Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE)end: ch. 45 7/29/16

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 8 8/9/15

Post by begonia9508 »

Oh my! Liz teached her kids to talk with signs? already as babies? :shock: How old were the kids?

Anyway, it went well for her now, even if she will need another skillet bc I am sure she will never use the old one!

Who is behind the gates? I thought that Don was her only enemy! But maybe Don left the jail with another comparse...

Waiting impatiently for more and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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mary mary
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 9 8/13/15

Post by mary mary »

Carolyn: Not yet but JP seems to think things are okay and that's least for him. :wink:
Roswelllostcause: LOL, we had a couple and so did I until I finally convinced my husband that the things were just too heavy and the newer pots and pans available out there were wonderful. I had no idea until I bought some that what I had said was true but they were wonderful. I did have a cast iron Dutch oven that I loved but I only used that for pot roasts and the like. It's now long gone too...crock pots are also a nice addition to the cupboard. :D
Eve: Teaching babies to sign baby language has been around for quite a while. I know it surprised me when I first heard about it but it only makes sense. They can't talk but they really are capable of learning repetition so I guess that's how it started. As for the surprise about the other man, he sort of shows his face some in this chapter. :D

Chapter: 9

“LIZ!!! Where are you?” A frantic Max Evans yelled as he entered the house.

JP came running into the entry way and ran right into his daddy’s waiting arms. Max was ready for a coronary. Then JP told his dad that mom ‘killed’ some man with the skillet. Max clutched his son closer to him and he almost passed out. He went weak in the knees and backed up and stood against the front door for support. Oh.Dear.God! Was all he could think…

About that time Liz came into the hallway and saw the terrified look on Max’s face and she almost passed out.

“Max? What’s wrong?” She was near frantic now…

“Did you kill him? Did you kill Don Adams?”

“My God no, I bashed his head in but he’ll probably live…maybe?” Her voice trailed up as she said anxiously. Then she took a really good look at her husband and at a grinning son…

By this time she didn’t care one way or the other about Don Adams, she knew she should and she knew she would but right now the only thing that mattered was her son was safe and her husband needed to calm down or he’d have a coronary on the spot.

“Max, I don’t know what you’ve been told and I will tell you what happened but not right now. I have had one hellacious morning and I don’t want to talk about it anymore. And JP, mommy did not kill that man. I knocked him out. He will be fine… he is not dead.” Liz was pretty close to hysteria herself and JP wasn’t helping the situation.

“Well, he looked dead. And you kicked the kitchen rug over him to hide the blood that was squirting all over.”

Liz narrowed her brow and looked at her son…

“JP did you run like I told you to do?”

“Well, yeah, sort of.”

“What do you mean, sort of? How did you know I kicked the rug over him?”

“Well, I watched what you did first and then I went to the attic.”

“Oh God…” She practically wailed, she didn’t want JP to see that. “Well you know what I did wasn’t a very nice thing to do don’t you?” She really was sorry he saw that.

“Well, what that man said he was going to do wasn’t very nice either.” JP countered indignantly…well as indignant as a four year old could anyway.

“What do you mean what he said? What did he say to you?”

“He said he would hurt you if I didn’t stand still, and then you told me to stand still so I did what you said. I was glad you told me to kick him, he deserved it.” And JP hugged his Daddy harder.

“JP, you know it’s not nice to hurt people don’t you?”

“Yeah, I know, but I wanted to hurt him before he hurt you. I’m sorry mommy; I promise I won’t kick anyone unless you tell me to.” He promised as he nuzzled Max’s shoulder.

“Thank you JP, that’s a very good rule. Try to remember it.” And Liz just stood there looking at her husband holding her son and she rubbed her forehead in frustration…will this nightmare ever end?

Max just stood there and watched his wife and son go over this morning’s events and decided that he wasn’t ready to hear the rest of the story any more than Liz was ready to tell it.

“Oh, and dad! I’m going to have milk and cookies with that cop and his son and you’re invited too!” JP seemed really excited about that happening.

Max smiled down at his youngest child and his chest tightened up just a bit. To think that he could have lost both of them this morning was more than he cared to think about. He reached over and pulled his wife into the folds of his other arm, bent down and kissed the top of her head and held the two of them to him until he thought he would lose his mind or until he was sure he wouldn’t. He was so close to tears that he wanted to scream. Liz knew exactly how he felt because she was having the same feelings herself and she stayed there with the two of them until Max released her.

JP just laid his head on his daddy’s shoulder and hugged him back. It was good to have his daddy back, he felt safe now. Mommy was brave but daddy was strong. They really needed to get mommy another big skillet, he felt better with a big skillet.

“Daddy, can we go shopping?”

Max and Liz both looked at their young son questioningly…

“Sure JP, what do you need?” JP breathed a big sigh and said…

“Mom needs a new skillet to set on the stove. We need to keep the skillet on the stove forever.” Max looked at Liz and they both knew what JP needed…he needed to feel safe and the skillet was the answer.

“Get your jackets Liz, we’re going shopping.” And so the three of them headed to the mall to buy a skillet before picking up the other four children at school.


Don Adams was now in the prison ward of the hospital with a guard stationed outside his door and he was still comatose. He was in a deep dream.

He was in the exercise yard talking to one of his cell mates as they usually did everyday during their one hour break and Joey was listening to the man go on about the frump who put him in here. Neither one of the men took into consideration that they had put themselves in this position in the first place…it was all someone else’s fault of course.

“You know Joey, if I ever get out of here I’m going to see to it that she pays.”

“Yeah man, I hear ya…You say she’s some kind of doctor?”

“Yeah, she’s married to that baseball player, Max Evans. They live in Philadelphia. Her and that blond bitch both need taken down.”

“Who’s the blond again?”

“She’s the one that talked me into marrying the frump…wanted Max Evans and for some reason she thought Liz was stopping her from getting him. She was as Looney as they come. And then they found out about the wife and kids in California and that didn’t help any…that bitch just up and left with the kids and I never saw her again but she did send a signed deposition that we were married. Hell I thought she divorced me years ago. Said she couldn’t afford to get a divorce; accused me of all kind of shit. I never laid a hand on those kids, never…and the only time she got it was when she deserved it. She never could understand an order when it was given!”

“Boy, it sounds like the whole bunch of them is nuts.”

“Yeah, they were. You know, if we get out of here on the new program the governor has going maybe we could get together and find a way to get some money out of the Evans dude. I’ll bet he’d pay plenty for one of his kids or his wife even, what do you think?”

“Maybe you’re right dude…we can work on that and see what happens.”

And Don Adams continued to sleep and dream….


On their way to the mall Liz decided to lighten the load on Max’s shoulders and proceeded to tell him about the new kids at school and Max looked at Liz like she’d lost her mind.

“Liz, they’re only six and eight years old for God’s sake…he actually wore his dress slacks to school?”

Max’s eyes were as big as Liz had ever seen them get. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“Yes, his dress pants. Apparently Marlene has a twin sister, thank God they aren’t going to be fighting over the same girl in first grade. Anyway, this Marlene told Gerard that he looked good in a shirt that he had on, I don’t know which shirt, and it is now Gerard’s favorite shirt.” Liz waved her hand in the air while she talked. “And, get this, both girls had to have their hair done this morning before they got dressed. This is serious Max, our children are getting ready to leave the nest.”

And Liz giggled at Max who didn’t think this was a damned bit funny. Big fancy psychologist couldn’t accept his babies having crushes…hell that’s about the age she discovered that Max Evans was more than just her best friend and look where they are.

When they arrived at the mall Max, Liz and JP all headed to the “Kitchens and More Store” to check out the skillets when JP spotted this huge red cast iron piece that would take three men and a troop of boy scouts to lift and he told his mom,

“This is a good one”.

Liz looked at the sweet face looking up at her and smiled.

“JP, I don’t think it would work very well because I can’t even lift that thing. It’s too heavy.”

And then she saw the look of terror in her son’s eyes and told Max…

“We can leave it on the stove until he’s over this.”

So they purchased the humongous skillet and also one that would be more to their needs as well. JP had a look of relief on his face and Max and Liz both realized that this morning’s activities had really taken a toll on their son’s well being. He would most likely be sharing their bed for some time to come. Maybe. They would see. Then Liz had a brain storm…

“JP, do you think you would like a skillet for your room for a while. We could put it in the kitchen some day if we need another one.”

JP thought about it for a minute and then said,

“No, I think one is plenty don’t you mom? I just need a pair of big boots.”

Max and Liz both looked at each other and decided a visit to the shoe store was in order so they paid for the skillets and headed out with Max carrying the huge red skillet in his left hand and Liz with the smaller one in her right hand while JP walked between the two of them holding their other hands. They allowed their son to choose a pair of good kicking boots and then they were on their way to pick up the other four at school.

When they arrived at the school they sat and observed the four of them waiting in the pick up area with four other children of the same age. Two boys who were almost identical and two girls almost identical…and Liz and Max just sat and looked at each other.

“Do you think that this is the way it’s always going to work Max? Twins for twins?”

“I don’t know, but it is creepy isn’t it? Look at them, they all seem drawn to one another. Do you think we should send them to separate schools?”

“No, not yet, but it’s a thought. Talk about the odds of multiple births…sheeze… they’ll be having litters.” And Liz giggled.

“Okay miss scientist…enough of that already.”

The cars were moving at a steady pace to get up to the loading area and Liz decided to take this opportunity to tell Max about her conversation with Tess. Max still didn’t want to have anything to do with Tess nor Kyle either, by association, but she didn’t want to keep anything away from her husband so she sort of slid it into the conversation…

“Tess called to warn me about Don this morning but I didn’t get a chance to hear her message until the excitement was over so I called her back and she said that Kyle had a plain clothes man guarding their two so I told her that it was all over. That I took a frying pan to his skull and then we chit chatted for awhile. I know you don’t want to hear about them but I didn’t want to be hiding anything from you.”

“How can you be friends with her Liz, after what she did? It’s just not normal.”

“Max, she was sick. She still is but the medication is working. She was obsessed and now she knows this. She’s happily married to Kyle, they have two lovely little boys and they are all happy. She doesn’t want to hurt me anymore, she knows that she was wrong and I’m happy for her…forgive and forget Max.”

“Can you forgive and forget Don?”

“Tess didn’t try to hurt one of my children Max. No, I can’t forgive Don…I had forgotten him until I saw him in my kitchen this morning. I quit thinking about him a long, long time ago Max and if they decide to prosecute me because I defended my child then I will go to court and tell my story…otherwise it’s forgotten. Not forgiven, but forgotten, but it’s different with Tess. She was sick Max.”

“Okay sweetheart, you forgive her and you can talk to her but I still feel the same. I prefer to keep her out of conversations and physically in Connecticut where she belongs. Okay?”

“Okay, but don’t expect me to hide things from you, even if they do bring back unpleasant memories.”

“Fair enough, you told me now let’s forget it.” Liz knew Max meant what he said and she dropped the subject of Tess.

About that time they pulled up to the loading area and four little kids hopped into the back of the SUV and promptly buckled up.

“Well Parker, you certainly look nice today…was there something special going on at school?” Max asked his little son as he settled in his seat.

“No. How was your trip?” Trying to change the subject was a good thing, how did a six year old know that… Liz wondered?

“Oh, the trip was fine. How about the rest of you? Did all of you have a good day?” Max didn’t want to seem too pushy but he would certainly like to hear what they had to say for themselves.

“Yeah Dad, it was great” piped up Gerard. Deana and Briana just smiled at their father and said welcome home.

Then JP opened his big mouth and said.

“Mom killed a man with the frying pan this morning and the cops came and everything.”

Four young faces all looked at their mother in disbelief.

“JP!!! I DID NOT KILL A MAN…I hit an intruder over the head with a frying pan and the cops came and took him away.”

Now four sets of little eyes were great big sets of wide eyes and Liz just rolled her eyes at Max.

“Nuh-uh…the cops came and the ambulance guys took the man away after they took the rug off his head and looked at all the blood.”

“JP, Please!” Liz begged…

“And then I had to tell the cops about what the man did before mom hit him. Mom signed for me to stand still and I did then mom signed for me to kick him and I did and then I ran and mom hit him with the bacon skillet that was on the stove. The cops took the skillet as evvvv…evv..ev-dense!!! And then we went to the mall and bought mom a great big skillet to keep on the stove. Mom got two. You should’ve seen all the blood…mom really whacked him good!”

“JEFFREY PHILIP EVANS!!! If you don’t quit telling stories you’re not going to get to have cookies.”

“Oh yeah, me and dad are going to have milk and cookies with the cop and his boy…right dad?”

By now Liz was breathing in and out, almost hyperventilating, and Max didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The other four didn’t know who to believe and JP, well JP was on a roll.

“And then we went to the shoe store and I got big boots so’s I can kick bad people in the shins better…right dad?”

Liz looked at Max totally flabbergasted and Max just looked over at her and grinned…

“That’s right JP, great big boots.” And Max reached over and patted Liz’s hands that she had clasped together in a grip so tight it would have taken a bomb to break them apart: her knuckles had turned stark white.

Briana was the first to ask…

“Mom, is he lying?”

“Not totally.” Liz answered breathlessly. “I did hit an intruder with the frying pan and the police did come to the house and the ambulance did come and take the man away but he was hanging onto JP and I was afraid he was going to hurt him and he told JP if he didn’t stand still that he was going to hurt me so basically what JP said was the truth but I really don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want any of you to be afraid and I want JP to quit talking about it too. It was not cool, it was not fun and it is over with. Okay?” Liz was practically begging now…her voice barely audible, what she really wanted to do was scream.

Then JP piped up and said…

“Mom knew who this guy was too.” JP had the stage and he wasn’t going to give in that easily.

And suddenly Liz and Max both became very quiet. This wasn’t something they ever wanted to discuss with their children and if they did they wanted it to be a long time in the future but thanks to Don Adams they had to deal with it now.

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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 9 8/13/15

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Why do I get the feeling that JP's version is going to get wilder and wilder as things go on? Great part Ginger!

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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 9 8/13/15

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I can just see that huge skillet......and whatever it takes to make JP feel safe!
He certainly loves telling this story.......with all of the details. Haven't we all had kids like that? The more you want to keep private, the more the kids feel obligated to share!
I love little JP,
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 9 8/13/15

Post by begonia9508 »

Hey Ginger! :D

I love this little boy, but I am afraid that, later on, he will be the cow-boy one, wild and audacious in life likes he already shows it! :lol:

But lying to kids is never good; it comes back and bites you somewhere...

I always tried to tell my kids - when they were little - the truth about important matter but what's important is to chose your words and the way you tell! If you don't do it, they will go somewehre else and ask for what you refused to explain and maybe NOT the appropriate people! :roll: :mrgreen:

Thanks Ginger, waiting for more! EVE :mrgreen:
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 10 8/19/15

Post by mary mary »

Roswelllostcause: Oh you have no idea...he certainly loves the limelight. :D
Carolyn: You are certainly right about 'kids like that'. I had three, their favorite time to tell their stories was when their grandparents were around. My dad used to laugh his head off at their shenanigans and they knew....they knew very well what they were doing and you could just see the "dare" in their eyes as they nonverbally dared you to stop them. :roll: God, what memories. :lol: funny now, not then. :D
Eve: You are absolutely correct. I always told mine that they had to tell me the truth because that was the only way I would be able to stand up for them. I know that didn't work when they were teens but when they were little I could always count on the truth, even though sometimes I really didn't want to hear it. I am very proud of all of them now, but trust me, there were times when I had my doubts about them. I had a friend who once told me that my youngest would either be a hoodlum or a priest. He's not a priest but pretty close to it. His in-laws are both ministers if you can believe it and he's turned into a very responsible man. Thank God!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:

Chapter: 10

“When we get home we will have a family discussion about this entire incident and then we will lay it to rest, okay? Your daddy and I will tell you all about this man. Later. This is the end of this discussion!”

And Liz wanted to crawl into a hole and hide forever, thank you again Don.

After dinner Liz and Max gathered the kids sit around the dining room table so they could tell them about Don Adams. It wasn’t something either of them wanted to think about but it had to be done so Liz took the floor, so to speak…

“Okay guys, when I first got out of graduate school I went to work for a lab in Connecticut and I was very lonesome. I didn’t know anybody there and the security guard, Don Adams, used to walk me to my car when I had to work late. One thing led to another and eventually we became friends and then we got married.”

Five little sets of eyes all looked at their daddy and then their mommy like they had just been bull dozed. Max and Liz looked at each other and smiled and Max reached over and took Liz’s hand in his and held onto it…

“Yes, I was married to this person for 18 months. As it turned out he married me because he thought I was rich and he wanted to have me killed so he could inherit all of my money. He was also married to someone else at the time he married me and he was also living with another woman as well. I did not know any of this.

“Anyway, I came to Philadelphia for a vacation and I went to see your father, grandma and grandpa Evans. I told Grandpa Evans about the kind of life I was living with this Don Adams, it was not very pleasant.

“Grandpa Evans had Don Adams investigated and discovered what was going on and hence my marriage was annulled and Don Adams was sent to prison.

“The new governor of Connecticut paroled a whole bunch of prisoners to save money and Don Adams was one of them.

“He came looking for me because he thinks it’s my fault that he had to go to prison. He really is messed up in the head. Now do you have any questions because I would like to get them all answered now and close this subject forever. Do all of you know what annulled means?” Liz asked her little ones in a very quiet voice…

All five of the children sat there and looked at their mommy and daddy and then at each other and then Deana asked,

“Did you have any other children?”

And Liz smiled at Max…they really were too young for this. Max answered…

“No Dee Dee, mommy only has you guys, there are no other children. Your mommy has to love somebody to have children with them and she did not love Don Adams. She was lonesome and she thought he was her friend but he wasn’t. They did not have any children. Anyone else?”

“What is annulled?” Parker asked…

“It means that it is stopped, liked it never happened. In my case it stopped being a marriage. It is not like a divorce, it is like it never happened. It was erased, and it meant that mommy wasn’t married to that man anymore. Anyone else?”

All five shook their heads no and then JP asked…

“Do you think we will have to go to jail mom?”

“No JP, I don’t think we will have to go to jail, but if we do your daddy can bring us milk and cookies…okay?”

“Mom, you’re being silly.” Bree said…

And with that the five little Evanses left their parents sitting in the dining room.

“What do you think? Do you think they understood?” Liz asked Max.

“They understood as well as someone their age could be expected to understand. We both know there is more to the story but it’s best left for the future. I don’t think they’re ready for it yet. Someday we’ll tell them if it comes up but in the meantime they’re good.” And Max reached over and took his wife’s hand in his again and smiled at her and said…

“Come on; let’s clean up the ev-dense before he expounds on his story some more.” And Liz smiled at her husband as best she could and followed him to the kitchen.

By 8:00 p.m. Max and Liz had scrubbed all of the blood from the walls, cabinets, appliances and floor. Max looked over at Liz, and although he knew this wasn’t a funny situation he just had to ask…

“Are you sure you didn’t kill him? That was an awfully lot of blood Liz.” He asked with a frown on his face.

Liz looked horrified and Max grabbed her to him and started to laugh…

“Honey, I’m teasing…I know head wounds are the worst kind for bleeding. Please, relax. I won’t say another word.”

“Good, because I think I’ve had about all the fun I can handle for one day. Let’s get this brood to bed and call it a day, okay. Oh, I never did ask. How did you know what was going on?”

“The police department called me on my cell phone and asked me who was home. They said there was a problem at the house and they wanted to know how many people might be in danger. I told them just you and JP and then I thought I would lose my mind until I got here. I chartered a plane and was out of Arizona in 45 minutes. I know we went through hell during the series but Liz, this couldn’t compare. At least through the series I had you with me. I was terrified.”

“Oh Max, I’m so sorry. They shouldn’t have bothered you like that.”

“Bothered me, are you nuts? Liz, if anything would have happened to you I think I would have collapsed on the spot. My God, please don’t ever think like that. I live with the thought of one or all of you being in danger in the back of my mind all of the time…You know this. We both do, but to actually have it happen is a nightmare. Let’s just drop it okay. Come on, I’ll help get the kids ready for bed and maybe, if we’re lucky, we can lock Jack in the bathroom for an hour or so.”

Max wriggled his eyebrows at Liz, she looked up and said “MMMM, yummy!” and she was calling everyone to attention before he could even put the scrub bucket away.

JP was perfectly content to sleep in his own room although he did have his new ‘kickin’ boots by his bed and the other four seemed okay with the knowledge that mom and dad were home where they belonged and they were happy. It had been a hectic day but all in all everyone was happy except Jack…he was stuck in the bathroom again and the poor thing had no idea why…he had been a good boy today. He stayed in the back yard all day. He chased butterflies, barked at the squirrels and talked to the birds…he swam a couple of times when his ball rolled into the pool and he retrieved it! There was no reason to stick him in the bathroom.



The next morning Liz’s day started out basically the same as the day before with one exception, Max was home and he decided to stay home today. He needed to feel close to everyone and Liz could understand this perfectly. It was good to have him home and when she came back upstairs with the dog the kids were all up and getting ready for the day without any help from her, although she did have hair duty again and Gerard was disappointed that his favorite shirt still wasn’t in his closet. Liz still didn’t know which shirt was the favorite shirt and to tell the truth it wasn’t uppermost on her “to do list” to find it.

She heard JP in the shower and went to his room to get his clean clothes when she noticed that he had already chosen his wardrobe for the day. It included his new ‘big’ boots. She smiled to herself and went to her and Max’s room to make the bed where she noticed that Jack had already made himself comfortable.

She figured ‘what the hell’ they’re only sheets…Max can change the bed and turned around and left the room exactly the way she found it and headed on down the back staircase. She had just started getting milk and juice out of the refrigerator when there was a knock at the back door so she set her items on the counter and looked out the window, it was the policeman from yesterday…what the hell?

Liz opened the door to the man, whom she now knew as Officer Bradley, and told him to come on in. She led him into the kitchen as Jack and Max came in from the front of the house. Liz made introductions and Jack stood back and began a low growl in the back of his throat as he eyed the officer. Max and Liz were both shocked at the dogs behavior. Jack never acted that way with people but Max didn’t make any effort to put Jack out. The dog was not wagging his tail which told Max to be careful so Max merely made a sit sign and Jack did only after taking a stance in front of Liz before sitting. For some reason the dog thought his mistress needed protection.

Officer Bradley kept his eye on the big dog as he told Liz that they had found a gun on Don’s person when they got him to the hospital and that they had a few more questions about her and Don’s history. Then things could be wrapped up. Max informed the officer that Liz and Don’s ‘history’ was all open record and he gave the policeman Kyle Valenti’s name and told him to contact the Farmington, Connecticut police department and talk to Kyle. He was sure that any information they needed could be gotten from them.

Max wasn’t too sure he liked the idea of this man coming to their home at 6:45 a.m. and Jack sure as hell wasn’t too happy about it either. Bradley thanked Max for his input and assured him that things would be taken care of in a timely manner. Max smiled at the man, a smile that never reached his eyes, and he led him to the back door and told him to contact Evans and Associates should he need anything else. Officer Bradley assured Max that he would do so and left the Evans household, hopefully for the last time as far as Max was concerned. “Isn’t there any end to this shit?” Max thought as he made his way back to the kitchen to help Liz.


By 7:45 all of the kids were loaded into the SUV and on their way to school. Max and Liz were both taking them this morning since they wanted to go over to Philip’s and have a talk with him before anymore questions arose regarding yesterdays incident. When they arrived at the Evans’ home Diane was elated to see them. She reached down and grabbed JP up in her arms and gave the little boy a huge hug before she even allowed Max and Liz into the house. Finally Max cleared his throat and his mom stepped aside and everyone got to come in…then Max hugged his mom before asking…

“Hi mom, is dad home?”

“Of course honey, is anything wrong?”

And that was all JP needed,

“Mom whacked Don Adams on the head with the bacon skillet yesterday and maybe he’s dead.”

Diane got this horrified look on her face and almost dropped her grandson…she gingerly sat him down on the floor before grabbing the library table in the entry hall for support. If Max Evans ever wanted to spank a child it was now but he remained outwardly calm, looked down at his four year old son and promptly told him to “shut up” and JP did. His dad had never told him to shut up before so he figured maybe he’d better listen.

Liz was still all keyed up over the events of yesterday but when she looked at her son, her mother-in-law and then her husband she’d had all she could handle and she started laughing hysterically. Hysterical laughter bounced off the hallway walls and three other people stood and looked at her in varying stages of wonderment. Then Max took her hand, held it firmly in his own, and led her to the study where he found his father... thank God. Anyone that knew Liz knew that, when things got too much for her to handle, she laughed… uncontrollably.

“Mom, Dad you need to sit down and listen for a minute and JP you need to ‘shut up’ until the grown ups have talked this out. Do you understand?”

“Yes dad.” And JP was very quiet as he scooted closer to his grandmother. For some reason he knew he’d better be quiet, that this was important. So he sat with his little feet, in the big boots, swinging back and forth from his place on the couch next to his grandmother who had her arm wrapped around his little shoulders.

And then Max began with his side of the story and finished up with his coming in to his own front door, then it was Liz’s turn. She left nothing out including their discussion with the children last night about her association with Don Adams.

“Well, that’s about it in a nutshell. Officer Bradley showed up about 6:45 this morning and Max told him if he needed anymore information he needed to contact Evans and Associates so we felt we needed to bring you up to speed. JP gave his side of the story to the officer yesterday as well as me and I guess that’s all there is. We don’t know Don’s condition and frankly, right now, I don’t care what it is but since this police officer’s visit this morning we’re a little concerned.”

“Diane, why don’t you go see if you can find some cookies for JP while I talk to Liz a minute?”

“Of course Philip, come on JP let’s raid the cookie jar.” And JP reluctantly went with his grandmother. He wanted to stay and help his mommy but his daddy didn’t think he should so he would go with grandma.

After the two left the room Philip looked at Liz and shook his head. 'Will this nightmare of a man ever end’…

"Liz, I don’t think that officer came to your house strictly for information. I don’t know what his motives were but I think we should pursue this. Max isn’t always home and we need to make sure that nothing sinister is going on here… I know a couple of judges and a few officers at the PD that I think I can quietly get information from without causing any unfounded suspicions. What do you say?”

“Philip, I have been coming to you with my problems for as long as I can remember and I am putting this entire situation in your hands. If you feel you need to dig into this further go right ahead. JP has a big skillet on the stove and big boots for kicking and he seems to be satisfied that he’s safe now so let’s make sure that we all are. Go right ahead and do what you feel is best. Oh, and don’t get JP started on the whole episode, he can really tell a story.”

“Yeah,” added Max, “I especially like the part where ‘mom whacked him with the bacon skillet’ or ‘mom killed a guy with the frying pan’…oh, how about ‘mom kicked a rug over him to hide the blood’, that part was good.” Max sat there with a twinkle in his eye…he knew this was very serious but his son was great at telling the story and his wife needed to know that she was right in what she did…

Philip looked at the two of them and asked,

“My God, just how much did he see?” And Liz answered her father-in-law honestly…

“The whole thing and it wasn’t pretty. I told him to run but he hung around to see that I was okay. Don had told him if he didn’t stand still he would hurt me.”

“Good Lord…and he’s okay with this?”

“He seems to be now that we replaced the frying pan with this humongous red iron skillet that I can’t even lift and we got him some big boots…’better for kickin’. His words not mine. Although he won’t kick anyone unless I tell him to.” Liz wasn’t quite as pleased with JP’s story telling as his dad was.

“Well, it seems like you’re dealing with this the best you can. It’s going to be alright and I’ll make sure that we find out what officer Bradley is doing investigating at 6:45 a.m. Now let’s have some milk and cookies shall we?” And they all headed to the kitchen to join grandma and JP, who was in story telling mode on a grand scale. Diane was sitting there listening and wondering just how JP was really dealing with all of this when the rest of the family entered the kitchen and proceeded to sit at the table while Philip got three more glasses from the cupboard. The milk and cookies were already on the table.

“So, you probably got the slapstick version, right?” Max asked his mom, and Diane just nodded as she picked up anther cookie, and the five of them sat around the table and had milk and cookies together, each with their own thoughts, not another word was spoken.

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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 10 8/19/15

Post by Roswelllostcause »

JP really is something else! Oh and I so don't like that cop! There is no reason for him to show up at that hour and at the back door no less!

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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 10 8/19/15

Post by begonia9508 »

Hey Ginger! Thanks for the great part and I also wonder why the police officer visited them, when already everything has been noticed and writted down?... Another accomplice from Adams? :?
Could be, no?....

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 10 8/19/15

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I love little JP, and he's worried that he might be going to jail....
I'm glad someone is looking into the officer coming back to check on things after the report is complete.
That doesn't sound right.
But JP is safe with his kicking boots and huge skillet.
Thanks Ginger,
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.: 11 8/27/15

Post by mary mary »

Roswelllostcause: Apparently you aren't the only one who doesn't like that cop. :wink:
Eve: We'll see how this "cop" situation turns far you aren't the only wondering about his actions. :?
Carolyn: :D I wonder how things would turn out if they did put little JP behind bars...a scary thought for all concerned. Jail would never be the same! :roll: :D My two oldest managed to escape out the front door with nothing but their bath towels. When my mother-in-law found out she was terrified that someone would kidnap them. I told her not to worry, they'd bring them back in no time at all. I was serious. :)
Chapter: 11

As Ed Bradley entered the hospital lobby a dark haired man in a camouflage jacket and army green pants sat with his head down and appeared to be reading a magazine. Joey Sabotini kept his eye on the police officer that he recognized from the Evans estate and watched as he entered the west wing elevator. The elevator numbers lit up above the elevator cage and stopped at the fourth floor. Joey sat and continued to watch as people came and went and then, after a little while, made his way to the hospital guide posted on the wall next to the elevator door. There was no fourth floor west wing listed for the public so Joey could only assume that this was the prison ward. He took the elevator to the cafeteria in the basement, bought himself a cup of coffee and watched. Many doctors and nurses were having breaks: Joey started to come up with a plan.


The prison ward of the hospital wasn’t as busy as the rest of the hospital but there was still a policeman stationed outside of Don Adams room. Officer Ed Bradley showed his badge to the man standing, or rather sitting, guard over the unconscious prisoner. Bradley explained that he was the arresting officer. At least he was the officer that answered the call at the Evans home and he was just there checking to see if the prisoner was able to make a statement. The guard, Pete Stokowski, informed Officer Bradley that Adams had not regained consciousness as yet but the doctors were hopeful. Bradley looked at the man and nodded…

“I guess that little doctor really hit him a good one.” He said as he put his hand on the door to push it open.

“I’m not sure just what happened to the man, but I know that he really took a beating.”
The officer replied.

Bradley looked down at him as he sat in his chair and smiled…

“Well, the woman that did this to him stands about 5’2” or so and probably doesn’t weigh 110 pounds soaking wet. She is a tiny thing, I guess Don was holding her little four year old hostage and told him he would hurt his mom if he didn’t stand still. They were in the kitchen at the time, by the back entrance to the house. The kid knows how to use sign language and his mom signed for him to kick the man and run and when the tyke did she picked up the cast iron skillet that was on the stove and bashed his head a good one. She was terrified for the little one and she held nothing back.” Bradley told the guard.

“Wow, I can only hope my wife has that kind of will power if anything like that ever happens at our house. I can’t imagine it would but you never know and that statement is not for publication.” The guard replied.

“No, I guess you can’t be too sure about anything can you? Well, I’m going to look in on him and see if the doctors can tell me anything. Be careful now.” And Bradley went into Adams’ room to have a look for himself. As the door closed behind him he whispered to the injured man…

“Hey Sarge, what in the hell happened to you? I know it’s been years but what the hell?” Ed was confused as much as surprised at finding the sarge in this place under these circumstances. He really needed some answers.

“Whatever possessed you to go and do something like this? You need to wake up out of this sleep you’re in and clear up some stuff man. I just can’t believe you would threaten a little kid like that. What in the hell were you thinking?” And Don started to stir…it was like he recognized the voice he was hearing. Bradley just stood there looking at the aging man wondering what had happened to him.

Don Adams was in another world when a voice stirred something in his unconscious state and made his mind respond to something, but only for a second and then….
Don Adams continued to dream as Detective Bradley continued to talk to him.


Philip stopped by Judge Abbott’s chambers on his way out of the court house the next day and found the pleasant old gentleman sitting at his desk reading a file. When he saw Philip he got up and came around to shake his friend’s hand and motioned him to the couch along the side of his office wall.

After the two exchanged pleasantries Philip brought the judge up to date on the incident at Max’s home a few days ago and then about the investigating officer showing up the next morning at 6:45 am.

To say that Judge Abbott was shocked at this behavior was an understatement. No officer of the law would just show up without having a pretty good reason to do so and he told Philip as much only because he knew that Philip already knew this.

“Philip, I don’t know what to say. Did he give any reason for being there? I will definitely look into this and be assured that I will be discrete. If there is something going on here we will find out what it is and deal with it.”

“Thanks John. I didn’t want to make waves at the police dept. because I know it could cause some discomfort among the troops to think that a citizen would question their motives. But if something else is going on here I would like to know and have it taken care of.” Philip knew that this warranted an investigation but if he went directly to the P D it could cause more trouble than they already had.

Judge Abbott knew Philip and had to make sure the man felt comfortable by coming to him because, if Philip wanted to make an issue of this, it could get ugly.

“Well Philip, I will definitely call you and let you know what I find out. Tell that lovely wife of yours hello for me and take care of yourself.”

“You do the same John and thanks.”

“Anytime Philip.” And the two men shook hands. Philip left the judges chambers still not feeling completely comfortable.


After Philip left Judge Abbott’s office the judge called in his bailiff and asked him to close the door.

“Dave, I have something for you to do that I need to keep as quiet as possible for the time being. I know you won’t be able to totally conceal your efforts but please be discrete.”

“Of course your honor, what’s this about?”

And then judge Abbott proceeded to tell the officer about the untimely visit of Officer Bradley to the Evans’ residence, unannounced, at 6:45 a.m., without an apparent reason for doing so…he told the Evanses he was just checking up, lame at best if you ask me.

“Good God, what the hell was he thinking? You don’t go barging into people’s homes without a reason…a warrant, an appointment if you’re just ‘checking up’. Hell yes I’ll find out what’s going on. I know his Chief so I’ll make a call…maybe we’ll be able to have some coffee or something.”

“Great Dave and report your findings back to me okay? I don’t want to cause the Evanses anymore problems than they already have. I guess the four year old saw the whole thing and is dealing with it fairly well…a whole lot better than the parents are.”

“I can imagine. Consider it done your honor; I’ll get right on it.” And so Officer White left the judge’s chambers from the side entrance and immediately took out his cell phone and called the precinct Chief.

When the Chief answered the phone Dave White announced himself and told the Chief what had entailed. The Chief was flabbergasted and told White he would get back to him as soon as possible.

Dave told the Chief that judge Abbott would be waiting to hear the findings from him so please let him know what the hell Bradley thought he was doing. The Chief assured Dave that he would be back with him as soon as he had answers, and they had to be answers he was satisfied with. Dave thanked him and the two men hung up.

The minute Dave was off the phone the Chief dialed Bradley’s extension and found out that he had just come in…which was becoming a habit for the veteran investigator. Ed answered the phone and the Chief told him he needed him in his office immediately and Ed got up and headed that way post haste, he had no idea what the hell was going on but he sure was about to find out.

When Ed walked into the Chiefs office the Chief pulled no punches….

“Bradley, what in the hell are you doing going to people’s homes unannounced without a good reason at 6:45 a.m.? You know better than that!” Bradley was shocked to find that the Chief found out about his visit… He just needed some answers, that’s all.

“Chief I’m sorry… I was on my way in and I had another stop on the way and I wanted to make sure everything was okay there.” Ed had a really strange look about him and the Chief didn’t believe a damned word the man was saying.

“Fine, don’t you ever pull a stunt like that again. Do you understand?” The Chief was livid.

“Yes sir, it won’t happen again…it was just a terrifying thing for the little one to have to go through, that’s all.”

“Okay, get back to work.” And Ed left the Chiefs office but the Chief still wasn’t pleased with his story.

After Bradley left the Chiefs office he called Dave White back and repeated Bradley’s excuse to him. Dave thanked the Chief, and then Dave said…

“Chief, do you believe him? He’s a veteran investigator and he knows better.”

“Dave, this is all we have right now…do you understand?”

“Yeah Chief, I understand. I’ll tell the judge that it was just an oversight on Bradley’s part but you know damned well he’s not going to believe it and neither is Philip Evans. I know Philip from the court room Chief and if this doesn’t go away Bradley is going to be in deep you know what.”

“Yeah, I know. I’ll keep an eye open Dave but in the meantime this is all we have.”

“Fair enough. Keep me posted because I have a feeling the judge is going to want more also.”

“You know I will Dave, let’s try to keep it to as few as possible okay?”

“Sure will Chief, take care.” And the two men hung up.

Officer Dave White went back to the judges chambers and told him what the Chief had found out. The judge just sat and looked at Dave like he had two heads and Dave nodded. “On the Q.T. Judge…the Chief isn’t happy with the explanation either and is going to look into this further but in the meantime we’re stuck with Bradley’s explanation.”

“I understand Dave. Thank you and you will keep me posted won’t you?”

“Absolutely Judge, you can count on it.”

“Thanks for the timely update.”

“You’re welcome sir and have a good afternoon.”

Dave then left the judge’s chambers through the door he had entered.

After Dave left his office John Abbott called Philip Evans and when the two men finished their conversation they were both in agreement…something wasn’t right about this situation.

“John, thank you for getting back to me so quickly but I want to be up front with you. I’m going to have my office launch an investigation into this officer’s behavior as well. I’m just not comfortable leaving it up to the PD. I trust them but there are too many things they can do to cover up their actions. I just want you to be aware though, I’ve known you for years and trust you will keep this confidential.”

“Philip, you know that I will and although I have the utmost respect for our PD and the Chief, who by the way is also conducting his own investigation but that’s not for publication, I am sure you will be able to find out more information faster due to the manpower situation in the PD. So know that I will keep your confidence and with all of us working on this we should be able to come up with something soon.”

“Thank you John and I will keep you in the loop. In the meantime I will inform my daughter-in-law and my son that it was nothing more than a friendly follow up. Take care and keep in touch.”

“Thank you Philip, I will let you know about anything that comes up on my end as well.” And the two men hung up.


On the other side of town Philip stopped by to talk to Liz and brought her up to speed on the Officer Bradley situation. They stepped into Max’s private office and spoke very low to make sure the conversation was not picked up from the kitchen.

“Liz, the story going around the police department is that Officer Bradley had stopped in to see you on his way to work and I was assured that there would be no more visits from the Philadelphia PD regarding the matter. It has all been settled and Don Adams is in custody again. Hopefully the Pennsylvania penal system isn’t as tolerant as the Connecticut penal system is. Liz, you and possibly JP, might have to testify at his trial but it was pretty cut and dried. Breaking and entering with intent to commit bodily harm, since a gun was found on Don’s person, as well as parole violation, that should be the last we here of the issue”

Philip hoped that Liz bought his story, he didn’t want her living in fear of yet another incident, but then again Liz was not a stupid person and could see through a lie quicker than most people could tell one.

Liz smiled at Philip and knew that her father-in-law was truly upset about the entire situation so she bit her tongue and smiled at her old friend and said thank you. Philip wasn’t sure if she was buying it or not but she was acting like she might be so it was the best he could do…he needed to get Jesse working on this as soon as possible.


"Age is just a state of mind"...I think that's mine? I could be wrong! I'm old, so sue me.
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