Two Of A Kind (UC/Mi+L/Mature) 4-21-06 [WIP]

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Two Of A Kind (UC/Mi+L/Mature) 4-21-06 [WIP]

Post by Zansgirl »

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Title: Two Of A Kind
Author: Kate
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: I owns nothin'...Its a shame
Summery: Your just gonna have ta read.

Hopes ya guys likes.


Chapter 1

They didn’t know each other, though they went to the same school and lived in the same trailer park for all their lives. Sure, they’d see each other in the halls of West Roswell or in a class. But, they never paid much attention to one another. He had his friends and she had hers. Well, she only had one. But, still one friend was better then none.


Liz walked out of the class room when the bell rang. It was lunch and she had to hurry or everything would be taken by the jocks. She started to run in the halls only to be stopped by Mr. Dwellers ,the drama teacher, who gave her detention. When she finally got to the cafeteria everything was gone. She walked over to the tree where she usually sat at lunch. Her stomach growling because she hadn’t eaten all day. She walked up to the blonde plopped down on the grass eating her lunch.

“Hey, Tess.” Liz said to her best friend.

Tess looked up, “Hey, girl. Got you a lunch.” She said handing Liz a tray of food.

“Oh, my gawd. Your, an angel.” Liz said grabbing the corndog that was today’s lunch.

“Yea, sure.” Tess said laughing. Liz started to eat the corndog, she was so hungry, she stuffed the corndog in her mouth and started chewing her mouth full.

“You, better watch it Parker. Your going to get fat. Oops sorry, didn’t notice you already are.” Said Isabel Evans, making her friend, Maria start laughing hysterically.

“Here take this, Isabel,” Tess said giving Isabel her corndog.

“What am I supposed to do with this,” Isabel said taking the corndog.

“Oh, you know...” Tess said in a friendly tone, “You just have to stick it up your ass.” Liz put her hand to her mouth, making sure she wouldn’t laugh and spit all her food out.

Isabel mouth dropped. “Oh, what? Do you need help?” Tess said. Isabel threw the corndog at Tess’s head, luckily she ducked and it hit the tree. Tess made a disappointed looking face, “Looks like you need a little help with your aim, as well.” Tess said.

Isabel and Maria gave Tess and Liz a glare then stomped away. Liz couldn’t help it, she started laughing and all the food in her mouth landed on the tray.

“That was so, good.” Liz said laughing.

“I can’t have them, dissing my best friend.” Tess said standing up, “So, you want to ditch the rest of the day.”

Liz thought. “I have detention, but, who the hell cares.” Liz said. And they walked out to the parking lot and drove off.


Michael was sitting in the quad with his friend, Max. They were eating their lunch when the jocks decided to pay a visit. Kyle Valenti sat next to Max and the rest just stood.

“So, why is it that your sister is so hot and popular, and you your just hanging with Guerin and not popular?” Kyle asked.

“Well, maybe he doesn’t like people with such a low vocabulary span. You know why you’ve gone gay, Kyle? Because the girls or lets say fish, don’t bite anymore. What, happen? Buddha not being nice to you?” Michael said with a smirk.

Kyle got up and lunged at Michael, “Why you ass-hole.”

Kyle straddled Michael and hit him square in the jaw. Michael started laughing.

“Should’ve known you liked to be on top.” Michael said laughing.

Kyle got even more angry. He started hitting Michael in the face. Michael then, with all his strength. Kicked Kyle off of him. Michael went over to Kyle and was about to hit him, when a whistle went off.

“Mr. Guerin. If you hit Mr. Valenti. I will expel. The both of you. Now get in my office.” The principle said.

Michael and Kyle walked into the office. The principle started shaking his head. “This is the third time this week. I am giving you both one last warning, because the both of you are doing great in school. I want to see you guys graduate. Now, you will go to detention after school, if you miss it, you will go to detention for the rest of this month. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, sir.” Michael and Kyle said at the same time.

Michael and Kyle walked out of the principle’s office and went their separate ways. Michael went up to Max and Alex, his other friend.

“So you guys want to ditch.” Michael asked, he didn’t care about detention.

Alex and Max looked at each other. The grinned and carefully stuck out of school.
Last edited by Zansgirl on Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:09 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Zansgirl »

Thanks ya guys. :D Hopes ya guys likes da new part.


Chapter 2

“See you tomorrow, Liz.” Tess said as Liz hopped out of the blue Mustang. Liz nodded her head and Tess drove off. Liz didn’t know what time it was all she knew was that it was late maybe mid-night. She didn’t know. She walked into the trailer she shared with her mom and step-dad. She saw her mom watching the news with a beer in her hand.

“Where have you been?” Nancy said standing up.

Liz smirked, “Like you care.” Liz said.

“Why you little bitch.” Said Nancy as she slapped Liz across the face, “Don’t you ever speak to me that way.”

Liz looked up at her mom.
“I’m the bitch. Look, who’s talking. We had the perfect life. Then, dad died. You sold the Crashdown, and married another man within the week. Your not only a bitch, you’re a whore!” Liz yelled and stormed out of the trailer. She went over to the park and sat down on a bench. ‘Why is this my life?’ Liz thought.


“I told you boy. Do the wash.” Hank said sternly.

“Do the damn wash yourself, Hank.” Michael snapped.

Hank dumped the clothes on Michael and then threw the basket at him. Michael jumped up and walked towards the front door.

“Where do think you going.” Hank yelled after Michael.

“OUT!” Michael yelled back.


Liz felt the bruise on her cheek forming. She could feel the slight pain as the wind blew against her. She didn’t care. She looked up at the stars. ‘Hell, lets give it a try.’ She thought. She wished on a star. “Hope it comes true.” She said getting up and walking back to the trailer.

She stopped out side the door and looked in the side window. Nancy wasn’t there. ‘Must have went to sleep.’ She thought. She walked in and went to her room, to get some sleep, herself.


Michael walked to the park and sat on a bench. It was warm. Even, though the wind was blowing like crazy. He was warm.

He waited a couple hours before going back home. But, as he left he thought about the warmness he felt, and knew that he’d feel it again. At least he hoped.


Liz walked into West Roswell. Every where she looked people were staring at her. Not her, but the bruise that had been branded on her cheek. Liz went over to the lockers where she met Tess every morning.

“Hey, girrrll...” Tess said shakily as she saw Liz’s face, “That bitch!” Tess said taking hold of Liz’s jaw and looking at the bruise.

“It’s fine. It’s better, then what happened last week.” Liz said. Tess shook her head to that. But, still Tess hated seeing her friend like this.

“Liz....Maybe you should report her.” Tess said.

“I can’t do that Tess. I mean I do hate her and all, but I..I just can’t” Liz said grabbing a book out of her locker and shutting it. Tess nodded her head.

They walked to their first class. Science. They were always partnered together. They liked that. But, then the Teacher had them lined up in the back of the class room.

“You guys, will be assigned to new partners.” Mr. Leneon the new teacher said.

“Aw!” The whole class moaned.

“Sorry, kids.” Mr. Leneon said, then he started naming off partner, “I. Evans with Valenti. Williams with Hacker. Troy with Deluca.” At that Maria’s eyes widened. Liz and Tess started laughing. “Harding with M. Evans. Grey with Martins. Whitman with Olsen.” And so on.

At lunch. Tess and Liz were still laughing at how Maria Deluca was going to be working with Pam Troy. They just couldn’t get over that. They walked over to their tree and started eating. Again, Isabel and Maria walked over to them.

“You laugh up all you want about me. At least I’m not getting Guerin.” Maria said.

“Well, at least it’s not Pam Troy.” Liz snapped.

“Maybe, you should keep you mouth shut Parker, then maybe your mom wouldn’t hit you.” Maria said walking away with Isabel.

Liz felt a rush of angriness wash over to. She stood up and charged at Maria.

“Ahh!” Maria screamed as Liz punched her square in the jaw. Liz went to hit her again when a pair of arms grabbed hold of Liz and got her off of Maria. Liz struggled trying to get away, from whoever was holding her. Liz accidentally punch whoever it was making that person fall back. Liz turned around and her eyes widened.

“Ms. Parker. You, Now! In my office.” Said the principle.


Michael, Max, and Alex were sitting at the table watching the whole thing. They were surprised to see Liz hit Maria, but, they were in shock when they saw her hit the principle.

“And your partners with her.” Alex said to Michael.

“I’d watch my back, Michael. She might go psycho on ya.” Max said laughing and patting Michael on the shoulder.

Michael was just smiling. For some reason he was glad that he was being partnered with her.


Liz was walking down the main strip of Roswell she was suspended for a whole month. Because she hit the principle. It had nothing to do with hitting Maria. She laughed.

It was about 4:00pm and Liz opened the door of the UFO center and was about to walk in when someone was walking out. Which made them both fall.

“Sorry.” Liz said standing up with the help of the guy.

“Oh, it’s alright.” Michael said, “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

“I wasn’t either.” Liz said. She started walking back into the UFO center.

“Hey, didn’t you punch out Deluca and the principle?” Liz couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yea,” She said.

“Cool.” Michael said and walked away. Liz stared after him, and she felt this warmness creep up inside her.
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Post by Zansgirl »

Thanks for da posts. :)


Chapter 3

Liz got home about mid-night again. She knew Nancy was going to flip. But, again it didn’t matter to her. She walked into the trailer and was surprised to see no one home. Or so she thought. She went to her room. And saw the most disgusting thing she’d ever seen.

“Oh, My gawd.” Liz said at the sight on her bed. “This is my room!”

Nancy Parker looked up at her daughter as the man on top of her kept going.

“H...Hey..... H...Honey....” Nancy moaned, not giving a shit that her daughter was watching her have adult situations.

Liz ran into the part of the trailer that was supposed to be the kitchen, she leaned her head in the sink, and started getting sick. She would never sleep in that so-called bed of hers again.

Nancy came out of the room and gave Liz a ‘it’s ok’ look that mothers gave their daughters when they did something wrong, but not, too wrong.

“Don’t give me that look, when your drunk.” Liz said after washing her mouth out.

Nancy smiled, “Honey are you ok.”

Liz looked up at her mother, “Am I ok, you were having sex, in my bedroom! MY BEDROOM! Get it, that means it is mine!”

Nancy was still smiling obviously in her good drunkenness mood. Her step-dad came out of the room with nothing on what so ever. Liz looked away immediately. Bob seemed to have seen, because he went up to her and brushed himself against her.

“I think it’s your turn.” Bob said.

Liz remembered the last time Bob said that. Her mom just stood their laughing, while Bob did what he did. That was the day Liz started to hate her mother. That was the day she was raped.

Again, Nancy did nothing, when Bob said that. Bob grabbed Liz’s arm and started to pull her in the room. Liz started to pull back, not wanting to go in the room. Not wanting to go through what she went through, again. Bob started using more force. And Liz started hitting and kicking to get free. Bob got tired of it and hit her back. Liz fell on the floor. Bob straddled her and slapped her. Liz started crying. ‘Why....Why...’ she thought. Liz started kicking to get Bob off of her.

Bob grabbed a knife from the counter and put it up to Liz. “Know you better stop.” Bob said. But Liz didn’t she, finally kicked Bob off of her, and when she did she felt a sharp pain in her hand. But, she gave that no thought and ran out of the trailer.


She ran and ran until she was at the quarry. She went and sat on her usual rock and started crying. Now for sure she couldn’t go back. Liz went and looked at her hand that throbbed in pain. She couldn’t believe what she saw.....It was the knife Bob had. It had gone straight threw her hand.

“Oh, my god.” Said a voice.

Liz turned around and saw her newly lab partner. He ran over to her and took her hand.

“How much, does it hurt.” Michael asked.

“A lot.” Liz said tears streaming down her face.

Michael looked at the sleeve of his shirt and ripped it off. And folded it up.
“Open your mouth.” He said holding it up to her mouth. She did and he placed the sleeve in her mouth. “Know I want you to bite down on that as hard as you can. I’m going to remove the knife.”

Liz gave him a terrified look. He gave her a slight smile showing her that it would be alright. Liz nodded her head.

“Know I’m gonna count to three. And when I get to three I’m gonna pull it out.” Michael said and Liz nodded. “One.....Two....Three...” He pulled the knife out as fast as he could, hearing her scream through a closed mouth. Liz had a couple tears run down her face.

Michael threw the knife and ripped off his other sleeve covering her hand. To stop the bleeding. Liz looked up at him, a couple more tears coming down her face. Michael dropped his head, “I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

Liz threw her arms around Michael and started crying and really crying. She didn’t care that he saw her. She needed to get it out. Michael was surprised at first, but, then he put his arms around her and started to rock her. ‘Whatever she’s been threw, she’s been through a lot.” Michael thought. And he combed his hand threw her hair as she sobbed into his chest.

That night there was no interrogating , only comforting.
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Post by Zansgirl »

Thank ya all for da posts.

Chapter 4

Michael woke up to the sun beating upon him. He looked down and saw his arm around a brown headed beauty. They slept at the quarry that night. They didn’t even know each other that well, and they just slept together. And only slept. Michael looked down at her hand. Blood had soaked through the sleeve that was wrapped around her hand. Michael gently took his arm away. He stood up and picked her up in his arms. Not even dusting off the dirt that clung to his clothes. Liz’s eyes fluttered open.

“What are you doing.” She whispered.

“Getting you to a doctor.” He said walking with her in his arms. Michael didn’t even get tired, from all the walking, maybe it was because he was fixated on getting her to the hospital. He didn’t know.

Once they walked through the automatic doors a nurse came straight over to them.

“What happened?” She asked.

“She was stabbed in the hand with a knife.” Michael said following the nurse to a private room. Michael set Liz on the table/bed. He unwrapped his sleeve that was around her hand and showed the nurse. The nurse nodded. It looked like the bleeding had stopped because her hand was coated with dry blood. But, she must have bled all night. So, they had to take some tests. A doctor walked in and examined the stab wound. She was going to need stitches and a cast because since the knife went straight through it had broken some bones.

When the doctor and nurse left to go get what they needed Michael went to Liz’s side.
“You ok?” He asked. Liz nodded her head. The only other person that was nice to her, ever, was Tess.

“Can I ask you something?” Michael said. Liz nodded again.

“How did you get stabbed?” Asked Michael. Liz didn’t speak. At all. She didn’t want him to feel sorry for her. She didn’t want him to know.

Michael nodded his head knowing he probably went a little too far with that question. “I called you friend. Tess. She’ll be here soon.”

“How’d you get her number?” Liz asked.

“Well, I called Max first. He had her number.”

“Oh...”Liz said nodding her head.

The doctor and nurse came back. The nurse was going to do the stitches first. Liz grabbed Michael’s hand as the nurse started. When the nurse was finished she still had a hold of Michael’s hand. When the cast was on. They told Liz she was free to go. They didn’t even question the bruises on her face. They already knew.

Liz and Michael were in the waiting room. Liz was signing some papers, as Tess came through the doors. She ran over to Liz. And they hugged each other. Tess looked at Liz and shook her head, looking at the new bruise on her face and her cast.

“He tried again didn’t he?” Tess said. Liz looked away, “Damn it! Your going to come live with me. Until we get a lawyer.” Tess said.

“Tess....”Liz started.

“No, Liz.” Tess pulled Liz closer and whispered to her, “He raped you and your mom just stood their.” Tess said.

Tess might have been whispering but, Michael heard. And he was surprised. And sad. And most of all angry. For some reason he wanted to kick the ass who did this to Liz.

Liz looked over at Michael. She could see in his face that he had heard. She ran out of the hospital. Not wanted to be pitied on. Liz ran down an alley and sank to her knees and cried. Minutes later she felt hands on her shoulders. She looked up and saw him. He took her in a hug. And she cried into his chest again.

“Why’d you run?” Michael asked.

“I didn’t....I don’t want you to pity me.” Liz said looking up at Michael.

“I’m not going to.” He said. He hugged Liz again.

Tess saw Liz and Michael and walked over to them. She knelt down.
“Liz, I’m sorry. It just....I don’t know how you deal with this. I just want to help, you’re my best friend. Your like a sister.” Tess put a hand on Liz’s shoulder. Liz looked at Tess and gave her a hug.

“I’m sorry, Tess.” Liz said.

“Liz, you have nothing to be sorry about, I’m the one that’s sorry.” Said Tess. A tear coming down her face.

Michael and Tess helped Liz up.
“Your going to live with me.” Tess said, “And that’s final.” Liz nodded her head, agreeing.

They all went to Tess’s apartment. Her mother died giving birth to her and her father died three years later in a car accident. She was then put into the system. When she was sixteen, a Judge agreed to give her an emancipation.

Tess welcomed Michael into her home. She made some tea for her and Liz and got Michael a coke. They all sat around the living room in silence. Tess wanted to talk to Liz, but didn’t want to upset her. Michael wanted to know everything that happened to her, but thought she’d tell him when she was ready. They all just watched TV and eventually they all fell asleep.


There was banging on the front door. Michael was the first to hear it so, he decided to get up and get it. When he opened it the Sheriff walked in with Nancy and Bob Leland. Sheriff Valenti looked around. He saw Liz and Tess starting to wake up. Liz jumped up at the sight of her mom and step-father. With her good hand she grabbed Tess’s arm. Tess put a hand on Liz’s shoulder.

“Ms. Parker. You’ve given your parents a fright. Your father called me and told me that you were gone when he woke in the middle of the night.”

“If you recall, Sheriff, he’s not my father. My father died when I was thirteen. And I...will never call that man my father.” Liz spat. She could see the angriness rise in Bobs eyes.

“Well, I am sorry Ms. Parker, for that. But, your parents have been looking for you since two this morning. Your mother told me your friends with Tess. So, I thought that maybe you were here. I think you should go home now Ms. Parker.” The Sheriff Valenti said.

“I don’t think so.” Michael said stepping in front of Liz and Tess when he saw Bob reach for Liz.

“Excuse me.”Bob said with a smirk.

“Your not taking, Liz. She’s going no where with you.” Tess said before Michael.

“Mr. Guerin. Ms. Harding....” The sheriff started.

“No!” Tess yelled. “I’m not letting Liz go back to that trailer after what they did to her.”

The Sheriff tilted his head, “What do you mean? What they did to her?” He asked.

“Can’t you see the bruises, Sheriff?” Michael said.

The Sheriff walked over to Liz and brushed the hair away from her face. His eye’s widened. Oh, he saw. He saw the two bruises that had been branded to her face. The Sheriff picked up his walkie-talkie, “Hanson...Please come in here.” The Sheriff said. Within seconds Hanson was by the Sheriffs side.

“Yes, sir?” Hanson said.

“I want you to take, Mr and Mrs. Leland to their Trailer and keep them on house arrest, until I get things settled.”

“Yes, sir.” Hanson said, taking Nancy and Bob, before they could say anything.

“Now, Liz is it alright if we talk down at the station?” The Sheriff asked. Liz nodded her head.

“Can Tess and Michael come.” Liz asked.

The Sheriff looked over at them and nodded.


Down at the station Liz, Tess, and Michael were all in different rooms. For interrogation. The Sheriff wanted to know everything.


“Ms. Harding.” An officer by the name of Davis said. “When did this all start to happen, to Ms. Parker?” he asked.

“When Liz was thirteen.”


“Mr. Guerin. When did you get involved with Liz Parker?” Asked Hanson.

“Well, were not like, involved, involved. We were assigned lab partners. And the night before last, I saw her running out of her place. She looked terrified. I ran after her to see if she was alright and she had a knife through her hand. I helped her. That night we fell asleep at the quarry. When we woke up I took her to the hospital. Then, we went to Tess’s house.”


“Ms. Parker I need you to tell me everything. When it all began.” Said the psychiatrist that Sheriff Valenti told to come.

Liz started talking. “It all started when I was thirteen. I was sitting in the crashdown waiting for my dad. We were supposed to Santa Fe, for the parade. I remember him telling me how much fun we were going to have....Then the phone call came. Dad was in the hospital. Me and Nancy..”

“Hold on why’d you call your mom Nancy?” The psychiatrist asked.

“Because she’s no longer my mother.” Liz said flat out. “Anyways....Me and Nancy went to the hospital.....” Liz had tears forming in her eyes, “ They told us he died because he....bled to death. I remember walking into the room and seeing him just lying there. So still, so cold. I wished that he would just opened his eyes and be alive.” Liz said with a laugh as she wiped a tear away, “Just like a thirteen year old would do right. Anyways, my mom sold the crashdown and got remarried within the week. She didn’t even cry. I mean she wasn’t sad, about my fathers death. She was happy.” Liz said with disgust. “Nancy and I moved in with Bob. She seemed happy. I tried to be happy with her, but I just lost my father. I couldn’t be happy. I was sad and angry with god. I hated him for taking my dad. I hated Bob for telling everyone that I was his daughter. It pissed me off. One day he pissed me off so much I told him I hated him. I told him never to call me his daughter because he was a red-neck prick. That’s the first time he hit me. But, I guess I deserved it , right.” Liz said.

“Liz, you don’t deserve to be hit, at all.” Said the psychiatrist.

Liz wiped away a tear.

“Go on.” He said.

“When I told Nancy. She didn’t believe me. And she slapped me for ‘lying’. Bob got her into drinking. It became a regular thing. I’d come home school Bob would be at work and Nancy would be past out on the couch. If I woke her up I would get beaten. Usually I would go over to where ever Tess was staying. Sometimes I would go to the quarry or the park. Sleep on a bench or on the ground. Just to stay away from her. Bob never touched me after the first time he hit me. Until my fourteenth birthday. I had a party school and then me and Tess went to the quarry and had a little party for me. Then, I got home. And got the presents from them.” Liz looked down. Then she got up and lifted her shirt to show the scars all over her back.

“How did you get those?” Sheriff Valenti asked.

“I went to my room when I heard them in their room. I closed my door. I thought I locked it. But, when I turned around they were there.” Liz had tears pouring out of her eyes, “I was....I was pushed onto my desk. The day before I was cleaning my micro-scope pieces..... I forgot to put them up. I re..remember the pain coming from back and” Liz got up and ran out. She went into the girls restroom. She sunk to the ground. She brought her legs to her torso and rocked herself.

Tess ran into the bathroom after seeing Liz. She went straight to her and put her arms around her and comb her hair. “It’s ok, Liz. It’s ok.”


Sheriff Valenti looked to Hanson who came out of one of the interrogation rooms. “I want both Bob and Nancy Leland arrested for child abuse and rape.” The sheriff said. He knew there was more, but he had what he needed to arrest them.


The Sheriff let Tess take Liz to her apartment. There Liz would stay until she met with the Judge. Liz had told the Sheriff that she didn’t want to go to court, and he told her that she could just meet with the judge then.

Liz was sleeping in the guest bedroom. Tess got a two bedroom. Because her and Liz had agreed when they were younger they were going to be roommates. And if the judge agreed to give Liz an emancipation, they would be.
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Post by roswell3053 »

I just found this story, and it looks great. I feel bad for everything that Liz has had to go through. I hope that things get better for her. Hurry back soon.
Check out my fic.

Unforgettable Nights
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Post by Zansgirl »

Here's ya guys go.


Chapter 5

Michael, Tess, and the Sheriff were all waiting outside in the hallway. The Judge had talked to each one of them and then he wanted to talk to Liz alone. It had been about an hour since they left the room. They heard the stern voice of the Judge asking her if she understood everything. They had no clue what Liz was saying, because of her soft voice. A few more minutes later Liz walked out of the room with the Judge.

“Now, remember Social Services and I will be keeping an eye on you. Ok. Just to make sure, your taking care of yourself properly.” Liz nodded at his words.

“Uh, Judge Mason. Liz will be living with me. We’re going to be roommates. We’ll take care of each other.” Said Tess.

Judge Mason smiled, “You better.” He said and walked back into his office. Liz smiled at Tess and Michael. The Sheriff walked over to her.

“You take care of you self now, all of you.” He said looking at everyone.


They all walked out of the court house. They Sheriff got into his suv and drove off. Liz, Tess, and Michael went to the chinese place to get a bite to eat for lunch. Liz was still suspended from school. But, the Judge had said that it was ok, because she needed to get things together. Thank, god it was Saturday, because then Michael and Tess would be in Big trouble with the Principle. The thought of the principle made Liz think of the whole school. She wondered if everyone knew. If anyone knew? She hoped they didn’t, because either they would pity her or rag on her. She wanted neither. She just wanted to hang with her friends.

Once they walked into the Chinese place, they saw Max sitting alone. They walked over and sat in the booth he was in. Tess called him and told him to meet them their. He also knew about what happened to, Liz. And he didn’t act like Liz thought he would. At first he was just settling it all in his mind then he became angry like Michael had, and then he calmed down and told her that he was there for her. He was good a friend as was Alex. She made friend with him just like that. He was funny and understood her situation. Not that he was in that situation, but his cousin was.

The waitress came and asked for there orders. Once she had them she was off. “So, you gonna live with, Tess?” Max asked.

Liz nodded her head, “Yeah.”

“And, it’s going to be awesome. We’re going to have so much fun. It’s going to be just like we planned when we were five.” Tess said.

Michael and Max gave each other a look and thought, ‘It must be some girl thing.’

Once they were finished with lunch. They walked to the Trailer Park. Liz couldn’t move once she reached the gate. She didn’t want to go in their, ever again. She looked to Tess.“Lets, go we’ll get you new stuff.” Said Tess putting an arm around Liz and walking away. Michael and Max behind them.

They were on the main strip and they came across the movie theater. *Jailhouse Rock* Starring ~Elvis~ was playing. Tess jumped up. “Oh, lets go to the daytime show. It should be over about 4:00.” Tess said looking at Michael and Max. Liz was at Tess’s side smiling. Michael and Max shook their heads and started walking in the theater.

They bought some sodas and popcorn and then went and sat down. They were the only one’s in their. They were seated: Max. Tess. Liz. Michael.
The movie began and it was in black and white. Liz loved black and white movies, as did Michael.

Michael saw Liz shiver and he put his arm around her. She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder, as they watched the movie. Max and Tess looked at them and smiled, then they imitated them.

Half way through the movie some people walked in. Everyone turned around. It was Isabel, Maria, Kyle and some other Jock. They started laughing when they saw them. Isabel walked over to them.

“Max, what are you doing hanging out with, them?” Isabel asked.

“Well, it beats hanging out with you and your dumb struck friends.” Max said. Isabel smirked and walked over to where her friends were now seated.

Michael looked over at Kyle, he could barely make it out but he saw it. He laughed slightly at the black-eye Kyle had. Then, he turned back to the movie.

Liz felt something hit her head. Then she saw a piece of popcorn fall into her lap and another one. Liz, turned around. “Can you please stop that?” Liz asked.

Maria laughed, “I bet that’s what you say all the time.”

Liz was confused, “What are you talking about?” She asked.

“It was probably slightly different though. Instead of can you please stop it was probably. ‘Oh, don’t stop.’” Maria said the last in a moan. “So how was your step-dad.”

Liz’s eye’s widened at what Maria had just said. She was indicating that Liz liked what happened to her. How, could she? Did she know what it was like. No! She didn’t. Michael, Max, and Tess were looking at Liz worried. And angry at Maria. Liz stood up and walked away.

“Liz, wait.” Michael went after her.

“Oh, the poor, baby.” Maria said laughing. Her friends just smiled, except Isabel.

“You are a fucking bitch, Maria. You have no Idea what she’s been through.” Tess said standing up, “How would you like it if you mom hit you an didn’t even care that you step-dad was raping you. How would you like that for a fucking 14th birthday. How would you like it if he did that until you were 17!” Tess yelled. Maria and the others smiles faded. Maria looked down. “See you know nothing. You say she likes it. Well, how would you like it?”Tess said and walked out. Max right behind her.

Isabel, Maria, Kyle and the other jock just sat their staring at the black and white screen.


They all walked back to Tess’s apartment and ordered pizza for dinner. Max called his parent and told them. Michael he didn’t care what the hell Hank thought. They all sat around the living room, each had a plate with pizza on it. No one new what to say. So they turned the TV on. Tess clicked through the channel until she came to Buffy the Vampire slayer. Michael and Max looked to each other and gave each other a weird look. Then, they looked over at Tess and Liz and saw that they were hooked on it. So, they just went along.


Every night, for a month, Max and Michael would come over and watch ‘Buffy’. They found them selves hooked on the show. They loved it. And Liz and Tess would always laugh when Max and Michael would started cheering when she kicked some demons ass. They made themselves a small family. They all worked at the new place on the corner. It was a remake of the ‘Crashdown’. It had the whole ‘Alien’ theme. Except it was called ‘Beam’. Liz hated the name. It was nothing like the ‘Crashdown’. But, she liked how it looked a lot like the Crashdown. Tess and her were waitresses and Michael and Max were chefs. They made sure they all had the same schedules. At school they always ate together. Maria never bothered them again. She was always quite when they walked by. That was a change. And the when they all asked if they could change there classes to where they were all in the same one’s, the principle agreed. At that they were all shocked. But, he probably just did that, because the Judge had a talk to him about Liz and her making a new start for herself.

It was now a month since Liz left the court house with the permission from Judge Mason for a emancipation. She was at school and at her locker. She felt hands on her waist she turned around knowing exactly who it was.

“What are you doing, Michael?” Liz asked. She wished he would kiss her then and there.

“Nothing, just trying to move you so, I can get to my locker.” He said. Liz saw she was leaning against his locker she moved and left him by. She grabbed her stuff and went to class. She went and sat next to Tess, who was sitting next to Max. Michael came in and sat with the three, as the teacher started her lesson.


When school was over, they all went to the apartment. Right as they walked in.....

“Oh, shit!” Tess said putting her hand to her head.

“What?” Liz asked her.

“I left my history book at school, Max will you come with me to get it?” She asked.

Max nodded, “Yeah, sure.” He said opening the door and walking out with Tess.

Liz went in the kitchen and grabbed both her and Michael a soda. They sat in the living room and got out their science books. They laid them out and started studying. Thirty minuted went by and they didn’t notice that Max and Tess were still gone.

“Het, Liz. Help me with this.” Michael said showing her a question.

What is the region of calm at the equator?

Liz studied it for a while, “It’s doldrums.” She said giving him the answer. Michael wrote it down. He looked up at Liz. He leaned into her and gave her a kiss.

Liz sat there in shock. He was kissing her. The kiss she wanted earlier, he was giving her now. Michael pulled away. Liz licked her lips and looks at him. She set her book on the coffee table and then kissed him. Now he was shocked. But, he went with it. Liz laid back still kissing him. He hovered above her. He kissed down her neck.

“I love you, Michael.” Liz said.

Michael looked up. “I love you, too. Liz. I’ve always loved you. Even when I didn’t know you.” Michael knew that made little since, but he didn’t care. That’s how he felt.

“I know what you mean.” She said, laying a kiss on his lips.

Michael kissed her back. And they started making out. Bug time. Michael laid his hand on her thigh. Liz then saw something. A flash back on her 14th birthday. She struggled away from Michael and ran to the bathroom, locking herself in.
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Thanks everyones for ya feedback. And i'm so....sorry bluesands for wat happened to ya. My sista wents through the same thing.


Chapter 6

It’s been a week since Liz’s moment at the apartment. She felt really bad, about it. She couldn’t help but, pull away at the flashback she had. She really liked Michael, she might even love him but, she couldn’t help what she did. She remembered hearing him grab his things and leaving. After the door closed she cried. She was free of Bob and Nancy but, they were haunting her in her mind. She couldn’t get them out but, she had to, to live a normal life.

That day after school she went to the trailer park. She saw that the trailer she used to live in was no longer there. She smiled. ‘It was a piece of shit,’ she thought to herself. She walked into the direction where Michael lived.

Earlier, Mr. Leneon, the science teacher, asked Liz to take Michael’s homework to him since he didn’t make it to school. At first Liz was hesitant but, then she agreed, because they really needed to talk.

Liz walked up to the trailer and knocked. She waited awhile and then Michael answered. Liz’s mouth dropped at what she saw. She rushed to him.

“Oh, my god Michael,” she said looking at his face and putting her hands on his shoulders, “What happened?”

Michael was shocked that Liz was there and embarrassed, because of the bruise on his face. He looked into Liz’s eyes. “Nothing happened.” He said.

Liz gave him a look, “What do you mean nothing happened, half of your face if purple.” She said. She looked around her checking out the surroundings, the coffee table was upside down, a lamp laid on the floor broken, and there were pieces of glass everywhere that looked like it was from a whiskey bottle. She looked up at Michael and a tear came down her cheek. She knew exactly what happened. ‘Hank, that son of a bitch.’ Liz thought. She threw her arms around Michael. At first Michael didn’t know what hit him but, then he took her hug in. They stood there for about fifteen minutes before they parted. Liz looked up into Michael’s eyes. “I’m sorry.” She said. Michael shook his head, “No I’m sorry. I pushed you.” Said Michael. Liz kissed Michael deeply, then pulled away, “No you didn’t.” She said, “I got scared because I saw something. Something that’s in my past and I need to move on from it. I want to move on from it and I need you to help me do that.”

Michael looked at her and wiped a fallen tear from her cheek. “I’m here for you, Liz. I always will be.” He told her bringing her into another hug.

Liz pulled away a minute later and went into a room she decided was Michael’s, she looked in his closet and knew immediately that she was for sure in Michael’s room, just by seeing a t-shirt that he wore a while ago. She, then grabbed a whole bunch of close from the closet and set them on the bed.

“What are you doing?” Michael asked. Liz looked up at him and then bent down to look under his bed, she grabbed a duffle bag and got up. “Your getting the hell out of here and staying with Tess and I.” She said starting to stuff the close into the duffle bag. Michael went up to her and stopped her hand, “Liz, I can’t. This is the only home I have.” He said. Liz looked up at him, “No, it isn’t. You have a home with......,” she trailed off , looking at the ground, “....With me.” Liz said. Softly, Michael grabbed Liz’s jaw and brought her head up to where they could see into each other and they swore they saw each others souls. Michael took her in a kiss. A kiss that was filled with nothing but, Love. Love for each other.


Max was sitting at his desk in his room and heard a knock on his door. He quickly finished typing the last sentence of his report, “Come in.” He said, thinking that it was Isabel. “Hi.” Said a voice that was nothing like Isabel’s. Max turned around in his chair and looked at the curly haired blonde. He quickly stood up.

“Hey, Tess. What are you going here?” Max asked.

“I needed to tell you something.” She said walking towards him. She stopped to where they were only a few inches apart.

“And what’s that?” Max asked, nervousness showing through his voice. Tess walked a step closer.

“I wanted to tell you that, that I...I really like you.” She said. “I know we went on a couple dates and all but, I just don’t want to just go on dates.” She said.

“What do you mean?” Max asked, slightly confused.

“I mean, I want to be more.” Tess said looking at the ground, hoping that the man she loved wouldn’t turn her down.

Max took one step towards her, to where they could feel each other breathing. He put his hands on her waist, which made her look up. And to her surprise he kissed her.


Liz opened the door and walked in, Michael behind her. She closed the door and then went and put the duffle bag next to the couch. She turned around and hugged Michael. “Tomorrow, we’ll go to the sheriff.” She said. She could feel Michael nod his head. She looked up at him and he gave her a simple kiss on the lips. She, then grabbed his hand and took him to the couch, where they both laid down and fell asleep.
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Here's da next part :D .


Chapter 7

Liz opened her eyes, slightly to see the sun coming in through the window. An arm was placed over her waist and she knew exactly who it was. And she smiled at the thought of him. She softly pulled away from his embrace and got off the couch and walked to Tess’s room. To her surprise, Tess wasn’t there. Liz tilted her head and saw that her bed looked like no one had slept in it.

“Maybe, she got up early and left for school.” Michael said from behind Liz, which caused her to jump. “Sorry, I scared you.”

Liz turned around and smiled, “It’s alright.” She went and gave him a hug. Michael and her walked into the kitchen still hugging. Then, Liz pulled away and walked to the coffee maker. She opened the cabinet that was right above it and took out the small tub of coffee. She opened it and took the small spoon that was inside and filled the coffee machine with three scoops. Then she got the coffee pot and filled it with water and poured it in the part where the water went, next thing she did was push the on button.

Michael the whole time was watching her from the chair he was sitting in. Watching her every move. He saw her take out two coffee mugs. A pink one and a red one, “I better not be getting that pink mug.” He said with a laugh.

Liz laughed, “Too, bad you said something, because I was going to give you red one.” She said getting the milk and sugar and placing it on the table. Then she grabbed the donut box, from yesterdays breakfast, and put them on the table.

“You eat, left over donuts?” Michael asked surprised.

“Yeah, I mean you don’t want to waste them.” Liz said with a smirk, “Why do you ask?”

“I do the same thing.” He said grabbing a chocolate bar donut and taking a bite.

“That’s weird,” She said smiling and pouring Michael and herself some coffee, “Tess always tells me to throw them out, that there no good. But, hey if their still eatable.....” Liz said sitting down placing the pink mug in front of Michael.

Michael laughed, “That’s what I say. Every time I stay at Max’s he tells me to throw the donuts away when we’re finished, but I end up taking them home and eating them the next day.”

Liz smiled as she took a bite of the chocolate donut with coconut. “I guess wer a yot ayike.” She said with her mouth full, which made Michael laugh.


Tess woke up and looked down and saw that the only thing that covered her body was a red sheet. Her eyes went wide as she remembered the night. She turned around and saw those beautiful eyes staring back at her. She smiled at Max. “I guess, we’re late for school, huh.” She said nervously, covering herself up.

Max smiled at her, “I guess we are.” He leaned down and kissed her head. “Last night was incredible. It was the best night of my life.”

Tess looked up at Max, “Really?” She said relieved that he didn’t say that it was all just a big mistake. “Really.” Max reassured and pulled her closer to him.

“So, are we going to lay here all day or get up and go to school?” Tess said snuggling to Max.

“Well, there is a that history test, we have to take, but.....” Max trailed off.

“But, what?” Tess said propping herself up on the pillow and looking at him in wonder.

“But, we could just skip.” He said touching her face softly.

“And what are we going to do?” Tess said smiling. Max gave her a mischievous look and then, raised his eyebrows.

“I don’t know, maybe we could....” Max brought his hand under the covers and touched Tess’s thigh, “You know.” He said.

A moan escaped Tess’s lips as his hand went further up, “Ok.” she found herself saying.


Liz and Michael walked up the steps and into the sheriffs station. They stepped up to the first desk, where they saw Hanson. He smiled at Liz not acknowledging Michael’s presence, yet.

“Well, hello Ms. Parker. How are you doing today?” Hanson asked, nicely. Liz gave him a smile. He and everyone else here at the station backed her up with her case, mostly Jim, which the sheriff told her to call him, and Hanson.

“I’m just fine Hanson, but we really need to see, Jim.” Liz said, and with that Hanson finally acknowledged Michael’s presence.

“Boy, what happened to your face?” Hanson asked looking at it careful. He wanted to grab Michael’s face and give it more inspection but, that would be to weird. Hanson just nodded, as Michael just looked away. Hanson pushed a button and told the Sheriff that, “Ms. Parker and the Guerin boy were here to see him.” And they could hear Jim say, “Send them in.”

Liz and Michael opened the door that said, ‘Sheriff Jim Valenti.’ They walked in and were greeted by the Sheriff. His eyes looked hurt when he saw Michael’s face. Jim told them to sit and he sat down himself.

“Now, what happened?” Jim asked looking up at Michael, when Michael said nothing, Liz told him everything, leaving the parts of them hugging, kissing and sleeping together on the couch, out.

Jim looked to Michael, “Did Hank hit you, Michael?” he asked.

Michael looked everywhere and then found himself looking straight into Jim’s eyes, he nodded.

“Michael? Your going to have to tell me everything that Hank ever did to you, ok.” Michael nodded his head.

Jim looked up at, Liz. “Maybe you should leave for this, Liz.” He said. Michael shook his head, “I want her here, unless you want to go?” Michael said looking and Liz. Liz shook her head and stayed in her seat.

Michael told the sheriff awful things that Hank had done to him like, when Michael accidently burned hanks shirt he was ironing, Hank got so upset he burned Michael on the leg with the iron, and when Michael refused to do the dishes Hank would take off his belt he was wearing and beat Michael with it, if a belt wasn’t handy then Hank would get a hanger or wooden spoon. The one that made Liz cry the most was when Hank told Michael to take the trash out and Michael forgot, so Hank made Michael drink two whole bottles of whiskey and then beat him while he was sick. Of course all of them made her cry but, being drunk at the age of eight and then beaten while you were sick because of it, was just awful. When Michael started to tell more, Jim stopped him and told him he had enough to get Hank with child abuse, endangerment of a child, and serving alcohol to a child. Jim knew the Judge wouldn’t let Hank get away with what he did.

Jim sent Hanson and Davis to go arrest Hank and put him in lockup, once the Judge heard Michael’s story he wouldn’t need a jury to put Hank in jail.

Jim drove Liz and Michael to the Judge right away. He wished that Roswell was rid of child abusers. When, they got there they walked in and waited until the Judge came out. When he did he welcomed his guests in and by seeing Michael’s face he knew exactly what was going on. He didn’t even ask.

Jim handed the Judge the statement he had Michael write on their way over. The Judge read it over and quickly got out a paper and a pen. Jim handed the Judge another paper, for the sentence of Hank Guerin. It was the same as Bob and Nancy’s. The Judge signed it quickly then he explained the rules of living on his own and made sure, Michael understood them, with a ‘Yes’ from Michael the Judge signed the papers first then, handed Michael the papers for him to sign. Michael looked to Liz and she nodded her head. Once Michael signed the papers and handed it back to the Judge, he stamped it and had a smile on his face, glad to but another child abuser behind bars. He and Jim were on the same page, by helping these kids out, they wanted them to live normal lives, away from abuse. And that’s just what they gave Michael, freedom.

“You’re an adult know, you go by your choice, make them wisely.” The Judge said as they left.

“If you guys ever need anything else, I’m here.” Jim said and then got into his suv drove away.

Michael looked to Liz, “I like him a lot better then his son.” Michael said, which made Liz laugh.
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Da next part :D.


Chapter 8

A week later, Michael was in the kitchen making breakfast. He was making omelets for Tess and Liz for letting him stay with them. It was the least he could do. Michael jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to stare in the beautiful brown eyes that belonged to the one that helped him. He smiled.

Liz smiled at Michael. She couldn’t help the way she felt about him, she was going to do something spontaneous. At least for her. She put her arms around Michael and stood on the tips on her toes and kissed him on the lips.

Michael was surprised by Liz’s act. It was something unlike her to do but, he took in the kiss and deepened it, combing his hand in her hair, with one hand and rubbing her back with other.

“Mmm, nothing like a good make out session for breakfast.” Said Tess from behind them, smiling.

Liz and Michael both jumped at the first sound of her voice, they backed away from each other. Liz wiped her mouth.

“We...we were just....”Liz started.

“Just....Making out in the kitchen.” Tess said smiling walking over and looking in the pan. “Mmm....omelets.” Tess looked up at Michael, “You two enjoy. I’m going over to Max’s for the morning.”

“Planning on staying till night, again?” Liz asked grinning. She couldn’t help it, knowing what was going on between Tess and Max and what they did. It made her feel all funny, knowing that her best friend had already done the deed.

Tess gave Liz a smirk and then the smirk turned into a smile, “Maybe.” Tess said walking out of the kitchen.

Michael and Liz looked at each other and were kind of embarrassed, because they were caught in the act of making out.

“So, you hungry?” Michael asked turning around and flipping the omelet.

Liz sat at the breakfast table, “Yeah. Hey do we have any cheddar?”

“Um....” Michael went over to the frig and opened it. He looked in where they kept the cheese and smiled grabbing the bag of shredded cheddar cheese and handing it to Liz.

“Why, thank you.” She said giving him a seductive look.

“No, problem.” He said giving her one back.


Tess left the apartment and headed towards Max’s house. When she pulled into the drive way she was happy to see that his parents and Isabel’s cars was gone. She got out of her car and walked up the path and knocked on the door. She waited about two minutes before it opened. Max smiled at her presence. He opened the door wider and stepped out of the way for her to come in.

They went straight to Max’s room. There they stood in silence. Until, Tess walked over to Max and touched his arm softly.

“There’s something I have to tell you.” Said Tess looking into Max’s eyes.

“What?” He said staring back into hers.

“I think....I think I might love you.” Said Tess.

Max’s eyes froze into hers and he said nothing. Giving Tess the feeling of embarrassment and wishing that she never said anything. After, about five minutes Max touched Tess’s arm and gave her a reassuring look.

“You think you love me?” He asked getting closer to her.

Tess looked away from him for a second but, then found herself lost in his eyes, yet again. “I know.” She said.

“And I know, that I love you, too.” Max said and kissed her passionately.


After breakfast, Michael tried to teach Liz the rules of Hockey. They sat on the couch watching the Pittsburgh Penguins vs. the Fresno Falcons. It was three to one and Pittsburgh were in the lead.

“Ok, I still don’t get it, all I see is men are trying to put that puck into the goal, and it seems really easy.” Liz said, frustrated.

“It’s not that easy. Try skating while guys are pummeling into you left and right.” Michael said. He looked at Liz and saw her confused face. He turned the TV off and turned to her.

Liz watched as there was a flash and the TV was off. She could feel Michael’s eyes on her. She looked to him. “What?” She asked.

“What was that this morning?” Asked Michael.

Liz blushed, “Um.... It was a kiss.”

“Why did you do it?” Michael looked at her wondering.

“Because, I wanted to.” Liz said, “I always want to.” Liz couldn’t believe she said the last part.

Michael could feel his heart pounding and his pulse racing, “Would you mind if I kissed you right now?” Michael asked.

Liz blushed and shook her head. Michael leaned in and felt her soft lips against his. Liz deepened the kiss and soon they found themselves making out. Liz lying on him and him roaming his hands.


Max smiled as he kissed the head full of blonde curls. He actually told her he loved her. And he did. He always did. He just never told her until, earlier. He saw that her eyes were closed. It was still morning but, he was tired, too from their ‘exercise’. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.


Liz loved this man. Man. She thought as they kissed. Yes, that was the perfect word for Michael. Man. He wasn’t a boy or just a guy. He was a man. And man, did she have feelings for him.
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Chapter 9

During the past week Michael and Liz, got closer and closer. They knew everything about each other and they found out that they were more alike then they ever knew. Of, course they didn’t get, too close. Liz wasn’t ready and Michael wasn’t either and he didn’t want to push her into anything. Although, they did have some pretty great make out sessions. As Tess liked to put it.

Liz and Michael were sitting next to each other in Science class. They were doing a test and from what the teacher could see were paying attention, if he only saw their feet under the table.

Tess and Max sat behind them and could see everything, they couldn’t help but smile every now and then. Of, course they were doing the same thing.

“So Max?” Max heard his name being called from behind him, he turned and saw it was Isabel. “How much are you paying the whore?” Max’s eyes narrowed with anger. He wished that Tess didn’t hear that, but she did. Tess’s eyes began to tear she got up and ran out of class.

Isabel and Maria laughed as they watched Tess run away. Max stood up and went after her. The teacher went over to Isabel and Maria.

“What’s going on here?” He asked.

“Nothing.” Isabel and Maria said together.

“Nothing!” Liz yelled, “They just called my friend a whore. That’s not nothing!”

“That’s enough Ms. Parker.” He said and turned back to Isabel and Maria. You two go to the Principled office, now!” Mr. Leneon said, “He should know everything by the time you get there.” He said escorting them out of the class room.

Liz sat back down and slammed her hand on the table. She felt a pain and looked down at her hand. She forgot the scalpel was there.

“Oh, my god, Liz.” Michael said, grabbing her hand and taking her to the sink. Mr. Leneon followed.

“Take her to the nurses office, Mr. Guerin. See what she can do.” Michael nodded and leaded Liz to the Nurse.


“I think your hand will be fine, Ms. Parker but, it’s going to be hard doing your homework. So, we’re going to have to have a talk with the principle, so maybe he can give you a leave or something.” The nurse said handing Liz a slip. Lis took it with her hand that was fine.

“Ok, thanks.” Liz said and her and Michael walked to the Principles office. When they got there they saw Tess, Max, Isabel and Maria all sitting in his office.

“Now you can be excused.” He said and they left. Before Tess gave Liz a look ‘are you ok’. And Tess replied with the look of ‘I’m fine’.

Michael and Liz sat down. And the Principle said that maybe Liz wasn’t ready to be in school yet, since what she went through and maybe she should have a month off. Just to clear her head.

Liz agreed with that and was surprised when he looked to Michael and said, “You, too.”

We both gave him a look, wondering why he said Michael, too.

“The sheriff called me a while ago and told me that I should give Michael some time off, but, I told him that maybe what he needed was a little schooling. But, maybe all you need is time off.” He said and shooed them out of his office.

They went to there lockers and grabbed their stuff. Michael drove to the apartment and they ordered Pizza for lunch. They had no idea what to do.

“Maybe we should take a road trip.” Liz said out of the blue.

“A road trip? And where would we go?” Asked Michael.

“California?” Liz said smiling.
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