Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 10 (6/22/2020)

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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 4 (1/28/2020)

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Four

“Welcome, to my home. My parents are out of town this afternoon and evening, so we are free to talk without any interruptions.”

“You have parents?” Abigail asked.

“Yes. Maybe it would be better if we start from the beginning. I’m Max and this is Liz. We are seventeen years old. We were created and placed in incubation pods. Liz’s pod was intentionally damaged. She emerged as an infant. She was placed in the Parkers care by a Native American and her grandmother after the death of the Parkers’ infant daughter. Liz grew up thinking she was human. I emerged from my pod when I was about six years of age, along with my sister, Isabel and my friend, Michael. My sister and I were picked up and later adopted by the Evans family. Michael hid and was placed in foster care. I was always drawn to Liz from the moment that I saw her when I started school in third grade. I never believed that she would accept me since I was different. That changed the day she was shot downstairs while working. I couldn’t let her die, so I used my healing abilities to repair the bullet wound. It turned out she felt the same way about me. Other aliens showed up in town and came between us with their lies. In November, Abigail’s other clone, Ava arrived in Roswell. She was raised with her group in New York City. Once I saw her, I knew that Liz was always meant to be my queen. Jack’s other clone, Zan showed up a few days later.

Both sets of parents only learned about our origins a few months ago. It was important that we kept this secret. No one can be trusted. I have already been in the hands of our government. We are not here to take over the earth or anything. Up until last May, I had no idea what my purpose was.”

“What is your purpose?” Jack enquired.

“Your DNA was combined with the DNA of the Antarian leaders, to create us. We are to go back one day to free our people.”

“The other waitress looks just like our oldest daughter. Is there more than one of her?” Abigail asked.

“No, Serena is the only one. She was raised by one our protectors in Los Angeles. She has only been in town a few months. We were told she is genetically our daughter. As far as the town knows, she is my sister. At the time of our assassinations, I was pregnant with the next heir. The group in New York was plan B and Serena was plan C.”

Jack and Abigail are absorbing their story when there is a knock on the door. Michael had the tray of food that they ordered.

“Michael, thanks for bringing this up. How is everything going downstairs?”

“It’s good. The crowd is light due to the basketball game. I’m sure it will pick up soon. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine. Michael, this is Jack and Abigail Conway.”

“Oh my, you look just like my brother Harry. It makes sense since he was with us when we were taken.”

“It’s nice to meet you Abigail and Jack.”

“Do you have a photo of the one you call Isabel?” Jack asked.

Liz grabbed a photo of the group from Christmas.

“Looks just like my sister MaryBeth.”

“I know this must be hard for you two. Do you think we could meet the others sometime?”

“I’m sorry. My brother, Harry was killed in action in the Korean War. Jack’s sister MaryBeth died in car accident in the fall of 1946. We named our daughter after her.”

“Look, guys, I better get back downstairs. I left Valenti in charge of the grill if any orders came in. I don’t want the population of Roswell to suffer food poisoning or for him to set the place on fire.”

“We will see you soon.”

“I didn’t mean to upset your friend.”

“That is just Michael. He had a very hard childhood bounced around from foster family to foster family. The last one was physically abusive. He is always looking for real family. I know he must be disappointed to learn his human donor is no longer living.”

“I miss my brother every day. We were very close even if we were only half siblings. His mother died a few weeks after his birth. Our father quickly remarried one of his wife’s friend. I was born a year later. My mother always treated Harry as her own child, but Harry built a wall around his heart. It was hard for him to let anyone in.”

“You had to endure that in addition to everything else. I’m really sorry you got dragged into our drama.”

“Thank you, I know that you personally weren’t involved. We should eat and get to our hotel before the visitation.”

“My wife and I still have a lot of questions. Would it be possible to talk after the visitation?”

“Sure, I’m sure that Ava and Zan would like to meet you as well.”
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 4 (1/28/2020)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

It's interesting how all of the human donors have fallen into place.
Michael gets the short straw again it appears.
Can't wait to see what happens next.....
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 4 (1/28/2020)

Post by truthrowan »

I am so excited to see this story continued, I can't wait to read more!
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 5 (2/16/2020)

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Five

Abigail and Jack finished their meal in the Parkers’ apartment. Liz had stayed for few additional minutes to see if they needed anything. She went downstairs and brought back two slices of Men in Blackberry pie for her guests. Max stopped briefly to speak to Michael before heading back to work. He apologized for leaving Brody so quickly. He told him relatives arrived in town without notice. Liz invited the couple to return to the Crashdown when they were able. She let them know she would answer what ever questions she had the answers to.

Abigail and Jack went to the funeral home on Citrus Street. Abigail added their names to the guest book. She never met any of Lillian’s family after her marriage. She and Lillian had a few conversations over the years, but everything had changed after the summer of 1946. Abigail could no longer be the carefree teenager. She became a wife and soon to be mother at sixteen. Their relationship was further strained by the loss of Harry. Lillian and Harry were finally engaged after Harry drug his feet. Harry had planned to leave his military career and settle down and start a family with Lillian. After Harry’s death, Lillian met Anthony DeLuca about a year later. They married quickly with a justice of the peace. They exchanged Christmas cards over the years, but their lives were very different. Lillian went on to have six children with Tony.

Abigail found the video tribute screen. She stood silently and watched the images from her youth pass by. Lillian and she had met in elementary school. Jack like always was by her side. Both just watched as the images of Lillian singing at an USO show appeared on the screen, followed by an image of her and Lillian appeared on the screen. When the image of the four musketeers appeared on the screen, they both registered the teenager’s gasp.

“Mom, did you see those photos?”

“Yes, I did. Don’t jump to conclusion Maria. Everyone has a doubleganger in this world.”

“But they looked so much like, Liz, Max and Michael, minus the fashion of course.”

Maria and Amy continued to watch the photo presentation. Maria later saw a photo of a younger looking Isabel. She was positive that she saw a photo of Alex’s grandfather in the mix.

Abigail and Jack didn’t know if they should respond or not. They had no knowledge if this girl knew Max and Liz’s secret. They quickly went to another area to see if they could see any familiar faces.

“Well, if it isn’t prim and proper Miss Walker. I forgot that nickname was no longer appropriate when your boyfriend knocks you up at sixteen and has to marry you.”

“Well, if it isn’t Angela Marcum. I see you haven’t changed a bit.” Abigail calmly responded. She was used to these comments in Roswell.

“It’s Angela Troy now. Thomas and I have been married fifty years.”

“Abby and I have been happily married for almost 55 years now. We closed our pediatrics practice in the Boston suburb a few years ago. We have been enjoying traveling and time with our grandchildren.” He hated when someone treated Abby this way. This one of the many reasons he hated coming back to Roswell.

“I really didn’t think I would see you here. You were never one of Lillian’s favorite people. Especially after you tried to come between her and Harry.”

“There never was a her and Harry.”

“Believe what you want to believe. I’m not getting into it with you this evening Angie. I would like to say it was nice seeing you again but that would be a lie.”

Angela storms off to see someone. Abigail and Jack didn’t realize that their conversation was overheard by a mother daughter pair.

“I guess I know where Pam Troy gets her bitchy side from.” Maria told her mother.
“That has always been on strange family. Did you know what Pam’s father’s initials TJ stands for?

“Pam has always been closed mouth about that. I just assumed Thomas Junior.”

“No, his older brother is Thomas junior. It for Troy Johnathan Troy. His name is Troy, Troy.”

“Wait to I tell Liz. She will enjoy that piece of information. Pam hasn’t given her a minute of peace since she and Max got back together. She is still trying to say Liz had to abort Kyle’s baby.”

Most of Lillian’s family were ignoring Amy and Maria. Many still blamed Amy for getting pregnant. Amy spotted the older couple that had the discussion with Angela Troy. She wanted to meet the couple.

“Hi, I’m Amy DeLuca and this is my daughter Maria. I was married to Lillian’s youngest son.”

“Hi, I’m Abigail Conway and this is my husband Jack. I go back to grade school with Lillian. My husband met her when his family came to Roswell in 1942.”

Maria took one look at the couple a realized she was looking at the older versions of Liz, Ava, Max and Zan. They had similar mannerisms.

“Are you the girl in the photos with my grandmother? Can you tell me about the others in the photos?”

“Yes, Lillian was very special to me. That was my older brother Harry. Lillian had a crush on Harry for a long time. That is my husband’s little sister MaryBeth. That is Charlie White. He was a great piano player and would accompany Lillian when she would sing at USO shows. Lillian wanted to be as big as the Andrews Sisters. Only issue was she didn’t have any sisters. I’m not a singer, so I couldn’t join her. I’m was more into my studies.”

“What happened to your brother Harry?”

“We lost Harry in combat in the Korean War. My dumb brother had finally got around to proposing to your grandmother. After Harry was killed, a year later your grandmother met your grandfather. They married within a few months. I don’t think your grandmother wanted to take a chance something would happen to him.”

“Thank you for talking to me. I have learned more about my grandmother’s life than she ever told me. After my father left, she didn’t have much to do with us.”
“It was nice to meet you Maria. I can see so much of your grandmother’s spark in you.”

Abigail and Jack made their exit. It was time to find out what they could about the summer of 1946. Maria and Amy wouldn’t stay much longer. Amy felt uncomfortable being around Tony’s family.

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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 5 (2/16/2020)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Thanks for the new part.
I find I'm needing to make a chart of these characters to keep up.
Anxious to find out more about the summer of '46.
Love it!
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 5 (2/16/2020)

Post by Parker1947 »

A interesting and complex tale. Great job!
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 5 (2/16/2020)

Post by Zanity »

Now that’s a coincidence. The Alien’s human donor’s are Maria’s distant relatives.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 6 (2/22/2020)

Post by RoswellFan68 »

By popular request

Abigail "Abby" Walker Conway - human donor for Liz and Ava
John "Jack" Conway - human donor for Max and Zan
Harry Walker - half brother of Abigail and Michael's human donor, at one time dated Lillian Johnson
Lillian Johnson DeLuca - Maria's paternal grandmother; one time dated Harry
Mary Elizabeth "MaryBeth" Conway - Jack's younger sister, Isabel's human donor
Charlie White - Alex Whitman's maternal grandfather

Chapter Six
<Crashdown Café>

After Abigail and Jack left, things seemed to calm down for Liz. Max and Liz spoke during his break and felt they should keep the group small, so they didn’t overwhelm the couple. She called Ava and invited her and Zan to come over to the Crashdown. She briefly told Ava what was going on. Ava and Zan were enjoying blood of alien smoothies. Ava had developed a craving for the strawberry concoction with tabasco sauce addition. She usually had at least one a day. Max had joined them as they waited for Liz to serve the last of the customers. Liz had already let Serena leave early with Kyle so she could salvage some of her date night. Serena didn’t feel comfortable sticking around for the meeting. The couple wasn’t a threat. There was nothing in their auras that concerned her. She couldn’t explain it.

Maria came in the Crash to see Michael. She just wanted to see him after learning his doubleganger and possible human donor died in Korea. “Hey, Michael is the grill still up? I would like a Men in Black burger and fries. It was a stressful evening being surrounded by dad’s family. That was just half of it. I met this interesting couple. They looked like the older version of Max and Liz. The woman had a brother that looked just like you.”

“Yeah, Abigail and Jack Conway. Liz had a little fainting spell when she served them earlier. I thought Abigail was going to faint when she saw me. They are looking for answers. Max, Liz, Zan and Ava are going to try to give them what they need. Look, I know that you would like to stick around but Liz thinks it is best that the four of them to meet. She doesn’t want to overwhelm them. Abigail indicated they hadn’t been back to Roswell in over 50 years. I think it will be very personal.”

“Okay, Spaceboy but tomorrow after my grandmother’s funeral we are all going to have a long talk with those four. I know that somehow my grandmother was a part of this.”

“Here is your burger and fries. Do you think you can help Liz with closing since she sent Serena on her date? Then we can go back and have most of the house to ourselves.”

“Of course, I can help with the closing. We can watch a movie in the theater room. Not Braveheart. I need a comedy tonight.”

Maria took her food over and joined, Max, Ava and Zan at their table. “Hi, Maria. How did the visitation go tonight? Did your long-lost father make an appearance?” Ava asked.

“No, but I did meet the Conways. I did overhear Abigail’s conversion with Pam Troy’s grandmother. Mrs. Troy insinuated that they had to get married when Abigail was only sixteen. I always wondered where Pam got her nasty personality from well it came from her grandmother.”

“Maria, you do understand why Liz wanted to keep the group small tonight.” Max asked.

“I think it is the right decision. It feels like their lives were hard even if they didn’t fall into the alien abyss. They both lost a sibling. I can’t imagine if I would ever lose Liz or Alex I would be devastated.”

Outside the Crashdown
“Are you sure you want these answers, Jack? We have had a great life after everything settled down.”

“I need this Abby. Look at how Angela talked to you this evening.”

“Angela has always been the type of person that built herself up by tearing others down. She didn’t bother me. I know the truth. I was married to you in my heart when our daughter was conceived. I didn’t need a piece of paper.”

“Let’s find some answers we have needed for the last 50 some years.”

As they enter the Crashdown they take in the surroundings. At the table they first sat in earlier in the day was a group of teenagers. They spotted Max with was oblivious their other clones. Maria that they met at the visitation was talking with the group. They took a booth near the back.

“Hi, Abigail and Jack. I’m glad you decided to come back. I know this can’t be easy for you. The restaurant with officially close in 30 minutes. Is there anything I can get for you?”

“Jack wants decaf coffee. Do you have any herbal tea?”

“Sure do, I will bring you the box over and you can make a selection.”

“I think I would love another slice of that Men in Blackberry pie.”

The pair set in a comfortable silence. They didn’t try to make casual conversation. Both had their own thoughts of the events that changed their lives so many years ago. They still didn’t know if all their questions would be answered but they finally would be able to share their story with someone that would believe them. Slowly the other restaurant patrons paid their bills and left the establishment. Liz turned the front sign to closed and locked the door. There was a middle-aged man that set and observed everything going on. He had entered the diner shortly before the closed sign was turned. Maria, Max and Zan all started to help Liz prepare the restaurant for closing. Maria had turned on the juke box to a lively tune and was dancing and singing around as she worked. Abigail couldn’t help but think of her friend Lillian.

“Liz, Michael and I are going to take off if you don’t need anything else.”

“Wait, I think they should stay. Harry is no longer with us to tell his story, but I think Michael and Maria should know it. If it is okay with you four.” Abigail shouted out.

“I was going to tell Maria everything, so I don’t have an issue.” Liz responded.

“Why don’t we go upstairs to the apartment. Max asked our protector Cal to come. He was on the ship so he may be able to fill in some holes in the story.”
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 6 (2/22/2020)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Thank you so much for chart of characters. That keeps everyone straight for me as I read along.
Will Michael's grandmother turn out to be part of all of this???
Now I'm anxious to find out what Cal has to say.
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Re: Never Tear Us Apart (Double Vision sequel) - M/L and others adult - Chapter 7 (3/8/2020)

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Chapter Seven

“Abigail and Jack this is our protector Cal Langley. This my sister Ava and my brother-in-law Zan. You met Michael earlier and I think you already met Maria. Would you like anything before we get started?”

“No, I just want to thank you for taking the time to meet with us. I know it is weird for you and it just as weird for us. I guess I will start. I was a live long resident of Roswell. I was born in June 1931. My parents were Dr. Matthew Walker and his second wife Betty Walker. I had an older brother, Harold “Harry” Walker from my father’s first marriage to Elizabeth Walker. Harry’s mother died shortly after childbirth. My mother was her best friend, so she stayed with him to help take care of his infant son. A few months later they married. To honor his late wife and my mother’s best friend I was named Abigail Elizabeth Walker. I had a normal childhood growing up. I loved my father’s work and hoped to one day be a doctor myself. It was harder for Harry. My mother tried to treat him as her own child, but Harry was distant with her. My parents were always honest with us. It was never a secret that we were half brother and sister. Harry’s personality was more like his mother’s where I was more like our father. We were very close as kids.

I met my best friend Lillian Johnson when I started school. We were so different. I was quiet and followed the rules while Lillian loved to challenge everything. She always wanted to be an entertainer. She had a crush on my big brother from the beginning.

All our lives changed when the United States entered World War II following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. In January, many new faces arrived in Roswell when the Eagle Rock Air Base started up. Jack’s family was one of them.”

“I was born in 1930, to John Maxwell Conway and Mary Conway. My father was career military. He had been stationed at the Pentagon before the attack. He was promoted to General and was sent to oversee Eagle Rock. I moved to Roswell in January 1942, with my parents and younger sister Mary Elizabeth “MaryBeth”. When we started to school, the first person I met was Harry. I think we both hit it off since with both had important fathers and didn’t like all the pressure that came with that. My father was convinced that I would get an appointment to West Point and follow in his footsteps. I wanted to study medicine and be a doctor. I wanted a family and I didn’t want to have pick up and move every few years. I want roots in one community. Harry had no desire to be a doctor, but he was getting pressure from his father. This was our common ground.”

“I met Abigail in school and through Harry. Even though she was a class behind me she was very bright, and we had several classes together. I was shy from the constant moving. It took me a long time to finally ask her out. We didn’t have the freedom you kids have today. The nation was at war. There were rations on everyday items such as food and gasoline. There were strict curfews. Everyone was expected to help with the war effort. Dating was different as well. Group dates were permitted but single dates were unacceptable. Many times, Abigail and I helped her father with blood drives. My sister MaryBeth would organize Red Cross efforts. Lillian loved to perform for injured soldiers and for fundraisers. We didn’t have much free time. When the war ended, I had the worry of how much longer I would be able to stay in Roswell. My father was transferred to Europe to help with post war issues. The rest of the family were permitted to stay in Roswell.”

“Things were going great. Then that spring, I suffered an acute appendicitis attack. Jack and I both recognized the signs. He was able to get me to the hospital in time. My father was able to remove the appendix before it ruptured but notice scar tissue from an earlier childhood surgery that would leave me infertile. Scar tissue had formed around my fallopian tubes. It was the equivalent of a having my tubes tied. My father was honest with me. Jack had already spoken to my father about his desire to marry me when I completed high school. My father let me know we would never be able to have children. I tried to do the right thing by Jack and let him walk away from our relationship. I knew he wanted children.”

“I loved Abby then as much as I love her now and I wasn’t going to lose her. Adoption was easy back at that time. Many unwed young girls were sent to away from home to have their child when her parents didn’t want her to marry the baby’s father. The child would then be put up for adoption. It didn’t matter to me if our children were natural born to us or adopted, I wanted a family with Abby.”

“Life was good for us and our friends. A few weeks before my sixteenth birthday, I had this feeling that I was being watched. I didn’t think much of it. I was the daughter of one of the town doctors, everyone knew who I was. I didn’t share my feelings with anyone. I assumed they would think I was crazy.”

“I didn’t tell Abby, but I was having the same experience. But like Abby, I almost everyone in town knew who my father was. If I would have told her and we would have told my mother and her parents, I sure they would have sent the two of us back to the East Coast to stay with relatives.”

“On Saturday evening of July 28, 1946, we had a double date planned with Harry and Lillian. At the last minute, Lillian was asked to sing at a USO function at the base. Jack asked MaryBeth to come along with us so Harry wouldn’t feel like the third wheel. We went to the movie and then a drive out to see the stars. We didn’t get far before the engine stalled out. There was a bright light and we were taken by the light.”

“You mean my grandmother was almost used as Isabel’s clone. The only thing that prevented it was a last-minute schedule change!" Maria was in shock.
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