The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 75 - Completed: 04/25/2021

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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 60 - 03/20/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Serena left to eat, Max got away.
Maria connects Serena with Courtney......that's not good.
So now we know what Phillip was doing at Liz's house.
Greg dropped a bombshell on here comes Zach to the rescue.
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 61 - 03/22/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Liz opened her front door, unlocking it in the process, and was unaware of what had been transpiring in her house because she had no reason to think anything was amiss because her daughter was out being a teenager and having a good time. Celebrating her best friend’s birthday. Something that her daughter should be doing instead of having the weight of the world on her shoulders. So, Liz wanted this night for her. And yet she also knew she was unsettled. She hated feeling unsettled. But she was, and now, all she wanted to do was go upstairs, and sink into a hot bubbly bath and think about Max.

And think about the good times.

The rare times when everything was going the way they should have been.

So, she walked through the door, dropped her keys and the mail on the table next to the door, with the remembrance of the text coming from Phillip that he had at some point was checking into a reported disturbance here at the house. Despite her father-in-law’s concern. Liz was not that concerned when she had gotten the text because she got those kinds of calls all the time. And a large percentage of the time. It was usually related to her daughter or just a bad wind or something like that.

But during those times, she had not been watched. Now she was. So, she suspected it was Agent Barker who was messing with things, as he searched the perimeter of the property, so she was not all that concerned because this time she could say for sure, she had no idea where her husband was. Certainly, he would not be in my house she was musing to herself when she heard voices.

Voices that she thought only existed in her mind. In her dreams. Because of all the drama that was going on. One might consider her crazy. Even if she knew she had enough sanity, but she did have special gifts that were dormant. Still, she stopped in her tracks when she heard the voices in her living room.

Am I dreaming she told herself because she was sure she heard her husband’s voice? And Phillip Evans. Oh god, I have officially gone around the bend she asked herself.

A fugitive husband and pregnant teenage daughter whose baby I am planning to raise had done me in, she thought to herself.

But she was not crazy because she entered her living room. And she saw him.

She saw Max….

The love of her life, looking like he was perfection.

And a gift from god. Thank you, god, she muttered to herself even though reality was crashing down on her as she knew there was a federal agent watching their every move.

Still “Max,” was all she could whisper as she found her voice.

Max stopped in place. They had heard the door slam and he thought maybe it was Olivia even though his father said that she was busy for the evening. Even though it was her home. Max still did not expect to see his wife staring at him.

And all manner of speech was lost, as he continued to stare.

Phillip was seeing why everyone knew only one person mattered to his son. Which is why he was going to prison in the first place. Because of Liz. And why the videotape never made any sense to anyone who knew Max and Liz.

And to those who did not know there was funny stuff happening with the surveillance. Anyone with a brain knew that only Liz existed in Max’s heart. And while he had made mistakes. Screwed it up with Liz. Still, no one would have thought it capable for his son to hurt Liz in the manner that the other side was saying he did.

Certainly, he and Diane would not have believed their son was capable because of the exact way his son was looking at Liz.

Like she was the only reason he was living.

Phillip felt like he was intruding. So, he finally spoke up. “I guess, I better get going” he murmured as it finally broke the trance between his son and wife. “As I told you on via your phone. I came to check out the noise complaint here at the house. You will know it was Max. So, I have dealt with it, and you can continue to deal with it in my absence,” he sighed as he did not want to leave his son. After all it was the first time in so many years but knew there was no intruding on his son and Liz.

“Wait,” Liz said softly as she broke through her trance to look at Phillip. “Thank you, Phillip,” she muttered. “You should go out the back way…”

“Why?” Phillip asked.

“Agent Barker is out front watching the house. You will have many questions to answer if he does see you because he will wonder why you would be in my house, until after I came home, so is best to lessen the questions?”

“Right,” Phillip nodded as he turned to face his son as the news that the house was under surveillance threatened to crash the reality as well. “Son.”

“Dad,” Max nodded as he would acknowledge his father as it felt like it was like pulling teeth to turn his glaze from his wife “Say hello to Mom for me,” he said softly as his glaze went right back to staring at his wife’s beautiful eyes.

“I will,” Philip nodded as he walked to the backdoor through the kitchen. As his departure left only Max and Liz in the same house, for the first time in seventeen years.

“Max,” Liz said softly. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you think?” Max murmured.

“Why now?” Liz asked.

“You?” Max murmured. “It was you who was drawing me here…”


Greg witnessed his girlfriend Is she still my girlfriend he mused as she went off with another guy on a motorcycle. Minutes before find this out, well, he had searched the party. He had seen that it was the dying minutes of the party, and its final songs were starting to play. Annoyed that she went off with someone else. Greg turned around and wanted to leave, and head back to his grandparents and forget this night. Because he knew he should have seen it because it was why he was delaying telling her because he had seen that she was different than when he left at Christmas.

She was stronger, and older. And he did not like that she was close to another guy and he trusted when she said nothing was going on, and maybe that was true, but you do not go with another guy on a motorcycle of all things.

“Greg” came a familiar voice and he turned and saw Olivia.

Who had tore herself to come off the dance floor as the more vigorous songs were playing to close out the night, and she did not feel the need to dance anymore and then she saw that Greg was looking distressed? “What is going on?”

“Nothing,” Greg mumbled.

“I do not believe you,” Olivia murmured as she looked around for Amelia and did not see her. “Where is Amelia?”

“If you know, let me know because I do not know” Greg muttered. “She kind of ran out on me.”

“Why would she do that?” Olivia asked clearly shocked at the idea because this had been Amelia’s dream birthday party. And from what she knew.
The birthday girl was having a blast, so why would she be leaving her party? she asked out loud.

“Because I had to go and tell her the truth,” Greg sighed.

Uh oh Olivia murmured. “What did you tell her Greg?”

“That I moving to London permanently,” Greg muttered to the jaw drop of Olivia. “Yeah, my dad is getting extended, and they are selling the house. So, I am not coming back in June but staying and going back to my school next year.”

“Shit,” Olivia muttered softly.

“I know,” Greg muttered. “Amelia did not take it well.”

“I would not either, because kept this from her did you not?” Olivia wondered and Greg did not deny it. And thought of what Alex had told her that Zack had been suspicious of Greg, and now she knew there was reason to be. “Why did you wait to tell her tonight, of all nights?”

“I would have waited until tomorrow, but she wanted to know tonight” Greg sighed.

“Which would not be much better if you went and did a hit and run on the way to the airport” Olivia muttered. “You might say that was not your plan, but I know you, if you could not tell her since Thursday when you have spent all this time with her since you returned. You would not have found the guts to tell her until fifteen minutes before you went to the airport. Your justification would be that you would not want to get her down.”

“I would have told her before that,” Greg said in defense of his actions.

“Would you?” Olivia asked. “Because something tells me you would not,” she wondered. “You would have not wanted to rain on your remaining time with each other and would have waited until you were close to having to leave so that you would not get into a battle with her” she asked. “And taint the memories.”

“And how would you know?” Greg asked.

“Because I am like that,” Olivia admitted as she knew she had used her hospitalization to break up with Alex when she could have done it when she was at home. She used when it was easier than when it would be harder and waited until she had a door open regarding the baby before she totally broke it off with him.

So that Alex would not fight back if he had wanted to.

Of course, their situation was different, and they had mutually decided it was the best thing for each other, even if now, she was having second thoughts.

But she was in the glow of tonight.

Tomorrow will be a new story or chapter.

“So, where is she?” Olivia asked as she got back to her original question.

“I do not know,” Greg asked.

“How do you not know?” Olivia asked.

“Because she went off with another guy,” Greg muttered. “Who is your half brother by the way. So, do you want to tell me if I have to worry?”

Fuck she cursed but kept it to herself.


This is reckless. This is dangerous were Liz’s immediate thoughts, but she could not keep her eyes from Max. Only Max knew the right words to say to her. It was you Dredging up the beginning of their story. Even if later chapters would make it even more painful to believe those words. They still conquered, but then they were split apart due to circumstance which made the words even more powerful today because of all that had happened between them. “You came here?”

“I know,” Max murmured.

“Why?” Liz asked again.

“You,” Max said softly as he approached. “Look, I know this is reckless, and dangerous” he murmured as if he was reading her mind. “This is not how I wanted it to happen. I was hoping that this was going to be a quick in and out. I was becoming restless in the chamber, so I needed a breather, and I came here, just to see what this house looked like. The life that you and Olivia are living without me, and Dad found me…”

“Max,” Liz murmured. Unable to speak.

“You said it yourself. You are being watched. If I had known that I would have stayed away or found another way to come here but I checked before I came in, because I do not want to cause you trouble Liz nor Olivia,” Max sighed. “Where is she?”

“Alex and Amelia’s 16th birthday party,” Liz murmured. “Big party, and she is planning to spend the night…”

“Really?” Max asked as his tone did not signify the added complications that came with Olivia staying in the same house as Alex given their history. It was something different.

More primal.

“Really,” Liz sighed as she clued into the meaning of his words.

“So, I do not have to leave yet?” Max asked with a slight smile.

“I…” Liz sighed because she did not want him to leave but she knew time was counting down and they were on a ticking bomb, and it would blow eventually.

“Liz,” Max asked softly.

“Max” Liz sighed as he started to approach with more force, and she knew she could not tear herself away from him, and this moment even though she should.


Across town,

“What do you mean my daughter jumped on Zack’s motorcycle and fled her party,” Maria said in stunned silence as she stood looking at her back door. She had been musing to herself. Unable to settle and go to bed because she was thinking of the many mistakes her children could be making on this night, because now they were the same age she was when she fell in love with Michael, and he had opened a world for her that she and her best friend had not known possible. With the knowledge that her children were different beings than who she was at that age, for the simple reason of their genetics and who she had chosen to raise a family with.

Events of recent days had opened an avalanche of memories of the past. Of risky adventures she had done, as she lived in the moment of the thrill and the danger. Now her children were at the same risky stage in their lives. Being that neither were willing to sit at home and watch television. Play sports and be normal teenagers.

And now they were officially sixteen. It meant they were older, and who knows what would be coming so when the phone call rang. She expected it to be her husband indicating he had found his missing friend. Or even her best friend to indicate that she got home safely. She was washing the dishes from their evening drink party, and she was musing to herself when she stopped in her tracks when Olivia told her what had happened Shit Amelia, why would you do this to me as she knew nothing sinister had happened.

Her daughter had fled with an attractive boy who had a bike.

She had been like that once before. And even before Michael had the bike. He had taken off with her, and that where their simmering attraction went to a new level, without really going to the that level. She knew her heart had been taken on that night. When they left town, on a mission to know more.

One of Michael’s hair brain schemes without thinking. Now, her daughter had gone off on her own flight with a cute teenage boy.

Why Amelia but she stopped herself and concentrated on the call. “Tell me everything,” she insisted as she dropped the phone, and texted Michael, and grabbed her car keys and was out of the house in a flash.


“Maria, I know” came the words as Olivia sighed as she looked at a grumpy Greg who was not happy that his girlfriend had vanished with her half brother. A kid she had not known of until a month before, when he tore into town, and change their lives and brought the past back to Roswell and into her life that she shared with her mother. Greg was clearly unsettled even if Olivia knew at this stage that Amelia had not tried anything with Zack.

Because of the existence of her relationship with Greg. And because Zack had been taken also.

But now, the ground was unsettled, and things could be different Olivia knew as she made the call she did not want to make to Maria, who yelled on the phone when she heard that her daughter had gone off with Zack Mason, on of things, a motorcycle.

Olivia was now looking at Greg who was in misery. “It does not have to mean anything. All she is, is upset because you did not tell her the truth” she tried as she glanced at Greg.

“Still, it does not mean she can go off with another guy,” Greg muttered.

“No, it does not” Olivia allowed as she saw Alex approaching and turned to face Greg. Oh, simply great “Why don’t you let me deal with Alex, otherwise he will bite off your head because we do not know where Amelia is, and she could be anywhere” she muttered and Greg nodded, and stepped away as Alex finished approaching.

“What is going on?” Olivia asked.

“The party is over, so I was going to go find my sister so we can go home. You are still planning to spend the night right,” in Amelia’s room he wanted to say but chose not to but saw the frown on his ex-girlfriend’s face. “What is going on?”

“Amelia took off with Zack” Olivia said simply.

“Why the hell would she do that?” Alex asked bluntly as he turned to face Greg who was still in the vicinity.

“Because Greg told her that he’s relocating to London permanently,” Olivia muttered as she still felt Greg could have dealt with the bomb better than he ultimately had “Yeah” she said simply as she saw Alex jaw drop. “Greg?”

“Look, I am sorry, I should have told her before tonight” Greg allowed.

“Yes, you should have” Olivia muttered as she turned to face her ex. “Your mother will be coming by because your father is out on another mission,” she sighed because she could not say what she wanted to say that Michael was out looking for her father as her Aunt Maria so kindly told her on the phone. She should have known her father could not stay in that chamber for long, and now he was loose. Whatever that meant and she did not have time to figure out what that meant because she needed to find her best friend before she screwed up her life.

“That is what you have been keeping from her?” Alex muttered as he might have something to thank Zack for, by warning that something was off with Greg, but he had poopooed it, and now they had to live with the results. “Where could she have gone?” he asked as he turned to face his ex and ignore his sister’s boyfriend.

“Honestly, I have no idea” Olivia muttered.

“Where would she go if her world had been upended?” Alex asked before he should know his twin, but she tended to be wilder than he was, and less cautious and that meant bad news, and Olivia knew her best friend.

“I have no idea,” Olivia muttered once again because she knew the caveat being that Amelia was off with a hot guy on a motorcycle in a leather jacket and that meant they could be anywhere, and she was the cautious one whose life was upended and therefore she had no idea where her friend might have gone, and that was bad news.

“We have to find her,” Greg muttered.

“You have already done enough,” Alex muttered in the view of Greg who nodded and walked away as the door blasted open and Maria came running into the building and stopped when she saw her son, and Olivia as well as Greg whose head was down because he had seen Amelia go off but had not stopped her.

“So, do you know where she is? Where is my daughter?”

“No,” Olivia sighed as she sensed the franticness in her honorary aunt. The emotion was evident there too but of course they both knew that Amelia was probably safe but that did not mean she safe-safe,” and Olivia was afraid of what her friend might do in her anger at Greg wherever she was, now that she was off with Zack as Maria could only look with disappointment at Greg.

“Look, I know Mrs. G.” Greg murmured. “I was not looking to upset her world tonight. She was clearly having a good time.”

“But she forced you, did she not?” Maria wondered. “Look, I knew what was going on because your mother told me of the decision to sell the house and move to London permanently. It was evident that my daughter did not know so I though I would leave it to you to tell her, but you picked the worse time to tell her Greg. So, yes, I am disappointed.”

“I did not ask her to go off with that guy?” Greg muttered.

“But you did not stop her either, did you?” Maria murmured.

“No,” Greg allowed.

“I thought so,” Maria sighed. “Now my daughter is gods knows where, and she’s liable to do something stupid…

“Mom, it’s Amelia” Alex sighed. “I know she can be wild, but she knows her limits, and knows what not to do” he asked as he could not help but stare at Olivia who also nodded, and Maria could not help but notice the moment as it was not a moment that indicated that these two were history. Still, she had other worries than her son’s love life.

Which would almost be quaint given the disruption that Amelia had the capacity to cause and here she was thinking her daughter was the reasonable child unlike her brother.

Amelia was proving her wrong, just like she had proved her own mother wrong Maria muttered “Yes, it’s Amelia” she allowed. “But your sister is now sixteen, and she has been hurt. Therefore, she is liable to do something stupid. As if running off with Zack was not already stupid. But I know that feeling,” she sighed because she had done something like that in the past, she told herself.

“Mom, it’s still only Amelia” Alex tried.

“Yeah, but Amelia is…” very much her mother’s child she wanted to say because she had not been able to resist Michael once upon a time.

And Liz had not been able to resist Max even though she had someone normal in Kyle Maria told herself.


And even though it was nearly twenty years since the shooting in the Crashdown. And nearly seventeen years since their last chance to be together, to really to be together Liz could not help but tell herself yes, she will never be able to resist Max she mused to herself. But she also older than she was, and she knew this was crazy and unwise she also told herself, but she still could not help but resist.

“This is crazy,” Liz murmured as she felt Max’s touch on her, as he closed their distance that they had on each other. “I have an agent outside my house Max. And he is looking for you, and will take you down, and take down our daughter if he gets a chance. So, this should be the last thing we should do. Tempt fate?”

“Since when has fate ever been on our side?” Max muttered as he took her hand and brought her in for an embrace. “My goodness. I have missed this…”

“It’s only been twenty-four hours,” Liz said softly. “It should not be this for us. We are not who we were in the beginning. When this all started.”

“We are different, but you are still the only woman I could ever love” Max sighed as he brought his lips to hers, and they inched together. “Since third grade I have wanted you. For so many years I did not think it would be possible. I watched you go about your life. Date others, date Kyle, and I thought I would never have a chance to have you in my life. And then…”

“Fate changed things,” Liz wondered. “It gave me you. It gave me Olivia, but it gave me a chance at a life, a life that was completely beyond my comprehension?” she asked as they finally sunk into their desire for you, and they their hands took control as they sunk to the floor.


While Max and Liz were taking an incredibly risky embrace of each other. Agent Barker was still watching the house. Almost ready to provoke the wife some more. And see what he could find out. Because he had the suspicion that she was hiding something. Reading the file on Elizabeth Parker. Whose stated nickname was Liz Wife of Max Evans was illuminating, and there was a story there and she was not the innocent wife who had been led astray by a terrible choice in men when she had been married to the man since 2002.

She was in this because she wanted to be, and he had the same feeling on the daughter. Olivia Parker was very much a product of her parents. And she was her father’s daughter, and the file on her said that she was smart and had a GPA of 4.0. Was heading Ivy League and even had acceptance in a prestigious New York exchange program during the following school year. But then he also saw that she was pregnant.

The court would not like that, nor would a jury if the case reached that far because Agent Barker suspected that Olivia was in this up to her pretty little head. I cannot prove it but that girl knows something She was a teenager who had not been raised to know her father, and that would lead a person to do almost anything to get to the know the parent who had been kept from her.

The show of a detachment and loyalty to her mother did not jive with a girl who had lied to get into a prison to see her father and had gone back there once more with her aunt, who was a lawyer before suddenly he turned up in need of an infirmary.

While he believed Evans did not manufactured his illness because tips have been given him that the guards and other prisoners had engaged in funny business but no one would talk or name names, so he could not take that suspicions any further, so he sat and was ready to go and poke the wife to see if she would give up on something related to her husband, or even her daughter although he suspected she would be tight lipped given she had practice in this hunt.

Then his phone buzzed, and an incoming text showed up his screen Evans long lost son was seen heading out of town with a blonde. Tip came in, that we should check his motel room. Come and see what we found…

So, he did.


An hour later,

“This is beginning to be s trend for us,” Liz could not help but ask her husband as they had ended up in each other’s arms on the couch as they had no idea of what chances his son was taking with Amelia Guerin of all people. The downstairs couch was a dangerous place to be if anyone came and looked through any windows. And she knew the federal agent had to still be out there as she sat up but stayed in his embrace, and his warmth. “I should be stronger than this?”

“It is not like we can do anything more appropriate together,” Max chuckled acknowledging their situation. “Because it is not like I can take you on a date, or that we could do something more respectable” he sighed as he wished with all his might that his words could be true. There was nothing more he would wan than being with wife. Being able to go out on the town and showing off his beautiful wife.

But he was notorious. And even if he was given his freedom tomorrow.

He still would be notorious. And that would not be changing.

And you could not be that way, in this kind of town. Roswell did not take upheaval well unless it boosted their tourism and if it did then they tended to ignore a lot which is why they tended to believe in aliens.

Fortunately, they did exist.

Unfortunately, no one knew this except a select few. A coven of many secrets to be told, and to be discovered as there was a knock on the door.

Shit she cursed she was not exactly in the condition to go to the door. She was not expecting anyone. “Who could it be?”

“Olivia?” Max asked as he threw Liz’s bra and t-shirt her way, and she grabbed them and quickly dressed.

“She has a key, and she’s at Amelia’s tonight,” Liz murmured as she was reminded once more that she had responsibilities and she could not be a teenager and be in this bliss, and act like she should have been able to with Max so many years ago, but was denied by the cruel twist of fate, and how that fate was back in force.

Max nodded as he was not stupid. Because he did know what this could cost his wife, and his daughter, and especially him and yet being with Liz was a risk he so desperately wanted to take even if his rational side was saying in blaring colors, slow down and think about what you are costing those you love. “I know this was stupid, and risky.”

“It was not stupid and know that I do not regret it” Liz said as they kissed once more as she quickly got up, and she felt dragged in by the bliss of his lips but Max this time knew better. “Go,” he whispered.

Ready to vanish because they both suspected it was the federal agent on her doorstep.

They were wrong…

“Maria,” Liz whispered when she opened the door and saw her frantic best friend. Along with her husband and Serena next to her. “What is going on?”

“We know Max is here,” was all Michael said quickly as they barged into the house and stunned Max in the living room as he was doing up his belt.

“Just perfect,” Maria muttered as this was the first time that she was seeing Max for the first time in nearly seventeen years. Since that courtroom where the judge tore out their hearts by sentencing Max to prison. She now could not help but wince at the bruises evident on Max of time and misfortune, but she did not have to dwell on that matter because she had some else much more important to deal with it. Something that could change the fabric of their lives if they were not careful “Although I do not have time to remind the two of you that it was incredibly risky,” she muttered out loud if not incredible romantic, but she let that die. “We have something else to discuss.”

“What?” Liz said as she eyed the confusion in Max because neither could guess why their night was being interrupted.

She shared it.

“Is it Olivia?” Liz asked as sudden fear came into her core as she though of the only reason why she would be visited by her best friend on the night of her children’s birthday party. “The baby?”

“No, even worse” Maria muttered as grimly looked over at Michael who nodded and then turned back to Max “Your son has fled town with our daughter,” Maria blurted out. “And by doing so, he is allowing the authorities to go on right after them…”
Last edited by Parker1947 on Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 61 - 03/22/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Greg's bombshell really messed up Amelia.
Of course there was never a good time to tell her about staying in London.
She's hurt, and all are concerned she'll do something stupid.
The agents are interested too.
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 62 - 03/25/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

One hour later,

A car did a drive by of the motel on the outskirts of town. The drivers in the vehicle did not like there was official looking cars in front, and a motel room was now brimming with people, and there was tape cornering it off from the public. Jesus Michael muttered as watched the onslaught of authority figures milling around the room. Either going in or going on out. “What was that boy thinking?”

“I have no idea,” came the passenger. Max Disguised in glasses, and a baseball cap because his powers were so ineffective that he was not able to bring about a more suitable disguise to be able travel unnoticed in a town where he was infamous, and on the FBI watch list.

Thankfully, it was dark, which made the glasses funny, but he was hoping he would have the Clark Kent effect and they will not recognize the true man underneath.

Or that was the plan. Now they were on the other side of the road, that the motel that Zack was a resident in. All Max could think of when Michael, Maria and Serena walked into the little cocoon of reality he had with his wife. One that had been in its way too risky, and he knew it, but he could not help it.

And had never been able to since Liz allowed him to have a chance with her.

A short time earlier,

“What do you mean?” Max was quick to say when he was almost going to say he did not have a son but then he stopped himself, because he did, and even if Zack had been put up for adoption. Blood was blood. And he was Max’s son. “What do you mean he fled town…”

“With Amelia,” Liz murmured in case Max forgot because this was an insane situation to be. The pod squad together, as Isabel and Kyle walked in moments earlier. Finally, together, the original six minus a crucial person in Alex who had been lost to them so long before.

“Our daughter,” Maria muttered as she looked at Michael and not so subtly at Serena who could only amusedly glance at the gathering. Serena knew this was a surreal place to be given that Max was a fugitive, and this was a reunion of sorts.

“That does not tell us much,” Max allowed.

“We think Zack decided to force the hand of the FBI, and lead the government away from you, and even Olivia and right at him…”

“How do you get that?” Liz wondered as it was insane to even think that Zack might do it. For two people he only had known for a matter of weeks, and even then, he was an outsider. So, he was not one of them.

“Because I cloned Barker’s phone, and I received word that the authorities are searching Zack’s room, and they know that he left town. My sources indicate they found a confession, and maybe other evidence that leads them to go after him.”

“What kind of confession?” Max asked as he looked over at his wife who could only look in shock.

“Into your disappearance” Serena muttered.

“But that is not on him?” Liz aske as she was faced with the truth. “It is on Olivia?”

“It’s on both of them,” Isabel murmured. “Both are guilty. Olivia is the one who got in, and Zack is one who drove the vehicle and aided in the disappearance.”

“And so, did our kids?” Maria moaned.

“How does Amelia come into this?” Isabel asked because she and Kyle had already left when Maria discovered the circumstances of her daughter’s exit from her party. Isabel had thought everything was fine.

Then she found out she was wrong.

“Greg told her that he’s moving to London permanently,” Maria muttered with disappointment in her eyes. She had known of course but still she did not like the fact her daughter’s heart had been broken. While Amelia was flirting with a blurry line with Zack in recent weeks. Maria did know that Amelia’s heart had been with Greg, and that had been preventing her from crossing that line.

Now that the line had snapped. It meant bad news.

“Huh, what?” Liz asked shocked.

“Yeah,” Maria muttered. “Ann and Hugh are moving to London at least for the next two years because Hugh’s job has been extended. So, they are selling the house, and moving there permanently. Greg will go back to his boarding school in the fall. I have known since I talked to Ann when she returned because she was asking for a name of a realtor. I was hoping Greg would tell our daughter, but of course he chose tonight.”

“Wow,” Isabel murmured.

“It was insensitive,” Maria agreed. “He wanted to wait until tomorrow, which is not much better” she sighed because she like everyone else thought that Greg would resort to a hit and run with the news. “Our daughter prodded it out of him on this night of all nights, and of course she took it badly, and we think she saw Zack and went off with him…”

“How does that lead us to think that he fled town?” Max asked as it was still stunning to think so much time had moved on, and that they had to think of their kids in terms of being teenagers and capable of mischief. When that had been their role in this drama.

“The FBI got a tip,” came Serena who could only sigh as this had not been expected. But then everything in this story has been unexpected “We think it was him…”

“What would cause him to do such a thing?” Kyle asked as he looked at the group.

“It might have been out of protection of Olivia” Michael muttered. “It was evident that Barker is sniffing around the group. Willing to investigate Olivia. While there is no evidence to paint her as the one, but he is not stupid. They have her going to the prison to see her father and going to see him again with Isabel and therefore she is motivated.”

“She has been an upstanding student until now…” Liz murmured even though her daughter had all the earmarks for acting out in many ways as she looked over at her husband. Someone who had been taken from them, and Olivia was only asking for something to make sense. By saving her father, then she felt she found her purpose. “Zack only has just met us, so, this is a risking it all for someone he does not know well…”

“Blood is blood” Isabel murmured.

“Yes, it is” Liz sighed as she did not know what to think of the fact Max and Tess’s son was going to sacrifice himself for her daughter. “What is going to happen now?”

It was decided that Michael and a thinly disguised Max would drive past the motel and see what they could find out. Or Michael more like it, but still, Isabel and Kyle had to get home because Amy was headed out of town on a girl’s weekend with friends unless circumstances changed over night with Amelia. Maria stayed with Liz.

While Serena left the house to do her own thing, and none of them knew what that meant but for the moment, it meant that Michael and Max were observing the motel. “What are we going to do?” Max wondered.

“I am going in” Michael sighed. “Only way we are going to find out what is going on.”

“You really think you should?” Max asked.

“They will not think it is odd given I am Amelia’s father, and my daughter is missing” Michael mused as he wanted to strangle his daughter for doing this. For going off with Zack of all people. While he suspected his little girl was safe. But one never knew when you were on the road with someone who is a stranger at the end of the day and yes, he knew was being hypocritical because he had been that stranger once upon a time when he ventured out onto the road after stealing Amy Deluca’s car with Maria in it. Michael mused to himself although he would add that Maria had jumped into the car and came with him. It had not been his idea to take Maria with me to Marathon, Texas he mused to himself. It was something that had drawn them together, in many ways.

And he feared that for his daughter. To be in the same situation. With someone who was different when she was obviously upset at her boyfriend.

“If you are sure,” Max said unsure of how to deal with a situation even though he knew he could not venture out of the car.

“I am sure,” Michael muttered as he climbed out of the car and walked towards the motel. As Max watched him approach with dread and was talking to a few men who stood guard outside a particular motel room.

Max slouched down in the seat, when he saw someone coming nearby, and missing him.


Back at Liz’s house. Liz was passing a beer to her best friend who was in a state of misery. Isabel and Kyle stood and watched. No one had anticipated this a month before when Olivia wanted to visit her father, and by doing so, she had unleashed a whole set of circumstances that had given them tonight. And now they had teenagers on the run. One who was pissed off at the world. Another who was trying to protect a sibling they had just learned they had.

Liz could not comprehend how they had gotten to this point. “You know, she will be okay” she said in assurance to her friend who just looked pale face as if she should have seen this coming but had not. Now her daughter was out there in the world, testing its limits, and doing god knows what with a boy who was trying to run from the law, in protection, and unfortunately it was leading to the unchartered events which would lead the authorities to go eventually go after them if they caught a whiff of where they could be, and the end result.

Could be disastrous.

For all of them “I am sorry,” Liz murmured again as Maria had been silent since the guys had left. “I cannot imagine what you are thinking?”

“Will she come home?” Maria whispered as she glanced over at her best friend since childhood. They had been thrilled to raising daughters together, despite the circumstances and now both daughters were echoed old patterns, and neither could figure out where this would go. “Liz…”

“I know,” Liz sighed as she looked with misery at her sister-in-law and Isabel knew a thousand different scenarios had to be running around her friend’s head. And still Isabel could not imagine what Maria was dealing with because her own daughters Maxine and Kate were so young. She was years from this kind of scene. And even knowing that Olivia and Amelia were at the age they once were when everything went completely haywire. She still could not have imagined Amelia doing something like this as she looked at her husband who had just called his father, and Amy and asked them to come over to the house.

Which they were. While there was not much Jim could do because it was federal at this point but still, he was Amelia’s grandfather.
And town Sheriff.

“I almost wished she had been taken against her will?” Maria muttered as she could not comprehend how this was happening as Olivia sat in the corner and looked over at Alex who had come to keep his mother company after seeing Olivia home.

“Why would you think that?” Liz asked, a little surprise.

“Because then we could send a whole weight of the law in response,” Maria sighed. “But this, this is ten times worse because I know my daughter. I know Amelia did this willingly.”

“You do not know her motivation?” Isabel asked.

“She’s angry at Greg. She is sixteen. She is feeling invincible, and most of all. She is feeling burned because this is her first big heartbreak that she has experienced. Even if she comes up, and they manage to patch things up. Still, she is dealing with the fact he does not want to be here for her,” Maria muttered. “She’s sixteen, and she was in love with Greg, whatever that meant at this age, but it was what was keeping her from going over that line with Zack. Now that line has vanished.”

“You do not know anything will happen” Liz asked.

“Don’t I?” Maria muttered as they both remembered their own youth, and how easily it was to be swept away. “And I cannot help but think how the past is coming back to haunt us. Liz, I have a hard time believing my daughter will have the same level of restraint because this is exactly what I did once. With Michael. When we left, on the hunt Atherton’s house. And you guys came after us?”

“When things were simpler” Liz slightly chuckled as she remembered those days. Before things got insane, and dangerous as she reflected on how Michael had gone on a mission and Maria opted to go with on the drive. “That was a little different. He was stealing your mother’s car, and you hopped in the car with him” she reminded her friend as Alex’s eyes went wide at the story. “Yes, we had quite the life” she muttered to both her daughter and Alex as if Olivia had not gotten an eye-opening walk into her mother’s old life.

“My daughter is mix of me and of Michael” Maria moaned. “She is not going to have the same restraint. She exists in today’s age. Where everything is faster, and on a different scale.”

“You can trust Amelia,” Olivia muttered even though she knew her instinct was that she was lying. “I really do not think she is going to go too far…” she sighed because she did know her friend. While her friend knew right from wrong. And she knew the downside of if you get too serious before you are ready. Still, she had dreams of the wild side, and Olivia could not help but imagine that could be the launch of a whole new level for her friend, where common sense gets forgotten because at the same time, she had no idea what kind of restraint her half brother had, because she did not know Zack.

Neither did Amelia at the end of the day…

“I do,” Maria muttered as she sat in misery as she took a deep sip of beer, and wished for her daughter to come home, but knew it would be hell of a long saga before that day arrives as there was a knock on the door, and Liz got up and went to the door, and saw that it was Amy.

“Amy, come in” Liz said as she welcomed Maria’s mother into her house and noticed that the older woman was alone. “Where is Jim?”

“He dropped me off because he is headed over to the motel,” Amy sighed. “There is probably not much she can do, but you never know, so Liz, where is my daughter?

“In this living room” Liz sighed.

“I cannot believe my granddaughter would do this” Amy Deluca Valenti muttered to herself as she turned the corner, and Liz watched her go.

Although to Liz, she could almost believe it because when you are a teen girl in this clan. You are enchanted by the mystery. And Zack was all about mystery. Who wants the normal life? The life that Greg presents you when you have a chance to go after the guy who sends your heart in a fluttered mess. That was how she had been with Max. She had been with Kyle, and she took once glance at Max, and she was done for…

As she followed Amy into the living room.

“Mom,” Maria cried once she noticed that her mother had arrived as she rushed into her mother’s arms. “What has my daughter done?”
Alex and Olivia could see you did not have to be sixteen to want your mother as they continued to worry about Amelia.

“She will come home” Amy said in soothing sounds as she let her daughter fall apart in her arms as Liz took her own daughter in her own arms, as they worried for Amelia, and wondered what would happen next.

Would she and, when would she?


“And you would be here, why?” came Agent Dave Barker who was the lead in the room once Michael made his way into the room over at the motel. He had been able to without being stopped by the authorities at the door. Agent Barker had tentatively okayed it as Michael could see bags were being removed which is bad news, he mused to himself since he was witness of what exactly Zack had evidence of in the room, as he could view the safe having been pulled out of the closet and laid by the bed. But unopened at this point, which did make him happy even if the kid had taken off with his daughter. But he knew that happiness was going be short-lived. Because eventually the thing would be opened, and who knows what secrets remained in there…

“My daughter has gone missing” Michael muttered as he made a show of glancing around the room “So, I wanted to come by and see if there was any information in his room as to where they might have gone,” he with a degree of falsehood and degree of honestly as he wanted answers. Even if he was not going to get them here, because he sensed that while this had been Zack’s goal. The addition of his daughter to saga was probably spur of the moment. It would not have been something he would have planned because until this night. Amelia had been happy with Greg, and now she was a loose cannon.

Which scared Michael to death.

“Do you want him up on charges?” Barker asked as he tried to assess Michael. As he knew Guerin’s reputation and how close he was to the fugitive in the center of the case Max Evans, as he had been childhood friends with Evans and his sister Isabel. Coming up together in the foster care system while the Evans kids had been adopted out almost as soon as they went while Guerin was stuck within the system until he got himself emancipated at age sixteen. “Your daughter is what fifteen?”

“Sixteen today,” Michael murmured.

“Congratulations,” Dave murmured. “Although I am aware your suspect is, what, seventeen?”

“I will only be thankful when my daughter comes home to her mother and I,” Michael muttered as he imagined his little girl out there on the open road. So, much like her mother at one time. But with a brashness and wildness that completely him. “But no, I do no want charges because at this point, I do believe my daughter chose to head off with Mr. Mason,” he sighed even though he remembered the threat he had given his daughter’s companion. So, he hoped Zack would not be trying anything.

But he knew his daughter had a mind of her own…

“And why would she do that?” Dave Barker asked as he made notes of his impression.

“Children can be mysteries,” Michael muttered and added to himself and especially if they have the genetics to be wild cards.

Dave Barker allowed that as Michael continued to look around. “Have you found anything?” he asked. “What brings you here anyway?” he asked as if he was did not know. Because he did have to look like he was not in the know when he knew everything, and even more than the good federal agent who thought he knew everything.

Which he did not.

But he knew enough to make himself dangerous Michael knew as he paced around the room, looking, and taking assessment of everything the authorities were doing.

“We had a tip…” Agent Dave Barker murmured as at that exact moment they both noticed the town Sheriff walking into the room. “Sherriff, what brings you around these parts?”

“My granddaughter, and this is my town” was all Jim said as he nodded his hat to Michael.

“Jim,” Michael murmured.

“This is a federal matter,” Agent Barker murmured as he answered Jim who did not say anything more as the agent chose to ignore the implications of the Sheriff coming into the room as it was his case, and he was lead as he went back to their prior conversation. “As I said, we had a tip.”

“About what?” Michael asked.

“Whether the kid who took your daughter is also responsible for aiding in his biological father’s disappearance from the prison up north” Dave murmured as he caught Michael’s surprise look. “We are familiar with the case. The whole case Mr. Guerin, and we know the kid with your daughter is the son of Max Evans. A child he had with a flame of his who is now dead, and who happened to die in the same base explosion he stands convicted of” he murmured as Michael wanted to curse at the assumptions that the agent was making of the situation when they knew it was a very different one Tess made herself a martyr that day. A martyr who had taken them down with her he mused to himself. Even if Kal did the final fire fight but Tess WAS not an innocent.

“Are you suggesting something Agent?” Michael asked as he glanced over Jim who was standing stone faced.

“No, all I am saying is that I am aware of the fact your friend who has gone missing from the federal prison up north had a child at age seventeen, which he gave up for adoption soon after” Dave murmured. “And now the kid is back, and we have information that he played a role in his birth father going missing from the federal prison.”

“Do you have any evidence?” Michael asked as the one benefit of being who they were. They could make evidence disappear. Which is why they have been saved over and over, over the years except for a crime here and there that had ended up costing them.

“How about a badge that kid wore into the facility, that is a key card” Dave murmured as he showed a plastic bag that had the badge in it.
“Fingerprints also found in the ambulance that was found abandoned near town…”

“Which town?” Michael said as he wanted to swear under his breath. Manufactured evidence he was sure of it because he knew it was Olivia who had been the one who got into the prison and took Max. Except for the fingerprints, which would be very real because Zack had taken the ambulance in the escape.

“Roswell” Dave Barker murmured as he handed some papers over to Jim to look over, who grimly glanced at the material.

“Interesting,” Michael murmured without saying anything.

“Yes, it is” Dave Barker murmured. “We are waiting for the warrant to come in so that we can access the safe, and that might tell us more?”

“If he was fleeing town, why would he leave all that evidence for you to find?” Michael asked.

“We do not know, but it means we will be searching for Mr. Mason, and if your daughter is any way involved with this…” Dave Barker murmured and Michael as well as Jim were immediately put on the guard as his daughter was now being dragged into it if she was not already in the middle of it but until now, she had only aided and abetted at the chamber. Now she had upped the culpability by escaping town with a wanted suspect.

A suspect that they had real evidence on, even if it were fake because he knew they could produce anything. Although he was surprised that Zack was capable of it because he was such a newcomer to this story.

They had years to hone their skills to deceive the authorities and commit the crimes they had gotten away with…

Just as a black suit came into the room waving a warrant. “The safe is allowed to be open,” said the suit. “Judge Thomas just allowed it.”

“Perfect,” Dave Barker murmured as some other agent came into the room with equipment allow for the opening of the box. “So, Mr. Guerin, if you would excuse me?”

“I want to see what is in it” Michael murmured as the he glanced down at the black safe.

“Why?” Dave murmured.

“Because I have a vested interested in discovering where he took my daughter” Michael murmured.

“Very well,” Agent Barker murmured as the crew started to work on opening up the locked safe as Michael watched them do it even though he knew he could have it opened in two seconds with his powers.

Finally, it was open after five torturous minutes.

“Well, well, well” Barker said as he took out folders, and documents and a tape which made Michael want to curse because he knew Zack should have melted that thing because what kid wanted to forget the last message of their birth mother, but still, it had the capacity to screw them…


Ten minutes later,

Michael got into the car and Max had almost fallen asleep in the wait for his friend to return to the car. “What,” he said in a startled half sleep as he quickly got up as he heard the car start, and then moments later, drive away, away where the authorities could easily catch his passenger.
“We are screwed” Michael said in a curse.

“How?” Max asked as he stared into the dark night as he was still getting used to the concept of freedom.

Of course, the freedom had the taste of risk attached to it, as any minute now, it could run out, but he was cherishing it.
While he had it because he was aware of how it could vanquish before his very eyes.

“Your son knows way too much and left too much evidence” Michael cursed. “Does he not know not to leave so many breadcrumbs?”

But both men suspected the truth. That had been the intention all the long. To give them a fall guy to lead them away from Max, and from Olivia…


No, he did not because it had been very spur of the moment. And at the exact time that Michael and Max were driving back to Liz’s home. Discussing what he had witnessed in the motel room. A few hours away, on a dirt road, in front of a middle of nowhere bed and breakfast that had a guest house they were renting out where a motorcycle was spotted on the edge of the dirt road. A television was on at the exact moment.

Pictures of Zack and Amelia were on the screen.


With the heading, the search is on for two Roswell runaways. One of them goes by the name of Zack Mason; age 17 of New York City. And he is wanted for questioning in a disappearance of a federal prisoner from the New Mexico Federal State Penitentiary. Details of that investigation is being kept quiet for the time being.

The other is 16-year-old Amelia Guerin of Roswell, New Mexico. It is unknown why Ms. Guerin went off with the suspect except to say she disappeared at the conclusion of her sixteenth birthday party. It is believed that it was after a fight with her boyfriend, she got on the bike driven by the suspect and they have disappeared.

Anyone who has any knowledge of the whereabouts. Call this number.

Cash reward is to be discussed.

Shit Zack muttered as he tried to sleep on the couch as he looked across the room at the one bed in the guest house, and Amelia who was fast asleep, on her stomach.

In his t-shirt, and her long blonde hair flying all over the place, and all he could think of was her ample breasts and how the t-shirt had run over all the right places. As her dress was on the floor,

This had not been the plan.

“What am I going to do now?” Zack wondered as he thought of the events of this night…
Last edited by Parker1947 on Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 62 - 03/25/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Yes, I am reminded of the Marathon adventure......
Motivation?.....she's 16, what else do you need to know?
Now, what will Zach do???
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 63 - 03/29/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Two hours before,

The wind was swirling around them as they drove, and finally found the top of Lookout Point. The motorcycle was stopped, and the two were standing and looking at the scenery of her town. It was dark and the night seemed like it was going on forever. It was high on drama and anything could happen, and they both knew it.

They had driven around in circles taking in the warmth of the night, and rush of the feel of the motorcycle below them. Amelia could not believe she had taken this risk. The anger, and the disappointment at Greg was starting to wear off, and now she was thinking about what she had done. And how she had upset the apple cart and how her parents would react.

This was not what they would have expected of her. Especially on the heels of her brother growing up fast and taking on responsibilities he had been ready for at the time and now she had outdone her brother, and that was something she was musing to herself.

But she did not feel regretful or wanting to end this night “Thank you” she told Zack as they stood and watched the night lights. “I was a little overwhelmed.”

“Why?” Zack asked as he knew he was asking for too much and probably a punch in the face or worse from Michael, and he probably did deserve it. But the girl had been in distress. Crying, and miserable. What choice did I have?

“I should have seen it coming?” Amelia muttered as she knew she should have seen the result of her talk with Greg. She had ben riding on the high of having him back, and she had not seen the flashing lights that told him that something was off with him because he had not acted like he was looking forward to coming back in June.

He was talking up his experience, and his school. It should have told her all she needed to know, and she should have asked him straight up when he was coming home.

Now he was not. And she did not know what it meant for their relationship. How could she still have one? When the other partner would be in Europe until it was time for university. If she had already grown in the four months that he was gone.

Who was she going to be when she was eighteen, and ready for university? Because she had plans for her future. And they were not going to be stuck. She wanted to see the world.

Now she had no idea what she wanted.

She had been satisfied with her life, and now she was not. What did that mean?

“You in your head again?” Zack asked.

“Sorry.” Amelia muttered as she struggled to concentrate. She knew her parents would have her head because she should be home by now. Having a slumber party with Olivia. And here she was here with a motorcycle leather jacket clad bad boy. She could see her mother having a fit.

“What did the boyfriend do again?” Zack asked.

“Greg,” Amelia murmured.

“I know his name,” Zack smiled.

“Then why do you not use it?” Amelia asked.

“It gets under your skin” Zack admitted. “So, what did clean cut boy do to disappoint you, and make you run out of your party?”

“He’s not coming back,” Amelia muttered as the words still were sinking in. “He is moving to London permanently…”

“Whoa,” Zack smiled.

“Please do not do that,” Amelia pleaded.

“What did I do?” Zack asked as he was not going to pretend, he was not happy with this newest development. Sure, he still had his own girlfriend but does not mean he liked the idea of Amelia having someone once he came back after his semester away…

“You sound please,” Amelia muttered. “That is not what I need tonight.”

“What do you need tonight?” Zack wondered as if he did not know that she was looking for a escape hatch, and he was providing her one and still though, she still could go back home and want to try with Greg again because she was that kind of girl. One who, once they give their heart then it would be hard to dislodge it.

“I need a out” Amelia muttered. “Can you provide me that?”

“Sure,” Zack smiled. “But just so you know, I am not looking to go back, so you might want to go back yourself and forget you saw me tonight. Because you are too smart not to see that this is not the type of life you will want,” he said as referred to his bike, and him, as could sense and see the type of person Amelia was. “I am not the guy you want?”

“Why would you not be” Amelia asked. “Assuming I was looking because I am not, because I do not know what tomorrow will be with Greg and I.”

“Right,” Zack muttered with a sly smile. “I know your type. You will go wild tonight. Then go home, and make up with clean cut boyfriend, and try your best to be there for Greg, and you will try long distance, and this is just a ride on the wild side that will get tiring after awhile…”

“Why do you say that?” Amelia asked as she resented that assumption of who she was. She was not the good girl that he was assuming she was. She was not Olivia before Alex. She was someone different. Someone who beat to her own drummer and was not some goody goody overachiever. She was someone who was known to walk on her own line.

“Because your type does not want me in the end,” Zack sighed as he thought of his past with girls like Amelia. Before his latest Jennifer, and Jennifer is who he should be thinking about, but unfortunately it was sexy blonde in his view that was keeping his mind full. “You will play with me for awhile, but then you will want normal. I am not normal.”

“I am not normal either,” Amelia reminded Zack as she thought of her essence, and who she was. As she was quite different from the average girl her age “Greg is more normal than I am, and you should not assume anything of me.”

“You are not Olivia and you are not your brother,” Zack muttered. “You are walking that blurry line Amelia,” he thought of what line they were on. “You can ruin your future by being with me, on tonight of all nights.”

“Why do you say that?” Amelia asked. “Just because I am with you tonight, does not mean I will end up being Olivia…” she muttered. “Olivia is not me. You want good goody, that is Olivia and I love that about her because that is who she is. One day she will settle down with the white picket fence and the normal life. Whether it with my brother or someone else. She is abnormal like me, but she is the normal one and although she stepped out of line once and is paying for that, she still has a future for herself that she is looking forward to. So, am I, but my future will be different…” although she could not at the moment think of what it could be because all she was looking at was Zack, and the need to have fun, and to hide from the pain in her heart?

“Because I was telling the truth,” Zack murmured.

“When you said what?” Amelia asked as they looked out into the night as she got on the bike, to just sit there… “Can I drive this thing?”

“When I said I was not going back…” Zack sighed as he only shook her head to her request. “This is the end of the road for me, and this is as far as I am going in this town…”

“What the hell do you mean by that?” Amelia asked as she stopped in place and even got off the bike and approached Zack.

“It’s because I am getting what coming for me, and you do not want to be in the middle of it when it does…” Zack sighed. “Your parents will have my head, and I will deserve it if you get caught up in on this…”

“What do you intend to do?” Amelia asked seriously fearing what he might be trying to do.

“End this” Zack murmured as he got on his bike and knew he should be taking her home and ending their association so that he can go on his way and live with the plan he had started. “Let us do this, let us get you home so you can sleep in your comfortable bed, and Mommy and Daddy will be happy…

“Do not do that,” Amelia muttered.

“Do what?” Zack asked.

“Push me away,” Amelia asked as she looked too sexy stubborn, and Zack was having a hard time ignoring it. “You are intending to do something stupid, and you do not want to bring me along with you when you do it, and yes, before you deny it to placate me Zack, I have gotten this sense from you in recent days, and I need you to tell me what you intend to do?”

“Ignore tonight,” Zack muttered not answering her question. “Come on, I’ll drive you home” he asked in almost a pleading voice because he was sensing trouble and he did not want to take her down with him.

“I do not want to go anywhere until you tell me what is going on,” Amelia muttered. “I have been misled once tonight Zack, and I do not want that coming from you” she sighed, and Zack finally got off the bike and approached him. “Why will you not tell me what is going on?”

“You are asking for trouble?” Zack wondered.

“Maybe I want trouble,” Amelia asked as she approached with Zack with a sexy smile, as she looked unbelievably beautiful in the gold dress, and her blond hair, long and sexy around her shoulders. Zack could not help but shuddering because he knew he was asking for trouble. Olivia was right. He was almost eighteen in a few months. Amelia was sixteen as of today, which meant she was too young.

“You do not want me” Zack sighed.

“Maybe I do,” Amelia asked as she knew she was looking for trouble and succeeding, as she came closer and finally grabbed him and they went in for a kiss.

Blazing hot.

Uh oh Zack pleaded to himself as flashes on each side steamed through them both and neither were able to stop it or want to stop it. Stop this. Stop this now. She is only sixteen. You are older, and you are about to go on the run from the law. You are leaving her…

But Amelia had other ideas as they could not take their hands off each other as their kiss only got more intense until it stopped before it got her straps being pushed down. Much to Amelia’s dismay, but Zack stopped it.

“I am going to hell, and I am not taking you with me” Zack sighed as he looked at how sexy Amelia was.

“How about I have an opinion on what I want?” Amelia asked as she looked at him with a stunning quality to her that attracted him, but she did not grab him again but instead changed directions as she was spiked by adrenaline and passion, and she did not know why because this was definitely not her, and what she had experienced before.

And especially not with Greg.

She was sixteen, and she wanted excitement. She wanted freedom. She wanted everything that was at the tips of her fingertips.

“Are you coming?” Amelia wondered as she got on the bike and looked at him. “You are coming with me, right?”

“What are you doing?” Zack asked utterly perplexed by Amelia’s actions. Because he did not know what on earth was up with Amelia because this was not the girl who he had seen since he turned up in Roswell. “You are only sixteen today. You do not have your license. And especially not a license to ride a motorcycle?”

“How hard can it be?” Amelia asked as she looked at him and used her green powers and the motorcycle started when he had the keys, and he knew he was lost. “If you do not trust me on this alone, then you might as well come with me, because I am headed…”

“Headed where?” Zack asked.

“I do not know, maybe hell, right along with you” Amelia asked as he hopped on so that she did because she had seen his inner most thought when they had kissed, and she knew what he was planning.

And they roared off into the night…

Away from Roswell, and away from common sense, and reality.


Thirty minutes earlier than the present time,

They found a middle of nowhere bed and breakfast that had a guest house for rent, and they paid for one night at least because they did not know where they were going to be tomorrow, or if they would be discovered.

Neither knew where they were going to end up tomorrow. They registered under her mother’s maiden name. Zack and Amelia Deluca making it even more immoral, and Zack knew he was going to hell if he did not end up in prison, which had been the goal with this run from Roswell.

Okay, maybe not prison. But luring the authorities away from his half sister, and his biological father. But it was not like he could register under his name. And Guerin was out too, and while they were not over state lines yet, they were getting too close for comfort…

This had not been the plan to be in this room, with a sexy blonde who looked like she was going to devour him. Neither had clothes for tomorrow, so no bags. Amelia was dressed in a sexy Cleopatra type dress. Maybe she was possessed by Cleopatra Zack muttered to himself as he took his shirt off, and threw it at her, and she grabbed it and went into her bathroom and got changed.

And soon the dress was on the floor, and she was standing there in his t-shirt, and looking way too sexy for just turning sixteen.

“I am taking the couch,” Zack muttered.

“I thought you were a bad boy, who wanted trouble” Amelia called after him as she was clearly enjoying this ride as he could only shake his head as he went into the bathroom. Looking sexy in only his pants, and now shirt, because she was wearing his shirt.

Amelia did not know what had gotten into her. Am I possessed she told herself? As she was almost tempted to reach out and call her best friend, but she had enough common sense to know that was not that wise right now, or still, it might be something she should be doing. Still, she could not help herself.

Even if she was hours away from her home, and her bed. With someone who had been a stranger to her until about a month before, and in many ways, was still a stranger. And here they were hiding out so that he can lead the authorities from their clan and save the day.

She was sane to know that there was only one way this was going to end.

Badly, but the thrill inside her told her that she was tempted fate, and she wanted to be tempting fate and wanted to continue to…

As moments later, coming out of the room. Still in his pants. “Boring,” Amelia sexily called over to Zack who could only stare.

“You are only sixteen,” Zack reminded Amelia.

“For someone who just ran out on the law. You are too much of a choirboy,” Amelia muttered as she approached.

“And you are asking for trouble, which you will regret it tomorrow when you wake up and you know you are on the wanted list, and the authorities will be looking for the both of us. I might be only a year older, but I am way too close to eighteen, and that makes you…”

“Jailbait,” Amelia asked.

“Yes, and barely legal” Zack murmured. “Even more so,” he sighed as still she came at him. “Amelia do not please because you know your parents will have me in prison for doing anything with you…If you mother will not, then your father will” he said as he thought of Michael Guerin’s threatening manner.

“My father loves me and wants the best for me” Amelia murmured as she continued to come at him, and pulled him into a kiss, and a kiss that he could not resist as they fell against the bed. But the feel of the bed, was what made Zack wake up, and realize what he was doing. “No, we cannot do this, and we have to stop this.”

“Jeez,” Amelia muttered as she fell against the bed in frustration as he got up, and went to the bathroom and moments later, she heard the shower running…

And she laughed and started to sing to herself as she pulled down the sheets, and she got in, and she was staring at him when he came out of the bathroom all wet. “Was it a nice cold shower?” she called.

“You are killing me Amelia” Zack muttered.

“Good,” Amelia smiled… My mission has been accomplished as she fell asleep moments later, as Zack pulled the sheets from the closet and made the couch, and watched a bit of television, and saw their names and faces were on television.

And knew they were in trouble…


The next morning,

Zack rolled over and landed on the floor. A cruel reminder that he was in a far away place, on he run from the law for a crime he had only minor culpability in because he was taking the blame for his half sister so that she can live her life and her future, and maybe get her father back one day without pressure from the federal authorities because she had messed up her potential when she broke their father out of an armed prison.
He was on the couch, and now on the floor because he had too much decency than most guys his age would have when he knew he was on the run with a hot blonde who had wanted him in bed with her the previous night, even though she had a boyfriend at home. Even though it as a boyfriend who had one foot out of her hometown, and their relationship. Who picks parents over the girl Zack mused her sighed because he knew if had been him than he would have found any way to stay in Roswell to be close to Amelia. But no, Greg wanted to be close to his family, and Zack guessed it was not a half bad motive but not one for a healthy relationship. And yet, Zack was being the big boy here, and trying to keep from totally going to hell. Still the coldness of the floor once he fell on it woke him up if he was not already awake.

And then he heard the shower, and saw the bed was empty. Just great he muttered as he did not know how he was going to last with someone who wanted him, and he wanted her, but he knew her parents would have his head if he tried anything or allowed anything to happen.

They did not trust him because of who his biological mother was.

And because he was a boy. He could presume. Even though their daughter was now growing up, and now sixteen.

As if it changed anything, except it made it easier since he was only seventeen. But too close to eighteen to make it ethically challenging if her parents wanted to make it an issue.

He wished for restraint. And then he knew that it was going to be a long long day as Amelia came out of the bathroom clad only in a towel. God, he told himself because he saw his t-shirt on the floor.

“Good morning,” Amelia smiled.

“Good morning,” Zack muttered to himself as he was praying for restraint. “How did you sleep?”

“Would have been better if you had been in bed with me,” Amelia smiled. “The warm body would have been nice…”

“Jesus,” Zack sighed as he got up and stormed into the bathroom to the laughter of Amelia. “What has gotten into you?”

“Not you” Amelia called.

The door slammed shut, and the shower started. And Amelia was reminded that she was in unchartered territory. She was having fun toying with him she knew because he was being decent in ignoring her advances, and she knew not many others would have the same restraint and she should be happy about it.

And she was…

And yet, she could not help herself because she knew how serious their situation was as the television was on, and she saw the blurring picture of her last class picture. Same heading as the previous night that she slept through. But it had been changed to RUNAWAY LOVERS?

“Yeah, not so much” Amelia said flinging the towel down and getting into bed because she knew how problematic their situation was as the long shower that Zack was having ended and he came out and wanted to go back right in when he saw she was not wearing anything under the sheets.

“Damn it, Amelia” Zack groaned.

“Do not have any clothes,” Amelia chuckled as she was too close to pulling down her sheets for him to see, and yes, she did not know what was possessing her but something was, and she was throwing away years of being cautious and not ending up like her brother and Olivia into the river because Greg pissed her off, and because she had a cute shirtless guy in her close proximity, and she was away from her parents. “You would need your shirt, would you not?”

Even though acknowledgement of her parents meant she should be having great restraint because this would be the very last thing her parents would want. Especially her mother, and even her father because she knew her mother was watching her go down the same road that she once went down when she fell for her father.

“Wear your dress,” Zack muttered. “We can sneak into the closest town and see if they have a thrift shop or something” he sighed because he had acted without even bringing any clothes for himself. And his room was now probably a federal zone, and he was unable to go back to it, ever again, even if this situation passes.

Which he did not know how could…

“I guess, I do not have much choice” Amelia allowed as she grabbed the sheet, and pulled it covering, and making Zack insane as she walked back totally covered in the sheet, as she bent down and picked up her dress and it was almost like it was going to slip off, the sheet that is…

But it did not.

So, she walked into the bathroom and let the sheet fall, and all he could see was her bare butt, and back Oh god he muttered to himself.

As once the door was shut, and she was ensconced in the bathroom, she picked up her phone from her purse and checked her messages, and she had dozens, and she saw the last one, where are U? it was from Olivia from early this morning.

She responded back, Having fun. Being Bonnie to Zack’s Clyde and she turned off her phone so it could not be traced.

Yes, she was going insane.

From frustration.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 63 - 03/29/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Zack is not planning on going home???
Amelia is really looking for trouble.
Zack was being the big boy here!
Amelia is frustrated.
Don't envy him when Michael and Maria find out about this.......
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 64 - 03/31/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Same time,

Olivia woke up to a vastly different landscape. She had come up to bed like a zombie. Too tired, and all she could think of was Amelia. That girl is insane she muttered to herself as she sank into bed and under her sheets as if she did not want to get out of bed.

She did not. Because to get out of bed would be realizing it was a different life. A new life where they were older, and capable of screwing up royally. She had shown that with Alex, and then her actions with her father. And now that she knew that that Amelia had gone willingly with Zack made her head hurt each more because Olivia could see how serious the situation was, and just how bad this could get.

Olivia still did not know how she was supposed to take the fact Zack had taken the fall for her and taken the glare of the authorities off the house, her mother, and especially her. She did not know why he did it. They might be blood. But they were not family in the truest of ways that you would think made sense with a guy who a month ago met the half sister for the first time, and now he was taking the fall for her, and heading down a road that only had one ending.

A bad ending.

And now that her best friend was going along for the ride, it instilled fear in Olivia as she continued to sink into her bed, as she tried to forget reality.

After Michael and her father had returned with the grim news that Zack’s room was now a federal zone, cornered off, and that the government had a host of material on them. It did not take anyone telling her to know how bad this was for them as she watched her father take her mother into his arms, as they prayed for a sensible ending to this drama. Olivia could see from the faces of both her father and Michael, that this was bad for them.

So, Maria, Alex and Amy had gone with Michael to the Guerin house. Where Amy was spending the night because Jim was trying to contain the mess from infecting their clan anymore than it was… And because Maria needed her mother, as she was a mess.

Olivia was not much better, but she too tired to think anymore as she slipped into her bed and fell asleep and tried to ignore it and now that she had woken up.

She knew they existed in a different time.

The media had glommed onto the story and were painting Amelia and Zack as a teenage version of Bonnie and Clyde without the trail of bullets, and Olivia could not say for certain whether bullets would stay out of this story.

But for now, the media had a glossy story to follow.

It scared the clan to death because of what the federal government potentially had on them now, and she did not know what the endgame would be.

They barely knew her, and he was taking the fall. Sure, he was partially responsible but the evidence the media say they had found.

Roswell was a small town. Which means everything gets out, eventually and in this case, it had flown faster than most rumors on the gossip vine within their town limits. She had to give Zack credit for making it plausible. And of course, he did not have to manufacture evidence in the ambulance. But she had been the one who had committed everything, in the prison…

Now she was trying to sleep in her own bed, while her best friend was off with her half brother, god knows where.

She knew Maria and Michael were besides themselves with frustration because they knew how strong willed their daughter was. And now much she was like her mother, and how much she was like her father.

Which was a complicated when mixed. She groaned, and got out of bed, and checked her phone, and she saw the new message, and the only message from her best friend.

Having fun. Being Bonnie to Zack’s Clyde.

Jesus. Michael and Maria were going to love that…

And yet she could not help but think of her mother and father, who had a chance to be together if this worked out, but it was not like she wanted Zack to lose his freedom for something she did, so that she could have her mother and father together.

And be like a real family for once.

But it was one that she had now, in its own weird way.


“We need to wake up and get going,” Liz murmured as she rolled over and looked over at her husband. It was truly unusual to wake up in the same bed as her husband albeit in the spare bedroom, up in the attic, away from the easy access to her home. So, that no one would come in and find them. Not that she thought it was a chance because the surveillance had been called off from her home once Zack fled and taken Amelia with him That girl, she thought of her god daughter. A girl who was wilder than her daughter. And who reminded Liz of her mother once upon a time but with the rashness of her father too. It was quite the mix. Still, she had not expected this of Amelia.

Going on the run with Zack.

“Or I have to go,” Liz corrected herself because Max could not leave the house. For fear that he would truly be found. He had been remarkably successful the night before, but luck always tended to run out especially when it involved them. Now, they could not take anymore chances which is why he was hiding up here in the attic of her home.

“I know,” Max murmured as he looked around the attic. It had been the dark of the night when they arrived back at the house after comforting Michael and Maria at their house. Which helped get Max into the house without being seen. Now the sun light was coming through the window, and he looked over at his sexy wife.

This was a sight he had not experienced since the morning after of their wedding. Because there had not been windows within that room up at the prison. Now, there was sunlight coming through the windows, and they were seeing each other with new eyes.

“What are you going to do while I am gone?” Liz wondered if she reached for her robe that she had brought up here, and got up from bed, and looked down at her husband in bed.

“I do not know,” Max mused. “I guess I cannot leave the house?”

“You can bond with Olivia. She might be around because she has to study for some on-line exams this week” she sighed as she thought of whether her daughter could be concentrating on her studies when they did not know if they would be finding Amelia anytime soon.

Max nodded.

“I am sorry Max,” Liz murmured as could see the tension in the midst of the bruises because this was not dream that he had been having since he first went to prison, and there was the added burden of what was going with Zack. A child he gave up so that he would be able to have a better life, and now was in the middle of firestorm that could take him down, along with everyone else.

This was not what Max was looking for when he had decided to put the baby up for adoption, it sucks Max muttered to herself. After Tess came back. And the explosion at the army base. He had gotten a view of how dangerous it had been for them, and it was no life for a child. And then only days later, well, they were forced on the road.

And we all know what happened from there, and now the child was up to his neck and Max was at loss to be able to help because he was a fugitive himself, and should be in prison but he was not, and instead of a cement cell.

He was living the dream with his wife and daughter.

Some life.

But for the moment. It worked but Max was unsure of how to approach the second minute.

“It’s not how I imagined it going” Max conceded as he reached for his pants and got up from bed and walked towards his wife. “When I chose that route, I did it to protect him. It was not for him to lead this life… “he sighed. “My life” he added as he thought of the true consequences of his life and then he could not help of what he had brought to his wife’s life. “And you Liz. I may love you to death, and of course I will always love you, but I am sorry because of what this has brought to your life. You and our daughter. You two have been changed by who I am,” he murmured as he took her hand in his.

“Max, I chose this when I came back to you, and when I chose to marry you. I chose this story. And of course, I knew the warts and flaws of this story. I could have left at anytime, and you know I did try. But I love you too much to have stayed away. And yes, it has been challenging. But having Olivia gave me something to live for. Sure, yes, it is not an easy life for her live, or me for that matter because this town can be small minded although the situation to them looks like I went horribly astray” she sighed as she thought of her parent’s opinion of Max. “But it was the only choice I could make if I wanted to be happy. And to love you. If I wanted something different, you gave me the ammunition to want out when you went away. I could have filed for divorce, but I stayed because I wanted to stay. That goes for today also. I am not leaving you,” she smiled as they went in for a sweet kiss that grew passionate as she stepped back a moment later. “I know you did not plan this life for Zack, but sometimes our kids pick their roads,” she sighed as she thought of their daughter. “And they are not always as easy as we might like them” as she knew they could not fall back into bed once again because she was expected at Maria’s place.

To comfort her friend because of the nightmare that had been inflicted on them.

“I need to get downstairs, dress and have a shower” Liz smiled. “Are you okay up here?” she wondered, and Max smiled.

“Except I do not have many clothes to speak of,” M0ax chuckled of the oddity of their situation.

“I know,” Liz smiled. “Although I do like you when you have little clothes,” she said with a sexy smile as they kissed, but she managed to pull herself away from sinking back into her husband’s arms as she walked away and went down the stairs.

“Some life I have,” Max muttered to himself as he did not know how to get out of this one.


As downstairs, Olivia was finally getting up and walking out of her bedroom towards when she saw her mother come down from the attic Way to go Mom even though she supposed she should think it was gross to think of her parents youknow but Olivia was cheering them on given how much she knew her mother had been missing in regards to her father. Although there was a huge caveat in that her father was still classified as a fugitive.

Thanks to her, Olivia… But still she still had no regrets. She knew she would do it again, if she could get away with it although she knew she should not be thrilled because of the events that had snowballed from her actions. With now Zack and Amelia unaccounted for, and doing who gods knows what, and Olivia did not know if her half brother would have the necessary restraint even after her drilling it into him that he needed to be careful and lay off Amelia.

Not when they were on the run.

“Mom,” Olivia smiled as she passed her mother as she walked towards the bathroom. “Some night”

“Your father is upstairs,” Liz smiled as she knew this was an odd circumstance to encounter. Given that her sixteen-year-old just caught her coming down from the attic, when they both knew of Max being in the house.

“I figured,” was all Olivia said.

“I have to get over to Michael and Maria’s. Are you coming or are you sticking around here?” Liz asked quickly and was relieved to see her daughter nod. “If you were to stay, I would appreciate that…”

“Mom I am not going to go anywhere,” Olivia laughed. “Anyways as I said before, I have some exams I need to finish studying for, and so I figured I might as well stick around home. I do not think they need me over there…” she sighed as she needed to do some thinking about her life. And dwelling on choices not made or given up.

Liz nodded as she turned to face her daughter. “I know everything went a little haywire last night. But how was the party?”

“It was great. It was everything I needed” and did not need at the same time she muttered to herself. “Of course, the end of the party upped the drama…”

“Only a tiny bit,” Liz sighed as at least she had her sixteen-year-old her at the house. “Was there anything from Amelia?”

“Nothing you would like,” Olivia muttered honestly. “I did not hear from her until a text over night, and she is seeming to be having fun,” she sighed. “You might not want to be telling her parents that…” no parent wants to know their daughter was trying out for a Bonnie and Clyde remake even if according to news reports. Her own parents gave the notion a run for its money back after their arrest in Utah. But this was different, this was going to have consequences as if Mom and Dad’s version did not have its own fallout, she mused to herself, but it was before she was born so she did not have to live it and see it in action.

Now she did.

“I do not think I want to be hearing that,” Liz said mumbling to herself as she went into her bedroom, while Olivia, tell me about it she said to herself, and out loud as she went into the bathroom, and then headed back to her room to get ready.

While Liz was in the shower a short time later. Fully dressed and out of the house within 30 minutes, and in the car.


While Max finished dressing in the clothes he had from the day before. As he reminded his wife. He did not have much. Since he was in his own version of being on the run. He could not go out and shop. And wondered how his own son would be handling being on the run. He should be angry. Because this was not the life that should be dealt to the group.

Oh, he was. The boy might not be his son because the adoption rendered that legally something, he could not claim but he was still shocked to know what was going on, and that Zack had taken a partner in his vanishing, and he had done it in the name of protecting Olivia. Max knew he should be happy that Zack thought enough of Olivia to want to protect her, but it would only lead to danger.

And danger was something they did not need. Not now. Especially not when they were innocent. As they should be thinking of other plans for their future, and not trying to outwit the authorities. Max knew he had too much experience with it, and he did not want that for his kids. Or any of the next generation, whose growing up he had missed.

It was headache inducing, as he finished getting dressed and heard the slam of the doors, downstairs, and knew it was safe to leave the attic.
Walking downstairs and seeing the house in daylight was a revelation. A homey and beautiful home. Liz’s touches everywhere, and he saw the pictures on the wall of Olivia growing up. Sighing and knowing how much he was missing. Still, he continued downstairs, and walked into the kitchen and saw his daughter.

Olivia sitting at the kitchen table looking at her laptop and eating her breakfast. It was something incredibly odd because it was something, he had not been able to experience before. Seeing his daughter in the morning.

Waking up in a house, and knowing his wife and daughter were there. Now Liz had gone off, and it was only Olivia. “Good morning.”

“Good morning Dad,” Olivia smiled as she looked up from the computer she had been focused on. As she had been reading media accounts of Amelia’s disappearance. “How did you sleep?”

“Better than I have in a long time,” Max said honestly Dad, that is something I am still not used to hearing he mused to himself as if it were something he should be saying to his daughter, and not the other way around.

“I am glad,” Olivia smiled. “There are still some eggs in the pan if you want some. There is more tabasco sauce in the fridge, as this bottle is almost out” she sighed as she finished off the bottle she had besides her plate as Max was reminded once again how his daughter was so much like him. And it was unnerving, and something he should not be relishing because of how difficult their life can be “I know, you think it is odd?”

“No,” Max said. “No, I do not. I love tabasco sauce too on my eggs” although I have not had pleasure for these last sixteen plus years he thought because prison resources did not extend to keeping their unsuspected resident alien in a supply of tobacco sauce, so he had to deal with the food that was forced to consume. Which is why he had lost weight over the years, because the food for him had been on the terrible side…

“Clan trait I suppose,” Olivia asked with a smile that immediately warmed Max’s heart and despite the circumstances, made him glad to be here, on this day, and experiencing it.

“Yes,” Max smiled. “It is…”

“I am glad,” Olivia murmured as she watched her father walk over to the stove in a matter that felt like he was in an alternative universe. Unsure of how to proceed which she supposed he was. A prison is a quite different atmosphere than a house. “Plates are in the cupboard on the right, and glasses in the next one” she said speaking up.

Max nodded as he turned. “Something interesting on the computer”

“Checking the internet for scope on Zack and Amelia’s crime spree…” Olivia smiled. “Sorry, I meant their vanishing” she sighed as she saw how the media was running with the case. And painting both not in the greatest of lights. “I know you will say, I should not be cheering them on, but I am not. Dad, I think it was stupid what they did, even if it was help me” she muttered as she remembered just what she had done to have skin in this game. “It is something I did not ask them to do.”

“Sometimes we have to do what we have to” Max murmured. “It’s not an easy decision” he sighed. “To risk your future?”

“No, I guess it not” Olivia sighed. “Although Amelia was wrong to go with him.”

“Why would she have even wanted to?” Max wondered because he was reminded once more that he did not know the children that were shared by Michael and Maria. “Was she not happy here with her life?”

“It is the risk. It is the danger that excites her,” Olivia murmured. “We live in a small town. So, anything that involves the open road excites her, and plus, in this case. She was also super pissed at her boyfriend,” Greg she thought. A great guy, but unfortunately, he could not compete with the air of mystery as she continued to address her father. “She has been flirting the edges for weeks with Zack, and I think this the moment she needed although if she has any idea of what Zack motivation was going to be, then she probably would have chosen to go if only to keep him out of trouble?”

“Do you want risk, and the danger?” Max asked because he did not know his daughter.

“Nah,” Olivia shook her head as her father brought his plate and sat down at the table. “Before recent days and weeks. You could say I was too cautious. Which is why I got delivered a punch if you will. It woke me up, and even if I had been living too much on the line in recent weeks. I would never want to do what Amelia is risking…” she sighed. “So, you and Mom do not have to worry about me and Alex…” she said stopping. “I just wish it was not in my name, or your name that they were doing this…”

“Yeah,” Max agreed. “You do know you did not have to do what you did, right, you know that?” he sighed. “I was fine with how things were going?”

“Dad, they were going to kill you.” Olivia muttered. “They were never going to let you win. Or Aunt Isabel to win, and let you come home. Those bruises are evidence of that, and you ending up in the infirmary?”

“That is not on you, nor is it on your mother” Max sighed. “It was on me, and you risked a lot with what you did…”

“And now I have Zack risking his life because of it, huh?” Olivia asked.

“Something like that,” Max sighed as he continued to eat. “Look honey, I know I have not been a part of your life. So, you have not had me for a dad. I regret that. I do not even think you can call me your Dad, because I have not been around for you. While I wish so much was different, but it was not, so while I hope that changes from today on, but it was your mother who has done everything she can think of to raise you, and I would hate for her to lose you…”

“I love Mom,” Olivia smiled as she though of her mother, and all her mother had done for her. “I know what she has done and what she has sacrificed for me. So, you do not have to worry about me, okay?”

“I hope I will not have to,” Max said as Olivia went back to reading.

While Max continued to relish being around her daughter.


“Look, I know I said to come in,” Liz was saying as she spoke through her phone speaker as she drove her car across town to Michael and Maria’s home. The plans for today were going by the wayside, as if that had not been what her life has been life these past weeks. Still, she always was able to control the chaos. She now saw that it was a losing proposition. Because she had wanted to get in a few hours of work at the office to be able to get her paperwork under control because the fact she had not been able to show the level of care for her patients in recent weeks as real-life drama had taken over. Before the last twenty-four hours. She had asked her secretary to come into the office today, and Marsha had, and now she, the professional, was pulling a no show. Which was unlike her, and she knew it. For years she had been able to control the chaos. No matter where it was coming, and now she was falling under the weight of it “Family emergency,” she sighed. “It cannot be helped and no, fortunately, it is not Olivia, but it is another matter all together, and so I need to take care of it. So, take care of what you can handle, and I will try to come in a little later. If I cannot than I will call, and you can go home” she sighed. “I am paying you for today, regardless of how many hours,” she sighed. “You are welcome,” she murmured as he hung up and finished the drive.

Parking outside on the street. Getting out of the car. She saw a cab waiting at the curb. Wondering who it was, she knocked on the front door. Alex came to the door. “Alex,” she acknowledged.

Ms. Parker,” Alex murmured.

“I think you can call me Liz by now,” Liz laughed at the formality that came with the breakup of her daughter and Alex, even though she had been in the twin’s life since they were born. It also showed how awkward everything had been in recent weeks “How is everything?”

“Barely functional,” Alex admitted. “I cannot believe Amelia would do this and here she was getting at me for being irresponsible,” he muttered softly as he acknowledged the situation that remained between them. “Olivia did not come with you?’

“No,” Liz shook her head. “She decided to stay closer to home. She has exams to study for,” she murmured, and Alex nodded. “You do too, do you not?”

“Amelia too if she had not pulled this Houdini act,” Alex muttered. “You were asking. Mom is in the living room. Greg stopped by…” he could not help but murmur as he frowned as there was a reason why he was not in the living room.

“Oh,” Liz said surprised. “Anything on the Amelia front?”

“Nope, radio silence” Alex murmured as Michael came down the stairs and stopped when he saw Liz walking into the house.

“Hello, Michael” Liz said as she reached, and they exchanged a hug. “How was your night?”

“Unimaginable,” Michael muttered as he still could not believe this was their life. And three years of all-nighters when they were teenagers were coming back to haunt him, and now he was beginning to understand what the Parkers, Evans and even Amy were feeling when he and Max had kept both Liz and Maria out all night on one misguided adventure after another on some mission to find out more about their heritage. Seeing it revisited in his teenage daughter who felt she wanted the rush of running from the law, then being at home, and going to school every day.

Now he wanted every day of those three years back and to do over again. And maybe Maria would not have picked him.

Liz could almost sense what was in his mind. “Alex said Greg is here?”

“Yeah,” Michael nodded as Maria and Greg came out of the living room, and Liz could see her best friend weighted down using Michael’s words, the unimaginable. “Greg, nice to see you.”

“I came to say good-bye” Greg muttered.

“I did not think you were leaving until later,” Liz asked as she sensed the tension in the room.

“My mother got an earlier flight, so we are on the way to the airport now” Greg sighed. “We thought it would be easier than you know…” he asked because it was hell to be in the middle of the media storm and his mother had wanted him out of it, and he had agreed even if he had wanted to see if they could find Amelia.

“Staying and dealing with what you wrought?” Alex muttered.

“Alex, it is not Greg’s fault” Maria said with a frown at her son. “Your sister is the one who chose what she is doing. It is no one fault but her own, and you should not blame it on anyone else…”

“I can blame whoever I want,” Alex muttered as he walked away. Unsure of how to take that his twin had done this. How she had disappeared on them and was now wanted by the authorities. Alex wanted to blame someone, and Greg was the target, even if he knew it was on his sister because she did choose this road.

“Again, I am sorry Mr. and Mrs. G” Greg said as they walked him to the door, “It is my fault. If I had not told her last night?”

“We do not know what would have happened,” Maria sighed as she felt like this was something that had been coming for them, and she knew her daughter. If it had not been last night, then it would have been sometime soon, “You take care of yourself okay, and say hello to your parents, and I will let Amelia know when she comes home…”

“I do want to talk to her, you know. I do love her, and I know she did not believe me, but I did not want it to be the end of us,” Greg muttered. “She means the world to me, and I wanted to believe we could have made it work?”

“We all want to believe that” Michael muttered. “So, stay safe,” he said as they watched Greg walk out and get into the cab, as he came back and took his wife in his arms. “I know, I know.”

“Amelia did it this time, did she not?” Maria asked as her friend took her arm and lead her into the kitchen, and they tried to talk about the subject that they were all dreading.

When Amelia would be coming home…


Amelia was in no rush to go home. She knew she could not even if she wanted to. She was officially on the run. If she showed her face now, even without Zack. She would be in serious trouble so she might as well get into the act of someone on the run as she and Zack got on his motorcycle and rode into town. She had on her sunglasses, and a baseball cap.

Looking stupid with a gold ballgown, on back of a motorcycle. Once they reached the nearest town. They stopped at a thrift store and found themselves a bounty of clothes for them both. Using her abilities to make money rain. Bills that were real, and not counterfeit to the eyes of everyone who looked even if she knew that they were not on the legal side. But they needed money, as they needed to stay undetectable from the authorities if they were looking, and they were. So, she was trying on countless things in the fitting room.

Throwing things at will above the door, and onto Zack’s lap who was sitting as a bodyguard. It had been easy for him to find something to wear. T-shirts, jeans, other pants, a jacket. But Amelia was being difficult. She wanted to try on countless things, as she flung her gold dress onto his lap.
“What do you want me to do with it?” he muttered as she felt the material fall on him.

And knew she had to be naked behind the doors shielding him Damn.

“Well, put it in your backpack or something,” Amelia called out. “I want to keep it for the memories,” she said smiling from behind the door. Yes, she was naked, and she was tempted to open and let Zack a peek. But she knew they had people watching, and she had to be professional as she continued to try on clothes and frustrate her companion even more.

“When will you be done?” Zack asked as the minutes ticked by. “Because we do not have a lot of time you know,” he sighed and said softly. “You do not know who could be watching?”

“Yeah, right” Amelia annoyed that he was raining on her shopping spree as she finished selecting the clothes she needed and came out fully dressed as she had already bought this outfit when they arrived, since she would need to be wearing something more than her dress out of here, and plus, their pictures were on the television played all over the state of New Mexico, and probably all over the country.

They were extremely fortunate to have not been noticed so far, but that luck could run out at any time.

Given that they were notorious in New Mexico, and they would have to do something about that, before long.

Zack could not help but be stunned because he had not expected this from Amelia. Because Amelia now looked completely different. She was dressed in a skimpy tank top, jeans, and a jean jacket, with her blonde hair up in a ponytail, along with her black glasses that makes her look completely different from the Cleopatra siren who had tried to seduce him the night before, and even this morning. “What?” Amelia asked. “Do I look bad?”

“No,” Zack stammered because she still looked hot. Completely different that even the Amelia he knew in Roswell. “I am just surprised that is all…”

“I might have been teasing you earlier, and I might be asking for trouble by helping you out with this” Amelia muttered. “But I am not completely stupid Zack. I know I cannot look like I was before because they have our pictures. And the surveillance from last night. While the people at the bed and breakfast did not see me, only you. We are running on a dangerous line and so I do know how to hide?”

“Yeah, you do,” Zack conceded.

“So, you approve?” Amelia asked with a sexy smile that was strikingly familiar to the old Amelia. “So, are we going?”

“Yes, I approve, and yes, we are going?” Zack and they went and paid for the merchandise that had been unpaid for and took the bags and sleeked out of the store with the hope that no one would have had recognized them.

Unfortunately, for them, someone had recognized one of them…


But they did not know this as put some of the bags in Zack’s backpack with the dress, and they tied the remaining bags to the bike, as they headed back to the guest house with their purchases as they worked to formulate their plan.

Which unfortunately was likely going to take them out of state because they would be too recognizable to stay within New Mexico.


While Liz stayed at the Guerin’s to give her support. She never made it to the office. So, she was allowing her receptionist to head home as she sat and gave her friends comfort because she had received so much from them when she had been on the other side of it and facing the worst time in her life. Although for her, it had not been in a case of her daughter going off on a flight from the authorities, because it was with her husband being convicted of a crime he had confessed to, although he was innocent. Still, she was giving back all the support that her friend needed as Amy had gone back home because she had an appointment to get to, and therefore Liz had offered as Alex finally went off to meet some friends as he needed to get out of the house. And for that, Maria trusted her son.

How can I not when my daughter has done this? Maria said as she antagonized over her situation. Glitter was now closed, as she had no energy for it as she sat in the backyard with her best friend. “I really do not know why she would have done this,” she said miffed. “I get feeling hurt and betrayed because Greg should have been upfront. And maybe going off with Zack for an hour or two to blow off some steam, but to go with him, on his flight. Liz, why on earth would she do it?”

“Amelia has always struck to me as someone who wants to protect those she loves” Liz wondered as she reflected on her goddaughter. Amelia can be wild and has an edge to her, but she strikes me as someone who would do just about anything, she muttered herself. “She felt she was helping…”

“She’s helping herself into legal trouble,” Maria muttered. “She has known Zack maybe a month, so why would she help him, or protect him?”

“It might not be him that he is protecting,” Liz asked. “She might be smitten with him, but she probably sees it as for the greater cause,” she wondered as Maria could not help but look miserable at the prospect. “Zack is doing this to protect Olivia and she would do the same even more for someone she cares for…”

“Yeah,” Maria muttered as they started to get up, and walked back into the house as they both had more than enough sunshine, and they were willing to open the alcohol. ‘Why do our children remind us so much of our own teenage years?

“Because that is their main purpose until they because useful members of society,” Liz mumbled.

“Well, my daughter might not have that chance” Maria murmured.

“She will come home,” Liz predicted.

“But when…” Maria muttered. “And what will she done before does come home?” she could not help but wonder given their own exploits when they were teenagers.

I have no idea as her friend had no answers for the one Maria wanted the most. “But she will…” she promised, and she prayed that they were right about this one thing.

“I hope so,” Maria muttered as she was getting down the glasses out of the cupboard in the kitchen when there was a ring of the doorbell.

Maria groaned as she did not have the energy for this. Michael was out on his case, because it was at a critical place and he needed to follow up on it. So, it was just her in the house. Sighing, she muttered “I cannot handle it…”

“Why don’t I go and answer it,” Liz offered.

“Thank you,” Maria sighed as she took the bottle and sat down as Liz could only sigh as she walked out into the living room, and to the front door. When she opened, she was startled. “Diane, what are you doing here?” she asked of her mother-in-law.

It was someone who she had not expected.


Back at home. Max was being given a lesson in being in a new century, and on the cusp of a whole new decade all together. As he had watched his daughter study all morning for her upcoming exams. It amazed her that her situation did not have to cost her in terms of her education. She could stay at home, and do her courses online, and finish year with the necessary credits to be able to move on the following school year.

Max had heard her talking about New York, and he asked, “What is this about New York?” he asked as he stood at the door jam as he watched her working in the kitchen. “You were mumbling to yourself, and I heard you and your mother talking about it…”

“I got into an exchange program in New York, starting in October” Olivia signed as she did not know how her father would take it. “It means me leaving Roswell for six months. But it involves an exchange internship with the New York Times and other New York based newspapers…”

“Wow,’ Max whistled at the opportunity. “That is big?”

“Yeah,” Olivia murmured. “I did not think I would get it. I applied last fall before everything happened with Alex and me. Only ten spots from all over the country, and I never imagined I would get one of them, but they picked me.”

“Congratulations, honey,” Max said and meant it. “Can I ask, what does that mean for the baby?”

“Oh,” Olivia murmured as she thought once more of the decision she had made. A decision she did not regret and felt that was the best for all involved and now she would have to explain it once again. “I guess Mom has not told you” she sighed. “And given everything that has been happening, well, I guess that has to be expected.”

Uh oh Max mused to himself. “What does that mean?”

“Mom has offered to take the baby and raise him and her” Olivia sighed. “And when if I do not change my mind by the time, I am eighteen, then Mom will officially adopt my baby,” she sighed as she saw how her father was reacting. “I admit it is partially selfish because this opportunity came up you see, and it made me know what I wanted to do, finally. I was going to deal with the uncertainly about adoption, knowing who I am, and what it could mean for the baby but then Mom came up with the idea…” she sighed. “I did not even have to suggest it. She came to me on her own…”

“She did,” Max asked, shocked that Liz would do it.

“She knows how much I was uncertain about the decision because I do not know what the future holds for my baby. Is he or she different? You assumed or was told by Tess that Zack was human. And maybe he was in the beginning. But that has obviously changed, and so my fear is that eighteen years from now. My baby would be in the same situation. Different, and coming and seeking out answers to their questions…”

“Yes, I did,” Max murmured as he remembered what he had been told about Zack when he was Zan, and he came to this planet with Tess. The belief he had been human, and normal had made his decision for him even though for months prior to that day he was operating under the assumption that should he find his son. That he would raise him. And he knew it could have cost him. Because he had no idea what Liz would have done. Whether she would have stayed? And he figured that she did not really know either, since of their tendency to not discuss the larger implication of their relationship. So, adoption had been the out that had saved his relationship and allowed them to get married.

“So…” Olivia murmured.

“It was different for me obviously,” Max murmured as he thought of his own situation. “I chose a family outside of Roswell, and then our situation escalated the way it did,” he sighed as it was an easy explanation of how badly it had gone from there. With the exception being a bright shiny moment for him and Liz. But this would-be different Olivia. What your mother is offering, right?” Max wondered. “Can you and Alex handle it. Giving the baby to your mother, and not being apart of the life of the baby as anything more than a sibling?” Max asked.

“I was not ready for being a parent,” Olivia insisted. “And I know Mom can do it, much better than I could right now in my life” Olivia murmured. “I know it is going to be odd. And will quite the explanation for the baby one day because I do not intend to lie to them, about the circumstances. But of course, that was last month before everything escalated, once again” she sighed. “I really do not know what the future holds for any of us, but it feels right. I know the baby will be safe. I can see him or her grow up, and know they are safe, and if one day, they are deemed special, and have gifts than we can handle it and be a support system that the child will need to get through each day.”

“I am proud of you honey,” Max murmured. “You have made a very mature decision.”

“I hope so,” Olivia sighed as she glanced back to her computer screen. “So, New York will be a big change, but it will almost help me over the hump once everything happens, but then who knows what will happen in September when everything changes from day to day. And I never know what tomorrow will bring…”

“I know,” Max sighed as he marvelled that his daughter could be so composed when everything was falling around them. As he got up and went to the fridge to get something to drink for them both when there was a doorbell ring.

And both froze.

It was not like Max could go and open the door. Almost like she knew what to do. Olivia got up, “I will get it. You should stay here, and do not make a sound. I have no idea who it can be” she sighed because she was not expecting anyone with Alex close to home due to Amelia’s insanity. And her mother would have a key, but she knew her mother was still over at the Guerin’s house.

So, Max stayed, and then he felt the world shift when he heard some cursing when he glanced and saw that his daughter had looked through the peephole, and now knew who the visitor was, and she was not pleased in the least.

At the front door, Olivia swung open the door, and cursed at the man in her sight. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Well, I have some questions for you…” Agent Dave Barker mused as he revealed himself. “So, can I come in?”

“My mother is not here, and I know you do not have authority to question me without my lawyer or my legal guardian,” Olivia murmured.

“You have been doing some research” Barker murmured Or, she has been suitably warned by her family.

“You make us want to be prepared,” Olivia said as her heart was racing because her father was in this very house. A wanted fugitive, and capable to being found at any second. Of course, the law would come after us once I had my first real father daughter conversation with my father, she cursed to herself “So, you will need to come back another time because I cannot talk to you…”

“If you do not want me to go after your half brother, or your best friend than you might want to answer my questions,” Barker murmured with barely covered threat issued at the teenage girl as he knew he was legally on a very on an unethical branch, but he felt she had the answers for him, and he could not be asking when she had her mother or lawyer covering for her… “Can I come in?”

“Yes,” Olivia muttered as she had no idea how she was going to get out of this one.
Roswell Fanatic
Posts: 2649
Joined: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:34 pm

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 64 - 03/31/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Why did Zach take the fall for Olivia......just to protect his sister???
The attic of Liz's home seems to be a good hiding place.
Greg came by Amelia's to say goodbye......
Diane shows up????
Agent Barker comes to Liz's house, Olivia has to let him in.
What is the world is going to happen next??
Roswell Fanatic
Posts: 2649
Joined: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:34 pm

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 64 - 03/31/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Why did Zach take the fall for Olivia......just to protect his sister???
The attic of Liz's home seems to be a good hiding place.
Greg came by Amelia's to say goodbye......
Diane shows up????
Agent Barker comes to Liz's house, Olivia has to let him in.
What is the world is going to happen next??
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