I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch. 20 1/15/20

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Re: I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch. 16 - 7/24/18

Post by dreamon »

Please post more soon!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch. 16 - 7/24/18

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Someone needs to kick Sean's ass to the moon! He is such a creep! I'm not sure that I like Doug.
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Re: I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch. 16 - 7/24/18

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to find out what will happen next for Max and Liz.

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Re: I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch. 16 - 7/24/18

Post by Cocogurl »

Thanks to DreamerLaure for the banner

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Re: I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT)A/N: 12/2/18

Post by Cocogurl »

keepsmiling7 - Sean's a total creep and he's not going to get any better.

dreamon - Thank you! And you're not wrong. Angst is most definitely coming. :wink:

clueless - Thanks! I hope you enjoy this next part.

L-J-L 76 - So many questions! Wish I could answer them all, but that would spoil the fun. :twisted: But I can assure you, and everyone else that nothing bad is going on between Doug and Isabel. They're just friends.

Roswelllostcause - Well, have a faith. I'm a big believer in guys like that getting their due punishment. :wink:

Author's Note: Hey, everyone. I apologize for the long wait. I wish I could say that this won't be a trend for the next few weeks, but with the holidays here and everyone in my home getting sick (my daughter has just come down with a lovely case of strep throat :( ), it's been hard finding the time to write. But I am writing every free moment I get and I'm currently working on Consequences from the Past and outlining a new chapter for Love & War on Antar. Hopefully soon, things will settle down and I'll have a steady writing and posting schedule. For now, though, I hope you all enjoy this new chapter.
Chapter Seventeen
Max pulled into the driveway of his house and parked his jeep next to his father’s beat up truck. He stepped out of his car just as the front door of his home opened and his father came storming out, slamming the door shut behind him. Immediately, a wave of dread washed over Max as he watched Phillip Evans stalking in his direction, and he wondered what was about to happen. But his father didn’t appear to care about Max’s presence as he brushed past his son and continued towards his truck. For a split second, Max felt relief as he watched his father’s truck pull out of the driveway and disappear down the street. But seeing the fury in his father’s eyes and knowing that his mother was most likely home sent Max into a panic. He sped walked in the house, looking for any sign of his mother. He scanned the living room, taking in the scattered beer bottles on the floor, the broken vase on the end table and the overturned coffee table, and his worry increased.

“Mom,” he called out, walking through the living room and into the dining room, which was also empty. Just then he heard a whimper coming from the kitchen and rushed down the hallway towards the sound. He entered the tiny kitchen and found his mom standing by the small sink, her back to him as she busied herself with drying the dishes. Max could tell by the way her shoulders were shaking that she was crying, and he immediately went to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Mom? Are you okay?”

Max’s voice took Diane by surprise and she jumped before turning around to face him. That’s when Max caught the fresh bruise on her cheek and the blood welling up on her lip. Max felt a surge of protective rage as he took in her battered appearance. But she quickly wiped her tears away and put on her usual serene smile, and that only frustrated him further.

“I’m fine, honey,” she replied with that loving smile still plastered on her face, but it didn’t reach her eyes. It never did. “How was school?”

She was always good at that. Putting on the façade of a happy wife and mother. He didn’t know why she bothered, though. The whole damn town saw right through it. They knew that Evans home was not a happy one. It confused him even more that she tried to put this show on for him when he knew first hand how brutal Phillip Evans was.

“Mom, what happened?” He asked, still eyeing her bruised face.

Her smile faltered as she placed a finger on her swollen lip. With a sigh, she turned her attention back to drying the dishes. “It was nothing.”

“It’s not nothing. Mom, why do you let him treat you this way? Why do you let him treat us this way?” Max hated how desperate he sounded, but he couldn’t help himself. He’d been asking himself this question for as long as he could remember. Diane didn’t respond at first, just continued drying and placing plates in the cupboard. Finally, she spoke, but Max wasn’t satisfied with the answer. “Max, go do your homework.”

With a defeated sigh, Max turned to leave the kitchen. Before he left his mother spoke again, but her voice was so quiet, and he was certain she hadn’t intended for him to hear it.

“Please forgive me, baby.”

Unsure of what to say, Max continued down the hallway, trying to ignore the lump in his throat.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
After school, Kyle and Liz drove to pick Tess up before going to Alex’s house for band practice. As they parked the car outside Alex’s house and stepped out, Liz had to repress a grimace as Kyle whispered something in Tess’s ear before pulling her in for a kiss. Despite her uncomfortableness at their constant displays of affection, she didn’t begrudge them. It was nice seeing them so happy and she honestly didn’t think she’d ever seen Kyle so in love before. It was just painful that their love was a reminder of what she couldn’t have.

Kyle and Tess broke apart, looking sheepish when they caught Liz smirking at them. “Sorry,” Kyle said while Tess buried her head in his chest, giggling.

Liz shrugged. “It’s fine.”

The three of them walked up Alex’s driveway and around the side to where the garage door was. As she entered the garage, followed by Tess and Kyle, she frowned in confusion when she only saw Maria and Isabel lounging on a couple of bean bag chairs in the corner of the room. She was also surprised when she spotted Doug there as well, leaning against the wall next to the girls, his eyes lighting up as he saw her.

“Where is everyone?” Liz asked.

“Late,” Isabel answered, looking bored out of her mind. “Alex just texted, though. They’ll be here any minute.”

“Hey, Liz,” Doug greeted, stepping towards her with a shy smile on his face. “How’s it going?”

“I’m a good. I wasn’t really expecting to see you here.”

Doug shrugged and nodded his head slightly in Isabel’s direction. “Isabel invited me. She said you guys were pretty good and I wanted to see for myself.”

Immediately Liz felt a blush start to form on her cheeks as she looked down shyly. “I’m not that good.”

“Oh, don’t be modest, Liz,” Isabel said, standing from the bean bag chair to join them. “Doug, I’m telling you, she’s the next Celine Dion.”

Liz’s cheeks and reddened even more and she began to shift uncomfortably next to them. Seeing the over eager expression on Isabel’s face and the puppy dog looks Doug was giving Liz only increased her awkwardness. Liz suspected that her friend was trying to set something up between her and Doug and that was the last thing she wanted to deal with now. Feeling like a cornered animal, Liz tried to hide her relief when the garage door opened, and the rest of the band walked in, giving her a chance to escape the situation.

“Are we ready to start?” Alex grumbled as he grabbed for his guitar.

Maria shot Alex an amused smirk. “What’s with the attitude? You guys are the ones who were late.”

“Well, the snack run took longer than expected.” He shot Michael, Nicky and Marcos an annoyed look, but the boys didn’t seem at all fazed.

Michael shrugged, smiling at his friend. “Hey, growing boys got to eat.”

“Yeah, yeah, let’s just do this. We only have until 6.”

As the band took their places, Liz eagerly rushed to her place in front of the microphone, ignoring Doug’s eager stares. But she couldn’t ignore the little wink Isabel shot her and felt a sudden urge to throttle her friend.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Two hours later, the band finished practice and everyone began cleaning up. Liz could see Doug in her peripheral talking with Isabel and Maria, but sneaking glances at her whenever he could. She did her best to not let her irritation get the best of her, but with him flirting with her every chance he could and Isabel constantly pointing how cute Liz and Doug looked together, her patience was reaching its limit. In all honest, there was nothing wrong with Doug. From what she could tell, he seemed like a nice guy and he was certainly cute enough, but he wasn’t really her type. She was terrible at confrontation, though, so she’d hoped that ignoring him as much as possible would get the message across that she wasn’t interested. Unfortunately, as he started towards her, she realized she wasn’t going to get so lucky. Reluctantly, she turned to him, trying her best to be polite.

“Liz, you were amazing,” he said enthusiastically.

“Thanks, Doug,” she muttered awkwardly as she continued putting equipment away. As shifted nervously in front of her, looking like he was trying to come up with something to say, Liz knew she was going to have to find a polite way to let the poor boy down. But just as she opened her mouth to say something, Isabel came forward.

“Hey, Doug, did you hear that Psycho is going to be playing at the revival theater this Friday?” She asked, eager to continue her matchmaking.

Doug finally glanced away from Liz and smiled at the mention of his favorite movie. “Yeah, I did. I’m excited to see it.”

The mention of Psycho caught Liz’s attention and, without thinking, allowed herself to be into the conversation. “You’re a horror movie fan?”

“You bet! I can’t get enough of them.”

Liz smiled. “Me too.”

Having something in common with Doug allowed Liz to feel less awkward around him. But the moment was short lived as Isabel spoke again and all Liz wanted to do was strangle her friend.

“Well, since you guys both love horror movies, maybe you should go together.”

The twinkle in Doug’s eyes as Isabel said that made Liz inwardly cringe. “That sounds like a good idea. Liz?”

For a moment, Liz didn’t know what to say. She could see the hope in Doug’s eyes and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt his feelings in front of an entire room of people, but she also didn’t want to give him false hope. “Um, I’m not sure,” she responded, feeling like a cornered animal as Doug and everyone else waited for her answer. “I’m not sure what my schedule looks like. Can I call you?”

Yes, she knew it was lame, but it was the only thing she could think of to postpone giving him an answer. Fortunately, Doug didn’t seem bothered by this and simply asked for her cell phone, so he could give her his phone number. Once he did that, he handed the phone back to her. “Hope to hear from you soon, Liz,” he said before waving to everybody on his way out of the garage.

Liz was silent while everyone finished cleaning up, but on the inside, she was fuming. Once everything was done, everyone said their goodbyes and parted ways. Once Liz was alone with Isabel and Maria, she couldn’t contain herself any longer. “Isabel, what were you doing earlier?”

“What do you mean?” Isabel looked confused as Liz glared up at her.

“Come on, Is! What was with you spending the entire evening shoving me at Doug?”

“I wasn’t shoving,” Isabel argued, becoming offended. “I just thought you two would hit it off. You’ve been here for a few months now, and you haven’t dated anybody.”

“So? Because you all have boyfriends, I have to have one as well?”

Isabel sighed. “I didn’t say that, Liz. I just thought you two would like each other.”

Liz was about to argue some more when Maria interjected. “I don’t see what the big deal is, Liz. No one is forcing you to do anything. She’s just suggesting a date.” The bite in Maria’s voice wasn’t missed by Liz. Nor was the suspicious gaze she was giving her. “Is there a reason why this is a problem?”

The tension that Liz had been trying to ignore for days came back as the two girls continued to stare at each other. The last thing Liz wanted to do was make it worse and she knew that by arguing any further, she’d end up doing just that. With a frustrated sigh, she turned to Isabel. “I’ll think about it.”
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Re: I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch. 17 12/13/18

Post by Roswelllostcause »

I think both Isabel and Maria need to let Liz decide if she wants to date anyone or not.
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Re: I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch. 17 12/13/18

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I don't know how Max holds his temper after discovering Phillip beats his mother.
It's a shame he has to hide so much, or ignore it.
Diane needs to admit the truth.......
And everyone needs to leave Liz along......Doug isn't meant to be with her.
Thanks, Carolyn
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Re: I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch. 17 12/13/18

Post by clueless »

Great part! I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop in regards to max and his entire situation. Please don’t keep us waiting too long for the next part!!!
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Re: I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch. 17 12/13/18

Post by dreamon »

Please post more soon!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Re: I'll Look After You (AU,M/L,ADULT) Ch. 17 12/13/18

Post by clueless »

Just checking in for a new part
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