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Re: Any Lamptrimmers?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:28 am
by Earth2Mama
KJ - I haven't watched a single epi since the show left the air. I refuse. They messed it up so much after that Destiny Epi.

Max and Isabel's mother's message - to come back and free their people after they had gained the necessary knowledge to combat the enemy? Come on! How the hell could it have gone from that to Tess' betrayal? UGH! Friggin' writers messed everything up! :cry:

Re: Any Lamptrimmers?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:51 pm
by Roswellian117
Ellie: I still think they're going to bring it back and right all the wrongs!!!!!!

Re: Any Lamptrimmers?

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:47 am
by killjoy
Roswellian117 wrote:Ellie: I still think they're going to bring it back and right all the wrongs!!!!!!
I wish but sadly never happen.Tv Big Wigs almost never come back to what they see as a 'failed' tv show.Yes there are a few exceptions to this rule but it normally takes many in decades.Such as Star Trek went off the air in the late 60's only for Star Trek The Next Generation to come out in 1987....also Battlestar Galatica the first one was in the mid 70's and took almost thirty years for this new remake to come out.

So if you're looking for a remake to Roswell.....wait for about twenty to thirty years to pass first :lol:

Re: Any Lamptrimmers?

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:13 am
by Earth2Mama
It'll never happen, but then again - I've learned to say Never Say Never.

Re: Any Lamptrimmers?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:01 pm
by killjoy
Here is a very funny K/T story....this one cracks me up :lol: :lol: Kyle and Tess are doing a class project where she gives him words and he has to tell her the first thing that comes to his mind when he hears the words.....this story is so K/T :lol: ... aning.html

Re: Any Lamptrimmers?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 11:59 pm
by Sundae
I'm a huge Kyle/Tess fan. My second favorite couple next to Michael and Maria.

And generally speaking, Tess is my favorite girl after Maria. Yeah, yeah, yeah she was evil...but I think there was a huge side to Tess we never got to see. I loved her character and personality type and love to use her in AU fics.

But even generally with cannon fics, I like Tess. And yes I hate her for Alex, and hate her for hurting Maria, and lets not mention the...dreamers, but I can't help but like her. I can write her character and make her so lovebale and have you fall in love with her and STILL in the end make her and EVIL MURDERING BITCH...and in the end I would find more pleasure in the fact that she was loveable at one point than cold murder in the end.

I just don't like the fact that there were so many assumptions made about her. Yes in the end, the act was done...she killed Alex. don't know what her life was like with season one, she mentioned more than once that Nasaedo was cold and heartless towards her, that she never knew what he truly looked like. I'm huge believer in nature vs. nurture. In the case of Tess, I think it was how she was brought up that lead her to being "evil." I don't think it was her nature. I mean take into account Michael's many AU fics are out there that portray Michael as growing up with the Evans...and him not having the same flaws as cannon Michael? Nature vs. Nurture.

Plus thinking back towards the deal made between Nasaedo/Kivar/Tess...I tend to find plot holes. From the way Brody described Tess and Max on Antar...he made is sound like they were truly 'smitten' towards each other. I can see Nasaedo making a deal with Kivar...but I find it fishy that Tess would be in on that, because Tess would have been...a mere fertilized egg in the pod along with the rest of the pod squad. And if Zan/Ava were truly in love, if Antar was really at war with Kivar, I doubt that Zan would have let Ava out of his sight. You hear about Vilandra's betrayal...but nothing about Ava other than she was the Queen. It would seem that Nasaedo made a deal with Kivar...and then passed that deal on to Tess through 'nurture.' Tess grew up with nothing but destiny, in a way she was abused and shut of from human life and it affected her...and she a hybrid. She is part human, to cut someone out of something that the very essence of their current existence...its completely cruel...and Nasaedo was all alien.

I'm not excusing Tess for what she did...yes in the end, she killed Alex...but is it ever really that simple? The fact that people can plead insanity in our country is proof enough that everything can't be so black and EVIL.

We don't what happened to her behind the scenes...we don't know her past, her life on Antar, her realtionship with Zan, we never even knew what the deal was exactly. The deal that was spoken of...was said out loud by Max's voice and he's a biased character in this. Tess never denied it nor did she confirm it. Yeah when she came back, she said that Khivar rejected the baby, but again is all intertwined with assumptions on everyone's part...its hard to figure out fact from fiction. IDK I think there was more to the story than what little we saw. Sure in the end, she's a murderer...but without knowing the back-plot of how, what, where, why, its hard to say. I mean we never even saw the parts of Tess using Alex...we saw a glimpes of it in a flash Kyle had...but don't you find that just a little bit fishy? She was a blank slate, we didn't know anything about was as though the writers deliberately kept her question that when the evil deed was done, it would be so easy to pin it on her and hate her...but then turn around and reveal what really happened...and you'd see that she wasn't really evil. It was as if they consciously anticipated a plot line with her and made her character a certain way...and there should be more in the background but they didn't have time, or they just wanted to quickly get rid of her. I think if season 4 had come, we would have found out a lot more than what we know about her.

Re: Any Lamptrimmers?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:33 pm
by Flamehair
well written Sundae

Re: Any Lamptrimmers?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:07 pm
by Chrisken
I just wanted to let you all know that I've posted the start of a new Kyle/Tess story here. It's a sequel to my Valentine's day story Inside track from two years ago, and focuses on some of the issues Kyle and Tess run into as they start dating - including the fact that they're both still living in the same place.

Re: Any Lamptrimmers?

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:36 pm
by killjoy
This is my favorite K/T story out of all of them.It starts out with them together and there is no mention of destiny or any of that other crap.This story is set from Kyle's mind set and show a lot of his thought process and is very great.Like I said my fav K/T story. ... CC-PG.html

Re: Any Lamptrimmers?

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:49 am
by secretk
Well, I am a hard core Dreamer, they are just my favorite couple in Roswell.
However, I don't hate Tess. They wanted to get rid of Alex, for the sake of the actor, and so they used Tess to accomplish it. The whole story was a bit rushed and not reasoned. This second part of season 2 was not the bast part of the show. There were many plot holes and the killing of Alex was one of them. Not that I did not hate her(for like some weeks :)), when I found out that she killed Alex, but that was back then when I was watching it. Now, years later, I prefer to not accept this season and to focus on the fanfics for the show, which are sometimes even better than the series.
I did not like her at first, but not because of her, just because she was kind of new - this alien that knows more than our main characters and just show up from nowhere. Due to my personality, I need time to start to like someone who is new. I just have my reservations when it comes to people in the real life/characters in TV series and fanfics.
Thanks to the interaction of Tess with Kyle, I was really starting to like her and I hate that this couple did not have any chances in the show.
Thanks to the fanfics, I can enjoy their couple.