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Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 24/8/11 chpt 21 [WIP]

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:06 pm
by Hunter
Banner by me

Title: Treacherous

Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell, everything to do with Roswell belongs to the UPN.

Author: Hunter

Summary: Unhappy with her life, Liz finds herself suddenly in a loving marriage with the only one who can grant her the happiness she desires, but jealously from a certain someone threatens to tear them apart.

Rating: Adult

pairing: M/L

Author's note: Just a thought that occured to me on a boring afternoon. Feedback is appreciated..I'm so nervous about posting a new fic. So if you think I should continue or not please let me know :oops:

A/N: Thanks to Jan who looked over this prologue this morning for me. :mrgreen:


I cannot find a way to describe it
It's there inside
All I do is hide
I wish that it would just go away

The arguments bombarded the place again, she tried to block the noise by using her powers. But it was no use, their voices were also like immortal sirens, it should shatter anyone's unfortunate eardrums. Her younger sister's set of lungs was the loudest.

What would you do
You do if you knew
What would you do

This time, the fight was about the lack of chores done in the house. And as usual she would be the one with the fault stamped across her forehead.

"YOU LAZY GIRLS!" She cringed at her father's voice. "You women don't even work enough!"


"He's a boy, boys don't do household work!"


Unable to take it anymore, she rolled off her bed and teleported outside before her door was kicked open and her sister along with her dad was met by an empty room.

I feel like I'm all alone
All by myself I need to get around this
My words are cold

Finding herself outside in the cold as she walked under the dreaded thick grey clouds, she hugged herself, trying to keep the as warm as possible. The thunder rolled and she knew it was a sign that rain would descend from the heavens soon.

This is what she had been reduced to, finding solace in the worst of things. She did love her family, she loved them a lot. It was her, her sister and her little brother with their parents. They were a family of aliens and unlike humans; they had no taste for behaving exactly as humans did. Her sister was the one who used her powers for everything, even to tie up her shoelaces. Her brother had also been reckless and even made the mistake of letting his humans friends in on their secret...both incidents had been blamed on her, the eldest sister.

I don't think you'd understand
'Cause no one understands

“You should have taken care of them” her mother's voice rang in her ears.

“It's your fault they turned out this way” her father's yells burned through her mind.

She wished someone would just take her away, like in those fairy tales where Prince charming would gallop on a horse and meet the princess who yearned for an adventurous life. Who was she kidding?

All the pain
I thought I knew
All the thoughts lead back to you

She wasn't exactly a beautiful princess who had a flat stomach and toned limbs. She hated her wide hips and not so skinny stomach and fat thighs. She was ugly; her father had made sure that it stuck in to her brain. She wasn't the supermodel that all the men drooled over. She had failed to be what her father called beautiful.

Back to what
Was never said
Back and forward

Her eyes were glassy and her vision was blurred. Her father was right. Her lack of a love life had been the living proof of how disgustingly ugly she was. No one asked her out, nobody even wanted a one night stand with her because she was that bad.

She remained an unwanted virgin.

Nineteen and never been kissed, she thought sadly. It wasn't as if they knew she was an alien freak. They had to hide their identities just like any other alien on Earth.

Antar had been taken over by Khivar and his wife Tess who wanted nothing to do with those who loved Earth. Her parents chose Earth as their final resort because Antar had not been their satisfactory accommodation. Maybe she might have been happy there.

Who knew, after all she had been born and raised on Earth, California, Los Angeles.

Pieces of torn newspaper rolled on the sidewalk and flew in the air.

Coming across a building which seemed to have a huge party inside, she peered in the window and noticed there was indeed a party that everyone was enjoying. Her parents had banned her from parties and never let her leave the house to stay elsewhere.

She pulled back and discovered a flyer stuck on the brick wall. It read that the event was a bride ball, where the guy would be searching for a bride. Touching the paper again, she had a flash and realised that the family who was hosting this party where also aliens just like herself.

She scoffed, as if she stood a chance among those pretty ladies. Who'd ever look her way?

The party was currently in progress and everyone was just having a good time in their ball gowns and tuxes. She thought about it and knew that she'd rather be here that back in the hell known as her home.

Taking a deep breath, she entered the building.

Take me away
Break me away
Take me away

A/N: Song used Take me Away by Avril Lavinge.

Should I continue?

Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/24/09 Chpt 1 p.2

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:42 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D

destiny- Hey what a good idea, I was thinking more of the name Cinder Eli

A/N: Jan and Carrie thanks for the comment about the banner, you guys are so sweet. Love yas. :wink:

Chapter 1

Wondering on the outskirts of the party, just observing the busy chatters and the enticing dances between couples, she made her presence almost invisible, it was like she wasn't there.

With the fear of being caught and her heart beating faster, she swiftly moved from table to table using her teleporting abilities so no one could even take time to notice that she was here. An uninvited guest.

Dianne and Phillip were busy engaged in formal conversations between the parents of the young women, they knew some of the gust very well and were hoping to have their son engaged to their friend's daughter..Miranda. Of course they have granted their son the freedom to choose any woman he wanted as his bride so they invited as much guests as they possibly could think of..the good thing was that all the women were interested in their son Max.

Max had been taking interest in the party, he felt like it was for a good cause. He had politely spoken to most of the women who had gathered around him. His sister Isabel, sickened with the dirty thoughts seeping out of the women's heads about her own brother so she remained detached from the party as possible.

When it was time to dance, Max had danced with Miranda briefly before resuming his conversation with his pal Micheal. The older couples had taken their chance to romance on the dance floor including Max's own parents.

"So...which lucky lady will have the privilege of taking your virginity and the right to sleep in your bed forever?". Micheal lifted a glass of antarian cola and drank it.

"I'm not really sure." Max said. "If you put it that way..."

"I hope to god you don't choose Miranda. That girl worships the ground you walk on." Micheal chocked. "Seriously, obsessed much?".

"I suppose you think that the only one for me would actually come to me through unusual circumstances?". Max laughed.


Liz stopped teleporting and decided to get out of here, it was kind of boring and well boring for her. She tried to reach the exit but stumbled upon the dance floor with loose laces almost causing her to trip. She bumped against the dancing couples and tried to move out of the way and one by one she kept bumping into them.

They started to give her dirty looks for interrupting their dance. Liz ignored it and then was pushed from behind by an ignorant couple and fell on her knees.

Max and Micheal noticed a brunette who was at Max's feet.

Shit, Liz thought, still looking at the ground. Everyone had stopped dancing as they realised they had an uninvited guest.

The whole world was in stand still.

Liz found the courage to tilt her head up and see whose feet she had landed by. She gasped when he was looking at her with such magnificent eyes...the first thing that captured her as she was struck with awe. His face was the art of perfection, she didn't know why he looked so similar to the man she had craved for...

Max on the other hand was mesmerised by the pain behind her dark brown eyes. This young girl held a lot of hope and pain behind her eyes which got to him. All the women he had seen today had nothing in their ambition..nothing that sparked any interest.. but this dark haired girl had a story which intrigued him..hers was a unique story..

He wondered who was this amazing young girl who happened to be at his party..did he know her?

She slowly got up and mustered the courage to apologise but Max beat her to it. "Will you marry me?". Was his words to her.

Everyone gasped in shock.

Dianne and Phillip were busy explaining to angry parents about the uninvited guest while Isabel had been upstairs protecting the worried brunette.

"Are they mad?". Liz cringed.

"Some girl turns up and untied sneakers at a bride ball uninvited and then manages to capture the fours words of the prince just by the first moment she falls at his yeah of course they're mad." Isabel folded her arms. "These women have spent hours trying to look so beautiful so my brother would pick them..they came from all over the world...Spain, France..Turkey...Tunisia..some even left Antar just to be his wife but you took that away just by showing up without an invitation card."

Liz sighed. "I'm sorry...I was bored..I didn't know..he was going to pick me."

Isabel laughed. "Don't worry about it. I'm just happy that you're not like the other boring bitches who wants in his pants and fortune."

"How do you know that?". Liz challenged. "What if I don't marry your brother?" Liz pointed out that she hadn't given her answer yet. Her parents would kill her if she made her life's biggest choices without them..but on the other felt kind of thrilling not to have them always answering for her all the time...this was the one chance she could finally have to make her own choice for one.

That Max Evans didn't sound so bad either. Maybe he could make a good husband...

"Women's intuition." Isabel answered. "You don't look like a woman whose after my brother. You're here by mistake."

Liz thought about it. She hadn't set out to impress the prince but it just happened. She was so happy that he was interested in someone like her. She wasn't beautiful or exquisite like the belles invited to the ball but he saw something in her that she couldn't see.

She was just as curious as everyone else to why Max Evans had asked her to marry him without even knowing her. They both didn't know each other.

"This is a very weird situation." Liz said quietly. "Do you know why he asked me to marry him?".

"Only he can answer that." Isabel replied. "The question you want to marry him?".

Liz looked in the mirror and remembered her family. If she said yes then she may never return to being the dutiful daughter that she was and put up with her family but then again her family was all she had. She had no one else to trust.

If she said no, then she'd be back and her life would become the same old boring annoying life she was sick off and probably end up married to one of her father's disgusting friend's sons who didn't know how to bathe properly.

Liz cringed at that.

"So what will it be Liz?".

"I'm going to marry your brother."


Max Evans took the cuff links out of the cuffs of his shirt and Micheal barged in. "Oh my god..Max, are you crazy? I heard about shit happening but this shit happening is far worse than everything that's been happening so're ready to marry a stranger?!"

"I know I've made the right choice Micheal. I doubt anyone else will be worthy of being my wife."

"B-but you barely know this girl."

"I know that I will be happy if I married her." Max didn't know why he had this feeling of certainty that this certain brunette would definitely be the wife he would only be happy with. Something about her attracted him..attaching him to her more stronger then paper and superglue. His entire soul was moved by her very presence and sight...she may not be like then other girls but to him, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her innocence was her beauty...he could see her form of her soul through those eyes and he loved what he saw..

"I'm just going to await her answer..." Max said which Micheal didn't say anything. "It shall be a very great loss if she rejects my proposal...I won't search for anyone else if I can't have her as my wife."

"Don't worry about that Max." Isabel appeared at the doorway. "Elizabeth said yes."


Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 3/5/09 Chpt 2 p.3

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:42 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone!


Chapter 2

Liz stared at herself for the umpteenth time in the mirror. She liked what she saw. A beautiful woman staring back at her through the reflection of the mirror, she hadn't even recognised herself. It felt like she was looking at another woman. She felt so beautiful at the moment.

Dressed as a beautiful bride and adorned with the rarest gold, it amazed her how the Evans could manage to compose a bride within a short amount of time, just within seconds she had been transferred from a maiden into an impending bride ready for marriage. The older couple presumably Isabel's parents had asked her the same question over and over again. Did she really want to marry their son. The woman had been worrying that she might change her mind last minute and the man had suspected her intentions for marrying his only son.

The truth was all she wanted was someone to be with, a companion. She had not even thought about the material goods that the Evans seem to have. They were by no means a rich family from Antar and had been extremely wealthy from many generations.

If she was thinking logically her answer might have been no. But she knew this was supposed to happen, her pure instincts were agreeing with her that she should marry Max Evans. It was alien and every fibre of her being knew that becoming Max's wife was the right choice for her.

But a thought in the back of her mind scared her. She was no longer going to be the Liz she was all those years. Everything was going to change not only in her life but her family life too.

Liz huffed. "You're going in circles Parker."

"Ready?". The mother peered through the door. She sighed, her son's bride was usually pretty and she didn't know it. She hoped that Max had made the right decision in choosing this stranger. Dianne was worried that Liz wasn't the ideal wife for her son but Dianne respected her son's every decision and he hadn't backed down since. He was waiting at the alter, ready to marry this mysterious brunette.

"Ready." Liz turned around and nodded.


Once she had stepped into her new life and the solemnisation was over, she was blessed by her husband's parents who welcomed her into their family. Unsure of how to respond she followed her husband's moves and went on to hug Isabel who couldn't stop crying.

Everything felt so surreal, the marriage, the hugs and the tears. Liz felt dizzy and was about to black out. But it was his soothing voice that kept her sane. She longed to hear it again.

"Dance with me?". He asked darkly, watching her through hooded eyes.

She briefly looked at her husband and took his hand before they engaged in a slow dance together. Maybe this was attraction, maybe it was lust but she really enjoyed being in his company. A few songs later, she mustered the courage to ask him why he had chosen her.

"Because it was you." Was his confusing reply. She started at him wondering what he had meant by that but they hadn't spoken since the dance was finished and he took her to the car.

"Max." She whispered, stopping just near the car as he opened the door to the limo. "I need to go and see my parents." She said. Another thing she had to sort out before she could live with her husband.

He nodded and let her get in the limo first before getting in after her. He noticed his wife twisting her hands over again, she was pretty nervous and he couldn't blame her although he was confident himself and had nothing to be afraid off.

"It'll be okay." He put his hand on her warm hands, trying to soothe the frightened girl.

Liz forced a smile and stared into his molten golden eyes. She really loved those eyes and thought they were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen on someone else. His eyes were a classic form of beauty.

She hadn't realised when they reached her parent's home. Parent's home. She tried not to react to that. It was strange but relieving all together she was going to set up a home of her own. Free at last she thought as her husband helped her out of the limo. Thanking him with a shy smile, she lead him towards the front porch and rang the bell instead of opening the door with her powers as usual.

Her sister had opened the door and was shocked to see a very handsome guy standing next to her big sister. "Where the hell did you go?". Serena shot the question at Liz, firing her non existent heat rays with narrowed eyes.

"Out." Liz responded. "Where's mom and dad?".

Before her sister could answer, Jeff had went to see who was at the door. "Whose this?". He walked right behind his daughter Serena.

"Dad...." Liz took a deep breath.

Jeff looked at Max and gasped. "It's you, the prince of Antar or the ex prince should I say." Jeff shook his head. "What are you doing here with Liz?".

"Dad I married him." Liz forced the words out.


Max watched her shaking form and handed her another tissue. "I'm sorry Liz."

"No it's okay." Liz tried her tears with the silky tissue. "It's not like it's your fault anyway. I'm the one who made the choice."

Scooting closer to his wife on the bed, he put an arm around her. "Hey, I'll be there for you." He hushed her. "Don't worry."

Liz inhaled his masculine scent and immediately sank in her husband's embrace. "Thanks."

He had helped her pack her stuff during the last half an hour and she cringed when the sounds of her family shouting all over the place could be heard. Max heard it to and she started to cry when he could hear her family. The last thing she wanted anyone to know was the reality of her family. She was worried Max might leave her and think of her as a freak.

But he hadn't ran away like she thought he would. Instead he just made her feel better, making her heart ache for him more. "Don't thank me." He hugged her. "I should be thanking you for walking into my life." He kissed the side of her cheek. "I prayed for you and you came to me."

Those words made Liz shiver in anticipation. What he was saying to her made her feel things, made her body hum in excitement. He had a certain effect on her that no one else had. She loved it that he could affect her so much with simple words. "We should go, she chucked the balled up tissue in the trash can.

They had discussed her plans for school during packing all her stuff in the luggage, they had decided to move up to Boston and go to Harvard. Max had been very understanding that Liz wanted to complete her studies instead of being the dutiful housewife and bearing him children straight away. That's why she began to feel like wanting him around more.

"Come on then." Max went straight for Liz's luggage and was a gentleman. "Let's say goodbye to your parents and go." Reaching the door with his other hand, he pulled it and noticed one of his wife's sister standing there.

Serena had spied on them and was shocked at how caring her brother in law was to her sister. It certainly shocked her. "Serena." Liz stated.

"Liz, you're leaving so soon?".

"I have to go. " Liz said and Serena moved out of the way to allow the married couple to get out. Liz looked at her younger sister and gave her an awkward hug. "I'll miss you."

Serena stood still and wrapped her arms around Liz to return the hug. "Yeah."

Liz looked at Serena, they both had their good moments and bad moments. She still loved her sister though. "Have a good life." Serena shrugged before Max and Liz went downstairs to say goodbye to the parents.

"Mom, Dad." Liz went to hug them.

Nancy and Jeff had been shouting down each other's throats. Nancy wasn't pleased that her daughter had married without her permission while Jeff was happy that his daughter got married into a rich family. As long as they were rich that was okay.

"You take good care of her needs." Jeff told Max.

"Yes sir." Max nodded.

"So you're just going to pretend it's okay Liz". Nancy snapped. "You had a wedding without us and to a man you barely know." She folded her arms.

"I'm sorry ma but it's my choice and all I ask you is to respect that. I can take care of myself." Liz replied.

"He's taking care of you now." Jeff told his daughter.

Liz ignored the sexist meaning underlying her father's words and said her goodbyes to them. "I'll call you." She said and went to the door where her little brother Drew stood. Liz felt a sharp intake of breath when she felt her little brother's arms around her and he tried to hide his sobs.

"I'm going to miss you." He whispered, hugging his big sister. He hated it that she went through a lot of pain and no one seem to care about it. She didn't even know he cared but he did. "I love you."

Liz fought back her tears and bent down. "I'll miss you too" She kissed her brother's cheek. "I love you."

Drew looked at the man who his sister married. He looked like a good nice man. "Don't let her get hurt." He told Max.

"I won't." Max promised and smiled at the little boy.

"I'll see you later." Liz stood up. "Bye."

Drew watched the two leave soon and then let his tears fall.

Max loaded Liz's stuff into the vehicle and the pair got into together. When they took off, Liz's own tears found their way out of her eyes and Max pulled her into her arms, letting her cry for some time. Once she had finished shedding her last tears, she wiped the remnants of her tears away with her sleeve. The hunger of knowing the exact answer was killing her now. She wanted to know everything that he was thinking. She wanted to find out what his reasons were.

"Why did you marry me Max?."


Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 3/21/09 Chpt 3 p. 3

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:18 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


Destiny- Well there might be a fairy godmother here :mrgreen:

A/N: Sorry this is a short part.

Chapter 3

Max watched her sleep contently in the bed, she was so innocent and he had a urge to protect her from all the evil from the world. It was an instinct, he felt so drawn to her and he couldn't believe that they were married.


He would explore every inch of her, he'd learn about her likes and dislikes, he'd discover how she reacted to things and most of all he'd get to know how she was a as a person. He couldn't wait to uncover the mystery that this dark haired beauty was.

He knew she was just as curious about him. He couldn't wait to unwrap himself to her, letting her through the layers of protection so she'd see him.

He sat at the bed and just watched her sleep.

She woke up a couple of hours later and met the gaze of her husband looking down on her. "Hey." She croaked, her eyes barely slits.

"Hey." His deep voice caused tremors in her body. My god, what a sexy voice...

Then she realised, she had just woken up and this gorgeous man was staring at her first thing in the morning. Liz pulled the sheet over her face and hid behind it. "Sorry." She mumbled. "If you excuse me?". She rolled out of the bed and clutched the sheet tighter to her body. She felt like a fat Bridget Jones. You don't answer a hot guy with morning breath. Eww.

Rushing to the bathroom, she locked the door with her powers and started to washed herself. Brushing her teeth and jumping into the shower. Max had laid out her clothes for her being the gentleman he was and when she finally came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her wet body, he gasped and almost jerked.

She looked so radiant and the rosy tint to her cheeks from the flush of the was a sight to behold. Beautiful, completely beautiful she was.

Her hair hung loose, damp chocolate strands and she was biting her bottom cute.

Max smiled. "I got your clothes ready." He waved his hand over the bed.

Liz noticed her underwear first and she blushed so hard her face had gone tomato red. "Uhhh thanks." She panted lightly, making her way towards the bed.

They stole awkward glances at each other and Liz just stood their with her towel. "Um could you please turn around?".

Never in her life had she been naked in front of anyone. Not even her sister or her mother. Hell no so there was no way she'd be naked in front of a guy.

But he's your husband, a small voice in the back of her mind whispered. Do want you want with him.

Max turned around giving her the privacy she needed, in no time Liz had slapped the clothes on her as quick as she could. "I'm all dressed now." She told Max who turned around.

"Room service!".

The knock on the door, brought Liz to answer it and she handed her wet towel to the woman who was going to throw it in the washing machine.

After shutting the door, Liz sat on the bed, about to dry her hair when Max had offered. Not sure what to say, she let him dry her head. His soft massages to her head was doing wonders to her body. He definitely knew how to touch, she wondered if he could touch her to relieve her of the ache she was having.

Last night, she had an erotic dream. She hoped he wasn't watching but the sex they had in her dream...mind-blowing sex. Damn, she woke up wanting to scream his name and there he was.

Max on the other hand, was thinking about her previous question which he had evaded until now. "I married you because....of the same reason you married me." He finally spoke, it was killing him that they couldn't have a normal conversation yet. He really wanted to speak to her.

Liz nodded in understanding. "We just knew it was right."

Max smiled and Liz's heart melted when she saw that cute smile of his in the mirror. How would his lips taste, she wondered.

"Also...after the wedding...I got a little visit."

Liz frowned. "Who?".

"I don't know but she says her name is Grandma Claudia." Max replied.

He had freaked out when he saw a ghost appear out of nowhere but she had told him that she was happy he made the right decision for himself and the same for Liz.

"Oh god, grandma." Liz gasped. "How did she? I mean....she's not even alive."

"I know that." Max finished drying Liz's hair. "She told me that I've made the right choice and she could see that I was the other half of your soul."

Tears welled up in Liz's eyes. "I loved Grandma Claudia so much. She died when I was twelve." Liz whispered, Max's heart breaking since Liz was sad at the mention of her deceased grandma.

Max stood Liz up and pulled her into a hug. "She knows we're right for each other." He kissed the top of her head, Liz couldn't believe her own grandma paid her husband a visit. She wished her grandma would visit her sometime, she missed her so much.

A beam of light suddenly appeared and the couple looked towards the window.

There stood the old woman with a warm smile on her lips.



Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 3/24/09 Chpt 4 p.4

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:48 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


Chapter 4

"Grandma..." Liz released her husband and wiped her tears away as a small smile broke out on her lips. "Is it really you?".

"Yes dear, it's me." The spirit answered, smiling proudly at her grandchild.

Liz almost cried when she realised she was actually seeing and talking to her grandma who passed away. "Oh Grandma." Liz had the sudden urge to throw her arms around her but knew it was impossible.

"My dear Liz." Claudia said and then looked at Max. "Hello Max."

Max joined his wife and greeted Grandma Claudia. "A lot of things may happen in your life, notice I'm saying life instead of lives because both of your destinies are entwined with each others."

"We are?".

"More then you'll ever know." Claudia said. "I had paid a visit to your husband on the night of your wedding. I wanted to speak to my grandson. My Liz, isn't he a fine husband?".

Liz blushed, "Yes, he's so kind to me."

"He's a keeper." Claudia winked at Liz. "And Max, I know you will take good care of my Lizzie. I just want you to have faith and hold on." She said to both of them. "Because faith is what binds."

"I can't possibly think of leaving Max." Liz confessed, Max also had said the same thing.

"You both have my blessing." The old woman said. "I must depart now."

"Thanks Grandma." Liz said and the ghost of her grandma touched her cheek.

"I'll always be watching you."

"Goodbye Grandma." Max said as the spirit vanished.

Liz's eyes were wide as saucers. "Oh my god, I just saw grandma."

Max smiled. "We have her blessing." He was very ecstatic that he had gained a wife like Liz. "And I must be the luckiest antarian on earth because I have a beautiful wife." He stroked Liz's cheek.

Liz lowered her eyes, "Nothing about me is beautiful." She whispered sadly, remembering a hurtful memory from her past.

Max gently titled Liz's head up by her chin and made her look him in the eyes. "You're so beautiful, you just don't know it." He neared towards her lips and pressed them against hers very gently. A shocked Liz just stood there, feeling his lips against hers. For a split second she remained still but began to respond. She always dreamed of being kissed like this, god if this single kiss just blew her away like that who knew what would happen if they both did something else..something deeper..

Placing her palms against his chest, she pressed her lips harder on his lips and finally closed her eyes. Relishing in the passionate glory.

Before they both knew it, both of them were sliding their lips against each other, Max's tongue played with Liz's as she gave him further access to her mouth. Unsure of what to do, Liz followed his movements and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he pulled her closer to his body, gripping her hips in place.

His mouth was now on the side of her neck, open mouth kisses from him driving her crazy and she pushed herself shamelessly against his hardness, grinding against him. "Ahhh Liz." Max grabbed her breast and gave it a light squeeze to which Liz moaned audibly through a series of pleasure.

"Max." She whispered and rocked on him harder. She needed to relieve herself of that burning ache. God, faster she humped him and with his help, he let her discover her first orgasm.

Her nether lips tingled as her body shook with tremors. She slowly opened her eyes to reveal the lust shining in her glassy eyes.

Max saw himself in her eyes, saw the hidden raw passion she was sporting in her mirror like eyes and his own amber eyes reflected the same. But yet, he had to ask her the question before they could take this further. "Are you sure?". A deep breathless pant from her husband made her want to tear of his clothes and have him.

The sexual desire running deep through her veins, she had never felt something like this. Primal and so powerful.

"Yes." A hoarse whisper arrived from her quivering lips. She ran her palms smoothly over his shirt clad muscular chest. Admiring the hardness underneath.

Max closed his eyes and brought his lips to his wife's ones again and resumed to lip love making with her. Liz moaned in to his mouth as he lifted her up and placed her on the bed. She instinctively spread her legs allowing him to grind into her as they made out.

He took her bottom lip and sucked on it while she found the edge of his t-shirt and pulled it up, to reveal the masterpiece underneath it. Max stopped kissing her, sat up and threw off his t-shirt. Liz's eyes raked over his muscular form.

My god, he was so handsome she thought. And remembered she wasn't exactly a beautiful woman. Once he'd see her...

Max noticed the sadness in his wife's eyes and kissed her forehead. "It's okay..just let it happen." He whispered into her ear as he slid his hands underneath her shirt and made skin contact with her stomach. Liz shivered and sucked in her breath as his hands snaked up her stomach right up to her breasts. He lightly grazed across her nipples and pressed his palms over her breasts, rubbing them in a circular motion for a while.

Liz arched up to let him take her shirt off. He kissed her lacy clad nipples before taking off her bra and kissing her breasts. Liz shoved her hips up towards Max and begged him to just take her. The torturous foreplay was driving her crazy.

Max complied and removed their pants and undergarments. Nothing more was said when he inched into her slowly. Her tight hot sheath was almost making him want to just ram into her. Her softness was sucking his hard shaft and tightly shutting his eyes, he prayed that he could remain still until she adjust to his size.

Both of them had never done this before but he knew what he had to do whereas Liz was unsure. God, she felt so full and it was feeling good. Her walls had stretched to accommodate his size.

"Go." She urged. "Lose yourself in me."

Max obeyed and withdrew before thrusting deeply into her. Within moments, hips were moving against each other in sync and Max's thrusts were becoming more harder, more wild and deeply satisfying for Liz.

Liz trembled underneath her husband and grabbed hold of his shoulders as his member slid in and out of her. She still couldn't believe that this was even happening, it felt so good to even think about stopping. "Ahhhh yess." Liz panted, bathing his cock in her wet heat.

Their climax was building up and Liz soon realised what was about to happen, taking a deep breath she moaned as her walls shuddered around Max and watching his wife's flushed face, he shot his load into her, thrusting into her a few times to make sure he emptied himself fully inside her. "You're so beautiful." His words touched her heart.

Max twitched as removed himself out of her body and lay beside her. Liz pulled the sheet over them and snuggled against her husband's welcoming arms. "I'm sorry." Max apologised. "I didn't know what came over me. I didn't want to ruin our first time." He felt like he had compelled her to let him take her and it was too soon for her. He wanted to let her know he would wait but his body was desperate to be joined with hers. He was too weak to stop it and ashamed.

Liz frowned in confusion. "Max, it's okay." She faced him. "I'm not upset, in fact I have quite the opposite feelings...I'm elated." She told him. "I felt your love. I needed to feel it. Thank you."

"You wanted me?".

Liz blushed. "I always want you." She kissed him. "Like you always want me."

"I need you." He corrected her and joined their hands together. "Always."

Liz nodded to his words and both of them fell asleep soon after, later they would wake up to a world completely different to the one they would leave behind.


Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 4/1/09 Chpt 5 p.5

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:15 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone!


Chapter 5

Three years later

"Oh yes..." She panted, utterly breathless as his body pounded hard into hers. She pushed them over so she was on top and with his hands on her hips guiding her up and down his hard cock, she rose and sank wildly back down on him. The bed shook violently as the two lovers humped each other good and hard. Her breasts bounced up and down as he pushed upwards, driving his raging cock into her soaking pussy.

Growling in hunger, he flipped them back over so he was back on top, driving himself inside her so deep she gasped in shock. He could feel her orgasm approaching. It was like the warm rays of the sun touching him, telling him that the sun would come out from the clouds now. And when she was about to come, so was he. He wanted to cum inside her that's why he shifted positions.

Her head as titled back and eyes shut as she finally surrendered to her release. Her walls shuddered against him in pure bliss and he followed her, shooting his seed deep inside her.

With a couple of more thrusts, he slid out of her and collapsed on the space next to her. Catching his breath, he pulled her into his arms. "That was amazing." She whispered and met his lips with hers.

He stroked her breasts tenderly as he whispered his love and devotion to her. "I wish I can just lie in your arms honey."

"Me too." He kissed her head.

"I hate uni sometimes." She pouted.

The past three years, she had been attending Harvard to study science. She enjoyed it and met her best friend Maria there. But everything was second to her while her husband was her everything. Max had supported her so much, ensuring she was happy and had been successful in obtaining her goal. She was ever so grateful for him. He'd stay up all night to help her with her assignments and heck, he'd do the research for her the same time managing his own business. He never treated her like crap. He always sacrificed whatever happiness he had to make sure she was happy.

She never asked for it but he saved her.

"Well, you got to get ready beautiful." He told her, still not getting up. Usually he got up with her and loved to watch her get dressed.

"I know." Liz rolled her eyes and removed herself from her husbands arms.

"I have a free day and my wife is off to uni." He grinned.

"Well, you can find something to entertain yourself." Liz teased, flashing her boobs at her husband who licked his lips hungrily.

"Yeah, like anything is more interesting then you." Max rolled his eyes and smiled.

"In the meantime I'll be torturing myself with sexual fantasies of you." She winked and headed for the shower.

Max felt his cock stir to life and threw the sheets off himself before getting up and following his wife to the shower.


"I'm so obsessed with aromatherapy." Maria told Micheal as she showed him her stash of essential oils. "Call me mad but this is my entire flipping life."

Micheal wasn't usually friendly with girls but Maria had caught his eye and he was interested in her. He met her while visiting Max and Liz in Boston and finally decided to make Boston his permanent home city. He and Maria were fast friends and he truly enjoyed her company. Maria on the other hand was glad to have Micheal as a friend and she was surprised that he enjoyed her company. She had often thought about asking him out but he didn't seem the romantic type.

Well, she thought she'd make the most of their friendship and hoped it lead to a blossoming romance ending up in what Liz and her husband Max had. A beautiful love.

She sighed and pulled out a bottle. "Ylang Ylang. Liz loves this one." She showed Micheal.

Micheal took a sniff and smiled. "It's strong and good." He nodded. "Kind of like Liz."

Micheal had also developed his relationship with Liz. He saw her like a sister and was happy that his brotherly instincts came naturally with their relationship. She wasn't sure of her strength but Micheal knew she was a strong woman deep inside.

Putting the bottle away, Maria was about to get another one out but Micheal sought a bottle and took out of from the shelf. "I want to smell this one."

Maria unscrewed it for him and he smelt it. "Ahhh that smells good. What is it?".

"Erm cow's intestines." She wore a cringed look on her face.

Micheal gagged and almost dropped the bottle from his hands. "Holy shit!".

"Hey watch it, that's expensive form of rare ginger!". She warned him and he skilfully used his powers to stop the bottle from falling out of his hands.

"So you played me?". Micheal asked.

"April fools day duh." Maria rolled her eyes and screwed the lid back on the bottle.

"That's tomorrow." Micheal corrected her.

"Like I know every damn date on the calendar." Maria stuck her tongue out at Micheal.

"Can I keep that?". Micheal gestured at the bottle Maria was about to put away.

Maria wondered if this was a good idea but she had a few more of the same product." Fine." She handed the bottle to Micheal.

"So this is a rare form of ginger huh?". Micheal questioned, reading the label.

"Well Mom and I found it on a marshland, surprisingly it was purple and orange. But it's not rotten like we thought it was. It was just there and smelt really nice."

"How do you know it's not poisonous?".

"Because my cat ate some and she didn't die."

"But humans?" Micheal raised an eyebrow.

Maria laughed. "Okay, I'll put some in my chicken chow mein tonight and see how that goes."

"Don't." Micheal warned. "Could kill you."

"How do you know that?".

"I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Micheal told her with concern shining in his eyes.

Maria saw the emotion running in his brilliant light copper brown eyes and smiled. "Thank you".


He fondled her breasts and pressed his dick into her centre as they dry humped at the back of McDonalds. She could hear his pants as he dry fucked her. This wasn't the first time they were like this. He lifted her skirt and ripped off her flimsy panties before unzipping his pants and stabbing his dick into her wet heat.

"Ahhh". She screamed in delight, relishing the feel of being able to fuck like this. She didn't give a crap, as long as he fucked her hard and good.

He drove in her over and over again as she pressed her hands into his shoulders. He didn't see the point in kissing her. He needed to ease that hard dick of it. One or two rubs wasn't enough, he needed more...her juicy walls sucking on his cock was so good. He loved fucking her. She had one tight pussy.

Her legs tightened around his waist as he pounded into her one last time and spilt himself inside her. She removed her legs and fixed her skirt while he zipped himself up again.

"That was good." He said.

She smirked at him. "I love how you fuck me."

"I love to fuck you." He told her. "Damn you have one tight pussy."

She blushed. He made her feel like a fucking goddess. She wasn't used to the original romantic talk. The dirty talk was more appealing and turned her on for sure. The thrill of being caught with him was ever more of a turn on.

They could fuck in her bedroom in her parents house and she couldn't care less. He was very cautious though. It bothered her that he was always making sure their meetings were in the D low.

"Can we meet up tonight at some hotel? I need to get laid after that party." She asked him. He would never attend parties with her. It was going to fuck his life up. She wanted to scoff at that. His life with someone he wasn't satisfied with. She hated it. She wanted him to be living with her.

"Serena..." He sighed. "It's hard for me."

"I understand." She rolled her eyes. "When you're at home with her..."

"She's..." He gritted his teeth. He found it hard to say this even to himself. "She's my wife".

"But I'm what you need...". She tried to make him understand, how much she needed him. It broke her heart that he went straight back to someone else after their get together. She hated being the other woman.

"I'll be there." He answered. "Room 15 at the Westburry motel." He told her.

"Thank you....Max."


Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 4/12/09 Chpt 6 p.6

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:01 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D

Carolyn (x2)- Thanks for the bump keepsmiling! :D
Angel Eyes

Chapter 6

As soon as her class ended, Liz walked down the road and smiled when her husband was already there for her in his car. "Hey Max." Liz opened the door and got in. Max leaned forward and met his wife's lips.

"How was school?".

"Okay I guess." Liz fixed her seatbelt as Max reversed and drove off home. The truth was, she was looking forward to spending a whole day with her husband in bed and couldn't wait till her classes were over.

Max on the other hand was tense and worked up. Liz noticed an odd vibe from him like he was hiding something unpleasant. Liz was too afraid to ask him and when he parked up on the driveway, she had an acidic feeling that she was about to find out why. Both of them left the car and entered the house.

Any hope in Liz was gone when she saw her mother emerge in the hallway. "Hi Liz."

Liz froze as Max locked the door behind them. "Mom".

"How are you?". Nancy asked as Liz brushed past her and into the lounge. Liz noticed her father and brother were here, she hadn't seen them for three years straight and to have them suddenly landing on her doorstep was shocking.

"I'm fine." Liz took her jacket off. "And you?".

"We're all good."

"Liz!" Drew ran to his sister and threw his arms around her. "How you been?"

"Hey Drew." Liz forced a smile.

"God, I finally found the bathroom." Liz's sister, Serena remarked as she stepped into the lounge. "Your house is huge."

"Hi Serena."

"We're staying her for a few days, if you don't mind." Jeff said.

Liz felt obliged to hide the disappointed look in her face, she did care for her family but she was a bit taken aback that they showed up so suddenly.

"What's wrong Liz? Why do you look so dull?". The blue eyes belonging to Serena sparkled.

"I'm ok, just got back from uni." Liz yawned.

"I'll put the tea on." Max said and went into the kitchen.

"I got to get changed." Liz said and followed her husband into the kitchen. "Max..."

"I'm sorry Liz, they just showed up and I couldn't tell them to go away." Max empathized his wife's feelings. Liz didn't like to be around her parents that much. Max was unable to be rude and turn them away. "They're your parents, they can't be that bad can they?".

Liz rolled her eyes. "You don't know the half of it."

Max dropped the tea bags into the cups and then went to hug his wife. "Liz, don't worry things will be ok. They'll be gone in a matter of days and we'll have the place to ourselves again..." He kissed her forehead. "I'll take you nice and slow then I'll.."

"Max.." Liz giggled, playfully punching him in the chest and then she wrapped her arms around him. "Well I was thinking about us the whole day, how I'd sink down onto you..." She teased him.

Max tried to resist the desire coursing through his veins. "Liz...I'm going to get very hard..."

Liz grinned. "That's the idea". She pushed herself forward to meet his rising arousal.

"Oh god." Max hissed.

A knock on the kitchen door startled them and without them saying anything Serena opened it. "Hey, I'm starving....." She eyed her sister and brother in law. Damn. Was he really having a behind closed doors moment with her?

Max placed his hands on Liz's hips and smiled. "We have white muffins, Liz tells me you guys loved those."

"White muffins sounds great." Serena smiled. "And I like them buttered too."

"I'll get them for you." Liz said and slowly stepped out from her husband's arms. Serena watched them again and noticed how comfortable they seemed with each other. A pang of jealously filled her heart as she left. She would have a word with Max later on.

When Liz showered and changed, she went down to help her husband serve dinner to her family. They were all seated at the table and Serena made sure she sat opposite Max who had infuriated her. He hadn't even given her a glance. Damn she was pissed off.

Jeff showered his son in law with questions, Max who was overwhelmed tried to maintain a polite attitude although Jeff was driving him crazy. He wondered how Liz put up with her father for so long. No wonder she was depressed.

Serena eyed Liz and Max who sat by each other, she noticed how Max's hand would automatically stroke her sister's hand even without her asking for it. It's like they were reading each other's mind's or something. Max would say something and Liz would finish it off for him or vice versa.

Didn't he feel guilty at all? Just today he fucked her. Today and here he was playing the good wonderful husband. It made her sick.

Micheal arrived and joined the family at the table. "Hmm, I'm starving." Micheal sat next to Max and began to feast on the dinner. He wasn't shy in front of the people sitting at the table. He barely knew them and didn't care what impression he made.

"I'm Micheal." He introduced himself through mouthfuls of food. "Max's confidante, his best friend."

"I'm Jeff, Liz's father, this is my wife Nancy, my daughter Serena and my son Drew." Jeff replied, cautiously watching Micheal with his eyes.

Nancy smiled. Micheal seemed just as good as Max in her eyes. Maybe she could get him to know her daughter Serena. "Hey Micheal."

Serena was getting more pissed off by the second but a naughty idea came into mind. Silently slipping off her shoe, she raised it and met Max's knee. She rubbed over his thigh firmly but he slapped her foot off. Serena frowned.

Max looked disturbed and almost chocked on his drink. "Max are you okay?". Liz asked.

"Needed more tabasco." Max replied, grabbing the sauce and adding it to his drink.

"Atta boy, the more spicier the better." Jeff nodded his head in approval. "I try to get my girls to have more spice but they have too many bland things."

"Dad." Liz said in a stern voice. "I happen to love Tabasco. I don't know about Serena.."

Serena pushed her foot into his crotch, hoping to evoke some reaction out of it and Micheal cursed. "Jesus woman, what the f are you doing!" He curbed his language in time and got up. "You're touching me with your damn feet."

Embarrassed, Serena lowered her head in shame and wished this moment was erased.

Every just started at her in shock.


When dinner was finished long ago, Liz showed her family to their rooms and helped them unpack. "Well if you need anything just ask." Liz said, placing a comforter on the bed.

Lucky for them, Max and she had a five bedroom house. Max teased her they would need as much room to have their extended lovemaking in. She blushed at the thought.

"I'm okay now." Nancy told Liz. "Go see what your brother and sister need."

Liz checked on her siblings, Max was talking to Drew and Serena was still in the bathroom. Leaving Serena alone, Liz went downstairs and wanted to talk to Micheal who was pacing up and down the lounge. "Oh god."

"Micheal...what's up?"

"Liz....what happened at dinner.."

"Oh yes, I'm sorry about that. Serena usually keeps to herself." Liz bit her bottom lip.

"It's okay Liz." Micheal said. "But I don't think it was me she was after." Micheal looked at Liz who was confused.


"She might have been after Max." Micheal told Liz. He hated to say this but he noticed Serena constantly glancing at Max during dinner while putting her foot on his knee. She was hoping that Max would be on the receiving end and react. Micheal was glad Max hadn't been the unfortunate one but it wasn't pleasant for Micheal either.

"What are you talking about Micheal? She knows Max is my husband. She would never dare to get all naughty with her brother in law." Liz shook her head in denial, unable to believe her sister would do such a thing. "I mean we're not that close but come on. You can't just do that with your sister's husband."

"Maybe she would." Micheal shrugged. "I'm just saying, be careful Liz." He whispered. "I care about you a great deal and I wouldn't want to see you get hurt".

"Thanks Micheal." Liz nodded.

"I'm just looking out for you. Just be careful with her. She seems a bit..." Micheal cringed. "Dodgy, no offence to you but make sure she doesn't make a pass at Max."

Micheal hugged Liz and went to say goodbye to Max before leaving. Liz just stood there with a worried expression on her face.

What would make Micheal think that?

She was confused.

Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 4/22/09 Chpt 7 p.7

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:06 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone! :D

Michelle in Yonkers

Chapter 7

Grunting with exertion, he pumped into her body in hope of making her find her release. They had to be extra quiet of course that they weren’t the only people in the house and their lovemaking were quite wild and passionate as well as slow and gentle.

She had told him to go wild tonight and she just lay there, staring at the ceiling. Tonight she just wasn’t feeling it and when he had rammed into her g-spot then she shuddered in pleasure and finally came. Max slipped out of her and collapsed on the spot beside his wife.

He had felt her worry and tried his best to make her forget her fears and anguish but he knew it would not work. “Liz what’s wrong honey?” He pulled her into his arms.

“You know what it is.” Liz sighed. “They suddenly show up and it feels like boot camp again.”

“I’m sure they’ll leave soon.” Max stroked his wife’s hair.

“I know them Max. They not that easy to handle.”

“I’ll talk to them.” Max promised.

“You will?”

“Of course. I’m your husband meaning I’m their son in law.”

Liz was about to say something but Michael’s words haunted her. She was more curious about Serena and her intentions but she didn’t dare to ask Max.

“Liz sweetie, just get some sleep. It’s not worth getting restless about.” Max kissed her. “Love you,”

“Love you too.” Liz snuggled in her husbands arms and fell asleep.


Unable to sleep, Serena looked at the time on her phone and texted Max. She needed him tonight so she sent him a text saying.

Hey Max,

Quit acting like a gud hubby and come fk me.

Serena X

Seconds later she got a text back.

Hey babe,

Room 15, WB motel now.

Love Max X

Serena sighed and threw on her jacket before climbing out of the window and running out into the darkness to find her lover. Reaching the motel, she entered the room. Locked the door and jumped on Max, kissing him like there was no tomorrow.

The clothes were removed and the two were rolling around in the bed, kissing and nipping at each other. Serena loved this, she loved committing this crime or sin. Of being with her sister’s husband, she absolutely loved it and pictured her big sister’s mortified face when she would realise her sister was banging her husband behind her back.

Ah the pure joy.

She sank down onto Max and began to ride him, pressing her breasts on his chest, they both gasped as they fucked each other good and hard. “Ahh yess..” Serena shuddered and came. He came and spilt his seed into her.

When they calmed down, Serena laced her fingers with his and kissed his hand. “Tell me you love me.”

“I love you.” He answered.

Smiling she took his cock in her mouth. He groaned as she licked him and sucked him shamelessly. He came again and she swallowed his seed. “Does she do this to you?” Serena passively asked prodding his chest. “She gives you good head?”

“Serena…” He hated it when they talked about her big sister. It just didn’t feel right.

“Does she go down on you at all?”

“I don’t want to talk about that.”

“I’ll take that as a no then.”

He stayed quiet and waited for her to speak. “Leave her.”

“I can’t.”

“Do it.” She hissed. “I can make such a better wife.”

“I will break her heart.”

Serena huffed. “Aren’t you doing that already? Breaking the bitch’s heart. Like we give a toss anyway. She deserves it.”

He chose not to question her motives. She did satisfy him tonight and the way he could thank her was to back off. “Thanks for coming over tonight.”

“I’m going to lay with you tonight. She can sleep in the empty bed for once.” Serena wrapped her arms over Max’s body.

“Night Max.”



As soon it was morning, Serena ran back to Max and Liz’s house again and climbed through the window she escaped from. She heard a knock on the door the same time and opened it. Drew was standing there.

“Breakfast is ready by the way.”

“Yeah I’ll be five minutes.” Serena scoffed.

“It’s going to get cold.” Drew insisted. “I called before but you were not here.”

“I was in the bathroom”, She lied.

Drew cocked his head to the side; he knew his sister had a knack for being a liar but blatant lies from her surprised him. “No you weren’t.”

“Yes I was.” She snapped. “You’re blind you little brat.”

“Max made breakfast for everyone, he spent all morning making it and you’re just so rude Serena.”

“Max was here all morning?”. Serena caught that part of her brother’s sentence.

“Yeah, at seven in the morning working his ass off.”

Serena frowned. She was with Max right up to nine o clock. They were in bed together. But Drew seemed so certain Max was making breakfast here.

“So Max is here then?”

Drew looked puzzled. “Well yeah duh, it’s his house. He lives here and so does Liz.”

Serena gulped.

Then who was the guy she was with last night?


Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 4/28/09 Chpt 8 p.8

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:38 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone !:D


Chapter 8

Sitting at the table, Serena watched everyone as they ate breakfast. Her father was reading the newspaper, her mother was sipping on tea. Drew was playing with the PSP while her sister was busy washing up. Max was drying the dishes with her and Serena stared at her phone.

No, she was with Max last night. Max was only covering up his tracks so no one would suspect them. He was only protecting their little secret. Maybe he projected another version of himself at home why he was with her this morning. Maybe but there was only one way to find out.

Serena found Max’s number in her phone and pressed the call button. She waited for a response and then heard him answer on the third ring. “Hello?”

Serena flicked her eyes up at Max who was busy laughing with his wife. He didn’t have a phone in his hand and it wasn’t him on the other line.

All of a sudden the moment froze and she could hear her own heart shattering.

Oh god…

She hadn’t been with Max.

It was definitely someone else.


Later in the afternoon Liz was at the gym with Maria. “If I were you, I’d kick them out already. I mean that sister of yours sounds such a bitch.” Maria remarked. “Ungrateful fucking bitch. Michael was so right about her.” Maria rolled her eyes.

Liz laughed as they did their stretches’. “You haven’t even met her Maria.”

“Do I want to?” Maria gagged. “Crotch kicker.” She muttered under her breath. “If Michael was my man, I would have bitch slapped your sister. No offence Liz.”

“None taken.”

“Really, if she is that bad then…..”Maria shrugged. “I feel sorry for you.”

“Oops!” Tess blushed as she crashed into Liz. “Sorry my feet are just urghh all over the place.” Tess apologised.

“It’s okay.” Liz said.

“I’m Tess by the way. I’m just new here.” She told Liz.

“A newbie?” Maria looked at Tess.

After gym, the two girls took Tess with them and decided to have lunch together at some café. “So you’re married like Liz?” Maria asked Tess.

“Yeah, I eloped with Kyle when I was eighteen.” Tess nodded and took a bite out of her sandwich. “What about you?” She turned to Liz first as she noticed her wearing a ring on her wedding finger.

“Same here.” Liz giggled. “I couldn’t stand my family and I just strolled into a room, found my husband and we got married.” Liz laughed.

“Ah a Cinderella story.” Tess smiled. “My father was an ass. He wanted me to marry a man twenty years older then myself. I said no and stick it where the sun shines.” Tess laughed.

“You go girl.” Maria laughed. “So I guess I’m the only single girl here then.” She pouted.

“Well there is Michael.” Liz teased, knowing about her friend’s secret crush on Michael.

“Yeah I guess so.” Maria blushed.

“Oooh whose Michael.” Tess teased.

“Her future husband.” Liz grinned. “Oh you have to see him, he and Maria will go so well together.”

“Oh Liz.” Maria blushed even more.

“I guess that makes all of us bad girls huh?” Tess snorted. “Maria you’re eloping with Michael.”

“Elope is the new fashion of today’s weddings.” Liz giggled.

“Yeah that’s a good one.”

“Okay you both are married with husbands who love you.” Maria said. “I haven’t even gotten Michael to date me yet.”

“Don’t worry we’ll take care of that.” Tess answered. “You just need to have confidence.”

“I suppose coming from someone who eloped, confidence isn’t a scary thing.” Maria laughed.

“It’s not.” Tess shook her head. “But when you’re having a baby for the first time, scary just get’s bigger.”

“Wait…” Liz put her drink down. “So you’re a mom?” She asked Tess.

“Yeah I have a two year old back at home with Kyle.” Tess said and took out a picture from her purse. “This is my little boy Aaron.” She showed the picture to the girls.

“He’s a cute little boy.” Liz cooed. “Aww.”

“Liz you better make me an aunt soon.” Maria demanded and looked at Tess. “I keep telling her to make babies with Max but she never listens.”

“Maria!” Liz’s face was bright red.

Tess laughed. “Well babies do change your life. I mean you have to put them first and you worry about them every second of your life. Even when they’re in your arms. You just can’t help but worry.”

“You sound like a good mom.” Maria handed the picture back. “Your little cute boy is very lucky.”

“I love him to bits.” Tess smiled. “He’s the best thing that happened to Kyle and I.”

“I bet.” Liz said softly, wondering how life would be if she and Max had children.

“You’re thinking about it.” Maria grinned at Liz. “Yaay!”

“Am not.” Liz denied.

“Yes you are.” Maria pointed at her. “You want children with Max.”

“Okay yes I do but when the time is right.”

“Yes Liz is right. I love my baby but it’s best to have children when you can give them a great life.” Tess said, putting the picture away.

“Ok.” Maria grumbled. “But as soon as we graduate and within a few months of your job, get pregnant!” Maria told Liz.

The three girls laughed together and didn’t notice that someone had been watching them.


Serena pushed the door open and saw Max sitting at his desk as he was typing on the computer. “Max.” She said and he looked at her.

“Oh hi.” He said and looked back at the screen again. He didn’t mind if it was Liz but anyone else who disturbed him in the middle of his work he just didn’t like it.

“Can I come in?” Serena asked.

“I don’t mean to be rude Serena but I really got work to be getting on with.” Max said politely. “Your sister should be home shortly.”

Serena wanted to break Max’s computer and slap him. How dare he turn her away. She wore makeup and put on her best jewels hoping that would seduce him. She even got her hair done and wore a small dress that hugged her curves. He hadn’t even noticed!

“Bye Serena.” Max said and continued with his typing, hoping that she would go away soon.

Serena left without another word and ran back into her room. She grabbed a razor from the bed and ran into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she breathed heavily and prepared herself for the pain.

She turned on the razor and plunged it into her skin.


Liz came home and noticed everyone was barely downstairs. “Max?” She called her husband first. “Mom? Dad?”

Max came into the lounge. “Hey honey.” He hugged his wife.

“Oh hi sexy.” Liz purred and kissed her husband.

Kissing his wife back quickly, he pulled away and looked worried. “What happened?”

“Your sister.” Max said.

Liz raised an eyebrow. “What did she do?”

“She cut herself.” Drew answered as he entered the room.

Liz looked at Max in horror and then brushed past him to run up the stairs. Max and Drew followed her and Liz ran into the room where her sister was in. Both her parents were at Serena’s side.

“Serena are you okay?” Liz asked, worried.

Serena titled her head to the side and groaned. “I’m in so much pain.”

Serena was bandaged up and Liz was surprised. “Max didn’t heal your sister.” Jeff snapped at Liz.


“Dad the mailman saw how much she was bleeding.” Drew replied, backing up his brother in law. “How could Max heal her in front of a human?”

“Still..” Jeff growled. “He could heal her now.”

“No he can’t.” Drew said. “The doctor is coming back tomorrow morning to check on her. You can’t make an overnight recovery like that. They will suspect us.”

“I’m fine really.” Serena said, feeling a little hurt that Max was reluctant to heal her. She knew if Liz was hurt, Max would go running to her and heal her in front of everyone no matter what. That made her burn in anger.

“You sure?” Liz asked. “Do you need anything?”

“I said I’m fine.” Serena snapped.

Liz felt a little hurt at her sister’s ill treatment of her. “We better leave her alone.” Max took his wife’s hand.

Taking one last look at her sister, Liz left the room with her husband and entered their room. “I’m so sorry Liz.”

“It’s not your fault.” Liz told her husband as he pulled her into a hug.

She wished fate would change for the better because right now she felt like crap.


Serena lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. She was the most wronged. She had been played with. The man she thought she fucked was an impostor. Who knew who he was. He was probably an old shape sifter that was a rapist. That was right. She was raped.

She really felt so violated.

It was not her fault. How was she supposed to know that her Max was someone else? He lied to her, had sex with her and didn’t think it was necessary for her to know who he was?

Max didn’t heal her like she wanted.

That bastard was too wrapped up in his fucking wife to pay attention to her. It was like as if Liz was his world. Liz this and Liz that. It made her sick. That Liz….she wished she would just go away and never come back.

But Max would follow her everywhere like a puppy. Even in death. She knew it.

Serena sighed. “If only I could break them apart.” She rolled her eyes.

Then something hit her…maybe she could really keep them apart.

And that night, she started to plot her revenge.

Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 5/9/09 Chpt 9 p.9

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:17 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D

Carolyn- Good one Carolyn, ah that's another mystery waiting to be yet revealed. So glad you noticed that! :D :D


Chapter 9

Wincing in pain, Serena limped towards the motel room where she would meet “Max” for the final time. Her senses burned with white hot anger as she realised everything was nothing but a lie.

“Hey Serena.” He greeted her in his usual seductive tone.

“Why?” Came her anger, pouring out like a trapped beast finding freedom for the first time.

“Excuse me?” His fake amber eyes were a show. She loved those eyes and remembered her sister’s love for them too. They were not the real eyes she looked into when they had ended up making love.

“Who are you?” She whispered. “You’re not Max.”

“Honey...I am Max.” He shook his head, worried if she was speaking the truth.

“I know Max is having wild sex with his wife right now!” She snapped. “I can hear them together. You on the other’re an impostor!” She pointed at him.

A few moments silence passed between them. Tears flowing freely down her cheeks. He gasped. She had known. She had finally known the truth.


“Show me your true form.” She demanded. “I demand to know who had been raping me all along.”

“I never raped..”

“SHUT UP!” She screamed. “Just show me your true form.”

“I can’t.” He shivered.

“You can’t or you won’t?” She scoffed. “Maybe you’re a disgusting old man that’s why!”

“I can assure you I am not an old man.”

“Ha!, you must be Nasedo. The legendary Incubus.”

“I don’t know who Nasedo is.” He insisted.

“You’re just a lying scumbag.” Accused Serena. “I wish you die.”

He laughed. “You loved my touches, you begged for more and more.” He paused and looked hurt. “Don’t you remember?”

“What you did was wrong.” She snapped. “You took advantage of a young girl. I lost my virginity to you and I don’t even know who you are!”

He cringed. “I’m sorry.”

She burst into tears. “I don’t even know your name...what you look like...I don’t know anything about you.” She collapsed on the floor, face in hands as she sobbed.

Feeling a twinge of guilt, he bent down towards her to see if she was okay. She was right. He was a wrongdoer but so was she.

“Go away you evil prick!” She slapped his hands away. “Leave me in peace!” She wailed.

“Peace huh?” He snapped in anger. “You brought this upon yourself!” He pointed at her, remembering the flashes from her. He felt what she felt and he knew what she had in mind back then. “You wanted to exploit your own sister’s happiness! You would actually sleep with your brother in law to avenge your own sister! How sick are you!”

“I did what was necessary.” She tried to justify her actions. “That bitch always got everything!”

“She is your sister. You’re supposed to love her not hurt her.”

“I hate her and wish her nothing well!”

“You got punished for your own sins.” He said in a calm tone. “I will be punished too for punishing you but you are a big sinner Serena. I just saved you from doing a grave sin of actually sleeping with the guy.”

“He will never sleep with me.” Serena wiped her tears away. “He loves her too much.”

“Maybe you should realise that you should ask for forgiveness and tell them the truth.” He shrugged.

“You’re right.” She nodded quickly. “I have done wrong.”


Tess tucked her little boy back into the cradle and watched her husband who lay on the bed. She looked at her wedding ring and caressed it gently. Although it was a simple piece, it was more sentimental and valuable then any antarian rock.

Her father was now dead. His legacy of evil was now over and she was free to make her own choices. She was a happily married mother with the life she always wished for.

No one was going to take that away. But she worried about the woman who stepped in her place to protect her.

“Honey...” Kyle patted the space next to him. “Bed.”

Tess smiled and her guilt slowly washed away as she joined her husband on the bed.

This is where she truly belonged.


Liz was wary of her sister as she entered the room. Serena looked pale and worse then ever. Granted that they were not the best of siblings but Liz felt pain on seeing her sister in such condition.

“Hey.” Liz settled the tray on the bed. “I got you some breakfast.”

“Thanks.” Serena said and gave Liz a smile.

Liz was about to leave quietly so her sister wasn’t put in more depression until Serena stopped her. “Hey Liz...” Serena called.

Liz stopped and slowly turned around. “Yes?”

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For everything. I realise I was a bitch but the truth was, I kinda treated you like a punch bag.”

“I forgive you.” Liz said. “I know at that age, things are going tough for you.”

“Thank you.” Serena whispered.

“I understand.” Liz nodded. “You just take care of yourself.” Liz quickly left the room and was confused. Serena was actually sorry?

Serena looked at the chicken soup and grinned. “I’ll take care of everything, don’t you worry Liz.”


“So they’re still living there.” Michael asked Max as they played one on one basketball together.

“Well yeah.” Max replied, dribbling the ball away from Michael.

“That Serena is a weirdo. I knew it.” Michael declared.

“I hate to say it but yeah she is.” Max threw the ball in the hoop. “I think she really has something against Liz.”

“She does.” Michael nodded. “Otherwise she wouldn’t trying to be seducing her brother in law.”

“I don’t know what to do.” Max retrieved the ball. “She cut herself and..”

“Wait...she cut herself?” Michael’s eyes were wide. “What a weirdo.”

Max and Michael decided to sit at the bench. “Things are strange between Liz and Serena.” Max admitted. “But I can’t believe it would be that strange that she hunts me down or something.”

“You’re Liz’s one and only happiness. The enemy of Liz wants to tear that down and rip it apart.” Michael said.

“Which is me then.” Max scoffed. “But nothing will come between Liz and I.”

The door opened causing the two of them to stand up. A couple of police officers walked in and one of them handcuffed Max. “Max’re under arrest.”