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Our Story (AU,M/L,MATURE) Pt 48a - 06/16/03 [WIP]

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:17 pm
by jasper711
Title: Our Story
Author: Jasper711
Disclaimer: Roswell characters do not belong to me. No infringement intended.
Category: M/L, AU, No aliens
Rating: MATURE
Summary: Story takes place after Own Me. It follows the lives of our favorite couples and their families as the years go by.

Previous Chapters of Our Story.

Author’s Note: Thanks to Angela for coming up with the title and to those who still continue to follow the lives of the families I have created. :) To get previous parts of this story, click on the Own Me link above. Also, thanks to Heidi and Wendy for doing such a great job on making a new home for us. :)

Part 47B


“NO! Don’t give her that!”

Alex tried to hide his triumphant smile behind his hand at Max’s reaction. He had thought that since Max and Liz had yet to say anything to them about the impending pregnancy, that he would have to dance circles around them, trying to trick them into saying something. But just as he had predicted, the father to be was so overprotective of his wife that he was ready to mangle him for offering her a cup of coffee.

Oddly touched by the way Max looked, spoiling for a fight, Liz stood up and started rubbing Max’s tense shoulders. She had been so surprised to hear his loud voice that she had glanced at Alex to see if he were alarmed, instead, she saw a glimmer of cockiness in his blue eyes. It hadn’t clicked in her head then, but the pieces were slowly starting to fit together like a puzzle. She had thought it weird that Alex was up so early in the morning offering her coffee, but her sneaky friend was fishing around for information.

“Baby, relax.” Liz cooed softly in her husband’s ear, her hands slowly running down his taut muscles of his arms. She kissed him behind his ear, feeling him shudder as she did so.

Making a face, Alex covered his eyes with his hands. “Oh man, can’t you guys go five minutes without feeling the need to get all touchy feely?”

Counting to five, Max tried to get his breathing under control. The cold shower had done nothing to improve his situation and Liz’s hands were doing nothing to help relieve him. If Alex wasn’t here right now, he probably would have thrown Liz on the kitchen counter and tried to teach her a thing or two about teasing him mercilessly. It felt like his groin was on fire, his whole body burning with arousal.

“Please, like you can actually stop giving my sister mooning looks when you think she’s not looking.” He made a gagging sound. “It’s enough to make a person want to gag.”

“Ha, ha.” Alex retorted, seeing where Max was headed with this. He had already caught them, but now he wanted to get more concrete information to hand back to his superior. She was very specific about wanting the goods on their friends. If he wanted to be alive to see his son grow up to be a man, he would need to go on.

Trying to play it cool, he reached into his pocket, pressing record on the tape recorder Maria had provided him with. He wasn’t kidding when he said Maria was determined.

“So what’s the deal with the coffee?” Alex rubbed his chin, acting as nonchalant as he could.

Max was about to open his big mouth when Liz smacked him a lingering kiss before squeezing his ass. When he was dazed out of his mind, Liz pushed him in the direction towards the stairs.

“Honey, why don’t you wake up the kids. I’m going to start breakfast.”

Snapping his mouth open and closed to find something to say to what had just occurred, Max shook his head and just headed up the stairs. Liz sure was acting funny, but he just figured it was her hormones acting up. Seeing as how sensitive she had gotten during her first pregnancy, he didn’t want to upset her.

When Max was out of earshot, Liz reached over the table and pinched Alex.

“Owie!” He rubbed his arm pitifully as he glared at Liz. Feigning emotional and physical pain, Alex stepped away dramatically. “This is some way to treat your friend who brings you coffee in the morning.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Give it up, Whitman. I know what this little visit is all about.” She folded her arms over her chest.

Feeling his Adam’s apple bob dangerously against his throat, Alex took another step back, afraid of what Liz was going to do. Normally, he wouldn’t worry about it, but she was pregnant after all. He had thought about telling her a fib, but he didn’t want to die prematurely in the hands of a hormonally charged pregnant woman.

“Just so you know, this is all Maria’s idea. She threatened bodily harm if I didn’t do this.”

Almost as if a light bulb was going off in her head, Liz smacked her hand against the table. “I should of known. You’re not clever enough to have thought of this all by yourself.”


She shook her head, reaching over to pat his hand. “That’s not what I meant. Fishing around for information isn’t your style. You’re a little more forward. If this was just you, you would’ve just asked me straight out if I was pregnant.”

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Alex shrugged his shoulders as he prayed that the recorder was taping this. “Well, are you?”

Just as she nodded, the tape recorder went haywire, almost as if eating the tape. Raising her eyebrow, Liz grabbed his hand and pulled out the tape recorder. “Alex,” she said warningly.

Holding up his hands in defeat, Alex looked at Liz apologetically. “That was all Maria. You have no idea how much that woman scares me.”

Liz just nodded in understanding as she pointed Alex to the door. “Don’t worry. I believe you. This has Maria written all over it. But you should go home now. I’ll take care of Maria.” She held onto the tape recorder. “And as for this, I’ll be keeping until I figure out how to deal with our good friend.”

Gulping, Alex stood by the door, afraid to leave just yet. “You’re not going to tell Maria that I caved, are you?”

“I won’t tell her that you cried like a baby,” she grinned.

Looking towards the stairs, Alex gulped again, remembering the murderous look in Max’s eyes as he offered Liz coffee. “And Max? You’re not going to let him hurt me, are you? After all, I am the father of his sister’s son.”

Liz just smiled. “I won’t let Max kill you, okay.” She stood up and shooed him away. “Now go!”

But when he would’ve walked out the door, he grabbed her in a fierce hug, giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek. “Congratulations on the baby, Liz.”

“Thanks, Alex.”


After being kicked out of his son’s room for trying to wake him up, Max headed for his daughter’s bedroom. Maybe he’d have more luck trying to wake her up.

Creeping in, he sat on the edge of her bed as he watched her sleeping. She looked just like Liz, so tiny and precious. Stroking her hair away from her face, he smiled when her long lashes lifted from her rosy cheeks.

“Daddy,” she said softly. She turned on her side, her round eyes closing as sleep tried to claim her again.

Max kissed her temple as he pulled the sheets up to her chin. “Momma’s making breakfast. You should wake up now and brush your teeth.”

Her brow crinkled as she burrowed deeper into the covers as she yawned, fighting to stay awake to converse with her father. “But I jus brushed dem las nite,” she whined.

Trying his hardest not to laugh, Max brushed his finger over her chubby fist. “Come puddin’. It’s time to wake up.”

In answer to his plea, he heard her snoring softly as her hand squeezed his finger tightly, just as she used to do when she was a baby. His heart swelled in his chest and he knew he couldn’t wait to be a father again.


Turning around, he saw Liz smiling at him seductively from the door.

“I got rid of Alex.”

Not needing any further invitation, Max pulled his hand from his daughter’s as delicately as he could without waking her. But just as he was about to leave her room, he heard her call out softly to him.

“Where you goin’?”

He froze when he saw her staring at him.

“I was going to check on momma. You can go back to sleep.”

She tilted her head to the side as she studied him. “Do I hafta brush my teef?”

He grinned at her. “Not yet, puddin’.”

She yawned loudly as she stretched her arms high above her head, a smile playing against her pouty lips as she fell back against the covers. “Kay, but don forgit. Tree meals a day, daddy.”

Max chuckled softly as he felt Liz drag him away. “I promise, puddin’. Three meals a day.”


Part 47C NC-17

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:02 pm
by jasper711
Part 47C

Rated: ADULT


Holding onto Liz’s hips tightly, Max nipped at her jaw hungrily, the morning’s earlier unfulfilled passion bubbling to the surface. He shook with barely unrestrained passion as he rubbed his aching hard on against her soft belly, his words gruff against her lips.

“There’s no way you’re getting away from me this time.”

Liz smiled against him as she stood on her tiptoes to let her tongue swipe across his full upper lip. She felt him shudder against her and she just grinned as she reached between them to cup his arousal through his pants. Her voice was soft with laughter as her hand rubbed purposefully over the hard bulge in his pants.

“You know, we may have to go shopping for some new pants for you.” She licked the column of his throat, her nimble fingers working his zipper down. “You seem to be having constriction problems.”

Max groaned against her mouth, pushing her up against the wall, his large hands holding her hips up as he stepped between her creamy thighs. “Liz, please don’t tease me.” He buried his face in the crook of her neck, his trembling hand reaching between their bodies to finger her center through the flimsy material of her panties.

Hearing her surprised gasp urged him on, his index finger outlining her nether lips with ease as her wetness seeped through, burning his finger with desire. He suckled the base of her neck, not caring if he left a mark. “Baby, I need to be inside you. I’m so hard, I could come right here.” He thrust his hips forward for emphasis, liking the way Liz bit his lower lip, capturing it between her teeth as she let out a trembling moan.

Liz nodded her head, her hand squeezing his cock tightly. Her eyes opened to slits, only fleetingly did she realize that they were still in the hallway. Knowing that their joining would be a rather loud one, she wrapped her delicate thighs over his trim hips, bringing their sexes into contact as she devoured his mouth. “In the bedroom, then inside me.”

Max smiled against her lips, his hands reaching around her back to hold the tender cheeks of her ass as he led the two of them into the bedroom. He liked that he could make her lose as much control as she made him lose.

Once inside the bedroom, he reached behind him to lock the door securely before running to the bed with the abandon of a teenager. He had to stop in his tracks when he saw Liz on all fours, looking at him enticingly from over her shoulder. Her long hair shadowed her beautiful face as she blushed with her words.

“How do you want me?”

Reaching inside his open pants, Max took hold of his erection, stroking his length a couple of times, knowing how much Liz enjoyed watching him please himself. He rid himself of his clothes as he climbed onto the bed behind her. Smoothing his hands over her silken thighs, he pulled her underwear down, bringing the wet spot up to his nose for a sniff before letting it fall on the floor.

Following her stance, he hiked her skirt up over her waist so that her backside was exposed. He spread her legs farther apart before lying beneath her to sample her sweet nectar. With his thumb poised over her clit, he let the air rush out of his lips to part her curls.

“You’re perfect just like this, sweetheart.”

Liz thought her knees would buckle when she felt the first swipe of Max’s tongue run over the length of her slit. He was lapping her up like a hungry cat and she was helpless to stop him. Not that she would even try. He had the most talented tongue and fingers.

Grabbing the pillow from above her head, she smothered her cry into it as Max brought her to orgasm. She felt herself about to collapse on the bed but instead of hitting the mattress, she felt Max’s strong hands holding her up, the blunt tip of his penis teasing her entrance. Squeezing his hand, she bucked against him.

“Max, please.”

Max grabbed her chin, forcing her to turn her head to receive his kiss as he shoved his cock deep inside her passage. He swallowed their moans of satisfaction as he began a fast rhythm inside her, his thrusts trying to get as deep inside of her as he could. He could feel her trembling against him, her vaginal muscles swallowing him deliciously.

He leaned his forehead against her sweaty back as he pounded into her with abandon.

“Liz, Liz. Oh God, you’re so wet.”

Hearing the excited timbre of his voice caused her to gush more of her juices, coating his cock until he was just as slick as she was. She knew that her moans were getting out of control, but she didn’t care. She just wanted Max to ram his cock so far inside her that she wouldn’t be able to decipher where he ended and she began. He felt so good inside her body, so hard and thick. Filling her up to complete her.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop. Please don’t ever stop.”

She repeated the litany over and over again even as she moved her hips to the timing of his. She reached behind her to cup his balls, smiling a grimace when his thrusts took on a desperate rhythm as he tried to lose himself inside her.

He pulled her top to the side as he slobbered wet kisses over her shoulders as he whispered raggedly in her ear.

“Never, I’ll never stop Liz.”

Liz let out a keening moan before her walls contracted over his swollen flesh, coating him with a fresh wave of her essence. Max groaned loudly, sounding as if he was a man on his deathbed as he speared his dick inside of her for a few more hard jabs before shooting his load deep inside her passage.

The two of them collapsed in a heap of sweaty limbs on the bed before curling up against one another, whispering loving words of endearments to each other.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the couple exchanging sloppy kisses on the bed, the tape recorder that was left on the dresser continued to flash it’s red light, signaling the fact that it was recording.


Part 47D

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 7:29 pm
by jasper711
Part 47D


Lazily caressing each other while they exchanged languid kisses, Max and Liz basked in the early morning quiet that they were allowed. Moments like these were far and few between so they had to take advantage of situations like this. Because before long, they were going to be blessed with another addition to the family.

Smiling a smile only a proud father could bear, Max held his large hand over his wife’s still flat tummy. He was beside himself with the idea that he and Liz had created another beautiful life together. Another child that was going to brighten their lives just like their other children had. With a soft sigh, he lovingly rubbed his hand over her soft skin.

“I can’t believe I’m going to be a father again.” He looked up at Liz and gave her an awe filled gaze, his amber eyes sparkling so beautifully.

Liz rolled her eyes in jest. “You say that now, but what about those two a.m feedings? And all those diapers?”

Max’s happiness would not abate, his eyes showing his wife just how excited he was about this new pregnancy. He shook his head, his smile still lightening up the whole room. “I’ll admit, those weren’t the better moments of having a baby in the house, but think about how great it’ll be to have another little one running around.” His voice almost sounded as if he was singing as he continued. “Can you imagine what Leah will be like as a big sister?”

Laughing at the image of her three year old being a role model for her younger sibling was a little hard to picture. Leah had been the “baby” for a long time. She could only imagine how tough that would be for Leah to relinquish that position to someone else even though she claimed that she wasn’t a baby anymore. Liz ran her finger’s through Max’s thick matted hair, breathing in his manly scent.

“I think it’s going to be tough for her to get adjusted to having to share all of the attention.” She grinned when she thought about how tightly her daughter had her father wrapped around her little finger long before she was even born. “She’s very territorial, I’m not so sure she’s going to like sharing her daddy.”

Max sat up, pulling Liz into his arms as he gave her a kiss on the temple. “Well, I’ll make sure that our little puddin’ doesn’t feel like she’s being left out in the dark.”

The two of them were quiet for a minute, just content to be in each other’s arms when Liz spoke softly.


“Hmmm?” He was running his fingers down her long hair, just marveling at how silky it was.

“You know, I was thinking about work, and how I’m going to have to go on maternity leave and all,” she paused, letting him take it all in.

“Yeah?” He felt tension settle in her shoulders as she continued to talk, so he tried to let her get out whatever she was trying to say without butting in. He squeezed her shoulders in encouragement, wanting her to be able to say anything to him.

Liz swallowed hard as she tried to get the words past her throat. “Well, I was thinking, since I’m going to be sitting around all day, that maybe I could work on a hobby, or something.”

Max smiled down at her. “That sounds great honey. What’d you have in mind?”

Toying with the edge of the comforter, Liz shrugged her shoulders casually. “I don’t know, I was thinking I could write. You know, just short children’s stories or something.”

Lifting her up in one fluid motion, Max sat her in his lap so that they were looking into each other’s eyes. “Baby, that sounds wonderful.” He kissed her on the lips. “I’m sure Leah would love to have your stories written down so that I could read them to her.” He chuckled as he thought back to a time when Leah had demanded for him to tell her a story like her momma would, only to be shot down when she kindly told him that his stories were not on her mother’s level of greatness.

Still a little apprehensive, Liz whined into his chest. “But what if I’m not any good at it. What if I stink, and I just start stinking up our whole house? Then we’re going to have to move because I’ve made the house stink so bad because of my writing.”

Placing a sound kiss on her lips, Max smiled against her mouth. “Liz, relax. I know you’re going to do great.”

Liz rolled her eyes, then promptly hit him on the chest. “You’re supposed to say that, you’re my husband.”

Max held his hand out in the traditional boy’s scout honor. “I wouldn’t lie to you. Besides, I’ve heard your stories. I believe in you Liz.”

With tears welling up in her eyes, Liz pinched him to keep the tears from rolling. “Great, now you’re just putting all of this pressure on me to do well.”

Trying his hardest not to laugh at her raging hormones, Max bit his lip. He had learned from their pregnancy with Leah just how sensitive Liz could be. He wasn’t dumb enough to make the same mistakes this time around. Setting her down on the bed, he gave her forehead a kiss before rummaging in his underwear drawer looking for something.

“Aha!” He pulled out a black leather bound book, handing it to Liz.

Sniffling, Liz ran her hand over her nose. “What’s this?”

He shrugged his shoulders and sat on the bed. “Why don’t you open it?”

Liz gave him a weary glance before opening the book, her heart stopping in her chest as she recognized her own handwriting. Clutching her hand to her mouth, she gaped at him in shock. “This is my journal.”

He gave her a loving smile. “I’m glad you recognize it.” He touched the worn sheets of paper, his fingers rubbing the dog-eared pages, reminiscing about the many times he had stayed up in the wee hours of the morning just re-reading every single word that his wife had written.

“I can’t believe you still have this.”

Squeezing her hand, he gave her his most sincere look. “It’s my favorite book in the whole world.”


He shook his head to stop her from berating herself. “Liz, if you’re not convinced you’re a writer, look at that journal and see it as proof that you are. With every word you’ve written in there, you’ve had me captured as your audience for years.” He gave her his special half smile. “It’s safe to say that as an English teacher, it’s the only book I can read over and over again and not get tired of it.”

“Oh, Max....” Liz threw herself at Max, a fresh batch of tears in her eyes. She had been worried about telling him, but she realized now that her fears had been unfounded. If there was anyone in the world that had complete faith in her, it was her husband. “I love you.”

Just as they were about to kiss, they were startled apart by the sound of the tape recorder shutting off.

Max went to the dresser holding up the tape recorder. “What the hell?”


Part 48A

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2003 7:43 pm
by jasper711
Part 48A


Liz watched Max fiddle with the microcassette after having found the recorder that she had taken from Alex on the dresser. She had all but forgotten about the recorder in the heat of the moment, apologizing to Max profusely after he discovered it.

“What are you thinking, Max?”

He frowned, his hand rubbing the slight stubble on his chin. He studied the tape, wondering how he would get back at Maria for pulling such a stunt. “I’m thinking that maybe Maria is way too nosy for her own good.”

Liz shrugged her shoulders. She knew that she should be a little more peeved at the idea that Maria would go to such lengths to find out about the baby, but she had to give the girl credit. Despite being just blessed with two gorgeous babies, Maria was still concerned enough about her, no doubt trying to pull off another surprise baby shower.

“She wouldn’t be Maria if she wasn’t, now would she?”

Chewing on his bottom lip, Max looked thoughtful as he tapped the tape against the edge of his chin. “I just wish there was some way we could get her back.” He was quiet for a second before a devilish smile crossed his handsome face.

Feeling uncomfortable at the roguish glint in his eyes, Liz closed the flaps of her robe tighter against her chest. “Max Evans, what are you up to?”

He just smiled. “I think I’ve got just the thing to get hurricane Deluca-Guerin to keep her nose out of our personal affairs.”

Scrunching up her nose, Liz eyed him warily. “Why am I not liking the sound of that?”

But before Liz could coax the details of Max’s plan from him, Leah appeared at their door, looking mighty confused. She held up her hands, her head cocked to the side.

“Where’s bweakfast?”

Max rolled his eyes in jest, stuffing the tape into his pocket before stooping down low to pick up his daughter. He tickled her sides, delighting in her giggles and squirming. “I thought you were still sleepy?”

She lay her head on his shoulder, her voice so tiny. “I couldn’t sleep no moe.” She looked over at her mother on the big bed before urging her daddy to let her onto the bed so that she could greet her mother. When she finished peppering her mother with kisses, her lips turned into a pout.

“When’s da bebe gonna git hur?”

Brushing her daughter’s thick dark locks away from her pretty face, Liz smiled. “Not for a while yet, honey.”

Max joined them on the bed, agreeing with Liz. He sprawled out on the bed, his head resting on his open palm as he leaned on his elbow. “The baby is gonna be inside momma’s tummy for nine months.”

Leah’s eyes grew wide with surprise. “Nine momphs?” She asked with such wonderment as if she understood how long nine months really was. But that wasn’t what was boggling her mind. The idea that her little brother or sister was inside her mother was making her wonder how the heck the baby got in there in the first place.

“How come da bebe in der?”

Patting his wife’s still flat belly, Max’s smile turned proud and adoring. “The baby stays in momma’s tummy until they’re ready to be born.”

Horrified, Leah held her tiny hands to her mouth. “Momma, why you eat da bebe?”

Liz chuckled before scooping up her daughter. She loved just how innocent her baby was, taking things so literally. She kissed the tip of her nose, trying to reassure her that she didn’t eat her baby brother or sister.

“I didn’t eat the baby, honey. This is where the baby grows until he or she is ready to come out.”

Tentatively touching her mother’s stomach, Leah still looked skeptical. She didn’t want to believe that her momma had eaten the baby, but she still needed an explanation.

“Den how come da bebe in der?”

Joining the conversation, Max tried to best explain without giving more information than Leah was really asking for. He had learned his lesson when they had given Noah this talk when Liz was pregnant with Leah.

“Puddin’, the reason why the baby’s in your momma’s tummy is because that’s the safest place to be. Your momma is protecting the baby until the baby’s big enough to be out here with us.”

Smiling her gratitude for handling the situation like a pro, Liz reached out and squeezed Max’s hand. His words were definitely a lot better than his speech to Noah three years ago. Max still hadn’t lived down the “too much love, we didn’t know where to put it” phrase.

Leah’s lips curved into a small O as she moved closer to her mother.

“Canned I talk to da bebe?”

Looking more than pleased that his little puddin’ was warming up to the idea of having another baby in the family, Max nodded. He could still remember Noah resting his face against Liz’s swollen belly, very pregnant with Leah, his voice full of excitement as he shared his day with his baby sister.

“Of course, you can. The baby would love it.”

Grinning, Leah stood up on the bed, promptly opening her mother’s mouth so she could speak inside.

“Hi, bebe. Am Leah. Your big sistah.”

When Leah let go of Liz’s mouth, Max scratched the side of his head in confusion.

“Puddin’, what are you doing?”

Leah shrugged her shoulders as if her daddy was asking the dumbest question in the entire universe. She put her hands on her hips.

“I need to talk da bebe an da bebe is in momma’s tummy.” When her parent’s still looked at her dumbfounded, she released an exasperated sigh before jumping off the bed. “If I don talk in momma’s mouth, da bebe won hur me.”

She exited the room, her voice rising as she called out to her older brother.


Letting out the laughter she had been holding in, Liz turned to Max who was equally amused.

“She has a great imagination, doesn’t she?”

Max let out a howl of a laughter, his head shaking from side to side.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard of anything like that.” Blowing out a whistle, he shook his head again. “Talking through your mouth so the baby can hear...”

Liz nodded with a laugh before standing to get breakfast ready. “I guess that’s the reason you’ve always got your tongue in my mouth,” she whispered mischievously, running quickly to get out of her husband’s grasp.

But Max had much longer legs, and stronger muscles. He heard her squealing as he hefted her up onto his shoulder, promptly carrying her down the stairs to find the children preparing four bowls of cereal.

Noah hovered over his little sister, watching as she tried to pour milk in all of the bowls. He knew how important it was for Leah to do it on her own, so he stood back, watching her just in case she needed his assistance.

When Leah was done, she smiled at her parents. “We made bweakfast!”

Feeling the blood rushing to her head, Liz swatted Max’s back, urging him to let her down so that she could thank the children.

Eyeing her parents curiously, Leah asked. “Can I have a turn?”