You Give Me Something (SN,XO,UC,Adult) Chapter 16 8/29[WIP]

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Queen Fee
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You Give Me Something (SN,XO,UC,Adult) Chapter 16 8/29[WIP]

Post by Queen Fee »

Thanks to Aggie for my awesome banner :D ain't it nice? Thank you Aggie! 8)


For a portrayal of a crossover character for Dean and best crossover fic

Title: You Give Me Something
Author: Queen Fee (Fiona)
Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me sadly but if it did, oh the possibilities!
Category: Xover Roswell/Supernatural. Couples: D/L, I haven't made up my mind about the others yet.

Summary: Liz, Michael and Kyle start a new life in Boston. What happens when the Winchester brothers roll into town investigating a murder involving a silver handprint?

A/N I set this as a challenge a few weeks ago but I couldn't get it out of my head so I thought I'd give it a go! If anyone has time to make me a banner I'd really appreciate it. The title is from a song by James Morrison. Hope you guys enjoy!

Chapter 1

Liz sighed as she looked up at the clock behind the counter, only an hour of her shift left then her, Michael and Kyle were going to the movies, it was Kyle's choice tonight so it was either a gross out movie or a bloody, gory horror movie.

Liz had suggested that they go and see John Tucker Must Die but was met with stony silence. She was guessing they would be seeing Snakes on a Plane, great she thought sarcastically that'll cure my fear of flying and snakes. Sometimes Liz missed her girlfriends Maria and Isabel.

Maria was in NYC recording some songs after she was discovered by a talent scout one night while she was playing with the Kit Shikkers, Liz was happy for her but New York was too far away although they talked on the phone practically every day it wasn't the same.

As for Isabel well the Ice Queen got married and had moved to Philadelphia with her new husband.

Everyone was pretty shocked when she broke the news and after some reservations from Michael, Isabel and Jesse Ramirez who worked for her father got married in a small ceremony with Maria and Liz as her bridesmaids.

It was a happy day and everyone had a good time although it was clear that the Evans family missed their son and brother, speaking of Max, it was thought that he'd finally found his way home to his son.

Liz had been heartbroken when she'd tried to call him in Los Angeles after he hadn't bothered to call her all week and got his voice mail service, Isabel called him as he was boarding his ship and told her he was going back to Antar and to tell Liz he'd be back soon, that was around 8 months ago and still no sign.

Liz stayed positive he'd be back soon but as the days drifted into weeks and the weeks into months she started to lose faith that the love of her life would ever return.

Liz knew he was still alive apparently Michael and Isabel could still "feel his presence" whatever the hell that meant.

After a while Liz moved on, Max was probably playing mommy and daddy with Tess and the baby she thought bitterly so she started to date Maria's cousin Sean again, it was hardly the romance of the century but she was having fun and after the 2 years she'd had fun was definitely what the doctor ordered.

It was weird she always thought that her and Max would lose their virginity to each other but he lost his to Tess and she lost hers to Sean Deluca.

Ding Ding

Liz was bought out of her musings.

"Parker! Get your head out of the clouds, table 3." Michael shouted. "I don't put my sweat and blood into this for nothing."

Liz scrunched her face up in disgust as she picked up the Galaxy Sub and Will Smith.

"Your sick Mike you know that."

"But ya love me really," he said striking a John Travolta pose.

Liz laughed she loved seeing this side of Michael, the side only a few people ever saw.

After Max, Maria and Isabel left only Michael and Kyle were left. Liz couldn't believe that she now considered her ex boyfriend's best friend and her other ex boyfriend to be her best friends but they were.

They started hanging out all the time and Kyle even moved into Michael's apartment after Amy Deluca moved into the Valenti's.

Now don't get him wrong he adored Amy was delighted that his father was happy again but after he caught them dry humping and making out on the couch enough was enough so after making a speech which included the words, sick, therapy, damaged and emotionally scarred he turned up on Michael's doorstep and had never left.

Of course Liz always frequented their apartment after all somebody had to make sure they washed there dishes and cleaned, they didn't ask Liz to do this but she couldn't help herself especially after she found a plate under the couch with food on with layers of mould growing there.

"So I was thinkin," Michael continued after Liz came back from serving her food and walked into the kitchen,

"Since you find out soon if you've been accepted to Harvard, maybe I could come with you." he said seriously.

"What? Are you serious you'd really come with me to Boston? Why?"

Liz was in shock no way in a million years did she think Michael would utter those words but she was thrilled moving away to a strange city alone didn't exactly make her feel comfortable.

"Well we gotta look out for each other and it’s not like I’ve got any reason to stay here if you go plus you’re like my family Liz." He said quietly.

Liz smiled she knew he would rather listen to a Britney Spears album than talk about his feelings. She threw her arms around him.

"Thank you Michael," she whispered and he hugged her back.

He didn't know when it had happened but she had become the most important person in his life, he would do anything to protect her like he would Isabel and Max and now Kyle.

"Am I interrupting?" They heard Kyle's voice drift over to them. They broke the hug.

"If I get accepted Michael's gonna come with me to Boston," Liz said.

"Got room for another?" Kyle asked. Liz looked at him confused, he didn't seem shocked that Michael was going with her and looked like he didn't give a second thought to offering to come along.

"Wait a minute, you two planned this didn't you?" she said looking at both of them. They both nodded.

Liz smiled her eyes filling with tears," I love you guys," she pulled them into a hug.

"Yeah, yeah," Michael said as he pulled himself out of the hug, "Enough of this mushy crap I got work to do."


Don't worry we'll see the Winchester boys in the next part which I'll post pretty soon cos I feel this part is kind of short.x
Last edited by Queen Fee on Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:11 am, edited 24 times in total.
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Post by Queen Fee »

Thank you so much for all the feedback guys! Love ya! :D

aussietrueblue- Thank you.

DreamerAZ- Thanks. I love your sig btw.

forever dreamer- Thanks. Love your avi, you got taste!

mrsjbehr- Thank you.

Jezebel Jinx- Thank you, I love your fics, can't wait for you next drifter story!

KiaraAlexisKlay- Ha ha, threesome?! :shock: That cracked me up! We could add Dean and Sam into the equation too, Liz would be one VERY lucky lady! :lol:

*shiri&jensen4ever*- Thank you. God woman is Dean all you think about?! Yes? Me too, he he. :wink:

Jensen Lover 37- Thank you, they'll meet in a couple of chapters.

orphyfets- Thank you.

Ellie- Thank you, yes the sexy one will be in the next part. When I thought of this it never occurred to me to write myself until you suggested it and I thought why not? So much love to ya girlfriend.

Aggie- HUGE Thank you for the banner you made me, it's gorgeous, I love it!

roise 101- Thank you.

Womanofmystery- Thanks.

bluebear01- Thanks, yes he is droolworthy. If only they had started cloning humans........... :roll:

I'm glad you all liked the Liz, Michael, Kyle relationship, they were always my favorite characters.


Chapter 2

12 months later

A 1967 Chevrolet Impala sped down the highway blasting Black Sabbath's Paranoid at full blast.

"Jeez Dean, does this have to be so loud?" Sam Winchester asked irritated by his brother's inconsideration of his eardrums, when there was no reply Sam looked over to be drivers seat and saw Dean looking at him as if studying him intently.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Nothing," Dean replied casually with a slight smirk as he brought his eyes back to the road in front of him, "Just checking that I was actually in the car with a 22 year old guy and not an 80 year old woman."

"Ha, ha." Sam retorted with a humorless laugh as he turned down the volume.

"Hey, these are classics!" Dean said as he reached over and turned the volume back up. Sam rolled his eyes, Dean and his damn mullet rock music!

"Where are we?" Sam looked out of the window looking at the scenery which was all starting to look the same to him.

A year ago he had a normal college life, a girlfriend and he'd put his past of dealing with demons and the supernatural behind him but now Jessica was dead and he and his big brother were traveling around the country searching for their father and the demon that killed their mom and his girlfriend.

He often wondered what the future held for them whether they would ever have a normal life, right now it wasn't looking like it.

"About a hundred miles north of New York, I was thinking we check out the scenery and the chicks of course and wait for the next job to land in our laps." Dean replied.

Dean was definitely a ladies man, usually he'd tell women in bars that he was a model scout or a Hollywood agent and they'd have a good time no strings attached, there was the occasional clingy chick but luckily for Dean he was never in one place for very long.

Dean Winchester was certainly not marriage material and he was happy with that in fact he enjoyed his lifestyle, granted there was the mortality risk involved but what job doesn't have its disadvantages?

He knew though that Sam didn't share these thoughts, he knew that as soon as they find what they are looking for that he would want to leave his family again and although he would never admit it, that scared the crap out of Dean. All he wanted was his family back together again just like when they were kids.

Sam placed his laptop on his lap as he searched for any strange happenings on the east coast.


"Boys!!" Liz shouted as she opened her apartment door.

No answer.

"I've brought food!"

Michael and Kyle came bounding into the kitchen after they'd heard the magic words.

After being in Boston together for about 10 months Liz, Michael and Kyle had gotten into a nice little routine.

Michael worked as a security guard at a car warehouse, after working at Metachem in Roswell he decided he liked it, it beat flipping burgers in a greasy spoon and usually his shifts consisted of watching T.V. or playing poker with his co-workers.

Kyle worked as a barman at a bar called Esperanto's (which he gained by his fake id) and he was also training to be a mechanic at a garage just down from their apartment, the pay wasn't great there hence the second job but he was gaining experience and hoped one day to open his own business.

Liz attended the university studying molecular biology and she loved it. She had just finished her first year and was earning money as a waitress in a quaint little cafe.

"Chinese?" Kyle asked with a childlike grin on his face.

"Of course!" She said as she sorted out everyone's food, she was definately the mother of the group.

"What are you doin home so early," Kyle asked, Liz assumed that's what he said anyway his mouth was stuffed with an egg roll, God didn't he know how to chew?

"What happened to your date with Larry?"

"Gary," she corrected rolling her eyes as they all sat down on the couch and turned on the TV "And I left after that asshole started belching the Happy Days theme song."

Michael and Kyle glanced at each other and burst out laughing.

"Oh my God Liz," Michael's face had turned red and he was slightly choking on a piece of chicken. "That's classic!"

Liz glared at them, flipping them off as they both calmed down.

After a few minutes Kyle said thoughtfully "You know i'd love to go out with a girl that could do that I mean Happy Days that’s a talent."

Liz spent the rest of the night listening to them belching to different theme tunes, kill me now Liz thought.


"This better be important Chris," a tall rakishly thin man with white hair said as he followed one of the younger interns of the forensics detent down an empty corridor.

"It is sir," the younger man said as he pushed through the double doors leading him into the morgue.

He had to admit even though it was a grim subject he could have just made a supernatural discovery which could do wonders for his career, could you get a Nobel Peace Prize for this he wondered as he pulled out the slab a covered corpse emerging. A corpse which hadn't been brought in the conventional way just appeared there the day before almost like magic.

"Now, detective, this may be a huge paranormal finding." he said as he slowly pulled back the sheet revealing the body.

The man looked down at the body and then back up at the young man with a look of sheer anger on his face.

"What is the meaning of this?!" he roared, the young intern's smile disappeared as he looked down at the corpse.

"Wasting my time to show me a corpse?"

Chris looked down at the body and frowned.

"But Sir, the victim, it had a silver hand print on its chest-"

"A silver handprint? I've never heard such nonsense!" The older man stormed out of the room before turning round.

"If you ever pull a stunt like this and waste my time again, I'll see to it you'll never work in this department or any other department in this town. Understand?"

With that he was gone.

Chris looked at the body again, the silver handprint-less body.

"But the hand print it was there." he murmured to himself as he sank against the wall, starting to question his sanity.


Next part coming soon 8) .x
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Queen Fee
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Post by Queen Fee »

Thanks again guys for the brilliant feedback! :D

DreamerAZ- Thank you. Mwah!

orphyfets- I know poor Liz with two men, boo hoo :wink: but if only she could mute them occasionally. And yep, your right about Dean that man is plenty fine!

*shiri&jensen4ever*- He he :lol: . Maybe we can start our own little temple of worship! Thank you and yep Dean will be Liz’s knight in shining armor.

Jensen Lover 37- Aw, shucks, thank you! Your damn right you gotta love the delicious Dean *sigh* he's dreamy. :wink:

bluebear01- I know, bless him he was telling the truth. Thanks for the FB!

KiaraAlexisKlay- French word for fivesome? Ménage a cinq?? :lol: It's ok to repeat yourself chick, I'm always doing it (always doing it)lol. I love your DA Xover btw, it's fab!

jamy21- Thank you! You'll just have to wait and see.........
I know what you mean about SN X over’s I can't get enough of them either.

Liz2Infinity- Thank you! Oh, I know which fic you mean I think it's called Dead But Still Moving. It’s a great story!

roise101- Thank you. Hmm all will be revealed later on.

WomanofMystery- Thanks, I was a little worried about the Sam and Dean part but I'm glad you liked it. The theme tune thing I had to experience myself whilst hanging out with my best friend's brother and his friends. One of those things that was obnoxious but at the same time really made me laugh (perhaps I don't have the most sophisticated sense of humor, oh well! :? ). Your right it does bring the boys to town but it will be put into the background slightly for the next few parts so that the characters can all get acquainted.

Kitten- Thank you! :)

Aussietrueblue- Thank you. If they showed a picture of Jensen on T.V. with someone just reciting the phone book I’d watch it just to see him!

I'll you a clue about the handprint, come closer. *Looks around and whispers* it was an alien that's all I'm saying. :twisted:

Ok onto the next part hope you guys like. Thank you!

Chapter 3

As Liz walked down the steps from her apartment building she thought about how much her life had changed since Max.

It had changed for the better.

If you asked her when just after he'd left she would have disputed that claim adamantly, Max was her whole world back then that’s why she helped him find his son despite the fact that it shattered her heart at every mention of the child that he'd created with the alien who had murdered her best friend.

What did she get in return?

Put into jail for committing a felony, put into conflict with her family and abandoned without even so much as a goodbye from Max.

Now though she was happy after he left there was only one alien crisis which was Kivar showing up at Isabel's wedding but he was quickly had his ass kicked back to Antar by Michael with a little help from Kyle.

Ah, her boys. Liz didn't know what she would do without them. They were everything to her, like brothers.

Even though Michael was an alien and Kyle and Liz had been changed, everything felt like normal, like they were just a normal group of young people.

Liz smiled as she walked giving money to a homeless person on her way.

She was finally out of the alien abyss.


"So Mr. White, when did you make this discovery?"

"Uh, about a week ago."

"And you say that this silver handprint disappeared shortly after?" The other officer asked the young man.

"Yeah, about 48 hours later. Listen I'm not crazy, I'm not. I know what I saw."

"Do you have any photographic evidence?"

Chris looked down. "No, no I don't."

The two detectives looked at each other.

"Ok, thank you for your time," the taller man said as they made their way to the exit.

Sam and Dean got into their car and looked at each other.

"Well what do you think?" Sam asked his brother who was loosening his tie.

"I don't know Sammy, maybe it's not our type of gig. I mean maybe the guy's just crazy."

"Looking at his face Dean, I don't know. It looked like he was telling the truth."

Dean shrugged, he wasn't entirely convinced, maybe this was just a waste of time. Sam had found out about this job on MySpace, another reason why Dean wasn't entirely convinced that the guy wasn't yanking chains.


"Liz?!" Kyle shouted, "Aren't you ready yet?"

Honestly why did it take women so long to get ready? Do all women do this? He was taking Liz to the bar where he was working later on, that is if she ever gets her ass out of the bathroom.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Liz answered as she walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.

"You’re not even dressed! Seriously what the hell have you been doing in there?"

"My hair, shaving my legs, exfoliating and tweezing," Liz shrugged.

The look on Kyle's face was priceless a mixture of horror and exasperation.

"Chill, I've just got my make up to do and get dressed."

"What are you wearing?"

"Don't know yet," she replied as she walked into her bedroom.

"Women," he muttered shaking his head.

Just then Michael entered the apartment.

"Hey man we're going down to the bar, wanna come."

Michael shrugged. "Yeah, whatever. I'll just get ready." He walked into his room.

2 minutes later both guys were waiting for Liz watching T.V.

"Isabel called today," Kyle said, never taking his eyes off Sponge Bob Square Pants.


"Yeah, said she wants you to call her cos you didn't last week."

Michael rolled his eyes, honestly why couldn't she have called him instead of Kyle that way she could have told him herself which would also mean he wouldn't have to call her.

"Women," he muttered shaking his head, he'd never understand them.

~Half an hour later~

"Jesus Liz come on, I'm gonna be late for my shift!" Kyle yelled through Liz's bedroom door.

"Ok, ok," Liz said as she walked through.

"How do I look?" she said giving them a twirl.

"You’re NOT going out like that!" Michael exclaimed, horrified.

"Why not?" she asked puzzled.

"Look at your skirt it barely covers you! And my underwear has more material than that top your wearing."

"That's cos you got a fat ass Guerin." Kyle piped in. Michael growled at him.

They left the house about 10 minutes later, Michael still muttering under his breath about kicking any guy's ass who lechs onto Liz.

At the bar

"Hey sweetheart, how about a drink?" Dean said smoothly to the blonde sitting next to him at the bar.

The blonde girl looked at him and giggled.

"Sure," This is gonna be easy, he thought.

"You know you are stunning if you don't mind me saying."

The blonde blushed slightly and smiled seductively.

"No, I mean it. I work for a model agency and you are exactly what I'm looking for. How about you give me your number and we'll set up a private meeting," he said winking at her.

Liz listened to the conversion going to next to her at the bar. Pfft, she thought, some guys will try anything to get into a girl's pants.

She took a look at him ok maybe he was drop dead gorgeous but obviously a player, a love them and leave them type.

Liz's thoughts were interrupted by a tap on her shoulder.

She turned round and standing in front of her was a guy about her age with spiky platinum blonde hair. Not bad she thought.

"Hey," he said shyly "I couldn't help but notice you were sitting here all by yourself. Would you like to dance?"

Liz looked around Kyle was shaking the cocktails to impress the crowd of women gathered near him and Michael well she didn't know where he was.

"Ok," she answered him as she put down her vodka and coke and took his hand as he lead her onto the dance floor.


As the girl, Mandy, wrote down her number Dean couldn't help but notice the brunette sitting at the seat next to her.

She was beautiful. It was obvious that she'd heard his come on to Mandy and wouldn't fall for it herself. Dean liked that. Fiery and a challenge.

Before he could ditch Candy or Mandy or whatever her name was for the petite brunette a sappy looking guy had already approached her and she'd gone off with him.

"Dean," he heard a male voice say from the other side of him.

Great, he thought, playtime's over.

Sam gestured with his head towards a table a few feet away. Dean sighed.

"See ya later, sweetheart," he said with a wink.

"Wow, actually managed to tear yourself away from a woman with a pulse, I'm impressed," Sam said.

"Wow, actually managed to be in the same proximity to a woman, I'm impressed," Dean retorted. Sam rolled his eyes as they sat down.

"I got some info on the handprint thing. Apparently there was a murder in 1959. Same M.O. silver handprint on its chest."

"How'd you know that?" Dean asked.

"Searched it on the police department's computer. The 1959 murder happened somewhere in New Mexico I don't know where though the rest of the file was locked. There have also been other reports of this type of thing across America for the past 60 or so years."

"So your saying that this demon whatever it is moves around a lot. What if it's already left Boston?"

"I don't know," Sam replied, "I'll see what else I can get on this thing, maybe a pattern or something. Come on we'd better head back."

"Sam Winchester, ladies and gentlemen life and soul," Dean said rolling his eyes as he stood up.

"I'm just heading to the restroom; I'll meet you at the car Dean."

Dean walked out into the cool night air. As he walked further into the night he heard a woman scream. He snapped his head up and broke out into a run to where the noise was coming from.


See y'all next Friday!x
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Queen Fee
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Post by Queen Fee »

Hi there *waves!* Thank you so much again for all of the FB.*kisses to all of ya* :P

DreamerAZ - Aw I made your day? Yay I'm so happy, thanks! :D

jamy21 - Hmm maybe it was Liz maybe it wasn't Liz....hmmm........... Thank you for the FB.

Taniapretender - Hmm, interesting theory *scratches imaginary beard* Interesting. Thank you!

Jezebel Jinx - Thank you. I know Michael's like a typical big brother when it comes to Liz, bless his little over protective nature.

Liz2Infinity - Thank you. Perhaps Liz2Infinity, perhaps not. :wink:

KiaraAlexisKlay - Excuse me Miss I-leave-chapters-not-saying-if-Liz-gets-shot-or-not-at-the-end you are the queen of the cliffhanger. Although it doesn't seem as bad when you write them yourself does it? Don't worry about Dean not making his move, he'll get his chance. Michael screaming? Hmm first you want a L/M/K threesome then Michael screaming (your quite strange aren't ya sugar? but I like it). The thought of him screaming makes me giggle not a "ow I'm hurt” but an "oh my God there's a mouse" type scream. The lack of Guerin presence doesn't really mean anything, I think he just went to the restroom. Thank you for your feedback it makes me laugh. :lol:

DMartinez - Aw thank you glad you've found us! :wink:

Jensen Lover 37 - Yep, they didn't actually meet but they noticed each other I would definitely notice Dean if he was in my local bar sadly though it has not yet happened all we get is drunken middle aged guys trying to look down your top, ugh. Thank you for the feedback.

Kitten - Thank you! You'll find out who the mystery screamer is soon. Btw are the pics of JA in your sig from the DA ep with Alec and Rachel? I've never seen the show but I know the basics. He looks hot! :wink:

orphyfets - Thanks. Yep Dean is hot and he's all mine (only in my twisted imagination though.....)

Ellie - Yep Dean W is definitely a player but he's so funny when he's flirting with all the girls but not Cassie she does not exist in my world la de da de da. I've gone crazy with power, now I shall take over the world! :twisted: Thanks.

bluebear01 - Thank you. I'm sorry I left it there but I had to keep you coming back didn't I? All will be revealed soon.

WomanofMystery - Thanks. I love writing Michael and Kyle. I hope Liz will fall for Dean too if not I shall kick my own ass for not making it happen (but it will happen so I won't have to injure

*shiri&jensen4ever* - Thank you! I was watching Sponge Bob while I was writing and thought Kyle would like it too. Jensen Ackles and the Temple of Dean? Nice, love it! As the founder members I think we should try and bring in a law forbidding (is that a word?) JA from ever wearing shirts if it gets cold we can just hug him for warmth (tough job, I know but I think we're up to :wink:

roise101 - Liz screaming? Maybe. I agree it is a good job Dean's around. Thank you for the feedback, sweetie.

aussietrueblue - Thank you! I'm back now. I know it's not really soon but only a week. I'm doing well with this schedule thingy usually I'm late for everything!

SagiBecca - Thank you. He certainly is a knight in shining armor. Good theory all will be revealed.

Ok I didn't mention it before but this is Supernatural's timeline so Max healed Liz in 2002 (you wouldn't believe how long it took me to work that out!) and everything until Control happened as in Roswell. In SN they've met John again in Chicago so it's after Shadow I know that it's too early in the year in my fictitious world but go with me. Thank you everyone, I'll shut my trap and get to the next part which is a little longer.


Chapter 4

Dean walked out into the cool night air. As he walked further into the night he heard a woman scream. He snapped his head up and broke out into a run to where the noise was coming from.

Dean rounded the corner and saw a familiar looking man as he was kicking and punching a figure that was cloaked in darkness.

"You think your so clever bitch?! Coming on to me then brushing me off. Well I'm gonna teach you it's not nice to play games." He said as he ripped at the girls clothes.

"HEY!" Dean shouted as he ran over to them. "Get the fuck away from her!"

He pulled the guy away from her pulled back his fist punched the jackass.

"Whatever dude, she's nothing special anyway," the man said as he stalked off wiping away the blood from his lip.

Dean looked down at the girl and immediately recognized her from the bar. He crouched down and brushed the hair away from her tear stained face.

"Are you ok?" he asked softly.

The girl shook her head. Dean's heart constricted but before he had could question the feeling the girl tried to stand up only to fall back down.

"Whoa, do want me to take you to the hospital?"

"No," she replied as she tried to stand up again, "I should get home."

Dean looked at her.

"Here," he said as he put out his hand to help her up. "I'll take you."

He saw her look at him hesitantly. Dean didn't blame the girl after what had nearly happened to her, he'd be wary too.

She nodded reluctantly taking his hand and let him place his leather jacket around her quivering shoulders. She stumbled slightly and he didn't give a second thought to picking her up and walking to his car.

Liz's head was pounding as she buried her head into the stranger's chest.

She had been having such a good time with the guy in the bar, Craig, but when he'd asked her to go back to his place she politely declined and decided to go home. He cornered her in the alley.

Her head was swimming with thoughts of what might have happened had the stranger who was now carrying her not shown up. It was strange she'd been in this guy's arms for only a couple of minutes but she felt safe, safer than she felt in a long time.

Sam stood in front of the car waiting for Dean, where the hell was he? Just then he saw him approach the car with what looked to be a girl in his arms.

"What's going on?" Sam asked as he looked at Dean then down at the girl.

"I found her being attacked outside the bar," Dean answered as he opened the back door and placed the girl gently down on the seats.

"Is she ok?" he asked concerned.

"Yeah, I said we'd take her home," Dean replied as he and Sam got into the front seats.

Dean pivoted in his seat.

"What's your name?" he said softly.

"Liz," she whispered.

"Well Liz, I'm Dean and this is my little brother Sam. We're gonna take you home now ok? Where do you live?"

Liz whispered the address out to them. She didn't think she could speak any louder, everywhere hurt, her head, her stomach, her legs, her face.

"Shouldn't we take her to the hospital?" she heard the taller one, Sam, ask Dean.

"No," Liz said in a stronger voice. "I'll be fine at home."

The last thing she needed right now was blood tests and samples which could expose her.

Not that she was an alien now, she was just changed.

She had more advanced human abilities now like manipulating molecular structures as well as dream walking, healing, throwing blasts and her least favorite power mind warping. She'd only tried it once with Michael to see if she could do it and swore never again, not after Alex.

The two brothers looked at each other.

"Ok, we'll take you home," Dean said as they pulled out of the parking lot.

"Thank you," she replied as she leaned back against the door closing her eyes.

She knew she could heal herself but a- she couldn't with Sam and Dean present and b- she didn’t know if she was strong enough right now.

As Dean drove he kept looking in his mirror at Liz.

He could tell she was gorgeous even with the scratches and bruises marring her otherwise flawless olive skin. She was so small and innocent looking. How could anyone do that to someone like that?

White hot anger rose up in Dean as he looked at her injuries and vowed to himself that this bastard was gonna pay.

As they pulled up to Liz's apartment building Dean quickly killed the engine and ran to the back seats to help her out.

Her legs still felt a bit wobbly so Dean propped her up on one side Sam on the other as they led her to her apartment.

When they entered the apartment Dean and Sam placed her gently on the couch.

"Do you need anything?" Sam asked.

"No thank you, you guys have already helped me tons tonight, thank you," she said directing the end of her sentence to Dean.

"No problem," Dean answered. Dean looked at the door; he didn't want to leave yet. There was something about Liz he hardly knew her but he wanted to know more.

She saw him glance at the door; he probably had a girlfriend waiting at home for him. The very thought saddened Liz. Jeez, get a grip, she thought to herself, you were attacked tonight and here you are disappointed that someone who you don't even know is leaving.

"So, I guess you guys'll want to be getting home now," she said looking down slightly.

Dean saw the sadness in her eyes.

"Well if you call a motel home," he replied as he sat down on the opposite coach, making it clear that he wasn't going anywhere for the moment. Sam joined him a moment later.

"So out of towners, huh?" Liz said, "Where are you staying?"

"Don't know yet probably a motel just down the road from here," Sam answered.

He glanced at his brother; he'd never seen that look in his eyes before, the look that the small brunette opposite him had put there. Things may get very interesting around here, he thought.

Liz frowned. A motel? Liz's next word came out of her mouth before she could stop them.

"You can stay here."

"No, it's ok. We don't want to put you out," Dean replied.

The thought of spending the night making sure Liz was safe sounded good to him. Usually when a girl asked him to spend the night it was mostly sex and that was the end of it. On this occasion though those thoughts never entered his mind. Liz was different.

"No I insist. It's the least I could do after saving me, I'm sure my roommates wouldn't mind." That was a lie and she knew it. Michael and Kyle would blow a gasket but she didn't want them to leave yet especially Dean.

"Only if you’re sure," Sam said. The thought of looking for a motel room at this time of night didn't exactly sound appealing.

"Absolutely," she said with a smile on her face.

Dean was mesmerized. It was the first time he'd seen her smile. It lit up her whole face. She looked so beautiful.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Sam's elbow in his ribs.

He glared at his brother but then realized that Liz had just asked him a question.

"Huh?" Oh nice, he thought, now she's gonna think I'm an idiot.

"I asked you where you were from," Liz repeated. The pain had lessened slightly and she felt more comfortable. Dean and his brother seemed like okay guys especially after Dean had saved her.

"Oh, uh Kansas."

Sam stared at his brother. They never told people where they came from. He was definitely acting weird.

"Ah so what are you guys doing in Boston?" she asked.

"Just here on business," Dean didn't want to lie to this girl so he just bended the truth slightly.

"What kind of business?"

"Do you always ask so many questions?" Dean asked in a teasing tone.

"Do you always give such vague answers to questions?" she fired back a smile once again gracing her features.


Liz laughed. She felt so comfortable around him and his brother too.

His face lit up in a bright smile, pleased with himself that he was able to make her laugh and forget about what had happened, at least for the moment.

Liz looked at the man opposite her. He had the most gorgeous smile she'd ever seen. She'd never been gushy about a guy since Max but there was something about this handsome stranger.

"So Liz, are you a Boston native?" Dean asked leaning back on the coach.

Liz paused before answering but Sam and Dean shrugged it off.

"No, I'm from Rhode Island," she answered. That was their cover story whenever anybody asked them where they were from. Liz, Kyle and Michael agreed it was safer incase they were talking to somebody who could hurt them, like the FBI.

Just then they heard the apartment door opened. Liz winced slightly. She knew it would be Michael; Kyle's shift didn't finish for a while yet. She was not looking forward to telling the over protective, fly off the deep end martian about the evening’s events.

"Liz!?" You home?" she heard Michael's voice echoing around the apartment as he walked into the kitchen for a soda.

"Yeah," she shouted back.

"You will never guess what just happened. Kyle was flirting with this chick at the bar, pretty hot, red hair anyway, she was all over Kyle and he was enjoying himself too. That was until the chick's girlfriend walked up. Swear to God Liz 200lbs, tattoo's, piercing not too happy her woman was talking to Kyle. You should have seen his face, he was shitting himself! I said to him-"

Michael stopped abruptly at the sight of the two strangers in his apartment.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Wow, I bet you make a lot of friends with that sunny persona shaggy," Dean said dryly noting the newcomer’s long hair.

Sam glared at his brother.

"Michael don't be rude," he heard Liz's voice say. Michael spun round not noticing her in the room before. He immediately noticed her scratched, bruised face.

"Lizzie what the hell happened?" he said rushing over and crouching down in front of her.

Liz looked down slightly before taking a deep breath.

"I was dancing with this guy at the bar. He asked me if I wanted to go back to his place and I said that I should be getting home. He said ok and I left. I was walking down the alley when I heard footsteps behind me," she took a deep breath trying without succeeding to blink away the tears that were forming in her chocolate brown eyes.

"I turned around and there he was. He said he would make me regret turning him down and that-," she started sobbing quietly, "Then he tried to- anyway that's when I met Dean. He scared him off and him and his brother brought me home."

As Liz told her story, Michael gripped her hand tightly and tentatively wiped away her tears. Rage consuming him on the inside.

He turned and looked at Dean and Sam.

"Thanks," he said gruffly. They rescued her and Michael was extremely grateful for that.

Dean gave a nod, confused as to Michael and Liz's relationship. Were they friends? Lovers? He saw how upset he had got over what had happened to her.

"I said that they could stay here tonight, they're new in town and they haven't found a motel yet. Is that ok?" Liz asked quietly breaking everyone out of their thoughts.

"Sure," he said brushing a stray strand of hair out of his face as he stood up. Only for Liz's sake.

Michael grew up never trusting strangers and inviting them into your home was asking for trouble in his opinion but after what they had done for Liz, he couldn't say no.

"Come on," Michael said as he pulled Liz up from the couch, "You should get some sleep."

Liz nodded and took Michael's hand as he led her to her room.

"Ok but make sure you give them the covers that are in the closet. Oh and there's pillows in there too."

"Ok, just get some sleep," Michael smiled. Typical Liz always playing the hostess even after the night she'd had.

"Good night guys," she said in Dean and Sam's direction.

"Night Liz," they answered in unison. Liz smiled at them looking at her green eyed hero one last time before turning back to Michael.

"And you. Be nice."

She turned and walked into her room.


See ya next Friday! *Hugs*
Last edited by Queen Fee on Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Queen Fee
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Post by Queen Fee »

Thank you so much again for the feedback.

KiaraAlexisKlay - Thank you. Don't worry about Craig; this won't be the last time he features in this story (ooh cryptic) :twisted: . Dean is a sweetie pie deep down and I love it on the show when we see it. Exactly Liz is mostly always right with her instincts but did the pod squad listen in the show? Noooo, Alex's death, Tess (boo hiss boo!), Topolski, trusting the sheriff she knew but they didn't listen, anyhoo I'm rambling now the point is she followed her instincts regarding Dean. I don't think it occurred to Dean to lie about where he was from at that moment plus he only said the state they were from. Did I really put "How the hell are you?!" :lol: Oh my God that's so funny, haha, I'll change that. Sounds like he's posh and meeting an old friend doesn't it, hehe. Kyle won't react as strongly as Michael about the situation, he's more chilled out. Are you updating today? I have *hint, hint* but if you haven't got the part finished I'll understand as it's you!

force - Thank you!

forever dreamer - Yeah, grr Craig! Thank you, I made your day? Whoo hooo! Yay! :D

Taniapretender - Thank you! Yes you were right! I read and I was like "darn it, you got me!" I honestly don't mean to change their characters so much, I think it's just cos I'm a hopeless romantic!

Jensen Lover 37 - Thank you! I know Dean is irresistible, if I met him I don't think I'd be able to string a sentence together I'd just sit there drooling like an idiot.

bluebear01 - Yep even though Michael didn't want to he'd do anything for Liz after all Liz and Kyle are all he has now, he has Isabel but she's married. I'm glad it made you smile, this story is sort of leaning more toward fluff than angst, that's not to say everything will be smoothe sailing though.

Jezebel Jinx - Thanks! I know I love when Dean shows his caring side; I just wanna give him a huge hug (and more besides). :wink:

orphyfets - Thank you! Michael nice? Hmmm, well he's not exactly the type of guy who goes out of his way to make friends does he?

Liz2Infinity - The whole handprint mystery will be resumed after this chapter, in this part I just really wanted introduce the characters to each other more. I keep waking up in the morning half asleep with another theory to put into this story but by the time I get up, I Thank you.

DreamerAZ - Thank you, I'll try! :D

jamy21 - Jensen Ackles? Yeah he's ok, I suppose. Actually he's bloody drop dead gorgeous!!! I like random obsessed thoughts I have them all the time.

aussietrueblue - Thank you! Yep Michael can be nice but I think usually he chooses not to!

Ok on with the part as I said before the action picks up more after this part.

Supernatural has started again in the U.S.? No! I'll really have to restrain myself from the boards to find out what's going down. (I will be strong, I will be strong!) I don't like finding out what's gonna happen before I see it but it's so tempting...... No!

Anyway enough of the deranged rambling here's the next part. :P

Chapter 5

Michael turned around to face the strangers in his apartment. There was an uncomfortable air in the room.

"Thanks for letting us stay here," Sam said to break the silence.

Michael glared at them.

"I'm doing it for Liz," Michael stated in a clipped tone.

Dean glared at the guy. Who the hell does he think he is?! Okay he's letting them stay here but after they'd helped his girlfriend you'd think the guy would be grateful.

"Well we appreciate it anyway," Sam said quickly seeing the look in his brother's eye, not wanting a confrontation.

Michael grunted as he walked to the closet just out of the room. He handed them there sheets and pillows and made his way out of the room before he did he turned.

"Oh and if you try anything that will hurt Liz I swear to God, I'll kill you myself."

The Winchester's watched as he walked down the hall.

"Friendly guy," Dean muttered as he watched the retreating figure.

"What?" he asked as he saw Sam staring at him.


"Seriously Sammy stop looking at me like that. I know I'm gorgeous but-"

"What the hell is going on with you man?" Sam asked as he sat down and looked at Dean.

"What are you talking about?"

"Telling Liz where we're from. I mean your whole attitude towards her. I'm glad that you’re opening up but she's a stranger Dean, you can't get involved. At least not right now. Not in the work we do, not after the whole dad, Meg thing."

Dean looked at his brother.

"I don't know what you’re talking about Sam," Dean said as he arranged his pillows on the floor allowing Sam to have the coach.

Sam shook his head as he lay down.

Dean got up and walked over to switch out the lights before returning to his temporary bed. He had a million thoughts running through his head.


Liz looked in the mirror at her face. Shaking as she traced the cut down her cheek.

She couldn't believe what had happened. Why couldn't she have protected herself, hell she had powers for god's sake but she had just gone numb so shocked at what was happening nothing registered in her brain.

She thought about the guys in the lounge. Michael had only let them stay the night for her sake and she appreciated it. Although the more she thought about it the more reservations she had.

They were strangers. They could be anybody. FBI. Skins. Liz's instinct told her that they weren't but what the hell did she know. She thought that Craig was ok, look how that had turned out but she couldn't help but offer them somewhere for the night.

Tears started to slide down her cheek as she climbed into her bed. Overwhelmed by all the thoughts in her head as she settled into a fitful sleep.


The next morning Dean lay on Liz's coach thinking about the previous night's events.

Seeing Liz like that made his heart break and that scared the crap out of him. He barely even knew the girl.

Why did he care so much?

Why did the sight of her walking into her room snuggled into his worn leather jacket make him feel warm inside?

And why did he care so much that Liz might be already dating that monkey man who was there last night?

He was Dean Winchester, hunter.

He didn't have sappy sentimental thoughts he thought about demons, guns and getting laid. Not opening your heart and shit like that.

Why had he told her where they were from? Why didn't he even make up a decent excuse about why they were in town instead of "business"?

He sighed as he turned over.

No Liz was just a girl who needed his help. That was what they did. Help people. Why was this any different?

Dean was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of a door opening he turned and his breath caught as he saw Liz emerge from her bedroom wearing a baby pink dressing gown and matching pink fluffy slippers. She looked so innocent.

The scratches and bruises were still there but faded slightly.

"Good morning," he whispered. Sam was still sleeping.

"Morning," Liz whispered back. "Here sorry I took it in there with me last night." She handed him his jacket.

He shrugged. "It looks a lot better on you anyway," he smiled and winked at her.

Liz returned his smile with a shy one of her own.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Liz asked walking to the kitchen.

"I wouldn't mind," he said with a shrug as he followed her into the kitchen.

Liz reached up looking in the cupboard. Dean's mouth went dry as her gown rose up exposing her tanned legs.

"Dean?" He heard Liz's voice filter through.

"Huh?" Oh terrific, he thought to himself, this is the second time this has happened. May as well just have "MORON" tattooed on my forehead and be done with it.

"Do you want cereal or toast?" Liz repeated.

She saw him looking at her appreciatively but quickly shrugged it off. Like a guy as hot as Dean would like her.

Jeez, Liz your not in high school get a grip woman, she thought to herself.

"Oh, uh I'll have what you’re having," he answered averting his gaze around the room. It was painted a light yellow color and was immaculate.

As Liz and Dean sat down with their cereal they looked at each other.

"So," they both started. They looked at each other and laughed.

"You go first," Liz said smiling looking down at her breakfast shyly.

"I just wanted to say thanks, you know for letting us crash. Obviously pissed off your boyfriend" Dean hoped she didn't notice how he'd nearly choked on the word "boyfriend".

"Boyfriend?" Liz asked scrunching her nose in confusion.

"Yeah," he replied slowly, "You know the hairy guy."

"Michael? What? No! He's not my boyfriend the guy's like my best friend well more like a brother actually. Well he used to date my other best friend Maria but-"

Shut up, shut up, shut up!! Liz thought, you’re rambling.

She wondered why she was so adamant to put the record straight with Dean. She told herself it was just because of the grossness associated with his assumption.

"Well I got tell you I'm kinda relieved. He still looks like he wants to rip my head off though"

Liz smiled, realizing her silent prediction of Michael saying something threatening to the brothers had been right.

"Oh that's just his nature. He'd do anything for the people he loves. Although it took like 2 years of us hanging out in the same group for him to say more than two words to me. Once you gain his trust though you'll have a friend for life."

"I'll pass thanks," Dean muttered.

For the next 15 minutes Liz and Dean continued to chat about trivial things. The weather, Boston and a debate over musical tastes Dean of course gunning for rock music and Liz for the more chilled out type of music.

Kyle entered the apartment whistling softly as he thought about the previous night. What a woman, he thought as he reminisced about a maid of honor from a batchelorette party and the things she could do with a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold.

He stopped dead as he walked into the kitchen.

"Come on Jack Johnson's awesome. Really beautiful."

"Beautiful? Sound's kinda fruity to me."

"Well obviously your not comfortable enough with your sexuality."

Dean's mouth gaped open wanting nothing more than to pin her down to the table and show her just how comfortable he was. Liz laughed at the expression on Dean's face. Guy's were just so easy to wind up.

"What's going on?" They heard a voice say from the doorway. Kyle got a look at Liz's face and rushed to kneel down infront of her.

"Are you ok?" he asked as her took in her injuries.

"I'm fine Kyle. I was walking down the alley last night and this guy-. Well anyway this is Dean he saved me," she said smiling in his direction.

After another 10 minutes of assuring Kyle that she was ok and explaining what had happened Kyle stood up and walked over to Dean.

He stood up not knowing what to expect Michael hadn't exactly been friendly. He saw the guy stick out his hand to shake. He accepted.

"Thanks for that man. I'm Kyle by the way."

"Dean," he replied as he looked at the guy wearily.

"He's not my boyfriend either," Liz said to Dean in a teasing tone.

Kyle looked at Liz with an expression of confusion.

"He thought Michael and I were dating," Liz said with a small laugh.

"Ha. You and Michael? That'd be like insects."

"Incest," Liz corrected, "I know."

Dean watched Kyle and Liz's interaction they seemed so comfortable around each other. He'd never had that. A best friend or a group of friends and he'd never really wanted it either but watching them he couldn't help but wonder.

Snap out of it, Dean silently scolded himself, what the hell is wrong with you? Been hanging out with Sammy too much probably. He loved his demon hunting world that would never change, could never change.

Just then Sam walked into the kitchen.

"Morning," he said rubbing his eyes. His rumpled appearance made him look sweet, like a seven year old, well apart from his height, Liz mused to herself.

"Morning," Liz said as she stood up, "Want some breakfast?"

"Oh no thanks."


"Please," he answered as he took a seat next to the other guy in the kitchen.

"Sam this is Kyle, Kyle this is Dean's brother Sam," Liz said making introductions and also breaking the silence that had built up after Sam entered the room.

They exchanged greetings and sat down.

The group fell into easy conversations Liz told them about Harvard and science. Dean watched as her face lit up as she was talking about a subject that obviously was important to her.

He hadn't met many girls like that usually the women he'd associate with were the types who only thought about science and chemicals while they were bleaching their hair. She actually seemed perfect for his brother. Dean scowled at the thought.

Kyle talked about his job as a mechanic to which Dean proceeded to talk about his beloved car.

The Winchester's kept things simple. They admitted half truths like they were looking for their father and Sam told them they were journalists for a newspaper and were researching an underground scam in Boston but were sworn to secrecy.

After about an hour of talking in the kitchen Dean and Sam decided that they'd better hit the road.

"Thank you again," Liz said as she walked them to the door.

"No problem," Dean replied, "Anything for a pretty girl." He winked at her watching with satisfaction as a pink blush tinted her cheeks.

Sam rolled his eyes. His brother was such a flirt.

"Well thank you for letting us stay here Liz," Sam said as he looked down at her.

"No problem," Liz answered.

"Bye then," Sam said with a smile as he exited the apartment letting his brother say his goodbye.

"Are you sure your ok?" Dean asked.

"I'll be fine," Liz answered.

They stood there awkwardly. She wanted to give a gesture of her thanks. A handshake? No too formal. A hug? No too personal.

Dean studied Liz as she seemed lost in thought. He couldn't shake the feeling that this wouldn't be the last time he saw her although he couldn't figure out if it was just hope that was making him think this way.

"Goodbye Liz."

"Bye Dean," she whispered.

What Liz did next surprised Dean. She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for saving me."

"Pleasure," he gazed at her intently for a couple of seconds before walking out of the door.


Next Friday!x
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Queen Fee
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Chapter 6

Hi me again! Thank you for the FB I really appreciate it. I don't have time for individual thank you's this week, gotta post and run. I'm on my way to the dentist :( . Anyway thank you again.


roswellian love
forever dreamer
Jensen Lover 37

Here's the next part.

~A few days later~

"Aliens? Seriously Sam that's what your theory is?" Dean asked Sam incredulously as he looked at him as he sat on the edge of his bed in yet another motel room.

"Yes, I mean spirits and demons are real. Why not aliens?" Sam replied looking up from his laptop.

"Spirits and demons I understand not Zippo from the planet Squishy."

"Well according to this police investigation in New Mexico the print lasts a couple of days then fades away. From what I can tell they stopped a couple of years ago."

"So your saying that this "alien," Dean said using quote marks are the word alien, "Stopped its killing spree and now it's started again? Why?"

"I don't know. It would be a lot easier if this victim had an identity but no missing persons in the area I already checked at the police station. Maybe the guy's not from around here."

"Ok so how are we gonna find out who it could be from all the missing persons in America?"

Sam looked at the screen in front of him.

"Well I'm gonna start by finding people who were involved in these sort of investigations maybe that'll get us somewhere."

Dean watched as he started typing.

"Well good luck with that," he said as he stood up.

"Where are you going?" Sam asked.

"Just out," Dean answered as he walked out of the door.

As Dean walked down the street he thought about their latest job. Seemed like a waste of time to him.

Aliens? I mean he could understand spirits they were once the living and curses were black magic used for centuries, he could understand that. But aliens crash landing on earth?

If this had been happening for years wouldn't his father have told him about it or at least wrote in down in his journal?

He sighed as he walked into a cafe and sat down at a table that was closest to the door. If he was honest with himself he had left Sam at the motel searching for ET while he looked around the town hoping to find Liz again. He didn't know why but she had affected him. He knew it was a long shot though, Boston was a big place and she was a small woman.

"Hi what can I get for you?" He heard a female voice say to him. He looked up at the waitress. She had short, spiky brown hair with a nose piercing. Pretty, Dean thought, but not my type.

"Coffee please," he replied.

"Coffee," she said as she wrote it down. "Ok, be right back."

Dean watched as she stopped halfway across the room to answer her cell phone then carried on walking as she talked.

As Allison walked into the break room she saw Liz watching the TV they had in there.

"Oprah again?" she asked as she looked at the screen.

"Yeah," Liz replied her eyes still glued to the screen, "This woman is like 80 and she's just had a boob job."

"Who Oprah?"

"No, this woman," Liz said pointing to the old woman on screen.

"Yikes, those puppies could take your eyes out." Allison said as she tilted her head slightly.

Liz nodded.

"Anyway, I need a favor hun. Gary just called; he can't pick up Joshua from Kindergarten. Can you cover me until the end of the shift?"

"Sure no problem," she replied as she stood up putting on her apron.

"Thanks Liz. It's pretty quiet out there. Just a hamburger to take to 3 and a coffee to 12. Lizzie you’re a life saver," Allison said gratefully as she gave her a quick hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow, babe." She walked out of the back door.

"See ya!" Liz called out before she shut the door.

She walked into the kitchen and couldn't see the hamburger on the work top ready to be taken out.

Ding ding.

"Hamburger Adam!"

Just then a cheeky face popped round the corner. Liz smiled. Adam was 16 and his dad owned the restaurant. He worked there when he wasn't at school and it was his life's ambition to be a chef.

Liz thought he was adorable, always had a smile on his face and his brown hair ruffled up.

"You can rush perfection Liz," he said with a smile as he placed the burger down.

She laughed as she took the meal to table 3.

Right, she thought, table 12, coffee. She looked over as she made it. She could only see the back of his head.

"Here's your coffee Sir," Dean heard a familiar voice walking up behind him. He turned around slowly and gave her his most charming smile.

"Liz," he said as he saw her.

"Dean," Liz said to say she was surprised was an understatement. From what the brothers had told her she was sure that they have moved on by now. Not that she was complaining.

"What are you doing here?"

Dean smirked at her. "Well as this is a cafe I thought I'd come in to buy a throw rug."

She blushed. "Smart ass," he heard her mutter as she placed the mug in front of him.

Liz looked around the place it was pretty quiet today.

"Do you have time to sit?" Dean asked gesturing to the seat opposite him. She bit her lip and sat down.

"As it's you," she sighed jokingly.

Dean smiled.

"I thought you guys would have left town by now," she said as she looked up at him.

He had the most gorgeous eyes she'd ever seen. She'd always thought Max's were beautiful, that she could see into the depths of his soul but towards the end of their relationship she didn't like what she saw anymore they looked colder, more driven not belonging to the man she fell in love with.

Liz quickly shook her head of the thoughts of her ex.

She thought of him everyday, she tried not to. Sometimes they were what ifs, sometimes bitter thoughts of him and Tess and sometimes just remembering the good times.

Liz didn't know if she still loved him, how do you know if you still love someone if their not around? Maybe it was the love she used to feel. She didn't know.

"-a few days longer," she heard Dean's voice filter through.

"Cool," Liz replied. She didn't know what to say. She was happy he was here. There was something about him, something different to Max. More of an edge.

Dean saw her eyes glaze over slightly as he spoke. He'd seen that look before. She always seemed deep in thought. What was she thinking about that made her look so torn?

"So you look better," he said as he looked at her face. She seemed completely healed.

"Oh yeah I've always been a fast healer," Liz answered uneasily.

She hadn't bargained on seeing him again otherwise she wouldn't have healed herself.

The only people who had known what had happened that night were Dean, Sam, Michael and Kyle and Maria who Kyle had told over the phone, after assurances to a hysterical Maria, Liz, Michael and Kyle had decided not to inform the police. Although Michael and Kyle were still adamant that the guy responsible would pay.

Liz just wanted to forget the whole thing. Well not everything about that night.

Dean saw how uneasy she became. He didn't blame her it must be hard for her.

"So anyway how long have you worked here?" he asked changing the subject.

"About a year now. Sort of part time when I'm not at Harvard."

"You know your the only person I know who goes to Harvard, bet your pretty honored."

She looked at him. It didn't surprise her. He didn't look like the Cambridge mixing type.

"I am, I am," Liz said with mock heartfelt sincerity brushing away an invisible tear for good measure.

He smiled at her. He liked this chick.

"How about a drink tomorrow night? Show me a Harvard girl's night."

He saw her bite her lip again. God, she looked hot when she did that.

"Ok," she agreed with a small smile.

Liz looked up at the clock. It was the end of her shift. She saw Karen had already arrived to take over.

"I gotta go I'm finished now," she said as she stood up.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked. He really didn't like the thought of her walking on her own.

Liz smiled at his sweetness.

"No, it's ok. Michael's waiting for me in the back probably. He's been my shadow lately. I'm surprised he lets me go to the bathroom myself." Liz laughed as she thought of Michael's hounding lately, it was sweet and appreciated but a pain in the ass at the same time.

"Oh ok," Dean said getting up too, "So I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8?" Dean didn't really know the drill for this he'd never really taken a girl out before usually they were already out when he met them.

Liz smiled at the look on his face. She hadn't known him for long but she'd never seen him look unsure before. He always had a, not arrogance but confidence about him.

"Sure," Liz said with a soft laugh, "you remember where I live?"

"How could I forget," he answered slipping back into his confident self.

"See you then," he said with a smirk as he walked out of the door.


Sam sighed as he hung up the phone.

He'd discovered an incident in Roswell, New Mexico from a source who used to work at the FBI. From what he could gather the incident happened in 2002 when a gun shot went off in a cafe and a waitress was apparently shot.

He really didn't know where this was going or what it had to do with anything but the former agent was adamant that it was worth looking into.

Sam noticed that the agent seemed to want answers for himself but something held him back or someone. So he had been trying to get in touch with the Sheriff of Roswell at that time but to no avail.

"Hello is this Owen Blackwood?"


"This is Detective David Spencer from the Boston Police Department. According to the information I have here you were Deputy at the Roswell Police Department in September 2002 when a gun shot went off in a cafe called the Crashdown."

"Yeah that's right," was the gruff reply from the other end, "What can I do for you?" What was so special about this incident anyway? Jim was obsessed with it for about a year, he thought to himself.

"I was just wondering if you could tell me all that you know about it. We think the guy who fired the gun that day may be involved in a robbery on the east coast."

"Well," he sighed, "These two guys around there forties, we didn't get a clear description," he said remembering trying to get a description of the men from a crazy young blonde girl with short hair that kept sniffing a bottle.

"They got into a fight about money and one of the guy's pulled out a gun. According to witnesses the other guy tried to get the gun off the other one and it went off into the direction of the back of the cafe. A young girl fell and this kid about the same age as the girl went over to her. Then he got up and ran out of the cafe the girl standing up a second later covered in ketchup. The sheriff brought the girl back in a couple of days later for questioning about the incident but that's it. I know the sheriff had a special interest in the case but I retired shortly afterwards."

"Do you have the names of any of these kids so we can try and get a description of the gunman?" Sam asked as he wrote down quickly what was just said.

"I'm not good with names but I know the girl's father owned the cafe. Her name's Liz. Liz Parker."

"Thank you very much. You've been very helpful," Sam said as he hung up.

Right all they had to do was find this Liz Parker.


Next Friday.x
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Queen Fee
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Post by Queen Fee »

Hi peeps. Once again thank you for the FB loves it.

aussietrueblue - Aw thanks.

Behrsgurl*87 - Thank you. They'll find out........eventually.

KiaraAlexisKlay - Thank you! I thought I'd make Dean a bit cynical cos one ep near the end of the 1st season they are fighting vampires but he didn't believe they existed at first and he thought it was far fetched, the guy hunts demons and ghosts but he thought vampires were make believe, it just made me laugh. He does do sarcastic and cocky well doesn't he? I don't think it would be right if he ever played a dork or anything like that, it would be wrong! I love your feedback, girl. Hope your writing is coming easier. This part was hard for me for some reason.

roswellian love - Thank you. Yep there's certainly something between them.

Jensen Lover 37 - Thanks. :)

bluebear01 - Thank you. Hmm you'll have to wait and see.

jamy21 - Thanks. :)

orphyfets - Thank you. Sam and Dean will figure it out, but what will they do? What will they think? How will they handle it?! Who knows......?

Blink 1lit - Thank you. :)

Aggie - Yep Michael is a sweetie deep down. Thank you!

WomanofMystery - Thank you. I wanted to show Dean's sweet side, never taking a girl out before even though he has been with loads of girls.

Chapter 7

"Morning," Kyle muttered walking out of his bedroom.

"Morning sweetie," Liz answered. As he sat down Liz placed his favorite breakfast out in front of him scrambled egg, bacon and toast.

"Thanks," he answered sleepily before digging in.

A comfortable silence filled the room as Kyle and Liz ate. As she finished her tea and pop tarts she turned to face Kyle.

"I need a favor-" Liz started.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," Kyle interrupted her, "I am not going to get your.... lady products for you again. There are just some things that a guy shouldn't have to do. The whole thing's not natural." He shuddered at the thought.

"Of course a woman's cycle is natural you wuss. Where do you think babies come from?" Liz said in a childlike voice.

"The stork of course," Kyle retorted back in the same voice.

Liz laughed. "Actually that's not what I need."

"Then what?" he asked as he finished his coffee and leaned back in his chair.

"I need a distraction. Michael."

Kyle raised his eyebrows in question.

"I'm going out with someone tonight-"

"Who?" Kyle interrupted.


"Who in Buddha's name is De-. You mean the guy that brought you home the other night?" he asked looking somewhat shocked.

"Yeah and I need you to keep Michael out of the way cos he's coming to pick me up and Michael would just be his usual threatening, intimidating self not that Dean will take it he's not the type of guy but I don't want an awkward pissing contest before we leave. Please?"

"Isn't Michael working tonight anyway?" Kyle asked. He was confused by Liz's request. The whole situation actually.

Liz was going on a date with a guy that was pretty much opposite Max? Sure she'd been out with a few guys since but they were always the studious, shy type well apart from Sean Deluca but he was just a rebound not like the guy he'd met in his kitchen a few days ago.

"He swapped shifts he finishes at 7. I'm getting picked up at 8. So would you please entertain him for me? Take him bowling or a strip club or whatever the hell you guys do on a night out which makes you come into my room at 4 am and vomit on my floor," Liz said glaring at him during her last sentence.

Kyle cringed at the memory. Well actually he couldn't remember that part of the night but he certainly remembered a very angry Liz the next morning who made sure he cleaned up after himself then proceeded to make him watch Pride and Prejudice as punishment and holy fat man was that punishment, there wasn't even a car chase.

"I wish you'd stop bringing that up," he paused, "so to speak." He cleared his throat.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Just keep him out of this apartment tonight, please?"

"Okay," he sighed, "but I really don't know what the big deal is. I mean other guys have picked you up with Michael present before and sure he was intimidating and doing the whole older brother thing but that's never stopped you before."

"I know Kyle but after what happened it would be a lot worse not to mention the fact that Dean and Michael didn't exactly become bosom buddies at their first meeting."

Kyle nodded he'd heard Michael's account of their first meeting, well actually mutterings of "wise guy" and "cocky asshole" after Kyle had asked during WWF commercials.

From what he had seen of Dean he'd seemed ok and after he'd found out what he'd done for Liz he thought he was a stand up guy. Not that he wouldn't beat his ass if he hurt her.

"Fine, I'll do it. Do I get any money for being his personal entertainer for the evening?"

"Whose personal entertainer?" they heard Michael's voice from the door way.

Liz and Kyle snapped their head up.

"No-one," they answered in unison.


"Hello there. May I speak to a Miss Liz Parker please?" Dean asked through the phone as he scribbled on a complimentary motel notepad.

He looked over at Sam who was still asleep. He couldn't sleep. He had this weird feeling in his stomach and so he'd decided to get up and get on with some work.

The girl that they were looking for was called Liz. As Dean said the name of the girl his stomach went weird again.

He didn't know what the hell was wrong with him. He was just taking her out. Sure he'd never actually taken a girl out before but he'd been with his fair share of women and was never one to feel nervous usually he'd meet them at a random bar, rock their world's and send them on the merry way. Maybe it was how he'd first met his Liz that was making him think like this.

"She doesn't live here anymore," a female voice answered, "last I heard from her father she was living it up in Boston."

Dean froze. Boston? Maybe Sammy was right about this maybe this girl was involved. It couldn't be a coincidence that she lived in the same city.

"You couldn't tell me where in Boston could you? She's an old friend and I'm trying to track her down."

"I don't know, I only work for her father. Listen I only got one cigarette break. I don't know what else to tell you kid." Agnes sighed as she hung up the phone and looked at her watch.

Great break's nearly over. She shrugged and went out back anyway for another cigarette.


Liz looked up from her notes and saw Kyle engrossed in the TV she took a closer look and understood why.

"Kyle put your tongue back in," she said making him jump slightly. She giggled.

"Hey, Liz. Which of the Pussy Cat Doll's do you think is the hottest? If you had to make out with one, who would it be?"

"I don't look at them like that and I'm not gonna answer, I don't wanna give you anymore mental images than your sick mind could already conjure."

She closed her book and sat next to him on the couch. "But I'd choose her," she said pointing to the lead singer.

"I like her dress."

"She'd look tons better out of it though."

Liz rolled her eyes at Kyle's statement.

"So what time are you and Michael leaving?" she asked as she grabbed the remote from him and turned on some Smallville reruns.

"When he comes home. The guy doesn't shower anyway so he'll be in and out. Where are you guys going anyway?"

"Don't know. The bar maybe" Liz answered with a shrug.

She was anxious about the evening she didn't know what to expect but Dean seemed like a good guy. Maybe a little rough around the edges but she didn't really trust the nice, shy guys anymore, she hadn't exactly had a good record with them.

Kyle looked at his watch as he stood up and held out his hand.

"Come on. We gotta make you look beautiful," he said in a feminine voice as heaved her off the couch and pulled her towards her room.

Between Kyle and Michael Kyle definitely the girliest although he would never admit it.


Sam rubbed his eyes as he woke up from his nap as Dean walked through the door.

"Hey man," Sam said sleepily, "where you been?"

"Just walking," Dean answered as he shrugged off his leather jacket and sat down. "I called that cafe in Roswell. She doesn't live there anymore. Guess where she relocated."

"You mean...." Sam trailed off already able to guess the answer.

"Yeah Boston. So you think she's involved? Maybe there is something in this after all."

"We'd better get down to it then," Sam said as he sat up.

"It'll have to be in the morning Sam," Dean said as he stood up and walked over to the closet and pulled out a light blue shirt.

Sam looked at him confused. Dean rolled his eyes. "I'm going out tonight."

Sam gave a frustrated sigh. They had work to do and all Dean was interested in was going out?

"I'll come with you then," he answered.

"Uh no no," Dean answered as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Why not?" Sam asked.

Dean sighed. Why did his brother have to be so damn nosy?

"I'm taking someone out."

"Who?" Sam persisted.

"Liz alright. The chick we took home the other night."

Sam sat there shocked. Dean Winchester actually going to the trouble of taking a girl out? And Liz? Sam thought Liz was nice enough but she didn't strike him as Dean's type. Sam smirked.

"Where are you taking her?" he asked.


"Where. Are. You. Taking. Her?" he said slowly.

Dean glared at his brother, maybe his attitude was rubbing off on him. "I don't know, probably the bar."

"So you’re taking her to a place where her best friend works and where she probably goes all the time?" Sam asked with a smug look on his face. Dean stared at Sam.

"I'm not liking your attitude Sammy," Dean grumbled. He ran his hand through his hair. He hadn't really thought about it.

"I'll take her somewhere else then," he said as he grabbed his jacket and walked out of the door, slamming it for good measure.

Sam laughed. As he turned on the TV and sat back, at least he'd get a night of peace.


Sorry there was no date in this part, next week I promise.x
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Queen Fee
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Post by Queen Fee »

Thank you for your responses. They really mean alot.

Aggie - I know I wanted to put the date in that part too but my muse didn't co-operate. Oh well hope you like the next part thanks for the FB! :D

Ellie - I know I love Kyle too. Thank you.

orphyfets - Thank you. I know Dean always figures something out. :wink:

aussietrueblue - Thanks. Here's your Dean fix hun.

Jensen Lover 37 - Sorry about no date in that part I hope this makes up for it. Thank you.

DreamerAZ - Thanks! I was a bit stuck writing this so I watched your fan vid of Dean and Liz for inspiration and also to drool over Jensen..... thank you for that!

Luna_Seer - Thank you. Oooh questions questions, you'll have to wait and see :wink:

jamy21 - Thank you! Yep secrets will come out in time.....

WomanofMystery - I LOVE when people quote me, he he. Thanks.

My internet is being temperamental at the moment so I'm having trouble connecting. I'm posting this at the library, hopefully I'll be able to get back on soon. This part it was really hard to write for some reason so I hope it's not complete Thanks again guys. *HUGS*

Chapter 8

"See you guys later," Liz shouted down the hall to Michael and Kyle before she shut the apartment door.

Liz ran across the room to her bedroom discarding her robe as soon as she entered. She wore a baby pink top with spaghetti straps and matching pink stilettos. She wore black pants that went to her knees and planned on taking her small black jacket in case she got cold not that that would be possible with Dean around. She got flustered just thinking about him.

After she had finished her make up, she looked at her clock as she sat the coach. 7:55.

She wondered where they were going. She prayed that it wasn't the bar. Liz hadn't been there since.....

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Dean stood at the door. He had an unfamiliar feeling and he didn't like it. He knew what it was, nervousness. Dean Winchester does not get nervous.

"Suck it up Dean," he muttered to himself looking down at the floor, "your acting like your going through puberty again."

Dean's head snapped up at the sound of a soft giggle. He looked at Liz; he hadn't realized that she had opened the door. He blushed slightly. Nice going you idiot, he thought to himself, silently this time though.

He quickly shook off the incident and looked at Liz.

"You look hot," he said looking her up and down.

This time it was Liz who blushed.

"Thanks," she said as she tucked her hair behind her ear and grabbed her pink clutch bag and her jacket.

"So where are we going?" she asked as she closed the door behind her.

"Well your very handsome, charming and may I say modest escort for the evening is taking you to the movies."

Liz smiled relief flowing through her at not going to the bar. "Great," she answered with a smile as they walked out of her building.

She followed him to his car. He opened the passenger door for her before him let himself into the drivers side.

When Dean didn't start the engine straightaway Liz looked up and caught him staring at her.

"Um Dean, I don't know if you know this but to get to places in cars you've got to put the keys in and start the engine," she joked.

"Ha ha Liz," Dean said with a smile on his face, "I don't know where the closest movie theater is I don't live here."

Liz laughed, "So you invited me to the movies without knowing where it is?"

He smirked, "Yep."

She rolled her eyes good naturedly. "Well then maybe I should drive."

"No, no," he said, "You seem like a great girl Liz but nobody else drives my baby."

She smiled; he said she was a great girl although he didn't seem to realize it.

"Your baby? Dean it's just a car," she said as if talking to a child.

Dean put his hands on the dash, "She didn't mean that," he said as he leaned into it slightly.

He never really talked to girls before well apart from ones who were being attacked by demons or chat up lines in bars. He liked talking to Liz, he felt comfortable.

"You men are all the same," she said, "Fine but I choose the music for the journey."

"Go ahead," Dean said as he started the car, "CD's are in the glove box."

"The movie theater is a couple of blocks that way," Liz said pointing as she opened the glove box.

"AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Bad Company, Guns and Roses, Motorhead, Metallica," She muttered looking through his music collection.

"You know you and Michael have the same music taste, left past here," she said looking at the road.

Dean scoffed slightly. "I'm sure mine is far superior to his," he said with a cocky smile which made Liz melt slightly as she looked at him.

She looked away and put on some music. She opted for Lynyrd Skynyrd not to rocky and it reminded her of home. Despite the crap she went through there she still missed Roswell.

Once they had reached their destination, they got out of the car and made their way to the entrance.

"So what do you wanna see? Ladies choice," Dean said.

"Why thank you. Um how about The Grudge 2?"

When he didn't respond she looked up at him.


"You just seem like the chick flick kind of girl that's all," Dean said with a shrug.

"Fine if you really wanna see a chick flick then-"

"No, it's ok. The Grudge is good. Come on," he said as he took her hand and led her to the line.

His heart did a somersault when she didn't pull away. A smile spreading across his face. Her hand was so small compared to his.


Aha, Sam thought as he logged onto the West Roswell High website.

From the information he'd already gathered the mysterious Liz Parker attended Harvard University and was a major in science and a minor in english.

He couldn't find any pictures of her on that site so he decided to back track to her high school. If they knew what this girl looked like it would be a hell of a lot easier.

"Owen, Melanie, Page, Samual," Sam said allowed as he scroll down the page of the class of 2005. "Parker, Elizabeth, perfect."

Just as he maneuvered his curser to click on the link to see a picture he was interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing.

"Hello?" He said stifling a yawn.

"Hi is this Detective Somers?" an urgent voice asked through the line.

Sam was wide awake now. "Yes, what's wrong?" He knew it was the guy they talked to last week, Chris.

"There's another body and the handprint is still visible," he said sounding almost excited.

Sam stood up. "I'll be right there."

Shit, he thought after he'd hung up, Dean's got the damn car. He tried calling Dean, his phone was switched off, great.

He rushed out off the room locking the door behind him before walking down a couple of blocks to catch a cab.

"Ha ha ha," Liz laughed heartily as they walked down the street.

Dean sent her a mock scowl which made her laugh even more.

"Stop laughing already," he said in a whiny voice.

"I'm sorry," she said trying to compose herself but failing miserably, "but you looked as if you crapped your pants."

Laughter bubbled up in her again.

"It was a loud noise I wasn't expecting it!" He tried to sound mad and insulted but he just couldn't he loved seeing her smile and laugh, even if it was at him.

"Come on tough guy," she said as she linked her arm with his.

"You know Liz. I can handle myself," he said as they walk down the sidewalk thinking of his childhood and his life of hunting.

"Sure," Liz said with a wink, "of course you can."

Dean was sure she was mocking him. If it was Sam he would have sulked, shouted, maybe even kicked his ass but with Liz he just laughed and saw the situation for what it was.

"So what do you want to do now?" he asked noticing her arm was still entwined with his.

"Pizza?" she asked. She was still hungry even after they had pigged out on popcorn and chocolate at the movies.


They carried on walking until they saw a pizza place on the corner and walked in. They sat in a booth chatting about trivial things such as TV, music and to Dean's surprise Liz knew her stuff about hockey.

"Please I live with two guys," she said as she saw the look of shock and amusement on Dean's face.

"So what pizza do you want?" he asked as he looked at the board.

"I don't mind."

"Liz don't do that."

"What?" she asked with a smile.

"Do the whole "I don't mind you choose" thing. I get enough of that with Sammy and whatever I order he doesn't like."

"Fine. Pepperoni?"

Dean smiled. "Good, my favorite."

After there food arrived they both started eating as if they were starving.

"It's so nice not having to argue over pizza toppings. It's always the same at my apartment I want just pepperoni, Michael wants pepperoni, pineapple, anchovies and peppers and Kyle just likes it plain with cheese."

He saw her smile fondly. "So how did you become so close with them?" Dean asked. He wanted to know more about her and obviously those two guys meant a lot to her.

"Well it's a long story but the edited version is Michael used to date my best friend and I um used to date his best friend," he saw the last statement made her uncomfortable but she carried on.

"You might say that we were forced into hanging out together and didn't really gel that much. Then my ex left and a few months later Maria his girlfriend left to start a music career so Michael and I sort of took care of each other and became good friends. And Kyle well we dated for like a second one summer then we broke up but after a while we became good friends again. He helped me with a lot of problems and was always there when I needed him."

He saw a sadness wash over her. He hadn't meant to upset her.

"Then they decided to come with me to university," Liz finished brightening up slightly.

They sat there for another hour or so sharing stories Dean about how Sam drove him crazy and entertaining Liz with anecdotes that were embarrassing on Sam's behalf and Liz told him about Michael and Kyle, the Boston era of course.

Dean walked Liz to her front door. He wasn't expecting Liz to invite him in. He knew she wasn't that type of girl and that was ok with him not that he would ever in a million years turn her down.

"Goodnight Dean. I had a great time," she said shyly as she tucked her hair behind her ear. Dean noted that she seemed to do that when she was nervous.

"Me too. How about we do it again soon?" Yep ladies and gentlemen Dean Winchester wanted a second date.

"Sure," Liz smiled.

"I'll call you."

She nodded and looked at the floor and then back up at the gorgeous man in front of her. She wanted to kiss him but if he didn't want to then she'd look stupid.

Dean looked down at her. She was nibbling her lip. God, did he want to kiss her. Hell, he wanted to do a lot more than that but he would settle with a kiss.

He leant his head down slightly to gauge her reaction. As he did this Liz tilted her head up closer to his. He closed the distance between them and brushed his full lips gently over hers.

Liz mentally smiled for a guy his lips were so soft, so warm. The kiss lingered for a few seconds before he moved his lips over hers a little more roughly and she responded in kind.

They stood there in the hall for a few minutes like that, her arms moved so that they were wrapped around his broad shoulders as he placed his hands on her tiny waist. She realized that their tongues were gliding and dancing across each others. When had that happened? It felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Every nerve in her body tingled in reaction. God, she wanted him.

Their bliss was interrupted by a harsh clearing of a throat behind them. They broke apart and looked around seeing Michael glaring at them.

Liz blushed and slowly brought her arms away from Dean. Dean held onto her though not letting the yeti interrupt the moment.

She saw Kyle standing next to Michael trying desperately not to laugh. Liz glared at him. She cleared her throat and looked back at the guy who still had his hands on her waist.

"Goodnight Dean," she whispered as she moved away from him and opened her door.

"I'll call you," he said to her. Liz turned around and nodded before walking in leaving the door open for Michael and Kyle.

"Hey man," Kyle said when he walked past Dean.


Michael walked in after him scowling and trying to intimidate Dean. He glared back giving as good as he got. Nobody got the better of Dean and that fact wasn't about to change.

"Leave her alone," Michael growled as he slammed the door.


I'll see you next week.x
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Queen Fee
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part 9

Post by Queen Fee »

I know, I know. I said Friday and it's now Monday but I've been a little distracted but I'm sure when I tell you of said distraction you guys'll understand. You see I recently bought Dark Angel season 1 on DVD and last week I got season 2 and well Alec......I'll say no more. :wink:

Anyway a massive thanks for the feedback, I love it! :D

roswellian love - Thanks for the fb! Yep. Will Liz be revealed as the mysterious Liz Parker soon? Maybe.......

Jensen Lover 37 - Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Michael's warning doesn't scare Dean cos he is the man! (although I love Michael too). My computer is ok now thanks actually it had started working after I'd got home from posting the last part at the library so I needn't have ventured out in the rain but as it's for you guys I don't mind. :)

orphyfets - Haha. "Michael can be a butt" that cracked me up. Thanks. :lol:

bip - Thank you! I love it when Dean is sweet I just wanna hug him and pinch his lil cheeks.

DarkMagic - Thank you. I know Dean and Liz are one of my favourite ships. Can't wait for you to update either, lovin your story! :wink:

Ellie - Well the wait was longer than a week *slaps own wrist* but I got there. Thanks!

aussietrueblue - Yes the boys are close. Hmm how will Dean react, good question. You'll have to wait and see (it won't be that long though). I know damn Mikey G's timing! Thank you.

KiaraAlexisKlay - Yep RL is pretty crappy right now my part time job sucks but I've just come back from a job interview so fingers crossed. I know what is Michael's problem? I like your theories. Thanks for the FB!

DreamerAZ - Thank you. It did inspire me.

dreamerfrvr3 - Thanks! I love bumps! :D

Luna_Seer - Thanks. Yep Michael certainly is big brotherly towards Liz but I think it's sweet albeit annoying. Sam and Dean figuring it out? Liz, Michael and Kyle finding out about the handprints? Yes and yes but when and how is the real question isn't it? (ooh I had a Yoda moment there)

Well I've kept to my resolve of not reading any season 2 SN spoilers well I know what happens in the first episode but that’s it so I'm proud of myself. Not long to wait now though apparently season 2 is on in the UK on January 9th so yay, less than 2 months!

Apologies again for my lateness.

Chapter 9

Dean shook his head as he left Liz's apartment building.

He'd had a good night and had to admit that going on an actual date was fun he even got to kiss the dark haired beauty.

He could still feel her soft lips on his, her tongue darting out to meet his that was until her jackass roommate showed up. What the fuck was that guy's problem anyway?

Dean was majorly pissed off not because he'd ended his and Liz's awesome goodnight kiss he was actually glad of that otherwise he wasn't sure if he could restrain himself from taking her and he could tell that she wasn't that type of girl, it was his attitude that rubbed him up the wrong way.

That dude has serious problems, Dean thought to himself as he flipped open his cell phone and turned it on. The screen flashed and that little tinkling tone that made Dean want to smash his phone into a million pieces tuned informing him of a new voice message.

He pressed a few buttons and put it to his ear.

"You have 1 new message," the automated female voice told him before Sam's voice filled his ears.

"Why the hell is your phone switched off, man?" he heard him asked in an annoyed voice.

"Because I actually have a life," Dean muttered to himself before concentrating on the message.

"Listen, when you've finished trying to get into Liz's pants call me. There's another body been discovered I'm on my way to the morgue right now. Call me back."

Dean didn't know what to think. Did they have a serial killing alien on their hands?

He quickly called his brother back.

"Hey where are you?" Dean asked as he started driving along the near deserted road.

"Hey, I'm still at the morgue," came Sam's hushed reply.

"Why the hell are you whispering? It's not like you can wake any of them up."

"Ha ha. There are still security guards around I can't go around shouting about silver handprints on corpses can I? Listen come here, I'll send Chris out front so you can get in without raising suspicion."

"Ok." Dean hung up the phone throwing it on the passenger seat before turning back to face the road. A few moments later he turned back to look at the phone again.

How long should he wait before calling Liz? His usual rule of phone numbers was to tell girls he'd call them before throwing away their numbers but he actually wanted to call this one. Unlike all the other girls that Dean had been with Liz could actually hold his attention and didn't just giggle all the time, although he liked her giggle she scrunched her nose slightly and her beautiful eyes lit up.

"You’re turning into a pansy Winchester," he murmured softly to himself before turning back to the road ahead of him.


"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Liz shouted angrily as Michael sat down on the coach with Liz standing over him with her arms crossed and looking pissed at him.

"What?!" He asked sounding frustrated.

"What?! I'll tell you what. You telling Dean to leave me alone."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't trust the guy."

"You don't even know the guy Michael."

"Neither do you!" He shouted back to her.

"I know him better than you! Seriously Michael why does it wind you up so much? You've never had a major problem with me and other guys before." Her voice softened slightly as she sat down next to him but far enough away so that he knew she was still mad.

"I just don't Liz."

"Fine," she answered as she walked into her bedroom slamming the door behind her.

Kyle watched as Michael let out a breath.

"Dude, what was that about?" he asked his long haired friend.

"Nothing," Michael grumbled.

Kyle gave him an "oh please" look.

"Look. I overheard him and his brother. His brother saying he can't get involved because of their lifestyle. What if they're dangerous? Or what if Liz falls for the guy and he leaves? I promised I'd protect her and I'll do anything to keep her safe."

Kyle watched as he stood up and walked into his room.


Must be a riot working in this place Dean thought as he followed Chris through a darkened corridor. He was led into a room. One of the drawers was opened a sheet covering it.

"Hey man," Sam whispered.

"Hey," Dean answered. "Well let’s see it then."

Chris pulled back the cover. Sam looked up as he heard Dean gasp softly.


"This guy."

"What about him?"

"It was the guy who attacked Liz."

Sam looked at his brother with wide eyes. Dean was in shock he had a million thoughts buzzing through his mind. Questions. Theories.

Before Dean realized what was happening he was back in his car with Sam.

"Dean. Dean?"


"Are you sure that it was the same guy."

"Yeah I'm sure."

"Dean you don't think that your Liz is the Liz Parker we've been looking for do you?"

As soon as Dean saw the body a feeling of dread coursed through him. It couldn't be. Sweet, shy Liz couldn't be involved could she? The girl who unconsciously grabbed onto his hand when she got scared during the movie? The girl whose eyes sparked with love when she mentioned her parents or her best friends? Besides didn't she tell him that she was from Rhode Island?

"No," he answered shortly before turning back to the road.

Sam looked at him he knew his brother better than he knew himself sometimes. He liked Liz, he didn't want to believe it but Sam knew call it instinct but he knew. Sam just wished he was wrong.

Back at the motel room Sam looked at his laptop and clicked on the link that he had left. He swallowed when Liz Parker's face was revealed.

He looked at Dean who was lying on his bed lost in his own thoughts. He knew this girl had got to him, gotten through his walls.

"I'm sorry man."

Sam turned around his laptop.


Fingers crossed for Friday guys.x
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Queen Fee
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 95
Joined: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:26 am
Location: England

Post by Queen Fee »

Hi guys. I meant to post the other day but I was suffering from food poisoning (chicken pasta salad, it was nasty) but I'm ok now and decided to post today as it's my 19th birthday, woohoo!! :P

On a separate subject I've got a vague idea about a DA fic and I was wondering if anybody was interested in betaing me and basically being my sounding board. It's still in its early stages. If anybody's interested you can PM or e-mail me and I'll tell you more. Thanks.

Thank you for the FB you know I live for it! :D

Ellie - No not smart but what does it all mean?! Thanks for the FB!!

Jezebel Jinx - Hmm all of those suspects are possible aren't they, you'll just have to wait and love your new stories too!! Thanks.

Jensen Lover 37 - Thanks, yep the truth is out there (well some of it).

KiaraAlexisKlay - HA HA I left it like that cos I'm evil, you know that! :twisted: Some interesting theories, interesting. Thanks! I hope your feeling better.

aussietrueblue - Don't worry. There will be more Michael/Dean bitching coming up, I love writing it! Thank you!

jamy 21 - I know but Dean'll follow his instincts. Thanks for the FB!

orphyfets - Yep, grr indeed. Thank you.

roswellgurlygirl16 - Thank you! :D

Luna_Seer - Thanks. Dean reacts quite well considering.

Ok this part is dedicated to Kristin AKA KiaraAlexisKlay, that girl sure does get into some scrapes and all because they were rushing home to watch Dancing With The Stars (honestly reality TV is evil. Why do they have to make it so damn addicting?!). She's also just started a new job. So this is for you, doll. Hope your ok. *HUGS* :wink:

Chapter 10

Dean looked at the screen blankly. What the hell was going on? Liz Parker, it couldn't be her.

"What do you wanna do now Dean?" He heard Sam ask.

"I'm going out," he answered slamming the door behind him.

A few hours later Sam was still waiting for Dean to come home, it was 3 am before he heard the door.

"Hey where you been?" Sam asked.


"Look Dean-"

"Save it Sam ok? I know we have to do something, find out the truth. I won't believe that she's a killer Sammy, I know," he said before Sam could interrupt, "I know you weren't gonna say that but you think it's a possibility. I'll talk to her ok? Not directly ask but sound her out a bit. Please let me handle this."

Sam nodded. "Sure."

He watched as Dean shed his jacket and lay on the bed opposite his own.

"You really like her don't you?"

Dean shrugged nonchalantly but he wasn't fooling himself or Sam.


"Yeah night," Sam said closing his laptop.

He turned off the light and stripped to his boxers and a t-shirt, Dean didn't even bother discarding his clothes. He just lay in the darkness. He'd gone to a bar, the same bar he'd met Liz as if by some gravitational pull. Girls kept coming up to him but for once he wasn't in the mood, there only one woman on his mind.

"You know Kyle just because it was reduced doesn't mean you had to buy so many," Liz groaned as they carried home their groceries.

"I know but Liz we may not want them now but what about in the near future? You may wake up in the middle of the night thinking "I could just eat some red hot salsa dip" you'd just pop your head into the cupboard and dip your little heart out."

"You terrify me."

Kyle laughed. "You working this afternoon? Or you hanging out with lover boy? Oh Dean you're so dreamy let's have babies," he said in a girly voice. Liz laughed.

"Working 4 til 11. God knows if Michael's gonna come and get me tonight," she said with a sigh.

They had seen each other at breakfast this morning he'd tried to talk to her but she'd just ignored him and walked into another room. It was childish she knew but she was still a little angry at him although she had thawed slightly since then. She hated arguing with people.

"He will," Kyle assured her. "You know he's only looking out for you. I know he could go about it in a different way but it's only cos he cares."

"I know," Liz said quietly, "but I'm a big girl-"

She glared at Kyle's snort of laughter.

"Ok maybe not height wise but the point is I can take care of myself. I mean sure it's nice having you guys protecting me but I can make my own decisions."

Kyle nodded. They were still walking down the sidewalk.

"So dad and Amy came home from their honeymoon this morning. They called before."

"Oh how was their cruise?"

"Good. I made him keep the details to a minimum last thing I wanna hear about are the sordid details."

"You're such a baby, like your father would say "Yeah Kyle we had a great time, went at it like bunnies the whole time. Amy sure is a firecracker"."

"La la la la la, can't hear you."

She smiled and rolled her eyes. "You're such a wuss, Valenti."


Dean walked down the sidewalk. Thinking. Thinking about Liz, the bodies, the facts. Ah the facts something they didn't have a lot of. They had assumptions, possibilities, theories but nothing absolute.

Usually Dean was the shoot first ask questions later type but then again this case was different, very different. He sort of liked Liz, she was unique but that was the problem. How unique was she?

He looked across the street and saw her walking along with her roommate Kyle. What should he do? Go over? Talk to her try to find out what he can about her? Take her back to his bed and have his w-, focus Dean, focus he told himself.

He thought that she looked beautiful today her hair was loose and she wore a stripy black and white sweater, dark blue jeans and a white knitted scarf.

He stopped himself from walking over, the street wasn't exactly a place to have a deep conversation with someone not to mention Kyle was there. No he'll just head over to her apartment tonight.


Michael groaned as he heard a knock at the door. If this was the little old lady next door again complaining about the noise of the TV he'd - well he'd probably just apologize and turn down the TV. It wasn't right to blast her that would be wrong, he told himself. It was bad enough that he had to turn down his Metallica.

He walked over to the door. Growling when he saw who was visiting.

Dean looked up at the growl.

"Calm down rotweiller. Is Liz home?" Oh peachy, Dean thought, my new best pal.


Apparently he wasn't going to elaborate.

"Well do you know where she is?" He asked somewhat impatiently.


"You know your really starting to piss me off. Just tell me where she is."

"Did I not make myself clear last night?" Michael asked looking menacing.

"Listen," Dean said inching closer. "I don't care what your problem is. You see I can talk to who I want, see who I want, go out with who I want and so can Liz."

"I'd watch who you’re talking to punk."

"Punk?" Dean snorted. "Dude this isn't a western. What you gonna do? Lassoo and tie me up with some rope?"

Michael continued to scowl at the cocky man in front of him.

"I'd do a lot more than that."


Dean shrugged and walked down the hall.


"GOD, it's so boring!" Liz exclaimed behind the counter. They'd had about 2 customers in the past hour. One who took out a burger and fries and one who was huddled in the corner drinking himself into a stupor which sometimes made her uneasy. He'd brought in his own bottle of whisky which technically wasn't allowed but Liz didn't want to deal with the trouble he may cause at being asked to leave. At least he was quiet; they were welcome to damage their liver as long as they did it quietly.

"Tell me about it," Adam answered poking his head through the hatch. He and Liz were the only ones working tonight. He was currently trying to balance as many quarters as he could in a stack and Liz sat on the stool doodling on a napkin.

She snapped her head up at the sound of the bells chiming. A smile covering her face when she realized it was Dean. She liked him, a lot.

"Hi," she said as she walked over to him.


They stood there for a moment just staring at each other.

"YO Liz stop staring and take his order. I'm bored." They heard Adam's voice filter through. Liz blushed and Dean just smirked as he sat down at a small table.

"So what can I get for you?" she asked tucking her hair behind her ear, a sign of her nervousness.

"Just a coffee please and a moment of your time?"

"Sure, I mean it's pretty busy," she said gesturing to the empty seats, "but I'll indulge you."


She walked behind the counter and saw Adam's eager face. She hated to burst his bubble.

"Sorry no food he just wants coffee."

He groaned. "Aw man. I've run out of quarters," he said gesturing to "The Leaning Tower of Boredom"

He wished they were busier, he knew a lot of people would relish not doing anything and getting paid but Adam wasn't like a lot of people. At least he still had Liz to talk to. He got on with her better than anyone else who worked there.

"I'm gonna just sit and talk to that guy for a bit," Liz told him before walking towards him with a mug of coffee for him and a cup of tea for her.

Huh, so much for talking to Liz. He shook his head before he started arrange the food products on the shelves into alphabetical order.

"So I had a good time last night," Dean said as Liz sat down opposite him.

"Me too," Liz smiled. "Look, I'm sorry about Michael he's just like that around strangers. I talked to him before and he agreed he was out of line."

Dean bit his lip to stop himself from telling her about his and Michael's latest conversation.

As soon as he'd walked through the door and saw her he knew. He knew she couldn't be involved. Call it instinct, call it wishful thinking. Even so he knew he'd have to sound her out a bit, maybe she'd let something about her past slip. Dean was a forward person but he didn't really want flat out ask her.

"It's ok. He picks his moments though," he said with a wink.

Liz flushed slightly at the memory of Dean lips descending onto hers, his tongue-.

"So anyway," Dean said bringing Liz out of her thoughts. "I like you and I want to get to know you better. Tell me about Liz Parker."

She smiled. He liked her. She didn't even think about the fact that he'd said her last name she just assumed she'd told him the night before.

"What do you wanna know?" she asked smiling.

He looked at her seriously. "Everything."
