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Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 10, 7/5/16

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 5:15 pm
by jake17
Amazing, gorgeous banner by Steffi, thank you so much!!

Title: Night Sky
Author: jake17
Couple: M/L
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with Roswell
Summary: Liz is a beautiful, intelligent, popular senior who has everything going for her, especially the heart to notice someone who is so much more than he seems.
Author’s Note: This is a challenge from dreamon, she had this amazingly romantic idea and was nice enough to offer it to me. So all the credit for this story line goes to her. Great job dreamon! I don’t want to give too much away, I'd love for it to unfold naturally. Sorry this took so long to post dreamon, hope you like it. :)
The poem is actually the lyrics to Nitesky by Robot Koch,

Chapter one

Walking through the halls of her high school Liz looked around with a sentimental sigh realizing that by this time next year she would be away at college.

Surrounded by a large group of friends, she flipped through her notes for Spanish hoping that she studied enough, trying to avoid the gossip that was being passed around from girl to girl.

Being popular was great, it certainly made life easier, but she couldn’t help feeling different from the rest of the kids.

The entire culture that surrounded them was something that she just couldn’t stand, it seemed shallow, not to mention severely disrespectful to women, the music alone was just beyond her understanding.

Then there was the backstabbing, and idle chatter of who slept with who, or who wore what, social media had turned people into piranhas, having the cowardliness to hide behind Text’s and the computer made everyone much crueler in her view.

For the most part she was able to ignore the worst of what came with being part of the in crowd, and focus on her true friends, she had many but there were only two she considered to be true friends, people that she would do anything for and would do anything for her.

Alex Whitman, and Maria DeLuca had been the closest two people in her life since she could remember.

They very much had their own personalities, never bending to the will of the popular crowd.

Alex was everything great in this world, sweet, funny, crazy smart, he was truly the friend that grounded her, that when everything was out of control he was the calming rational voice that she could always rely on.

Maria was just the opposite, like perpetual fireworks, Maria was all that was exciting, and fun in Liz’s life. Whenever Liz would get too serious about school or a stupid boy, Maria was there to lift her spirits like no one else.

Able to excel in almost everything if only she gave the effort, Maria lived for the moment, a true seize the day kind of girl that lit the room with her smile, demanding all eyes on her. Beautiful, with her own edgy style she paid little attention to trends or what was demanded by the clones that lined the hallways.

So all in all Liz was very lucky, she had great friends, a happy home life with great parents, an extremely promising future, with her choice of Ivy league schools that were already showing interest.

It was all so perfect, maybe even too perfect, because for all that she had, there was one thing that was missing, it was nothing that she could put her finger on, just a void deep inside that longed to be filled.

A connection, someone special, more than a friend, love perhaps, a boy that saw the world as she did.

Someone who’s existence didn’t revolve around Friday night football games, or smoking pot in the bathrooms. A guy who she could really talk to about life and the things that really mattered to her that she wouldn’t dare share with anyone else besides Alex and Maria.

High School was like a big shark tank, if the elites smelled blood in the water, you were dead, so Liz stayed neutral for the most part, quiet in her opinions, but never participating in the hunt, she could never be that way, never be cruel, it just wasn’t her nature.

Hearing the bell ring throughout the halls, most everyone scattered off to their respective classes, busy on their phones, or searching for their homework, until disappearing altogether.

Liz sighed with relief, as the dull roar dwindled down to the sweet relief of silence.

It was fifth period, her last of the day, better yet it was Friday, which meant that because of her grades she was allowed to leave early.

Debating on whether to knock out the rest of her Spanish homework early, or head home, she wandered towards the library unaware that there was anyone there.

That’s when she heard it, a sound as if someone was gasping for air, coughing, struggling to breathe.

Turning the corner, she saw him, huddled against the wall, bent over, his hands braced on his knees with the Gym teacher, Mr. Lovak standing by his side.

“Look Evans, I know you don’t want anyone to know about what’s going on, but I can’t have you passing out during class. I’m sorry but I’m going to need a note before allowing you back. For now just go to the library until the end of the period.”

Liz clung to the corner of the wall, hiding from the situation unfolding before her, knowing it was wrong to spy, but unable to tear her eyes away from him.

She watched as he brushed his long hair from his eyes, the pain on his face was tangible, she felt it inside clenching her heart, she had never known anyone who truly had it as bad as Max Evans.

Straightening up, he leaned against the wall working hard to catch his breath, it was a rare moment when she was able to see his beautiful eyes that were always hidden by his shaggy long hair.

She suspected that he kept it that way on purpose to hide from the sharks that preyed upon the outcasts and the weak.

Unfortunately Max fit both of these stereotypes through no fault of his own.

From what she knew about him, Max was an orphan who had been bounced around countless group homes over the years.

Always poor, Max had little means of buying the ‘cool’ clothes or having the meaningless possessions that everyone else took for granted.

Besides what was obviously a horrible, unstable home life, Max was severely shy, from what she could tell he had no one, well one friend, Michael Guerin, the class badass and all around troublemaker, who if rarely ever made it to school.

She wasn’t sure if they were actually friends or if Michael just enjoyed beating the shit out of the guys who would randomly choose to shove Max around from time to time.

If Liz were to guess they probably had some common ground, Michael himself was being raised by a single father, on the wrong side of the tracks, who was the epitome of an asshole.

The big difference between Max and Michael, was that Max wouldn’t hurt a fly, he barely spoke, while Michael had no problem swearing up a storm and smacking anyone down who dared get in his way.

Truth be told Liz had been secretly noticing Max since the third grade, he had a sweetness about him, while other boys were fighting over video games, or who could take the hardest punch, Max seemed to be always looking out the window, deep in thought, just somewhere else, somewhere better.

While the rest of the school looked at him as though he was a freak, a social outcast, Liz saw through his often disheveled appearance, and sad eyes.

To be honest she thought his eyes were beautiful, the most beautiful color she’d ever seen, like a sunset, or honey in a jar when the light hits it just right.

There were times when she caught him reading, lost in a book, when he thought no one was looking, where she could see just how cute he was, he was definitely a mystery, one that she always wanted to discover, but to do so would be social suicide, and as kind hearted as Liz was, even she was afraid of that kind of backlash.

So there she stood, hiding behind a large plant, around the corner watching him, wondering, concerned as he picked up his worn book bag and made his way toward the library.

That’s when she saw it, a notebook that had fallen out of his back pack, left behind on the floor.

Looking around, making sure no one was coming, she made her way over and picked it up, holding it in her hands as curiosity washed over her.

It was clear this was something personal, she could see that the pages were used almost all the way through till the end.

The notebook itself was bent and wrinkled, as if he kept it rolled in his hands most of the time, this wasn’t notes on some class, it was private, absolutely none of her business.

Sighing, knowing he was in the library, she decided to keep her eyes out of it, and just hand it to him, she was going there anyway, it wasn’t as if it was any big deal just to drop it off.

Only half way there she found herself in an empty class room, feeling horribly guilty as she flipped through the pages of what turned out to be the most thought provoking, heart wrenching poetry she had ever read.

Some poems were very vague, speaking of life and death, specific struggles that weren’t very clearly written out, as if you had to be in on the secret to understand them.

But there was one, one in particular that caught her eye, titled Night sky.

Tucking her silky hair behind her ears, she pulled her knees up to her chest as if trying to hide her wrongdoing as she whispered it out loud, truly moved by it’s beauty.

Night sky

No one knows, what it's like
you and me
you and I

underneath the night sky
you and me
you and I

I get lost
all the time
in my thoughts
in my mind
you come through
like a light, in the dark, give me sight

No one sees what it’s like
You and me, you and I

Never go, never hide
You and me, you and I

If you let my soul out
It’ll come right back to you

Her big brown expressive eyes followed the words as if each one touched her in places she never allowed anyone to see.

Her eyes welled from the gentle romance that didn’t exist in her world of insensitive, vulgar immature jocks, and arrogant preppy boys, that had their entire future all laid out for them because of their rich fathers.

Shutting the book she suddenly felt as if she had peered into his heart in a very uninvited way.

Walking fast towards the library she knew that what she did was a violation of his personal thoughts, it was wrong, so wrong, but in every way she didn’t regret it.

Such beautiful words, he must really love this girl, she thought to herself.

Real love, the kind that she pinned for.

Pushing open the heavy double doors all eyes were on her, as always, Liz was stunning, far prettier than she ever realized, there wasn’t anyone, guy or girl who didn’t stop to admire or appreciate her.

Max as always was sitting at the farthest table, hidden by a stack of books that needed to be put away, probably on purpose, to be as invisible as possible.

His head was down, his jet black hair, once again swept over his eyes as he read from a thick book whose title had been worn off.

Suddenly nervous, hoping that he wouldn’t think she read what was inside, she approached him.

Standing in front of him for a few seconds, with no response she cleared her throat.

“Umm, hey, I noticed that you dropped your notebook in the hallway, I saw you in here, so I just...well … here.”

Looking at him in an entirely different way after reading his poems, she felt almost drawn to him as he lifted his eyes from the heavy book.

A myriad of emotions lit up in those beautiful eyes, nearly making her dizzy, as he lifted his hand to take the notebook from her.

“Thank you.”

His voice was soft, deeper than she expected, as if there were hints of so much more going on within him than could be seen on the surface.

Just as his hand was about to touch the notebook, another hand swiped it away holding it high above Liz’s head.

“Liz! What the hell are you doing talking to this freak? What’s going on here, is he bothering you, because we can take care of him for you!”

Liz wanted to die, behind her were the boys from her debate team, the one holding the notebook was Tyler Daily, the boy who practically had it all, except for the one thing he wanted, her.

“Give it back Tyler, please!”

Liz tried to get it, but her efforts only turned it into a game for the six foot four, blonde, blue eyed, baseball star who everyone loved, once again, everyone but Liz.

“Tyler don’t do this!”

Looking back at Max, Liz started to panic, if those kids got a hold of those poems, they would be on everyone’s laptop by the end of the day, he would be crucified, chum for the meanest of sharks.

Max was thinking the same thing, he was white as a ghost, lost as to what to say, literally shaking.

Thinking for a moment, weighing whether he should stay and get knocked around and humiliated or just leave, either way it was obvious to him that he wasn’t getting it back.

Deciding it was better just to leave, he threw his backpack over his shoulder leaving Liz to deal with Tyler, and her responsibility in this mess.

“Hmm, what do we have here. Holy shit its freaking poems! Our little Norman Bates is a poet you guys!”

Just then Tyler fell to his knees, even a good kick to the balls will send a giant to the floor with little effort.

As if it was nothing, Maria grabbed the notebook and handed it to Liz.

“I assume you want this?”

Beaming Liz hugged her friend. “Maria, you are the best! Wait here I’ll be right back.”

Running out the door, Liz looked frantically for Max before watching him leave the building altogether.

Catching up to him, she awkwardly touched his shoulder causing him to flinch nervously before turning to see that it was her.

Smiling, taking her time to look at him more closely, she slowly handed the worn notebook over.

“I’m so sorry, those guys are idiots, especially Tyler, I don’t think there’s one brain cell residing in that dyed blonde head of his.”

Shyly taking it from her, he kept his eyes low, unable to look at her directly, clearly embarrassed.

“He didn’t read it, really, I’d be surprised if he could read at all. Honestly no one did. I really am sorry Max.”

Nodding he softly muttered the word ‘thanks’ before walking away across the football field into a narrow path through the woods on the edge of campus.

Liz stood very still transfixed on him, until he fully disappeared within the thick branches and hanging colorful red and gold leaves, unable to get that poem out of her mind.

Whispering it to herself, she began to wonder even more about the quiet boy, who now held more mystery than ever before.

No one knows, what it’s like
you and me
you and I

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 1 5/16/15

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 6:25 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Great start Carrie! Can't wait to see where you go with this. Liz is in for a big surprise when she finds out that the poem is about her! Hurry back!


Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 1 5/16/15

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 7:28 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Poor Max I hate how everyone picks on him. Wow so Max is a poet. I think that is cool. I'm glad Liz went and found him. And I'm glad that she kicked that jerk Cooper between the legs. Is the poem about Liz? Will Max tell Liz about the poem? Will Liz be there for Max?

L-J-L 76

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 1 5/16/15

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 7:49 am
by begonia9508
Hey Carrie,

I loved the start! So unusual, seeing Max this way but full of surprises, I am sure!!! And I am waiting for more! Thanks EVE

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 1 5/16/15

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 8:56 am
by Natalie36
great part. i hope max isn't that sick

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 1 5/16/15

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 1:07 pm
by keepsmiling7
I read this earlier "over there" and now I sit patiently waiting for Chapter 2.

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/19/15

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 11:15 am
by jake17

Thank you so much for you sweet fb! Please check out the amazing, beautiful banner that Steffi made for me! Oh just in case someone notices, I changed the bully's name mentioned in the first chapter, just telling you so no one is confused later. Cooper is now Tyler. thanks so much for reading! :)

Chapter two

Staring out her window, watching sheets of rain fall sideways against her window pane, Liz, who usually had every hour of her day organized, felt completely unmotivated.

Her earlier attempt at working on her English Lit paper left her beyond frustrated, writing the same sentence over ten different ways, unable to get it right, she shut her laptop off finding it impossible to concentrate.

She couldn’t help thinking about Max, and his notebook of poems, especially one in particular.

Hearing her cell vibrate on her bed she grabbed it to find a text from Maria.

Party at the Quarry tonight
Don’t say ur not going
cause ur
no excuses
pick u up at 9


k Maria lol
c u then

Groaning, she tossed her phone back on her bed, she loved being with Maria, but she was seriously dreading the thought of another high school party.

Standing around a bonfire with a bunch of drunk kids, listening to music that sounded as if the same irritating girl, was singing the same irritating song, again and again was the last thing she wanted to do tonight.

She thought about just staying in, but she felt like she owed Maria for helping her out yesterday, getting Max’s notebook back from idiot Tyler meant so much to her, she couldn’t imagine the damage that would’ve done to such a sensitive soul.

A satisfied smirk crossed her face remembering how fast Tyler went down, Maria always had a flair for the dramatics, which usually got her into trouble, but yesterday it saved the day.

And just like that, she was back thinking about him, the quiet boy, with the heart of a poet.

Laying down on her bed she propped her head with a bunch of pillows and closed her eyes, thinking back to the strange, almosts sensual dream she had the night before.

She was in school, but it was nighttime, the halls were dark except for the red lit emergency exit signs, and the luminous glow of a massive full moon shining bright through the windows casting everything in a misty blue hue.

Liz remembered every vivid detail, as if it really happened, like she was recalling a real life experience.

Bare foot, she stepped cautiously past several classrooms in her pink and mint green plaid pajama bottoms and white tank top, feeling as if she were inexplicably being drawn towards something important.

It became increasingly aware to her the further that she roamed, that it was most definitely a who, and not a what, as she turned the corner into the library.

With curious wide eyes she stepped lightly, tentatively walking past each row of shelves filled with dusty old books she had walked by for the past three years, but somehow everything appeared completely different as if she were seeing it for the first time.

The large room was misty, very dreamlike in appearance with the exception that every sense was heightened within her, nothing had ever felt so real.

Running her hand over each brass plaque, giving the description of the shelf of books by her side, her heart began to race with the feeling that she was growing closer to what was so urgently drawing her in, beckoning her mysteriously towards the unknown.

The letters were cold, shiny, smooth to the touch.

Non Fiction

Floor to ceiling windows were left wide open letting the remnants a warm summer breeze to carelessly lift her raven tresses high in the air away from her face.

Science Fiction

Long unknown shadows rose upon the walls causing her breath to catch nervously as she continued on, as if having a strong need to know who was waiting for her near by.


A symphony of insects sweetly crooned seemingly just for her as a wave of fireflies gathered close, swirling around just outside, flashing neon green and white lights within the cover of the moon’s brilliant glow.


Placing her hand over her rapidly beating heart, she swallowed hard as she continued to gaze down each empty row of books.


A feeling swept over her, like chills rushing across her skin, but softer, pleasingly as she heard the flutter of pages growing closer with each step.


Her feet stilled, pulling her bottom lip in, she hesitated briefly, before glancing down the darkened aisle.

There he was, waiting for her, silently leaning against his books, his bronze hypnotic stare watching her intensely.

Biting down on her plump lip she turned the corner to face him, fearing nothing, feeling as if she was meant to be there with him, as if this was all destined to be somehow.

Breathless, she skimmed the bindings of long dead poets with her fingertips feeling the weight of their suffering, the dizzying passion behind their beautiful words that weighed heavy on her soul as she slowly approached him.

~ Byron ~ Browning ~ Keats ~ Longfellow ~ Plath ~ Poe ~ Shakespeare ~ Shelley ~

He spoke no words, but his stare penetrated her in a way that made her shiver, touching her deeply, it was as if he knew her, her deepest secrets, her private thoughts.

“I really liked your poem.” she breathed out quietly, almost afraid to disturb the moment they were sharing.

Parting his lips, he took a long ragged breath, his head tilted to the side in an inquisitive manner as he whispered softly.

“I thought you didn’t read them.”

Long dark eyelashes fluttered towards her feet, her cheeks burned red, realizing he had caught her in a lie.

“Night Sky, was really… beautiful. You must care very much for… this girl.”

Lowering his head, catching her gaze, he moved closer, forcing her to lift her eyes once again to meet his.

“No word yet exists... not one that could possibly do justice in describing my feelings… for… her.”

With that he backed away, disappearing into the darkness of the tall stacks, immersed into the rows of malcontent, long suffering dead poets.

Opening her eyes, Liz reached inside her nightstand for her diary, suddenly feeling the need to write all of this down.

Tapping the end of her pen on the blank page, she pictured him standing there…

Dirty converse sneakers, faded ripped jeans, worn black hooded sweatshirt, hair, jet black, unruly hanging haphazardly over warm bourbon eyes that still left their mark on her, making her feel vulnerable and transparent beneath his stare.

It was just a dream, but it was obvious he had worked his way into her subconscious, there would be no denying that what she had always suspected about him, was indeed true, that Max Evans, behind that quiet, disheveled appearance held secrets worth knowing, a heart passionate beyond the telling, sensitive in nature, the soul of a poet.

Getting her dream down in seconds, working furiously, she started writing the poem, afraid that if not put to paper it would be forgotten.

Amazingly she remembered every haunting line, it flowed through her naturally, as if he was there with her, beside her, whispering each word softly to her ear.

No one knows, what it's like
you and me
you and I

underneath the night sky
you and me
you and I

I get lost
all the time
in my thoughts
in my mind
you come through
like a light, in the dark, give me sight

No one sees what it’s like
You and me, you and I

Never go, never hide
You and me, you and I

If you let my soul out
It’ll come right back to you

Closing her diary she held it tight to her chest, listening to the torrential rain and the threatening thunder that rumbled ominously in the distance.

Jarring her from her thoughts, her dad knocked twice before popping his head in her room.

“Liz? Honey, aren’t you volunteering at the hospital today?”

Her eyes widened, completely forgetting that she switched days with another student.

“Oh my god, I totally forgot, thanks dad, do you mind if I take your car instead of the bus, I’m going to get soaked with this storm.”

Throwing her his keys from his pocket, he kissed her on top of her head. “Just promise to drive slow, do you remember what to do if the car happens to hydroplane on a pocket of deep water?”

Smiling warmly at her dad she thought about Max, having no one to look out for him, no one who cared in his life.

Hugging her father tight, she squeezed her eyes shut suddenly so grateful for all that she had.

“Yes of course dad, thank you for caring about me, I love you.”

Jeff chuckled lightly, welcoming the rare hug. “You’re my baby Lizzy, you’ll always be my baby, I love you so much sweetheart.”

Noting the time, she broke away from him to grab her uniform and head for the shower.

“I have to go, I’m running late, see you tonight.”


Shaking the rain off her umbrella, outside the hospital under the sheltering overhang, Liz walked swiftly through the automatic sliding doors to the front desk.

“So sorry I’m a little late Hazel, I forgot I was filling in for Rachel. Where do you need me today?”

The grey haired lady in the white nurses uniform, pulled out a clipboard while lifting her reading glasses from the chain around her neck, placing them on the end of her nose.

“Oh hello my sweet Liz, it’s no problem dear, believe me, we appreciate your time here, it’s always nice to see you.”

Moving in closer Liz whispered quietly. “Actually Hazel you might be seeing more of me, I’m up for an internship, I’m considering going into medicine. They have this program that allows you to shadow a physician from each department. All they ask in return is some filing, and dictation.”

The elderly nurse’s face lit up with approval. “Liz, I think that’s fantastic, I’m sure you’ll get it, everyone around here loves you dear.”

Smiling wide, Liz looked over the slip of paper stating where she’d be today.

“I knew you’d be happy, you’ll be on the pediatric floor this afternoon.” Hazel grinned covering her hand warmly.


Stepping off the elevator in her navy blue polo shirt, and black pants, the required volunteer uniform, with her photo ID hanging around her neck, Liz made her way down the burn ward on the pediatric floor.

Pulling out a cart from the storage closet full of books of all kinds, crayons, and several board games she started down the hall peeking into the rooms, confused when she found that all of the beds were empty, with the exception of a few of the more critical cases who were sedated.

Hearing distant laughter, she followed the unusual sound of happy children.

Freezing when she came to the recreation play room, she left the cart behind, walking in shock towards the glass door.

There in the middle of all these bandaged, scarred, disfigured little ones was Max Evans.

Pressing her hands to the door, to get a closer look, she held her breath, astonished at what she was seeing.

Max was playing with them, teaching them magic tricks, making balloon animals from which he would then attach to their wheelchairs and IV poles.

He was amazing, lively, funny as hell making the kids forget, at least for the moment all about their horrendous injuries.

The introverted, shy, grim, kid that she would see walking the halls of her high school, with his head down, barely speaking to anyone was nowhere in sight.

Blind to the fact that these children were tragically burned, leaving them to look in a way that would send most people running, either to cry or just unable to deal, Max treated them as if they were beautiful, normal kids each and every one of them.

“Thank god Max is here today, they've been asking for him for days.”

Looking over her shoulder to the doctor in charge that day, one that Liz was unfamiliar with, she couldn’t help but question him.

“I know him, we go to school together, I had no idea he was in the volunteer program.”

Shaking his head, the young doctor laughed watching Max’s attempt at making a giraffe for little five year old Lexi, which came out looking more like a poodle with a long neck.

“Oh no, Max doesn’t do this for credits, he just loves these kids. Well you can understand, spending most of his life in and out of hospitals, he knows first hand how hard it can be for the little ones. He’s just a great guy, with a big heart, it’s always the good ones that struggle with these terrible illnesses it seems.”

Hearing his name over the loudspeaker, Dr. Anderson excused himself while reading her name tag.

“I have to go, but feel free to go in and join him Liz, your job is going to be easy having Max by your side today.”

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/19/15

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 12:51 pm
by begonia9508
Oh Carrie, it is getting interesting, as we had a glimpse of Max's past in the hospital! I am really interested to know his history, because he seems to have a painful past...

Waiting impatiently for more! Thanks - EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/19/15

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 1:24 pm
by Roswelllostcause
begonia9508 wrote:Oh Carrie, it is getting interesting, as we had a glimpse of Max's past in the hospital! I am really interested to know his history, because he seems to have a painful past...

Waiting impatiently for more! Thanks - EVE :mrgreen:

I have to say that I agree with Eve! Please hurry back!

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 2 5/19/15

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 2:34 pm
by sarammlover
Carrie carrie carrie....always hooking me on another one of your stories! I love this. I love that you have Liz with some true friends and a good heart. I am thinking Max has a heart condition (way beyond asthma) and this friendship is going to be beautiful! I am excited for your new story.