appreciate your opinion," Isabel added. "Especially when I agree with it so much. Umm, your top isn't quite straight at the back, Liz. Might want to... yeah, that's better."

"Thanks a lot." Liz looked around as if wondering if she was forgetting anything, and then led the way out of the bathroom.


Kyle came up to Liz as she packed up her English Comp books. "Umm, can I have a minute?"

She smiled at him. "Three minutes, even. Or four." Kyle smiled faintly too, and they headed out into the halls.

"This may sound kinda weird, because we haven't exactly been that close for over a year," Kyle said to her softly, "but would you want to go to the dance together? As friends??" Liz blinked. "Feel free to say no, especially if you're going with Evans, because I kind of thought you would be, but I hadn't heard anything on the grapevine about it, so..."

"Um, no ac-- ac, actually," Liz stammered out. "No chance of me and Max going together... but why did you ask?"

"Well, I didn't really have any good prospects and didn't, erm, didn't exactly feel like going alone," he said. "I know that we had a bad breakup and some extra baggage last year, but that's all behind me, and you I hope. You're always good company and a nice dancer, and I thought that maybe you'd appreciate a no-pressure evening out. Whatd'ya say??"

Liz kept walking as her brain froze in indecision. The first thought that occured to her was that she couldn't accept this offer, even tentatively, without running it past Max first. They weren't going together, but they WERE a couple and he had clear veto rights on her going to the date with someone else as a friend. The second thought was that there was really no reason why she couldn't, assuming Max said it was okay -- should help to throw Tess off the track, especially if she was deeply enough involved with Kyle to notice who he was going with... and maybe get jealous and want Kyle more if she thought that Liz might move in on *him.* There was a nagging feeling somewhere inside her head that there was a small problem with the plan, but she couldn't see what that would be and shook the idea off.

"Umm, well, Kyle, I have to say that I'm surprised, and that I'm a little pleased you thought of me," she started. "I can't give you an answer just at the moment, but I'll think about it and get back to you ASAP, okay??'

"Sure. Talk to you then. Anything else before I splitski?"

"Splitski away." And she waved as Kyle suddenly set a new course through the crowded hallway and disappeared.


"Hmmm... any idea what you're looking for?" Tess asked as they walked into the second of Roswell's three small formalwear shops. "Long, short? Low-cut, classy? Big and petticoat-ey or sleek?? Color?"

Courtney thought about it. "Not really. I mean... well, I've bought dresses for formal events before, but usually that was just a question of blending in and getting something done. Never..."

"Never to actually make an impression on someone you like?" Tess smiled. "Well, okay, let's see. Michael is just about the least subtle guy I know, so it shouldn't take that much effort to find something that would please him. You've got a nice figure... I was, umm, I was wondering about that, really."

"Hmmm?" Courtney looked up from a white sheath hanging on one of those circular racks.

"Ehh, better not to talk about it here I guess. Okay, now, this is something that would work well for you and be right up Michael's alley." Tess held up a classic 'little red dress', s strapless number with a sleek line to it and a moderately short hemline. "Try that one on, definitely, and, just to try something a little less obvious... how'd you feel about purple?" The second dress had little sleeve loops for the arms, ruffles around the widely scooped neckline and a pleated skirt.

"Not so wild, but worth a try I guess," Courtney said. "Okay, how about you? You *are* going to the dance, right?"

"Oh, yeah, I'll be there," she said with a tired sigh.

"Got a date?" Tess shook her head silently. "Well, we'll find you something nice and sexy anyway, and maybe you can find someone once you're there. How about, umm, this??" Courtney held up a long, mermaid-silhouette gown, with long sleeves, a neckline that went high at the back and plunged down at front in a narrow V, and a little cutout space just above where the small of her back would be.

Tess smiled a half-smile. "Sure, what the heck, I'll give it a try."

No-one else was using the dressing rooms at the back of the store, and so the girls left the doors open so that they could talk without any real danger of being overheard. "About... about this skin thing," Tess said. "You... you look so much like a human girl, down to the, erm, the distribution of body volume and all that. Does the skin change that as well? Or is it something that Antarians and humans have in common??"

"Umm... more tha latter... male and female body types ARE very surprisingly similar between our two species," Courtney said a little uncomfortably. "I think that there are some small ways that the Husks fine-tune it, by adjusting fat cell behaviour and so forth. The skin itself is, well, only skin deep all over, but it's another living being that's in symbiosis with my true body, and it has ways of interacting with my own physiology. I don't really understand all the details - I'm not a bioscientist. I just know that it works."

Tess smiled slightly. "Well, cool. Are you ready?" They came out of the dressing rooms and compared results. Courtney looked quite attractive in the red dress, Tess thought, and she said that Tess was 'quite the vamp' in her black mermaid gown, but Tess wasn't so sure about it.

All of a sudden, she heard a bunch of new footsteps coming toward them. Tess had been keeping an ear out from back when they'd been talking about alien stuff - now the conversation was back to dresses and the dance, so there wasn't any big worry. But she still paid attention and turned when the new people entered the changeroom area.

Wouldn't you know - it was Maria, Isabel, and Liz, each with two or three outfits to try on. Maria and Courtney instantly reacted with distaste to the sight of the other.

"Okay, come on come on," Tess said, jumping in as the peacemaker. "No need for the catty hisses here I think, We're all here for the same reason so I guess Court and I will go back out on the floor and see what else there is."

"Alright, umm, thanks Tess I guess," Isabel said, smiling tightly. She wasn't too wild about Courtney either from the look on her face.

"So, Liz... um, do you have a date for the dance yet?" Tess asked casually as Courtney led the way back out.

"Umm... yeah, actually... I'm going with Kyle, it looks like."

For a second Tess paled. And then another thought occured to her, and there was no way in that moment for her to hide a smile.

"You are? Cool. Well, I guess I'll see you there." And she followed Courtney out and started looking at shorter dresses.

Read my other roswell stories!

"A man does not make his destiny: he accepts it or denies it. If the Rowan tree's roots are shallow, it bears no crown." From 'the farthest shore', Ursula LeGuin.

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Post by Chrisken »

The Big One
Part 3

Michael leaned back, relaxed, and grinned a little at the expression on Max's face as the old tailor ran a tape up Max's inseam. Max sighed. "So... you and Courtney, man?"

"Umm... yeah. I, uh, well, I get the impression you don't exactly approve."

"No. Well, maybe not, but it's not necessarily something I have to approve. You... you feel a connection to Courtney, you want to spend some more time with her and see where it leads. You gotta do what you gotta do, man. I'm not the boss of you. Well, not in this situation at least soldier."

Michael smiled. "Well, thanks I think. Kind of got the impression that you had slightly stronger feelings on the subject... or maybe that was just the vibe coming off of Isabel, and I couldn't keep it straight."

Max shrugged. "Whatever. Mister Kellmiz, is all of this really necessary?"

He tottered around and looked up at Max. "Master Evans, do you want your tux to fit or not??"

"I want it to not fall off of me while I'm at the dance, yes. Everything else is kinduv unnecessary."

"Well, if you want me to give you one that'll be uncomfortable, then I can do that right now. Otherwise, stand still and let me measure you properly."

Max stood still.

"It's kind of a weird situation," he went on after a minute. "Isabel and I, well, we both think that Maria is good for you, and that the both of you are being a little irrational and stubborn in letting things get this far, dating other people and all. But we can't tell you what to do with your life. So... I wish you the best, whatever that turns out to be. Okay?"

"Alright." Michael considered that for a minute. "So can Court and I share a limo with you and Liz??"

"Umm, I'm in, I think, but I'm not going with Liz." Max sighed. "She's going to be with Kyle -- as a 'just friends' thing."

"Why the hell?"

"Well... even though we're together, we can't make that too obvious to... to a certain person." Max sighed. "I'll explain more about that part further. Kyle asked Liz, because he'd tried to ask Tess and they got in a big fight about it, so Liz checked to make sure it'd be alright with me and then told him yes. It's not an ideal situation, but it'll be okay. She's saving a dance for me."

Michael shrugged. "Well, alright, if you say so."

"Alright, Master Evans, I believe I have everything I need from you. Master Guerin?"

"Sorry, bud, but nobody calls me Master Guerin," Michael shot back, not rising from his chair yet. "You can measure me all you like, so long as you don't do anything crazy with the family jewels, but you'll have to call me Guerin, Mister Guerin, or Michael. Alright??"

"Fine. Michael, come here."

While Michael was still getting measured, Kyle came in, and Michael gave him a bit of a scowl/growl just on general principles.



Max looked up from the computer keyboard, (he'd been working on a small book report for english lit - [whatever], and picked up the private line phone. "Hello?"

"Umm, hi Max, it's... well, it's Tess."

"Hi, Tess. Is there, umm, is there a problem or is this a social call?"

"Social, I guess. You're going to the big dance, right??"


"Okay. Now, I know this is more than a little untraditional, but I was thinking... you, you don't have a date, right?"

Max got a sudden sinking feeling. "Yeah, that's right."

"And I don't have a date. So, wild idea I know, but what if we go together? No pressure - call it a 'just friends' thing if you want... I just think it's crazy for both of us to go stag when there's another option."

"Tess." Max took a deep breath. "Sorry, but no, I don't think that's a good idea. Not even as 'just friends.'"

"Oh." She seemed to audibly deflate. "Well, we can still hang out, right? If we're both going solo... maybe dance a dance or two. You think?"

Max hesitated a second. "I guess that makes sense."

"Alright. Well, I guess I'll see you then. Or, well, duh, at school tomorrow. Sorry to have bothered you."

"No, it's okay Tess." She hung up the phone then, and after a second, Max did too.

But he couldn't focus on the book report. After a few minutes, he pulled up a west roswell grapevine website, spent a few minutes at the 'harvest ball: who's going with who' page, (noticing that Liz/Kyle and Michael/Courtney were listed there, as well as the more obvious pairings among his friends,) and scrolled down to the 'girls not paired' list. (He always thought that the list was more than a little cruel to people who found themselves in these lists, had never realized that there could be a genuinely useful aspect to it.) Pulled out his student directory, yearbook, and started making some cross-connections. Then finally, he dialed a number.

"Hi, is Emily there?? Oh, right... it's Max Evans. Yeah, I know you don't really know me... we have english lit and trig together, right?? Yeah, umm... this is a little embarassing, but I'm wondering if you'd like to go with me to the ball..."


The phone in Courtney's small apartment rang, and rang once again, before she answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, babe." It was Michael's voice coming over the line. "Guess this is the big day. Are ya nervous?"

"No. Well, maybe a very little." Courtney laughed at that. "Most of the high school dance angst is something that I think I'm immune to at this point. And you?"

"Remaining calm," Michael shot back. "Of course, I probably should have told you before this that I can't dance in any real way."

"Um... what exactly does that qualification mean?"

"Well, I can do the classic guy-minimalist dancing moves... the foot shuffle and the slow-dance 'hold a girl and sway back and forth.' That's pretty much my repertoire." Courtney sighed, and Michael changed the subject. "Did I wake you upp?"

"Nah, don't need much sleep and I've been up for hours. Was working out, actually. Chin-ups, when the phone rang."

"Hmm... interesting," Michael admitted. "Do 'Skins' sweat when they exercise?"

"Which answer do you wanna hear, handsome?" Courtney laughed.

Michael thought about it for a second before answering, "The truth, actually, I guess."

"Okay then... yeah, we sweat, though I think not quite as much as humans. I think that there are micro-cooling tunnels of air built into the skin of the Husk. And any sweat that doesn't evaporate quickly and builds up into droplets is wasted effort anyway -- I think the Husks sweat glands are designed to reduce overflow like that."

"Okay. Well, I have to be at school in twenty... just what do you do with all the time in your day anyway? You don't sleep much, you don't have school, you can't spend all that time exercising."

"Well, if I were to explain it all right now, you'd be late for homeroom," Courtney joked. "Today, though, I have a day shift at the Crashdown, then probably patrolling town a little in case of trouble. Oh, and the pentagon scanner is working again now, kinda. Short range only, not far beyond the city limits, but at least that's something."

"Cool," Michael smiled. "So, does that mean that the interference was probably natural? I mean, if it's getting better and there's been no obvious attack yet, and apparently nothing weird on the scan now..."

"Maybe. Stay sharp anyway, sexy thing. Get to class now."

"Alright, see ya tonight."

"Bye." The phone hung back up.


Kyle and Tess were assignment partners in Sociology, which meant that for the last fifteen minutes of class they were forces to sit together at a small table and critique each others' work. Inevitably, the angry hushed whispers strayed onto a topic very different from the urban crime problems of the West Coast metropoli.

"I *cannot* believe that you asked HER," Tess hissed. "Did you do it just to piss me off?"

"Maybe," Kyle muttered back. "I'm fed up with being your lackey boy, that's for one thing. You act like I'd be so hard up for sex that nothing else would matter. Well, I'm not that desperate, and you're not that good at it."

Tess' face hardened, but she couldn't seem to come up with a comeback that was satisfactory according to her own high standards. Finally, in a tired voice, she said, "see i ess."

"What the heck does that mean?"

"c i s, as in the letters, nimrod. You misspelled San Francisco... several times." And with a deep breath, she turned back to her own work.


"I'm sorry, Max," Liz insisted as they walked down one of the short residential streets near the school. "It's not as simple as that. First off, telling me beforehand would have been just simple curiosity, even given that I was already going with Kyle. No, I wouldn't have had personal objections for my own part, but that's not the point of a courtesy question. Just like you don't expect to be told 'no' if you ask to be excused from the table, but you ask anyway."

"Come on, when was the last time you asked to be excused from a table?" Max asked.

"Umm... in early September, actually. Aunt Rose is old-fashioned like that. Not the best example I could have picked... but the fact that we've decided 'may I please be excused?' isn't an appropriate courtesy question doesn't mean that the other one isn't. And, if you had asked beforehand, I would have been able to then point out the following non-personal-specific flaws I see in your plan of action."

"Which would be?" Max prompted with a small sigh.

Liz considered for a second whether to even say, considering that the whole thing was a 'fait accompli' now, but decided to go ahead. Knowing the pitfalls, Max could at least try to avoid or minimize their impact. "First off, there's this Emily girl. Kyle and me going together is one thing - we have history, we know that we're not right for each other, (at least I hope that Kyle knows that,) and so it's possible to just go as friends. There's no difference in expectation and not much danger of ruining our other relationships. But you don't know anything about this girl, and you don't know what she might have read into the words you used to invite her."

"It's not that bad," Max said defensively. "I didn't go into great and gory detail, because I didn't want to Pixley the poor girl, telling her that I was madly in love with someone else and couldn't be with her. But she knows that it's just a casual thing, that I'm not looking for a love connection, just a date for the dance, a vaguely nice night."

"Hmmm," Liz grunted, not at all mollified. "And then there's Tess. I realize that she was coming on strong, but you realize that we're trying not to piss her off, right? Make her feel like she belongs, connect to her on a non-romantic level??"

"She doesn't make it easy, Liz."

"I know... but you have to make an effort, even when she's not making it easy," Liz insisted. "What would it have hurt you to go alone and spend a little time with her, really?"

Max's face fell. "I guess I didn't think of it that way. Sorry."

"Not me you need to apologize to, if anybody." Liz sighed, and then she pulled Max to a stop and leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss him. "Sorry to get on your case... I know that you're trying your best. Somehow -- somehow it'll work out. I'm sure of it."

Max smiled back, a little tiredly. "Well, I guess we'd better start heading back, huh?"



Alex was already waiting at the curb in front of his house when the black limo turned onto Lincoln, and he hopped into the back almost before it had stopped.

"Awww, you didn't do the walk," Isabel complined.

Alex turned, still in mid-crouch from getting in, and nearly went tumbling quite inelegantly. "Um... the walk? Whasst??"

"You wait until we've gotten her and gotten out of the limo to walk out of your house, show off your party duds, etcetera. Kyle didn't do it either, and Izzie's just a stickler for little traditions like that."

"Oh." Alex thought about that a second. "Wait, didn't the limo pick you up first Izzie?"

"Yes, and I know what you're thinking: I didn't have anyone to do the big walk for. But it wasn't my idea to be first, and I went through the motions anyway, kinda."

"Well, I'm not going back to my porch," he chuckled. "Deal with it. There'll be enough chances to show off as the night goes on I think."

As a matter of fact, everyone was pretty much showing off just sitting there in the dark back of the limo, Alex decided. Kyle looked quite handsome in a traditional black-jacket tuxedo, and Liz was stunning too. She was wearing some kind of white gown with the spaghetti shoulders, all smooth lines falling down from her shoulders and only a slight outward flare at the waist. Her dark hair was down loose and naturally straight, but it seemed to sparkle ever so slightly and glow softly with faint touches of bronze and copper.

And then, of course, there was his angel Isabel. She was wearing her blonde hair loose tonight, but had done something to it so that the locks waved and curled softly in a way that struck Alex as very sexy. (Probably she'd used her alien powers on her hair.)

Izzie's dress was a rich, dark purple, the same shade as those roses she loved so much. Its lines were a little similar to Liz's, but more defined, with a closely fitted bodice, (if that was the right term for the top part of the gown,) and a flaring skirt that went just past her knees. The neckline was a little more defined around her shoulders, with one of those patterns that came together like a heart. She looked stunningly gorgeous - of course.

Roses... Alex's thoughts went to the corsage, and there was an instant of panic before he realized that he was still holding it. Smiling shyly, he offered the small arrangement of purple roses to Isabel, but she shook her head slightly.

"Could you, umm, pin it on me?" She indicated part of the neckline that was just far enough from dangerous territory to be decent, and admittedly Alex had fun trying to get the safety pin fastened through the material properly, feeling the skin beneath her shoulder against his fingers. Alex noticed that Liz had a wrist corsage, and that her roses weren't white, (which were her favorite, and would have matched her dress besides,) but a delicate yellow. That was probably done as a deliberate symbol of how she and Kyle were just here as friends.

"I was surprised to hear that you two were coming together," Isabel mentioned to Liz. "I mean, I haven't even noticed you hanging around as friends that much lately."

"Yeah," Kyle allowed. "It's more because neither of us had a date than anything else. No big."

"Glad to see you two doing it up right," Liz said with a big smile. "Congratulations."

"Umm, thanks," Alex answered.

And then, the awkward silence came down like a boom.


The four of them had agreed to have dinner together at a nice 'Texas-style steaks' place before the ball, and before the pre-party that Isabel's and Nicky's parents were hosting. (It turned out that Nicky's father, Ryan Swaid, owned and managed a pretty lucrative interstate shipping Business, and was one of Isabel's dad's longest-standing legal clients. (His specialty was commerce and trade law, or something like that.) The meal went smoothly, with the usual small talk about acquaintances in common, the angst of homework... what the Gomez concert in Santa Fe had been like, as well as a few more unusual topics that were only mentioned in extremely hushed voices.

Alex felt that he was more relaxed and less tense as the limo took them over to Nicky's house... he thought Liz and Isabel, at least, were starting to feel more at east as well. Kyle still seemed a little unsettled by how things had turned out. As they headed into the party, Alex deliberately fell into step next to the buddhist jock. "Feel a little weird about asking, but is there anything you wanna talk about, man?"

"Ermm... why do you ask, Alex?" Kyle whispered back, a confused look.

"Call it a hunch. If you're cool, then forget I asked. But... well, I like to think that we're close enough friends to talk about stuff."

Kyle smiled. "Yeah, let's see if the two of us can find somewhere to get a little privacy."

That was easy enough, after a little 'welcome toast' (with non-alcoholic drinks,) that Mrs Evans insisted on everyone being present for. As Alex had guessed, the 'usual suspects' of the I-know-an-alien club (and a few of their parents,) were in the majority, but there were also a few other guys from the band and some teenagers that he didn't immediately recognize. The two of them ended up going out into the back yard to talk.

"Ummm... I'm not really sure how to start."

"With why you really asked Liz to the dance, maybe?" Alex asked. He hadn't meant for it to be a prod, but Kyle reacted a little sorely.

"So, what, does everybody know about that stunt I pulled with the PA system??"

Alex blinked. "Umm... actually, no... which is surprising, in that it has the word 'public' in its name."

"Well, I only ran it through to the one room... I guess you don't have that study hall, do you?"

"Apparently not." Alex sighed. "No, I just... well, it seemed to me that something seemed weird with you and this whole 'Liz just friends' thing. Put that together with what you were telling me the other week about being involved with somebody else... the mystery girl didn't want to go public with you, right?"

"Level with me," Kyle insisted. "You knew who I was talking about even back then, didn't you?"

"I had a pretty strong suspicion that it was Tess," Alex admitted, putting that out in the open. "Wasn't completely sure..."

"I think it was more than that," Kyle continued, smiling but with an odd look in his eyes. "And, come to think of it... someone else told you that I was involved with Tess, before I even said anything to you about it. Isn't that so?"

Alex hesitated, then sighed. "Alright, if you must know, then yes. I had been told so."

"Will you tell me who it was?"

"Hmmm. The person involved told me to keep the secret, but in context, that was only not telling about you/Tess to anyone who didn't already know. You already know, obviously. And trying to keep secrets about who knows what can get *very* complicated in this group, so -- it was Liz," Alex finally admitted. "She saw the two of you sneaking into the records room at school and making out."

"Ohh," Kyle muttered. "Which means that she probably knows that Tess freaked out at my attempt to ask her to the dance, because she WAS in study hall. Oh, boy." He shook his head a little.

"Well, I guess that means that at least she hasn't come under any false pretenses," Alex pointed out. "She knows some of what's going on, and she agreed to come with you. Is that worth anything?"

"Depends on if her motivation was feeling pity for me," Kyle sighed. "Umm... this is another one of those difficult questions... has Liz told you any of what's going on with her and Max? Like, say, why she isn't going with HIM to the dance? I know that the concert went well for both of them, I know that they were getting along pretty well when we went to Arizona -- and I think that they're an item again, just, for some reason, not wanting to make a big thing of it."

Alex hesitated. "Well, I can tell you a little about that, maybe, if you fill in some of the blanks about you and Tess?"

"Umm... alright, sure - whatcha wanna know?"

"Well, how did it start?"

Kyle grinned a little. "It was... was the freakiest thing really. I was just kind of hanging around, making smart-ass remarks as she threatened to redecorate my room in pink paint and ranted on and on about something that Max did to piss her off, and all of a sudden it was like a spark caught between us. Pure sexual energy, man... not like anything I've ever experienced before, really. My dad came home before we could get too far right then and there, but... well, I took her up to the Peak that night, or maybe she took me."

"Wow," Alex blinked. "I... I didn't realize, umm, just how far have things gone between you? No-bullshitting-around."

"Just about as far as you can imagine," Kyle said. "I think there's something extra-special about hot alien sex, man... keep that in mind in case you ever get a chance with Isabel."

"Umm, thanks I guess. But, well... okay, I have to say I'm a little surprised. Didn't have too hard a time picturing Tess just making out with you... but, to go all the way or further... no slight meant to your rep, man, of course. More thinking about what I know of *her* issues."

"Yeah, well..." Kyle groaned. "And she's still wrapped up in some kinduv knot inside about Evans, which is the whole trouble. But, when that isn't getting in the way..." Kyle shook himself, first as if he was trying to decide how to finish that sentence, then again as a signal that he wasn't going to. "Your turn to spill."

"It'd be kind of hard to explain without betraying Liz's trust." Alex sighed. "Yes, they're back together and yes, they're keeping it quiet. And, well... it's pretty much about Tess. Liz is... is kind of worried that she'd freak out and do something really stupid if she finds out that Max got back together with her... and they need her around. She's part of the team."

"Yeah, I guess I understand that now, in a way that I wouldn't have before going to Arizona," Kyle groaned. "It's like a millitary unit, or a police force. You have to be able to count on the people around you, and you only have enough to get the job done."

Alex sighed. "Come on, we'd probably better get back inside before anyone starts leaving for the school."


"I'm sorry if this feels a bit like an ambush, Maria," Mister Swaid was telling her as they, and Nicky, stood in the front corner of the living room. "I know that you might have wanted a little more warning before meeting us, but... well, it just seemed like a cool idea when I found out that Nicky was going to the ball, and that Phil and Diane's kids were going too, and that they knew you. You know what I mean?"

"Um..." Maria took a deep breath. "Yeah, and it's okay. Thanks for having us."

"Alright, so, umm... I'm having trouble coming up with a topic, I admit," Nicky's father continued. "Do you want to tell me a little about your family, or..."

"Well, let's see... my dad left when I was eight, only child... my mom's a, well... 'low-overhead enterpreneur' is the way she puts it lately. Works as an impromptu middleman, connecting local restaurant and shopowners with local artists and souvenir producers and taking finder's fees. Ohh, and she organizes the takedown every year for the past decade or so, at the Roswell UFO convention. That's always a big hit."

"Umm... okay." Swaid blinked, realizing that he hadn't asked the most appropriate question under the circumstances. "Well, she sounds like quite an incredible woman, to run a business like that and raise a daughter on her own."

It was the right cue to take. "Yeah, she does good," Maria agreed. "Of course, Liz's folks and Alex's have helped raise me too, lately I think. I've been best friends with Liz since I was seven and with Alex since we were eleven, so the family lines have started to blur a little bit."

"Maria has an *incredible* singing voice, Dad," Nicky put in. "That's how we first met, through the band. We needed a new vocalist for the Blind Date auditions, because Wendy had, erm, gotten sick, and she just barrels into the garage, handing us her 'charts' and totally taking charge."

"Hey, we got the gig, didn't we?" Maria replied.

"Yeah... and then you ran off the stage before singing a single note," he teased her back.

Across the room, Max and Emily Blake were sitting about two feet away from each other on the couch and looking into their drinks, around the room... seemingly anywhere but at each other. Then Max forced himself to make contact.

"Sorry... I'm not really a great one for being the life of the party," he said with a nervous laugh.

"Oh, I know what... what you mean," Emily agreed. "Whi--- which is probably why I was dateless the night before the big dance. I, erm, I didn't really expect that anyone would even think of asking me, you know."

"Umm, well..."

"And it's okay," she continued, smiling shyly. "I know what you meant when you were talking about keeping it casual. This isn't anything particularly important to you... you just needed a date for your own reasons, someone who was available at short notice and wouldn't be too embarassing or whatever, and I fit the bill. It's okay, and I hope we can have a semi-fun time together anyway."

"Yeah, erm, that's pretty much the plan," Max agreed. "Thanks... for, um, for being such a good sport about it, or, well... you know."

"Come on, Max," Michael said, leaning over the back of the couch so as to put his head between theirs and putting one hand around Max's shoulders. "We're gonna get going soon. Party's kinda winding down here, and the ball supposedly started ten minutes ago, so we'll be just on time to arrive fashionably late."

Emily chuckled. "Cool." Michael, Courtney, Max, and Emily had shared a limo, and Tess was riding with Maria and Nicky, (which Max had to think would be awkward for Maria -- and maybe for Tess and Nicky too.)


Liz smiled awkwardly at Kyle, who smiled back, as the walked side by side into the gymnasium. "Umm... so, er, what now?"

"I dunno, grab some punch and sit down to people-watch for a little bit?" he suggested offhandedly.

"Works for me I guess." Soon enough both of them had little plastic glasses of sweet cranberry punch, (which struck Liz as defeating the point of cranberries entirely... if you wanted sweet, get a straberry or raspberry after all. The point of cranberries was the fresh tartness that no other fruit could quite match...) and seats at a small table that was really quite well placed for a view of the dance floor, the photograph line, and the punch bowl itself. Soon the two of them were trading wry observations about the other dance attendees and retelling very old (and mostly embarassing) stories.

"Hi guys!"

Liz turned around, blinked a second as some dance floor light shone directly into her eyes, and then smiled. "Hi Maria -- Nicky. How's it going for the two of you?"

"Umm, pretty good," Nicky told her, chuckling softly. "Band kinda sucks, but what canya do?"

"We danced most of a dance, and then I spotted you two sitting over here," Maria continued. "Just kind of came over to say hi."

"And to grab a beverage," Nicky finished, raising his own plastic cup in a vaguely toast-like gesture. "Great punch, huh?" Liz grunted dubiously at that last opinion.

After chatting for a while and trading some more old stories, Maria and Nicky took off, apparently to sit together in one of the darker corners of the gym. Kyle smiled at Liz a little awkwardly.

"How about one dance, maybe? For traditions' sake, or something like that."

Liz looked around, and happened to find Max, waiting in the photo linewith Emily. But he wasn't looking her way. "Ehh, sure, why not I guess."


Isabel smiled and sighed in perfect contentment as Alex held her in his strong arms on the dance floor. "I waited much too long to do this for real."

"Umm... for real??"

"Oops. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything about that."

"Oh." Alex leaned down slightly and kissed her, very thoroughly. Even though they were hardly moving, Isabel was panting and out of breath by the time his lips left hers. He reached up one hand to brush a cascade of golden curls away from the side of her head and bent around to whisper in her ear. "Tell me the whole story?"

Isabel giggled weakly, feeling her knees get slightly weak. There was no question but that she liked this cool and confident Alex Whitman. "Well, it was, it was back last year a little after this time, the December heatwave." She dropped her breath, practically whispering back into Alex's ear, to make sure that no-one else would hear what she said. It seemed very intimate, a little erotic, and the closeness of his body to hers made her muscles quiver and the hairs on her skin stand up. "You, well, you had given your blood to keep Max from getting exposed at the hospital, and had helped Liz blow Agent Topolsky's cover, finding out she was FBI, but you still didn't really know our secret and were getting more and more upset at the whole situation."

"I remember," Alex smiled. "You invited me to the rave at the old soap factory, tried to sweet-talk me into keeping quiet about the whole thing, and I kinda took it the wrong way, thinking you were trying to manipulate me, even sell yourself for my silence." He chuckled, as if at his own naivete. "Didn't understand how complicated everything was. And then the cops busted the party, Liz and I ended up in prison, and she told me the whole thing in there. I thought she was crazy at first."

Isabel smiled back at him. "This was before all of that. You know I can go into people's dreams... well, I went into yours, the night before the rave. Trying to figure out where your head was at, as it were - what you were going through. And probably meaning to use just about any cheap little psychological trick that I could to make sure that you wouldn't be a threat."

Alex blinked in surprise. "Umm... really? This may sound weird, but -- what did you see? I don't really remember any dream from back then."

"I'll never forget it as long as I live," she breathed almost silently. "I saw... I saw you dreaming of me. Dressed up in a fancy tux, actually, and with a dance floor set up in the cafeteria. You had got Save Ferris to play in the dream, and I watched as you asked me to dance and told me... well, a dream image of me, that you wanted me to let you in, that you saw the armor I put up around my heart, that you thought you could see a glimpse of an inner beauty in my soul prettier than the face I put out to show the world." Isabel could feel tears falling down her cheeks. "It was so beautiful and so heartfelt, I can hardly believe it. And... and I think it scared me. I saw you wanting to put a princess up on a pedestal, Alex... and I want to be that girl for you. I'm just not sure if I have it in me." She furiously brushed away some of the tears. "Oh, man. I didn't mean to unload all of this on you here. I really didn't..."

Once again, Alex leaned in and kissed her, but not on the lips, but on her slick cheeks and on her eyelids, which she closed without even really knowing why. As strange as it sounded, his kiss really did dry her tears. "I think I remember bits of that dream now... even the second Isabel in the pink silk pajamas, sitting and watching us with a kinda stunned look on her face." He chuckled. "But... try and hear me when I say this, I mean really hear and listen. Isabel, you can never disappoint me or not live up to my expectations, not as long as you live. Even if things don't end up working out between us, god forbid, or whatever. Just by being you, which you couldn't help if you tried, you are and will always be a more amazing and incredible person than I can even guess at. If that dream, or anything else I say or do, inspires you or pleases you, all well and good. But you don't ever have to think that you don't measure up to it." He sighed. "I didn't say that right, did I? It sounded completely stupid, I realize that now..."

She took his hand, and kissed him herself. "It sounded amazing, and thank you." Just then, as if on cue, the song changed to a faster number. "Oooh, I love this one. Come on."

Read my other roswell stories!

"A man does not make his destiny: he accepts it or denies it. If the Rowan tree's roots are shallow, it bears no crown." From 'the farthest shore', Ursula LeGuin.

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Post by Chrisken »

The Big One
Part 4

"Well, I was feeling a little impulsive," Courtney said to Michael as the two of them sat on chairs near the dance floor. "And the guy was SO drunk, possibly a little high too. So I shrugged and told him, 'yeah, I'm an alien, come to earth from a far distant planet on a top secret fifty year mission.' He stared at me really hard for about thirty seconds, told me that I looked very pretty for an alien monster, and actually asked if I was wearing a human-face mask over my real face, and if I was going to rip it off and eat him."

"Incredible," Michael muttered aloud. Somehow he was having trouble getting into this story... and he caught sight of a particular couple slow-dancing out on the floor. A tall, lanky young man in a dark blue suit with a white shirt, a shock of dark brown hair fallin down over his forehead and his eyes - and a beautiful young woman with her dark honey-colored hair gathered up in intricate braids behind her head and then, falling down from there in a flowing waterfall down her back. Nicky and Maria.

Maria was wearing a pale green dress tonight... (had that been deliberate, an attempt to set herself as far from Courtney as possible? Court had mentioned that Maria and his other friends had run into her while dress shopping, after Courtney had tried on the same red number that she was wearing now...) like a tall pillar of green fabric, sheathing her figure closely at every point from just below her neck to her ankles, with short puffy sleeves and a slit in the skirt that was probably meant more for convenience in walking and dancing, than for showing off leg -- though it did that too...

"...and I told him no, I wasn't going to rip off my mask because I couldn't just slap it back on, and that would really hurt, plus I wasn't hungry enough to eat him anyway..."

Michael was started back out of a slight trance into awareness. Why was he staring at Maria? Well... she was beautiful, and he did still have feelings for Maria, strong ones. But he's come here with Courtney, and he liked her and found her attractive too -- especially tonight, with her blonde hair all upswept and pinned together on top of her head, wearing that little red dress that... well, there was probably less of it than of any other girl's outfit here, though some of the more adventurous seniors were giving her a run for that contest.

"Come on," he said, surprising them both slightly with the words. "Let's dance... one slow dance, at least. What do you say?"

"Umm, alright I guess." Courtney smiled and got up. Since they were already on the edge of the dance floor, only a few steps took them onto it, and she wrapped her slender, pale arms around the upper sleeves of Michael's white tuxedo jacket. Michael grinned, brought his own hands together at the base of Courtney's back, and started to sway back and forth a little.


"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Emily asked Max. They were waiting in line of the photographer.

"Ummm... yeah, sure," Max insisted. "It'll be fun - not a big deal, right??" His laugh sounded a bit forced. "Umm... guess we'll be waiting a little while though."

Emily considered the queue of people still ahead of them. "Umm, yeah, it looks like."

"Well, maybe we should... uhh, talk," Max suggested, bravely forging on,. "Find out a little about each other, or something like that. Since, well, you know... not much else to do."

"Alright," Emily agreed, and she smiled brightly for just a moment at the notion. "You go first."

"Umm, okay... let's see... my father's a lawyer, as I think you found out at the pre-party. One sister, interests include reading bad sci-fi novels and listening to angsty rock music. I'd, umm... let's see, I'd like to be a doctor, maybe, if I can ever get a handle on the biochemistry required."

Emily laughed softly. "Okay. Let's see... two younger sisters, I like to sculpt, actually, and make really silly-looking computer animations. If my somewhat dubious artistic inclinations don't lead naturally to a career, maybe I'll go into HR or something boring like that. Oh, and my dad's a UFO researcher, if you can believe it."

"Really??" Max grew interested. "I, umm... I kinduv know a little about that, erm, that field myself - I have an after-school job at the UFO center across from the Crashdown. I should have ment--"

"Ohmigawd, that's his old place!" Emily exclaimed. "He owned the whole place, until he left town in August. I... I never knew that he'd hired anybody from my school -- but then, he never talked that much about work anyway. Well, not about the parts that made sense anyway."

Max had almost broke in on Emily himself during this spiel, but he decided that it could quickly lead to the sort of babble where nothing actually gets communicated. "Your father is Milton Ross?" he clarified.

Emily nodded. "Yeah. If you're wondering about my last name... well, it was a whole big thing when my folks split up, and I think I'd rather not get into it right now."

"You don't have to," Max assured her. "Is it alright if I ask how old you were when they divorced??"

"Yeah, umm... eleven, yeah. The summer before I started in junior high."

Max nodded sympathetically. "Okay, umm... so, do you wanna tell me more about sculpting??"


"Hi, Tess," Isabel said.

Tess turned around, smiled, and waved slightly. After a second she took a step towards where Alex and Isabel were sitting at a table, chatting and sharing some little snacks. To Alex, she looked very delicate and melancholy in her elegant black dress. "Umm, hey."

"How's it going?"

"Pretty lousy. Not even sure why I came." She waved vaguely at a nearby seat. "Do you mind?"

"Umm... no, go ahead," Alex muttered after the two of them shared an uncertain look. Tess paused a moment, as if awaiting a retraction or belayal, and then swung the chair over. It took a little effort for her to actually sit down, but she managed.

"I can see why this would be hard for you," Isabel said softly. "Maybe... well, do you want to hear my advice or not? I know you didn't ask for it."

Tess mulled over that one for a long time. "Umm... first off, you mind if I try one of those?" She indicated a small cluster of cake squares sitting on a paper napkin in front of Isabel."

"Oh, not at all, help yourself." Tess reached out to pick up one of the small morsels and swallowed it in a single gulp.

"Well, I'm not sure if I'll like what you have to say or not beforehand, so you might as well say it, huh? Sticks and stones, so on and so forth."

"Um, alright." Isabel took a breath. "Maybe you should take this as an opportunity to make a fresh start, Tess. Make a connection with somebody new, instead of moping over the boy that you can't have."

For a second, Tess considered those words calmly, and then a furious expression spread over her face out of nowhere. Struggling to her feet, she hissed "Well, screw you, Isabel, *and* the boy I can't have. Whichever one, or ones, that is." And she stalked off, losing her balance and nearly falling halfway to the main doors.

Isabel blinked and looked over at Alex. "What did I say wrong?"

"Um, I'm not sure." Actually, Alex had his suspicions, but he didn't really feel like explaining the whole messy love quadrangle to someone who as yet was familiar with only its most superficial elements. Was Tess feeling depressed about Kyle, and interpreting Isabel's words as saying that she would never be able to be with him, either?? That could be trouble.

"Well... whatever it is, she'd better deal with it." Isabel shrugged.


"Umm... uhhh," Liz tried to think of something, and failed. She and Kyle had already had punch, and snacks. They'd danced two fast dances, two slow songs, and it was a slow one again. The number of things that were left to do without threatening to cross out of the friend zone had pretty much gone down to nothing.

"Yeah," Kyle muttered. "I know what you mean. Brilliant idea of mine, the two of us going together as friends."

"Well... I didn't think it would turn out this sticky myself," Liz admitted.

"Okay, how about this. Why don't we just sit down and talk? There's something I wanted to ask you, which might open up a topic of conversation, actually."

"Alright... sure." Liz blinked in surprise. "Where d'you wanna sit?"

"Umm -- you pick a place," he suggested. Liz considered, and led the way to a few open chairs open near the dance area.

"Okay, what's this mysterious question??"

Kyle sat down and grinned. "Did you know that I was the one to try to ask Tess to the dance?"

"Ummm... yeah. It was hard not to recognize your voice, Kyle, at least for someone who knows you as well as I do." Kyle hung his head slightly and sighed. He was looking very handsome in his dark-jacket tuxedo, Liz realized, and it was more than a little weird for her that Kyle's outfit and Max's were almost identical. Of course there wasn't that much variety in guy outfits for an event like this, but they were the only people from her extended group who matched so closely. "So, you and Tess, huh??"

"Yeah," Kyle looked up at her and shrugged. "Did you have any idea that we were... um, were involved?"

"Umm, uh, err...." Liz took a long moment to phrase. "Actually, kinda yes. I was following you, I had something to tell you one day after class, but I couldn't quite catch up to you, you were just making a dash for the records room. I, err, I saw the two of you inside, pretty hot and heavy making out. After that, it was pretty easy to spot the signs that something was going on between the two of you, if I looked."

"Ahh," Kyle smiled. "I was wondering if you'd admit that, actually." Liz gave him an oddly strained look. "Alex admitted that he knew, and that you'd told him. Don't get mad at him for saying so, alright?"

"Nah... I don't think I said to keep that one a secret... from people who already knew about you-Tess that is."

"That's pretty much what he said!"

"Alright, how about this..." Liz started. "Do you have any idea how Tess really feels about you? I mean, yeah, she freaked out and did her little trick when she realized you were asking her, in public. And I think we both know a little something about her hangups, the reason why she didn't want certain people to know. But... putting all that aside, does she really like you, Kyle? Can you tell??"

"Hmmmm." Kyle considered the question intently. "I think so. It's a little hard to tell with her. But yeah, I don't think it's all about the sex."

Liz blinked several times in a row. "About the whaaaah?"

Kyle froze for a second, then whacked himself in the temple with a few fingers. "Okay, umm... you didn't know about the sex part? Didn't realize that we'd, erm, sealed the deal??"

"No... I'm not sure I thought about it in those terms," Liz admitted. "Ummm... okay, I've gotta ask. Since you've, err, you've done it before, yes?" Kyle nodded. "So I guess you're pretty qualified to judge. What's sex like with an..."

"Pretty, umm, pretty damn explosive," Kyle whispered. "You never did, with Max??"

"We, umm, we nearly," she admitted. "But no."

"So what, third base?"

She whapped him pretty solidly on the shoulder. "Not 'nearly' in that sense."

"Let me guess," Kyle quipped. "'You saw into each other's souls?'"

Liz backed up her neck a little and looked at him quizzically. "Not what I was about to say, but yes, we kinda did. Why did you say that?"

"Umm... it was something that he told me," he told her quietly. "Max, I mean, well, I guess that was obvious in context. That... that night that I, err, I got him drunk, and he abducted you from the blind date?"

"Oh, my god," Liz shook her head. "He said that??"

"Yes, yes he did, just before you guys came into the bedroom."

Liz shook her head, remembering that crazy evening. "And just what were *you* saying, Master Valenti, to prompt such a declaration from my tight-lipped alien sweetheart?"

"I... I refuse to answer, on the grounds that the answer might incriminate me."

"Alright." Liz shook her head. "Okay, we got on like two different sidetracks in a row there. Ummm... where were we before..."

"Tess," Kyle said. "Right?"

"Oh, yes... what do you do with a problem like Miss Harding??" Kyle shrugged. "And do you... do you like her, like really like her, Kyle??"

"Umm, define 'really like her.'"

"Is this just a passing fling, a novelty for you?" Liz pressed. "Or are you... would you want to stay in it for the long haul with her, assuming that she's willing to make it an option?" Kyle was silent. "I'm not judging you or trying to protect her... I just need to know because the answer affects my life too, and I need to be ready and judge my response accordingly."

Kyle looked around. "Right, because Tess' hangups mostly center around Max, and you and Max are back together." Liz blinked. "Hey, you're not the only one who can be all perceptive and junk. I notice stuff too. Ever since Santa Fe and Gomez, you've been back with Max, right?? Just trying not to make it obvious to Tess."

"Umm, actually yeah." Liz sighed. "Max and I. You and Tess. I have to admit, it would make everything SO much easier if she'd just learn to read the signs and get with the frickin' program."

"The heart wants what it wants," Kyle said sadly. "Even when it isn't wanted in return, even when it knows what it wants is foolish and stupid and impossible, a heart has a way of holding on. That's what's impossible about them. That's what's incredible about them."

By the time Kyle had finished that little speech, Liz was staring at him, her eyes big as saucers, her cheeks pale, her jaw hanging absolutely limp. "Ohmigawd Kyle, that was so, like, sensitive and poetic and junk I can hardly believe it!!" She giggled at him. "I could totally ruin your macho rep with that, if I tried."

"Yeah, but you won't... right?" Kyle looked over at Liz, but she was doing her best to maintain a cryptic smile. "Right??"


"Okay, kids, yeah, right there." Maria smiled at Nicky as he sat down on half of the seat, (really just a small riser,) and left the other half for her to take. Maria's dress, also, was one of the ones that was not so easy to sit down in, but she'd had a little practice in that by now, especially with the trick of working the skirt up a little so that the slit reached further past her knee. As she sat, Nicky put his arm around her, reached the other arm across to hold her hand, and grinned mischievously towards the camera. Maria smiled almost instantly from the look, and the shutterbug, knowing a good moment when he saw one, immediately snapped off the flash.

"Umm, uh, thanks." Maria put an arm of her own around Nicky's shoulders. "Can we get another one?"

"Ehh, it's supposed to be one per couple, darlin'."

"But you didn't give me any warning." Maria shot him just a little bit of the eye of puppydog.

"Aww, all right. One, two... say 'sucker'!!" They posed and smiled, and soon were ushered away so that the next couple could have their turn.

"Okay, let's see," Nicky made a funny face at her. "Back out onto the dance floor?"

"Umm, just lemme take a little break for punch, and I'll be right there with ya, tiger."

"Alright, hehe."

As they drank punch, Nicky spoke up again. "Must be a little weird, seeing Michael and another girl in a situation like this."

Maria took a second before answering. "Yeah, it is I guess. This is kinda the first time I've seen so much of him since we split up." She sighed. "It doesn't help that he's now with the girl I was so 'unreasonably jealous' of that he felt he had to break up with."

"Sounds to me like maybe it wasn't quite so unreasonable," Nicky mentioned.

"Yeah, to a certain extent." Maria sighed. "Then again, maybe I really *did* drive him into her arms. I don't think I handled the situation really well." She paused again, swirling the punch around in her glass. "You wouldn't say I'm high-maintenance or anything, would you??"

"Umm, no, I don't think so. Interesting to be around sometimes, but not unreasonably so. In fact, I'd say you're pretty chill, for a girl."

"Okay." Maria considered this. "But I think I *was* high-maintenance when I was with Michael. Maybe he was right when he said we were dysfunctional."

"Or maybe you just hadn't figured out how to make it work together," Nicky pointed out. "It kinda, well, it kinda looks to me like you had a lot of chemistry, a lot of passion between the two of you. Trying to manage all of that energy in a first major relationship could lead to a whole lot of blow-ups."

Maria sighed. "Okay, but I think this is the point at which we should stop dissecting my ex-relationship with my ex-boyfriend. Finish that punch, darling."

Soon they had both gulped down the last, to the bottom of each glass, and Nicky took her in his arms before they had even gotten out onto the floor. Well, who really cared? He was a *very* good dancer.


"Alright, Court." At the sound of Michael's voice, she froze, the little vial still within her fingers. Dammit, that wasn't the right reaction, she cursed herself silently. Lose the evidence before freezing -- it would seem too obvious afterwards. Then again - was Michael her partner or her opposition? Well, it was time to find out. She turned and dropped the tiny bottle into his hand.

Michael brought it close to his face, examined the glass for any kind of a label, and then shrugged and returned his attention to her. "What was inside?"

"Umm... a fairly mild hallucinogen."

"And exactly why did you pour something like that into one of the punch bowls??"he whispered, surprised and annoyed.

"Umm... I was a little bored and thought the party could do with a little 'punching up,' as it were??"

Michael groaned. "Stupid thing to do. Where did you even get something like that anyway? Then again, I'm not sure if I even want to know."

"I've been a special operative working here for fifty years, Michael," she reminded him. "You'd be surprised at the things I've picked up. Not sure why I kept this one, actually, it wouldn't be much help on a real mission, which is why I burned it here on a lark I guess. Look, there's not that much punch left in the bowl." She reached out and stirred it with the serving ladle." Maybe six glasses worth. There were four doses in that vial, which means that each glass has a two-thirds dose. That won't get anyone too zoned out. Doing anything with the bowl now will look too suspicious."

"Alright," Michael said through gritted teeth, grabbing her arm and pulling her a few steps away. "But we watch that punchbowl to make sure that nobody gets a double dose."

"And you'll probably want to make sure that none of your friends take any," Courtney replied in a resigned tone. Michael glared at her pretty face, wondering if he would ever really understand this girl or if she was just too... too alien.


"Alright," Max said with a smile. "So the teller is completely confused now, tells him 'just a second, sir' and goes back to see the manager, she explains the situation to him, I'm sorry to bother you, but there's, well, there's an amphibian-american interested in a line of credit, he says his name's so-and-so and he gave me this thing as a security, I don't even know what it is. And the manager thinks for a moment, and he tells her..."

At this point, when Max was taking a breath, Emily broke in. "The manager tells her: 'It's a nick-nack, Patty Whack, give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone.'" She laughed. "Sorry, I just couldn't resist."

"Ahh, it's alright," Max said with a smile."You did the punch line better than I probably would have. Do you want to take a turn?"

"Hmmm." Emily thought for a few seconds, presumably on the subject of jokes. "Alright, here's one. How many Roswell aliens does it take to screw in a light bulb?"

Max didn't miss a beat. "Only two I guess, but they have to be really tiny aliens." He held up two fingers about three-quarters of an inch apart to indicate the required height. "Especially if they're gonna be anything like comfortable inside there."

Emily laughed again. "No, no, um, that wasn't the one that I was gonna go with, but it's good. Um, well, one to -- oh, hello?"

Max looked up to see Liz standing there. "Hi. I hope this isn't a bad time to interrupt," she said.

"Nah, it's alright I guess," Emily said before Max could reply.

"Umm..." Liz started.

"Liz and I, uhh, we kinda promised each other one dance," Max said to Emily. "I hope you don't mind or anything."

"Umm, no, of course not." And then with a smile that was brighter than the situation seemed to call for, she bent over, and kissed Max on the cheek "Have fun, darling." And with that, she walked away.

"Umm... what was that about?" Liz asked after a moment. Max realized that a seductive rock song with a haunting bass line was playing... which was probably why Liz had chosen this moment to come up to him. Max led her out onto the floor and put his arms around her.

"...we walk on Broken ground," the band guy sung, and he was actually quite good on a song like this. Liz smiled back at Max a little uncertainly. "We lose our way -- we come unwound."

"Ohh... I think I know," Max suddenly realized. "Emily might have thought that you were the reason I needed an emergency date... it's pretty well known that we used to go out, more well known than my connection to Tess at least. You agree to go with your ex Kyle, and all of a sudden I'm asking a girl I don't really know.... she must have decided it was appropriate to play-act the role of the adoring new girlfriend."

"Oh, boy," Liz sighed. "What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice.... whoo!" As the chorus started, Max had playfully dipped Liz back, without much in the way of warning, which is why she had been so surprised.

""...But when we're torn apart, shattered and scared -- Love has the strength to save us." Max brought Liz back up, and they circled each other from all of an inch or two distant. "We're just two tarnished hearts, but in each other's arms--"

"I wish this could all be different," Liz whispered. "I want more than just one song with you... I want all night. All year, all my lifetime, as much as I can even conceive of. Do you want it too Max?"

"I think it's fair to say," he told her with just a slight trace of a smile, that I want it so bad, I can taste it."

"Maybe... oh, I don't even know if I can say it. Maybe, just possibly, once all of this immediate craziness is over..." Liz breathed.

"...I love you when you hold me, and when you turn away -- I love you still, and I'm not afraid."

"Anything." Max promised her. "Everything. Just say the word."

"I'm too scared to say the word, Max," she whispered.

"Then I'll wait... or maybe make my own move, if it looks like the time is right," he assured her. "But I'm never going to leave your side, not ever not ever."

"...These feet of clay -- they will not stray!!"

They danced on, staring deep into each others eyes, as the instrumental rose. And then, all of a sudden: "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Max turned a little, and let his grip of Liz go a little, as he saw who it was. Not that he should have been surprised. Tess was an indignant pillar of blackness crowned with pale yellow. "Umm, I'm *dancing with Liz*, Tess. What else does it look like?"

"Don't you think it's a little inappropriate, under the circumstances?"

"Like hell, I do," he shot back, finally losing patience. "Tess, I'm sorry, but I've tolerated this little fixation of yours about as long as I can. I consider you a member of my family, but that does NOT give you the right to speak your piece about who I dance with, or who Liz dances with. You're not dating either of us, so *get over it*!!"

"Now, come on, let's nobody say something," Liz started, but she was quickly drowned out.

"Family??" Tess yelled. "Is that all that you can see, your ideal little life here in Roswell and anything that threatens it is bad. There are much more important things to think about..."

"And I've been thinking about them," Max shot back. "You don't get to question my devotion on that score, Tess. I understand the things that are really important. But you and me as an 'us', Tess, as a couple, that is NOT important. No worlds are hanging in the balance based on whether or not we hook up, for god's sake!"

"...We become saints and Angels."

"For god's sake, stop yelling at her, Max," Liz pleaded.

All of a sudden, an awkward silence fell over the entire dance. The band had just stopped in mid-song, practically everyone was staring at the three of them off on the far side of the dance floor. For a second, it seemed like no-one even moved.

Into this silence came a quiet voice: Michael's. "Hey, don't drink that!" There was a soft crashing over by the punch bowl, but Max couldn't make out what was happening there.

And, just a few seconds later, the main doors to the gym came flying open, and several people came in, a few of them tall enough that Max could see part of their heads over the crowd. Strong men to judge by their heads, and mean-looking.

With an awkward queasy sensation, Max's mind suddenly became part of a greater network. He felt Liz in the network next to him, protective and embarassed, and Tess, upset but wary. Michael was a little further distant, confused and embarassed, and then Isabel, frightened but determined, and Alex next to her, excited and nervous.

Isabel sent out a thought, a picture of what she was seeing. Alex and Izzy were close enough to the doors that they could see the entire party that had just entered... a determined, unusual squad, with a little kid, maybe twelve years old, short with spiky hair, leading them. Liz sent back a confirming though - it was Nicholas. Which meant that these were the skins of Copper Summit, here for payback.

In the mental link that Isabel had forged, deciding on a plan of action only took an instant. The connection fell away, and Max dashed for the emergency door that led out onto the school grounds. Liz followed behind him, he knew, and when he turned back, he saw that Liz had taken Tess by the arm. Tess seemed a little stunned at how quickly the situation had changed, but she didn't protest Liz's direction or even passively resist - she was hurrying onward as fast as she could on high heels. Liz's feet were already bare.

Max couldn't see the others, but he knew that they would be making their own exits from the ball as well, Michael probably accompanied by Courtney, Isabel and Alex together. Nicholas would have to figure out who to chase, and who to send his henchlings after. It wasn't a perfect plan, but it was the best that they could come up with yet. As far as Kyle, and Maria, and Nick y, and Emily... they should be okay with the other regular high school students attending the dance. Drawing Nicholas away from the gym would be a better way of keeping them safe than staying inside and fighting it out with him.

As soon as the Max was out the door, he hung a tight left turn and stopped, leaning against the wall. Footsteps told him that the girls had followed his maneuver perfectly, and the door slammed closed. "Okay, what now?" Liz panted.

"Umm... we need cover," Max replied after a moment, "which means, I guess, that we should head back into the school building. Hug the wall, and make for the doors there, that lead back into the east corridor. From there... well, if it looks clear, we should probably head away from the gym until we find a good place to hunker down and make a plan."

"Alright," Liz nodded.

"Umm... Tess?" Max asked nervously. "You... are you okay?"

She looked at him, and even though the only light was a faint gleam of streetlamps fairly far away, Max was sure that he saw an enormous sadness and resolve in her eyes. "Need cover. Hug the wall. East corridor, away from the gym. Hunker down. Gotit."

Max shrugged. "Okay, let's go."


Michael had been less well placed for a quick exit when the mental link broke. He and Courtney had been watching the tainted bowl of punch, still, except that he'd gotten kind of distracted when the argument broke out on the dance floor and hadn't noticed Max's date, Emily, pouring a glass until she had already started drinking it. Deciding that enough was enough, Michael had managed to tip the punch bowl off the table, without breaking it, and all of the spillage, (really only one glass full,) had gone down into a small grated drain in the gym floor.

But the point was, he and Courtney were trapped up against a wall. Michael had turned to her, not knowing quite how to explain the situation, when it turned out he didn't need to. "They're here," she whispered to him, and he nodded.

Then Courtney was in motion, pulling him behind her -- right to the gym wall. She only waved her hand in front of herself for a split instant, and then let him go as she sprinted straight into the flat surface... and it crumbled away wherever she touched, leaving a mostly girl-shaped hole in the wall, almost exactly as if she'd been a cartoon character. On the other side, she turned around and waved him along, so Michael nerved himself and hurried forward.

It was very strange, moving through. Michael was mostly bigger than Courtney, so he couldn't just fit through the hole she had left. But the wall gave when he pushed against it, almost like it was one giant sugar cube or something like that. And then he was out in the night, and Courtney was waving her hand at the wall he had just come through. The hole didn't go away, but possibly she was making what remained of the wall material fully solid again.

"Alright, where to now?" she asked him.

"Ummm... the parking lot is just off there," he suggested. "And I stashed one of those blaster guns that we brought back from Arizona in the back seat -- just in case. We can go back into the school at the entrance off the parking lot, hurry up to the second floor, and play it by ear from there. Sound cool??"

"It's a plan." The two of them hurried across the football field, checking behind themselves every so often to see if there was any pursuit. All of a sudden, Courtney ran straight into Michael, knocking him over... and a burst of intense red flames streaked through the air right over both of them. "What the??" Michael muttered, trying to orient.

She pointed back towards the gym, and Michael realized that one of the enemy was firing at them through the hole in the wall. Michael thought furiously. They weren't a very visible or easy to hit target at the moment, but they couldn't exactly crawl over to the parking lot on their stomachs. For one thing, that first fireball had started the grass ahead of them burning. "Can, can you create a shield?" he muttered. "Like Max can?"

"No, I don't have that one," she said regretfully. "But now that I'm prepared, I might have one trick up my... well, I don't have a sleeve in this outfit, so maybe it's up my skirt," She laughed softly. "On my mark, get up, run for it, and put out the fire as you go. Okay??"

"Umm, al--"

"Go!!" Michael lurched up and ran, generating as intense a wind as he could with his mind. No, not a wind - he cupped in the air near the burning grass, so that it would stifle the flames and not enough fresh air could come in. That stopped most of the burning, and then a quick wind snuffed out the rest. A basketball-sized charge of buzzing electrical energy whizzed through the air... but it went wide, slamming into a metal pillar and grounding itself. Courtney must have used her own powers to deflect it, Michael realized.

That was all the time they needed to both get to the parking lot, it turned out, and then cars could be used as cover. Whoever was doing the shooting apparently wasn't willing to shoot up the machines just on an off chance of hurting or trapping the two of them.

From there it was pretty easy to slip into the limo, (the driver was apparently off taking a break until the dance was done, heheheh,) grab the blaster gun, and make their way to the doors. Michael led the way up the stairs. Everything was quiet.

"Okay." He took a deep breath. "I hope the others are doing alright."

Read my other roswell stories!

"A man does not make his destiny: he accepts it or denies it. If the Rowan tree's roots are shallow, it bears no crown." From 'the farthest shore', Ursula LeGuin.

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Post by Chrisken »

The Big One
Part 5

"Geez, of all the times for you to pull me into here, didn't it just have to be when our lives are in danger and so I can't stop to enjoy it," Alex whispered. Isabel had led him to the only exit from the dance that was available in the opposite direction from where Nicholas and his alien skin goons had made their entrance, which happened to be the girls' locker room.

"Yeah, sorry babe," she answered, more than a little distracted.

"I have a question, actually," Alex continued. "When you formed that mental link after realizing that the evil aliens had come to the dance, why didn't you include anybody else? Like, say, Maria? Or Kyle??"

"Umm... not sure, exactly." Isabel looked up at him, a forced calm on her face. "For one thing, it would take a little bit more energy to draw them in too. But that doesn't really explain it I know." They got to the other end of the locker room and slipped out into the school corridor. "I guess partly I think of you and Liz as permanent members of the group, while Kyle hasn't finished paying his dues yet, and Maria's membership is complicated now because of all the Michael angst." Alex frowned a little. "Plus, well, you were with me, and Liz was with Max, and with Tess. The other's weren't... weren't..."

"Weren't with any of you," Alex finished. "Weren't near a friendly alien who could watch out for them and protect them??"

"Ummm..." Isabel seemed very uncomfortable now. She led the way into the teacher's lounge and locked the door. "I know that it sounds a little patronizing, but there are some real-world considerations. I know that humans are just as talented and competent people as those of us who have, err, slightly different DNA. But we have a few extra resources that help out in a situation like that."

"So do I," Alex realized. "At least, if we can get to the south corridor." Isabel looked up at him. "Blaster gun - the one that I brought home from Arizona."

"What, did you just stick it in your locker?"

"No." Alex chuckled. "That'd be a little too obvious. But the locker next to mine is unassigned, with the lock broken. I rigged up a secret panel through the wall between them." Isabel smiled at the thought.

"Alright, but we'll have to move carefully. They might either have chased us through the locker room or gone out the main gym doors." She unlocked the door again and peeked out, then turned to Alex. "One of the tallest bruisers is out there," she whispered, her lips right above the opening to his ear canal, golden hair brushing his shoulder through two layers of clothing, but still electrifying his skin. "Right outside the exit from the locker room. We can't sneak out of here without him spotting us, and if we sit tight, he might come in." She breathed deeply. "Do you want to try Max and Liz's double-team trick?"

Alex smiled at the thought. During their commando raid of the alien headquarters in Copper Summit, New Mexico, Liz and Max had figured out how Liz could send her own energy, her life-force or something, into Max's powers and turbocharge them. Of course, Liz had been brought back to life through alien powers, and had ever since had some kind of odd resonance with him that Alex and Isabel hadn't yet experienced. Still... "I'm up for trying it if you are."

"I'll do what I can." Isabel grabbed his hand, and Alex breathed in as he sensed their bodies connecting in a way that went far beyond simple skin touching skin. He was aware of Isabel's body, almost as much as he was aware of his own... right down to how it felt to be wearing that dress, and exactly what she was wearing underneath -- and Alex stopped himself from thinking about THAT any more.

At a wordless mental suggestion, Isabel waved her hand, silently opening the door again, and Alex felt exactly where the simple maneuver had taken away a little energy from Isabel's system, and attempted to pour a little back in there. It worked, but Isabel warned him off from trying to directly transfer too much - Liz had said that there was some loss of efficiency that way. But now that Alex knew how to set up a power feed, Isabel could draw on it directly in combat, and that was the important thing. Hand in hand they dashed to the doorway, Isabel concentrated, and sent out a ferocious burst of purple laser light at the enemy.

He screamed, but was able to conjure a reflective mirror out of thin air, blasting plaster out of the wall, and then tried to orient the reflection so as to send the laser light right back at them. Isabel chuckled softly, cut off the laser, and then a heartbeat later, sent a stream of fiery blue energy at him.

That, from the howl of agony, hurt even more, but once again their enemy was able to deflect, and Isabel was faced with a dilemma. The two of them could probably make an escape now, or she could raise the stakes and keep trying to kill this Skin. She didn't like the thought of ending anyone's life, even an alien enemy soldier, but they'd probably have to face the thought of killing or being killed tonight. With Alex's support, her chances of winning this encounter were high... but it was a risky situation -- what if he got a lucky shot in on her? Or Alex??

Alex urged her to go for the kill, and that was enough. Hoping and praying to nameless deities, Isabel tried to focus on the nearly unstoppable attack that Max had used so effectively in the desert outside Copper Summit - the particle blast. She hadn't practiced it like he had, but she understood the principle. Focus on a few molecules of air, so close to your hand that you could touch them, and...

Bruiser struck back right at that moment, firing an invisible laser of his own, without perfect aim, (probably Isabel's own attacks had compromised his eyesight,) but the pain that streaked into her lower thigh was excruciating. Nerving herself, Isabel sent off her third attack rather than defending, and it worked - the laser winked out. A few seconds later Bruiser's body exploded into a now familiar cloud of silver sparkley dust and gray ashy particles.

"You're hurt," Alex commented as the link fell away, even though that was perfectly obvious to her. "How bad is it?"

"Not too bad and we've got to get out of here," Isabel insisted. She tried to hurry off towards Alex's locker, but her leg complained about having to bend at the knee and support weight at the same time. She slipped, and tumbled...

...and fell into Alex's arms. How had he known to be there for her? "Just lean on me," he advised, "and we'll get there together."

Isabel did, wrapping one arm around Alex's shoulders, holding onto his right arm with her right hand, and hobbled down the hallway as quickly as she could.


Maria groaned to herself. There were two aliens still in the gym, apparently holding the place hostage to keep chaos from spreading over the whole area, while the rest of their friends chased down... her friends, her alien friends, not to mention Liz and Alex who had apparently each tagged along with their respective alien sweeties.

Don't hyperventilate, don't panic, she told herself in a mental silence. There's no way that they could suspect you of having anything to do with any of this. You weren't even in Arizona, for crying out loud. Of course, *Kyle* was in Arizona, but everybody who got a good look at him died. They're probably just tracking aliens with one of those weird pentagon-ey things.

Would Michael be okay?? He had been with Courtney when he left, as far as Maria could figure out... and didn't that just figure. As much as she was upset with both of them, Maria hoped that Michael would be alright... and probably Courtney too, if only because Michael would probably do something stupid to save her if she was in danger, and she didn't want him to be any stupider than usual this crisis...

"Hey!! Where the hell do you think you're going?" One of the Skins, who looked like a tall woman with fairly dark hair, maybe older thirties if she was actually human, had yelled at a boy in a light blue tux, probably a sophomore, one year behind Maria herself in the school.

"Umm... I gotta go to the bathroom," he explained.

"Tough. No-one leaves this room. No-one."

"What the hell do you expect me to do??"

"I don't care. Stay where you are."

"Oh, lord," Maria muttered, shaking her head slightly at the utterly defeated look on the kid's face. "They really are completely alien."


"Okay, so, let's see where we stand," Max muttered. He, Liz, and Tess had locked themselves into the chemistry lab as soon as they'd gotten inside the school building. "There are, what, six Skins here that we know if, including Nicholas, who's probably more dangerous than the other five put together. We have, our powers, our wits, and whatever weapons we can get our hands on here in the school. Michael/Courtney, Isabel/Alex are also on the move, but we don't really know where."

"Can't Isabel contact us mentally, even if she can't see us?" Liz asked.

"Yes, but she probably won't," Tess put in, "Because we think that Nicholas would be able to tune into that kind of mental communique and find her, or the people she's talking to, or both. Admittedly, they can probably track us all anyway, but using her telepathy would make it even easier, so I don't think she's likely to."

"On the other hand, this is our home turf," Max pointed out. "We know this place, in a way that they couldn't possibly. That may work in our favor."

"What about those blaster guns?" Tess suggested. "Liz, you brought one home from Arizona - what happened to it?"

"Umm, Michael asked to borrow it. Not sure where he'd have kept it, it might be in his apartment, or if it's here at the school, he's probably already on his way to pick it up." Liz considered. "But Kyle had one too, and I don't think he's going to need it. I know a place here in the school where he might have stashed it, if you think it's worth going after."

"Maybe," Max decided. "We don't really have any other strategic goal at the moment, do we?"

"What about Kyle, and Maria and the others??" Tess put in. "Are you sure that they'll be safe in the gym? With the Skins?? And Emily and Nicky and all the..."

"Ummm... yeah, I think so," Liz said, realizing that she had to tread carefully here. Being concerned about Maria or anybody else was a little out of character for Tess, but Liz rather suspected that Kyle was the key factor weighing on the hybrid girl's mind. "There's no way that they could know that any of them were involved, even Kyle. He's full human, so they won't worry about him." Except... like Liz herself, Kyle had been brought back from the dead by Max's healing touch. Was there any possible way that the Skins could detect that??

"Okay," Max agreed. "Remember, we have to be very careful out there. Danger could come up on us at any moment. Who's leading the way, who's watching the rear?"

"I'll take rear guard," Tess announced. "Don't worry - I won't let you down."

"Thanks. I'm in the lead... umm, except that you'll have to tell me where to go, Liz."

She giggled. "You know where it is. Janitor's closet."

"Oh, right."

"I guess I'll stick in the middle and watch out to either side," Liz decided. "We ready??"

"Ummm... yeah, ready," Tess decided. Max nodded as well, and he led the way back out into the corridor.

The three of them only made it about fifteen feet before hearing heavy footsteps... Liz ducked into a drinking fountain alcove, and the others squeezed in after her. The way the lights were set here after hours, it would be almost impossible for anyone to tell that there was somewhere that they could be hiding. It was very uncomfortable for her, though, with both Liz and Max pressed up against different parts of her... which triggered very different feelings inside her.

"Okay, I think it's clear," Max said after a minute. "They just crossed the hallway in front of us. Let's take it at a run to the top of the stairs, though, just in case. As quickly as possible, but quietly too."

"Okay, then just a second," Tess whispered back, and she finally took off her shoes and stashed them in the back corner behind the fountain. "Alright, let's go for it."


"We could do it," Michael insisted. "We could just charge down the stairs opposite, straight through those main doors into the dance, and take however many of the skins are still in there by surprise. You said yourself that they wouldn't have left many."

"I don't *think* that they'd have left many," Courtney muttered. The two of them were crouching in the senior math room. "Neither of us are sure just how many there are, and whether or not we can take them. And, well, it's an unpredictable situation in there. At least a hundred and fifty innocent kids inside, who we can't hurt, and the bad guys will have no particular compunction about, and can use as cover against us." She sighed. "Look, Michael, I know that you're worried about Maria, but under the circumstances... I think we can't help her until we've got a better grasp on the situation. Probably taken care of the Skins who are out here looking for US."

"It... it's not about Maria," Michael protested weakly. "I'm concerned about all of them, including... well, including especially the kids I happen to--" He broke off. "What was that?"

"Footsteps coming this way," Courtney said instantly. "And somehow I don't think that they're friendly. Doesn't sound like men's dress shoes of girls' heels, or bare feet for that matter."

"Do we go out into the hall and meet them?" Michael asked. "Stay in here and see if they pass us by?"

"I suspect that they may be tracking us," Courtney whispered. Looking around, she gestured for Michael to take up position on the side wall of the classroom, about twelve feet away from the door. She took a similar position on the front wall. In the darkness, it was hard for him to see her, which suggested that the skins might have similar trouble when they entered.

He did see something for a few seconds, though, which he finally realized was some sort of faint sparkles emerging from Courtney's hand and flying around the room. He tried to whisper a question to her and got a non-verbal response. Not a full mental link, like the ones that Isabel did, but as if Courtney had bundled up a thought and tossed it over to him. (Nice trick, he had to get her to teach it to him.) 'Scattering field, to make sure that their tracker won't tell them exactly where we are in the room. The whole area will be full of the trace energy leakage that they're following.'

Michael nodded to himself, and waited. Sure enough, the footsteps waited at the door to their room, unsealed the lock, (Michael had fused the different parts of it together, but of course even that wouldn't stop another trained alien warrior for long.) Sure enough, they strode straight towards the center of the room on a diagonal path, and in a few seconds were nearly between Michael and Courtney.

This was the moment. He called up his energy at a moment's notice, just as she had taught him in their very first tutorial session, not worrying about the fancy attack patterns and just delivering as much firepower as he could in as short a time, which turned out to be blasts of softly glowing bluey-green energy. From Courtney's side, intense pulses of orange-yellow light, possibly a rapid-fire laser beam, shot out again and again.

The skins had to be taken by surprise, but their reaction time was inhuman. One of them waved, and a rippling red wall of energy sealed Courtney off from the action. The other summoned a white ball of plasma fire in a fraction of a second, and sent it streaming towards Michael. He dove to the side, away from the door. hoping to get clear of the blast area.

He didn't, quite, as a blast of heat in one foot told him. As he landed he could see that the shoe on that side, his right, was practically melted away, the foot covered in burns, and the leg of his tuxedo pants was on fire. A moment's thought was all that was necessary to put those flames out though.

"Okay, now it's personal," he growled. Oh, great sound bite. What next?? Courtney was probably trying to find a way to break down the wall, but he wasn't sure how long that would take. His own energy was too jangled from stress and the pain for him to call on it instantly, so Michael turned to the blaster weapon. "Seems pretty simple - point and click." He pointed. He clicked. A ferocious blast of light and sound emerged.

The results were quite surprising.

Another explosion emerged in the room, off to one side, the left compared to where Michael had been aiming. He struggled to his feet, finding that he could stand on his injured one, even though it complained fiercely. By instinct, he kept the gun in his arm and rushed towards the door, where Courtney met him. The shield that had been blocking her off, he realized, was down. "What happened?" he muttered.

Courtney was orienting through the smoke and darkness, and shot off a medium-strength energy blast. A laser beam was her answer, just missing the side of her head, and she dragged him back through the door and around the corner into the hallway. The Skins didn't immediately follow them.

"It's an easy mistake to make," she muttered, heading down the hallway, away from the nearest stairwell. "When you fired the blaster, I guess, the second skin shielded automatically. His shield intersected with the other one, or would have except for the feedback blast that resulted where they made contact. They were stunned, but not badly hurt." Courtney sighed. "They're pretty tough customers, all right. We're going to have to get clever to beat them."

"Give me a second," Michael muttered. "I got an idea by the tail, just need to wrestle it down."


Isabel watched with interest as Alex quickly removed the panel between his locker and the next one over. "Curious. Isn't it possible that the office might have assigned that locker to, say, some new transfer student??"

"Not too likely," Alex muttered. "They don't have a combination on file for it. And it's not worth the bother to send someone else out to replace the lock -- not since enrollment has been down quite a bit from the mid-nineties peak. Lockers aren't in shortage."

"It sometimes amazes me how much you know about this stuff," Isabel sighed, as Alex brought the blaster gun out into his own locker, and started to replace the panel. "Okay, so, where do we go from here??"

"Well... this might be unbelievably overconfident, and even macho of me to suggest, but now that I'm armed, how about we go find some bad guys?" Alex asked seriously. "We've already taken one out."

"What happens if we find three all together?" Isabel asked.

"I doubt that they'll be travelling in such numbers," Alex muttered. "And you can probably use your mind mojo to draw them astray if we have to run, right?? Like you did in copper summit?"

"Not for three or four," she told him with a sigh. "That particular trick only worked because there was a mob mentality in Copper Summit, like sixty or seventy looking for us. A large group can be easier to manipulate subconsciously than just a few, because of mob psychology."

"Well... what do you want to do?" Alex asked her seriously.

"We might as well go see what's out there, play it by ear," she said with a sigh. "The only alternative is staying hidden, and that doesn't seem like a good strategy either." She groaned. "But I don't really like it."

"Alright." Alex checked the settings on his gun, made a few adjustments, and held it up in his right arm. "By the way... I know this is kinduv a weird time to mention it, but I really had a great time with you at the dance."

Isabel grinned, and even laughed. "You know, I did too. I'm glad that you gave me another chance - and I love you, Alex."

"I love you too, you know that."

"Yeah, I do." There was a moment's pause. "Of course, assuming that we can kick these guy's butts, there's no good reason that the night has to end. Admitted, the dance will probably be a write-off by that point, but... well, I'm sure that we can find something to do or somewhere to be."

"Oh-ho." Alex shook his head. "Maybe somewhere private, just the two of us?"

"Stranger things have been known to happen." She chuckled again. "Trust me - I know from strange."

Alex laughed too.

They wandered the halls a bit, and heard footsteps coming towards them. Alex went over to the left side of the corridor and readied his gun. He could tell that Isabel, over on the right, was assuming a battle stance.

But no, the owner of the footsteps was Pete Trainer, who was in Alex's art class. "Ummm... hey, where'd you get that piece buddy? I... I went to the bathroom, and I, well, took a little four-twenty time. And now, well, I can't find my way back to the gym."

Isabel shook her head. Alex growled out, "Pete, do yourself a favor. Get out of the school and as far away as you can from it, right now."

"What, you think Mister Seligman's out to bust me??" Pete thought about that. "Kay, man. Thanks - I owe you one." And he stumbled over to the nearest exit.

"Oh, boy, what next?" Alex mumbled to himself, just glad that he hadn't shot before recognizing the boy.


"Move it!!" Tess hissed. "They're coming back this way."

Liz tried to hurry up the stairs even faster, and kind of bumped into Max's back. He was still moving with exaggerated precision. "Max, you really should lose the shoes too," she suggested to him. "They may not be quite as impractical as ours were, but they still make noise."

"I don't like running fast in bare feet," he mumbled.

"Well, you're not running fast in those shoes," she countered. "Not when anyone can hear us."

They had gotten to the top of the stairs by this point, and out into the second floor hallway, and Max bent over to start snatching off the pieces of footwear that offended Liz so much. Because that delayed him, they ended up reforming in the opposite order, with Tess leading the way to the closet, and Max bringing up the rear. Just before she reached the closet, Tess sent out a furious sparkle field to surround a forty-foot stretch of hallway in each direction, and some of the nearby classrooms. Then they all hurried in, and Max locked the door without sealing it shut.

"Okay, where's Kyle's hiding place??" Tess whispered to Liz.

"Umm, down there." Silently, Liz pointed at an almost unrecognizable shelf built into the reverse side of a cabinet, and mimed a tiny little key. Tess bent down, awkwardly, and almost lost her balance because of the tight skirt on her dress. Growling, she waved her hands at the material, and the lower part of the mermaid skirt fell away, and split down the side so that she could remove it. What was left of the dress now stopped two inches above the knee. Then she concentrated on the drawer, and got it open.

"Dammit, no gun here," she growled in frustration.

"Oh well. It was worth a try," Max pointed out. "So, do we stay in here, or try to wait it out??"

"They'll be confused by that scatter field for a while," Tess said. "Good thing Courtney showed me how to make one. They may decide we've slipped out of the area, and we can catch 'em unawares later."

"Umm, alright." Liz sighed. "Umm... hey, what's that?" She pointed down to the drawer, which was still open.

"Erm, nothing!!" Tess yelped, and the drawer slammed shut all by itself. She was blushing furiously now. "Ehh, I mean, that's Kyle's private stuff and we shouldn't be poking around in it. We came for the gun, and it wasn't there."

"Ohkay," Liz drawled. Her brain put together Tess' extreme reaction with what she thought she had seen -- a picture of a blonde girl, not wearing much of anything. Oooh, how kinky, she thought. Well... maybe this would be a good time to prod the situation a little.

"Tess, I, erm, I already know. About... about you and Kyle."

"You know. Oh, great." Tess groaned and lay back against the wall of the closet. Max was staring at Liz, wide-eyed. Somehow, even though the reaction hadn't been what Liz had hoped for, she felt that she had to press on.

"He's a little pissed, and annoyed, but he still really likes you, Tess. If you make a little gesture, and don't blow things too badly again, I think the two of you'll be alright. That is... if it's what you want." Liz sighed. "What you want, within certain limits, is the big question, Tess."

Tess looked up at that, and then sent a significant look over at Max. "Back in the gym, Max, did -- did you mean what you said?" Max paused, evidently not eager to repeat or reaffirm the stark truths he had laid out. "That... well, that you loved me like family? Despite everything that's gone wrong between us?"

Max smiled. "Yes, actually. Like any true sister, you drive me crazy, but maybe that's part of the point. I don't think anything is going to tear us apart, and I think *that's* our true destiny. I know it's not what you had pinned your hopes onto, but maybe you'll find out that it's enough??"

Tess took a deep breath and looked down. "I'm still madly in... in love with you, Max. I -- I don't know how to stop being so. Except that maybe... maybe if I act as if I'm moving on, I could lead the way for my heart."

The sad look on her face actually made Liz's heart wrench, something she wouldn't have thought possible. "Yeah, yeah, I think sometimes that works."

"Then I guess I..." Tess broke off, "I... I'm picking up on something." All of a sudden, she dropped down to the floor of the closet. "What's underneath here??"

"Underneath??" Max asked. "Umm... I think it's the main entrance into the school, actually. Why??"

"I'm not sure - something came to me, like a faint awareness of what's going on. Um, Max, do you think you could open up a hole of some sort??"

"Err, alright I guess. Liz?" Max waved over a large square of the floor, converting the molecular arrangements, and he and Liz were able to silently lift away a large section of it, like a trap door. Tess waited for a few seconds, and then sent burst of blazing frost and cold down through the hole. A laser blast came up at the wrong angle, striking well clear of all three of them, and Tess jumped down through the opening. Shrugging, Max extended his hand to Liz and they leapt after her, together.


"They were here," Michael muttered as he charged into the chemistry lab. "Max... probably the girls too. Liz and Tess."

"Yeah, yes they were," Courtney agreed. "Good sign that you're starting to be able to pick these things up with your powers."

"Powers, schmowers," Michael corrected her. "I can recognize Max's melt marks from the door, though apparently he didn't worry about sealing it behind him." A moment's thought provided the answer. "In case he didn't get a chance to unseal it later, I guess. The cleaning staff not being able to get in here would be suspicious."

"Okay, so we're here," Courtney insisted, "and our friends won't be far behind. What's your plan??"

"Umm, there's two parts to it, more or less," he muttered. "I just hope that we'll have enough time to arrange everything."

"I think we have less than one minute," Courtney reminded him. "Is that enough time?"

"Probably not."


"Hey!!" A strong arm closed around Kyle's shoulder and spun him around. "You were there!!"

"What??" Kyle muttered. Sure enough, it was one of the tall, intimidating men who were holding the entire dance hostage... presumably aliens. "I was never anywhere!"

"Yeah, right." The Skin dug at the skin of Kyle's forearm with short but strong fingernails. With a cry of pain, Kyle jerked his arm away, but blood had already been drawn. The alien brought up his nails before his face, checked to make sure that skin and blood clung underneath, and brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking. Kyle's skin, (what was left of it attached to him,) crawled.

"Well, you're not a hybrid, I think," the alien muttered. "Not quite sure if you're entirely human either -- I've never tasted anything like it before."

"Not human?" Nicky Swaid repeated. "Kyle, what the heck is he talking about."

"You're asking me!?" Kyle complained. "He... I dunno, he's nuts or something."

A sudden backhand slap dashed Kyle to the ground. "You know I'm not nuts," the alien insisted as Kyle crawled into a sitting position on the gym floor. "I don't know what you are, but I never forget a face. Was out in the desert, on guard duty. We didn't engage you directly, but I just had to find out if I could tell anything about who you were. So I sent my essence, my energy out as a forward scout. I saw the others... Max Evans and the blonde girl and the chick with the straight dark hair, and the boy with the ears. And I saw you, whoever you were. You had one of our weapons and you were using it against us."

Kyle froze. Was all of this possible? How else could the skin have picked him out? Was it true that he had become something other than completely human??

"You have, ohh, let's say fifteen seconds to come up with some kind of information useful to us," the skin told him. "If not, then you just die."

Kyle's brain went blank under the pressure.


Liz didn't open her eyes. Everything had become too much to deal with, all this action and running around and jumping down holes and alien firefights. She just stayed where she was, in mental contact with Max, lending him what energy he needed without paying attention to what he did with it. Even with her own eyes closed, she could see if she chose to use Max's eyes, while they were connected, but she deliberately chose not to.

"That... is that it?" a voice asked. Tess' voice. Suddenly Max disconnected from Liz, and, forced to rely on only her own balance and effort, she nearly didn't stay upright. Max caught her in his arms and steadied her.

"We got two of them," Max said confidently. "Is that all that there were??"

"It's not," a voice said from behind them. Max spun around, still holding Liz, and she decided that she had really better come out and face the world on its own terms again. A second after opening her eyes, she wished she hadn't.

"I'll admit, you did better than I thought you would," little Nicholas Crawford said, standing in front of the double doors with a malicious grin. "That bit about striking from above was truly inspired, umm..." He gestured at Tess, then shrugged. "Whatever the hell you call yourself now. And those were two of my best warriors. You kicked their asses."

"Yeah," Max replied, obviously trying to keep his words steady. "That we did."

"But it took all three of you doing your best, and now you're pretty much exhausted." Nicholas chuckled nastily. "I could have wiped the floor with both of them without half trying, and I'm fresh. That means you're toast now."

"Big talk," Tess ventured.

"But I'm not going to kill any of you yet." Nicholas' eyes narrowed as he stepped forward. "First, there's the little matter of some stolen property that I was hoping you could help me out with. Big tall metal thing. Cone-shaped. Any of you happen to see it?"

The granilith, Liz realized. Whatever it was, Nicholas wanted it. As much fun as it might be to bait him with the fact that they had it secure, that wouldn't be a wise thing to give away at this point.

"No," Max said smoothly. "Not that I see any particular reason to help you find anything at all... aside from a beating."

"Yeah, there's that cocky attitude I remember from King Zan," Nicholas drawled. "Alright then, how 'bout I give you one free shot. Go right ahead."

Max hesitated, then brought up his hand. Nicholas made a little 'come-on' gesture with his hands. Max concentrated slightly.

There was a flash of light that passed between them, but at first that was all that Liz could tell. The changes in the attitudes of the two males wasn't hard to spot, though, Nicholas was unbearably smug. Max... stunned to the point of despair.

"Max, what happened?" Liz whispered.

"The... the particles," Tess replied, awed herself. "He... he swatted them aside. Just like that. Like deflecting a tennis ball."

"Right," Nicholas replied. "It's not just that I have power to spare, though I do. It goes much, much deeper than that, boys and girls. I've got skills on an entirely different level from any of you. So, let's see..." He walked up, dashed Tess to the ground with a single gesture. Max shot out a laser blast against him... but the light was absorbed entirely by a spot of air it happened to be passing through, or thought it would pass through.

"Let's see if you know anything about the Granilith," Nicholas said, reaching up a hand towards Tess' head where the blonde hair was pulled tightly back towards her ponytail.

Read my other roswell stories!

"A man does not make his destiny: he accepts it or denies it. If the Rowan tree's roots are shallow, it bears no crown." From 'the farthest shore', Ursula LeGuin.

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Post by Chrisken »

The Big One
Part 6

"Ten seconds."

"Ummm..." The reminder actually managed to cudgel Kyle's brain back into operating condition. "Okay, umm... you, you want the girl, right? The one with straight dark hair, who was with Evans?" The skin nodded, smiling. "She's... her name is Susan Jones. She's right over there... in the blue dress."

"Really?" The alien turned around cautiously. But in the direction Kyle was pointing, there really was a short girl with straight dark hair in a blue dress. She really didn't look anything like Liz except for that, and of course her name wasn't Susan Jones -- Kyle hoped those two facts would mean that he wasn't actually getting her into trouble. "Alright, I see her. Wait here."

Of course, as soon as the Skin turned all the way away, Kyle ran for it. Realizing that he'd probably been suckered, Brawny ditched the lead on blue-dress girl and dashed the other way in an attempt to catch his original prize. That, was when another voice called out over the restless crowd milling around in the gym.

"Kivar sucks gonads, and so does everybody who works for him!!"

"Who... who the hell said that?" the alien tough demanded, forgetting about Kyle in his outrage and looking around. Kyle knew, though, and hoped that the person who had called out would be safe.

Because he recognized Maria's voice quite well.

Skin-boy started to push through the crowd in the direction he thought the yell had come from. Every so often he seemed to be asking girls gruff questions, as if comparing their voice patterns against what he had already heard.


Michael's breath caught somewhere near his windpipe as the door to the chemistry lab burst open. He and Courtney were hiding behind the teacher's desk at the other side of the room, so he couldn't see the two shapes coming towards them very well.

He waited a few seconds, and then sent the thinnest tendril of energy he could towards them. A presence too faint to hurt them directly, too faint to be detected. Only just strong enough to make a spark, literally.

The spark flew into a dish of powder sitting on the floor, between where the two Skins were standing.

The powder exploded quite impressively. The corners of a few nearby desks were set on fire, and the clothing that the skins were wearing. They didn't seem to be hurt yet, but Michael knew that they had to be very annoyed and distracted. And he wasn't done yet.

"Now." And he and Courtney popped up from behind the desk, each of them picking up a giant beaker with their thoughts, pushing the beaker across the room, and spilling its contents onto a Skin. The beakers had as good a solution of Chloric acid as Michael could make in twenty seconds, which was actually pretty good.

Now the trap was sprung, the distractions were over. Michael thought about energy attacks, then realized there was a simpler way to finish his guy off. Concentrating his powers on a lab stool behind the skin, he drove the seat of the stool as hard as he could into the small of the alien's back. There was a bit of a puffing sound, and his body dispersed. Michael groaned a little, both at the physical exertion and moral stress. He didn't like killing, but when someone was determined to devote his life, his power, to the wrong cause... then sometimes life and power had to be taken away from people like that. However possible.

Court had chosen a laser beam attack, and her target seemed to be doing badly, but shaking the pain and frustration off enough to muster a counterattack. Instinctively Michael backed Courtney up, adding a laser beam of his own to hers. It took only a second of that for him to explode too.

"Hooo... that was, well, better than the opposite," Michael said, breathing hard and smiling a little in triumph. "Just let me catch my breath, and then we'd better go and see if we can figure out what's happening at the gym, right?"

"Yeah, yeah alright," Courtney muttered. "Nice moves, by the way."

"Thanks," Michael replied. "You've got a pretty laser beam by the way."


As little Nicholas took the last step towards Tess, he shook his head slightly, growled soft and deep in his throat, and threww Tess to the ground again with a mental push. "None of that, dear. You can't trick me with an illusion, not now anyway." He rached out and 'caught' the light blue fireball Max had just thrown at him, as if he were wearing a thick oven mitt of air that kept his short fingers safe from the heat. After a second the flame started to fade, its color shifting to an unhealthy green before it winked out. "Alright, now I'm annoyed with you lot."

Something was nagging at Liz's brain - a possible solution that seemed impossible on several counts, especially because only three of them were here to stand against Nicholas. Stalling for time, she blurted out "You can't afford to break into Tess' mind."

"Umm... and why not, sweetness?" He turned to face Liz. "Just who the hell *are* you, anyway? Should I take my pleasure from your little human brain, instead, and find out?"

Liz didn't waste time blanching at the threat. "She's the only one who knows the secret of how to reach the Granilith, but her brain's been programmed to destroy that information if it gets breached."

Nicholas stared at her. "That's impossible."

"Not with special unit techniques. Nasedo learned their secrets before your sister killed him." Liz did her best to smile cockily. "If you don't believe me, well, I guess you could call my bluff. I never really liked Tess much, though brain damage isn't something I'd have wished on her. Might be worth it just to see the look on your face when you realize you've destroyed what you're looking for."

Nicholas considered her words for a few seconds, scowling, then stepped across, gripping Max's neck with his right hand and facing Tess again. "Is she telling the truth? Bear in mind that if your answer is 'yes', then she dies, and I torture Max more and more until you give up the information willingly." There was a pause, in which Tess was clearly too frightened to answer either way... or in any other fashion that might have occured to her. "Come, girl, let's have the truth. You've got five seconds. Four, three, two --"

"Max!!" An unexpected boost of kinetic force sent Nicholas flying away from the motionless teenager... and Liz turned around to see Isabel running towards them, Alex not far behind her. NOW it was right. "Max? Can you talk, can you move??"

"Um, yes," he mumbled. "He had me paralyzed, but it wore..."

There wasn't time for the rest of the sentence. "Max, connect the four of us. Me, you, Isabel and Tess. I can't explain why, but I'll do the rest."

"Four? But..." he caught the look that crossed Liz's face when she realized he was about to raise one of the obvious explanations, and let it die away instead. "All... alright. Let's get into formation." Isabel and Tess were equally confused, but offered no resistance to Liz's plan. Soon they were holding hands in a rectangular chain - Max facing the doors, which was once again towards Nicholas, who had shaken off the impact of Isabel's surprise throw and was watching the proceedings with disbelief and just a little seed of fear. Tess was pointed away, the direction that Isabel had come from, and Liz and Isabel were facing off to the sides. With a triggering thought from Max, and concurring sentiments from Isabel and Tess, all four of them were connected, four spirits poured into a vessel made up out of four bodies, their energy pooling in common. But simply forming a pool would not be enough to deal with Nicholas.

Holding their breath, Liz formed an intricate of power channels and feedback circuits in the connection, not understanding how she knew the sequence or the concepts, unsure if she could ever remember how to do it again. But hopefully... she was forging the foursquare between them.

And when she was done, in only a few seconds... it seemed certain that she'd accomplished something incredible, at least.

Understanding how the pattern would work, Tess began. She accumulated all of her energy and began streaming it to Max. Max received that stream, and discovered that in adding his own to it and sending it along, he could also double what Tess had contributed.

Isabel was next. She streamed her own in, which had the effect of doubling Max's power and remultiplying Tess by fifty percent. Liz was the last, and had the least of her own to add, but the effect her place in the link had on everybody else's investment followed the pattern, increasing each 'fund' by as much as it had started with, again.

With the remultiplication done, Liz streamed the power back to Max, for him to use this time. Feeling all of that power coursing through his body, with the support of the others still behind him, Max truly understood what Courtney had told them of the legendary status the battle foursquare had back home. He looked at Nicholas and was not afraid - not even a little bit.

"Im...impossible," the little general stammered. "You're trying to fake me out, creating an imperfect foursquare so that I won't even..."

"If you really think that, Nicholas Crawford," Max said, his voice rolling impressively with confidence and nearly chuckling, "then... take a free shot. Go ahead."

Nervously, unwilling to commit too much of his own power at his enemy's own request, Nicholas pointed and shot an energy bolt towards Max. Effortlessly, he caught it with his mind and snuffed it out, like Nicholas had done with his blue fireball.

"Weak!" he taunted. "Come on, I could have handled that one even without the foursquare's power at my command." True enough, though Max wasn't sure if he could have handled it so casually. He'd probably have shielded, and that just wasn't as impressive. "Come on, you say you have firepower to spare -- let's see some of it. Then you'll know if this is a real foursquare or not."

Nicholas grimaced, and Max smiled. Aside from the fun of taunting the alien warlord like this, there was a good tactical reason to goad him into making a more seriout attack. Courtney had said that the foursquare was stronger on defense, though it could be used to attack as well, so any energy Nicholas used trying to assail the immovable rock would probably weaken his own defense. And psychologically... freaking Nicholas out with the idea that he couldn't possibly win definitely seemed like a good idea. It was clear that Nicholas was not the kind of person who could ever rationally decide that he was better off not to attack his enemy. He would strike, or he would flee in panic.

Or, quite likely, he would do both - in that order.

Nicholas bared his teeth and threw something that wasn't solid at Max... something pure energy, or closer to energy than to matter at least, that buzzed and crackled in a dangerous way as it arced lazily through the air. (Since it wasn't matter, of course, gravity didn't apply to it.) Somehow, unbelievably, Max realized that it was a quark-level dissociator charge -- something that he hadn't even imagined was possible. Apparently, it was the alien equivalent of a small fusion bomb.

And, even more amazingly, Max knew what to do with it. (How was that possible?? The foursquare wasn't supposed to enhance their skills, just their power.) Playfully, he put up a shimmering white shield for the charge to bounce off of, then carefully grabbed it with reinforced strands of mental power and squelched the dissociator. Nicholas gulped so loud, it seemed to echo against the walls.

And Max laughed. He shouldn't be acting like this, he realized on some level. Maybe the power was getting to him. But it was impossible to resist euphoria. The opposition in this situation was greater than it had ever been, in all the alien crises of the past year-and-a-bit, but they were greater still. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

To reach out his hand was to call up the energy, as simple as that. He pointed at Nicholas, who immediately generated a black wall in front of him... probably his strongest shield. Max threw a single fork of orange lightning... which shattered the wall as if it were paper-thin glass. Nicholas screamed -- it wasn't easy to kill a Skin, especially that way, but his husk was burned and mottled.

And he turned and ran. Max waited long enough to make sure that this wasn't a feint, that Nicholas wasn't turning around to come back at them by surprise, and then he let the foursquare fall away and hugged Liz.

"We did it," she gasped. "Ohmigawd, that was grear, all of you."

:"Yeah, wow," Alex agreed, hurrying forward. "Way to kick alien butt!! Four are mightier than the sum of their parts."

Isabel gave Alex a happy hug. Max noticed that Tess was still somber - maybe because she had no-one here to share her triumph with. And that reminded him... "We still need to make sure that Kyle and Maria are okay, and Emily and Nicky and everybody else. Umm... also, are there maybe a couple of other Skins unaccounted for? We killed two others."

"We got one," Alex bragged. "Maybe Michael and Courtney have had some luck."

"Okay, first we handle the gym, then we look for Michael and Court," Tess decided.


As Michael and Courtney headed towards the gym, they were surprised to see the door to the guys' locer room open and Maria come streaking out. She passed both of them before Michael's "Hey there!!"

"Oooh, oooh, I gotta say, I'm actually glad to see both of you," she muttered. "Evil alien, right behind me. Arm all phasers or whatever!!" She had turned around and come up behind them.

Courtney groaned. "Again?? We just killed like two of them. It's kind of tough, you know." But, like the disciplined soldier she was, Courtney stopped and shook her limbs out slightly, getting into a fighting stance.

It was a good position -- they had complete advantage of surprise over the enraged Skin. He had barely opened the door a foot before Michael's first plasma ball rocketed into his body. Courtney used a laser in the back to give him the coup.

That was about when Max, Liz, and all the rest showed up. "Uh, okay," Tess said after the melee that had just taken place was explained to her, in brief. "What about the dance?? Any other aliens still there? What about Kyle?"

"Kyle should be fine, I totally saved his ass," Maria bragged. "He got recognized from Arizona, but I distracted the alien guard and made him chase me instead."

"Thanks," Tess told her, which made Maria blink in surprise.

"We got two," Courtney supplied.

"Well then, by my count that should be all of them," Isabel said. "Let's be careful sneaking back into the gym though, just in case."

They were careful and they snuck, but it was quite clear that the danger was over by the time they got there. Michael suggested that the dance would suck from this point onward, and that they should go to the Crashdown for a junk food fest.

"Works for me," Liz agreed. "Max?" Max nodded, as did Maria, and Nicky, who had come up to make sure that Maria was okay, and didn't understand any of what was going on but wanted to get out of there.

"Oh, wait a second -- what happened to Emily?" Michael said. "She... someone should probably, um, take her home, Max."

Max turned to his old friend. "Okay, start explaining that. Now." Courtney stepped forward and told him about the drug that she'd slipped into the punch.

"Well, it was a stupid prank to pull," Liz put in, "but it might actually help cover our asses. It'll probably be clear that some people got dosed, and that'll obscure all of the really weird stuff that DID go on. Umm... somebody should probably go and fix the wall though. That'll be hard to explain in the morning." She pointed to the gym wall where Courtney and Michael had broken through it.

"I think I want to go home at this point too," Tess said once they had found Emily, who was definitely more than a little out of it.

"Ummm... we'll stay a little longer, I think," Isabel said. and Alex nodded in agreement. "Umm.. if you leave one of the limos for us, then, errm..."

"We'll make do," Max assured her. "Okay, that leaves - ehh, seven of us for the Crashdown?? Michael and Courtney, Maria and Nicky, Liz and Kyle, and me?"

"We can drop off Emily and Tess on our way," Michael suggested. "And you guys can just go straight, I guess." Maria looked at Liz and smiled.


With Nicky around, of course, they couldn't exactly talk about the real news of the night... but somehow none of them really wanted to. Talking about the danger and the action, the mysteries of the foursquare could wait for another day. All of the kids who came to the Crashdown were content to simply chat and play silly party games like 'guess the simpsons episode', and eat a whole bunch of alien-themed food of course.

Somewhat more surprising, Maria was suddenly getting along okay with both Michael and Courtney, at least for the night. Things were still a little weird, but they'd been in the right place to save her life and somehow that was symbolic. No matter what weirdness was going on -- everybody in the group could count on the others when the chips were down.

Before leaving, Kyle made a big deal of 'giving his goodbye kiss' with Liz to Max, pointing out that it should have been Max at the dance with Liz anyway. They thanked him for the gesture, (though Max thought he was being a bit over-the-top about it,) and it was nearly fifteen minutes before Max came down from the balcony to catch his ride home.


"You dance divinely, Mister Whitman," Isabel told him, giggling softly.

"You do too, of course," Alex replied, brushing a finger across the tip of her nose. "I'm glad we stayed."

"Me too." She peeked out the windows of the limo. "I think this is your stop." Something was apparently very funny about that, but Alex wasn't sure exactly what.

It didn't surprise Alex at first when Isabel stepped out of the limo with him - he assumed that she just wanted their final goodnight kiss to be on the curb, standing up, instead of sitting in the back of the limo. He wrapped his arms around her as she fell into his embrace and seemed to keep on falling, their lips coming together like long-lost lovers and--

Well, it wasn't until he heard the distinctive sound of an engine going into gear and moving away that anything seemed at all unusual. Isabel was standing there, still inside his arms, and the limo was half a block away. He looked the obvious question at her.

"Yeah, I waved at him to go on," she said. "He's had a long night."

"Umm... okay, and, err, what happens now?"

"Well, whatever we want to happen, I guess," she said with a cautious smile. "I seem to remember you telling me that your parents would be out of town tonight, at a conference in Albuquerque. With most guys, that would have been dropping a hint, but I knew you didn't mean it that way. So... the limo was *my* way of dropping a hint."

"Okay..." Alex thought, his head starting to spin a little at the possibilities. "Well, you'd better come in. I'll put some coffee on for both of us."

She grinned at his response. "All right."

Soon enough they were inside, sitting at the Whitman kitchen table, with cafe lattes, (Alex had figured out how to make them long ago with his mother's cappucino machine,) and smiling a little awkwardly at each other. "Umm, so -- did you see what Pam Troy was wearing?"

"Yeah, actually, I thought the lines of it weren't too bad," Isabel decided. "Far too low-cut for a formal dance of course, especially in back, I mean, you could see both cleavages!! But, erm, I don't think distracting the issue with small talk is necessary." She took a long drink from her coffee. "I realize this is pretty early to be bringing the possibility up - heck, we only just got back together yesterday, really. But... but I know in my heart that you're the one, and that -- that this could be the night. If we want it to be. Alex, what do you think?"

He smiled faintly. "I think... that for start I'd like you to say it straight out, instead of wandering around the euphemisms."

"Well, why? I know what I mean, and you know what I mean."

"Not sure." Alex thought about that. "Maybe hearing the words from you would make it easier for me to figure out what I think about it. Maybe it seems like you're not really ready to have sex, if you can't even say the word."

Isabel chuckled. "Okay, fine. What are your opinions on the prospect of the two of us having sex, tonight??"

He grinned. "Okay, let's see. Going in order by the complexity of my thoughts... well, of course, there's the relatively hormone-soaked portion of my brain, which is going something like 'omigod, are you kidding? Isabel's gorgeous, and she wants ME? Quick, kiss her, squeeze her, nail her -- before she changes her mind.'" Isabel laughed at the voice Alex had used for those libidinous thoughts. "And then, there's another part of my brain which is screaming nearly as loud that I'm not ready, that we're not ready, that I should drive you home as quickly as possible, take Larry the Lion to bed with me and wish my hardest that I could go back to being eight again."

Isabel nodded. "I think I know what you mean. I have my voices in my head too. Is there a tiebreaker?"

Alex laughed softly. "You really do understand? Yeah, there is a tiebreaker and I think he got his cue from you, because he's saying that even though crossing that line to making our relationship, erm, physical is a huge, scary step, that both of us really ARE ready for it, if we choose to be." He smiled.

"And so I'm choosing, Isabel, Yes, I would like very much to... to be with you tonight. With you totally -- and I'm not putting it that way as a euphemism, I think, so much as because I can't find another phrase that fits so much. 'Having sex' seems a little cheap, focusing too much on the mechanics and whether it feels good. Talking about making love to you... well, aside from sounding kind of sappy, that also seems like a high target to be shooting for, especially out first time. I'm going to try to make love to you, if you let me, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to actually *make* it, if you know what I mean."

Isabel giggled. "I never realized you were such the poet, Mister Whitman. Okay, that lingo works for me. I want to be with you totally, too."

Alex picked up his latte and drained it... which took two swallows. "Okay, then I guess we should take this upstairs, my dancing queen."


Even though this had all been her idea, Isabel felt about as nervous as Alex looked as they went into his bedroom. "Ummm, okay, so..." he mumbled.

Feeling that she knew how to get started, Isabel wrapped herself about his slender, strong frame about as completely as she knew how, planting her lips firmly on his as if she could drink up his love through their kiss. A faint tinge of unexpected sensation came through, and after a long moment she got a faint idea of what it was. Their bodies were connecting automatically when they were in such close contact -- only a little, at least so far. Only enough to give Isabel a dim sensation of what Alex was feeling, both physically and emotionally. But this was something that had never happened before when she kissed him, or any guy, and it added a little extra spice to the pleasure.

Finally, she drew her head back a little from his and looked into those calm, soulful eyes Alex had. "Now, well, we take our clothes off I guess."

Alex seemed to be staring at her, in turn, so hard he didn't even hear what she had said at first. "Uhhh... clothes." A smile. "Off. Umm, allow me? These things usually have some kind of torture implement right in the very back where you can never reach it, right?" Isabel had let go of him, though she was still touching his arm with her hand, and he was starting to step around her before she began to nod her agreement.

His fingers traced across the fabric behind her, undoing a line of snaps, and then slowly pulling down the zipper. Isabel sighed as Alex leaned his head around, kissed the smooth column of her neck, and pushed the straps off of her shoulders. The dark purple dress slid down Isabel's body and sat pooled around her lower legs - she stepped out, looked around, picked the expensive gown up and set about hanging it up in Alex's closet. Alex was grinning at her as she came back - wearing her purple shoes and a matching set of black silk underthings - bikini panties and a strapless support bra.

He took her face in both of his hands and kissed her again, the passion more emphatic now, restless, impatient to be let out and free to fufill itself. Alex's tongue danced an old French dance with hers as her energy, once again, began to resonate with his, like two wooden pipes sounding slightly different but harmonic notes. Isabel smiled and took her turn removing clothes, slipping the black suit jacket off of Alex's smooth, defined shoulders, helping him take off his dress shoes, and unbuttoning the blue dress shirt underneath and removing it in its turn. Every time she touched him, now, had somehow become a sensual lover's caress.

When she moved her hands towards the buckle of his belt, though, Isabel's nerve broke for a second and she giggled, embarassing herself. Without words, though, Alex reached out and touched her shoulder with all of his hand, reassuring her that nothing she might do could ruin the magic of the moment. Then he quickly unfastened his own belt, and the various fastenings on the zip of his suit pants, and slipped them off. All Alex was wearing now, besides a watch which he was in the process of removing, and his dress socks, were light blue boxer shorts. For a second, they seemed even funnier than the suit pants had, and for a similar reason; Alex's excitement evident even through the clothing. And then, in a shift of perspective, Isabel realized that there was nothing funny about it other than the stigma of immature high-school jokes, people laughing at things that they weren't ready for, or that weren't appropriate in a public situation.

But they weren't in public, and they had said they were ready - it was why they were here. Viewed in that light, (so to speak,) the bulge in Alex's boxers wasn't something to giggle over, it was... a stimulating thought. Isabel knew that she was excited too, though her own underwear was probably doing a slightly better job of concealing the more obvious signs -- for the moment. And Isabel realized that she didn't want to be concealed from Alex for long.

"Okay, erm, time to do me again," she quipped, and leaned down to kiss Alex on the shoulder just for the fun of it. "Getting a girl's bra off is something too much is made of, I think, but if you'd like to give it a try, these are pretty decent conditions I think."

"Oh, certainly," Alex replied with a laugh, and he put his arms around her, kissing her on the cheek. Isabel was so aware of his body, his breathing, the weight upon his feet, from the mental connection when they touched now, that she wondered if Alex could probe into the surface of her mind and see how she had put the bra on, or how she would have taken it off herself. Certainly it didn't take him very long to work the clasps and pull it away from her, smiling. Foolishly, Isabel brought her hands together and clapped at his feat.

She was never quite sure in what sequence things happened next. Certainly it wasn't long before they were both lying on his bed, naked as the day they were born, (or the day she was podded, in Isabel's case,) kissing more energetically than they ever had before, hands wandering all over each other's bodies. Everything... somehow felt good, felt right -- felt FUN to Isabel, which somehow came as a surprise. An idea came into her head, and she pushed Alex gently until he was lying on his back, head against the pillows, and then she moved her head away from his, concentrating her attention on his bare chest - nuzzling, kissing, licking... even gently nibbling. Alex's face looked like he was having difficulty keeping from hooting or screaming, (though a few relatively erotic moans did get out.)

"Ohh- okay," Alex said after she'd been at this a little while, catching Isabel by the upper arms and keeping her head a little distance away from him. "First off, umm, I think that this is kind of the point that we need to get ready, erm. As in protection - otherwise."

"No problem," she said with a smile. "I've got one in the skirt of my dress."

He blinked. "What?? How do you keep something in there??"

"There's a little half-pockety thing, near the hem. Not sure if that was what it was meant for, but it's just about the right size."

Alex smiled, crawled a little away from her, and slipped open a drawer on his little bedside counter. "Hmm, you keep a condom right there? What would your mom think if she found it?"

"She's found it," Alex replied. "Heck, she *gave* it to me in the first place." There was blushage on his face. "I, I probably shouldn't say more about that part."

"Nice that she, umm, cares enough to be sure that you'd be safe," Isabel said. "Any idea how she'd react if she actually knew you'd used it?"

"Nah... which means maybe I'd better borrow yours as a replacement," he quipped back. "Umm, okay, now, I think it's my turn." Slowly, Alex brought his fingertips towards her cuvacious bare chest, working them against all the most sensitive parts of her flesh. Isabel squirmed a little against the sheets, letting out a sound that was halfway between a sigh and a warble, and she felt her skin starting to turn red all the way down to her waist, if not further.

"Use... use your mouth," she managed to urge him. Alex grinned at the thought and brought his lips down to one of her nipples, mimicking her earlier pattern - kissing, licking, sucking, nibbling. All through, the connection between them was starting to grow stronger, so that Isabel knew what it felt like for Alex as well as the pleasure of her own body, and their two euphorias were starting to mix around the edges and build off of each other and...

"Ooohhh, this is great, but it isn't enough any more," he mumbled around her skin. "I want... I need--"

"Yeah, I know how you feel, baby, I feel it too," she assured him. "Just... we gotta remember to use the protection. Do you wanna do the honors or should I?"

He chuckled. "I think it's your turn." And he sat back a little, his distended guyness exposed, and she wasted no time in ripping open the package and rolling the protective barrier onto his shlong. Then, nervously, Alex lay her down, kissed her again and stroked his arm against her side, and thrust into her.

It wasn't quite like Isabel had expected. The physical sensation was so intense that she could nearly drown in it, as well as the fact that it seemed to go on and on. Somehow she'd always expected that it would be over quickly, despite knowing that it usually took around seven minutes or whatever. She wasn't looking at the clock of course, but for Isabel, time seemed to stand still. Quickly she learned how to move herself to contribute to the experience, kissing Alex back, runing her hands over his chest and other interesting parts of his body. The fire of passion was loose between them now, and if it were a literal fire it would have been enough to burn down the whole room in seconds.

When the climax came, it felt like diving from fire into the heart of the sea.

Isabel wasn't particularly aware of time in that peaceful, utterly happy undersea period either, but it seemed all too brief. However, once it faded away and she realized that the two of them were cuddled together on his bed, the clock read nearly an hour later than when they'd started.

"Hey... how're you feeling, darling?" Alex asked, squeezing her a little.

"Great." A pause. "Are you sure that you need to borrow that second condom to replace the first, 'cause I kinduv have other plans for it."


"So, you have *no* idea how you did it, Liz?" Michael complained.

It was monday again, the weekend gone to whatever mysterious place that November weekends go to so quickly, and it was lunchtime. Eight of them were gathered around a picnic table near the edge of the school courtyard to quietly rehash the more alien-related events of prom night: Max and Liz, Michael and Courtney, Isabel and Alex, Maria, and Kyle.

"Not really, Michael," Liz told him with a 'genuinely sorry' tone of voice. "Honestly I wish I did, because I still feel like we might... I mean, you guys might need it a--"

"I don't see why you're excluding yourself, Liz," Isabel put in. "You were in as much danger as any of us, and you obviously participated in the formation. Obviously, there's no way we can kick you out of having a stake in it on an aliens-only basis."

"Yeah, but how is that even possible?" Michael asked. "Is this just something that humans can naturally help with, like the healing stones ritual? Even though they don't really have alien powers of their own?" He sighed. "Slimeballs told me that my powers were the limit of human potential, instead of anything alien, but I don't really believe that. It was just something he thought would keep me from freaking out about trying new things."

"Hmmm." Courtney thought about that. "Well, this is kind of a wild theory, and I'm not sure that you want to hear about it, but..."

"Does it have anything to do with me becoming fractionally alien?" Liz put in, half-joking, but the look on the friendly Skin girl's face suddenly made her remark not even slightly funny. "You'd probably better tell me - but if it involves Kyle too, he should have his chance to go away."

"Hey, why me?" Kyle asked over a buzz of confused and sarcastic comments. "Wait a second... because I was healed after being shot, just like you?" Liz nodded, and then drew in a breath when Courtney did too. "I... I'd better be here for it then, I guess."

"Okay, well... I don't have that many details, but sometimes, when a Healer brings a patient back from the point of death, there are... aftereffects. Usually take at least a few years to show up, so you'd be well ahead of schedule Liz, if this foursquare thing is connected. Basically the patient starts to assume a few personal traits of the Healer... nobody's sure if it's purely psychic in origin, or genetic, or what. Nobody's even been able to prove the effect officially, it's just stuff in the way of being a modern legend, symptoms that might not really add up to anything at all, you know. But I've never heard of cases where the patient was of a species that hadn't learned the Power... any cases where the patient and healer were different species at all, come to think of it.

"So, maybe I'm part Antarian now?" Liz summarized.

"Big maybe. And even if you are, I'm not sure how big a part or what it would mean."

"Oh." Liz looked down at the ground, not sure how to deal with this piece of information.

"Well, maybe next time there's a crisis we should try foursquaring it again," Isabel suggested. "With Liz. If it was intuition of panic that showed her how last time, maybe the same trick will work again."

"Except that we shouldn't risk anybody's safety on lightning striking twice," Max put in. "Have to have an escape route or a plan B... just in case."

As the others continued to talk about it, Liz turned to Kyle. "So, umm... did Tess talk to you at all over the weekend?"

"Umm, not really." Kyle shrugged. "She kinduv apologized for being such a bitch to me lately about the dance stuff. But... but nothing else. I don't know if she wants to be with me the same way as before, or just go our seperate ways, or..."

"Give her a little time," Liz suggested. "I think that she has a lot of stuff to sort out in her head... and her heart. Might take a little time."

"Okay... hey, did you talk to her about all this stuff too? On prom night, when..." Kyle nodded his head towards Max. "When the three of you were sneaking around the school, hiding from aliens until the time had come to launch your own attack?"

"Umm, yeah... it kinda came up," Liz admitted. "Along with some other stuff, but I think it's not my place to go into details." Kyle nodded, a confused look on his face. "Oh, and I never knew you were such an... enthusiastic photographer, Kyle." And she got up to throw her coke can into the recycling bin before he figured that one out.

Looking back at the table, Liz's eyes first fell on Alex and Isabel, sitting very close to each other. Max had told Liz that Isabel had stayed out quite late the night of the dance, and he'd covered for her absence with his parents using an involved story about a small post-prom party at Liz's place, and Isabel not feeling well, possibly from having drunk some of the tainted punch, so she had slept off most of the night in Liz's room. Liz was reasonably happy to help keep the secret, and she had her own ideas about what Isabel and Alex had been up to, but would wait to see if either of them confided in her about it.

All of a sudden, Liz realized that she was hearing something new... some kind of acapella scatting, slightly off-key and off-rhythm... "Ba-da-da da-dah, Ba-da-da da-dah." She turned around and was surprised to see Tess as the source of this new development, and equally surprised that she seemed not unduly disturbed by the fact that other kids in the area were watching her. "Ba-da-da da-dah, Na-na nanah..."

"There's a little bit'a flame," she sung out after a measure of the nonsense, projecting a tad higher, "burnin' deep in my hear, do ya wanna make something of it??"

Oh. This hadn't been what Liz had in mind when she suggested that Tess make a gesture to win Kyle back, but considering how they'd been fighting about him trying to sing to her on the PA system earlier, maybe it fit. (At least, Liz hoped that it was Kyle that she had engineered this spectacle for, and not to make another attempt to win Max over, because that would get REALLY awkward.) "Ah, do you feel the same, baby - just a little spark? Ya wanna make something of it??" Tess took a step further towards the table, but it was still hard to tell for sure who she was singing to. Everyone was aware of the stunt by now - Max was mostly impassive, just smiling a little. Apparently *he* wasn't worried about the situation. Kyle was shaking his head, but the expression on his face wasn't easy to read.

"DO YOU wanna turn it, into somethin' that's burnin' - like a ragin' fire? Out of control?? Well, I'm waitin' on you - tell me whatcha wanna do. D'you wanna make somethin' of it?"

There was a cheer from somewhere nearby - Liz couldn't even tell if it had been a guy or a girl, but the sentiment seemed to encourage Tess at any rate, because she plunged into the second verse with a little more enthusiasm - and even her pitch seemed to have improved.

"There's a little bitty seed, growin' deep in my soul - you wanna make something of it? You've got everything it needs, just to help it to grow, 'fyou wanna make somethin' of it. RUN WILD, like a vine, if you only took the time - to meet me in the garden of love? It'd be a sweet situation if you had the inclination. Wanna make somethin' of it?"

Now she was standing right up at the group's table, having stepped forward a little at a time through the verses, and unmistakeably turned to fix her eyes on Kyle. "*OH Yeah*, I admit it -- I love you, yes I do. *What* you do with it... is all, all up to you--"

The song kinduv died at that point... Tess had been trailing, uncertain, and Kyle stood up and kissed her, to wild cheers from the crowd gathered around them.

THE END... for now...
Read my other roswell stories!

"A man does not make his destiny: he accepts it or denies it. If the Rowan tree's roots are shallow, it bears no crown." From 'the farthest shore', Ursula LeGuin.
