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Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:55 pm
by Dream Weaver
Hey guys!

Since this is my first fic I forgot about Bio's! Can you make bios for your characters and get pics......Thanks Dreamer-laure for the Max bio and the idea! Can't wait to start!

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:54 pm
by OnDragonflyWings
Can I take Isabel? And I'll temp Micahel if you need. :)


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:17 pm
by Dream Weaver
Isabel is yours! You can temp Michael also if you like! I am so excited! Just send me a bio and pic for Isabel......... :D

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 5:04 pm
by Dream Weaver
Ok Guys.......I think we are ready. We have a temp for Michael so I will put the start posts up tomorrow and we'll be ready to go! :D

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 7:46 pm
by DreamerLaure
Yay! I'm so excited :D

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:06 pm
by Dream Weaver
Just posted our banner! I will have posts up this evening! :D

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:25 pm
by killjoy
Ok I've been reading through this and I have to say this has the making of being one great story...uhhh role playing....oh hell whatever! :roll: :P

I loved the bio's,the idea for the story and all of it.This has great potential to be very good.

Of course I loved the Kyle/Tess ideas :D

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:32 pm
by RosDude
Hey I dont role play or anything but I just wanted to stop by and say that that is an AWESOME banner!!


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:06 pm
by Dream Weaver
OCC: Ok guys….here’s the starting point. Liz has met with the Evans’ and heads home where Maria and Tess are. Liz, Tess and Maria need to go to the club where Max and Michael will be working. Kyle will just be hanging out. Have fun! Isabel, worried about her brother, will come to visit Max at the club and Alex will be convinced by his sister to come out and meet her and her roomies.

Elizabeth Parker

I, Elizabeth Parker am not your normal 28 year old. I have dedicated myself to help society in the most unique way. I am a sort of self help psychologist specializing in none other that what I call the “Failure to Launch” syndrome.

Sure, I know what you are thinking but there truly is such a thing that has begin to surface in our society. I have made it my mission to help the thirty-something generation of the male species with the fundamentals I feel they need to gain enough confidence in themselves to be independent and live on their own. I have developed a full proof Ten-step program that so far has successfully “launched” twelve now reformed bachelors.

I know my friends think that this new venture in my life is due to the bad luck I have had in past relationships, but I only believe it makes me better at my job. Yes, I know it leaves no real time for me to have a relationship of my own, but I am in a place in my life where that is not the most important thing to me, no matter what my two roommates have to say. It is fulfilling and rewarding for me to help those in need.

I actually am on my way home to begin my most recent venture. I met with a wonderful couple, Diane and Phillip Evans. I have actually known of Diane for a few years because my mom and Diane work together. They are concerned that their thirty year old son Max will never grow up and be independent. He exhibits the very characteristics that I feel prevent him from setting out on his own. After meeting with them and discussing the situation in great detail, I feel I am the perfect person to help them.

I open the door to our quaint condo. I can smell the herbal tea that Maria is making in the kitchen. I am ecstatic at the idea of my new client and I can’t wait to get started. The Evans’s have given me Max’s place of employment, The Attic, which is a typical bar and night club. It’s time for me to go to work on step one, initiate contact.

Now all I need to do is convince my roomies they need to come with me. I know it will do my friends some good as well to get out and enjoy life. I place my coat on the back of the recliner as I enter the kitchen. “Maria….Tess…I’m home.” I say as I make myself a glass of tea. This is going to be one of my best adventures, I can feel it!

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:31 pm
by DreamerLaure
Max Evans

I'm Max Evans, I'm 30 years old, and I've taken the road less travelled. It's been eventful, fun, and most of all, it's been memorable. In twenty more years I can look back, and though I won't remember every night, or every face, I think I'll remember every sensation. All the times I've smiled, and laughed are going to stay with me, and what is life if it's not being enjoyed?

I'm part of this band with my pals Michael and Kyle, and really it's become like a second skin. Man, we just finished writing this awesome new song, called "One Time She." While we were making the music happen, I felt incredible. This is the life; I've got everything I need in my life right now. My two best friends Michael and Kyle are really getting into laying down the track over on the other side of the room, and I'm sitting on the couch strumming the guitar lightly. I didn't exactly imagine I'd end up here. But from when I was twelve and I got my first axe, I knew what I wanted to grow up to be. While everyone else was playing in high school for the fun of it, I was playing because it was meant to be. After all nothing else feels right in my hands like when I'm slamming out a new song on Betty. Yes, the axe's name is Betty. She's always been named that and each time she gets traded in, new Betty gets a new number.

I remember the last girl who thought that was funny. Haha, she was a riot to be around. She made that joke, that elephant joke, and boy could she down the shots. I think she lasted thirty more than I did. She was a blonde - I think. And her name was Erin? Or Linda, or Jenny...I flip open my sidekick and start scrolling down through the messages. No surprise there's a new number on there, and glancing through the content, I realize that she's not only sexy, but she's also that funny one I was looking for. It's good to know that after three days she's still got that sense of humor. I probably should have called her, and I still should call her. . .But maybe I should wait. She'll probably be there tonight anyway. It's ladies's night tonight, and I know Michael and Kyle will be kissing my boots tomorrow afternoon. I got us the gig, and ladies's night at the club always lives up to its name - all the ladies show up.

I can't wait for the night to start now. There's an incredible buzz that just hits me, humming soundly, from my toes all the way up to my jaw. I'd like to call it anticipation. I've always been able to tell when something's about to happen. It's nearly five now, and the sooner we get to the club to help Jose set up, the sooner I can start my shift at the bar. And then the night can really start. We've got a wicked set layed up and planned for tonight, and I for one want to reap the benefits of it all. What will her name be tonight? And, even better, or the most important thing, what color will her hair be? It's always easier to remember actual stuff than the things that are said.