Surviving The Darkness (UC,CC,Slash ADULT) AN 2/10

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Surviving The Darkness (UC,CC,Slash ADULT) AN 2/10

Post by magikhands »

Title: Surviving the Darkness
Author: magikhands
Rating: ADULT for intense scenes and sexual content
Category: UC/Slash
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Roswell. They belong to its creators
Summary: Someone is calling to Max. Who and why? Then what ever else I dream up for the I-know-an-alien club to go through.

Warning: This story will contain intense and possibly disturbing scenes, so you are pre-warned. I don’t expect a lot of readers due to the nature of this story but fb is appreciated. This idea has been in my head for a long while and I’ve finally made the decision to write it and post it. This is not my normal smut based fic (though we will of course eventually get to that :wink:and have lots of fun with it)

Chapter 1

It was happening again. He was strapped down to the hard, cold, metal table. His head pounded, his vision blurred, and he felt like he was going to puke. White clouded his vision everywhere he looked. Even the lights glared a bright white down on him. How he hated that color! He pulled on the straps that held his body still but they were strong. He shook his head until one of the white dressed people strapped it in place. He screamed, telling them no and to stop, but they just gagged him. He felt the pricks, the scraps, and everything else that they wanted on his body. They were taking samples of everything they could. More of his sanity was being drained away with every vial they filled. His body hurt and he felt such hopelessness and despair. His body shook, a deep trembling that came from his core. He couldn’t stop his body; he couldn’t stop the monsters that hovered over him.

The scene changed slightly. He couldn’t pinpoint exactly what had changed but something did. There were now three people standing over him dressed in white and wearing white surgical masks. One held a scalpel and was bringing it closer and closer to his body. He screamed and found that he was no longer gagged. Sound flooded his brain but it wasn’t his voice. It wasn’t his scream.


Max jerked up in bed, his heart racing, sweat covered his body. His body felt sore as if he’d been fighting someone or was it something?

Isabel rushed into Max’s room and quickly gathered him in her arms. She instantly began a rocking motion, comforting his whimpering, trembling body.

“It’s alright Max. It was just a dream. I’m here.” She tried soothing him. “It’s not real anymore. You’re safe. No on is here to harm you.”

Max’s tears soaked her pajama top as he continued to cry and curl into her warmth. Isabel was glad that their parents were out of town and not able to hear his anguish filled screams. They knew that he had been having nightmares lately and they were starting to wonder if he should see a councilor about them. But tonight, it had been the worst yet. Tonight he was not so easily consoled. He’d seen something, felt something that absolutely terrified him.

Max never told her about his dreams or exactly what had happened during his stay in the white room. He had never spoken of it to anyone. From what she’d seen when she had entered his dreams during that time, she knew that he had gone through a lot under Pierce’s control. But he was safe now. Pierce was dead and Nesado had disbanded the Special Unit. They could breath easy for a little while, right?

***Same time in Florida***

Liz woke with a start, tears streaming down her face, her body covered with heavy sweat that made her nightclothes cling to her skin. Her body ached, her head hurt, her lungs could not seem to get enough air. Her room was dark except for the little night-light that shone from the bathroom. With shaky legs, she rose from the bed, stripped from her clothing and went to the bathroom. She leaned on the sink, her breath still ragged and her head pounding. Her knees gave out but she caught herself enough to sit on the edge of the tub. She looked down at her arms and stared at them. There were bruising on them and several scraps. She lifted her head and looked into the large mirror.

“Kyle.” She cried.


I have the first 10 Chapters written and at least three more ready to be typed out so let me know...As before, this will not be a happy go luck fic all the time but it will have its good parts
Last edited by magikhands on Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:54 pm, edited 47 times in total.
Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 2

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 2

He was cold, his teeth chattered. His body shivered, trying desperately to keep its warmth. He woke to find that he had crawled over to the corner farthest from where the door was and curled up into a protective fetal position, not that it did him any good. Exhaustion had finally taken its toll and allowed him a small time of rest. But now he was emerging from his safe place, into what he called Hell. They had lowered the temperature in the room making the air frigid. He didn’t know if it was to wake him or to see how much he could stand the cold. He didn’t know much anymore. Just pain and confusion.

Kyle curled himself into a tighter ball, hoping to stay a little warm but he was wearing nothing but scrub pants. White of all colors, blending with his surroundings. Oh how he wished he could really just blend in, vanish from this place, so they wouldn’t touch him, poke him, do tests on him. He let out a shaky breath and just hoped that his father would find him soon and take him home.

His father. Thoughts ran rapid in his mind now, trying to keep it busy and not think of what they would do to him next. Surely the Sheriff of Roswell would notice his son missing. And Kyle was sure that if anyone could find him, it was his father. He wouldn’t give up until he was found. But then other unpleasant thoughts ran through his mind. What if they had his father also? In another room? What if he couldn’t help him because he was captive too? Who would help him then?

“No.” Kyle croaked, his throat dry and hurting. He shook his head and realized that it was not pounding as bad as before. He didn’t know if it was good or if it was meaning that he was going into shock. No, he knew that he would be missed. Maybe not right away because he was supposed to be at Football camp but when he didn’t call, they would know something was up. Right?

Kyle squeezed his eyes shut against the brightness of the room. He had no clue how long he’d been here. There were no window and of course no clocks. It felt like he’d been here forever and he’d learn to hated the color white quickly. The only contrast he’d seen was the silver for the table they would roll in and instruments they used His eyes squeezed tighter, not wanting to think about the coldness of the steel against his body, the pain of the needles as they punctured his skin, the sight of people in white medical suits, nor the uncomfortable feeling of being prodded and examined.

He reached out and found that place, the one that the cold and pain could not reach. Where he was home and warm. He entered the door, expecting to find his dad kicked back watching football but that was not what he found. Sitting there, on his couch was Max Evans.

‘Max? What are you doing here?’

‘I don’t know really.’ Max looked confused as he looked around the living room. He stood and went to Kyle.

‘I don’t want anything to do with you, your friends, or any alien club. Get out of my life!’ Kyle tried to go around Max. Anger filled his voice. Yes, Max may have saved his life but he was also the reason that he was in that damn UFO Center to begin with. All he wanted to go to his room, lie in his bed and maybe pull out a magazine to relieve some stress.

‘Wait Kyle. What is going on? Did you do this?’

Kyle stopped in his tracks. He was having trouble breathing. He felt as if he was suffocating. His lungs couldn’t seem to get enough air. His surroundings were fading. Max, the one constant thing that had been haunting his dreams, faded.

‘Kyle.’ Max called out.

Kyle opened his eyes and found that he was still surrounded by white but now he knew why he was having trouble breathing. It was so hot in the room that the air felt suffocating. Kyle gasped for air, his lungs not happy with the change of atmosphere.

“No.” he croaked out before slipping into a deep sleep.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 3

Post by magikhands »

Well, it's Thursday once again. Time for another chapter! Thanks for all the fb guys. You all know how encouraging it is. And thanks for hanging in there with me on this cuz I have a feeling it's going to get bumpy for our Pod Squad.

alienmom- Kyle is not in Fl with Liz :( but they will be united along the way :wink:

On with the story:

Chapter 3

Max walked into the Crashdown Café. He was sporting dark circles under his eyes and a two-day growth of hair on his face. His body screamed of exhaustion from his lack of sleep. He walked to the bar stool that he’d claimed everyday for the past month and sat. He propped his head on a hand and stared off at nothing in particular.

He was so tired but sleep would not come as easily as it once did. It had been a little over a month since his horrific experience in the White Room. A little over a month since Liz left him to go to Florida. A little over a month of pure hell. The nightmares haunted him every time he closed his eyes. He saw Pierce and the White Room. He felt the things that were done to him again and again. He saw the picture of Liz lying dead over and over in his mind. No, sleep was not an easy thing to get now.

But that was not all of his problems. His waking hours were spent trying not to recall his nightmares or the things that he’d experienced in the White Room and trying to desperately to get on with his life. He’d drive down the road, looking back in the rearview mirror making sure that Pierce was not behind him, following, waiting for him. Pierce was a monster and did things to him that Max knew he might never tell another soul about. He had scarred Max like no other could ever do or think of to do. It was amazing what damage was done while in his possession just over 24 hours. Pierce was a major sick human who got off on torturing others and people said that aliens were harmful.

His nightmares continued to relive those times that Pierce played his games as Max was strapped down however Pierce wanted. But the past three nights, they were different. They still tormented his soul but they felt different. The pain that he felt was more real feeling, everything seemed more intense, and the actions of what happened were not quite the same as his real experience. As he lay awake after this last nightmare, Max ran through the sequence of the dream and what it could mean. Someone was calling his name, not him calling out to someone else. Someone was out there, calling to him, filled with pain, crying for help. But who?

“Hey Girlfriend. The usual?” Maria smiling her perky smile at Max, interrupted his thoughts. Max raised his head and he watched her smile fade. “Max.” Her voice was lower and less cheerful. “You’ve got to get some rest.” Her concern was evident in her face and voice.

Max tried to smile but it came out more of a grimace. “I’m trying.” He said. Max looked at the girl he now considered one of his best friends. She’d been his savior this summer. Someone to talk to, to lean on, and support him.

After the White Room and the message at the cave, his world had literally fallen apart around him. Liz left him and went away to an Aunt’s house in Florida without a good-bye. He’d withdrawn from everyone around him as the pain and sorrow began to spread and engulf him fully. The nightmares of Pierce and what he’d done haunted him even more and contributed to his withdrawal. He stayed in his room, calling in sick and then finally asking for a leave of absence telling Milton some lame excuse. He rarely ate and often left the food that Isabel brought untouched. Isabel had been worried about him but he would not talk to her. His parents grew more and more concern even though Isabel covered for him the best she could, explaining that he and Liz had fought and broke up then she left for the summer. They tried to understand and give him time but Isabel knew that they would not hold off long.

It was Maria that had dragged him stubbornly out of that deep depression and his newly acquired cell he called his room. A week after Liz left, Maria camped out at Max’s door. Isabel had overheard her parents talking about making Max see a doctor if this kept up much longer. She knew that Michael did not have the correct finesse to coax Max out and Tess…well she is one of the reasons that Liz left and Max refused to talk about her, let alone to her at the moment. Alex tried but to no avail so Maria was her last chance.

Max finally opened his door to her after she had sat there for six hours. She would talk to him through the door, sometimes sing, or just sat in silence but occasionally letting him know that she was still there. She entered his room when he opened the door and sat in his computer chair.

“You look like hell.” Was her only comment as she sat and waited.

Max sat on the bed and knew that he didn’t look good. He hadn’t slept in days, or shaved. His hair was a mess, sticking out everywhere he was sure. He wore just some shorts and a t-shirt. He shrugged and waited for one of Maria’s famous ranting lectures. But all he got was a deafening silence.

“Well?” He finally asked, her silence chewing on his sleep deprived nerves.

“Well, what? It’s you that is supposed to talk. I’m here for you, not to hear myself go on and on about how you are being a total ass.”

Max sighed. “I know. You, Isabel, and Michael have been telling me that for a week. I’m fine, really, so you can go.”

Maria leaned forward in her chair. “Max. You need to talk to someone. You’ve spent the last week locked up in here, locked up in your own pity and pain. Isabel says that she’s tried to dream walk you but you are either blocking her or not sleeping. You have to let us in Max if we are to help you deal with this.”

“Maria…” Max started, his shoulders slumping, his body showing its fatigue.

“No Max. It’s time. I’m not leaving this seat until you talk. I don’t care if it’s to me or to one of the others, but it’s past time. You are slowly killing yourself. Did you know that your parents are talking about sending you to a psychologist? I don’t think you want that. It also doesn’t help us with you like this.” Maria sat back in the chair, crossing her arms.

Max sighed and made himself comfortable against his headboard. They sat that way, in silence for 15 minutes. Maria bit her tongue to keep the silence up. She’d said her peace for now with him, now it was his turn. Max was amazed that Maria had stayed quiet for so long and that told him that she was serious. She was determined to have him talk before she left. He could have used his powers and made her leave but as he looked at her, he realized that he liked being in her presence. He could feel her aura, and it gave him comfort. A voice inside told him that he could do this. She was the one to share his pain and troubled mind with. She could handle it.

Max sighed wearily, but inside he felt almost happy that he could finally be able to talk to someone, to unburden his fears and concerns. He and Maria sat for at least two hours, him telling her a lot that he went through and how he felt. Once he started speaking, he couldn’t seem to stop, the words raining from his mouth. He told her about his time in the White Room and what they did to him. Of course he withheld some of the details of his time with Pierce because he just wasn’t ready to completely come dig up those nightmares. Yet he told her of his problem with sleeping, the nightmares, and of his mother’s message in the cave. Then there was of course Liz. He felt as if he’d lost her and felt as if a part of his body, soul, and reason for being here, was gone.

During his cleansing of his evils, Maria sat there and listened. She was surprised and in awe of Max. She couldn’t believe that he had survived all that he’d been through. It was no wonder he had locked himself away. His greatest fear had come true. He’d been captured, tortured, chased, and had killed a person all within two days. The person was an evil man, but how does one cope with that? He had such a burden and felt that he had to carry it all on his own. When he stopped, she would encourage him to go on, holding back her tears and her feelings of anger for what had happened to him.

By the time Max was finished he was crying and completely wrung out. His body was trembling and he felt an immense cold inside his body. Maria got up from the chair, went to the bed and embraced him. She held him all night as they lay in bed, soothing his fears and pain with words of comfort until he finally fell into a deep sleep. When he woke several hours later, whimpering from another nightmare, she soothed him back to sleep and held him closer. He did that two other times in the night but it was still the best night of sleep he’d gotten since his stay in the White Room.

From that day forward, their friendship blossomed. They spent more time together, growing closer and getting to know one another. Many times, Maria would stay with Max during the night or he would come to her for comfort just to get a decent night of sleep. Finally, the nightmares began to fade some, giving Max a more peaceful night of sleep.

Their friendship was not a one sided affair. Max was there for Maria also. After Michael killed Pierce, he kept his distance from Maria. He stated that he was too dangerous to be around her. She was frustrated with him but gave him his space. Max was there to comfort her knowing how much she loved his best friend though he was being a complete asshole. He tried his best to give her insight to Michael, but he was sometimes a mystery to those who were closest to him.

“Just give me some really strong coffee please.”

Maria eyed him a moment before turning to get his order. Max looked toward the kitchen window and saw Michael at the grill working. His family, their I-know-an-alien club was still intact somewhat but not stable and strong like before Liz left. It felt as if they were all holding on by a single thread that was about to break at anytime.

After their Mom-O-Gram, Michael began spending more time with Tess since he wasn’t spending any time with Maria. At first, the tension between Michael and Maria was almost explosive. When they were together in a room, it felt as if the air could be sliced with a knife. But lately, it has eased and Max had even caught them laughing at something together the other day while they worked.

Tess was the one with the most control of her powers and the strongest in them. Nasedo, who trained her from the time she hatched from her pod, had raised her and taught her well. She was teaching them all how to strengthen and control the powers that they had. She was also able to help them find some of their dormant powers that they hadn’t a clue they had. Max had made it clear to Tess that he was not interested in her and in no way wanted her to pursue him. Tess had done just that, happy with a friendship that was in its beginnings. Tess was actually becoming more likable and easier to be around.

Isabel was around but she was busy splitting her time equally between Michael, Alex and Max. She has gone shopping with Mara a couple of times and also went to lunch with Tess the week before. She has tried to be there for them all, her icy demeanor dropping more and more as she grew closer to Maria and Alex. She was certainly there for Max when he need her and he was grateful for his sister’s love.

Then there was Alex. He was neutral much like Isabel. He spent the most time with Isabel and Maria but the others had gotten to know him also in the past month. It was no secret that he held feelings for Isabel and Max could see that his sister was falling for his goofy charm. He’d found them on the couch the night before watching movies, Isabel’s head lying on Alex’s lap. Max really liked Alex and knew that he had proved himself a loyal friend even before he knew that aliens walked among them.

Then there was Liz. She kept in contact with Maria and Alex and they both told him that she asked about him every time she called. That was encouraging to Max but still felt a piece of his soul empty with her gone.

The newest member of their club, Kyle, was away at his many sports camps that were lined up for the summer. At first, Kyle’s newly found knowledge worried everyone. Kyle had always been weary of Michael and Max. Isabel ran in the same social circles in school so he was fine with the Ice Princess. But since Liz broke up with him and then started an obvious relationship with Max, Kyle held a grudge against him. He saw Max as an enemy. It was Max responsible for Liz breaking up with him, Max who fueled his father’s obsession, and Max who caused him to be shot to begin with. But Max had seen inside of Kyle during the healing. Kyle could be as trustworthy as his father was turning out to be. He would keep their secret even if he blamed Max for his life being turned upside down.

Maria brought Max his coffee.

“Maria, can you take a break? I really need to talk to you.”

Maria looked around at the nearly empty café. The breakfast rush was nearly over and there were only a few customers left.

“Yeah…just go to the back and wait for me while I finish up with these customers.”

“Thanks.” Max said as he got up and walked to the back room. He said hi to Michael then sat on the worn couch that Mr. Parker had back there. He sighed and laid his head back. Closing his eyes, he tried to relax.

Hands forcibly grabbed his arms and pulled him back. His head felt fuzzy, dizzy and disoriented. His vision was blurred and all he saw was the color white. He was weak but tried to fight the hands that were on him. He struggled but the hands were stronger. He felt his body being picked up and then placed in a large tub of ice water. The cold took his breath away and he could not breath. A hand pushed on his head, forcing him beneath the cold water. He struggled, pushing up on the hand that held him under but he was too weak. He held his breath until his lungs burned. They felt as if they would explode and he finally let the air out, blowing bubbles in the water. It was only then that the hands pulled him up, gasping for breath, air filling his lungs. The hands did this several times before they finally pulled him out, lungs aching, chest filled with pain as he coughed up water that had seeped in. His cold, shivering body lay in a heap in the corner as his body tried to recover.

“Max.” He heard in the distant. “Max…wake up, it’s just a dream.” The voice was closer but he was so cold, lonely, and helpless.

“Help me.” Max muttered as his body trembled

Maria shook Max harder, forcing him out of his dream. When she had entered the back room he was whimpering and his body was cold to the touch and shivering. “Max, wake the hell up.” She said loud enough for Michael to come out of the kitchen.

“What’s wrong?” Michael asked just as Max woke with a start, gasping deeply for breath.

Maria glanced over her shoulder at Michael. “Nothing. He just fell asleep and had a bad dream. He’s fine.”

Michael paused and looked at Max. He felt unsure whether to stay or go back to the kitchen. He wanted to go over there and question Max, make sure he was alright but he saw that Maria had it all in hand, coddling him and…Michael held in the growl that wanted to escape as he felt the little green jealous alien within try to come out. He turned and went back to the kitchen.

Maria took the blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around Max, rubbing his shoulders.


Liz sat, staring out the window. The sun was bright and shined in on her but the blood that ran through her body was cold. The sun warmed her skin but inside she was getting colder by the second. Her body started to tremble. She reached next to her and pulled the blanket tightly around her body, trying to calm the chill.

“Hang on Kyle.” She whispered, her eyes closed, the bright sunlight hitting her tanned features.

Kyle huddled in the corner of the room he’d called home for some time now. His eyes were closed and he was curled in a fetal position. His body was so cold but warm tears ran from his eyes as his lungs ached and his body cramped from the chill.

‘Hang on Kyle.’ He heard the familiar voice inside his head.

Curling into a tighter ball, he openly wept. “Please help me.” He begged in a low whisper. “Liz.”

TBC... until next week
Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 4

Post by magikhands »

Sorry this is so short guys but it didn't fit into the next section right so I made it its own chapter.

Chapter 4

“Max, what is happening?” Maria asked her friend, concerned for his state. His body was shivering and his skin very cold to the touch.

Max rubbed his hands over his face. He was so tired and now he couldn’t seem to get warm. He felt chilled to the bone as if someone had blown frost into his veins.

“The nightmares Maria. They are getting worse.” He looked Maria. “And they are different now. They’ve changed. They feel more real and…” He paused.

“What?” Maria asked thinking that Max was not going to go on.

“They are leaving physical after effects on me.” Max said quietly.

“What do you mean after effects Max?”

Max pulled an arm from the blanket and pulled up the sleeve that covered the top part of his arm. Maria gasped. Tenderly she reached out a hand and touched the wounded skin. In the elbow crease of his arm were a collection of small bruises with a tiny hole in the middle of each one. On his bicep were several larger bruises that looked like hand marks. The kind you would get when someone holds you down.

“What the hell? Do they hurt?”

Max shook his head. “No. I wake from these dreams and they are there. I’ve tried healing them but they won’t. The next day they are gone but replaced by others in different areas of my body.” He paused for a second before continuing. “And there is something else.” He pulled his sleeve back down and tucked his arm back into the blanket, finally starting to feel warmer. “Someone is calling out to me. They called my name.”

“Called out? How? Is that possible? I mean, is this person human or another alien?”

Max shrugged. “I don’t know but the voice that I keep hearing is filled with so much pain, it was really a scream.” Max shivered as he thought of the sound of the voice ripping through his head. He could still remember a time when he sounded like that.

Maria wrapped her arms tighter around Max. “Oh Max. What can I do? Do you know who it could be?”

“Nasedo has disbanded the Special Unit. He has taken care of all the research and papers on me. I don’t know what else to do.” He sighed and looked helplessly to Maria. “I can’t sleep; I can’t seem to think straight. I don’t know what is wrong with me.”

“I do. You had a traumatic experience Max. You have suffered something no being should ever have to endure. It’s only been a little while; you can’t expect to get over something like that in just a week or two. Post Traumatic Syndrome is not an easy thing to deal with and you are not in the position to go to a doctor for help. So, you have me.” Maria smiled at him.

Max looked Maria. She has been his lifesaver these past weeks. Always there when he needed her. He was thankful for what she was doing but he knew that who he really needed was Liz. She’d seen what he went through, she felt what had happened to him but she still left him. She left to get things sorted out. She left him so that he could be with his ‘bride’.

Michael stepped out of the kitchen and stopped in his tracks. He stared at the scene before him. An empty feeling seethed in his stomach as he watched Maria tenderly hold his best friend. He watched as they talked softly and then saw her smile at Max. The emptiness grew. Michael wished that it was he that Maria was smiling at, as it should be. He sighed and fought back the barbaric urge to throw Maria over his shoulder and take her some place where he could devour her. But what was happening was his fault. He was the one who has pushed her away and had watched her and Max grow closer day by day. Michael turned and went back into the kitchen where the grill’s fire rose high in the air reaching the air vents for just a moment before settling back down.

“Isabel is really worried about you Max. Why don’t you talk to her? She will understand.” Maria said bringing Max out of his thoughts of Liz.

“I know. It’s just not as easy anymore.”

“Well, I think everyone needs to be let in on what is happening to you. Maybe the six of us can figure out what is going on. Do you work today?”

“Uh, yeah, until six.”

“Ok then. I’ll call a meeting. We will get together at Michael’s after you get off work. We’ll have some pizza then you can tell them about these dreams.”

Max hesitated but then nodded. She was right. He needed to tell the others what was going on. These physical manifestations were not good and he could feel that something beg was going to happen soon. Something that will affect the entire group. He just wished he knew what it was so that they could prepare for it.

“Good. Go on to work, I’ll arrange it all with everyone.” Maria said as she helped Max off the couch and kissed his cheek before pushing him out the backdoor.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 5

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 5

That evening Max walked into Michael’s apartment to find the five others already there and waiting for him. The pizza had just arrived and it’s delicious odor filled the room.

“Come on Max. I’m hungry.” Alex said patting the stool next to him at the bar.

Max joined them around the kitchen area where Michael and Maria were filling the others in on some of the Crash’s more unique customers that had wandered in that day. The two had everyone laughing, even Max. If someone walked in right at that moment, they would see six normal teenagers having a good time together, doing the normal things that young people do. No one would suspect that four of them were alien Hybrids and that they had already ran and fought for their lives and safety at such a young age.

Max looked around at his friends, his family really, and smiled. He was glad they’d gotten together but he felt like they were missing something. There was someone essential that was missing from this scene. He knew that it was Liz, their glue.

Once the pizza was eaten, everyone looked to Max and Maria who had insisted on this meeting. Max looked to Maria hoping for help on getting this started. Maria sighed, hoping that Max would step up and be the leader that he’d always been but seeing the lost look in his eyes, she knew that it wasn’t going to happen tonight. Since his stay in the White Room, Max’s confidence was almost gone, as if Pierce had somehow found a way to purge it from his body.

“I thought that it was a good idea for us to get together and discuss some things that has been happening.” Maria started.

Isabel nodded, knowing Maria was meaning about what was going on with Max. ‘It’s about time.’ She thought.

Michael looked a little confused at Maria. “Nothing’s been going on Maria. It’s been really quiet so far. Nasedo has taken care of the Special Unit and we haven’t heard of any other disturbances.”

Tess nodded in agreement. “We’ve been training and you all have been growing stronger in your powers.”

“Yes, but something has been happening to Max that you two have not been paying attention to.” Isabel said turning to her brother. She knew something wasn’t right and he had not confided in her like she’d hoped he would. She had told Alex about Max’s nightmares and she knew that Max was talking to Maria some about them which was better than no one at all. But she also knew that something had changed the past few days and she didn’t like it. She saw the signs of him reverting back to the time right after Liz left and she could not suffer that pain with him again.

Michael and Tess turned their attention to Max. He suddenly felt very nervous, his stomach churning, becoming nauseated. He hated how he’d become so frightened and nervous with the slightest amount of attention lately, even from his own family. It was not like him. He felt as if a piece of his old self was missing. Torn savagely from his body. He looked down at his hands as if they were the most interesting things in the room.

“I’ve been having these dreams lately.” Max started. He looked up and met the other’s eyes. “Some one is calling out to me for help.”

“What do you mean someone? You don’t know who?” Alex asked.

Max shook his head.

“Are you sure that it’s really someone and not just…” Michael didn’t finish the sentence. He knew that Max was having nightmares that resulted from his captivity with Pierce just as he had dreams about killing Pierce. But surely, he was past that stage, right? Michael thought back to his sleep the night before and the dreams that had invaded his peaceful sleep. He’d woke with sweat covering his body and his heart pounding. He’d been unable to fall back to sleep after that.

“These are different Michael. They are too real. I actuallyf eel this person’s pain. They are leaving marks on me.” Max pulled up his sleeve and showed the group his bruises. “Also the experiences are a little different than what I went through.”

“Do you think it’s someone you actually know, another alien we aren’t aware of yet?” Tess asked.

Max shrugged. “Every time I get close to seeing who it is, I wake up.”

“So what do we do?” Isabel asked. She was anxious to help her brother any way she could.

“I don’t know. Maria thought it would be best if you were all aware of what was going on and maybe we could come up with some solutions.”

“What exactly do you see Max?” Michael asked.

Max took a deep breath not sure if he was really ready to think about his dreams’ details. Maria reached over and took his hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze. She did not see the way Michael’s eyes narrowed on the hands that were clenched together on Max’s lap.

Max told the group about his dreams and how they were different than the ones of his experience. He told them about the voice he would hear screaming his name and how he would feel physical pain. He, of course, left out some of the more horrific and personal tortures that he’d been put through in real life and in these dreams, giving them the basics, enough to convince them that he wasn’t going insane.

They sat in silence, contemplating all that Max had told them. They were all in their own thoughts when Michael’s door flew open, knocking them back to reality. The four aliens reacted by standing and placing their hands out in front of them ready to protect themselves along with Maria and Alex. Gasps filled the room when they realized that it was no enemy standing in the doorway but Liz. It was surprising to have Liz there to begin with and the entrance she made. Her eyes were wide and she looked scared. Her chest was heaving as if she had ran from where ever she came from. That was all unusual for Liz but what shocked the group more was the green shield that glimmered around her body.

“Liz.” Her name torn from his vocal cords as if it was the first time he’d spoken. His tone said it all, as it was filled with love, remorse, grief, and want as he laid his eyes upon her for the first time in a month..

Max was surprised the most to see her, especially engulfed in a green shield he tought was unique to him and Michael. His heart seemed to have stopped the moment she stepped into the apartment and he couldn’t seem to catch his breath. He felt a warming sensation course through his body, starting his heart again only to have it start pounding hard and fast. His hands trembled and he felt a tingling sensation deep in his stomach. It was all a strange feeling but somehow it felt right.

Liz looked even more beautiful than she did a month before. Her skin was darker from the sun, radiating an amber glow. Her dark hair now had hi-lights from her time in the sun. She was a stunning picture to behold.

Maria pushed through the stunned aliens and ran to her best friend. As soon as Maria reached her, the shield dropped and Liz embraced her dear, long time friend. Alex joined the two girls.

When Maria and Alex finally released Liz, she looked to the aliens that still seemed in shock.

“We have trouble.”

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 6

Post by magikhands »

Sorry it took so long guys. I'm trying to get back on schedule. Let me just say that RL is a pain in the Image. I've also had some computer troubles. Ok, enough with my whining...Image

Chapter 6

“What kind of trouble?” Michael asked, stepping up to her.

Michael was able to gather his wits enough to question her statement. He was shocked at the way she’d barged into his apartment but inside he was happy to see her. He’d missed her seriousness and quiet nature, so opposite from Maria’s. But something in her tone did not set right. If she was back so unexpectedly stating that there was trouble, he was sure that there was.

“They have Kyle.”

“Who does?” “Kyle?” “How do you know?” “Where?” These questions were fired at her simultaneously. She ignored everyone and turned her eyes to Max, who had yet to say a word since he uttered her name.

Max slowly nodded his head. “She’s right.” He said softly.

For some reason, the minute he had looked into her dark eyes and felt her presence in the room, it all made sense. The dreams and how they were different from his own recent experiences. The voice that seemed so familiar but could not quite place. It was Kyle, somehow calling out to him. Every sensation and feeling suddenly fell into place. He was the person who had saved Kyle’s life, bringing him back from death’s grip. Somehow, Kyle had formed a connection with Max.

Max looked at Liz. He found dark circles lining the lower area of her eyes much like his. Suddenly he felt her exhaustion and knew that she had slept little in the last few days, possibly in the entire time that she was gone. He could sense that she was going through her own nightmares and was trying to deal with them on her own.

“What do you mean she’s right?” Alex asked. He and Kyle had never been really close but they had grown up together. “I thought you said that you didn’t know who it was.”

Max shrugged. “I didn’t know but somehow, I’m sure that it’s him. It all makes sense now. It was like a light was turned on, making much of the picture in my head clear.”

“But isn’t he at basketball camp?” Maria asked. She’d heard her mother talking to Kyle’s father the other day. “Surely Valenti would know if Kyle was missing or didn’t make it to camp.”

“I don’t have the answers but I can bet that Kyle’s not at camp.” Liz said but her eyes never left Max’s. She had sensed him as soon as she entered town and instinctively knew where to find him. Her eyes grazed over his body and found that he’d lost some weight in the time that she’d been gone and looked as tired as she felt.

“How can you be so sure about it?” Tess asked.

“The same way she could do the protective shield.” Max stated. “I’ve changed her. When I healed her and now Kyle, somehow I’ve made them different.” Max’s voice was filled with sorrow. All he wanted to do was save their lives but it seems that he managed to completely destroy them instead.

“Ah, hell.” Michael muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. As if they didn’t have enough to deal with, now they find out that Max can change humans to be more like them just by healing them.

“We’ve got to get Kyle away from whoever has him.” Maria said looking at Max. She knew what Max suffered at the hands of Pierce, what was Kyle going through? If Max’s nightmares were a clue, then he’d be going through Hell.

“But how? We don’t even know who has him and where they are holding him.” Isabel said.

“They have him in the White Room.” Max’s voice was quiet and almost shaky.

“Maxwell, we know how to get in there. We’ve done it once. I can’t believe that they’d be that stupid and use it again.”

“Because it’s equipped to contain us and I’m sure that they’ve learned from my escape and made some changes.”

“We’ve got to get him out.” Maria reiterated.

“We can’t do anything tonight.” Alex said, bringing them back to reality. “We need to plan and scout out their resources.”

“Alex is right.” Liz looked around at the small group. “We need to talk with Valenti in the morning and then see what we can throw together. Valenti will want to help and we may need his resources. Plus..” Liz paused. “I think Max and I have a lot to discuss...tonight.”

Max nodded. “Yes. Let’s all try to get some rest then meet here in the morning and start planning. Alex, can you research and see if you can hack into their system. See if there have been any changes in Eagle Rock recently?”

“On it.” Alex said as he got up and headed to the door.

“I’m going with you. You can use my help.” Isabel took Alex’s hand and left the apartment.

“I’m going to see if Nesado left anything that might help, though I doubt it.” Tess said, picking up her purse and headed out also.

Max and Liz left right after Tess, leaving Michael and Maria alone in the apartment.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tess walked into her house and plopped down on the couch tired. She knew that she needed to get up and start searching through Nesado’s things for any clues that might help them but she thought that she’d rest for a few minutes. It had been stressful finding out all that they had tonight and being so near to Michael, unable to touch him.

She looked around the darkened room, only a small lamp from the hall giving off light. She was really more than tired, she felt overwhelmed with everything that had happened since coming to Roswell. Her life had never been this hectic. Yes, she had moved often and had to deal with Nesado’s paranoia but it seemed that more happened here around her three family members and their human friends than she ever thought could happen to a group of people. Tess leaned back on the couch, laid her head back and closed her eyes.

“How is our foolish young King doing?” a male voice sounded from a dark corner of the room.

Tess jumped up, startled at the sound and gave a small yelp. She looked around the darkened room, hand held out in front of her.

Nesado chuckled as he stepped out of the shadows. His current form was that of her ‘father’ Ed Harding.

“You really should be more careful Tess. I thought that I taught you better than this. You know we have enemies out there just waiting for us to let our guard down.”

“You are right.” Tess said looking down at her feet. He was right, she’d gotten pretty comfortable here in Roswell and had relaxed her guard. It was so easy having Michael and the others around, to pretend that they were just ordinary teenagers.

“You didn’t answer my question. How is the boy?”

“He’s…fine.” Tess answered, even though she knew he wasn’t. He had not been the same since Pierce.

“Fine? That’s all you have to say? Has he not come to you or your bed yet?”

Tess continued looking down at her feet as she shook her head.

“What?” Nesado snapped harshly, bringing Tess’s head up. She’d seen him angry and was, at times through the years, his ‘release’ for that anger. “You haven’t been intimate with him yet?”

Tess heard the anger rise in his voice when she said “No.”

“That human bitch has been gone for a month and you are no closer to him than when she was here.”

Tess felt her own anger surge suddenly. She was tired of the way that he spoke to her and how he referred to her family. Whether he liked it or not, the humans were a part of their group and after spending time with them, she didn’t mind it at all. But it was not only the humans he would refer to. Nesado looked down on her and the other hybrids because they were part human. He said had once told her that she didn’t have enough of her true self in her to be worthy of her heritage. He thought that they were inferior to him and true Antarians, nothing but pests that he was burdened with.

And yes, she and Liz were nowhere near friends at the moment but Tess had come to respect the strong-minded girl. It had surprised her at first how hard Liz had fought for Max and how strong her love for him was. That was why she was more shocked to find out that she had run away from Roswell instead of staying and continuing her fight, which Tess would have gladly let lie. She’d seen the love and the bond that the two shared, even tonight as they stood across the room from each other, their connection filled the room. Tess knew that she’d never have that with Max no matter how many mind warps she used on him. No, Liz’s was Max’s heart, body, and soul.

“Max has made it very clear that he loves Liz and wants nothing but friendship from me.”

“You are stronger than him Tess.” Nesado started pacing. “I’ve raised you better than them. I’ve spent the past ten years training and schooling you for this. Use your damn abilities and force it.”

The last sentence came out as a yell making Tess jump.

“He doesn’t want me. And…I don’t want him.” She braved.

In an instant, Nesado rushed at the petite girl, grabbed her by the throat with one hand and pressed her hard against a wall.

“You ungrateful bitch!” He snarled at her. “Now. You will use every power available to you to get Max to your bed. Once he’s there, you will fuck him again and again until you carry his child.”

Nesado’s hand tightened more around her thin neck. Her hands were clutching his, trying to pry them off but he was stronger than she. He chuckled at her attempt.

“Once you are pregnant, we will convince the others to leave this forsaken planet and go home. Back to Khivar, where we will be welcomed with honor and returned to high statue. He will have his Vilondra back, you will be Queen again, and Dumb and Dumber will die.”

Fear coursed through Tess’s body as it was being deprived of oxygen. She took small, quick gasps, trying hard not to lose consciousness. But when Nesado said that Michael and Max would be killed (again) something broke within. Her anger, buried deep, flared to life, manifesting into a life force of its own accord. A hot fire seemed to have boiled inside of her stomach as the sight of Max and Michael’s past selves flashed before her eyes.

Their deaths replayed in her head as she saw herself crawl toward her husband and his general. She was panting and crying, calling their names but they lay still. Her husband’s blood pooled already around his lifeless body. She turned to his general and their eyes met. He raised his hand to her and whispered her name with his last breath.

The fire rapidly spread through her veins and filled her body with a hot, scorching sensation. Her body trembled with the strength of the massed energy.

“No.” Tess managed to croak.

“What did you say?” Nesado loosened his grip just a little to allow her to speak. Tess gulped at the small amount of air that seeped into her lungs. “You will do as I say or I will personally kill you half-breeds…again.”

“No!!” Tess got out just as the energy broke loose. She felt it explode from her body, emitting a bright flash of light that filled the room. Tess closed her eyes against the brightness. She heard a scream and felt her body fall to the floor. Then she heard different scream and realized that the first one was her own voice, the second Nesado. She closed her eyes tighter, no longer having control of the energy that was seeping from her body.

When the room finally fell silent, Tess slowly risked opening her eyes. Tears streamed from the corners and her throat was dry. She looked around and gasped. There on the floor in front of her was Nesado’s body, burned almost beyond recognition. Within seconds, she watched as it dissolved to ashes. Her lungs groped greedily for air, her mind numb as she stared at the pile of ashes. Her body curled up and she stayed that way for an unknown time, tears running down her cheeks and her body trembling.

She didn’t know how long she’d laid there but slowly she came back to reality. She moved and groaned as her body protested her actions. On shaky legs, she stood and looked around the room. The walls were seared with black soot giving off the appearance that a fire had taken place within its walls. She looked behind her and saw her body’s outline against the white walls. The blackness was the darkest there, as if she was the origin.

Tess reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone. Her tears had finally dried as she dialed the number she knew by heart.

“I’m coming over.” Was all she said before she hung up, her voice calm thought her body still trembled.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 7

Post by magikhands »

It's Thursday and I have the next part ready this morning even though it's a little short. I've never felt real confident writing about Maria so let me know how I did.

Sam and cherie, glad that you noticed that subtle hint I put in there about Ava and Rath. I was wondering if someone would comment on it. :) I'm hoping to indulge in that a little later in the story :wink:

Chapter 7

Maria looked over at Michael who was looking everywhere but at her. He walked over to the kitchen and began to clean up the mess from earlier. He’d been avoiding her for the past four weeks as much as possible. At first he rarely spoke more than a few words with the exception of the last few days. They had actually started getting along again while they were at work. But Maria was tired of playing games. There would be no more ignoring her.

“No more Michael.” Maria said.

Michael looked at her in confusion.

“This has to stop.”

“What?” He asked as he threw away some of the trash from the counter.

“You’ve been avoiding me since you killed Pierce.”


She held up her hand, stopping his train of speech. “No. You have and you know it. I’ve given you the time and space to deal with the ordeal. I’ve offered my shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen but you’ve kept your distance. But now, it’s time we’ve talked about what happened and about us.”

Maria stepped up to him and touched his cheek with her hand. He did not flinch from her touch, which was a good sign, but she saw his body stiffen.

“This is not the right time for this Maria. Kyle should be our focus.”

“It was not that you could not control your powers Michael.” She said, ignoring the fact that he had spoken. “But that you finally found and channeled them correctly. It was in a time that your family needed you the most. You are not a danger to those around you but the opposite. You were a warrior in your previous life, Zan’s mighty second in command. You are still his protector and always have been. You did your job that day. Your instincts took over, allowing you to defend Max, Valenti, and yourself from an evil man set on destroying all of us. How could that be so wrong? You killed someone that was trying to kill you.”

She dropped her hand from his face but kept eye contact.

“You don’t know what Pierce did to Max, do you? You two have not sat and talked about any of what has happened with the two of you, have you?”

Michael shook his head and looked away, ashamed that he had not.

“You should. Pierce put Max through hell and did some horrific things to him. Maybe if you could get Max to tell you what he did, you won’t feel so guilty for taking that bastard’s life. The man deserved it.”

Michael’s eyes looked down, showing his guilt, knowing that every word she said was true. Yes, he’d been concentrating on his own problems and guilt that he’d not seen exactly how torn his brother was. Michael silently kicked himself for being such a self-centered ass.

“I love you Michael.”

The words broke through his thoughts of pity and before he could react to them, Maria took his face in her hands and pulled him into a kiss. His mouth and body hungrily opened to her touch, having missed it greatly.

Maria silently cheered as Michael immediately responded to her but she was not prepared for the onslaught of images she saw or the feeling that went with them. Maria whimpered in Michael’s mouth but their contact never broke.

Maria watched as Michael shot the deadly blast at Pierce. She looked on from his view as he turned and saw the look she held on her face after the incident. She could feel his regret of killing another being. She watched on as Michael worked with Tess with the control of his powers. She saw them laughing together and could feel the happiness that shot through Michael at being there with her. Then the image changed to watching Michael lean toward Tess, his lips tenderly kissing hers.

Maria pushed away from Michael with shock and disbelief.

“You…you…grrr…I can’t believe it.” She stammered as she took a step away from Michael.

Michael knew exactly what Maria saw. He couldn’t seem to control it. It was as if his mind wanted her to see it. He knew also that it was one of the reasons he’d kept his distance from her. He craved to open up to her but he was scared that she’d react just as she was. He wanted so badly to tell her, show her how he felt.


“You kissed her. I can’t believe that you kissed that…that…tramp!” her green eyes flashed with fury.

“Let me explain.”

“Explain? I’ve let you have what you asked for, I’ve given you the space that you desired. You know how I feel about you and you go and betray that trust by kissing and who knows what else with that…”

She couldn’t finish as tears flooded her eyes and her voice choked. She turned and reached for the door. It jerked from her hand and slammed shut.

“Michael, let me out.” She said without turning.

“Please Maria.” Michael’s pleading tone tore at her heart.

Maria shook her head. She didn’t want him to see the pain and heartbreak that he’d caused or the tears that were streaming down her face. She heard the pleading that was in his voice, the need for her to let him explain but she couldn’t give in. Not right now when the image of him kissing Tess was so fresh.

“Michael, I need to go. Open the door.”

Maria flinched as glass items began exploding around her but under all the noise she heard the door unlock. She grasped the handle and fled into the night.

Michael stood there and wanted desperately to go after her. He took a step toward the door when his cell phone rang. He reached into his pocket and answered it. He listened to the words that spoke then slammed it shut.

“Shit!” He cursed at the closed door.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 8

Post by magikhands »

This chapter might answer som questions for you :) or at least a couple...

Chapter 8

“Hello Kyle.” A male voice echoed in the room.

Kyle was sitting against the corner of the room, knees drawn up to his chest with his head lying on his arms that were propped on his knees. Slowly, he raised his head, blinking against the harsh lighting. His eyes finally focused on a man standing near him. He blinked several more times, making sure that he was real.

Kyle was beginning to really worry about his sanity. He was having trouble discerning between his dreams and reality, both being torturous. He feared that what these people were doing to him was slowly driving him insane. However, it was strange, just as in the last few moments, his grip on his sanity seemed to get stronger. He was no longer huddled in a fetal position but more coherent for the first time since being thrown into this room. It was strange how he suddenly felt calmer inside; his thoughts becoming clearer and he somehow knew that they were out there getting ready to find him. He hoped that it wasn’t just a dream.

“Who are you?” Kyle managed to force out of his dry voice. It was dry from the drugs that they filled his body with and from the screams of agony that he’d let out. He sounded like an old man to his own ears, not a 17-year-old boy.

The man put down a clear cup of water in front of Kyle. “Drink.”

Kyle looked cynically at the cup offered to him. He desperately wanted to gulp it down, knowing the liquid would sooth his sore, scratchy throat.

“It’s just water.” The man said. “Nothing else.”

Kyle pulled his gaze from the cup and looked at the first person that had spoken to him since he was thrown in here. He was about six foot tall, older than his father and bald. His skin was tan from time in the sun and his eyes were a very pale blue. Almost eerie to look at. He was dressed in black casual pants and a blue collared button up shirt.

“You don’t want to be dehydrated Kyle. That calls for the use of more needles.”

Kyle looked back at the cup and slowly moved to pick it up. His body was very sore and it felt as if he’d strained every muscle in his body. He knew from his experience with sports that his body was starting the early stages of dehydration. He cautiously sipped the cool liquid, still suspicious of the man and fighting the urge to gulp it all down. If he did so, Kyle knew he’d end up puking it up within minutes, doing his body no good and he wanted to avoid more needles at all costs.

“Better?” The man asked when Kyle finally put the three-fourths empty cup down next to him. He’d stood there and watched Kyle drink, not saying a word. Kyle just glared up at the man. He did feel a little better but not enough to show any gratitude. He knew that the drugs were slowly slipping from his body also since he was becoming more alert.

The man gave a quiet chuckle to Kyle’s look. “It’s nice to see you returning to normal.” His face lost all amusement. “I’m Eugene Higgins. I belong to a group of the government that has taken a special interest in you Kyle.”

Kyle’s brow rose to Higgins’s words. He had to wonder what he did to deserve the attention of the government. It obviously was not for his athletic skills. He would not have been kidnapped, tested, and tortured if that was the case.

“You are no longer an ordinary young man.” Higgins continued. “You’ve been changed.”

Kyle said nothing but he could feel the small amount of water in his stomach begin to churn in his stomach. He swallowed hard, keeping the bile that threatened to rise down. The words ‘you’ve been changed’ rang in his head and he knew exactly what Higgins meant though he’d been denying it for a month.

“Actually, you and Ms. Parker are of great interest to us. Of course, we can’t forget about Max Evans also. He is extremely important to our cause. Did you know that Agent Pierce had him in this very room just a little over a month ago?”

“You’re part of the Special Unit?” Kyle finally asked, unable to help the curiosity that was climbing.

Higgins’s eyes narrowed on Kyle. “And what do you know of the Special Unit?” When Kyle refused to answer his question, he chuckled and shook his head. “No, I do not belong to that group. In fact it is no longer around. I work for the government, but we are more interested in what Max Evans can do for us, not destroying him.” Higgins moved to the nearest wall and leaned against it, making himself comfortable.

“As you know, Mr. Evans has certain abilities that could be quite handy to many people. Pierce fucked up. He lost the objective of the research. He wanted information that the boy obviously didn’t know. Information that was not as important as some of our other objectives. He put the entire project at risk by doing the things that he did and exposing the unit.”

Kyle could hear the heat that was behind the words Higgins spoke. There was an obvious dislike for Pierce by this man.

“The unit I am apart of has spent the last year testing Ms. Parker’s blood and those few samples from Mr. Evans as of late. We’ve also been able to retrieve some of your blood from the shirt that you were shot in. We have found that your cells match those of Ms. Parker. On the outside they look very human but when they are broken down on a molecular level, we have found Mr. Evan’s alien DNA embedded in your cells.”

Kyle sat there saying nothing, just trying to absorb all that Higgins had said. Had Max really changed him? Was that possible, that by healing Liz and himself, that he’d put his own DNA into them? The entire concept was like a wild, B-rated sci-fi movie. But as he thought about the time since Max had healed him, he realized that he was beginning to feel different. He felt little more energetic and stronger. He just put it off to working out more to dealing with the stress of finding out that there were aliens walking among them and that one had brought him back from the brink of death. But since being here in this hellish white room, he’d begun to feel things, see thing, and even hear voices.

“You will begin to develop abilities soon Kyle. We are not sure exactly what kind you will inherit from Max, but by that time you’ll have your roommates secured here with you to help you out.”

“Roommates?” Kyle questioned, still trying to grasp all that Higgins was telling him.

“Yes. We are in the process of acquiring Ms. Parker and then Mr. Evans once more into our fold.”

Kyle glared at the man. His only hope of escape could join him shortly. His hope started to fall, as thoughts of being joined by Max and Liz entered his mind. Then what would they do? Not only would he need help, but also so would the others.

Higgins pushed off the wall and placed a small, empty, clear plastic container with a lid on the floor. Kyle looked at it, not quite understanding what Higgins wanted.

“We still need a sperm sample.” His voice was emotionless, like he’d been asking for a diet coke.

Kyle looked at the cup then back up at Higgins. There was no way he was going to jack off into a cup for these freaks.

“Fuck you.” Kyle growled. They’d taken plenty of samples from his body already.

“This is the easy way to do this Kyle.” Higgins indicated to the cup. “Or we can do it the hard way.” He took a device out of his pocket and pushed a button. One of the white tiles on the wall changed and an image of Max strapped down to a table appeared. He was pleading with the medical people that surrounded him to stop and let him go. Kyle watched as a large syringe and needle came into view of the camera held by some unknown person. Kyle could see Max’s eyes widen as the syringe moved closer to him as if he knew exactly what they were going to do. Max struggled harder and screamed louder. Higgins stopped the image and the tile went back to white like the rest of the wall.

“I’m letting you choose Kyle. Either way, I’m getting a sample.” Higgins turned and left the room.

After the door shut behind, for the first time, the bright, harsh lights dimmed to a quiet darkness that Kyle suddenly enjoyed.

“Hell.” Kyle muttered as he leaned back and rested his head on the wall.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 9

Post by magikhands »

Ok, thanks for waiting guys. This is a day early but since I didn't post last week, I thought I wouldn't make you wait any longer. It's long too so that should help make up for last week.

Warning: This chapter has disturbing content. Read at your own risk.

Chapter 9

Max and Liz rode in silence. The top of the jeep was down, causing the warm night air to rush through their hair. The noise of the wind made it harder to speak so they didn’t. Liz periodically glanced over at Max, who had a grip so tight on the steering wheel, that she knew that his knuckles were white. He had said nothing to her so far and only glanced her way a time or two. She could almost feel his nervousness, his hesitation. She had to wonder where the shy but confident boy that she knew went. But really, she already knew that answer. A man who wanted nothing better than to destroy Max had destroyed that boy over a month ago. She silently grieved for Max’s lost innocence and for that boy that she knew would never be truly return.

When the jeep finally stopped, Liz looked around in disbelief. Above them was the rock formation that held Max and the others’ pods. This was the place of their birth, and the place all her dreams were shattered. This was the place that made her run from her love, that convinced her that he had a different destiny, one that didn’t include her because they were so different.

“Why are we here Max?”

“Because it’s the only safe place I know right now. No one will disturb us.” Max answered getting out of the jeep.

Before he could round the front of the vehicle to help her out, Liz slid out of her seat and met him at the front corner. She saw a brief look of hurt cross his face but then it was gone as he turned from her and led the way up the steep path.

Max did not stop until they were at the top of the path. He turned and looked out into the desert. He listened. When he was satisfied that no one else was there he looked at Liz, and hesitated. A rush of mixed emotions hit him and he knew that they were coming from Liz. She was apprehensive of entering the cave again and he understood why but he knew that this was the one place that they could speak freely. Also, it was the only place he truly felt safe. Secure from the white that seemed to be everywhere. In the back of his mind, Max also acknowledged that being closed up in the pod chamber, Liz would be unable to run off again if things did not go well.

Max placed his hand on the rock where the glowing handprint was and watched as the door opened. Liz stepped in followed by Max, the door securing itself closed. As soon as the door was sealed, they both gasped. A sudden rush of desire smashed into them. Liz felt a wetness pool between her legs as Max’s dick started to hardened. Their bodies trembled as a need whirled in their stomachs. Max had an urge to gather Liz up in his arms and never let go. His want was almost overwhelming.

“Max?” Liz questioned, her voice choked from longing.

“I don’t know Liz.” Max answered her unasked question. He was battling the lust that filled his body.

Liz stepped closer to Max. “We need to talk, not…” She couldn’t finish her sentence as a shiver ran down her spine.

“I know…there’s so much we need to say, to work out but…” Max said before swooping down and capturing her lips. He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close. His body instantly relaxed and he felt as if he were finally home. In a place that he felt safe, secure, and no nightmare could intrude on his peace that Liz brought.

“Liz.” He whispered on her lips as if he worshipped her name.

“What are we doing?” Liz gasped as she felt Max press her body against his hardness.

“I don’t think we have a choice.” He panted. “I don’t think I can stop.” Max moved his lips to her ear, sucking her lobe into his mouth to nibble. “I don’t want to stop.”

“Aahhh…But…talk…yes…I need…”All coherent sentences were no longer able to pass her tongue.

“We will.” He breathed into her ear as they knelt on the floor.

His hands lifted the bottom of her shirt up and he stepped away just enough to pull it off. Her bra came off next to be replaced by his hands. Tenderly, he caressed them, enjoying the feel of their softness in his palms. His thumbs traced her areolas, causing her nipples to become stiff peaks.

“Beautiful.” He moaned, his lips against her neck. They had yet to go this far, making it new, unexperienced territory.

Liz’s hands slowly ran up and down the buttons of Max’s shirt. One by one, they came undone until her hands could finally reach the smoothness of his bared chest. She felt the tremor that rocked his body as her hot fingertips grazed over his skin. Her hands traveled up his chest to his shoulders and swept down his arms, taking the shirt with her hands.

Max released Liz’s breasts so that the material fell from his body to the floor and was mesmerized by the trail of light that her fingertips left. He remembered a time not long ago when she was upset that she could not do that little trick, but here she was now, bringing a bluish light from his skin. He reached up and caressed her cheek, that same light leaving a trail to his caress.

“I can do this now.” Liz whispered in awe.

“You always could.” Max smiled.

Their lips met again, fusing their bodies once more. Max’s hands wandered downward until they reached the top of her pants. His fingers teased the skin around the belly button and he could feel her shiver at his touch. He loved making her react to him, her true feelings shining through at that moment.

Liz’s hands were artfully caressing Max’s chest, memorizing every curve and dip of muscle. She pulled away slightly and watched, mesmerized as her hand slid gracefully over his smooth chest and tight abs. He’d lost weight since she’d left but she could see that he had started working out more, his muscles becoming more prominent despite the weight loss. Her fingers found the waistband of his pants and began to unbutton them. As soon as the button released and her fingers pulled the zipper down, she felt Max become still and rigid. She pulled away and looked up at him. What she saw in his face nearly broke her heart as she felt a cool wind blow through her body. Fear etched his handsome features.

“Max?” Liz questioned softly, unsure of what she did wrong.

Max looked down to where Liz’s hand still lingered beside his open zipper. His face blanched and a tight whimper escaped his throat.

“No, please.” He softly begged as tears came to his eyes and he pushed away from Liz. He slid back from her until his back was against the cold cave wall, away from Liz. His head was bowed and shaking side to side. Quietly, he was pleading for someone to stop.

Maria had told Liz about these episodes that Max had occasionally. She described them as his mind going back to his time he spent in the White Room. Something she did triggered one, making him relive it in his mind.

“Max.” Liz said softly, slowly crawling over to him. “It’s alright, I’m here. He won’t hurt you any longer.” Her voice was soft and soothing as if she was coaxing an animal from a hiding place.

Liz reached out internally, in their connection, and called out to him. She reached his side and stoked his cheek. At first, he flinched as if it hurt but when he looked up at her, he seemed to calm down a bit and recognition gleamed in his eyes.

“Liz?” He whispered, desperately wanting to cling to her. She could see that he couldn’t be sure that she was sitting here with him.

She smiled at him. “Yes. I’m here and no one will hurt you.”

“I’m sorry Liz. I can’t…” His body trembled.

Liz wrapped her arms around him and moved so that he leaned against her body, his head on her chest.

“Shhh…It’s alright Max. You are safe here. Tell me what happened Baby.”

“It’s too much. I just can’t. Oh, god Liz. I just can’t believe that it all happened. It’s such a sick nightmare.”

“Max, show me. Share it with me, let me help you.” Her fingertips caressed higher and higher until they brushed his temples. “Please. Let me in. Share your pain.” She urged.

Max turned his head to look at her, the moment their eyes locked, their connection flared open.

Liz felt her breath leave her body at the intensity of the power behind it but it soon calmed and she found that she was standing in the White Room. She looked around and realized that she felt strange. She lifted her hand and watched as it moved in slow motion and it felt heavy like it was submerged in molasses.

A whimpered moan drew Liz’s attention to the center of the room. She gasped but no seemed to have noticed her. What she witnessed put a deep sorrow in her heart, one that she would now carry with her in her soul, a part of her and Max’s relationship. She felt helpless as she watched the scene unfold. Her feet were glued to their spot on the floor and she knew that if she spoke, no one would hear her. She was witnessing a memory and there was no way she could change what was about to happen.

Max was strapped to a table, helpless, unable to move or defend himself. Pierce stood above him fondling him, molesting Max’s body. He begged Pierce to stop but the older man started talking about testing Max to see just how human he really was.

Liz could see the evil glint in Pierce’s eyes and the smug smirk that graced his lips. She knew that Pierce was enjoying what he was doing and it sickened her. Pierce was getting off on taking advantage of Max as his eyes grazed over Max’s nude body. Liz knew that when he left the room, he would find the nearest bathroom and masturbate to the image of Max lying helpless under his hands.

Liz’s eyes shifted to Max and watched as he closed his eyes tightly but his tears still escaped, running down the sides of his face. She wanted nothing more than to walk over to him and give the comfort he needed but knew that she couldn’t. Through it all, he protested and pleaded, saying no over and over. It seemed as if he was saying the word more for his own sake, as if him saying it enough times would convince himself that it really wasn’t happening.

Liz’s love for Max swelled. She knew that he was a strong person but she never knew a person could endure so much torture and still be sane. He survived all that was done to him and he was still with them, fighting for his friends and family, no matter the cost to his own mental health.

Guilt ripped through her as Liz saw in her own mind herself turning her back on Max that day here at the pod chamber. She fled from him, from their love, even though she’d seen glimpses of what he’d been through. She handed him over to someone she thought he should be with because some holograph said so. She left him to deal with these repercussions all on his own instead of staying by his side, believing the words he said in that turned over van, and being there when he needed her the most. She knew that she’d never be able to forgive herself for leaving him like that and vowed to never do it again.

She heard Pierce growl, bringing her back to the memory that surrounded her. He was agitated and she could actually see a disappointed look upon his features that Max was not responding as he’d wished.

“No matter.” Pierce said as he bent over Max. “There are other ways to get what I need.” Pierce straightened and went to the door and let the waiting medical personnel into the room.

Liz was suddenly jerked from Max’s memory and found herself looking into Max’s honey colored eyes that quickly looked away in shame. His screams still echoed in her head.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t…”

Liz grabbed his face and turned it back to her. “No. You have nothing to apologize for. Nothing to be ashamed of. Pierce was a sick fuck who took advantage of you. You deserved nothing that he did to you.” Her voice choked on the tears that swelled in her eyes, blurring her sight. She quickly blinked them away.

“I’m the one who should be begging for your forgiveness. I should have never run from you, from us. It should have been me that was here to help you through this, not Maria.”

“You didn’t know.” Max’s eyes tearing at her words and the great sorrow that filled her voice.

“Yes, I did know. When we kissed in that old van, I saw things. I saw some of what he did. I should have been stronger Max but I wasn’t. I was weak and selfish.”

Max used a hand and tenderly caressed one of her cheeks. “You are the strongest person I know. It was the thought of you that has kept me sane. Kept me opening my eyes everyday, kept me alive. I will say this once more and never mention the word again, but you, Elizabeth Parker, are my true destiny.”

Tears flowed down her cheeks. “I don’t deserve you Max.”

Max’s lips twitched to a slight smile. “That’s my line. Besides, you are here now.”

Liz returned a small smile. “Yes, I am. So let me help, ok?”


“Clear your mind and look into my eyes.”

Max did as Liz instructed without question, completely trusting her. Their connection sparked to life but this time Liz had control and slowly she withdrew some of Max’s fear and grief. The air around them hummed, the vibrations drumming against their skin.

“Feeling better?” She asked when she pulled away.

Max looked at her completely confused but slowly he nodded. He did feel better. As if some of his heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders. He felt a little more at ease, comforted, less scared of the world.

“What did you do?”

“I’m not quite sure but I think that we’ve become connected even more. I feel you inside of me more, like we share the same mind.”

“Yes, I feel you inside of me more than ever. Thank you Liz. You’ve given me a wonderful gift.”

“I don’t think I’ve cured you of all you’ve been through and the bad dreams but at least now, you can share them with me.”

Max leaned closer and kissed her. He shifted their bodies until she was pinned against the wall, under him. He deepened the kiss, his fears a distant memory.

Liz pulled away, her body flushed anew with desire from Max’s kiss. “If it’s too soon Max, we can wait. We have a lot of talking to do.”

Max shook his head. “No. I’ve waited years for this moment Liz. I love you and know that as long as you are by my side, I can defeat any demon.”

Liz smiled. “Alright Mr. Evans.” A playful tone filled her voice. “Lead that way.”

Max chuckled as he bent his head and sucked a rosy nipple into his mouth. Liz gasped in pleasure, the sensation rippling through her body. She buried her hands in his thick, dark hair, keeping him close.

The two young lovers were soon lying on a blanket Max had laid out, both stripped fully of their clothing with Max looking down at his beautiful Liz. He shifted his body until his hard, aching cock sat at her wet entrance but went no further. Propped his elbows, supporting his weight, he ran a hand through her dark mane.

“From the moment I saw you, I knew that I belonged to you. I knew that no other would take your place in my heart. I don’t care what happened in my other life or who I was. All that matters now is you Liz.”

“I love you Max.” Her voice was filled with love and devotion. “But if you don’t make love to me right now, I’ll use my new alien powers to do you bodily harm.”

“Yes, my Queen.” Max murmured, capturing her mouth with his while pressing his length deep into her body, breaking through her shield of virginity. She gave a pain and pleasured filled moan and wrapped her legs around his waist, keeping him buried deep within her.

Max held still as Liz’s body adjusted to his invasion. His lips were busy seeking tasty places upon her neck and shoulders. Liz moaned and began pressing her hips up into him, signaling her readiness to continue.

Max’s slowly pulled out then pushed in, a steady pace at first. But he could feel her body opening to him along with her mind and he quickened it as their pants and moans filled the cavern.

As the lovers looked into each others’ eyes, they were oblivious to the silver shield that engulfed their joined bodies.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Same time…

Kyle had stared at the collection cup so hard that it should’ve explode, if only he had the powers to do so. His first reaction was to resist and tell them all to go to hell but images of Evans passed through his head. The anguish and fear could be heard in the screems that came from the video. He briefly wondered if they were doctored for what they wanted him to see but he knew from experience that these people could be heartless and not care about his feelings and pain. He knew that they would do just as they promised and get what hey wanted no matter the means.

Kyle reached out, picked up the container and opened the lid. He sighed and placed it next to him before pulling down his pants.

“If I ever develop powers, hopefully the blasting ones, just know that I’m going to kill you Higgins. Kill you all.” Kyle said softly into the empty room, knowing that someone was probably watching him.

Kyle closed his eyes and tried to imagine himself at home, in his room, surrounded by his trophies, posters, its smell wafting to his nose. He took his cock in his hand and began playing with it. His hand alternately massaged the flesh and stroked it until he hardened. Kyle pictured himself lying on his bed, pleasure filling his body as a beautiful blonde from one of his magazines rode his hard length.

Kyle pictured his hands reaching up and fondling her perky breasts while she squeezed down on his cock that was buried within her, liking all that he was doing to her. Her head fell back, causing the length of her hair to brush across his balls.

“Oh yeah.” Kyle sighed thrusting his hips up, matching her movements. He closed his eyes and felt an immediate change.

Kyle’s eyes popped open, not to find his luscious blonde but his beautiful ex-girlfriend seated upon him.

“Liz?” Kyle questioned. He felt his dick begin to soften in surprise to her appearance. He had to wonder where the thought of her came from.

Liz rode Kyle, her movement smooth, unhurried, her back arched in pleasure and her rhythm steady. His eyes were mesmerized by her small breasts, the rosy nipples hard, the skin looking so soft. He raised his hands and gently cupped them. He remembered their firmness from the times that they had made out but his touches had only been over her clothing. Now her silky skin touched his skin, making the experience all the more pleasurable. The softening of his dick stopped and he could feel himself hardening once more inside of her.

“How is this happening?” He managed to ask between groans of pleasure. She was creating a sensation inside of him that he’d never felt with anyone else. “If this is all a dream, how come it feels so real…and so damn good?”

Liz slowed her movements, leaned down and kissed him. “We are connected Kyle. Haven’t you been feeling me? Max? We’ve been feeling what you’ve been going through. You’ve called out to us.”

“Us?” Not sure who she meant by us.

Max suddenly appeared beside Kyle, his nude body pressed against Kyle’s.

“Shit Evans.” Kyle moaned as he felt Liz’s walls camped down hard around him and his desire ignited more with the feel of another pressed against his. As much as he hated and blamed Max for all the things he’s been through the last year, Kyle could not help but feel attracted to the handsome hybrid. Kyle still vividly remembers the night they spent together drunk. He had wanted to kiss Max that night as much as he wanted to taunt him about losing Liz also. After that, he had tried to keep his distance from him, tried to hate him for all the trouble he caused, but now it seems that he was in this chaos whether he wanted it or not.

Max gave Kyle a small shy smile. “Hey.”

Kyle’s hands slid down to Liz’s hips, staying her motions. He took several deep breaths, trying to gather his wits before confusion overtook him. He fought the urge to flip Liz over and ram his cock hard into her, fucking her until she screamed his name.

“How is all of this possible?” His fingers lightly treaded circles on her hips.

“I’m not sure, but you pulled us into your fantasy.” Max answered while a hand ran up and down Liz’s back, causing her to arch and make a purring sound like a cat.

“Fuck Max.” Kyle gasped. Liz’s movement sent a sweltering excitement to his groin.

“Sorry Kyle.” He removed his hand from Liz’s back and laid it on Kyle’s arm. “Isn’t she beautiful?”

Kyle looked between Liz and Max in almost disbelief. If he thought about the entire situation, he’d swear that he was having a drug induced hallucination. Here he was, being held prisoner in some room of white, getting tested on because of one Max Evans, alien hybrid King. Now he was lying in this room, jerking off, fantasizing about having sex with his ex-girlfriend with her current boyfriend lying naked next to him and getting turned on by it all. Surely this is a fucked up dream, those people doing something bad to his mind, playing tricks with him or maybe they were feeding him some wicked drugs.

Liz said nothing as she watched the two guys. She smiled mischievous and shifted her weight on Kyle bringing his attention back to her. She watched Max’s hand glide up Kyle’s arm until it rested on his chest. His fingers lightly circled one of Kyle’s nipples, both watched fascinated as it hardened.

“Evans.” Kyle panted. “What are you doing to me?”

“I don’t know but Kyle…I feel…” Max leaned forward and kissed Kyle’s lips. It was shy and hesitant one but as the two warm lips met, a spark of need came to life. Kyle opened his lips and allowed Max’s tongue to enter. Their kiss intensified as they explored each others’ mouth, while Liz started her movements upon Kyle’s hardness again.

Kyle groaned in sinful pleasure as his senses were assaulted by these two beautiful people. Liz’s warmth encased him, both her and Max’s hands roamed his body while Max’s mouth hungrily devoured Kyle’s. Their fragrances and scent of sex filled his nostrils, fanning the flame of passion roaring inside. Kyle found one of his hands sliding off of Liz and taking hold of Max’s hard length. Max moaned an thrust his hips forward, causing Kyle’s grip to stroke him. Their rhythm increased and within moments, all three were climaxing together, crying out in pleasure from the intensity of their orgasms.

Kyle lay panting, Liz lying on his chest, and Max still pressed against his side, his face buried in Kyle’s neck. He felt them begin to fade, their pressure becoming lighter. Panic flooded his soul. He didn’t want to be alone again. He tried desperately to hold on to them but they became lighter and lighter.

“No.” Kyle cried.

“We’ll be back. When you sleep, call on us again.” Liz said, her image almost gone but her voice strong in his head.

“Don’t go, please.” Kyle begged.

“Just do as they want Kyle. It will be easier on you.” Max said, softly kissing his neck before he too disappeared.

“No…please.” He cried suddenly cold and his room less inviting.

Kyle opened his eyes and found that he was still in the darkened White Room. He looked down and found that his subconscious had done its job and made him take the container and filled it with his ejected seamen. Feeling numb, he put the lid on, fixed his pants then placed it near where the door was.

“There.” Kyle said loudly, anger lacing his voice. “Now leave me the hell alone.” He knew that someone was monitoring him at all times and he hoped that they would leave him be for a while.

Kyle went back to his corner, laid down, curled himself into a ball, and willed his body and mind to sleep, silently calling out to Max and Liz, tears sliding down his cheeks.

Back at the Pod Chamber…

Max and Liz climax and slowly drifted back to the present time, groggily coming out of their connection. Liz opened her eyes but she stayed where she was on Max’s chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat. Somehow during their lovemaking, they had turned so that she was now on top.

“Did you feel his pain? His fear? It was so much like yours. We have to get him away from there Max.”

Max’s hands stroked Liz’s back, loving the feel of her smooth skin under his fingertips. “We will Liz. I won’t let them keep him much longer. As soon as we speak with Valenti and get a plan, we’ll bring him home. To us.”

Liz nodded, noticing the last two words he spoke. ‘To us.’ She knew that he meant to them, she and Max. She realized that they needed him. They shared much in common, heartache, pain, and desires. Kyle’s home was where Max and Liz were.

“Max. I need to tell you something.”

“Hmmm?” Sleep was creeping up on him.

“Those people who have Kyle. They want me also.”

These words shook the sleep that laced Max’s mind, his eyes opening. “What? How do you know this? Why?”

“The airport in Albuquerque. They seemed to know that I was coming back Men in black suits were waiting for me. They said that I was in danger and needed to come quietly with them. I ran from them and ducked into the women’s bathroom. I managed to change my clothing and hair enough to fool them with my unstable powers. It took a lot of energy to keep it up but they are pretty handy to have around. That was how I was able to get a rental car and drive here.”

“Liz, why didn’t you tell me sooner? Those men could have hurt you or worse, killed you.”

“They need me alive so they wouldn’t have killed me Max. But would it have mattered? Would it have changed things? As you said, right now we are safe here. They don’t know about this place. But they are on the way here, searching for me and possibly you.”

Max sighed. As much as he wanted to get up and act on this new information that Liz had given him, he knew that it would be best if they stayed where they were right now. They had no clue if the government thought that Isabel, Michael, or any of the others were aliens, but right now, they seemed more interesting in Liz and Kyle. Max had an idea why but he wanted more information before making that suggestion to the others. Tomorrow morning, they would go see Valenti, and keep an eye out. The government won’t act hastily. There is too much at stake so he felt that they had a small window of time.

“Let’s get some rest, see if we can’t get with Kyle and find out what he knows. Then we’ll figure something out tomorrow. OK?”

Liz nodded and closed her eyes. “I love you Max.”

“I love you too.” Max closed his eyes and reached out to Liz then Kyle.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 10

Post by magikhands »'s Thursday! :lol:

Chapter 10

Maria looked up from the bench she was sitting on when she heard the sound of someone approaching. She had expected to see Michael but to her surprise she watched as Tess cautiously sat next to her.

“You are really the last person I want to see right now.” Bitterness laced Maria’s voice.

“I know but I feel that I need to be the one to explain.”

Maria sat in silence for a moment, trying hard to hold her anger in check. The last thing she needed to do would be to lash out at an alien. Tess had not been around all that long and Maria did not know the extent of her powers yet. To piss an alien off could be hazardous to her health.

“Explain? Explain what? You swept into Roswell, befriended Isabel, then aggressively pursued Max, not caring one ounce that he already had a girlfriend. You caused two of the people I care about some unnecessary heartache. I hated you for that. But lately.” Her voice calmed a little. “Since you’ve given up on Max and you seemed to genuinely care about the others. I let the things you did to them be done with, in the past. I can’t believe that I was actually beginning to think that you weren’t all that bad. But now I see why you gave up on Max. He made it clear that he didn’t want you, so you just switched from the King to his Commander. Well, you know what? You can have him. He’s all yours.”

Maria stood to leave but Tess took hold of her wrist. “Wait Maria. Please.”

Maria looked down, glaring at the blonde. At that moment, she wished she had Michael’s blasting powers so that she could shoot a hole right through the girl’s chest.

“It’s not what you think.”

“You didn’t kiss Michael? What I saw didn’t happen? It was only his imagination sinking into his memory flashes?” Maria said through clenched teeth, her body trembling, trying to hold back the tears that wanted to fall.

“We kissed.” Tess admitted. She was not ashamed and locked eyes with Maria. “I’m not sorry that it happened either.”

This admission and attitude Tess increased Maria’s anger. The nerve this girl had was amazing. She thought that Tess would at least be ashamed of what she did. To maybe show that she was sorry knowing Maria’s feelings for Michael.

“Did you know that Antarians are sometimes attracted to more than one person at a time?” Tess asked quietly when Maria didn’t move to leave the park.

Maria huffed unbelieving. “Humans do that too. If Brad Pitt came walking down the street, you’d have married and single women alike throwing themselves at his feet just for some attention. It’s not that unusual Tess.”

Tess shook her head. “No, not that type of attraction. Antarians often had other lovers along with their mates. It happened more often in the High Court homes because they could afford to house and support them.”

“Like Sultans had harems?”

“If you want to think of it like that, yes, something similar. But think about it. When you and Liz got involved with Max, Isabel, and Michael, did you not feel drawn to Michael? As if some invisible force was pulling you to him. Whether you wanted to be together or not, you ended up by his side. When you looked past your fear of him being an alien, did you not see things that others just couldn’t see? Didn’t you see his true man?”

“Michael is a stubborn, pig-headed, cocky…” Maria started.

“Yes.” Tess interrupted. “But those things about him made you fall in love with him. You’ve also seen a sensual, caring side to him too. Someone desperate for love and longing to belong. You saw all of that and accepted him for who he is.”

Maria looked down at her shoes, her thoughts slipping to Michael. Yes, she loved Michael, for every flaw he had, she loved him very much. She didn’t care if he wasn’t romantic like Max or witty like Alex. Michael was Michael, plain and simple. She’d risked a lot to be with him. She has lied to her mother, risked her own life and well being to help him, and she would die to save his life. What else did she have to do to prove her love to him?

“Michael and I have this understanding that has drawn us together.” Tess broke Maria from her thoughts. “We grew up wanting someone to show us kindness and affection. As much as we deny it, the human in us crave it. Hank only cared about the money he got each month, Nesado only cared that I would do his bidding by mating with Max and providing him with a ticket back to Antar. We lost out on the love that was supposed to have happened early on in our lives. He was a little luckier than I. He found Max and Isabel who shared their love with him. Then you came along. Giving him more reason to stay around.”

“If the two of you are so alike and need someone so desperately, then have him. Feel free to be with him. You have my blessing, I’m done” Maria lied, her eyes blinking rapidly, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. It hurt terribly to say those words but she somehow choked them out.

“You don’t understand Maria. He loves you.”

Maria shook her head. “No. If he loved me, he wouldn’t push me away. He wouldn’t have kissed you. He would want to be with me and no one else.”

Tess stood, moving her body until she stood facing Maria, just inches separating their bodies. “Michael is scared. He’s scared of hurting you, of losing you forever. He’s scared that he won’t be able to protect you when there is trouble because of who he is. He believes that you deserve more than an alien hybrid who may have to run for his life at a moment’s notice. He thinks that if he pushes you away, keeping his love for you tight within him, then you will be safe and that you’ll be free to live and love others without all this alien chaos that comes with being with him.”

“But how could he kiss you?” A tear escaped and flowed down her cheek. Her voice trembled as she continued her fight to hold back her grief and anger at what had happened between Tess and Michael.

“He loves you more than life. I’ve seen it Maria. But then I also evoke feelings in him that he doesn’t know how to handle. These feelings he has for me confuse him. He may care about me but his heart and soul belong to you.”

“He won’t let me in. He won’t let me be close to help him.”

“He did tonight and you ran from him. You did exactly as he feared. You freaked by what you saw. Please, I beg you not to give up on him.”

Maria looked at the smaller blonde with great curiosity as if she wasn’t quite sure she was hearing what she really was. “I did run, didn’t I? Oh god…I didn’t mean to make him feel like that. I was just so upset at what I saw.” Maria let some of her tears lose as she realized what she’d done. The pleading in his voice when he had asked her not to go echoed in her head. He wanted her to stay, to talk it all out. To do what she’d been trying to get him to do since they got together. “Why do you care so much that I don’t give up on Michael? If I’m out of the picture, then he’s free and so will your conscious.”

“No, he’ll never be free from you. You live in his soul. A place that I could never gain. You are a piece of Michael that he’ll never shed. You know, you and Michael have a love much like Max and Liz. It’s one that lives on, forever binding, connecting you to each other. He’ll never be truly happy without you in his life. Sometimes he just has a hard time seeing that. And…” Tess paused. She shifted her weight then lifted her hand and stroked Maria’s tear streaked cheek. Tess wanted to smile and jump for joy when Maria did not pull back or flinch. This encouraged her to continue on.

“As I said before. Michael and I are much alike. I have found that we are drawn to the same type of people. What has attracted him to you has also drawn me. Your free spirit, your energy, and the compassion that you show to those around you. Through Michael’s eyes, I have gotten to know you. And from the time I’ve spent around you, I have grown to care about you. It hurts me to see you miserable. I hate to see those tears in your eyes.” Tess moved her hand and wiped at a lone tear that trailed down from one of Maria’s eyes. Tears clouded Tess’s vision, hating to see such a beautiful face so sad.

Maria could say nothing, any words that she may have spoken got stuck in her throat. Her eyes were entranced by Tess’s bright blue ones and she could not look away. The blue seemed to darken as Tess spoke the gentle words, ones that she never thought that Tess would say to her. Her mind swirled desperately trying to analyze the information that was being pushed in. Tess was saying that she cared about her. That she was attracted to her. How could that be? How…

Tess leaned forward and let her lips brush on Maria’s who gasped at such an intimate touch. Tess used this response to kiss her again, pressing her lips harder and longer, dipping her tongue within Maria’s parted lips.

Maria was surprised when Tess kissed her. But she was more so when she felt her body responding to the blonde’s kiss. She felt Tess’s soft lips upon hers again and felt the tongue that had slipped in. She was filled with an urge to find out how Tess tasted. She wanted to know if she was similar to Michael if she had the same spicy taste. She wanted more of the softness of Tess’s lips upon her. She wanted to know what they would feel like against other parts of her skin. Maria opened her mouth more, closed her eyes, and leaning into the other girl, let her tongue dip cautiously into Tess’s mouth.

Tess kept her hand on Maria’s cheek, not daring to move it any further. But then she felt Maria lean into her and used her other arm to wrap it around her waist, steadying them. Maria’s reaction startled Tess, she was expecting to be pushed away but the opposite had happened. She couldn’t believe that she stood in the middle of the park, darkness surrounding them and her arms around Maria, their lips pressed together in a deep kiss. Tess sighed and relaxed her body.

The emotional fog lifted from Maria and she realized that she was in Tess’s arms and kissing. She wasn’t disgusted because having the smaller girl’s body pressed against hers and her delicate mouth under hers felt good… right. That feeling, having only felt it with Michael, scared her. In fact, these feelings that were surfacing for Tess terrified her. She didn’t know how to react. She loved Michael so much but then these feelings, they confused her. She could now sympathize with what Michael was going through.

Maria did the only thing that she could think of. The one way that she dealt with things. She pushed away from Tess and stared at her. Maria’s mouth moved but no sound came out. Finally, she gave up on trying to speak and just shook her head. She watched as Tess just looked up at her, her blue eyes glowing with acceptance.

“I can’t…” Maria finally managed to force out, her confusion clouding every sense. She turned and ran for the second time that night, running from the two the people who claim to love her most.

Tess watched as Maria ran. She sighed and her shoulders sagged She saw the same confusion fill Maria that she had seen in Michael after they kissed. The only hope she had was the small flicker in her heart that had lit when Maria had leaned into her, accepting her kiss. That feeling kept Tess from breaking down at that moment. It was just enough to keep her going but it had still been a hell of a day. She still had to go back to Michael then go to Max about Nesado. She rubbed her now aching head and turned back the direction she came where she knew Michael was impatiently waiting.


Michael paced his apartment. He had tried to clean up all the shattered glass but every time he fixed a piece, he would think about Maria and it would shatter again. Feeling so upset and stressed did nothing to help with his control over his powers. He went to the front window and looked out into the darkness but found no one coming toward his place. It was empty, silent. He moved from the window and continued his pacing, his energy slowly building within him. There was a slow burn in his stomach as the energy built there. He stopped and closed his eyes, taking deep breathes. He would ignite the entire building if he continued to let this grow. He pictured Maria smiling at him, happy and he could feel the energy soften. Then the image of Tess invaded, laughing and smiling and Michael felt his body relax, the ball of energy within his stomach absorb back into his body, harmful no longer.

Michael opened his eyes then sat on his couch. His guilt now took over any feeling of anger. He remembered how jealous he felt when Maria was with Max at the Crashdown. Then the guilt landed heavily on his shoulders for not truly seeing what had been happening with Max. He pushed that aside for the moment, knowing that he would talk to Max and apologize for his behavior. He knew that his brother would forgive him and together, they would make things right.

Michael’s thoughts switched over to Nesado. For years, Michael knew that there was another of them out there. He felt it but Max and Isabel never believed him. That is until the Sheriff had shown Liz those pictures from 1956. Those pictures, even though this other one had killed people, gave Michael hope of someone like them was out there, looking for them, waiting to find them and teach them who they are.

But it appears that Nesado really was only a cold blooded killer. He killed anyone who got in his way. He didn’t care about any of them, only what Max could do for him. He only wanted them so that Max could get Tess pregnant and take Isabel back to Khivar. He and Max were of no meaning. Nesado would take them to their deaths, not caring who it hurt in the process. Nesado had been one of the reasons the FBI had been able to capture Max. He was playing head games with them, an act of revenge for what they did to him while they had him all those years ago. He also wanted to get rid of Liz so what better way then to let the Special Unit have her. But his entire plan backfired and it almost got Max killed.

Michael’s frustration was overwhelming. They still had lots of questions about their home planet Antar, why they were sent here to Earth, and what they were supposed to do. Tess remembered a good amount from their prior life, but Nesado was the one with the answers. He was the one that actually lived on Antar. But how much that he had told them so far was true or a lie? Could they really trust the information that he told them now that they knew he was to betray them? With Nesado dead, Michael guessed that they didn’t have to worry any longer about wrong information being fed to them. They would have to find another way to figure out why they were put on Earth.

Michael sighed and leaned back. He ran his hand through his hair and looked to the door. No sound, no one was coming yet. His thoughts turned to the group of people that he now thought of as his family. Looking back at how Max had been behaving and the others, Michael realized that their little family had been slowly falling apart. They were letting their personal problems invade and overshadow the thing that was the most important thing that they had. Family. At that moment, Michael sitting on the couch of his apartment, he vowed that no longer would that happen. He would draw them back together one way or another, mend all the fences and become a working unit once again.

Michael jumped up from the couch when his door opened, hoping to find Maria returning so that they could talk but he felt his shoulders slump when it was only Tess walking in. He saw that her face was solemn and knew that things had not gone that entirely well with her and Maria.

“I’m sorry Michael. I don’t know if I helped any.”

Michael rubbed at his neck, a habit he seemed to be doing more and more lately. “I knew I should have gone after her. I should have told her before I opened up to her.”

Tess approached Michael and took his hand in hers. “No. Give her some time. She’s got a lot to sort out. She’ll come around.”

Michael looked at Tess with a weary look. “What exactly did you tell her?”

“Just the truth. About everything.” Tess didn’t want to give too much away about what had happened between her and Maria but she wanted to give him hope so that he would be a little more patient with her. “Like I said, she’s got a lot of feelings to really examine and sort out. But I have a feeling that she’ll eventually come back to you.”

Michael sighed. He wanted to give Maria time. He knew without Tess saying anything that she told Maria how she felt about her. That is a lot to deal with at once. He was still having trouble with his own feelings toward Tess. But patience never was one of his stronger traits.

“Listen Tess.” Michael decided to change the subject for the moment. “I’ve been thinking. With all that’s happened with Max and Kyle’s situations, then what happened with Nesado tonight, I think you should move in here with me. I don’t like you being alone. Nesado had said that we were not alone, that we had enemies out in the world. How do we know that he wasn’t working with them and that they know where we are?”

Tess squeezed Michael’s hand before letting it drop from hers. “Thank you for the offer Michael but I’m going to have to say no.”

“No? I don’t understand.” Michael was so sure that Tess would say yes. There had been nights that she’d stayed over when she had stayed late and he liked the thought of taking care of her.

“You have a lot to work out with Maria. Your relationship with her should come first. Me living here with you would only complicate things and throw me into her face. She must do this on her own time.”

“But I don’t want you alone.”

“I know. I’ll talk to the others tomorrow. Maybe there can be another solution.”

“Alright. For now. But this is not over.”

Tess stood on her tiptoes and kissed Michael’s mouth. It was a short, soft kiss but it held a lot of meaning to them both. “We’ll see.”

“Tess…” Michael hesitated with his words.

Tess smiled, knowing what he wanted to say. “No problem. Now, let’s stop all this sappy talk and go find Max. We have other business to take care of.”

Michael led the way out of his apartment taking Tess’s keys from her hand.

“Do you know where he is?”

“Where’s the only place he has felt safe lately?” Michael didn’t need any special alien radar to pick up where Max had gone with Liz.

Tess nodded and followed Michael.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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