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Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) 12/12/10 A/N (WIP)

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:25 am
by jake17
Title: Crossroads
Author's: Hunter and jake17
Disclaimer: We own nothing Roswell and no infringement is intended
Rating: Adult
Summary:The story is about two lonely driven people working for the same cause... to fight and defeat the evil Kivar who is trying to destroy Earth and enslave his people on Antar..they don't know they are in this fight together nor to they know the other exists until one fateful night on a dark rainy road their worlds accidentally intersect... they find themselves at a crossroads and from there they realize their lives will never be same again...
Author's Notes: Hunter will be writing Liz's Pov and jake17 will be writing Max's Pov.

Chapter 1.

Liz's POV

A freak. That's what he was. And now I was feeling the same about myself. First it was nothing but stupid nightmares which eventually haunted me every night for as long as I could remember. Dirt, blood and evil lingering in the thick fog of darkness around him, bowing down to him as if praising him as their leader. The demon. His eyes were a dark red and his lips curled into a sly smile, gut-wrenching and made my stomach churn. I cannot beleive I had beleived this monster to be a good man. He had deceived me in the worst way possible. The heavy shackles on my bloody wrists were evidence enough of his ruthlessness.

And every night I would wake up crying, screaming and begging for mercy.

But enough was enough. I had ditched being passive and lazy, hoping the nightmares would go away was nothing but a fool's fantasy. I was going to do something. And here I was, outside a motel. Apperently someone else was also looking for him.

Maybe by getting help I could put a stop to those nightmares faster then the speed of light. Maybe.

I might have started to do something but the nightmares still remained. He just would not get out of my head, but I also had visions, vision of signs which led me to where I am right now. I hear the grit crunch under my boots and walk to the door which reads out number seven.The number that constantly came to me in my visions. Lucky number seven I thought. I managed to get a hold of a duplicate set of keys to that door. Alex Whitman might have been a motel owner, but he was a good friend of mine and he helped me to trap this person in the first place.

I unlock the door and step into darkness. I shut the door behind me and be as quiet as possible. It's not easy being quiet when the floorboards are so creaky. I walk toward the table in the corner, there's some photo's and several documents. I recognised some as I also had them too. I've been studying this for almost a year now. Murders, local and across the states from bomb blasts to gun fights and even poison was used on several occasions. This guy must have been really pissed off by him.

Then I notice a picture of a dead man, an old man and he had a white silver handprint on his chest. Nothing I've seen before. "What the..." I mumble, bringing the photo up closer to study it. My back was turned and my eyes were focused on the poloroid that I hadn't heard someone creep behind me and tried to turn around to see who it was. Suddenly, a cloth was pushed onto my mouth and I was pulled against a hard chest.

Strong arms wrapped around me, crushing me like a python crushing it's meal before it swallowed it. The photo falls from my hands and I gasp against the cloth and my eyes widened, this guy was trying to suffocate me to death. Using my hands, I try pry the hands off my face and elbow his stomach hard as I can. Obviously he wasn't the guy I was looking for. No guy who has weird pictures in his room and has such strength hundred times your average strongest man was worth sticking around with. He let's go though and I dash for the door, ripping it open and running away as fast as I can. Thank god for my quick legs. I jump into the honda civic that I lent from another friend because I don't have a car of my own yet and start the engine, not looking back and drive off after locking the doors with one button from the drivers door. I reverse and get back on the highway sending a puff of sandy smoke as a curtain between me and him.

Anyway, I'm speeding down the highway gasping for air at the same time. I put on some music to calm myself but it doesn't no good. I shut it off and speed faster. It's night and I'm doing dangerous driving on the highway like a maniac but I had to get away. I'd call Alex later and have him remove that weirdo from the motel room but right now I was worried about me. I didn't want to die...not now...not when I had something to take care off.

"Come on! Come on!". I said, speeding upto a hundred and twenty miles per hour but even that wasn't fast enough. I could hear him on his motorbike, chasing after me. The loud engine road to life and outdid the rain scaring me because he was catching up with me. "Shit! Shit!". I curse, looking at the tank-o-meter which the pointer was nearing the sign which indicated that this car needed more gas.

I look in the rear view mirror and catch a glimpse of his face. He has dark brown hair. That's all I could make out. My heart was pounding wildly.

"Oh god please save me!". I cried out in fear. He was so strong that it reminded me of him..the alien. I never used to beleive in aliens but once I met him...everything changed. I would have grown to accept it without a fear if he hadn't been so sinister and my perceptions of aliens, vampires and anything not human had changed. I now thought of them with fear and hate.

I looked again in the rear view mirror to see this dark haired mystery man had dissapeared. Where was he?

I narrow my eyes in the mirror, still looking to see if he was really there or not.

Suddenly bright lights blinded me from in front and I stepped on the brakes to screech the car to a halt in reflex..

And then a loud smash caused me to black out.....


Max's POV

You're life is not your own. I repeat the words I've heard since I was a child back at the reflection of myself in the cracked mirror opposite me.

I close my tired eyes as I run my hands through my dark hair and try to remember why I've giving my entire life to a fight that never seems to end. A fight that has taken me from a world I barely remember to a world where I've always had to hid from.

My life consists of living in the shadows constantly chasing lead after lead. The loneliness is sometimes unbearable living on the edge of death doesn't leave room for love.

It's the mission that keeps my focus …drives me. I am against an insane ruler bent on destruction. I am the prince of that world although that is something that seems foreign and strange to me. In my mind I am just Max and and I am the only chance that these two lonely planets have at survival. So even though my body is broken and my spirit is weary I continue on. It's the only life I've ever known.

My breath hitches as I hear the doorknob turn. Quickly I reach for the light and duck down to look at the intruder who has entered my room. I carefully and soundlessly make my way through the bathroom to the side of the bed. The figure I see in the darkness is small I can easily take him. I hesitate just for a moment as I approach him. I've made a crucial mistake. I never leave the evidence I have collected in plain view. Not knowing what he has seen or if he knows who I am I cannot let him go now.

Suddenly he turns towards me but I am faster. Gripping him in my arms I realize something that has escaped me until now. This is no male at all. My arms wrap around her body and hold her close. Her long hair whips against my face and I am filled with her intoxicating scent. She drops the photo and struggles hard against me. I am shocked at her strength. My hands hold a rag tightly around her mouth preventing her from screaming but still she continues to fight.

A skin.

It has to be a skin who I am holding but how did they find me here.

Suddenly and to my surprise I am thrown off balance by a hard blow to my chest. Being up thirty six hours straight hours isn't helping me.

My ego is a little damage but my resolve is confident as I quickly recover and get on my feet again.

She… "it" will not get away.

I laugh when I see the car "it's" trying to escape in. I can't wait to bring this up in my interrogation of this tiny female skin.

The rain is coming down in sheets and it's not easy to see as I quickly approach "it". I have her now there will be no escaping this time. Between the blinding lights of my bike and the torrential downpour she has no chance.

I have killed thousands of these soulless aliens. I keep thinking one day it will end will get easier but nights like tonight as always there. Kivar seems to have an endless supply of minions willing to do his dirty work.

Anger rushes through my veins as I fly through the intersection to cut her off. Enough is enough I'm tried and hungry and I don't feel like risking my life for a skin on a night like this.

"Fuck!" Misjudging the curve in the road. I slid on the slick gravel. I lose control my bike unable to stop. I see her coming right for me. Bright lights blind my eyes as I am thrown off my bike and onto her windshield. When I open my eyes again I am lying on the side of the road. Agony takes over my senses as I try to get up. I've dislocated my shoulder and there's blood coming from my head.

I groan in pain as I will myself to stand. Leaning up against a tree I scream in pain as I push my shoulder back into place. My chest is now heaving with rage as I look over at the small figure slumped over in the drivers seat. I have to work fast before the police get here. I drag my bike that is in now two pieces into the woods hiding it for now.

Waving my hand in front of the door it opens and my eyes widened at what I see. She is beautiful and in her unconscious state looking very innocent and childlike. Shaking my head I realize that this is just a shell …a disguise. I reach down to place my hand on "it's" chest when I am thrown backwards onto the ground.

Flashes burn through my hand and into my soul. She is no skin.

She is human.

My head pounds as I pull her limp body from the car. The rain is steady and relentless. I brush the dark hair from her face and am filled with guilt.

Thinking quickly I rip her leather jacket from her chest. Her shirt comes with it revealing a open wound where the steering wheel has cut into her stomach.

Looking around I take a deep breath and lower my hand to her wet flesh. Blood engulfs my fingers as I start to yell at her.

"Open your eyes!"

Nothing. I have to make her hear me..louder I scream.


Suddenly there is a flicker of movement in her long dark eyelashes.

'That's it …open you eyes. You have to look at me if you want to live!"

All at once her eyes fly open and we are connected. My heart is racing as I peer down into her delicate face.

The sound of the rain is all I can hear when it hits me that she is my responsibility now and I will do anything to save her…to protect her.

As the gentle scenes of her childhood flash quickly through my mind she continues to stare deep into my eyes.

Her lips are parted and her shaky hands are now covering mine. The heat from just her touch is more then I can stand as I feel her muscles and tissues start to mend.

There is more I have to do but not here. This is too dangerous. I have to take her back to the motel where it is safe and dry.

As I bend down to lift her into my arms her eyes close. I cradle her close to me as I lay her in the backseat and take off down the road.

What was she doing in my room? Who is she? What am I going to do now?

Questions flood my head as I race to the room.

I kick the door down and gently lie her down. Grabbing some towels from the bathroom I run back to find her breathlessly looking up at me.

Her long damp black hair is cascading down her exposed chest and her eyes are wild and fierce. She is not helpless and she is definitely not a child.

I hold my hands up and carefully approach her showing her I mean her no harm. The way her soaked raven hair is pressed against her trembling breasts is driving me to distraction. I work hard to keep my eyes focused on her shivering confused face.

Very gently I place one of the towels across her body covering her.

Her beauty is beyond anything I have ever known.

I am left speechless as I lean against the wall to catch my breath.

As she parts her soft wet lips to speak to me I am almost brought to my knees.

I am certain without a doubt at that moment that life as I know it will never be the same.

Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 2 8/26/08

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:32 am
by Hunter
Thanks to everyone for the fb!!

begonia9508 :D- love your comments, thanks for your fb Eve!!
Darkmoon - Thanks for finding my Liz fascinating!! thank you for your awesome fb! means so much to us.
Natalie36 - wow, we have you hooked huh? Hope you enjoy the next parts. :D thank you so much. :D
iheartmax-Yes Max will be shirtless at some point!! We'll have to see what Carrie decides to do with Max :wink: thanks for the fb! :D
L-J-L 76 - thank you for your sweet fb! :D
cj - hi! thanks for your fb!! :mrgreen:
angelina - hope you get your answers in the next parts. Thanks for your wonderful fb!! :D

Here's the next part :D

Chpt 2

Liz's POV

The voice startles me again. "Open your eyes!" My head is ringing in pain as if someone had attacked me with a sledge hammer, I'm all whoozy and ...wet?? The cold piercing drops of water beat against my skin, urging me to wake up in tune with the deep voice but my mind is elsewhere and my whole body fells swollen in such pain that I can't even begin to describe. I feel as if I was ripped in two.

Was I dead?

The pain was unbearable, I could taste my own demise. The noise in the background pierces my ears, I can't move. I can't feel anymore...the sensation in my legs were lost and I try to open my eyes, to see...

A warm haze fills my body, I feel like as if I was glowing for a moment. I can't see much, everything is blurry, but I can see a pair of ...eyes...dark golden eyes...I make another attempt to move and grasp another hand which is also wet...the hand is bigger and I know it's not mine. My eyes flicker, the rain doesn't allow me to get a clear vision and I constantly blink away the fallen raindrops. I try to say something but no words come out. Rain touches my tongue.The pain in my stomach lessens and I can feel myself being manoevered up and placed somewhere dry.

A familiar scent of vanilla and strawberries..which is my signature scent..I take it with me everywhere..fills my nostrils and calms me down...I feel peacefull and slowely drift off back to sleep.

I am awaked by scurried movements. My head just returning to it's normal state and I shivered. I was cold and...naked?. My eyes open wide and I make out that I'm in a motel room, the same one I tried to get away from..I start to breath heavily in fear. He's found me, he's got me and now he's going to kill me...

No! I looked down onto myself felt so exposed...What's he being doing to me?? What am I doing on his bed?? Fear crept into my mind as I tried to put the pieces of this puzzle together..last I remember I was knocked out on the intersection after trying to get away from him...the alien.

I hope he hadn't performed one of his sick alien experiements on me, I've heard alot about that. He was incredibly strong and who knew what he had done with me. I was filled with disgust and then I heard footsteps approch.

He was coming out out of the bathroom with towels in his hand. I narrow my eyes at him and support myself with my wet cold elbows. I glare at him in silence, conveying a message to him without words.

He's tall, dark haired and very muscular..very handsome but I couldn't fool myself...any alien shapeshifter could change into anyone..heck he could even make himself look like Eros the god of love and still would be evil.

As if he understands me already, he puts his hands up as if he means no harm and approaches me, putting a towel over my exposed upper body, granting me warmth immeadiaty. He steps back and leans against the wall, watching me with his..irrestistibly molten golden eyes which seemed to intrigue me so much. They were the kind of eyes of you'd call, not of this earth. I've seen such pair of eyes before only his ones were much..warmer...and soulful.

I need to know his name and who he was. So I open my lips and try to say something. I manage to croak out. "Who...w-who are you?". I gasp, finally taking in his masculine appearence. His damp raven hair made him look stunning.....I was speechless on seeing him so close up in full light.

He opens his mouth and tries to say something, he was just speechless as I was. Had he been doing something to me which he shouldn't have? I push myself back and hold the towel closer to my naked torso, clutching it tightly. "What have you done to me?". I whispered in fear, holding the corners of the towel together so he could not get a glimpse of me.

" saved your life." He begins, stepping forward only to cause me to squirm away from him more. He stops where he is.

"Stay away from me." I demand in a firm tone but the fear is evident. He probably knows I'm scared of him. "You're an alien aren't you?".

He remained calm and spoke in a swift tone. "If I was an alien, would I be studying them?".

He had a point. But another question arose. "What happened..why am I here and why am this condition?." I whispered, reffering to the awkward state I found myself in when I woke up.

"Well, I thought you were one of know...alien and I tried to talk to you but you ran away and then you had a little accident so I brought you back here."

I bit my lip. "Well I'm human and if I had an accident..why am I not at the hospital?". There was so many questions in my head right now and the lashing rain outside didn't help me at all.

"It wasn't anything serious. You had a concussion and a few cuts and bruises."

"Then where is my shirt and my jacket?". I asked, still not allowing myself to beleive his words. I was no gullible girl. I might have not had experience and been the tender age of twenty one but I wasn't going to allow myself to beleive whatever I heard so easily. I needed to piece this up together. God, I hated riddles.

"They got wet and you were going to catch pneumonia and your leather jacket was good as gone." He said and then sat down on the bed. "Are you okay?". I could tell he restrained himself from reaching out to me, I wasn't sure if letting him touch me was a good idea right now.

"I guess so." I said quietly, raising my knees to my towel covered chest. "Just cold."

"I'll get you something to eat." He promised and got up.

"Wait..!!" I call after him and he stops on my behest. "What is your name?" I ask boldy, wanting to know the name of this handsome stranger who claimed to have saved me.

He hesitates for a moment before answering. "Max. My name is Max."


Max Pov

I hold my breath as a soft horse whisper escapes from her lips.

“Who…w-who are you?”

I open my mouth but am powerless to speak struck by her wide sensitive eyes looking at me for answers that I cannot give her.

She’s terrified I can see it in her dark eyes that gaze up at me as if I mean her harm.

God she is simply breathtaking. I can’t take my eyes off of her which seems to be making her more nervous. How am I going to explain healing her. Hopefully she was too out of it to remember exactly what happened.

Walking towards her I look for clues to gage just how much pain she is in. I know there was more damage to her head. Somehow I have to find a way to get close to her.

Suddenly she pushes herself back away from me and is holding the towel against her tiny body for dear life.

“What have you done to me?” her panicked whisper pierces my heart.

I can’t stomach knowing that I caused her harm. I have to know if she is ok.
I slowly continue to approach her watching as she holds the towel firmly in place.
I have to tell her something.. something to get her to trust me.

“I …you…I saved your life”

It’s not working quickly she twists her body further away from me.

I freeze knowing that I am scaring her…my examination will have to wait. I don’t want to traumatize her more than she already is. Her trembling lips open once more and I am flushed helplessly from the sound of her sweet voice.

“Stay away from me”

She is trying to be so brave but her fear is obvious.

“You’re an alien aren’t you?”

Her question shocks me but I am used to living this lie. My words come easy as if I have rehearsed them before.

“If I was an alien, would I be studying them?”

“What happened why am I here and why am I … in this condition?

I can tell her the truth as long as I don’t reveal myself I ponder as I struggle to ignore the sweet scent of strawberries that have drifted through my senses.

“Well, I thought you were one of them …you …know…alien and I tried to talk to you but you ran away and then you had a little accident so I brought you back here.”

She bits her bottom lip contemplating what I have just said and my eyes can now focus on nothing else. Who is this stunning creature and why is she having this effect on me?.

“Well I’m human and if I had an accident…why am I not at the hospital?”

Suddenly the wind blew the beating sheets of rain against the motel window hard making her even more alarmed.

“It wasn’t anything serious. You had a concussion and a few cuts and bruises.”

“Then where is my shirt and my jacket?”

I can feel my hands shaking as I let my eyes gaze over her porcelain skin. The droplets of water are running down her delicate moist neck beneath the towel and I feel as if my knees will buckle from the heat between us.

I can tell that there are a million questions running through her head but what troubles me the most is she seems to fear me. Waking up in a strange motel room almost naked I can’t say that I blame her.

“They got wet and you were going to catch pneumonia and your leather jacket was as good as gone.”

I want to ease her mind …calm her fears somehow.

Carefully I sit down on the bed hoping to look her over more. I need to get a look at that wound again. I'm thinking I’ll have to wait till she’s asleep for that.

“Are you okay?”

“I guess so. Just cold”

I watch as she pulls her knees up to her chest. My eyes fall to the soft curve of her breast that is revealed when she does this. I can feel my body harden as my heart leaps into my throat. I need air. I need to get some distance between us. Quickly I race to the door feeling ashamed for the feelings I can’t seem to control.

“I’ll get you something to eat”


My hand grips the doorknob as my heart slams against my chest once more.

“What is your name?”

I take a deep breath welcoming the cool rain on my face as a discraction from her whispered soft voice.

Looking quickly back at her I answer.

“Max. My name is Max”

Without giving her a chance to say anymore I rush down to the diner that is attached to the motel.

Sitting at one of the stools I try to settle my flustered mind.

An older woman with a worn out name tag reading Marge takes my order of grilled cheese and chicken soup to go. I’m hoping this is ok as I hold my head and try to think of what to do next.

I need to know what she was looking for and what she knows. This just doesn’t make any sense that she should know about any of this. How would a human know about the skins?. My brain is telling me to be cautious but my heart just wants to put my arms around her and hold her … protect her.

Within minutes the waitress is back with a brown bag for me and I am once again standing outside the door unsure of whether to knock or just go in.

Just then I realize I don’t even know her name.

Softly I knock so I don’t frighten her.


“Yes it’s just me. Are you decent?”

“Come in”

I give her a hesitant smile as I put the food down on the nightstand by the bed. Digging through my bag I pull out a long tee shirt.

She looks at the food and decides to try the soup first. That’s a good sign her head and her stomach must be feeling better.

I touched her hand as she goes to grab for the soup an she pulls away quickly.

“Sorry…I-I … you need to get out of those wet clothes”

She looks up at me suspiciously and I quickly hand her my stuff.

“Don’t worry I’ll turn my back. Just let me know when you’re done”

I quickly start to shove my documents and pictures into my bag…something I should’ve done immediately If she wasn’t such a distraction.

The moments are awkward as I hear the zipper of her leather pants release and her wet hair slap against her skin.

“S-So you never told me your name”

Like silk drifting through the air I hear her speak again.

“Liz…my name is Liz Max… and you can turn around now.”

I smile as I see her standing in my shirt that is resting just above her knees.

My smile fades away sensing that she is feeling very vulnerable.

“Nothing. Here you need to eat something.”

I see her holding her stomach wincing as she leans over to reach for the soup.

I need to look at that wound again.

“I’m tired.” She breathes out as she takes of sip and places it back down.

“Yeah me too”

We both look at the one bed and then at each other.

"We could share"

My eyes fly upwards to her shocked by her words.

“Look we’ve both had a rough night and it stands to reason if your intentions were to hurt me you would’ve done it by now. We can talk more in the morning. It’s no big deal.”

“Fine then we’ll talk more in the morning. Try to get some rest.”

I stand at the edge of the bed and watch her as she moves to the very edge and pulls the blanket up to her neck.

I pull my boots off and lay fully clothed on top of the covers as far from her as I can.
I secretly wonder if she has any idea what she is doing to me. I stare at the ceiling and wait for her to fall asleep. I cannot rest until I know she is ok.

Suddenly she turns to me the tips of her soft hair graze my bare arm and I am dazed.



“Thank you”

A small smile is all I can manage as she turns back around.

My heart pounds wildly as I settle in for a very long night.


Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 3 8/26/08

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:16 am
by jake17
darkmoon: Hi sweetie thank so much for your fb sweetie!! hope you like the next part!

roswell4life: We wouldn't mind sharing a bed with him either!! thanks so much for your fb!

angelina: Hi sweetie! some of your questions will be answered here.. thanks for your amazing support as always!! :D
keepsmiling7: thanks for wanting more!! :D
Lena7: Well Lena its no secret we feel the same about you!! we love that you are here!! thanks so much!! :D
Natalie36: So happy you feel that way!! thanks so much! :D
DestinyC: so happy you find this intriguing! More of her background will emerge soon.. thanks so much! :D

Chapter 3

Max's Pov

As the seconds tick on I feel more and more ashamed by what I have done to the beautiful girl lying next to me peacefully sleeping.

I should have be more alert… sharper, I don’t make mistakes like this. I shouldn’t have rushed to such a quick conclusion about her. I’m smarter than that and have been doing this for far to long to be so be so careless.

Although she is probably close to my age she seems so young curled up under the covers. Her hair that is now dry is flowing around her sweet face loose and wavy. She looks like an angel and I almost got her killed.

Still the questions nag at me. Why was she in my room? What was she looking for? How did she even know to come to me?

I sigh impatiently knowing that none of the answers to these questions will come to me anytime soon. I wonder to myself if I really want to know these answers. Will this only lead to questions about me I can’t answer?

I do know that I must lie not only for my own sake but more importantly to protect her, but it still bothers me.

I don’t understand why after only meeting her a short time that I care so much… but I do.

As quietly as I can I move to my side trying hard not to disturb her. I have to know if she is hurt. For now it is the only thing I can do to ease this horrible guilt that is incessantly washing over me.

As I move closer the scent of strawberries consumes my senses and I have to struggle against my urge to see if she tastes as amazing as she smells.

My hands shake uncontrollably as I hover over her. Why does she have to be so strikingly attractive? Why does her skin have to be so enticing?

My fascination with her is growing more and more by the second as I come dangerously close to her.

Very gently I place my hand over the cut on her head that has made her raven hair a bright crimson color.

I suddenly pull back as she starts to become restless. Still sleeping she breathes out and rolls onto her back pulling the sheet and blanket down to her waist as she turns.

I’m so worried about waking her I freeze. I hold my breath as my heart pounds wildly against my chest. One side on her body is now resting against me and I am powerless to stop the feelings that this has evoked inside me.

I squeeze my eyes shut and fight for control as her engaging tiny form invites me to come closer.

Taking deep breaths I start to concentrate on what I must do.

Once again I place my hand on her wound as my face drifts close to her flushed cheek. She is warm and soft and filled with an innocence that overwhelms me.

Slowly I can feel the energy flow from me through her.

The damage isn’t as bad as I imagined but I stay longer just to be sure.

Part of me wants to make sure she is fine. Part of me waits for the flashes I know with soon come. Snapshots of her life that may give me a clue about her identity and what she knows.

Truthfully I am already obsessed with knowing anything about her. The sweet childhood memories that I saw before me when I was healing her on the road still run through my head.

A little wide eyed girl around age three running through the house placing hidden brightly colored Easter eggs in her pink basket….

A curious child with two long braids. A little older this time being scolded in church for tapping her feet on the bench in front of her as she crosses her arms in front of her and pouts...

An awkward nervous pretty girl in her early teens at a school dance slow dancing with a boy staring down at her feet as she moves side to side...

Memories of a normal childhood …something I know very little about but am captivated by.

I wait for them to start to flow through me again as I silently listen to her soft shallow breathing.

Just then I am slammed with images I don’t understand.

Dark terrifying pictures that I can’t make out. Her screams echo through me and I am force to pull back unable to handle her pain.

My eyes widen as I stare down into her fluttering dark eyelashes. What has happened to her?

Is this just a nightmare that is terrorizing her in her sleep or something more sinister ...something real.

My suspicions are now heightened. Does this have something to do with her investigation of me? Is she in some kind of danger?

My need to watch over her has now grown into an obsession. No matter how she feels about me now I will find out the truth behind all of this. Whether she likes it or not she has got a protector now.

Gently I get back to my task as I move my hand down her body that rises and falls with each breath she takes.

I skim over her delicate face past her pale pink lips down over her collarbone. My fingers glide effortlessly as my heart races with a desire that is growing stronger by the second.

A luminous white light glows from my hand down over my shirt that is pressed up against the soft curves of her body.

My parted lips are shaking as she slightly arches up toward my hand. I’m not able to lift my hand up quick enough and my fingertips graze her small perfect breast.

My eyes fly up to her face to see if this has stirred her from her deep sleep. I am completely stuck when she lets out a quiet moan.

Quickly I move to her most serious wound on her stomach. I have to finish, being so close to her is getting too much for me to handle.

Closing my eyes once again I place my hand gently on her stomach and concentrate.

I sense some damage to her muscles and tissues that have not completely healed. She is strong and brave. She must’ve been in tremendous pain. She hides her feelings well...

I can feel everything starting to heal as the brilliant beam of light glows brightly against her. It’s going slower this time due to the lack of eye contact. My shirt is also acting as a barrier between us.

Still it’s working and I am once again filled with pleasant little moments of her life.

Suddenly my connection with her is broken as her sleepy voice shocks me out of my intense visions.

“What are you doing Max?”


Liz's POV

"What are you doing Max?" I yawned as my eyelids slowely lifted up, it's so dark that I barely could make out anything and I was really tired. My skin was tingling with warm sensations and I could sense Max's body close to mine and that's what woke me up, it was either just a coincidence that I found myself in his arms and he found me in his arms or he was touching me while I was sleeping.

Sexual molestation at it's worst, the thought put a dread into my mind. Was Max feeling me up when I was sleeping?

"Nothing..I..." He stammered as if he was caught redhanded. I was about to shake with trepidation, he was awake and touching me while I was sleeping, totally taking advantage of me. His hands rested on my stomach and felt so gentle that the fear of being sexually harrassed faded away.

"Max.." I whispered, feeling his gentle touches slowely lift and I don't want him to stop...I frown in dissapointment as he slowely pulls back.

"It's okay. You should get some sleep." He said, rolling back onto his spot on the bed.

Now I was confused and lost. I felt colder now. I wait a second before putting the covers over Max and letting him lie close to me. I then put my arm around his torso. " don't mind if we share body heat?". I said, snuggling closer to him. I rest my head over his heart where I can listen to the rhythm of his heartbeats. The melody of his heartbeats was comforting.

He stiffens for a moment, unsure of what do say or do and I freeze, not wanting to be rejected and much to my releif he places one of his strong arm over my body, bringing us closer. "Of course I don't mind." He replied softly.

I smile and relax in his arms which he brings upto my head and caresses my hair, up and down his hands go, soothing me back to sleep. "Night Liz." He said.

"Night Max." I smile before I fall asleep again, in his arms.

When morning arrives, I'm the first to wake up. I notice I was still in Max's arms which were protectively wrapped around me. He's deeply in his sleep and I take this one opportunity to examine his stunningly handsome face.

I knew it was foolish of me to get attached but I'd admire him from a distance and besides I never had the chance to see my hero last night because of circumstances. His jawline was incredibly masculine and still he had that boyish look about him, he looked like he was in his mid twenties almost reaching the age of maturity. He was also very strong built, his short dark brown hair was alluring too.

Just right for him, some of his dark bangs rested on his forhead, slightly parted making him look irrevocably attractive. My gaze rested on his lips, not too wide and not too small or pouty. They looked kissable..I shook my head. Now wasn't the time to fall head over heals in love with some guy who happened to be enchantingly drop dead gorgoues.

I quietly and slowely remove myself from his strong arms which don't want to let me go. But I was used to escaping alot these days. So I slipped from under Max's strong hold and crept towards the phone where I called Alex for assistance. Max was still asleep and thankfully it was five am which gave me enough time to get cleaned up.

I was feeling alot better then yesterday and my stomach felt fine other then that embaressing tummy rumble which meant I was really really hungry but breakfast would have to wait. Alex would be coming in less then a few seconds and I quickly opened the door without making a noise. Max had a pillow in his arms beleiving it was me so he would still be preoccupied sleeping. Alex was at the doorway with a bag. "Here's the stuff you requested." He said and eyed a sleeping Max suspiciously.

"Thanks." I mouthed.

"Is everything okay?". He whispered, unsure about Max. He was the one who tried so hard to talk me out of it. Alex was the only one who knew about my visions and dreams so far and he thought it was a bad idea for me to get someone else involved.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Okay great. I'll see you later? Okay?". Alex said and kissed my forehead before he left. I quietly shut the door and watched Max cuddle up against the pillow.

I creep over to his duffel bag and take out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt before I dart for the bathroom with the bag in my arms. Putting the bag down, I unzip it and take out the toothpaste, toothbrush which I need and also a spare fresh clean towel.

First I brush my teeth and then take a shower. When I come out, wearing his clothes..he's awake and watches me closely with his molten golden eyes. He's sitting on the bed, as if he was waiting for me.

"Max..I hope you don't mind..I borrowed some of your clothes." I told him, grabbing a black plastic bag out from the bag which Alex had given me and I placed Max's t-shirt which I wore last night in it and my wet trousers and the towel which was resting on the clothes horse in the corner. "I'll take these to the laundromats." I quickly said, worried about the way he was looking at me.

Seconds later he smiles. "You don't have to..." He begins but I'm not going to play the damsel in distress this time around. I hated being the one dependant. Max had done enough for me already.

"Max it's my problem. I'll pay." I shrugged. "Besides you've done enough with your hospitality and I'm ever so indebted for your favour."

"Please Liz.." He says, flashing his molten golden eyes and created a puppy dog look which I found so cute. "Don't call it a favour. It was my duty". He tells me. "And besides..I did trash up your car." He admitted with a look of guilt on his face.

"How trashed up is it?". I asked slowely.

When Max was done getting refreshed, after that we decided to take a look at my car. There was a huge impact on the windscreen which wasn't so bad but my jaw dropped. "If this is what happened how come I'm still alive?". I asked, gasping. My head should have been smashed by now?? But I was still alive, walking and talking just fine.

"Well actually.." Max began. "I think you were quick enough to open the door and get yourself out of the car before my bike hit your car. Then you must have hit your head on the concrete and passed out to the concussion." Max explained.

"What happened to you?". I whispered, shocked.

"Well I lost control of the bike, fell of it and it spiralled out of control and hit your car. I had ran to see what happened and saw you lying on the ground. The car had stopped and you had quite a fall as your jacket was teared to pieces." Max answered me smoothly without batting an eyelid.

"Wait a minute..if my jacket was ripped up pretty come I got away with minor.." I stopped when I looked at my hands, most of the small cuts had dissapeared completely. "Injuries..." I breathed out softly.

"I guess you're lucky." Max smiled, as his soulful eyes gleamed in the sunlight.

"This doesn't make any sense." I muttered under my breath. The wall of weird would have needed another addition to it. Me. "Max do you have my car keys?". I asked him.

He took the keys out from his back pocket and handed it to me. "Here you go."


I walked towards the boot of the car and opened it to take out my own bag. I was prepared for this but questions were still ringing in my ears. "I'm going to get changed and then we can go out for breakfast." I told Max, shutting the boot of the car knowing that Kyle would have a fit when he sees this car in this state.

So I quickly got changed in a pink top and blue jeans and then headed out towards the motel diner. Max opened the door for me and it jingled. The room was half empty but had customers of the same kind. Wearly old men and a couple of families with two kids. Most of them were reading newspapers or the mothers were scolding their naughty little children for not being satisfied with the food in front of them or being to fussy.

Max and I had found an empty booth where both of us sat together. " eat here often?". I asked Max curiosly. The diner was like any other diner you saw in the movies, the same background, same people, same food..

"What's your order?". A big beefy woman approached us. She had big bushy ginger hair and I looked at the worn out name tag she was wearing. I guessed she had worked here for years. Marge was her name and she looked like a bigger version of the Marge in the simpsons with the exception of ginger hair. Her orange tan disturbed my eyes.

"Umm I'll have.." I picked up the menu. "Swiss cheese omelette, rolled cherry pancakes and I'll have a large lychee juice please." I said, feeling like a school girl again.

Marge noted the order down and turned to Max. "I'll have a french toast with one egg that is and a bagel with cream cheese and I'll also have a large lychee juice too." Max ordered.

She slowely repeated our order before stalking off. Max and I looked at each other. "I've only been here for two weeks." Max answered my question with a smile.

"Oh wow..I've..never been here much." I replied, returning the smile. "So you like lychee juice?". I asked, trying to start a casual conversation. Why did I feel so nervous around Max still?

"I love it." Max answered. "I was surprised you love it too."

I give him a shy smile. "Lychee juice has always been my favourite drink since childhood and still is." I answered him.

"Nice to know we have something else in common." He added and then leaned closer. "So Liz..I've been wondering what the reason is..about you know..why you came to me." He asked, his eyes only focusing on me.

I gulped. Now this was the moment someone else would know my secret. But I needed Max's help. I knew it deep inside me, he was the only one who could help me. "Max..what I'm about to tell you can only stay with you." I whispered, leaning closer towards him too. "No one else can know about what I'm about to tell you right now."

"You have my word. I will not tell a soul." Max promised solemnly.

"I've been having dreams and visions." I said in a quiet tone that only I and Max could here it. "Nightmares that you could never imagine. Night after night they tore me apart and in the visions..I saw signs..signs which lead" I said softly, capturing his gaze in a heated lock.

"Me?". Max's eyes lit up. "You saw me in your visions?".

"Everything was so unclear Max..I had to work hard to decipher the meanings behind my visions. Like the number on your motel door and your blurred face and those eyes..." I whispered, looked deeper into his eyes. "You were the only thing that kept me going. Otherwise I would have broken down and I know this sounds crazy Max..but I think're destined to help me somehow..."

"I don't think you're crazy Liz." He said in a serious tone as if he meant it and bravely he took my hand in his, I was surprised by the compforting gesture, He rubbed my palm with his thumb, trying to ease any worry out of me. I let him hold my hand across the felt relaxing and good. His tone indicated that he beleived everyword I said to him.

"Thanks Max." I smiled. "So you must know Kivar then."

At hearing Kivar's name, Max's eyes widended in shock. "Kivar?".

"He's the evil that haunts me in my dreams." I told Max in a mere whisper. "I'm wondering what affilation he has with you".

I was curious how Max was linked to Kivar and why Max was the one that my vision lead me to instead of someone else. I had to know why Max was special to me in fulfilling this dangerous mission.

"Kivar has killed many innocent people." Max's jaw clenched. "I will do anything in my power to stop him. To bring his reign of terror down."

"So you know he's an alien?".

"The picture you saw last night before I stupidly attacked you..well that was a victim of Kivar which means he is not human." Max answered.

A shiver of fear ran though me as I remembered what Kivar was capable off. How I walked through that room that night on his birthday to see him give a slow torturous death to his own parents when they protested against his evil. That was the first time I saw his true colors. The blood and screams...

"Liz?". Max called me. "Is everything okay?".

I almost jumped up. Marge was back with the food. "When you're done, pay me at the counter". She grumbled and moved away again. I looked at Max hoplessly scared and I could tell he was curious to know what I was thinking about.

" look scared.." He told me, looking at me. "Is everything okay?".
I swallowed. How was I going to tell him about my past with Kivar??

Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 4 9/2/08

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:24 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!!

Oh, this just gets better and better. Hunter and Carrie, can I have another update? Maybe like...tomorrow? I love the first person point of view in this fic. I also love Max and Liz in this story.
Sorry about the delay!! Thanks for the comment Lena!! Really means a lot to us!! Thank you :D :D

begonia9508- Yes Max would have seen that..but there's more then meets the eyes Eve!! Hope you enjoy the next part!! :mrgreen:

Why max didn't know she had a past with kivar? He was connect to her when he healed her.
Good point there angelina..that part of Liz's life about Kivar is buried in her subconcious..really deep in her psyche which she has repressed. It's going to take a lot of work to get that traumatic memory out into the open..listen to me lol I sound like a psychologist... :lol: anyway we hope you enjoy the next part. Thanks for the fb!!

twilight- I know! Liz having a past with Kivar don't sound good but don't worry..this is purely a dreamer fic, Thanks and I think Micheal and Isabel will be making an appearence sometime in the story. :D rest assured. Thanks.

Max should be very interested to learn about Liz's past with Kivar
, you're so right lol. Thank you for commenting!! :D

Let's hope some more body heat is shared pretty soon!
:lol: , of course!! Don't worry destiny...Max and Liz will have their moments!! Thanks a lot!!

Here's the next part!! We hope you guys enjoy!! :D


Chapter 4.

Max Pov

I pushed my food around my plate trying hard not to show my shocking concern over Liz’s admission. This is much worse than I could've ever imagine. What possible link could Kivar have with this innocent human.

I looked up and forced a smile at our attempt at casual conversation but it seem as though I wasn’t the only one who was trying to hide their feelings.

Liz seemed very uneasy all of a sudden. Maybe she was picking up on how worried I was that Kivar was making appearances in her dreams. Maybe it was something else. Still I can’t help thinking that she is not telling me everything.

Regardless I have to convince her somehow that she must remain with me. I have no idea what Kivar has planned for her but I’m not taking any chances.

In the middle of all of this I can't help but notice how her hair keeps falling across her soft pink lips. I wanted so badly to reach over and tuck it behind her ear. I remembered quickly how in my attempt at calming her I stroked her palm and nearly had to pull my thumb away from the intense sensation that ran through me.

Liz Parker has some kind of hold on me already and I barely know her.

I smile slightly but am laughing on the inside at how she devours her food. The way she is waving her hands around and talking while eating bite after bite is incredibly adorable.

Everything about her is making me want to know more then she shocks me after eating her last bite left on her plate.

“Listen Max I know we have much more to talk about but I have so much to do-

“Liz if you think I’m going to leave you alone-

She grabbed the check out of my hand and was up at the cash register before I could finish my sentence.

Grabbing my duffle bag I give her a stunned look as I walk through the door that she is holding open for me.

“I think that’s my job.”

I watch as she rolls her eyes at me and shakes her head. Clearly she is an independent woman who is used to taking care of herself.

I reach in my back pocket and take enough money to cover both our meals only to have it waved away by her.

“I don’t need you to take care of me Max. What I need is for you to fill in the blanks”

I run up to her catching up to the quick pace she is walking as she makes her way down to the managers office.

“Fill in the blanks?”

“Yes…I need answers about Kivar. What exactly you know about him, what is your connection to him –



I watch as she throws her arms around what appears to be and I am hoping is a good friend to her. He gives me a suspicious look as he takes her stuff and throws it in his car.

“Max I want you to meet my friend Alex. Alex this is Max …the man who saved me last night.”

“So you’re responsible for her car resembling a crushed soda can.”

“Alex, you promised’

A warm smile suddenly appeared over the boyish tall thin young man as he held his hand out for me to shake.

“Yes I did… didn’t I. Sorry Max Liz is like a little sister to me and well you can imagine how this all looks. Anyway thanks for taking care of her last night.”

I shook his hand smiling feeling a strong sense of relief at the mention of him seeing her as his little sister.

“Well I guess that’s it. I need to make a phone call why don’t you two talk a minute and we’ll take off.”

Alex jumped in the driver’s seat of a big black SUV and was quickly talking away leaving us to awkwardly stand in the parking lot staring at the ground in silence.

“Liz I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to stay alone tonight. Why don’t you come back here. We can order dinner from the diner and you can ask me anything you want…

“And after that?”

“Well after that you can stay over. Maybe you’ll have another dream and I can help with what you are seeing.”

My mind was racing trying to think of any reason to get her to stay with me. I had to make sure she was safe. I could accomplish this by following her. She’d never know it. It was what I was good at…hiding going unnoticed …concealing myself in the shadows.

There was only one problem with that. I found myself needing to talk to her … getting to know her better. To hear her sweet voice speak to me again…god what was happening to me.

I am trained not to get involved …not to get personal. Something deep inside told me that it was far too late for that.

“Ok we do need to talk. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to stay although I don’t think it’s necessary.”

I could tell she was trying to be tough. The way she let her guard down in the diner and told me how she was scared spoke volumes. She didn’t want to be alone. She just didn’t want to admit it.

“We’ll probably be talking late into the night it only make sense to stay.”

“Okay fine then. I’ll be at your room around eight.”

“I’ll see you then”

I watched as they pulled out of the parking space. I ducked into the car Michael had left for me and quickly caught up with them. Sure she would see me tonight but unknown to her I would be following her closely all day. As long as I was alive no harm would come to her.


Sitting on my bed I nervously watched the clock. It was five after eight and although I had only left her two hours ago I grew worried.

Just then my heart jumped at the soft knock on my door.

I quickly opened it and suddenly forgot how to breathe.

Standing in front of me was a girl that looked entirely different then the one I had previously been with.

Her hair was long and shiny and hung just below her shoulders in soft loose waves. She wore a low cut black long sleeve shirt that showed off her flawless skin. Her skirt was also black and very short. I was helpless as my eyes fell to her bare legs that begged to be touched.

The make up that was absent the night before made her look like a different person. Older …more mature…sexy. Her eyes were dark and smoky and her lips a very pale pink, it was impossible not to stare.

As the familiar scent of strawberries wafted through the air I was suddenly wondering if I would be able to talk at all.

Liz's POV

Oh god. What am I thinking? Is this me? Am I even myself? I ask myself in my mind..taking another glance at myself. Here I was, shamelessly clad in a cleavage top and an ass skirt. Shit, I pulled a Lois Lane who was trying to seduce Superman.

Oh god..I don't know whether to just knock or walk in like this..I needed answers fast and Max seemed like the type who didn't give in easily. I hated to admit..seducing him was the only option. I wasn't going to act like a whore but I wasn't going to play nice either. I needed information, I needed his trust and for that he needed to know that he could trust me too.

I'm dying of shame here. Wondering whether to go in or not. Max had me doing things I never imagined. He had this spell over me, he was like the magnet and I was like the pin who always got attached to him. The magnetic pull was irresistable. I always found myself wanting to come back to him.

It's five minutes past eight. Who was I kidding? Of course I had to step in there and meet him or he'd be worried sick. I don't care. I need to see him anyway and who knows what would transpire between us tonight??
Daring myself..I knocked the door. He opened it and boy his mouth dropped as if he was seeing a beautiful angel who descended from the heavenly sky just to convey him a message, a divine message. Okay enough of a narcissism crap or whatever it was.

He stands there, transfixed and checks me out. I freeze, feeling his heated gaze on me. At this moment, I have to fight this uncontrollable urge to jump on him, wrap my bare legs around his waist and feel him..oh lord...forgive me for my lustful thoughts..I silently begged for forgiveness.

He looks so yummy and tasty watching me... "Max." I smile, hoping he liked what he saw. I wasn't your average blue eyed beach blonde with massive fake breasts. I needed alot of self confidence to get this far.

"Liz." He stutters, almost falling. "Hey."

"Can I come in?". I ask, catching my breath. He quickly steps aside allowing me entrance to his little den.

He shuts the door behind me as I walk further into the room. The room seemed a little warmer as the fragrance of warm ginger followed by the top note of cinnamon. My own scent of strawberry and vanilla reached out to dance with this masculine scent as if the scents were merging together..finding their own balance and I turned around.

"So everything okay?". Max asks me, walking towards the very same table which I had seen the documents on on my first visit life changing visit.

"Yes." I nod and sit on the bed. I press my legs together to hide my aching core which kept heating up more and more on the sight of Max. I knew wearing a short skirt was going to be a pain in the neck but my body had other ideas.

He gathers some documents and joins me on the bed. I almost stiffen when his hard body brushes against my soft one. He seems to have notice this and also stiffens.

"Let's have a look." He murmmered, flipping through the files.

The attractive scent of ginger and cinnamon was radiating off from him and I couldn't think straight, my mind, my body was being tantalized by him.

"See these photos Liz.." Max said, showing me a handful of photos. Dazed, I rest my eyes on them and the silver hand print is staring back at me.

"Oh my god.." I gasp, taking the pictures in my hand. Momentarily forgetting my trance like state but Max's scent never leaves me.

Our hands brush, sending signals skin deep into my system and to my brain and my responding action was getting more aroused as the clock ticked. With trembling hands I take the photo's and try to focus on why I was here.

"See these silver handprints Liz?". Max asked me, pointing at the ugly handprints. "Kivar and his men are responsible for that. With one touch, they can bring death." Max warned. "Now I need you to stay with me because I would not want that to happen to you." He said softly as our eyes met.

"Kivar..can do that.." I gasped, almost shocked shitless remembering the times when he had laid his hands on me easily he could have killed me. Thank god we didn't go far to sleeping together. The thought of that monster with his hands on me everywhere made me sick.

"Liz..have you ever met him.." Max asked cupping my cold cheek and allowing his warmth to seep through me like a plant needed the sunlight to survive.

With fear evident in my eyes, I look directly into Max's comforting molten golden eyes. "I don't understand why he's after me Max." I could tell Max how I knew Kivar but that wouldn't be much of a help would it?

And the main question was, what did Kivar want with me? What was so special about me and what did I have to offer him?

" you have any leads right now?" I asked, patience slowely wearing off. As I realised how much dangerous Kivar really was, my fears only increased. Trepidation taking over.

"Liz..I can't put your life in danger." He tries his best to reason but I'm not having any of it.

"No Max." I snap, getting up. "I'm free to make my mind up, you either got it or you don't." I told him with determination burning in my eyes. "And whatever is on your mind I'm going to find out whether you tell me or not."

I don't know whether I'm being very rude to Max but I had to find out, I had this craving to know what exactly was going on and somehow I felt responsible for what Kivar had been doing to the innocent people.

A strange kind of occurence washed over me, leaving me shaken with guilt.

"Liz are you okay? You're shaking?". Max get's up, reaching out for me and I don't realise I'm practically shaking until he touches me and I jerk back in response. "Liz.?".

"Please Max..just take me there. I know you know more then you're letting on." Somehow I just know he's hiding something, something vital from me. I had to know. I plead with him and he get's the message that he cannot stop me.

"Okay Liz. We'll go." He promises solemly.

We ended up in his car, driving on the highway in the dark. None of us spoke a single word until we got there. Max shut the engine off. "This is dangerous Liz." He began, sighing.

"The roadhouse?". I frown, watching the sign of the bar.

"Kivar has someone working there." Max told me. "I wasn't going to bust in straight away but since you're so.."

"So damn stubborn..yes I know." I nodded. "But how long were you going to wait Max till he had someone killed?". I asked, fury stabbing me in the heart. God, I felt so bad. I could have saved all those people if I just knew what exactly was going on.

"We need to lay low." Max said in a quiet tone. "We cannot let anyone suspect us."

Both of us look at each other and then I realise what he was trying to say. Me and Max were not going to walk in that bar as alien hunters but as a normal couple.

Max and I walked in, side by side, hand in hand. It seemed a little awkward judging from the fact that we had only met since yesterday, probably around this time as well but the feel of his warm hand in mind seemed to have affected me so that I didn't want to remove myself from him just yet or maybe just wanted to stay stuck with him all night long.

The room was cloudy with the puffs of smoke coming from the half lit tabbaco's from big beefy men sitting all over the place with their huge pints of beer. The women were lean, very skinny with long noses and there was one woman sitting at the bar who resembled a lot like Cruella De-vil, puffed up afro like hair with shades of black and red and was very pale. She was dressed in animal fur from head to toe and was smoking a thin stick preferbly known as a cigar.

The big beefy men turned to leer at me, wolf whistling as they noticed that I was very different from the other women in the bar. Max held me closer to his body, a sign that I wasn't to be messed with..that I washisgirl. Even the men preoccupied with playing pool in the corner of the room, stopped to stare at me. Now I really regretted wearing a short skirt. That was only meant for Max. No one else and certainly not that scary looking man with piercings over his face who looked like he was about to spank my ass. Max dodged me out of the way before he could touch me with his dirty hand and glared at him.

"Don't think about touching my girl." Max warned the bearded man, intimidating him and the man gave up and turned around. Protecting me with his body, Max sheilded my small body as he led us to the bar.

We finally sat down after trying to get past the sea of troubles in the bar. A bubbly honey blonde approached us, speaking in a southern texas accent. "What can I get you guys?". She parted her painted red lips and placed her manicured hands on the surface of the counter, leaning forward and expressing a friendly gratitude. Her lovely bouncy curls looked like they had just been done.

"Liz..what do you want?". Max asked politely.

"I'll just have a pepsi." I answered. I needed to keep sane to focus on this little mission.

"In that case we'll have two pepsi's." Max slapped down five dollars onto the counter. "And keep the change."

The bustly blonde smiled a friendly smile before taking the dollar bill. "Two pepsi's coming right up." She grinned before spinning around to deliver our orders. Max turned to me.

"Are you okay seem a little pale?". He asked with concern.

"Isn't everybody here pale?". I laughed it off.

The bubbly blonde came back quickly with our drinks. "Here you go." She said in her texas accent. "I'm Maria by the way." She added. "You guys look new here..especially you." She gestured towards me with her eyes. "If you guys need anything..don't hesistate to call me." Then she leaned in forward. "Most guys here...are very agressive and will try something." She warned me with a wink.

"Maria Deluca!". A tall skinny redhead called. "You don't work here to chit chat with the customers, you serve them." She said, aggravated.

"Coming mom." Maria rolled her eyes and whisked away before I had a chance to say anything back to her.

"Wow.." I shrugged. "She seems nice." I commented before taking a sip of my pepsi.

"She is nice." Max agreed, sipping on his pepsi too. "But it's not her we're looking for. It's someone else." He told me quietly but I heard him, even with the juke box playing "don't stop me now" by Queen so loudly.

"Then who is it?". I asked, after taking a big sip from my pepsi.

"Tess." He said venomously, glancing at a certain direction which I followed. I saw another curly blonde but this time she was a little shorter and wore a blatant fake smile as she swung the door open and came out to the front.

"Where were you?". Maria asked her, shooting a glance. "Out in the back giving head to someone?".

"Ha, funny." Tess snorted, rolling her eyes and walking away to collect some empty glasses left on the tables. Max and I watched her and then Max leaned closer to me.

"She's working with Kivar." Max told me.

"So she's an alien too..just like Kivar?". I gasped in Max's ear.

"Yes. She murders people too. What they want is to carry out experiments on humans..that's all I know so far. I haven't spoken to Tess yet." Max told me.

"Max...she could kill you." I reminded him. "You're just a human."

"I'll take my chances."

I grabbed his hand. "'re not putting yourself in danger I warned." I was surprised by how much I seemed to care about Max. It's like he was someone very special to me and I'll be damned if I let him get hurt.

Max smiled as if he read my thoughts or something. " didn't listen to me when I protested against you coming here. Now we both need to know what's going on." He said and I realised he was going to include me on this one too but when it wasn't going to be easy.

"Max.." I narrowed my eyes. "You need a distraction. I'll hold the fort while you go and talk to Tess." I told him, trusting him.

"No..I'm not going to leave you alone here Liz." He urged, interwining our fingers together. "It's too risky for you."
"Max..I'm a big girl I can handle it." I reminded him. "Right now you need to talk to Tess." I told him. "And besides..Maria is here to keep me company." I smiled at him. The blonde known as Tess went back to the back room with empty glasses in her hands.

"Are you sure?". Max asked, locking our fingers together.

"Yes. I'm sure." I nodded. "Now go." I sqeezed his hand lightly and then called for Maria. "Hey Maria!".

In an instant, she was here. "Yes?".

"Could you tell Max where the bathroom is?". I smiled and Max stiffened.

"Upstairs on your first right." Maria answered. "Need me to keep her company?". She asked, hopefully.

"Yes please." Max nodded and reluctanly stepped up from his stool. "Liz..I'll be quick." He said, unwillingly taking his hand out of mine and looking back at me with a longing look on his face.

I watched him as he left and dissapeared behind the door to the back room. I sighed. I hope Max was going to be okay.


Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 5 9/8/08

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:21 pm
by jake17
angelina: hey sweetie thanks so much for being her! We really appreciate your fb! :D
kitten88: Hunter's line was awesome I agree! so happy your here! thank you! :D
Natalie36: thanks so much for being here sweetie! :D
keepsmiling7 : I don't think you have anything to worry about! :wink: thanks so much for your sweet fb!
Lena7 wrote:I'm curious myself what role Liz plays in Kivar's devious plans.
To tell you the truth I'm a little curious too Lena! :wink: :lol: So happy your here! thank you! :D
begonia9508: Eve, Hey sweetie, yes Max has not told her that he is an alien yet.. thanks so much for being here! :D
katydid: thank you Kate! so happy your here! :D
L-J-L 76: loving all your questions as always! but I think this chapt might leave you only wondering a bit more :oops: sorry! thanks so much for your fb! :D
paper: Yes she does remember being hurt but I think she's very subborn and at the end of her rope with what she's been through. but then again I shouldn't speak for Hunter... I guess this is what Max is seeing :wink: :lol: thanks so much paper! :D
tinie38: Kris! you're here! So happy to see your name! thanks so much! :D

Chapter 5.

Liz's Pov

The boney woman who sat next to me dressed in nothing but animal fur began to hum towards the music that was coming from the jukebox and then began to shriek as the notes picked up, fast paced. It pierced my ears. "Scream my naaaaame". She shrieked harder, smoke pouring out from her mouth.

Maria and I had to restrain ourselves from laughing.

"So where you from?" Maria asked politely, trying to start a friendly conversation as I was tensed.

"Roswell." I shrugged and then turned my attention to that jukebox. "How I detest that music!". I cried, faking disappointment. "Shame I don't have change on me." I noticed as I was without a purse.

Maria pulled out a few quarters. "Here. Change the song...I don't like it either." She said, handing me the silver coins.

"'re.." I begin but she shakes the matter off.

"Hey…you said it. The song isn’t that cool…mind you…it's like a battlefield out there. Need someone to come with?". She asked.

"Nah I'll be fine." I answered, getting up from the stool.

"I have a cousin. Sean Deluca? He'll protect you from these sleazebags." She insisted and I had to create a distraction otherwise Max would get caught.

"It's okay." I told her and sprinted off, slowly making my way towards the juke box and trying to ignore the hungry stares of those horrible men.

"Hello there doll." One man wolf whistled and his group of big motorcyclists in leather jackets laughed as they looked at me.

"She looks ready to be ravished." Another said. "Can't wait to rip that skirt off her."

I shuddered in disgust as I walked past them. I finally got towards the jukebox and put in the coins and changed the music to Jessica Simpson's 'These boots are made for walking'. Just the song for me since I had knee high boots on. And I needed a little action.

"Sweet lord Jesus." I heard a man's voice behind me. "Nice ass. Mind if I fuck it?".

Faking a smile, I turned around and laughed. "Why thank you..." I began and the man grinned, deluding himself into thinking he had won his way around with me. He was just like the rest of them…scumbags. Dirty clothes, dirty beard and dirty minded. Preying on a girl who was probably young enough to be his daughter.

"Yeah.." He nodded, grinning.

" about..." I clenched my hands into fists, diverted all the anger into my hands,and blew a storm on the dude's face with my fist. He hadn't seen it coming. "Mind if I do this instead!". I said as I delivered the hard punch.

I sent him knocking straight into the pool table where he tried to steady himself but got accidentally hit with a ball.
The man cursed and picked the ball up, turned around to throw it at me. "You stupid bitch."

I dodged out the way and the ball hit another man instead, smashing his pint of beer which he was about to drink. He stared at the direction where the ball came from and stood up, looking at that man in with deadly eyes. He looked very stoic. And then before we knew it, he picked up the round wooden table he was sitting on and chucked it at the man. I moved out the way and so did some other people.

"SEAN DELUCA! Get yo ass out here!". I heard Maria's Texas accent booming in the background.

And then these beastly men were fighting each other, one punch had caused a chain reaction like dominoes falling together. I tried my best to get out of the way of danger. Jumping over tables and running away from shooting beer bottles. Just what I needed so Max could extract the information out of that evil alien Tess without getting caught. I crawled under the table to shield myself from the broken glass which were flying everywhere.

Then I noticed two fat men almost about to fall onto the table I was hiding under and I jumped out the way to escape a deadly fate and the table crashed behind me. Sorry Maria, I thought to myself.

I found myself landing on the feet of a guy. "Are you okay?". He asked, and picked me up and wiped the dust off my clothes. He had blonde hair the shade of hay and looked at me with friendly eyes.

"Yeah I guess so." I said, the smashes of glass and cries of curses filled the room.
"Get behind the counter ma'am." He said in a Texas accent and cocked his rifle. "This is no scene for a pretty dame such as yourself." he said, stepping in front of me to shield me. He aimed for the dart board on the wall near the entrance door and shot.

"Everyone stop now!". He warned loudly as the big fight almost died down. I slowly made my way back to the bar.

More men, presumably bar staff joined the man with the rifle trying to break off the fight. "Lord knows where these beasts come from." Maria said. "I worry a lot."

"I know. It’s really really dangerous." I agreed, sitting back on the stool again.

"That's my cousin Sean." Maria pointed at the guy who helped me up.

"Oh." was all I could say.

I glanced at my watch. it had been five minutes since Max was gone and then I heard Maria shriek. "Liz watch out!". She cried, pulling me to a side as a beer bottle was aimed for us and smashed the wall behind the counter instead.

"Thanks Maria." I gasped in shock. I could have been hit badly.

Max swung the door open and rushed towards me, taking my hand in his. "Liz come on we gotta get outta here." He said.

I shot an apologetic glance at Maria. "I'm so sorry for the damage! Thanks for your help!". I said to her as Max led me to safety outside the bar.
We got into his car and Max quickly drove off.

"Liz...I can't believe you put yourself in excessive danger". He snapped as his hands tightened on the steering wheel.

"You could have gotten badly injured. These people may not be aliens but they are dangerous."

"Max…nothing happened to me." I answered, trying to show him that I was capable of protecting myself.

"Oh yeah?". Max snapped, then why is there a bleeding cut on your left knee?". He said, shooting a glance at my knee.

I looked down and winced. The blood was oozing out from my wound. I must have grazed it against a shard of glass from the broken beer bottles.

"You always get hurt." Max snapped, focusing on the road.


"No Liz NO!". Max warned. "This is enough. I will decide what happens from now on."

I didn't speak, just heard the unspoken words in the silence. Max cared for me. Period. I cared for Max. Period. The meaning of this was still yet to be discovered. How one cut on me affected Max so much amazed me. It made me feel...special.

"Thanks Max." I thanked him for everything, for saving me, for being there for me, for putting up with me and for being with me.

Within seconds he let my words seep into his heart and then pulled a small secret smile which didn't go unnoticed by me, even in the dark.

Our destiny's seemed a little more entwined then we realized.


Max's Pov

As I let go of her hand I already feel in my guts that’s it’s a mistake. I shouldn't have taken her here it’s too dangerous.

Damn how did she convince me to do this. I look back at her one more time as I walk through the door to the back room and I see her talking to Maria.

At least I know that if anything happens Maria can handle it or at the very least let me know… something I’m not so convinced that Liz would do. She seems bound and determined to handle everything on her own.

Immediately as I enter the dark and smoky room all I eyes are on me. I scan the room quickly looking past the round table of poker players that obviously don’t want any uninvited guests to the large henchman that are eyeing me cautiously.

That’s when I see her. She’s leaning up against the window staring out into the night like she is waiting for something.

My stomach churns at the thought of what she might be anticipating. Maybe a message from Kivar is awaiting her or worse maybe he himself is going to be making the journey tonight.

I take a deep breath thinking I better get this over with. God knows what kind of trouble Liz is getting into out there dressed the way she is tonight.

Suddenly like she has felt my presence her eyes are on me. It feels as though her ice blue stare is trying to read my thoughts. She knows I’m here to talk to her and she’s very pleased about it.

I watch as her head tilts to the side and her bright red lips curve into a curious grin. Slowly she makes her way over to me ignoring all the glances of the burly guys throwing their money down and yelling at each other.

“Hello Max”


“Is there something I can …do for you?”

I suddenly hear lots of commotion in the bar outside and silently pray that this has nothing to do with Liz but I fear I am wrong. I better make this quick.

“Is there somewhere we can …go”

Her grin widens as she takes my hand in hers.

“Of course Max ...anything you want …you know that”

As she pulls me up a flight of stairs through a narrow hallway leading down several doors. I’m starting to wonder if this is such a good idea.

I hear another sudden uproar faintly through the walls and some glass break. Now I’m really regretting my decision to bring her here.

“Here this will do just fine I think”

I watch as she waves her hand over the door and glides through it. In lightening speed she has me pined up against the wall. Her hands are already underneath my shirt making their way up my stomach.

As fast as I possibly can I grab her wrists and pull her hands away from me.

“That’s not why I’m here Tess”

I move away from her and look around the room noting the bed.

My voice stays calm even though I am disgusted by the very presence of her and our... history.

“So is this where he keeps you?”

My body stiffens as her cold hands once again find their way around my waist crawling up my bare skin.

I break away from her again and spin around to face her pouting crimson full lips.

“Now Max is that anyway to treat me? I mean it’s been long enough. Don’t you think it’s time for some …forgiveness?”

I can almost taste the bile in my throat as the memories fill my head. No doubt she is the one causing this sudden walk down memory lane.


“Why? We were so good together Max… don’t you remember?”

“It was never good. It was a mistake. The biggest mistake I’ve ever made.”

Tess plops down on a puffy ripped old flowered chair in corner of the room and crosses her arms in front of her. A sinister expression darkens over her as she looks me up and down.

“This has to do with the slut you brought in here tonight doesn’t it baby? You like her …she crinkles her nose as if she’s trying to read me. Oh yes you like her a lot!”

My eyes I'm sure are pure black now as I clench my jaw and walk closer to her.

“You get one pass at talking about her. One pass.”

Tess rolls her eyes as if she’s getting bored at the turn of our conversation.

“Whatever Max. So if you’re not here to play what do you want?”


“Ha! And why would I help you?”

“Because you owe me Tess. You owe me big. Did you forget? Or do I a have to remind you again?”

Sighing she waves her hand in the air.

“Oh god please no. I don’t think my stomach can handle the story of your daredevil act of saving my life again. Besides that was a long time ago.”

I stare out her window recalling my choice to save her even after knowing that she was using me. That she had been working with him all along. Kivar’s puppet used to pull me in.

“Look I don’t have a lot of time here-

“You have even less time then you think Max.”

“What does that mean”

“It means that he’s got your little sweetheart in his crosshairs. I hope you didn’t let yourself get too attached baby”

Her careless tone makes me want to snap her neck as I quickly make my way over to her.

“What the hell are you talking about Tess!”

She cries out in protest as I lift her up by her arm and shake her.

“Tell me what you know!”

“Well I know that Billy and Sam in back of you are not too happy right now.”

I turn to see two large gorillas standing by the doorway.

I raise my hand quickly loosing patience unable to think of anything but Liz’s safety.

“Oh honey I wouldn’t. Not here you know better. Has she really clouded your pretty head that much? You know this place is full of our kind. One against twenty will not be a fair fight even with someone as cunning as you”

“Don’t push me Tess. Tell me what you know!”

“My advice, stay far away from her Max. He has plans for her and he’ll destroy anything that gets in his way. Let’s face it if he finds out it’s you that’s harboring his latest conquest he’ll be that much more eager to pull out the big guns. You know how much he thrives off competition.”

“What plans are you talking about Tess. What does he want with her? What would he want with a human? What use could she possibly be to him?”

“A human? Hmm interesting”

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing, nothing, I think it is time for you to leave Max your little damsel in distress is in need of your assistance. She's getting pretty roughed up down there I would get your little human home if I were you. I’m surprised at you Max. Really I would think you’d be smarter than to bring her here. ”

My voice gets very calm and quiet as I squeeze her arm tighter.

”You make me sick. Stay away from her Tess. Remember saving people isn't the only power I have."

I throw her back down on the chair and cringe at her evil laughter as I raise my hand and easily throw the two goons aside.

As I make my way into the bar my fears are realized when I see the fight and Liz bleeding. Damn this was such a mistake.

"Liz come on we gotta get outta here”

"I'm so sorry for the damage! Thanks for your help!"

I glance back at Maria showing her my anger. My feelings aren’t exactly the same as Liz. I’m not happy that she didn’t come and get me at the first sign of trouble and I want her to know it.

I put Liz in the car shaking my temper clearly out of control. How am I going to protect her if she doesn’t listen to me. As we drive away from the bar I lose it.

"Liz...I can't believe you put yourself in excessive danger. You could have gotten badly injured. These people may not be aliens but they are dangerous."

"Max…nothing happened to me."

I dig my fingers harder into the steering wheel. She’s going to have to follow my rules from now on if I’m ever going to keep her safe! She’s obviously hurt and I was only gone a few minutes. Lay low I told her … this is what she calls laying low!

"Oh yeah? Then why is there a bleeding cut on your left knee? You always get hurt."


"No Liz NO! This is enough. I will decide what happens from now on."

My head is spinning with worry. What am I going to do now? What do I tell her? All can think is Kivar and his hands on her when I hear her voice again much softer and lower then before.

"Thanks Max."

My heart slowly took in what she was trying to say. How did all this happen so fast? How could she have such a hold on me already? How did I not feel myself fall so quickly?

Within minutes we are back at the hotel.

I rush her up into the room and pull her in slamming the door behind her.

“Liz! Please tell me what you were thinking?”

“Why are you shouting?”

“Because you … you could’ve gotten hurt that’s why!”

Her voice is almost a whisper as she watches me pace the room in a fury.

“But I didn’t...this is nothing“

My eyes fall to her blood stained knee. Frustration takes over knowing that I could heal her now if she just knew who I was.

I slowly gaze at her breathless standing there staring at me with her big brown eyes.

I look her up and down trying to control my emotions but it’s no use. I want her …I have to have her. Without warning I grab her by the shoulders and push her up against the wall.

“Max what –

My mouth silences her as I capture her lips in mine.

Within an instant I am lost as I breathe her in. My hands travel from her shoulders up to cup the sides of her face as I tilt her head back.

Gently I part her lips and slide my tongue inside. Helplessly I moan as I feel her hands under my shirt. Her small fingers glide over my stomach to my chest. I am quickly loosing control.

Over and over I taste her as her soft whimpers fill the room. Suddenly guilt starts to wash over me. She has no idea who I am or what I am. How can I make love to her when I am hiding so much. It’s not fair to her. She might feel differently if she knew what I was… or what I’ve done.

My mind clouds over as our kiss becomes deeper more urgent my resolve is not strong. She is so beautiful so soft.

Her hands start to move down to rest on the button of my jeans I have to do something now.

Suddenly I back away breathlessly and sit on the bed with my head in my hands trying to calm down.

“Max…what is it? What’s wrong?”

Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 6 9/23/08

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:07 am
by Hunter
Thanks for leaving fb everyone!!

keepsmiling7 (x 2)- Thanks for the bump! :wink:

Hope you enjoy the next part! :D

Liz’s Pov

"Max…what is it? What's wrong?" I gasp, my lips are swollen with desire…Max had been kissing me senseless just less then a minute ago. The feel of being ravished by Max had my hopes up maybe he was attracted to me. I had lost myself in that one passionate kiss which would have eventually led to sex.

Or making love.

But Max had stopped midway and sat on the bed with his head in his hands like he was ashamed or something. I hope I wasn't the problem. "Max…it's me isn't it?" I scoffed. Realizing why would he want to have a boring brunette like me when he can have a fun blonde like that Tessy back in the bar.

His head snaps up and he looks at me with those soulful eyes. "It's not you Liz." He begins but I can't stand it when he does that expression. The cute one, which had me weak at the knees and his voice the voice of reason, always had me convinced.

"No Max. You don't have to lie." I fought back the tears. I put all of my trust in him and the rejection was starting to hurt. I could hear my own voice tremble. "I understand."

"You do?" He asks incredulously.

I'm pacing up and down the room until I stop right by the window.

I'm even more hurt by his response. I brush my hair back with one hand. "Yeah." I nod. It made perfect sense. Max and I had only met just recently. But that was from my perspective. From him, I guessed I wasn't his kind of girl. I didn't have big breasts. I looked inexperienced because I had never been so passionate with a guy before...and any guy could see that a mile off.

I wasn't right for Max and both of us knew it. "I can't really blame you Max. We're very different." I tell him. "You come from one world and I come from another." I said, trying to look away from his confused eyes.

"It's just…impossible for us to be together." I turn my back on him and rest my head on the window. "I'm so sorry."

I didn't know where exactly Max came from but I guessed he mingled among those who had expensive rich taste. I was just a simple small town girl who was trying to look for answers, not someone who Max would find tempting to love.

"You think that?" He gasped sharply.

I heard him get up from the bed and shuffle about a bit before walking dangerously closer to me.

I was dreading his answer so much.

"Liz I am very sorry that things had to go this way." He begins his monologue. I shut my eyes and squeezed the tears out. "But you're right…we both come from different worlds and it's not safe for us to be together."

More tears seep from my eyes.

"I know." I croaking, letting him continue. My heart was already breaking, what was the use of stopping it from completely breaking now? Half a broken heart was just as bad as a full broken heart or even worse because you still have hope which only let's you down when the things you wish for never happen.

"Liz? Are you crying?" Max asks all of a sudden.

"No." I lied but my own voice betrayed me, I tried to wipe the tears away but more tears flooded down my face. I froze when I felt Max's hands on my shoulder and he turned me around to face him.

His fingers were already on my face, both thumbs brushing away the excess tears which his fingers cradled my chin. With such affection, his eyes shining warmly as he focused on clearing my face...I looked at his face. I only longed for him more. This was beginning to pain me now. We got close only to be parted again.

I badly wanted to kiss him but I was afraid what his reaction might be…I didn't want to get rejected again. It'll hurt too much. Why was he being so kind to me? Why was he leading me on?

"Max. Stop." I growled and using force, I pushed him away. "Will you stop seducing me?!" I yelled at him before pushing past him and running to the bathroom and shutting the door. Leaning against the door, I sobbed and slid down onto the floor in a heap. I was a right mess.

Max knocks on the door. "Liz…please open the door" He knocks softly at first and then a little louder but I don't relent. No. I wasn't going to listen to him this time.

Every time he led me on only to drop me cold. It hurt so badly. I had to stop falling for him. But he was so damn handsome it was proving to be impossible to let him go. The most beautiful man I have ever seen and fate was so cruel to tantalize me with him only not to have him. It was like teasing a kitten with a soft toy or a ball of wool only to take it away.

That was the one thing I hadn't counted on...falling for him. I had it all planned out…little miss perfectionist. I'd meet the guy, get his help to defeat Kivar and go home back to my normal life. No strings attached. But it didn't. Instead I was getting more and more tempted to touch Max…to feel him…to love him.

"Liz please, open the door." He begs, I can hear the hint of sadness in his voice. As much as I am tempted to open the door and throw my arms around him and kiss him senseless before ending up in the bed with him...I restrained myself.

Why did I want to sleep with him so much? God…why was my body reacting in this way in response to Max?

He gives up after a sequence of banging his fists on the door and he's the one who relents not me. I hear him sit back on the bed again and I get up, wincing in pain and look at my cut on my knee. I'd have to get that fixed.

I make my way to the bathtub and take off my boot. Placing my feet on the edge of the bath, I run the basin tap…warm water and I take some tissue roll and dampen it. Closing the tap, I placed the wet tissue on my knee and I almost cry out in pain but bite my lip to stop me from making a noise knowing that Max would break down the door and come to my rescue again like always.

I wash away the blood and clean my wound. I throw the used tissue in the toilet and flush it. Then I open the unit just about the basin and take out the first aid kit. I can take care of myself. I smiled. That felt good. Knowing I didn't need Max to save me all the time. I apply some healing cream on my wound before wrapping a bandage around it. It stung a little but I didn't care.

I put the rest of the unused roll of bandage material back into the first aid kit when something falls out. Some sort of weird device shiny black plastic? With light blue buttons but the lettering wasn't English looked foreign. Maybe it was Ukrainian or even Chinese but these were hieroglyphics I had never seen before. Strange symbols.

Something was attached to it, like a phone cord or a keying of some sort. I run my fingers over the pendant with a two swirl’s on it and a dot in the centre. Looked like the galaxy or something. What was this stuff?

It began flashing and I almost dropped it.

"Liz? Is everything okay in there?" Max hollered from the other side of the door.

"Yes Max!" I holler back. "I'll come out when I'm ready." I clutch the thing closer to me.

He's very stubborn and I can hear his muttering from the other side of the door. He wants me out. But he's not going to get what he wants this time around. I carefully study it. What business Max had with this?

I tried to think…maybe it belong to Kivar…was his little alien weapon or something. God knew what it was. Max had probably taken it off him or one of his allies to prevent mass destruction.

I remember every curve and line of the strange device in my hands before I put it away. I zip the bag shut and put it back into the unit.

I look at my bandaged knee and I don't know why but something tells me not to tell Max about my little discovery...


Max’s Pov

Frustrated I sit on the edge of the bed and stare at the door.

I wish I could tell her the truth about everything. Even though I know that it’s the right thing to do I can’t bring myself to see the rejection in her eyes. There is no way she would accept me for what I am.

All these years… all my training and I’ve broken the first rule. Never let anyone in. Never get emotionally involved. How did I know that the part of me that was missing my whole life was locked inside of her?

I look at her and I feel the peace that I’ve been searching for. I think I’ve been kidding myself all along …thinking I could keep my distance turning that part of myself off.

The truth is I knew that very night. I knew when I held her head in my lap and looked into her deep brown eyes that she had my heart.

When I wiped away her tears my only wish is that I could somehow grab her in my arms and run.

Run far away from all this death and destruction. No more fighting …no more pain.

Only us.

I’ve hurt her …I keep pulling away to save her from my dangerous life but she doesn’t understand, I can see it in her eyes.

I wonder what she meant when she said that it’s impossible for us to be together.

Running my hands through my hair I realize how selfish I’m being. There is no way she could possibly feel the way I do.

She is young and beautiful and smart and….human. The world is open to her. To pull her into my hell would be unfair. To rob her of a future that is bright and normal would be beyond selfish …it would be immoral.

Suddenly everything seems painfully clear. She asked for my help. That is all. She’ll get over whatever infatuation she has with me and I’ll get her through this and that will be it. I’ll just be a distance memory and that will have to be enough.

I stare at the bathroom door as I try to shut my feelings off. If Kivar is that intent on having her I have to be focused… prepared.

Tess’ words are gnawing at me. He seems to be coming through to her in her dreams. What if he tries something soon? I have to get her out of that bathroom. I have to get through to her if I’m going to make a connection with her tonight.

Walking over to the bathroom I place my hand over the doorknob.

In a calm soothing voice I whisper softly to her.

“Liz please… open the door. We need to talk. There are things you need to know.”

I give her a few seconds to respond before I unlock the door with my powers. Unexpectedly I see the doorknob turn. I back away not wanting to crowd her.

Seeing that she took it upon herself to bandage her wound I look up at her with concern.

“How’s your knee?”


Her voice is cold and distant. In a small way I’m happy for that.

Just being next to her is more than I can stand. I have to tell her my plan. This has to end. I can’t have the constant reminder of what my life could’ve been around me every second anymore. It’s just too painful.

“Liz please sit”

“I’m fine where I am Max”

I look over at her in shock at her relentless attitude. Running my hands through my hair I know what I have to do.

“Do you have to fight me on everything Liz! Please just sit down! This is serious we need to talk!”

I turn away hating the way I sound. I don’t want to be harsh with her but her I have to push her away from me. Even if it hurts her…even if it’s killing me.

“Fine I’m sitting… happy now!”


Look Max if you think I’m just going to sit here and take orders

Falling to my knees I grab her by the shoulders roughly and pull her towards me.

If you want to live than you will do everything I tell you to do!” My pain is piercing my heart when I see the fear in her eyes. My face is hard and mean. The terror of having Kivar take control over her and knowing that she will never be mine is making me loose control. Rage is all she sees the hurt in her eyes is more than evident as I continue to yell.

Listen to me Liz because believe me when I tell you your life depends on it!” She’s shaking in my clutches now, her eyes filled with tears. I struggle not to break down and hold her and tell her just how much I love her.

“Max please”

“Liz Tess told me that he is after you! Do you understand what that means Liz? It means your life, as you know it ends. No family no husband no children. Just an eternity with an evil twisted monster that will use you up till there is nothing left!”

“Max please my arms … your hurting me”

Her voice is soft and full of confusion. It’s working she’s starting to look at me differently. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this up but I have to try.

“You think my grip on you is painful Liz? Believe me it’s nothing compared to the grip Kivar will use to rip out every part of your soul!”

I release her and walk to the corner of the room.

Breathlessly I stare off into the distance as I repeat Tess’s words back to her.

“Tess said he has you in his crosshairs Liz. If there is one thing I know about Kivar he will fight till the bloody end to get what he wants and he wants... you.”

I punch the wall at the thought of his cold boney claws touching her soft innocent body.

“Max –

“I have a plan –

“Max wait I need to know something”

Without realizing it she has moved from the bed and is standing right behind me. I rub my eyes trying to think of anything but the close proximity of her.

“Why did Tess tell you all of this?” Her voice cracks already knowing the answer I am going to give her. “I mean if she is one of them why would she betray him and tell you…unless –

I turn to look at her. My expression of shame and guilt is telling her everything she needs to know.

“Oh…now I understand.”

“You understand nothing Liz”

“I understand why you don’t want me now. I don’t exactly measure up to what you’re... used to.”


This is just too much. For her to think that soulless conniving puppet could ever touch my heart the way that she has is unbearable. How can she be so blind? How can she not feel how much I care …how much I need her?

I can feel my walls crumbling as I move slowly pressing my lips against her cheek. Trembling I gently place her hand under my shirt against my bare chest.

Softly I whisper alongside her soft skin unable to keep my feelings hidden any longer.

My voice is low and deadly serious. I struggle to get the words out under the blazing warmth of her hand as my heart pounds furiously against her palm.

Can you feel how fast my heart is beating? It’s because of you Liz. I get around you and I can’t think …can’t breathe". I slide my hand against her slope of her low back pressing her closer to me as my mouth glides down her neck. You’re intoxicating …it’s almost too much to bear. Trying to stay away from you has been pure torture.”

Her voice is coming out strained and shaky. It’s obvious she is feeling the overwhelming fire that is burning between us.

“Max d-don’t… don’t tell me lies to spare my feelings.”

My eyes snap open as I capture her gaze in mine. I’m breathing hard now as I rest my forehead against hers making it impossible for her to look away.

Sliding her hand down my chest and over my stomach I hear her gasp as I press her palm against my rock hard arousal.

My desperate raspy breath brushes against her parted trembling lips as my darkened eyes bore into her soul.

There is no confusion in my tone. I want her and this time I am not pulling away.

“Does this feel like a lie Liz?”

My eyes slam shut as I seize her mouth swallowing her soft moans.

All reason starts to fade away as I slide my hand between her legs teasing the skin with my fingertips.

This fervent action causes her to break away from our kiss and breathlessly lean against the wall.

Her hands are now clutching my shoulders as she shivers from my touch.

My lips hover above her collarbone as I nip and lick her sweet skin.

I mumble helplessly against the rapid pulse of her neck.

“I should stop”

Her fingers are digging into my skin now as my hand caresses the inside of her thigh.

Tell me to stop Liz

My thumb presses firmly against her soaked panties as I cup her searing core in my hand.

I groan against her neck feeling just how ready she is for me.

“Liz please!”

Hearing the words that drive me to distraction I push her panties aside and slide my fingers slowly against her dripping folds.

“Don’t…d-don’t stop Max!”

Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 7 10/23/08

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:10 am
by jake17
Lena7: Wow Lena, Hunter and I are so grateful for your very sweet fb! :D
IheartMax: thank you so much sweetie! (I miss you!) :D
keepsmiling7: :lol: No one wants him to stop! :lol: thank you so much! :D
Natalie36: we agree Natalie, one would have to be insane to have him stop there! :wink: thanks so much for being here! :D
destinyc: Thanks so much for your fb destiny! :D
angelina: love love having you here as always! :D thank you!
begonia9508: Yes Eve there is a lot of desperate wanting here! :wink: thank you so much! :D

Oh I have to say this, Hunter you just blew me away with Liz's part in this next chapter! Awesome job sweetie! Carrie :wink:

Chapter 7.

Max's Pov

I have no strength left to resist her as I feel her body and how it’s calling out to me.

It’s up to her to push me away to stop what will inevitably be a mistake.

Cutting her out of my life now is impossible, she needs my protection but once she gives herself to me my heart will be forever hers …if it isn’t already.

Asking one last time to stop I hear the words that make me shudder as I touch her intimately for the first time.

“Don’t…d-don’t stop Max!”

Something deep snaps inside me as my need to have her drives me blindly. Forcefully I rip her panties from her body and fall to my knees.

I push her skirt up to her waist and stare at her with hungry eyes. Her beauty at this point is beyond my understanding.

Her lips are parted as she pants helplessly against the wall waiting for me to taste her.

I try to slow everything down knowing that I want to take pleasure in every inch of her until she begs me to stop.

It seems like I have waited a lifetime to feel this passion, this fire, what she has released in me. Now that it's here it feels like it has taken over every part of me consuming, devouring me. I am clearly at the mercy of this tantalizing woman trembling before me.

Slowly I raise her leg and rest it over my shoulder as she silently begs me to hurry with her with wide lustful brown eyes.

Without releasing her gaze I place soft open mouth kisses along the inside of her thigh. I can feel her leg tighten around my neck as I approach her core.

My hands wrap around her bottom and hold her firmly to my mouth as I begin to explore her dripping heat with my eager tongue.

I can hear a sharp gasp as her fingers thread through my hair holding me close urging me on.

Over and over I tease her lower lips stroking her lightly, savoring her intoxicating essence as she moans my name. My need to be inside her is so intense it becomes almost painful as I feel her tremble and thrust against my mouth.

Her hips buck up against me uncontrollably as her fingers dig into my scalp. I can feel her desperate need for release but she’s holding back afraid to let herself go.

I need to have all of her. I need to feel her surrender helplessly giving up all her control. As one hand holds her firmly against my mouth the other slides around her hip. My fingertips flutter over her stomach barely grazing her.

She whimpers and groans as I cup her breast and lightly stroke her nipple. Suddenly she arches her back letting her head fall against the wall as the last of her control slips helplessly away.

My tongue slides through her folds and flicks her sensitive nub quickly.

I whisper against her glistening soft skin as I stare up into her darkened desperate eyes.

“Come for me.”

Gently I push deeper inside as I feel her resolve finally break.

She screams my name as she releases my head and slams her hands on my shoulders to steady herself as her legs weaken and give out on her.

Holding her in my arms I lazily kiss my way up her body as I lower her leg from my neck.

Her hands grab at my belt at once as she fumbles with need to release me. Licking her lips she strokes my hard arousal that is painfully straining in the confines of my jeans. I bite back a deep groan almost letting go just from her simple touch.

I have to stop her. I need to be inside her and I know I would have no control if she continued to touch me.

I pull her hands away and guide her towards the bed.

I watch her every move as she does away with the rest of her clothes and throws them to the floor.

The tips of her raven hair brush against her supple breasts as she lowers herself onto the pillows and I suddenly forget how to breathe.

She is clearly a woman but possesses such an air of innocence at this moment. The combination is making everything hazy as I ache to be inside her.

As lift my shirt over my head her eyes burn over my chest. I remove the rest of my clothes watching as she follows every move.

“Max make love to me.”

I nod as I cover her body with mine. My mouth finds her hard peaks as I suck and nibble them until she is writhing under me begging to come inside.

Finding her panting lips I kiss her sweetly as I begin to enter her.

I rock her slowly and gently resisting the need I have to thrust into her hard and fast.

Her moans increase as she rolls us over. She rests her hands on my chest and raises herself up and sinks slowly down on me.

I can’t take it anymore. I grab her hips and slam into her causing her mouth to fall open in a silent moan. Together we find a rhythm as she raises and falls again and again each time hitting that spot inside that causes her to shiver as she stares down at me in wonder.

As we climb closer to the edge our movements become jerky and out of control. Her back arches as she moans and whimpers. Needing to brace herself she reaches back and grabs onto my thighs as I take over.

Furiously I thrust into her as hard as I can. Within seconds she flies over the edge crying out my name.

Soon I follow as she pants softly against my neck.


Gently I brush her damp hair from her eyes and kiss her with all the emotion that is rushing through me.

"I know."

Silently we lay together. I have my arms wrapped around her as she curls into a little ball.

Softy I whisper into her ear my feelings that I just can’t keep inside.

“I-I love you.”

Stoking her hair I listen to her breathe wondering if she’s asleep.

I want to stay awake in case anything should happen. I force myself to think of anything to keep my eyes from shutting but I am so tired. I finally feel a peace that has eluded me for so long.

With her in my arms I can face anything. After all these years of living in darkness, going through life alone, she is here.

I know deep in my heart I would risk everything to protect her. Without thought I would give my life if it were necessary. She is everything to me and I love her.

I love her.

Against my will I slip into a restful sleep full of dreams of her, her smile, her touch everything about her that sets her apart from this horrible world.

Within seconds I am pulled from these dreams as my minds wanders to a soft noise far away.

Somewhere in my subconscious I can hear a faint cry. It sounds vaguely familiar as I slowly emerge from my slumber.

My heart starts to race as I realize what is going on.

It’s Liz.

She’s thrashing around like someone is attacking her.

It’s Kivar … he must have invaded her mind.

Immediately I place my hand over her forehead and close my eyes to concentrate.

Slowly I find myself in complete darkness. Feeling my way around I call out her name.

“Liz! Liz can you hear me?”

Why isn’t she answering me?

My heart pounds wildly as I hear nothing in return.

“Please Liz it’s Max!”


Liz's POV

It was bliss. The creamy orange clouds with rays of amber floated around us as we made love. My Max surges into me, looking at me with love and commitment.

My heart flutters as I watch him thrust into me; this was so beautiful, so perfect. The way it was supposed to me.

He massages my breasts while he's loving me. I arch and groan, allowing him full access of my body. "Take me all". I whisper, lifting my hips up to take him in deeper and closing my eyes as I give myself fully to my soul mate.

I know he's mine and I am his, I just never felt so strongly about anyone before and my heart is telling me that he's the one, the other half to my soul.

"I will take you all!" A sinister laugh breaks me out of my heavenly bliss.

My eyes open widely and my head snaps up to noticed the clouds darken to a murky brown before an angry red and then settling to a smoky black and deep green. Kivar is on top of me, grabbing my chest.

I scream out in horror as his red eyes flash with evil and horrific desires to own me.

"No!" I scream, trying to take him off me. Only Max can have me. No one else was supposed to have me. No one.

He grabs my hips and drives into me further, paining me. I scream and lash out as he thrusts wildly and painfully.

"Give me a kiss Liz." He sneers, leaning forward.

I pull away as fast as I can and I'm falling through the sky. It feels like an eternity as I finally land on my two feet and I'm in a dress. My shoulders are exposed but everything else is covered by emerald green silk apart from my knee and calf of my right leg being revealed because of the split in the dress.

At least Kivar wasn't doing that to me..

I shudder as I try to remove that mental horrible image out from my head. "This must be a nightmare." I repeat, shaking onto the thick stony wall behind me. My eyes flash across a strange symbol engraved onto the wall in front of me.

I was in some sort of castle. Castle?

What the hell did a castle have to do with this? Or I must be in Kivar's reign of terror or something.

"Liz!” I hear my name being called by a velvet voice. I turn around and see my Max running towards me with arms open wide. I move off the wall and open my arms out to him as he takes my in one big hug. "I thought I lost you!” He tells me, holding me close to his body.

I rest against him allowing myself to sob in his arms. "He was hurting me Max." I whispered ashamed of myself. How could I be so weak to let Kivar take what didn't belong to him but belonged to Max?

Max kisses my forehead and runs his fingers through my hair. "Shh beautiful, it's going to be okay."

"Will it?" I murmur against his golden skin. I kiss his jaw. "He wants me Max and he will do anything to have me." I told him, meeting his eyes.

"Look at that symbol". I shifted our eyes to the wall. "It's a sign of death. Every time someone dies, I see that beforehand and this means...someone is going to die Max." I hear my voice tremble. "Kivar has chosen his next victim".

Before I could read Max's expression, both of us were pulled back into reality where I woke up in Max's arms.

"I won't let him hurt you Liz!” Max vowed. "Kivar can't hurt you…not unless I do something about it."

I know exactly what Max is thinking. "No. You can't possibly break my heart like that! I need you!" I hiss at him, how selfish could he be?

"I love you Liz. God I love you." He cups my cheek with one hand. I let him caress me and I kiss his palm.

"I love you too Max." I say. Feeling the immortal love for my Max in my heart. I do love him so much.

"Then live for me." Max pleads. "Live your life, have the happiness you were supposed to have. Just let me take care of this and I promise. Kivar will be out of your life for good."

"What about my life Max? If you're not in my life, then I might as well be dead too." I say coldly. A life without Max seemed like living a lie. Death was a better option. At least my soul would be with his for eternity.

"No." Max says with urgency in his voice as his fingers find their way to the back of my head and pulls me closer for a kiss full of love and passion. The intense chemistry has us both aroused. But I am left disappointed as he pulls back and stares at me with his amber eyes with such intensity.

"You're human Liz. I...."

I raise an eyebrow. "You're not human are you?"

"No.” He answers.

Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 8 12/2/08

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:25 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!

keepsmiling7 (x2)
angelina (x2)
janetfl- Wow Jan, (coming from me) Your kind words amazed me :oops: , I can't be that talented lol. Carrie's wayy better. Love her fics so much! Thanks.Wow. Loved your fb! Thanks for your kind words. Hope you enjoy this part.
ms_buffyannesummers- Hey thanks for your fb! We hope you enjoy the next part too! :D

We hope you guys and lurkers enjoy the next part!

Chpt 8
Max's Pov

"You're human Liz. I...."

“You’re not human are you?

I feel as though my whole life is about to change as I let the truth fall from my lips….risking everything.


Immediately I look away too afraid to see her reaction.

With all the strength I possess I let her go. I cannot bear to see the look in her eyes.

She is everything to me now, my only reason for living, my mission, my purpose means nothing. Protecting her is the only thing that matters.

Everything is about to change now I can feel it. How is she going to deal with the fact that I have lied to her this whole time, deceived her.

My heart clenches as the pain already starts. She will no longer look at me with her loving innocent eyes.

How can she?

I am everything that she hates, everything that she fears, how could I ever be just Max to her again.

I can feel her eyes on me. She’s already trying to figure me out, putting the pieces together.

It must be all making sense to her now. How I was able to save her, how she healed so quickly.

I close my eyes waiting for her accusations. Waiting for the inevitable end.

I can’t handle this, it’s just too painful.

I grab my duffle bag and start to load up my stuff. She obviously needs time, her deafening silence is telling me that much.

Kivar, I have to focus on him and doing whatever it takes to save her. What if he comes to her again and I can’t reach her. I’d gladly sacrifice my life to save her but I’m not sure if that’s even enough anymore. I need help.

Reaching for my clothes I can see her out of the corner of my eye holding the sheet up to her chest looking down aimlessly at the bed.

Trust. Is that what she’s thinking, if she can even trust me now.

Regret flows threw my veins like ice water. I should’ve told her sooner, before we made love, before I let myself fall in love.

As I get dressed I start to wonder when that was. Who am I kidding? The moment I held her face that night on that deserted road in the pouring rain I was already hers.

I remember the water as it drenched her porcelain skin how it illuminated her flushed cheeks and that inner glow that only she possesses.

As I pull my boots on I realize too much time has passed by, if she felt anything for me one thing is for certain she’s not sure anymore.

I have to run, get out of here. As I reach for the black bag in the bathroom and shove it in my duffle with the rest of the files I rush for the door.

With my hand on the doorknob I finally hear her sweet voice that forces me to close my eyes as I brace myself for the worst. Her soft whisper makes the sickening knot in my stomach tighten as my need to pull her into my arms overwhelms me.

Vivid flashes play like a movie before my eyes. Her beautiful naked body stretched out on the bed calling out to me. I can see her mouth form the words "Max Make love to me."

With my forehead resting on the door I am crushed at the thought of never feeling that again, never kissing her sweet lips or being lost inside her as she clutches me tight moving together in complete bliss.

Still I wouldn’t give up one hour one minute one second of any of the precious time I was able to have with her.

“Max, where are you going?”

“I-I can see that you need time Liz. We need help. I’m going to see Michael. I can take Kivar on myself but I may not be enough and I’m not risking that chance with your life. I won’t be long, just don’t…go to sleep Liz. Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep.”

I open the door and am half way down to the car unable to look back at her when I hear her speak again.

“Just wait, slow down Max.”

I freeze as I clutch my fingers around the handle of my bag willing myself not to go back and take her in my arms. My voice cracks as the pain rises in my throat,.

“I can’t.”


“Because if I slow down all of this becomes real, and I just can’t handle that, I can’t handle… losing you.”

“Max please just stop, we need to talk.”

“I know and we will, but your safety come first. Go back inside Liz. I’ll be back in an hour.”

I hear her muffled voice through the car door as she stands out in the rain yelling for me.

My resistance crumbles as my need to see her takes over and I look up at her standing outside the door with the sheet wrapped around her.

She looks like she did the very first night. Water droplets falling from her full lips and her long dark eyelashes, her hair stuck to her bare shoulders. She is too beautiful for this fucked up world, too beautiful for someone as damaged as me.

I can’t make out what she’s saying only that she’s saying it over and over again. Her expression is hard to read, maybe it’s best if I don’t know, at least not now…not yet.

Before I know it the words come bubbling up to the surface as if my heart took control over my body.

I look up at her and mouth the words very slowly so there is no confusion, no doubt.

I love you.

I look away immediately unable to handle her response and speed away as I grab my cell and call Michael.

“What’s up Maxwell?”

Pushing my foot down on the accelerator I fly down the highway trying to out run my pain which I am increasingly aware is impossible.

My voice is full of fearless determination as my thirst for Kivar's blood is consuming me. Whatever it takes, I will not let him have her. With or without me, she will be free.

“It’s time”

Liz's POV

I can't believe it, he's gone. He's left me all alone in this dark motel room.

It takes me minutes to finally feel my numb legs again and force the nerves to move them back into the motel room. The white sheet I shielded my bare chest had finally given in and was drenched with tears of the sky. I couldn't stand here no longer, displaying my naked soul in shame.

I shut the door behind me and lean against, it slowly sliding down and let the hot tears erupt. Tears of hatred streaming down my face, hatred directed at myself. What have I done? I gasp to myself as I sit on the floor, knees drawn to my chest as I cry my heart out.

Have I lost my Max?

If I had known he was an alien beforehand I would have freaked that's for sure and foolishly ended my life before it could begin. I thought of his kind with fear, hatred and contempt. I couldn't stand the word 'alien' but now, things had changed.

I knew Max would never hurt a fly. I saw into his soul the night we made love and I felt his beautiful soul the night he healed me. I knew he saved me from death, now after putting all the pieces together, it finally made sense.

I love him I thought, gritting my teeth. It wasn't fair that this should happen. I pound my fists on the floor and more angry tears pour out. I must have my Max. Even though he's not human, I don't think I care. All I care for is him. Now he left me in order to do something stupid, god knows what he was up to.

To save me, the damsel in distress but I wasn't going to play her no more. Wiping my tears away with my rain stained arms, I hoist myself up and walk towards my scattered clothes on the floor. I moved back towards the chair where Max left a towel for me and let the sheet slip before I covered my body with the towel. Sitting down on the bed, I took the phone in my hands and dialled Alex's number.

Whatever Max was up to, he wasn't doing it alone.

"Yes Alex it's me. I need some clothes. Please hurry. Could you also get Kyle to send a car?". I wipe the drenched strands of my hair off my face and sweep it back.

When I'm done, I put the phone down and wait till my clothes and car arrive. I realise following Max will be difficult. He knows how to hide himself well.

I had to think of something he wouldn't ever think of or expect from me. I knew what to do.

When my stuff if ready, Alex waits for a moment by the door as I dump the bag on the bed. "Liz, is everything okay? Where's Max and why are you half naked?". He asked protectively.

I first put on the socks, my legs are so cold.

"Alex, there's a lot of things that need to be explained. Max is in danger and I need to get ready fast before Max does something stupid and could you please wait outside while I get changed?". I rush my words, I hadn't had a minute to waste.

"Okay." He nods and closes the door. I quickly put on the underwear Maria had selected for me. A black and white lacy panties set, she never failed to accessorize from Victoria’s secret did she?

I slid into the jeans and black halter neck top and then thrown on the leather jacket. I put on the sneakers straight after. When I'm done, I grab the car keys and walk outside. "Alex be safe." I hugged him. "You know what to do if any of Kivar's allies or if Kivar comes himself." I said and place the weird object I had found from Max's first aid kit into his hand.

"What's this?". Alex asked, amused.

"You press the triangle button. It sets off some magnetic field that will stun Kivar and his friends of their powers." I said, finding it oddly strange, I knew that fact.

Maybe it had something to do with Max, but I had no time to explain right now. I had my soul mate to save.

"Liz, you be safe too!". Alex hollered as I ran towards the jag and entered it.

I wonder if I would be really safe if I went..

Nevertheless, I started the engine and drove off.

I would get to Kivar before Max did.


Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 9 1/6/08

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:08 pm
by jake17

Monica and I would like to thank you so much for your amazing sweet fb!! I'm so sorry this update took so long... it was completely my fault... Monica is freaking amazing how she can pump out this updates... my muse went on strike I think :roll: Anyway hope you all had wonderful holidays, hope so much that you enjoy this.. well I know you'll enjoy Monica, she's brilliant isn't she? I just love her!! :D Carrie
Just a reminder my Monica is writing Liz and I am writing my Max

Chapter 9

Liz's POV

I'm driving through the darkness, my heart beats wildly against my ribcage. I grit my teeth and bear the fear before the storm. I had no idea what Kivar wanted with me. But I did know once he has me, Max would be spared. I can feel his energy draw me to him. Something Kivar has allowed. I could tell he's watching me every single minute, every move I make, he's watching me since I left the motel.

It was unexplainable how Kivar could lead me to him. I guess that was one of his powers. To lure his victims. I dreaded to think what he had in store for me.

I reach to a big place in the middle of the desert and stop the car. I wait for a moment to gather myself. This may be the last time I could keep my sanity.

I knew no mortal weapon could save me. Anything was as useless as my bare hands. If I went to him, I would lose everything. My parents, my friends...and Max..

But they would be safe. I vowed.

"Time for action." I said, throwing the car door open and getting out.

I slammed the door behind me.

Bayleaf Farm was the one place no one could find Kivar apart from me. Good choice, Kivar. I thought. Max would never guess this would be one of his hideouts in time.

I walk towards the door and before I could knock, it opens. Kivar's men look at me and move aside to allow me entrance.

I quietly walk in and they shut the door behind me. "So you finally made the wise decision to come to me." His voice lingers through the air sending chills throughout my body.

"I came to you." I said, hiding my fear by masking it with determination. He's already in front of me and he's not changed one bit. His hair still was the way it was last time I saw him but his eyes..

They were different. A deep purple color. I shuddered. "Nice to see you to." He holds the glass of cider in the air and disintegrates it to nothing.

"Why did you want me?". I come straight to the point.

He chuckles. "You're beautiful." He tells me. "And you know me. I must have a beautiful woman at all time. The fairest of them all."

"You're lying."

"Maybe. But you are very important to me Elizabeth. Do not doubt that." He tells me, undressing me with his purple eyes which were once dark green.

"Spare the others." I commanded. "I'll let you have me in return."

"Done." He said. "I shall no longer bother the people you want to save from me."

I look at him. Hoping he wasn't lying to me this time. I was scared to see him again. Last time I had seen him face to face was the awful night I had witnessed him killing his own parents...and him showing his monstrous side for the first time.

He's walking closer to me and stroked my cheeks. "Come my dear, I have an event planned for us." His cold hand takes my warm one and he leads me up the stairs.

I wake up to find myself sleeping on the floor near the foot of the bed. My whole body is aching and I get up. Last night Kivar had thrown me into a room and locked me alone in so I couldn't escape. I spent all night crying to myself and refusing to sleep in the bed.

I get up and take my shoes off. I limp towards the bathroom and look at my reflection. "I look awful." I muttered. I wash my face and then limp back into the bedroom where a scarlet long dress is laid out on the bed and some cosmetics.

Some blonde blue-eyed bimbo was smirking at me. "Kivar wants you to dress up for the party this early evening." She tells me. "I've also got you some makeup. Kivar likes his women looking beautiful. Not natural."

"And you are?". I asked, wondering if she was Kivar's slut.

"Tess." She flicked her hair back. "I'll be your instructor from now." And she backs out the door before I could say another word.

I sit on the bed looking at the gorgeous dress. I wondered if he had killed for this garment or had brought it like the rest of us humans.

I check the time. It was already four pm. Shit. I slept all night and half the day away. I must have been so exhausted.

I do as I was told and put on the dress and apply some makeup.

I wonder what was going to happen at the party tonight.


Max’s Pov

As night falls across the small town I pull into the bar determined to get Tess to tell me everything. I know her hunger for power, her all consuming need to hang onto anyone influential regardless of how evil or destructive that power may be.

Michael is busy getting a hold of his sources so he can meet with me with whatever information he can gather, but I can’t wait for him. I have to put an end to this as soon as possible. I refuse to let Liz be a pawn in his plan to destroy this world I've sacrificed my life to protect.

Pushing open the heavy wooden doors I am accosted by loud head banging music and a cloud of thick smoke. The place is crowded tonight, so crowded that Maria is swamped at the bar. After several failed attempts at getting her attention I decide to go looking for Tess myself.

As I walk through the narrow dark hallway I think back to her face and the confusion that marked her beautiful eyes. I know that I shattered whatever trust she had in me and that saving her is the only way I can prove to her that I love her, that I’ve loved her from the very beginning.

I can’t imagine what she is thinking or maybe she isn’t thinking of me at all. Maybe she’s too hurt and disgusted by the truth that she’s moved on. Just the thought that I may never touch her again is too much for my selfish heart to handle. I can’t even fathom going back to my lonely existence, not after what we’ve shared.

My frustration grows at each empty room I enter. I don’t understand, none of Kivar’s men are here it’s like the place has been deserted. Then it hits me, something must be going down, something big.

My heart starts to race as panic runs cold through my veins. As soon as I burst through the doors of the bar I pull out my phone to call Michael.

Before I can reach him I stumbled back blinded by his black truck that’s beaming it’s lights in my face.

“Get in Max!”

Jumping in we race down the road doing a speed that is even fast for Michael’s standards.

“What the fuck is going on Michael.”

I can see him clutching the wheel and my heart sinks, it’s not good I can feel it.

“You have to promise to stay calm Max, remember how destructive your powers are when you lose it and there just isn’t time for that now”

“Tell me!”

I sit back and listen as the blood drains from my face. My hands are clenched into tight fists as I hold back as best as I can. My worst nightmare has come true.

Kivar has Liz.

The lights lining the road burst one by one as we speed by, my anger is only second to the guilt I am feeling for leaving her. I should’ve known that he would be waiting.... waiting for the chance to grab her and I gave it to him.

“At least we know where she is Max. Jack Mcguire is one of Kivar closest guards. I have information on him, information that would get him killed if Kivar were to be privy to. He told me everything.”

I watch as Michael reaches in the back seat and pulls out a black suit.

“What the hell is this for?”

“You’re going to a party, now put it on we’re almost there.”

As we pull up to the pristine elegant ballroom that is camouflaged by a broken down huge barn I stare at Michael with serious doubts.

“I still think I have a better chance if I sneak in.”

“Not according to Jack. They have the place locked down Max, there are guards everywhere, there is supposed to be the highest dignitaries from several neighboring planets here tonight. He won’t be expecting you to attack this way. We’ve made you a copy of the invitation you’ll need to gain entrance. Once you’re in the last thing he’ll want is a scene. Trust me this is your best opportunity at saving her.”

I smile at him knowing just how far he’s come.

“So how did you get smarter than me at espionage, I was the one that taught you remember?”

“Yeah well love has a way of making you weak that’s why you'll never see me being a pathetic romantic mess, now get in there and save her.”

Looking into the mirror I brush my hair straight back and fix my tie. Taking a deep breath I do my best to fit in with Kivar’s cronies.

Once inside I scan the room and skillfully avoid the cameras. My job is to blend, to go unnoticed for as long as I can.

After ten agonizing minutes of searching for her my attention is drawn to the dance floor.

A large crowd has gathered around a couple that is gliding across the floor.

As I make my way through the sea of his wealthy associates my eyes can only see flashes of red and black as this woman whoever she is, is being twirled along the marble floor.

I watch as the dark haired beauty spins around to face me. As the air leaves my lungs in a force greater than I have ever known I lean against a banister feeling my knees begin to buckle.


My Liz.

She is draped in a tight silk ruby gown with diamonds gracing her flawless porcelain skin; she looks stunning and absolutely terrified.

His face is beaming with an egotistical sadistic smile as he presses her small shaky frame against his body in a forced dance that is being admired by all.

I can feel my eyes darken as my blood boils for vengeance; the hands that touch my girl will bend at my will.

As he floats her swaying side to side in a graceful demented waltz her submissive sad eyes finally catch my anguished stare.

Desperate unspoken words hit me hard as I clench my jaw fighting as hard as I can for control..

At this moment there are two things I know to be true.

I will save her and Kivar… will die.

Re: Crossroads (AU,M/L,Adult) Chapter 10 3/9/09

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:15 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the Fb everyone! Me and Carrie appreciate your support! :D

L-J-L 76 (x2) Thanks so much for bumping this fic.

Carolyn (x2) Thanks for the bump! :D

Chapter 10

Liz's POV

Max is here. My whole body feels numb as Kiver relentlessly twirls me across the dance floor, pressing his lips on my cheek, I shiver and pretend It's good when deep down inside I feel like throwing up. Sickening images of death and terror are pushing me to the brink of insanity and I can feel Max's anger rise to the surface as he watches on, glaring at Kivar's hands roaming over my body.

"Think he'd have a breakdown if he saw me fuck you right here?". Kivar whispered in my ear and grabbed my ass, bringing me closer to his hard body.

"Don't even think about it." I answered, gritting my teeth together and pushing him off me. "I'll never let you have me."

The music starts up again and people are gliding fast across the dance floor, I get pushed back and parted away from Kivar, a pair of strong arms grabs me and takes me away and into quiet room all so fast that I couldn't even say a word.
"Max." His scent is in my mind when he crashed his lips on mine.

As much as I want to let him in, I know I can't and just stand still, letting him kiss me. I don't open my mouth to let his tongue in, I don't attempt to hug him back.

He nuzzles my neck and inhales my scent. "God..I've missed you."

"Max..what are you doing here?". My voice is flat and lifeless.

"I told you to stay away from him." Cupping my cheek, he makes me look in his eyes. No, I can't look at his eyes..he'll know I'm lying..he'll know that..

"I changed my mind Max." I rip his fingers off my face. "I'd rather be with Kivar then get myself killed." I spit the words out like filth, the truth was that death was much more pleasing then being one of Kivar's conquests. I knew Kivar would never love me the way Max did. Even if he could love me, my heart would always be Max's.

" don't want that. You should have stayed away...I can't let him hurt you." Max looks a little hurt but I take my eyes off him and look at something else.

"I want to marry Kivar Max." I lied. "He can offer me so many things that you can't." I turn my back on him and shut my eyes.

"You know that's not true." Max protests, voice laced with hurt.

"It is true." I chocked. "When I....slept with was so much better then the night we had." I could kill myself for saying those acidic untrue words.

There is silence between us and then Max answered.


Max's POV

Pushing past the social dignitaries and kivar’s esteemed repulsive guests I come closer to the edge of the dance floor and the last straw of my jealous protective rage.

As he spins her around I catch her face in flashes of flawless perfection. A beautiful flightless bird trapped in the arms of an evil madman.

My heart pounds as my will is caught between what she’s would want me to do and what I must do.

My brain is telling me to wait. It’s not the right time. You have to pick your moment its not safe. I hear my inner voice battle with my heart and struggle.

‘You’re smarter that this Max. Remember your training …only strike when all risks to the objective are removed. Be patient …strong…don’t break.’

Then as if everything begins to move in slow motion I see his lips bend to her ear.

Suddenly everything is silent. The classical music everyone is dancing to is no longer something I can hear. Out of the corner of my eyes I see mouths moving … laughing but I hear nothing.

My eyes…my gut …my everything, is focused on one thing. The pained expression on her face and his mouth pressed against her cheek. I watch dying inside as her diamond earring sways back and forth and her breasts spill from her gown and are forced against his chest.

Words are passed between them and my chest tightens with rage as I imagine what he is saying to her.

Reason is no longer a factor now. Love has taken over rational thinking.

My fists are tight against my waist as my jaw clenches with each turn as he whisks her by me.

A sadistic gleam in his eye nudges me farther to the brink of insanity. I can see his hand clutch her ass possessively up against him as I hit the wall.

Shoving past the dancing couples I grab Kivar by the shoulders and effortlessly tear him away from my angel and whisk her into my arms.

Heading towards the nearest room I close the door behind us and take her in my arms.

My need to feel her, breathe her in, taste her is overwhelming as I pull her safely against my chest.

My hands reach for her soft flushed cheeks as I crush my lips against her ruby glossy mouth.

A feeling of overwhelming love and relief flow through my body as I feel her once again in my arms.

I feel a sense of hesitation from her as I run my tongue along her lips craving to delve inside and deepen our kiss.

I sense a unfamiliar distance in her eyes and pass it off as the reminisce of being in that monsters arms.

I nuzzle her neck breathing in her intoxicating scent letting it sooth my rage.

My heart hammers away with happiness as I whisper against her silky skin.

”God …I’ve missed you.”

My eyes flash open as her cold monotone voice escapes from her crimson lips.

“Max what are you doing here.”

Placing her face in my hands I search her eyes for an explanation for her words.

"I told you to stay away from him."

I watch as she avoids looking in my eyes glancing at the wall behind me.

"I changed my mind Max."

She pulls my fingers away from her face and immediately her warmth that calmed me is gone.

"I'd rather be with Kivar then get myself killed."

Confusion rips into me as I reach for any possible reason for what she is telling me.

Fear … it must be fear. Of course all I need is to do is convince her that she is safe now….safe with me …where she belongs.

" don't want that. You should have stayed away...I can't let him hurt you."

Again she darts her beautiful eyes away from me staring at the wall.

"I want to marry Kivar Max."

Searing pain rips into my heart as she turns her back to me. Ice cold agony courses through my veins as I struggle to keep from falling to my knees.

"He can offer me so many things that you can't."

My mouth falls open as I reach out to touch her. My fingertips graze her dress as I choke out words that physically pains me to say.

"You know that's not true."

"It is true, when I...slept with was so much better then the night we had."

My hand slides barely skimming the silky material as I fall defeated onto my knees.

My voice is forced from my throat as my stomach twists as if a million knives are carving into my flesh.

“No…you’re lying.”

Tears fill my eyes as I watch her turn back around and look me dead in the eyes.

“It’s done…now take me away from here.”

I shake uncontrollably as I see her eyes flicker up past me…to him.

My world crumbles around me as I witness Kivar take her white-gloved hand and lead her out the door.

Closing my eyes numbness attempts to override the immeasurable anguish that is pulsating through me.

“We are one in the same Max. This is how it should be.”

Turning my head slowly I see Tess peering down at me with a self-satisfying smirk.

Reaching underneath my pant leg I grip the blade that is securely hidden from view and pull it out as I raise to my feet and run through the cheering crowd.

“And so I would like to introduce my future bride, Miss. Elizabeth Parker.”
