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Saving the World (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 55 Complete 8/15

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:39 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Title Saving the World
Author Helen
Disclaimer Don’t own never have and never will.
Category AU with aliens M/L
Rating Adult
Summary Someone travels back in time from 2017 to try and set right what once when wrong. Things may not all be as we know them.
Note this is Post “Max in the City” But will talk of things though the end of season 3
Note 2 While everything did happen as it did in the show up to "Max in the City" there are some major changes after that. Including that not everyone is who we think they are!

Note I posted a version a very long time ago! I never finished it, but I have decided to go back edit and finish it.

Prolog 2017

She ran into the hidden cave with two other women on her heels. They could hear someone trying to get into the hidden chamber. They had to do this. They had to try it. If they didn’t then the world would end she looked back at her two friends. The only two of her friends that were still alive. Not that they looked all that great. They were fighting a war that they were losing badly.

“If we are going to do this it has to be now Liz.”
“Serena why me?” asked Liz breathing hard.
“Liz, if Maria or I could go we would. But you are the one that Max will listen too. You got to get him to make your younger self tell him the truth about what happened with Future Max. Alex died because of Tess. You have to do this. You have to try. Or everyone that you love will be dead.”
“Serena I’m scared.”
“Elizabeth Anne Parker Evans! You have a chance to save the world. To save Kyle, Valenti, My mom, your parents. Max, Michael, Isabel, Jesse and Alex. But there is a chance that if this works than Isabel will never marry Jesse. He will never become part of this.” said Maria with tears in her eyes.
“Ok give me the stupid crystal Serena.”
“Remember Liz I am around when you get there. You know where to find me. Talk to Max first. Then find me and the three of us can come up with a way to stop Tess before she kills Alex.” said Serena

Liz took the crystal and placed it in the granalith. Then placed her hand on it and was sucked in a moment later there was a bright light and she was gone. Serena turned to Maria both knowing what they had to do.

“Ready to go down fighting?” asked Serena
“Like I will let this asshole take me any other way.”
“Good because I think we have about ten seconds before they find us.”

Just then a man with dirty blond hair and ice cold blue eyes blasted into the chamber with a boy who looked no more than thirteen at his side.

“Where is she?” asked the man.
“Go to hell Kivar.” said Serena
“Serena tell me where that stupid human when and I may spare your life.” said Kivar
“I’ll, tell you where Liz is the day pigs grow wings and start to fly. Wait that is never going to happen seeing that you have almost destroyed all of Earth.”
“I never did like that about you. You can tell me without any sarcasm or I’ll have Nicholas find out from blondie.”
“Kivar you will never find Liz. Maria doesn’t know where I sent Liz. I’m the only one that knows and Nicky can’t do a mind rape on me. You know that.” said Serena
“You want me to believe that a girl that was standing not five feet from you when you activated the granalith doesn’t know where you sent her friend?”
“Well I think when is a better word for what I did. Liz is in Roswell. Just not this Roswell.”
“Damn it bitch! Tell me what year you sent her back to.”
“Over my dead body.” said Serena looking right in Kivar’s cold eyes.

That was when Maria when after Nicholas. But he was faster and sent a blast at her killing her.

“The last of your little friends is dead Serena. It’s over. Tell me what I want to know.” said Kivar
“I will never betray my King.”
“Serena I’m your King. Zan is dead.”
“You will never be my King.”
“Serena, my dear then it’s time to die. I have the granalith now. I have experts that can help to find that girl and stop her.”
“But it will take you forever to finger out how to use it for time travel. It took Max, Liz and me over three years to crack the code to do it.”
“Say good bye Serena. It was nice knowing you.”

Kivar grabbed Serena and sent a powerful blast through her body. Her last thought of was hoping that Liz would be able to save all of them. In the matter of seconds there was nothing left of Serena’s body but a pile of dust.

Part 1 2000

Max Evans was in his room doing his homework when he heard a crash of thunder and saw a flash of lighting.


He turned and saw someone who looked like Liz Parker standing by his window.

“Who are you?”
“Max there isn’t a lot of time to explain. But I am Liz and I’m from the future.”
“Time travel isn’t possible.”
“Max Evans if alien human hybrids are real why not time travel? God if this isn’t possible than explain to me how I know that you saw something that your eyes tell you was for real but your heart tells you it’s a lie. That I would never sleep with Kyle Valenti. I can’t tell you too much but I will tell you believe your heart. Your heart won’t lie to you.”
“If you are telling me the truth than why are you here?”
“Well in about seventeen years the world ends. How is that for you?”
“Uh the Liz I know doesn’t use all the sarcasm.”
“Well people change in seventeen years.”
“So uh what is it that you want me to do?”
“Well here’s the deal. Tess is evil.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well in my timeline she kills Alex and takes off for the home world with your kid. Then comes back crashes in the desert. By the way what is up with that? Your people couldn’t learn to land on Earth without crashing in like fifty plus years? Sorry back to what I need to tell you. When she crashed she brought the Special Unit back with her. You, me, Isabel and Michael nearly had our brains blown out at our high school graduation because of it. Then all of us a long with Kyle and Maria hit the road in a van trying to stay one step a head of the Special Unit.”
“How did we escape?”
“Oh yeah forgot to tell you. I got powers. Not only did you heal me when I got shot you made me a crystal ball as Michael liked to call me.”
“What do you mean liked?”
“Like I said the world was ending when I left. Maria, Serena and I were the only ones left.”
“Whose Serena?”
“Right we haven’t met her yet. A friend. Trust me a very good friend.” And my sister it turns out but that is need to know right now.
“Ok what do you need me to do?”
“Well you got to get off your ass and start to grill me on Future Max.”
“Who is that?”
“Go to my younger self and tell her you know that she got a visit from the future and get her to spill. Trust me I was ready to crack when you got back from New York all you had to do was keep asking me. But you promised you wouldn’t so you didn’t. You did find out that I never slept with Kyle but not why I wanted you to believe that for more than a year.”
“You going to come with me?”
“Can’t. If I come in contact with myself in another time line we risk me not existing any more. Well that is what both Future Max and Serena tell me anyway. I don’t know about you but I don’t care to find that one out.”
“Good point. So what are you going to do?”
“Get Serena. She is in town right now and I know where to find her.”
“Wish me luck. I’m going to need it.”
“No you won’t tell me that Future her is here and that should get me to spill.”
“You change a lot.”
“Yeah well losing everyone you love kinda does that to you.”
“Good luck with Serena.”

Max grabbed his jacket and headed for the Crashdown. Future Liz then headed for the Tumbleweed Inn. Serena had told her that she had just arrived in town the day before so that is where she would be.

You better believe me Rena. I can’t do this alone.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pts Prolog&1 6/22

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:56 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great New Story!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad Kivar and Nicholas don't know where Liz was sent. And I'm glad Serena and Maria tried to fight back against Kivar and Nicholas. I hope Max will get he truth from Liz. And I hope Liz will tell Max the truth finally. I hope future Liz will get Serena to believe her.

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pts Prolog&1 6/22

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:55 am
by begonia9508
Wow! :shock: loved the start... EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pts 2&3 6/23

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:24 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 We will see what happens when Max goes to see Liz.

Eve Thanks!

Part 2

Future Liz knocked on room 217 of the Tumbleweed Inn. After a minute the door opened and a girl with shoulder length strawberry blond hair opened the door.

“Who are you?”
“I’m Liz and I’m from the future Serena.” said Future Liz pushing her way into the room.
“Serena not a lot of time to explain. In short in seventeen years the world ends and everyone dies.”
“I mean you, Maria and me were the only ones a live when I left. But some how I think that you and Maria didn’t last long after I left.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Just a feeling.”
“So why are you here?”
“I need your help.”
“Uh if you want me to get you back to your time than I can’t help you.”
“No that is the last thing I need. Serena what I need you to do is help stop Tess. She is going to kill Alex in a couple of months give or take a week or two. Then get pregnant with Max’s kid and go back to Kivar.”
“That would be bad.”
“No kidding. I lived it.”
“Were do I fit in?”
“How about getting your ass out of the shadows and help younger me to develop my powers? You know that I have them.”
“Yeah. But it’s not only because Max healed you.”
“I kinda knew that. But seventeen year old me doesn’t.”
“What do I say?”
“How about hey Liz I’m Serena. I’m here to help you?”
“Like that would work.”
“Gee and Max wonders where I got the sarcasm from.”
“Wait a minute you saw Max?”
“Because someone has to talk to younger me while I talk to you.”
“Yeah sure."
“By the way young me and me can’t ever be together.”
“That is only a theory.”
“Well it’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”
“So you are from seventeen years in the future?”
“So do you know who I am?”
“You mean that you’re my sister? Yeah. Well younger me didn’t find out for five more years.”
“How did you take it?”
“Not well at first. Come on I felt like my whole life was a lie.”
“So you think younger you will take it any better?”
“Don’t know. Depends on how well it goes with Max and Liz talking about Future Max.”
“Wait a second. Who the hell is Future Max?”
“The man that made my life a living hell. Look Serena this isn’t a good time for this. I need you to do what I asked. You can play that get to know you game with my younger self later.”
“Ok so I got to keep Tess away from Alex.”
“To late. You got to get to Las Cruces and try and repair the damage being done by the mind warp.”
“How do I do that?”
“Hey you’re the half alien genius not me! I know I’m smart but not as smart as you.”
“How long does Alex have?”
“Well we haven’t dealt with the blue crystals yet so he is due back in town in two weeks. So a month or two tops.”
“Blue crystals? You mean the gandarium?”
“Great have to deal with that too.”
“Not important right this minute.”
“You know what will happen if it infects the human population.”
“Yes. But as long as we keep Laurie Dupree out of Roswell it should be fine for a while anyway.”
“Who is Laurie Dupree?”
“One of the few people on Earth that if infected will cause the virus to become active.”
“You deal with Alex and make sure that his brain isn’t too badly damaged by Tess’s mind warp.”
“Fine but I don’t like this.”
“Well too bad. I am trying to save two planets right now.”
“So how do you think I should handle the Alex thing?”
“How in the hell should I know? Look Serena it wasn’t until after Alex died that I found out that he wasn’t really in Sweden. I’m going to crash here tonight.”

Future Liz grabbed a pillow and blanket and laid on the floor and when to sleep.

Part 3

Max stood at the bottom of the ladder leading up to Liz’s balcony. He took a deep breath before climbing up. When he reached the top he saw Liz in her bedroom working on her homework. He knocked on the window and she opened it.

“Liz we need to talk.”
“What’s wrong Max?”
“Can I come in?”

Max climbed into the window and started to pace.

“Max what is wrong.”
“Liz I know about Future Max.”
“I’m going to kill Maria.”
“Maria didn’t tell me.”
“Then how do you know about that?”
“You told me. Well Future you told me a little while ago.”
“She told me that the world is going to end in seventeen years.”
“Oh god. Not this again!"
“Liz tell me about what Future Max told you.”
“Ok you might want to sit down. By the way you are going to tell me everything that Future me told you.”

Max sat down on the bed and Liz started to tell him about his future self.

“Well he told me that he came from fourteen years in the future. That the world was ending because you and I were together and Tess couldn’t deal with that so she left. That is why I was trying to set you up with her and told you that I didn’t want to die for you, and pretended to sleep with Kyle.”
“Well future you said that if we don’t change things that Alex is going to die and Tess is going to betray us and get pregnant with my son and go back to Kivar.”
“This is great. No matter what the world is going to end.”
“Liz we will fix this. I don’t know how but we will fix it.”
“Wonderful. Did Future me say anything else?”
“Yes. That someone named Serena is around.”
“Mean something to you?”
“Yeah. Uh well Future you said that she would become a friend of mine one day. But I had the feeling he was keeping something about her from me."
“He say anything else?”
“Only that we eloped to Vegas when we were nineteen. Got married in the Elvis Chapel.”
“That is too young.”
“No kidding.”
“Max I’m sorry for lying to you.”
“I understand why you did it.”
“So you forgive me?”
“Only if you agree to get back together with me.”
“What about Tess?”
“We have to find out what her plan is and stop her before she goes through with it.”
“But if what future me said is true then Tess is already working on her plan.”
“I know. So what do you plan to do?”
“Liz you and I will have to make sure Tess doesn't know that we are back together just yet. I think future Liz has her own plans for Tess to be honest with you. She knows if she tells me that I will try and stop her.”
“Let her do whatever she wants to Tess I don't care. If what she said is true then she is going to kill my best friend."
“But you said that because she left we weren't strong enough to stop Kivar.”
“True but I don't think in that timeline we knew about the dupes. Max, Ava can take Tess's place in the four square. I know she is different than Tess. We can trust her.”
“How do we find her?”
“I don’t know. But I think that we should deal with that bitch Tess first. Then we can find Ava.”
“Ok. Liz I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Night Max. I love you.”
“Love you too.”

Max leaned down and gave Liz a passionate kiss. Before leaving and heading home.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pts 2&3 6/23

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:55 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow Liz is a little stressed. I can't believe Liz going to have Serena try and save Alex. I hope Alex can save Alex. I'm glad that Liz finally told Max the truth. I'm glad Max, Liz and Serena are going to help future Liz. Hopefully Max and Liz can keep their dating a secret. And hopefully Max, Liz and Serena will be able to stop Tess.

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pts 2&3 6/23

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:11 pm
by saori_1902
catch up!!! great start! :D

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pts 2&3 6/23

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:31 am
by begonia9508
Nice to have the show in story again... and especially another version with Serena already on it!

Waiting to know and impatiently!!! what they are going to do! EVE :lol:

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 4 6/24

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:05 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Liz is stressed! We will see if Sererna is able to save Alex.

saori_1902 Thanks!

Eve I actually started this about 12 or so years ago, my take on how to right some of the wrongs on the show! So just know if it happened on the show after "Max in the City" it won't happen here! So no worries about the little trampy blond having Max's baby. If there is a baby it will be Liz as the baby mama!

Part 4

Serena woke the next morning to find Future Liz asleep on the floor of the motel room. She got up and climbed over her and when into the bathroom when she came out she found Future Liz awake and sitting up.

“Serena take younger me when you go for Alex. That way there is less of a chance she and I will run into each other while I’m here.”
“What are you going to do?’
“Something I should have done a long time ago.”
“This is crazy! You are talking about killing someone in cold blood!”
“Yeah well war changes people. I am not that sweet innocent girl you have been watching Serena. I changed a lot in the last seventeen years. I changed into a person that I don’t like.”
“What about the four square?”
“Talk to my younger self she all ready thought of that if I know her. Ava is the key. Find her and everything will be fine.”
“Ava where the hell is she?”
“All I can tell you is that she isn’t in New York. I don’t know where she is right now. We had one run in with her while on the road. That was two years after we left in Kansas of all places. She may or may not be there now. It was some small town. I can’t remember the name.”
“I can find her if I have a starting point.”
“Good I should hook up with Max and see if he and Liz talked yet.”
“Good luck.”
“Hey you’re going to need more luck then me.”
“Right. I have to deal with younger you.”
“Hey I was nice when I was a teenager.”
“To have a dark side that you do now. You had to have had one as a teenager. That is the only way that you could even think about murder.”
“Everyone has a dark side Serena. I just spent the past two years trying to save Earth. I lost everyone I love. Everyone I care about. I have nothing left. I came back here to try and save the world. Maybe if I hadn’t kept things from Max as long as I did things would have turned out different. Serena if I don’t see you again thanks for helping me.”

Serena watched as Future Liz left. Then grabbed her bag and headed for the Crashdown. When she got there she saw a teenage Liz Parker sitting at table writing. Serena walked in and sat down across from her.

“Who are you?”
“Hi Liz. I’m Serena.”
“Yep. I was sent here to get you and take you to Las Cruces so we can save Alex. Tess is mind warping him to translate the destiny book.”
“What am I going to tell my parents?”
“Make something up. Liz you lie to them all the time. All I know is that if we don’t save Alex the world is going to end.”
“Ok give me some time to pack a bag. I’ll tell them that there is a weekend workshop in Las Cruces. That should work.”
“Ok I want to leave as soon as possible.”
“Ok. Serena we will save Alex.” w
"Hope so. Or Future you will be really pissed, and something tells me she is very dangerous pissed off."

Liz when up to her room and started to pack a bag. Her mom walked in while she was packing.

“Liz are you going some where?”
“Mom. Uh well I forgot to tell you that there is this biology workshop in Las Cruces that I was going to go to with a girl from school.”
“How long is it?”
“I will be back by Sunday afternoon.”
“I wish that you had said something sooner.”
“I’m sorry. I can still go right?”
“Yes. Have fun.”
“Thanks mom. Love you.”
“Love you too.”

Liz gave her mom a hug and kiss. Then Liz finished packing and when back down to meet Serena.

“Let’s go.”

Liz followed Serena out to a black Ford Mustang. They tossed Liz’s bag into the trunk and then climbed into the car and started on the drive to Las Cruces. Serena looked over at Liz an hour into the drive.

“You ok?”
“Sure why not?”
“Liz don’t worry about Alex. I know how to brake the mind warp.”
“Why is Tess doing this?”
“I don’t know. Liz this isn’t going to be easy. But between you and me we should be able to help him.”
“Serena what do you know about mind warps?”
“I know that repeated mind warps can kill someone.”
“So Alex could die?”
“Liz I don't want you to worry we will save Alex even if it kills me.”
“Serena I’m going to try and get some sleep. Wake me when we get there.”
“Sure Liz.”

Liz closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep. A couple of hours later Serena turned onto the campus of the University of New Mexico.

“Liz wake up.”
“Were here?”
“Yep where do we start?”
“Uh well he would have to use some type of computer to translate the book.”
“So we find the building with the computers.”
“Yeah we just should ask someone where to find it.”
“Whatever Liz.”

Liz and Serena got out of the car and walked up to one of the students.

“Hey I was wondering if you can tell me how to get to the computer science building? I’m meeting a friend there.” said Liz
“Sure. Follow this path third building on the left.”
“You friends with Ray?”
“Ray? Yeah.”
“Man he sure knows how to pick his friends.” said the guy walking off.
“Liz how did you know he was asking about Alex?”
“Just a feeling. Besides it sounds like this Ray spends a lot of time with a computer.”

Liz and Serena walked to the computer science building and when to find Alex. They walked the halls until they came to a room with a super computer and there sat Alex typing on the keyboard. Liz looked at Serena and they when in together. They didn't see anyone else in there with him so Liz watched the door while Serena when up to Alex.

“Uh my name is Ray.”
“Yeah right and I am the Queen of England. Alex, you know that there is something wrong with you. I can help you if you let me. Please let me help you.”
“You’re an alien aren't you?”
“Well I like the term not of this earth but yes.”
“I don't trust aliens.”
“Do you trust Liz?”
“Liz asked me to help you. So will you trust her judgement?”
“How much do you have translated?”
“Almost all of it.”
“Wow. Ok here's the deal the three of us are going to go back to your room and I will get Tess out of your head and then we will finish the translation and go back to Roswell.”
“Ok. Who are you?”
“My name is Serena.”
“Alexander Charles Whitman.”
“Let Liz and me know when you are ready to go.”

Ten minutes later Serena and Liz followed Alex back to his dorm room and locked the door.

“Lay down on the bed.” said Serena

Alex did as he was told and Serena placed her hands on his head. Liz saw a glow from them for a few minutes then they stopped. Alex sat up and gave Liz one of his goofy smiles. Then pulled her into a hug.

“How’s it going Liz?”
“Better now that I know your ok."
“So how do we stop Tess from mindworping us?” asked Alex
“You wear these rings.” said Serena pulling out two rings with green stones in them.
“How do they work?” asked Liz
“Well the stone in the ring is very rare on Antar it blocks any power that can cause harm to the mind. I don't know all the details but I know they work. You don't have to where it on your hand put on a chain around your neck if you want. I don't care. But they are the only thing that will keep Tess from giving you an IQ of a squirrel.”
“If she doesn't turn you into bug food first.” said Liz
“Liz don't you want to know what I found out in that book so far?” asked Alex
“What did you find out?” asked Liz
“That the destiny that we know and hate is a bunch of bullshit.” said Alex
“What do you mean?” asked Liz
“Liz I think it will be easier if you just read it for yourself. It should be ready before we have to head back to Roswell on Sunday.” said Alex
“So what do we do until then?” asked Serena
“I’ll finish working with the computer you two can do whatever you want.” said Alex
“Alex are you sure that you are ok” asked Liz
“I’m fine. But you on the other hand need to work things out with Max. Because if the part that I was having trouble with is saying what I think it is, than you and Max are meant to be together.”

Liz looked at Alex not sure what to say about that. She still wasn't sure what her future self was there for besides saving Alex. Seeing as he was safe now she didn't know if she would disappear or not. Or maybe there was something else that would have to be changed. All Liz knew was that she wasn't going to give Max up to Tess without a fight.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 4 6/24

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:18 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad that Serena and Liz saved Alex. I wonder what Alex is having trouble with about the destiny book. So future Liz is going to see Max then see Tess. I say Kill Tess. So what is Liz and Serena going to do while Alex is decoding the destiny book?

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 4 6/24

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:51 pm
by begonia9508
I also thought that what all the things Tess told the aliens were crap... and the fact that the aliens believed her, even more!!!! Let see what Tess will do...

More gullible you die! :lol: EVE :wink: