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From Me To You (AU,M/L,Mature) Ch 19 - AN 12/26 [WIP]

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:14 am
by Jason's Lover
Title: From Me To You

Author: Jason's Lover

Rating: Mature

Disclaimer: Nothing used here is mine except the lovely creation of Nicole Alise Evans.

Category: M/L - No Aliens

Summary: Max and Liz became young parents and six years later they're raising their daughter Nicole in Roswell, New Mexico. They aren't married nor do they live together and they date other people. What happens when they realize how perfect they are for one another? This fic is in Max and Liz's point of view.

Credits to Ann(babylisou) for the amazing banners!

Chapter One ~ Liz

“Nicole, would you hurry up? You’re going to be late for school.” I yell, while making breakfast in the kitchen.

“I don’t want to go. I have to show the class my science project. They're going to laugh at me.” She replies a moment later. “Can I stay home mommy?”

“Nicole, we’ve gone over this already. You can’t stay home baby. Mommy’s gotta work today…you know that.” I reply, stooping down to her eye level.

“Well what about daddy?” She asks, a pout etched on her face. “Can I stay with him?”

“Nicole…,” I sigh. She never makes this easy. Especially when it’s seven in the morning.

“Daddy always say I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do.” She insists, grabbing my face in her tiny hands. “I don’t want to go to school…pleassseee mommy?”

“Sweetie, we don’t know what daddy’s doing today.” I tell her, brushing her hair back from her eyes. “You can’t stay home from school whenever you feel like it. I’m sorry, but you have to go.”

Dropping her hands from my face, she growls loudly and walks away from me with stomping steps.

Watching her retreat, I blow out a breathe with her reaction. She’s bound to hold that against me for the entire day. She may be six, but she hold grudges for ages. I haven’t got a clue where she gets it from.

If someone would’ve told me six years ago that I’d be a mother, I would’ve honestly thought they were insane.

I guess I should start from the beginning. When Max and I were eighteen years old.

He and I go way back. I’ve known him since the seventh grade, but we didn’t get exclusive with one another until our sophomore year in high school.

During the entire time we went out, no one knew about our relationship. We didn’t want to jinx it by telling everyone. So we kept it a secret for two years and everything was going perfect.

Until I discovered I was pregnant the day before prom. I didn’t want to tell him…maybe out of denial or fear. However, I did work up enough courage to inform him and he freaked out on me. He disappeared that night. I didn’t hear or see him for an entire week. I felt so totally abandoned.

Eventually he came to me on his own and explained his actions. I was beyond pissed, but I forgave him. He swore to me that he’d never do something like that again and I believed him. In fact, there’s rarely a promise he’s made to me from that point on that he hasn’t kept. He is a man of his word.

After that hellacious first week, it got even worse. We told our parents and to say that they were disappointed with us would be an understatement. They yelled and screamed and even threatened to kick us out. But in the end, thanks to their support and help, Max and I graduated on time and even got into a really good college together. By that time, I was atleast six months pregnant.

Max worked his ass off and went to school at the same time. We even managed to get an apartment together and be prepared for when the baby arrived. It wasn’t an easy time, but we survived.

I can’t honestly say that Max and I were in love back then. Granted, the relationship lasted for about four years, but it wasn’t ever to that extent. I guess it lasted for so long because we worked extremely hard on it and we just had an unwavering amount of respect for one another. It was always about taking care of one another and making sure we were satisfied with our lives.

By the time Nicole was born, we were making enough money to support ourselves and the baby. It was literally the most happiest day of our lives when she finally arrived. Days would come and go when I’d think to myself that life couldn’t be any more unfulfilling and then she just came into my life and changed me completely.

She changed the way I looked at the world and the things I wanted for myself and my own life. I wanted a family. I wanted to be married and live that happy perfect existence. As it turns out, Max didn’t want that at all. He was content with the casual way we were living. It was the source of many arguments between us and it just came to a point where I couldn’t do it anymore.

We broke up and I moved out on my own when Nicole was two. It was a hard time, but I knew that it had to be done. Max and I wanted two different things and I couldn’t stand to see him every day and face the reality that I’d never be able to live the way I wanted as long as he and I were together. It was a mutual break up…nothing nasty or insanely uncivilized. It was rather easy to say the least. He would come by whenever he wanted to see Nicole. I couldn’t ever deny him of that. I’d be a fool to not know how much he loves her. It’s as plain as day.

In truth, Max and I are friends. We have been for the past four years now and I can’t complain. He’s honest and trustworthy. We still have that respect for one another and know our boundaries. We even hang out on occasion when we aren’t too busy.

He’s even dating someone. As much as I thought that would hurt me, it doesn’t. I’ve dated and he knows about it. There’s no animosity between us and we just get along really well. Perhaps, we click even more now than we did when we were a couple. It sounds odd, but fortunately, this lifestyle works for us. I don’t know what’s in store for the future, but I like where we stand with one another at this point and time.

My quiet musing is interrupted by the ringing of the door, turning down the stove slightly so as not to burn the toast, I run to the door and pull it open.

Max stands there, his arms wide open. “There’s're not my baby. Where’s Nicole?”

“She's upstairs and pissed.” I reply, closing the door behind him. Why is he here so damn early?

“Pissed?” Max repeats, an eyebrow raised. “What for?”

“Because I told her she couldn’t stay home from school.”

“Why would you say a thing like that?” He asks, following me into the kitchen and taking a seat at the counter.

“Because it’s true.” I exclaim, turning a disbelieving stare at him. “She can’t always have her way. If you won’t be the disciplinarian then I will.”

“Maybe so, but you can’t just tell her no flat out.” He explains, sitting back. “A little compromise is all it takes.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Bribe her.” He says simply. “Promise her something in order to receive her cooperation to do the very thing that you want her to do that she doesn’t want to do. Trust me, it works all the time.”

“Max, I am not bribing my child.” I retort, turning back to the stove. “She does what I say and that's the end of it.”

“Well then, good luck with the frosty attitudes at seven in the morning.” He says smirking. “I‘m sure they’re lots of fun.”

“Why are you here so early?” I ask, ignoring his comment completely. “She doesn’t have to be at school until eight thirty.”

“God, you give some parental insight and it’s ignored.” He mock complains, rolling his eyes. “Well, if you must know, I’m absolutely starving. I knew you’d be up and just chipper this morning slaving away at the stove like usual. I came over to sample the labor of your hard work.”

“How sweet.” I reply sarcastically, while placing a plate in front of him and kissing his cheek.

“Hey,” He warns good naturedly, shrugging me off. “I still have to go home okay. I don’t want Candice seeing your lip balms all over my face. She‘ll freak.”

“Aww, is she that insecure?” I say grinning, wiping my lip gloss off his cheek. “Can’t you just tell her that I’m the mother of your child and I’ve seen you naked more times than she could count?”

He stops eating to smile widely at me. “Yeah, I’m sure that’ll go over real well.”

Laughing at his expression, I walk into the hall way to call Nicole down for her breakfast. Walking into the kitchen with her pout still intact, her face immediately brightens up when she spots Max at the counter.

“Daddy!” She shrieks, running over to him and pelting her tiny body in his arms.

“Hey baby. You ready for school this morning?” He asks, kissing her head and picking her up in his arms.

“No.” She mumbles. “I don’t want to go.”

“Why not?”

“Because I have to show the whole class my science project and they're going to laugh at me.” She says, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Baby I promise you, any laughing that happens to be directed at my girl today, I’ll personally come to your school and kick all those little kids butts for upsetting you.” He murmurs, lifting her head up so he could see her face. “Okay?”

“You promise?” She asks, biting her bottom lip.

“I double promise.” He replies, kissing her cheek. “But you gotta do something for daddy first?”

“Anything.” She exclaims loudly, a smile etched on her face.

Amazing. I carried her for nine months and endured the eighteen hour labor but he gets all the smiles and the kisses. How unfair is that?

“You can’t be mad at mommy.” He tells her, glancing at me over her head with a smile. “Can you do that for daddy?”

“I guess.” She says hesitantly, rolling her eyes. “I’m sorry mommy.”

“Apology accepted.” I return, with a small smile. “Now go eat before you leave. I know how much you hate the breakfast they give you at school.”

“I do.” She complains to Max. “It’s gross daddy.”

“I bet.” He smiles, placing her on the floor. “Do what mommy says okay?”

With a nod, she runs over to the table and climbs up on a seat to eat her breakfast.

Turning to Max, I see him watching me with a smug smile and I side step his advances.

“You know, telling you I told you so just doesn’t do any justice for me.” He says, his grin widening with each glare I send his way.

“Your right.” I retort. “Saying nothing would be even more preferable.”

“I’ll take that the way I know it was meant to be taken from that pretty little mouth of yours.” He quips.

“You do that.” I reply, putting my shoes on.

“Which reminds me…,” He says, grabbing his coat. “I’m taking Nicole to see my parents after school. We probably won’t be back until like around six.”

“That’s fine.” I say candidly. “What about dinner?”

“Liz, please, you know my parents.” He answers, putting his coat back on. “They’ll stuff her until she explodes.”

“All I ask is that she’s back in one peace.” I joke. “Tell them I said hello.”

“I will.” He promises. “Nicole, let’s go baby. Your education awaits.”

Running back out to the living room, she picks up her book bag and I bend down to kiss her cheek. “Don’t worry sweetie. Your science project is going to be a hit. Besides, mommy helped you make it. Everyone will love it.”

“I hope so.” She mumbles, giving me a tight hug. “Bye mommy. I love you.”

“I love you too baby.”

Taking Max’s hand in her own, I walk them to the front door to see them out. “Call me on your break. Maybe we could meet up for lunch or something.”

“Sounds good.” He replies, leaning in to kiss my cheek. “I’ll see you later.”


I stand there until he straps her in her seat belt and wave off one last time before driving away. Seeing them together always makes my heart melt. Not only does she has his every feature with the exception of the long brown hair, but she’s just as reserved as he is. It’s no wonder they have such a special connection.

Shutting the door, I sigh heavily and return to my task of getting ready for work.

Today is bound to be a long day.


Part 2

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:07 am
by Jason's Lover
Thanks for the amazing responses. I'm so glad you all like it. Now, to answer some questions....Micheal, Maria, Isabel, Alex, and Kyle are all in this fic. Micheal is Max's best friend and Isabel is his sister. Maria is Liz's cousin, and Alex and Kyle are Liz's good friends from college. Liz is an office assistant and Max is a construction worker. They do live in Roswell. Liz isn't dating anyone really. Just a few casual outings with Sean Deluca who is by the way, not related at all to Maria in this fic. I hope that answers everything. So, here's the next part....

Chapter Two ~ Max

“School was great grandma.” Nicole says with a giant grin, chomping down on a sandwich my mom just made her. “Everybody loved my project.”

“I knew they would baby.” I reply, patting her head gently.

“And no one laughed either.” She continues, taking a moment to swallow before talking again. “So don’t worry daddy, you don’t have to come to my class to beat up my friends.”

“Really?” My mom replies, a glare sent in my direction. “You told her that?”

“Yup.” Nicole answers for me. “He even double promised.”

“You don’t say?” She murmurs, her glare still in tact.

“I’d do anything for my little girl.” I defend sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. “Now don’t talk with your mouth full Nicole. In fact, let’s play that silent game I showed you the other day.”

“Don’t even try it.” My mom laughs out, pinching my arm. “They bless the wrong people with children.” She quips, rolling her eyes.

“I resent that.” I interject, rubbing my bruised arm.

“You would.” She retorts. “And how’s Liz by the way? I haven’t seen that girl in ages.”

“She’s fine.” I answer. “Working like a dog as usual. I swear, she never takes anytime out for herself. She did tell me to tell you hello though.”

“She’s such a sweet girl.” My mom croones, getting up the from the table to get Nicole another Capri sun. “You must bring her over Max.”

“I will.”

“I’m done.” Nicole announces, holding up her empty plate. “Can I go watch cartoons now?”

“Homework first.” I reply, watching a pout mar her features. God, she looks more and more like Liz everyday.

“But daddy…,” She whines. “We're not even home.”

“Exactly.” I exclaim. “If we were, that would’ve been the first thing your mom had you do. You get away with murder when you're with me.”

“Pleasssee…,” She begs, her eyes dilating with their golden flecks so resembling my own.

“Nicole…,” I sigh. “Fine. Go ahead. But when you get home, you tell mommy you fell asleep. Deal?”

“Deal.” She grins, kissing my cheek before skittering off to the living room.

“Real tough Max.” My mom comments with a smile, partially hidden behind her tea cup. “I almost believed you weren’t going to cave.”

“I’m a sucker, I know.” I exclaim, wearily. “But can you feed me now? I am your only son in the whole wide world.”

“Aww, of course I’ll feed my baby boy.” She smiles, ruffling my hair lightly when she gets up.

“Thanks.” I grin. “Where’s dad? I thought he’d be here.”

“Another one of his business trips.” She replies, busying herself with fixing me a plate. “You know your father. He never stays one place for too long.”

“I do know.” I reply, a little concerned. “But he’s getting older now. Shouldn’t he ease up on all the constant traveling?”

“I tell him that all the time.” My mom agrees. “But does he ever listen? That man’s head is made of steel.”

“I know what you mean. I’m always telling Liz to slow down too. It’s a losing battle though. She’ll fight me to death to prove that I’m wrong.”

“She’s independent to her very soul.” My mom induces, placing the plate in front of me. I smile my gratitude. “It’ll be hard to convince her of anything beneficial when she doesn’t see it that way. She has been on her own for four years now. It’s all she knows.”

“I’ve been there.” I deny, digging into my plate. “We might’ve separated, but I’ve always made sure that she and Nicole were taken cared of. I’d do the same thing now if she let me. She knows that.”

“Knowing something and actually understanding it is two different things Max.” My mom continues. “You did the understanding and she did the knowing. That’s why it boggles my mind as to why you two ever broke up in the first place. You’re perfect for each other.”

“Mom…,” I sigh. “Can we not go down this worn out road again?”

“What?” She exclaims innocently. “All I’m saying is that one day, that beautiful little child is going to wonder to herself, why her parents aren’t together. Are you prepared for that?”

“Liz and I have already discussed this.” I say, putting my fork down. “So far, she hasn’t asked us anything. And when the time comes, we’ll handle it like responsible parents.”

“You wouldn’t have to handle anything if you’d both wake up and see what’s right in front of you.” She includes, handing me a napkin.

“Mom, I love you dearly, but your crossing that line again.” I inform her as nicely as I could.

“Okay. Fine. I’ll relent for now. But you know I’m right.” She smiles warmly, patting my cheek gently. “Now hurry up and eat. I wanted you to fix that cabinet door for me.”

“I’m a construction worker, not a handy man.”

“Oh shut up. You’re a man. You should love doing that kind of stuff.”

“You're lucky you’re my mother.”

Four hours and six cabinets later, I’m strapping a sleeping Nicole in her seat belt when my cell rings. Closing the door as gently as I could so as to not wake her, I quickly hop in the driver’s seat and fish out the phone from my pocket.


Max, thank god you answered.” Liz murmurs, sounding distressed.

“What? What happened?” I ask, instantly on alarm. “Are you okay?”

Yeah, it’s just this stupid car died out on me again.” She explains. “A tow truck just came and took it away to some mechanic shop. And now I’m stuck here without a ride.

“Where are you?”

On Citrus and Attica…I think.” She replies uncertain. “I don’t know exactly. It’s about ten blocks from work.

“Stay there.” I tell her. “I’m coming to get you.”

Okay.” She says before I hang up the phone.

Fifteen minutes later, I spot her sitting on the sidewalk with her cheek resting on her fist. Honking the horn, she jumps up and runs to the car. Opening the door for her, she gets in the car and rests her head on the head rest.

“Long day?” I ask, driving away.

“You have no idea.” She replies tiredly before looking in the backseat at Nicole. “My baby’s sleeping. Did she do her homework?”

“Ah, sure.”

“Max…,” She warns.

“No, she didn’t.”

“Typical.” She retorts, pulling Nicole’s jacket tighter around her body before turning back around in her seat. “I’m surprised she looks both ways before crossing the street when she’s with you.”

“You didn’t see her face.” I exclaim weakly. “She’s too cute to not get her way.”

“That same cuteness is going to bite you in the ass when she gets older and boys start coming around.”

“Hey…,” I reply, taking my eyes off the road briefly to glance at her. “She isn’t dating until she’s twenty five. That’s like the only rule I’ll enforce.”

“Whatever.” She chuckles lightly, leaning back in her seat once again. “Thanks for picking me up Max. I really appreciate it.”

“It’s nothing.” I say in dismissal. “I was going home anyway.”

“But wasn’t tonight some type of outing with Candice? I remember you telling me something like that.”

“Shit!” I exclaim, my eyes opened wide. “That slipped my mind completely.”

“Why is she dating you again?” Liz asks, laughing at my predicament. “Expect no nookie for at least a week.”

“She may be upset, but not that upset.” I reply. “Besides who could hold out on me?”

“Oh please.” She snorts. “Don’t even go there.”

“It’s the truth.” I insist, turning a corner. “You sure as hell couldn’t.”

“Do you really want to take it there?” She asks, an eyebrow raised.

“Liz, we had sex like rabbits.” I continue, ignoring the challenge in her tone. “Don’t even lie.”

“Only because you couldn’t take no for an answer.” She retorts.

“You weren’t complaining though.”

“Shut up.”

“You’re the best I ever had to.” I reply smartly, grinning at the appalled expression on her face.

“Anyway…,” She says, deliberately trying to change the subject. “The tow truck guys gave me this number to call and ask when I should come by to pick up my car.” Handing me the card, I scan it quickly before giving it back to her. “Do you have any idea where this place is?”

“I think it’s across town.” I tell her. “Somewhere in Hondo.”

“Great.” She mutters. “How the hell am I gonna get there now?”

“I don’t even think you should bother picking it up.”

“What? I need my car Max. I can’t stay without a vehicle for too long. I’d go crazy.”

“You need a new car Liz.” I tell her persistently. “I told you that before. What happened tonight is an example of what I’ve been telling you all this time.”

“I don’t have the money for a new car Max.” She says in rebuttal. “And I’m not taking yours either.”

“I offered.” I exclaim. “You can’t possibly be this stubborn.”

“Max, we’ve been over this. You're not buying me a new car.” She says firmly.

“We‘ll see.” I reply, turning into her driveway. Shutting off the engine, I get out the car and open the back door. Unbuckling the seat belt, I gently pick Nicole up in my arms and cradle her head on my shoulder.

Walking to the front door, Liz goes in before me and I close it with the tip of my boot.

“I’m going to put her to bed.” I whisper, watching Liz turn on a lamp.

“Okay, I’ll be on the couch.” She whispers back.

Taking one step at a time, I reach Nicole’s room and place her down on the bed. Removing her clothes and shoes, I put on her pajamas and maneuver her under the covers without waking her. Kissing her forehead, I get up and walk to the door closing it in slightly.

Upon my arrival down stairs, Liz is fast asleep on the couch, with her shoes still on. Walking over to her, I stoop down to remove her pumps and place them on the carpet. Pulling the duvet across her body, I watch her sleep for a few minutes before kissing her hair lightly and making my way to the door. Shutting it as quietly as I could, I get in my car and head on home.

Tomorrow’s another day.


Part 3

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:57 am
by Jason's Lover
Chapter Three ~ Liz


There’s nothing like having an entire day to yourself to just lounge and be lazy. With Nicole at school, I’m totally taking advantage of the alone time. It’s my only day off this week, and I intend to enjoy it immensely.

Until the door bell starts ringing relentlessly. God, didn’t I turn the ringer off the phone? No one but Max knows that I’m home today. I should’ve known my comfort wouldn’t last.

Sighing heavily, I reluctantly stand up from the couch making my way to the door in unhurried steps. Glancing through the peep hole, I smile despite myself and open the door willingly.

“Well if it isn’t the only Deluca on this side of town…,” I greet loudly. “Finally decided to resurrect?”

“I never died.” Maria retorts, pulling me into a tight hug. “I could never abandon my favorite cousin.”

“Don’t let Lorraine hear you say that.” I admonish lightly, pulling away with a grin. “She swear she owns that title.”

Rolling her eyes, she walks in behind me and plops her form down on the sofa. “Girl please. The only thing Lorri owns is her eye color. Which by the way are green now.”

Chuckling heartily, I take in her light brown summer dress and tan skin. She’s definitely been keeping busy. “So you’re looking lovely as usual.”

“I try.” She replies, slipping off her sandals and folding her feet under her bottom. “Lord knows you’ve got to stay above the medium in this town. Otherwise all the men will forget.”

“I see aunt Amy’s philosophies has yet to wear off from her one and only offspring.” I quip, walking into the kitchen to get her something to drink. “Thank god there isn’t more of you doomed to the same mentality.”

“Real funny Liz.” She sings out, her head cocked to the side. “Remind me to laugh later if the joke is still remembered.”

Grinning widely, I return to the living room with a glass of lemonade. Taking the drink from my hand, she sips it and wrinkles her nose. “Still using the entire bag of sugar Lizzie?”

“Shut up.” I retort. “Nicole likes it that way.”

“And you wonder why the child is so hyper.”

“She is not.” I say in rebuttal. “My baby’s always calm.”

“And I’m Angelina Jolie.” She jokes. “Well, I don’t hear any high pitched screaming. Something tells me my little cuz isn’t here.”

“She’s at school.” I confirm, picking up a pair of Nicole’s dirty socks from the doorway. “And today’s my only day off from work. You just ruined my relaxation time.”

“I did not.” She cries out in mock offense. “And besides, your child free for the next five hours. Why the hell are you in the house?”

“My car’s busted.” I explain, straightening out the cushions. “It’s in the shop all the way over in Hondo. Max has been driving me everywhere for the past week now. It’s so frustrating.”

“How’s my precious baby by the way?” She asks sweetly, referring to Max. “I haven’t seen him since that fourth of July party almost two months ago. Boy, did he get drunk that night.”

Rolling my eyes, a small smile graces my lips at her blatant adoration for Max. She totally loves him. Of course in that non sexual, innocent type way. Max can do no wrong in Maria’s eyes. He can condemn us all to hell and she’d still worship the ground he walks on. The guy’s on a high pedestal big time. Saint Max is what she calls him.

“He’s fine.” I reply, pushing my hair behind my ears as I bend down to retrieve another pair of Nicole’s dirty socks. Did I not tell that girl to pick up her things yesterday afternoon?

“Yes, I know he’s fine.” She sighs dreamily, purposely twisting my words. “But I meant, how’s he been?”

“You are incorrigible.”

“I’m just messing with you.” She grins, playing with the ends of her hair. “But I’ve got to say, had you not been my dearest cousin and Max the father of your kid, I would’ve been all over that man like white on rice.”

Pausing in my task, I stare at her in amusement. “And what about Micheal? You practically lusted after him for months until I asked Max to hook you guys up so you could leave me the hell alone.”

“Micheal is…there.” She says nonchalantly. “He’s just not here---with me---like he’s supposed to be.”

“What do you mean?” I query. “I thought you guys were coming along nicely?”

“We were.” She replies, seemingly bothered by the topic. “Just the joys of his job squeezing it’s way through our relationship again. I swear, if he could marry the damn thing he would.”

“Now Maria, if he didn’t have a job, he couldn’t have bought you that lovely charm bracelet for your birthday last year that you just adore so much.” I remind her, watching her expression soften. “You know you have all the patience in the world with Micheal. You guys run hot and cold all the time but you never ever break up no matter how much you threaten each other that you will.”

“Can you like not remember every single thing I tell you just this once?” She asks, a grimace on her face. “The point is, Max is just like the perfect man.”

“No one’s perfect Maria.” I reply, glancing at her from the corner of my eye. “Especially Max Evans.”

“I’m sorry…,” She says, sitting up in the couch and placing her feet on the carpet. “But I refuse to believe that. He’s absolutely flawless.”

“You know, you could have him.” I quip, my eyebrows raised. “I could give you his work number if you really want it.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” She chides playfully. “Max is yours. The whole of Roswell knows that. You guys would too if you’d stop popping your daily dosages of denial pills.”

“Don’t start.” I warn lightly.

“Come on Liz.” She exclaims with a laugh. “You know I’m right. You and Max are meant to be that undying couple that you read about in one of Nicole’s bed time story books.”

“Now see, that’s where you’re wrong.” I correct her, dusting off the wooden tables. “Max and I haven’t been together in four years now. I think being stuck in a stage of denial has long ended.”

“Liz, you guys act like you’re together now anyway.” She retorts, rolling her eyes. “The only difference is that he lives where he does and you’re here.”

“Max and I are friends Maria. Nothing more.” I divulge. “Our lives are connected through our child and even if it weren’t, I’ve known him for more than half my life. He’s a great guy and I respect him. That’s where the line draws and that’s where it stays.”

“What a load of shit.” She snorts, sitting back in the cushions I just re fluffed. “It is only a matter of time.”

“Whatever.” I sigh, fluffing the cushions again.

“And God---” Maria exclaims, watching my restlessness. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Well, laziness is definitely out the window for today.” I explain, sweeping up the dirt in my dining room. “I might as well clean the place.”

“Not while I’m here.” She replies, standing up and slipping on her sandals. “We are going to the mall. So, brush the hair and take off that god awful sweat suit. It’s like a hundred degrees outside.”

“I have to be back by three to pick up Nicole.” I inform her, making my way up the stairs. “Or…maybe you could just give me a lift to the school.”

“Just hurry up.” She yells to my retreating form. “I’ve got money to spend.”


Four hours later, it’s a quarter after three and I’m running through Nicole’s school hall way to get to her classroom. Upon my entrance, I find an empty classroom and Mrs. Smith, her first grade teacher, watching me with a raised eyebrow.

“Ms. Parker, is something wrong?”

“I’m so sorry…,” I pant out in uneven breathes. “I lost track of time---the mall had outrageous lines---and then the stupid traffic.”

“It’s alright.” She soothes, offering me a seat.

Declining her offer, I look around to see Nicole no where in sight. “Where is she?”

“Her father already came and got her.” She explains. “Mr. Evans, no?”

I breathe out a sigh of relief. “Yes, that’s him.” I reply, running my fingers through my hair. “God, I apologize for this. It’s never happened before.”

“Don’t worry about.” She dismisses, smiling warmly. “Just remember that this Friday is the trip to the zoo and I need that permission slip signed and handed in by Thursday afternoon.”

“Of course.” I say, shaking her hand gently. “I’ll see you tomorrow Mrs. Smith.”

Walking back to the car, I fish out my cell and dial Max’s number. He answers it on the first ring as if he’s been waiting for my call.

Where the hell are you?” He barks out, his tone far from pleasant.

“I’m on my way.” I reply softly, getting inside the car and cursing my forgetfulness. “I know your pissed. I’ll explain when I get there.”

Make it quick.” He says curtly before hanging up. Staring at my phone in disbelief, I shut it off and throw it back in my purse. “That jackass.”

“What happened?” Maria asks, turning to me briefly.

“He hung up on me.”

“No way.” She says unbelievingly, clearly in one of her Max moments.

“Maria, now is not the time for your moment of bliss on cloud Max.” I warn her, re strapping my seat belt. “Just step on it so I can pick up my kid.”

“I don’t know how fast you think we’ll be going in a jetta, but I’ll try.”

Ten minutes later, we pull up in front of Max’s house. Before I could even ring the bell, the door flies open and he’s there watching me with steam coming out of his ears.

Not even bothering to address him, I walk inside and begin calling Nicole’s name.

“She’s upstairs in her room doing her homework.” He informs me, shutting the door forcefully.

“That’s a surprise.” I mumble underneath my breathe, gathering up her discarded belongings. He heard me none the less.

“Don’t even try it Liz.” He says angrily, his eyes darkening. “Where the hell were you that was so important that you forgot to pick her up?”

“I was with Maria at the mall.” I explain, meeting his eyes. “I lost track of time. That’s all.”

That’s all?” He asks incredulously. “That’s all you have to say? Do you even care that maybe I was busy doing something?”

“Like what?” I scoff in annoyance. “You can always reschedule your date with Candice.”

“Don’t you even dare think for one second that she, or anyone else for that matter could ever come before my daughter.” He growls, fire blazing in his gaze as he looks down at me. “She’ll always come first.”

“As she should.” I retort. “I didn’t make her by myself.”

“I was at work Liz.” He says, his ire decreasing. “I was at work when I got a call from her school that no one came to get her. That’s an hour drive away from here that I have to do all over again to return back to work.”

“Look, Max…,” I spin around to face him, my expression apologetic. “I screwed up. I admit that. I didn’t mean to ruin your day and I certainly didn’t plan on being late. It was a mistake and I’m sorry. Thank you for doing what you did. I appreciate it.”

“You don’t have to thank me Liz. She’s my daughter too. It’s not like I’m doing a chore.” He says in exasperation, watching me intently. “When are you going to see that?”

We stare at each other in silence before the honking of Maria’s car outside alerts me to the fact that she’s still out there.

“Nicole sweetie…,” I yell up the stairs. “Come on let’s go. Maria’s waiting in the car for us baby.”

She runs down the steps a moment later with her books in tow and a sad pout on her cute face. “Mommy, you didn’t come for me today.”

“I know baby.” I say quietly, kneeling down to brush a kiss across her forehead. “Mommy’s just an idiot sometimes. I’ll never do it again.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.” I croon, taking her books from her hands and putting them in her bag. “I bought you some goodies at the mall today. You wanna see?”

She nods excitedly as I tie her shoe laces. “When we go home I’ll show you okay?”


“Now go say bye to daddy.”

Running into his arms, he squeezes her tightly and kisses her hair. Hugging her one more time, she walks back to me and takes my hand in hers. “Let’s go.”

“Bye daddy.” Nicole calls out, following me out the door.

“Bye baby.” He replies, walking us out to the front lawn. “Later Liz.”

“Yeah, later.” I nod, stealing a glance at him briefly.

“Hi Max.” Maria squeals, yelling out her car window like a lunatic. He returns her greeting with a smile and a wave, but way less subtle than she obviously done it.

“Isn’t he so polite?” She asks, grinning like a fool as we drive away minutes later.

Yeah, he’s a real charmer alright.



Part 4

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:55 am
by Jason's Lover
Chapter Four ~ Max

“Where’s the ketchup?”

“In the cupboard.”

“You got any mustard?”

“In the refrigerator.”

“What about arsenic?”

“What?” I ask in irritation, my gaze whipping around to face him.

“Finally garnered your attention.” He replies, flopping down on the couch next to me and picking up the television remote. “I was going to say I was naked next. I figured you’d think twice about that.”

“Are you always this talkative?”

“Not normally.” He answers, taking a huge bite of his burger. “Just when my company absolutely sucks.”

“I’m sorry.” I apologize, rubbing my forehead. “I just…I’m not really in the best of moods right now.”

“So, Candice or Liz?” He asks nonchalantly, flipping the channel to a hockey game. “Or maybe both?”

“Liz has nothing to do with this.” I dismiss quickly, taking a swig of my Guinness.

“So it is Liz.” Micheal nods, a smirk on his face. “I knew it.”

“It’s not Liz.” I deny hotly. “It’s not about her.”

“Then who is it about?”

Sighing heavily, I blow a out a deep breathe. “It’s Liz.”

“What about her?” He asks, his attention divided between me and the game.

“I don’t think she trusts me.” I exclaim miserably. “I mean, I offer out my ass to do things for her and to be there when she needs me and she just refuses flat out. She doesn’t even think twice about doing it.”

“I don’t see the problem here.” Micheal replies distractedly, his eyes riveted to the screen.

“The problem is she’s too damn stubborn.”

“She always has been.” He says with a shrug, getting up from the couch to get another beer. “What difference does it make now?”

“How about our six year old daughter and the years upon years of our history together?” I retaliate, rubbing the side of my head at the dull ache in my temple. “Doesn’t that count for something?”

“You mean before or after you refused to marry her?”

“Do you not see the point I’m trying to make?” I ask heatedly, sitting up straighter in the couch. “And I didn’t refuse to marry her. I just wasn’t ready for it.”

“It’s the same thing Maxwell.” He chuckles, shaking his head. “And they say I’m the dense one.”

“I honestly don’t know if this headache is from consuming as much beers as I did or tolerating your presence for the past two hours.” I quip in annoyance, holding my head in between my hands.

“Alright look, why are we best friends?” He asks candidly, unaffected by my sour mood.

Lifting my head briefly, I glare at him. “It seems to have slipped my mind at the moment.”

Sipping his beer, he gives me the finger. “Because I always tell you the truth. No matter how crude or brash it may be, I’ll serve it to you on a silver platter. It’s no different now.”

“So what are you saying?” I inquiry wearily, my eyes shifting to look up at him.

“That you’re a dickhead.”

“Real poetic Micheal.” I retort, rolling my eyes.

“I’m sorry, but that’s the honest to god truth.” He replies with a shrug, taking a seat at the kitchen counter.

“How so?”

Swiveling the chair around to face me, he places the beer on the counter. “You’ve known this amazing girl basically your entire life. This rare commodity you’ve been blessed with that’s stuck by you through thick and thin. You grow up together, created a life as a couple, faced the big bad terrible world and all it’s had to offer as a unit, then when she asks for the one thing that every girl wants at some point in their lives, you turn her down. Now here you are, four years later, the jerk that’s realizing what he gave up and wants in again after she’s accepted her role without you in it.”

Staring at him in surprise, I blink slowly as my mouth works to form words. “Did not.” I blurt out pathetically.

“Like I said, you’re a dickhead.”

“Well what am I supposed to do?” I cry out in exasperation. “I could promise her New York and she still wouldn’t budge. She still won’t let me in.”

“Your promising her the wrong thing you moron.” He quips. “Tell her you love her.”

“I don’t---I can’t love Liz.” I say in defiance.

“You already do.”


“Deny it all you want, but deep down, you know I’m right Max.” He retorts. “You love that girl. It’s written all over your face.”

“Me and Liz would never work again.” I reply softly, getting up from the couch to discard of all the empty beer bottles laying around my carpet. “She and I together just defines complicated.”

“And what, you and Candice are a match made in heaven?”

“I didn’t say that.” I rebuke in earnest. “And of course not. Candice could never compare to the person Liz was and still is. It‘s just not possible.”

“Then why are we having this conversation?” He asks blankly.

Pausing in my task, I turn to face him with an unreadable expression. “I…I don’t know.”

Getting up from his seat, he walks over to me and claps me on the shoulder. “You’re worse off than I thought.”

“Tell me about it.” I mutter.

“Well, I’m leaving.” He announces, retrieving his car keys from the counter. “I think I’ve given you enough relationship advice to last a couple hours.”

“Where are you off to?”

“Didn’t you hear Maria’s in town?” He asks with a raised eyebrow. “I figured you being her main attraction and all, you’d know that.”

“Jealous?” I quip, grinning at his expression.

“Of you? Overstatement.” He retorts, making his way to the door. “I’ll check you later. Kiss the kid for me when you see her.”

“I will.” I call out. The closing of the door resounding through the entire house.

Finally, I’m alone. In my sanctuary of peace and quiet where my thoughts can be processed.

Okay, I’m bored. I need something to do. This silence is killing me.

I’ll call someone. But damn, Liz is at work. I don’t want to disturb her.

I know who’s available. She’s always unoccupied for me. I owe her this anyway.

Fishing out my cell, I dial her number quickly. She answers on the third ring. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” She drawls out flirtatiously.

“No pleasure yet.” I answer, just as flirtatious. “I wanted to see you.”

Really?” She asks in disbelief.

“Well yeah.” I reply. “Does that surprise you?”

Considering that you blew me off three times last week and barely called, I’d say you didn’t have anything better to do with yourself this lovely day and you’re feeling lonely.

“Are you reading my mind?” I ask in amusement.

I’m not smiling Max.” She sighs irritably. “You can’t keep doing this. It’s either you want me or you don’t.

“Look, I’m sorry Candice.” I apologize. “I just…I had a lot going on that week. Liz‘s car broke down and my daughter---”

Yeah Max, you told me. I've heard it all.

“I really am sorry.” I repeat earnestly. “Can we meet up somewhere? Please?”

Sure…,” She relents. “Meet me at Senor Chow’s in fifteen. I’ll be waiting.

“Okay.” Clicking off my cell, I grab my wallet from the table.

Wait a minute, did she say Senor Chow’s?


“So here I am, completely breaking out in hives, and she asks if I‘m still coming to her birthday bash at the Marriot. Is she retarded?” Candice rambles on, her face animated as she talks about…I can’t quite remember.

“Who is?” I ask uninterestedly, barely restraining from rolling my eyes.

“Susan Max.” She exclaims, her eyes bulging in annoyance. “Keep up.”

“Sorry.” I mumble in mock apology. She doesn’t seem to notice as she continues with her story.

My attention has long since shifted. I can’t help but think about the significance this place holds. Right over in the next booth across from us, Liz and I had our first kiss back in the tenth grade. It was the best night of my entire sixteen year old life at that time. I remember it so vividly like it was yesterday.

Candice calling out my name breaks me out of my reverie. “Max, what is wrong with you today? You’re acting all weird.”

Shaking my head, I rub the back of my neck to lessen the tension. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” She persists. “You’re never this quiet. Maybe you’re coming down with a cold or something. I heard that around this time---”

“You want to get out of here?” I interrupt, already standing up from my seat. It feels really wrong being here with her all of a sudden. “I…I want to leave.”

“But I haven’t even finished telling you my story.” She sputters out, looking up at me in bewilderment.

“Tell me later.” I dismiss, leaving money out on the table to cover our lunch.

“Okay.” She murmurs, standing up from the booth. “Where else did you have in mind?”

Just as I open my mouth to respond, my cell starts ringing and I gladly welcome the distraction. Glancing at the caller id, Liz’s name flashes and I flip it open immediately.

“What’s up?”

I’m at the doctor with Nicole.” Liz says, her voice sounding strained.

“What happened?” I ask, alarm setting in instantaneously. “Is she okay?”

She’s fine.” Liz reassures me. “It’s just a monthly check up. I got off work early so I figured I’d take her.

“You sound tired.” I observe, concern etched in my tone. “What’s going on?”

Doctor Young has to take a blood sample but she won’t let him get anywhere near her with the needle.” She explains, sighing heavily. “She’s freaking out and I can’t calm her down.

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I reply, noticing from the corner of my eye Candice trying to listen to my conversation. I move off to the side for more privacy.

Thank you.” She breathes, clearly relieved. “I’m so sorry if you were busy and I interrupted you. I just didn’t know what else to do.

“Liz…,” I say soothingly. “What did I tell you about that? It’s my responsibility just as much as it is yours. I’m her father. I’ll be there.”

We’re in the waiting room.” She replies quietly.

“I’m on my way.” Turning the cell off, I shove it in my back pocket and turn back around to see Candice glaring at me with a scowl on her face.

“Candice---” I begin.

“Don’t even bother.” She grates out. “And incase you forgot, you were the one that called me this afternoon.”

“It was unexpected.” I exclaim in explanation. “What do you want me to do?”

“Nothing Max.” She says angrily. “It’s what you’re good at.”

She storms out of the restaurant without a backward glance. I guess that’s over. No time to dwell on that.

It doesn’t take me long to get to the pediatric center. I know the route like the back of my hand. It’s the same place Liz and I used to take her since she was a baby.

Upon my entrance, I see a fussy Nicole sniffling on Liz’s lap in the far corner. She has her head cradled in her neck while Liz strokes her back in soft circles.

Walking over to them in quick strides, Liz looks up to see me approaching. “Hey.” She whispers.

“Hey. Is she alright?” I ask, kneeling down to see her face.

“Yeah.” She sighs, attempting to sit up in a more comfortable position when Nicole’s whimpering stops her movement. “She eventually got the shot. After I called you, she didn’t make quite a scene like before.”

“Is that right?” I ask, gently removing her tiny body from Liz’s arms and depositing her into mine. “You was a big girl for daddy?”

She nods her head against my chest. “Are you hungry?” Another nod ensues. “You want some McDonalds?”

“Yes.” She murmurs tearily. “I want the happy meal so I could get the toy.”

“Okay baby.” I croone, kissing her head. “Whatever you want.”

Picking up Nicole’s jacket and book bag from the opposite seat, Liz runs her fingers through her hair and yawns lightly. “I have to go to the front desk to schedule another appointment for the blood results.”

“Okay.” I nod, noting the fatigue on her face. She’s gone all but five minutes before we’re all loaded into the car.

“Drive through or we’re going in?” I ask, turning in my seat to regard both Liz and Nicole.

“Drive through.” They mumble, half asleep.

Smiling at the sight they unknowingly present, I make a left inside the McDonalds parking lot.

Watching them sleep for a few minutes before I order their meals, is the most peaceful moment I’ve endured all day.

Everything’s not so complicated anymore.



Part 5

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:53 pm
by Jason's Lover
Chapter 5 ~ Liz

“No, Mr. Hines, I understand. Really, I do, but I need today off.” I plead to my supervisor over the phone.

“Mommy, are we there yet?” Nicole asks in the back seat with a yawn.

“No baby. In a little while.” I reply quickly, returning to my conversation.

“Yes, but this is the only time I have available this week.” I exclaim, irritation setting in. I’ve been to work everyday for the past week, even managed to throw in a little overtime, but I can’t get one friggin day off?

“No, it’s not an emergency.” I reply, my eyes rolling. “It’s a personal matter. No, I can’t tell you!”

“Mommy, is daddy taking us to the amusement park in the jeep?”

“I don’t know sweetie. He might.” I tell her, returning the cell to my ear. “Mr. Hines, with the utmost respect, you’re being very unfair.”

He has the nerve to ask me how?

“I am the best worker you have.” I quip, turning down a highway. “All I ask is for one day. Don’t you think I deserve it?”

“Mommy, can I---”

“Nicole…,” I cry out in exasperation. “I am on the phone.”

“Sorry.” She mumbles, looking chagrined.

“Look, I’ll be in tomorrow.” I reason, sighing heavily. “What? More overtime? Mr. Hines, fine. Yes, I’ll do it. Bye.”

“Prick.” I mutter, throwing the phone in the passenger seat.

“What’s a prick?” Nicole asks, her eyebrows furrowing.

“A city.” I tell her, mentally cursing myself for using that type of language around her. “I don’t want to hear you saying it either.”

She nods her head, a frown marring her face. Could I be a more terrible mother?

“I’m sorry baby.” I apologize, looking at her from the mirror. “I didn’t mean to yell at you. Mommy’s just having a bad day.”

After waking up insanely early this morning, I still managed to make Nicole late for school. Then afterwards, I took a cab all the way over in Hondo to pick up my car, only to find out that they weren’t quite finished with the repairs. So there I was, waiting all day in the steaming desert for them to finish up, when three o’ clock rolls around and I have to pick Nicole up from school. My car is finally ready and I get there in half an hour, to then remember that I haven’t even called my job to let them know that I won’t be coming in today. It’s been an extremely stressful day to say the least.

“Is there anything I could help with?” She asks, her eyes lighting up in hopeful innocence.

“Just seeing your beautiful face is enough.” I smile, watching her giggle at my words.

“Maybe daddy could help.” She suggests, looking pensive. “Daddy always know what to do.”

My smile dimming, I turn down the street to his house. “I don‘t know about that.” I reply softly. “Daddy’s a mystery.”

“Like those things they solve in Scooby Doo?” Nicole queries.

“Exactly like that.” I nod, parking the car in his driveway. “Only thing is, I can’t solve him.”

“Everything can be solved.” She disagrees, unbuckling her seatbelt. “You just have to be good at it.”

Turning around in my seat to look at her, I plant a smacking kiss on her cheek. Her laugher never fails to lighten my spirits.

“When did you learn so much about mysteries huh?” I tease, wiping my lipstick off her face.

“Duh mommy, from watching Scooby Doo.” She answers, giving me a blank look.

“I see.” I nod, smiling at her serious expression. “I guess mommy needs to watch that cartoon some time. Then I’ll be just as smart as you.”

“Well, not as smart as me, but you can try.” She laughs, squealing all the way to Max’s front door as I chase after her.


“Daddy, can I please go in the bumper cars?” Nicole asks, her eyes big and pleading. There’s no way he’ll tell her no.

“Go ahead.” He replies, handing her a few tickets. She runs off without a backward glance.

“Be careful.” I call out.

“It’s bumper cars Liz. What’s to be careful about?”

“Plenty.” I retort, sitting down on a bench as I watch Nicole get in her car. “You never know what could happen.”

“And if nothing does?” He asks, an eyebrow raised.

“There’s no harm in being cautious.”

He nods his head and then takes a seat beside me. “You are really in a bad mood today.” He observes, noting my stony expression. “What’s wrong?”

I run my fingers through my hair and sigh heavily. “It’s nothing.” I reply, shaking my head in dismissal. “It’s just this stupid job.”

“What about it?” He queries.

“I think I want to quit.” I confess, turning my head to gauge his reaction.

“Why?” He asks, concern visible in his gaze.

“Because it’s taking up too much of my time.” I explain. “It’s demanding and tiring. I barely see my own kid during the week. I mean, what job is worth that?”

He stares ahead before turning to face me. “What about money Liz? What about your finances?”

“I’ll find something else.” I reply determinedly. “It’s not like I planned on being an office assistant for the rest of my life. I always wanted to be a doctor. Maybe it’s time I pursued that. It may take a while, and granted, I know the stakes are high, but I want to take the chance. I think I should.”

Max doesn’t say a word. I guess he disagrees.

“You think I’m an idiot.” I surmise, turning my gaze away from him.

“I think you do too much.” He corrects, his tone reprimanding.


“It’s true Liz.” He insists, turning to me. “I keep telling you that I’m here, but I don’t think you listen to anything I say at all.”

“What does that have to do with me wanting to quit my job?”

“It has everything to do with it Liz.” He exclaims. “By all means, do what you want with your life. I could never judge you for wanting to make a dream a reality. I’d support you all the way. But it takes time and dedication. It won’t happen overnight.”

“I know that.” I retort, rubbing my forehead absentmindedly. “I’ve thought a lot about it. I’m not walking into this with my eyes closed.”

“I never said you were.” He replies evenly. “All I’m saying is that while you’re off doing that, you shouldn’t have to worry about anything else. Not about Nicole, not about how you’re going to get by from day to day. I could---”

“No Max.” I interrupt him, already knowing where he’s going with this. “I told you before and I’ll tell you again, I won’t take your money. All you have to do is support Nicole. I can take care of myself. It’s not like I’m completely broke. I have some money in the bank.”

“But for how long?” He counters, his gaze intense. “What happens then?”

“I’ll think of something else.”

He snorts and looks away. “This is ridiculous.” He mutters.

You would think so.” I retaliate, my eyes wandering over to Nicole as she stands in line for the bumper cars a third time. “It’s not to me.”

“What are you trying to prove Liz?” He queries softly. “That you could make it without me?”

“I have been making it without you.” I retort, my tone defensive. “That’s not even an issue.”

He stares at me hard before shaking his head and lighting up a cigarette. “Forget that I said anything.”

“Fine by me.”

We sit in silence before Nicole comes running back over to us. Panting heavily, she sits down on the bench between us and sighs. “That was so much fun.”

“I can tell.” I smile, handing her a juice. “You’re all sweaty too.”

“It’ll dry.” She shrugs, poking the straw into the juice packet. She could never do it without making a mess.

“Here, let me do it baby.” Max offers, putting out his cigarette on the ground. Taking the juice from her hands, he holds it over his lap and pokes the straw in the hole. As expected, he takes a sip before giving it to her. He always does that.

“Daddy, you drank half of it.” Nicole whines, shaking the packet.

“I did not.” He rebukes. “I only took a sip.”

“That was a big sip.” She mumbles, finishing it off. Throwing it in the trash can, she claps her hands together and smiles. “So, who wants to come in the haunted mansion with me?”

This child is absolutely fearless. Nothing scares her. She’s been going in the haunted mansion since she was two years old and hasn’t grown out of it yet. I had my doubts about sending my baby in there, but when she came back out five minutes later without so much of a tear in her eye, I was truly amazed.

“You already know I’m not going in there.” I quip. “I can’t stand those stupid little ghouls popping out everywhere. It’s the most boring thing to do.”

“You’re no fun mommy.” She laughs, tugging on Max’s hand. “I guess daddy is going to have to come with me.”

He sighs and stands up with her persistence. “If I have to…” He shrugs, feigning defeat. We both know that he enjoys the ride as much as she does. “Let’s go.”

“Yay.” She squeals, dragging him off immediately. “We have to get at the front of the line daddy. Or else we have to skip.”

“No skipping.” He warns lightly. “We only do that with Micheal.”

“Oh yeah.” She smiles. “I forgot.”

I smile at their exchange. It’s cute to witness.

With the few minutes I’m spared to myself, I lean my head back on the bench and close my eyes. The sun is setting and a light breeze blows across my face. The sound of children and happy laughter all around me is oddly comforting. I think I could almost fall asleep right here.

“I think they’re rules against sleeping in public places in New Mexico.”

I hear the voice before the shadow passes over my form. Snapping my eyes open, I sit up quickly.

“Hey Parker.” Sean drawls, sitting down beside me. “Long time no see. Where you been hiding out?”

Sean Gellar. I haven’t seen him in months now. We’ve gone out a couple times. A few casual dates. Nothing too serious like he wanted it to be. It’s the sole reason we had to stop dating in the first place. He wanted something I couldn’t give. I still don’t think I could.

“I’ve been around.” I reply, looking down. “What brings you here?”

He watches me intently before a smile breaks over his face. “My nephew’s in town from Maine. He got tired of the snow. So he’s visiting for a couple days. Thought I’d take him to the park before he went back.”

“That’s sweet of you.” I smile, trying my best to evade his piercing gaze. He’s burning a hole through me.

“Are you here alone?” He queries, an eyebrow raised in question.

“And if I was?” I counter, my hands crossed on top of my chest.

“I’d ask you on a date.” He says boldly, his blue eyes sparkling. “But something tells me that dora the explorer backpack doesn’t belong to you.”

I chuckle at his observation. “Max and Nicole are in the haunted mansion.” I tell him, nodding over to the venue.

“So you’re here with Max.” He states. “I didn’t know you guys were back together.”

“We aren’t.” I correct him, catching sight of Max and Nicole coming out the mansion. “We’re just hanging out.”

“I see that.” He smiles. Why the heck is he always smiling?

“Well, I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of this fabulous day.” He says, standing up. “It was nice seeing you Liz.”

“Same here.”

He watches me for a moment before pulling something out of his front pocket and handing it to me.

“What’s this?” I ask, taking the card from his fingers.

“Incase you want to hang out again.” He winks, sauntering off to a little blond headed boy calling his name.

Looking down at the card in my hand, I see Sean’s cell number in bold lettering. He always was persistent.

“What’s that?” Max asks, his unexpected question throwing me off momentarily.

“This? Oh, it’s…it’s nothing.” I shrug, standing up from the bench. “Just a number.”


“Yeah, I ran into Sean a few minutes ago.” I explain, calling Nicole over from the water fountain.

“Oh.” He says quietly, his mouth formed into a thin line.

“Yeah.” I murmur, noticing the darkening of his eyes. What’s that about?

“So, where are we off to next?” Nicole asks, looking up at us both.

“How about the roller coasters?” I suggest, taking her hand in mine.

“Cool.” She shrieks, running ahead of me.

I could be wrong, but I swear I felt Max’s eyes on me the entire time.

It must be my imagination.



Part 6

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 9:25 am
by Jason's Lover
Chapter Six ~ Max

“Aunt Isabel.” Nicole squeals in the crowded airport, letting go of my hand to run into her welcoming arms.

“Hey sweetie.” She smiles, dropping all of her belongings to lift her up. “You’re getting so big.”

“It’s the vegetables.” She tells her, glancing at me briefly before continuing. “Daddy and mommy are always forcing me to eat them. I guess they work.”

“I guess they do.” Isabel chuckles, kissing her cheek.

“You know, you also haven‘t seen me in three months as well.” I speak up, scratching my chin.

“Shut up.” She grins, grabbing me in a tight hug with Nicole in her other hand. “I missed you guys so much.”

“Ditto.” I reply affectionately, returning her embrace.

After Isabel went off to college earlier this year, it has been quite lonely without her. Even though I’m five years her senior, she and I have always been close. For some reason, we didn’t have one of those relationships where I was the older brother who bullied my sibling and tortured her to no end. We talked and shared secrets. She always knew things about me that no else did. I was the butt of many jokes amongst my friends during those years.

“I can’t wait to see Mom and dad.” She says excitedly, picking up her luggage from the floor.

“They can’t wait to see you either.” I inform her, taking Nicole from her arms. “It’s all they talked about for the whole week.”

“I can imagine.”

“So how long are you staying?” I ask, taking the luggage from her hands and giving her Nicole instead.

“Ah, just for the week.” She answers glumly. “I wish I could stay longer, but I’ve got midterms.”

“Don’t you just love college?” I tease, earning a glare from her. “So glad those days are over for me.”

“I bet.” She replies, following me out the airport to my car. “Where’s Micheal? I thought that bastard was going to come with you.”

“He was.” I confirmed, loading her things into the trunk. “But he got held up at work. He said he’d stop by the house later. However, he did tell me to give you a message though.”

“Oh?” She queries, an eyebrow raised.

“Yeah, he said you’re still a snot nose brat and he‘ll always make better chocolate chip cookies then you.” I tell her, trying to think if I left anything out. “Yep, that’s pretty much all he said.”

“We’ll see about that.” She snorts, her eyes twinkling in mirth. Strapping Nicole in her seat belt, I close the door and hop in the driver’s seat.

“How’s Liz?” She asks, winding down the window. “Damn, I think I forgot how hot it gets here.”

“She’s fine.” I reply, flipping on the air conditioner.

“You two still playing hard to get?” She queries, a smirk on her face. The forbidden question that everyone always seem to ask. Can’t I catch a break?

“I’m guessing that lengthy pause means yes.” Isabel laughs. “You know I had to ask Max.”

I roll my eyes. “Apparently.”

“I’m also assuming I’ll hear all about it later, right?”

“Do I really have a choice?” I counter, turning the exit onto the highway.

“Not really.” She answers, tilting her head in thought. “But it was fun making you think that you did.”

“How I missed your sense of humor.” I quip sarcastically. “Anything else you want to rib me with that I should be prepared for?”

“Nah, I’ll save the rest for when we get home.”


“Are you serious?”

“Dead serious.”

“Her batch actually tastes better than mine?” Micheal asks appalled.

“Yes Micheal, they do.” I answer him, gulping down a cup of milk.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Face it Micheal.” Isabel says with a victorious smile. “I make better cookies than you. Yours always sucked.”

“I wouldn’t say suck,” I amend, picking the chocolate from my gums. “They’re good. I mean, they stick to your teeth like glue, but it‘s tasty.”

“You’re just saying that cause Isabel’s here.” He frowns, snatching the cookie from my hand before I could bite it. “If it’s that’s bad, then don’t eat it.”

“Are you going to be a dick about this for the rest of the day?” I ask in annoyance, taking one from Isabel’s batch instead.

“Most likely.” She murmurs, disappearing into the kitchen.

“What is it about hers that tastes better?” He wonders, his gaze examining her batch carefully. “Did she add more chocolate? Bake them longer? What?”

“You are not asking me this.” I mumble, shaking my head in disbelief.

“I really want to know.” He shrugs.

“That’s what scares me.” I reply, giving him a weird look. “Get over it. We can’t win them all.”

“And another batch is done.” Isabel gloats, carrying a pan of cookies to the table. “Who wants more?”

“You guys are trying to get me fat.” I groan, shamelessly digging into the pan.

“Be sure to leave some for Nicole.” Isabel reminds us. “She’s helping mom water the plants in the backyard.”

“You won’t have to worry about that.” Micheal says pointedly, looking up at her. “I don’t dabble in the enemy’s glory.”

“You are such a woman.” She chuckles, tying her blonde tresses in a ponytail. “Speaking of women, how’s Maria doing?”

“The same as ever.” He answers on a sigh. “Nothing too much to tell.”

“What did she do to piss you off now?” I ask knowingly. “Taped over your hockey games again?”

“I remember that.” Isabel says with a snort. “He didn’t talk to her for days.”

“And she learned her lesson.” He quips matter of factly. “But it’s nothing to that nature.”

“Then what is it?”

“She’s giving me grief about my job again.” He confesses, sitting forward. “I mean, I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s either I ignore my duties and get lesser pay, or I quit my job and have her kick my ass when I don’t get her a birthday present. I’m screwed however you look at it.”

“Can’t you lessen your hours?” Isabel suggests. “You have been working at Meta-Chem for a while now. I’m sure your supervisors could work something out.”

“I’m a friggin security guard Isabel.” He answers. “I ask for less hours, I’ll be spending them sitting on my ass at home.”

“So what are you gonna do?” I ask, noting the indecision on his face.

“I don’t know.” He says quietly.

“Well, you have to do something.” Isabel insists, her tone persistent. “You can’t let something as simple as this come between you two Micheal.”

“Simple my ass.” He says in rebuttal. “It’s not your head she bites off every damn night.”

“So what,” She shrugs, rolling her eyes. “Fix it. Do what you can. Just don’t pull a Max and deny yourself of the only thing worth having.”

“Okay, where did I come in?” I wonder in bafflement. “I thought we were talking about Micheal’s problems?”

“We were.” She nods. “But now we’re talking about yours.”

“Can we not.” I say dismissively.

“Is that supposed to deter me?” She asks, a smile on her face.

“I think so.” Micheal answers for me, glancing at me briefly. “Max is a kill joy nowadays. All he does is brood and obsess. It’s like having a really old puppy around.”

“I do not brood and obsess.” I deny, glaring at him.

“It wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with Liz, would it?” Isabel queries, an innocent look on her face.

“It has everything to do with Liz.” Micheal exclaims, totally ignoring the glares I send his way. “Max wants her back, like on some hardcore shit. Turns out, Liz isn’t as lenient as she once was. She ain’t taking the bait like before.”

“Really?” Isabel inquires, with a smirk. “I can’t say I didn’t see that coming.”

“You can both shut up now.” I scowl, a frown on my face.

“Max, when are you going to step up and take control of this situation?” Isabel says in exasperation. “You and Liz are like the two most infuriating people I’ve ever known.”

“Excuse me?” I say in affront.

“She’s got a point Maxwell.” Micheal chimes in.

“You both love each other, you’ve got a beautiful daughter together, yet you continue to go out on dates with these insignificant people and drive one another crazy.” She rants, waving her hands dramatically. “One of you have got to break the cycle.”

“Well said Iz.” Micheal nods, drumming his fingers against his bottom lip.

“Liz isn’t the least bit interested in rehashing a relationship with me.” I point out, shaking my head. “Believe me, I would know.”

“She is Max.” Isabel replies. “She won’t let you know that, but she is.”

“I beg to differ.”

“Max, do you love her?” She asks, her gaze piercing. I can’t admit that to them. I don’t even know if I’ve admitted it to myself yet.

“You know, even if you don’t say it, that doesn’t stop it from making it true.” Micheal points out.

“It doesn’t matter.” I say quietly. “Liz isn’t in love with me anyway.”

“She is.” Isabel cries out. “God, are you blind, deaf and stupid?”

“How is it that you two think you know more than I do about what’s going between Liz and I?”

“We just do.” She answers firmly. “Look, here’s what you’ll do---”

“No.” I cut her off abruptly. “When, where, how and if I decide to anything with Liz, it’ll be when I’m ready to do it.”

“Real macho Max.” Micheal quips, unaffected. “We should all be blessed with your precarious timing.”

“Then we’d all be lonely.” Isabel mumbles.

“Well, you two sit here and analyze my love life.” I reply, standing up from the chair. “I’ve got to take Nicole home.”

“Why?” Isabel whines. “It’s my first day back. I figured you’d let her sleep over.”

“I don’t know Iz.” I say skeptically. “I haven’t asked Liz about it.”

“Well call her genius.” She replies, throwing me the house phone.

“Give me a minute.” I murmur, walking into the den for some privacy. Punching in the numbers I know by memory, I wait for her to answer pick up the phone.

She answers on the fifth ring. “Hello?

“Liz, it’s me.”

What’s up?” She says, breathing hard.

“Are you okay?” I ask, my eyebrows knitted in concern.

Yeah, I’m fine. Why?

“You sound kind of, I don’t know, out of breathe.” I comment, waiting for her response.

I was in the shower when you called.” She informs me. “I left my cell downstairs on the kitchen counter. It was quite an exercise.

“I bet.” I chuckle. “Listen, Isabel’s in town---”

She is?” Liz queries in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me?

“You weren’t home.” I say in defense.

How is she?” She asks, a hint of excitement in her voice. “I haven’t seen her in so long.

“She’s great.” I answer. “She pretty much asked the same thing about you.”

I’ll definitely stop by before she leaves again.” She promises. “What were you saying before I interrupted you?

“Well, Iz wants Nicole to sleep over tonight.” I tell her. “I wanted to call and check with you first.”

That’s fine Max.

“You sure?”

Yeah. But I don’t think she has a change of clothes.

“That’s taken cared of.” I dismiss. “My mom always keeps things here for Nicole when she visits.”

Okay, just have her call me before she goes to bed.

“Sure.” I nod, biting my lip in thought. “So, what are you up to tonight?”

Nothing much.” She responds nonchalantly. “Just going out with Sean for dinner.

“Dinner?” I ask, my eyes narrowing. “With Sean?”

Yeah.” She replies with a slight laugh. “You do remember him, right?

Unfortunately, I do. “Vaguely.” I answer curtly. “But um, your going to dinner with him? Like on a date?”

It’s not a date per se.” She says slowly. “I mean, I called him up. I was feeling bored and we both felt like going out somewhere. So, I suggested dinner and he agreed.

You called him?” I ask incredulously. “You called him? Didn’t he like just give you that number last week?”

So what Max.” She replies defensively. “What’s the big deal?

“No, there is no big deal.” I respond, lowering the volume of my voice. “No big deal at all.”

Okay.” She says in confusion. “I have to go get ready. I’ll um, I’ll talk to you later then.

“Whatever.” I reply. “Have fun.”

I will.” She murmurs. “Don’t forget to tell Isabel to have Nicole call me.

“Hmm.” I mumble indifferently. “Later.”


This is definitely a big fucking deal.



Part 7

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 7:42 am
by Jason's Lover
Chapter Seven ~ Liz

So, how was the date?

“It was not a date Maria.” I tell her, balancing the phone between my ear and my shoulder as I fold the rest of the laundry. “It was a nice, friendly, platonic dinner.”

Was there a nice, friendly, platonic goodnight kiss as well?” She asks teasingly.

“Nope, nor was I expecting one.” I answer her firmly. “Sean already knows I’m not looking for a serious relationship. He accepts it. Why would he agree to accompany me if he didn’t?”

Like Sean ever required a reason in the past.” Maria retorts with a chuckle. “Liz, he’s crazy about you. He‘d do and agree to anything if it means he can spend time with you.

“But why go out with someone when you know they won‘t return the same affections you have for them?” I ask incredulously. “Isn’t that a waste of time?”

Not when you have ever evolving confidence that they’ll change their mind eventually.” Maria answers. “I’m sure Sean’s probably thinking that last night was some kind of huge breakthrough for you two. Seeing as you were the one that called him up first.

He doesn’t think that. He can’t think that. Can he?

I clear my throat after a long pause. “I…I never gave him that impression.” I say slowly. “I mean, so what if I called him. We’re friends. Isn’t that what friends do? Any other interpretation he took from that, then it’s all in his imagination.”

Is it?” She asks inquisitively. “I mean, why did you call him Liz?

What is she getting at? “What do you mean?” I ask blankly. “I felt like going out. Where’s the harm in that?”

There is none.” She says calmly, letting it go. “Absolutely no harm at all.”

“Just tell me.” I sigh impatiently. “I know you have something to say.”

Me?” She replies in innocence. “I’m all out of words.

“Maria…,” I warn.

You’re using him Liz.” She blurts out, not wasting any time. “You’re not interested in him. He knows that, but being the relentless person that he is, he just won’t give up. And while your few hours of boredom are being filled, his hopes of a possible relationship with you are skyrocketing. It‘s a disastrous situation.

“Don’t you think you’re being just a bit melodramatic here, Maria?” I ask with an uncertain chuckle. “Sean and I have fun. We don’t have any expectations when we hang out with one another. And I am certainly not using anyone.”

You are.” She insists softly. “He’s just merely a substitution for what you think you can’t have.

“Oh please.” I deny with a roll of my eyes. “And what is this thing that I think I can’t have?”

Max.” She says simply. How did I know that this conversation would steer mainly to him?

“Maria, I don’t expect you to say anything differently.” I reply. “You are the president of his fan club.”

Okay, my admiration for Max aside,” She amends. I find it quite amusing how she isn’t denying my claim. “Sean is a release for you. He makes you forget.

I sigh heavily. “You are so blowing this out of proportion.”

And you are so in denial.” She retorts. “What is it going to take for you to admit that you love Max? That you always have, always will?

I have to admit it to myself first. I don’t tell her that though. I opt for a safer answer. “Max and I are over. We haven’t been together in over four years now. Regardless of if I love him or not, nothing is going to change that. Can’t you just accept it?”

Can you?” She counters, a challenge in her tone.

“Can we not talk about this anymore.” I evade with a groan.

What a way to not answer a question.” She mocks. “But of course, we can talk about anything else.

“Thank you.” I reply, with a sigh of relief. “So, where are you?”

At your parents house.” She replies, the emphasis she uses not lost on me at all. “With all the visiting I seem to be doing around here, they might as well be my parents. Want to trade?

“Not a chance in hell.” I laugh. “I love aunt Amy, but she’s way too much of a free spirit for me.”

Ditto.” She mumbles. “Wait, why do I get the feeling that I’m totally calling the kettle black?

“Maybe because you are.”

I suppose.” She agrees. “Anyway, Liz, you have got to visit your folks. They are going through serious withdrawals here. I walked in and saw Aunt Nancy looking through your baby album with a box of Kleenex at her side. It’s so sad.

My heart contracts with the description. “Was she really?” I ask quietly, dreading the answer.

Looking through your baby album? Yeah.” She replies. “I made up the whole Kleenex part.


The point is,” She goes on. “They miss you. And they talk about Nicole all the time. Her pictures are all over the place.

“They relocated to Albuquerque Maria. You‘re closer to them than I am.” I tell her, a pout on my face. “They sold the café and moved. I am so busy here--almost every day with Nicole and my job, which I recently quit by the way. I don’t have the time to be making three hour drives across town every weekend. It’s clearly impossible.”

They haven’t seen you in months Liz.” She insists. “Can’t you fit just one day in for the people who gave you life?

“Don’t do that.” I plead wearily. “Don’t make me feel guilty.”

I’m not trying to.” She exclaims. “Look, will you call them at least? They don’t know I’m talking to you right now. If they did, they’d probably maul me for my cell.

“I will.” I promise.

Good.” She sighs. “Now, guess who called me this afternoon?

“Who?” I ask, my interest piqued.

Alex.” She says excitedly. “Can you believe it? We haven’t heard from him in years.

“I know.” I reply, a grin on my face. “I miss him so much. Well, what did he say?”

Nothing too pertinent.” She says in mock candidness. “Just that he’ll be in town tomorrow evening.

“No way?” I query, tidying up Nicole’s room. “I don’t believe it.”

Believe it.” She says happily. “I hope you don’t mind, but I invited him to Nicole’s birthday party tomorrow.

“Of course I don’t mind.” I reply. “I’d love to see him.”

He’s bringing Kyle with him too.” She divulges.

Oy. “That may be a problem.” I hedge hesitantly.

What? Why?” She asks, her excitement dissipating

“Kyle and Max hate each other.” I inform her, already contemplating possible solutions for tomorrow night’s fiasco. “Having them in the same room together, it’s a sure guarantee for blood shed. I can’t have that at a little kids party.”

They’re adults Liz.” She replies. “Surely they can put aside their differences for one night.

“I wish I could believe that.” I murmur, sitting down on the stairs. “God Maria, what the hell am I going to do?”

Just talk to Max.” She suggests. “Let him know that he’ll be there beforehand. He’ll know what to expect and what not to do.

“I hope so.” I reply, biting my bottom lip in worry. “You’d think they’d outgrown this stupid feud by now.”

What the hell happened anyway?” Maria queries. “I don’t know the story.

“It was spring break back in college.” I begin. “It’s ridiculous really, and so childish. Kyle hit on me, unbeknownst that Max and I were together with a child. I had left Nicole with my parents that weekend. Anyway, Max returns from the bathroom and finds Kyle practically breathing down my neck and they get into this heated argument about who I’m better off with. They nearly start fighting until I had to get in between them and break it up. The entire school knew about it and we were in friggin Cancun. It was so embarrassing.”

I bet.” She replies, amusement evident in her tone. “I always knew Max was the possessive jealous type. It’s endearing.”

“It wasn’t endearing when my physics professor asked me about it.” I reply, recalling the whole ordeal. “By that point, I just wanted to stay home and never go back to class just to avoid the constant gossiping and whispering. I felt like I was back in high school all over again.”

I can imagine.” She says. “Especially when you hate being the center of attention.

“Exactly.” I exclaim. “It was my worst nightmare.”

Well, Max won’t cause a scene at his kid’s party.” She assures me. “He won’t ruin it for her. If there’s anybody you can bet he won’t disappoint, it’s Nicole.

“I know.” I say softly. “That reminds me, I have to invite Sean and his nephew Corey. He’s visiting from Maine.”

You’re inviting Sean?” She asks incredulously, the shock in her voice unmistaken. “Are you crazy?

“What?” I say in defense. “He’s not going to let him come alone. Of course Sean has to be here.”

You want to avoid blood shed right?” She says firmly. “Don’t invite Sean. I am telling you, the party is going to go up in flames.

“Maria, what are you talking about?” I query suspiciously. “Sean isn’t going to ruin anything.”

She snorts loudly. “I don’t know about that.

She knows something. “What aren’t you telling me?”

I promised I wouldn’t say anything.” She pleads.

“This is me Maria.” I reply, my heart race speeding up in anticipation. “You can tell me anything.”

Liz---” She begs.


Max called me.” She confesses. “Last night when you went out with Sean. He was upset to say the least. Just completely livid and cursing a mile a minute. He wanted to know if I knew anything about where you guys went or what’s going on between you two. I didn’t tell him anything.

No fucking way! “He did what?” I bellow, my anger bubbling beneath the surface. “He called you? To spy on me?”

Something like that.” She admits uncomfortably. “Please Liz, I told him I wouldn’t say anything. If you blow up at him he’s just going to know that I squealed.

“And?” I exclaim, my ire increasing. “You’re my cousin. Did he expect you to just not ever let me know? I can’t believe him. What gives him the right to ask anything about where I go or who I’m going with?”

I don’t know.” She whispers. “Maybe he was jealous.

“I don’t give a shit what he was.” I yell, raking my fingers through my hair in aggravation. “I don’t ask about all the bimbos he goes out with. I could care less.”

You do care.” She replies. “You just don’t say anything.

“Maria, do not start with that.” I warn her. “Max totally crossed the line. What I do or don’t do is none of his god damn business. Just wait until he gets here.”

No Liz, please.” Maria says desperately. “I don’t want to be the tattle tale.

“Who do your loyalties lie with Maria?” I ask her indignantly. “Me, your flesh and blood, or with Max?”

I love you both.” She pleads helplessly. “Don’t make me choose.

“There is no other decision to be made.” I tell her firmly. “When he brings Nicole home, which should be in the next fifteen minutes, I am going to rip him a new ass hole.”

Liz…,” She groans. “God, is there anyway I could change your mind?

“Nope.” I bite out. “I’ll call you later.”

Wait Liz, don’t go. Let me calm you down.” She offers.

“I will speak to you later Maria.” I don’t wait for her reply as I click off the phone. Seething in anger, I sit on the couch and wait for him to arrive. It’s not more than ten minutes later when I hear his car pull up in the driveway.

Marching to the door, I pull it open to see him with his hand poised to knock and a grinning Nicole in his other arm. “Hi mommy.” She squeals, jumping into my arms. “I missed you.”

Glaring at Max from above her head, my anger is momentarily forgotten as she smothers my face in kisses. “I missed you two sweetie. Did you have fun with Aunt Isabel?”

“I did.” She says excitedly, her small arms wrapped around my neck. “We ate ice cream and watched lots of movies. She even gave me a gift before my birthday tomorrow.”

“That’s nice of her.” I smile, placing her on the ground. “Why don’t you go put the gift in your room so you could open it tomorrow.”

“Okay.” She runs off, not before giving Max a hug and a kiss. “Bye daddy. I love you.”

“I love you too baby.” He murmurs, hugging her close. “You excited about your party?”

“Yes.” She grins. “I can’t wait for tomorrow. You gonna be there right?”

“Of course.” He smiles, smacking a huge kiss on her cheek. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Cause I’m your world right?” She asks innocently, her amber eyes gazing into his.

“You are.” He says sincerely, pressing a kiss to her temple. “My whole world and everything in it.”

She giggles adorably before running up the stairs. I wait until I hear her bedroom door close before whirling around to face Max. He gazes at me in confusion before scratching his chin uncomfortably. “What’s wrong Liz? You look kind of…pissed off.”

“Maybe because I am.” I retort, my eyebrows furrowing.

He looks bewildered before he takes a step toward me. “What happened?” He asks, his tone concerned. I ignore it.

“You called Maria last night?” I grit out, watching his face fall with the realization that I’m aware of it. “Questioning her about my whereabouts? About what I’m doing, when I already told who I’m going with and where?”

He sighs heavily and drags his hand down his face. “Look, Liz, obviously, you’re upset about it. And you have every right to be. I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“You weren’t thinking at all.” I cry out, pushing my hair behind my ears “How dare you? How dare you question Maria and then ask her to keep it a secret from me? Are you insane?”

“I said I was sorry.” He repeats quietly. “I just--I freaked out okay. That’s the best way I could explain it to make you understand.”

“You had no right Max.” I exclaim, my voice getting louder. “Who do you think you are? I am not a child that you have to inquire where I go and what I’m doing. It is none of your concern.”

“I realize that.” He replies, advancing towards me but stops immediately when he sees my expression. “I’m not trying to control you or even presume to think that I could have a say in anything that you do. It’s just that---I know we aren’t together and we’re free to date and see whoever we want, and I’ve more than had my share of that. I guess, all this time, I didn’t expect you to actually pursue anyone. I know it’s stupid and completely irrational. I mean, you shouldn’t have to put your life on hold.”

“That still doesn’t make what you did right Max.” I retort, glaring at him. “I don’t ask about who you date. You’ve been dating that airhead Candice for months now and I never said a word. Did you stop to consider my feelings or what I might’ve thought about it?”

He watches me intently. “You never showed any indication that it bothered you Liz. You said nothing.”

“Because it’s your decision Max.” I reply in frustration. “I respected your choices and didn’t interfere. It’s quite obvious that you can’t reciprocate the same gesture for me.”

“It’s not even about that.” He says in rebuttal. “I respect you more than anyone.”

“Really?” I ask incredulously, my hands on my hips. “Where was the respect Max? Was it before or after you went behind my back and badgered my cousin for information?”

He pinches the bridge of his nose. “I screwed up. I’m not disputing that. I don’t know how else to tell you that I’m sorry for what I did.”

I shake my head in disbelief. “Sorry doesn’t explain how much of an ass you were. It does nothing for me right now, so you can stop saying it.”

Raking his fingers through his hair, he sighs heavily. “Did you ever stop to think of why I reacted so badly to you going out to dinner with him?” He asks, his gaze penetrating.

“What could be a possible reason Max?” I query, facing him squarely. “What bullshit excuse are you going to come up with now to save your ass?”

His eyes darken perceptibly as he stares at me. “Maybe because I’ve changed.” He retorts. “Did you notice it? At all?”

My eyes narrow with his implication. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m not the same person Liz.” He continues, his voice firmer. “I’ve fucked up so many times and I never realized just how much my mistakes cost me until now.”

“I don’t really want to hear about your damn epiphanies Max.” I grate out. “You reap what you sew.”

“You don’t think I know that?” He yells, stepping closer to me. “I know that better than anyone.”

“What do you know Max?” I retort, my ire increasing. “What the hell could you possibly know?”

“That letting you go was the biggest mistake of my life.” He exclaims in exasperation.

Freezing with his admission, I stare at him in shock. Our eyes lock and all the shouting and screaming halts momentarily.

He did not just say what I think he did. Judging by the expression on his face, I know it’s true. I can’t deal with this right now. I just can’t. There’s only one thing to do.

“I think you should leave.” I murmur, finally finding my voice. Dropping my eyes from his, I walk over to the door and open it.

“Liz…,” He begins, his steps unhurried and reluctant. “Can’t we---”

“Just go Max.” I say sternly. He sighs heavily and nods his acquiesce.

“What about the party?” He asks, his eyes boring into my bent head.

I look up then and meet his gaze. “Nicole wants you there. It starts at five.”

He nods again before walking out the door. Shutting it forcefully behind him, I bolt the lock and lean my forehead against the wood.

I never even noticed Nicole at the top of the staircase.


Part 8

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:02 am
by Jason's Lover
Thanks for the feedback. It's been wonderful. This part is very nostalgic, a bit sad. It's reflective, a look into the past. You'll see what I mean. Hope you guys like it.

Chapter Eight ~ Max

How did I get here? How did my life get so unbalanced, so screwed up, that I’m wondering if I’ll ever get it back on track again? Why didn’t I realize what I had before I let it go? How could I’ve been that stupid?

I mean, I had it all. The perfect girl--this incredible, strong willed person by my side. My daughter, this brand new responsibility and life altering creation that I wouldn’t change for the world. I was happy. They made me happy and gave me a reason for living, a purpose in life. To give them everything they ever wanted. I guess I didn’t do that too well.

Liz wanted marriage. She wanted a family. I guess on some level, I knew that was coming. We were together for four and a half years, with a child no less. It wasn’t entirely surprising that she’d want to make it official. We were living a pretty exclusive life. The next step obviously would’ve been marriage. But I was too much of a coward to step up to the task and be the man that she needed me to be. I let her down. Tremendously.

I could still remember the day she broached the subject to me. We had just came home from the park with Nicole--she was about a year and a half. We had so much fun that day, just spending time together like a family. It seems like just yesterday…

“Max, put her to sleep.” Liz giggles, avidly watching as I tickle Nicole relentlessly while changing her diaper. “I’m sure she’s exhausted.”

“You want to sleep baby?” I murmur to her, nuzzling her stomach. “Or do you want to play with daddy?”

She looks up at me with her doe shaped amber eyes and favors me with a big drooling smile. I don’t think I’ve seen anything more cute. “See…,” I reply smugly, looking over at Liz. “She doesn’t want to sleep.”

“Like she could tell you.” Liz quips, handing me a bottle to feed her.

“Fine.” I sigh, re buttoning her clothing. Picking her up from the changing pad, I lay her down in my arms and gently push the nipple of the bottle in her mouth. She sucks on it immediately.

“I am so tired.” Liz yawns, curling up in the bed. “I need a nap.”

I turn to regard her with a grin. “Babe, you’ve been sleeping half the day. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were pregnant again.”

Liz cocks her head to the side. “Cause it was so much fun the last time, right?” She says rhetorically, pulling the covers around her waist. “I still have yet to lose all the weight I gained since being pregnant with Nicole. Why would I want to up the scale?”

Removing the bottle from Nicole’s mouth, I sit her up so she could burp. “Liz, I like the weight you put on. I think it’s sexy.”

“You would.” She replies, scratching her head. “My boobs and my ass are two sizes bigger. What’s not for you to like?”

“Exactly.” I grin, leaning over the bed to kiss her. “You’re everything I want.”

She smiles and returns my kiss. Nodding over to a dozing Nicole in my arms, she gives me a sultry look. “If you fully put her to sleep, maybe you can show me how much you want me.”

I raise my eyebrows in interest. “Is that an invitation?”

Holding my stare, Liz pulls back the covers and takes off her top, her body clad in a sheer black bra and matching panties. I feel all the blood in my body rush to my groin. I’ll never tire of wanting her.

“Does that answer your question?” She counters, the desire unmistaken in her tone. It’s not long before I manage to get Nicole to sleep and lay her down in the crib. I hope to god she doesn’t take one of those cat naps and wakes up in like the next ten minutes. Something tells me we’ll be very occupied.

Pealing my shirt off, I get on the bed and crawl on top of her. Looking down at her hair spread out on the pillow and her dark eyes gazing up at me, I feel that ever present tightening in my chest. I never want to lose her. She means everything to me.

“That was fast.” She smiles, running her fingers down my bare chest, over my abdomen and around my waist to engulf my back. “You seem a bit eager.”

“I can’t imagine why.” I whisper, taking her lips hungrily. Her head raises up slightly to deepen the contact. Bringing my hands up to grasp her hips, she opens her legs wide to accommodate my body. Grinding my arousal into her heat, she arches her back and breaks the kiss.

“Max…,” She moans, my name rolling off her lips as I kiss a path down her neck to the swell of her breasts. Biting her skin gently, I lave the sting away with my tongue.

“Do you want me?” I query huskily, continuing down her body with nibbling kisses.

Liz nods emphatically, her eyes closed in pleasure. Dipping my tongue in her navel, her eyes fly open and I relish in the passion visible in her gaze. “Where do you want me?” I tease, watching her face intently.

“You know where.” She says breathily, her fingers gripping the sheets tightly.

“Tell me.” I whisper, my kisses moving to her inner thigh. She gasps loudly. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you inside me.” She whimpers, her mouth slightly ajar. “I want to feel you.”

Climbing back up her body, I cup her face in my hands and kiss her passionately. I kiss her with everything that I have. Pouring all my desire and what I feel for her into the contact. I could never feel for someone else what I feel for her. It’s impossible.

Pulling away, I rest my forehead on hers and wait for her to open her eyes and look at me. When she finally does, I’m mesmerized with all the emotions I see in her depths.

“You’re so beautiful.” I murmur, my thumb grazing her bottom lip. “You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever known.”

She lowers her eyes from mine with a shy smile. “Don’t say things like that. I never know how to respond.”

“You don’t have to.” I reply, lifting her chin gently. “I can see it in your eyes.”

She kisses my palm softly. “I want to make you happy Liz.” I whisper. “That’s all I ever want to do.”

“You do make me happy.” She replies, a wistful smile on her face. “Everyday.”

“Anything you want…,” I say passionately, gazing intently into her eyes. “Just tell me and I’ll give it to you. I’ll do my best to make it possible.”

Liz grins widely. “Anything?” I nod my head.

She takes a deep breathe and smiles up at me. “Have you ever, you know, ever thought about…marriage?” She asks, her eyes hopeful.

“Marriage?” I repeat.

“Yeah.” She whispers, shrugging lightly. “Don’t you want to?”

“Sure, someday I guess.” I reply uncommitted. “Doesn’t everyone?”

“What about now?” She asks, her tone insistent. “Would you want to do it now?”

What exactly is she asking me here? “Liz, are you trying to tell me something?”

She pushes her hair behind her ears. “What if I said I wanted to get married now? What would you think about it?”

My eyebrows furrow. “You want to get married?” I query, my tone incredulous. She nods slowly.

I swallow with her answer. Wow. Marriage. She wants to get married. She really wants to do this.

“You don’t want to marry me.” Liz states, her tone dejected.

I shake my head and return my gaze to hers. “I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t say anything.” She replies quietly.

I sigh heavily. “Don’t you think we’re a bit young?” I ask, propping myself up on my elbows above her. “I mean, you only turned twenty last month.”

“We have a child Max.” She retorts, her eyes piercing. “We were forced to grow up beyond the circumstances. I think our age has way past stopped being a factor.”

I move off and lay down beside her, my eyes fixed on the ceiling. “What’s making you think about this?”

“I want a family Max.” She whispers. “I want to carry your name and have more of your babies. I want to be loved.”

Turning to face her, I chose my words carefully. “Liz, I want to be with you, and I don’t want to lose what we have, but I’m not ready for marriage right now.” I say as gently as possible, not wanting to hurt her.

“You’re not ready?” She asks, her eyebrows knitted in hurt confusion. “Max, look around, we’re living that life already. Don’t you want to make it real?”

I take her fingers in mine. “What we feel for each other is real. It’s the realist thing I’ve ever known. Can’t that be enough?”

Her eyes are filled with unshed tears as she shakes her head. “You said anything Max--you said anything.” She murmurs.

It’s hard for me to deny her of anything, but as much as I want to be with her, I just know that marriage isn’t a step I’m capable of taking at this point in my life.

“Not that.” I whisper, wiping a fallen tear from her cheek with my thumb. “Not now.”

I hate that I’m hurting her, but whether she realizes it or not, we’re not ready for marriage. Maybe sometime in the future.

“I’m sorry.” I apologize, pulling her into my arms. She nods her head against my chest, her tears falling until she eventually falls asleep. I hurt her. Damn.

I should’ve known that things would never be the same between us since that day. After I broke her heart, our relationship became strained and difficult. We constantly fought and we rarely ever made love. She was slipping through my fingers even then and still I was too blind to notice. Too selfish to see how much she was hurting. I’ll always regret that day.

I shouldn’t have been surprised when she told me she wanted out. I mean, I knew it was coming. It was painfully obvious that we didn’t want the same things anymore. We grew apart and ultimately, neither of us wanted to keep arguing over the same thing when we knew that we weren’t going to give in to the other. It was a pointless situation.

It was six months later, two weeks after Nicole’s second birthday, when I was just coming home from class one day, and stumbled upon Liz packing her bags. I can’t deny the sharp pain that ran through me with the sight. It was really happening. She was leaving me…

Shutting in the door, I dropped my back pack to the floor and shrugged out of my jacket. My eyes were glued to her back as she kept packing, Nicole in her crib, oblivious to what’s happening.

Taking a step closer to her, I try to maintain my composure. “Liz…,”

She stiffens when I call her name, briefly pausing in her task. She never turned around with my approach. “I‘m leaving Max. I need to be by myself.” She says quietly.

“Were you going to go without telling me?” I ask, hoping I’m wrong.

She turns to face me, her expression hurtful. “I was waiting for you all day. I could never do that to you.”

“Liz, please.” I say desperately, watching as she resumed packing, walking around the apartment to retrieve her things. “Don’t do this.”

“You knew this was coming.” She replies, pushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. “Don’t act so surprised.”

I shake my head in refusal. “How else am I supposed to act?” I wonder, my hands on my hips. “You just told me that you’re breaking up with me and taking my daughter with you? Am I supposed to be happy about it?”

“No, you aren’t.” She murmurs, picking up her cell from the nightstand. “You just have to accept it.”

She zips up her bags and walks over to the crib, picking Nicole up in her arms. Feeling a panic take over me, I move quickly in front of her, and grab her shoulders. “Liz, god, I can fix this. Just, tell me what I need to do. I…I can’t lose you.”

“I won’t force you to do something you don’t want to do.” She says wearily, holding Nicole close to her chest. “I can’t make you love me.”

“I don’t want you to leave.” I plead, pulling her closer, my eyes closing in despair. “I need you.”

She looks up at me then. Her gaze a mixture of sadness and indignation. “What about what I need Max? Can you give me a reason to stay?”

I hold her stare and a myriad of images flare through me. A fleeting flash of all the things we’ve experienced together, all that we overcame as a couple. The good things, the down right bad. The accomplishments, the disappointments. I wouldn’t be who I am without her. Why can’t I commit and give her what she wants? Why am I hesitating?

My silence is enough. She averts her gaze and draws in a deep breathe. “Say goodbye Max.”

I sigh heavily. “I can’t.” I mumble, my fingers grazing Nicole’s cheek. She doesn’t smile. I guess she is a little bit aware of the somberness that’s taken over.

Liz picks up Nicole’s baby bag, and puts it over her shoulder. “I’ll keep in touch.”

I watch her intently. “So, this is it?” I query, my voice broken. “This is the end of us?”

“We can be friends.” She murmurs, reeling in her tears. “That seems like the only thing we can be at this point.”

“What about Nicole?” I whisper, dropping a kiss to her forehead, lingering as long as I could. “Can I see her?”

“Of course.” She says firmly. “I’ll be at my folks, until I find an apartment at least. You can stop by whenever you want. I won’t restrict of you that.”

“Liz--” I begin, unwilling to give up.

“I have to go.” She cuts me off, walking towards the door. “I’ll call in a few days. I just need time to settle in.”

I nod my acquiesce. It’s apparent that she isn’t staying. I can’t give her what she wants.

Liz glances at me one more time. Her gaze saying so much and still leaving me to wonder about all the things that they aren‘t. She gives me a small smile. “Bye Max.” The door closes with her departure. Running my fingers through my hair in frustration, I sit heavily on the bed and drop my head into my hands. What the fuck just happened?

It’s eerily quiet now. A sound I’m not used to. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.

It’s the first night I sleep alone in two years. It’s absolute hell.

Of course, I realize now what a jerk I was. How could I have done that to her? How did I manage to convince myself that I didn’t love her? It was blatantly obvious for years. And it’s still true even to this day. I love her. I can admit that with no pretense or second thoughts. I can face that truth and not shun away from all the possibilities that it carries. I’m not afraid anymore. I’m ready to live.

My thoughts are interrupted by Isabel’s approach. She looks lovely as usual. Her hair is up high in some twisted style, something I’ll never figure out how she managed to do. She’s wearing a light, pink summer dress, and a pair of matching high heeled shoes to complete the look.

I can’t help but smile. It’s a little kids party and she’s dressed to impress. Her glare alerts me to the fact that she’s very much aware of my thoughts. I sober up immediately.

“Are you ready?” I ask, standing up from the couch, Nicole’s present under my arm. “I’ve been waiting for over an hour.”

She picks up her cardigan from the back of the sofa. “It’s takes time to look this stunning.” She quips, flashing me a smile.

I roll my eyes at her reply and head to the door. Her hand on my shoulder stops me. I arch an eyebrow in question, until I carefully read her expression. Isabel’s eyes are sympathetic, compassionate. It could only mean one thing. She knows about what transpired between Liz and I last night.

I sigh in defeat. “Who told you?” I ask, not bothering to conceal my discovery.

Isabel nibbles on her lip. “Micheal.”

“How did he know?” I query, my eyebrows knitted in irritation.

“Liz told Maria, Maria told Micheal, therefore he told me.” She explains, connecting the dots. “It was only a matter of time.”

“Perfect.” I mumble. “Now the whole world knows my business.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Not everything that happens in my life is open for discussion.” I say in annoyance, all the pent up anger and frustration bubbling to the surface. “Sometimes their are things that I just don’t feel like sharing.”

Isabel lowers her gaze. I feel terrible. She’s the last person I’d want to take my problems out on.

“I’m sorry.” I apologize, pinching the bridge of my nose. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. I mean, it’s not your fault.”

“It’s okay.” She smiles, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. “I understand.”

“I just, I really need for you to not point out my mistakes and berade me on what an ass I am.” I reply, shaking my head in self-deprecation. “I feel lousy as it is.”

“I wasn’t going to do any of that.” She says in rebuttal.

Nodding my gratitude, she chucks me under the chin, giving me a small smile. “Cheer up bro, it won’t always be like this. You’ll be happy again. I promise.”

I’m counting on it.


Part 9

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:34 am
by Jason's Lover
Chapter Nine ~ Liz

“It’s just so unbelievable.”

Birthday cake; check.

“I mean, who would’ve ever thought that he’d admit something like that?”

Fifteen party bags; check.

“And it couldn’t be any more perfect of a time either.”

Magician; booked.

“Like, you and Max can totally get together now, right?”

Pinata; check.

“Liz, are you even listening to me?”

“No, I’m not.” I answer her distractedly, rechecking my list.

“Well you should be.” She retorts, inhaling deeply to blow up another balloon. “It’s pertaining to your current crisis.”

I roll my eyes heavenly. “I do not have a crisis.”

“Denial is never healthy.” She murmurs.

“Maria, please.” I exclaim sharply, turning to face her. “Bad enough, that it was all I could think about last night, completely shredding any ounce of sleep I could’ve had for such a busy day ahead, but now you’re here, rubbing it in and making it extremely impossible for me to cope with it, when you’re supposed to be helping me with this party. Now please, for the sake of my sanity, can you drop this?”

“Okay.” She nods dutifully.

Returning to my task, we sit in silence for a good five minutes before she speaks again. “Did you really think about it all night?”

I sigh irritably. “You are like ubiquitous.”

She chuckles heartily. “Relax, god, where’s your sense of humor today?”

“It vanished.”

“Apparently.” She mumbles, standing up from the table. “I’m going to check on Nicole. Give you some time to think about a proper apology for me when I return.”

I crack a smile. “Can you please? I sent her upstairs about an hour ago to get dressed. I doubt she did anything I asked her to.”

“No problem.” She replies, making her way to the staircase. “Leave the balloons. They’re so much fun to blow up.”

My laugh echoes throughout the empty dining room, eventually dying out as my somberness surfaces. It’s just me, myself and my thoughts now. I’m compelled to think about all that I just chastised Maria for asking me. How hypocritical is that?

The truth is, I’m torn. After our argument last night, following into Max confessing what he did, I just couldn’t handle it, prompting my decision to just kick him out like I did instead of having to deal with it.

He shocked me. Completely. Never, since our break up, did I think that he’d ever feel that way about me again. I mean, how could I when he dated girl after girl. What was I supposed to think?

I guess on some level, there was always this unsettled thing between Max and I. This unresolved situation that we just buried for the sake of getting along and being who we needed to be for our daughter. We didn’t have time or the endurance to deal with our relationship or what was left of it. I don’t think we wanted to.

I would’ve given anything for Max to have uttered those same words to me four years earlier; anything to keep us together. And he didn’t. Why now? Why after all that we’ve been through apart and how far we‘ve come not being together and still managing to coexist with one another, would he tell me this now?

“I haven’t seen you look this confused since high school.”

Snapping my eyes up to the sudden intrusion, a huge smile breaks out on my face. “Alex, what are you doing here?”

“I told you I was coming.” He grins, opening his arms wide as I get up to greet him.

“I meant that you’re early.” I explain, hugging him tightly. “The party doesn’t start until another hour.”

“No harm in being punctual.” He replies, pulling away, holding me at arms length. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

I wrinkle my nose in thought. “Is that a compliment or an insult?”

“Definitely a compliment.” He answers. “You still look sixteen.”

“Insult.” I laugh, scratching my eyebrow. “I’m twenty five now, surely something’s changed. I don’t think any woman wants to here that they still look like a kid. It’s very unflattering.”

“No wonder I’m still single.” He replies.

I chuckle at his expression. “Oh please. Look at you now, all lean and sharp. I’m sure you’ll snatch---”

“Oh my god!” Maria squeals in delight, running down the steps. “Alex, you’re here!”

“That I am.” He laughs, catching the impact of Maria’s body as she jumps in his arms. “And so are you.”

“I missed you so much.” She grins, holding onto him tightly. “Words just can’t express it.”

“That grip of yours can.” He quips, smiling into her neck.

Finally releasing her hold on him, she steps back and then unexpectedly pinches his arm.

“Ow.” He shrieks, grabbing his arm. “What was that for?”

“Don’t you ever go away to school again and don’t call us.” She chides. “We are your best friends Alex Whitman.”

“I’m seriously rethinking that now.” He mumbles, glaring at her.

“Where’s Kyle?” I ask, looking towards the door for his entrance. “I thought he was coming too?”

“He is.” Alex confirms. “Tomorrow afternoon that is. He stayed an extra day for a woman.”

“Do tell.” Maria replies quickly, pulling out a chair for him to sit in. “Now, who, what, when, where and why?”

“I think it’s a little more detailed than that Maria.” I say pointedly.

“Actually, it isn’t.” He says with a smile. “It’s quite amusing now that I think about it.”

“Okay, I’m confused.” I reply, shaking my head.

“Kyle met this girl, Kathy Davis, about a week ago at this little bar we went to back in Seattle.” He begins. “And she’s a total knockout, I mean, you should see her. She’s got gorgeous dark hair, big gray eyes, this really exotic looking face and a nice pair of--”

“Careful.” Maria warns lightly, raising an eyebrow. “We want the explanation, not the description.”

“Anyway, they hit off immediately, and he hasn’t shut up about her ever since.” Alex continues. “They’ve been out every night for the past week and I’m telling you, the man’s fallen hard. He’s claiming love and wanting a serious relationship. He’s gone off the deep end.”

“No way!” Maria says in astonishment. “Kyle Valenti? Hooked and sealed? I don’t believe it.”

“Believe it.” He says firmly. “The ladies man persona is officially over. He’s in love.”

“You make that sound like it’s a bad thing.” I reply, folding my hands over the tabletop. “Kyle’s finally found the companionship and completeness that he’s been searching for through all these insufficient girls he’s been dating all his life. What’s so wrong with him being happy and in love?”

“Nothing, I guess.” He shrugs, sharing a look with Maria. “It’s just weird is all. I mean, it’s Kyle Valenti for heavens sake. He had a different girl every weekend.”

“People change.” I insist. “You don’t just wake up one day and decide that you want to live your entire existence so unbalanced and unfulfilling. It takes time and so much consideration that it consumes you until you can’t think about anything else. You’re going to want different things as the years progress. It’s all about growing up and moving forward. There is absolutely nothing absurd about it.”

“Okay.” He nods uncertainly, looking bewildered. “Are we still talking about Kyle?”

Maria shakes her head emphatically. “Remember that don’t ask, don’t tell policy? It’s useful right about now.”

Alex frowns before pinning me with an inquisitive stare. I sigh wearily. “It’s a long story.”

“Literally.” Maria murmurs.

“Well, I sense a change of topic coming along,” He says, stretching languidly. “I’ll do the honors. How’s the princess? Last I heard, she was growing up lovely and quick.”

“You heard right. She‘s seven today.” I smile proudly. “And is supposed to be getting ready for the big festivity. Maria, did you check on her for me?”

“I did.” Maria explains. “The kid just doesn’t know what she wants to wear. She’s basically throwing everything out of her closet onto the bed. It’s complete chaos in there.”

“I bought her a specific outfit.” I reply. “All she has to do is put it on.”

“I told her all of that.” She says, shrugging her shoulders. “Apparently, frilly pink dresses with bows on them isn’t her thing anymore.”

“She loves pink.” I insist. “It’s her favorite color.”

“True, just not riddled in frills and strings.” Maria replies. “I mean come on, she’s a growing child, a girl might I add, not a friggin doll.”

I narrow my eyes in indignation. “Are you presuming to tell me what my own daughter prefers and doesn’t?”

“Not really presuming, more like enlightening.”

My retort is cut off as Nicole’s voice resounds through the entire house. “Mommy, I don’t know what to wear. I need help.”

Closing my eyes in preparation, I stand up from the table. “Alex, please help her blow up these balloons. If she doesn’t occupy herself, I think I just might kill her.”

“Mommy…,” Nicole yells again. “Hurry up.”

This is going to be a very long day.


Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Nicole
Happy birthday to you!

“Blow out the candles sweetie.” I encourage her, leaning over above her head. “Don’t forget to make a wish.”

The flame of the match blowing out, she stands back triumphantly and favors Max with a grin, who’s across the table from us. He returns her smile.


He’s been watching me ever since he arrived. I’ve been trying my best to avoid him and any confrontation, but evidently, when you invite the father of your child to these type of functions, there is no avoidance. It’s absolutely inevitable.

Slicing the cake up into pieces to share to everyone, I run back inside the house to retrieve some extra plates and forks. Opening the cabinet for the items that I can‘t quite reach, I don’t even have to look over my shoulder to know that he’s there. I can feel him.

“Do you need some help?” He asks, his tone hesitant.

“I can manage.” I reply curtly, damning my shortness. I still can’t reach for what I’m looking for.

“Liz, you’re barely five foot two. That cabinet has at least three inches over you.” He jokes, a tentative smile on his lips. I don’t laugh. He sobers up immediately.

“Just, let me get it for you.” He offers, walking over to me. Stepping aside, I watch as he smoothly extends his hand and pulls out the plastic plates and forks. Tall bastard.

“Thank you.” I murmur, not glancing at him once as I take the items from him. I have to stay strong.

Making my way around him with the intent to return to the backyard, his voice stops me.

“Is this the way things are going to be between us now?” He queries, my back still turned to him. “I thought we were closer than that.”

“What were you expecting?” I counter, spinning around to face him. “That I’d come running back like a fool because of your regrets? Well, I’ve got news for you Max. I’m not eighteen and naïve anymore. Things have changed.”

“I know that.” He replies, moving closer. “And I didn’t expect you to. I just thought you should know the truth.”

I stare at him warily. “And what is the truth Max?”

He gazes at me intently, an emotion I’ve seen in his eyes so many times before, but never this prominent. I don’t even realize how close he’s drifted towards me.

“That I love you.” He murmurs passionately, looking down at me. “I just want you to know that.”

I blink rapidly before averting my gaze. This is so not happening.

Shaking my head in refusal, I meet his eyes again. “You don’t love me Max. You never have.”

“You have every right to say that.” He replies, his expression wounded. “But it’s not the truth.”

Not the truth?” I explode angrily, glaring at him. “You know Max, you’ve got one hell of a nerve to tell me something like that after all this time. What the hell are you trying to do? Regress all the progress we’ve made over the past four years?”

“I’m trying to correct my mistakes.” He replies, his eyes boring into mine. “To tell you all the things I was too much of a coward to admit back then.”

“It was never about anything you didn’t say Max,” I retort, snorting sarcastically. “But always about what you didn’t do.”

He closes his eyes briefly, sighing heavily. “I realize that you’re still angry about that, and I don’t blame you. But at the same time, I’m putting myself out there now. Are you going to just walk away? Will you make the same mistake I made?”

“Don’t use technicalities on me.” I hiss, glaring up at him. “This is hardly the same situation.”

“Why?” He counters, his eyebrows narrowing. “Because it’s me this time instead of you?”

“We are not discussing this.” I say tightly. “This is neither the time or the place. I’d appreciate it--”

“Mommy, daddy, is it time for the pinata?” Nicole interrupts, her eyes bouncing back and forth between us in innocent inquisitiveness.

Taking deep breathes, I contain my composure and bend down to her level. “No baby, we do that after you open your gifts. You want to see what you got first, right?” She nods slowly. “Okay then. Here, go take these in the back and put them on the table for mommy.”

“Are you coming?” She queries, looking up at us.

“We’re right behind you.” Max replies, giving her a reassuring smile. She stares a moment longer before walking off.

“This is not what I wanted.” I murmur, my eyes following her out into the backyard. “This is her birthday. It’s supposed to be about her. Not about me or you or whatever else that’s going on.”

“The last thing I’d ever want to do is ruin my own daughter’s birthday party.” Max retorts in exasperation. “I couldn’t do that to her or to you. I know how much work you put into this.”

“Then don’t do it.” I reply, turning around to face him. “Leave it alone Max. Let it go.”

He stares at me for a long while before shaking his head in rebuttal. “I did that once Liz. I won’t make the same mistake twice.”

Our gazes locking, it’s quite clear what he’s implying. I can’t think about that right now.

“Oh, there you are…,” Maria appears suddenly, a truck load of presents in her arms. “Sean’s here.”

I don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know when he’s pissed. I feel it coming off him in waves. It’s but merely five seconds later when I feel him brush past me angrily.

“Thanks Maria.” I say sarcastically, rubbing my forehead absentmindedly.

Maria grimaces at her blunder. “Sorry.” She replies sheepishly, making a quick retreat.

Could this day get any worse?


Part 10

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:58 pm
by Jason's Lover
Chapter 10 ~ Max

“Max, how’s my dress?”


Isabel pins me with an impatient glare. “How do I look?”

I shake my head irritably. “The same way you did for the past two hours.”

She grins gleefully. “I’ll be right back.”

Frowning with her abrupt departure, I sit back in my seat, my eyes focused solely on one individual.

Sean Gellar. What the hell is he doing here?

“You know why she ran off like that, don‘t you?” Micheal says, avidly counting the amount of candy he caught from the pinata. Yes, Micheal participated in the event.

“I don’t have a clue.” I reply distractedly, fumbling around my back pocket for a cigarette.

“Alex is here.”

Lighting the bud, I take a deep swig before regarding him. “So?”

Micheal rolls his eyes. “Forget it. Obviously, you’re in a sour mood.”

“Can you blame me?” I blurt out, my voice rising unintentionally. “God Micheal, she fucking invited him here. At my kid’s party.”

“If you haven’t noticed, he brought a kid as well.” Micheal points out. “I’m guessing he wouldn’t have let him come on his own.”

“It’s convenient.” I mumble, blowing out the smoke.

“Max, you know Liz,” He says in rebuttal. “She wouldn’t do it intentionally.”

“She might as well have.” I retort. “It has the same results.”

“You’re a fucking baby man.”

I out my cigarette. “Thanks for your empathy Micheal.”

“It’s the truth.” He exclaims, twisting his chair around to face me. “So what, big fucking deal if he’s here. Are you going to let him stop you from what you came to do?”

“No.” I reply determinedly. “Of course not.”

“Then quit the bitching and talk to Liz.”

I shake my head despondently. “I did. It didn’t go very well.”

“What happened?” He queries.

I sigh heavily. “She’s pissed. Extremely. I always thought that when you told someone you love them, it would achieve the opposite reaction.”

Micheal quirks an eyebrow in surprise. “You told her that?”

“Yep.” I reply, resting my elbows on my knees. “I think that’s when it got worse. She completely flipped out. I don’t think she believes me.”

“You think, or you know?” He inquires, watching me intently.

It’s a while before I answer. “I wish I knew.”

He nods thoughtfully. “You threw her for a loop Maxwell. She wasn’t expecting it. You have to change that.”

Don’t I know it. The very prospect is thrilling as it is challenging. There is no winning Liz over easily. I might’ve fucked up supremely over the years, but I haven’t forgotten how stubborn she is. I definitely have my work cut out for me.

Watching Nicole running around the yard with her friends, a frown marring her face as Liz momentarily halts the chasing to give her a kiss, I feel my resolve strengthen. I have to get them back.

“I’m going to get a drink.” I say abruptly, standing up the chair. “You want anything?”

Micheal shrugs in indecision. “A corona?”

“It’s a seven year old birthday party Micheal.” I remind him. “The only beverages here are sodas and smoothies.”

He rolls his eyes. “Water, then.”

Nodding my head, I make my way into the house, searching for the cooler. Bending down and opening the lid, I retrieve the drinks, and spin around just in time to see a disheveled looking Isabel, and an equally disheveled looking Alex coming out of the den with huge grins on their faces.

They’re oblivious to my presence until I clear my throat…and loudly.

“Max!” Isabel shrieks, her eyes wide and embarrassed. “Um, have you um, have you seen Liz? Alex and I were just looking for her.”

I arch an eyebrow in disbelief. “In the den?”

Alex nods emphatically, scratching the back of his head. “Sure.”

I observe them carefully, noting Isabel’s fidgety behavior as she smoothes back her hair relentlessly. They didn’t do what it appears that they’ve done, have they?

“Try the backyard.” I reply, placing the drinks on the counter.

“Thanks.” Alex mumbles, his hands in his pocket.

“Isabel…,” I call out, as she proceeds to follow Alex. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

They share a nervous look before he walks off. Crossing her arms over her chest, she looks everywhere but at me.

“We didn’t do anything Max.” Isabel starts off unexpectedly, her gaze finally landing on mine. “It was purely innocent.”

“It didn’t look that way.” I snort.

“Looks can be deceiving.” She retorts, glaring at me. “Please, don’t lecture me on this.”

“I wasn’t going to.” I exclaim with a laugh, throwing my hands up in surrender. “You’re an adult, my little sister no less, but an adult. I can’t tell you what to do.”

Isabel sighs, visibly relieved. “Thank you.”

I tilt my head in thought. “I mean, I really shouldn‘t let you off the hook so easily. You don’t do it for me.”

“I always do it for you.” She replies, giving me an incredulous look. “When was the last time I ever gave you grief about anything?”

“The day before yesterday.” I answer unthinkingly. “And the day before that one as well.”

I just give you romantic advice.” Isabel laments, her hands on her hips. “My situation is a whole different ballgame. Alex just…”

“Had his tongue down your throat?” I supply, hiding my grin.

“No.” She says curtly. “We were getting to know one another.”

“Well, your social skills sure are state of the art.” I quip, chuckling when her eyes narrow to slits.

“For your information,” She begins. “Alex and I have been acquaintances before I left for school. It’s nothing official yet, but we talk regularly. This is the first time in five months that I’m seeing him again.”

I nod my head with the information. “I didn’t know that.”

“That’s because I didn’t tell you.” She confirms, her eyes apologetic. “I’m sorry. I know that you and I usually tell each other everything, but for some reason, I couldn’t find it in myself to just come out and say it. I didn’t want you to be upset with me.”

I frown in confusion. “Why would I be upset?”

“Well, Micheal and Maria are together, and hopefully, Alex and I will be soon enough.” Isabel replies, her eyes sympathetic. “You and Liz are the only ones that…aren’t together.”

I lower my eyes. Her words painfully true. I plan to rectify that situation to the best of my ability.

“Isabel, my own relationship issues shouldn’t bleed into yours.” I tell her sincerely. “I appreciate you looking out for me, but not at the expense of your own happiness. If you and Alex want to be together, you don’t need my permission or my opinions to do so, only mom’s.”

She laughs at that, pulling me into a tight hug. “You’re the best brother in the world.”

I return the embrace. “I’m your only brother.”

“Aww, look at that Lizzie,” Maria’s voice filters in, not more than a few minutes later. “It’s the modern day Donnie and Marie.”

Pulling away with a sigh, we both favor her with fake smiles, equally blushing. I guess it we wouldn’t be so embarrassed if it wasn’t true.

My gaze unabashedly focused on Liz, she lowers her head, a small smile on her face. I guess she found it funny as well.

Opening my mouth to say something, Nicole runs in the kitchen excitedly, panting heavily. “Mommy, daddy, the magician’s here! He’s gonna do tricks!”

Can he do one for me?


“Where the fuck are all the strawberries?” I murmur, staring dumbly at the empty fruit shelf. “This is why I hate doing grocery shopping.”

“That lady took the last one.”

Spinning around at the unexpected voice, my eyes narrow to slits at the smirk on his face. “What?” I bark out.

“Mrs. Palmer.” Sean replies, gesturing to a woman down the aisle. “She picked up the last tray of strawberries. It’s become this thing she does every Saturday morning. We usually expect it.”

I stare at him with an unreadable expression, not saying a word.

He nods his head, his attempt at striking a conversation with me failing. “Something tells me you don’t shop here often.”

“How would you know that?” I ask uninterestedly, continuing down the aisle.

Sean grins. “Obviously, I haven’t seen you here before.”

I throw a box of frosted flakes in my cart. “I didn’t know you were looking.”

“I wasn’t.” He quips, trailing beside me. “I’m just a very good observer.”

Not really in the mood for the preliminaries, I stop the cart abruptly. “What do you want, Sean?”

He looks momentarily startled, before his expression turns serious. “Look, Max, I know you hate my guts.”

I feign ignorance. “Where would you ever get an idea like that?”

Sean rolls his eyes. “Let’s not bullshit Max. I’ll be brutally honest.”

I arch an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest in defiance.

“I hate your guts just as much.” He continues, not backing down. “But we’ll be seeing each other…a lot. If yesterday was any indication, I think it would be best if we buried the hatchet.”

“You think it would be best?” I query, a laugh bubbling forth. “To bury the hatchet?”

He nods, patiently awaiting my response. Is this guy for real?

I shake my head in amusement, scratching the light stubble on my chin. “I tell you what; when strawberries magically reappear on that shelf, then, and only then, will I bury the hatchet.”

Proceeding down the aisle, he calls out to me. “Be the bigger man, Max. It’s better this way.”

I whirl around to face him, my temper flared. “What would you know about what’s better?” I clip out, our noses almost touching. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

“I’m Liz’s friend.” He says calmly, his eyes boring into mine. “She may not care for me the way that I do for her, but I still want to be in her life. You and I need to get along for that to be possible.”

“What makes you think I want to get along with you?” I whisper angrily. “Why would I ever want to make anything easy for you?”

“You’re not doing it for me.” Sean retorts. “You’re doing it for Liz.”

I take a deep breathe. “Do you think I’m stupid? I know what you want. I know you have feelings for her. The last thing you want is a budding friendship with me. Having me out the picture is all you need to carry out your intentions and make your move. It’s not going to happen.”

He chuckles deeply. “Even if that were my agenda, do you really think Liz is that blind to not see through me? Come on, we both know her better than that.”

I point a threatening finger in his face. “Stop talking like you know her, cause you don’t.”

Sean sighs heavily. “Whatever my intentions were, they’re all gone to hell now.” He exclaims. “That night we went out, it told me everything I needed to know.”

I arch an eyebrow in confusion. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You.” He says emphatically, shaking his head. “All she talked about was you. No matter how much I tried to steer the subject differently, your name was the first and last thing she uttered. I realized then that I never stood a chance. I never had.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose in aggravation. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I see how much you love her.” He replies indifferently. “I know I shouldn’t care, but I happen to know first hand how much she loves you back.”

I stare at him numbly, my ire deflating. “Why won’t she tell me?” I query, in a moment of vulnerability.

He shrugs. “I don’t know. I don’t know anything about why you aren’t together, but I’m guessing you hurt her badly.”

I lower my gaze. “I did.” I admit quietly. “It was a mistake.”

Sean nods slowly. “We all make them. I just hope you learnt from yours.”

Snapping my eyes to his, I study him closely. “So, what are you saying? You’re not going to pursue her anymore?”

He rolls his eyes heavenly. “What don’t you understand, man? Liz is yours. Always has been. She doesn’t know it yet, but I think you could convince her.”

An awkward silence ensues after his words. I don’t know what to say to him.

I clear my throat uncomfortably. “I don’t know if I should thank you or tell you to fuck off.”

He laughs then. “The latter sounds more like you.”

“Thanks.” I say sincerely, much to his surprise. “I mean, I never truly hated you, well, maybe a little, but you know, it was never anything about you.”

“I understand.” He dismisses, his trademark grin in place. “I had my eye on the wrong girl. It happens with every guy.”

“What about the right girl?” I ask, my tone serious.

Sean looks at me for a long while, before shaking his head negatively. “I wouldn’t know anything about that.”

I smile my gratitude. “Well, I uh, I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Sure.” He replies, clapping my shoulder. “And Max?”

“Yeah?” I say, turning back around to face him.

He grins coyly, nodding over to the fruit stand. “There’s more strawberries on the shelf.”