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A Rose In The Darkness (B/A, XO, MATURE) [COMPLETE]

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 10:49 pm
by angelrose242000
This is a new fic for me. Feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING related to Buffy, Angel or anyone or anything involved in such shows/books, exc.

A Rose in the Darkness

Based on: Buffy/Angel Cross-Over Event of 1999

By, Angelrose

Summary of Episode:

Buffy was getting ready for Thanksgiving Dinner. She was unaware that her life was in danger. Angel had been having dreams warning him that things were about to happen that might endanger Buffy. Leaving L.A. to protect her, Angel went to Sunnydale for the first time in several months.

Meeting up with her friends, Willow, Xander and former Watcher, Giles, Angel got the scoop on what was going on in Sunnydale…and with Buffy’s recent relationship in college. Trying to cope with this, Angel set it in his mind to protect her as he had planned.

It quickly became obvious to Buffy that her Thanskgiving holiday was going to involve more than turkey and dressing for she found herself in a pickle, fighting Indian chiefs and their soldiers out for blood against all in their path!!! (Willow offers her support for Indians and gets into a heated confrontation with Giles…)

Fighting Ethics against Survival, Buffy and her friends wind up doing battle against the tribe of spirited Indians. Little does she know, Angel is outside fighting too! Then she finds out that Angel was there all the time.

Part Two:

An unsuspecting Angel goes back to LA trying to put all memories of love where Buffy was concerned out of his mind—out of his heart. Only to get surprised by Buffy’s appearance on his turf! Trying to spare herself the melodrama as she saw it of Buffy/Angel 101, Cordelia, a former schoolmate of Buffy’s, takes Doyle, Angel’s watcher of sorts and they head out to the movies followed by the bar for awhile.

Meanwhile, heated words get shared and hard things get said, as Buffy lets Angel know she has moved on. Suddenly an evil demon comes out of nowhere and fights them both!

He disappears and Buffy and Angel chase him down in the sewers. Bottom line, Angel becomes human and goes after Buffy. Despite their efforts to stay “mature” about it, they cannot deny their built up energies and passions that still existed.

They spend an incredible night of eating chocolate and making love. (I wouldn’t want to eat on the table again!)

At the bar, Cordelia whines about her job being over, Doyle is thankful his job is through.

Suddenly Doyle sees the image of the demon that caused Angel to be human still alive and wanting revenge.

He goes to Angel in the middle of the night and Angel has a choice to make, take Buffy or go alone. He goes alone.

This is where I want to start…

Angel looks at Doyle as they walk in the shadows of night in LA and says, “What do you make of this, Doyle?”

Doyle, a former demon himself serving time being a watcher to Angel, looks up and says somewhat guardedly, “My guess? He still has an itch for a fight. And he isn’t going to be satisfied till he sees you dead. In case you haven’t thought of that, Angel, he can accomplish his desire now that you’re human. I still think we should have taken Buffy along.”

Angel shook his head and said, “I’m not getting her involved in this, Doyle. I went to Sunnydale to protect her, remember? I’m not going to let her get mixed up in some mess here. She’s been through enough.” Besides, Angel didn’t want to chance anything taking Buffy away from him, especially now that they had gotten back together.

He had become human again, something Angel didn’t ever think was going to be possible, and as soon as he found out it meant he could do as he pleased he was going to carry out his ambition—to be with Buffy forever.

Doyle shook his head and said, “Well get ready because I smell that pig and something tells me he isn’t going to care a whit about your recent devotion to Buffy.”

Walking along, Angel knew his life might be in danger, he knew it. But he also knew that he wouldn’t show it. Doyle needed to believe Angel was in control—hell he needed to believe it. So he held his own, his hand on his mischetti anxiously to put an end to this jerk once and for all. If he’d only show his damn face!

Then he did! Coming at him from around the corner, in a darkened alley, the thousand-eyed dark force came at Angel with all his might.

Angel fought back as strong as ever before and soon the demon was pierced through the diamond on his forehead, gone forevermore. Angel stood and nearly shook from the effect. What did this mean?

Doyle echoed this saying, “What just happened, Angel? I thought when you became human your warrior capabilities were taken away.”

Angel said quietly, “So did I. I don’t know what this means. The last time this happened I was turned. I know I’m not turned. I don’t know Doyle, I just don’t have an answer.”

Doyle said nothing. They walked back to Angel’s apartment in this silence, until finally, Angel said, “I wonder if we could contact the oracles again.”

Shaking his head firmly, Doyle said, “No way.”

Angel countered, “Doyle I need to know what this means.”

Doyle crossed his arms and said, “Pal, you are walking on dangerous grounds here. They could take away all you love if you keep pestering them. Do you want that?”

Angel stood speechless for a brief instant, giving Doyle a chance to say, “I didn’t think so. If I were you I’d be happy with what I had and forget the rest.”

Angel replied, “But you aren’t me and you can’t make that choice. Sorry, Doyle, but I have to know the reason behind it.”

Doyle let out a breath as he said, “Whatever you say. But I warned you…don’t say I didn’t.”

Angel took a reluctant Doyle and they headed back to the place they’d entered through before to find the answers to Angel’s and Doyle’s questions….

Buffy awoke with the memories of wonderful dreams of laying on a beach in the daylight with a man she never in her wildest imaginings believed she’d ever be with. Indeed, when she sat up, Buffy had to pick up the surroundings of the room she was in and blink to be sure it was happening at all. She was still here. This was Angel’s apartment alright.

How long had she wondered if she’d ever see him again? It wasn’t meant to be, they weren’t supposed to be together, how many times had she told herslef this while getting through night after night apart from him? How long did Willow and Xander try to get her to go to their house or to go to parties during that summer after high school? Instead, Buffy had found herself staying inside, watching sad movies and staying to herself for three solid months.

Glad to start college, Buffy recalled how she sat alone at functions because hse didn’t think she could love again. Then she made the mistake of forcing it and found herself hurt right off the bat.

Determined to move on, when months had gone by and Angel was away, she met Riley. Believing she cared about him, Buffy had spent time with him. He could have been a nice boyfriend, but Buffy knew if she was honest that the only man she could ever love would be Angel. He had been her first and she wanted him to be her last.

She knew that it would be hard, but she would tell Riley that she had gotten back with Angel. He would be hurt, but she figured after time went by he’d find someone else.

This was her hope anyway.

Climbing from the bed that was still so warm and full of memories, Buffy walked to the shower and let the hot water beat down on her body. Nearly dozing under the water pressure, Buffy cleaned up and washed her hair. Angel was still pretty no-nonsense and she knew she would deal even though the shampoo of her choice was and would always be Dove.

As hse combed her hair and dried off, Buffy thought of how much she had been through with Angel. They had been friends long before they ever became lovers. But it was so much more than the romantic stuff. Angel was someone she could trust. Now that he was human this meant that they had options. Buffy could continue going to school and date Angel…or she could transfer to LA and finish there. This would work if she didn’t have other responsibilities.

Shaking her head, Buffy decided she wouldn’t think about it now. Instead, she dressed and walked into the kitchen with her hair dampening her shirt. Angel would be in here snacking she htought with a smile. This was so new! They had had so much fun snacking last night that when she did reach the shower she had syrup and chocolate on her! But it had been worth it.

Calling out his name, Buffy sasid, “Angel?” Angel walked into the house with Doyle at his side and immediately went to her pulling her into his arms. Smelling the blood on him, Buffy pulled back and said, “You’ve gotten into a fight! Are you hurt?”

Checking him over, she moved his black shirt and noted a nick but nothing bad. This must be where the blood was coming from, she thought. There was no other wound. It just was something he hadn’t been able to control. Walking to the cabinet to the right of the sink, Buffy grabbed a wash rag, dampened it and tossing it to Angel said, “Push that on it for a few minutes.”

Chuckling, Angel did so saying, “Buffy…”
Then she realized what she was doing. She was treating him as she would a vampire, who would be sick if he didn’t have his blood for long. Blushing, she said, “Sorry. I’m just used to worrying about that.”

Doyle chimed in, “I’m sure Angel here doesn’t mind being doted over by a beautiful woman. Well I’m heading off. You two have fun.”

Buffy asked, “Where were you two?”

Doyle looked to Angel, saw his resistence then said to Buffy, “Oh, Angel and me have a habit of trapsing off in the middle of most nights just for the hell of it. It’s a system of ours.” Angel caught the sarcasm and said, “Goodnight, Doyle.”

Doyle left and Buffy put her hands on her hips saying, “Now that that is over. Where were you, Angel?”

Angel tried to weasel out saying, “Just out with Doyle. Nothing to worry about, Buffy.”

Buffy wasn’t normally so interrogative with Angel but he was new to this life again and she was protective. So she said, “Angel I’ve not fenced with you for two years for nothing. You smell of blood and I know that it isn’t just yours. I tried to think of you and your manly ego. But now that we are alone, I want to know.” She added with a smile to her face.

Angel brushed Buffy’s hair from her eyes as he said, “You showered.”

Thinking on this for a brief second, Buffy said, “Yes…well I managed. We have to set some things straight between us about shampoo preferences. But that’s not the issue. You’re evading me, Angel.”

Angel said, “Maybe, for a minute.” Angel took his coat off and put his mischetti by the wall.

Buffy said, “Tell me what happened, Angel.”

Angel let out a breaht knowing there was no getitng past this with Buffy, so he said, “Doyle had a vision that the demon we tried to kill came back after us. So he came and got me, as he said, and we went on a search for him.”

Buffy said, “Alone.”

Nodding, Angel said, “With Doyle. We went together. Doyle wanted me to wake you up but I refused. You were peacefully sleeping and I didn’t want to bother you.”

Frantic, Buffy expelled, “What happened then?” She decided she’d deal with his choice later.

Angel replied, “The demon came out of an alley and I fought him. Apparently I still am considered a warrior because one fight, one stab at his center stone and he was dead.”

Buffy moved forward toward Angel saying just shy of explosive, “So you left the house not taking a second to see if maybe I’d like to come with you. Do you have any idea what could have happened to you, Angel? If you had been wrong in knowing where to stab him?”

Angel heard Buffy but was still going through his own feelings of shock so he said briskly, “Damn it Buffy, I didn’t want to get you hurt. Can’t you see what I’m saying? You mean…you mean too much to me.”

Buffy saw he meant it and stopped attacking. She said simply, “I’m not mad, Angel, I’m just…I don’t know, I guess you just upset me doing that. When you go on your fights of good versus evil, I want to be given the chance to decide if I want to participate. Got it?”

Angel got it saying, “I get it. I guess I was not giving you enough credit. Forgetting maybe how bad you can be when you kick ass.”

Laughing with him, Buffy said, “So easily we forget. I’m just glad to see you again, safe at home.” Home… those words sounded so wonderful to her. So exactly what she wanted for the rest of her life.

Angel said, “I went to the oracles, Buffy.”

Buffy said, “Really? I thought it was risky doing that.”

Angel nodded as he said, “It is. But I wanted answers to why I was able to defeat the demon alone. They told me that I had hit the right mark at the right time, simple as that. I asked about you…they told me your life would be shortened being with me. That demons would come after you by the thousands.”

Buffy seemed unaffected by this as she said, “Uh-huh. That’s part of being who and what I am.”

Angel said, “Part of what I am is a man that couldn’t think of you facing that short end because of me. So I told them I was willing to go back to being what I was before if it helped save you.”

No! This wasn’t happening. Buffy felt the shock and hurt of total betrayal as she said, “Did they do it?” Oh she hoped not! They had just gotten back together. She’d begun to picture a life for them again in her heart.

Shaking his head, Angel said, “No. When they saw that I was willing to do that, they told me I was not a meager being as they called it and said that they would give me my warrior status and I’d still be human.”

Surprised and confused, Buffy said, “So what does this mean exactly?”

Angel said with a smile, “It means that I am free to do as I want and I can still defend the innocent. They told me that they felt sure everything was going to be fine, that the Powers that Be sent no negative vibes otherwise.
We can have a life, Buffy, a real life.”

Buffy wrapped her arms around Angel and said, “Oh, Angel. Tell me I’m not dreaming. Do something to make me see this isn’t a fairy tale dream.”

Angel chuckled as he picked her up, kissing her suddenly on the mouth, and slowly charismatically carried her off to the bedroom for another few happy hours beneath the sheets….

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 10:44 pm
by Roswell4ever1
A Rose in the Darkness

By, Angelrose242000

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!

Part 2—The Homecoming

Buffy returned to school just long enough for finals. She’d stay a month and finish her classes, then go on a furlough for a year to spend time with Angel. Knowing her mother would completely disapprove didn’t compute with Buffy. Her thoughts were solely on Angel and being with him. Now that they had this chance, she was going to take advantage of it. School could wait.

At the dorm, Willow was talking about something going on between her and Xander. Nothing unusual, Buffy thought with an inward smile. They had been dating since last May, right after graduation. “Buffy you won’t believe what Xander has done.”

Buffy brushed her hair and plopped on her bed saying with a smile, “Probably not.” Her thoughts were completely on Angel. If she closed her eyes, she could still imagine him holding her, laughing with her, making love to her in various rooms at various times of the day or night.

Willow replied, “He went and bought me a bouquet of roses just as a three month anniversary of us being together…”

Buffy smiled and said, “That’s sweet, Will.” Buffy was trying to be intuitive, a good friend and listener, but she was thinking about Angel and missing him after just a week of being back.

Willow eyed Buffy curiously as she reigned in her happiness for a minute and she became nervous. Willow was a nervous person anyway. Always had been. She sat on her bed and said, “Okay, Buffy. Talk. What happened in LA? Did you and Angel…”

Buffy smiled, then recalling she hadn’t said a word to her about Angel’s human status, she amended, “I went to LA, talked with Angel, fought with Angel against a demon, talked some more, and came back. Simple as that. Will why are you looking at me like that?”

Willow replied, “I’ve not been your friend for four years going for you to be able to pull one over on me. I mean…I know about the fact that you still love each other.”

Knowing that, Buffy said, “Willow this is different. I can’t go into anymore details about LA, not right now.” She didn’t want to do or say anything right now. She wanted Angel’s appearance next month in Sunnydale to be a surprise to everyone, a happy surprise.

Back in LA…

“You can’t be serious!” Cordelia shrieked while following Angel in the office. She had been bugging him about his decision to take a break close shop for a year and go on a form of a vacation.

Angel packed his things into boxes and tried his best to ignore Cordelia. He’d tried to do that for years, but damn if it didn’t work worth a crap! She was consistent, he had to give her that. Of all the women he had known, Cordelia Chase was a number one whiner and no one could beat her at it, no one!

He felt sorry for Doyle, the poor guy didn’t see an ounce of it. He was totally lost, in love with her. She hadn’t seen it yet, though, and so it was as if he was drooling over a fantasy.

Angel tried to go with the ploy of ignore it and it will stop. Maybe this worked with most people and things, but not with Cordelia.

She moved in front of him where he couldn’t ignore her anymore and said with her hands on her hips, “Have you completely lost your mind, Angel?”

He thought he was nearing this stage and said grimly, “Possibly. Cordelia you are overreacting just a bit here. I’m not talking about never coming back. Just taking some time off to regroup what has happened to me. Doyle has backed me up on this one.”

Maybe she’d shut up if he added that point, Angel hoped, oh he hoped!

Cordelia’s brown eyes only became beadier and more determined however. She continued, “Since when do you need the approval of Doyle? You do as you please, Angel, always have.”

Angel grabbed for this with all he had, “Exactly. So why should I change my plans now…because you say so? Take a vacation of your own Cordelia, attack Doyle, do something constructive. When I come back, we’ll have a day planned on sharing.” Why did that sound like a flipping counseling session? “On second thought, just have a good time and we’ll leave it at that.” He didn’t want to have to share all his adventures with Buffy with Cordelia.

Cordelia fumed back as if on instant refresh, “Okay, maybe I like Doyle. Maybe. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to take off my clothes and…Doyle! Do you think you could be any more sneaky? Geez!”

Doyle walked in with his hands on a chart looking first to Angel then to Cordelia as he said, “What’s going on…? Something exciting I should know about?”

Angel looked at Cordelia with a wide grin. Cordelia gave Angel a Try It and Die Buster glare.

Angel swallowed his laughter that really wanted to come forward as he said, “Cordelia here was just telling me about her desire to take a year off and let me do the same—in peace! Weren’t you Cordelia?” Deny it and watch what happens, Angel thought with mirth.

Cordelia hated it when Angel put her in situations like this! She did! He was the only one besides Doyle who could. She guessed it was because he was or had been old enough to be her great-great-great-grandfather! Or something like that anyway. She said too sweetly, “Sure was. Just like Angel here was telling me all about how he was going to write me another check so I could spend it as I pleased. Weren’t you Angel?”

Doyle shook his head and said, “You wanna know what I think?” Cordelia beamed, “Not really, Doyle.” Doyle grinned at Cordelia, enjoying her sparring, as he added, “Well I’m telling you anyway. The truth is I think you both are full of it.”

Angel said, “Get to work, Doyle. I have things to do. Buffy is expecting me in Sunnydale next month.”

Cordelia said, “Ooh! You can’t be late for that now can you, Angel?”

Angel said, “Nope.”

Cordelia flipped her hair back as she said, “Hopeless! You are completely hopeless where it comes to Buffy.”

Angel was so close to saying how this was how she felt about Doyle and vice versa, but he kept silent. He had too much to do to get Cordelia flaring up—worse than she already was! He got busy packing, his thoughts on Buffy and Sunnydale.

Buffy spotted Riley outside near the fountain. Walking over to him, she said, “Riley!”

Riley’s face formed a huge smile, the light in his blue eyes sparkling. He reached for Buffy, hugging her tightly and saying, “Buffy! Hi, how are you? How was Thanksgiving?”

Buffy always thought he was adorable, now she really felt it. Hugging him back, she said, “I’m fine…it was fine. How was yours?”

Riley replied, “Good. Everyone showed up again this year and we ate more than any of us would like to talk about after. But it was nice.”

Smiling, Buffy said, “That’s wonderful, Riley.”

He brought his lips to hers saying, “I’ve missed you!”

She allowed the kiss for a moment, then breaking away, said, “Riley…we have to talk.”

Riley replied, “Uh-oh. This can’t be good. What’s up?”

Buffy let out a deep breath and started walking, with Riley beside her, “You remember how I told you about the guy I used to date?”

Nodding, feeling nerves coming across his heart, Riley said, “Vaguely. Dark, mysterious boyfriend, much older than you, the cause of misery?”

Letting out an uneven breath, hating being the break-up girl, Buffy replied, “Riley, he was here, in Sunnydale and I didn’t know it. He saved my life. I went to LA to confront him for not telling me he was here. While I was there, he and I…well we got back together.”

She waited for his response. Looking into his eyes, Buffy saw disbelief. He shook his head and said, “No way. Isn’t he the same guy who you said you couldn’t be with?”

Nodding, feeling this was going to sound ridiculous, Buffy said, “Yeah…but things changed. I didn’t know I still loved him, not like that…”

Riley replied, “What about us? About what we shared, Buffy? The time we spent together? Did it mean nothing?”

Shaking her head, Buffy replied, “Of course it meant something! Do you think I just let any boy who comes along walk into my heart? I don’t! I’m guarded with my thoughts and feelings, you know that Riley. But I can’t help how I feel. I love Angel.”

Why was she having to explain her feelings? She wiped tears away and watched as he turned so she couldn’t see the look in his eyes.

He said, “I guess then I can say we aren’t together anymore?”

Nodding glumly, Buffy replied, “I guess so.” As Riley started to walk away, Buffy reached for his hand saying, “Riley don’t!” He turned then and she saw the pain in his eyes.

She felt more tears falling as she said, “I don’t want you to walk away thinking…thinking that I used you. I do care about you. I just don’t…”

Riley finished, “Love me? You don’t love me. I should have seen that a long time ago, Buffy. I saw the look in your eyes the way you smiled every time you mentioned that jerk’s name. But an idiot, I let myself think it was because he was your first boyfriend.”

Shaking her head Buffy said, “You weren’t an idiot. I was wrong for getting with you…when I knew deep inside…my heart was still his. So I am the idiot, Riley. And I am so sorry.”

Riley touched Buffy’s hair, surprising her, and said, “Don’t be sorry, Buffy. I don’t regret our time together. Neither should you. Well, I guess I’ll talk to you later.”

Buffy asked, “Can we still be friends? I’d like that Riley. I don’t want to come back to school next year and find an enemy.”

Riley shook his head and said, “You won’t. I’m always going to be your friend, Buffy.”

Smiling, Buffy said, “Good.”

Riley added, “See you in class, Buffy.”

She smiled, feeling she had gotten through it. It had been tough but she had made it. She was thankful that they could still be friends….

While Angel was finishing up, Buffy walked into the front door of her mom’s house. “Mom, I’m home!” She often visited mom since in college. No matter how much she got on her nerves growing up, Buffy loved her mom.

“In the kitchen, Buffy!”

Buffy dropped her book bag on the couch and walked on in to the kitchen. Smiling, she said, “Mom, what are you fixing?”

Buffy’s mom said, “Meatloaf. How was your first week back?”

Buffy let out a groan as she said, “It was interesting. I’ve had three tests and four quizzes in one week. Oh! And I broke up with Riley.”

Surprised, her mother said, “Why? Has he cheated on you?”

Shaking her head, Buffy said, “No, mom. Riley wouldn’t do that. No, I just decided that I needed a break. We were becoming more serious that I wanted.” And my heart is Angel’s.

Her mother seemed to understand this as she said, “Tough seeing Angel again?”

Pulling her hair back into her ponytail, Buffy said, “Not really. I mean I told him how it was, we fought a nasty demon in the sewers. Nothing out of character for us. I came home Sunday night and started class on Monday.”

Buffy never liked telling all to her mother, even as close as she was to her. When she had to, she would spill her decision, but not before. Why ruin tonight?

Buffy settled in for the evening, thinking about when that day did come she would have to face her mother’s disdain and complete disapproval. But having the legacy of a vampire slayer she was used to both….

While Buffy sat and watched a movie with her mom, Angel sat by his fireplace and thought of Buffy, of Sunnydale, things that had happened to him and to them. He looked forward to seeing her again. She’d been gone so briefly in all technicality, but when it came to his heart, Angel felt she’d been gone an eternity. His house was in boxes and he was ready to start a new beginning, and he was too anxious to wait a month. He decided that afternoon that he would arrive in Sunnydale tomorrow around noon. He smiled, thinking how much this would surprise Buffy. A grim thought surfaced though. He hoped he gave her enough time to settle things with Riley…and to prepare her mother for his return….

Buffy awoke the next day lazily on her old bed. She smelled the familiar scents of pine and rosemary and knew it was her mother’s touch to the house. She smiled.

Sitting up, she pulled the blankets back and changed into her jeans and white Daffodil tank top. Brushing her hair in the bathroom, Buffy brushed her teeth and headed for the kitchen.

Going to the fridge, she reached for a soda and opening it took a healthy drink. Ah! Nothing beat a Pepsi first thing in the morning. Then again, midday. One finishing it off at night. Oh she just liked Pepsi!

Mom met her in the kitchen brisk and sunny, always the morning person as she said, “Decide to get up?”

Buffy looked at the clock on the wall and said, “Mom, it’s only 9:30.”

Grinning, her mom said, “Only…”

Buffy scoffed playfully, “It’s a Saturday!”

“Well what are your plans for today, Buffy?”

Buffy sat at the table with her mom and said, “I’m not sure…I guess I could do something constructive. But what I’d really like is to be lazy.”

Suddenly the door rasped.

Buffy got up and opening it saw Willow. Smiling, Buffy said, “Hey! Come in, Will.”

Willow walked in, saying, “Buffy we need to talk.” Nervous, Buffy said, “Okay. Well do we need to go outside?”

Nodding, Willow said, “I think it would be best.” So Buffy followed her outside and then she saw why.

And with that, she ran into his arms and said, “Angel!” He kissed her and said, “Buffy. I know I said I’d wait and come next month, but I couldn’t wait.”

Understanding, she said, “I’m glad you’re here.”

Willow said, “Hey! What about me?”

Buffy turned to Willow and hugging her said, “Sorry Will. I am glad to see you too!”

Willow laughed and said, “Sure. Compared to this guy, I’m a part of the landscape.”

Buffy said, “Oh you are not! Well…Angel you are here, so I guess…Willow, Angel is human.”

Willow said, “I kinda guessed that, Buffy. But what is your mom going to think?”

Not knowing, Buffy suddenly felt apprehensions. She said, “I’m not sure…but I’m not about to have Angel standing out here for a month. So come on guys. It’s now or never.”

Opening the front door, Buffy spotted her mother and said, “Mom…guess what? We have company.”

Joyce Summers stood and faced her daughter, her daughter’s best friend, and Angel, a guy she didn’t think she’d ever see again in her house. Surprised, she said remarkably well, “Hello, Willow, Angel. Angel it’s been too long.”

Angel somehow felt that this wasn’t her true feelings on the matter. He’d recalled the last conversation they’d shared where she had told him he had to make tough choices for himself and Buffy. So he guessed right about now Mrs. Summers was fit to be tied. But he smiled and said, “It has. How are you?”

Joyce and the group sat at the table and she said, “I’m well. Tell me, how have you been doing? I hear you’ve been busy. Where is it you were again?”

Angel informed her where he was and they sat and visited for a half an hour.

Later, when they were alone, Angel said, “Listen, I’m sure you don’t really like the fact that I am here.”

Joyce shook her head and said, “No, that’s not true. Angel, I was worried about you and Buffy, but apparently things have changed. For you are here, and it is just shy of nine in the morning. Tell me, what has changed this?”

Angel replied, “If I told you you wouldn’t believe me. So I will just say, I am human and I am in love with Buffy.”

Joyce asked, ‘What are you planning, the two of you?”

Angel said, “I really think we should wait on that until Buffy is here. She has some things I’m sure she’d like to tell.” Willow was off in the other room with Buffy, explaining how she had to leave because Xander had plans with her for the day. Willow took off soon after saying she’d call Buffy later.

Joyce nodded, respecting Angel’s wishes to have Buffy be present, even as she wished he would.

Buffy went to her mother with Angel later that day and said, “Mom, I’ve made a decision. Angel and I…we’re going to take a vacation.”

Joyce said, “Really?” She was always intrigued when it came to Buffy’s romances, she felt some tremors however when it acme to Angel. Buffy would change her entire life for that man. Something just didn’t sit well with her over this fact.

Angel said, “Buffy maybe this should wait.” He’d just been there long enough to relax some, if they went this way, he’d be booted out before long.
This didn’t bother Angel, except that he knew Buffy would come after him and then there would be a rift between mother and daughter. Angel didn’t want problems with Buffy and her mother.

Shaking her head, on her cloud, Buffy said, “No. I think this is the perfect time to share this. Mom, you know that I love you. I love Angel, I’ve always loved him.” She felt his eyes on her now. “No matter what I’ve done, where I’ve been, who I’ve dated, it hasn’t been the same. Now that we are together again, and it is for good, I have decided something. I’m taking a vacation with Angel…starting now.”

Joyce asked surprised, “What about school?”

Buffy squeezed Angel’s hand and said stronger, “I’m taking a year off of school, mom. A year off to be with Angel.”

Joyce said, “Oh Buffy.” She put her hand over her face. She stood and said strongly, “Do as you please. I give up.”

Buffy didn’t expect this reaction. She said, “I don’t follow, mom.”

Angel said, “Let’s not push, Buffy.”

Shaking her head, Buffy said, “No. I want to know why mom is so mad when I am eighteen years old, not long from being nineteen. And I should be able to make that decision on my own.”

Buffy added, “What is it mom? Are you that angry that Angel and I are together? Do you have so little faith in me that you think I can’t decide what I want?”

Joyce took her coffee mug to the sink and said on a chuckle, “Oh Buffy so many things are going through my mind, in my heart, right now. Your dating Angel has so little to do with it.”

Buffy hated it when her mother spoke this way, so aloofly. So she said, “What is it mom?”

Angel said, “Mrs. Summers, I know that this isn’t what you expected…”

Joyce cut him off saying, “You’re damn right it isn’t. You were supposed to handle this, Angel. I guess I was wrong asking you to.”

Buffy had known nothing about that conversation, so she said hotly, “What are you talking about mom? What was Angel supposed to handle?”

Joyce was hurt so she spoke out before thinking, “I went to your boyfriend and told him last year that he needed to take hold of things, get you to realize you had a life to live. You were so stuck on him I couldn’t get you to see it.”

Buffy was livid. She looked from Angel to her mother and said, “How could you ask him to do that? And what happened to letting me make that decision on my own?”

Joyce replied, “Buffy you were in love you couldn’t make that decision, not rationally.”

Buffy said, “No, of course not. No I was just some dimwitted moron, incapable of making any valid life choices so you took it upon yourself to get my boyfriend to breakup with me. It worked, mom. It worked.” Tears fell as she continued, “Then. Long enough to make for a miserable summer followed by a one night stand in college.” At her mother’s surprise, Buffy said, “Yeah! You never knew about him, did you?”

Angel hadn’t either and looked at Buffy with compassion. He said, “Buffy…”

Buffy swallowed the tears that were so fresh, so full of hurt and said, “But that isn’t the point. The point is I’m with Angel and I love him. And our plan is to spend a year together.”

Joyce said, “Yes, you keep mentioning this year business. What happens after? Do you leave town and move to LA? Or does Angel give up his life in LA and move here? Or do you continue this back and forth business until one or both of you tires of it? I’m sorry,” she amended quickly. “I’m just upset. Buffy if you put off college, what’s to say you’ll go back?”

Angel said, “I’m enrolling next year with Buffy.”

This was news to both women. Buffy looked at Angel and said, “Angel?”

He nodded saying, “It will give me a chance to be with her and we can both get some kind of education together.”

Joyce didn’t comment. She felt in this instant that she had lost Buffy, for good. Angel was moving to Sunnydale, enrolling at UC and most likely planning in the back of his mind to marry her. She wasn’t against Buffy marrying Angel, it was the fact that she was so young. And Joyce had been equally as young when she met Buffy’s dad. She’d nearly given up everything to be with him. She wound up alone, raising her daughter to be strong, independent and unafraid to be alone.

Maybe she was wrong, though, to expect Buffy to travel the safe path. She’d tried to inflict her feelings, her wishes last year and it still brought them full-circle, together as a threesome. So she let go and said, “Okay. It is going to take me awhile to get used to this, seeing the two of you together again, but I won’t come between it. I wish you the best.”

Buffy smiled and hugged her mother saying, “Thank you, mom.”

Joyce looked at Angel and said, “Angel, somehow our lives continue to wrap around each other.” She smiled and noted Angel’s uneasiness lifting.

He replied, “I know. I don’t mean to come between you and Buffy.”

Joyce let go of that too as she smiled and said, “You haven’t. It’s natural for Buffy to be in love. As a mother it is hard for me to say this to any man my daughter might choose, but truthfully, Angel, I have known for a long time that you love her and the fact is I respect you. You are a special man and I feel that Buffy is safe with you.”

Understanding the safety issues, as Buffy had told Angel about it years back, Angel nodded and said, “She is. I’d never let anything happen to her.”

Joyce looked at the two of them and said, “So where are you headed this summer?”

Angel looked at Buffy and she at him. Buffy said, “Part of the summer I’ll spend in LA or wherever the road takes us.” Angel continued, “The other part I’ll be here in Sunnydale.”

Long distance relationships…well Joyce replied, “Sounds wonderful. Angel take a seat. I want to hear more about LA. I’ve never been there before.” And just like that they sat at the kitchen table and visited…like a family might.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 10:55 pm
by angelrose242000
Here is the next part. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

A Rose in the Darkness
By, Angelrose

Disclaimer: Nothing in this fic is owned by myself. I have used some quotes from Melinda Metz’s Roswell High books in the latter part of this part, however I own nothing in them. Some things in this story may resemble the TV shows Buffy and Angel, however they are coincidental and are used fictitiously for my story. Hope you enjoy it!

Part 3: Venturing Out

Buffy continued to go to classes and finished her semester, with Angel at her side.

Now, a week past, Buffy walked with Angel through a magnolia garden. Buffy loved flowers and saw this as a perfect time to go do something romantic with Angel. They walked and talked about things they wanted, the things that made them Buffy and Angel.
Angel couldn’t believe the colors! It was as if he was wearing shades for three centuries and suddenly they were removed. Now he saw everything, clearly. He saw Buffy and her smile, the way she tugged on his arm to show him this rose bed or that carnation bush. He had never seen Buffy as beautiful as she was right then, racing through a garden area.

Picking a flower of his choice, Angel stuck it in her hair and said, “There. Now you look perfect.”

Buffy teased, “What? I didn’t before?”

Angel chuckled and shook his head saying, “The flower adds a touch of innocence to your beauty, Buffy.”

Buffy grinned as she leaned closer to Angel saying, “I’ve not been innocent in a long, long time, Angel. I think it might have been,” thumbing with her fingers to her lips, Buffy finished playfully, “Ah yes, the spring I turned seventeen. Now who was that guy I spent it with? I can’t seem to remember his name today…”

Angel went after Buffy, but she got away and ran toward the streets where she spotted a hot dog stand, quickly discovering she was hungry. Buying two, Buffy handed one to Angel saying, “Try this, Angel.”

Angel took a bite and felt he had tasted something wonderful. A white hotdog covered in ketchup and mustard with onions! He’d felt he was in paradise. Glancing at Buffy, he knew he was and at times he wondered when he would awaken from this magical dream and find himself alone, fangs in his mouth, a life of lonely darkness resuming. He shook his head and told himself those days were gone and he needed to forget that awful past. Too many painful memories existed in that realm that was his life for so long. A smile from Buffy and the former existence he had lived that had him nervous about this one vanished.

Then Angel surprised her, walking with her hand in hand in broad daylight to a clothing store. Not just any either, one of the frequented ones that cost as much as a mall’s shops did. And this was Angel walking Buffy into it, not the other way around!

He said, “I guess since I am a part of this world, I should dress differently. You seem to be up on the fashions.”

Buffy’s laugh came suddenly and she walked in front of Angel saying, “Did I just hear you relinquishing yourself into my shop-friendly hands?”
He saw the delight in her face, the way her eyes got large with excitement and he inwardly cringed a moment. He said, “Just don’t do a Cordelia on me, please. I don’t need the whole store.”

Buffy rolled her eyes then said, “I’m not as frivolous as Cordelia.” Then she thought of Cordelia and Angel working together for several months and said timidly, “I almost forgot that you did work with Cordelia, practically lived with her all this time…Cordelia is a pretty girl, full of fashion sense, perky even.”

Angel saw what was going on and pulling Buffy close to him, looked into her eyes and said, “She is also not my type. Not in a million years, Buffy.” Seeing he was serious, Buffy put her arm around his waist and said, “Good. I was thinking I’d have to go beat her up.” Seeing Angel’s surprise, she laughed and said, “Just kidding. No, I’d probably beat you up.”

Angel put his arm around her shoulders and together they went into the shop on Main Street. Debbie, the sales clerk smiled at them and said, “Can I help you?”

Buffy looked up at Angel and then Angel smiled at Debbie and said, “I need a miracle!” The redhead smiled and after taking a once-over of him she said, “I think I can direct you where you’re wanting, sir. Step this way, please.”

Buffy watched with happiness as Angel tried one outfit on after another. It was decided after thirty minutes at the store and another forty in a second one that Angel looked best in black. He always had as far as Buffy was concerned. But he also wore deep blues well so he had a selection of T-shirts in blue, with black jeans. Cringing, Angel took a total of fifteen outfits to the two stores and paid the price.

He felt better though for this was a new start and his outfits just gave an outward image of that fact. What he enjoyed most of all was seeing Buffy’s smile, hearing her laughter, spending his hours at her side.

In LA…

Cordelia had been watching Doyle since she met him. He was mysterious, way sexy, and different from any man she had ever known. Not to mention he spoke an accent that drew her to him every time a word or syllable came out of his mouth! Somehow though these descriptions didn’t tell all of what made Doyle so important to her. There was a time when that would have been enough for her to be attracted, but now, it was more.

Doyle seemed to somehow move into her heart and draw out her real self, the scared girl that was hiding beneath a frivolous cool shell. Whenever she was around him, Cordelia felt her stomach doing dances and her heart racing. Here lately, other things had started within her too, desires that she was having a hard time controlling.

They had become roommates, Cordelia and Doyle, a year ago. It saved on expenses and gave them both someone to talk to, to pick on, and to fantasize over. This was another Saturday night and Cordelia was home, as usual, fixing to watch TV. The guy she was dating for awhile turned out to be a jerk, so she dumped him. Since her discovery about her feelings toward Doyle, she chose not to venture out and date again. She just didn’t think there was anyone out there that she would care to date. Suddenly the only one who could still persuade her otherwise walked into the living room, dressed in denim shorts and a silver shirt, carrying a book on Aliens. Shaking her head over his choice of reading, Cordelia said, “Doyle you are hopelessly addicted.”

Doyle says, “I can’t help it. There’s something about that whole Roswell incident that don’t add up. I have to keep reading to find out why.”

Cordelia says, “But you’ve been reading it as long as I’ve known you. How many books are in our den on the subject? I mean come on, its all fiction anyway, Doyle.”

Doyle gave a face like how dare you and said simply. “How can you call the love between Max and Liz fiction? No one can bitch and moan like Maria, except of course…”

Cordelia said, “Hey! I don’t like where this is going, Doyle. Stick to your drama and leave me out of it!”

With that she stormed into the kitchen to grab a soda and the big grab bag of Ruffles Potato Chips. If she was going to watch movies, she was going to go all out. To Cordelia TV watching was not complete without the chips, cream cheese, and Pepsi.

Grabbing them all and walking into the living room, she looked at Doyle who sat with one leg bent at the knee on the chair, his eyes already engrossed in the latest Roswell High book. She replied, “Uh! You are obsessed, Doyle!”

Doyle says, “You’re just jealous of what you don’t understand. Unless you pick up one of these things you have no idea what you’re missing.”

Rolling her eyes, Cordelia grabbed the book and read out loud, “I have to agree with Adam,” Isabel said, “You guys know how I feel about clutter.” “No!” “You?” Maria asked. “Miss Anal USA?” Isabel rolled her eyes, but smiled, she pushed up the sleeves of her blue sweater, “So where can I start?”

She looked at Doyle and said, “Please Doyle! This cries of help. I know there are things we can do on a Saturday night in LA besides this.”

Doyle shook his head and said while she tried to hand back the book, “Wait! You’ve only read a piece of it. Anyone knows when you read something, you have to read enough of it to get to the good parts. Wait here a minute.”

Cordelia looked at Doyle with a worn out expression as she said, “No! Doyle tell me you’re not grabbing another of those things.”

But Doyle was already there and bringing it back continuing with the pride of a true Roswell fan, “Listen here,” he flipped through several pages and read on out loud, “Can I get rid of this now? My molecules are really missing your molecules.” Liz snatched up the pillow and tossed it over the back of the sofa. Max didn’t need an engraved invitation. He slid his hands along the curve of her waist. He loved the feel of her, could not get enough.

Doyle grinned broadly and said, “What do you think of that? Huh? This Melinda Metz knows what she’s talking about.”

Cordelia would not admit it to him, but when Doyle read those things, she pictured him saying them about her. Suddenly hearing the story didn’t sound so bad, so she plopped down on the couch and said, “Read on Alien Lover.”

Doyle replied, “Wait, let me get the first book.” Cordelia said, “Oh hey.” She was not about to tell him that she looked forward to hearing his deep voice declaring words of passion. Four hours later, they had completed the first three books! It was the best Science Fiction Cordelia had ever heard!

By then, Cordelia was a mass of hormones and ready for whatever Doyle might attempt. Doyle must have felt it too, for he dropped the book like a potato and abruptly took Cordelia into his arms, kissing her ravenously.

The stories themselves were not romance orientated, although there was a lot of it, but for some reason the passion that lay dormant in both Cordelia and Doyle surfaced reading the love scenes together.

Doyle and Cordelia broke apart in shock. Then, standing and trying to catch their breath, Doyle said, “What was that?”
Cordelia was still holding onto his shirt as she said, “I don’t know…” she turned away and tried to gather within her some answer as to how her secret could come out this way.

Then, Doyle turned her around and looking into her eyes said, “I know this, Cordelia. Whatever happened just now, well, I think it was meant. I’ve always liked you, always thought you were pretty special.”

Nodding, Cordelia said, “I did you too…but…” What did that mean? Was she supposed to forget that her place was here, as a receptionist? What about her job, her chance at making a life for herself? If she became romantically involved with Doyle what would Angel think? It was at this moment that she forgot all else. Angel was not her boss now. He was off in Sunnydale getting his with Buffy.

Something gnawed at her though. She turned and said, “There is one thing. For some reason when I think about us dating, I think about Buffy and Angel. Remember what I told you about how they made love and then he became bad?”

Nodding, Doyle said understandingly, “Yeah. That’s not going to happen, Cordelia.”

Cordelia asked helplessly, “How do you know that?”

Doyle ran a hand through his hair as he said, “He was a vampire, she’s a slayer.”

Nodding, Cordelia said, “Well we’re not.”

Doyle moved close to her, pulling her closer to him as he said, “No we’re not. So what do you want to do?”

Cordelia looked into his eyes, then asked herself inside what she wanted to do. If she wanted to go down a road that might lead to heartache if it didn’t work out. Then she glanced back at Doyle and knew her answer. Pulling him close she said, “I want to be with you, Doyle.”

Doyle kissed Cordelia and in the quietude of night, they made love for the very first time….

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 6:54 pm
by angelrose242000
A Rose in the Darkness

Part Four: The Engagement
Written by, Angelrose242000
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!

February, 2000—at Cordelia and Doyle’s Apartment….

Cordelia was adjusting to being a girlfriend again, not just to anyone, but to the man she loved, a man that was ten years older than she. He came from such a vastly different world than she did. Suddenly, as Cordelia sat on the crème colored couch and read from a Roswell book, she thought to herself how she understood finally how Buffy must have felt. Love didn’t always compute with reason, often it didn’t. Who would have thought that Cordelia Chase would have at the age of 19 wound up with a Watcher in LA? No one, she thought with a chuckle. No one. Thinking of this, Cordelia wished to talk with Buffy about it, to share it with someone, her love and happiness.

She picked up the phone to dial Buffy’s number. She abruptly hung it back up. We were never friends in school, barely acquaintances after that. I have no right to call and expect Buffy to listen to my life now, Cordelia thought wishing differently. During school, Cordelia knew she had snubbed off a great many people, mainly because she wanted to be liked by the popular girls. She’d put down people for not being part of her click, and one of those had been Buffy Summers, a girl she thought was crazy for ever falling for a vampire. Deep down Cordelia knew the real reason she stayed so aloof to so many people; it was because the ones she snubbed were those that knew her too well. They were those who could expose her vulnerable side, the side that said she wasn’t a cold hearted bitch, but a sensitive young woman that wanted to be liked so badly. She wanted to believe she was something special so much because she deep down questioned her own worth. Buffy, Willow, Giles and especially Xander could see this. Xander witnessed it most of all her senior year when things unraveled at home and things weren’t so pretty anymore. In a blink of an eye, her family moved from the house she grew up in to an apartment with next to nothing of the life they had lived before. Needless-to-say Cordelia was grateful for a chance to branch off in LA.

Now she had Doyle and he was everything to her. If he asked her, she would pack up her things and move to Taiwan with her today. She knew her heart was just that much his now.

Doyle was her first lover, the first she had ever let get intimate with her. She had feared intimacy secretly because it meant so much emotionally and she wasn’t sure she could ever share that much of herself with another. Doyle showed her that she could. She enjoyed exploring a new side of life, a side that had so many possibilities of a happy future. She never wanted it to end….

Back in Sunnydale…

Angel and Buffy had become closer than they were before. Going everywhere together, they formed a bond of trust, love and understanding. And they were inseparable. Joyce wondered when they were going to tie the knot because after only three months, the love and signals of forever were already visible in both their faces. She smiled, wishing she could not feel so sad seeing her little girl approaching a new stage in life where she wouldn’t be so much a part of her life. How did a mother ever really let go of her only child? Was it possible? Joyce wasn’t sure. But as she watched late nights of Angel bringing Buffy home, standing at the door kissing. Buffy rushing out the door at all times of the day or night to patrol with him, to go on dates with him, Joyce knew it was inevitable. Things were back as they were when Buffy was in school, only more intense now that she was an adult. Maybe that was the hardest thing to accept, Joyce wondered. Never before could she even think of Buffy as a grown woman, but at nineteen she surely was. Buffy had lived through so much and was all Joyce could ever hope for in a daughter.

So it didn’t surprise her much when Buffy came to her in June with Angel at her side and announced their engagement. Joyce said through tears, “That’s wonderful.” But where would they live?

Angel said, “Buffy and I have talked about moving into my old place, here in Sunnydale, if I can get it back.” He’d been staying at a motel.

Joyce said, “That would be fine, except for all the memories.”

Buffy and Angel looked at each other and Buffy said, “We thought of that, so we decided to move to LA.”

Joyce sputtered, “LA? But that is so far from home, Buffy. How will you patrol in LA and keep up with Sunnydale?”

Buffy said honestly, “Los Angeles is about an hour’s drive, mom. If something happens, Willow can alert me to it. She’s already told me she would. We plan to have an apartment here too, for times when we need to be here, or want to be here to visit family and friends. I’m not sure how Giles will think about it, but I’m guessing I’m in for some major words.”

Working hard to push back her own feelings of the loss of Buffy, Joyce said, “I imagine he might have something to say about it, until you explain your plans to be married. I’m so happy for the both of you, I know you’ve waited for this day for a long time, Buffy.” Walking to Angel, Joyce did something she never thought she’d do—she gave him a hug and welcomed him into the family.

Saturday, June 16, 2000
A Post Office Delivery in LA

The invitation came in the mail on a Saturday. Cordelia was out on a trip to the store and stopped by the post office to check the box. Opening it up, sure enough, it was a wedding invitation for Cordelia Chase and Doyle Davis. Shocked, Cordelia marveled it all the way into the apartment. What on earth?

Needing understanding and support of her alarming feelings, Cordelia called out Doyle’s name and he headed out of the bedroom, rubbing his face saying, “I was still asleep Cordelia. What’s the problem?”

Looking at her watch, Cordelia dismissed the fact that it was just past nine. Most people may sleep till noon on Saturdays but this was important! So she said, “You remember someone we know and love named Angel who happened to think he needed a furlough as he called it, in Sunnydale?”

Nodding, trying to get awake for the day, Doyle said, “Yeah. What about Angel? Did he send a letter?”

Cordelia said, “He did more than that, Doyle. He’s gone and gotten himself engaged…to Buffy! Look at this.” She handed over the invitation, he took it and after a second of looking it over said, “So?”

Placing her hands on her hips, Cordelia said, “So? Doyle! Angel has things to do, he can’t just go and get himself married. Do you see how if he does this our jobs are lost forever?”

Doyle shook his head, still trying to clear the cobwebs, and said, “What’s wrong if he does? You get another job, I get another job. It’s part of life, Cordie. Didn’t you say you didn’t want this job to gain tenure? Or something to that effect?”

Cordelia had said that and remembered it clearly. Running her hands through her hair forcing her feet in one place to keep from pacing, she said, “Yeah, I did…I guess I deserve it if Angel stays in Sunnydale. I told him I didn’t want this job forever because it had parts about it that sucked. And it does. But it was something I counted on, Doyle. Something we counted on for the rent around here.”

Doyle said, “So you get out there and start advertising your talents, you know, your acting that you say you enjoy so much. I’ll do the Want-Ad thing until I find something. It will work out.” He walked over to Cordelia seeing her distraught expression and pulling her to him, gained her attention as he kissed her meaningfully on the lips.

Kissing him back, Cordelia smiled and said, “Yeah. It’ll be great.” She welcomed his embracing arms as he picked her up and carried her off to bed….

Lying in bed hours later, Cordelia listened to Doyle’s breathing as her face lay comfortingly on his warm chest. He began to mumble, then speak audibly drawing her attention, “You know, I’ve been thinking, Cordie. If Angel sticks around in Sunnydale with Buffy, who’s to say we have to stick around? Why couldn’t we move there too?”

Thinking on this a moment, Cordelia said, “We could, I suppose…”

He caught her hesitance and said, “Don’t like the idea? What’s wrong with Sunnydale?”

Cordelia said, “Nothing…if you have never lived there before. Personally, I grew up in it and it wasn’t thrilling.” Besides her family lived there and the past was too painful to walk back into. Not on anything over a week’s visit, once every two or three years’.

Doyle shrugged and said, “Well we don’t have to move there. I like LA just fine.”

Cordelia said, “Me too. It is so much livelier here than it ever was in Sunnydale. I wouldn’t want to live there on a permanent basis, Doyle. It would drive me crazy.” She laughed then and caught his laughter before he climbed on top of her and kissing her said, “What was it we were discussing?”

Cordelia said, playing along, “I don’t know. Must not have been important.” He kissed her again, framing her face with his hands, and enjoying this new romance they had. Cordelia kissed him back, running her hands over his back, shoulders, and face. She was so much in love with Doyle that it wasn’t funny.

The wedding invitation wanted to seep back through to what was going on, but Cordelia didn’t want to discuss it. Not now. So she leaned forward, sliding her arms around his neck and kissed him fully on the lips. Catching on, Doyle acted on cue and they spent another couple of hours in the sack….

Buffy and Angel were having their own interlude in Angel’s hotel room. It was nice being able to lay around in the large expanse of bed and tangled sheets. With no cares, no worries about anything important, just the excitement and love that was shared between them at the moment.

Buffy sighed, “I am really beginning to like this room.”

Angel laughed and said, “I like it too.” He began to doze and Buffy continued to talk, “When we marry next month, will we be able to move into your place after?”
Angel kissed her and said, “I think we’ll want a honeymoon first, won’t we? I mean I always thought that was part of it.”

Looking up into his eyes, Buffy said with a smile, “Things don’t apply with slayers like they do everyday women, Angel. Who will patrol if I’m off in some other country with you—not that I don’t want to be gone with you? Don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing I’d love more than to hang around an island in a hotel room with the man I love in my underwear at all hours of the day. I just wonder who will fill in.”

Angel laughed and said, “We’ll talk to Giles about that part of it.” Pulling her closer against him, Angel finished, “As far as your underwear are concerned, don’t worry with bringing a lot of pairs.”

Daring him to tell her what she knew, Buffy said, “Really? And why is that?”

Angel replied freely, “Because when we go to our honeymoon, getting dressed will not be part of our day.”

Enjoying this, Buffy said, “How many weeks is it to then?”

She accepted Angel’s kiss and everything else he had to offer.

Two days later, Cordelia looked at Doyle in the kitchen over breakfast and said, “So what should we do, Doyle? Should we go to this wedding or space it?”

Doyle bit into his Corn Flakes and said, “What do you want to do, Cordelia?”

Cordelia let out a deep breath and sighing, replied, “I don’t know. Buffy and I were never close in school. But this is her wedding.”

Doyle nodded in between bites, saying nothing, wanting her to come to this herself. He was willing to go, but didn’t want to push her into it if she was against the idea. Doyle didn’t work that way.

Biting into her Capn Crunch, Cordelia said, “I guess we should go. For Angel since he has been here for us, protecting us against the bad guys for nearly a year. Before that, in Sunnydale with Buffy.”

Doyle said, “So we’re going?”

Nodding, Cordelia said, “I can’t see a way out of it, Doyle. I’ll call Buffy after while and let her know.”

Doyle drank his milk and said, “When you do, would you mind finding out how we are supposed to dress for this thing?”

Shaking her head, still in a daze over accepting the idea of going to Buffy Summers wedding, Cordelia nearly missed his way of wording that. She caught on and said with a grin, “You knew we were going all along, didn’t you, Doyle?”

Doyle put his bowl in the sink and turning to face her, grinned and said, “I wanted it to be your idea.”

Cordelia took hers to the sink and looking up at him said, “Oh it was.” Catching his grin as it widened, she blushed some and said, “Okay, maybe it wasn’t. Not entirely anyway.”

Doyle leaned down and kissing Cordelia replied, “It can be your notion if you want, sweetheart. I don’t mind. Meantime I have things to do to get ready for this thing since we’re going. Don’t forget to ask about how we’re to be dressed.”

Nodding, Cordelia said before he left the room, “I will. Doyle…” she chuckled, then laughed and saw him give her a funny look as he said, “What? What’s so funny? Does my hair look a mess?” He hadn’t bothered to brush it yet; it was just past eight. He ran a hand through it conscientiously now.

She said, “No. Your boxers…they’re on inside out and back-wards.”

Doyle said, “Yeah well late nights of loving don’t make me too alert come morning. Besides I don’t get alive till I’ve had two cups of coffee, you know that.”
Still, he grinned and pulling off his boxers in the kitchen fixed them and put them back on. Cordelia had to keep her emotions in check. She had things to do herself….

Meanwhile, in Sunnydale at Buffy’s Mom’s…

Buffy looked at her mom that afternoon, following hanging up with Cordelia and said, “She’s coming to the wedding. Cordelia is really coming.”

Joyce asked, “You didn’t think she would?”

Buffy gave her mom a long look that said she had sincerely doubted it. Joyce said, “People change after school, Buffy. The pressure is off then.”

Buffy asked, “You think so? I can’t imagine Cordelia Chase changing that drastically. She was a snake in school; no one could stand her. Not even the popular kids she liked to hang with liked her.”

Joyce stirred the cake batter in the bowl and said, “I don’t know. All I know is that when I graduated, some of the girls I couldn’t stand wound up becoming my best friends. You know Pamela Greene?”

Remembering her well, seeing as she had become like an aunt to her, Buffy said, “Sure.”

Joyce said, “We didn’t hang together in school. Pamela was a popular girl—cheerleader, the whole nine yards.” Then remembering how popular Buffy had once been she said, “Like you used to be before we moved here. Anyway, about five years out of school, we met in the grocery store and caught up on old times and soon became best friends. I made her an honorary aunt to my daughter, if that tells you anything.”

Buffy took this in saying, “Okay. So you think she will be a human being?”

Joyce said, “I think it is worth giving her a chance. Anyway, what can it hurt? If she acts snotty, it’s your wedding day so it won’t matter.”

Buffy said, “Well Angel should be happy about this. She’s bringing Doyle with her.”

At Joyce’s confused face, Buffy said, “Doyle is a friend of Angel’s, sort of like Giles has been to me, a Watcher.”

Joyce said, “I didn’t think vampires needed watchers.”

Buffy said, “Most don’t, but anyway, Angel is a warrior. He was trying to make amends to his past, so that is where Doyle came in. Now…I guess he is just coming as his friend.”

Joyce said with a kind smile, “That’s nice.”

Nodding, Buffy said, “Yeah, it is.” Suddenly Angel came back inside from his walk outside and Buffy said, “We got an interesting phone call, Angel.” She filled him in on the latest news. Angel’s only consolation to Buffy about Cordelia was, “She has it bad for Doyle. Maybe he will keep her occupied.”

Joyce couldn’t help the smile on her face over this description. Buffy however cringed saying, “She better not ruin our wedding day!”

The three planned all day looking through a magazine for last minute things to buy for next month’s wedding…

The following Monday, Buffy and Angel went to Giles’s house, after he was home from work, and knocking on the door, were welcomed in. Giles still looked the same, still wore those glasses and had his hair disheveled and unruly. Still cared about Buffy despite being a bit square.

Giles had accepted the Buffy/Angel thing a long time ago, before Angel ever went bad. So when he saw them back together several months ago, after his initial surprise over Angel being alive, he adjusted. He always had liked Angel. He still had scars from the high school experience, however it had not been Angel’s or Buffy’s fault and so he didn’t hold it against either of them. Part of life was taking risks and having to overcome them. And they had. Finally, after thinking it never to be possible, Angel was human now and a warrior and Giles couldn’t be happier for the two of them.

Neither had said a word to Giles about the wedding, however.

Buffy looked at Angel, then at Giles in the kitchen and said, “Giles…you sure have done a nice job organizing everything in here.” He was a neat freak, Buffy thought, but kept that to herself. She wanted to get on his good side.

Giles kicked off his shoes and turning on his computer said, “Uh-huh. Buffy you sound like you’re wanting to tell me something but not sure how to do it.”

Buffy looked at Angel when Giles was facing his computer, but did it too long, for Giles turned back in time to catch the concern in Buffy’s eyes.

He said, “Alright, what is it?” He hoped she wasn’t pregnant. They hadn’t investigated to see how pregnancy affected slayers yet. It hadn’t been necessary to. Somehow, though, seeing the two of them now, Giles felt it might be a possibility someday, so he mentally checked this on his to-do-list.

Buffy swallowed and said, “Giles, Angel and I…”

Angel filled in, “We’re getting married, Giles, next month.”

Giles said, “Oh never say you’re pregnant, Buffy. I haven’t done research on slayers who are carrying yet.”

Buffy said, “No, I’m not pregnant, Giles. But you are the third person who has asked me that since our engagement this month. I got asked from Willow and Xander.”

Angel said, “I half expected it from your mother.”

Buffy said, “Yeah, me too, after hearing Willow ask me!”

Giles said, “Hello. This is where you recognize me still being here.”

Buffy said, “Sorry.”

Angel said, “Sorry, Giles.”

Giles said, “It’s fine. If you aren’t pregnant, Buffy, then what’s going on? And please stop with the riddles.”
Buffy held Angel’s hand and said, “Giles we stopped by tell you about the wedding…and to ask about something else. If Angel and I go on a honeymoon…”

Angel said, “You mean when?”

Amending, feeling torn between her own fears of Giles’s remarks to this and her wishes to have a honeymoon with Angel, Buffy said, “Okay, Angel. When, when we go on our honeymoon, who will be the slayer?”

Giles thought on this and said, “We’ll call someone from the High Council to send a new girl here.”

Buffy said, “We quit them, remember?”

Letting out a sigh, Giles felt a headache coming on and while thinking of where his Alka-Seltzer was, he said, “Right. I guess we work at it ourselves, Buffy.”

Buffy paced saying, “Then we will have to post pone our honeymoon because I can’t leave it all in your lap. It isn’t fair to. You’d all be risking your lives.”

Angel couldn’t help but agree at this point, even if he didn’t like thinking of not sharing a week in Maui with Buffy—or wherever she wished to go. He didn’t care as long as it had a nice sized hotel suite and a pool. Oh and a fully furnished refrigerator with Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream in the freezer.

Now it may have to wait and that was the only way it could be. Oh well, Angle thought, they could always marry and move into LA and share a week in the city. He’d still have a fine choice of hotel suites and the ice cream would be handy too. Angel wasn’t hard to please.

Giles said, “We live our lives risking our lives, Buffy. But you cannot forfeit your honeymoon with Angel. I won’t allow it.”

Buffy changed her focus onto Giles and said, “You remember what happened the last time you tried to play Dictator Giles on me don’t you? I fired you.”

Giles said dryly, “Yeah, yeah. I’m still the one you come to in a crisis. So let’s not go there.”

Buffy said, “I’m kidding, Giles.”

Giles said, “Oh. Okay, well what do you suggest?”

Buffy looked at Angel and said, “I suggest we spend our honeymoon partly in Sunnydale and partly in LA. We can use my favorite hotel here and yours in LA. That way we can still patrol. Will that work, Angel?”

Angel wrapped his arms around Buffy casually as he said, “Hey, it works for me. As long as…”

Buffy said with a knowing smile, “I know. As long as they have a pool and chocolate fudge ice cream. I know.”

Angel laughed with Buffy and Giles and they spent the evening talking about what was coming up and what they needed for their apartments in Sunnydale and LA.

Part Five: A Chapel Wedding
Written by, Angelrose242000
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!

Thursday, July 8, 2000

Buffy and Angel were getting last minute things together for the wedding that was now only two days away. The house was in uproar over things arriving and decisions to be made that had been put off, such as whether or not Buffy would wear a garter or whether or not Angel would wear a tie or not.

Buffy’s comment had been “Mom, why would I wear a garter when I carry a steak in my hand at night to patrol?” Angel’s had been, “Ties are not my thing, haven’t been in years.”

In the end, though, Buffy chose a garter at her mother’s encouragement and Angel agreed to the tie for Buffy.

The church was booked and set up already in Buffy’s and Angel’s colors, silver and black. Cordelia and Doyle would be here tomorrow. Mom’s family was already at the house.

Buffy sat in her room that Thursday night brushing out her hair and realizing that in two days she would belong to Angel completely. Smiling she said to her reflection, “You’ve waited a long time for this, Buffy.”

Willow walked in and said, “Oh no. You know you’re in danger of being taken over by a wedding when you start talking to yourself.”

Buffy grinned at Willow, accepting her hug and said, “Hey! At least I’m not answering myself.”

Willow said, “If you were, I’d be calling the loony van to come get you. Just kidding! So what do you think? It’s been over two years, Buffy.”

Buffy let out a deeply satisfied breath and said, “I know. I am so happy, Will. I finally have Angel and we are finally going to walk down the aisle, something I dreamed about but never thought would happen. Now it is happening and I am ecstatic!”

Willow asked, “So when is Cordelia coming?” She drug out her name and was not at all hiding her distaste for the girl. Cordelia had been a thorn in Willow’s side all through high school. She dreaded seeing her again.

Smiling, Buffy said, “Tomorrow…but she’s bringing Doyle, Angel’s previous Watcher, so according to Angel maybe that means she won’t be a pest to us.”

Willow laughed and said, “Angel is so optimistic. Of course he never saw Cordelia in school, he didn’t know how she was at her worst.”

Buffy welcomed Cordelia and Doyle in the next day nervously, expecting Cordelia to lunge at her or throw something disgusting in her hair. Cordelia could be that tacky when she chose to be. Instead, Cordelia hugged her, yes hugged her, and told her congratulations! Buffy had to grab the wall to keep from falling over the impact of Cordelia showing kindness.

Doyle knew Buffy and said, “Hey girl. I had this feeling that you two would wind up tying the knot. Congratulations.” He hugged her and she hugged him back.

Angel walked into the room saying, “Hey, Doyle, Cordelia.” The last word was said somewhat dryly. Buffy glanced at Angel and grinned secretly. She whispered, “Be nice.”

Friday went by in a blur of friends and loved ones coming in for the wedding. By the end of the day, Giles, Xander, Willow, and the rest were there, and they were shooting the breeze in the living room. Buffy enjoyed the time spent but was glad to be alone with Angel that night, to talk about the wedding.

She slept in her own room that night, without Angel, and both regretted not having the other to lie beside them.

The day of the wedding, Buffy awoke happy. She flung the sheets and blankets off her body and put on her shorts and baby t-shirt. She hurried to the window, thankful to see the sun shining. Good! She thought. After the church wedding was over with, Angel and her were planning on the reception being held in the Summers’ back yard.

Suddenly, Buffy heard her mother calling her name and became sentimental. This was the last time she would hear her mother calling her down to breakfast. Tomorrow and all the days after she would be waking with Angel, calling him to breakfast. The idea made her smile, even as the tears filled her blue eyes over the adjustment of mom being here and she being in LA, ultimately. It was part of life, change. And mom would visit often in LA.

Willow and Joyce and Cordelia went with Buffy to the beauty shop to get their hair done. It took an hour, but when it was through, all three girls looked beautiful.

Buffy had chosen to keep the majority of her blonde hair down her back, drew the top portion back into a bun with her white veil connected. She’d chosen an eggshell white so it didn’t do havoc with her conscience. She was no innocent bride.

After putting on her dress and looking in the floor length mirror in her bedroom, Buffy smiled and looking in the glass met her mom and friends saying, “I love it.”

Joyce said, “You look wonderful, Buffy.”

Willow said, “You sure do.”

Cordelia started to cry, surprising them both and when they turned to her blubbering sounds she said, “What?! Can’t I be a little sappy on the day of a wedding?” She hoped she looked as lovely at her wedding. If she ever married. One thing she knew was that if she ever did, she wanted it to be with Doyle.

Time flew by and before any of them knew it, they were at the chapel. Buffy’s dad who she hadn’t seen in four years was there to walk her down the aisle. He told her how proud she made him. It still bothered her, knowing how things were between her mother and him sometimes, even though she knew it was best that they weren’t together, but she was thankful to have him there.

Then, as she looked up into Angel’s brown eyes, all else fled. Buffy walked arm in arm with her dad down the beautifully drawn out Church of Christ and accepted the tears that fell from her happiness.

Angel watched as Buffy walked toward him, knowing that this was what he had been waiting for all his life. To be with Buffy the rest of his days was all he could ever want. He watched as she walked in her white gown and thought of his own dream. Much like the dream the room was backdropped in silver and white and the sunshine beat into the room. Buffy looked like an angel walking toward him in her white gown with the silver flowers in her blonde hair.

Joining hands, the preacher asked, “Do you, Angel, take Buffy to be your lawfully wedded wife from now till forever?”

Angel looked into Buffy’s blue eyes and said from his heart, “I do.”

“Do you, Buffy take Angel to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

Buffy felt tears falling as she smiled into Angel’s eyes and said, “I do.”

Sounds of female crying could be heard across the pews. Namely from her mother and Willow but also from Cordelia, from several aunts and cousins.

The preacher asked, “Do you have the rings?”

Doyle came forward and handed Angel the rings. He gave one to Buffy and held the other.

At the preachers instruction, they pushed the wedding rings on the others fingers. Suddenly, he said, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Before all, Angel leaned down and kissed Buffy Summers, the girl he had met so long ago, had fallen for so strongly, and hard, was so grateful to have love him the rest of his life. Buffy leaned into Angel, holding his shoulders as she accepted his gift of forever and kissed him back through her tears….