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What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:16 pm
by roswells_angel285
Hey, guys. Just thought I'd come and ask a question I need answered for a paper I'm doing. Don't worry; if you don't want quoted, all you have to say is "do not quote" or "DNQ". I'll be sure not to put you in the paper, but I'd like to hear what you have to say anyway. *grin*

I'd like to know:

1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
7. Who's your favorite character and why?
8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
9. What's your favorite fic and why?
10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

Feel free to quote fics or insert jokes, but be nice! I have to show this to my composition teacher, you know! *lol* REPLY!!! L8r.

Zoey T. 8)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:38 pm
by roswells_angel285
Now, I'll answer my own questions so everyone knows how I feel.

1. I'm a big fan of AU fics, mainly because Tess can be eliminated. *smirk* I like Regular, too, because it doesn't get confusing at all.
2. I'm very CC oriented. I wanna see M/L, M/M, I/A, and maybe K/T. If that isn't the way it goes, I usually won't read it because it makes me sick to my stomach. No offence to UC writers... I just can't read it... And my favorite couple is most DEFINITELY M/L. Go Dreamers!
3. Personally, I've never read any crossovers or slash fics, but I plan to start this weekend so I have some idea what I'm talking about in my paper...
4. I usually go for R to NC-17 fics. I like to have my naughty fun. *evil grin* I sometimes go onto the others, thought, when I need a change.
5. The first fic I ever wrote was "The Pretend Game". I don't remember who wrote it, but it's in the M/L fanfic section of Crashdown. It was PG-13, but I think it should've been R. *smirk* I loved it from the beginning. It was really good. I'll have to go read it again later...
6. I'm a writer. As a matter of fact, I just posted my latest, "Chained to You". It's M/L and NC-17. Been hearing it's really good... *grin*
7. I love Max, because he's so sexy and caring and shy and... well, he's a lot like I was when I was younger. I'm a bigger fan of Liz, though, probably because I can relate to her, with the 'having to hide a secret that could get your boyfriend killed' bit. It's a problem, I know, but you learn to live with it. I also love how level headed she is and her scientific mind. Who else would have thought to scrape cells from the eraser of pencil someone had had in their mouth?
8. My favorite quote comes from a fic called "Faces I Remember". Once again, I cannot recall the author, but it been awhile. The quote's from Michael: "That's Max. He's in a coma. Send flowers." Michael says this because Max is just staring open-mouthed at Liz. It's the funniest thing ever. If you happen to find this fic, let me know. I've been looking for it FOREVER!...
9. Favorite fic, favorite fic.... I don't think I have one of these. There's just too many. I like "Educational Videos", which is on the After Hours Fanfic at Crashdown in the M/L section. I also really liked "Max with Chocolate on Top", which can be found in the same place as EV.
10. I've been reading fics on this site for about two and a half years now. I was a ferverent lurker for about a year and a half, but I ended up getting very busy and VERY distracted by my version of Max. I just recently started coming regularly again.

Well, there it is. L8r all.

Zoey 8)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:55 pm
by jbangelo
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics? Hm, I like both really, but I guess I like regular more.
2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple. Again, I like both. ;) But Max/Liz are my number one fave to read. My favorite UC to read is Max/Maria.
3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics? Not as much as others, but I will read them.
4. If you have a rating preference, what is it? NC-17 ;)
5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it? "The Bitter Dregs" by Tasyfa. I read it on RosDeidre's board. It's a Dreamer fic, rated PG, I think. It was absolutely amazing. It made me laugh and cry. Before reading it, I wasn't really into fanfiction, and I don't even know what made me decide to sit down and read it. But I read it, and I was hooked. It's the fic I blame for my current state of fanfic obsession. :lol:
6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned? I read and write, although I definitely prefer to read. Writing is just too hard sometimes, and I honestly don't think I'm that good at it. The only two I've completed are Kyle/Isabel stories ("Look of Love," which is post-Grad, and "One Moment of Ecstasy," which is a tag to A Tale of Two Parties). They're both on the Complete board.
7. Who's your favorite character and why? Probably Liz, because she was strong and independent and would have done anything for those she cared about.
8. What's your favorite quote from a fic? Oh, that's too hard. :lol:
9. What's your favorite fic and why? Oh geez! I love so many, but I think my number one fave would have to be "The Way Love Goes" by Deejonaise. That fic evoked feelings in me that no written work ever has. There was so much raw emotion and it was just so real and so beautiful. I highly recommend it to anyone. ;)
10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come? I've been reading fanfic on RF probably for a little more than six months, and I come here several times a day. ;)

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:37 pm
by Kath7

1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
I mostly only read regular fics. To me, Roswell is about aliens. What's the point in reading fics where my favorite characters are just regular people? I can find much better books out there. Plus, substituing the names Max and Liz does not make it a Rosfic. I do like AU fics that are about aliens though. I enjoy new twists on the Roswell story.
2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
I'm into CC exclusively for Max and Liz, who are my favorite couple. I do like some uc pairings for the other characters, particularly Alex&Tess and Kyle&Isabel.
3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
I read some crossovers, if I'm interested in the other show too. I am writing one as a matter of fact. It's fun to see how writers meld the two worlds together. I don't usually read slash. It's just not for me. I have no general issue with it though. I have read a few slash stories that were beautiful and emotional. It's the straight sex ones I don't like. But I feel this way about heterosexual couple fics as well. Smut isn't really for me. I don't mind NC-17 as long as it has a point.
4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
I never write beyond PG-13, mainly because I'm not comfortable writing sex scenes. I don't mind reading them, as long as they're not there just for the sake of it. They have to make sense in the context of the story.
5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
I don't remember the first actual fic I read, but the first memorable fic was Captivated by Darkness by Ash. It was on the Crashdown, was rated PG-13, and featured all conventional couples. I consider it my first read fic because it addicted me to fanfic. It made me cry and I couldn't believe that a story on the internet could make me care enough to do that.
6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I do write. Some of my more popular stories were Between the Sand and Stone, Burn for Me and The Out of the Woods Trilogy. You can access them all on my web-site, which can be accessed in my sig.
7. Who's your favorite character and why?
My favorite character is Max, followed closely by Liz, then Alex. Max is my favorite because he was the one I fell in love with on the show. I loved that he was shy, and extremely careful, but also a complete romantic. When Liz was threatened he didn't think twice about risking his life. I also love that he is a natural leader, but is uncertain if he is a good one, which I think makes him a great one. This wasn't always portrayed on the show, but it is in my favorite fanfics.
8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
The king had returned to his kingdom, and all was right with the world. From Antarian Sky by Rosdeidre.
9. What's your favorite fic and why?
My favorite fic...yeesh! It changes often, but I think my all time favorite is Gravity Always Wins by Rosdeidre. I love it because it made Tess a character I cared about, and I loved it because it was complicated, and the storyline was brilliant. Plus it has the best original character ever written in fanfic in Marco McKinley, and Max and Liz were absolutely perfectly portrayed.
10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
I have been reading fanfic on this site since it's original incarnation as Jenn's board. This was late Season 1, so early 2000. I usually come to the site every day, not always to read though. I'm an admin so I check up on things. I don't read nearly as much fanfic as I used to actually. Since becoming an admin, I read less than ever.

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:39 pm
by Raychelxluscious
Here's my POV. =)

1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
I'm more partial to AU myself, but I do enjoy a good canon fic.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
I'm mainly for CC. M/L - definitely, M/M, A/I - occassionally. K/T - eh, I can have them with any original character the author's creates. It just depends on the story, I suppose. However, with Ma x and Liz, there is no negotiating.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
Crossover, yes. Slash, eh, not so much. I've read a couple, and they have been really good. But it's still kind of weird for me. But, hey, more power to those who can read and write them. Right on.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
No real rating preference. I tend to read more of the PG-13 to R genre. It has to have those elements that come with the ratings...

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
Ahh, I remember my first fic fondly. I read Linda's Us Six Against the World Trilogy. (I believe that's the title, I could be mistaken.) It was CC, at desert dwellers, with a rating higher than I should have been reading that the time. ;) It was those fics that got me hooked on fanfiction. It was wonderful. =)

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I've been reading fanfiction for a very long time, but I haven't tried my hand at writing until just recently. I'm a fanfic-writing-virgin, so to speak. My first fic, which is a WIP, is Absence Makes the Heart Grow Bitter it's located at the CC forum, and you may get it by clicking on the link in my sig. =) (Shamelessing plugging is so awesome!!)

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Oh, geez. How could you possibly make me choose? First it was Max, because he's hot. Then it was Liz, because she got the hot guy. And now it's a toss up between Kyle and Alex cause they are just funny to boot! I love them!

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
What? Geez-o-man, this a tough...I can't say. There are too many memorable lines, and it wouldn't be fair to name just one, and I don't have enough time to name all 3,000 some. ;)

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
Ugh...Soooo difficult! Probably Deejonaise's Regarding Max, first off, because Regarding Henry was an awesome movie, and Deejonaise did such an excellent job making that fic her own work, separate from the movie. It was just amazing.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
I've been reading fanfic on this board way back when it was an ezboard and it was all pink and stuff...Wow. Uh, I pop in every time I sign on - which is a lot. So, I'm here every day. =)

Great question. =) I hope I helped you out in some way.


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 11:16 pm
by Icequeen
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
I tend to like more AU beacuse you have more freedom

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple
Def. CC. I like Max and Liz for sure

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
Never read any Crossover read a few Slash but it's not for me.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
I tend to like NC-17 for the nookie secnes.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
First fic was Captive hearts by brethless. i think it was on the Bordello. It was Max and Liz i LOVED it. i recommend it to so many ppl.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I just started writing recently. It's called Picking up the Pieces the link is in my signature.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
I'd have to say Max beacuse of everything that he had to deal with on the show. The fact that he was still a teenager and had to be looking out for the FBI and looking out for Michael and Isabel. The fact that he's hot helps too.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
This is a hard one. I've read to many to pick just one

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
My All time Fave is Captive hearts only cause it's the first one that i read. I also love long fics too. I have a buch of fave's now but that's my number one

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
I've been reading on this site for over a year. I was a lurker for a long time. I visit this site about 1000 times a day. LOL

Great Questions!!!

Here you go...

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:05 am
by LovinGuerin2Much
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
I like A.U... I love reading about the characters in diffrent situations and there are some great writers on this board. I do read regular sometimes but I can't realate to it that well. Watching them in high school is one thing, reading about it is another

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple
Im CC all the way. Favorite couples are Maria and Michael

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
I have read very few crossovers and some slash..

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
I tend to not read anything under PG-13 but too much nookie can be annoying too.. for me anyways.. I will not read Porn Without Plot.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
The first fic that I ever read was "Captive Hearts" by Breathless, it was in the Bordello, it was R?, M/L... Well my best friend had been raving about this story she was reading online about aliens and I told her she was nuts then she let me borrow the first season of Roswell and I feel in love with it and read the story immediatley after. I still think it is the best fic that I have ever read.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I write the links are in my signature, and I also love to read other people's.

7. Who's your favorite character and why? I think that it would have to be a tie with Michael and Max, I love the way Michael's character was very deep, he suffered and he was a smart ass but in the end, he had a good heart and would do anything for the people that he loved. Max ....what can I say about Max, he's just awsome the complete oppiste of Michael but very deep. Love him.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic? Ahhh I cant remember read way too many.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
"Bell, Book and Candle" by Doc Paul and "Behind Her Eyes" by Behrsgirl77, BB and C was just beautiful written, Michael was really emotional in that fic and the way the the author wrote him, his feelings for Maria were just like awwwwwww.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
Ive been reading since I joined, and I come on everday not always to read but I come on.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:57 am
by xmag
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
Regular fics with aliens are my favorite, but i can read AU with aliens too. Like Kath 7 said, what's the point in reading a fic with regular humans ? i could buy a novel for that.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
CC all the way, babe, M/M, M/L, A/I, not too fond of I/J or I/K. M/M is my favorite couple.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
Slash isn't my cup of tea. I like crossovers, if the author is writing a mix of two universe, and two groups of people, not just one character leaving Roswell to Seattle, Sunnydale, and taking over the fic with just a new group of friends, instead of the roswellian group.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
No preference, i read everything.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
Oh my god, it was so long ago, i think it was a fic called "The dream", By Bec, and "Sparks", by Natalie, on Roswell Underground

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I don't write FF.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Michael, then Maria, then Liz. Michael, because he was abused all his childhood, was an angry young guy who had to work hard to get where he is at the end of the show : a good guy.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
I don't remember one precisely.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
I would say "From Within", by Shelbecat, because i love all the POVs from Michael, and "Strong, Dangerous and Undeniable", by Destinee, because she wrote the best Liz i have ever read in a fic. "Reawekening", by Tasyfa, would come in third position.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
I have been reading FF for almost 5 years, and 4 years on this board.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:06 am
by cardinalgirl
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I'll read AU with aliens, but I hardly go onto the AU board, just because it's easy to get lost over there. Uually I'll only read an AU fic that's been recommended to me or that's gotten good reviews. (makes it sound like I'm talking about a book or movies... lol) I like my regular fics just fine.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

I generally read CC, but I'm all up for UC if the writing is true-to-character and the situation is believable. My favorite couple is Alex/Isabel.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

I've tried reading a few crossovers, but it doesn't quite work for me. I think for me Roswell is so much its own universe that bringing characters from other shows into it is... I don't know, strange. And slash... well, let's just say I'm too young for that. lol

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

I try to stick to PG-13 usually, and R at the most.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

The first fic I read was also Captivated by Darkness by Ash, on the, which was recommended to me by a friend. I'd never even heard of fanfic before that, thought it was a pretty wonky idea to take other people's characters and write about them... I mean, that's kind of insane, right? That fic proved me very, very wrong. lol

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I've just started writing less than a year ago, and have only posted one story so far, Persistence of Memory, which is still on the CC board, almost finished.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

Alexander Charles Whitman. And not just because he died, though that did up his appeal. Nothing like something you can't have, right? Sigh. Really, though, I always thought he was just about the most believable character on the show. He wasn't perfect, he wasn't drop-dead gorgeous, he was just a regular guy with a really good heart who stood by his friends and his values.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

Oh, toughie... I have a terrible memory for things like this... The one that comes to mind is in Kath's Between Sand and Stone, "I give you my home in exchange for your heart." Yeah, yeah, I'm all about the sap.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

Another hard one. You know what I love, though? The Future Arc by Danilise on the Roswell Underground site. I've always loved all of those little vignettes... a nice way to balance out all the angst found nowadays.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

I've only been reading stories on this site for maybe two years? I read the older stuff on Crashdown and Roswell Underground before that. This is my main site now, though, and I come here quite often... at least a couple times a day.

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:51 pm
by Calinia
To put a bit of variety into the replies you get...

1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

Well, I mostly read crossovers and those aren't really AU but they're not exactly regular fics either. Basically, I'm not big on reading fics that have no canon at all in them (with a few exceptions) and I never read no-alien fics. As some people already said, I don't really see the point, even though I have read a few that were pretty good.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

Definitely UC.

Favorite couple? As in one couple? Well, my favorite UC couples are Liz/Sean, Liz/Kyle and Liz/Michael, not necessarily in that order. My favorite CC couple is definitely Kyle/Tess; Alex/Isabel is okay too. If I had to pick one, it would probably be Liz/Sean. I have such a soft spot for that guy, lol.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

Love crossovers as I already mention, 90% of the fics I read are crossovers, especially with the shows Dark Angel, Smallville, Alias and Buffy, in that order probably. However, I only read crossovers when the couples are crossing over too, so-to-say. That's sort of the point for me.

I've read some good threesome fics, but pure slash just seems wrong when only Roswell characters are involved. None of them seem gay to me, especially not Kyle! Liz/Tess might be interesting though...

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

No preference, I normally don't even look at the rating, even though I don't mind some nice nookie, lol.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

I have no idea. I do remember that the fic that brought me to this board is "Finding Yourself" by Cookieman1234. That's pretty much the only post-Departure M/L fic that I really liked. Two reasons: 1) M/L weren't just thrown back together 2) I actually wanted those two back together. I didn't care about Tess, I didn't care about the baby, about the way Max had treated Liz after Alex's death. It's the only story that truely redeem Max in my eye, and not because there were explanations for the way he behaved but just because of who he ended up being at the end of the fic. No idea what the rating is though.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I write, I started...hmm, summer of 2002 I think. I've written five fics so far, one short Christmas smut fic that was actually M/L, one CC DA crossover that's a WIP and three UC DA crossovers, two of them WIPs, one of them finished. Seeing that you're straight CC and don't read crossovers, I doubt that you're interested in them, but you can find them all on my site (link in my sig) and the newer parts that are not yet on my site in the crossover section here on the board.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

That's hard, but I think I'd have to choose Tess, if only for the sake of being controversial, lol. Basically, I found her more intriguing than all the other characters put together. The alien/human hybrid that was raised by the cold, heartless, human-hating Nasedo. I loved watching her struggle with both her alien and human side, not really knowing what to do about either of them. I loved her when she moved in with the Valentis. Those scenes were some of the best in S2. I loved her with Kyle, those two had such amazing chemistry. Too bad we never got to see it enfold. She was strong and spunky, smart, witty, sarcastic, funny, caring, confused, messed up, scared... She wasn't perfect but she had an edge and that just made her so much more interesting than most of the other characters. To me, the whole thing with her killing Alex makes zero sense from beginning to end so I just ignore it and pretend it never happened.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

No idea.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

That's a tough one. Actually, it's impossible to answer so I'll just post my favorite fic out of every category.

Crossovers: "A new Start" by LittleBit because it was the first Liz/Alec (from DA) fic ever. I immediately fell in love with that couple and now that's all I write. I think I've read that fic ten times by now. It's great.

UC: "Kiss" by DMartinez. It's Sean/Liz, post departure and it's just amazing. It's one of the most realistic relationships I've ever seen in a fic and I love every minute of it. I've read it, well, probably five times by now. It deals with Max in a realistic way, it deals with Liz's issues in a realistic way. It doesn't make any of the characters into something that they're not and DMartinez does a great job showing the not-so-good sides of the characters without making you hate them.

CC: "The Denial Game" by Evelynn. This is pretty much the only CC fic I'm still keeping track of. It's AU but with aliens and it's just magnificent. Very angsty, very heart-wrenching, very beautiful. You always have the feeling that you're in the dark of at least 80% of the stuff that's happening but that just adds to the depth and power of the storyline. Definitely one of the best stories ever.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

I've been reading fics on this site for over three years now and I'm here pretty much every day. Pathetic, huh? :lol: