Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 70&Epilogue 3/7/17 Complete

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Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 70&Epilogue 3/7/17 Complete

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Title Catching A Star
Author Roswelllostcause
Disclaimer Roswell is owned by a lot of people. I am not now or have ever been one of them. I am only borrowing the characters. They will be returned when I am done.
Category M/L AU without Aliens
Rating Adult
Summary Liz Parker is a raising star in television. But when she blows up on the set of the show she risks throwing everything away. But she then meets someone who helps her remember who she really is.

A/N Some of you may have read this over at Roswell Haven.

Part 1

Elizabeth Parker sat in the make up chair looking over her script as one of the make up people worked on getting her ready for the scene they were getting ready to film. This was nothing new to her. She had been acting since she was seven years old. It wasn't until she won the role of Julia Ross on "Stone Crossing" last year, before that it was mostly only small parts and commercials. Most of the cast were mostly unknown before it aired. She was only twenty and considered to be an up and comer in Hollywood. She glaced up from her script and smiled at her friend and co star Serena Turner.

"Hey Liz."
"Hey Rena. So you ready for that fight we have to do today?"
"Yeah. Just be careful. You remember what happened the last time we had a fight in front of the lockers."
"Yeah. I didn't mean to hurt you like that."
"I know."
"Rena, I sent you to the hospital!"
"Yeah but I was fine."
"I'm glad."
"You know in the season finale the writers are planing on Julia and Rob having sex."
"Yeah well as long as it is only implied that it happened I am fine with it. I will not film that kind of scene. They know that."
"Liz, you haven't liked the fact that they made Julia and Rob a couple have you?"
"Zan Banister is an asshole. He is just so stuck up and thinks he is the hottest thing on earth. Besides kissing him is like kissing an ashtray. You know he smokes."
"Yeah, but you know all those teenage girls have a thing for him."
"Yeah. I'll see you in a little bit on set."

Liz headed back to her dressing room to finish getting ready for the scene. She was nearly there when someone grabbed her. She looked into the hazel eyes of Zan Banister. He was about a foot taller then her with black hair that he wore a little long. He leaned in close and Liz could smell both cigarettes and alcohol on his breath.

"Parker, they just delivered the script for the season finale. Can't wait to film our love scene. I have been waiting to see you without a shirt." Said Zan with a smirk.
"There is no way in hell that will ever happen!"
"Just saying what I read."

Liz pushed past him to get to her dressing room. She saw the script but didn't have time to look over it. She had to get on set. If she did and found out Zan was right then she might lose her temper and could hurt Serena.


An hour later Liz walked into producer Jason Henderson's office. She threw down the script and a copy of her contract with part of it highlighted.

"What is wrong Liz?" Asked Jason
"Well how about the fact that you have me nearly naked on camera for the season finale?"
"Liz, the way it will be filmed no one will see anything."
"But there is a little problem. I have it in my contract that I will not do any sex scenes and I will not do any scenes naked!"
"Liz, you are twenty years old. There is no shame in doing these kind of scenes."
"Jason, read the part of my contract I have highlighted."

Jason picked up the contract and read the highlighted part. He then let out a sigh. They had to do a rewrite of the scene. He put it down and looked at Liz.

"It will be rewritten. I am sorry. I forgot about that clause in your contract. But I have to say Zan will not be happy."
"Jason I don't give a shit if that ass is happy. I am not happy that I have been paired with him on camera. Do you have any idea how gross I find it to kiss him? You do know he is a heavy smoker don't you?"
"I am aware of his smoking."
"Good. Jason, I want you to know I am not trying to be a bitch about this. But I just can't do that kind of scene."
"It's OK."

Liz turned and left the office with both the script and her contract.

Last edited by Roswelllostcause on Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:21 am, edited 69 times in total.
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 1 12/29/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Love this Liz.......she stands her ground. Keep it up girl!
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 1 12/29/16

Post by clueless »

Great start, please post more soon!
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 1 12/29/16

Post by dreamon »

It's wonderful to see a new fic on here! And it's awesome and I can't wait to read more. Also, so do you have a link to this over on Roswell heaven because if you have more parts posted over there I would love to read them.
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 1 12/29/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn This Liz will always stand by her choices.

cluless Thank You!

dreamon I will try and pm you the link.

Part 2

Max Evans headed into his Malibu California apartment building. He was twenty two and in his first year of law school at USC. He was also the son of one of the best entertainment lawyers in all of California. He had a cousin on a hit TV show. He hated his cousin Zan. Zan was an asshole who thought it was his right to fuck any girl he wanted. Max was also a little jealous of Zan. Zan got to kiss the most beautiful girl Max had ever seen. He fell for her when he was eight and saw her in a commercial for pizza. Elizabeth Parker was also seen as one of the few golden children of Hollywood. She was almost never in the tabloids. The only time that TMZ had ever gotten anything on her was when she had made a big donation to a women's shelter. He took the stairs up to his third floor apartment. He had moved in a month ago and he had not met his neighbor across the hall yet. All he knew was that it was a young woman and that she worked long hours at her job. But today seemed to be his lucky day. She was outside her apartment trying to open it and juggling two bags of groceries. He went up to her and grabbed them before they fell.

"Let me help you." Said Max
"Thank you." She said turning to face him.

Max got the shock of his life. Standing in front of him was Elizabeth Parker one of the stars of "Stone Crossing". She unlocked the door and opened it.

"Would you mind putting those in the kitchen?"
"Uh no. I'm Max Evans. I live across the hall."
"Nice to meet you. I can tell by the look on your face you know my name. But just call me Liz OK? I hate being called Elizabeth."
"Uh Max, you wouldn't happen be related to Zan Banister would you? Because you look a lot like him."
"He is my cousin. Please don't hold that against me."

Liz let out a laugh.

"Don't worry. I can tell that you are nothing like him. He wouldn't have helped me with my bags unless he got something for it."
"So you don't like working with him?"

Liz rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Let me put it this way, I am in no way or form gay, but Serena, who is also very straight has a better chance of getting in my pants then your ass of a cousin. Who by the way has been trying since the day we met."

Max had to laugh. Zan was use to women throwing themselves at him.

"Sorry, but that has to be a blow to Zan's ego that you won't give him the time of day."
"It was! I mean if it wasn't written in the show I wouldn't even let him put his hands on me."
"Liz, I have to say you are being very open with me. I mean we just met."

Liz looked at Max and knew he was right. They had just met, yet she felt like she had known him forever.

"I am not normally like this. But for some reason I am comfortable with you."
"That's cool."
"Max do you have any plans for dinner?"
"No. I was just going to throw some left over pizza in the microwave."
"How does grilled garlic and herb shrimp with a baby spinach salad with lemon vinaigrette dressing sound?"
"Great. So why don't you take a seat at the breakfast bar and tell me about yourself while I cook."
"So what do you want to know?"
"Everything you want to tell me."
"Well I am twenty two and just started law school at USC. My dad is an entertainment lawyer. My mom spent most of her time as a stay at home mom raising my sister and me. My sister Isabel is a year older. Well you know about my cousin Zan."
"What kind of law are you going into?"
"Entertainment like my dad."
"So you would know about contracts?"
"Yeah. Liz do you have a problem with your contract?"
"No. There almost had a breach in it. But I always keep a fully signed copy on hand just in case."
"Very smart thing to do."
"Liz, how do you manage to stay out of the tabloids?"
"Oh easy. I don't go out and party like a lot of stars my age. Neither Serena or I are into that stuff."
"Will you answer one question for me?"
"Sure what do you want to know?"
"Do you and Serena get along or fight like Julia and Stacey?"
"Serena is my closest friend on set. We get along really well."
"So do you like the fights?"
"They are fun sometimes. The pie fight that was in this weeks episode was really fun."
"I'm sure you really enjoyed nailing Zan."
"That was not in the script. He was pissed!"
"I bet."

Liz served dinner and they spent the rest of the evening talking.

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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 2 12/30/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

the neighbors are forming a bond!
L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 2 12/30/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Love the new story. So glad that Max and Liz are neighbors and are getting to know each other. Can't wait to find out what will happen between Max and Liz next.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 2 12/30/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn The neighbors are forming a bond and it might lead to a lot more!

L-J-L 76 Max and Liz are getting to know each other.

Part 3

It was early Monday morning when Liz pulled into her parking spot at the studio. She grabbed her extra large non fat double mocha latte and headed for her dressing room.

"What the fuck Parker! They took out our sex scene! I know you have something to do with this!" Yelled Zan heading up to her.
"You're damn right I did!"
"Why the fuck would you do that?"
"I have a clause in my contract that I don't do those kind of scenes."
"Why is it cause your first big roll was for fucking Disney?"
"No. I just don't want to do those scenes."

*Besides I think I should make love in real life before I do on camera.* Liz thought

"What is your fucking problem Parker? You to much of a goody goody to do that?"
"Look Zan, face the fact that I don't like you. Oh and the fact that you smoke so much I want to throw up every time we have to fucking kiss on camera! The mints just make it taste like a minty ashtray!"
"You are nothing but a stuck up bitch that needs a fucking lay! Bet you are the last twenty year old virgin in this town!"
"Hey what is going on?" Said Jason coming in.
"Only Zan being an asshole!" Said Liz
"What the fuck is it taking out my sex scene?" Asked Zan
"It would be a breach of Liz's contract if I kept it in." Said Jason
"This is bull shit!" Said Zan
"I never said that it can't be implied that Julia and Rob are having sex. I just won't partake in that kind of scene." Said Liz
"No one else has a problem with them but you!" Said Zan
"Zan, you are still pissed at me because I refused to have sex with you! You think you are this hot shot star, but the truth is you aren't! If your bimbo fans knew what you really were like they would drop you like last nights trash!" Said Liz
"You know something Parker? I don't give a shit what you think of me. I will be the one from this show that makes it big time!" Said Zan

Liz glared at Zan then took her coffee and dumped it on him.

"Jason, I don't care what has to happen. I can not keep working closely with him." Said Liz storming off.


Kip Peters smiled as he watched the video playback on his mini video camera. It seemed that Hollywood sweet heart Elizabeth Parker was not happy about her pairing with co star Zan Banister. He was glad he got the whole thing on tape. No one would believe him other wise. This would have to be one of the lead stories tonight on TMZ! No one had ever gotten any dirt on the seemingly perfect Elizabeth Parker before.


Max was getting ready to leave Starbucks after meeting with his study group when TMZ came on. He normally ignored the trashy gossip show but the image of Liz throwing her coffee on his cousin caught his eye. He sat back down as the show opened with the story.

"Welcome to TMZ tonight it seems that things aren't as perfect behind the scenes of the hit "Stone Crossing" as they appear on camera. Star Elizabeth Parker known to fans as "Julia Ross" had a major blow up this morning with co star Zan Banister who plays her on screen love interest "Rob Carter." TMZ's Kip Peters caught the whole thing on tape. While he couldn't hear everything it seems that Banister was upset over a rewrite of the script for the final episode of the season and blames Parker for it. Things got heated between the two of them ending with Parker throwing her coffee on Banister and telling Executive producer and creater Jason Henderson that she will no longer work closely with Banister. We will keep you updated as we learn more on the story."
"I don't blame her for getting mad. Banister is an asshole." Said a female voice

Max turned to see a short blond with pink streaks in her hair and blue eyes. He could also see she was pregnant.

"Yeah, I know better then most. He is my cousin." Said Max
"Thought that you looked kinda like him. Ava Stevens, in case you are wondering your cousin is the father. Though he ain't going to give me shit."
"You can prove that he is the father?"
"Well until six months ago when I went to a party he was at I was a virgin. I remember talking to him the next thing I remember is being in bed with him and he has his dick inside me."
"Should have gone to the police."
"I was drunk. I don't remember if I agreed to have sex or not."
"Ava, if you were drunk then you were in no shape to give consent."
"You a cop or something?"
"First year law student. DNA will prove that Zan is the father even if you won't press charges you can go after him for child support. I will give you my number and if you want to do that then I will help you find a good lawyer."
"Why help me?"
"I was taught a man is responsible for his actions. By the I'm Max Evans."
"Nice to meet ya. And thanks."
"No problem."

Max wrote down his number and headed home and hoped he could talk to Liz.

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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 12/31/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Max is a caring and helpful person......
just the opposite of his cousin Zan.
I feel sorry for actors that have to work with the characters that have such inflated egos.
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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 12/31/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Love how Max is so caring and a helpful person. So glad Max is going to help Ava if he can. Loved what Liz did to Zan. Zan is a major asshole in this story.

L-J-L 76
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