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Merry Christmas!

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:28 pm
by Chrystalkay
Christmas Was...

I remember when Christmas was a special feeling. No matter where you went, people had that special sparkle. The very air was replete with "Merry Christmas's" ringing in your ears. Not because it was expected, but because it was felt!

Gifts were thoughtfully given and often made. a gift fit the person, it was not something snatched up 'on sale' at the last minute.
Families gathered to eat and share. Christmas carols played in the background.
Where has that feeling gone?

Few people even bother with Christmas lights anymore. When in decades past, there was hardly a home without some. Now you can drive for blocks and count the lighted houses on the fingers of one hand. How was it lost, this special look to Christmas.

Has bad times done it? There were times when all we could give each other was a candy bar, or a bag of socks. Times when the only tree we could have was one made on the wall with ribbons and a few cards to decorate it. Other times the tree was big and surrounded by a sea of gifts. Either way, the feeling was still there. Gifts do not make Christmas, people do.

Commercialism has ruined a lot of the specialness of Christmas. Some people are ashamed to go to a Christmas gathering if all they can bring is a plate of homemade goodies. How did that happen? My best memories of Christmas gifts are of homemade goodies.... cheese cake, carrot cakes, divinity, cookies, dump cake, fudge and other special treats. They are the taste of love shared, and they are very special because of that. More so than would be an expensive gift, bought to impress.

Christmas isn't buying (and trying to out buy the next person) it is giving of ourselves, our cheer, our caring.

Surely even in bad times we can all afford that!

So take this from my heart to yours if you will... I wish you that very best of Christmas cheer and caring in your home. Love, and warmth of spirit that will last you throughout the coming year.

When it comes from the heart, "Merry Christmas" really means something!

So remember... Christmas still IS!

God bless!

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:30 pm
by catdog-runs-fast
Merry Christmas to you too.

i remember when i was younger and i used to get so excited when Christmas was coming round and now its just... another day.