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Re: The Raven and the Fox (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 12/1/14

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:06 am
by Clari
Bumping :!:

Re: The Raven and the Fox (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 4/5/15

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:17 pm
by jake17

Thank you so much for your very sweet fb,
Painting mentioned in the story, Dance Me Till the End of Love
by, Jack Vettriano

chapter five

“Anything is possible in my world, besides, someone like you, Liz, were meant to have your very own stars, anything else would just pale in comparison.”

His words, spoken with such sincerity, settled deep within her, someplace she never let anyone else see, somewhere she kept secret, and safe.

There were so many questions, so much she didn’t understand, but as he looked at her with wide eyed innocence, so pure of heart she wanted to tread carefully, not to push too hard.

The urge to kiss him as he continued to stare at her with such interest, as if completely entranced by her, it made her heart race, her hands shake as she lifted her glass of wine to her lips for much needed taste of liquid courage.

His cool amber gaze followed her every move, it was beyond description how he seemed so calm, so at ease, not at all self conscious by his deep curiosity of her.

Max was in heaven, just to be near her, to watch her under the glow of her stars staring down at her with hint of jealousy by the beauty she possessed.

His eyes fell to her pale pink lips as she tipped the glass to her mouth, he was lost watching as the deep red wine pooled along her tongue, it made his stomach rumbled, flip inside.

Max felt drawn to her, it was like nothing he had ever experienced before, as if he had no choice, his heart swelled as his gaze lingered lower.

It was happening again, her pulse was on the rise, racing faster, climbing much higher than was normal for a human.

He could see the thin cotton of her sundress shiver with every beat of her heart, her voice caused him to lift his golden stare to her eyes, they were almost black, the warm brown nearly taken over, dilated to the fullest extent.

“Max, I want to ask you something, I hope its not too personal.”

Amused he smiled nearly leveling her completely, “Personal? I’m not sure what you mean.”

There it was again, that flush of pink appearing across her cheeks, a rosy hue that flushed her skin as she pulled her bottom lip in to bite down as her gaze dropped to the floor.

He couldn’t imagine what would cause such a beautiful site, such an immediate reaction, he just knew that he wanted to see it again and again forever.

“You know, um… personal, like something that you felt was too close to you, that you didn’t wish to share with me.”

Earnestly surprised he looked up at her in wonder, “Liz, I want to share everything with you. Ask me anything, anything at all.”

A shy smile spread along her mouth that she tried to pull back, to hide, but he saw everything, nothing she did was missed.

“Well, I was just wondering if there was someone, special, back home I mean.”

Thinking for a moment he innocently nodded as his eyes lifted to the ceiling of stars flickering above them as if they were listening very closely.

“Sure, I have what you would consider a family, mother, father, a little sister that is determined to be a pilot like me someday, I have many friends since childhood. They are all very special to me I suppose.”

Smiling again, giving that look that he was always missing her point, she fumbled with a loose string at the hem of her dress.

“No, I mean... that’s very sweet, and I’d like to talk about that - your family, and friends more, but what I meant was… do you have… well a girlfriend?”

Shaking his head, again amused by the words she used and how they affected her, he shrugged slightly.

“I’m not sure Liz, what is a girlfriend exactly… I have known girls, other students in my school that were friends - “

She seemed to be getting nervous the more she probed for an explanation, he was even more intrigued at this point, if that were possible.

“No, I talking about someone you… love.”

His eyes immediately widened, there was that word again, love, the mere fact that it slipped so sweetly, so softly from her mouth caused something to change in the chemistry of his system, it was a little scary, like venturing into an unknown.

He was sure now, she had just proven that the elderly scholars and their hidden secret books of love and devotion were true, that here on this wondrous blue planet there was such a thing, it wasn’t just a myth, for her it was very real.

Max was unsure how to explain the void of such an elusive and mystifying emotion from his world, he worried how it would come across, if his kind would seem cold, if she would be disappointed.

“Liz, I want to be honest with you, always, but it may be hard for you to understand. In my world the elders long ago decided that, this, emotion called love was something dangerous, to be feared. It was taught to us that it is extremely destructive, even fatal if lost, or misused, abused in some way.”

Shocked, she hung on every word, every soft inflection, as he spoke of love as if it was something foreign, never felt or known to him, ever.

Wait, you said you have families, a mother and father, do you feel love for them, do they have it for each other, I don’t understand Max.”

Looking down now, searching for the right words he thought for a moment.

“Ok, I’ve seen you in your garden, you have great respect for your land, you are kind, nurturing, you would never do anything to harm the beauty that surrounds you. I know that you are protective of your space, that it is very important to you. That’s how I feel about my family, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them, and in turn they feel the same for me.”

Watching her confusion he worried that he wasn’t making sense, that she was thinking bad of him, it bothered him more than he could’ve imagined.

“Are you disappointed, is this strange to you?”

On instinct she took his hand, feeling terrible that she caused him to feel this way, knowing that she had little family to speak of, and what she had would never treat her so kind.

“No, that’s very nice, actually it’s wonderful that you have that with your family, but I do have another question.”

Trying to concentrate on her, and not the heat radiating off her skin as she continued to hold his hand he moved closer.


She was lost as to how to ask, how to make him possibly understand what she was talking about without insulting him or worse.

“Max, how is intimacy handled, I mean, how is it that you and your sister came to be, is it a clinical situation?”

“Clinical? Oh, yes I see what you’re talking about. No, not clinical, women give birth much like here, but this word, intimacy, well I think I know what you mean, but I can’t tell you.”

Brushing her thumb tenderly over his hand she lifted her gaze bashfully once again, now very interested.

“But I thought I could ask you anything?”

Nodding he smiled reassuringly, “Yes, and I meant that, absolutely, anything, but you see, I can’t tell you what I don’t know.”

Tilting her head to the side she leaned closer, gazing up at him through long dark eyelashes leaving him to lose his train of thought as one thin strap of her sundress slipped from her shoulder.

Swallowing hard, confused at to what was happening to him, he stuttered slightly.

“Well we are given information at different ages, certain milestones of our lives. It’s all based on when the elders believe we are capable of dealing with various challenges. You see where I come from we are instructed on such things as procreation, and what you know of as intimacy, at age twenty one.”

Unaware that he was staring, or that it was even impolite or inappropriate to do so his eyes fell to the material of her dress as it fell further exposing the swell of her breast.

Somehow she knew, she found it intensely erotic, how fascinated, completely transfixed he was by her, so she said nothing as she continued.

“So what happened?”

Unwavering from such uncharted engaging territory his stare began to wander further, falling to her slender waist, the curve of her hips, her graceful legs that were bare, golden, kissed by the suns energy.

His voice was soft, distant, his mind clearly caught up in all the wonders of her.

“Well… actually, tomorrow I would have reached my twenty one years… so it hasn’t happened yet.”

Keeping his eyes cast downward, finally showing a hint of uncertainty he cleared his throat, suddenly finding that it had gone dry.

“But there are things I know.”

Mesmerized by his every word she whispered back noting how he was suddenly unable to look her in the eyes.

Always so open and blatantly honest with her without fear she was deeply curious.

“What kind of things Max?”

“There are places that are forbidden, rooms, immense libraries, endless shelves of worn, lovely books of poetry, stories of passion, images of paintings … I guess I needed to know what they were hiding from us, what was so dangerous that our people are never allowed to view, but Liz, I didn’t understand, I still don’t, how could such beauty ever harm anyone?”

Melting under his tender heart, his pure soul that was so clearly moved by what he experienced, she wished she knew what he had seen.

As if reading her mind he gazed up at the ceiling again.

Waving his free hand above them colors drifted from his fingertips, swirling, morphing faster and faster into an image that slowly came into focus above them.

An elegant couple eventually materialized before her, the woman tall, statuesque, dressed in a long white gown, her dark hair lifted off her delicate shoulders, long white gloves covered her graceful hands as she danced in the arms of man in a dark suit, the background was white, a dreamy, hazy, vision of two other couples embraced in the same way faded into the background.

Gazing up at the deeply romantic painting above them he sighed as if he couldn’t handle the beauty depicted so eloquently, even if he had no idea what it meant, he could feel the devotion, the love, almost painfully in his heart.

Leaning back on her palms, breathless, amazed by his seemingly limitless powers she breathed out softly.

“Max, I know this painting… we read about it in my art appreciation class, it’s called - “

“Dance Me to the End of Love, by Jack Vettriano, it’s burned into my memory, It was written that this painting hints at an eternity of love. Eternity is forever Liz, is it not?”

Nodding at loss for words she watched him, completely taken in, his warm eyes glistened with tears of emotion.

“Do you believe that love could be eternal Liz?”

Lifting her shoulders slightly, wanting to answer him honestly she shook her head.

“I don’t know Max, but I’d like to think that it’s possible, to love someone so strongly that it lasts forever.”

Humming in agreement he sighed again as if his mind was trying so hard to understand.

“I get that they are embracing, I’ve seen that before in other paintings, but what is this thing called dance? Is that why he’s holding her so close, in that way? Do you know what this is Liz?”

She laughed for a moment before watching his eyes cast down, feeling as if this was something obvious that he should know.

Lifting his chin she caught his gaze in hers. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, it’s just something very common here.”

Instantly accepting of her apology he looked up at her in a daze as she stood, holding her hand out to him.

“Here, take my hand, dancing is easy, I can teach you.”

Feeling unsure, a little awkward, he slowly stood with his arms by his side looking down at her while his beloved painting shimmered above them.

Never being in the presence of a man that wasn’t over confident, forcing himself on her, or just plain rude, Liz felt as if she were in a dream, there was no doubt he wasn’t from here, that he came from somewhere wondrous, magical.

Smiling sweetly she raised his arms outward to match the couple above them, truth was no one had ever danced with her this way, the traditional romantic way she had seen in movies.

He stood stiffly, his muscles tense, worried that he would insult her by moving too close.

In his world people had personal space, boundaries they weren’t allowed to cross out of respect.

Looking down at the big gap between them she quietly spoke making sure to look into his eyes so he would understand that she was fine with everything.

“Max, if we’re going to do this, you’re going to have to come closer, like the couple in the painting.”

Lifting his gaze up above them he looked down to his feet.

“Alright, I just... this is all knew to me… you need to know that I care for your feelings. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, so if … “

“Max, I wouldn’t have asked to dance with you if I didn’t feel safe with you. You couldn’t possibly make me feel uncomfortable.”

Nodding now feeling a strange flush of warmth cross his cheeks, he tentatively stepped closer as she placed her hand in his.

“Good, now you need to rest your other hand against the small of my back.”

Stilling his hand in the air, unsure of what she meant she moved even closer until their bodies were flushed together.

Pressing his hand to her back, she smiled at him for a moment before looking discouragingly over to an old fashioned boom box that was off in the corner of the room.

Holding her hand out she made him freeze, “Don’t move, stay just like that, we need music, I’ll be right back.”

His eyes widened as magical sounds drifted into the air all around him, his arms in mid air as if she were still there.

Finding a random piece of classical music she found her place back in his arms.

Crescendos rose, filling the air, sending chills up his spine, lifting the hairs on his arms, violins, cellos, sounds so ethereal it was as if he was in heaven.

"This is music?"

"Yes, Max."

Breathless, caught up in the softness of her skin, the sweet wildflower scent drifting off her body, her silky raven hair caressing his arms, he felt transcended, his heart lifted someplace he never thought possible.

His velvet voice swept along her cheek causing her to lift her gaze to his.

“What do we do now?”

Leading him at first she began to move slowly tracing a small box as she moved him forward, to the side and back, just as the still image of the couple above them portrayed.

Holding her close in his arms as Bach’s symphony rose and fell around them he couldn’t imagine how any of this could be wrong.

Moved by emotions he didn't know he had he whispered deeply to her, revealing the first time he laid eyes on her.

"The night my ship crashed, I climbed through the brush, up the mountain. I was ready to die, my injuries were severe, my crew lost. I had excepted my fate, then I saw you."

Swallowing hard, he wondered why suddenly it was so difficult for him to find the words to express himself.

"You were flying, so beautiful, on the swing hanging from the large Oak tree, the tips of your long hair kissed the dewy grass with each pass as you pointed your toes to the sky. I thought you were an angel, a dark angel sent to give me a sign, to not give up. Liz, you're the only reason I'm here, why I chose to live."

Shivering in her arms now, he watched helplessly as she rose up on her toes, her mouth a breath away from his.

"Liz, I think I believe in love now... it's not a myth, or a legend that you find in books and paintings, or even music. It's a feeling, warm, and deep, it's magical, beyond explanation, or logic. It can save you, it can change everything, it is everything. I know this, because... it's how I feel when I'm with you."


Happy Valentines Day everyone <3

Re: The Raven and the Fox (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 12/1/14

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:58 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Aww Max is so cute! I'm sure Liz isn't going to mind teaching him all about love.

Re: The Raven and the Fox (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 12/1/14

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 10:12 pm
by L-J-L 76
Roswelllostcause wrote:Aww Max is so cute! I'm sure Liz isn't going to mind teaching him all about love.

I agree with Roswelllostcause. All I can say is Carrie Please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Raven and the Fox (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 12/1/14

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:14 am
by begonia9508
"Liz, I think I believe in love now... it's not a myth, or a legend that you find in books and paintings, or even music. It's a feeling, warm, and deep, it's magical, beyond explanation, or logic. It can save you, it can change everything, it is everything. I know this, because... it's how I feel when I'm with you."
Thanks a lot, Carrie - you choose really well, for Valentine Day! :D :wink: EVE :mrgreen:

Re: The Raven and the Fox (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 2/14/15

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:26 pm
by Evans3
Wow! So dreamy!!! Perfect for Valentine's Day. Thanks!! Keep writing!!

Looking forward to read more!

Re: The Raven and the Fox (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 2/14/15

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:32 pm
by Natalie36
all caught up so wonderful

Re: The Raven and the Fox (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 2/14/15

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:32 am
by keepsmiling7
I love the way you write this sweet curious Liz. She has personal questions to find out more about Max.
"Do you have someone special back home?"........Liz just may have to hit him over the head to get a proper answer.
Love...... I think Liz will guide Max in that direction.
And yes, eternity is forever.
Beautiful words as always

Re: The Raven and the Fox (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 4/5/15

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:43 am
by jake17

Thank you so much!

chapter six

Dancing slowly in his arms, Liz could barely breathe as he spoke these beautiful words to her, bearing his soul, looking down at her so earnestly, it felt as it were a dream.

"Liz, I think I believe in love now... it's not a myth, or a legend that you find in books and paintings, or even music. It's a feeling, warm, and deep, it's magical, beyond explanation, or logic. It can save you, it can change everything, it is everything. I know this, because... it's how I feel when I'm with you."

She couldn’t help herself, she felt so drawn to him, such a need to be closer, what happened next seemed out of her control.

Rising up on her toes, she laced her fingers through the ends of his dark hair, he watched her every move with curious fascination, ill prepared for what would happen next.

Inching closer to him, the music swelled as if on cue around them, suddenly it felt as if they were floating, weightless, wrapped up in the magic of each other.

His eyes followed her lips as they parted slightly edging a breath away from his mouth.

And then it was happening, just like the paintings he had seen that were kept locked away, they were joined softly, pressed together, locked in a moment that felt magical, indescribable.

Without explanation he felt his eyes drifting shut, taken aback by a strange warmth spreading throughout his body, he was unaware of his actions as his hand wandered down to join the other that was held to the small of her back.

A slight gasp from her sent him reeling, he was paralyzed with unfamiliar emotions, the words he spoke before of love somehow took on a life of their own as his body reacted to this very human act of affection.

Breaking away from her, afraid of what he was feeling, of the lost of control, he trembled like a teenager, experiencing everything for the first time.

His voice was hoarse, deep, unsteady so gravely unprepared, he had seen what had happened many times in paintings, described endlessly in books, and poems, but to feel it, was something entirely unexpected.

Suddenly shy, he touched his lips with the tip of his fingers, still feeling the ripple of emotions cascading through his body.

“Was that a kiss?”

Stepping back she tilted her head, gazing up at him through fluttering long eyelashes she smiled, taken in completely by his timid innocent response.

“Yes, it most definitely was.”

Shuffling his feet, he scratched behind his ear nervously, lost as what to do next.

“Oh, yes, I-I’ve seen that before, in books, paintings and such.”

Scrambling for words he felt his pulse increase just as hers did earlier, his heart was beating fast, it was an odd sensation, amazing, breathtaking, and scary all at once.

“Are you disappointed ?”

Immediately he responded, embarrassingly quick.

“M-Most definitely not.”

Shivering, he looked down at the ground, shocked by how much he wanted her to do it again, it was almost a need rising within him taking over any ability to logically think.

Her voice softened, aware of how strange this must all be to him, but his gentleness, his expressive eyes stealing glances at her with a desire that she had never experienced before, drove her to be brave.

“Would you like to kiss again?”

He nodded wordlessly, because there were no words to describe this moment.

Lifting his golden eyes she could see that they were shimmering, fluctuating in color, like warm embers, as the alien in him shone through his human form.

Startled by the beauty captured in his gaze, she approached him hesitantly, but not afraid, never afraid.

“Is something wrong?”

Shaking her head, she slid her hands once again around his neck.

“Your eyes, they’re changing, the color, like a sunset, so beautiful.”

His heart clenched, his alien side was coming through, she had seen him, the real him and was not scared.

Without thought he cradled her face, capturing her mouth, he breathed her in, they moved together, passionately, in an embrace that left every piece of art paling in comparison.

Her fingers curled around the collar of his shirt as his gentle hands caressed her skin.

Caught up in the moment she parted her lips sweeping her tongue along his, this sensation left him reeling, desperate for more, he wanted to know her, all of her, in the most intimate of ways.

Parting from her suddenly he breathlessly whispered brushing his lips to hers, unable to completely leave her.

“Liz, this feeling, of falling, It’s happening, I know it to be true. I believe I'm falling in love with - “

“Liz! I’m coming in, hope you’re decent.”

Suddenly the images above them disintegrated into gold dust on the floor, they parted abruptly both staring at the gruff, aggressive voice coming from the front door.

“Oh my god, It’s Kyle, he’s an old friend, I gave him keys a long time ago. Don’t tell him anything, please Max, he won’t understand, just let me do the talking.”

Suddenly the door whipped open with such force it hit the back of the wall causing them both to jump.

Clearly drunk, Kyle stood in full camo, garnishing a rifle in one hand and a beer in the other.

Shocked to see this stranger standing so close to Liz, basically in the dark, beside a raging fireplace, it was obvious he had just walked in on a very romantic moment.

Too bombed to hide the jealously creeping across his face, he sarcastically flipped harsh lights above them on, causing them both to wince, giving Max enough time to resort his gaze back to human form.

“Well, well… what do we have here?”

Re: The Raven and the Fox (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 4/5/15

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:16 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I hope Liz can figure out how to get Kyle to leave. A drunk Kyle can't be a good thing for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76