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Faltered (CC,M/L,ADULT) [WIP]

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 7:09 am
by Hunter
Banner By Me
Title: Faltered
Disclaimer: I own nothing Roswell and no infringement is intended.
Summary: After everything that's happened (Killing Pierce and learning about their origins), Max Evans is unable to cope and runs away from Roswell. After three months of the alien business laying dormant, trouble starts to grow which force the gang to work together in order to survive without Max and the enemies are closing in.
Pairing: M/L, CC.
Rating: Adult
A/N: Here's a new story for a happy new year. I've been working on this story since last year and feel happy to share this story with you guys. Happy New Year everyone.



After the hologram of their supposed mother clicked off, all four of them stood with a stunned silence. Tess had been calm and collected but the fear of the reactions of others kept her reeling in suspense, would Max Evans finally realise that he already had someone to love? Would Isabel continue to treat her like a sister and would Micheal eventually soften up on her?

Those questions still had yet to be answered.

As for Isabel and Micheal, both of them were happy to finally know who they were after a long time. "I'm a princess." Breathed Isabel, the excitement thrilled her; she'd always known who she was and was happy to know it was always going to be that way.

Micheal on the other hand was glad to know he had a home somewhere and even a mission to complete. He had been eager to know what his destiny was and thus rejoiced in his written fate. Nothing else at this moment would make him happier. He was a soldier; he had the weight of his planet on his shoulder. It was meant to be like this. He felt it.

"This is what we've been waiting for." Micheal declared, making his mind up to fulfil whatever was needed of him. It was better now that he knew where he stood.

And then Max, standing with his jaw clenched. He rejected his destiny. Although the idea of being a king was tempting, he did not want his alien life; the exhaustion of being who he was over bearing. He was Max Evans. He wanted and needed to be Max Evans for eternity. This was his life, not some weird alien life of being a king trapped in a loveless marriage.

Tess smiled at the reactions of Isabel and Micheal but dreaded Max's answer; she couldn't read his blank expression and swallowed. Liz stood behind him and didn't need to see his face because she knew from the tense shoulders and the stiff posture of Max that he hadn't accepted this role of his. She could feel his emotions radiating from his aura.

Just as Liz was about to step in and comfort Max, Tess took those steps closer towards him and placed herself under his gaze. Pushing herself forward so her breasts pressed against his chest, Tess gently took his arms. "I knew this was meant to be." She said softly, parting her lip and nearing Max's lips with them in a hope of a kiss.

Max then woke up, snapping out of his broken dejected thoughts as Liz turned away, saddened by Tess getting close to Max. "No." Max grabbed Tess and violently pushed her back. "No! No! No! NO!" He yelled, turning his head around in every direction as if he didn't know which way to look.

Tess landed on the sandy floor with a thud by Isabel and Michael’s feet and Liz turned around, startled by Max's yelling.

"Tess, are you okay?" Isabel bent down to pick a teary Tess up.

It hadn't worked with Max; Now Tess could never have him. Liz reached out to Max, feeling slightly happy that Max hadn't accepted Tess after all. "Max, it's okay." Liz soothed, trying to get the love of her life to calm down.

Max stared at Liz, bewildered but began to calm down. "This isn't my destiny, I'm not a king, I don't wanna be with her." Max pointed at Tess. "I am not a king. I am not a king." He repeated again and again, afraid that if he stopped then destiny would entrap him.

"Max you are a king, we're your people!" Micheal retorted, angry that Max was rejecting their origins.

"No Micheal! No!" Max spat out angrily. "I will never succumb to this......" Max paused and tried to find the right word, "...Hoax!"

"This is not a hoax Max!" A pissed off Isabel replied, holding a miserable Tess back. "It's our life. It's who we are."

"No!". Max backed away, getting away from everything. "It's not who I am." He said, making his way to the exit.

Micheal chased him outside and the others followed. Unable to keep Max with them, Micheal had been pushed to the ground and Max ran off, running away from all of them.

"Max! Max!" Isabel yelled after her brother who escaped.

"Max!" Liz called, wanting to run after him herself. He didn't even say anything to her. Liz didn't know what to do. Was Max really going to leave her behind?

Micheal helped himself up and they all watched Max disappear down the rocky desert. "What do we do now?" Liz asked, suddenly feeling alone with Micheal, Isabel and Tess.

"We stick together." A distraught Isabel replied.

Re: Faltered (CC, M/L, Adult) 4/1/10 Chpt 1 p.2

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:39 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback you lovely people. Carolyn and Ginger, glad you like my banner.This story will be a little similar to what happened in season 2 (sci fi wise) but will go in a different direction by me changing the conversations between characters from the show. I hope you enjoy guys. :D


Ghost_writer- Welcome to the board! :D

Chapter One

Three Months Later

"God...Micheal is being such an ass." Maria moaned, clicking off her phone. Micheal always told her to get lost and no matter how many times she tried, Micheal always pushed her back ever since this destiny thing. She had believed they were actually getting somewhere but because of so many excuses they couldn't continue their relationship.

Liz finished sweeping the floor and checked the time. "Maybe you should let him come to you Maria." Liz told her best friend, empathising with her completely. "At least the one you love is still in town." She muttered.

Three months after Max ran away, she hadn't been the same. He hadn't even called, sent any letters, emailed or even texted her. It was like he wiped her out of his life too. It hurt Liz too much to even imagine Max was out there by himself or possibly found a new girl to be with. Maybe he had found someone and was living it up with her? Thos nightmares still hadn't left Liz alone.

She knew he was okay through their connection, that's all she knew of him. Keeping the connection a secret from the others proving to be a good idea since Isabel and Micheal would be too pushy, forcing Liz into something she didn't know how to control.

"Liz, you and I should go speed dating. We should just find us a bunch of rich guys, engage in double dates and forget about the Czechs." Maria suggesting, wondering if a new guy in the picture would keep her mind off Micheal.

Liz laughed. "I doubt finding another Doug Shellow would make things better." She said, remembering her notorious date with the guy.

"Liz! Maria!" Alex strolled through the big green door. "Come check this out!" He ushered the girls to leave their chores and enter the back room.

"What Alex?" Maria sighed, remembering Alex's excitement for alien stuff. All summer he had helped Isabel find out more about the alien stuff and those two were so close to developing a relationship themselves.

Now Alex had been the lucky one, keeping Liz and Maria envious of him. Isabel had opened up ever since she found out who she was and allowed Alex to hang out with her more often; thus Alex's interest in aliens had increased.

Alex sat them down on the sofa and rewound the tape; he had taped the whole meeting with the congressmen and women. "Wow, I didn't know you were into politics." Maria joked.

"Alright, here it is." Alex pressed play and joined the girls on the sofa. "Watch this girls." He couldn't contain his excitement. Isabel Evans would be so pleased with him!


Congresswoman Whittaker: It's a strange substance called cadmium X that isn't of this earth.

Pierce (Nasedo) : It wouldn't be found here if it wasn't on this earth.

(Everyone laughs and Whittaker looks disturbed.)

Congresswoman Whittaker: The substance found on the bones were not of this earth because there is no such thing as Cadmium X. Bones don't grow that stuff and now we have bones with that stuff. It shows signs of extra terrestrial activity. We have aliens among us.

[end of TV]

"That's the woman I'm going to work for." Liz gasped, as realization dawned on her. She had an internship with the congresswoman. This should be interesting, she thought.

"What the fuck is cadmium X?" Maria asked.

"It's probably the stuff Micheal did when he took out Pierce." Alex shrugged.

"Who found the bones?" Liz asked.


"Grant Sorenson." Isabel smiled, faking a look of excitement when she walked over to his tent. Alex had informed her all about Grant Sorenson and how he found the bones.

"What can I do for you?" Grant stood up, mesmerized by how sexy Isabel Evans was. Damn, she was a voluptuous woman. Just look at them tits, he thought as he licked his lips.

Isabel was feeling as if he was mentally undressing her and that bothered her. She hated it when guys did that, she was no one's property and was very tempted to blast Grant's ass into space. But she used this to her advantage instead. "I have a thing for good looking strangers." She lied as she toyed with her hair.

Grant liked her. "Let me take you out on a date."

Isabel giggled. "I'd like that...." She then extended a hand. "I'm Isabel Evans."

"Nice to meet you..." Grant shook her hand and then took it to his lips to kiss it. "Isabel."


"Shit." Micheal puffed, "They found the bones?" He asked Liz.

"Yes." Liz nodded, watching Micheal with caution. Since when did he start smoking?

"That sucks...that sucks big time." Micheal laughed. "We gotta take that shit off the bones."

"How are we gunna do that?" Tess wondered, curiously eying Liz. This human girl looked smarter then she seemed, Tess thought.

Liz bit her bottom lip and tried to think of a way, this was her friend’s lives on the line including Max's wherever he was. She had to think fast. "We find where they're taking the bones first and Micheal, you have to undo what you did to those bones."

"But how!" Micheal put out his cigarette, pushing it against the ash tray. The small puffs of smoke escaped from the crushed grey cinders from the used cigarette.

Tess know understood what had to be done. "I'll teach you Micheal." She assured him. "We have to find the bones fast."


Waiting outside the office for a good ten minutes now, Liz brushed her hair back as the occasional breeze whipped it up around her face. Here she was, trying to maintain that presentable look as she waited for her new boss to come. She felt stupid just waiting outside the office.

Liz checked her watch.

This congresswoman certainly loved to take her time. Liz looked down at her feet and wondered whether it was a good idea to just leave. She was very tempted to walk away, but in the nick of time something happened.

"Hi, you must be Liz Parker." Liz's head snapped up towards Vanessa Whittaker who had suddenly appeared.

With a big smile, Liz found it hard not to return it. "Yes that's me." Liz replied and shook the hand that Vanessa offered.

"Sorry I'm late, my boyfriend just...." Vanessa laughed, unable to finish the sentence.

Liz nodded, understanding what she was implying and let out a small chuckle. "It's okay, it's fine really."

Vanessa checked her watch. "You are an early bird which means you're right for this job."

"I am?" Liz sounded surprised, wondering if the interview was going to happen after all. By the looks of it, Vanessa didn't seem to want to go ahead with the interview.

"Come back in two hours and then you can officially start the job but...I'll give you a tour for now." Vanessa said, moving to unlock the door so both of them can get inside.

"Thanks." Liz walked in first, baffled by Vanessa's attitude; she seemed more polite and friendly face to face. That worried Liz.

"No problem." She returned, giving Liz yet another friendly smile.

Vanessa smirked and shut the door behind Liz, locking it.

Re: Faltered (CC, M/L, Adult) 5/1/10 Chpt 2 p.2

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:32 am
by Hunter
Thanks for your feedback everyone. Here's the next chapter.
Chapter Two

Kicking the gritty asphalt that crunched underneath his sneakers, Max placed the fuel nozzle back on the dispenser and wiped his greasy hands with the rag that half hung out of his back pocket.

The heat was humid and intolerable for some but for him it was a prick on the skin. He could deal with it; just like he dealt with everything else going on in his life.

"That would be twenty dollars." He blankly told the driver who handed him a fifty.

"Keep the change kid." The man replied, stacking away all his fresh clean notes in his wallet. Max eyed the cash this driver was handling, he looked rich.

The driver looked at Max and noticed his miserable condition. The guy could do with some food and a break, he thought.

Max said nothing and kept the money, he really needed it as well. The driver leaned his head forward and decided to say something.

"Listen kid, I'll be around so I'll buy you dinner tonight."

"That's okay." Max said, feeling strange that this stranger was trying to have some sort of conversation with him. He looked like he was in his early thirties, his short blonde hair and light brown eyes showed no sign of danger. However, Max forced himself to trust no one.

He just simply couldn't.

The driver didn't relent and sensed Max putting up a wall between them. "I'll see you later kid." Was all he said before driving his car out of the gas station and parking it in the parking lot in front of the joint motel.

Max looked away and took the nozzle in his hand again, ready to fill up the next car that had just pulled up.


After a hard day's worth of labour, Max whipped off his clothes and walked into the shower. Standing underneath the cold sprays of water, he relaxed his tense muscles and washed the heat away. After he was done, he dried himself and wrapped the towel around his waist.

Walking back into his bedroom, Max took a photo out from underneath the pillow and gazed at it. It was a picture of him and Liz sitting at the table at senor chows. It was their first date and they had took lots of photos on that date; it was the day before Michael had become awfully sick. They had eaten, listened to music and danced together.

Those were the good old days that Max hoped to see again.

He traced Liz's image with his fingers and realised just how much he missed her. He missed his family and friends too but he missed Liz so much. He didn't know how he spend so long without her. It was crazy.

He wondered what she was doing now? Did she miss him as much as he missed her? He sighed and felt like an idiot. Of course she did. She loved him. They loved each other.

He held the photo to his heart and closed his eyes.


The blonde haired man waited in the diner for half an hour. It was then, he spotted Max Evans walk in who looked more refreshed. He smiled and waved at Max to join him at the table.

Max was wary at first but realised that he had the power to defend himself if necessary. So he walked over and sat down at the booth with the blonde man.

"Hello kid."

"Hi." Max grabbed a menu and looked at it, allowing the other man to start the conversation. He was never great at starting conversations. He sucked at that.

The other man studied Max for a moment and then commented. "You look better then the last time I saw you."

Max glanced up at him for one second and then looked back at the menu, he frowned and tried to make a choice. There was too much to choose from.

"How about a slice of triple berry cheesecake after some pot roast with roast potatoes? How does that sound?" The man offered politely.

The offer seemed tempted and Max's stomach rumbled. There was no harm in letting this guy buy him dinner. He hadn't eaten anything today and his stomach was living proof of that. "Okay." Max put his menu down.

He smiled and took his money out. "That's the man." He pulled out the right amount of money. "I'll throw in some Tabasco sauce too. Ain't nothing sweet and spicy like that poured over your cheesecake."

Max's eyes bulged. "You mix Tabasco with sweet stuff?"

"Kiddo, that's been my style for many years. Haven't you tried it?"

"Who are you?" Max cut straight to the chase, knowing know that this man in front of him was indeed an alien.

The waitress emerged with the exact food on the tray. "Home-style pot roast with roast potatoes and triple berry cheesecake." She stated and put the plates down before Max. "And here's a glass of cherry coke and a bottle of Tabasco sauce." She put them down on the table.

"Here's twenty dollars." The man replied and winked at the lady. "Keep the change."

"Anything else?" She asked, tucking the tray underneath her arm.

"No we're good thanks." The man politely dismissed her.

She left with a smile and Max examined the man sitting before him. "I want an answer." Max's voice was firm and concise.

"Maybe you should eat first." The man grinned, listening to yet another stomach rumble from Max.

Max tilted his head slightly to the side and narrowed his eyes.

He would definitely answer his questions which will be very soon.


"I'm Cal Langley. Big Hollywood producer and secret protector."

"So you're another protector?" Max sounded shocked and surprised at once. Tess and Nasedo never mentioned anything about another protector.

"I'm the other senior protector." The blonde man said, toying with the lamp on the dresser as he sat on the chair in Max's room.

"I take it that Nasedo the other one then." Max put the pieces together, still trying to digest the lumps of information that this protector had provided him with.

Nasedo never said much about his origins. Max guessed it was down to his personality. Nasedo wasn't much of a speaker, he was more of a doer.

That's why it was easy for him to kill those innocent people, Max guessed. "You don't kill people do you?"

The man laughed. "Kid, don't ever compare me to Nasedo. That machine has no feelings. No wonder he's not lucky with the women."

Max blinked and felt a little distaste in his mouth, remembering that Nasedo had shape shifted into many people; one of which was himself and he had kidnapped Liz then....he had kissed Liz, deceiving her the same time. It was awful and he didn't know if he could ever forgive Nasedo for endangering her life and violating her that way too.

He just hoped that this man before him wasn't anything like Nasedo.

"We went our separate ways a long time ago kid." The man said, placing his hand on the dresser. "He was adamant about the alien stuff and destiny while I chose to let you guys follow your own footsteps. I believe in free will. Nasedo believed in Kant's sayings and thought that all of you have a duty to follow. Hence he drafted that stupid book from some of the ship's ruins."

Max gasped. "That was made by Nasedo?"

He nodded. "The original book was nothing like that made up mumbo jumbo. In fact, the real book...the location of it is a mystery. Whoever guards the granolith guards the original book and the two keys of the granolith too."

"Two keys of the granolith?" Max raised his eyebrows in confusion. "What is the granolith?"

"Back on our planet, was like..." The man rubbed his chin. "It was holy and belonged to the high temples. Of course the thing was created by the king's personal inventor who was by far the most intellectual being on Antar. His son had also been like him and had finished building the granolith so all of you would survive in the second set of bodies that were created for you. Your parents would never let you perish. No matter what. They loved you so much."

Max still looked confused so he carried on.

"In Antarian tradition, the granolith was a knowledge gifted by god himself. It was the most greatest creation known to Antarians..and of course skins who our enemies are. Think the Lion King, your father is Mustafa and you're Simba. Your people are the lions and then you have Kivar...who is scar and leads the hyenas who are the skins. Something like that happened on our world. They did their utmost best to drive you out of your own kingdom."

"So this guy...Kivar sits on my throne?" Max tried his best to interpret as much as he could, he was suddenly interested and wanted to know everything about his life on Antar.

"Unlike the movie, Kivar doesn't have your blood Max. He's not related to you at all but in a way he is. I was surprised to learn about this myself but I found out only a couple of years back. Kivar has a sister Max. And she's here with their father."


"Tess and Nasedo."

Re: Faltered (CC, M/L, Adult) 8/1/10 Chpt 3 p.3

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:54 am
by Hunter
Thank you all for your feedback.
Chapter Three

Oh when you walk by every night
Talking sweet and looking fine
I get kind of hectic inside
Oh baby I'm so into you
Darling if you only knew
All the things that flow through my mind

Liz hummed to the Mariah Carey tracks that Vanessa was playing on the CD. Her new job was going off with a blast. Vanessa had provided rich chocolate treats and even liquor. Liz had a small shot and nothing more. She felt guilty even drinking while being underage.

However, she was in a good mood although bad things were going to happen sooner or later. "Like it Parker?" Vanessa smiled, raising a glass of wine in the air.

"Yep." Liz stacked the files after sorting them out alphabetically. "Love it."

"Good." Vanessa cheered and drank the rest of the wine.

Liz nodded and cleared the paperwork away, happy that she had managed to do a lot of work on her first day. "Parker let me tell you a story." Vanessa stumbled towards the chairs and slumped down.

Liz logged off her new account on the computer and sat down on her own chair. "Ummm....okay."

Vanessa cleared her throat and then crossed her legs. "You know Parker, many many years a far away planet....was a beautiful race of people. There was peace, love and respect. There was also a king and queen."

Liz pressed her lips together, wondering what Vanessa was playing at. Why was she telling her this?

"Am I boring you?" Vanessa suddenly asked.

"No. No." Liz shook her head. "Of course not."

She really wanted to hear what Vanessa had to say. "Carry on."

"Very well then." Vanessa placed her glass on the desk. " everyone knows the King and Queen were respected. They had two kids. One boy and one girl. But....this is very interesting. There's always someone or something that wants the throne. In this story, it was the Prince's beloved's cousin and his father. On one hand, he had this girl who was crazy about him. She was his enemy's sister. And the girl he loved....she was also related to his enemy. The father of the enemy had it all planned. He wanted his daughter to marry the prince....and his son to marry the girl who the prince was in love with but....he adored his son more then his daughter so he favoured his son's fate more."

"Eventually the tragic things happened." Vanessa sighed and shook her head in her drunk stupor. "They did it for the race that the king rejected. See the race of the kingdom was pure. The know the ones with shedding skin....they were outcasts and were treated like slaves. This King was cold hearted and narrow minded. His enemy had used that against him. Now there's just a bitter war going on. Shame."

"Nice story." Liz replied, after Vanessa finished.


"Isabel..." Grant breathed happily as he raked his hungry eyes over her busting cleavage which threatened to spill out from that tight orange dress. "You look beautiful."

Isabel faked a shy smile and wiped her lips with the napkin. "Thanks."

"I wanted to say...if you wanna go somewhere after this?" Grant suggested, fighting the temptation to rub her thigh underneath the small table.

Holding her breath, Isabel felt the bile rise up in her throat. Was he suggesting that they'd have sex? Oh dear. Wrong move, she fumed.
She was no one's booty call.

"No thanks, I have school tomorrow." Isabel replied. "After three months of a summer holiday, I'm rather spoiled and lazy." She feigned a laugh, feeling the sweat trickle down her forehead. She was starting to get weird vibes of this Grant guy.

"That's too bad...because you would have had a night to remember." Grant purred.

Isabel bit her bottom lip and thought of something else to distract him. The point why she came to this stupid dinner with him in the first place was to pump information about the bones from him. That was the purpose and every time she talked about the bones, he would change the subject.

It was annoying her.

"It would be a night to remember...." She said and shrugged. "Only if you tell me where the bones are." Her tone was a little fiery and piercing.

Grant was amazed. "Fine. I'll tell you where the bones are."


"I swear.." Michael shook his head and look at them through the binoculars as he hid in Maria's mother's Jetta. "If he lays one hand on her, I will fucking break it."

Maria folded her arms and huffed. It wasn't the first time Michael kidnapped her and her mom's car for another alien reason. She was starting to get sick and tired of him using her all the time. Sometimes she felt like she was just a car lender to him and nothing else. Michael was so selfish and that pissed her off.

"Yeah because she's your destined mate."

Michael took the binoculars away from his eyes and sharply inhaled the air. "Will you quit it?!" He glared at Maria with piercing eyes. "Ever since that day, you've been up my ass about this destiny crap!"

Maria held her breath harshly, hurt again by Michael Guerin. Chocking back her words, she folded her arms and stole one glance at him before looking away.

There was no way she was going to make this easy for him.


After dessert, Isabel made the excuse of needing to go to the ladies bathroom for a touch up. Little did she know that Grant had other intentions and when she had splashed cold water on her face, she felt a hand gently cup one of her buttocks.

"Impressive." Grant purred, leaning closer to Isabel as he placed his thick hot breath over her cooling skin.

Isabel stiffened and stood up straight; she had left the tap running and stared at the mirror. It was Grant behind her, his hand was sliding across her back to get towards her stomach.

Isabel hadn't moved one bit. "What are you doing?" Isabel whispered, suddenly terrified of what was going to happen next.

Grant placed his forehead against her head and his lips curled into a devilish smile. "What we both want." His hand rubbed her stomach.

"To mate."

Isabel felt his hand glide down closer towards her womb and when sense was knocked into her brain, she slapped his hand away and spun around. "How dare you touch me?" She pointed her index finger at him, jabbing her perfectly sharp nail into his chest.

"You know you can't do anything to stop it.." His hands suddenly grasped her curvy hips and lifted her in one sheer force that Isabel forgot to breathe one moment.

How easy it was for him to lift her up like she was a delicate feather or something. Then she felt something damp and hard underneath her ass.

It was the basin; the tap was running again and was soaking her dress. Isabel stared deeper into Grant's grey eyes and was unable to move.

He spread her legs apart and bent down. "I'm going to smell you now." He said. "You will keep your legs apart for Grant." He told her in a hypnotising voice.

Isabel repeated after him, her eyes locked with his grey ones. "I will keep my legs apart for you."

Grant smile and brought his nose close towards her core and sniffed. Ahh...the scent of her was ripe. He knew he chose his mate wisely. He swallowed, wanting to taste her.

But first, the removal of their clothes was necessary. He slid his hands up her thighs and pinched the edge of her panties. Isabel remained still and had no sense of time.

He had done something to her.

Now he was going to rape her and no one would know about it, Isabel screamed in her mind. She couldn't even move!

"Hey you little freak!" Michael dashed into the women's bathroom, heading straight for Grant with a prepared fist.


Tess stared at the cold slab of herbed halibut with mash potatoes. One the other side of the table, the same dish remained sitting idle. The untouched glass of red wine and the melting candles were proving to be an eyesore along with everything else. He wasn't here. He promised her he would come home tonight. Tess fumed. Nasedo had been making a lot of false promises lately and the one that got to her the most was that he promised her Max Evans.

He's an all powerful, handsome and is the greatest king that ever lived. And he will be yours Tess.

Tess scoffed at his previous words. Max Evans was no king. He was just a boy; a boy who had run away from his duty; a boy who loved someone else; a boy who belonged to someone else.

She had coped all these years on the one dream that kept her alive. Max Evans. Someday they'd meet again, fall in love, marry and have children and a kingdom to raise. She read all the fairytales. They all ended up in the same way. Boy meets girl, they marry and have a happy ending.

Then why did her fairy tale have a certain twist? Why was she not able to have a happy ending? Nasedo had lied to her. He couldn't even come home for dinner one night so how in the heck would he be able to give her Max Evans? It was utterly impossible.

Tess grabbed her fork and stabbed the halibut with it several times. She was venting out all the anger and frustration. She spent her nights and days alone. No one came to see how she was, she didn't think anyone cared.

Isabel was too busy dilly dallying with her new human boyfriend, Michael couldn't have cared less unless it was a no strings attached training session and Max had ran away from all of them which was the biggest insult she had taken to date. She felt like he betrayed her with this unforgivable offence. The humans and even Isabel had blamed her of driving Max away. She could feel all their hatred merging into one.

Sometimes she was tempted to side with the skins and make them suffer but she shuddered at that thought. She vowed herself never to betray her own race. Even if it meant sticking with these humans along with Isabel and Michael for now, she would do it. They were the only family she had even though they never shared a conventional relationship.

They would do for now.

Tess looked helplessly at her destroyed halibut. If only she could swap places with that, what was she thinking? Why should she suffer of who she was?

Pushing her chair back, Tess grabbed her plate and was ready to take it to the trash. However, things took an unexpected turn when the phone rang.

Tess frowned and then put the plate back on the table, slowly. Could that be Nasedo?, a small hope glimmered in the back of her mind and she slowly went to receive the call after the fifth ring.


"Tess, meet us at the Crashdown right now. It's important."


Pushing the door open, Tess stumbled into the Crashdown with a worried look on her face. What was this sudden midnight meeting all about? she wondered and noticed that Alex was waiting for her by the stools.

Why had Alex been the one to call her? She looked at his worried face and walked up to him. "What's wrong? Where is everyone?"

"In the back." Alex said and lead her through the doors.

Tess felt questions running through her mind when she saw a petrified Isabel sitting on the chair while Michael and Liz hovered around her and fussed over her. Isabel's eyes were red and runny from tears and Tess felt that Isabel had gone through a traumatic event to look so awful.

"What happened?" Tess asked in a strong clear voice, concerned for Isabel.

"That bastard Grant.." Maria replied, watching them by the foot of the steps. "He tried to...force himself on Isabel."

Tess didn't know what to say. She just felt bad for Isabel. "He didn't did he?" Her voice wavered. She was afraid of the worst.

"No." Michael chocked. "I got there in time and made a bloody pulp out of his face."

"Then what happened?"

"Isabel started to have a fit." Maria filled Tess in, "She got really weird and her eyes almost changed color....they were a dark grey."

Judging from Maria's description of what happened, Tess knew what it was. "It's Grant. He's not normal. He's infected."

"What do you mean by infected?" Liz asked, looking at her after fixing the blanket over Isabel.

"How did he act like Isabel?" Tess asked, hoping she was right about this situation. Nasedo had warned her about this gandarium demon which was out on the loose. He had been looking for a mate for so long but what they hadn't counted on that he would also be attracted to Isabel. He definitely shared some of Kivar's traits.

"Is that relevant?" Michael hissed.

"He tried to have sex with me." Isabel suddenly broke out. "He wanted to mate."

Both Alex's and Michael's eyes bulged in horror. "He's an infection." Tess stated. "If he mates with you....the infection will be carried in your offspring and that will be a problem to the world."

Liz stood up and fired another question at Tess. " he's attracted to her and now knows her..." Liz coughed. "Scent?"

"There's only one of him." Tess finally looked at Liz and directly answered her question. "Kivar, our enemy created him as a weapon to us. But turned out that the weapon had a mind of it's own and needed a body to merge with in order to reproduce so it's genes may be carried on in generations."

"Because that's it's main objective; to ensure survival of its genes." Liz nodded, understanding the situation a little better now. "It merged with Grant's body." Liz swallowed, feeling disgusted at whatever that thing was.

"Kivar used his DNA for this infection." Maria snorted. "How typical."

"Anyway it's not long before this Grant will recuperate. He will be after Isabel fast and this time stronger."

"How do we waste him?" Michael asked, piercing his eyes at Tess. He was worried now and more determined to protect Isabel at any cost. "Tell me damn it!" He yelled, practically grabbing Tess by the arms.

"The gandarium demon can only be killed in two ways." Tess said, shocked at Michael who had grabbed her arms and shook her.

"Michael..." Alex gently eased Michael's grip off Tess.

Tess thanked Alex and continued. "A gandarium is a parasite, the demon finds a body and stitches itself on to the host, killing it slowly so now god knows how old Grant is but it's the gandarium demon now. His body is a vessel and his organs are controlled by the demon. Thus the sperm of Grant won't be human at all. It will be a hundred percent gandarium."

"Ew." Maria covered her eyes and nudged Liz. "She used the S word."

"The bottom line is, we can't let him mate with Isabel or anyone else for that matter." Alex said.

"You still haven't gotten to the bit where we waste Grant." Michael reminded Tess. "Remember?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

Tess cleared her thought. "Okay....first way is simple. We behead him and then electrocute him. The alternative is that we tie him to a chair and recite the ancient incantations of an Antarian exorcism; rumoured to be unpleasant but strongly effective."

"I think the first one is the only option we seem to have." Maria commented, assuming that the old incantations of the alien planet weren’t available.

Tess nodded. "That's the problem; we have to do it the human way."

Re: Faltered (CC, M/L, Adult) 9/1/10 Chpt 4 p.4

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:10 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone.


Ginger - In response to your guess of who Cal shapeshifted into, you're very close. I was gunna go with Justin Hartley but I chose Paul Walker instead. Imagine him with brown eyes. :wink: Here's a pic of him. ... lker-4.jpg

Chapter Four

Max hadn't slept at all that night. His heart was racing. The white room, Pierce, Antarian symbols, the seal....pod chamber...the granolith...all of them were churning around and around in his dreams, haunting him and depriving him of a peaceful sleep.

He yanked the bed sheet off himself and rolled out of the bed and on to the floor. He got up from the floor slowly and rubbed his tired eyes. Walking to the bathroom, he splashed the cold water over his face and walked back into his room.

He saw the white room again in his mind. How they poked and prodded him. They violated him. A tub of ice cold water, being electrocuted, seeing images of Liz being killed which tore his heart and then being cut, pumped with drugs. It was disturbing and left scars on his senses. Never had he known how harsh humans could be. Never in his life had he been that scared before, even more scared on the day Liz Parker was shot.

Pierce and others like him were still out there, the world would never be safe; for him, Isabel, Michael...and Tess. God, he wished he was never in this predicament to begin with. He'd give anything to change those times...he'd give anything to be able to have a normal life and have the same for Isabel and Michael. He wasn't sure about Tess. Maybe she enjoyed being an alien; he suspected she did because of Nasedo who clearly showed no bitterness on him being an alien.

Going through that nightmare, Max felt himself thrown to another; the destiny crap. He had been paired up with someone else and expected to fight back an unknown alien. Max felt emotionally drained at that point. Not only something threatened to get in the way of him and Liz Parker once again, he had this huge responsibility to saving a whole race. He couldn't take that. He was designed to be a king but he knew in his heart, he needed a normal life. He needed love, stability and Liz.

He felt like a stupid coward, running away to sort himself out. But it was a much needed break for him. He had to get away and figure stuff out on his own.

He would be lying if he claimed that he wasn't feeling a little better. He was but he still bore those wounds. It would take more time to heal a bit more. But staying away from Roswell was the right decision. He managed to move about from town to town after three or four weeks of staying there. His time here was nearly up, living in the outskirts of Utah, Big Water. It was a nice place and the job was good, filling up cars with gasoline and washing them at the motel he stayed was bearable. It wasn't that bad. Plus it was a bit wasteland, hardly anyone was around here. It was just a few motels with some diners and gas stations. It was more of a highway stop off and this was the perfect place to be for him if he wanted to stay hidden.

But he would have to move again in two weeks time.

This time he hoped to move further into Utah but then the longing to go back to Roswell was there. It had been three whole months and school would start tomorrow.

On the desk next to where he was standing was two envelopes. One addressed to Michael while the other one was addressed to his sister, Isabel. He had written them last month but hadn't sent them. He was afraid they'll find out where he was through these letters so he assumed through the connection they shared, they would know he was okay and alive. That was all they needed to know so far.

But writing those letters unburdened him a little.

There was just one more letter to write now and he had held back as long as he could until today.

Max sat on the chair and grabbed a black piece of paper and a pen.

Placing the paper on the desk before him, he uncapped his pen and wrote two words on the paper.

To Liz


The following morning, Max started his shift after scrambled eggs and toast. He lifted the soapy sponge and scrubbed the dusty Rolls Royce that had just pulled up for a good cleanup.

The woman who owned the car was now having a heavy conversation with his boss in his office. Max could see them through the window. Those two were definitely interested in each other, he thought and mourned the fact that he couldn't be with the one he loved right now. Those old days were so simple, so good. He couldn't even have a decent conversation with anyone without worrying if someone was watching him.

Max concentrated on cleaning the car and had rinsed the foam off with cold water, the car looked brand new. He was pleased with himself.

"All done?" Cecile, the proud car owner asked as she carried her chinchilla coat in her sweaty arms. The heat here was morbid and intense...but arousing after the verbal foreplay she had with this motel owner.

Max grabbed the bucketful of dirty soap water and the sponge before moving back, he nodded in reply to the woman's question but kept his eyes on the car.

Danny, his boss pinched the woman's butt and winked at her. For a balding man who was forty five with no dress sense, Max had to refrain from commenting on his neon pink overalls with a navy shirt patterned with Pac Man's faces. Obviously only this woman had seemed to taken a liking to him. She had a taste for wearing dead animal's furs. With her huge beehive hairdo, her ginger hair looked like it was a live snake.

"Oh you naughty boy." Cecile purred and caressed Danny's sweaty chin. "I'll be back later for a encore. Don't you worry."

Danny laughed gleefully as he helped her into her car. "Thank you ma'dear."

When she drove off, Danny's smile faded and he looked at Max who had stood there with the bucket in his hand, silent.

"Get back to work." Danny ordered him before walking off.


Cal had picked the right moment to approach Max again. After his shift ended, he found Cal sitting at the desk in his room. Cal had been sitting here patiently for half an hour.

Max threw the rag over his shoulder and slammed the door shut. "What are you doing in my room?"

Yesterday's conversation didn't mean Cal had the privileges’ of walking into his room whenever he felt like. Max needed him to know that. Thus, the territorial attitude with a harsh tone was sported by Max.

Cal, smiled a little and uncrossed his legs as he turned to face Max Evans. The intended offence failed and Cal felt nothing of the sort.

"I thought I'd pay you a little visit."

"Didn't you do that yesterday?" Max replied, going towards the foot of his bed.

"We didn't finish our conversation yesterday, Max."

Max sat down on the bed and bent down to take his worn sneakers off. He heard what Cal said and didn't warn him to back off. That was because he wanted to know what Cal had to say. He trusted Cal which surprised him. Nasedo had come across as a suspicious person while Cal seemed like a genuine guy.

But Max still held up his guard. Better to be safe then sorry, he thought.

"Now, we stopped off at the point about Tess and Nasedo being Kivar's family." Cal said, putting his mind back to yesterday's conversation.

Max had been utterly shocked at the fact that Tess was a traitor. Nevertheless, he had a feeling she wouldn't be as innocent as she claimed to be. Cal noticed the look of dreaded trepidation when he revealed to Max who Tess really was. He couldn't blame the poor kid. It had been inevitable to stop the truth from being found out. Max would find out one way or another and Cal preferred it if he knew beforehand, before it was too late.

"Right...what I haven't managed to say yesterday that the granolith. It's location...I've erased it from my mind to ensure it's protection." Cal announced. "Because the skins would have gotten in my head and taken it. If it falls into their hands or any other wrong hands, then disaster will happen."

Max crossed his legs on the bed and faced Cal, he nodded for Cal to continue.

"The granolith has been entrusted to one person other then yourself. They have equal rights as yourself to access it. That person is the protector of the granolith."

"Is that you?" Max asked.

"No, I'm the protector of the Royal Four and whomever the Queen and the King decide for me to protect."

"So you protect me, Michael, Isabel and Tess."

"I don't protect Tess." Cal snorted. "Nasedo does that. I only protect the royal four."

Max frowned, confused at Cal's words. "So by Royal Four...Tess isn't one of us then?"

"No, she may be one of you alien wise but she's not included in the Royal four." Cal revealed. "As much as Nasedo was pining for her rebirth, she might have been sent with you but she's not a member of the Royal four."

"So that means there's another alien out there somewhere.....lost." Max gasped, as realisation dawned on him.

"Unfortunately, the identity of that fourth alien was erased from everyone of us."

"Why?" Max inquired.

"Because the fourth alien was the protector of the Granolith."

Re: Faltered (CC, M/L, Adult) 11/1/10 Chpt 5 p.5

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:26 am
by Hunter
Time for another update people, thanks for the feedback.


Chapter Five

"Okay first we get rid of that isotope Michael left on the bones and then we sort Grant out?" Liz suggested as she drove Maria's Jetta down the highway.

"Sounds good to me." Maria replied earnestly.

"Hey, let's stop here. I need to grab a bite." Alex groaned from the backseat.

Liz stopped by a gas station and Alex got out of the car; going to the store to buy some snacks. Maria realised her car needed gasoline so she went out to get her car filled up.

Liz rested her head against the window and closed her eyes. Since morning she was frigging tired. So many things were happening at once that it was making her head spin. How could any of them deal with these alien things going on at once?

What was about to happen next, Liz was unprepared.


The police had been digging up the bones on the orders of Vanessa Whittaker who was determined at any cost to find out what really happened. Jim looked sullen and worried, knowing that eventually something alien would crop up

And then, there was Michael; standing on the edge of a cliff as he watched them.

Michael felt like something was watching him. He ran. He tripped and his red pen knife fell out. Michael found a piece of skin and held it in his hand. It turned to dust.

Michael felt uneasy again and got up to run away.

He left his red pen knife on the ground.

*The police later find it. *

*Michael is arrested.*


Liz gasped in horror as her eyes snapped open. She knew what was going to happen. Michael was going to go to that place and leave a piece of evidence behind.

Liz swallowed. This was not good. It wasn't good at all.

Maria and Alex got back in the car as they finished a conversation. "Oh you must try the tuna melts. They are so good." Alex commented, shoving mouthfuls of the tuna melt into his mouth.

Maria nodded in agreement as she fastened her seatbelt. "Told you so."

Liz grabbed the steering wheel, breathing heavily in shock. "Michael's going to go to the place where they buried the bones. He's going to drop his penknife which the police will find!" Liz gasped, turning the ignition on.

"How do you know that?" Maria frowned.

Liz hit the brakes and drove on to the highway with haste, nearly causing Alex to shove the remains of the tuna melt right into his mouth.

"Hey!" Alex protested, wiping bits of tuna off his lips. "Drive safely woman!"

Liz looked for on coming cars and then proceeded. "We need to stop Michael from going to that place."

She hoped she would make it in time to stop that from happening.

God help me, she prayed.


Michael was surprised to see the humans show up at his apartment like they owned it. Liz, Maria and Alex had barged through the door the second he had opened it.

"Whoa whoa, whoa!" Michael shut the door. "What is this? A party or something?"

Isabel had emerged from the bedroom in her silk pyjamas. She looked awful with her dried lips and her messy hair. "Hi Isabel." Alex waved at her, promising himself that he'd be at her service after this.

Isabel nodded at him and Liz spoke. "Michael you can't go to that place." She spun around so he could see how serious she was.

"What place?"

"The place where you got the bones buried." Maria told her former boyfriend. "Remember? Duh?" She rolled her eyes.

"Why can't I go there?" Michael challenged. "Who are you to stop me?" He wasn't taking orders from anyone, especially not the leader's girlfriend.

"Because..." Liz was starting to lose her patience with this Michael. "You will leave a red pen knife behind which the police will find." She explained. "Then you will get arrested."

"You do have a red pen knife, don't you?" Alex asked.

A shocked Michael reached into his pocket and pulled the red pen knife out. He had only brought this two months ago. Barely anyone had seen it, not even Maria.

"This pen knife?" He flashed them the item and all eyes fell on it.


"How did you know Liz? How did you know?" Michael fired her with the same questions.

"I had a flash." Liz confessed, unsure of how she had a flash about Michael without any contact. Usually to have flashes. she had to touch someone.

"That's impossible. You only get flashes if you kiss someone." Maria reminded Liz, although she hadn't been lucky to experience that with Michael herself and Liz was now claiming she had a flash of Michael without even touching him.

Maria didn't know how to feel. Jealous or amazed?

"That's not entirely true." Isabel intervened. She often had flashes of people in her dream walks. But she was alien. Liz was human, so how did she manage to do that?

"You're connected with Max." Michael said, explaining it to himself on the theory of Liz being able to have a flash of him. "Maybe you got some alien powers or something now."

"That's impossible." Liz shook her head, smiling nervously. "Are you saying that Max passed on some sort of alien trait to me?"

"We don't know that." Isabel said. "Maybe Tess knows or something."

"Okay let's just assume for now Liz has some alien stuff from Max." Maria chimed in, "Right now we need to cover Michael and make sure no one suspects him or any of us."

"We'll talk about this later." Michael told Liz, keeping the topic of her ability to have future flashes aside.

"We also need to strip the cadmium X from the bones." Alex reminded them. "Vanessa is going to Las Cruces University today to scan them again."

"Michael goes in to undo what he did...but we need a distraction." Maria shook her head, trying to think of one.

"I'll do it. I will distract the guard." Isabel decided.

"But what about Grant.?" Alex panicked.

"I'll get Nasedo to protect Isabel." Michael promised. "It's his job anyway."

"When Michael strips the bones, won't they see?" Isabel asked.

"Tess." Liz took her phone out. "She can mind warp them."

Liz was lucky to have saved Tess' number on her phone and dialled.

"Hello? Tess?"


Jim drove Tess to Michael's apartment himself and then they acted out the plan the group had formulated together. Isabel had dolled herself up despite of what happened last night so she could play the distraction while Michael sneaked in the lab.

Jim and Tess were seated in the car, waiting for Michael's call. "Tess, mind warp them now." Michael said after the call.

Isabel had tried to keep the stupid guard busy with directing her towards different directions with the big map. She waved at Jim who was across the grounds. Jim nodded and then looked at Tess.

"I'm in." Tess said and focused on her mind warp.

Jim was hanging on to the hope that Michael would make it. That they all would succeed. Luckily there was no trace of evidence that lead to the aliens.

Tess, got into the minds of the people present at the scan and mind warped them while Michael opened the hatch and jumped in the underground chamber where the bones were ready to be scanned.


Michael ran towards the bones and stretched his hand out, focusing on changing the bones. A strong gush of air pushed him back on the floor.


Michael recovered himself and stood up quickly, in one swift movement he changed the bones with his powers just before the laser covered them. Relieved, he ran out of the chamber and closed the hatch after he escaped.

Once Michael had gotten out of the building and jumped into the car where Jim and Tess waited, Tess dropped the mind warp soon after Isabel climbed into the car.

"Let's get outta here. Go go go!" Michael hissed and Jim reversed before driving off.


Back in the lab, Vanessa was angry to learn that the bones were found to be forty years old. "It's says it all here." One of the scientists told her, showing her the charts. "There's no such thing as Cadmiuim X."

Vanessa blew an idle strand of hair off her face.

She knew that something happened, the readings were wrong because those bones...deep in her mind she knew it was Pierce's.

Those kids were really good, she had to give them that.


Chucking the rock back onto the ground, Kyle waited two whole hours after he had returned from the football camp. He sat on the bench with his bag between his legs, waiting for his father to pick him up.

Minutes had rolled by and he had occupied himself to bird watching, a completely boring hobby but peaceful. Over the summer he had picked up on Buddha books, reading and enlightening himself on the teachings of Buddha. It kind of helped him deal with the fact that aliens had actually existed in the world.

His whole perception of the world changed, he didn't know how important his race was anymore. Maybe those aliens were smarter.

His father, who had been helping those aliens for quite some time now. Kyle wouldn't be surprised if his father was late in picking him up because of them. He hoped to get back, make a fresh start and maybe take a normal girl out who was less likely to fall in love with an alien or be an alien herself possibly.

His father's car pulled up, Jim stuck his head out of the car. "Hey son!"

Kyle grabbed his book back.

Ah, now his fresh start could begin.

"You're late dad."


"Look what we have here." Liz said as she scrolled down the page.

She had brought Maria to the public library to check out the obituaries, after Tess had claimed that Grant was probably either dead or had been registered somewhere in the Roswell records, Liz had been tempted to check it out. Thus, two hours of checking the for information about Grant Sorenson, she had finally found something.

Maria leaned closer and looked at the screen. "Wow...." She stared at the split image of Grant Sorenson, the photo was old but the image was crystal clear. It matched the one in the recent article of him.

"It's dated 1948. He was twenty seven then." Liz said, reading the caption at the bottom of the picture.

"Isn't that right after the crash? It's been a year after the Roswell crash."

"Yes..." Liz nodded and calculated Grant's actual age in her mind. "That means he should be seventy nine...ew."

"Ew." Maria cringed. "To think a seventy nine year almost mauled Isabel."

"The Gandarium or whatever it is must had stopped him from aging. He still looks like a twenty seven year old. " Liz made sense of the situation.

"Grant Sorenson dies in a tragic car crash. His body was cremated by his family...." Maria read off the screen. "He's still alive though. What if this article was a cover up? You know."

"We both know he didn't die in a car crash." Liz said, reading the rest of the article. "Someone definitely covered the truth up."

"Probably he did." Maria shrugged.



"This is the perfect place to take him out." Tess commented as she walked into the old soap factory. Jim had used his status to put this factory off limits to anyone. Thanks to him, no one set foot in that place apart from them.

"Yeah, sure does look like it." Maria commented, looking at the heavy thick chains that hung from the ceiling. Any one of them could have fallen and killed someone she thought, shuddering at the fear as she remembered she had gone to the soap factory party during that freak heat wave in Roswell.

Liz and Alex had finished filling the empty bathtub with water and left Tess to throw the electric cables into the water. They had turned the electricity off for safety precautions.

"Grant will follow Isabel here..." Alex looked at Tess and handed her his father's old Turkish swords. "Tell Michael to use this."

Tess took the sword. "You guys need to go." She told them. "All of you."

"Someone needs to stay and put the electricity on." Alex said, adamant to leave. This was probably one of a million chances he had to help save Isabel. He would not turn it down.


Alex ran to the direction where the switches were and was out of sight.

"Come." Maria linked her arm with Liz's. "Let's get outta here."

As the two girls made their way out of the factory, Michael brushed past them and gave them a quick nod before walking in. "Hey Michael." Tess handed the sword to him. "Here. Alex wanted you to use this."

Michael and Tess hid in separate locations, not saying a word more. He hid behind a crumbling wall and she hid behind a few stacks up barrels of oil.

Seconds later, Isabel had ran into the building. Part of the plan was to walk about Roswell, spreading her scent around so it made it easier for Grant to pick it up and follow her. Once she was convinced he had been following her, she used the jeep and drove to the soap factory. Grant chased her with his own car and now was a few feet away from where she was.

Playing the bait was not easy, it was terrifying as hell. She wasn't even sure if this was going to work. He had this ability to hypnotise her. What if he could do that to them all?

Grant was in the building down. She felt it right down to her bones. "Wow."

Isabel dared herself to turn around. "Hi Grant."

"Hello Isabel." Grant strolled in, unbuckling his belt as he did. "Are you ready now?"

His face had no injuries on it whatsoever. Tess was right, this thing could heal itself rapidly. It was a freak. Outside, Maria and Liz watched, keeping out of sight but peeking through the dusty and cracked windows.

They couldn't believe what Grant was doing, He was about to take his pants off!

"Let's fuck." He said when she didn't reply.

Tess peeped through the gaps and then closed her eyes, ready to mind warp Grant.

Grant stopped, surprised by the change of heart by Isabel. Her eyes were sporting lust and she toyed with the strap of her dress.

"What's the rush darling? Isn't there any room for foreplay?" She purred.

His cock was throbbing and it was driving him mad. He had no time to waste, the mating must be done now he decided.

He undid his pants and revealed his huge penis to her. "No time, just fuck." His robotic voice sent chills down her spine. Isabel hurried out of the way and walked out of the building. Grant, still stood where he was and looked at Isabel who began teasing him.

Maria and Liz guessed that Tess' mind warp was working.

"Very well then." Isabel slid her dress off. "Come."

Micheal slowly crept towards Grant and then with a jump, he lifted the sword and swung it as hard as he could. The tearing of flesh haunted his ears but he had no time to react. He used the sword to penetrate the head as he ran and used his powers to throw it in the bath tub.

"Now Alex!" Michael yelled as he felt a pair of hands grab his shoulders and throw him back.

Shit!, he thought and smashed against the crumbling wall. He had the wind knocked out of him and his vision cleared as the dust settled. Michael coughed and felt the bricks fall off him as something lifted him up.

It was a headless Grant!

How on earth was that possible? Tess rubbed her head in pain, the mind warp couldn't work now. Grant had no mind to mind warp. Alex who had remained hiding was too scared to move, this Grant was even more powerful without a head.

Maria grabbed Liz's hand and was shaking with terror. "Oh my god."

Liz was speechless as she saw a headless Grant lifting Michael up and holding up two feet from the ground. Michael was trying to get his senses to be lucid again and felt sick when he noticed blue goo ooze out from the exposed flesh. Or was there even flesh left?

As Michael was thrown yet again across the factory, he felt like he was going to die. The sharp poles that he could eventually land on would kill him. He was helpless to do anything about it.

Maria buried her face in Liz's shirt, grabbing on to her as she began to sob. "I can't watch."

Liz stared in horror at a flying Michael and watched harder. No! No! No! She thought, praying for Michael to survive this.

Then something strange happened, Michael felt like he was flying in the air gently. It was like another force had touched him, cushioning him and slowly lowered him to the ground. Once he was on the ground, he noticed that the poles had been moved by an unseen force.

Thank you god, he was grateful that he lived.

But the headless Grant was charging for him again. A pole suddenly moved forward in front of Michael to protect him and Grant's body fell onto the sharp pole, writing as the energy was drained out. Michael had opened his eyes again, shocked at what just happened. Tess walked out from behind the barrels looking shell shocked too.

"I didn't do that." Tess said.

"Me either." Michael gasped and relaxed a little when the body stopped moving.


Tess and Michael tossed the body into the bathtub with the head and Alex had switched on the electric. The body wasn't dead yet and screamed as the volts shocked the life out of the Ganderuim demon.

Thick blue goo oozed out and melted into nothingness, absorbing the water with it as it died. Tess and Michael watched in disgust as Grant's body shrivelled up to an old man's body before turning to dust.

"That was fucking disgusting." Michael commented.


The girls ran into the factory after everything was done. Isabel threw herself in Alex's arms first. Michael looked at Maria and rolled his eyes. "Oh come on then." He pulled Maria into his arms and hugged her.

Maria had running mascara down her cheeks from all the crying. She had actually believed Michael was killed. "Thank god you're alive." She moaned into his shirt, rubbing her wet cheeks on him. "I thought I lost you for good."

Liz stared at Tess who looked back at her. "You okay?" Liz asked, being polite.

Tess nodded. "A little shocked but ok. You?"

"Same here." Liz replied before Maria pulled her into a group hug with Michael.

Isabel pulled back and delivered a hot fierce kiss to Alex's lips. "Thank you for everything." She said and hugged him tight again.

They knew a lot of things will happen similar to this situation and they all knew that they had to stick together.

"Let's go home."


Isabel raised her hands over the CD and played the DJ to this little party. Everyone apart from Max was present. Even Kyle had come; he was actually enjoying himself here with them.

"To us." Alex raised his glass of coke, proposing a toast.

"To us." Everyone raised their glasses and sipped on the soft drink.

"Wow...feels good that we've once again saved the day." Maria commented, finishing her drink in one go as she stood up. "Come on Liz, let's dance."

Tess smiled and nodded. "I'm glad we've dealt with those two problems."

"Me too." Michael agreed and was actually more relieved then scared after killing the Gandarium demon. Liz and Maria had told him that Grant was a very old man anyway and was dead inside. He had killed a thing ;an infection. Putting it in those words, he felt like a hero. But it wasn’t enough, he still felt guilty at killing Pierce and nothing in the world could change that. Even if he become a hero.

Liz got up from her stool and thanked Tess. "If it wasn't for your mind would have been difficult." Liz hated to admit it but with Tess she was unsure. She didn't like Tess that much but she was always helping out and Liz was thinking of giving her a chance. Everybody deserved a chance, she thought. Maybe Tess was a really nice person apart from when it came to Max.

"I should be thanking you." Tess said. "You guys made me feel like I was needed and I'm lucky enough to be invited to be a part of your group," smiled Tess, thinking that Liz Parker wasn't such a bad girl after all.

Liz nodded and then joined Maria on the dance floor. "What was that about?" Maria grinned.

"Nothing," Liz shook her head. "I'm just trying to be nice."

"Well don't be too nice." Maria said in a quiet whisper, thanks to Isabel the music was booming so only Liz heard what Maria said.

"Michael take over." Isabel said, leaving him in charge of the music. "And please don't play stupid Metallica." She warned as Michael came over to play the CD's.

"Alex, come with me." Isabel said and lead him to the back where he eagerly followed.

"So..." Kyle brought his attention to Tess. "Go to the movies a lot?"

Tess stopped sipping on her drink and smiled at Kyle.


"So what's this about?" Alex said after following Isabel in the back.

Isabel turned around and showed Alex her tears. "What happened with Grant...I just wanted to tell you one thing Alex."


"That moment when he did what he did to me...hypnotise me...I was paralyzed. I couldn't move. But I could think. Guess what I was thinking?"

"What were you thinking?" Alex asked Isabel who was looking restless as she glanced at every wall her eyes landed on.

"I was thinking....I wanted to reach out to you. Because..." Isabel muffled a sob. "You are the only guy I want to give myself to." She couldn't believe she was telling Alex this. "My mind, my soul...those four things...I want you to have them Alex."

Alex felt his knees buckle and his heart melt. "Isabel..."

"You're the only guy I trust myself to be with. You're the only guy I trust with all of my heart and soul. If there's a soul mate out there for me...I know it's you. You're the one. I can't deny it any longer." Isabel released those tears and looked at her feet.

Now it would be up to Alex to decide where they would go next, she had done enough of the decision making.

Unable to just stand there, doing nothing; Alex pulled Isabel into his arms and kissed the top of her head. "I'll always be here for you."

Both of them held onto each other, basking in the comfort of each other's arms.

This time all I want is you
there is no one else
who can take your place
this time you burned me with your eyes
you see past all the lies
you take it all away
I've seen it all and it's never enough
it keeps leaving me needing you
take me away
take me away
I've got nothing left to say
just take me away

Song Used: Take Me Away by Lifehouse

Re: Faltered (CC, M/L, Adult) 13/1/10 Chpt 6 p.5

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:30 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb

Ellie- I always wanted Isabel and Alex to end up together. It's shame they never did and then he got killed.
Carolyn- Mike doesn't like taking orders from anyone lol. Thanks for liking my version of the Grant cover up better.

Chapter Six

"How ya holding' up kid?" Cal asked, stopping next to the car that Max was washing.

Max bent down to soak the sponge in the soapy water again . ""

"Dandy as Candy." Cal grinned, taking a seat on the car bonnet. Max opened his mouth to protest but nothing came out so he didn't bother.

"Shouldn't you be busy packing for home?" Max asked, wiping the surface with the sponge.

"Shouldn't you?" Cal returned.

Max said nothing and finished washing the right side of the car before rinsing it with the hose. Cal jumped off the car and discreetly used his powers to get rid of the foam and water off himself. Max rinsed the whole car after Cal moved towards the gas pump.

"It hurts." Cal suddenly said, looking at his hands.

Max finished rinsing the car and turned the hose off. "What?"

"Seeing a great king wash cars like some second hand servant." Cal clicked his tongue, it didn't seem right for Max to be doing these kind of jobs. He had been used to watching Max be a prince...ready to be a King. He felt like the poor kid had no chance of enjoying what he should have enjoyed. Life.

"You don't deserve this. You deserve to be with your family...with your happiness."

Max scoffed and tossed the sponge back into the bucket. "Surprising that a protector is telling me this."

"I'm not saying this as a protector." Cal rolled his eyes, stepping towards Max. "I'm saying this as a friend."


He said nothing and kept quiet until the lady on the radio finished repeating the news. "I can't believe this." Max whispered. "They found Pierce's bones." He blinked and glanced around the room rapidly. "I gotta do something...oh god.."

"Relax Max. It's okay." Cal calmed down a panicking Max. "They've managed to sort that problem out. No one knows it was Pierce...the bones were dated forty years ago remember?" Cal reminded Max of the news again, hoping to calm the king down.

Max relaxed a little, he had his questions but he was relieved that his friends had managed to stay out of trouble and were safe. He felt like a jerk, leaving them vulnerable to things like that just to sort his own problems out.

He felt selfish.

He should have stayed in Roswell.

"Don't worry, I've been keeping an eye on them and making sure that trouble stays away from them." Cal confessed.

"What about Tess and Nasedo?" Max shot, was Cal really helping them at all? "You told me that they were dangerous?"

"They are...however it's not the right moment to attack. We need to get them with deception." Cal said, hating this part right now. He was sure that stabbing Tess and Nasedo in the back would prove to be more fruitful.

"I can't just let them be around my friends...who knows what they're doing to them right now? For all I know, Nasedo could be shape shifting as me again to hurt Liz or someone else!"

"You were the one who left them in the first place!" Cal shot back, mustering the courage to talk back to the King. "Remember?"

Max was quiet. "You're right. It's my fault."

Cal shook his head. "No, you had your reasons. You may be the king but you're not alone."

"Stop trying to make me feel better. I deserve this crap right now. I deserve each and every one of their bitterness when I come back." Max yelled, feeling stupid that he was washing cars all this time and his friends were fighting to keep each other safe.

"You don't Max; just quit being hard on yourself." Cal rubbed his forehead. This was Max was no different to the reformed Zan. And it was all down to love.

It was proving to be a headache but Cal admired his king for it. "Listen your highness....." Cal paused when he saw Max flinch at that title. "It's best that you keep out of sight for at least two weeks, I will shadow them and ensure their safety. You have my word on that."

"Do I?"

"Yes you do. They need some time to adjust without you. I know neither of them can live life without you especially a certain someone."

Max blushed as the thought of Liz entered his mind. Cal smiled and continued. "in the meantime, I will show you how to advance your powers." Cal offered proudly, he was an expert at that field and knew he was a much better teacher then Nasedo any day.

"In two weeks, I can assure you that you will have strengthened your powers. What that Tess has learned in ten years, you will learn more in two weeks." Cal vowed, feeling prideful in the fact that he was such a successful teacher. No one could ever be as good as he was.

"What do you say Max?"

Max trusted Cal and felt no deceit from him so he nodded. "Okay Cal."


[Start of Dream]

In his sleep, he dreamt of Liz Parker. He thanked god that it wasn't always about the White Room, how his own screams and pain would seize his heart and crush any elation out of it. It still haunted him, the White Room. He never knew when he'd get over that.

In this dream, he was sitting in the Crashdown. He was on the stool and Liz Parker who was dressed in a sky blue dress that hugged her curves looked so beautiful. Her hair was longer and curled, she wore some make up this time and her lips were painted a dark pink. On her eyes, rested a dash of silver and her cheeks had a definite blush to them.

From her ears were dangling diamond earrings adding more beauty to her appearance. Her smile made him smile.

She was sitting on the stools with him, just one stool apart. Max had been gazing at her and she had been smiling back at him, she elbow propped on the counter while she rested her chin on the palm of her hand.

"I'm still waiting." She told him with a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. "You know I've always wanted to go to the prom with you."

Max replied. "I'm sorry, I'm just....I want to make your dreams come true. I'm sorry that I just need some more time."

"It's okay." Liz responded softly. "But you won't get away with not dancing with me."

Max chuckled. "Do you always have to settle for little things?"

"It's the little things that count more Max." Liz stated as a matter of fact. "Just remember, you didn't heal me on that day so you can just forget about me. You healed me because you love me. You want me. You want to make me happy." She reminded him, knowing him so well even in his dreams.

"You know that already." Max said, staring at her face. She was so beautiful. He couldn't get past that, how could she so beautiful to him? Why did he see her as the most beautiful thing? It hurt his heart. He wanted her so badly.

"Don't you miss me Max?" Her soft voice wavered, it sounded like she was hurt.

Max swallowed back the guilt and slowly reached out for her. "I'm going to come back to you. I promise." He said those words, his aching hand nearing her face. He just wanted to touch her. Even once in this dream. He had to feel her again. It had been so long.

Liz kept smiling as he reached for her.

It felt like slow motion, his agonising mind trying to quicken the moment...

Why wasn't his hand on her cheek yet?

Slower and slower...

[End of Dream]

The sound of the frantic alarm clock ringing madly on the dresser, startled Max and made him rolled out of bed. He landed on the floor in a thud.

Great, he groaned.

Just another early morning of filling cars up with gas.

Just another lonely day.


Max grabbed his head as if he was in so much pain, Cal was still going on and forced him to focus harder. "Power is pain." Cal said, instructing Max to endure the pain. "You gotta do it. You can do it Max. You're no wimp."

Max's ragged breathing was almost causing him to have fits. He felt the air leave his lungs just like they had in the White Room when he was thrusted into that ice cold water.

Was this normal? What on earth was Cal doing to him.

"Life's a bitch, you just gotta take it by the horns and control it." Cal said, using another tactic to motivate Max. "Are you such a wimp that you can't even stand a little bit of pain?"

Max felt anger and wanted to prove Cal that he was no wimp. He was stronger then he looked. He had been through so much. He was no wimp.

Max grunted and felt some sparks of energy fly out from him, Cal was right. He was a wimp. He couldn't do it. The energy was fading away again. Max had done nothing so far apart from knock down a few empty bottles.

"You have the shield....get it out of your mind and use it." Cal said. "Come on you wimp, don't let me see how weak you are. Even an old lady has more strength then you.."

Max was feeling angry, he wanted to slap Cal. Instead he channelled all that anger into his energy and it burst.

Suddenly a beam of green light shot out from Max's palm and acted as a small wall between himself and Cal Langley. Max gasped in surprise, Cal was right. He did have this power lying dormant inside him. All this time, he shook his head and looked at Cal's reaction.

Cal looked pleased, Max was proud of himself too. "Look, it worked." He sounded like a happy little boy, Cal laughed.

"Congrats Kid." Cal clapped and Max dropped the shield.

"I never knew I had that power." Max's tone was a mere whisper. He felt like a little boy who just discovered E.T or something. He was so amazed.

"Life is full of surprises too, kid." Cal walked towards Max and took note of how big the shield was in his mind.

"So what next?"

"Next, you gotta figure how to keep your shield up for longer...and how to expand it." Cal answered.


Max popped open his bottle of soda and Cal had done the same. The two of them drunk the lemonade and talked about today's events.

"That was a pretty amazing lesson. I hadn't really expected you to have reached that level yet." Cal complimented Max.

"Me either." Max replied. "All this time....and I never knew.."

"There's a lot of stuff you never knew." Cal corrected. "Until I came along. There's so much more you need to learn."

Sitting in the comfort of Max's motel room, they were free to discuss anything alien related. Cal had been sure that nothing or no one was spying on them. That was his secret to his success on becoming a movie director. No one knew anything about him. He could do the same for those who he protected.

"Cal...I need you ask you something."


Max stopped sipping on the lemonade and looked serious. "If you've been our protector for so long, why did you never show yourself to us? Why did me and Isabel end up in an orphanage while Michael ended up with lots of foster parents....and why didn't you stop me from saving Liz's life that day?"

Cal looked at Max with a straight face; he knew that this question would pop up sooner or later.

"Because it was all meant to happen Max."

Re: Faltered (CC, M/L, Adult) 13/1/10 Chpt 6 & Chpt 7 p.5

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:13 am
by Hunter
Chapter Seven

"I'm kinda bummed..." Kyle said walking Tess to her door. After the little party at the Crashdown, he had offered to give her a ride back to her house since she had left her car back home. Tess being grateful for Kyle's offer, she was happy enough that she was being escorted home. Usually she had come back alone and it wasn't exactly fun being lonely.

"About what? She asked softly as she looked up at him, the night lights made him look a little more....she bit her lip. She couldn't find the words to it. He looked nice, that was for sure.

"You know the whole alien thing." Kyle whispered. "My dad doesn't have time for me anymore. I just feel kind of left out." Kyle admitted, he felt like he was embarrassing himself and looked away.

However, Tess empathized with Kyle and cupped his cheek. "I know what you mean." She said softly and gave his cheek a little caress. She felt bad for him and realized he was going through the same thing she was. She felt hope when he confessed his feelings to her because then maybe they'd be able to relate and become friends. Kyle was a really nice guy and a possible friend, Tess believed.

Kyle stood rooted to the spot, amazed by Tess caressing his cheek. It felt good. He smiled. "You live alone?"

"Pretty much." Tess rolled her eyes. "Nasedo's barely home."

"I guess we're a couple of loners." He chucked, lightening the situation that was probably becoming emotional. He wasn't good at the emotional stuff. He would totally wreck the moment. He didn't trust himself. Especially with Tess Harding.

Kyle almost stopped breathing when Tess leaned forward and planted her lips on his. He didn't see that coming and refused to move. At first, she gently slid her lips against his and when he dared to open them, her tongue made contact with his. It was a soft and silky kiss, he had never had one of those before. Usually he went for the drive, hot and fast kisses. He could feel her nervousness with her lips. She wasn't sure but she wanted to. He had moved his hands to her hips, gripping her in place in hope that the kiss would deepen. He hadn't kissed a girl in years.

The kiss suddenly turned frantic, their lips sizzled with sparks and then Tess pulled away, embarrassed. "I just wanted to see how that would feel like." She said with swollen pink lips. "I never kissed a human boy before." She revealed shyly.

Kyle was baffled, that kiss...he felt it right down to his toes. He couldn't even breath straight. "Oh my god, that...was my first ever out of this world kiss with an alien girl. I loved it." Kyle stuttered.

Tess felt better and caressed Kyle's hair. "You liked it?"

Kyle nodded. "Can we kiss again?"

Tess giggled and nodded before leaning forward to continue their kiss again. Kyle's lips barely grazed hers and then they heard a loud crash. They both pulled apart and stared with wide eyes, focusing on the direction where the noise came from.

All they could see was a swinging gate. "What the hell was that?"

Kyle and Tess moved towards the gate; Feeling a little macho, Kyle scanned the hedge of any signs towards their intruder. Tess followed closely behind. "It's probably a burglar or something." Tess shook it off, hiding her fear. She had no idea who it was and hoped it wasn't one of the FBI or something even worse.

Kyle spotted a piece of skin that resembled a hand and a bit of arm on the hedge. He lifted it up so Tess and he could see it more clearly. "Looks like those burglars need new gloves?"

The piece of skin disintegrated and Kyle shot Tess a look of fear.

Tess looked just as scared.


"If Max was here...things probably would have been different." Isabel replied to Michael's question. They had tried their best to find Max, she had dream walked him and had very vague dreams, she couldn't remember what actually happened because Max would often cast her out.

Michael had searched a few neighbouring states but gave up and then Nasedo took the chance to try and find Max. No one to date had found him, however they knew Max was ok because he seemed alive and safe whenever Isabel dream walked him.

"You think?" Alex squinted, wondering if life right now would be different with the presence of Max Evans.

It was a school morning and they had been sitting at the bleaches waiting for the others. Alex had been the first human to join them and the three of them were engaged in the topic of Max Evans.

"Probably." Michael shrugged. "I wonder what our fearless leader is doing right now." Michael resented Max for bailing out on them, he felt betrayed that Max focused on himself for the first time in his life at the point where he was really needed by them. "He's probably living it up."

"I think we're being a little hard on Max. Give the guy a break." Alex said, feeling sorry for Max. After learning he had been violated in the White Room and had reacted towards being a king; Alex pitied him and wished life wasn't so harsh on Max. Everyone deserved happiness, even aliens did.

He felt Isabel intertwine their fingers together and they shared a secret smile.

"You guys are together now." It wasn't a question but an observation from Michael who didn't seemed that keen, especially on human-alien relationships right now.

"That's right." Isabel looked sharply at Michael. "Got a problem?"

Michael looked away and shook his head. Liz, Tess, Maria and Kyle joined them on the bleachers. "Hey guys." Maria smiled and sat with Liz.

Kyle helped Tess on the bleachers and then took a seat by her. "Hey guys." Kyle waved before taking his jacket off and putting it on a shivering Tess.

"Thanks." Tess, clutched the jacket. She was such a klutz for leaving her jacket back home. All she had was the dress she wore from last night.

"So what's up?" Liz asked.

Michael looked at her. "We haven't finished our conversation about you and the flashes Liz." Michael reminded her.

"Michael....I don't think it's safe out here." Liz replied.

"Right....sorry." Micheal scratched his chin. "Maybe later then."

"Do you have to be such a jerk?" Maria quizzed, glaring angrily at Micheal.

"Please guys.." Tess intervened, feeling necessary to step in and prevent another Maria and Michael showdown.

Michael chuckled. "It's ok." He paused and then started to say something. "I guess I'm curious...when I was in that soap factory, flying mid air and then to feel as if some force was protecting me...I guess I'm bound to have some questions."

"We all do," Murmured Isabel.

"So what exactly happened?" Kyle asked. "All I got was, you flying in mid air.." He pointed at Michael and then looked back at the others. "And some Grant guy going all psycho on Isabel."

"He's dead...he was dead a long time ago and the thing that was using his body as a vessel is dead too." Alex said, holding Isabel against him. He was relieved that Grant was no more, it meant that Isabel was free of the Gandarium demon now.

"Well I got some news to share with you guys too." Kyle clasped his hands. "Tess has moved in with me."

"What?" Came the surprised reactions from the group.

"What about Nasedo? Where is he?" Maria asked. "Is he okay with that?"

"He barely comes home." Tess slowly answered with a shrug. "So I'm staying with Kyle and his father."

"Something happened last night." Kyle said with a mere whisper. "While I was walking Tess to her door....we heard a crash and saw a piece of skin that just turned to dust when I picked it up. Tess says it was a skin."

"A what?" Michael was the first to say something.

"A skin, you know..our enemies." Tess replied.

"Come again?" Isabel frowned, she had been informed about the enemies but hadn't asked much about them before. After what happened with Grant, she didn't know if she had the energy to deal with more evil beings.

"Skins, they're the reason why we're here in the first place. They along with Kivar took over our planet." Tess answered, she was worried now that the skins were in Roswell. She knew how dangerous they were and how hard it was to kill them. Tess hoped there wasn't too many of them in Roswell.

"Tess, a skin followed you home?" Liz got to the point, afraid herself of what the Skins where capable off. If they knew about the aliens here in Roswell, there would be hell to pay.

"I th-think so." Tess stammered.

"Well what matters is that Tess is safe now. In my home." Kyle put an arm around her shoulder.

"Are you?" Isabel challenged, knowing that Kyle and Jim had no chance of protecting themselves from anything alien. She knew that both father and son were no longer safe in the confines of their home.


"So how are you feeling about this whole new situation?" Maria asked her best friend as they walked through the halls of their school. It was a free period as one of their teachers had failed to provide a substitute teacher and had been on maternity leave.

Liz and Maria took this chance to just chill so they ended up inside Maria's Jetta which was in the school's parking lot. No passing teacher was in sight so they didn't have to worry about getting caught and thrown in detention. The other schoolmates had simply gone home as this was the last period of the day.

"I feel like my head is going to fall off." Liz laughed and sat down on the bench. Maria shortly got inside the Jetta and locked her car door.

"Seriously? I'm feeling that chica." Maria agreed. "I mean Micheal...he's never been able to provide a flash of himself to anyone before until..."

"Until I saw it." Liz finished, sensing Maria's anguish and envy. She felt a little guilty for having a flash of Micheal because Maria had wanted to be the first human to experience that. She felt like she stole a right from Maria. "I'm sorry, I never meant for it to happen."

"No." Maria turned herself to face Liz. "It's not your fault okay? I'm not saying it is...Liz do you realise if you had never had that flash that Michael would have been arrested or worse...god it scares me to think of what else could happen."

"I know that." Liz nodded. "But how I got the flashes, I have no idea Maria. All I know is that it was some sort of premonition. I saw something before it actually happened."

"Then that's what it is Liz." Maria looked excited as she finally was able to name the thing that Liz experience. "It was a premonition..." She gasped and stared at Liz's confused face. "Don't you get it? You saw something bad before it happened so you could stop it. That's such an amazing ability Liz. Anyone would die to have that power."

Liz blinked a few times and tried to say something but it took a few seconds to clear her throat. "I don't think I have an ability Maria. It's impossible. I'm human."

"Well it doesn't look like it." Maria shrugged. "Max changed you, what if he sired you to be an alien? You know when vampires bite humans and then they pass their blood to them which makes them vampires?" Maria had thought about it, her theory had made sense. Liz had probably inherited some alien DNA or something from Max healing her and thus had become one of them. It made complete sense in her eyes. This theory of hers had logic.

"So you're using a vampire theory on me now?" Liz laughed. "Wow, don't you watch too many films?"

"Stop doubting yourself. You are a special lady and you know it." Maria refuted, wishing Liz would just accept the theory she had come up with. "I can't think of a better theory but I know that you having these powers has something to do with Max. It just does. I can feel it in my bones."

For Liz, the ability to have gained powers from Max healing her scared her. That meant any human could gain powers from him simply by him healing them thus a special bond would be created between Max and that person. She would just be another person he healed. She wouldn't deny that she was jealous. Max could give powers to anyone. He could develop a bond with anyone. When Tess walked in their lives, she had been so envious that she was just like Max and able to have flashes with him. She couldn't bear it if another human girl was healed by him and fell in love with him like she had. It would kill her. And then to have Max feel something in return for that human girl he had healed would completely damage Liz.

That's why she didn't want to believe Maria's theory.

She did not want to share her Max with anyone else. She just couldn't deal with it, how easy it was to have a bond with Max.

"You're scared aren't you?" Maria noticed the look in Liz's eyes; she put an arm around Liz and kissed her forehead. "Max's heart will always belong to you Liz. He will always be faithful to you. Any blind fool can see that too. Everyone can. He's yours. He was always yours. He'll always be yours, only yours."

Liz leaned in to hug Maria.

"I miss him so much Maria." Liz moaned painfully, remembering Max.

"He'll come back to you. I just know he will." Maria stroked Liz's hair, comforting her best friend.

Liz took comfort in Maria's words and hugged her tighter, afraid to let go.

Re: Faltered (CC, M/L, Adult) 15/1/10 Chpt 8 p.6

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:59 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone.
Chapter Eight

Day two of the training

"Focus your highness, you're only making this more difficult for yourself. "Cal urged, sweeping his blonde hair back as Max grunted.

Max shut his eyes and held his hand out, grunting with exertion as he tried to expand his shield over the bed. First Cal had made him start off with easy things like protecting a bottle or a pillow but now he was showing no mercy and had made him chose between half a room or the bed.

Max chose the latter and even that was proving to be difficult.

"I'm trying." Max roared, a newfound aggressiveness took him by surprise. This whole training this was bringing out his ugly side. Was he this rough as a king? , he wondered.

Cal sat down on a chair and crossed his eyes, he looked bored and shook his head. "I don't know what to really are weaker then an old woman. How shameful of me..." Cal paused. "How can I tell our people that our king is so weak he can't even protect a bed for one minute." Cal shrugged. "It's so embarrassing man."

Max felt his energy waver and then he gave up. His heart felt like it was almost going to stop beating, he had enough training for one day. "Let's stop the training for today." Max crumbled to the floor, drenched in sweat. He couldn't wait to throw himself into a bath full of nice hot water.

Cal brushed his blonde hair back. "You know kid, I think a break is exactly what you need right now." Cal grabbed a towel and tossed it at Max. "Go and take a nice long bath, we'll continue this tomorrow." Cal stood up and walked towards the door.

"If ya need me, I'm in Room 15."


Max watched Cal leave and then helped himself up with the towel in his hand, he turned to the bathroom; He couldn't wait to get in that nice hot water.


Cal lay awake in bed that night and turned to his side, he was worried about Max. Max hadn't shown much improvement in two days as he had hoped. Before, he was stronger but now he had been weakened; however Cal promised himself he would get Max more stronger then ever in order to fight against their enemies.

Right now, he had to worry about other things too. Today one of his juniors called, he had been training younger protectors who were a little older then Max. One of them had reported him about Grant, the long lost Gandarium Demon that even Kivar himself was searching for. If that demon had mated with Isabel, then all hell would have broken loose. Those offspring would have been a new batch of species...a deadly one and would kill so many humans.

That situation had almost gotten out of hand. All these years, he had never failed. Cal had managed to protect the aliens he promised to shield from danger and the humans too. Granted he wasn't in a great position to save some of the people Nasedo had killed. He had no idea Nasedo was a murderer. He blamed himself for that. It was his duty to know what his co protector was up to. He had just allowed him to walk away, in fact he had too.

He was just as blameworthy as Nasedo was.

"I'm not god." Cal reminded himself, he couldn't save everyone but he wished he could. The only way he knew of redeeming himself was to serve the king as much as he could and teach him to be more powerful. Cal had that talent and he swore he would use it to the maximum.

Then there was the chance of his love life blossoming. He could have married the woman who captured his heart. He could have told her the entire truth, that he was not human but he had to lie to her. He had to sacrifice his happiness for this alien legacy and the dangers that might occur if he was with her. He had to forget about her.

He couldn't even remember her face that clearly. He had tried to erase any memory of her out from his mind for her own protection. He rubbed the empty side of the bed and closed his eyes in hope that one day he may be reunited with his lover.

One name came out from his parted lips before he fell asleep.


Day Three of Training

"I know what you're going through."

Max dropped his hands and looked at Cal, he was confused. "Excuse me?"

"About your girlfriend. Liz." Cal scratched his chin and looked nervous; Liz was a personal and sensitive topic for Max Evans. He didn't want to arouse any anger from Max at all. "See I've been going about this the wrong way Max. I really think you need to focus on Liz. She brings out the best in you, I’ve noticed."

Max said nothing at first and sat down; he took a few heavy breaths and then spoke. "I miss her."

"I know you do."

"I wanna go back but you said-"

"I advised you against it." Cal corrected, "For two weeks anyway. After this training, you're free to do what you want but don't think I don't want you to see her again because I do. I want you to be happy with the one you love. You deserve to be." Cal sat on the bed.

Max wondered why Cal was acting this way with him, the guy was speaking about Liz and love. Then it hit him, was Cal Langley in love before?

"You were in love with a human." Max simply stated and wondered who the woman that captured Cal’s heart was. It excited him; another alien guy had been with a human woman. Maybe this was normal after all.

He certainly had no regrets with being with Liz but still, he had never heard of another alien guy have a relationship with a human woman before him. It was a new and interesting thing.

"What was she like?" Max asked, wanting to talk about this more. He hoped Cal wasn't going to evade the questions he had.

"A lot like Liz actually." Cal teased.

Max almost brought it for one second and Cal coughed before breaking out in a laughter. "Actually she wasn't like Liz, maybe a little but everyone's different. You fell in love with Liz because you love her innocence and you love her humor." Cal told Max. "In your way, she is your perfect woman. Only you know why you fell in love with her."

Max smiled. "Yeah."

"This woman I fell in love with, she was a daredevil. She did these weird and fun things which got me interested. I liked that she wasn't your average boring too feminine kind of woman. She was different from the rest. But then while I lived for tomorrow, she lived for today." Cal admitted sadly. "That's why I couldn't be with her for long. I wanted her to have a normal life; to have a husband and children, to grow old with a normal guy and see the world until her last day."

Max looked appalled by Cal's revelation. He too had thought this way and almost gave Liz up, he was happy he didn't because he couldn't live with the fact if Liz found someone else and married him for good. Max could never be happy without Liz Parker, he took one look at Cal and thanked god he was not in Cal's position. He wouldn't be able to live with that sort of sacrifice.

"Ya see? That's why you need to keep hold of the one you love because later you end up regretting it." Cal chuckled, burying his face in his hands. "I lost the one and only and know I have to pay for it. No other woman would do. No matter how much you try to get into them. They just can't be the one."

"I hope you're not talking the literal sense." Max mused, he couldn't even sleep with another woman even if he tried. It had to be Liz Parker. In his world, it was all or nothing now. He couldn't settle for anything less then Liz.

Cal chuckled. "You're funny Max."

"So why don't you find her?" Max asked, wanting to know why Cal hadn't searched for his true love.

"I took her memories out of my mind. I couldn't risk her life and it's no use looking back. I can't even remember her name although I say it in my mind sometimes." Cal answered sincerely, he himself wished he could take all those memories back again but those memories could only be revived if he ever came face to face with her again. He doubted if that would ever happen and he was scared of seeing her again.

"I don't know what to say apart from...I am so glad I never did that."

"Good." Cal said.


Cal had attended some important calls that day leaving Max to train himself for the next couple of days. Cal hadn't come to check up on Max and had given Max the chance to explore his own powers without having someone hover around him like a satellite. This worked for Max and he had managed to keep the shield up for five minutes.

He looked at the bed and curiously wondered if he could cover the whole bed with his shield. He moved the shield over the bed and focused. It was hard at first and took some minutes for him to expand it.

His arm shook and then his shield covered the whole bed. It was slow and Max believed that his shield would falter before dying out. But the most surprising thing happened after another minute.

It worked! It had actually worked! He had made some progress.

Cal would be surprised; he grinned and dropped his shield.


"No you listen to me!" Max froze when he heard Cal yell down the phone. "I don't care if you want Justin Timberlake to massage your naked body on the set! if you can't act like a decent human being then you're off the role. I can easily find someone else to replace you in a matter of minutes. Don't-" Cal paused and even Max could hear the woman shouting from the other line.

"Don't..don't act all bossy on me okay Nicola? Do you know I have a line of women waiting to play this role? You're nothing special. You're just a boring slut with beach blonde hair and fake tits. You have nothing to offer to the media or Hollywood. You know what?" Cal sighed and rubbed his forehead with his free hand.

Max stifled a laugh and remained in the shadows; so this is what Cal Langley’s life is like now huh, he mused.

"You're fired, yes you're off this film. You're pathetic and you need to get a life." Cal clicked phone off, cursing his luck as he swore at the woman who had been talking to him.

"What a fucking piece of sh...," Cal ran his hand over his bald head and turned around. "Hi Max."

Max stepped forward with a sheepish smile. "I take it that this is a bad time?"

Seeing how Cal really looked like was no surprise to Max. He was surprised at the disguise because he had looked like a young guy and Cal always chose the best looks unlike Nasedo who looked like an old pervert, according to Max.

"Guess your saw the real Cal then."

"So this is your true form? You're not really three feet tall and green?" Max asked cautiously.

Cal laughed at Max. "No! Who on earth told you that?"

Max scratched the back of his head and felt like a complete moron for actually buying that story. "So I guess we weren't genetically engineered then?"

"Of course not. You guys..." Cal stifled another laugh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Three feet tall and green." He chuckled. "Oh god, that's a classic. I still find that hard to believe. You guys totally bought the Hollywood version of aliens."

Although he felt stupid, in a way he was relieved to know he was wrong. Max Evans wasn't a gross specimen in fact he looked no where near slimy and green. But what did he really look like?

"Cal...our true appearances...." Max drifted off.

"Look kid, we look like how we are now. Human. We're human with a extra something so that's why we are called aliens. Think mutants from X men. We just have powers that's all."

"You don't know how relieved I am to know I'm not a clone of a human or an alien. I'm me. In the flesh." Max grinned, he seriously couldn't believe that his own face was his. He wasn't wearing someone else’s face.

"Of course." Cal removed his fingers from his nose. "How you look like now, you looked like on Antar."

"You gotta still tell me everything." Max told him. "I'm just trying to get to terms with this whole thing."

"I know kid." Cal nodded and looked at the phone. "But there's just one more phone call I gotta make."


"I can't remember who the protector of the granolith was." Cal remarked after another round of telling Max more about their origins.

"Damn." Max sighed, if only he knew who the fourth alien was maybe things would have been more better then they were before.

"Tess could have been the fourth alien." Cal revealed. "But she didn't make it. She wasn't chosen."

"And that's why Nasedo is pissed off." Max put the pieces together, realising why Nasedo had lied to them. "He wants his daughter to be the fourth alien."

"Precisely." Cal nodded.

Max wanted to punch a hole in the wall, he couldn't believe all the lies Nasedo had told them about the destiny. He also had regretted helping Nasedo to heal again. Maybe, if I had never agreed to use the healing stones on him...Max wished so much that he hadn't saved Nasedo.

"I know what you're thinking kid." Cal said, reading Max' eyes. He wasn't a pity person but he could tell people's emotions by simply reading them. Max was regretting something. "He was only pretending to be dead. Don't beat yourself up about it."

"Why would he do something like that?" Max was beyond angry and confused. How could anyone be that selfish?

"Because he was testing your faith." Cal replied, "Honestly, he wanted to know if he had your trust and I'm pretty sure he's damn convinced that he does...a little."

"I ran away and that's why he's a little unsure." Max scoffed. "He really wants me to accept his daughter."

"I really don't want you to accept his daughter." Cal responded. "Seriously, she's such a whining brat, she makes my ears bleed. You even said so yourself on Antar."

Cal reached for the ashtray and crushed the tobacco and left the remains to rest there. Max chuckled. "I said that?"

Cal nodded. "I guess you only were with her because you thought your life was doomed. I'm not sure why you were gunna marry her but something happened on your wedding day. I just don't know what."

Max looked disturbed.

"I married her."

Re: Faltered (CC, M/L, Adult) 17/1/10 Chpt 9 p.7

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:19 pm
by Hunter
Carolyn- Max is still wondering what happened on his wedding day. No one knows but something life changing happened. You’ll find out as Max progresses his training.
Eve- Hey Eve, Max is not in LA, he’s in Big Water, Utah. Thanks for your fb :D
Ellie – Was it because he lost his true love? Aww what a way to put it, but something else happened. You’ll find out soon. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding the 4th alien. It could be anyone.
Carrie – Thanks so much Sunshine for your compliments, and yes you need JB therapy. Maybe if I stick you with him in a know what I’m saying LOL! :oops: :P :lol: :mrgreen:
dreambeliever – Hi! Nice to see a new person leaving fb! Thank you. Hope you enjoy the next update.
Zaneri1- I love your fb! I really look forward to yours. Thank you for your comment

Chapter Nine

Struggling to balance a stack of plates on her arms, Liz Parker barely could walk with her knobby legs as her eyelids slowly closed and opened again and again, her fatigue was blurring her eyesight while the loud chatters of the customers kept her slightly awake. She felt like a dying robot, she wanted to fall asleep but had to keep herself awake.

"Here's your galaxy sub, hold the Max." Liz groaned, putting down the plate before Isabel Evans who sat with Kyle and Tess at a table.

Isabel noticed how exhausted Liz looked and smiled. "Hold the Max? Looks like someone's on your mind."

It took Liz a few seconds to register what Isabel had said and she smiled a little. "Oh my god. I'm such a dork."

"You like awful tired. Have you been getting some sleep?" Tess asked, noticing Liz's eyes.

"Yeah I'll be fine." Liz dismissed. "I gotta take these plates back." She turned around and barely made three steps until she felt her feet give away and ended up falling to the floor. The plates in her hand fell and shattered as they landed on the ground. Everyone stopped talking and turned their eyes to Liz who was lying on the floor with pieces of plates.

Isabel got up from her chair immediately and Maria had stopped taking down an order midway just to hurry to her best friend.

Isabel rushed to Liz before Maria and had turned her to face herself. "Liz.."

Jeff emerged from behind the counter and bent down to see if his daughter was okay. "Oh sweetie, what happened?"

"We have to take her to her bedroom." Isabel told Liz's father. Isabel had taken one of Liz's arms and put it around her shoulder.

Maria joined them and helped Isabel stand a very exhausted Liz up, Liz was a little coherent and felt the painful warm wound on her left hand. A piece of the broken plate had left an imprint in her left hand, there was a bit of blood and Jeff panicked when he saw the wound.

"Oh my god, she's bleeding." Jeff said.

"I'm so sorry." Liz moaned, feeling guilty about breaking the plates.

"Don't worry, I'll get someone to clean it up." Maria promised as she and Isabel lead Liz through the back.

Jeff followed them and passed the new waitress on the way. "Courtney, can you clean that mess up please?"


Isabel and Maria laid Liz down on the bed and Jeff returned with a first aid kid. "I can't beleive this happened." He said. "Liz is never like this."

Isabel took the box from him. "May I?"

Jeff nodded and watched Isabel open the box and take out the contents needed. Maria occupied herself with taking Liz's shoes off. Applying the ointment to Liz's wound, Isabel quickly bandaged it and secretly used her powers to close the wound up. She may not have Max's healing powers to get rid of the pain but she could seal the skin together and stop the bleeding.

Jeff stood there, amazed by how much Liz's friends cared for her. "Wow, thanks girls."

Maria packed the stuff back in the first aid kit box and handed it to Jeff. "Can we just have some time with Liz?" Maria asked politely.

"Sure." Jeff said and left the room reluctantly. Isabel walked up and used her powers to lock the door.

Liz was still half awake and lay still on the bed. Maria reached out for her hair and stroked it. "Sweetie, why haven't you been sleeping?"

"How can I?" Liz breathed, her breathing was harsh.

"I know with everything going feel restless but don't do this to yourself. "Isabel said. "You need to sleep."

Isabel walked towards the bed and took Liz's bandaged hand in hers. "We're all in this together now. We have to look out for each other. I do worry about you guys, you know. Just please take of yourself."

"Thanks for everything." Liz whispered, happy to feel Isabel's concern towards her. Their friendship had definitely become stronger and Liz was happy to be close friends with Isabel. All this time she had worried about Isabel's approval and now that she had it, it felt amazing.

"Go to sleep now." Maria soothed.

The two girls remained with Liz until she fell asleep.


"Alex...are you sure you're going to be okay?" His mother asked him, stopping by the front door to check with her son one more time. Alex had never been on his own before in the house and his mother was worried about leaving him on his own.

"I'll be fine mom." Alex said, giving his over protective mother a hug. "Please, just go now. Dad's waiting." Alex gestured towards the door where his dad was busy stuffing the luggage’s in the cab.

"I'll phone you when I get there." She kissed his cheek and quickly made a dash for the taxi. "I'm coming Charles!"

Alex sniggered when he saw his mother throw herself into the cab after his father shut the trunk. Waving his parents goodbye, Alex was pleased to have the house to himself for two whole weeks.

Now he would spend that time wisely.

Shutting the door, he took his phone out and dialled Isabel's number.


Liz twisted the knob to turn the shower off. Almost slipping on a patch of foam that was still left in the bathtub, Liz turned the faucet on and washed any foam off her foot; once she was sure her feet were foam free, she turned the faucet off and drew back the curtains. Grabbing the towel, she dried her hair first and then her body.

Liz tied the towel around her body and she stepped out of the tub and wiped the condensation off the mirror to check her reflection in the mirror; she was relieved not to see any dark circles underneath her eyes.

She winced in pain when she tried to brush her hair back with her left hand. Looking at where her injury was supposed to be, she traced the intact skin with her fingers. Then she looked back in the mirror.

Her face was completely different.

She had smoky eye shadow on, her lips were painted a tan color and her cheeks were sporting a fine pink blush.

Liz blinked again.

This time her face had no makeup on. Her reflection just showed her with her face looking flushed from the shower. She wiped the mirror again and narrowed her eyes.

She saw something. She was sure.


"Nice room." Isabel commented, checking out Alex's tidy room. He had his books stacked neatly on the book shelf by color co-ordination. His trash can was empty, his bed sheets looked like it was ironed and the windows looked very spotless. "You're a neat freak. I like that." She sent a smile for Alex.

Alex grinned and looked at his shoes. "Well I'm not like other guys."

"That's why I like you." Isabel dropped her bag on the bed and strutted towards Alex. All summer they had gone steady and he had been such a gentleman with her and had always put her before himself. Isabel was grateful to have Alex as her boyfriend and now she wanted to return the favor. She wanted him to enjoy being with her.

So she took off her coat and tossed it with her bag.

Alex lifted his eyes up and noticed the low v neck top Isabel was wearing. It was just a plain black colour but hugged her curves really well. He couldn't help but notice her breasts. Did they have to be so ripe? And big?

Feeling like a pervert, Alex tore his gaze away from her breasts. "Nice t-top." He stammered, embarrassed by his reaction. He was stammering now, what a turn off, he thought.

Isabel smiled. "Thanks Alex." She put her hands on her hips and stretched, she pushed her breasts forward and Alex looked at them for a second, he swore he could see the outline of a nipple underneath that top.

He groaned and looked away again. "Isabel....maybe you need a soda. I'll go get you one."

"No Alex." Isabel grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to her. "I need you to stay here." She was suddenly pressed up against him, Alex felt the last breath leave his lips as Isabel's breasts were pushed up against his chest.

"Oh god." Groaned Alex, he felt all the blood he had rush straight down to his crotch. His hardness was pressed against Isabel's thigh. "Urgh...."

Isabel looked at Alex's lips and before they both knew it, she was on top of him as they kissed. Nipping and sucking while she straddled him on his bed.

Isabel felt him poke her between her legs and she rubbed herself a little, wondering how it would feel. A rush of excitement coursed through her as she watched him react to her pleasure; to their pleasure.

So she mimicked the moved again and pressed against him more firmly. Her clit felt the sensation and a small orgasm took her to new heights. "Oh..." Isabel moaned, breaking the kiss she was sharing with Alex.

Alex felt good but ashamed. He felt like Isabel was rushing too much into things and had gripped her hips in place to stop her from torturing him more. "Isabel stop, please." He begged.

This alien girl would be the death of him.


Isabel felt so humiliated. Alex didn't want to have sex with her. She grabbed her coat and covered herself as he paced up and down in his room. Neither of them had been able to say a word since he rejected her.

"I don't want us to rush in to that's important." Alex finally said something, trying to get himself to calm down. What happened with Isabel was the closest he had been with a girl. He felt her. He knew she took pleasure from what they did and he couldn't stop reacting to that. It was hard to forget about it.

"I'm sorry Alex. I guess I just got carried away." Isabel admitted.

"It's not your fault." Alex stopped walking and faced her. He cupped her face in his hands and tilted her head back so her eyes were on him. "You don't need to think you have to have sex with me right away after what happened with Grant." Alex said. "I know you want me to be your first. You want me to be your one and only but I don't want us to make love for the wrong reasons. I want it to happen naturally."

Isabel's breathing turned harsh. "It was happening naturally. You just stopped it."

Alex was shocked and removed his hands from Isabel's face. "What?"

"I wanted to do it...I was ready but you just...." Isabel stood up and put her coat on. "You know what, this is so embarrassing. I throw myself to the guy I think I love and he tells me I wanted to have sex with him because of Grant." Isabel huffed and buttoned her coat up. "Do you know how humiliating that is?"

"Hold on Isabel." Alex raised his hand. "You know what? You're an alien girl. I'm a human boy. We don't know what's going to happen if we have sex." He reminded her. "That's the second reason we can't rush into that step."

Isabel scoffed and grabbed her bag. "Yes something will happen if we have sex. You're gunna get an orgasm and so will I. That's what."

Alex shuddered at those words. "You have no idea how much I want to have sex with you Isabel. I want to make love to you till the morning light..I wanna explore every inch of your body and pleasure you." Alex gasped.

"They why don't you?"

"Because...this isn't the right moment." Was all he could say before she walked out of his room, out of his house.

He shivered when he heard the door slam.

He had to make it up to her.



Michael hummed to the music unknowingly as he continued to flip the last set of burgers for today. He couldn't wait to go home and sleep his ass off. It was eleven o clock right now and he had school tomorrow.

"Hey Mikey G." Courtney purred, the new waitress seemed to have taken a liking to him. Michael noticed she had tailed him from day on.

"Hey yourself." He gave her a quick nod before turning back on his burgers.

Courtney was nothing special. And even if she was, Maria was worth much more; Although he couldn't be with her, he still loved her in his own way. She was the only girl who could break down those walls. He couldn't be unfaithful to her. Even if he was a little attracted to Courtney who seemed to pay him more attention and praise him. A guy had to respond to that kind of attention.

"Doing anything tomorrow night?" Courtney asked, wondering if Michael would like to go on a date with her.

"Nope. Just working." Michael replied. "You?"

"It's my night off, tomorrow." She brushed past him, making sure their bodies touched in an intimate way. "It's a shame." She whispered in his ear. "It could have been a great night."

She gave his ass a little pinch before moving away. Michael was gobsmacked and wondered what the hell that was about.


"Urghh...this isn't even working." Liz cried, frustrated; the solution bubbled over the beaker and almost touched her hands. Luckily she moved them out of the way in time but a big mess was left behind anyway.

Mr Seligman hadn't noticed and she thanked the heavens for that. "It's okay." Tess' lab partner said as he grabbed a paper tissue to wipe it.

Tess moved towards the sink in the back and grabbed a few more paper tissues, returning to the table she shared with Cain and Liz who were her lab partners for this project, she wiped the remaining foam away.

"Take it easy Liz." Tess advised.

Liz felt really frustrated and angry, she couldn't figure out why she was feeling this way and had believed it was PMS but she had her period a week ago so it was something else. Her mood swings were becoming more stronger and depressing. She just couldn't cope at all.

"I need a break." Liz kicked the chair out of her way.

Mr Seligman had heard the noise and warned Liz not to do it again, Cain laughed a little. "Take a chill pill Parker."

"Shut up Cain." Liz snapped and Tess had shot him a warning look.

"Sorry. Jeez." Cain rolled his eyes. Women.

Tess moved closer to Liz and whispered. "Are it the time of the month?" Tess was no good at these things. She had started her periods at the age of 11 but Nasedo never discussed anything about this with her. She had been left to figure it out on her own.

Liz shook her head. "I'm just...I haven't been sleeping much lately."

The bell rang before Tess could get another word out and Cain had grabbed his stuff before darting out of the room; leaving them to clean up the mess.

"Asshole." Liz muttered.


Liz went to work feeling so pissed off. She blamed it on her lack of sleep and had gone out with a foul mood. She hoped she didn't have to deal with her boss alot. She hadn't had the ability to hold back any hostility, today she almost slapped Pam Troy at lunch. Life was proving to be a bitch.

"Parker, you're late." Vanessa called through the office. "Come in here now."

Liz did as she was told and stood in front of Vanessa's office. "What?" The tone was bitchy and sharp. Just like the way Isabel used to speak.

Vanessa looked surprised by Liz's attitude, the girl was frowning and looked pissed off. "Are you alright Parker?"

"I have a first name." Liz snapped. "Use it."

Vanessa's eyes widened in shock, she wasn't used to seeing Liz like this. Although she had been only working for her for three days or so, Liz had been a polite girl and had never talked rudely to her. But Vanessa didn't want to make a big deal out of it, she herself knew about the mood swings of girls. She had been down that road herself.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'll be okay if you come one hour late. I understand that you have school and you have another job." Vanessa told Liz in a very polite tone.

Liz calmed down a little but the mood swing wasn't gone. "Thanks."

"It's ok.." Vanessa took a deep breath. "Liz."

Vanessa postponed the conversation she would have with Liz about the subject of Pierce's bones.

Now wasn't the time, she decided.