When The Fog Clears (CC Mature with M/M Focus)

This is the place to post all your General Roswell fanfiction. Any Canon fics, which pick up directly from any episode of the show and that focus on Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex or Isabel/Jesse, Kyle/Tess, or all the couples together! Rule of Thumb: If Max healed Liz in the Crashdown in September 1999, then your fic belongs here. If it picks up from the show in any way, it belongs here.

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Re: When The Fog Clears (CC Mature with M/M Focus)

Post by Stefuh »

An update! I missed this fic, so thank you for posting the next chapter! The fact that Michael barely noticed her at the party must have hurt Maria, but I'm glad he came back around (with a compliment nonetheless!) to talk with her. :) It was quite bittersweet... I'm sure Maria now regret that time refusing to not acknowledge that she had still feelings for Michael and that the industry was slowly sucking her soul in. Oh, well, in life, people need to learn their own mistakes by experiencing, I just hope Michael will be there for her when she'll need him! (I'm sorry my thoughts are still on that trailer of yours!) And I was surprised that Michael became a deputy and offered to take care of Amy's house, that's really good for him.

Can't wait for the next update! :D
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When The Fog Clears (CC Mature with M/M Focus)

Post by santigold53 »

Stefuh: thanks so much for your review! I honestly live for reviews- it makes me want to update more. Well, remember that bittersweet part you said about the talk between M&M...it's about to get a little more bitter. I decided to add the new chapter since I know I haven't updated often enough.

I hope you all enjoy it! And if you do like it please do comment. I want to know if people are liking this or not. I certainly enjoy writing it!


Options. She had many, but none ideal. Maria looked up at her reflection on the window of the metro car. She was definitely nicked in the cheek. The cut was red and thin, but more than apparent. Other than that, she didn’t look too disheveled, except for smelling like beer. She slid one side of her jacket down her shoulder, revealing blue and purple grip marks. Clearly evidence of Adam’s rough grasp. Maria bruised easily, something she had discovered whenever she and Michael made love. They were not silent or gentle by any means during the act, and they preferred it like that. Maria and Michael would revel to the fullest on those occasions.

Back to the bruise, she knew that hiding this would be tough. She could only imagine how bad the other shoulder was since it was hurting more but she couldn’t check as discreetly now that passengers were now on the train. Her back was on fire! It felt sore and had to be bruised. She wouldn’t be able to know exactly till she got to a restroom.

She had been venturing on the train for about 20 minutes, and this was the first stop of 3 that passengers finally came on. Every Time the double doors opened she held her breath, dreading that it could be Adam, lunging in after her.

Where was she to go? She wanted desperately to see her mom, but she was thousands of miles away in another continent. It wouldn’t be hard for her to get a ticket to go to Rome, but she just didn’t want to leave a trail. Not yet. Would it be too obvious if she went to Roswell? Yes, perhaps it would be. However, Dominique got the impression since Maria’s mom went to Italy, that there was nothing left for her in Roswell. Maybe they would look into Rome after all so perhaps it was best to go to Roswell.

Or she could throw off the tracking altogether and go to Boston. She could stay with Liz and Max. Even Isabel and Jesse were there. Or maybe not. Wasn’t it close to midterms? Liz and Max were busy with college. She wouldn’t want to bombard them, not at a time like this. Liz and Max had been through so much for the past couple of years, and now they were finally settled and deserved to have uninterrupted time all to themselves. Maria loved them dearly and wouldn’t want to compromise that for them.

There was nothing in Roswell, Maria said trying to convince herself. Of course, there was always a glimmer of hope when it came to Michael, but his actions were pretty clear the last time they met at her mother’s wedding celebration. He was done with being connected to Maria, and while she had herself only to blame for this chasm she had to accept it. Roswell was where Kyle was though. Out of all the possible options, Kyle Valenti seemed to be the best one.

After all, Kyle would be there at her house. Kyle would still be where home was.


“Maria? Oh! There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Liz said with a smile, leading Max behind her hand in hand. As she approached the two in the alley outside of the Crashdown shipping dock, Max gave a drink to Michael, who gladly accepted it. It was a bit chilly, and Liz brought the black glittery shawl closer around her, hugging it to herself.

“Your mom is looking for you,” Liz informed Maria, catching Michael looking away.

“Oh ok. Well, I guess I’ll see you around Michael.”

Michael turned to Maria and nodded. He couldn’t believe that this is what it had to come down to now. Mere hellos and goodbyes. He was so used to touching her, embracing her, kissing her, or wrapping his fingers in her hair. And now, they had become almost like strangers, --almost.

As Maria went back inside leaving Liz and Michael, she wondered what they might start talking about. Perhaps Liz would pry Michael with questions. Maria made a mental note to ask Liz later if they talked about anything that mentioned her then quickly scratched the thought considering it was best not to ask. Afterall she never asked her mom about Michael during their phone dates too.

Maria mosied on through the doors to the restaurant.

“There’s my daughter!” cried Amy as she ran over and gave Maria a hug twirling her off the ground.

“Oh my god, and here’s my clearly inebriated mother,” Maria cried semi-jokingly.

Amy gave her a look of pardon, and then pulled her into one of the empty booths away from the crowd.

“You and I haven’t talked much Maria. You came in yesterday, stayed at a hotel, and I don’t want you to feel like I am leaving you all over again.”

Maria shook her head. “You don’t make me feel that way. I just got a hotel because I know you’re not at the house, but I didn’t want to stay with you at the Valenti’s either. It’s all good.”

Amy looked on with a pressing look. She was sure that at times her absence caused a void in her daughter's life. A void that she knew Michael filled, and though she was reluctant about the relationship at first, she grew to love the two together, and really grew fond of Michael. Truth be told, she was sad they had broken up.

“I wish you had stayed with me rather than being on your own in that lonely hotel,” Amy said, frowning.

“Come on mom,” Maria said, trying to sound strong. “I’m tough. I can handle things on my own.”

“Yes you can, but that doesn’t mean you have to,” Amy replied as she motioned Maria to look up where she was looking. Michael had just entered back in the restaurant and he took a seat next to Isabel and Jesse in a booth on the opposite of the room. He could see Maria and Amy talking.

“Did you talk to Michael?”

Maria nodded. “ A little.”

“Maria, while you have been gone, I’ve checked on him a couple of times.”

Maria nodded. She was thankful her mother had. Though she was gone she was worried about Michael. “He mentioned that it was because of you that he got the Deputy job. Oh, and his new haircut is thanks to you too.”

Amy smiled. “He’s doing better, but when you left I never saw him more lost.” Maria looked on saddened to hear this. She knew it might be true, but it almost felt like her mother was scolding her for leaving, or maybe she was just perceiving it that way. Maria didn’t say anything and Amy was beginning to feel Maria pull away. She reached across the table and placed her hand on Maria’s.

“ I know you made me promise to not talk about Michael with you. What he’s been up to or what I’ve seen. But I need to tell you this, so please just let me say this,” Amy pleaded.

“Mom please don’t,” Maria said, cutting Amy off.

“I don’t want you to feel bad!” her mom blurted. There Amy said it. She had to press otherwise she knew her tough daughter wouldn’t listen.

Maria looked at her perplexed and stunned. How could Maria not feel bad? This whole time Maria had been feeling guilty, saddened, and heartbroken that she had left Roswell, Michael, and all her friends. She didn’t even walk for graduation, something her mom had dreamt of. Of course, she felt bad.

“You had every right to do what you feel was right at the time. I know you’ve had a love for music since you were a little girl. I just didn’t think you had to compromise your love for it.”

“I loved him, mom, I still do. But...I just needed to live my life for me for once.”

Amy nodded. “I can understand that. I just know when your father left me how much it hurt.”

“Trust me the thought goes around my head constantly. I wonder all the time if I’m just like my dad.”

“Would that be so bad?” Amy asked.

“Yes! I don’t want to be like him. He left us! And look how much pain you were in!”

“Maria. We were married and had a daughter together. His leaving is not the same as you leaving to pursue your dream.”

“Leaving is leaving. It’s all the same,” Maria said as she crossed her arms.

“Maria, I know we haven’t talked a lot since you moved to New York. I blame myself mostly for that. I don’t want you to shake your head, just hear me out,” Amy pleaded, cutting off Maria’s disagreement. She really did have the best daughter. No matter how long she ventured from Roswell, she could always trust Maria to take care of the house, their car, and most of all herself. How did she get so lucky?

“You’ve had absentee parents all your life. I don’t deserve you, but I know you know I love you, unconditionally. We may have drifted apart in some ways, but I know we’ll always be just as connected in other ways. We’ll always be there for each other. You’re my angel,” Amy said tearfully.

Michael could see from the corner of his eye that the conversation between the DeLuca ladies was getting very emotional. It seemed that Maria was doing her best to hold back tears. Seeing her this way caused a pang in his heart. He needed to get a group so he decided to get up and walk around a bit. That always helped. He saw Kyle with a bunch of guys at work now huddled in the back talking and drinking so he ventured there.

Amy continued. “You need to know that you are nothing like your father in the way that he left, but you’re still your father’s daughter as much as you are mine. You are so much like him in many ways, and even though he left I never painted you a clear picture of who he was. Maria, I know it’s hard to believe, but he was great. He was a kind and doting father. You were daddy’s little girl. And you may not remember, but he sang to you every night. I like to think that you got the best of us from him and I. His music, my quirkiness,”

“You’re strength,” Maria corrected smiling. Amy smiled back in thanks.

“I knew you might be feeling bad. I know you will always love Michael. I am sad that you two had to break up but I am also proud of you for living your life. It’s your life, Maria. If you don’t live in it, who will?”

Maria brushed away the single tear that rolled down on her cheek. It was nice to get some reassurance for once that she was justified in making her decision to pursue her music. She knew it came at a cost, however, when being with Michael meant her dreams had to be compromised, that’s when she had to question their relationship.

“Stop punishing yourself,” Amy said as she squeezed Maria’s hand. “I see you here, and you look guilty and unhappy, but you need to be happy Maria.”

Maria swallowed nervously. “Mom, can I ask you a question?” she asked hesitantly.

“What if I come to find, that letting go of what I left behind amounts to nothing?”

Amy looked at her concerningly, “What do you mean? I thought you said you were successful. Aren’t you going on tour as an opening act soon?”

Maria shook her head. “No, I don’t mean my career. What if I come to find that I am not happy?”

Amy looked on with pursed lips, as her eyebrows knitted together. “Then you make yourself happy again. But you owe it to yourself to try things. Taking risks is what living is about.”

Maria nodded.

“Besides, even though I maybe thousands of miles away, it doesn’t mean you can’t always come home. You have more family now, one you can always come back to and the house will be in good hands. A deputy I’ve grown to be pretty fond of agreed to house sit while we’re away for a year or so,” Amy winked.

Maria smiled as she turned to where Amy was looking. Kyle her new stepbrother. Well, it did seem fitting that he’d house sit. He was family after all, so as Amy said Kyle would be there. Plus, being a deputy really fit Kyle. He was always there for his friends, and as an enforcer of the law he could protect the ones he cared for most

“Maria, just promise me one thing, because I know after today, we’re just not going to talk often.”

When Maria tried to object Amy cut her off. “It’s ok. I get it. Me and you kid, we don’t need to constantly be in communication for me to know you’re ok. I’ve learned over the years to trust you and I do. The truth is Maria, you are an adult, and you're perfectly capable to take care of yourself. But promise me one thing. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you need help. People will always be there for you. Even if you think they won’t be they will. Don’t underestimate them. And above all else, if you’re upset. Come home. Once you do I promise you, you will be ok.”

Amy got up as Maria did and embraced her. Maria was uncontrollably tearing up. These were the things that she loved about her mom. No matter how long and gone she would be at a time when she returned, she made up for all the lost time. Always.

“When do you leave?” Amy asked tearfully.

“In about an hour,” Maria replied sadly. She had to be back in New York the next day to go over the contract items for her next music career journey. They had deadlines to meet and a whole tour to map out.

“I’ll drop you to the airport.”

“No mom. It’s your big day, I can catch a Taxi.”

“Or I could just drive Maria.”

Maria and Amy turned to the voice finding Micahel. Maria smiled a little, but Michael just remained stone-faced, hat in hand.

Amy smiled at the offer. “That would be lovely Michael thank you. Don’t you agree Maria?”

Maria simply nodded.

“It will give you some time to get that closure you both may need,” Amy whispered in Maria’s ear. Amy gave one last sweet embrace. The goodbye was harder for Amy than Maria. However, Amy hoped she would truly listen to her advice, and come home should she need anything. With one last squeeze on the shoulder and a kiss on the cheek, she said bye once more before she left to find Jim.

Michael cocked an eyebrow up wondering what Amy had said to Maria secretly. He knew he couldn’t question it, but that didn’t make him stop wondering what it could've been about, although he did have his own hunches.

“In an hour?”

“Yeah. My stuff is at the hotel though so, we kind of have to go there first if that’s ok.”

“It’s cool. I got the on-duty car with me. We can use the sirens if we need to so you don’t miss your flight,” Michael informed her.

“What? Isn’t that illegal,” she asked with a smile as she crossed her arms clearly entertained by the offer.

Michael gave a sly grin and shrugged his shoulders, “Maybe, but no harm. How many times has Valenti stuck his neck out for us and broke a rule or two?”

“True.” Maria walked closer to Michael. She wasn’t sure why, she just knew she should probably hug him, or peck him on the cheek, something to show her appreciation. “Michael,”

“--You should mingle with your friends as much as you can, and say your goodbyes before we go,” Michael said with a smile as he took a step back. He scratched his eyebrow to avoid the sad look on her face of clearly feeling rejected.

“Ok,” she simply replied as she turned to find her friends. She could take the hint. There was no getting closure with Michael. They had hit a wall so hard and so fast, there was no way to put all the pieces back together again. Maybe she deserved this, she thought to herself as she tried to go find Liz.

Michael looked on at Maria. She was so sweet, beautiful, and she still had the voice of an angel, just how he had remembered her. She didn’t deserve this cold front he was exuding but he couldn’t help it. No matter what, she hurt him, and he knew in some ways he had hurt her. Sometimes when two people hurt each other so much you can’t do anything to make it better again. What’s done is done. No need to glaze over the truth. It was what it was. But at least they could be cordial. That much was true, and that was more than enough.

>>>>>>>>>END OF FLASHBACK<<<<<<<

“You can’t be serious? You got an A? Where was this oh so studious Michael back in high school? Thought you had a jock brain like me!” Kyle exclaimed as he combed through the pages of Michael’s term paper.

“What can I say? I hid the truth all through Roswell High so no one would notice.”

“What? That you’re a secret genius? It’s unheard of to get an A in Professor Zelinsky's class. “

“He likes me. I’m a simple student. I don’t talk much and I listen,” Michael simply replied as he took his paper from Kyle and placed in his top drawer.

Kyle shook his head still bewildered.

“Well, are you done with those reports yet?” asked Kyle as he tapped his desk in a drumming motion.

“Almost. I just need to check on this one permit.”

Kyle nodded.

“Well, I better go to class. Gonna' change in the restroom. Mind if I get you that permit information tomorrow.”

“Whenever, '' replied Kyle not looking away from his computer transfixed on the screen.

Michael nodded. As he was about to head out the door Kyle called out.

“Hey, have you ever heard of this...Facebook?”

Michael gave a perplexed look. “What?”

“Facebook. It’s like mySpace or something but just for people who go to college. You can register with your college email address and stuff.”

“Yeah, not so sure I want to put my face on some public profile.”

“It looks kind of cool,” Kyle shrugged as he intensely looked onto the screen, clicking on faces, and different profiles of people.

“We have a database that has profiles and fingerprints and all kinds of information you need to know. Pretty sure that’s better than this Facebook crap.”

“Your girl is on there.”

“What? Who?”


“Dude, she’s not my girl, and you know it,” Michael stated sternly.

“Yeah well, she wishes she was your girl,”

Michael chuckled, “dude, Carrie is not like that. She’s like one of the guys. She’s chill,”

“Oh, sure she just always happens to copy notes for you if you miss a class and do an assignment or two.”

“I’d do the same for her too. She just has my back. Unlike you, who never turns a thing in on time.”

“What? So you’re saying that Carrie having your back is my fault because I don’t follow through?”

“She’s just better at keeping up with her studies,” Michael clarified, hoping that would ease Kyle on this whole Carrie thing.

“Whatever Guerin. The girl wants in your pants.”

Michael’s whole body snapped frozen.

“What did you just say?” Michael asked broodingly.

Kyle looked at Michael finding a look that made him begin feeling a little uncomfortable. Hesitantly Kyle slowly shrugged his shoulders. “Did I say something wrong?”

Michael shook his head, “No it’s just. Nothing. Just something I remembered Maria said to me once,” he grumbled as he remembered her giving him a hard time about Courtney. She was so jealous back then, and it was adorably cute, as Michael had remembered. Shaking the memory out of his mind, he decided to head to the restroom so he could change and head to class.


You got all your stuff?” Michael asked as he took Maria’s luggage from her hands and placed it in the trunk of his police car. She nodded. Maria changed into a comfortable pair of jeans and a blouse for the plane ride.

“Thank you,” she smiled as he shut the trunk and opened the passenger door for her.

Driving to the airport would take a good 30 minutes but she had time. The first 20 minutes of the ride was very quiet Until they passed the part of the road that showed the scenery of Vasquez Rocks in the distance. Michael and Maria both noticed each other taking glances at the formation. It had been an intimate time for them. They had just made love, and Michael chose to stay on earth, surprised to find Maria on the other side of the Granilith’s entrance as he stood on Vasquez Rocks.

“It was nice to see everyone,” Maria said aloud.

“Glad you could.”

Maria rolled her eyes. She was hoping that after more than a year that both of them could have a civil and more in-depth conversation.

“Michael, is that all you have to say?”

Michael looks at her cautiously and then looks immediately back out to the road driving on.

“It was nice seeing you too Maria. I missed you.”


Michael was confused at her surprising response. “Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I?”

Maria felt her cheeks burn bright red. She was becoming a little agitated. Michael had not once called her or visited her in New York since she had left. He didn’t even say bye. How was she supposed to know he missed her.

“You never once tried to call me Michael.”

“That’s not true. I tried many times, I just couldn’t….”

“Couldn’t what?” Maria finally insisted after some pause.

“I just couldn’t,” he said shrugging.

There was no need for words, Maria knew what he meant. When it came to expressing his emotions it was something Michael had great difficulty with. And even though over the years Maria had helped him with that, and he had become better at communicating because of her, he still had his struggles. It was no wonder he didn’t call. She knew better than to have asked.

“I wish you had.”

“I wish you had stayed,” Michael countered.

Maria looking stunned didn’t think Michael would be that blunt. “Do you still wish that?” she asked.

Michael shrugged. “Does it matter? You made your choice.”

“It does matter! Michael, I never stopped loving you. I don’t think I ever will.”

Michael looked away to the window. For months he had been trying to move on. He thought he did a decent job of that and even felt like he looked calm and comfortable the whole day knowing she would be there. Though he struggled with his emotions he couldn’t lie. He was always pretty honest, and Maria knew that about him.

“Maria, we can’t go back and forth like this. You love me but you left.”

“It didn’t have to be like that.” Maria pressed on.

What Maria didn’t know was that Michael internally was feeling too guilty to call. How could he? He wanted her all to himself. It was selfish and he truly felt that loving her meant letting go too, even though it hurt like hell.

“I am who I am Maria. You had to leave so you could put the alien stuff behind. It was in the way. I get it.”

“No Michael, I wanted you to just put me a little bit in the front. That’s all. Just to make me a priority!”

“Would you listen to yourself! I stayed on this planet with you! I missed my only ticket to home to be with you! That’s putting you as a priority and what thanks do I get for that? You leave me, you break my heart and you flee to New York without even finishing your senior year! You desired to leave me so fast that you couldn’t even wait to graduate!”

“Michael,” Maria begged, her voice shaking. She was on the verge of sobbing but she knew this was the only opportunity she was going to get in affirming some closure.
“We've arrived at the airport Maria,” Michael said firmly.

“No, no no listen,” Maria said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to face him hoping that reducing their distance would help him listen to her.

“I don’t want to listen. I just want you to get out,” Micahel said his voice cracking.

Maria was shaking her head, “ You don’t mean that.”

“No, I do Maria. It’s been almost a year since I last saw you. I knew today was going to be hard. This isn’t making it easier.” He pointed back and forth to him and her.

“Michael can’t you please just listen to me,” she begged.

“I’ve listened to you all the time. Everything I did Maria, I did it for you. Now I gotta do something for me.”

“Michael I just want you to know that I--”

“Care?” he said, finishing her sentence. Maria looked down nodding.

“I know you care about me, Maria. I also know you still love me. I also know that it’s not enough. Maria you and I, we’re always going to have something special but that’s where it starts, and that’s where it ends. We shouldn’t be together. We should have never been together.”

Maria was stunned. Did he picture their relationship as all just a mistake?

“How can you say that?” she asked shockingly.

“How can you not?”

Maria started to become really angry. Michael was forgetting all the sacrifices she had made for him. She was beginning to feel unappreciated for all the love and forgiveness she had given him. This wasn’t fair! Not at all! They needed to talk.

“You care and love me and it’s not enough.”

“You want more?” Maria asked confusingly.

“No, I just want it to be genuine.”

“Oh like you’ve been genuine?” Maria countered.

“I never left!”

“You might have never left but you were never here with me either! You were never in the present with me. Always sidetracked by something extraterrestrial. I had to pause my life to keep up with yours.” Maria exclaimed. She glanced at the clock on the dashboard of the cop car.

“I have to go,” She quickly got out of the car to go to the trunk but Michael was two steps ahead of her.

She went to grab her luggage from his grasp.

“Goodbye Maria be safe,” Michael said. He didn’t reach for her. He wanted to, but with everything unsettled between them, it didn’t seem proper. He could tell she looked upset.

“Look, maybe one day we’ll be friends again.”

Maria looked on in disbelief. “Yeah. Right.”

“What do you want me to say?”

“Nothing. You said enough.”

“Maria, we can’t keep doing this dance. Move on. We both have to. For each other’s sake.”

“I don’t know, how,” Maria admitted, as she brushed a lone tear off her cheek.

Michael sighed. “ You’ll figure out how. Make your music. Be happy. If you're happy then I’ll be happy.”

“And if I’m not happy?”

“You’ll always find a way to be happy. You’re Maria Deluca, you're a party in a person. You can make anyone smile. Just hone in on that.”

“ I don’t know how to be that person anymore Michael.”

“Yes you do.”

“No I. Forget it, I don’t want to do this. Have another argument with you.”

Michael nodded in agreement.

“I can’t believe this. It’s the first time we have seen each other in months and this is how it is. Did you ever think we would end up like this?”

Michael shrugged. He couldn’t answer. He always had a pessimistic side so it wouldn’t be far from the truth if he admitted yeah, he did think things would be awkward, but definitely not this bad. He placed his hands in his pockets, and his left hand began to fidget with the metal object in his pocket. Something he was hoping, had their interaction been more positive, to give to Maria.

“Bye,” she replied softly and headed to the entrance.

Michael stood there till he couldn’t see her from the outside. He saw her make a turn to go to the ticket counter.

He had waited for weeks to see her after hearing about Jim and Amy’s wedding plans. He looked at the key he took out of his pocket. The Key that he wanted to give her. They weren’t ready though for it yet, and their discussion in the car pretty much proved that. He was hoping to be the one to let Maria know that if she ever wanted to come home, he would be there, literally be there. He wanted to explain how he was house-sitting at her home for her mother. The conversation didn’t warrant the news though.

He regretfully went back in the car and drove. The next red light would be where he would exclaim a slew of profanities, chastising himself for being tongue-tied. Three red lights after would be where he would repeatedly hit his head across the steering wheel for not giving her a goodbye hug. He ruined the second chance he had been given, and he knew after today, there would be no more chances left. Maria was gone. For good. He had pretty much sealed the deal.

When Michael returned to the Crashdown he assured Amy that Maria had gotten safely to the airline counter and checked herself in.

“Did you tell her?” Jim asked.

“No, it didn’t seem fitting,” Michael said, as he took the Deluca house key out of his pocket.

“It’s for the best maybe,” Amy shrugged but patted Michael’s back. Michael wasn’t so sure if Amy would be so warm with him as she was now if she truly knew how upset Michael had just made her own daughter.
“It’s time to dance solo. Both of you, ” Amy softly said to Michael who understood exactly what she meant.

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Re: When The Fog Clears (CC Mature with M/M Focus)

Post by Stefuh »

Poor Maria will be shocked to find that it's Michael who's house-sitting, and not Kyle, but that's for the best. Knowing what Maria went through (poor her, that's so horrifying) Michael won't have to argue anymore. It's sad that he couldn't tell her goodbye properly this second time around, but well, that's Michael for you... Their conversation was really sad, in a way, because they both want to be with each other, but they can't find a way to. :(

Great chapter again! :) Update soon!
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Re: When The Fog Clears (CC Mature with M/M Focus)

Post by Parker1947 »

Interesting story, and a great new chapter. It is a complex situation. Can't wait to read more.
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Re: When The Fog Clears (CC Mature with M/M Focus)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

"dance solo" for a while........good suggestion.
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Re: When The Fog Clears (CC Mature with M/M Focus)

Post by Stefuh »

I miss this story! :( I hope you'll continue to write it one day!
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Re: When The Fog Clears (CC Mature with M/M Focus)

Post by santigold53 »

Thanks for the reviews. I wasn’t sure if people were reading them. Also did you hear about Baron and Toluca? It’s a project Brendan and Majandra are putting together and they’re doing some sort of crowdfunding for it. I’d love nothing more than to see the two of them gracing our screens. Thanks I got a couple of DM’s also regarding the story so that makes me think there are more readers out there. I just need to know I’m not writing for space. I’m writing for me, but also for an audience.

Chapter 5

“You’re late,” the girl said in a sing-song voice, as she tapped her pen softly against the desk.

Michael sat in the vacant desk next to her. “I don’t see the professor here.”

“Yeah but you’re still late. He’s just really late. Let me guess too much paperwork at the station?”

Michael shrugged his shoulders “Yeah. Kyle’s been on my ass about this permit case. And I’m not getting sleep.”

Carrie stood up straighter in her chair with a concerned look on her face.

“What’s going on Guerin. Anything the matter.”

He shook his head, “No just....” Once in a while he would get nightmares. Having lived a long history of constantly being prepared to escape and readily being hunted by Skins made him more susceptible to such haunting dreams. However since the Skins were gone he hadn’t felt such pessimism for a while, but now, lately, he was starting to feel that familiar feeling of uneasiness. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something in the air seemed off.

“It’s nothing.”

Carrie frowned. She had been friends with Michael since two semesters ago, when he parked in her space on the campus. After a few choice words, they just grew to sit together in classes. He was always in control but never seemed phased by much. Today he seemed phased by something and to her that was odd.

Carrie was raised primarily by her father who by the time Carrie was three became a widower. Her mother died from an aggressive form of ovarian cancer when she was two and passed away right after she turned three. Her dad was a cop who died while on the clock while she was in College. She moved from NC to Roswell, after her sophomore year at North Carolina University and started her Junior year in Roswell. Why Roswell? Simple answer. Her mom grew up here, but sadly Carrie had no living family. Both her parents were only children and all her grandparents were gone. Because she was a hotline volunteer for RAINN in Charlotte she joined the Roswell location too. She didn’t think she’d ever go in the criminal justice system but the death of her father steered her into a different direction, not to mention her work at RAINN was inspiring. She loved watching repeats of SVU and wanted to be like Oliva Benson.

“Want to go to the Orange Bowl after? Drink some beers and play some pool? Well I can drink the beers for us considering you don’t drink and maybe i’ll let you actually beat me in a game of pool for once. That might take the edge off and you can sleep better.”

“Maybe. I’ll let you know after class,” Michael replied as he motioned to their professor that just entered the class.

Michael liked Carrie but nothing more than a friend. She wasn’t unattractive or unpleasant. She was just a girl that was very laxed that he felt comfortable hanging out with and talking to. She had a bob of blond hair so short that was always so neatly styled. She always wore tight fitting jeans, a tight shirt, and a flannel shirt on top that was always unbuttoned. The colors of the outfit might have changed but the ensemble always remained the same. Carrie could’ve been a guy and Michael would’ve still taken a liking to be friends. She was easy to talk to and she never pressed him to elaborate.

After class the two walked and talked all the way to the parking lot.

“I don’t know that whole case just seemed too predictable. I hate it when a professor leaves us hanging.”

“I totally think it was the babysitter.”

“No way Guerin it was the father! You saw the evidence. There were phone call traces he made to that man, whose fingerprints were found on the victim’s body. Not to mention the victim was his own wife.”

“Okay you watch too much CSI,” Michael replied, causing Carrie to roll her eyes.

“Whatever. Ok so we're going to the Orange Bowl?”

“Think I’ll pass, I’m tired.”

Carrie gave a disappointed look.

Michael felt bad. “Sorry I’m just beat. With the new schedule at work and school, it’s eating me up.”

“Fine,” she replied as she pulled on the straps of her backpack on her shoulders. “You owe me Guerin.”

“Do I, now? What is it this time?A Venti caramel frap-a-cappio thing-a-ma-jiggy again!” he mocked.

Carrie bit her lip as she walked with Michael to his car.

“Promise not to laugh?”

Michael threw his bag in the car, and held the door open giving Carrie a look of intrigue. Standing across in front of the passenger side of the car he could tell she was reluctant to tell him.

“Spill Carrie.”

She sighed, and combed her fingers through her hair. “Ok. Look. I know we’re just friends and it’s cool. What if we went out somewhere that wasn’t the Orange Bowl for once?”

Michael raised an eyebrow. “Meaning?” God! He hoped she wasn’t entailing a date but he could tell from the way she was all flustered, she totally was. Oh god, he thought.

“Meaning. Why don’t we get dressed up and go get dinner.”

“Like a date”

“Yeah, I guess. Like a date. “

Michael chuckled.

“You promised!” she pleaded.

“Sorry,” Michael coughed a bit trying to get centered. He didn’t mean it in a mean way, not at all. He wasn’t a dick and he knew that Carrie knew him enough to realize that. But they never hinted at anything more than just being friends. Did she feel something for him? Was Kyle right?”

“Forget it, It’s stupid,” retreating her suggestion.

Michael felt bad. “No, look, Carrie. It’s not stupid. It’s just I’m so anti-date. I struggled with romancing and dating. All of it! So I find it laughable you could picture me in that light.”

“Come on you couldn’t have been that bad.”

“Carrie, I once got a bottle of shampoo and conditioner in one, as a date gift.”

“Are you serious?” Carrie exclaimed covering her mouth trying to stifle a laugh.

“Told you I was anti-dating material.”

“Well you’ve evolved. I mean look at you now. Now you know that back then you made a bad judgement. Bet you wouldn’t do that again,” Carrie smiled encouragingly.

Michael smiled a little back, but he wasn’t budging. “ I’m going to be honest with you, I don’t think I’m ready. You know, ever since my last relationship,”

“Yeah I know. Maria right?”

“Yeah,” said Michael, simply not being able to have the strength to say the name himself. “She was and probably always will be the love of my life. She’s probably moved on and I know I need to also. The thing is Carrie. I like you. I like our friendship. I don’t want to ruin it.”

Carrie smiled. “Yeah, Yeah I guess you’re right. That’s pretty considerate of you to acknowledge too. THe thought crossed my mind as well. I just… I don't know… decided to go for it.”

“And trust me it’s not because I don’t think you’re not attractive. You’re pretty and smart---”

Carrie held a hand up to stop him from rambling. “I get it Guerin.” Michael smiled pleased to find her reassuring and understanding. He was thankful for that. But then he paused thinking for a moment.

“But with that being said. Would it be wrong if we tried it?” Michael asked.

Carrie looked up from where she was staring at the ground. “You serious?” She wasn’t expecting that.

Michael shrugged. “I need to bounce back somehow. The least I could do is try it with someone I really trust and get along with.”

Carrie smiled. “Wow! Look who’s getting soft.”

“Ok stop!” Michael said laughingly as he opened the door wider signaling he needed to get home.

“Ok it’s a date. Let’s get dressed up. You pick the place, and let’s promise, if things get weird and we’re not really feeling it, that we won’t let it affect our friendship.

“Cool,” Michael said nodding.

“Cool. Well I’ll let you get going. I’m parked right there. See you, let’s say tomorrow night?”

“Tomorrow works. I just have to go in the morning to run that permit then I’m free.”

“Sweet! Tomorrow it is”

As Michael got in the car and put his seat belt on he couldn’t help but smile. After months, years in fact he was finally going on a date. This time with another blonde. But it wasn’t his ‘blondie’.


Michael parked into the driveway of the house, and decided he needed to really make something special. All of a sudden the thought of dating seemed a little more exciting. He missed being with someone. Holding someone and kissing someone. He missed that touch and that love. Seeing that maybe a possibility of it returning again was just around the corner, though it might never be comparable for the passionate love he experienced before, it still kind of made a skip in his step that he couldn’t explain.

Today wasn’t going to be the usual microwaved dinner that he would use his powers to heat up. No way. He looked around the fridge and spotted some really good ground beef. Opening a can of tomato sauce, he copped some onions and garlic through it in a pan with the beef, and decided he’d make a shorthand version of spaghetti bolognese. He didn’t use too much wine, since he witnessed the effects of it first hand from when Max got drunk, but he knew if he could cook off the alcohol enough it would be safe.

He didn’t cook something like this in a long time, not since….he made that beautiful Italian dinner for Maria. But that was the past, and Carrie. Maybe she was his future. Maybe not. Either way, he was back in the game, and while he never was a player per se, it just felt all the more celebratory.

He put the TV on in the living area so he could hear the show from the kitchen. After letting the sauce cook for almost an hour, he drained the pasta and made a plate for himself. It smelled delicious.

He ventured to the couch and took a seat letting out a long winded sigh. It had been a long day with writing a paper this week, and then having a long day at work, and class. He needed to relax. He finally felt at ease as flipped channels. He just knew he was going to finally get the best sleep ever that night and he needed it badly.

He saw Access Hollywood coming up. God, Maria loved watching that show. All the latest gossip about actors and singers. It’s no wonder she took to New York so well. What the hell? He thought. He decided to watch it, for memory’s sake.


“Class today?” asked Max as he kissed his girlfriend. Liz took a bite of one of the pieces of bacon he was frying in the pan, as she nuzzled close to him.
“Just lab,” she replied as she put her head on the back of his shoulder, hugging Max from behind.
“Just lab means late huh?” Max said with a smile.
Liz smiled. Max knew her too well. She was stubborn and refused to quit solving a problem until she found an answer.
“It happened again,” Liz said squeezing Max a little tighter.
Max put the spatula down and turned with a concerned look.
“Another premonition?”
Liz nodded. “Yeah, another one, she said with a sigh as she sat at the breakfast table. Max came to sit next to her with his coffee.
“The last one you had was when you got the call for the TA position you had applied for.”
“Yeah. That was a very exciting one, the one I had this morning, was not as much.”
“What did you see?”
Liz looked up and it wasn’t good. Max’s heart melted as he saw the beautiful brown eyes of his love glisten. “Maria.”
“I saw Maria running.”
Max looked confused. “Okay, where was she running to?”
“Not to Max, from. She was running from something and I don’t know what it was. I think she's in trouble.”
“Did you try calling her?”
“Three times. Her phone is off or dead, because it went straight to voicemail. Please Max, can we ask Isabel?”
Max sighed.
“I know it’s been silent since Nasedo dismantled the Special Unit, and that we all thought that it’s best we not use our powers. Mine aren’t exactly the kind I can just control though.”
Max smiled. He didn’t like to ask Isabel for favors. He knew how much she hated them. Half the time Liz’s premonitions weren’t always accurate either, but being that it was Maria, he had to take it seriously. How could he not?
“Yeah, I’ll call her,” he said as he kissed her forehead.
“Thank you,” Liz replied.

“Are you sure? The last time Liz had one of those psychic flare ups she thought I was pregnant and I wasn’t, ” Isabel said, frowning as she held the cellphone up with her shoulder as she got a glass out of a cupboard. Jesse and her had been trying to have a baby, and luck really hadn’t been on their side. Jesse had reluctantly suggested IVF, but Isabel couldn’t risk her blood cells being scrutinized by a doctor to only find out she had Extraterrestrial cells.

Max sighed. “I know, but she’s really sure this time.” He could hear Isabel groan in response.
“Look Liz can’t always help it,” Max insisted. “Visions come to her without any warning, but if you could dreamwalk Maria then it would help confirm our suspicions.”
“Let me think about it Max.”
“What’s there to think about, she could be in danger.”
“I know that Max! But she made it clear since the last time I invaded her dreams to never enter again.”
“But this is different.”
“Max I promised her. That’s not something I like to do now anyway. It’s not just uncomfortable for the person I dreamwalk, it’s really uncomfortable to me too.”
Max sighed. “Just think about it. I’ve never seen Liz as scared about a premonition before.”
“Okay, I will,” Isabel begrudgingly agreed as she hung up. She did already think about it. Her answer was no, but there was Max again using the “I’m the King” tone again.
Isabel turned her attention to the footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Morning beautiful,” Jesse smiled as he kissed his wife’s forehead.
Isabel smiled back and handed Jesse a plate of pancakes.
“Who was that?” Jesse asked, noticing the phone was in Isabel’s hand.
Jesse nodded as he took a seat at the breakfast table to eat.
“What did he say?”
“That Maria is in trouble. At least that’s what Liz thinks.”
“A premonition I assume?”
“You assume right. Max wants me to dreamwalk Maria, because they’ve been trying to contact her cellphone but she doesn’t answer.”

“You think her lack of response could be because she’s in trouble?”

Isabel shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“She’s a famous music singer. Maria could just be really busy,” Jesse stated matter of factly.

“Yeah, but when it comes to Liz or I, Maria responds, at least with a text. I feel conflicted Jesse, I don’t know what to do,” she pouted as she tucked a stray strand of blond behind her ear.

Prior to the move to Boston, Isabel used her powers to go back to her original hairstyle. She wasn’t sure if Jesse would like it. Afterall, he fell in love with her as auburn short haired sophisticated woman, but after nights of Jesse’s fingers getting twisted in her long blonde tresses, she felt he was totally fine with it.

“Would it be so bad?” Jesse pressed.

“Jesse, when it comes to Maria, dreamwalking is out of the question she made it clear. I promised her a long long time ago I would never enter her dreams again.”

“What if it’s alien related?” Jesse suggested wearily.

Isabel gave a sigh, “that’s what I am afraid of. That I have to break a promise.”

“Sooner the better,” Jesse stated as Isabel nodded regretfully.

“It’s not exactly night time in any of the American Time Zones though right? I’ll wait till tonight,” Isabel said softly as Jesse kissed her cheek in agreement. Isabel was praying that Maria would be ok and forgiving at the same time when she had to enter her dream.

Michael had the most restful sleep ever in a long time. A very long time. It was much needed. Michael showered and got ready to go into the station for the whole permit thing he was putting off. He rode his bike into the station that morning. Something about getting on that machine always made every cell in his body feel exhilarated. As he came to the lot of the station he saw Kyle get out of his parked car. Kyle walked over to Michael when the bike came to a stop.

“Hey,” Kyle said as he adjusted his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose.

“Hey,” Michael replied, as he parked the bike and took off his helmet.

“So tonight the guys wanted to go to the Orange Bowl and hang out. I forgot to tell you yesterday.”

When it came to the guys, it was a coagulation of the Meta-Chem crew Michael used to work with and some of the guys at the station. They had formed a sort of group, and Kyle and Michael found themselves at the epicenter of it. This was a new layer to Michael considering his very anti-social and “loner” past.

Michael shook his head. “Nah I got plans.”

Kyle gave him a confused look. “Since when?”

Truth was, Michael didn’t want to tell Kyle he had a date with Carrie after he’d been riding his tail about her having a crush on him. Also, Kyle would totally relish in the fact he was right. Well, maybe not the wanting to get in his pants part. Or maybe yes?
“Did Carrie want to get in my pants?” Michael thought

“Just plans,” Michael said, shrugging.

“With who?” Kyle asked.

“Why do you assume it’s a who and not a what?” Michael asked in annoyance hoping Kyle would just forget the whole thing.

Kyle started smirking. “Holy shit. Guerin has a date.”

Michael didn’t confirm nor deny Kyle’s remark. He simply unzipped his leather jacket and sped up his stride to go inside the building.

Kyle chuckled as he jogged up to get to Michael. “Is it Carrie? Come on, tell me I was right! Carrie?”

Michael stopped and looked at him annoyed. “Ok, you were right. She asked, I said yes. Problem with that?” he said looking down at Kyle. He was half a foot taller than Kyle and at least 40 pounds over him. He was hoping just his stature would intimidate Kyle enough from pressing further.

Kyle held his hands up with a smirk, “No problem.”

Michael rolled his eyes and kept walking to the building.

“I will say though, I’m happy to see you moving on,” Kyle added as he walked beside Michael. “ I mean I love Maria, but that doesn’t mean the both of you have to be celebate.”

Michael rolled his eyes. As much as he was a guy and he liked sex- casual sex was not something he could just do. With his alien self he had to be careful. The only one he trusted with that was Maria. Maria on the other hand wasn’t alien. She didn’t need to hold anything back. Michael knew that when it came to opportunities in this field, Maria had more.

“Yeah well, I’m not taking it too seriously and neither is Carrie. It’s more of just starting to try to move on, and I am ok with that.”

“ Wait so you’re using her and she’s ok with that?”

“I’m not using her. We’re seeing where things go.”

“You both are using each other then?”

Michael sighed. “It’s more like I want to move on and I am struggling with that, and she wants to try and see if there’s more there between us than just friend zone feelings. I trust her, so if there’s anyone I could try it out with it’s her. We both want to see what happens.”

“That’s the most turned off date I’ve ever heard of,” said Kyle shaking his head.

Michael rolled his eyes.

“Carrie is gorgeous Michael. Maybe not in that Maria way you like--”

“--What is that supposed to mean?” Michael interrupted. “And can you please stop saying Maria’s name and bringing her into this? I’m trying to separate myself from the past so I can move on with the future.”

“Ok fine, but you’re approaching this like a science experiment. Here’s the hypothesis, tonight's the experiment, and I suppose tomorrow you’ll give me the results.”

“Shut up Valenti.”

“It’s just, I don’t think you are attracted to her but you wish you were. I could be wrong, but I just don’t see the point of you even trying this tonight if you’re not that interested.”

“You made your point. Now shut up,” Michael said as he went to his desk. Kyle shook his head as he went down the hall into the adjacent office. Guerin was taking this on way too logically, to the point that he didn’t realize how unappealing he sounded about the date. This only reconfirmed his hunches that Michael would never get over Maria, and maybe deep inside he didn’t want to get over it.

On the other hand, Kyle always thought of Carrie as pretty. Truth be told, he crushed on her, but he could see from the start that she was more intrigued by Michael so he decided to take a step back. Though Michael didn’t reciprocate any hint of interest even now with the date with tonight, Kyle couldn’t help but wonder if he shouldn’t have backed off from the get-go.

Carrie was smart, funny, and attractive, at least to Kyle anyway. He found her absolutely lovely and it was never a dull moment around her. When the three of them would hang out at the Orange Bowl there was never any flirting. It was like how Micahel had said, it was like she was one of the guys. But every once in a while, Kyle could see that little twinkle in Carrie’s eyes when he himself said a joke or poked fun of her. It’s like he could totally see himself cross that barrier from the friend zone into the dating zone, but something kept holding him back. That something was the apprehension of not knowing when he would change into an alien freakazoid.

He had last dated Liz before he himself was saved by Max, and only God knew when he would start to change and morph into an alien. Liz started getting her powers a year ago. Would his powers soon kick in? And what if they happened to kick in at the most unwarranted of times? He was a sitting duck. Waiting. He decided that after the wait and his transformation finished and got a handle on things then he could proceed on relationships.

That was why he was always a little annoyed with Max. Yes, the alien king saved him, but he also gifted him with an encumbrance of an unwanted inevitable extraterrestrial transformation. Kyle freaked out about it at first. He had now become one of them. Or would be anyway in a matter of time. Two things helped him deal with that notion. Buddha and Tess. Especially Tess.

Kyle immediately threw the image of Tess out of his mind. He wasn’t able to think of her since she left. It was best not to. He couldn’t go down that road of guilt. Alex, the mind warps. All of it.

Kyle sat in his swivel chair, and spun in it a couple of times, before pausing at his desk abruptly remembering something Michael had told him. About a year ago, Michael mentioned going to New York to find Maria and make amends, but when he returned to Roswell, all Michael said was he chickened out and couldn't bear to talk to her. That when it came down to it, even though it was hard, it was right to just let Maria go. Her success was soaring. Michael insisted that it was best not to bring her back down to the normalcy of everything Roswell.

Kyle clicked his tongue. Yup he was right. Michael wasn’t over Maria; he wished he was, but he never would be. The poor Alien hybrid had met his kryptonite; a young blonde, but not the one he was seeing tonight.

The bus depot in Roswell, New Mexico was bustling with the people that seemed so familiar to her though they were all complete strangers. It was the backdrop to her sense of familiarity. There were people with cowboy hats on, mothers holding on to the hands of their children who were wearing heeled boots. Very apparent Navajo men with their shiny belt buckles, and sprinkles of people speaking in Spanish. This sea of people made Maria feel at home in the most proverbial sense possible. Home was just a few miles away. She needed to find a Taxi fast. She sighed at the uneasiness she was feeling in her shoulder blades. Her back was on fire. Would she make it?

Michael was feeling like something wasn’t right. He couldn’t put his finger on it but he felt the whole day like he was jumpy. Maybe even in danger? Maybe it was just his nerves working on overtime because of his date with Carrie. After all, he was nervous- it had been a while since he last dated. His palms were so sweaty considering he had just showered, even applied some cologne, but it was the sixteenth time he had tried to tie his tie and it just wasn’t cooperating with him.

Why the hell was this so hard? Fuck it he thought, as he tossed the tie to the bed. As long as I wear a clean shirt, with a stiff collar and some dark pants I’ll be fine.
Michael dabbed a little hair gel to the tips of his hair. It was at a very handsome length. Not too high and tight like the way Hal Carver once described him as a style he wore years back, but it seemed to fit the description in the most casual sense, with his now signature wild bang cascading on Michael’s forehead.

As Michael rubbed his hands together in front of the mirror taking one last look, he heard a perpetuating knock on the door. Someone was eager, and early! Michael looked at the alarm clark on his end table. It was only 5:00. Carrie was supposed to be there at 6:00. Was he getting cold feet? Michael’s disappointment was quickly replaced by relief.
Maybe she came early to cancel their plans, coming to the realization that this wasn’t a good idea. Because between them it was solely just friendship. Kyle was right. Though Michael kept telling himself he wanted to try it with Carrie, deep down they just couldn’t do this. He couldn’t do this.

Michael went to the door.

“You’re early Car--”

Michael was cut off mid sentence stunned who he found on the other side of the door. It was a blonde, but not the blonde he was expecting.


Do you hate me? Look, Carrie is great. I really think she’ll add a different direction to the story and I really do think Michael deserves someone like Carrie. BTW, since in my story the later part of the season never happened I picture Carrie a lot like CONNIE from the episode Crash. If that helps you visualize things go for it. Not sure when I will update next. Sorry for such a gap in between. Life. It happens.
Roswell Fanatic
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Joined: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:34 pm

Re: When The Fog Clears (CC Mature with M/M Focus)

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Michael......you are about to be in real trouble I think?
He's got too many blondes to keep up with.
Great part, glad to see the update.
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