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Elves, Ex's & ....- No Regrets-(ML/Mature)Finale- 19/04

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:10 am
by Blue*Soul
Title: Elves, Ex's and Mistletoe.

Category: AU M/L

Rating: Mature/Adult (to be on the safe side)

Disclaimer: They aren’t mine just borrowing them for a little while.

Summary: It’s been a few months since Liz broke up with her long term ex for the love her life- Max Evans. She’s still the same girl though, trying to go through petty problems of everyday life and the bigger issues that bare down on her from the past. This is the Christmas chapter in the life of Liz and No Regrets gang.

(It helps if you’ve read the fic, its not necessary though).


Banner by Behrsgirl77

Elves, Ex's & Mistletoe.


“I’m officially Roswells singing elf.” I cry in ordeal.

This is the kind of ordeal that hits you seconds later of agreeing. It’s the agreement that you normally can’t take back because of your pride, but in my case, because of Marias stubbornness, (I have no pride). I shuffle toward Max who stands in front of the fire place with a barely there fire, the only thing to warm this sorry excuse for student accomadation house, that Maria, Kyle and myself live in.

Shrugging snowflakes from my hair, I say, “this is going to be an absolute disaster. I know it. I know it.”

“You’re a what?”

The expression on my boyfriends face isn’t too different from most of the confused looks that come about when I start speaking.

“Singing elf.” I explain like he should understand, then try again when he doesn’t get it. “Elf that sings!”

Max nods slowly, “singing elf.”

Even though the expression of amused confusion hasn’t disappeared from his face, I throw my jacket to the side and continue anyway. “That isn’t the worst of it Max. You know who my singing elf buddy is?”

“Hit me.”

“Wait for it.” I pause so silence envelopes, then cry dramatically, “Pam Troy! Can you believe it Max? Can you? Why would my best friend do this to me? Why? Why? Why?”

There’s silence as I wait for him to say something and he finally manages, “since when did Pam become your best friend?”

“She’s not.”

“You just said she was.”

“That’s Maria, stupid. Pam and I are just buddies.”

“You like her now?”

Is the cold giving him brain freeze or something? “I hate Pam Max, you know that.”

Max shakes his head at me. “So who’s the singing elf?”

“Pam is!”

“Have you been drinking?” he asks in all seriousness.

“No!” I groan. “Since when did you become so slow?” Its weird how the smart-alec, suddenly gets all confused and irate when I’m in a major panic mode.

“Since you forgot how to talk coherently.” He stings back at me.

I throw him a venom filled look and head for the stairs. I’m about to go through the trauma of my life and the least he can do is be a tinsy bit sensitive. But oh no, the sarcy jibes don’t take a rest. Not even in the Christmas season. The holiday of rest and joy.

Joy my ass.

Christmas is the most depressing time in the whole year. I don’t remember a happy Christmas since my Mom left me at age three and just don’t generally remember anything before that.

So Christmas equals over-rated rubbish and this year isn’t going to be different. I believe this with an utmost fervency.

“Lizzy, Lizzy!” Max grabs my arm before I storm up the stairs and play loud, relentless tunes on my guitar that aren’t related to the Christmas spirit in anyway.

“Come again.” He coaxes, “I’ve had a long day and I’m as confused as hell.”

I take a deep breath and turn to regard my boyfriend, also known (in my mind) as the boy of my dreams. It may not seem like it at times, but he really is the only person I’ve felt a real connection to. Max is the guy who’s completely right for me in so many wrong ways. He’s the only guy that can make me mad, jealous, outraged, yet love him even more at the same time. The only guy that I miss because he’s working too much, even though I see him everyday.

His hazel eyes are currently wearing this rare look of seriousness and are regarding me in this intense way that makes the mere core of me all shivery and jelly like. He’d be surprised if he knew of the mere power that he has over me, but enough about him and back to me.

“Maria.” I say as Max leads me to the couch and I turn to face him.

“Ok, but still confused.” He counters.

I sigh, “Well to cut a long story short, I’m screwed…I mean all I did was go and drop off Maria’s lunch cause I felt a bit sorry for her as she’s doing all this community stuff at the community hall and hadn’t eaten all day. Plus if I eat one more of Agnes’s spare sandwiches at work, I’ll probably turn into lemon grass.”

Max is nodding courteously. “That would not be good.”

“No it would not. So Courtney and I are on our way to drop off lunch and its snowing really badly. So badly that I nearly run someone over at the crossing.”

For some reason Max looks even more befuddled.

“After a lot of screams from Courtney, I realise its Alex. I tell Courtney its okay because even if Alex did get injured he wouldn’t sue. I just don’t see him doing that you know?”

Max clears his throat. “Right.”

“So I rush into the community hall with some lunch and Maria looks really excited to see us. But instead of thanking me for my kind heart, she pulls out scripts from her Mary Poppins bags and hands me one.”

Theres some more silence before Max manages an “Aaah,” he leans back, a light gone off in his eyes. I guess he’s finally added two and two together. “So you’re playing a Christmas elf, in the Roswell community play?”

“Exactly.” I cry. Not so hard after all, He-man!

Her snorts back a laugh, even though I know its gagging to come out. “And you couldn’t have just said that?”

“That is exactly what I said.”

Max furrows his eyebrows, “Not quite… but it was definitely a Lizzie explanation.”

“What’s that meant to mean?”

“It means…” Max pulls me onto his lap and looks at me in the way that makes me go all shivery again. He runs a smooth finger down my shirt and we both watch intently as it travels from my rib cage down to my belly button. I’m breathing all heavy and aroused by the time it’s finished its journey, even though he hasn’t even touched any bare part of my skin yet.

When he looks up at me again with those gorgeous eyes of his, he knows exactly how he’s undoing me.

“It means, I adore you for being absolutely crazy. Jesus, woman you’re priceless …. I love you.”

I smile a little shyly at his words. No ones ever come close to doing things that those amber specked eyes can do by just looking at me. I’d never admit it though. Not in a million years, especially since I tend to jinx everything I fall too much in love with.

In love with.

See, that’s another thing that’s a little foreign to me. The idea of being in love is often demonstrated (pretty cringe-worthily) by many of our peers, and contrary to popular belief (mainly since I’ve gotten with Max), lovey dovey stuff really freaks me out.

But my mind screams it every day. It’s done it for a long time now. It screams- Liz Parker loves Max Evans.

Crazy Lizzy Parker in love with someone that loves her back.

Quite a rarity, but its nice.

“I love you too.” I whisper in his ear.

…Really nice.

Max gives me a cheek filled grin. “Huh, sorry? Didn’t quite catch that...”

I blush outrageously. “I… y’know…” I trail off because he doesn’t hide the fact that he’s laughing openly now.

I hit him softly on the chest. “Stop it!”

“Stop what?” he mocks.

“Laughing at me. I’m not a comedy show you know.”

“The general consensus would surprise you then.”

My eyes widen, but before I even have time to answer he has me pinned to my couch.

“What are you doing?” My hands are held hostage above my head and his body is stretched above me, entrapping my form against him. His shirt travels up several inches to reveal an amazingly sculpted, olive, tanned stomach.

Oh, man…

“I’m helping you out.” He says in utmost sincerity.

“Oh, really?” I mock, struggling a little. There’s no point though, he’s at least six times stronger and bigger than me.

“Yep.” He nods, not budging. “Let’s just call this stress relief.”

“Stress rel-ahh!” Before I can protest (not that I would) I’m pretty much being eaten alive.

“Ah. Max!” I cry. “Ah… uhh…mmm”


I’m really liking ‘stress relief’.


I can hear his heart racing in my ears drums as we lie naked inside one of Maria’s furry covers and even though the fires dwindling, I don’t feel the tiniest bit cold. It’s so warm and cosy back here that I could live here forever. The feeling of being one stays, as I’m pasted so close to his side, that he could still be inside me. His arms are like strength around me and being like this awakens feelings that I’ve always yearned for. He’s the only one that I trust enough to feel small and protected around.

Silence engulfs her as we just lie together, but it’s the kinda silence that makes you want to hum Christmas tunes).

Not for long though.

My cell goes off for the hundredth time that evening and I’m distracted from the way his biceps move as he casually strokes my hair.

When it stops mooing, I ask, “Do you think Maria will kill me?”

Max shifts so he’s looking down at me. “No, Izzy probably will, and we were both meant to go carol singing remember?”

“I’m guessing everybody else turned up.” I say bitterly. “Why does everyone have to be so goody-goody? They’re always at these community things.”

“Yeah.” Max agrees, “It’s so wrong of them to give back to the community like that. Shouldn’t they be busy with sex or sumthin’?”

I roll my eyes at him. “I think someone’s getting enough for all of ‘em.”

“Really?” he mocks, “ who?”

I giggle and pinch his honey nipple softly. “This guy I know. He’s really sexy and handsome by the way.”

“Yeah?” He takes my hand and pastes it over his warm mouth.

“Yeah, not just his looks or his body you know, he has this amazing personality too.”

“Go on.”

“He’s funny and witty.”


“Yeah, that too. “ I pretend to think, leaning my chin against his chest, “though he smells sometimes.”

“He does not!”

I giggle as he starts pinching me beneath the duvet.

“Ahh! Max! Stop... stop!” I cry, as his hands delve everywhere that it’s physically possible to touch a girl.

By the end of his ‘pinching’ I’m pretty hot and bothered again. It’s crazy what he can do to me in mere seconds. Though from the look (and feel) of it, I’m not the only one that’s all bothered again. In no time we’re switched and Max is on top of me. His bare chest pressed against mine, as he kisses my neck, my collar bone, my shoulders.

I moan loudly as he grabs one my breasts, moulding it in his fingers. His tongue plays havoc around my nipple, and I’m arching and begging, bringing him closer. Too soon for my liking he’s pulled away and is sliding his tongue around the skin beneath my breast and disappears underneath the duvet. I can feel wetness around my belly button and then…

….then in seconds I’m crying out in ecstasy.

When I’ve reached a climax that only the next one can beat, Max holds my slack body against his and whispers, “Happy Christmas season, Lizzy.”

Even though I barely manage a nod, happiness lifts my heart. Something tells me that just maybe, this Christmas might be a bit more bearable than all the rest.


Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:11 pm
by Blue*Soul
Just to confirm- this isn't really THE sequel to No Regrets. It's just the christmas part that comes somewhere in between the first fic and the sequl and won't (hopefully) be too long.

This fic is dedicated to my darlin' beta Smac for getting back to me so fast!

Storys posted in two parts.

Elves, Ex's & Mistletoe.

Chapter 1

“This is the stage. This is the script. These are your fellow actors. We have exactly two days to get this play spot on, rehearse, rehearse AND REHEARSE!!”

Suddenly the pizzazz of Christmas has disappeared down the drain, and someone please remind me why I said yes to this play?

No, I can’t remember either.

But here I am, exactly four days before Christmas, whilst most sane people lie in bed or casually spend the very few holidays they have from university to browse around the mall. Instead I stand literally freezing my buttocks off, whilst listening to a very on edge Maria, who I can’t hear anyway, because the winds too loud.

Our fellow actors get to experience her stressiness pretty much 17 hours in the day whilst we rehearse, Kyle and I on the other hand have the joy of living with her too as she rushes about our house making phone calls, screaming at Isabel- who has completely opposing ideas on how the play should be run, and sniffing cedar oil.

I wrap my arms around myself wishing I’d bought goggles as the snow flakes keep mustering up my vision. Maria's fourteen year old sister Stitch, stands next to me, her teeth chattering so loudly that’s its quite a talent. It makes sense though, she’s wearing pretty much nothing and looks like she's going to become a standing icicle in her tinsy, winsy denim skirt, knee-length leather boots and pink furry top, that looks like its come from the same material as Maria’s furry duvet that I like so much.

Hold on a minute…

Before I can contemplate whether the top Stitch is wearing really is Maria’s duvet, I’m broken from my train of thought.

“Okay. Go. Go. Go!” Maria screams, like something possessed her and she’s in fast need of an exorcism, whilst Isabel appears from back stage looking all prim and proper, and holding a microphone.

“Um, where are we meant to be going again?” Kyle asks as he joins us on the spot, jumping up and down quite like penguin, as he tries to keep himself warm.

“To bed, I’m hoping.” I mumble under my breath. Only I was witness to how rudely I was hoisted out of bed by Maria this morning. I’m guessing she’s still pissed about the no show at carolling.

“I think she wants you guys to get going to the hall.” A small voice says from beside me. “Y’know to start rehearsing.”

I’m still getting over the fact that Stitch has started speaking. She’s actually mustered up the courage to talk in front of Kyle. Quite an achievement from the things she was doing before, these included, looking like she’s going to puke and tripping up over herself alot.

“Oh yeah.” Kyle nods. “Let’s go.”

Stitch nudges me hard on the side with her elbow, whilst I curb the urge to wince out in pain. I should really tell her to stop elbowing me everytime Kyle so much as looks at her.

As we start our retreat to the hall, where we can use the mini stage for practice, we bump into the Isabel and Maria who give me another reason I want Christmas to be over. So they can stop their damned bickering and and give the world some peace!

“I think we should use the blue carpet instead of the red.” Isabel whispers, like colour coding is a sordid secret.

“The reds fine. It’s a Christmas colour.”

“I think blue-“

“-brings out the colour of your eyes?” Maria snaps.

I can see Isabel’s stiffen from the corner of my eyes. “Hey, what’s your problem?”

“My problem is, I’d wish you’d quit acting like a witch with a stick up her ass. “

…ut, oh. I stand in front of Stitch so she’s shielded from the shrapnel when the inevitable happens.

“You sound like you’ve got a ticking time bomb up yours at the rate you’re going.”

“At least I’m not taking this, like I have all the time in the world.”

“You’re taking this way too stress—“

“ ‘Tis the season to be jolly tra-la-la-la-la-la.” Kyle sings blatantly, and is rewarded with looks of death from both the girls.

“Kyle has a really nice singing voice don’t you think?” Stitch whispers in my ear.


I look at my watch. Max was meant to be here over forty five minutes ago.

Where the hell does he keep getting held up? And why doesn’t he call to tell me where he is anymore?

It started two weeks back. Back then I was naïve and thought nothing of it, but now doubts are beginning to cloud my mind.

Maybe now that he’s got you, he’s started taking you for granted…

I shake my head viscously as the nagging clouds my head.

No…no way. That was the last thing Max would do. He wouldn’t…

You did it to Brad.

That’s right. I took my ex for granted. I admit it.

Who was to say, I didn’t deserve the same treatment?

“Here’s your song.” Isabel says. “Pam will bring over the scripts-" she pauses looks me up and down, for a moment looking concerned, then turns around and walks off.

“I’m fine Isabel, thanks for asking.” I mumble to myself, looking down at the paper she's handed me.

Then I stare at the song I have to sing in front of the millions in Roswell and nearly cry.

“Who the hell wrote this stuff? Bogey boo- bogey boo- bogey boo boo boo. Its Christmas, the season on joy I love you you you.” I shake my head. “I am not getting up on stage to sing that.

Stitch giggles and Kyle and hoots with laughter. “That’s class guys, really.”

“Come on Liz you can’t back out now.” Isabel says primly, ignoring the laughter at her master piece.

“I will, if you make me sing that!”

“Come on, do a friend a favour.” Maria rouses emphatically. “Give back to the community!”

I growl under my breath. “When did the community ever care for me?”

“Do you have a Scrooge by any chance? Liz would play him perfect.” Kyle quips.

I kick him.

I know what’s happening here. The ‘lets gang up on Liz gang’ moment is coming up. This happens occasionally, when all my friends turn traitors and moan about my inconsistency. As demonstrated, I normally kick them.

“It’s not exactly the most well written song.” Stitch throws me a wink. I try to hide the grin bordering across my face.

I’m officially going to christen Stitch my loyal side kick.

“Please, I’ve done worst things on stage.” Kyle admits, shuddering at painful memories.

“Why don’t you play a half naked singing elf then Santa-clause?” I cry, waving the paper in his face.

I feel strong arms around me and I’m pulled backward before Kyle hits me with a comeback and quite possibly gets his ass kicked. I know who it is, even before I lean into the safeness of his chest.

“I object.”

I turn around to face Max. He stands in front of me with little effort, wearing an untucked white shirt and loosely fitted jeans, looking like they were just made to hang off his hips like that, and I find every little doubt from before just dissolving away.

“You’re meant to be backing me up on this one boyfriend.” I say pointedly.

He gives me a speculative look. “I’m not going to give up a chance to see you as a half naked elf. No siree.”

“You have a thing for elves or sumthin’?”

“Just half naked Lizzy's.”

“Hmm.” I manage. I barely manage because suddenly I’m as horny as hell. It’s a little strange since we’re standing in the middle of all our friends, talking about me embarrassing myself on stage and then whoosh Max appears from nowhere, casually stands behind me, and makes me all horny.

Don’t ask me how he manages.

“It’s a child orientated script. This aspect of the play pertains the idea that —“

I think Isabel’s speaking somewhere in the back ground, but I don’t really care as Max obviously sensed my horniness, because he’s giving me that mega smouldering look of his. He’s pulling me closer and without a care in the world our hands are caressing faces, lip and tongues like lovers parted for years.

Man… I’ve missed him.

Where the hell has he been?

“Please stop.” Kyle groans. “This play is trauma enough. Let’s not start another one.”

“Shurrip.” I murmur pulling away from Max’s mouth and blushing wildly.

“I ditto the shurrip” Max agrees and is rewarded by a playful shove from me. “Hey Iz, can I borrow Lizzy for a sec?” before Maria or Isabel even have a chance to protest, Max is taking me around the back of the stage.

“There’s no room to do it back stage. I already checked!” Kyle yells after us.

Shaking my head at Kyle’s crudeness ( I mean, its not like we’re gunna do it!) I ask, “So what’s up?”

“This.” At lightening speed Max has me pinned against the wall and is roughly pressing his mouth against mine.

Um, hello horn dog.

Feelings fly loose as I compliantly open myself to him, allowing him to take me in the way he needs. Our mouths press, tongue tangle harshly, teeth grate in surrounding passion. His hands teasingly stroke my stomach as we kiss, the palm of his large hand touching the bare skin, where my shirts moved upward. Electric surpasses my body at the contact and I let out a small squeal of want.

By the time we pull apart for breath my face is tingling from heat.

Max brushes his hair into place and throws a grin my way.

I straighten my shirt. “Well, well...”

“Just wanted to do that without Kyle or Maria screeching in my ear drums.”

“Point made.”

He watches me in silence as I bite my lip and fiddle with my hair. Then clear my throat loudly because he’s still staring.

“Christ, Lizzy.” He groans, “You're so damned beautiful.”

Then we’re flinging ourselves at one another again, tongues entwining, hands messing any order that we’ve made of ourselves. We grasp at each other not even bothering to be gentle in anyway. Breathless passion turns to softer, light kisses and we don’t let go until Maria yells a “Get back here Liz!” from front stage.

Breathing hard I push Max away from my mouth, “Doing it back stage really won’t be so comfortable.”

“You’re right…” He lets me go, but the actions reluctant in both parts as I don’t move back and neither does he.

I giggle softly as he kisses my forehead.

Eventually I take the initiative, because knowing us we really will start doing it back stage and 'back stage' isn’t really on my list of public places to have sex.

“One thing before you go.”

“Hmm?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Isabel and I are having dinner at the parents on Christmas day.”

“Right...” I say slowly.

It’s wrong of me to ask Max to spend Christmas day with me right? Especially since he actually has a family to go back to.

Lucky him.
But its still disappointing that he can’t.

“We want you to spend Christmas with us.”


I think he’s noticed that my face has fallen even more. I shift on my feet uncomfortably... Its not that I don’t adore his parents. Diane and Phillip are the sweetest parental couple I’ve come across, but Christmas always makes everything as awkward as hell for me… and I don’t want to ruin their Christmas with my awkwardness.

“…Max…” I begin.

“Come on Lizzy. You’ve been dodging them since we started going out.”

My eyebrows furrow. “No I haven’t.”

“Lizzy.” Max says more sternly.

“It’s awkward.” I blurt.

You wouldn’t understand.

“Try me.” He says like he’s read my mind.

I jump a little. How does he do that?

“I’m not a very Christmas spirity person.”

“I know.” He shrugs like he doesn’t care.

“I care.” I tell him. “Plus I’ll feel like an intruder.”

“Don’t be stupid.” He sighs. “That’s the stupidest excuse -“

“-Plus…Plus… “ I say cutting him off, “I promised Maria.”

It’s this thing where Kyle and Maria, without fail each year, fight over whose parent’s house I’m going to have Christmas at. It normally ends in both Kyle and I and Kyle’s Dad having the Christmas at Maria’s Moms.

“I don’t care. You’re still coming.” Max says stubbornly.

“No.” I say just as stubbornly. “I- I can’t…”

I’m not sure how I can even start to explain the issues that I have with the Christmas spirit- and I open my mouth to say as much, but Max seems to have drifted off as his eyebrows furrow and he stares down at his watch.

“You going somewhere?” I wonder out loud.

“Yea… I gotta go.”

“Where?” I ask confused.

“I have to go Lizzy..." he’s already rushing around the front, before I can interrogate him more. “We’ll discuss this later...” he mouths as he takes off.

I watch him disdainfully, wondering where on earth he’s rushing off to…again.

Next part in a bit.... :arrow:

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:22 pm
by Blue*Soul
Chapter 1 cont'

By the time I’ve stared at the spot where Max disappeared around the corner for a full ten minutes, then contemplated some more about why the hell he keeps rushing off like that without telling me where he’s going, and haven’t reached any type of relative conclusion, apart from deciding that its quite probably just me being paranoid, I make my way back to front stage. There, I see Pam Troy also known as my number one arch nemesis, mingling with my crowd of friends (actually she’s not my rival nemesis. It just sounds cool).

“Hey, Pam.” I say in my usual unfriendly manner.

“Oh hey, Liz. How’s Brad?”

I look up at her.


Judging from the silence that engulfs us, I don’t think myself or for that matter anyone else was expecting that to come out of my arch nemesis’s mouth.

See, Brad is my ex who coincidentally, is also the sweetest guy in world. Even more ironically, I cheated on the sweetest guy in the world to be with Max and even though I'm on okay terms with Brad, he’s almost like a taboo subject around Max and myself.

“I saw him a couple of days ago.” Pam says casually, like she hasn’t noticed my dropping face.

“You went and saw him?” Why on earth would she do that? He was miles away.

“He came down. Oh, he didn’t tell you? Whoopsie.” She doesn't look sorry in the slightest.

“No he didn’t.” I snort. There was no way Brad would visit without seeing me. See the thing is- Brad wasn’t just an ex, he was a close friend too. In fact we spoke almost two times a week, until two weeks ago (which isn’t bad considering the circumstances between us).

“Didn’t these guys tell you?”

Yea. Right. Like they would hide something like that.

I smile at Maria due to Pams stupidness and suddenly, Maria, Kyle, Isabel all look down at their shoes, guilt stricken.

“Guys…?” I say slowly.

No way!

What? Brad's been making ‘secret’ visits now?

I feel my cheeks burn. So that was what the silence was about? How utterly dumb of me to think it was because they were trying to protect me.

“He’s got this new girlfriend.” Pam continues. “Her names Laurie. She’s really hot.”

I have no idea why she’s telling me this.

Her laughter resembles a hyena. “I guess you’re not the only one that gets around - I mean moves on fast.” She smiles saccharinely at me.

“Jesus Pam!” Maria says teeth gritted and then looks at me concernedly, “Here's your script, hun.”

I snatch the script from her and stare down at it. If smoke wasn’t coming out of my ears from utter fury at my friends, I really would have punched Pam on her large nose. Hard.

“Okay me first!” Pam giggles.

“Hey, elfy elf have you seen Santa around?” she says in her extremely high voice.

“No elfy elf. Last time he was doing his laundry.” I say dead-tone, not even caring enough to wonder what the hell Isabel was taking when she wrote this one.

Pam giggles more.

I still want to punch her.

“I’m so excited about helping Santa out for Christmas, aren’t you?”

“Yes, yes, elfy elf I am.” I sigh.

“What do you think Santa will get you?”

“A bit of Max, a dash of Brad on the side cause god knows…”

What the hell?

I trail off as I read the rest of the script.

“I have major issues. One of them being choosing between these two boys… It would be good to finally make a decision, right elfy elf?

… And I haven’t even gotten started yet on my lack of decision making… it often causes me to sleep around…I pretend I’m all alone and embittered when…

My hands are shaking as I read.

“Liz what are you saying?” Maria grabs my script and scans through it.

“This isn’t the… Pam!....Why would you do this?!”

All I can hear is Pam screeching with laughter, as I grab my bag and run.


I stare at the real script that Maria sent me by email because I wouldn’t let her or Kyle into my room to talk to me. I’m still extremely pissed at them for not telling me about Brad, and hugely embarrassed about the whole script incident .

No matter how much I stare at the script in front of me, the words remain jumbled and unreadable. All I can think about is what the fake one said. Brad. Max. Issues. Alone. Cheat.

It was like Pam had picked on the most sensitive, most delicate parts of my life and stuck them together to make a mockery out of them. To display them to an audience to laugh at.

Is that what my life is? Just a joke? A mockery? A sham?

And how the fuck did she know all that stuff?

This isn’t what I’m about. I’m not joke. I'm not with Max because I have issues. I’m with Max because I love him. I know that and he knows that, and more then anything I want him to be with me now.

So where the hell is he?

Like on cue my mobile goes off.


“Hey, baby.”

“Nice of you to call.” I say dryly.

“Don’t start.”

“No, don’t you start Max Evans.” I hiss. “ Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you to call-“


“-Don’t Lizzy me Max! I don’t know what the hell you’ve been doing with yourself these days; because you don’t goddamn tell me. You don’t do what you promised you would, you’re never around! Where are you Max?”

Then he does something really un-Max like. He does something that annoys the hell out of me. He changes the subject.

“All I called to ask was are you coming for dinner. Mom wants to know.” He says tiredly.

“No.” I shout and hang up fiercely.

After that I wear the carpet thin from walking back forth in my room, and by the time I’ve finished, I’m shaking from head to toe.

Not surprisingly I’ve messed up everything… again.

TBC... Still interested?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:31 pm
by Blue*Soul
pLANETv33n3ss, Smac, dreamer destiny, Islandgirl5, Emz80m, Saymi007, Behrobsession, anonymousarfan, Ellie, RASaero611, Alien614, Ash_maxliz, roni230, Jason's Lover, Cherie. Thanks for coming back and reading!

Elves, Ex’s & Mistletoe

Chapter 2

"You okay?”


“What you doin’?”

“Lying in bed. Staring at the ceiling.”

“What’s the plan?”

“Rehearsals, rehearsals, more rehearsals.”

“Maria must be pleased; you’re even using her words now.”

Max’s voice displays its usual mocking tone, but it’s abnormally bland. He sounds tired. I want to ask him what it is, but I’ve decided that I’m not going to until he offers the information himself.

Which he doesn’t.

An uncomfortable silence fills my ears as I hold my cell to my ears, tight lipped.

“You don’t have to come to Christmas dinner.” He finally offers up.

“I don’t?” The civilised distance I’ve been trying to keep since the start of the conversation, goes to pot. I know that even down the phone my voice is full of relief.

“No. I don’t want to force you. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, which by the way is crazy - I won’t make you.”

“…That’s appreciated.” I offer slowly.

“…but you owe me.”

“Are you asking for sexual favours?”

There’s a pause whilst he mulls over what I’ve just said. “I want you to come to dinner tonight.” He answers, still tiredly.

“Oh, okay.”

“At seven sharp. You’ll come right?”

“Seven tonight.” I say. After all Max’s parents can’t be avoided forever.

“Don’t forget, Lizzy. Bye.” I’m greeted by a dead tone from the other side before I can even tell him goodbye.


I stare the phone in mild shock.

I’m guessing someone hasn’t gotten over our little argument from yesterday.

For a fleeting second I think about calling him back.

But don’t.

After all he still hasn’t told me where he’s been. If he wanted me, he’d come to me.

Groaning groggily, I kick off the covers, use the bathroom, pack my bag and head for rehearsals, where I can have loads of fun avoiding everyone and hoping Pam won’t get close enough so that I kick her ass.

I’m just about pulling the stupidest script in the world, out my bag when I feel a little tap on my shoulder.

“Hey, Liz.” A small voice greets me.

“Hey, Stitch.”

“You okay?”

“Dandy.” I say.


“No.” is the blunt answer. “I just want this to be over and done with so I can get back to being all recluse and isolated by myself.”

“I wish I could make it better.” She says in that usual sweet way. I look up into those huge doe eyes of hers and suddenly, she reminds me of someone unnameable from a long time back. Her face is coveted into that eager yet indecisive look and I can’t help but smile.

What an absolute sweet heart.

Only if I could say the same for—

“Liz!” Pam squeals, suddenly appearing from nowhere. She’s suddenly in front of me wearing a luminous yellow jumper that leaves me with sun spots in front of my eyes.

“You know,” she says in that abominably high voice of hers, “I’m sorry about yesterday…I really have no idea why you took it so badly…”

I viciously pull a bottle of water from my bag.

Stay calm Liz.

Ignore her. She’ll go away soon.

Inner chi does not care about Pam Troy.

“Come on you have to admit it was kinda funny…”

Deep breaths.

That’s it.

In and out just like that.

“Heellllloooo” She’s waving her hand in front of my face. “You in there?” Giggle.

Stay. Calm.


“Liz. Really. It.was.a.joke. I took the scripts home to print them out and Sean was there. So y’know, we had a laugh.”

I stand up and trot up the stage as the ‘elf’ scene is next. Stitch follows me. So does Pam.

“I don’t want this working relationship to go sour sweetie, after all we are professionals…”


“Just so you know…you should learn to take a joke.”

Ok. That’s it.

I twirl around to face her. Not sure if its her make-up layered face or her yellow jumper that’s more repulsive.

“Go to hell, Pam.”

“What?” she sounds surprised.

“Go fug yourself. I don’t want any relationship with you- working or non. And count yourself lucky that this play is on tomorrow, or else you’d be the butt of some interesting jokes.

“Are you threatening me?”

Get a clue, woman.

“See it’s a part of all these issues I have. I’ll just claim insanity when they put me down, so all I’m saying - get yourself away from me or that I'm likely damage you- politely.

“Geez, you're more of a bitch then what you come across as.” She spits and trots off

I sigh.

“The only way you could make it better was if you caused Pam to disappear or something.” I murmur to myself as Maria calls our cue.


Most of our scenes our done. The only practice we need now is our talent bit at the end where I come on with my guitar, and our song, which won’t get any better unless Pam gets voice training and stops singing all the low notes, high.

Stitch and I eat lunch in the corner of the hall like social recluses, whilst all the others sit on benches on the other side of the hall.

Kyle keeps waving and Maria keeps trying to catch my eye, but I stare down at my salad like it’s the tastiest thing ever. Which its not.

I check my phone for the thousandth time. There’s no call from Max. No message. No nothing.

“I hate Pam. I wish she’d fall off a bridge.” Stitch says all of a sudden.


I continue to stare at my phone. Like if I stare hard enough it’ll start ringing.

“I think we should teach her a lesson she’ll never forget.”

I look up. “At this rate I’m gunna teach her a lesson she won’t live to forget.”

“She still being mean?”

“It’s more her singing.”

Stitch giggles and I wonder if I’ve said something funny. I’m being completely serious.

“You know what you said earlier…”


“About making Pam disappear…”

I stop midway through a mouthful of lettuce.

Like on cue there’s a loud scream from backstage.

Pam appears looking windswept and holding a red…rag. “My costume!” She screeches, “My costume!... It’s…its …all… cut up!”

It’s quite a comic scene really, as she stands on stage and displays a piece of material cut into shreds, to the rest of us “Who would do this?! What the hell am I gunna wear? I’ll look like a fool… who would…” she trails off and her eyes land on me.

“Liz.” She says with extreme certainty.

“Lets not jump to conclusions now.” Maria stands up.

“Liz has been with me all day.”

I look down at Stitch and she winks at me.

Looks like Stitch isn’t just your average sweetheart…


Shit. Shit. Shit!

I’m over sixty minutes late for my seven o’ clock dinner with Max’s parents. I curse myself for over sleeping, as I grab my cell and drop it into my bag and rush down the stair case. Then grab some lip balm and a comb from the mantel piece on my way out, not wanting to scare Max’s parents with the horror of how I look when I’ve just woken up from a nap that was only meant to be ten minutes long. Damn that sleep inducing Danger Mouse.

I pull open the door and almost run right into…

“Brad!!!” I cry, letting all the extra stuff in my hands fall to the floor as I grab him.

“Oh… hey Liz…hey…” He laughs a little flustered, flashing his all American boy smile.

It’s always so nice to see him. With Brad comes this kinda comfort and well… he just smells so familiar.

“Come in.”

Before he can answer, I take his hand and walk him to the leaving room. I stand, scanning behind him.

He gives me a questioning look.

“No girlfriend?” I ask breathlessly.

He laughs. “You heard, huh?”

“Yes. I did.” I pout. “From the others you’ve been visiting behind my back.”

“Oh yeah.” He nods and regards me with those vast sea blue eyes of his.

“I was--”

“You were?”

“I was--”


“I dunno Liz. I guess I wanted to avoid an awkward situation.”

“You thought I’d be awkward?”

“No, me.” He sighs, “I’d still be awkward.”

Before I can truly contemplate what he’s saying, he goes on. “Also another thing, I told the rest not to tell you about me. It was entirely my fault.”

I narrow my eyes suspiciously. “Did Maria and Kyle put you up to this?”

He shrugs. They might have mentioned it but --“

“You weren’t going to visit me otherwise? I ask shell shocked. “I’m pissed Brad.”

“No you’re not.”

“I so am.”

He groans and gives me that puppy dog look of his. “I missed you so much.”

I look up at him surprised.

“You too.”

I did. I missed him a lot.

I sigh. He moves forward and I’m in his arms. It’s quite comfortable as he drops a small kiss on my forehead.

“I hope we can still keep in touch… I don’t want it all to go to pot…again.”

“Same.” He says.

I look up at him and smile. He really is the sweetest guy I know

A squeak from behind shakes my little admiration of Brad, and I jump back at the intrusion.

Max stands in the door way, looking tired, cold… and pissed.

His arms folded, his face expressionless, he says, “Hey, Brad.”

“Hey, Max.” Brad nods just as politely.

There’s a silence. A silence like the eye of a storm.

“Hey, Max.” I echo, feeling like I’ve been caught red handed doing something I wasn’t meant to be. “I was just about to –“

“--Nice of you to tell me you were around.” he cuts me off and looks at both of us accusingly.

“Max…” I begin.

“--I came to see what you were doin, since everyone’s still waiting for you to turn up to dinner. I guess I’ll tell them you’re a little, uh…busy.”

Oh god! No. no. no! It wasn’t like that. No!

“Max!” I call after him.

He’s already gone.

“Oh god!” I cry.

Brad pulls a dread-filled face, “Ut-oh.”

I shake my head as I fall onto the couch.

Merry Christmas, Lizzy.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:43 am
by Blue*Soul
Hey all, long time no see. Well here's the next part of my rather dragging christmas story. It shouldn't be too long... I'm guessing another chapter or two after this one.

Because it's been so long heres a quick summary:

Okay- so Lizzy hates christmas, she's dragged into the christmas play by Maria. Pam (Liz's nemesis & co-actor) is making life hell for her- it doesn't make it any better that Liz's ex (that Liz cheated on to be with Max) is around. In the last chapter Max saw Liz with Brad in her living room, even though she was meant to be at dinner with Max & his parants. Max gets huffy & rushes out- and we continue from there.

Elves, Exe's & Mistletoe

Chapter 3


I look at Brad standing quietly in my living room. He’s still in the process of looking a lot confused and slightly shocked about what to do.

I stare at the door where Max has just disappeared through, shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

It’s the kinda silence I’d vowed I’d never hear again.

Realisation hits me then. It’s moments like these that you just have to make a decision.

“I’ve got to go.” The determination in my voice almost surprises me.

Brad shrugs and I wait for his reply, even though I know what I have to do.

“Go.” He says finally.


He knows.

He knows that when it comes to the three of us. That when it comes to choosing between Brad and Max - It will always be Max.


I rush toward the front door. Then on second thoughts rush back, kiss Brad on the cheek and run out.

The first thing that greets me is the iciness. It’s not windy, but the cold slashes against my skin as I choose the shortcut to the right, and run through the streets of Roswell in my thin black t-shirt and jeans.

I run and run like my life depends on it. Uphill too.

As I take my second right, I spot Max’s family Volvo at traffic lights and thanking my lucky stars I run toward it with all the Lizzy might that’s left of me, fling the car door open, and nestle myself in the passenger seat.

I’m out of breath and the warmth is like air to my lungs. Max (thankfully it is his car, cause there could have been lots of weird issues cropping up if it wasn’t) gives me a bare sideways glance, but then stares straight ahead, not flinching and not caring from the looks of it either.

“Listen!” I gasp, turning toward his profile. “Don’t go…. You have to listen to me! I won’t let you go…Not without listening to me!”

I push for breath in between words as the traffic lights turn.

Max puts his foot on the gas pedal, turns slightly to regard me, and drawls dryly, “I can hardly escape can I?”

Point made.

“You’re going the wrong way.” I point out. Last time I checked he didn’t live here….but that was a long time ago.

“I’m not going home.”

“I thought you were -“

“- I’ve suddenly lost my appetite.”

I let out an anguished sigh and sit at the edge of the passenger seat as I regard my boyfriend, who holds the steering wheel tightly, and stares straight ahead with his jaw clenched moodily.

“It wasn’t what it looked like!”

“What was that then?” He seethes

I gulp.

How am I meant to know exactly what Max envisaged I’d been doing with Brad? How am I meant to tell him that I’d just been so excited about seeing my ex that I’d momentarily forgotten about dinner that Max so badly wanted me to go to?

I pause for a bit to think it through but Max fills the silence before I can.

“I’m not you,” he glances at me slightly then fixates ahead of him again “I was just annoyed that you couldn’t put the effort into call me… to even bother to tell me you were late…and on top of that I wasn’t important enough for Brad, you, or anyone else to tell me that he was around, and then when I do come to see you, guess who you’re with?”

He makes a muffled noise, and it sounds like he’s trying to sort out something in his head.

I open my mouth to say something but he beats me to it again.

His voice is softer.

“I get jealous okay?”



I move forward and stroke his arm that’s on the gear box. He flinches slightly at my touch.

“I didn’t know he was around either. Brad didn’t tell me he was coming, he just turned up.”

“Oh, so conveniently.” He baardens.

“Yes. Conveniently. It’s not like I was late for dinner on purpose. I fell asleep. It’s not my fault.”

“No. Nothing ever is, is it?”

“Max, I didn’t –“ I sigh, pulling my hand away from him, to which he just lets out an annoyed grunt. “Why are you being so difficult?”

“I’m being difficult?”

“Yes! I thought we were going to make this work. That we were going to bother to make an effort! You can’t even tell me where you’ve been every day this week.”

Max stops the car with a jerk and I have to hold onto the dashboard, or else I’d be flying through the window due to lack of seat belt.

He’s undoing himself harshly and unravelling himself and all of a sudden he isn’t there. I open the door and follow him out, the wind slicing through my skin.

“This is where I’ve been.”

I stare at the hardware store behind Max. It says Mans DIY.

I open my mouth and close it and then finally say, “Mans DIY?”

“My third job, this month.” His voice is tight.

I rub at my arms. The wind is making his anger filled features harsher as it rushes at him from all directions.

I’m confused.

“Max… I’m…”

“Don’t even Liz.” He cuts me off.

I take a step forward and he gets into defence mode, turning to the side.

“The first thing you should try and understand is what a relationship is. How it works. Damn it, it’s a two way thing okay? I can’t do all the chasing all the time. Take a step forward instead of taking one back.”

I’m gaping as he storms into hardware store and I’m left to make my own way back home.


By the time I walk home from the DIY store in the freezing cold I’ve contemplated many things. I’ve contemplated whether his jerkiness was on par with my bitchiness. Whether I was being totally unreasonable…or was he?

I don’t get why he was hiding ‘Mans DIY store’ from me. Why was he working so much? Why did he need three jobs?

That couldn’t be good…right?.

I contemplate what he said about taking a step forward.

It’s not like I was walking backward in this relationship.

I mean…I did try.

And if Max didn’t appreciate that then he could just jump it. Right?


Hell, who was I kidding? I wanted this to work out, like I’ve never wanted anything to work out before.

With Max there was like this rush and intensity of emotion that I’d never felt before.

This rightness.

And I hated this other stuff that got in the way. You know, like hurt feelings, emotions
… insecurities.

I contemplate and walk around in circles around the park. Then contemplate some more.

It gets me nowhere.

I hate this.

And I miss Max.

By the time I get home my arms are so numb I can’t even feel them anymore. I’m also greeted with large amounts of mistletoe hanging from my front door.

I open the door to see the mistletoe decoration doesn’t stop there. It extends all around the living room into the kitchen

Maria and Kyle walk out of the kitchen. Holding lots of mistletoe.

I stare. I’ve never seen so much green in my entire life.

“You like it?” Kyle grins a little hesitantly.

I shrug a little. “Sure.” This time though, my distance isn’t aimed at them. I smile weakly, “At least everyone that steps into this place will get some tongue action this Christmas.”

Kyle nods. “That was the plan.”

“Hey Liz -“ Maria begins timidly.

“It’s okay. Brad told me.”

She looks relieved.


I nod. “Cool.”


“Wanna help?” Kyle holds up the mistletoe.

I bite my lip.

Hey, what the hell? I have nothing else to do apart from mope about Max’s strange behaviour anyway.

“Sure.” I nod as he throws some mistletoe at me. “So where did Brad go?”

They both stare at me. “He was here?” Kyle questions.

“You just left him here?” Maria’s eyebrows furrow.

I sigh. “It’s a long story.”

“And messy?” Kyle asks.


“You know Maria loves a messy, long story.”

Maria shoves him and then turns to regard wide eyed. “What?” she looks innocent. “He's completely right.”


I stare at myself in the rickety mirror placed backstage. I stare at the smallest piece of red material I’ve ever come across. Unfortunately I’m wearing the smallest piece of material I’ve ever come across. The barely ass covering costume is bright Santa red, covered with cotton wool around the bottom. I’m wearing a Santa’s hat to top it off. With heels. High stiletto heels.

After my heart to heart with Maria and Kyle yesterday, I told Maria that her costumes come off as more porn film than Christmas play. Maria’s excuse was- that was the best she could do with the very little ‘material’ she was provided.

I wonder if that excuse will settle with the rather backward residents of Roswell when they’re faced with the indecency of my costume.

It makes me want to donate my dress to Pam, but I take the sentiment back when I see her wearing a huge baggy red shorts which come down to her knees complimentary with huge red blouse and cotton wool for buttons, topped off with a much too large Santa hat.

Damn. It’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in ages.

Pam doesn’t seem to take a liking to it either as she screeches, “I can’t believe I’m wearing this!”

“Sorry it’s the best I could do in a day.” Maria says, not caring that her excuses are running thin.

“The person that did this to me -” Pam spits at me as she walks past, “-should be bearing the brunt. Not me!”

Maria rolls her eyes and Stitch giggles and joins me. “I wouldn’t wear that in million years.”

I smile back. "So you ready for the show?”

“Yeah. I can’t wait to put guitar playing skills into practice with you. I’ve been practicing for my showcasing long and hard.” She smiles brightly up at me. “You’ve been such an inspiration Liz.”

“Aw, shucks…” I begin. “Don’t take everything I do too seriously. Trust me there’s a lot of stuff I’m not so…”

But before I manage to finish my self depreciating talk, Stitch suddenly stops listening as Kyle is standing in front of us in a full on Santa’s costume.

“Ho. Ho. Ho. You girls wanna touch my beard? Its authentic wool.”

“No thank y-“ I begin but stop as Stitch is already breathlessly touching Kyle’s beard looking all intrigued and smitten. I shake my head at the perverseness of it all.

Not noticing how his wily charms are taking an affect, Kyle trots off leaving Stitch flustered and breathing hard.

Stitch manages a final, “I’m so getting him under the mistletoe.” before we’re cued to go on stage.


By half time I’m praying that big warp hole will appear on stage and engulf me.

Not only am I messing up all my lines, but Pam is making an extremely huge effort to keep upstaging me, talking over me and adding her own dialogue. On top of that the whole of Roswell and neighbouring states (Roswell surely isn’t this big) have turned up to watch the damned performance.

Don’t people have anything else to do on Christmas Eve?

Mainly though, I’m just freezing and ratty because Max hasn’t turned up.

I know we had a tiff. I know I probably majorly pissed him off. But I’ve been preparing for this harder than I’ve ever prepared for a university exam.

How could he be so inconsiderate?

“Okay people! Come here. Back stage huddle.”

We all move toward Isabel’s motioning, even though there’s no way I’m huddling with Pam.

“Okay. Kyle, you did well. Audience interaction was very well done. That’s what we need.”

Kyle salutes.

“Melinda, good stuff too. Sam, cut out the umming. Damon, try and throw some bears further back. Liz and Pam…” Isabel sighs and everyone turns to look at us grudgingly, “Get over it please. You two are wrecking the show.”

Uhh… WHAT?

“I’m not the one - “

“I don’t care, Liz.” Isabel says huffily, “Just get over the rivalry, and costume cutting or whatever. My show isn’t going to fail because of some childish bantering.”

I huff at Isabel angrily. Not sure who I’m more pissed at - her or Pam.

When everyone walks off, I turn to Pam and grab her.

“Listen you. You’re making me unpopular.”

She narrows her eyes. “As opposed to what?”

“Quit cutting me up.”

“You cut my costume -“

“I did not.” I groan.

“Oh, yeah? I’m meant to believe that?”

“I don’t care Pam.”

“Well I do. So believe it honey when I say; you’ve got it coming.”

I’m about to scream mightily loud at her, but Maria’s voice breaks me away.

“Pam, Liz! You’re on.” I give Pam one last scathing look and walk to the cue spot behind the curtain.

It will be the happiest day of my life, when this stupid play is over and I won’t have to see Pam’s ugly face again.

“The next scene is the song. Liz, Stitch get your guitars. Pam…” Maria swallows looking defeated “…well do your best.”

I rush to the instrument section and pick up my guitar motioning for Stitch to follow me.

Our cue is called and I walk on to stage, trying to look as cool as I can in my tiny elf costume and holding a guitar. Stitch and Pam follow me on to the open air stage, where the faces of Roswell look expectantly up at us, backed by a carpet of snow.

If I liked Christmas I would even say it’s kinda beautiful.

Except they’re all just kinda staring, with these hungry slash amused expressions…

…Oh god…

I only have the smallest amount of time to contemplate that the whole of Roswell probably has view of my panties, before Stitch nods a three.

I strum.

Except I don’t.

Then everything goes in slow motion as I look down at my beloved instrument.

All the strings are cut.

I gasp.

Pam smirks at me and then continues to sing very shakily and out of tune,

“Rainbows come and so does the sun…”

I can’t believe it.

Breathe Liz. Breathe…

I try and strum again.

Like…somehow… miraculously it will work.


Please. Work.

“There’s nothing like snow… snow makes me run…”

She could have done anything. Anything. Why my guitar? Why?

How did she know that this was the one thing that I couldn’t live without?

Besides chocolate Pritzlers that is, but that’s a different story.

She’s smirking.

Right that’s it.


“Needin’ you in moments of passion, needin’ you in moments of peace…”

I take a huge step forward and shove Pam.

She stops singing, the audience fidget. Was that meant to happen?

“What the hell -“ Pam begins.

She shoves me.

I fall into Stitch whose still strumming.

I jump forward and slap her on the arm.

Stitch stops strumming.

Pam slaps my arm back.

Then there’s this hurricane of movement. In seconds we’re tugging at each others hair.

“I’ll kill you! dare you?!”

“BITCH!” Pam cries, “You fucking ho! Ahhh… Let go of me!”

“You cut my guitar strings… Pam…you – ow!…cow!”

“Ow. Let go. Let. Me. Go!

I do.

I push her one last time, hard, then all I see are legs and arms and whoosh she’s disappeared into the audience.

I hear a collective gasp from down below as they’re greeted with Pam’s ugliness, before I run away from the chaos I’ve caused. Again.

I’m not sure where I’m running to. But I run back stage, down the steps, my heels slip in the snow.

I run and run and run. Snow flakes blur my vision as I just run toward oblivion.

All I can think is. Mess. Anguish. Pain. The story of my life. I should be used to it by now. Everyone should expect it coming from me.

Suddenly I’m slipping. I look down and realise I’m on the old deserted ice skate rink not in use this year. I try to get back into the snow, but end up reaching frantically and skidding backward like a spasming chicken.

You can do this Liz. Its only ice. Come on…

Stupid. Sandals.

I take mini step forwards, but for some reason one sandal has better grip than the other, so that one leg keeps ending up further across the ice. Cursing, I decide it’s better to actually take my shoes off, that way I can just run across the ice.

I stare down at my reddening feet.

Need to get those sandals off.

I might be completely isolated, but there’s no way I’m bending down in the stupid elf’s costume to undo the sandal straps. There’s also no way I’m getting ass freeze by sitting down. So instead I do this strange thing, where I try to remove my sandal by taking one foot off the ground and reaching for it, whilst trying to keep balance with other …. and mainly hoping my sandal will come off from mere concentration.

Suddenly I feel the back of my neck prickle and I look up.

“What the hell are you doing?” Max asks.

Spectator. Whoop. Who is my estranged boyfriend. Double whoop.

He stands on the side of the ice rink, arms folded voice reeking of amusement.

My face burns in humiliation. “I dunno.” I mumble as I try and flick my sandals off the foot that’s off the ground by making funny movements, but this results in me making a further fool of myself as I slip and balance myself in a chicken stance.

By the time I’ve done the chicken stance around five times. I’m bright red from the humiliation of it all.

Where the hell did he come from?

Trust Max to shatter the air of ice princess-ness that I was planning to have with him.

“Where were you?” I ask, trying to bend and then reach for the foot on the air. I manage to undo one strap before I get all skiddy again.

“Watching you on stage.”

“You were here?” I heave.

“You don’t think I’d miss the show of the year?” he says from behind me.

“Show of the year?” Yeah. Right.

“Come on. With your knack for entertaining, you’d bring any old show to life. Loved the little scene at the end. I don’t think Roswell’s been that entertained…. or turned on in a while.”

“Oh, shut up Max.” I groan. Why was he being such a cock-head?

He spectates a while, whilst I struggle about. Even though I don’t look, I just know that he’s probably killing it with laughter.

Giving up, I put both feet on the ice and start for the other side. Away from him.

“You need some help there?” he yells after me.

I can sense the teasing in his tone.

“No.” I reach down again.

“It’s your shoes.”

“Oh, really?” I say sarcily.

He walks toward me, and it seems his shoes have much better grip than mine as he slips only slightly.

“Here let me-“ he reaches toward me.

“I’m fine.” I snap.

“Really?” he raises a brow at me.

“Yes… fine…” I hiss and turn away, taking miniscule steps toward the snow.

If only I could get off the damned ice.

Stupid. Stupid. Inconvenient ice.

I can feel him following me the full way and when I make a small slip up, he’s right behind to catch me.

“Ok slow. Slow. Slow dowb.” He holds me around the waist and I grope a hold of his arms as we walk, fragile and slowly toward the other side. The heat from his body is the only thing that keeps me warm.

Once we’re off the ice I turn to regard him as my feet dig deep in the show.

“Thanks for helping the maiden in distress.”

“Glad my manly skills came to use- even though the maiden should be spanked for getting herself into such situations.”

I raise my eyebrow at his use of wording. “Spanked?”

He smiles a little and looks at the ground shyly, shrugging his shoulders.

He looks so cute that I can’t help but push him.


I raise my eyebrows in a challenge and suddenly we’re wrestling like playful kids.

We land in heap on the snow, giggling. Suddenly the cold or the biting wind doesn’t seem to be bothering me anymore.

I shrug the snow from my hair and his fingers on my face remind me of how much I’ve missed his touch for the last couple of days. He's carressing my lips and for a moment our eyes lock and then we have this intense moment, like I want to kiss him and I think he wants to kiss me too. I strain toward him, but he just wipes the wetness from my face and sits back.

I sigh. “Don’t do that.”


“Be so distant.”

“I’m hardly distant.”

Sure, he’s sitting right next to me, but that’s not what I mean. He knows this.

I smile awkwardly. “So, you were working all this time?”

He nods.

“Wanna tell me why?”

His head jerks up all of a sudden and I think he’s going to yell. Instead this tired and sad voice comes out. “You know why? So I can afford to get you, my Mom, my sister a Christmas present.”

I look at him.

“There’s 90 percent chance my dads law firm is going bankrupt.”

My mouth drops. “What?”

“Yeah.” He says looking down at his fingers. “I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you to worry about me. I’m the only one that really knows.”


“No, Isabel and Mom don’t know. I just kinda fell upon it, because I was at the office so often. Dads waiting till after Christmas to tell them. He doesn’t want to spoil it…you know?”

He looks at me sadly with those burning hazel eyes and all I want to do is kiss him.

“I only invited you around for dinner because –“

“You didn’t want me to spend Christmas alone.” I shrug. “I know. Though I don’t even mind it so much anymore - “

He shakes his head. “That’s only part of the story Lizzy. I want you to be involved in my life as much as I can make it happen. It’s not about you being alone, but me wanting you to be there…and if you didn’t know about all this…. you just being there would have helped ease things.”

I gulp. How come stuff like this always resulted in me feeling like a bitch?

“Why didn’t you tell me before Max?”

“When I’m with you it makes me forget and even if it is for a moment it’s worth it. I want you to be a part of my happiness, not my problems.”

I entwine my hand with his. “I can’t be a part of your life without taking it all. It’s not fair that I only get the good part.”

Max shrugs. I watch as snowflakes fall from his lashes onto his cheeks.

I get up. I’m getting ass freeze through the tiny elf costume. I tug at our entwined fingers and he follows me up.

He doesn’t make any attempt to get any closer as we walk back. I lean toward him slowly, put my arm beneath his jacket, clasping him around the waist.

I guess there’s so much to be said still. So much to be sorted. But as we walk silently back toward the Christmas celebrations, an unsaid comfort fills our hearts.

It’s what we both need.


Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:59 pm
by Blue*Soul
To my lurveeely readers,

Thumbelina- glad you came out of lurkdom. Being a lurker myself I know how hard that is. Heavenli24- I handed in my dissertation a while back and am preparing for finals now. Its all gunna be over soon… half excited...half sad. Frenchkiss70- Updates are a coming- just give me after the 19th and I’m all yours!

Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell, Behrobsession, Alien614, Ellie, pLANETv33n3ss, anonymousarfan, alienmom- Thank you all for being here, even though I’m quite possibly the most erratic updater ever.

A final thanks to my lovely beta Sherrie, who in my biased opinion is the best beta eva!

And finally its four in the morning here - so please forgive any mistakes and crappiness….

Elves, exe’s & Mistletoe

Chapter 4

We stand oddly, in a tug of war of arms. Max tugs mine and in turn I pull away as hard as I can.

I might be a lot smaller than him but what I lack in size, I make up in speed.

I dodge him for third time, but this time he’s too fast, grabbing me and pulling me unmercilessly toward my own front door.

“Come on Lizzy, don’t be silly.” He says exasperatedly.

“Oh look, that rhymes!” I counter, hoping that he’d be distracted by my wit long enough to make a hasty exit.

For some insane reason this isn’t the case. So I resort to my usual shameless tactic. “Please don’t make me do this. Please.

I won’t do this. I can’t.

See, I’m a coward.

An absolute coward. I do these weird, impulsive things on the spur of the moment.

Things like ruining community plays by throwing people off stage and then I can’t take reap what I’ve sown….And so I run.

Except Max is kinda getting in the way of my big plan.

“These are your friends Lizzy.” Max shakes his head, as I dodge past my front door that is currently thumping with loud music and duck as another shadow passes by the window. “This is your house,” he continues, “You live here. You’re gunna have to face them some time.”

“No, I don’t.”

Of course I don’t.

I can make new friends.

….Maybe Pam Troy isn’t so bad after all….

“Liz –“ Max begins again, but before he can finish the front door flies open and I hear a loud noise

It’s strange because it actually sounds like a cheer of appraisal.

“Woo-hoo!” Kyle yells pointing a can of beer toward me very drunkenly, “Happy Christmas elfy- elf. You kicked some goooood butt today.”

My eyes widen and before I can adjust to what happening my arms are twisted away from Max and I’m pulled into the crowd, where people smile and congratulate me like I’m some lost hero. Even Isabel is shaking her head with slight bemusement.

Someone passes me some homemade punch and I gulp it down.

I’m not entirely sure what I did to deserve all this, but it’s kinda cool.

I spot Maria in the crowd and stumble toward her, taking a drink that some girl passes it to me.

“I’m so sorry.” I bite my lip. “I totally ruined the whole production. If I can do anything to make it up... I will. I swear.”

“Hey, don’t worry.” Maria shakes her head. “The whole thing was a mess anyway, I think you made it better…. we actually got a huge round of applause after you made a run for the hills.”

“Really?” I ask in surprise. “They thought it was good?”

What was I thinking running away like that?

Maria contemplates a while. “I’m not quite whether the thought the actual play was good, or…” she motions toward me, “you know, but I think we should let Isabel think that for now.”

“Oh right.”

“And I doubt the community hall will ever sponsor us again, but hey, at least Roswell will always remember this.”


I bite my lip, not sure if I like the idea of the whole of Roswell remembering the crazy-porn-star-Christmas-elf who tried to kill her co-star.

“Plus Pam needed her butt kicked!” I look down at the bundle of blonde hair aka Stitch that appears beside me. “If you hadn’t done it. I would have by now!”

Maria and I look at each other with shocked expressions. It’s weird because I actually believe Stitch. I just know that one day she’s going evolve into a daring stuntwoman. I’m just waiting for that day with glee.

Maria’s dragged away by Michael and Stitch plants her fisted palm in front of my face.

“What is that?”


“Sweets?” I smile brightly, thinking that’s what fourteen year old girls carry around in their palms.

She rolls her eyes and opens up her palm. It’s filled with mistletoe.

“What do you need that for?...” I trail off as I see a couple of people getting into the groove behind her. “Oh…Oh!” my eyes widen with dawning realisation as I notice an extremely unstable Kyle thunder past as he tries to catch something that bares great resemblance to his Santa’s beard, currently in the process of flying around the room.

Stitch giggles to herself and trots off all eager and determined.

Before I can run after and tell her a little something about age differences and illegal issues, I’m dragged to the punchbowl by Maria’s friend who I call ‘guitar guy’ because I can never remember his name. ‘Guitar guy’ is really enthusiastic in pouring me drink after drink and telling me what a good job I did in playing my guitar on stage.

I should really tell him that it’s pretty hard to play the guitar with cut strings, but instead I lavish greedily in the praise as he compliments me.

It’s not often people compliment on my guitar playing skills. I should be proud.

By the time I’ve freed myself from guitar guys enthused speech about the world, guitars, and ‘chicks’. I’m walking rather unsteadily, holding two different drinks in my hand, trying to figure out who changed the stereo from Aerosmith to ‘Last Christmas’.

I know it is Christmas but ugh... I’m going to kill them.

Who the hell plays that stuff?

I scan the room for Max. My eyes automatically landing and dismissing every dark haired boy.

Geez, who are these people? Did Kyle and Maria really have this many friends?

I doubted it. Half of them looked like they had sleep walked their way from the nearest bar.

...And whose CD is this?

I cover my ears, suddenly too drunk, as George tells me again and again that he’s gunna give it to someone special.

Go go give it to her then you damn moron!

I suddenly trip over someone’s portruding foot and then someone else holds me up from behind before they decide to let go and I go headlong into the couple making out.

Ok. That’s it.

I climb onto the dining table.

“Hey everyone. Stop. Stop! STOP! Oi, you next to Colin. YES YOU! Turn that CD off. Yes… ok. Better.” I reminisce in the silence.

Then I realise that everyone is staring at me in this sudden stillness that’s taken over the room and I kinda forget what I’m doing up here.

I stare down at the crowd beneath and my eyes land on Max, who’s standing in the corner, arms crossed, looking very sober.

I smile. There he is.

He raises his eyebrows at me in a mixture of amusement and something else and I blush a little. It’s that something else about Max that always make me blush.

Someone coughs in the far off distance.

I clear my throat, remembering I’m standing on my dining table. Everyone’s just staring like I should give some kind of speech, when really all I was doing was looking for Max.

I’ve found him now. So, ya’ll can turn back and enjoy the party now, okay? Shoo. Stop staring!

“Um, Liz…” Maria looks up at me worriedly, and whispers, “Are you okay?”

She’s got that Liz-is-too-drunk-and-is going-to-do-something-crazy-and-life-threatening look.

“Absolutely.” I give her my most self assured smile. I turn back to the crowd. “Okay people. I know you can all see my panties, but frankly I’m too drunk to care. I can’t quite remember why I’m up here –“

“’Cause you’re trashed, elfy elf!” someone yells, which is followed by a loud cheer of agreement.

I on the other hand roll my eyes sophisticatedly, “- but since I’m here. I’m going to say a few words.”

This is followed by loud grunts and someone makes snoring noise in the crowd.

“Um… I guess what I wanted to say was…” I trail off, before biting the bullet. “Thanks.”

There’s silence. I can feel Max staring at me from the far right. Questioning. Interested.

Kyle and Maria giving each other confused ‘What now?’ looks.

Brad somewhere in the crowd, worried for me.

Stitch, smiling up at me in adoration.

Michael lighting a spliff in the corner.

I take a deep breath. I always guessed this was coming out at some point. But I guess I didn’t expect it to be now or like this.

I take a deep breath. “I want to say thanks to Kyle and Maria for being you know…” there’s silence as I remember how bad I am at this type of thing. “They’re you know…okay.

Someone sighs loudly, mirroring the boredom of the crowd.

“Shut it!” I say, thinking I’m definitely better music than what they were listening to earlier.

I clear my throat, and go for it. Let it all loose. I know I’ll never do it otherwise. “Maria and Kyle, you are the best housemates I could ever have asked for. Kyle kinda just … makes me laugh…” I turn toward him, “You’re the most loyal and funniest friend I’ve ever had and your humour just lights up my life….and Maria chica-” I throw her a wink as she looks up at me mouth hanging “…the community worker with a heart of gold.”

“You’ve both been there for me, despite me being an absolute cow for the majority of my time. So…” I shrug and turn to the middle of the room. “Then there’s Stitch – you must have been my sister in my past life… because god, I adore you.”

I smile at her and she squeals a little.

“And Brad…” I look around the crowd for him and he gives me small wave. “The sweetest boy in the world.”

“Then –” I turn to Max and our eyes lock and at that moment it wouldn't have mattered if we were swimming with the sharks, or in a completely empty room. “The boy that drives me absolutely crazy. The boy that knows exactly which buttons to push--”

Someone wolf whistles, but I barely hear it.

Maxs stares right back at me in dare, “…the boy I know I was always meant to love.”

I can hear Maria sing a much deserved awww in the background.

“So… I guess I just want to thank you all for being the family I never had.”

Max mouths a love you toward me and I see Maria clutch her breast from the corner of my eyes and wipe a tear away from her lashes.

I don’t wait for a round of applause. Instead I say, “Hey, I don’t really mean anything I’m saying, I’m just a little tipsy ok?”

Then I clamber off the table and head for Max.

It’s such a mission to get past all these random people to get to him. But I do.

He grins at me.

“You’re crazy.”

I shrug. “More tipsy.”

“Why’d you do that for?” He nods toward the table where I was standing. I guess he knows how hard it is for me to open up. Then I go and do it in a bazaar of randoms. Crazy Lizzy.

I shrug and do the trick that Stitch taught me earlier. I open my palm and hold the mistletoe toward him, “I thought I’d take a step forward instead of back.”

He hesitates, then gives me this intense look and strokes my cheek in this loving way that makes my knees turn to jelly. I’m barely breathing when our mouths meet.

It’s that usual jolt, followed by extreme warmth. A sunlight that I could bathe in forever, but I pull back and look up at him.

God. I didn’t realise how much I missed seeing those tiny amber specks in his eyes.

“Um…I know you have a lot of loans and stuff to pay back to your father and after Christmas it’s going to be hard because it’s all going screwy, but I’ll be here you know…” I shrug, “I know that’s a little lame but –“

“Shh… Lizzy…” Max drops a small kiss on my mouth to cut me off. “Thank you.”

I smile, feeling all glowy.

Just as I’m about to tell Max to not get used it or anything, I catch Stitch holding mistletoe toward Kyle from the corner of my eye. But even that’s quickly faded into the recesses of my mind as Max sweeps down again, and makes up for every ounce of passion we’ve missed in the last couple of days.

It seems its only seconds later, when the clock strikes twelve.

I wonder if he can feel me smiling into his mouth.

Merry Christmas, Lizzy.

The End.

Happy belated Easter everyone. Maybe next Christmas I’ll be finishing up with an Easter fic!

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:11 am
by Blue*Soul
Hey all, thought I'd show off the banner for this fic by Behrsgirl77. Its so adorable. Thankies hun!
